IRC log for #asterisk on 20130428

00:26.12*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
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01:07.19*** join/#asterisk Katty (
01:38.38igcewielingsigh     Packets: Sent = 2374, Received = 2237, Lost = 137 (5% loss),
01:39.16Kattyhugs igcewieling
01:39.19Kattyigcewieling: this calls for beer :<
01:52.59Kobazmmm foods
01:53.20KobazMes Reves
01:55.09igcewielingIt calls for something, that is for sure.
01:57.11Kattysomeone come play xbox with me
02:01.01*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
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03:02.39krapperis mpg123 required for format_mp3. module to compile?
03:03.34*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
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03:41.30dlynesDoes disposition or hangupcause expose themselves to agi?
03:41.58dlyneskrapper, yes, or 123mpg
03:42.23dlyneskrapper, if you're building it from the command line, you'll see that you need to go into the mpg123 subdirectory to build it and install it
03:42.35dlyneskrapper, so you don't have to worry about which version you need
03:57.36dlynesKobaz, Murphy's new law?
03:58.22igcewielingdlynes: you can get the value of those variables from an AGI yes.
04:06.32Kobazhah yeah
04:08.57*** join/#asterisk threesome (
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08:36.52*** join/#asterisk jaxon007_ (~jaxon007_@
08:39.35jaxon007_I am playing an audio file in asterisk using playback , it was playing very well but now there are some issues in voice ..while playing its occur some silence and some break on audio ..I installed asterisk on amazon servers ..what will be the issues
08:40.35jaxon007_asterisk version -
08:42.58ectospasmcould be many things
08:43.31ectospasm...codec selection, available bandwidth/CPU, proper QoS not set up, etc.
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08:48.49jaxon007_@ectopasm What are the thing we need to look on Qos?
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08:54.34ectospasmjaxon007_: I'm not a QoS expert, but you need to give priority to the RTP traffic
08:54.55ectospasmthat may require cooperation with your ISP
08:57.25*** join/#asterisk k610 (
09:20.49*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
09:23.32atanYay, 10.8 -> 11.3 went just beautifully! Asterisk FTW
09:33.24*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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10:09.22ectospasmatan: not much difference between those, IIRC
10:09.52ectospasmI mean, anything that was deprecated in 10 is not in 11, etc., etc....
10:20.02emkHow do I add modules _AFTER_ I've already built asterisk and run `make install`? I need to add format_mp3 etc to my "Asterisk 11.3.0" install so that I can install FreePBX.
10:23.32*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
10:28.18WIMPyDo it again.
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13:37.05Dovidhello everyone
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15:27.28igcewielingemk: usually you don't, you rebuild asterisk.  harmless thing to do.  make; make install   don't do any other makes
15:29.51Kobazharmless you say
15:30.04Kobaz...assuming you didn't add any bugs in between the last build and the new one
15:30.30Kobazbusily adds some bugs
15:32.51igcewielingbicycling is harmless unless you crash
15:54.22Kobazharmless you say?
15:54.47Kobazwhat about the bugs that get squished as you ride
15:54.57emkigcewieling: thanks Ive  just gone through the rebuild
15:55.29Kobazand to think that this all revolves around bugs... oh the humanity
15:55.54emkbut I can't build chan_dongle now
15:56.34emkAnyone know if AsteriskNOW (latest) is compatible with the latest chan_dongle (on google code)? I'm gettin errors building it.
16:06.10emkHere's the pastebin: I'm trying to install/build chan_dongle on AsteriskNOW (Asterisk version 11)
16:06.40igcewielingemk: so few people use chan_dongle you might have better luck searching the mailing lists
16:07.29igcewielinglooks to me like chan_dongle may not be compatible with Asterisk 11
16:07.35igcewielingor Asterisk 12 8-)
16:07.57emkigcewieling: hmm, so is there an alternative for connecting USB modems?
16:08.38emkigcewieling: I've actually seen a lot of dead-ends in the mailing list.
16:08.41igcewielingemk: only crazy people do that, so no.
16:09.08igcewielingemk: what exactly are you trying to accomplish?
