IRC log for #asterisk on 20130502

00:18.59*** join/#asterisk _mnathani_ (
00:19.40igcewielingMicc: Are you SURE SIP ALG and SPI is disabled on your NAT router?
00:20.26igcewielingAlso make sure to disable any NAT features on the ATA and set nat=yes on Asterisk and don't forward any ports on the NAT router.
00:22.27igcewielingyour nat router should then fixup the port for you when the packet is translated out
00:22.41igcewieling(using standard nat rules)
00:32.28*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
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01:09.41*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
01:09.46infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
01:10.40RahailHI can some one help me understand this debug log
01:10.56Rahailwhen point a try to register with poin b via iax2 on point a i see this however this dont regsiter
01:11.02Rahailwhat am I missing
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01:21.56Rahailhow can i fix that i keep seeing it on iax2 debug however i am not able to make point a register with point b
01:36.52*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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01:48.24Rahailany one is good at iax2 when cna guide to this error
01:58.49*** join/#asterisk darkbasic_ (
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02:12.34igcewielingRahail: so few people use IAX2 you might want to search the mailing list archives or check the Asterisk Book
02:13.57Rahaili did still trying to find
02:17.53igcewielingwhy not use SIP?
02:18.06Rahailsip is block
02:18.18Rahailplus with iax2 trunk we save bandwith
02:30.12Rahailon mailing every on recomendation i try no luck
02:31.58*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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05:47.22igcewieling2andrewyager is collaborating with that nutjob caterwaul
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07:48.11atanI am trying to track down the source of "ERROR[27752]: config_options.c:495 aco_process_config: Attempting to process uninitialized aco_info" but so far I've only found AOC, not ACO... anyone know where I should be looking?
07:49.35atanLooking in config_options.c I see if (!info->internal) { ast_log(LOG_ERROR, "Attempting to process uninitialized aco_info\n");, but I'm not sure what exactly it's looking for
07:54.56*** join/#asterisk hebber (
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08:46.33Tujuany idea why my INVITE packets are sent but i get no response packets from remote proxy?
08:46.50Tujucould it be that some response header is wrong and those are sent to wrong direction?
08:50.11*** join/#asterisk bruce__ (~bruce__@
08:50.13bruce__hey guys
08:50.51kaldemarTuju: are you sending from behind a NAT?
08:50.52bruce__I have a question... do you need to install Asterisk in order for two SIP phones to talk to each other or can a simple SIP server work?
08:51.06Tujukaldemar: no, all are public addresses.
08:51.12bruce__something like opensips
08:51.32Tujubruce__: you can call directly between phones too.
08:51.37Tujuno proxy required.
08:51.46*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
08:52.09Tujuyou just need to use more accurate sip urls when placing the call.
08:52.19bruce__Tuju, how will someone talk to my phone though?
08:52.29bruce__there needs to be DNS SVR recs and stuff
08:52.45Tujuyou asked is it possible, i said yes.
08:53.32Tujui've done it, but i assume that you're thinking some other setup and the answer is no, it doesn't work.
08:53.40atankaldemar, you keen fellow, might you have any idea about my "aco_process_config: Attempting to process uninitialized aco_info" when reloading a semi-simple Asterisk 11.3 install?
08:54.09bruce__so do you need Asterisk for SIP-to-SIP calls?
08:54.15Tujubruce__: no.
08:54.38bruce__whats the purpose of asterisk then?
08:54.40Tujutake a eth cross-over cable, hook it between phones and dial. other will ring.
08:54.43kaldemaratan: no.
08:54.54atankaldemar, drat, thanks anyhow :-)
08:55.20Tujubruce__: i think mostly the internet and all bubblecum solutions it has, like NAT, DHCP, firewalls etc.
08:55.38*** join/#asterisk RadJackson (
08:56.11Tujubruce__: if you make a question "does it work" and it's related to 10 zillion transistors and few hundred network configs and boxes, it's quite hard to figure out what you're actually thinking.
08:56.11kaldemarbruce__: it provides features that phones don't have.
08:56.12bruce__what is bubblecum?
08:56.21RadJacksonHello, i am placing a .call file into /outgoing/ folder in order to make an automatic dial, sometimes it works, sometimes it says  "Call failed to go through, reason (8) Congestion (circuits busy)" , what does it mean? sorry i'm an asterisk beginner
08:56.41Tujubruce__: SIP-protocol is not stopping you. most likely the environment where you're trying it is.
08:56.41kaldemarRadJackson: define "placing"
08:57.28RadJacksonmv mycallfile /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing
08:57.29bruce__Tuju, umm... I want a SIP identify to be an email address... something like but I don't want to configure Asterisk
08:58.16kaldemarRadJackson: congestion can happen for many reasons. you'd need to take a closer look at the interface you use for dialing. what is the channel?
08:58.20Tujuthat's already more complex than 'call between two phones'
08:58.31bruce__I'm trying to figure this out
08:58.44Tujuwhy not asterisk, it's like apache httpd, simple once you get it.
08:58.57bruce__so the sip phone will look up DNS srv records right?
08:59.15Tujui think it might, but those are not required.
08:59.23Tujuyou can use also
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08:59.33bruce__oh I see
08:59.34Tujuit reads in sip rfc
08:59.55bruce__so it automatically justs connects to sip.blah blah
09:00.22Tujuit's bit more hairy than that.
09:00.29Tujuinstall centos
09:00.35Tujuyum install asterisk\*
09:00.40Tujuedit sip.conf and extensions.conf
09:00.42Tujuyou're done.
09:00.54RadJacksonkaldemar , the channel is : Channel: SIP/TRUNK/NUMBERTODIAL
09:00.55bruce__but do you need asterisk for that to work?
09:01.02bruce__will something like opensips work?
09:01.09Tujumostly because firewalls and NAT.
09:01.27Tujuit keeps record where the damn phone is that is supposed to ring when you call.
09:02.11kaldemarRadJackson: you'd need to see sip debug of a failing call to know what's going on. then ask the other end why they fail your call.
09:02.51Tujuyou may thank the asswipes who kept extending internet with ipv4 instead moving to v6 that is going to happen sooner or later anyway.
09:04.06RadJacksonok thank you kaldemar
09:04.15kaldemarbruce__: asterisk is not a requirement for SIP in any way. you may choose what ever server solution you wish.
09:05.04bruce__kaldemar, so if I install opensips and connect to it with a sip phone and try and call other sip identity will it work?
09:07.04*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
09:07.19Tujubruce__: you're asking too generic questions.
09:07.27bruce__ya I know
09:07.38bruce__it's because I'm still learning about VOIP
09:07.40Tuju"if i join to amnesty, will it give world peace?" - well, it depends.
09:07.41bruce__just messing around
09:07.53bruce__ok what does this depend on?
09:08.06Tujuwell that's nice. we're just trying to help you, that is, wasting our time.
09:09.12kaldemarbruce__: opensips is known to work.
09:09.23bruce__kaldemar, ok sweet
09:09.57bruce__kaldemar, you see I want something smaller than asterisk so I don't get pw3d
09:10.12bruce__because I don't completely understand asterisk yet
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09:13.09kaldemarbruce__: configuring opensips is not necessarily any easier.
09:13.23bruce__haha really?
09:13.35bruce__does it have all that asteriskie stuff too?
09:13.48kaldemaryour question makes no sense.
09:14.22bruce__asterisk seems to be a shit ton of stuff right?
09:14.33bruce__can opensips do everything that asterisk can?
09:19.16kaldemarbruce__: no.
09:19.44bruce__then it does not have all the assteriskie stuff then
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10:49.46*** join/#asterisk Onyx47 (~onyx@
10:50.19*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
11:04.15*** join/#asterisk rampage21 (~root@
11:04.19rampage21heya peeps
11:04.45rampage21have any experience with e164 number conversion?
11:04.50rampage21and snom ip phones?
11:05.54*** join/#asterisk evilsk4ter (~evilsk4te@
11:06.45infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
11:08.03din3shhey all
11:08.06din3shwhat would this mean?
