IRC log for #asterisk on 20130430

00:30.23*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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01:25.35*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
01:35.52*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
01:40.30*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:43.31*** join/#asterisk blee (
01:43.36*** part/#asterisk blee (
02:10.47*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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02:23.09*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
02:43.31*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-hmzfkewlakxucgvg)
02:45.11xcomwow so wiet
02:45.37lanningI'm hunting wabbits.
02:52.39*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
02:59.45BoRiShI guys, Have problems compiling asterisk 11. Keep getting a bunch of errors when compiling like multiple definition of `CRYPTO_set_locking_callback', multiple definition of `ERR_free_strings'. Any ideas? ( )
03:07.25xcomlanning: lol
03:21.38*** join/#asterisk kopilo (
03:37.59*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:00.39*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (777f2dd5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:01.50BeeBuuanyone tell me is there any limit on send command to asterisk by http ?
04:07.52*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
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04:19.26igcewielingthe http interface to Asterisk is not very commonly used.  You may have to check the source code.
04:19.52igcewielingBoRiS: remove ffmpeg from your system, and rebuild from scratch, do a make distclean first
04:19.58[TK]D-Fender42 <-
04:21.57igcewielingBoRiS: and did you file a bug report on Jira like I suggested the other day?
04:24.53*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
04:31.03*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
04:39.28*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:40.36*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
04:58.23*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
05:09.15BoRiSigcewieling: I removed ffmpeg(and ffmpeg-devel), re-checked out asterisk 11 from svn and tried rebuilding it. Still the same error.
05:09.29BoRiSigcewieling: I did....
05:09.30LieutPants[ASTERISK-21720] [Status: Triage] Asterisk 11 cannot complie -
05:09.44igcewielingBoRiS: also remove libavcodec
05:11.17igcewielingif that doesn't work, wait for the bug report to get some activity
05:11.20BoRiSThat library was apart of ffmpeg which has been removed.
05:11.44igcewielingwhen you re-checked out did you remove the directory first.
05:12.20BoRiSyeah, I rm -rf asterisk-11 directory and recheckout the latest asterisk-11 from svn.
05:12.21LieutPants[ASTERISK-11] [Status: Closed] AGI channel_status failure -
05:14.16BoRiSThe error almost looks like something is main/libasteriskssl.c is also being defined in openssl (1.0.1e) libcrypto.
05:43.04*** join/#asterisk aruntomar (~Thunderbi@
05:52.23*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
05:52.33ChrisInSydneyg'day all
05:53.54*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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07:50.19krotosgood morning guy
08:06.35*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
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08:30.28*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
08:31.07hrolfHi #asterisk
08:31.50hrolfWhat is the '-' mean in  _64XX?
08:31.55hrolfIn extensions.conf
08:33.21ectospasm'_' tells the interpreter that this is a pattern
08:33.34hrolfectospasm: Okay.
08:33.57ectospasmwithout the '_', it will try to match a literal 64XX, which will be difficult to do for most technologies.
08:42.21*** join/#asterisk arapaho (
08:47.20*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:54.28*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
08:55.58Tujuhi, i have a remote asterisk "register" thingy and some settings in [<linename>] section in my sip.conf and it's visible in sip show peers list. how can i use it as trunk?
09:01.15ectospasmTuju: Dial(SIP/trunkname/${EXTEN})...
09:01.48Tujuectospasm: exten => _9XXXX.,n,Dial(SIP/fooprovider/${EXTEN:1},60)     i found that from my extensions
09:02.15Tujudo those have to be in the same 'context' as my phones?
09:02.37Tujumy 'sip show registry' shows nothing.
09:02.55Tujuregardless that 'sip show peers' lists that line just fine.
09:02.58ectospasmThe phones make outbound calls within the confines of "context=<e.g. from-internal>"
09:03.10ectospasmAre you registering to the peer?
09:03.15ectospasmOr is the peer registering to you?
09:03.23Tujuare those the 'register' lines in sip.conf?
09:03.34Tujui think i'm register towards them. :)
09:03.35ectospasmdo you have a register => line in the [general] section of sip.conf?
09:03.56Tujubut i recall that they had @ char in username and that caused some gray hairs.
09:04.59ectospasmsip show registry will only show current registration status for things that register to your local Asterisk instance, I think
09:05.07Tujuegister =>               is the line i have.
09:05.22Tujuectospasm: ack, makes sense.
09:05.27Tujuso i need to get that line working.
09:05.37*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
09:06.01Tujui think the actual line would be correctly something like this:
09:06.11Tujuegister =>
09:06.28Tujuthat is, 'username':'password'
09:06.40Tujubut it doesn't like the @ char there.
09:07.18ectospasmit probably doesn't like the +
09:07.30ectospasmthe @ symbol is expected for most register statements.
09:09.46Tujui try that
09:10.18Tujuhmm...sorry, not that + is not there. it starts directly with 372, i worte that from my musclemem.
09:12.28ectospasmTuju: do you know if Asterisk is actually sending the REGISTER requests?
09:13.03Tujui set the: sip set debug peer <linename>             on and try to figure out that
09:13.08Tujubut i'm not seeing any.
09:13.42TujuSIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
09:13.45Tujucame now
09:13.54Tujuapparently it doesn't like the syntax
09:14.47Tujuhow does it go, lines are so that asterisk is the 'core' and phones are 'terminals', those are specified in [<linename>] sections, right?
09:15.16Tujui understood that i - regardless of above - need to have such 'line' section for my upstream ISP too.
09:15.17*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
09:15.26Tujuand also, the register line.
09:15.44Tujuit would be logical that not to have that [<linename>] section for trunks.
09:16.36*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
09:16.40Tujuthat is: in my mind, i would differientate the upstream trunks and downstream lines with different settings.
09:16.56Tujuand that 'register =>' line makes perfectly sense.
09:17.34*** part/#asterisk uosiu (
09:17.41*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
09:17.56ectospasm"lines" doesn't make sense with SIP
09:17.58*** join/#asterisk tallest_red (
09:18.26ectospasmUnless you know what you're doing, only have one peer definition of "friend"
09:18.33Tujuapparently they don't. that's why it's so hard to wind your thoughts around this new concept.
09:18.48Tuju  i've more or less similar config.
09:18.52Tujubulkorok: hi
09:20.03Tuju  ha! there is @ char
09:21.27*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
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09:23.49ectospasmer, I meant
09:24.16ectospasmUnless you know what you're doing, only have one peer definition for each trunk/endpoint, with type=friend
09:24.57Tujuall i have here are friends.
09:26.07*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
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09:36.50*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
09:37.31*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
09:37.52Tuju that is actually the isp i'm trying to use
09:38.17Tujui've a feeling that at some point they have sanded some gears intentionally.
09:39.10Tujuectospasm: does the 'register' line anyhow depend on related [line] ?
09:39.41ectospasmit should, I don't remember (and don't have any SIP trunks to look at right now)
09:42.07ectospasmTuju: instead of, try sip_proxy, matching the peer definition below [sip_proxy]
09:43.21Tujuack. btw, i now commented out the whole 'register =>' line and keep getting the same 403 Forbidden error :-(
09:43.29Tujuso it's not related to that line at all.
09:43.37ectospasmit must not like that password
09:43.38Tujuregardless of that, i see the damn line in sip show peers.
09:43.45ectospasm...or your account/username
09:43.47Tujuwith OK
09:47.11*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
09:53.31*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
09:55.03ectospasmdo you see the REGISTER requests in sip debug?  < Tuju
09:56.44Tujui'm not sure.
09:57.07Tujui've set the debug only to that peer, but i keep getting debug messages from other phones too
09:57.20Tuju this is something certainly from that problem line.
09:57.44Tujuthat '' is of course '' :)
09:58.22Tujuis that Cseq the line that shows what it was trying to do?
09:58.34*** join/#asterisk polysics (
09:58.55polysicsanyone can point me to ConfBridge docs for 1.8, please?
09:59.19polysicsI would like to find out what "admin mode" means and stuff like that.
10:00.06polysicsbeen digging on there but there's no explanations :-)
10:00.11TujuReally destroying SIP dialog '' Method: OPTIONS
10:00.29ectospasmTuju: that's for an OPTIONS request, as it clearly states.
10:00.52Tujuthat's the part when sip protocol tries to negotiate all connection parameters?
