IRC log for #asterisk on 20130509

00:11.40*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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01:15.59*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
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01:31.52*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
01:35.59Kobazanyone know if it's possible to push a keypress to a polycom phone
01:36.11Kobaznot a link to a keypress, but an unattended keypress
01:41.53*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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02:33.08newzen now i can go out side but in strange way. I putted a phone on fxs and if i call to his extension i get tone and could call outside phone
02:46.28*** join/#asterisk hebber (
03:11.42*** join/#asterisk cedr (cedr@unaffiliated/cedr)
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03:16.34igcewielingnewzen: please go to #FreePBX for FreePBX issues
03:18.55*** join/#asterisk tuxbiker (~tuxbiker@rivendell/member/tuxbiker)
03:19.47tuxbikerIs there a way to see if jack support is enabled? Version is 1.6 if that makes a difference.
03:38.57*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
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04:01.20igcewielingtuxbiker: what is the asterisk module name which supports that?
04:03.09igcewieling"module show like X" where X is part of the module name, such as jack
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04:15.41tuxbikerawesome, thank you very much
04:17.48tuxbikerit's 'app_jack' but I couldn't find any references to it in the rpm file.
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12:07.02emkHey anyone here know how to send a multiline SMS with DongleSendSMS()?
12:07.39eirirsemk: tried with /r/n ?
12:07.49eirirseventually only /n
12:08.10emkeirirs: yep, the issue is that only the text beforethe newline gets sent.
12:09.14eirirsemk: you have whole message in a variable instead of putting it directly in the function parameter?
12:10.07*** join/#asterisk niohubala (
12:11.33emkeirirs: I'm using call files. Generating them dynamically using a python script. I've tried both actual newlines and a string containg "slash+plus+n" etc
12:12.09eirirsemk: seen those?
12:12.24eirirsmaybe these 0x0A and 0x0D
12:14.41*** join/#asterisk blee (
12:17.59tparcinaWhen I connect to asterisk (asterisk -r) I have high verbose (I see every call). How can I lover verbose from asterisk CLI?
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12:22.14niohubalaeirirs =>   core set verbose 2
12:22.18niohubala( )
12:22.39*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:27.18msaraivaDoes anyone know of a solution to monitor current calls/channels? Asterbilling seems to have a bit of a problem with calls terminated by Playback() or Confbridge().
12:27.33igcewielingperhaps y'all should read The Asterisk Book
12:27.35infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
12:28.10keiths_I read that book i work even less hard
12:28.14eirirsniohubala: I think it was tparcina who asked for that.
12:28.48tparcinaniohubala: Thank you.
12:29.00tparcinaeirirs: Yes, I have asked. Thank you.
12:29.13niohubalai'm sorry eirirs, I must have been inattentive
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12:34.42niohubaladoes anyone know how to disable SRTP? My phones don't support it, and I can 't make calls because of this. The warning message is "We are requesting SRTP, but they responded without it!"
12:35.38keiths_srtpcapable=no  in sip.conf?
12:36.29igcewielingniohubala: all sip options are configured in sip.conf.  See sip.conf.sample for a list of options.
12:36.39igcewielingniohubala: Maybe you should read the Asterisk Book?
12:36.50msaraivaFor that type of questions, google really is your friend...
12:37.31msaraivaAnd the Asterisk book others already told you about
12:38.04niohubalaThank you for your answers. I will try this. I did Google before, no offense
12:39.52itgrlfirst result on google search
12:39.53*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
12:40.35keiths_indeed it is. msaraiva, here
12:41.33*** join/#asterisk JOSHUAHh (~josh@
12:41.57keiths_and thanks, its been a while since I used :)
12:42.09JOSHUAHhhello everyone, i am just wondering what the best SIP phone you would recommend which will work the best with Asterisk out-of-the-box ?
12:42.33JOSHUAHhI prefer to spend under $200 if possible
12:42.34msaraivaNow THAT type of question os good for the channel...because it requires pratical experience. :)
12:42.55keiths_I am a fan of the Cisco 50x series. others I think will disagree
12:42.56msaraivaWell, Linksys/Cisco is a no-brainer.
12:43.13JOSHUAHhI purchased a 7490G
12:43.28JOSHUAHhand spend hours trying to get it all up and running and could not get a "Register" command out of it for the life of me
12:44.01keiths_Did you buy it used?
