IRC log for #asterisk on 20130503

00:01.58*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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00:34.53apb1963so I dial my google DID... my IVR answers.  I dial ext 101 which is my phonerlite softphone which is registered and waiting for a call.  Asterisk gives me a busy signal.  The logfile has a line which says DEVICES=104 as well as THISDIAL=SIP/104... I would think this would be relevant, but I don't know where to go from here.  To my still untrained eye, extensions.conf seems ok.
00:35.23apb1963Any ideas on what I messed up?
00:45.55*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
00:55.15[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: last log you showed clearly showed that 104 was dialed, not 101
00:55.50apb1963yeah... yet I dialed 101... I watched my fingers
00:57.20[TK]D-FenderGo do it again.
00:57.37[TK]D-FenderBeacues there is little reason to trust a human over a log telling me otherwise
00:58.19apb1963I just did
00:58.28apb1963log coming up
00:58.36[TK]D-FenderCorrect.  Little reason to trust you.
00:58.38[TK]D-FenderDo it again
00:58.42[TK]D-FenderTest it from another source
00:58.51apb1963I don't have another source
00:58.52[TK]D-Fendertry to be complete about your testing
00:58.56[TK]D-Fenderuse a PHONE
00:59.01apb1963I am using a phone
00:59.07[TK]D-Fenderan EXTENSION
00:59.09apb1963this entire time
00:59.11[TK]D-Fenderdirect to the IVR
01:04.03*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
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01:06.53apb1963ok, I can't dial myself using google to dial out - which is my only option for dialing out with my softphone.  I use google for both incoming and outgoing when using Asterisk.  To make a normal call, I use my normal phone, which is tied into the PSTN.  Those are my only options.
01:07.49[TK]D-Fenderuse the softphone.  Got to the IVR
01:07.49apb1963So... when I use my normal phone to make a normal phone into asterisk, it does what I showed you in the log.
01:09.02[TK]D-FenderWhile you're at it, do MORE DTMF testing with your GV inbound.
01:09.04apb1963OK, I can setup my softphone to register me as ext 1001, and then connect to 101... is that what yo're saying to do?
01:09.12[TK]D-FenderAnd remember that would you use to call GV could be a factor as well
01:09.35[TK]D-FenderDear God...
01:09.36apb1963oh the IVR.. right... nvm the abovfe
01:11.19apb1963ok... I don't know how to go to the ivr through the softphone without first dialing the gv number.
01:11.40apb1963I can dial an extension... but... what extension is the ivr?
01:11.46apb1963do I just press... 1 ?
01:12.02apb1963yeah, I don't follow ya
01:13.22apb1963now if I register as ext 1001 and dial 101, then I get a proper vm as expected.
01:13.45apb1963but I don't know how to dial IVR
01:15.02[TK]D-FenderCustom Destination <-
01:15.49apb1963so I would have to set that up then
01:15.55[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: Go prove your DTMF is proper in from GV, and with every tool used in your tests
01:16.16[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: Your log shows something else was dialed.. either you screwed up or DTMF is picked up wrong somewhere
01:16.24[TK]D-FenderAnd you can bet I bet on human failure
01:16.31[TK]D-FenderShow a NEW CALL
01:16.41[TK]D-FenderAnd try to be thorough about your testing
01:16.42apb1963the reason I became aware of this problem is someone emailed me to let me know they couldn't get through.
01:17.04*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
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01:20.51sheebacatfoodspeaking of google, no tutorial on the internet correctly shows you how to enable your voicemail using a gv trunk. all tutorials are terrible
01:21.26sheebacatfood (#5 - Voicemail) Wrong. doesn't work.
01:22.46*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
01:23.54sheebacatfood (Enabling Google Voicemail) Wrong. Doesn't work at all.
01:24.10sheebacatfoodis there a single person on the internet who actually knows what they're doing with Asterisk? I don't think there is.
01:26.11[TK]D-FenderYou must have the best stats to back that then....
01:28.58[TK]D-FenderAs for "it" not working .... ok/fine/sure
01:30.33*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
01:35.46apb1963ok, I think I may know what's happening.. IVR Option 1 is set to route to ext 104.  Before I can finish dialing 101, it picks off the first 1 and routes it to 104.
01:37.05apb1963So... I guess I need to somehow slow down the "recognition" of the options.... allow more time for the whole extension to be dialed.
01:40.15*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:40.51apb1963See for yourself...
01:42.25*** join/#asterisk DaPrivateer (
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01:46.28[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: It acts on that first DTMF instantly
01:46.42[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: Which pretty much means you didn't ENABLE direct extension dialing
01:46.44apb1963yes... that's what I said
01:46.58apb1963hhmm... that I will doublecheck
01:47.15*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
01:52.27apb1963Well, I'm going to say it's because I didn't enable direct extension dialing... which is really weird, because this used to work... So clearly it's a gremlin issue.
01:52.38apb1963damn gremlins
01:53.32[TK]D-FenderNext time check your work :p
01:53.37apb1963Thank you [TK]D-Fender =:)
01:53.46apb1963If I knew what to look for...
01:54.00apb1963I would
01:54.09[TK]D-Fender"I can't dial my extension ....maybe I should check the thing that's supposed to LET me ..."
01:54.30apb1963meh.  One has to know there's something that's supposed to let me
01:54.34[TK]D-FenderEnter ... MAGIC CHECK-BOX!!!!
01:55.19apb1963I mean if there were like 5 checkboxes total... ok fine.... but there's options upon options that have baby rabbit options.  It's madness.  madness I tell you
01:56.42*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
01:57.23apb1963and why isn't there a madness emoticon?
01:58.48[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: it's on back-order, right behind the "Hides face in shame at not being able to manage an idiot-accomodating GUI" emoticon :)
01:59.18*** join/#asterisk caterwaul (nirv@2001:19f0:1619:c9::c805:4072)
01:59.46[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: Well at least one more problem solved....
02:02.18apb1963looks at the channel name....
02:02.24apb1963GUI?  What GUI? :P
02:04.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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02:24.18Mango45Anyone know what this USB->RJ11 adapter is used for?
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02:36.56*** join/#asterisk sheebacatfood (
02:38.39sheebacatfoodthose of you with voicemail working on incoming calls in FreePBX can you give us the code in extensions_additional.conf? nothing I've tried is working. All information on every forum is bad and/or outdated.
02:42.58*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
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03:07.09ChannelZwelcome to FreePBX!