11:08.08din3shDEBUG[24991] channel.c: Didn't receive a media frame from DAHDI/i1/271154676-918a within 500 ms of answering. Continuing anyway
11:11.18rampage21I'm trying to have numbers with the country code in front (+) converted to 00
11:11.35rampage21I've been doing stuff with active directory and ldap
11:11.48rampage21have an ou with gazillions of contacts
11:12.07rampage21just the phone seems to have an issue with dialing the numbers because of the + in front
11:12.40*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
11:13.25WIMPyI'm very sure the phone won't care.
11:13.40rampage21they do
11:14.02rampage21someone here had the same issue and had to create a dial plan that did that
11:14.09ectospasmIf you don't have a + in your dialplan patterns, it won't work
11:14.21rampage21how do I create such a dial plan?
11:14.40WIMPyWhy do you set a dialplan at all?
11:14.42ectospasmexten => +NXXXNX.,...
11:15.00ectospasmOh, you meant digit map.
11:15.01rampage21ectospasm, is that done on the ip phone or asterisk server?
11:15.06ectospasmit doesn't need to go on that.
11:15.11rampage21on what?
11:15.14ectospasmrampage21: that goes in extensions.conf
11:15.17ectospasm...on Asterisk
11:16.04WIMPyOn the phone I'd just delete it. Seems to be the only safe choice.
11:16.24Onyx47hello, does AEL support return values in macros? I did find an example where you can use c-style "pointers" by defining a macro as macro myMacro(*return) and it works fine, but it's a bit of a pain if I only have one return value...
11:17.56rampage21ectospasm, I'm lost
11:18.04rampage21ectospasm, someone told me that they created it on the snom
11:18.38ectospasmI don't know much about Snom phones
11:19.05rampage21thanks though
11:20.38*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
11:20.50WIMPyWhat exactely is your issue?
11:22.50din3shcreate what on snom phones?
11:22.55din3shi have a couple of snoms
11:23.29din3shhey WIMPy
11:23.37WIMPyHi din3sh
11:23.54din3shhwz it going?
11:24.35WIMPySpending too much time trying to find out what to do first :-(
11:25.58ectospasmprioritize (-;
11:26.16rampage21din3sh, awesome
11:26.33rampage21they complain when they try to dial nums with +27
11:26.36rampage21in front
11:27.01bulkorok+ is not a number...
11:27.14rampage21so it needs to be converted
11:27.18rampage21to 00
11:27.24bulkorokso... tell them to dial numbers...
11:27.37WIMPyWhy do you want to convert them?
11:27.55rampage21it won't dial
11:27.58din3shWIMPy: debugging going on?
11:27.59*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (tm1000@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe70:fce6)
11:28.04WIMPyJust add a pattern that fits to your dialplan as ectospasm suggested.
11:28.17bulkorokwell... open the door... shout out loud "don't use the + in the numbers you want to dial!" shut the door, and take a coffee :-)
11:28.30rampage21WIMPy, how do I do that on Elastix?
11:28.48din3shwhy would you want to dial + from a snom phone?
11:29.11WIMPyrampage21: The same way as you add other patterns (routes? whatever).
11:29.29rampage21like this kak
11:29.38bulkorokthis is my opinion... no one would use a plus to dial to the "real" pstn wotrld and gets angry if it won't work
11:29.44rampage21din3sh, cause it gets that from ad
11:30.09din3shwhich ad?
11:30.19rampage21active directory
11:30.26rampage21via ldap
11:30.37WIMPybulkorok: Why not? I only use numbers in that format as it's the only format that's not ambigous.
11:30.57din3shoh ok
11:31.11bulkorokwell not every carrier uses e.164 :-(
11:31.21din3sh+ is not a number
11:31.25din3shformat your AD
11:31.33WIMPydin3sh: How does that matter?
11:31.52WIMPyNoone says that phone numbers have to be numbers, do they?
11:31.52rampage21I just spent ages adding a plus in front of the numbers because "it has to be like that"
11:32.00din3shok I tried to have a click to dial stuff on Lotus notes
11:32.18din3shto detect numbers stating with +
11:32.27din3shyou have to have a regex
11:32.27bulkorokso... two options... make an extensions that turns + to 00 if that is what your carrier wants... or change your AD .-)
11:32.37WIMPyNot even the PSTN has the restriction to digits. Even though your provider most probably filters everythign else.
11:32.53rampage21bulkorok, how do I do the converting to 00
11:33.12din3shwhat happens when you try to call?
11:33.25din3shextension not found in context blahblah?
11:33.44bulkorokexten => +.,1,Dial/yourprovider/00{EXTEN:1}
11:33.48rampage21all circuits are busy now
11:34.10din3shstrip off the + as bulkorok saying
11:34.29din3shyour asterisk box is dialing the +?
11:34.32WIMPyIt even looks like the Snom can do a replace. I never tried that. I prefer to configure things on the server, not on the phone.
11:34.55bulkorokWIMPy: agree
11:34.56rampage21WIMPy, how can I get the phone to conver it?
11:35.05rampage21that's what I'm needing to do
11:35.07rampage21on the phone
11:35.33WIMPyRead that wiki page you have been given and try it out.
11:35.35din3shwould simpler on asterisk though
11:35.42*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:35.49WIMPyBut I'd recommend doing it on the server.
11:36.01din3shwhat number is asterisk dialing?
11:36.07rampage21that stuff on the wiki is not working
11:36.12infobot[elastix] a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
11:36.33bulkorokif no body even mentioned that!
11:36.54WIMPyOr maybe better upgrade to real Asterisk.
11:37.01bulkorokmmh... interesting space between no and body...
11:37.37din3shelastix aint that bad
11:38.30WIMPyhasn't heard anythign good about any GUI.
11:38.47WIMPyI'd like to know how usable the Switchvox thing is.
11:39.02din3shbut the scripts in elastix tend to complicate things
11:39.16rampage21ag fuck
11:39.30rampage21I'll give you $1 via paypal if you help
11:39.41bulkorokWIMPy: just because switchvox is from digium it isn't guarenteed that it works better than other guis I suppose
11:40.13din3shI had a look at switchivox's gui
11:40.40WIMPybulkorok: Sure. But I'd hope they made use of some of the features that have been added at lower level.
11:41.06WIMPyis more interested in the functionality than the configuration.
11:41.14bulkorokI see
11:42.02din3shi have installed an elastix system
11:42.18din3shbut ended up writing my own php/mysql based gui
11:42.49WIMPyOne of the many things I started but never finished :-(
11:43.23din3shif u used realtime configs, its pretty straight forward
11:43.40rampage21slaps din3sh with a large fish
11:43.41din3shmuch much simpler than freepbx and elastix
11:43.47WIMPyWell, I do use genereted configs, but I wantd to make it multi-tennant with self-service.
11:43.54rampage21slaps bulkorok with a large fish
11:44.13din3shrampage21, up ur bid, $1 aint working
11:44.33rampage21I'm too poor
11:44.44din3shyou're complicating things for urself
11:44.56rampage21this is all the options I have
11:45.08din3sham pretty sure stripping the + in your dialplan is simply
11:45.30rampage21I can't figure it out
11:45.47rampage21so din3sh can you give me the exact copy-n-paste
11:46.20din3shmind you my configs are full of bugs
11:46.37rampage21I need one that works
11:46.53rampage21I've already tried rm -fr / but that did not work
11:46.59WIMPydoes it with loopback switches.
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12:05.21*** join/#asterisk James87 (~wiv@unaffiliated/james87)
12:05.39James87does anyone know if it possible to 'capture' FSK signals that are send to my Asterisk (freepbx) ?
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12:06.30WIMPyWhat kind/in what situation?
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12:07.09WIMPyMind you that we can only answer if Asterisk can do it. To find out if FreePBX can be configured to do so, you have to ask in #freepbx.
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12:08.27James87customer has personal alamr boxes, they send some kind of FSK out
12:08.56James87they use it for signaling
12:09.17James87when i let asterisk answer the call i only hear beeps but i don't know what to do with it
12:10.45WIMPyCould be anything. If you're really lucky AlarmReceiver could fit.