12:44.19JOSHUAHhyes :$
12:44.32keiths_wondering if its set for SCCP?
12:44.44JOSHUAHhIt had the SIP firmware installed
12:44.48keiths_k good.
12:45.00JOSHUAHhi saw the SIP menu under settings
12:45.13JOSHUAHhI tried connecting to my Pennytel SIP account and also my asterisk box
12:45.20keiths_have you tried using your network tools? scope it out with ngrep?
12:45.21JOSHUAHhnothing.. :(
12:45.40JOSHUAHhno i did not .. hmm
12:46.06JOSHUAHhi ended up returning it, the seller was happy to take it back..
12:46.11JOSHUAHhhence why  iam get to drawing boards
12:46.30keiths_check out the cisco 50x or linksys 94x
12:46.51keiths_GUI is rather easy to learn and the provisioning is pretty nice
12:47.05JOSHUAHhWeb GUI right ?
12:47.21[TK]D-FenderCisco 7XXX series should all be provisioned for which there are dozens of guides out there
12:48.01JOSHUAHh[TK]D-Fender which phones do you use?
12:48.04keiths_7XXX are nice, but don't play as well behind NAT as the 504's do
12:48.28[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Mostly Polycom, a few Aastra
12:48.34[TK]D-FenderPolycom > All
12:48.45itgrlI've had that happen with a 7940G as well after switching it to SIP from SCCP.  Now I can't remember what I did to resolve it.  Think it may have become a paperweight
12:49.01itgrlI do like Polycom, except for their boot time.
12:49.21JOSHUAHhso something like this:
12:49.29keiths_the 7XXX series from my experiences DO NOT work when nat=yes is set for no reason
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12:49.56keiths_that would be her JOSHUAHh
12:49.57JOSHUAHhkeiths_: i litrally tried just about every option i could think of
12:50.01JOSHUAHhnever, no, yes, route etc
12:50.08itgrlwe use the SPA504G here with good results.  my main complaint with them is the headset jack.
12:50.09JOSHUAHhnothing worked :(
12:50.21[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Last I checks the Linksys/Cisco SPA series was the best quality/value choice for AU
12:50.35niohubala@igcewieling, msaraiva, keiths_: not sure if i'm hijacking the conversation now but I set encryption=no and srtpcapable=no  in sip.conf under [general], restarted the server but still receive the same error message:  We are requesting SRTP, but they responded without it!
12:50.40*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:50.56[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: And what do you have under your peer?
12:51.12JOSHUAHh <----- 33 of them :) nice.
12:51.54JOSHUAHhwhat do you guys think of Digium branded phones?
12:52.32[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: OK so far.  Got their own plusses & minuses
12:52.45[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Depends what I'm comparing it to.
12:52.52niohubala@[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure what you mean by "under your peer"
12:52.54JOSHUAHhsomeone was telling me out of the box, it has support from asterisk ?
12:53.05itgrlwith the dpma module
12:53.10[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: You know.. the entries you make for your device...........
12:53.34[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: EVERY SIP phone has support for Asterisk out of the box
12:53.38[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: SIP is SIP
12:53.54keiths_anyone try and like the Digium phones
12:53.55JOSHUAHhSorry i meant, like function wise
12:54.09JOSHUAHhlike buttons etc
12:54.18[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Your phone is not incompatible.  You simply haven't set it, your network, or Asterisk up right
12:54.26[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Same answer
12:54.49[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: The standard is the standard.  Phone uses it, Asterisk uses it
12:55.24[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: pastebin your sip.conf and the call attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled.
12:55.28infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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13:04.14keiths_one option, disable the module. *might help*
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13:07.23niohubala@[TK]D-Fender. Thanks for the instructions. I pasted this at
13:07.52niohubala@keiths_ I tried disabling the SRTP module but then the call fails with a log message saying the SRTP module is not found
13:08.02[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: you made TWO [general] tags  This is bad.  Remove the bottom one
13:08.46[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: allow=all <- you should DISALLOW=all, and then ALLOW= only the codec you intend for it to use
13:09.10niohubalaokay, could this be causing the issue?
13:09.26[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: Fix these up and retest.  if it fails, pastebin your new config and the call debug I originally requested
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13:10.07niohubalaby call debug, do you mean a log from the phone itself?
