IRC log for #asterisk on 20130505

00:00.16igcewieling1they also point to perquisite
00:01.25ageiswho can we ask that'd be the ultimate authority on this matter?
00:01.28igcewieling1goes back to socket programming in PHP
00:01.54ageisigcewieling1: ever work w/ websockets?
00:02.44igcewieling1ageis: no.  Too new, too poorly supported.
00:02.56ageissupport is improving.
00:02.59apb1963Webster made a mistake.
00:03.05apb1963Please check your aglets.  There has been a rash of aglet theft lately.
00:03.22igcewieling1IP sockets have been around for 20+ years.  That is stable enough for me.
00:03.23ageislooks up what an aglet is
00:09.55apb1963Well this is just disheartening.... flibbertigibbety is at the bottom 50% of lookups on webster
00:10.27apb1963What is this country coming to?
00:11.44apb1963Maybe I'm looking at this all wrong... maybe so many people already know what it means that there's no need to look it up.  Yes, that must be it.
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00:13.23apb1963now once again happy with the status quo, returns to beating his head against a wall.
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00:19.00igcewieling1apb1963  *nod* The reason nobody talks to me in the bars is because I'm so hot they are intimidated.  8-|
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00:22.33apb1963That's easily fixed... get out there on the dance floor and jiggle your booty.  In no time at all you'll attract lots of blind people that don't care what you look like.
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00:25.12apb1963This form of dancing is an offshoot of "belly dancing".  It's known as "booty dancing".  It's known only to a select few, commonly known as the "in crowd".  Once a member of the "in crowd", you'll be besieged with unlimited requests for your money.
00:26.32apb1963It's a very powerful technique and with great power comes great responsibility.  Booty dance wisely.
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00:27.32apb1963Do not misuse the booty dance or you will be cast out of the "in crowd" and returned once more to your dreary life.
00:49.11igcewieling1I believe you are referring to a "club"
00:49.21igcewieling1bars don't have dance floors.
00:51.35apb1963In that case, feel free to use a table if available, pool table, or climb up on the bar itself.
00:51.47apb1963Alternatively, go to a club.
00:51.51apb1963with a dance floor
00:53.27apb1963This technique can actually be used anywhere.  At a supermarket, 7-11, bowling alley, or at a stop light.
00:54.40apb1963It is most effective when used consistently, especially if a stop light is your chosen venue.
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02:55.11igcewieling1I really hate race conditions in code
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03:03.00igcewieling1suddenly has a lot more sympathy for when those conditions get into the Asterisk code
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05:46.35*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (ba50379a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:47.23dorphalsigI just bought a Natural Microsystems card (Quad E1)
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05:49.26dorphalsigI just bought a Natural Microsystems card (Quad E1) I thought it would work with DAHDI and it doesnt :(. I've read good amount of sites and I've found three main solutions. 1) Use Chan_CAPI 2)use some obscure chan_nms 3) use some kind of driver that Dialogic (they seem to have bought nms) has developed for dialogic's cards.
05:49.43dorphalsigCan anybody actually help me do the right thing?
05:50.00*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
05:50.26RahailIs it possible to put answer delay on asterisk even my sip trunk provider gave answer signal
05:50.48dorphalsigwait(x) then answer, no?
05:51.03Rahailthey reason i need that.. they are using CDMA gateway as soon as call hit there end they give answer signal.. and I am having problem with that
05:51.19Rahaili try that way didnt work
05:51.42dorphalsigur recieving call?
05:51.51Rahaili am calling out
05:53.14dorphalsigSo let me see if I understand. You place a call, then wait a couple of seconds (for it to be answered), then you do something and hang up, right?
05:54.29dorphalsigI just bought a Natural Microsystems card (Quad E1) I thought it would work with DAHDI and it doesnt :(. I've read good amount of sites and I've found three main solutions. 1) Use Chan_CAPI 2)use some obscure chan_nms 3) use some kind of driver that Dialogic (they seem to have bought nms) has developed for dialogic's cards. Can naybody help me choose the right  thiing to do because I am lost.
05:54.44RahailWE place call.. then even we got answer signal from sip trunk provider we do not want give answer to our customer
05:54.49Rahailwe need to put x s delay
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05:58.34dorphalsigbut what if the line is busy?