03:08.23ChannelZWhere the Free means 'Free From Documentation'
03:08.31*** join/#asterisk Alagar (
03:08.34tm1000ChannelZ: can you stop
03:08.45tm1000ChannelZ: we have PLENTY of documentation
03:09.10*** join/#asterisk supercell (
03:09.56ChannelZI was being both ironic AND sarcastic
03:10.33tm1000ChannelZ: /me is sad panda. but ok :-)
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05:26.50supercellnot asterisk related, but I bouhgt a did. When I try to call it from cell phone I get a msg from verizon switch unavailable or something
05:30.25supercell--any ideas?
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05:44.59[TK]D-Fendersupercell: Well .. it isn't asterisk related... and you've told us pretty much nothing about what you;re doing and shown us the same.  Nothing for us to help you with
05:46.23[TK]D-Fender[22:38]sheebacatfoodthose of you with voicemail working on incoming calls in FreePBX can you give us the code in extensions_additional.conf? nothing I've tried is working. All information on every forum is bad and/or outdated. <- there is no coding to do.  It's all done in the GUI
05:55.22*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
05:59.11supercellI guess I was just looking for generic information about the DID purchase process, and why one carrier might not connect to another etc
06:00.04*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
06:00.42[TK]D-Fendersupercell: You bought a DID... it's supposed to GO somewhere.  So far you haven't said that you told them what to do with it.  So they have nothing to do and say "WTF now?"
06:03.39*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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06:15.57[TK]D-Fenderapb1963: Bed time, I'm off...
06:36.17*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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07:13.54caterwauldoes anyone compile their own CSipSimple by chance?
07:20.16kaldemardo they have their own support channel(s)?
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11:46.53janellebhey all, I'm having issues handling SMS... asterisk is dealing with received sms's as if they were calls. I'm using almost the stock/vanilla extensions.conf (, on asterisk 1.8 with chan_dongle. How can I have a simple "rule" like "when asterisk receives an sms, execute this_dialplan_application"???
11:55.46Tujucan asterisk process sms messages?
11:58.33janellebTuju: I think so... it can atleast do_someting in response to an sms... i.e. pass the SMS on to curl or something. This is what I've read online but I'm working on trying to do it right now.
11:59.12Tujuwell that's interesting.
11:59.45Tujui just learned what the MWI is and that sounded also something worth of trying, thou i don't like voice messages.
12:03.38*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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13:42.15GreenlightIs it normal that when I hangup a call via the AMI, the Hangup event that follows shows the hangup cause as "Unknown" ?
13:43.02SuperNullHey guys, what is the expected delay between a message file being written to the voicemail directory and the message waiting indicator being generated for the related user ?
13:43.16igcewielingSuperNull: a few seconds
13:44.16SuperNulloddly i can get calls through nat, but damn MWI doesn't clear. a keep alive is even being sent to keep the translation active.
13:49.42*** join/#asterisk Katty (
13:49.49Kattyinfobot: crittercam
13:49.49infoboti guess crittercam is Katty's Critter Cam
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13:50.38atanKatty, your street signs looks like what I have around here... where do you live?
13:51.14atanHmm. Text on page gives it away. I wonder if you're local to me. Hmmmmmm cute birds!
13:51.15Kattymissouri (=
13:51.42Kattyhopefully the squirrels will be about soon.
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14:09.59*** join/#asterisk RadJackson (
14:11.55RadJacksonHello , i make some automatic phonecalls , by placing ".call" files into /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing folder, every minute asterisk launch one file, only 30% of the calls works, the other 70% displays an error message saying  pbx_spool.c: Call failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing / devicestate.c: No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP- XXX
14:12.53*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
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14:14.11kaldemarRadJackson: did you look at the sip debug for such a call?
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14:16.09RadJacksonSorry , i am new to Asterisk , how can i see the sip debug?
14:16.46RadJacksonthrough the CLI it says failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing, and on the full log file it says No provider found, checking channel drivers for SIP- XXX
14:17.24WIMPySuperNull: None
14:18.40kaldemarRadJackson: you enable it in asterisk's CLI with "sip debug"
14:18.55kaldemarsorry, "sip set debug on"
14:19.05kaldemar"sip set debug off" disables it.
14:19.19nettiehi guys, I'm wondering is there's a way to "synchronize" the caller audible ringing tones with the actual network ones? As soon as I finish t odial a number using a sip device I can hear the ringing tone way before the phone I'm calling starts ringing. This is pretty annoying I rather prefer having silence during signalling processing before the actual destination phone starts rining. Anyone know if this behaviour is configurable? Thanks
14:20.43kaldemarnettie: it is your sip device that generates the tone for you. if it starts to generate it before it gets progress information, there's probably little you can do.
14:20.53WIMPyThat should be the normal way. Is it about local phones or where ere you calling to?
14:23.29nettiewell I'm calling from a polycom sip phone to a mobile phone via a BRI card
14:24.30RadJacksonkaldemar can i copy what sip set debug says ?
14:25.17RadJacksonpastebin [DOT] com/dvf5xbGJ
14:25.18WIMPynettie: In that case you probaly want progressinband=yes
14:26.16kaldemarRadJackson: you don't have to garble links that you paste here. :)
14:26.34RadJacksonOk sorry
14:27.40WIMPyRadJackson: Noone answered the call within the time you cave them.
14:27.44*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
14:27.45kaldemarpaste the debug for the whole call, not just a single message.
14:28.37igcewielingnettie: remove the "r" option from Dial if you use it
14:30.22RadJacksonWIMPy actually it's a little bit complicated, we place two .call files into outgoing folder, in order to leave a message directly into the voice mail
14:30.42RadJacksonboth .call files are executed at the same time , the first one hold the line busy , second gets directly into voice mail and leave a message
14:30.53RadJacksonit actually works , we have been testing 100% working
14:31.11WIMPyWhy do you need two files?
14:32.38RadJacksontwo call files ,calling same number, both has a WaitTime: 5 , when the first calls, after 1 second the second file does the same , the 1st stops , and the second leaves a message in the voicemail
14:32.50*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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14:33.35WIMPyI think I get the idea. Interesting thing. So it's normal for the 1st call to just time out.
14:34.07RadJacksonYes :) we have been experimenting this for like weeks , its working perfect :)
14:34.39RadJacksonbut when do place many call files , like 50 , which mean 25 numbers to call , it starts to cancel  some calls
14:36.17WIMPyHow are you calling out? Maybe you're too fast for your provider? Or have a channel limit?