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13:12.39[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: ASterisk CLI, verbose 10, "sip set debug" <-----------
13:16.13*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
13:16.27JOSHUAHhhow well does some of these cisco phones work over wifi ?
13:18.59JOSHUAHhalso it looks like the SPA50x series have SIP preinstalled ?
13:20.55[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Only the 79XX are preferenctially Cisco SCCP by default
13:23.40JOSHUAHhok great thanks
13:25.29niohubala@[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your help so far. I posted the config and debug at . Line 203 contains the warning message metioned earlier
13:29.23JOSHUAHhnow to make the decision, SPA501G, SPA509G or SPA504G :S
13:29.48[TK]D-Fenderniohubala: Looks more like your device is demanding it...
13:30.09[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: What do you really want out of your phone?  How many are you looking for?
13:30.19[TK]D-Fendermeeting... BBIAB
13:30.39niohubalaoh, then my phone must have been configured in the wrong way
13:31.02niohubalalooks like I should learn more about asterisk first
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13:31.22JOSHUAHh[TK]D-Fender - it will be used for business, taking up to 15-20 (~5-10 minute) calls per day.
13:31.30JOSHUAHhjust the one for now
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13:32.05JOSHUAHhwhich that brings my next question, how many of these guys can i put behind the one network (just using standard billion adsl2 modem/router)
13:36.51keiths_JOSHUAHh, you can get really fancy and go 525
13:37.18*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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13:49.02JOSHUAHhthat is fancy keiths_ !
13:49.54keiths_I personally like the bluetooth functionality.
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14:09.19[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Depends on your BW, what it will be communicating with, etc
14:09.45[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: typically you have your server in your own LAN and can have as many phones as yoour subnet supports.
14:09.57[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: How many calls depends on BW and your service
14:10.11[TK]D-FenderJOSHUAHh: Or whatever other tech you want them to go out over, etc
14:16.49msaraivaAnyone here using astercc?
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14:29.09msaraivaDo ConfBridge() and Playback() generate "Link" events on AMI?
14:33.20GreenlightNo, not as far as I recall
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14:37.01msaraivaThat's probably why astercc is not working the way i was expecting.
14:37.34msaraivaEven though it detects the channel as up, the call disposition is still "RING".
14:40.16*** join/#asterisk aberrios (
14:41.19aberriosanyone had experience with srtp with * <-> Polycom?
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14:42.12leifmadsenaberrios: yes
14:42.15leifmadsenit works fine :)
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14:45.28aberriosleifmadsen, I've been reading shouldn't the polycom phone need a key from * uploaded?
14:45.52leifmadsenSRTP sets up the keys automatically
14:45.56leifmadsenyou're thinking SIP-TLS
14:46.11leifmadsenand that is via certificates
14:46.18aberrioswell SIP signalling on TLS is working fine, phone registers on tls okay
14:46.24leifmadsenok that's great
14:46.28aberriosjust calls dont wanna work
14:46.30leifmadsenthen the signalling is secured
14:48.07leifmadsenIn the Polycom I just have settings like:
14:48.08leifmadsen<sec><sec.srtp sec.srtp.enable="1" sec.srtp.offer="1" sec.srtp.require="1"/></sec>
14:48.16leifmadsenand <reg reg.1.srtp.enable="0" reg.2.srtp.offer="0" reg.x.srtp.require="0"/>
14:48.24leifmadsenthen encryption=yes for the peer in sip.conf
14:48.26aberriosi have                 sec.srtp.offer="1"
14:48.45leifmadsenotherwise, as long as is loaded
14:48.47aberriosyup got all that
14:48.54aberrioslemmi check that
14:48.55leifmadsennothing really magical is required to make it work
14:49.23aberrioswell that would be that problem,, duh
14:50.26aberriosaw man not a re-compile... I want an rpm :(
14:50.40leifmadsenI build my own RPMs with mock
14:51.01Qwellaberrios: What distro?
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14:51.55doctorrayIs there a way, either through meetme/confbridge/paging where user A can hear users B,C,D, and users B,C,D can hear user A, but where B,C,D cannot hear each other?
14:52.06aberriosQwell, CentOS 5.9
14:52.26Qwellaberrios: I'm pretty sure the packages on for CentOS 6 have SRTP support.