05:58.43dorphalsigI mean, if it rings it gets the answered flag?
05:59.01Rahailwith this provider doesntmatter
05:59.13Rahailbusy or answer or cancel as soon as call hit it send answer
06:00.25dorphalsigbut how will you detect that?
06:00.54Rahailif they hear busy they will hang up
06:00.58Rahailbusy tone
06:01.01dorphalsigbecause if you put a delay, it will be a blind delay. I mean, it will always execute whatever goes next
06:01.57Rahailthats the only way i can have my customer stop screaming at me
06:02.08Rahaili will just put 45S delay
06:02.11Rahailor maby more
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06:02.20dorphalsigand what happens when you do wait()?
06:02.45Rahaili try this
06:02.52Rahailexten => s,1,Wait(45)
06:03.00Rahailxten => s,n,Answer( )
06:03.06Rahailsim like this didnt work
06:03.13Rahailexten => _X,1,Wait(45)
06:03.20dorphalsigI dont understand why are you answering if you are dialing
06:03.42dorphalsigit may be the time, but Im lost
06:03.52Rahailwhich you would do it
06:04.11dorphalsigexten => s,1,dial(TheNumberToBeCalled)
06:04.21dorphalsigexten =>s,n,Wait(455)
06:04.50infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
06:06.02Rahailthis what i am using now and i need to implent on this
06:08.12Rahail  @@@ dorphalsig
06:08.14Rahailcan you see this
06:08.18dorphalsigexten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/trunk4/${EXTEN},45)
06:08.26dorphalsigafter that put the wait
06:09.04dorphalsigbut it wont really do anything
06:09.26dorphalsigbecause it will just stay on the dial untill the caller hangs up
06:09.55Rahaileven after x second
06:10.00Rahailit will not send answer ?
06:10.12Rahailif they stay more then 45 second
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06:13.34dorphalsigRahail: You are saying it did answer
06:14.05dorphalsigyou are saying your provider is sending you an answer flag (which doesnt make much sense...)
06:14.16dorphalsigas soon as you place the call
06:15.37dorphalsigso as far as * is concerned the call is placed...
06:16.01dorphalsigthat timeout is how long to wait for the answer flag
06:16.31Rahailso if i put that wait will it going to wait that time and then send answer to my users
06:16.59dorphalsigits like the 'ring time'
06:17.03Rahailthen is there way is it possible in asterisk dialplan
06:17.19Rahaili have ring time set it to 45s
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06:17.48dorphalsigyeah, but its how long asterisk will wait for an answer
06:17.55dorphalsigbut  its getting it right away
06:18.11Rahailyeap.. its getting answer right way
06:18.21Rahaili need to put delay on it
06:18.26Rahailif possible
06:20.57dorphalsigI dont think thats possible
06:21.03dorphalsigI dont know
06:21.25igcewieling1Rahail: the solution is to tell your provider to stop immediatly answering the call
06:21.38dorphalsigthats what I was going to say
06:21.44Rahailigcewieling1 they do not have option in there GW
06:21.51dorphalsigscream to your provider
06:22.03igcewieling1Rahail: then you cannot do what you want to do
06:22.10Rahailthey giving me 20s graceperiod
06:22.25Rahailhowever this not helping me getting scream from our people
06:22.28igcewieling1your provider just wants to bill you even when the call is not anwered by the far end
06:23.01dorphalsigdumb question but cant you just switch providers?
06:23.11igcewieling1dorphalsig: that is his only other option.
06:23.39Rahailthen i would have to go with tier1 provide however there rate is 3 times more then his rate
06:24.01igcewieling1any decent provider of any tier does not unconditionally answer calls.
06:24.38dorphalsigRahail: Could it be that the provider's equipment is damaged?
06:24.56Rahailits CDMA gw
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06:25.07Rahailand CDMA network as soon as call hit they give answer
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06:25.12Rahailthey are different then GSM
06:25.27RahailIf you are in USA you will see the same use ATT and USE verizon or metropcs
06:25.54Rahailas soon as you clal on VZ or Metro they start showing timer however with ATT they dont show timer untill call is answer
06:26.43igcewieling1there is not technical reason for that
06:28.27igcewieling1I should say there is no technical reason between GSM and CDMA.   Many SIP/cellular gatewats or even PRI/cellular gateways do that, but it is a design flaw in the gateway.