14:37.37RadJacksonwe have got access to 5 calls simultenously , we use .call files , we place two files every minute
14:37.51RadJacksonwe do not think that it is a provider limit issue
14:38.36WIMPyOnly some more debugging can tell you.
14:38.42QwellRadJackson: So, your calls are only 2.5 minutes long?
14:39.16RadJacksonQwell the first file holds the line busy for 2 seconds , the second file Waits for silence and leave a message on the voicemail
14:39.24RadJacksonso both files are executed in less than 1 minute
14:39.37RadJacksonby file i mean ""
14:39.38WIMPyYou can send the call files to the dialplan instead of calling directly. That gives you the opportunity to place some Verbose() after the dial attempt.
14:43.16RadJacksonThe first .call file contains this :
14:43.36RadJacksonChannel: SIP/TRUNK/CustomerNumber  -  CallerID: XXXXXXXX  -  Context: MyContext  -  Extension: s  -  WaitTime: 5
14:43.39RadJacksonthe second :
14:43.51RadJacksonChannel: SIP/TRUNK/CustomerNumber  -  CallerID: XXXXXXXX  -  Context: MyContext2  -  Extension: s  -  WaitTime: 5
14:44.36Qwellwait, you're calling somebody, in order to block their line?
14:44.45QwellThat's super shady.
14:44.52RadJacksonNop in order to leave a message thru voicemail
14:45.07RadJacksonthe first call hold the line for 5 seconds
14:45.37RadJacksonMyContext : exten => s,1,NoOp( Start Call ) exten => s,2,WaitForSilence(2000) exten => s,3,PlayBack(/var/spool/asterisk/sounds/${AudioFile}) exten => s,4,HangUp()
14:45.54RadJacksonMyContext2 : exten => s,1,NoOp( Whatever extension to make line busy )- exten => s,2,HangUp()
14:46.00RadJacksonThats all
14:46.08QwellI'm pretty sure that's illegal in the US.  Just sayin'.
14:46.24RadJacksonmay be
14:46.45RadJacksonthe main purpose is to leave a message thru voicemail without bothering
14:48.30RadJacksonWhat are  the cases on which you get this error message :  Call failed to go through, reason (3) Remote end Ringing
14:48.57igcewielingRadJackson: when the far end does not answer
14:49.41WIMPyThat's what you should get for all "first" calls.
14:50.18RadJacksonwhy when i test on three numbers , it works perfect? i never see that error message, but only when i do massive calls
14:51.02Qwelligcewieling: I'd recommend not helping here.  If not for the questionable legality, for the shadiness...
14:51.20RadJacksonwe speak tech here
14:51.38igcewielingQwell: noted.   BTW, welcome to the Grumpy Tech Club.   [TK]D-Fender and I welcome you.
14:51.38RadJacksoni may do some experiments on my phones
14:51.41RadJacksonis that illegal?
14:51.57Qwelligcewieling: Please, I'm the founder. :p
14:52.16igcewielingQwell: I disagree, you are usually much less grumpy.  Here is your toaster oven.
14:52.41mjordanwait wait wait WAIT. You get a toaster oven???
14:53.25igcewielingmjordan: it is a Ellen DeGeneres reference
14:53.40RadJacksonthanks everyone for the help , i appreciate.
14:53.43mjordanAll I heard was "free toaster oven"
14:53.53mjordanlikes him some toast
14:53.54igcewielingmjordan: all you heard was "free"  8-)
14:54.02WIMPythought roaster oven was a reference to an EWSD :-)
14:54.16[TK]D-FenderI have a toaster.  I have an oven.  Why would I need a toaster oven?
14:54.29jrose_atDigiumRadJackson: If you are interested in learning the purpose of any given log message, reading the source a bit usually, ahhhh... he left.
14:54.33igcewielingI just have an oven.  It works fine for toast.
14:54.34*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
14:54.40[TK]D-FenderI also got a crock-pot as a company Christmas gift... wtf am I going to do with that?
14:54.49mjordanmake some bitchin soup
14:54.51Qwell[TK]D-Fender: are you kidding?
14:54.54Qwellcrock-pots are amazing.
14:54.57[TK]D-FenderQwell, nope.
14:54.59mjordanwhat *can't* you do with crock-pots
14:55.05Qwellmjordan: beef jerky
14:55.06igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: break it then you have your own crackpot?
14:55.17[TK]D-FenderQwell, Substantially less amazing when everything I cook is fast & easy .... and you're cooking for 1.
14:55.18mjordanigcewieling: well played
14:55.31[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, I already have crack-pots HERE :p
14:55.42Qwell[TK]D-Fender: what's easier than throwing a huge piece of meat and some water in, and ignoring it for a day?
14:55.47igcewielingtends to follow the George Carlin ideas on "stuff"
14:56.20Qwellalso, your house smells delicious for like 6 hours.
14:56.22[TK]D-FenderQwell, Not having to package and reheat the tons of leftovers validating the process requires.  And I can't grill on it.
14:57.34[TK]D-FenderQwell, it's still in it's box since December :)
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15:08.28igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: your best option!
15:09.37*** join/#asterisk sheebacatfood (
15:10.16caterwaulgood morning
15:10.36caterwaulthis isn't an asterisk question but voip-related. have any of you ever compiled your own version of csipsimple?
15:10.39*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
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15:15.33butthurtface700 isn't enough for a weekend hooker
15:15.46butthurtfacegenerally looking at $1200 for an overnighter with a mid-grade escort.
15:17.05caterwaulWhy don't you considering holstering it for a change you primitive lizard brain?
15:17.12*** join/#asterisk MLNoah (
15:22.59itgrlHow is everyone this morning?
15:23.47caterwaulon the cusp of making video tutorials from start to finish for asterisk + google voice + android
15:23.55caterwaultired of misinformation and bullshit
15:24.05caterwaulit took me WEEKS to get my server set up
15:26.20itgrljust make sure everything is properly licensed if talking about it in here.
15:26.43caterwaulhere we go again with the truman show
15:27.06caterwauli like open communication. you know--the nice thing about the internet? I don't like rules and limitations yet it's everywhere you go.
15:27.42[TK]D-Fendercaterwaul, If there weren't rules I'd have left a trail of bodies that would make Pol Pot blush.