14:52.37QwellYou'd think I'd know for sure...
14:52.49leifmadsenQwell: meh :)
14:52.54aberrioswell even more compelling reasons to go to CentOS 6 I suppose
14:52.58Qwellguess it doesn't.  heh
14:54.14Qwellmalcolmd: I should change that, now that we're using libsrtp for pjproject.  Thoughts?
14:59.04keiths_who uses cisco phones? 5xx series
15:00.15*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:01.47infobotScript for automating Fidonet polls. URL:
15:01.51infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
15:04.58doctorrayI remember fidonet
15:06.29doctorray[TK]D-Fender: Is what I was just asking possible or would it be extensive rewriting of a confbridge driver to configure audio routing as such?
15:07.59[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: That .... wasn't for YOU
15:08.08doctorrayI understand
15:08.39doctorrayhowever you are an expert in the software and have helped me in the past with other questions.  I figured you could tell me straight up if what I was trying to accomplish was impossible or not
15:09.22doctorrayif not, I move on and deal with it
15:09.24[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: Was thinking about it and not finding a solution yet myself...
15:09.53aberriosyay compiled res_srtp.c seperately
15:11.03[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: Wait... think I've got something...
15:12.29[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: Point A to some dead-ish end with no inbound audio (indefinite silence playback, etc),  Bave B,C,D ChanSpy() with Whisper on each targeting A's channel.
15:12.34[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: That might do it.
15:12.52doctorray[TK]D-Fender: Interesting idea...
15:13.39*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-wnkdnmfibhvdjjwt)
15:14.45doctorrayI'll give it a shot
15:14.47aberriosaw i was hoping the phone would change the line icon to a key like it said it should in the polycom manuals
15:16.03doctorray[TK]D-Fender: could I throw A into a MeetMe so that I could control their mute level and chanspy/whisper the established channel?
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15:21.42[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: No, Chanspy isn't really controllable that way.
15:22.04[TK]D-Fenderdoctorray: This isn't an "admin-able thing so much... but it does seem like it should acheive the audio routing goal
15:25.43doctorrayI'll give it a shot
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16:05.53pabelangerQ: How can I check _which_ echo canceller is being used in dahdi / zaptel.  Assuming I did not build the box
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16:08.10navaismolsdahdi maybe
16:08.30navaismoor opening the system.conf or you say via asterisk cli?
16:08.40newtonrpabelanger: cat /proc/dahdi/X   "cat /proc/dahdi/1"  i think
16:08.54newtonrpabelanger: thats if you want to see whats in use as well
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16:31.15jsinI have a number stored in speed dial memory on a plain old telephone. Is there anyway to convert the dtmf tones produced by the phone to the numbers they represent?
16:31.58jsinI've forgotten the numbers stored in the speed dial...
16:34.16navaismothat sound evil
16:34.39drmessanoChange the dialplan on the phone to call a new extension.  Have the extension read back the DTMF
16:34.44drmessanoAutodial, I mean
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16:35.30drmessanoI guess if that works you could have just manually dialed the extension.  Errr
16:36.10drmessanoor modify the dialplan on the phone to append some digits that won't permit the phone to actually make the call
16:36.17Qwellrecord the tones, pass it through any DTMF detection utility
16:36.20drmessanoThen use the speedial and check the CLI
16:36.44drmessanoThe CLI will show you whats being called.  You just need to tweak the phone to make it dial garbage+number
16:38.40drmessanoOh.. You said a "plain old phone"
16:39.59drmessanoThats even easier, assuming its plugged into some FXS device.  Have the FXS device dial some extension, on off-hook, that just reads back digits.
16:40.04drmessanoEasy to do with an ATA
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17:11.45Kattywhat tv series do i want to watch next.
17:12.02tzangerBetter Off Ted is hilarious
17:12.10tzangerthere's only two seasons though :-(
17:17.34leifmadsenya, great show
17:17.38leifmadsenKatty: Sons of Anarchy
17:17.44leifmadsenmy wife loves that show
17:17.46*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
17:17.57Kattythe biker group?!
17:17.59leifmadsenalternatively, I like Suits and have really enjoyed The Newsroom so far
17:18.01leifmadsenKatty: yes
17:18.10leifmadsengirls seem to love the Jax character
17:18.24Kattyinteresting. ok
17:18.26Kattyi'll watch one.