06:28.49igcewieling1now, WHY are you using cellular for your calls when normal SIP ITSPs are so inexpensive
06:28.53Rahailigcewieling1 yes some gw have option you put delay but some dont
06:29.10igcewieling1Rahail: not a delay, just don't send answer until the far end answers.
06:29.18igcewieling1Rahail: "overseas" is not a reason.
06:29.52igcewieling1dorphalsig: return the card and buy something which is supported by DAHDI
06:30.50dorphalsigigcewieling1: I think I'll just buy something taht works... thats what I get for buying USD 50 cards...
06:32.23dorphalsigAlthought it would be nice to be able to have it working
06:32.42igcewieling1dorphalsig: likely you would have to write a DAHDI driver for it yourself
06:34.24Rahail<igcewieling1> Rahail: not a delay, just don't send answer until the far end answers.
06:34.31Rahailits hard to detect with this provider
06:35.23igcewieling1Rahail: if you provider does not SIGNAL an answer there is nothing you can do.
06:35.40igcewieling1It is like trying to make a cake when the only ingredients you have are eggs and dirt.
06:35.59igcewieling1it won't matter what you do, you can't make a cake from eggs and dirt.
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06:36.28RahailOk thanx ... some one told me asterisk had option to  on delay to send answer signal
06:36.30Rahaili guess they are wrong
06:36.44igcewieling1Rahail: they are wrong.
06:37.19igcewieling1Asterisk as a feature called call progress detection, but that option ends up randomly disconnecting your call and it only works with DAHDI interfaces
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10:44.43*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.3.0 (2013/03/28), 10.12.2 (2013/03/27), (2013/03/28), DAHDI-linux 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), DAHDI-tools 2.6.2 (2013/03/08), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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13:55.49vi390hi, I'm stuck at the following point - needing inspiration. Having a running AGI script. Reacts on Key's pressed. having problem with #-Key Works in GSM Phones (probably GSM-inband?) but not on VoipPhones (rfc2833?). Its always recognized as a "transfer" action. (which is what # means mostly. but) tried to switch that off (transfers off) but it does not work. Also tried dtmfrelax and dtmf.. auto. Any idea how I can get the # Key not being the key for "t
13:55.51vi390ransfer calls"?
14:00.35mmlj4you can use any key you want for transfers, if you're writing your own AGO dialplan
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14:05.25vi390mmlj4:  ok, but if I want to disable transfers? My problem is, that the hash-Key sign does not come through to the agi-env... Ok found that i can disable it with T , maybe that  will work
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14:17.44vi390hmm, ok reading , that the "T" sign in extensions.conf makes a transfer by pressing # possible, but I do not have a T sign in the conf - hmm
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14:25.50vi390ok also tried in features.conf     blindxfer => #1;Its still using the # - hash as a "call-transfer" : I need to switch that OFF - How can I do that?
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14:39.22vi390ok - it must be in some way, that "transfer on #" is activated by accident somehow. I dont have a T sign in my extension nor anywhere else explicitly defined to allow transfers when pressing # - Any Idea where to look to deactivate transfers when has Key is pressed?
14:46.03vi390why is it not working adding : blindxfer => ###111   to features.conf => this should disable the "transfer call when press #" - right?  It still activstes transfer, when I press # during a call. And cant figure out why
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15:11.04igcewieling1go into the settings for your cell phone and set dtmf length to long
15:11.49igcewieling1on MY droid 3 that is settings/call settings/dtmf tones.  On your phone it is likely different
15:12.42volga629Hello Everyone, I have question about asterisk presence
15:13.49volga629I getting 489 that not understand request, Is any specific setting might missing ?
15:25.26cuscohi folks
15:26.00cuscousing gmail gtalk... and asterisk chan_motif
15:26.17cuscowhen dialing from gmail to asterisk, then asterisk to pstn via SIP gateway
15:26.29cuscoI'm not hearing the ringing in gtalk
15:27.54cuscothe dial(sip-gateway) has the r option...
15:29.52igcewieling1the "r" option almost never helps
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15:48.05atanI see Fax For Asterisk doesn't support color. Anyone here use some other module or something to handle color faxes?
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15:48.24igcewieling1none that I am aware of
15:49.07atanWas "color faxing" one of those things that just a few companies played with, but no adoption?