15:27.53caterwaulmy girlfriend's Cambodian
15:28.05[TK]D-Fendercaterwaul, And there are rules.  Welcome to the real world.
15:28.22caterwaulyou can't talk about pol pot because it offends me. *feigns indignance*
15:28.34caterwaulso if there are rules
15:28.41caterwaullet's get on skype, jitsi, mumble, or ventrilo.
15:28.46caterwaulvoice is better, right?
15:29.10caterwaulhey fender
15:29.26caterwaulI uploaded a video today of me using my cell phone in my car with the g.729 codec. do you have a problem with that?
15:29.34navaismoseriously? Again... Don't feed the troll!
15:29.42caterwaulI mean what I say, navaismo
15:29.57caterwaul[23:49] <Andrew__> remember caterwaul?
15:29.59caterwaul[23:50] <Andrew__> I just talkied with him for 36 mins
15:30.01caterwaul[23:50] <Andrew__> he is NOT a troll
15:30.04caterwaul[23:50] <Andrew__> he is super passionate and awesome
15:30.16caterwauldon't ever use that disingenuous word again
15:30.47caterwaulthere's the video of me using the g.729 codec.
15:30.48[TK]D-Fendernavaismo, Indeed you should not call him a troll...
15:30.50caterwaulwant to make something out of it?
15:31.24*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*nirv@*2001 19f0:1619:c9::c805:4072] by Qwell
15:31.24*** kick/#asterisk [caterwaul!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (No, you should call him a jackass, instead.)
15:33.04igcewielinghugs his /ignore button
15:33.41[TK]D-Fendernavaismo, He is not a troll.  A troll does what he does just to get a rise out of you.  He is actually that much of an ignorant rude self-entitled delusional asshole. "It's not a lie .... if you believe it" - George Costanza
15:34.05butthurtfaceWow someone pissed off the herd.
15:34.14Greenlightlol he almost had it a full 30 mins before getting banned
15:34.23navaismo[TK]D-Fender, the buzz lightyear quote apply to him
15:34.41[TK]D-Fendernavaismo, Which?
15:34.42*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (
15:34.48butthurtfaceTo infinity and beyond?
15:34.52igcewielingbutthurtface: he has not spammed you via /msg yet?
15:34.57Qwell[TK]D-Fender: You are a sad, strange little man, and you have my pity.
15:35.00navaismoyes already does
15:35.11navaismoYes that Quote Qwell
15:35.18[TK]D-FenderQwell, o_O
15:35.23Qwell[TK]D-Fender: quote
15:35.27GreenlightHeh why's he /msg ing me ffs
15:35.35QwellGreenlight: yeah, he does that
15:35.45GreenlightBUt I kept quiet till he'd gone!
15:35.54MLNoahI have an Asterisk 11.2.1 server running a small office PBX.  The outside lines are PSTN into a Cisco SPA8800, which then connects via SIP to Asterisk.  There are 2 Cisco SPA525G2 phones that are the primary handsets, and 2 additional analog DECT phones (connected via SIP ATAs, one is the same SPA8800 that handles the FXO lines, and one is a Cisco SPA112 in another building) for roaming...
15:35.56QwellHe's probably messaging the channel.
15:35.56MLNoah...users.  If an incoming call gets answered by the SPA525G2 phones, the first few seconds of the call sound really soft and/or garbled, but then the rest of the call is fine.  If an incoming call gets answered by one of the DECT phones, the entire call is fine.  Changing jitterbuffer settings, codec availability, and upgrading firmware on the SPA525G2s hasn't helped.  Any suggestions what... try next?
15:35.59[TK]D-FenderQwell, Please actually quote it when you answer my question to someone else :)  especially for the context it implies!
15:36.10Qwellheh, sorry
15:36.16Qwell[TK]D-Fender: I thought about that after I sent
15:36.24navaismoah you guys always make me smile
15:36.39mjordanMLNoah: which channels have the jitter buffer assigned to them?
15:37.15igcewielingI suspect he is from EFNet and travelled to the present day from 2001
15:37.19[TK]D-FenderQwell, I had thought my preceding argument was entirely literate and accurate :)
15:38.10Qwelligcewieling: Hopefully he won't DDoS us then. :p
15:38.43igcewielingWhat makes you think he won't?
15:39.03[TK]D-FenderMLNoah, "soft" would imply that the level differnce for those DECT's is probably a better initial match for the EC on the 8800 to manage so it homes in faster
15:39.50MLNoahmjordan: my original config was no jitterbuffer on asterisk's SIP channels.  Also, Asterisk is remaining in the call path (directmedia = no), and the only audio problem is the leg from the SIP phone to the external lin.
15:40.04butthurtface[TK]D-Fender has always been helpful and nice towards me. No problems with him :)
15:41.09MLNoahit's kind of frustrating because it seems to be variable -- it's ranged anywhere from the user behind the SIP phone being completely inaudible to the external caller, to them sounding choppy & robotic (kind of like you get when you have a bad bluetooth connection to your cellphone)
15:41.22MLNoahand apparently on some calls it works reasonably well from the start.
15:43.57mjordanMLNoah: how are you applying the jitter buffer? Through the configuration, or through func_jitterbuffer?
15:44.03mjordani.e., JITTERBUFFER function
15:44.07MLNoahi tried through jbenable=yes in sip.conf
15:44.10mjordanah ha
15:44.33mjordantry enabling the jitter buffer by applying the JITTERBUFFER function on the SIP channel in the dialplan
15:44.51mjordanor, enable it on the DAHDI channels
15:44.52MLNoahat the moment my inbound dial is a ring-all strategy
15:44.56mjordanin their configuration
15:44.58MLNoahno DAHDI in this box.
15:45.10igcewielingisn't de-jittering a function of the ENDPOINT?
15:45.12MLNoahSIP to the SPA8800
15:45.23mjordanoic. Well, use the JITTERBUFFER function on the SIP channel instead of the configuration
15:45.27*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
15:45.44RahailHI every one pleaase dont get me wrong I asked already asterisk mailling list for some reason didnt got reply
15:46.28RahailI will pay for it if some one can make me a dialplan where if i have few trunks and trunk 1 call hit now i need to put delay interval not to send call this trunk for next x second or minute it need to use next trunk
15:46.38mjordanconfiguration application of jitter buffers apply them on the write side of the channel, which is rarely what you actually want. If you have a DAHDI channel bridged with a SIP channel, that means you have to set the jitter buffer (via config) on the DAHDI channel, as you need to de-jitter the jittered frames in the Asterisk core. The JITTERBUFFER function in 10+ puts the jitter buffer on the read side of the channel
15:46.57mjordanso you put the jitter buffer on the channel that actually has jitter, as opposed to every other channel in the system
15:47.29navaismoRahail, what?