10:00.52ectospasmTuju: it may be easier to capture the traffic with tcpdump/wireshark
10:01.47polysicsit looks like the only way is to indirectly do so by hanging up the channel
10:02.43ectospasmum, no
10:03.07ectospasmTry a sip reload, after changing one of the SIP peer parameters.
10:03.48polysicsectospasm: you mean, kicking an user out of a conference?
10:05.01polysicsI'd be happy with something as small as an explanation fof "admin mode" :-)
10:05.12Tujuectospasm: i removed the qualify and got rid of that 403 Forbidden.
10:07.49ectospasmTuju: was the 403 Forbidden for the OPTIONS?  That is harmless, you should have left it
10:08.19Tujuyes, well if it doesn't work.
10:08.29Tujubut the register line doesn't work.
10:09.26ectospasmHow do you know?  Do you see any REGISTER packets being sent?
10:09.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
10:10.35polysicsso, no one has EVER used ConfBridge? :-D
10:13.02Tujuectospasm: no, i just set the tcpdump up
10:13.40*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
10:16.34*** join/#asterisk bungle_ (5181467c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:19.43bungle_ive spent about a week trying to get to grips with asterisk and read many posts - but i cant figure out how to setup a trunk to SPA3102 - i have the asterisk gui installed but am also happy to work in cli - can anyone give me some basics - good links etc?
10:20.53infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
10:20.59ectospasmbungle_: ^
10:21.38polysics+1 on the book ,it is great
10:22.13bungle_great - many thanks
10:24.02polysicssorry for reposting, but does anyone know how admin mode in ConfBridge 1.8 works, please?
10:24.13bungle_how can i tell if dahdi is installed - i dont recall doing this  - but installation sections all seem to say install dahdi first - is there a way to check if its installed?
10:24.40ectospasmbungle_: dahdi show channels in CLI
10:24.52ectospasmor dahdi_hardware in Linux shell
10:25.07*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
10:27.21bungle_dahdi show channels - says no such command - so looks as though its not installed
10:28.26ectospasmbungle_: all that means is that is not loaded
10:28.42ectospasmif you don't have DAHDI installed, won't be built
10:29.09ectospasmunless you have a PSTN adapter driven by DAHDI, you don't need to worry about it
10:29.30bungle_i see - yes its not there - so no dahdi
10:30.27Tujuamazing how those isp's keeping hiding simple things like username, password and proxy strings.
10:30.28bungle_ahh ok - i have an SPA3102 - ive managed to have it register and forward calls (kind of)
10:31.00Tujui've found 5-10 different settings (of course they keep changing 'em along the years)
10:31.19bungle_so i wont need dahdi to set up a trunk to the SPA3102?
10:32.02ectospasmwhat do you mean "trunk?"  I think you're misusing the word
10:32.14*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
10:33.01*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:33.23ectospasmSPA3102 is a SIP endpoint, yes?
10:33.34ectospasmjust define an appropriate peer in sip.conf
10:35.21bungle_yes - im getting confused between the terms in the gui  - i basically want to set up a 'channel' or trunk? between the SPA and asterisk so that incoming calls on the pstn are handled by asterisk etc.  I managed to have the SPA register with asterisk as a device - defined in sip.conf but nothing.... ahh ok... it was ok how i set it up then?
10:36.02bungle_omg my head spins with this - it must be the single hardest thing ive ever tried to set up :)
10:38.09bungle_i managed to set it up as a sip endpoint and direct all incoming calls the next problem was how to handle calls - ie. if i rejected the call on the softphone the pstn did not hang up etc.i assume this was in the dial plans - and would like to use the gui to help me out with those for now - but the SPA does not appear as a user etc....
10:38.16ectospasmAsteriskGUI is unmaintained
10:38.20ectospasmUnless you mean FreePBX
10:38.28ectospasmand then, you should go to #freepbx
10:39.09bungle_no i am using the asterisk 2 gui
10:39.20ectospasmwtf is that?
10:40.42bungle_lol - i though thats what it was called lol - its not...sorry - GUI-version : SVN--r5219M
10:41.59*** join/#asterisk carrar (
10:43.11ectospasmbungle_: is that the AsteriskGUI, from Digium?  If so, that is no longer maintained and you should NOT use it.
10:47.19bungle_yes it is - i didnt know that :( thanks so its been replaced by freepbx?
10:48.24ectospasmnot really, it lost the GUI battle to FreePBX
10:51.00izbushkais it ok to Playback() a probably nonexistent file or I should better check for it existence first?
10:52.03bungle_wow - ok decided to start afresh just wiped all asterisks folders - what would you recomend as way forward - im trying to set up asterisk on a NAS device that has linux running on it
10:52.58bungle_it comes with a version of asterisks ready to install
10:55.11ectospasmAsterisk 1.4 is EOL (End Of Life)
10:55.17ectospasmbetter go with something more recent
10:55.39ectospasmdo you have shell access to this NAS?
10:56.54ectospasmbungle_: can you get a complete build environment on it?  If so, just build Asterisk from source
10:58.23bungle_yes if you mean ./config make etc.  but im kind of out of depth and have a hard time following errors - when they inevitably happen - but you think its worth it?
11:04.50*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
11:09.22ectospasmyes.  You won't get support for Asterisk 1.4 here
11:10.49*** join/#asterisk evilsk4ter (~evilsk4te@
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11:57.32polysicsre-re-post: anyone can please explain how the "admin" feature works in Confbridge on 1.8? Can an admin boot a person from the room from DTMF or does it require AMI?
12:00.20polysicsundocumented functionality ftl :-)
12:03.22*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
12:09.24kaldemarpolysics: for the DTMF, see [sample_admin_menu] in the sample confbridge.conf
12:15.18*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
12:18.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
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12:40.19polysicskaldemar: does 1.8 ConfBridge do the sam things, more or less?
12:48.05polysicskaldemar: oh, so there is no "stock" way to kick a person unless you build a menu for it first?
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13:02.20Tujuectospasm: how come i can list one line as OK in sip show peers, but if i call to it, i'm said that 'it's not available'
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13:03.37Tujuectospasm: if i put the same line into nokia n9, it works.
13:04.47[TK]D-FenderTuju, You should probably be showing us the complete call with SIP DEBUG enabled alonw with the dump of "sip show peers" and "sip show peer X"
13:04.52infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:04.55[TK]D-FenderTuju, ^^^
13:06.47Tuju[TK]D-Fender: i try to collect some debug, there is just so much of it
13:10.51*** join/#asterisk tedstriker (
13:13.12igcewielingTuju: if you are using FreePBX try the #FreePBX channel.
13:13.26Tujuack. well i'm not.
13:13.34Tujuwhy would i be here then?
13:13.41*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:14.03igcewielingTuju: some people think #asterisk is 2nd tier (or even 1st tier) support for #FreePBX
13:14.46jmetrowhat are tiers? #asterisk is my support for everything IT
13:14.57igcewielingWe call those people "idiots".   I only mention it because you said there was a lot debug, and FreePBX is known for its complex dialplan and lots of CLI output 8-)
13:15.36igcewielingpushes jmetro in front of the 3:10 to Yuma mean Hey there jmetro!
13:17.29*** join/#asterisk Sacrimi (~goury@
13:17.51Sacrimii have the problem:
13:18.09Tujuwhat is the command that shows is a line registered or not?
13:18.12*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
13:18.18jmetrosip show peers like "expected peername"
13:18.21[TK]D-FenderTuju, "sip show peer X"
13:19.04Sacrimiringing group settings have no effect on order for incomming calls
13:19.21Sacrimiim using freepbx with centos
13:19.26[TK]D-FenderSacrimi, Your terminology is unclear...
13:19.31*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-edfdqvbfwgvmlobk)
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13:19.43[TK]D-FenderTuju, ADDRESS <-
13:19.45Tuju[TK]D-Fender: why you have those brakets in your name, it's hard to write 'em with other than us layout.
13:19.53[TK]D-FenderSacrimi, #freepbx <--------
13:20.03Sacrimii must make it call 1->2->3->4->5 but it calls in wrong order
13:20.21jmetroTuju: if you type [ and hit your autocomplete button, TK is the only one with brackets.
13:20.22Tuju[TK]D-Fender: Addr->IP    ?
13:20.23igcewielingTuju: see what I mean. LOL!
13:20.29[TK]D-FenderSacrimi, Change channels.  This isn't the place for FreePBX support
13:20.35Tujujmetro: yes, that [ is the hard one.
13:20.55Tujui've estonian layout, i need to use altgr+8
13:21.01[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Sacrimi, #freepbx <--------
13:21.03Tujutwist my wrist
13:21.06Sacrimiwhat if i ask you to help me determine where is ringing policy determined by config files?