17:19.06leifmadsenSuits is filmed in Toronto
17:23.49*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
17:29.08PenguinSuits kicks ass.
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17:35.40stones_Hi guys. Anyone here use a Digium Iaxy S101i
17:35.51stones_Im trying to configure it but cannot access the ip/web interface
17:36.20coppiceoooh, a museum piece
17:36.28stones_hah yeah ;)
17:36.38stones_I had it stored away but want to ship it to my brother
17:36.54stones_as far as I can remember i used to configure the device via a web interface but i can't even access the ip
17:36.58stones_I just did a factory reset
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17:37.30chuckfKatty: ever watch 'Coupling'?
17:38.01[TK]D-Fenderstones_: Last I recall there was no web interface for it ever.  Had to be provisioned off your server
17:38.18stones_hrmf, yeah thats whats I'm reading
17:38.30stones_but i never configured it via server and i definitely had it working before
17:38.40stones_is there some sort of tool that would allow it to be provisioned?
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17:45.37[TK]D-Fenderiaxprov.conf IIRC
17:50.17*** join/#asterisk slicknick5181 (~slicknick@
17:50.47slicknick5181Hi all
17:51.28leifmadsenstones_: asterisk does the provisioning via iaxy.conf
17:52.33slicknick5181In securing my asterisk 1.8 box more I decided to set allowguest=off and my service providers calls stopped coming through. so I got there ip addresses they send calls from and added them to my sip conf. even though the ip address the call is coming from matched my domain = setting the call is still denied
17:52.40[TK]D-FenderThat's the one
17:53.06[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: you match on host= , not domain=
17:53.34slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, Thanks!
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17:57.48slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, Still sends Sending fake auth rejection for device
17:58.54slicknick5181host = <ip-address> that calls come from
17:59.07slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, host = <ip-address> that calls come from
18:04.01[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: That would be another matter... there is another parameter if you wish to allow calls from them to be UN-AUTHED -> insecure=port,invite
18:05.02slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender,  I already have this variable set
18:05.29[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: then something else is wrong.  PB your peer & the call with SIP DEBUG enabled
18:06.58slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender,  Thanks, I have to go but will try when I get back
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18:28.21asilvaHello All, can someone give me a help, I'm having trouble with IAX2, using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS and asterisk 11.0.1 with IAX2 user and peer, and the seconds server running Debian 6 Asterisk 1.8.22 same iax2 user and peer, can have communication with peers REACHBLE and such, but when using Asterisk 11.1 and UP on the Ubuntu server the IAX2 peers doesn't communicate at ALL, stays UNREACHABLE
18:29.39*** join/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
18:29.43gnudnahi guys
18:30.16gnudnaanybody know a highly recommended asterisk consultant or firm in the Montreal area?
18:30.57[TK]D-Fendergnudna: What do you need?
18:31.14gnudnasomeone to come on site and fix our asterisk
18:31.29[TK]D-FenderWhats wrong, and what is your system set up like?
18:32.31gnudna[TK]D-Fender my system is acting all weird, it works but seems every 24 hours i need to restart asterisk for no reason i can see. no errors in the logs
18:32.55gnudnaif you call an extension is rings but if you call back for the next 10 - 15 min it puts you to voicemail
18:33.05gnudnadebug does not show this at all
18:33.14gnudnajust weird stuff going on
18:34.06gnudnawe have queue that when you call it you either get router properly or you end up on hold indefinatly
18:34.37gnudnawhen i do queue show queuename it says no calls in queue but when you dial in it says im caller #8
18:34.51gnudnajust to mention a few issues ;)
18:35.40[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Pretty messed up ... what versions are you running?  hand-built config?  What hardware?
18:36.36gnudnahardware is quad core Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5410  @ 2.33GHz with gig ethernet and 12 gigs of ram
18:36.46gnudna2 hdd's sata is raid 1
18:36.53gnudnain ^
18:37.11gnudnadebian squeeze stable version of asterisk
18:38.20gnudnaim starting to suspect the damn hardware at this point but i get no errors
18:38.29asilvaCan someone help me out, heres an scenarion and problema -
18:42.11navaismoasilva, have you tried adding the maxcallnumber and calltokenoptionall to both? What show iax2 show debug?