12:11.29James87not familiar with that, is it a software package?
12:11.49WIMPyIt's an Asterisk dialplan Application.
12:12.39James87ok, i'll google it, thnx!
12:13.49*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
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12:15.29_abc_can someone point out how one deals with cisco tftp phone configs of the signed kind? SEPxxx.cnf.xml.sgn?
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12:15.37_abc_I can find nothing online about this.
12:15.43_abc_And yes this is for asterisk use.
12:19.58janellebHi all, I've installed * 1.8 and chan_dongle successfuly (* detects the device), but I don't know how to initiate a call (i.e. make a call outside). How do I make a call? sorry I'm an Aserisk newbie.
12:25.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
12:25.11WIMPyjanelleb: You have to create some extension and call it. Did you read the
12:26.46*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
12:27.32janellebIf you mean the "Asterisk the Definitive Guide, 3rd edition" yep I'm working through the book now. I've created an extenion, but I don't know what command to do at CLI> to make a call.
12:28.09WIMPyUsually you use a phone to make a call.
12:28.21WIMPyFrom the CLI you can use 'channel originate'.
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12:29.19janellebWIMPy: is asterisk not suitable for a completely autonomous app? i.e. the only calls made will be scheduled and will only play a recording.
12:29.23WIMPy(channel originate doesn;t even need a dialplan)
12:30.14WIMPySee above. Other options are call files or AMI originate.
12:30.49janellebWIMPy: ok thanks I had read about CLI> channel originate, I'm not sure what the other two are. I'll be back to IRC real soon.
12:31.40WIMPyThe book should at least cover call files.
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12:43.15jeffspeffgood mornin asteriskers
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12:52.31janellebWIMPy: Does the following CLI output mean that I messed up in configuring channels? i.e. are there no channels on my asterisk right now?
12:53.21WIMPyNo active channels, i.e. non carrying a call.
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13:10.37pabelanger<caterwaul> ALREADY HAPPENING with SHITTY ops like Qwell banning and censoring people. FUCK YOU. He's an ENEMY.
13:10.42pabelangerlook what you have done
13:11.43*** join/#asterisk afournier (~admin@
13:11.43tzangerlooks at the channel name again
13:20.29[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger, Yeah, I got much of the same yesterday
13:20.39[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger, As did several others
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13:24.13leifmadsenpabelanger: hawt
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13:51.38igcewielingandrewyager is collaborating with that nutjob caterwaul
13:52.12[TK]D-Fender(1st guy)
13:52.44[TK]D-FenderThere he is...
13:52.46[TK]D-Fender00:10.18*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
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13:54.30eirirssame shit, different hosts, I guess?
13:54.47[TK]D-Fenderas tm1000 informed me caterwaul had spun up a shitload of linodes worth of proxies and is abn-evading
13:55.20[TK]D-FenderVery probably the same guy
13:55.42igcewielingI changed my nick last night to try to avoid caterwaul and he /msg'd me a paste of andrewyager  telling him I changed my nick
13:55.55igcewielingIt takes a lot of energy to be that angry, eventually he'll run out.
13:55.56[TK]D-Fender23:41.49*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
13:56.21eirirsmaybe he just needs professional help
13:56.24igcewielinghas anyone complained to Ircops?
13:56.31GreenlightWhat was the guy so angry about?
13:56.51igcewielingGreenlight: he got banned because he was asking about the pirate g729 codec
13:57.01GreenlightOh same old then
13:57.09GreenlightSeen that argument so many bloody times in here
13:57.26igcewielingQwell could have been a tad nicer about it, but I fully support his actions and Digium's policy.
13:58.06GreenlightAnd then the guy just flipped by the sounds of it?
13:58.07[TK]D-FenderHe was rather quick on cutting him out...
13:58.19WIMPyNow we know how such things start. Sometimes they end by someone flying an airplane in to an office building.
13:58.26[TK]D-Fenderbut then the reaction he made created all the justification one could require
13:58.39[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, yes, completely flipped his shit
13:58.56GreenlightSounds like I missed all the fun ^^
13:59.18igcewielingI am against ANYTHING which might in any way cause issues with Digium's ability to sell g729 codecs.
13:59.52*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
14:00.11GreenlightYou're against fatter internet pipes? :)
14:00.40igcewielingGreenlight: even if nobody wants to buy them I want Digium to be able to sell them.
14:00.41*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
14:01.39igcewielingDigium paid a massive amount of money for the right to sell g729 codec licenses (several years ago I heard from someone involved they expected it to take 10 years to recoup their initial license costs)
14:02.08[TK]D-FenderI am against idiots who upon being shut down start acting like an entitled whiny bitch swearing revenge against everything * related saying to thank Qwell for it....
14:02.22igcewielingI have no problem criticizing Digium on a wide variety of topics, but g729 licenses is not one of those topics.
14:02.46[TK]D-FenderAs I said he was out looking for * stuff to pirate and asked me for targets.  The one he showed me first .... for a FREEPBX PAID MODULE.
14:06.11igcewielingThat is like asking a cop where to buy weed.
14:07.24WIMPyI guess they only know sources for alcohol or cocaine.
14:08.08igcewielingWIMPy: [tk] is heavily involved in FreePBX
14:09.35*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
14:10.00WIMPydidn't even know they had paid options.
14:10.19atanWhen I reload Asterisk I see " ERROR[28088]: config_options.c:495 aco_process_config: Attempting to process uninitialized aco_info ", anyone know what that might be from or how I might resolve it?
14:10.22igcewielingthere are commercial modules for some stuff
14:10.36igcewielingusually advanced features
14:15.03WIMPyGood afternoon.
14:21.28chuckfnighty night
14:21.51WIMPyDamn. That was a short day.
14:22.05chuckfbut productive
14:24.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:26.27atanCan one use chan_skinny over a WAN similar to how one uses SIP, without any trouble?
14:27.51acidfuit's a tcp/ip connection
14:28.23atanI've _never_ used skinny before. I know nothing about it. Does the phone identify with a login, or does it look it up by MAC...?
14:29.32acidfuit doesn't use a login/password
14:29.43acidfuand it doesn't use the MAC adress from the ethernet frame
14:30.05acidfuthe skinny protocol is sending a SEP-MAC-ADDRESS inside the tcp/ip connection
14:30.35igcewielingatan: I believe Asterisk's SCCP/Skinny does not support NAT, but you should confirm that.
14:30.47atanSo it's all based on the mac of the device then, right? So on a public WAN, if Asterisk was not filtering connections... anyone who knows the MAC of the phone could spoof the connection if they wanted?
14:30.48acidfuI don't think either
14:30.49igcewielingIt may have changed at some point to support NAT.
14:30.59atanigcewieling, thanks for the tip on that. VERY good to know :-)
14:31.02acidfuatan, yes
14:31.03igcewielingatan: Correct!
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14:33.30acidfuatan, and if you want to try an alternative implementation you can try this one:
14:34.16atanty ty ty
14:34.34igcewielingyou could also use phones from a company which actually wants your business.
14:35.11acidfuwhich means ?
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14:35.53Qwellleifmadsen: caterwaul released a copy of your book, for free on the Internet.
14:36.01Qwelloh noes!
14:36.10atanigcewieling, was that a stab at Cisco? hah, I feel ya
14:36.56atanQwell, you know much about aco_process_config?
14:37.10Qwellatan: no
14:37.14atanCrud :D
14:37.22atanKnow where I could look?
14:37.23igcewielingacidfu: Cisco wants you to use CCM with their Cisco phones.   They leave features out of their SIP firmware, they want to charge you for firmware upgrades, they do not document the SCCP/Skinny protocol
14:37.40acidfuah, true
14:38.01atan^ my biggest tickoff with Cisco is not allowing a sidecar on the SIP firmware, GAH!
14:38.04igcewielingatan: I like Cisco, but for PHONES they are user hostile if you are not paying for their expesive call manager platform.
14:38.08acidfubut it's fun to remove a CCM and use ASterisk instead when you already have a bunch of phones ;)
14:38.38atanWhat other nifty phones, perhaps older, are similar to the IP 79xx series from Cisco?
