IRC log for #asterisk on 20130427

00:03.34*** join/#asterisk SuperBawlz (
00:03.41SuperBawlzanyone home?
00:14.17*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
00:26.42cuscoi'm at home
00:30.05SuperBawlzSo I have a funny one.
00:30.32SuperBawlzI have three systems with sip trunks using the same provider
00:30.44*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
00:31.08SuperBawlztwo are and
00:31.17SuperBawlzone is
00:32.06SuperBawlzthe two are able to use trunk settings with this command present "allow=none&ulaw"
00:32.58SuperBawlzbut if the command is used on outbound calls drop after 8 seconds. Only the audio
00:33.36SuperBawlzthat's pretty jacked up eh?
00:35.29cuscobut the coddec is accepted?
00:36.03cuscoI always used a allow line per codec
00:36.25cuscobut that should make no difference
00:48.24igcewielingpastebin the cli output of a failed call with sip debug enabled for the peer and hope for the best.
00:48.40igcewielingthe allow=none is invalid anyway
00:52.25SuperBawlzcusco, using
00:52.47cuscook then
00:55.11SuperBawlzyeah. we figured it out but its weird.
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01:02.47*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:06.48sareebroanyone know how to display page numbers with fax for asterisk?
01:07.15cuscodisplay them...where?
01:07.20sareebroin the header
01:07.38cuscoI think there's a variable for that
01:09.50cuscoNoOp(Fax ${NUMBER} ${CALLERID(num)} with ${FAXPAGES} pages, ${FAXBITRATE} bitrate, status: ${FAXSTATUS} error: ${FAXERROR} and resolution: ${FAXRESOLUTION});
01:13.05*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
01:13.51sareebrocusco: I looked it up in the admin manual, but FAXPAGES is the number of fax pages transmitted, from how I interpreted it...
01:13.59sareebrodoesn't sound like something I could use for the header itself
01:14.20cuscoI don't understand
01:14.30cuscowhat is it that you want
01:15.33sareebroI want the fax to show page numbers in the header.
01:17.43igcewielingsareebro: inbound or outbound faxing?
01:18.06sareebroigcewieling: outbound
01:18.33igcewielingI missed your actual question.  What is the question?
01:19.02sareebroigcewieling: is there a way to display page numbers in the header when faxing with Fax For Asterisk?
01:20.02igcewielingI believe you can set the header.  You'll have to figure out the number of pages using some other method like using tiffinfo or similar linux command
01:20.08cuscodisplay in the tiif file?
01:20.12cuscolike, in the image?
01:20.19cuscoI don't thin asterisk has a way of adding data
01:20.26cuscobut you can post process it with some file
01:20.29cuscosome tool
01:20.34cuscolike imagemagick or something
01:21.27igcewielingFAXOPT(headerinfo) or FAXOPT(localstationid)
01:21.30*** join/#asterisk j-fish (~unrea@unaffiliated/j-fish)
01:21.42igcewielinglikely headerinfo
01:22.05sareebroheaderinfo is actually a variable that I am setting
01:22.28sareebroI was just wondering if there was an option I could turn on/off to display
01:22.50sareebrospandsp seems to automatically print the date/time as well as the page number in addition to the headerinfo that i set
01:23.35j-fishMy question is not related to asterisk (although i use it) but maybe someone here can actually help,i send and recieve around 2000 text messages a day , and it's not working good with regular cell companies,are there any alternatives?
01:23.41sareebroI was just curious. I suppose I will try using another utility to modify it.  Thanks cusco and igcewieling.
01:24.37igcewielingj-fish: there are commercial companies which provide bulk SMS services.   j-fish what country are you in
01:24.54j-fishigcewieling: usa
01:25.36igcewielingj-fish: a commercial service is your only option.   ALL Asterisk SMS related things only work with non-usa providers which provide SMS services over analog lines.
01:26.05j-fishi am running a call center and dispatch a lot of work to subconturcts through texts and they reply all day long
01:26.30j-fishigcewieling: i've been using vitielity sms for testing but it's not reliable
01:27.30igcewielingI don't use viteliry for SMS, but I've had an account with them since....2005 or earlier.