15:47.46MLNoahso, since i'm ringing a bunch of different endpoints, I should change the two effected endpoints to be rung via a Local channel, so I can turn on JB just for those two channels?
15:47.58RahailI need to make a dilplan where that puts delay to send call to x trunk if call was process prvious
15:48.18mjordanMLNoah: or just put it on the SIP channel itself using the function. Then, whoever it dials doesn't matter
15:48.35apb1963navaismo: He wants to load balance his trunks
15:48.48Rahailnot loadblance
15:48.48mjordanIf you're dialing the SIP devices, in 11 you can apply the jitterbuffer via the function using pre-dial
15:49.33mjordanit lets you set properties on outbound channels, so you don't have to resort to Local channels and inheritance options
15:49.53mjordanspecifically, the lowercase 'b' option in Dial
15:50.13navaismohi apb1963
15:50.24MLNoahbut that's going to execute on each channel.  I'm using Dial(SIP/badphone1&SIP/badphone2&SIP/atathatworks1&SIP/atathatworks2,...)
15:50.41Rahailnavaismo can u o do it or apb1963
15:50.57mjordanwelp. You can either return if the SIP device being dialed isn't the one you want (string manipulation in the dialplan), or you could do what you said and use Local channels
15:51.06apb1963Rahail:  You're saying that if trunk 1 is hit, then to delay it's use for X seconds, and to use trunk 2 while trunk 1 is delayed.  Yes?
15:51.10navaismoRahail, well since i dont understan what you want then no... :)
15:51.10mjordanI'd probably do string manipulation myself, simply because Local channels add complexity (tm)
15:51.13apb1963Hello navaismo
15:51.20apb1963how're you?
15:51.22MLNoahright, ok.
15:51.25Rahailcan pm you
15:51.41mjordanMLNoah: of course, that all assumes that it really is jitter. Wireshark would tell you that too
15:51.44Rahailso ic na expalin you better i dont want flood the channel with my stuff
15:52.16navaismoapb1963, fine just trying to sell some PICMicros
15:52.29apb1963Rahail: No, I can't help you.  I don't know how to do it.
15:52.49apb1963Rahail: If it's that much information, then pastebin it
15:52.51*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
15:52.59MLNoahin older versions of Asterisk, I remember seeing the console output "Locally bridging" or "Remotely bridging" depending on whether it set up direct RTP.  But it doesn't look like this box is doing either... how do you tell if Asterisk is in the call path with 11?
15:53.06apb1963navaismo: Wish I could help you
15:53.24navaismoapb1963, dont worry no one cant help me, hehe
15:53.25apb1963navaismo: sales is a hard business
15:53.56apb1963especially computer sales... too much competition... margins are too slim.
15:54.20igcewielingMLNoah: 11.3:  -- Locally bridging SIP/ipmax-angiuli-bay-00021e50 and SIP/level3-00021e51
15:54.41igcewielingMLNoah: what verbosity level are you running at?
15:54.50MLNoahi think this is officially my "i hate IT" moment of the day.  verbose 3
15:54.55navaismoim so fat now
15:55.47MLNoaheven at verbose 5, all i get is     -- SIP/101-00000006 answered SIP/spa8800-fxo1-00000005 with no locally or remotely bridging data
15:56.12igcewielingMLNoah: on my systems the next line is the bridging line
15:56.32MLNoahyeah, that's where i was expecting it too.
15:56.40MLNoahblah.  i'll come back to it with more calories in my stomach.
15:56.49MLNoahthanks for the help, guys.
15:56.51apb1963So, I'm sending a message to asterisk using the manager interface... it's returning:  Response: Error Message: Extension does not exist.
15:57.11apb1963But... it does exist.  So.... how do I got about finding the problem?
15:57.45igcewielingapb1963: what CONTEXT is the extension in and what context are you specifying in your AMI request?
15:57.47navaismoshow us the entire output
15:58.31[TK]D-FenderActaull show us the entire INPUT
15:59.36apb1963igcewieling: hang on
15:59.48apb1963[TK]D-Fender: you too :)
16:00.46*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
16:00.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
16:01.31nettiesorry guys I went away. I solved with progressinband=yes and prematuremedia=no -- thanks!
16:02.49igcewielingapb1963: that is half the info I asked about?
16:03.03igcewielingQwell: good catch
16:03.13apb1963igcewieling: You're right... I only read the first half of the question
16:03.24igcewielingtypical freepbx mixing patterns
16:03.26apb1963I don't understand the "catch"
16:03.45QwellYour pattern and priorities don't make sense.
16:04.22*** join/#asterisk przerull (~philip@
16:04.50apb1963ok, I'm not seeing it
16:04.55navaismofirst line
16:05.04navaismoend with 1
16:05.15Qwellapb1963: What do you think Asterisk will think the priority is, on line 3 of your pastebin?
16:05.22przerullhello.  so I have to answer my inbound leg immediatly upon connection.  Is there a way to generate ringing that stops when we recieve progress from the outbound leg?
16:06.04navaismoapb1963, 860XXX1 then 860XXXX
16:06.07igcewielingnavaismo: that will work but it is a HORRIBLE thing to do and will only work for extensions ending in 1
16:06.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:06.15navaismoyes yes
16:06.16[TK]D-Fenderapb1963, Where is the complete AMI request?
16:06.28igcewielingnavaismo: typical freepbx style perversion of Asterisk's pattern matching
16:07.25apb1963[TK]D-Fender:  Are you in disagreement with what they;'re saying here?
16:07.43navaismono he want to see the AMI request
16:07.45igcewielingapb1963: please post your AMI request
16:07.45Qwell[TK]D-Fender: He can't agree or disagree.  He hasn't seen the failure.
16:07.47navaismoand also I
16:07.52navaismoand igcewieling
16:08.00apb1963ok.. that will take a few minutes to put together
16:08.07[TK]D-Fenderapb1963, I'm saying I don't care how stupid the dialplan you're showing is when I can't prove your request even looks in its general vicinity.