14:38.43igcewielingI have no interest in using products from a company which actively discourages it.
14:39.13atanI would have to guess Polycom has something, I just haven't had anything beefy from them I like yet :(
14:39.19leifmadsenQwell: oh no! not for free?!
14:39.20igcewielingatan: Polycom, Cisco SPA series, Digium also has phones but they have not been out for all that long so community support is lacking.  Digium does support their phones however.
14:40.00atanWho makes the Digium phones? Poly?
14:40.22Qwellatan: Digium.
14:40.38atanOh really? It's not like Cisco conference phones from Polycom?
14:41.09atanSick. I can get behind that! On eBay looking now (or is there a better source?)
14:41.12atanAnd do they use SIP?
14:41.29QwellYou could buy them from pretty much any Digium reseller.
14:41.42Qwellor Digium directly, for that matter
14:41.47igcewielingDigium seems to be highly motivated to get people to use their phones, so I imagine they have decent support for them.
14:41.49atanOh this D70 looks awesome so far :D
14:42.03atanWell Digium hasn't done me any wrong so far, what's to lose!?
14:42.21atanIs it just the D40, D50, and D70 phones right now?
14:42.24*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
14:42.26igcewielingatan: you must have never used their older PSTN cards 8-|
14:42.34Qwellatan: I'll even give you the Qwell guarantee.  If the phones eat any small children, I will personally refund your money.
14:42.35atan...nope, all ITSP here! :-)
14:44.05igcewielingatan: if you are trying to decide which phone to standardize on, get a Polycom, and SPA, and a Digium and see which one you like.
14:44.29atanI would always assume the Digium phones will work with Asterisk without any issue :D hahaha
14:44.57igcewielingatan: A 10 year old Grandstream phone will work with Asterisk, that doesn't mean you want to use them.
14:45.11mmlj4I hear little about aastra... are they junk?
14:45.13igcewielingIt all depends on your requirements and expectations
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14:45.46atanDo the D phones have a web interface for management? Do they pull configs from TFTP?
14:46.11Qwellatan: With DPMA (an Asterisk module), it can be configured right from Asterisk.
14:49.05[TK]D-Fenderatan, they support flat files, DPMA, and web config
14:49.15Kattyfender bender.
14:49.25[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
14:50.57atanOkay let the fun begin... where is the cheapest place I'll find a D70 to play with?
14:51.34atanAnd yes feel free to solicit me for money
14:51.43Kattyd20 is as big a roll as you can get!
14:51.53WIMPyDigiums online store?
14:52.03atanThey ship to Canada?
14:52.10WIMPyAnd in addition to the mentioned list, I'd also get a Snom.
14:52.16Kattyrolls initiative
14:53.37atanDo other phones support visual voicemail?
14:54.15WIMPythe real question is how well Asterisk is documented in that area.
14:54.25Kattywait, asterisk is documented?!
14:54.29Kattyleifmadsen must be doing his job.
14:54.37Kattyputs book on head, attempts osmosis.
14:54.41leifmadsenit's all a sham
14:54.53Kattya Sham WOW.
14:54.53WIMPyI tried to do it on the Snom, but I don;t know if there's a safe way to delete messages from other applications.
14:55.00Kattyshamwows leifmadsen
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14:55.17Kattyleifmadsen: also, i've been drinking more water.
14:55.22leifmadsenKatty: well done
14:55.26Kattyleifmadsen: and i pulled off my 108 squats last night without getting thirsty.
14:55.27SuperNullhey guys.
14:55.27leifmadsenI've been drinking water, and being sick
14:55.31Kattyleifmadsen: ya'll might be onto something
14:55.35leifmadsenKatty: nice! I suck at squats
14:55.43leifmadsenhydrate constantly! :)
14:55.47Kattyleifmadsen: i did too, until i realized what it was doing to my bum.
14:56.07Kattyleifmadsen: what sort of plague did you aquire?
14:56.15leifmadsenKatty: not sure... some sort of child based headcold
14:56.29Kattyleifmadsen: ah right :< chicken broth.
14:56.36leifmadsenwater and coffee
14:56.39Kattyleifmadsen: studies show it reduces the gunk your nose produces.
14:56.50Kattyleifmadsen: due to immune system over re-acting
14:57.09Kattyleifmadsen: feel better.
14:57.18leifmadsendo not demand of me!
14:58.34leifmadsenor else I won't?
14:58.42leifmadsenI need to go to the driving range tonight...
14:58.58Kattyburn some rubber?
14:59.08leifmadsenwant to get some practice in before my first golf game of the season
14:59.14leifmadsenalmost :)
15:00.52mmlj4golf? bah
15:01.18Kattyhey now, golf is hard.
15:01.40Kattyit's hard to make it go somewhere, much less in the general direction you're aiming for.
15:01.48mmlj4I like real sports, like curling
15:02.22mmlj4frozen shuffleboard with really heavy pucks
15:02.27Kattymmlj4: i'll curl you in a minute.
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15:11.57MaliutaKatty: when did you move to Canadia?
15:12.24MaliutaKatty: didn't think yanks liked curing all that much :)
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15:20.48igcewielingMaliuta: Katty is....odd.
15:21.02igcewielingso is mmlj4 apparently 8-|
15:24.21Kattyyes, yes she is. but life is just more fun that way!
15:28.47*** join/#asterisk carrar (
15:31.27Kattyhi carrar
15:31.33carrarhi hi Katty!!
15:31.38carrarHow ares you
15:31.46atanWhere on earth is Canadia?
15:31.54carrarit's north of canada
15:32.09Kattyi hear it's canada's hat.
15:32.12Kattycarrar: i am good :>
15:32.16atanAhhh Alaska <3
15:32.19Kattycarrar: did you get the hello kitty car?
15:32.27carrarhahah not yet
15:32.46carrarI would need the HELLO KITTY MAN TRUCK
15:33.08carrarSpecial Ford F450
15:33.18carraror even a F250
15:33.49Kattycarrar: no love for the tacoma?
15:34.00Kattycarrar: or a sierra
15:34.23carrarwell here Tacoma is city, yucky place
15:34.33carrarso I think of that whenI think of a car named that
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15:51.49rgsteeleSo, does DUNDi just address routing SPOF's, or are there some provisions for the extensions provided by the DUNDi peer as well?
15:52.10rgsteeleE.g., if a DUNDi peer who is authoritative for a set of extensions falls off the map, will one of the other peers become authoritative for those extensions, or will they all just update their caches and say "sorry, none of us can route to that peer any more"
15:52.45rgsteeleI mean, it seems strictly routing related, but I want to make sure I'm not being dense.
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15:54.10janellebHi all. Anyone with a link to a tutorial on SMS processing in Asterisk? i.e. execute this_code when a message is received containing this_text??
15:54.30*** mode/#asterisk [-bb caterwaul!*@* *!*nirv@*2001 19f0:1619:c9::c805:4072] by Qwell
15:56.17igcewielingjanelleb: what country are you in?
15:59.32janellebigcewieling: I'm not using an SMSC, actually using sms mobile
16:00.29igcewielingjanelleb: Asterisk's SMS support only works with SMSC.  Anything else you want to do with SMS you'll have to do yourself with dialplan apps (like curl), email, AGIs, etc.
16:00.57igcewielingmabe chan_dongle supports SMS?
16:01.08*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:01.21Qwellchan_mobile does
16:01.32janellebigcewieling: About "doing it myself" yep I know. That is why I'm asking about a tutorial link.
16:01.58janellebigcewieling: chan_dongle does indeed Support SMS.
16:02.52janellebAnyway... anyone here with a link to an article or tutorial on SMS processing in Asterisk?
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16:30.25cuscohi folks
16:30.50cuscosometimes we're having high load average, but low cpu on top/htop
16:31.35QwellLots of disk access?  Recordings, maybe?
16:31.48cuscorecordings are on the gateway
16:32.46cuscobut full log is enabled with verbose 5
16:32.49cuscoand other stuff
16:32.53cuscoso I will get a faster disk
16:33.12QwellThere are lots of reasons.  I didn't say it was definitely the disk I/O.