18:43.09[TK]D-Fendergnudna: No telecom cards?
18:43.17asilvanavaismo: requirecalltoken=no on both servers
18:43.33gnudnajust iax2 definition and sip
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18:43.46asilvanavaismo: thru IAX DEBUG on the server with 1.8.21 i GET a lot of POKES and some PONGS, on the Asterisk 11 server POKES only
18:44.03asilvanavaismo: thats the only things showing on debug
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18:44.56navaismohmm try adding the calltokenoptional=
18:44.58[TK]D-Fenderasilva: #78 [dundi-rt]
18:45.11[TK]D-Fenderasilva: That entry ... has not HOST specified...
18:45.21[TK]D-FenderYour entry is broken
18:46.14asilvabeen a user has to have a host ? using different versions( equal and below 11.0.2) on the ubuntu side works fine
18:46.32[TK]D-Fendergnudna: is very old in its branch.  can any calls work internally while this issue occurs?
18:46.52[TK]D-Fenderasilva: Every entry has to have that line set
18:46.55gnudnainternally it works
18:47.08[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Sounds like a routing / NAT issue
18:47.42gnudna[TK]D-Fender, am i better setting up asterisk on the public directly?
18:47.53[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Shouldn't be necessary.
18:48.06[TK]D-Fendergnudna: How long was it running fine for, and how long has it gone downhill?
18:48.32gnudnawas running fine for a week and now it is just flakey as hell
18:48.49[TK]D-Fenderok, relatively new setup...
18:48.57gnudnathis one yes
18:49.03[TK]D-FenderI'd start by checking your forwardings, firewalls, etc
18:49.19gnudnawe forward everything to the internal asterisk
18:49.39gnudnaand outgoing we make sure it routes based on it's public ip
18:49.41[TK]D-FenderIf this work on reboot I might wonder about things like fail2ban, etc causing lock-outs
18:49.57gnudnano fail2ban yet installed
18:50.07[TK]D-Fendercheck firewalls just the same...
18:50.08gnudnai wanted to make sure it was stable before hand
18:50.16gnudnahold on
18:50.21[TK]D-Fender1.6.2.9 is old as I said...
18:50.25gnudnai will show you the 3 lines in fw
18:50.34asilva[TK]D-Fender: setting the host to the remote server IP or to dynamic didn't help :/ same problem! going to try setting calltokenoptionall
18:50.40[TK]D-FenderYou might want to move that up.... and hopefully to a version of * that is still actually supported...
18:50.45gnudnai did not do this install last sys-admin did and then left 1 week later
18:51.00[TK]D-Fenderasilva: that is normally something you look at when going between 1.4 and 1.6+
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18:51.57gnudna[TK]D-Fender, can i message you 3 lines privately?
18:52.15asilva[TK]D-Fender: I would though of something incompatibility between versions if the 11.0.2 or below wouldn't work too, but it stops working from 11.1.0 and UP
18:55.24gnudnahere [TK]D-Fender  the firewall rules in question
18:55.29*** join/#asterisk ageis (
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18:56.57ageisgot a quick and simple question. The way our dialplan was previously written, for each extension there are these lines that check the dial status and go to busy or unavailable. I'm interested in finding out if I can simplify this and include only Dial() and VoiceMail() and get the same effect. For one, we're not using seperate unavail/busy messages, only one of them.
18:57.33ageisShould I change GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?busy:unavail) to GotoIf($["${DIALSTATUS}" = "BUSY"]?busy) and remove the two unavail lines, or just do a Dial followed by a VoiceMail and be all set?
18:58.23asilvayou could use ${DIALSTATUS} != ANSWER go to voicemail
19:00.11asilvanavaismo: nothing changed with calltokenoptionall= or maxcallnumber
19:00.20asilva[TK]D-Fender: any other thoughts ?
19:01.40[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Looks mostly sane.. a little backwards, but OK
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19:09.57navaismoasilva, pbx permit 4569? can ping each other?
19:12.40asilvanavaismo: network is correct, they are on the same network , same switch, not firewall or acl between, and with version 11.0.2 works 100% perfect, when I upgrade to 11.1 or UP it stops working!
19:12.45gnudna[TK]D-Fender, i was hoping you would say there was a problem ;(
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19:21.45[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Are you getting timeouts on outside comms?