16:08.19igcewielingapb1963: do NOT change the telephone numbers
16:08.33navaismoapb1963, i want a sandwich
16:08.35apb1963I won't
16:08.42apb1963navaismo: you're getting fat
16:08.56navaismoim already fat like 100Kg
16:08.58apb1963give me a few minutes please
16:11.57QwellThere is no priority 1 for that extension.
16:12.03Qwellalso, Default?
16:13.30apb1963This was written in the 1800's... I'm trying to fix it for the current version.
16:13.56apb1963very good catch... I've stared at that for hours
16:14.17apb1963although I'm still scratching my head over your priority comment
16:14.34igcewielingapb1963: "(11:57:45 AM) igcewieling: apb1963: what CONTEXT is the extension in and what context are you specifying in your AMI request?"
16:14.48*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (
16:14.59apb1963good call igcewieling
16:15.06igcewielingapb1963: but it still won't work
16:15.15apb1963because the dialplan isn't right
16:15.42navaismoapb1963, 860XXX1 only will work for extensions 860[0-9][0-9][0-9]1
16:15.51igcewielingthe extension you specify8600052 will NEVER match 860XXX1
16:16.16apb1963so let me think about what I want
16:16.25*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
16:16.43apb1963Any reason I can't use use X instead of 1 there?
16:19.39navaismohmm? You can use the X. if you want [0-9] matching at the end too
16:22.17igcewielingapb1963: putting X there is the Correct Thing to Do
16:22.42*** join/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
16:22.47gnudnaHi guys
16:23.16apb1963thank you :)  what about the priority?
16:23.39apb1963I presume changing to X will fix the priority issue?
16:23.50gnudnaweird issue when i call an extension hang up and call back within 2 -3 seconds it seems to go straight to voicemail
16:24.11gnudnaeven though the phone all have 2 lines setup minimum
16:24.18navaismoapb1963, yes priority numbers are ok
16:24.54gnudnaanybody able to help or point in the right direction?
16:24.56[TK]D-Fendergnudna, pastebin the complete call CLI output : "core set verbose 10", "sip set debug on".
16:24.59infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:25.02apb1963thank you one and all :)
16:25.13gnudnaok Fender
16:25.17gnudnahold on please
16:29.31przerullhello.  so I have to answer my inbound leg immediatly upon connection.  Is there a way to generate ringing that stops when we recieve progress from the outbound leg?
16:31.03igcewielingprzerull: have you tried Ringing() ?
16:31.42igcewielingof course if the far end is busy then you get ringing followed by busy.
16:31.55przerulli'm ok with ringing followed by busy
16:32.14przerullthe issue is that i've already answered the inbound leg so ringing won't play anything
16:32.15gnudnaD-Fender is there a way to isolate the output for a specific extension?
16:32.29[TK]D-Fendergnudna, nothing reliable
16:32.47gnudnaok let me see if i can get the relevant section
16:33.01gnudnadoes not seem to be writing this to log file after i enabled dbug
16:33.09gnudnajust on the asterisk console
16:33.19przerullok so i was mistaken in that sence
16:33.27przerullringing will play after answer
16:34.00przerullbut what's happening is that the ringing stops once it gets put into a meetme conference
16:34.54przerullnow I can use the r option in the dial command that does my outbound leg
16:35.30przerullbut then the ringing plays past the progress from the far side (breaking early media) and plays until answer
16:36.16*** join/#asterisk polysics (~Adium@
16:36.37polysicshi there
16:37.17polysicsdoes anyone please know if /how it is possible to set up a menu for 1.8 ConfBridge so that the admin can kick users fro ma conf using DTMF?
16:37.39przerullhave you tried features.conf?
16:38.28polysicsI know 10/11 ConfBridge has menus you can put in confbridge.conf but it either doesn't work on 1.8 or the syntax is different
16:38.29*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
16:39.18polysicsbut there is no documentation at all about this stuff, at least that I could find
16:39.40mjordanpolysics: it isn't possible. ConfBridge was rewritten in 10.
16:40.02mjordanAnd there is documentation on ConfBridge on the Asterisk wiki which talks about ConfBridge in 10+
16:40.03polysicsmjordan: thanks, finally I find out :-)
16:40.19polysicsyes, the 1.8 version seems not documented but I understand why
16:40.38polysicsthanks, I just needed closure here
16:40.53polysicsmjordan: btw, I am Luca from the Adhearsion crew :-)
16:41.01*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
16:41.01mjordanah, hey there :-)
16:42.02mjordanYou might consider ConfBridge in 1.8 and prior versions as a proof of concept of the Bridging Framework. 10+ was taking ConfBridge to a fully featured application.
16:42.37polysicswe might be upgrading that project to 11 for other reasons, might as well chalk this up on the list too
16:43.43*** part/#asterisk ipiera (
16:43.50polysicsthe main issue here was not the feature being available or not, but finding out if it was :-)
16:44.19*** part/#asterisk przerull (~philip@
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16:54.29*** join/#asterisk pancho_jay (
16:54.46pancho_jayI need some help to setup my dialplan
16:55.03pancho_jaysomeone speaks spanish?
17:00.39*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
17:04.09igcewielingHas anyone seen this sort of message when trying to forward a VM to another mailbox from inside VoiceMailMain.   The destination mailbox is NOT full.  [2013-05-03 10:43:32] NOTICE[3776] app_voicemail.c: Mailbox '2114' is full with capacity of 100, prompting for another extension.
17:04.25igcewieling2114 is the dest mailbox
17:05.42igcewielingI think I see the issue, the Old folder has 99 messages.  I would expect the fwd'd message to be put in the new messages (INBOX) folder
17:09.38*** join/#asterisk lvlinux (
17:10.57*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
17:15.39blitzragedamnit, what the hell is the command to hangup a channel in 1.4? :)
17:16.18igcewielingblitzrage: soft<tab> maybe?
17:16.25blitzrageoh right
17:16.28blitzrageit's under soft, thanks
17:16.30igcewielingblitzrage: the memory is the 2nd thing to go.
17:16.55blitzrageI know... it's been literally several years since I've used 1.4
17:19.05navaismoYo pancho
17:20.44*** mode/#asterisk [+b *!*] by Qwell
17:20.47*** kick/#asterisk [sheebacatfood!~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell] by Qwell (sheebacatfood)
17:21.01navaismoCual es el problema pancho_jay ?
17:30.15*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
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18:04.05gnudna[TK]D-Fender, here is the pastebin sorry for the delay but got dragged into another issue.