15:49.32igcewieling1I suspect it has lots of patents on it.
15:49.54atanAll I could come up with was ITU T.30e... hmm
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15:52.03atanWell thank you for the reply either way :-) going to check out this Hylafax thing, I've never used the thing before... want to know more!
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16:07.16vi390igcewieling1:  thanks for the answer about dtmf length: I can not adjust them in the Phone I use somehow. So need to go the way of disabling transfer call detection - somehow, its a weird behaviour from asterisk, to allways want to interpret # as transferCall
16:12.08igcewieling1vi390: in my pre-coffee haze I though you were having trouble detecting DTMF.
16:12.27igcewieling1Why don't you disable DTMF based transfers entirely?
16:12.59vi390igcewieling1:  yes if I would know how, that would be the solution :)
16:13.40igcewieling1vi390: remove any T t W and w options from your Dial lines.
16:14.13vi390igcewieling1:  tried in features.conf blindxfer => #####   didnt work...
16:14.41igcewieling1vi390: remove any T t W and w options from your Dial lines. and rename your features.conf file to some other name and restart asterisk
16:15.07vi390igcewieling1:  hmm yes , and thats the weird thing. Because I dont have any TtWw or such in the extension - Its directed to an agi script, without any options, but still wants do transfers
16:15.21vi390ok renaming is good idea
16:15.54igcewieling1I do not recommend dialing from inside an AGI.  Make debugging hell to do and often doesn't work as you expect.
16:16.54igcewieling1vi390: also enable agi debug to see exactly what the agi is doing
16:17.51vi390igcewieling1:  the agi works, it does what it should. Inband DTMF is working, but rfc2833 is not
16:18.05igcewieling1vi390: I doubt that is your issue.
16:18.34vi390ok, trying the rename fetaures, thats good idea, deactivates everything in it
16:19.01igcewieling1enable agi debug and look at exactly what the Dial line being executed is.
16:19.33vi390igcewieling1:  ok maybe good idea @ debug -thx
16:19.34igcewieling1vi390: maybe you have a channel or global variable set for DYNAMIC_FEATURES
16:21.20vi390igcewieling1:  well usually not, the setup should be very minimal, all what the setup does is handling to the Agi script, thats it. And agi is working as long as inband is used
16:22.00vi390igcewieling1:  if i use the phone with the rfc283 - boom there is the transfer bug
16:22.26vi390igcewieling1:  all other DTMF keys are working by the way, even in rfc2833
16:22.36vi390igcewieling1:  only # is not
16:23.19igcewieling1vi390: seems to me the exact opposite.   rfc2833 dtmf works so the # is detected.  With inband dtmf might not be working so astterisk doesn't detect the #
16:24.02igcewieling1vi390: asterisk does not use features.conf unless told to do so.  You need to find out where it is being told to do so.
16:24.02vi390igcewieling1:  hmm good point - but why does the agi script then pick up the "#" as value with inband?
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16:24.30igcewieling1vi390: any number of possibilities, all of them very hard to figure out. 8-|
16:24.36vi390igcewieling1:  well I asume it is not using features.conf I have renamed it, and nothing has changed in behaviour
16:24.37igcewieling1what codec are you using?
16:24.55vi390igcewieling1:  yep - very hard to figure out.
16:25.09igcewieling1I thought you said renaming features.conf fixed the issue.
16:25.14igcewieling1(12:18:34 PM) vi390: ok, trying the rename fetaures, thats good idea, deactivates everything in it
16:25.28igcewieling1did you restart asterisk after renaming the file?
16:25.46vi390codec = G711a-NB
16:26.04vi390igcewieling1:  shure @ restart /etc/init.d/asterisk restart
16:26.22igcewieling1good.  you should not expect inband DTMF to work with any codec other than g711 ulaw or alaw
16:26.31igcewieling1you are using alaw
16:27.05igcewieling1vi390: enable agi debug, set your verbose to 99 and set your debug to 99 and set dtmf logging in logger.conf
16:28.02vi390igcewieling1:  hmm - Well the script was used so far only for GSM phones - so maybe was no problem - but now has to be used for softphones and normal phones as well
16:28.29vi390igcewieling1:  ok doing debug
16:28.39igcewieling1vi390: Cell phones use out of band dtmf when sending from the phone to the carrier.