16:10.15emkI'm trying to get a Huawei Modem to behave as a trunk, make voice calls.
16:11.06emkAnd the Huawei Modems are the only hardware I have (no option to try building out anything else, with alternative hardware)
16:11.46igcewielinggood luck.
16:12.10igcewielingyour best bet is to downgrade to 1.8 and see if it works on that version
16:13.34*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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16:33.23stanregjmetro: hm
16:34.19*** join/#asterisk racho (~racho@
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16:37.44rachois it appropriate to create a catch-all context in extensions.conf and use an agi script to dispatch the calls to different locations from inside the script?
16:39.14igcewielingracho: only if your goal is an overly complex system with the likelyhood of a bug somewhere which allows toll fraud.
16:40.00igcewielingat a minimum you want trusted devices to go into one context and untrusted devices (like your ITSP) going to another context
16:42.41rachoigcewieling, that asterisk box will play the role of a router to another asterisk box in our VPN. by definition all of the outgoing calls will originate from a trusted source. my sip.conf has the appropriate contactpermit/contactdeny lines
16:43.05igcewielingracho: then you should be ok with one context
16:44.12rachoigcewieling, thank you for the clarification
16:45.47igcewielingracho: we do something similar with our core call routing boxes.  Call comes in, an AGI is run to look up from a database how the call should be routed, the agi sets dialplan variables and exits, the dialplan then does the actual dialing, after the call ends an agi is run to clean some stuff up and log.
16:46.25*** join/#asterisk h34d3r (
16:47.14rachoigcewieling, that's what we had in mind when started the cleaning of a crufty old extension.conf
16:48.20igcewielingracho: we handle routing for around 6,000 telephone numbers with a fairly small extensions.conf/extensions.ael.  -= 43 extensions (421 priorities) in 17 contexts. =-
16:51.35igcewielingI bet you can clean out most of your extensions.conf by going to a database based setup
16:53.36rachoigcewieling, actually the server in our VPN is full realtime. we just want outgoing calls to move through another box with a public ip
17:04.29*** join/#asterisk ang-st (~pg@rsbac/developer/ang-st)
17:07.29WIMPyeek: Google for "chan_dongle Asterisk 11" and you will find a version that works.
17:12.39*** join/#asterisk gusto (
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17:22.23ang-sti'm trying to dev a simple module that send tone via sip/rtp
17:22.58ang-sti've setuped like this :
17:23.15WIMPyWhy do you need a module to do that?
17:23.50ang-stin fact i want to modulate v23
17:24.05ang-stbut the audio is scrambled when it goes over rtp
17:24.40ang-stthe first signal is  dumped from wireshark ... et
17:24.53ang-stthe second from the monitor app
17:25.13WIMPyhopes you want to use it locally.
17:25.29ang-styep :)
17:27.34ang-stanyway i have no clue on where looking to fix this audio thing
17:34.41ang-st sip debug trace
17:35.24ang-stthanks in advance :)
17:35.33WIMPyI guess you will have more luck to find somebody to comment on that stuff tomorrow.
17:36.54ang-stWIMPy: ok, i will hang around :)
17:37.52*** join/#asterisk protocoldoug (~doug@unaffiliated/protocoldoug)
17:41.21igcewielingang-st: ask on #asterisk-dev or the asterisk-dev mailing lists.
17:47.47*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (kvirc@
17:52.21ang-stigcewieling: thanks will do
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18:13.12*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
18:14.43danfromukHi. I'm looking for a good oneway encryption solution and someone recommended blowfish. Has anyone got experience of this? Is it any good?
18:16.44danfromukOops. Wrong channel.
18:29.45*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (~michel@
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20:54.50*** join/#asterisk hex`` (~hex@unaffiliated/hex/x-261681)
20:55.54hex``I'm just starting to use Asterisk. Which terms should I search/study in order to be able to get data (such as pressed button, etc) from a call?
20:56.21WIMPyTo do a menu?
20:57.14hex``yes, that too, but mainly I want to monitor which phone is chosing certain option in the menu
20:57.31hex``I'm using a python module for asterisk called PyCall
20:57.40WIMPyThat would happen locally on the phone.