18:04.52carrarFYI: It's issue free Friday
18:05.17gnudnaas stated seems calls go to voicemail if i call the same extension back to back.
18:05.40gnudnaphone in question is setup for 2 active lines
18:05.52gnudnabtw this seems to happen on all the xtensions i tested
18:06.04gnudnasome have 3 or 4 lines
18:10.45igcewielinggnudna: using IAX2 complicated things.  I see only one Dial line and I see the call ringing the SIP phone, then I see then caller hangup.
18:13.41*** part/#asterisk polysics (~Adium@
18:15.12gnudnaagreed but why the direct voicemail on second call
18:17.10*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
18:17.12pancho_jaynavaismo, perdon, estaba comiendo un asado ;)
18:17.15pancho_jaycomo estas?
18:19.30navaismouh provecho! bien gracias cual era el problema con el dialplan
18:20.03igcewielinggnudna: what line in your paste shows the call going to voicemail?
18:20.42pancho_jaynavaismo, la cosa es así.... tengo un proveedor SIP donde termino las llamadas, cuando se agota el saldo el me devuelve error SIP 503 circuit busy
18:21.07pancho_jayla idea es que mis clientes reciban un codigo de error que les permita reenrutar los llamados
18:21.15pancho_jaymis clientes son otras telcos
18:21.19*** join/#asterisk coppice (
18:21.27pancho_jaynavaismo, lo ves viable?
18:22.20navaismome suena a que necesitas un proxy sip
18:24.03pancho_jaynavaismo, mmm como sería eso?
18:25.42navaismonecesitas algo como kamalio par que maneje las respuestas, nunca lo he usado pero aqui y en google he visto mucho eso para rutear en base a los mensajes sip
18:26.08gnudnaigcewieling, im not seeing them in that pastebin
18:26.20igcewielinggnudna: then you have a bad pastebin
18:26.58igcewielingYou can disable iax and sip debug if you want.  We may need the information, but right now I just want to see the CLI showing the problem call
18:27.15pancho_jaynavaismo, se te ocurre como podria hacer un script para ver si el trunk esta caido o esta rechazando las llamadas?
18:27.19igcewielingyou have until our tech gets to the customer location then I have to concentrate on customer issues
18:27.37gnudnaigcewieling, thanks
18:27.52gnudnai will try to reproduce it again
18:29.37navaismopancho_jay, si tienes el Qualify activado podrias checar el status y en base a eso tomar otra linea, en el dial plan con el HANGUPCAUSE o DIALSTATUS tambien se puede, dependiendo de la version de tu asterisk puedes saber la respuesta SIP con HANGUPCAUSE o HASH(SIP_CAUSE)
18:29.46*** join/#asterisk k610 (
18:30.01pancho_jaynavaismo, buena idea
18:30.08pancho_jaytengo asterisk 1.8
18:30.15pancho_jaymis clientes y proveedor usan SIP
18:30.23navaismoese usa HASH(SIP_CAUSE
18:31.01gnudnai made 2 calls the second goes to voicemail after i hangup on the first one
18:31.14gnudnaso i call and it rings i hang up and call again voicemail
18:32.27igcewielingI still don't see the Asterisk voicemail application being run
18:33.34gnudnais verbose 10 enough?
18:33.43pancho_jaynavaismo, gracias!
18:33.48pancho_jaypor que usaria HASH?
18:34.02gnudnacause when i call i see the info scrolling but on my 2nd attempt i do not see anything in the console
18:34.08gnudnajust what i pasted for you
18:35.25gnudnacould this in sip.conf be causing the issue?
18:35.51navaismopancho_jay, lo que he leido es la forma de obtener el valor---> NoOp(SIP return code : ${HASH(SIP_CAUSE,${CDR(dstchannel)})})
18:35.59gnudnathis seems to fix callers on hold not getting dropped but im wondering if this causes the issue currently having?
18:38.51gnudnaactually to correct the ignoresdpversion=yes supposedly fixes the caller not getting lost when on hold
18:39.00gnudnabe ^
18:40.16gnudnaigcewieling, the phone does not even ring it just goes to voicemail as if it was not even available but i am able to use it to make outbound calls and dial internal extensions
18:42.42gnudnais there even a point to using iax2 when we are using a sip provider?
18:43.05gnudnaim trying to understand what needs to be cleaned up on this thing.
18:45.31igcewielinggnudna: How can it go to Asterisk's voicemail if there is no dialplan line being executed to run the Asterisk Voicemail application?
18:45.58gnudnaand yet it is doing exactly that
18:46.08igcewielinggnudna: not according to your pastebin
18:46.22igcewielingmaybe it is going to a provider's voicemail box?
18:46.24pancho_jaynavaismo, ok, gracias... brb. justo me llamaron para una reunion
18:46.40gnudnaigcewieling, i though of that but i get the voicemail i leave
18:47.10gnudnai get an email telling me i have voicemail and then i dial in and listen to it
18:47.16igcewielinggnudna: what you are claiming is not supported by your pastebin of the CLI.   Nothing I can do.  I wish you the best of luck.
18:47.39navaismode nada
18:48.01gnudnai guess nothing but looking at the actual configs can shed some light on this issue
18:48.19gnudnai inherited this system from previous admin
18:48.48gnudnai have zero asterisk knowledge except what im learning as i go.
18:48.54gnudnathank you anyways
18:50.20gnudnamight be better of starting from scratch
19:01.51*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
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19:54.08xcomgnudna: You can all ways hire a proffessional.
19:56.01gnudnaxcom trust me i have though of it
19:56.25gnudnabut im also trying to learn asterisk cause its pretty cool and well i will have to support this system at some point ;)
19:57.44*** join/#asterisk FonJockey (
19:57.52xcomnothing wrong with that :)
19:58.00xcomgood luck.
19:58.15gnudnai would love some hand holding though ;) to have some things explained
19:58.58xcomdont we all. google can hold your hand and more. (No not that you nasty!)
19:59.11*** part/#asterisk pancho_jay (
19:59.29xcomthis place is a good start
19:59.41xcomI cam here 2yrs ago.
19:59.53xcomHave not been able to leave.
19:59.56gnudnairc has always been my friend
20:00.14gnudnabut the #asterisk room is just the last month on and off
20:01.42infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:03.09*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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20:07.24gnudnathanks for the book reference
20:07.40gnudnawas looking for a good recommendation
20:08.09*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
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20:18.29xcomThats the best book EVER
20:18.49gnudnajust got the pdf
20:19.07gnudnasome light reading for the weekend ;)
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21:05.02j-fishI have a yealink phone,is it somehow possible to answer a call through some command?instead of actually pushing a button
21:11.59*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
21:13.23igcewielingj-fish: Ask Yealink
21:16.32sp3stupid question, how do I remove loopback mode from SPAN on TE420?