19:21.53[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Do you at least see attempts, etc?
19:22.00[TK]D-Fenderverified internal routing...
19:40.58gnudna[TK]D-Fender, i rolled back to the virtualized container we were running
19:41.19gnudnaim guessing some weird stuff with the physical box is the cause of the issues
19:41.45gnudnawe had a nat issue before aka 2 weeks ago but resolved it with the rules i showed you
19:42.35gnudnai will look at re-doing the setup with asterisk 1.8.x
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19:51.52gnudna[TK]D-Fender, what scenario would the system not register it received a hangup
19:52.17gnudnaaka clients calls in hangs up but the queue still says 4 callers in the queue but the queue shows nothing
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19:56.51ageiswhat's good, Zultys or Grandstream?
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20:00.45[TK]D-Fendergnudna: I'd have to see the speicifcs
20:00.50[TK]D-Fenderageis: neither
20:02.12[TK]D-Fenderageis: Polycom, Aastra, Digium, Cisco/Linksys SPA series, Yealink, Snom.  That approximate order
20:02.38[TK]D-Fenderageis: Specific requirements will alter individual selections of course
20:08.44ageis[TK]D-Fender: cool.
20:11.15ageis[TK]D-Fender: wow, much more expensive
20:13.05[TK]D-FenderDepends which models, where you are located and where you're looking
20:17.39gnudna[TK]D-Fender, you in the montreal area by any chance?
20:18.49[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Yes
20:20.03slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, I'm back I turned my sip debug on and this is what i got
20:20.17ageisDo I need my parking lot extensions to be defined as accounts in sip.conf ?
20:21.58gnudna[TK]D-Fender, msg me please if interested
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20:25.32slicknick5181will asterisk understand
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20:26.13Qwellslicknick5181: You'll need to be more specific.
20:26.31[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: Not for a host= line
20:26.48slicknick5181sip.conf I need to allow calls from ip addresses ranging from to
20:26.55slicknick5181* 1.8
20:27.56[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: Clarify that...
20:28.10[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: What exactly is that supposed to match peer-wise?
20:29.22slicknick5181Qwell, [TK]D-Fender  my VoIP provider sends me calls from two sets of addresses for example - and -
20:29.42*** join/#asterisk woleium (~woleium@
20:30.08WIMPyslicknick5181: Why do you call that two sets of addresses?
20:30.41slicknick5181WIMPy, it is 2 sets of 255 ip addresses
20:31.01WIMPyI'd call it one set of 512.
20:31.12slicknick5181WIMPy, in all reality one starts with 22 and the other 205
20:31.13WIMPyBut you could also call it 4 sets of 128 or whatever.
20:31.28Kobazi have 128 sets of one address
20:31.39WIMPyThen don't give us wrong data.
20:32.12Kobazi have 27 sets of 40 subnets, each containing 48 sets of 83 addresses
20:32.27[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: AND A PARTRIDGE IN A PEAR TREE!
20:32.37Kattyperks up
20:33.20WIMPythinks it all went pear shaped.
20:33.35Kobazperky pears
20:34.02KobazKatty can see where this is going
20:34.25slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, I have my voip provider set up in sip.conf and working for about a month but when set allowguests=no to secure my system more I lost my incoming calls as my provider sends them from different addresses
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20:35.55slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, They provided me the 2 sets of addresses they send me calls from but even when I set those as host= or domain= my calls still get rejected
20:36.11[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: What retard supplier would send you calls from any random IP from 2 entire subnets?
20:36.17WIMPyYou cannot set more than one IP for host.
20:36.38gnudna[TK]D-Fender, you interested in some consulting work?
20:36.39WIMPyA good provider with high availability.
20:37.01[TK]D-Fendergnudna: perhaps.  I'm heading home. PM
20:37.23gnudnacare to msg me so i can send you my contact info?
20:37.30slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, they send me calls from - and -
20:37.49[TK]D-FendersliHos are those anything like the previous 2 ranges you gave us?
20:38.02gnudnak just got it msg
20:38.05[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: And why so large?  Do they have thousands of servers?
20:38.15[TK]D-Fendergnudna: Will do
20:38.54slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, idk but they are for sure making this difficult to secure that way
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20:39.24WIMPyEither allow guests again, create 508 peers or hope that oej solves the problem in Asterisk.