16:28.52igcewieling1then the carrier converts them to inband for transport to the rest of the PSTN
16:29.06igcewieling1unless your GSM phone is connected directly to asterisk with no carrier involved
16:29.08vi390igcewieling1:  ok @ GSM , thats weird than, because GSm was always working
16:29.26vi390there is carrier involved,
16:29.29igcewieling1you can do a sip show channels while a call is up to see the codec the call is using
16:31.04vi390ok if carrier converts to inband, then this explains why gsm was always working
16:32.07igcewieling1how is asterisk connecting to the carrier?
16:32.27igcewieling1using inband DTMF is the best way to have dtmf randomly fail.
16:32.33vi390@connected = SIP-Protocol
16:32.47igcewieling1vi390: likely your sip carrier is converting it to rfc2833
16:32.51vi390ok @ randomly fail; good to know
16:33.17igcewieling1for example if you have a lost packet during inband dtmf then asterisk may detect the digit twice.
16:33.19vi390igcewieling1:  woah @ converting it to rfc2833 , thats very possible
16:39.09igcewieling1sip show peer X where x is the peer name of your provider and your sip phone will tell you the configured dtmf mode.
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16:42.12vi390ok nice to know. trying to debug agi, - Switched to rfc2833 on the calling phone now no keys are working. Also not showing in the Debug
16:45.32vi390ok @ no key working, having had switched it to inband only ;)
16:46.33igcewieling1where did you switch, on the phone or in the asterisk peer setting?  they should both have the same dtmf mode setting
16:47.26vi390igcewieling1:  the sip channel has dmfmode=auto now; the phone has for testing rfc2833;
16:47.36igcewieling1never set auto
16:48.45vi390igcewieling1:  its weird, the debug does not show any keys pressed, only streamed voicefiles (core debug 99) ; Another weird thing is - realy all keys are working even with rfc2833; except the # Key
16:49.07igcewieling1maybe the # key is broken?
16:49.07vi390ok @ never set auto; well I have to make it compatible with most setups out there
16:50.09vi390hehe @ # key :) => if I press it, and its in rfc2833 mode, then asterisk starts "transfer call" instead of letting the key value through to the Agi script
16:50.55vi390thats the whole problem. Maybe it is not a problem with dtmf, since I guess its coming in correctly. Its just Asterisk which wants to interpret it as Transfer call instead of letting it through
16:51.52vi390I think so, because all other keys are working exactly how they should
16:52.55vi390@transferCall: If it would be possible to switch OFF that feature, it would be worth a try. But havent found any possibility to switch off transfers when pressing #
16:53.21vi390however only is a problem when switched to rfc2833, not inband
16:54.03vi390on inband asterisk does not interpet it as transfer; on rfc283 it is interpreted as transfer call; weird I think
16:55.55igcewieling1DTMF based transfers are configured in features.conf
16:57.50vi390which is renamed to features_deactivated.con at the moment; in extensions.conf I have exten => _X.,1,AGI(/   thats it, so there is no T or t or something.
16:59.27vi390thats the only line
16:59.39igcewieling1what does AGI debug show?
17:00.01vi390only the played voice streams and their configuration
17:00.55igcewieling1I wish you the best of luck
17:01.11vi390hehe - well thanks :)
17:06.01vi390also thank you for help
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17:49.26atanWith the key you get for Free Fax For Asterisk, if you want to move from one server to another... it reads as if you can re-register once before needing to call. Can you just purchase another key from the store @ $0 and use that? Not trying to get free lines or anything, just avoid wasting their time on a freebie.
17:50.22igcewieling1I don't believe you can re-register the free fax for asterisk, only the paid ones
17:51.39atanSo it seems I will need to buy a second one, hmm. Could be worse. :-)
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20:58.07Elicohey I installed asterisk on centos 6.3 and when I send start command it states:
20:58.08ElicoUnable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
20:58.08ElicoStarting asterisk:                                         [  OK  ]
21:01.43*** join/#asterisk liamjfoy (~liamjfoy@unaffiliated/liamjfoy)
21:02.09liamjfoyHello folks, I'm struggling to register my devices on a new asterisk server.