13:21.18*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
13:21.34igcewielingSacrimi: The ringing policy is determined by the config FreePBX generates.
13:21.36Sacrimicant grep anything useful in /etc/asterisk
13:21.36[TK]D-FenderSacrimi, You don't go there unless you're a dev typically
13:21.40jmetro"ringing policy" might mean "dialplan" which would normally be "extensions.conf" but is most likely elsewhere because of how freepbx mangles the configs
13:21.59TujuAddr->IP     :             does that mean that it's registered?
13:22.09Tujuthat's from sip show peers
13:22.18[TK]D-FenderTuju, LOOKS like it
13:22.26[TK]D-FenderTuju, then again we don't see you looking at a CALL
13:22.27jmetroTuju:  typically having an IP does, yes, but dialing it is the real test too
13:22.33Tujuwell, if i call to that line, it says it's unavailable.
13:22.43[TK]D-FenderTuju, And everything less... is typically junk until then
13:22.51[TK]D-Fender"it says" means nothing to me.
13:23.07Tujuwell, it was quite devasting for me :)
13:23.14Tujui took it seriously.
13:23.16igcewielingTuju: seeing the pastebin will tell us most of what we need.
13:23.23[TK]D-FenderTuju,  Try #psychology :)
13:23.27Tujui try to dig one
13:23.32jmetroTuju: the second you give d-fender a full sip debug of you making a call to the phone, he will solve the issue.
13:23.55*** join/#asterisk suge (~SoOJ@unaffiliated/suge)
13:24.18igcewieling[TK]D-Fender is one of the Old Ones, like Cthulhu or Baal.
13:24.31jmetroMephisto, the lord of pain.
13:24.32igcewielingHe knows all, he sees all, and he'll tell all.
13:24.46*** join/#asterisk blee (
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13:25.07Tuju i think this is a working dump packet
13:25.21Tujuthere is, rport for example.
13:25.31Tujunokia n9 doesn't show much how it uses the line.
13:25.42[TK]D-FenderTuju, ASTERISK SIP debug with verbose 10
13:25.46igcewielingTuju: We don't see any dialplan lines there and 1 packet doesn't help.
13:25.47[TK]D-FenderTuju, No substitutes...
13:26.02[TK]D-FenderTuju, and that is a REGISTRATION, not a CALL
13:26.06Tujusip set debug on ?
13:26.09[TK]D-FenderTuju, Strike one....
13:26.13[TK]D-FenderTuju, Yes
13:26.14Tujui'm going to drown to it.
13:26.23jmetrosip set debug on , core set verbose 999, core set debug 999
13:26.25[TK]D-FenderTuju, Breath it in.  It's good for you
13:27.24*** join/#asterisk BoRiS (
13:27.51igcewielingTuju: you don't have to parse the data, [TK]D-Fender does.
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13:30.59Tujuthat's one problem, it doesn't seem to be sending those REGISTER packets from asterisk.
13:31.12Tujuif i set qualify=yes, it sends some OPTIONS ones.
13:32.07Tujuregister =>                      i have this line in sip.conf
13:32.46igcewielingjmetro: why do you think people ask for help, we tell them what we need (cli output of a failed call) and then they blather about all sorts of stuff and don't provide the pastebin?
13:33.00igcewielingOdd, don't you think?
13:35.35[TK]D-FenderTuju, We aren't looking for a registration.  We are looking for THE CALL THAT FAILED
13:36.21Tuju[TK]D-Fender: there is nothing to look at it as i said.
13:36.34Tujuproxy in telco side doesn't know that my asterisk exists.
13:36.38Tujuno packets.
13:36.41[TK]D-FendertutYou said it said it failed.  That means it SAID SOMETHING
13:36.52[TK]D-FenderTuju, So YOUR server said nothing
13:36.57TujuYES, it says with VOICE, 'it's not available'.
13:37.04[TK]D-FenderTuju, You need a better description next time
13:37.06Tujumy server says nothing.
13:37.30Tujutcpdump doesn't show any packets from that proxy.
13:37.39[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> "it says" means nothing to me.
13:38.06[TK]D-FenderTuju, Then enable SIP debug, so "sip reload" and show us the attempt
13:38.12jmetroigcewieling: Language barriers for one, and B, people have their own idea of the problem and are usually trying to be helpful but as problem solvers, we are used to just finding our own problem gathering our own info and solving it.
13:38.22jmetroigcewieling: the hostility probably doesnt help.
13:38.26Tuju[TK]D-Fender: it's on, there is nothing to show from there.
13:38.33igcewielingTuju: here is an example of what we are looking for.  see all those sip packets and dialplan lines?   That is what we are looking for.
13:38.38Tujujust flood of packetes from other devices.
13:38.43[TK]D-FenderTuju, SIP RELOAD AND WATCH
13:39.02igcewielingjmetro: worse than trying to train a cat
13:39.22roswellshall we take a deep breath and Tuju, try asking again? )
13:39.32roswellfrom a scratch
13:39.34igcewielingjmetro: and I have, in fact, trained my cat.
13:39.51Tujuit's not that i'm sitting with unix systems first time my life.
13:40.12anonymouz666[TK]D-Fender: do you already configured audiocodes FXO gateway?
13:40.25[TK]D-Fenderanonymouz666, Once in 2006
13:40.39Tujuigcewieling: i understand that you want to see those dumps but there are non of those as there are no ip packets between those hosts, right?
13:40.58Tujuor where those dumps would pop out then?
13:41.19Tujuthose are, ip packets carrying sip packets, parsed in asterisk.
13:41.35jmetroTuju: honestly i would just set everything to highest debug, start your log, and try to call the phone, and post the entire giant thing for them
13:41.39igcewielingTuju: then explain to us again what EXACTLY the problem is?
13:41.39Tujumy tcpdump is silent. no packets.
13:41.41jmetroin a paste
13:41.47jmetronot tcpdump
13:41.50jmetroasterisk cli
13:42.10Tujuigcewieling: asterisk is not registering my telco.
13:42.29Tujuregardless that i've the 'register' line and related [<line>] section.
13:42.41Tujuand i can get it register with nokia n9
13:42.42igcewielingI was thinking something like "when I try calling extension X from extension y it doesn't work" or "when I try calling a PSTN number via my ITSP from extension X it doesn't work"
13:43.02Tujuwell don't think, read what i've been writing here. pun intended.
13:43.32roswellTuju, which linux distro you run your asterisk on?
13:43.44Tujuit's not very constructive to be unpolite and keep shouting me when i've nothing to give you.
13:43.46igcewielingTuju: if the only packet you see is an outgoing register than you either have a NAT issue or a networking issue.
13:43.54Tujuroswell: this is centos6
13:44.08Tujui've quite many, 10-15 phones working just fine.
13:44.14igcewielingeven if your provider was refusing you, you would get a packet back with a 401 Unauthorized
13:44.16Tujuthis is just first trunk i'm trying to set up.
13:44.34Tujuigcewieling: imo my side asterisk is not even trying to register.
13:44.51Tujuand imo i don't need nat as both boxes use native addresses.
13:44.57Tujuor do i?
13:45.02roswellTuju, do you have wireshark installed?
13:45.17roswellnot on the asterisk server, of course
13:45.23Tujuroswell: well, i'm not even in the same country where that centos and asterisk is. :)
13:45.29igcewielingTuju: when you do a "sip reload" asterisk should try to register again
13:45.36Tujuigcewieling: i try again
13:45.56Tujuigcewieling: nothing, not a single packet.
13:45.58roswellTuju, actually it's not a big trouble, unless you're offline )
13:46.08roswellso, any wireshark around?
13:46.13*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
13:46.16Tujuroswell: i could dump into file and read it into shark yes.
13:46.18igcewielingalso what does "sip show registry" show?
13:46.32Tujuigcewieling: nothing, that was the startingpoint of my problems.
13:46.38Tujusip show peers did show OK
13:46.49igcewielingthen pastebin your sip.conf, masking ONLY the secret= line.