16:33.29cuscobut I believe it might be...
16:33.54GreenlightIf you disable the items which you think are thrashing the disks, does the load drop ?
16:34.35GreenlightAlso, load average is a strange metric at times espeically with asterisk
16:35.20GreenlightFor instance, at present I've load average of 20, and CPU is 200% (out of max 800%). System is running perfectly though.
16:37.03cuscodual processor, 2 cores each
16:37.25cuscoso not even one core
16:37.34cuscoload avg 6.xx
16:37.39cuscobut I must state
16:37.42cuscowr're using realtime
16:37.48cuscoand mysql is on the same box
16:37.55cuscoI will add a new disk for mysql alone
16:38.06GreenlightAhh, quite possible that disk access is indeed the bottleneck for you then
16:38.42cuscoand periodic scripts reading extra stuff from mysql, even from asterisk -vrx "core show channels concise"
16:39.12GreenlightYou ran iostat?
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16:47.35igcewielingHow does the universe know to break stuff when I've been up half the night upgrading customers?  How?  How?
16:48.14GreenlightI believe it's called "sods law"
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16:49.10igcewielingthis stuff has nothing whatsoever to do with any upgraded customers. 8-|
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17:01.33cuscoGreenlight: iostat?
17:01.35cuscoI know iotop
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17:55.54jeffspeffWhat's the difference between ChannelRedirect() and Goto()  ?
17:56.17pabelangerjeffspeff: GoTo is for dialplans
17:56.26pabelangerchannelredirects are for channels
17:56.52pabelanger*CLI> core show application goto
17:57.04igcewielingThe difference might be obvious from the application docs
17:57.14[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, ChannelRedirect(channel|[[context|]extension|]priority)
17:57.25[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, this allows you to toss ANOTHER channel around
17:57.32jeffspeffok, got it
17:57.42[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Goto is for the channel you are calling it from
17:57.54jeffspeffwas just looking for something else in the wiki and skimmed across that
17:58.09[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, It's hidden in the big print ;)
17:58.53jeffspeffat first glance it seemed it duplicated goto(); but now i see the difference. thanks
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18:40.11axelm7hi from Argentina. One of my customers wants me to implement a high availability Asterix solution for a small call center (8 agents). I am interested in the dual server with Digium R800 failover switch. Anybody know of an alternative (i.e. clone) version of the R800?
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18:41.25butthurtfaceHA asterisk… that's something I'd like to learn about!
18:41.26przerullI am experiencing ERROR[15058]: app_dial.c:2694 dial_exec_full: Could not stop autoservice on calling channel
18:41.32przerullitermitantly in production
18:41.39przerullwhat might be causing this?
18:41.45pabelangerprzerull: are you using System() or Shell()?
18:42.00przerulli'm on 1.8.10
18:42.22przerullsorry 1.8.5
18:42.26pabelangerI had an issue where something outside asterisk was blocking, and when asterisk when to stop the channel, the error would be generated
18:42.45pabelangerSo, my System() was talking longer then I expected
18:42.46przerulli am making pretty extensive use of agi
18:43.15pabelangerso, likely something in your agi script is block when asterisk goes to do something with that channel
18:44.05navaismoaxelm7, You should choose that hardware Rseries work like a charm
18:44.20navaismoworth every dollar
18:45.02pabelangerxorcom has something too
18:45.55przerullhmmmm.  an interesting thought.   so basically what happens is a call comes in, agi, then we originate an outbound channel using originate, which later get's joined with the inbound leg in a meetme conference, so you're thinking that agi is blocking my channels while they are trying to be redirected
18:46.43przerullin my example the outbound channel that get's originated is a local channel which does the dial out to the actual endpoint
18:47.29*** join/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TayebMeft@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
18:47.35DelphiWorld'lo everyone
18:47.55DelphiWorldwould someone tel me how to originate a call to an SPA2102 without registration?
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18:48.22igcewielingDelphiWorld: registration has nothing to do with making calls
18:48.28axelm7The customer has two PBXs. Main PBX is an old Ericsson box with incoming E1 (30 lines) and 4 analog backup lines. Secondary PBX is a TeleVantage 7 used only for call center and SIP calls.
18:48.51DelphiWorldigcewieling: lol i know. i dont want to register SPA2102 but i want to call it directly
18:48.53igcewielingDelphiWorld: host=theipofthesipdevice
18:49.19DelphiWorldigcewieling: got it?
18:49.21axelm7I am trying to replace this will two asterix boxes, an R800 for the analog failover, but I still need to solve the E1 failover
18:50.48axelm7There has to be a cheaper way to do E1 failover than spending USD 1000 on an R850
18:51.11axelm7maybe some E1 to Ethernet converter
18:53.04navaismomaybe google can help, or another asterisk box redirecting the e1 traffic via sip to the other pbx based on the master cluster mac addr
18:53.07axelm7sorry TDM over IP
18:53.08igcewielingaxelm7: you unplug the E-1 from server 1 and plug it into server 2
18:53.15igcewielingthat is the cheap way.   anything else will be expensive
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18:54.00axelm7igcewieling, but that is not fun to implement ;)
18:54.15igcewielingfun == money
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18:54.23axelm7fun == not my money
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18:58.25axelm7let's suppose dual asterisks with TDM410 and TE410 cards. Plus an R800 and an R850 for the failover. What kind of software do you guys recommend for a call center? I need a simple IVR and ACD.
18:59.21axelm7Currently 8 agents, might get bumped up to 30 agents if we get an ExxonMobil contract we've been after for about a year
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19:05.23navaismosoftware? But you are using asterisk. Or are you talking about report tools and stuff? if so I recommed queuemetrics
19:06.40[TK]D-Fenderaxelm7, We recommend Asterisk.
19:06.48[TK]D-Fenderaxelm7, Then again, we might be biased...
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19:26.05dgilmorei have a sip trunk setup. the other end rejects my registration with 1 401 error and sends digest auth info, * seems to be just ignoring it and trying again over and over
19:26.25dgilmoreis there some way to tell * to use digest when registering?
19:27.13pabelangerdgilmore: pastebin your SIP debug
19:30.45igcewielingdoes anyone have a moment to look at a SUBSCRIBE message?   I'm not all that good with SIP, but it seems like the phone is trying to subscribe to itself.
19:32.57dgilmorepabelanger: not real easy to sanitise it
19:33.40pabelangerdgilmore: then you are likely in the wrong room for help.  No body here cares about that information
19:33.43igcewielingdgilmore: you should not sanitize it
19:34.36igcewielingdgilmore: passwords are never sent in cleartext with sip and the IPs and telephone numbers should not be considered sensitive
19:35.51igcewielingdgilmore: I find it almost never takes more than 48 hours after a server is put on the internet for a bot to find it and try hacking sip.  The IP is NOT secret information
19:38.20*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
19:38.22_abc_Is there some way to sign SEPxxx.xml.cnf.sgn conf files generated manually and located on a tftp server?
19:38.25_abc_for cisco voip phones
19:38.54dgilmoreigcewieling: its more the digest auth info im worried about
19:39.46igcewielingdgilmore: the password is NEVER sent unencrypted over the internet and each authorization request is encrypted with a different key.   If you want help you'll need to provide the information
19:40.18*** part/#asterisk przerull (~philip@
19:40.22igcewielingdgilmore: go read up on nonce's and Digest authentication
19:40.53dgilmoreigcewieling: well if it helps at all teh otehr end is openuc
19:40.55[TK]D-Fender_abc_, Yes, it's called "programming", and we highly recommend it.  It's awesome
19:40.58navaismoigcewieling, the from and the to are the same
19:41.31_abc_[TK]D-Fender: huh?
19:41.40SuperNull_abc_ cisco cool will create the encrypted version 'MODEL # firmware' and then choose profile builder
19:41.41igcewielingnavaismo: *nod*  Any idea what might cause that.
19:41.46SuperNulli literally did this today.