21:16.56sp3dahdi_tool gives only option to set loopback
21:17.31*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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21:21.30sp3guess I can reload the module, but I will reset all the channels...
21:23.31*** join/#asterisk madhatt (~madhatt@
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21:23.58madhatthey all, I'm looking for a cheap but good SIP trunk provider.  Hopefully pay per minute if possible, can you folks suggest anything?
21:24.09igcewielingI use Vitelity
21:24.27madhattalso, for those who heard my story yesterday about Snom phones using google analytics, Snom replied and asked that I direct these questions to marketing….  argh
21:24.41madhattthanks igcewieling I'll look into that
21:27.38ChrisInSydneymadhatt. I'll havea  chat to the Snom dude I deal with
21:28.13madhattright on, I really don't feel like contacting them but if you read my post on my website you'll see it seems pretty clear they are gathering some type of data from it's users :(
21:29.14ChrisInSydneythere is an ad thingy on the main page. AFAIK you can turn it off. There is also Snom Active for auto provisioning
21:30.17ChrisInSydneywoohoo Asterisk 11 is alive
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21:30.47madhatti'm on a snom 300, you should see google code in that model, I forget what firmware
21:30.54ChrisInSydney./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64
21:31.58ChrisInSydneymadhatt. Sounds a bit wierd. Have you run a wireshark / packet trace on it. You can probably pcap off the phone its self
21:33.59ChrisInSydneythere is also a wierd TCP port on them thats open. I've never worked out what they use it for
21:37.01madhattyeah, I did pcap it and I show that my laptop (after accessing the site) connects to IP which I "believe" is a google analytics IP
21:39.11ChrisInSydneywhats the connect string ??
21:39.30madhattnot sure, will have to recapture, one moment
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21:44.01madhattOk, so the first analytics software - here is the full request URI - Full request URI:
21:44.22madhattsecond analytics program - Full request URI:
21:44.41ChrisInSydneyspyphones !!!
21:45.50madhatthere is what I show if I follow the google TCP stream
21:45.50madhattGET /ga.js HTTP/1.1
21:45.51madhattConnection: keep-alive
21:45.51madhattCache-Control: max-age=0
21:45.51madhattAccept: */*
21:45.51ChrisInSydneyIs this when you access the web interface ??
21:46.02*** join/#asterisk madhatt (~madhatt@
21:46.11ChrisInSydneypatebin madhatt
21:46.30ChrisInSydneyduck liver patebin ;-)
21:46.43madhattk -
21:46.45ChrisInSydneyI just looked at the first one
21:47.02ChrisInSydneyis that when you browse the web interface ??
21:47.07madhattof the phone yes
21:47.20ChrisInSydneythats the add in the top of the home page
21:47.33ChrisInSydneyI think you can turn that off
21:47.56madhattumm… I'm not sure, I see that they ARE using google analytics and even got their UA # out of the code
21:48.10madhattbut I'm not a pro so I'm unsure
21:49.04ChrisInSydneyhome->preferences->Advertisment: on|off <--- use this one
21:49.15madhattok, I'll do that now and refresh and see what's the up
21:49.27ChrisInSydneymy guess
21:50.16madhattthat's it.  Once I turn that off, not only does the banner disappear but my browser is no longer showing the analytics code… still… kinda shady in my opinion
21:50.56ChrisInSydneyyes and no
21:51.03ChrisInSydneyby no, I mean yes
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21:51.26ChrisInSydneybut its their phone firmware, I guess they can do with it what they want
21:51.52ChrisInSydneyif you dont like it, buy something else.
21:52.02ChrisInSydneytrouble is, it limits your choices
21:52.16ChrisInSydneyYealink Yea right !
21:53.07ChrisInSydneyif you have enough handsetsm you can manage them via Snom Active and set myour default features up
21:54.01ChrisInSydneythey aren't uploading configurations or SIP authentication hashes
21:54.07madhattright on… well I'll stop beating that dead horse!  I really like Snom phones though..
21:54.45igcewielingmadhatt: you should have changed it to your own Google Ads account 8-)
21:55.00ChrisInSydneybest ones for hacking and fiddling with. Lots and lots of options.
21:56.54ChrisInSydneyBTW, the Voip USers Conference bridge is stil up.
21:57.22ChrisInSydneyg722, 711a 711u support
21:57.38ChrisInSydneycall in sand say Hi. Im the only one here though
21:58.58*** join/#asterisk xcom (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
22:12.54navaismowhy sending dtmf via call file to sip device, when the device answer cant hear the dtmf but sending a message via playback it work?
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22:42.14WIMPygets a timeout trying to reach
22:42.16ChrisInSydneyBTW, the Voip USers Conference bridge is stil up. dial(SIP/ g722, 711a 711u support
22:42.37ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: Hey
22:43.20ChrisInSydneyexten => 882,1,dial(SIP/
22:44.12WIMPyDon't mention conferences. That makes me think about a part of my to-do list I had displaced.
22:44.34ChrisInSydneyThe VUC bridge is still up
22:45.08ChrisInSydneyI'm it. Everyone else has either gone to bed (EU or gone to the pub US)
22:45.42ChrisInSydneyso what are you up to ??
22:46.24FreeaqingmeChrisInSydney, pubs in the eu  are still open ;)
22:46.33WIMPyJust cam bach from a BBQ.
22:46.43WIMPyFreeaqingme: Definitely.
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23:05.44atanCan you use Skype Connect to get a SIP profile for inbound/outbound Skype calls (not PSTN gateway) for a set Skype username?
23:08.09WIMPyWasn't Skupe Connect Skype without Skype? But their sales team should be able to tell you.
23:15.28ChrisInSydneyVUC bridge is still up and my Samba still isnt working across the WAN
23:17.17ChrisInSydneySamba is working
23:40.05igcewielingatan: it is seldom worth your time to try connecting to services which actively try to prevent you from connecting to them -- like Skype
23:41.09igcewielingFor example, Skype either yanked the license Digium had or refused to renew it.
23:41.39eirirssounds like microsoft was behind it
23:41.51igcewielingWhy reward a company who are jerks?

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