13:46.51*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
13:47.05igcewielingsip show peers has nothing whatsoever to do with registering to a remote server from asterisk
13:47.06Tujubut call lady in the central switch said that "device is not available"
13:47.31igcewielingTuju: it would be easier to debug if you were trying to call out from asterisk, not trying to call into asterisk
13:48.02*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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13:48.36Tuju this is the line config
13:48.41Tujuchanged number and pwd
13:48.51roswellTuju, great. let's dump *all* traffic down this way: on asterisk end, enter 'tcpdump -n -i any -w /somewhere/to/dump' , issue 'core restart when convenient' onto asterisk cli, wait for 20 seconds, then Ctrl+C tcpdump
13:49.01[TK]D-FenderTuju, that has NOTHING to do with a registration
13:49.24roswelloh i meat *wait for 20 seconds* when cli goes offline
13:49.32Tujuregister =>              is the other line.
13:49.50igcewielingcan you ping from the asterisk server?
13:49.56Tujuroswell: wait a second....
13:50.09roswelligcewieling, nice guess btw )
13:50.36Tujuigcewieling: nope, but that could mean that they block icmp echo-reply's etc.
13:51.09igcewielingTuju: can you do a "host" or an "nslookup"
13:51.10Tujushouldn't that register line be enough to connect into trunk?
13:51.24*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:51.29Tujuigcewieling: sure, it's has address
13:51.56Tujuand that damn isp has like five zillion different proxy names in instructions.
13:52.08Tujubut i saw that nokia n9 uses that one and it works.
13:52.19igcewielingI wish you the best of luck.
13:52.45[TK]D-FenderTuju, Three is also a difference between proxy IP's and target server IP's.
13:53.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
13:53.09Tujuyou mean that it could redirect it in initial registration?
13:54.14[TK]D-FenderIt could reach the proxy and not know where to forward it to.
13:54.34igcewielingTuju: it is far easier to test if you try dialing out from your asterisk box.   You do not need to be registered to do that.
13:54.49Tujui need to move one phone into same context
13:54.57Tujui have never done it. :)
13:55.26*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
13:55.30*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
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13:55.48roswellregistration, in terms of asterisk, is needed only to accept incoming calls. do you have some according [peer] section?
13:56.22roswellhowever... whatever...
13:56.43Tujuhow do i route all numbers into that trunk?
13:57.13roswellexten => _X!,Dial(trunk)
13:58.13Tuju's socks are spinnning
13:58.48roswellincomplete, though... exten => _X!,Dial(trunk/${EXTEN}) ; this shall be more politically correct
13:59.29[TK]D-Fenderroswell, horrible pattern.... and still invalid syntax
13:59.43Tuju....rejected because extension not found in context 'incoming'.
14:00.01roswellright, [TK]D-Fender
14:00.03[TK]D-Fender<roswell> registration, in terms of asterisk, is needed only to accept incoming calls. do you have some according [peer] section? <- not really accurate
14:00.46roswellwould you correct me?
14:00.53[TK]D-FenderRegistration is when you need to auth to a server before the care to send you calls, and/or when they also need to know what IP to send the calls to
14:01.09Tujustill the same.
14:01.48Tujuexten => _X!,Dial(372654321/${EXTEN})             is that correct?
14:01.54roswellTuju, no
14:01.56Tujucontext is right, it triggers it
14:03.00roswellwhat's it trigger i wonder
14:03.05Tujuexten => _X!,Dial(trunk/${372654321})             is that correct?
14:03.14Tujunope, it can't be
14:03.24roswellTuju, exten => _X!,1,Dial(trunk,${EXTEN}) ; [TK]D-Fender was right i've forgot about precedence
14:03.29[TK]D-FenderPRIORITY <----------------------------------------------------------------
14:03.49Tujuand i replace 'trunk' with my line number?
14:04.47Tuju  exten => _9XXXX.,n,Dial(SIP/fooprovider/${EXTEN:1},60)
14:04.53roswellTuju, with a sip peer or friend id
14:05.18roswellpreceded with SIP/
14:05.39[TK]D-FenderTuju, exten => _XXX.,1,Dial(SIP/372654321/${EXTEN})
14:06.49roswellfyi, [TK]D-Fender , _XXX. is a bit overflew in this specific case, don't you find?
14:07.29*** join/#asterisk tedstriker (
14:07.35roswellafair he wanted to redirect any number to an extension, which _X! does well
14:07.42[TK]D-Fenderroswell, Do you think "22" is something valid to dial to the PSTN anywhere?
14:08.22[TK]D-Fenderroswell, "any number" is vague crap that bits you in the ass and usually there are exceptions .... like wanting to do INTERNAL THINGS
14:08.40roswellain't he doing some internal things?
14:09.00[TK]D-Fenderroswell, Don't use stupid patterns.  Ever.
14:09.58roswellaccording to yours, 2222 would be valid either
14:10.27[TK]D-Fenderexten => _XX.,1,Dial(SIP/372654321/${EXTEN})
14:10.30[TK]D-FenderThere, better
14:10.50roswellok let's quit bitching )
14:11.04[TK]D-FenderThat does cover several technically valid standard #'s (depending on geography, etc)
14:11.07roswelli've only applied the pattern to this case
14:12.44Tujufor some reason, my context is empty.
14:12.58Tujuregardless that i've those under [incoming] in extensions.conf
14:13.56roswellTuju, what's say context= in [general] section of sip.conf?
14:14.27Tujucontext = default  ; Default context for incoming calls
14:14.45Tujubut i've those two lines with context=incoming
14:14.58Tujudialplan show is full of some ael crap.
14:15.09Tujui tried to clean 'em out already, but still a lot
14:15.23*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@
14:18.50Tujuhow do i disable ?
14:19.20jmetroremove the module from your module list?
14:20.14mmlj4or rename the file
14:26.18Tujui looked the list but grep didn't find it
14:26.19*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (tm1000@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe70:fce6)
14:26.21Tujurejected because extension not found in context 'incoming'.
14:26.33Tujuso the line is not registered i presume.
14:29.17jmetrothat error means that you have an extension that doesnt match your dialplan
14:29.37jmetrolike if i dial 1234 in my system it saids extension 1234 not found in incoming
14:33.00Tujuso it has nothing to do with line then.
14:33.15jmetrocheck your dialplan for the extension it said it was missing
14:34.25Tujuha! Received response: "Forbidden" from '"Juha Tuomala" <>;tag=as7ca297e6'
14:34.33Tujui'm not welcome - i see.
14:34.37Tujunow the sip debug
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14:41.31Tuju is that an attempt to call to number 300 ?
14:41.51Tujuno, to 900972597604759
14:41.54jmetroFrom: 300<sip:300@>;tag=4458854b To: 900972597604759<sip:900972597604759@>
14:42.04jmetrofrom 300 to [that long number]
14:42.16Tujusome asswipe is trying to make proxy to call somewhere.
14:43.25Tujujmetro: is that attempt authenticated into proxy, can it be seen from that?
14:44.18Tujujmetro: how can i prevent that non-registered can't initiate invites?
14:44.39jmetrosend them into deadend context
14:44.47*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:45.14Tujuwould it help if all my own lines would be in own context?
14:45.22Tujumy friend once said that he woke up when some wanker was running a script against that phone. :)
14:45.29jmetroset default to deadend and set your registered ones to Incoming, yes.
14:46.34Tujuack, i'll do that.
14:46.52Tujubut - howcome those attempts come from local isp's ip-address space?
14:47.19Tujuis such cisco desktop phone somehow crackable that someone could use it as a proxy for those attempts?
14:48.11Tujuthey all seem to have same Contact that implies that this one device is always involved.
14:48.54jmetroCisco phones had a huge vulnerability recently
14:49.11jmetroyou could turn any cisco phone into an always-on microphone and duplicate the hack onto all the phones in the network in about 5s
14:50.34Tujuthat's sweet.
14:50.51Tujui need to let him know to turn that crap off.
14:58.54*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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15:00.18beardyjmetro: In which image? The SIP image too?
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15:05.40Tuju there is that error i've been hunting all day.
15:07.00Tujumaybe it's related that it has java crap inside.
15:07.51Tujumaybe i don't tell my friend that it can be turned into remote mic. :)
15:10.22Tujujmetro: about that context thing yet, if i move my terminals into own context, is there an easy way to still receive calls like emails without making any settings beforehand between two domains?
15:12.43*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:13.23jmetroi have 3 context, dead end, incoming, and internal[also handles outbound]
15:13.37jmetroyour domain is the only thing in your incoming context
15:13.42jmetroer no..not your domain
15:14.06jmetroall your phones go in internal/outbound
15:15.08Tujuare those contexts somehow chained?
15:15.13*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
15:15.40jmetroitsp says "call for [your phone number]
15:16.01jmetromy extensions.conf goes [my phone number] -> [company1-extensions]
15:16.16jmetrocompany1-extensions is an AA, or dialing, etc..