20:57.44*** join/#asterisk kontinui_ (~kontinuit@
20:57.58igcewielinghex``: read The Book, the output from "core show applications" and "core show functions", if you are reading other documentation check the UPGRADE*.txt files to find the differences between what the old outdated docs say (like from and YOUR version of Asterisk.
20:58.02infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:58.28igcewielinghex``: The phone does not send digits to Asterisk until after the you are done dialing.
20:58.43WIMPyDepends on the phone.
20:58.52hex``Thanks for the guidance, igcewieling!
20:58.55hex``I'll read it
20:59.04WIMPyBut to get info abot menus sounds more like havong to hack a phone.
20:59.10*** join/#asterisk tftech (
20:59.18igcewielinghex``: if you are wanting to monitor what digits are received by asterisk during an IVR you would use AMI (asterisk manager).
20:59.32hex``yes, that is exactly what I'm looking for
20:59.42hex``ok, asterisk manager
20:59.47igcewielinghex``: The Book should have information on AMI / Asterisk Manager
21:00.31*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
21:00.35igcewielingyou may have to add UserEvents to your IVR  "UserEvent: Send an arbitrary event to the manager interface"
21:00.35hex``right, thanks a lot igcewieling! :)
21:00.37tftechHello, I have an H323 question. I was able to get asterisk communicating both ways with an Avaya with H323. My issues is that I can only have one call at a time
21:00.47tftechI cannot find how to increase this
21:01.04tftechAny help is greatly appreciated
21:01.42igcewielingtftech: H323 with Asterisk is very unusual, it is unlikely anyone here uses it.  You might want to ask on the mailing lists or search the mailing list archives (add to your google search)
21:02.38WIMPyYes, but we can be reasonably sure there's no limit to the number of calls. So that probably meants the Avaya manual is the right place.
21:02.40tftechthank you igcewieling, I understand that it is very rare. I was able to find information about the basic configuration. I am not however able to find out anything about channel limits
21:03.06tftechOf course the Avaya technician says that they are set for 10 calls and it must be on the Asterisk side
21:03.46tftechI agree WIMPy, I do not see where to limit the channels for H323
21:03.48WIMPyIncrease verbose and possibly debug and try. You should be able to see what's going on.
21:04.12tftechWIMPy, the system is remote, I will try that as soon as I have access again.
21:04.15tftechThank you all
21:04.21tftechI really appreciate all help
21:04.49tftechHave to go now
21:19.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
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21:46.15*** join/#asterisk iprouteth0 (~james@unaffiliated/iprouteth0)
21:47.26*** join/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
21:48.07_abc_Hello. I have trouble with newer cisco skinny phones and asterisk, the protocol seems to have changed. I get log error messages about phones sending out of order packets without registering, and registration fails.
21:48.26iprouteth0curios.  Why no SIP on the cisco phones?
21:48.30_abc_Has anyone seen something like this? Pointers? Links?
21:48.38_abc_The phones are sccp and are to stay sccp
21:49.01WIMPyDo you use a current Asterisk?
21:49.06iprouteth0never run SCCP with asterisk.
21:49.15_abc_the common point is they are 794x and 796x newer phones with very new firmware (post 2007)
21:49.18iprouteth0You could use SCCP with call manager express and trunk via SIP to asterisk
21:49.19_abc_older ones run great
21:49.30_abc_iprouteth0: never say never. Why do you say that?
21:49.55_abc_This is an old hacked astrisk but newer ones also have a problem there (I tried)
21:49.58iprouteth0SCCP and call manager express are very easy to setup I suppose
21:50.06_abc_I also read that phones bought off of ebay sometimes have such trouble
21:50.08WIMPyHow new?
21:50.32WIMPyThere has been quite some work on sccp recently.
21:50.34iprouteth0I always just messed around with GNS3 and a 3745 IOS image that I installed call manager express on
21:51.02_abc_The one whose wire level ethernet logs I am looking at now has fw SCCP41.9-3-1SR2-1S which is very weird and does not appear on the cisco list of firmware matrices
21:51.06iprouteth0never done CME on real hardware since I didnt have the money for reall hardware.  I have had very little trouble using SIP firmware on 79xx phones with asterisk however
21:51.35iprouteth0what is the reason you need to keep them SCCP firmware?