20:39.43[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: Then firewall your server against everything else and restrict your internal peers to your local subnets
20:40.11[TK]D-Fenderheading out...
20:40.16slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, I was thinking thats what I was going to have to do
20:40.47slicknick5181Anyone have a good voip provider who sends calls from just a few ip address
20:42.35ageisquestion: Do I need my parking lot extensions to be defined as accounts in sip.conf ?
20:43.24WIMPyageis: You don't define extensions in sip.conf.
20:44.42slicknick5181WIMPy, Do you have a suggested voip provider that sends calls over a few ip addresses instead of over 510
20:45.03WIMPyWhat country?
20:45.11slicknick5181United States
20:45.41infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
20:46.13ageisWIMPy: Hello, I meant accounts that correspond to my parking lot extensions, was that not clear?
20:46.42Qwellageis: Your question doesn't make sense.
20:46.43WIMPyageis: That doesn't make any sense, either.
20:46.53WIMPyDid you read the book?
20:47.00ageisSome tutorial somewhere must have recommended it that way.
20:47.00infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:47.03ageisLet's say I have 701-704
20:47.14ageisthen [701] through [704] are also defined in sip.conf
20:47.16ageisNot necessary?
20:47.22Qwellleifmadsen: Is there an update to ^^^ now that it's gone to print?
20:47.34leifmadsennot sure when I wil update the site to 4e
20:47.57leifmadsenthere has to be SOME advantage to purchasing the book :)
20:48.42Dovidis there any way of getting the TO field from a sip invite into a variable?
20:50.26Qwellleifmadsen: You should charge nickels to view
20:50.35ageisWIMPy Qwell whoever originally wrote our configs set up our multiple parking lots 701-704, 801-804, 901-904 with corresponding sip accounts for each extension in sip.conf. These accounts are not used by any phone. I suspect it is not necessary and wrong and can be deleted, I just want confirmation.
20:50.53Qwellageis: It's almost definitely wrong.
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21:36.46saint_hi all
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21:41.45rrittgarnAnybody know offhand if there's a way to reboot a Cisco SPA series phone from the web interface? (it's not registered currently or i'd just do a sip notify)
21:42.26WIMPyJust make any senseless change and save it?
21:42.41rrittgarnnot a terrible idea
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21:49.25drmessanohttp://ipaddress/admin/reboot should do it
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22:06.59niohubalaI just tested what drmessano said, it works for me
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22:13.48WIMPyLet me guess: You don't even need a password to use it?
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22:14.42niohubalamy admin password is blank
22:14.52niohubalai didn't need to enter any password
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22:33.58nfenzanHello, I am having trouble configuring my firewall to route the UDP traffic correctly between endpoints and my SIP trunk.
22:36.09nfenzanRight now I have a mapped ip on the firewall and all of the SIP connections are operating correctly. I have found that the trunk is routing it's sdp traffic to the asterisk box, while the endpoints are attempting to send directly to the trunk.
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22:36.52WIMPyAnd where is the trouble?
22:38.15nfenzanI am not receiving incoming audio
22:38.45nfenzanI think the audio is making it to the asterisk box but may not being routed to the endpoint
22:39.31nfenzanthe router log is showing incoming traffic being translated and pointed to the correct internal ip of the asterisk box
22:39.52WIMPyIt probably shouldn't be.
22:40.02WIMPyBut I shouldn't comment on these things.
22:46.41apb1963Is anyone using google voice to dial out?
22:52.05drudge`anyone use NExtiva?
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23:33.04saint_apb1963: i use google voice for both dial out and in
23:33.36saint_apb1963: i have 2 installations using google voice, , and dpma provisioning on digium phones
23:49.03niohubalaI'm still stuck with the "We are requesting SRTP, but they responded without it!" :-/
23:50.40niohubalain sip.conf encryption=no as well as for each user i set encryption=no and srtpcapable=no
23:50.49niohubalastill the error above is thrown :/
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23:51.57niohubalais there any way to completely disable srtp?  blacklisting it in modules.conf does not help
23:55.35nfenzanIf anyone was interested, I fixed my issue by setting canreinvite=no in sip.conf This allowed the pbx to forward calls from the trunk to the endpoints. Thanks for your help.
23:57.17*** join/#asterisk suporte85 (

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