15:16.50jmetrocompany1-internal is outbound and rules for dialing internal extensions [like 100 to reach ext 100, or 200 to open the front door, etc.]
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15:17.11Tujuack, i need to dive into that later with more thoughts.
15:17.16jmetroso eventually incoming can hit a rule that says Dial(100 @ company1-internal)
15:17.23Tujui'm looking into that error now. hairy.
15:17.33*** join/#asterisk tedstriker (
15:17.39Tujucopies above into file.
15:18.14Tujuwhat line has the name and 'realm' or domain that is used in authentication?
15:18.24TujuContact: ?
15:18.40jmetroi dont know what that is
15:19.01Tujucause at least that i had wrong if that is used for auth
15:19.17Tujuif it is From: that is used, then it was correct.
15:19.35jmetroare you still debugging your auth to your itsp>?
15:19.47Tujuyes, it still doesn't work.
15:19.52jmetrobecause i bet if you called them they could tell you what they are seeing and what you should have
15:20.17Tujuwell, that's the point - it's teliasonera these days. they hate this service.
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15:20.22Tujuand don't want to help.
15:20.36Tujuit's eating their core business.
15:21.23jmetrothey still offer customer service htough
15:21.29*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:21.30jmetroyou might have to fight to reach a guy but the guy will help you
15:22.39Tujui have talked them before.
15:22.55Tujuthey nowdays charge every minute you talk to them.
15:23.07Tujuit all smells and far.
15:23.11jmetrofor service you are already buying?
15:23.25jmetroif you are transmitting the right username / password its not your fault
15:25.08*** join/#asterisk talntid (
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15:27.29Tujui mean if i ask their help, they ask money.
15:28.08*** join/#asterisk Tuju (
15:28.14Tujui mean if i ask their help, they ask money.
15:28.29jmetrowell youre not asking for help, youre asking for them to fix their problem =)
15:31.27Qwellumm, if your ITSP isn't helping you, maybe it's time to find a new one?
15:34.57*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
15:35.32TujuQwell: yeah, like there were that many choices here.
15:35.48Tujuthe one that has landlines, gives sip line for free.
15:36.06Tujuimo all that bundling should be banned.
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16:22.42*** join/#asterisk gbit86_ (~gbit86@
16:23.31gbit86_I need some assistance with a Switchvox by Digium. It is supposed to be based on Asterisk, but unfortunately it is a bit closed, so it is making my development with its API somewhat difficult
16:24.02igcewielingSwitchvox support is provided by Digium support.   We can't support it here since it is such a closed system
16:24.03gbit86_Right now I am simply trying to authenticate against it via Digest Authentication and using Nodejs
16:24.13mmlj4you have a device, in other words?
16:24.32mmlj4but their "support" is only going to be helpful to you if you pay them
16:24.33gbit86_ah… well then I guess I am just screwed because I have contacted them 3 times now and they don't want to support their own system.. this is great
16:25.01gbit86_well we have silver support I believe it is and well it is a waste.. if you don't buy gold you have nothing.
16:25.08mmlj4if you want to develop stuff, use vanilla asterisk, not some packaged system
16:25.25gbit86_agreed.. but I wasn't part of this decision as is often the case
16:25.30_Corey_gbit86_: Contact the partner who sold you the solution...  they may have additional support capabilites
16:25.54gbit86_lol.. if only you knew the partner they purchased it from
16:26.10gbit86_normally that would have been a good suggestion though
16:26.19_Corey_lol, I understand
16:26.46_Corey_Just ask for another partner in your area, I'm sure Digium can accommodate
16:26.48gbit86_screw them.. I guess I am just going to enable root access to this device
16:27.30gbit86_there is a way to do that, I read about someone that did it awhile back but I didn't think I would need to pursue that option
16:28.20_Corey_gbit86_: You'll be violating the license agreement if you go that route...
16:28.34gbit86_I'm used to that
16:28.45igcewielingmmlj4: Switchvox is not some packaged asterisk, it is a closed, custom, commercial Astersik
16:28.46gbit86_but I also get shit done
16:29.09mmlj4worse than I thought, then
16:29.21igcewielingtotally unsupportable by regular asterisk people
16:29.40jmetrofrom what i know, it looks like its the only asterisk with a real working GUI too
16:30.05mmlj4I haven't used any GUI tool, so I can't say
16:30.36gbit86_this is the 2nd closed solution the company I work for has gone with, the other was based on freeswitch
16:31.54gbit86_in both cases these companies like to act like glare issues on the PRI don't exist and were very incompetent when it came to fixing it, where as in asterisk it would have been a simple parameter to flip and it is a fairly well known issue online
16:32.10gbit86_needless to say I am very unimpressed with these closed solutions
16:37.08Tujuigcewieling: you saw the debug listing?
16:37.26igcewielingTuju: I cannot help you further
16:37.48Tujuhowcome? you all pressed so fiercly for that trace.
16:37.52*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
16:38.10igcewielingTuju: then I gave up and now have real work to do.
16:39.15Tujui understood that it would have been obvious small thing once that debug is provided.
16:39.20navaismoignore list??
16:39.46jmetronavaismo: how did uninstalling the ffvmpeg thing screw up your box?
16:40.35igcewieling*** navaismo has been added to Ignore List
16:40.37navaismono, uninstalling ffmpeg-devel fix the issue
16:40.40igcewielingnavaismo: your request is complete.
16:40.57jmetronavaismo: so i was right =D
16:40.58igcewielingnavaismo: I'd not add you to my ignore list.
16:42.25gbit86_so I am going to download the free home version of the switchvox first and see if I can just spin up a vm. I should be able to understand how digest authentication is being hashed from there and get the answers to all of my questions.
16:42.36navaismojmetro, I was testing a webrtc freepbx module with sipml5, and I updated my asterisk version, my webrtc2sip gateway version and do alot compiling with ffmpeg codecs and stuff then suddenly asterisk wont compile and the system have issues because i compiled fmmpeg and didnt remove the package from repos
16:42.39butthurtfaceAny of y'all ever run into this problem with Playback? pbx.c:3680 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Playback ' for extension
16:42.41navaismoso basically silly me....
16:43.15_Corey_gbit86_: I think the API may be nonexistant on the home version...  Could be wrong, but I'd check before investing too much time
16:43.40*** join/#asterisk gbit86__ (~gbit86@
16:43.41navaismobutthurtface, seems like playback is not compiled/loaded
16:43.55igcewielinggbit86_: SIP Digest should be VERY similar to HTTP Digest auth, you might check for information on that.
16:44.21igcewielingbutthurtface: stop putting extra spaces in your exten lines
16:44.43butthurtfaceI wondered that too but Playback(intro) works fine when the system picks up the call. It's just one line it's having trouble too.
16:44.45igcewielingThere is no application Playback<space> in Asterisk.
16:44.47navaismoi always used to do that, its a grammar rule
16:46.23butthurtfaceOhhhhhh I see.
16:46.26butthurtfaceLet me try to see that.
16:46.31butthurtfaceWatch, I'm an idiot- this will work now.
16:46.42*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
16:46.48butthurtfacebahaha yep. I'm an idiot.
16:47.09butthurtfaceOh man I didn't even see the blank space in 'Playback '
16:47.36igcewielingbutthurtface: some of us have been using Asterisk for a VERY long time.
16:48.37jmetroim so used to coding in really terrible languages [c++] that i never use spaces anymore
16:49.48bungle_hi, can someone help me understand some basic concepts with asterisk?  im trying to setup an SPA3102  - given up installing things via gui and starting out again with a fresh asterisk installation
16:50.24navaismobungle_, ask specific questions please
16:50.53infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:52.07*** join/#asterisk gbit86_ (~gbit86@
16:52.56Tujudoes the protocol allow making INVITE before REGISTER?
16:53.14navaismoi choose yes
16:53.29igcewielingTuju: the ONLY thing registration does is inform the far server of your current IP address.   It has nothing to do with ANYTHING else.
16:53.53igcewielingnone of our endpoints register
16:54.10Tujuif i compare my n9 session to telco, it does first REGISTER with few pkgs and it works.
16:54.15Tujuthen it makes call and it works.
16:54.30bungle_i think i can set the SPA3102 up as a sip endpoint using sip.conf and then asterisk will handle all the calls using extensions.conf?