21:51.45_abc_in this case asterisk is an in between station in a lab, helping to sort out phones before they go out for real work
21:51.49_abc_sometimes with asterisk sometimes with ccm
21:52.03_abc_so no more upgrade talk please :)
21:52.28_abc_what I need to know it, has someone seen serious trouble of this kind with cisco phones?
21:52.38WIMPyThen it's a case of bad luck, I guess.
21:52.42iprouteth0I see.  Afraid I can't offer much help at the moment as I've never run SCCP with asterisk.  Suppose I could load one of my cisco phones with SCCP firmware, but it'd take a good bit of time
21:52.43_abc_There are threads on the web about such trouble with ccm (no registration!)
21:52.58_abc_iprouteth0: eh yes don't bother
21:53.04iprouteth0I try to stay away from the cisco 79xx phones now.  Too many problems
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21:53.19WIMPyYou should find the topic on jira as well, I think.
21:53.22_abc_Yet some people buy them and are stuck with them, too big an investment
21:53.33iprouteth0sip support on them is almost laughable in the way it handles it vs other manufacturers
21:53.47_abc_laughable bad or good?
21:54.29_abc_cisco has this crazy versioning policy where there are enterprise versions of stuff they make which are custom builds outside the mainstream
21:54.34iprouteth0I agree.   Wish I could help you further.  I have a lot of experience with those phones and SIP, and even a good bit of call manager express experience.  Just very very little SCCP and asterisk
21:54.41iprouteth0you could try MGCP which asterisk supports as well
21:54.44_abc_you can't find info on those anywhere. The fw number I have above is such a custom one afaik
21:55.07_abc_The 'SE' at the end is a telltale sign for such trouble
21:55.18_abc_And I have no idea if the problem is the phone or asterisk
21:55.37_abc_Also there are several phones in the same situation but they come from the same installation
21:55.49iprouteth0Wish I could find work around here doing asterisk consulting.  I mainly just play around with my own gear.  My endpoints are now android handsets running Csipsimple with SIP/TLS + sRTP
21:56.32_abc_no idea what that is
21:56.35iprouteth0you could try GNS3 and Call Manager Express just to test the phones
21:56.40_abc_Won't touch goopile stuff :)
21:56.56_abc_iprouteth0: yes, but it is more complex than that
21:57.04iprouteth0csipsimple is a sip softphone on android.  I run SIP with TLS encryption with certificates as well as an encrypted media stream
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21:57.15_abc_I assume someone else aready tried that before they landed in my jurisdiction
21:57.33_abc_runs sip over ssh tunnels and vpns ...
21:57.56_abc_anyway thanks for the tips, if anyone has anything to add, feel free
21:58.17_abc_I'll go ask in #cisco too. The people there are umm not so open source friendly?
21:58.20_abc_For some reason.
21:58.24iprouteth0I used to used OpenVPN to run it over, but with SIP/TLS its not needed anymore.
21:58.50iprouteth0lol.  Yeah I don't know that I've ever really closely examined a packet stream of SCCP registration
21:59.47*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
21:59.54iprouteth0I mainly used SCCP and MGCP on Call Manager 6 way back in 2008 and then SCCP again on GNS3 emulated router in 2010 I think.  Been doing SIP on the 79xx's consistently since 2011
22:00.21iprouteth0could you reflash your phones with a different SCCP firmware?
22:00.46_abc_probably, but after consulting with the real user(s)
22:01.07_abc_#cisco is not so lively now and I am very tired, it's 1AM here
22:01.15_abc_I'll come back tomorrow
22:01.24igcewieling_abc_: Cisco doesn't want you to use their phones with anything except CCM.
22:01.27iprouteth0I think that might be your best route to get them working.  Keeps them on the firmware you need
22:01.44igcewielingi.e. they don't want your business so I don't thnk it is fair to give them your business
22:01.47_abc_igcewieling: yes but #cisco should help here on freenode, or be booted asap off freenode
22:01.53_abc_It's called freenode for a reason.