19:41.56SuperNullcool = tool*
19:42.02[TK]D-Fender_abc_, Apologies I missed a rather important word in your request :)
19:42.32_abc_It is not encrypted just signed. The phone will have no .xml.cnf with no .sgn I want to generate the files as I do now on an asterisk host and dump them on the linux tftpd
19:42.50_abc_It's just some lame signature thing added in the xml
19:43.00SuperNullnot sure what that does for ya
19:43.02SuperNullwe dont use it
19:43.05SuperNullfuck we dont even encrypt it ;)
19:43.06_abc_I know
19:43.09_abc_I asked in cisco heh
19:43.18SuperNullim in cisco too
19:43.19_abc_#cisco ...
19:43.52SuperNull_abc_ just build a base file ex: spa504g.cfg on a server.. preload the boxes .. with the proper profile rule and your good.
19:44.00_abc_basically I generate the SEPxxx.xml.cnf files by detecting cdp broadcasts in realtime
19:44.13SuperNullmake sure dhcp hands out the tftp server of the one that has the .cfg file.
19:44.21SuperNullyou dont need to
19:44.28_abc_SuperNull: if you have option 150 set in the dhcp server the phones will not boot unless they find their SEPxxx.xml.cnf
19:44.29SuperNullthose phones ask for 'model#.cfg'
19:44.41igcewielingSuperNull: I think he is using Cisco phones, not Linksys (SPA) phones.
19:44.44_abc_they loop on loading that. I tested this today for over 4 hours with 5 phones of different kinds
19:44.52SuperNullwhich model is _abc_ ?
19:45.05_abc_7940 7911 7960 7906 7931
19:45.07SuperNulldamn i can tell its almost end of day. i can barely type
19:45.19SuperNullyeah. i remember those sucking back on asterisk 1.2 ;)
19:45.36navaismoigcewieling, not really but take a look on the mailbos addr on phone
19:45.44SuperNull_abc_ is this for a wide area or a lan ?
19:47.21SuperNullalso if you are using isc dhcp you can probably automate it to create the files since the files (at least that i know of) are based off the mac. obviously ISC dhcp knows the mac that requested the ip (and can execute a script when an ip is handed to it for creation)
19:48.06_abc_it is for a lab which tests phones before deployment and after being bought sh and when they need to be serviced or when someone thinks they need to be serviced
19:48.22*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
19:48.27igcewielingnavaismo: no mailbox address configured on the Polycom.   The messages button is set to *97 with a method of contact.
19:48.31_abc_SuperNull: yes, but this works now for non .sgn files
19:48.40_abc_Now I have phones which want a .sgn file
19:48.50igcewielingI actually hope the customer cancels like they are threatening to.   Hosted voip solutions REALLY SUCK.
19:48.52SuperNullno idea what the sgn file does.
19:48.53_abc_Thus my initial question: HOW do I sign the files
19:49.25SuperNulligcewieling we had a customer setup freepbx off us.. then they fired their it guy and said 'your liable' for some reason management took that as a challenge.. it failed horribly
19:49.31igcewieling_abc_: these phones don't seem like such a good deal anymore do they?
19:49.50SuperNulli would laugh if you have to apply for a certificate to test these phones
19:50.11_abc_igcewieling: I never said they were, this is not my call
19:50.21_abc_igcewieling: when they work they are okay, other than that, eww
19:50.25_abc_even with sip on them
19:50.34_abc_incidentally the phones which want the .sgn are SIP...
19:50.36SuperNull6 years ago they were good
19:50.46SuperNulldefine want.
19:50.53SuperNullrequesting via tftp ?
19:51.03igcewielingSuperNull: we are using a Bicom systems box for hosted (based on Asterisk).  The problem is hosted customers seem to want to set up a buddy watch for every single phone ON every single phone and ring every phone.  So 20 phones monitoring 20 phones and a call comes in and rings 20 phones.
19:51.15_abc_tftpd RRQ "SEPxxx.cnf.sgn" octet in syslog good enough SuperNull ?
19:51.35_abc_and I tried to copy a non sgn file to sgn, it took it and did not like it
19:51.44igcewielingthat is not the problem in this specific case, but is the problem with almost all other problem reports on hoste
19:51.46_abc_looped on
19:51.51SuperNulligcewieling xzhibit would be proud. 'yo dawg i heard you like ringing on your ringing on your ringing'
19:52.45SuperNullwhat does it do if it just doesn't get the file?
19:53.01*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:53.18_abc_one more thing: in Asterisk extensions.conf if one has a call target SIP/trunkname/username , is this correct? or is it SIP/username@trunkname?
19:54.03SuperNulli think yes might be the answer _abc_
19:54.11_abc_yes to both ?
19:54.17SuperNullmight have changed in newer versions but i think both are identical
19:54.26_abc_ok I thought so
19:54.35SuperNulldamn guys, its getting toasty in this office
19:54.46_abc_how toasty?
19:54.51SuperNulllike 85 damn degrees.
19:54.54_abc_has 27C in his room and is prepping to go to bed soon
19:54.57SuperNullno ac in yet.
19:55.05SuperNullconverts quickly
19:55.13SuperNullaprox 30C
19:55.29_abc_okay, that is like my noon temperature here in Eastern Europe >:)
19:55.48_abc_Don't the servers get premature aging for working without a/c?
19:56.17SuperNullsure, we took it out cause' the cold was coming in .. (old building)
19:56.20SuperNullstupid window AC.
19:56.37SuperNullheh. we have 2 servers for the office in here nothing big so ..
19:56.44SuperNullall the goodies are in the data centers.
19:57.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
19:58.44_abc_would like to see more conduction cooled server racks, they do a lot for the din and for comfort
19:58.48_abc_air cooling is dead
20:01.32SuperNulli need something decent for my home pc. it keeps blowing through fans (cats...)
20:01.47SuperNullright now the fan sounds like a bicycle with a baseball card in it
20:02.35[TK]D-FenderSuperNull, Considered cleaning them occasionally?
20:02.56_abc_buy new
20:03.01_abc_also AIR FILTERS
20:03.11_abc_I used nylon stockings for that before, it works
20:03.13*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
20:03.30_abc_I sprayed one with cooking oil in a spray can for better dust retention. Works
20:06.31_abc_of course these are total hacks
20:06.50_abc_a slightly better solution is a HEPA sheet filter meant for real server fans, cut with scissors
20:15.41*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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20:26.48SuperNulli do clean them, the case does have filter.. welcome to cat dander ;)
20:27.01SuperNullAntec 300 with the front filters..
20:31.24[TK]D-FenderCompressor <-
20:31.43[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBIAB
20:33.22*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
20:40.05*** join/#asterisk ikarugaRS (
20:40.11ikarugaRShi everybody
20:40.42ikarugaRSis there some frensh people here ?
20:40.58Kobazno s in french
20:41.17ikarugaRSBonsoir =)
20:42.29Kobazmais je ne suis pas francais, mais je parle un peu
20:42.39mmlj4there is no "you" in team
20:43.04ikarugaRSJe me présente, je suis francais et m'attaque à asterisk en vu d'en comprendre ces principes
20:43.43ikarugaRSi intro myself, i'm frensh and try to understand how asterisk work
20:43.52Kobazl'attaque, hah
20:44.11ikarugaRSj'ai testé asterisk now
20:44.39ikarugaRSsans difficulté, configuré et hebergé sous centos6
20:44.58ikarugaRSmais j'ai tenté une installation en mode console c'est une autre affaire...
20:45.17eirirsfrench? wtf
20:45.29ikarugaRSi manage to install asterisknow with centos without probleme
20:45.53mmlj4...and we're back to boring anglais
20:45.54ikarugaRSbut when i try to install asterisk on centos 6, it's begin really a hell...
20:46.00Kobazici, c'est ne pas pour asterisknow
20:46.32ikarugaRSc'est pour cela que je suis la, je suis sur asterisk
20:47.03ikarugaRSj'ai suivi des indications d'installation, je peux te fournir le lien en mp ?
20:47.09Kobazasterisk soulemont
20:47.49ikarugaRSje n'arrive pas à assimiler le principe asterisk
20:48.36Kobazquel a la probleme?