16:54.30Tujuasterisk has this register => line, but it never REIGSTERs
16:54.42igcewielingbungle_: that information is in the Asterisk book
16:55.50joesuffcerenany ideas on querying CDR (mysql) to get highest number of simultaneous DAHDI calls in a given time period?
16:56.29talntidthat query would be pretty intensive
16:56.31bungle_thanks igcew - yes, im trying to get to grips with it - theres so many new terms etc im trying to understand that im getting totally confused and wanted to get a basic overview again - i dont think the digium gui helpd because different terms used for users - trunks extensions etc.
16:57.57joesuffcerentalntid: if you mean resource-intensive, that's no problem. I don't plan to run it on a regular basis. The problem I'm trying to solve is value proposition for transitioning from PRI to SIP. If there is a better way to get that historical info, I'm happy to hear it, as well
16:58.46joesuffcerenI do have a script running now that writes the current number of concurrent DAHDI calls to a log once per minute, but I was hoping to be able to look at the last six months instead/in addition
16:59.19joesuffcerenif you mean "pain in the butt to write and debug" then I agree. :-)
17:00.40bungle_for example - outside connectivity - the SPA3102 is an ATA and the book suggests i will need dahdi?  but if its connected as a sip device - i dont think i need dahdi?
17:01.04[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, You don't ... for that
17:01.12[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, You may need it for other things though
17:02.37bungle_thanks TK, so i guess im unsure what to call the connection - ie.  is it a VOIP trunk i need to setup - or simply have the SPA register as a SIP device?
17:02.59bungle_i dont plan on adding any more anaolgue phones or pstn connections
17:07.21[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, It is a SIP gateway.  The term "VoIP trunk" is not great in most contexts.
17:07.32[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, * talking to anything SIP is a peer like any other really.
17:07.51[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, As to whether it registers to * is up to you. You can do it any way you want
17:08.30*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:09.36bungle_ok,great - so the pstn line connects to * as a sip peer and then the dial plan decides what happens next?
17:10.02[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, Yes.
17:10.16[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, You tell the SPA to send the call to * and * does what you tell it to do
17:11.34bungle_ok so for outgoing calls the diaplan on * tells the sip/pstn to call out
17:12.14bungle_wow i know that may sound very basic questions - but ive become swamped in information overload about channles/trunks/users/extensions etc..
17:12.35[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, Quick version :
17:13.01[TK]D-FenderSPA-3102 has 2 ports, 1 FXS, 1 FXO.  The FXS is for boring phones like all the rest out there.  You configure it pretty much independently of the other port
17:13.15[TK]D-FenderThe other port (FXO) is for your lines.  I has MULTIPLE routing options
17:13.19[TK]D-FenderThis is something to watch for.
17:13.39[TK]D-FenderYou can have IT as the caller where to go (I think it's really jsut a tone letting them dial without a real prompt).
17:13.54[TK]D-Fenderyou could just tell it "throw the call over to the registered server
17:14.02[TK]D-FenderWhich is typically what you want to do
17:14.40[TK]D-FenderYou send that FXO port calls almost the same way you would ring the FXS phone port on it, except for passing the # to dial out along-with
17:14.45[TK]D-FenderThe End
17:15.19bungle_i cant tell you how much that helps :-) thank you
17:16.02[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, Getting it to toss the call over is pretty simple really
17:16.19[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, this is a "dialplan line" on the SPA.  Google up guides for the setup on them.
17:16.41[TK]D-FenderPretty much a 5-minute job
17:17.23bungle_hehe 5 min if you know - 4 days wading in treacle if you dont :-)
17:17.33[TK]D-FenderYou can also have the SPA BRIDGE the FXS & FXS ports together in the event of a power failure so the connected phone rings direct.
17:19.01bungle_i managed to get the SPA to register with * and forward all incoming calls - but when i answer on the softphone the caller got disconnected etc.  is that handled in the dial plan?
17:19.37[TK]D-FenderIf * got the call, and then continued to call out... and then you answer and THEN it fails then you probably have a networking issue
17:19.47[TK]D-FenderOr codec
17:20.13[TK]D-Fenderbungle_, Enable sip debug "sip set debug on", "core set verbose 10" and pastebin the entire call from beginning to end.
17:20.15infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:20.57bungle_ok, now i need some time to review where its up to - just done a reinstall of asterisk
17:28.22Tujuthat's progress.
17:29.47*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:30.03jmetro╘ o.o ╛
17:35.39*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@ attempt to outwit the universe appears to have failed.
17:38.50jmetroigcewieling: i get that all the time trying to revive dead servers
17:40.39igcewielingjmetro: Anytime we announce an upgrade we suddenly get all sorts of reports of problems which are pre-existing and totally unrelated to the upgrade.
17:40.49igcewielingSo this time we announced an upgrade and did nothing.
17:40.59igcewielingI suspect sales never notified their customers.
17:41.09igcewielingno problems reported.  8-(
17:41.13jmetroi remember that
17:41.22igcewielingyup.  Last night was the "upgrade night"
18:04.21bungle_TK - with your help i have a such a better understanding.. now have landline calling through to a softphone - only problem is that when i hang up the softphone the landline does not disconnect
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18:15.23Tujui'm getting close, now it only timeouts, packets appear to go right directions.
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18:17.41jmetrobugle include a Hangup() after the dial
18:17.45jmetroor after the VM
18:18.54butthurtfaceHave any of you discovered a way to make Asterisk answer calls faster? It seems there is no dial tone, just a few seconds of silence prior to asterisk answering.
18:19.54jmetrothat is your call setup time
18:19.58jmetronetwork issue
18:21.25butthurtfaceDo you think increasing bandwidth from 10meg will make a difference?
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18:23.59Tujuis there a way to do codec transformation in asterisk?
18:24.15leifmadsencodec transformation?
18:24.17Tujui read somewhere that my isp only accepts gsm codec
18:24.22leifmadsenasterisk does it natively
18:24.26leifmadsenjust enable the codecs you want
18:24.29Tujuyup, that sounds good.
18:24.39Tujuokay, so it cannot be that then.
18:24.43leifmadsenenable gsm on the carrier, enable whatever else you want on the other side
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18:32.52Tujuhaa, i could call from mobile to my cisco desktop via asterisk. :D
18:32.57Tujuthat was first time in my life.
18:33.12Tujubut for some reason it doesn't work otherway around.
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18:46.13KNERDThe docs seem to be lacking in the Dial() in one area; the file location assumed to be in the /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/ or must the file path be included?
18:47.52_Corey_KNERD: I'm using it on one system and have a relative path LIMIT_WARNING_FILE=custom/whatever.  I think you can do a full path though.
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18:48.36KNERDThanks a lot _Corey_
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19:15.57Tuju   i'm calling from 654321 to 555111, why it starts retransmitting?
19:16.46Tujutcpdump shows that there comes no response packets, but when the call is being canceled, then the proxy answers.
19:24.37[TK]D-FenderKNERD, Same rules as every other sound file.
19:24.48[TK]D-FenderKNERD, Same rules as every other sound file.
19:25.16KNERDI am not too familiar with the rules for sound files
19:25.33KNERDpertaining to Asterisk
19:26.27[TK]D-Fenderkenrelative to the sounds folder from ASTVARLIBDIR, or absolute when starting with /
19:27.34KNERDoh..okay thanks..but since I have the additional sound files, I would say I have to use the absolute.
19:34.26*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
19:36.12[TK]D-FenderThose additional sounds should be under the main already...
19:36.40igcewielingif the files are under /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en then you can use relative paths, if they are not, you need absolute paths.
19:39.10KNERDThey are but there are multiple langes
19:39.51*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
19:40.41[TK]D-Fenderselection of those is an automatic convention
19:44.53FLeiXiuSUnder confbridge, is there a way to enable only the microphone and mute the incoming audio over the speaker?
19:48.30KNERDwhat do you mean "automatic convention"?
19:48.35[TK]D-FenderFLeiXiuS, Whose?  Using what?  When?  What version?
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19:48.56[TK]D-FenderKNERD, languages use sub-folders that are always relative
19:48.58[SySteM]Anyone use asterisk with ices to stream on a icecast ?
19:49.10FLeiXiuS[TK]D-Fender, I have a user I want to mute what he can hear, but allow him to talk using confbridge asterisk 11.3.0
19:49.17[SySteM]i try since 2 days to make anything working with asterisk 1.4 and ices0 and ices2.. nothing running.