22:02.01_abc_They can pay if they are an official support channel
22:02.07igcewielingI'm preferring to the company not #cisco
22:02.32_abc_It's like that in many telecom settings.
22:02.39_abc_Most companies will have that sort of trouble
22:03.00igcewielingI like Cisco routers, but their attempt at forcing people who use their phones into using their PBX horrible.
22:03.30_abc_is a tcl/wish programmer among other things and hates ios cli. It could be much better.
22:04.26iprouteth0I like cisco routers and switches.  Their unified communications solutions are excellent, but there are so many hidden costs, and majority of the features can be provided by open source anyway
22:04.55iprouteth0working with the open source also helps keep skills broader as there are so many vendors out there
22:05.23_abc_I am okay with the hardware so far, the docs are nightmarish, and the ios cli looks like 3 drunk high school student's attempt at writing their 1st shell in tcl in their spare time
22:05.26igcewielingThe nice thing about Asterisk as compared to CCM is that with Asterisk you don't need to use scientific notation to quote the price.
22:05.53_abc_where the students were not on talking terms with each other when they wrote it
22:05.59WIMPy... if your time comes for free.
22:06.08igcewieling_abc_: Cisco phones have many useful features which are only available with CCM/SCCP and not SIP.
22:06.19_abc_I think I know a few
22:06.27_abc_I am not debating the hw quality. Very good usually.
22:06.39_abc_It's the marketing and firmware versioning which kill the product.
22:06.40igcewielingWIMPy: even when your time is not free CCM is still more expensive.
22:06.54_abc_I had to do with Nortel in a similar context some time ago before they died/were reborn
22:07.03WIMPyigcewieling: Your price is too low.
22:07.11_abc_Same thing, great hw, idiots in suits architecting the company into the ground
22:07.32WIMPyOr you are in to mass production mode.
22:08.46iprouteth0asterisk is my favorite so far.  There are some cool softwares out there.  Ever look at sipXecs?
22:08.48_abc_Pity that most Western companies with a good product are dying out like that
22:08.49igcewielinglast mediaum CCM system I saw a quote for was $250K and it was not a large system
22:08.59_abc_Sun, Nortel, not Cisco seems to be limping
22:09.38_abc_igcewieling: look, there is no point in being ecstatic. I had to do with Meridians and they sure cost a lot of money, but they are built to last and do last
22:09.43WIMPyThere are a lot of really good commercial systems around for a fraction of the cost.
22:09.51_abc_10,000 lines in a cupboard is do-able
22:10.04_abc_There are now, there were none than
22:10.19igcewielingWIMPy: indeed there are, but not Cisco
22:10.23_abc_It's sad they destroyed these companies with idiot suits hatching ever new money making schemes.
22:10.47WIMPyObviousely not. But SCCP still seems to be of the better tech.
22:10.54iprouteth0you guys ever worked with metaswitch at all?
22:12.04iprouteth0thats an interesting platform.  More carrier grade really, but does some cool stuff.  They are also making SBCs now that I've just started seeing
22:12.22iprouteth0Haven't heard much lately in regards to the asterisk SCF stuff....
22:12.47WIMPySeems to have gone out of fashion.
22:15.50iprouteth0I would love to see better support for redundancy in asterisk
22:17.15*** join/#asterisk joako (~joako@opensuse/member/joak0)
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22:58.27igcewielingIf you limit your needs you can have reasonable redundantcy on a per call basis
22:58.54igcewielingthough it could be much improved to support in call redundancy
23:12.57*** join/#asterisk andrewyager (~andrewyag@
23:17.46*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
23:21.39iprouteth0i'm likely going to start playing around with configuring high availability asterisk systems once my hardware allows
23:24.31*** join/#asterisk amizraa4 (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
23:25.39igcewielingiprouteth0: we have found that using SRV records and not using registration works well.  All clients can connect to all servers and all servers can connect to all clients.
23:25.44*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
23:34.57iprouteth0that makes sense.  I've used nonregistering peers before in the past for certain providers or between odd devices
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23:47.50igcewielingnone of our peers register, which makes things a bit easier
23:47.59*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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