21:03.14liamjfoyKeeps saying: SIP/2.0 401 Unauthorized when i 'set sip debug on'
21:03.27*** join/#asterisk TooTall (
21:03.34liamjfoyHowever, sip.conf and extensions.conf look OK to 'me' - anyone give any pointers?
21:05.43krapperhave you tried using a soft phone? that way you can copy and paste password from config and test that way?
21:12.14*** join/#asterisk cedr (cedr@unaffiliated/cedr)
21:13.48liamjfoykrapper: just tried my android phone
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21:41.37krapperliamjfoy, any NAT in play? everything local?
21:41.58[TK]D-Fenderpublic_ip = 178.79.147.XXX
21:42.03[TK]D-Fendernot a valid parameter name.
21:42.15[TK]D-FenderAnd the dialplan syntax is 1.0 standard and certain to fail
21:42.38[TK]D-FenderThe system is not setup to work from behind NAT at all currently
21:46.57liamjfoyThe remote server isn't behind NAT, no.
21:48.09liamjfoyThe server has a remote IP and the phone is behind NAT
21:48.28liamjfoyI've tried 'yes' in the 'nat' parameter but no luck.
21:56.54igcewieling1liamjfoy: then remove the public_ip setting
21:57.49igcewieling1also you want disallow=all and then allow= only the few codecs you use
21:58.11[TK]D-Fenderyour endpoints may be behind NAT and should be probably set as such regardless
21:58.18[TK]D-FenderAnd you need to disable directmedia
21:58.38igcewieling1liamjfoy: did you read the Asterisk Book?
21:58.39infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
21:59.07*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
22:06.35liamjfoyigcewieling1: I tried removing it with no luck
22:06.49liamjfoyNo I haven't read the book.
22:06.53igcewieling1you should.
22:07.08igcewieling1pastebin the output of a failure with sip debug enabled
22:07.30igcewieling1also the output of sip show peer 2000 or 2001 whichever one is failing
22:10.55igcewieling1liamjfoy: all sip transactions start with a request, a 401 with nonce, then a re-request with the password encoded with the nonce.  I only see the first two packets there
22:14.07igcewieling1DirectMedia  : Yes you've not disabled direct media.  You still have all codecs allowed.
22:15.00igcewieling1even if the register worked the calls would fail because of those two things which we said to change
22:16.34*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
22:20.12igcewieling1liamjfoy: either the passwords don't match between asterisk and the sip client or the client is doing something wrong.   Have you tried a different sofrphone?  Which softphone are you using?
22:20.31liamjfoyDefault sip client on cyanogenmod
22:21.44liamjfoyigcewieling1: I see this in /var/log/asterisk/messages - [May  5 23:19:44] WARNING[19911] chan_unistim.c: Your OS does not support IP_PKTINFO, you must set public_ip.
22:22.22igcewieling1liamjfoy: put noload => in your /etc/asterisk/modules.conf
22:22.45igcewieling1you are using the SIP protocol, not the Unistim (Nortel) protocol
22:23.03*** join/#asterisk gusto (
22:23.12igcewieling1do a module unload in the Asterisk cli to remove it without restarting asterisk
22:23.54*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:226:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
22:30.10liamjfoyigcewieling1: OK, I'll try now - that error is when you start asterisk, not when I try to register
22:30.32igcewieling1try a different sip client too
22:30.45igcewieling1the error has nothing to do with your problem
22:33.00liamjfoyha! Telephone on Mac OS X registers
22:33.10liamjfoySo it's something to do with this phone
22:34.27igcewieling1or an incorrect setup on the phone.   Often times you need to put the username and/or password in multiple places in the softphone config
22:38.34liamjfoyigcewieling1: yep! csip client on android works =)
22:38.48liamjfoythanks! I appreciate it - it's a start =)
22:38.59igcewieling1np.  Now go read The Book
22:39.57liamjfoyYeah, I'll look - if only I'd knew it would be the damn phone!
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23:39.39theqkashcan anybody help me with setting up asterisk gui?
23:39.47theqkashi have some problem here and don't know what to do
23:42.22drmessanoAsterisk GUI is kinda extinct
23:42.47theqkashso what to use instead?
23:43.10theqkashI'm new into this and don't want to go through configuration files to do something simple
23:46.34igcewieling1theqkash: there is no such thing as a "simple setup" for a PBX.

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