19:49.52*** join/#asterisk Quest (
19:49.53Questif i have a fiber optic but I have two separate ip pools of 8 ips each (the fiber optic wire will be still one), that is 2 separate threads (thats what i have been informed). Then each thread will be having its separate bandwidth limit. is it a fact that both threads will be unaffected by each other in terms of bandwidth and traffic? That is its almost same like I am having two fiber connections?
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19:57.00igcewielingQuest: I have no idea what you are talking about.
19:57.02[TK]D-FenderFLeiXiuS, when do you need to make this decision?
19:57.30igcewieling[SySteM]: since 1.4 is EOLd and so many people have moved to newer versions and ICES is not commonly used you may want to consider some other streaming method
19:58.08igcewieling[SySteM]: did you search the mailing list archives?
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19:58.26Questigcewieling,  thats good for a start
19:58.29FLeiXiuS[TK]D-Fender, I would like for it to happen based on the extension dialed?  IE, have an extension for a 'presenter' then have another extension for the listeners
19:58.49[TK]D-FenderFLeiXiuS, Then use func_volume to kill the audio
19:58.52*** join/#asterisk StockdoodleGish (
19:58.57Questigcewieling,  we thought to have one fiber connection (with two threads) instead of two different fiber optic isps
19:59.03[TK]D-FenderFLeiXiuS, because not hearing a conference doesn't appear to be an option
19:59.09igcewielingQuest: Asterisk uses many threads, it has nothing to do with your internet connection or the number of IPs in the system
19:59.21Qwelligcewieling: He means strands of fiber.
19:59.24FLeiXiuS[TK]D-Fender, Good call, thanks.
19:59.26QwellHe has no idea what he's talking about either.
19:59.30Questigcewieling,  by thread i mean 2 ip pools of fiber
19:59.31igcewielingQuest: I assume english is not your native language?
19:59.40Questigcewieling,  affirmative
20:00.32[SySteM]igcewieling, i search on lot of forum ..
20:01.10[SySteM]but if modules existed, there is common way to running it no?
20:01.11igcewielingQuest: you cannot expect QoS on your internet connection.  Your ISP is the only one who can tell you if usage of IPs in one pool will affect the bandwidth available to the other pool of IPs.    Unless the ISP does something special to separate out the bandwidth, then you have ONE internet connection, regardless of how many pools of IPs you have.
20:01.17StockdoodleGishNovice question: using #include in extensions.conf isn't letting me include contexts in the #included files. Is this by design, or is there something I'm not doing correct?
20:01.27QwellStockdoodleGish: pastebin an example
20:02.23Questigcewieling,  if the isp does separates the bandwidth on each pool and limits one with e.g 2mbps and the other with 1mbps . they will be totally independant?
20:02.58igcewielingQuest: ask your ISP, they set it up, they know.   There is nothing in general networking concepts which says one way or the other.
20:03.19Questigcewieling,  i just doubt that the sales man would lie
20:03.34Questigcewieling,  i just think* that the sales man would lie
20:03.37StockdoodleGishQuest: Pastebin example:
20:03.44igcewielingQuest: Q: How can you tell when a sales person is lying?  A: Their lips are moving.
20:04.03[TK]D-FenderStockdoodleGish, Show us actual files....
20:04.08QwellStockdoodleGish: include =>
20:04.18igcewielingQuest: ask to speak to an engineer before getting the service.
20:04.22Questigcewieling,  i tell that because iam in pakistan.
20:04.42Qwelligcewieling: "We already got the server."  That's the sentence I'd put my money on.
20:04.45[TK]D-FenderStockdoodleGish, and indeed the syntax is incorrect
20:04.59igcewielingQuest: I am not personally familiar with any ISP in the USA which offers service like you are describing.
20:05.08igcewielingI can't speak for your country.
20:06.41igcewielingAwww, that is so cute.   One of our customer service people is starting to get an "Engineer attitude".
20:07.18igcewieling"They SPECIFICALLY asked me to remove that (see below) – please have JEFF send me an email confirming this is what he wants before i start billing them for  wasting my time."
20:07.47butthurtfaceAny of y'all know maybe why Asterisk wouldn't be detecting the # sign?
20:07.58StockdoodleGishQuest: Actual file:
20:08.08StockdoodleGishThe => is in the original, just left it off the example
20:08.28igcewielingbutthurtface: several reasons, but without additional description of the setup no idea which might apply
20:08.28[TK]D-FenderStockdoodleGish, show us your actual files
20:08.53[TK]D-FenderStockdoodleGish, context includes work just fine across #INCLUDE-d files
20:09.02butthurtfaceIt's "Press 2 to go back, or press # to confirm"
20:09.03Questigcewieling,  ok
20:09.10[TK]D-FenderStockdoodleGish, So your files are bad, or your syntax is bad
20:09.19butthurtfaceSo they press 2, works great… returns to previous prompt… Press # and it gets all funky
20:09.26[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface, show us
20:09.50QuestStockdoodleGish,  whats that?
20:09.58igcewielingbutthurtface: can't think of anything obvious which would prevent Asterisk from detecting # when in an IVR in the dialplan
20:10.29StockdoodleGishQuest: Ignore. Mixed you up with Qwell.
20:10.35QwellStockdoodleGish: Which context(s) are you having issues with?
20:11.00*** join/#asterisk gbit86_ (~gbit86@
20:11.18Qwellline 35
20:11.20StockdoodleGishQwell: Shoot...nevermind.
20:11.23StockdoodleGishno underscore
20:11.44StockdoodleGishQwell: Thanks for your time.
20:11.52QwellThat'll be $299.94.
20:12.16StockdoodleGishQwell: Long day. I have no witty comeback.
20:12.18*** part/#asterisk StockdoodleGish (
20:13.39[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface, QUOTES <-
20:13.50[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface, notice to obvious difference of those 2 checks...
20:14.16butthurtfaceYeah those quotes are new… When I remove them the issue persists.
20:14.23Qwellcan Read() even return #?
20:14.34[TK]D-FenderDon't believe so...
20:14.37butthurtfaceThat's what I was thinking because # is to end the listening
20:14.40igcewielingbutthurtface: in Asterisk quotes are (usually) literal.  If you have quotes on one side of an = you need it on the other side.
20:14.52butthurtfaceigcewieling: thank you for that tip.
20:15.39igcewielingbutthurtface: # would end input, so with JUST a # then input would me empty.
20:16.17igcewielingbutthurtface: go reread "core show application read" again carefully
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20:20.34butthurtfaceI'm going to try it with "" input rather than #- We spent $500 on the asterisk voice lady and I don't want to spend more money on having her change her shit
20:21.17butthurtfaceNope, didn't work with blank. That's okay. It's only going to be like $12 for 15 more words haha
20:21.29igcewielingbutthurtface: did you remember quotes on both sides of =
20:21.36butthurtfaceI didm;t use quotes
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20:21.56igcewielingbutthurtface: you have to if you want to check for empty.
20:22.20igcewielingGotoIf($["${refconfirm} "= ""] could be written as GotoIf($[X${refconfirm}X = XX]   QUOTES ARE LITERAL
20:22.36madhatthey everyone.  can anyone help me.  I need to think of an easy "test" for a backup tech I'm interviewing tomorrow… you know, "break" my pbx in some fashion that should be super easy for any * tech to find….  I can think of several things but wanted to ask the community
20:22.51igcewielingwell GotoIf($["${refconfirm}" = ""] of course
20:23.14Qwellmadhatt: Ask him to tell you every step of a line of dialplan leifmadsen writes for you.
20:23.18butthurtfaceThat actually might work.
20:23.27igcewielingmadhatt: add a space after an application name in your dialplan
20:23.29butthurtfaceI'm going to try that right now igcewieling
20:24.19madhatthrmm… good ideas…
20:24.29igcewielingbutthurtface: you are checking for quote ${refconfirm} quote = quote quote.   The quotes are PART of the comparison
20:24.47igcewielingmadhatt: change one of your 1NXXNXXXXXX or NXXNXXXXXX to NXXNXXXXX
20:25.11igcewielingMatthias: make an extension with a missing priority 1
20:25.24butthurtfaceigcewieling: That didn't work. We're going to either replace the "Pound" with "1" so it can just be a 1/2 prompt.
20:25.37butthurtfaceEasier to rework the audio to get her to say what we like.
20:25.39igcewielingmadhatt: think back to all the mistakes you made.
20:25.55madhattigcewieling: great!  I've made so many mistakes
20:26.13Qwellmadhatt: Make him come in here, and answer the first question he sees.