20:49.03ikarugaRSje suis au stade de asterisk -r
20:49.29ikarugaRSje tombe en xxxx*CLI>
20:49.46ikarugaRSimpossible de me servir des commandes
20:50.03ikarugaRSou d'acceder au menuselect afin de configurer asterisk
20:50.11Kattyturns text message notifications up on loud and sits next to file
20:50.16Kobazc'est bon... mais quel vous besoin du?
20:50.34ikarugaRSmettre en place 2 softphone en local
20:50.36Kobazquel commandes?
20:50.40ikarugaRSpour en comprendre le fonctionnement
20:50.58ikarugaRSmettre en place un ivr afin de dirriger l'appelant
20:51.08ikarugaRSdes rudiments
20:51.28ikarugaRSje ne sais pas vraiment à quoi sert le *CLI
20:51.31Kobazvous avais lit le livre encore?
20:51.34infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:51.56KattyKobaz is so handy. he's like a pocket translator!
20:52.22*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
20:52.23ikarugaRSje suis désolé de me tourner vers toi : /
20:52.30drmessanoHe's like Google, +
20:52.34Kobaz2 softphone en local ne pas difficile
20:52.46ikarugaRSmais j'ai du mal avec ce que le livre parle
20:52.48Kattyhugs drmessano
20:52.58drmessanoWhoa Google, +.. Google+  <-- Weird
20:53.03drmessanohugs Katty
20:53.40Kobazvoir le livre pour chan_sip, sip.conf
20:53.58ikarugaRStous se gère sous asterisk donc ?
20:54.06ikarugaRSasterisk n'a aucun lien avec apache ?
20:54.11Kattydrmessano: i hear you're in the market for a shot gun.
20:55.09Kobazoui, toute de sip, dans asterisk
20:55.32drmessanoI am?
20:55.34ikarugaRSok je comprends un peu mieux
20:55.45ikarugaRSmerci pour ton aide en tous cas
20:55.59ikarugaRScela me permet de demystifier asterisk
20:56.01drmessanoOh god, what did I post on Facebook now
20:56.08drmessanoThere goes my shot at a CEO job
20:56.10Kattydrmessano: an autographed 12 guage browning a5 shotgun, to be specific.
20:56.29drmessanoOh, that thing I shared. lol
20:56.40Kattyyep. you'll just have to stay IT director FOREVER.
20:57.06drmessanoI just want the money.  I wouldn't be able to shoot it, because its a collectible.. and I wouldn't want to display it...
20:57.22drmessanoThats my approach to most contests
20:57.28mjordanAll I saw in there was Asterisk => old
20:57.36drmessano"Win an autographed..."  "OOOOOOH.. EBAAAAY"
20:57.41Kattydrmessano: i'm sure anyone with an NRA bumper sticker would love to bid on it.
20:57.48Kobazje suis desole, je suis un peu occupé
20:58.00drmessanoKatty, if I win it, the more the merrier
20:58.08ikarugaRSje recherche asterisk1.0.2
20:58.10Kattydrmessano: good luck!
20:58.27ikarugaRScar j'ai un support de cours dessus
20:58.36drmessanoI also hope I win that Steve Jobs autographed iPhone 5
20:58.39ikarugaRSil à l'air bien plus simple que la version
20:58.42drmessanocrosses fingers
20:58.43Kattydrmessano: maybe chance be in your favor.
21:00.08drmessanoKatty, Maybe I will win a chance to eat dinner with the Robertsons.  That would be neato
21:00.44Kattydrmessano: well if that falls through, you could probably call up twisted.
21:00.49Kattydrmessano: you'd be short a T, but hey...
21:01.04Kattydrmessano: close enough, right?
21:01.30ikarugaRSce lien ?
21:02.22Kobazoui, la voir
21:02.49drmessanoShort a T?
21:02.51ikarugaRSKobaz en tous cas je te remerci pour le temps que tu m'as consacré, je te souhaite bonne continuation.
21:03.16ikarugaRSThank all for answers spend a nice night
21:03.34*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:04.08Kattydrmessano: possibly a tea too.
21:04.27Kobazmerci... je regret mais je dois partir maintenant
21:05.25Kattynow it is time to run :<
21:05.43drmessanoDid Nike+ tell you that?
21:05.49drmessanoThat thing is a bastard
21:05.57Kattyno, my bum did.
21:06.04Kattyand the hips weren't helping the conversation either.
21:06.13*** join/#asterisk RyanTG (~Thunderbi@
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21:06.41drmessanoOh, if it was my Bum it would be urging me to walk to the store and get a cold drink.  One in Brazil.
21:07.17drmessanoMy thighs would argue for Argentia
21:07.20KobazKatty:: oui courir vite
21:08.44KattyKobaz: i'm sorry dear, but i don't speak french.
21:08.48KattyKobaz: or read it, for that matter.
21:09.13drmessanoI kiss French, in Russian
21:09.52Kattyin the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic, you mean.
21:10.09Kattyor are we calling them the russian federation these days?
21:10.33eirirsFSSSR ?
21:10.36*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:10.45Kattyspeaking of french, and overly complicated country names.
21:10.47Kattyhi fender!
21:12.41Katty[TK]D-Fender: what do you have on the weekend agenda?
21:12.50Katty[TK]D-Fender: booze, bars, and bass?
21:16.14[TK]D-FenderKatty: Nothing particular. friends playing every weekend like always...
21:16.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
21:16.28[TK]D-FenderKatty: everything is optional.  Probably start up the biking season, etc
21:16.30axelm7is there an AsterixNow version that runs on Centos 6 instead of Centos 5?
21:16.47ikarugaRSasterisknow 3.0.0
21:17.25ikarugaRS64 and 32 bit version
21:17.36axelm7oops my mistake. I was using the wrong iso file
21:18.18ikarugaRS; )
21:18.30*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:18.36ikarugaRSvery easy to hand
21:19.10ikarugaRShere is the link choice the good iso ; )
21:19.16*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (~apb1963@
21:19.55ikarugaRSthere is a chan #asterisknow about this topic
21:20.37axelm7yeah, I got the iso from a digium page and it was really outdated
21:21.10axelm7this one
21:21.13ikarugaRSlol i'm trying to install a manual asterisk one
21:21.20ikarugaRSerf :/
21:22.19Qwellaxelm7: outdated?
21:22.27Qwelloh.  damnit.
21:22.45ikarugaRSi just done a centos 6.4 86 with asterisknow 3.0.0 work like a charm
21:23.18axelm7I use Centos for all my Linux stuff so I was happy to see that AsteriskNow is built on Centos
21:23.33ikarugaRSaxelm7 i need to understand asterisk befor the next week for my work : /
21:24.18*** join/#asterisk radic (
21:24.37axelm7what brand of t1/e1 and fxo/fxs cards are most popular? Do most people use the Digium clones?
21:24.50Qwellaxelm7: The clones are crap.
21:24.53QwellBuy real hardware.
21:25.08WIMPyThat question is too unspecific. Digital or analog makes a huge difference.
21:25.50axelm7ok, let's consider FXO/FXS cards. OpenVox or Yeastar
21:26.32WIMPyWith analog stuff you're likely to have some trouble. Better buy something with support.
21:26.48axelm7I also have a Dialogic Springboard card left over from the old TeleVantage PBX. I don't know if that works on Asterix or not
21:27.29axelm7Dialogic Springware D/41JCT-LS
21:27.42axelm7plus two of these Intel DI/SI16-R2 o DI/SI32-R2 Vendor 12C7 Device 4143
21:28.05leifmadsenaxelm7: it's Asterisk. Not Asterix (which is a French cartoon).
21:28.08WIMPyProbably only vial CAPI if at all. Although I heard a roumor that they have some sort of Asterisk support.
21:28.15ikarugaRSaxelm7 you see it ?
21:28.41*** join/#asterisk mbrit (~mbrit@
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21:28.52ikarugaRSi think it's talking about what you ask
21:29.16axelm7yeah, I saw that post
21:29.18ikarugaRSno anwsers : /
21:29.24WIMPyNot really. It certainly won;t be supported bu dahdi. But that need not be an issue.