20:26.47madhattshit, I run our 100+ employee * pbx (and several others) and I'm a novice by you all's standards!
20:26.50igcewielingQwell: remind me to never interview with you. 8-|
20:26.51madhatt(i'm sure)
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20:33.20Tujui can't get that outbound trunk to work.
20:33.25Tujuit keeps retransmitting.
20:33.32Tujuinbound works fine.
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22:03.35leifmadsenQwell: wat?!
22:06.26*** join/#asterisk jagster` (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jagster/x-9084543)
22:12.21butthurtfaceAny of you know of a reasonable way to check if a file exists? I'm using Googles Speech Recognition to ask the caller "What state is your property in" - Now I have the voice files for all 50 states, of course- if they say "Africa" the file will not exist, but how would I go about saying "I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?" rather than confirming "You said your property is in" africa.gsm does not exist.
22:12.55jagster`-___________________- so ive just been tasked with securing an old asterisk server and have it public facing so that people can work remotely
22:13.06butthurtfaceoh lucky you!
22:13.31jagster`putting it behind a border controller is a nogo since it would be a failure point for the business
22:13.43jagster`can anyone point me in the direction of some good readings?
22:14.14jagster`yeah someone mentioned some custom brew of fail2ban
22:14.36jagster`its a temp fix, put this out in the wild and then upgrade to a newer, secure version of asterisk
22:14.40butthurtfacefail2ban would be a must, but be mindful that if you receive some goofy auth errors from your users, you will need to manually remove them from the iptables system.
22:15.00jagster`service iptables off ;)
22:15.23butthurtfaceHonestly I would use iptables, allow anything on the internal lan to come in, and external I would be selective about it.
22:15.53jagster`yeah guess i could restrict it to known ip rangers
22:16.02jagster`but how do you get your external agents to login?
22:16.06jagster`ie sales
22:16.31butthurtfaceYou would have to make sure that those IPs are permitted after the other rules are set.
22:16.59jagster`but those are most likely to be dynamic ip's
22:17.38butthurtfaceI would say try to use their MAC address but that seems like it would be a bad idea.
22:17.48jagster`lol yeah mac addresses are not security
22:17.56jagster`they are broadcast clear text by every device
22:19.45butthurtfaceVPN isn't an option either I take it.
22:21.50jagster`ideally no, as its one more thing our sales guys would have to use and you know how users are with change
22:22.38butthurtfaceHmm… I personally don't have any other ideas but I'm like 90% on a project I'm stuck on… but I am sure out of the 150+ people in here someone might be able to offer you some sound advise.
22:22.43jagster`maybe an open source session border controller infront of the pbx
22:22.52jagster`what are you stuck on
22:23.20butthurtfaceProbably going to sound stupid, but I need Asterisk to tell me whether or not a file exists. and if not, to say so. LOL
22:23.36butthurtfaceAny of you know of a reasonable way to check if a file exists? I'm using Googles Speech Recognition to ask the caller "What state is your property in" - Now I have the voice files for all 50 states, of course- if they say "Africa" the file will not exist, but how would I go about saying "I'm sorry, could you please repeat that?" rather than confirming "You said your property is in" africa.gsm does not exist.
22:25.33jagster`hmm dunno enough about the software to ofer a suggestion
22:25.58butthurtfaceYeah me either… The docs say to use a shell script but I'm not sure how that is going to work.
22:26.38[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: "core show function STAT"
22:26.54butthurtfaceD-Fender is there anything you don't know about asterisk? lol
22:27.09igcewielingbutthurtface: "core show functions" is your friend.  Get to know it, buy it a beer. go to bed with it.
22:27.28butthurtfaceApparently it is. This actually shows me exactly what I'm looking for.
22:27.42[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: Sure ... but then there's the tons of useful bits I do and somehow I'm able to sleep at night.... for like 6 entire minutes as logs will attest
22:28.01butthurtfaceCouple of weeks ago a head hunter offered me $150,000 for an Asterisk Engineer role… I explained "Sorry I don't know enough to take your offer"
22:28.06butthurtfacenow I see why they get paid the big bucks.
22:28.13*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
22:28.19igcewielingIf you read the Asterisk Book, read the docs for each function and application, you can become an expert in only a few years.
22:28.30mmlj4what? under fire in afghanistan?
22:28.37*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
22:28.38butthurtfaceNo. Sherman Oaks, CA
22:28.45mmlj4give the dude my email address :-)
22:28.51igcewielingbutthurtface: not much difference
22:28.59butthurtfaceLOL igcewieling TRUE that!
22:29.08igcewielingActually, I was thinking Oakland, not Sherman Oaks
22:29.30butthurtfaceSherman Oaks is better than Oakland, but Sherman Oaks is still in LA County… so yes, garbage town.
22:29.33mmlj4seriously, if I could make that kind of money I'd deign to live in cali
22:29.51butthurtfacemmlj4: I can give you the head hunters name on LinkedIn if you like.
22:30.08jagster`shermanoaks is a very nice neighborhood
22:30.15mmlj4mostly kidding, but thanks
22:30.20igcewielingfor 150K/yr I might consider taking a job which makes me go into the office.
22:30.34butthurtfaceSherman Oaks could be worse.
22:30.35jagster`what part of town are you in butthurtface
22:30.45jagster`let me guess OC
22:30.47butthurtfaceI'm in Winnetka, which is much worse than Sherman Oaks lol.
22:31.01butthurtfaceNo, still in the same area as Sherman Oaks.
22:31.24[TK]D-Fenderheads out to practice...
22:31.27jagster`never heard of winnetka
22:31.31jagster`what kinda company u work for?
22:31.54butthurtfaceI work for an adult entertainment company.
22:32.06butthurtfacebut we're branching off into mainstream...
22:32.42jagster`ah yes makes sense now
22:32.48jagster`you guys are in winnetka?
22:32.56jagster`i used to work @ warner center
22:32.59butthurtfaceNah, Westlake Village - Near Thousand Oaks.
22:33.07butthurtfaceMy fiancé works at the Warner Center for Health Net.
22:33.15jagster`tell her to ge tme a discount
22:33.25igcewielingbutthurtface: wait, porn isn't mainstream?
22:33.26butthurtfaceLOL if only she could get herself a discount first
22:33.49butthurtfaceigcewieling: That's a good question for our VC guys LOL
22:34.00jagster`do you guys produce
22:34.02jagster`or distribute
22:34.07jagster`i used to work for a big .com
22:34.15butthurtfaceNo our production is handled elsewhere.
22:34.22igcewielingif you compare the percent of people who like porn .vs. the number of people who like action flicks, I bet porn would win.
22:34.30butthurtfaceWherever vivid has them do it. I don't participate in that. I'm just a sysadmin.
22:34.46jagster`when our company decided to go mainstream
22:34.50jagster`they opened a new business :P
22:34.55jagster`and put me on as sysadmin
22:35.15butthurtfaceKind of a rough job but it has its perks.
22:35.44butthurtfacebeats the hell out of pickin' on a double row
22:35.44jagster`we were more of a portal
22:35.51jagster`kinda like ccbill
22:36.56mmlj4igcewieling: you're not back on the coast, are you?
22:37.07igcewielingmmlj4: pensacola
22:37.11butthurtfaceAhhh CCBill.
22:37.27igcewielingeasy to escape in case of a hurricane, but still on the gulf and way above sea level
22:37.28butthurtfaceI always liked iBill better… Of course they went into the shitter.
22:37.32butthurtfaceRIP iBill
22:37.36mmlj4way above sea level
22:37.40mmlj4I used to know what that was
22:37.56igcewielingmmlj4: I lived on the top of a mountain for 3 years after Katrina
22:38.14mmlj4I remember about that
22:38.25BoRiSI have a grandstream 502 ata and whenever I make a call, I can barely hear the person on the other end even when my volume is up on my phone. What settings needs to be tweaked to increase the volume.
22:38.36igcewielingI don't remember how far above sea level Huntsville was, but it was enough
22:38.49mmlj4later &
22:39.45*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (
22:40.14butthurtfaceStat/e works awesome for what I need it to do!
22:40.20butthurtfaceThanks [TK]D-Fender.
22:41.22*** join/#asterisk andrewya_ (
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23:12.45jagster`butthurtface:  we were one of the other big ones
23:15.30jagster`nah we had like hundreds of thousands of affiliate sites
23:25.08*** join/#asterisk robert_ (~hellspawn@objectx/robert)
23:34.25*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (

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