21:29.28axelm7the same guy also asked on another board
21:29.45axelm7an the answer was "not supported, get a Digium card"
21:30.03WIMPyFor digital cards I prefer ones which are supported by Linux instead of dahdi.
21:33.24axelm7WIMPy, I don't understand why you say that lack of dahdi support is not an issue
21:33.27ikarugaRSanalog display = analogic phone ?
21:34.08WIMPyThere are many channels and drivers for Asterisk. dahdi is only one of them. But that's most for the digital stuff.
21:34.20[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: You mean BRI more specifically no?
21:34.25WIMPydoesn't know much about analog.
21:34.34[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: I'm unaware of T1/E1 that I wouldn't just use DAHDI for...
21:34.36WIMPyBRI or PRI.
21:34.48axelm7so is my Dialogic Springware card supported by some other driver?
21:34.51*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
21:35.03WIMPyThere's no difference between BRI and PRI except for the speed.
21:35.04[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Can you show me one that sees a real amount of marketshare?
21:35.53WIMPyI don;t sell the stuff so I have no idea anout marketshare. And why should I care about that? I want something that's supported and works.
21:38.08[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Yeah, I'm fine with that.  What non-DAHDi T1/E! cards have you seen used with *?
21:38.08igcewielingAnalog?  Isn't that what you get when you are too cheap to go with a PRI, but your internet service sucks too much to go with SIP?
21:38.21[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: BRI I know there are tons via CAPI, etc....
21:38.39igcewielingthe problem with non-DAHDI / non-Digium cards is that you have far, far less community support.
21:39.01ikarugaRSaxelm7 dont wanna use 3cx or x-lite  ?
21:39.19ikarugaRSmay be less expenssive : /
21:39.24WIMPy[TK]D-Fender: HFC-E1 by whatever vendor. And CAPI support in Asterisk seems to have gone out of fashion, but mISDN has been the smoothest for me so far.
21:39.34*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-mlfghuhyezpepeyc)
21:39.35axelm7but I need to support 8 FXO lines that come from another PBX
21:39.47[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Can you link a store?
21:40.01[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: For a specific model or two you might trust...
21:40.15WIMPyYou can get them from Junghanns and Swyx.
21:40.24WIMPyProbably others as well.
21:40.44WIMPyBut they are only available as single or dual span.
21:40.57*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (~apb1963@
21:41.07ikarugaRSaxelm7 erf wish to be usefull but my knowledge on it is off for this moment on FX0 : /
21:42.48WIMPyLuckily there were still quite some cards on offer on ebay when I bought mine, both Digium and noname.
21:42.51axelm7700 euros? does it come with a weekend hooker?
21:43.47igcewielingaxelm7: interfacing with the PSTN is not cheap.
21:44.17WIMPyNot if you buy new :-)
21:44.51WIMPyAnd I'm pretty sure the Dialogic stuff has been much more expensive.
21:45.02axelm7for sure
21:45.41axelm7so the chinese Digium clone analog cards suck big time?
21:46.07axelm7can't believe they would be so bad
21:46.38axelm7what about OpenVox?
21:46.48WIMPyDon't take any chances for the analog stuff.
21:47.37igcewielingaxelm7: I believe Openvox and the clones are all based on very old designs which Digium moved away from for a reason
21:47.42[TK]D-Fenderaxelm7: If you have problems with them you'll tend to find that their support is crap or completely non-existant.
21:48.05axelm7just like the 3000 dollar Dialogic cards
21:48.25axelm7but 2700 bucks cheaper
21:48.27WIMPyAnd check that they have drivers for current Asterisk versions in the first place.
21:48.41*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
21:49.08WIMPyIt's however best to avoid any analog stuff if ANY possible.
21:49.41axelm7WIMPy, I have some legacy equipment I need to connect to unfortunately
21:50.06*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:51.18*** part/#asterisk DelphiWorld (~TayebMeft@openvpn/user/DelphiWorld)
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22:01.36ikarugaRSi say you good night all
22:01.48ikarugaRShope you'll find a way out axelm7
22:02.04*** part/#asterisk ikarugaRS (
22:03.52*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
22:05.03*** join/#asterisk madhatt (~madhatt@
22:05.25madhatthey all, does anyone here use Snom phones?  I'm trying to understand why Snom put in google analytics code into the web UI
22:06.01WIMPyOh. Where?
22:06.13madhattyou can read a short post I made about it here -
22:07.47WIMPyLots of pictures?
22:08.37_abc_madhatt: a) everyone hopes to be bought out by goopile b) before that, they can make some money by selling their user's souls
22:08.44_abc_er online identities
22:09.06madhatthere is the picture that matters most I think, it shows clearly that they are using 2 kinds of analytic software on the phones Web UI
22:10.36WIMPyLooks evil.
22:11.06madhattso I tweeted them and they came out and said that they don't track but I believe this could be seen as a big security risk.
22:11.12madhatt1. I log into my phone to edit a value,
22:11.19madhatt2. the phone sends info to google analytics
22:11.39WIMPyInterestingly enough that's most likely illegal.
22:11.53madhatt3. a bad Snom employee could then (perhaps) get my public IP address which almost always would have a PBX sitting on it.
22:12.00_abc_ghostery is what? I don't recognize that UI OS-
22:12.17madhattgostery is a chrome app that block tracking code
22:12.20madhattyes, I am on a mac
22:12.43madhattI don't want to throw rocks but I sell these phones/pbxs for a living and now I'm not sure I want to pitch Snom anymore because of thisl
22:13.09_abc_are you sure it is the phone and chrome doing that?
22:13.13axelm7sure looks bad. it would be interesting to see a pcap
22:13.36madhattpcap, I got one of those!  give me a few
22:13.40_abc_and yes if it's true that is a problem
22:14.14_abc_goes to sleep a bit
22:14.26axelm7I rephrase. It would be interesting for someone (not me) to check a pcap
22:14.35madhattI can't see how chrome is doing is because the UA number 1331074 which is being used seems to be Snoms
22:15.14madhattWell, I'll get the Pcap loaded with the article so anyone can look
22:16.55madhattholy crap!  so in capturing the data from this SNOM phone I see that the little fucker sends it's mac address via a SIP packet to IP address
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22:19.44igcewielingthat is a multicast address
22:19.58madhattso why would the phone want to send a SIP packet there?
22:20.20igcewielingmaybe it is trying to join a multicast group?  Polycoms support multicast for paging and maybe MoH
22:21.06madhattinteresting… ok so that's not that big of a deal then?  but the tracking still may be an issue
22:21.19igcewielingmadhatt: I am speculating
22:21.56madhattwell, in the capture I can see that the phone is not sending anything to goolge but I think that is a non-starter as it would be my computer that actually sends the info off to google at the request of the javascript code on the Snom phone's web UI (I believe)
22:23.35madhatthrmm. I'm leary of providing the pcap file until I can whittle it down to just the google analytics code, but I'm unable to find what IP or FQDN it uses
22:26.15madhattthis is all I can find about the mcast address
22:26.16madhattHow does a caller find its local registrar?
22:26.16madhattThe local registrar is either manually configured or discovered via DHCP ( . Another more theoretical option is: the SIP client issues a multicast registration request to the standard multicast address, which all registrars (are supposed to) listen to (but in practice not all do).
22:27.08madhattalright, so I'm out, just wanted to pop in and ask about this.  I'll come back and provide an update once Snom contacts me, thanks for listening folks!
22:27.12igcewielingmadhatt: no idea, we don't use Mcast with Polycoms and we don't use SNOM
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22:44.28doctorrayI'm trying to originate multiple calls simultaneously with AMI; currently I'm sending them one at a time and I'm not super happy on the delay between the first and the last origination... Is there a way to give them to AMI all at once?  Or would I need to generate call files instead?
22:45.27WIMPyThere's no need to wait.
22:45.54doctorrayso just dump them all at once?  currently I'm waiting for acknowledgement from my command
22:46.41WIMPyNo. As long as you can keep track if you want to.
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