01:27.39igcewielingthey seem to be pretty reliable for voice and fax
01:27.49j-fishandroid based phone with some app like allmighty text is very cheap and unlimited texts,but it's not reliable either
01:27.56igcewielingthere are other, similar SMS providers out there.
01:28.17j-fishyeah they're excellent for voice
01:30.00igcewielingI doubt you'll ever get VERY reliable SMS service from anyone, but try a few different providers
01:30.48j-fishigcewieling: SMS is like fax,both should be gone from our life
01:31.14igcewielingj-fish: and neither will be for decades
01:31.31j-fishyep lol
01:32.09j-fishwell thanks i will keep looking:)
01:33.11igcewielingYou can be assured that "cheap" will not be reliable when it comes to SMS (even more so than with other services)
01:33.18cuscothere is also the chan_dongle
01:33.40cuscowhere you connect a huawei usb dongle and send sms from the SIM in it
01:34.00igcewielingcusco: same issues, the carrier won't care about an end user non-commercial account
01:34.31j-fishigcewieling: can i get a commerical account with it?
01:34.41cuscoigcewieling: I fail to see how that is a issue...
01:35.29igcewielingj-fish: with 40,000 texts/month any carrier will laugh at you if you ask about a commercial account.
01:35.46igcewielingcusco: he wants reliable.
01:35.50j-fishnot to mention that i need to run it on at least 3 computers at the time (1 sms number to sync all outgoing/received messages)
01:36.30cuscoigcewieling: I relly on my carrier when I send sms from my phone
01:36.32cuscobut then again
01:36.38cuscoonly now Inoticed the volume he meant
01:36.41cusco2000 a  day
01:37.29igcewielingj-fish: what is your failure rate on Vitelity SMS?
01:37.34j-fishwell sprint are reliable for us,its not as much of the carrier as the program we're using i guess
01:38.06j-fishigcewieling: i didnt check the rate,just saw a lot of texts not showing up and other issues that they have not fixed yet
01:38.22cuscowe use a service from the biggest telco in our country, costs 0.05EUR per sms
01:38.46igcewielingj-fish: Do all of the people receiving the SMSs have smartphones?   Coding an app for android and Apple might not be a bad thing to consider, then you can avoid the SMS issue entirely.
01:39.13cuscoit supports so much stuff, delivery reports check, sms with extra cost etc
01:39.40j-fishigcewieling: no we have so many subcontractors i can not ask them all to have smartphones
01:40.35igcewielingcusco: Providers Europe is totally different thing from SMS is the USA
01:40.56cuscook igcewieling
01:41.27igcewielingcusco: carriers in the USA to not provide outside access to their network using stuff like SOAP.
01:41.47igcewielingThey also don't allow access to their SMSC
01:42.04cuscook ok
01:42.11cuscoI don't wan't to know more.P
01:42.27igcewielingcusco: in many ways cell companies in the USA are very behind.
01:42.35igcewielingsame with ISPs in the USA
01:43.13igcewielingYou can't, for example, go town to your local corner store and buy a SIM card in the USA
01:43.32igcewielingin fact the 2 largest carriers don't even use SIM cards.
01:43.52igcewielingsorry, largest and 3rd largest carriers
01:44.00cuscowhat do they use?
01:46.50igcewielingCDMA, which does not use SIM cards and the phone cannot generally be moved between carriers.
01:47.23igcewielingThis is changing in the future as carriers move their voice services over to LTE, but it will be a few years before that starts to happen.
01:48.04cuscohere we have lte, based on gsm
01:48.12*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
01:48.21igcewielingAT&T and T-Mobile use GSM and SIM cards.   Verizon and Sprint use CDMA which does not even support the concept of SIM cards.
01:48.40*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
01:50.02igcewielingEven carriers with LTE still use GSM (or CDMA) for voice, though voice will be moved to LTE in the future.
01:50.24cuscoow.. ok
01:50.36igcewielingthis is the case globally, not just in the USA
01:50.50cuscolte uses ipv6 & ipv4 dualstack
01:50.59cuscoin the standard
01:51.21igcewielingI'm not sure, but I don't think so.
01:54.14*** part/#asterisk ircNewbz (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/ircnewbz)
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05:24.57*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
05:25.05linociscohi all
05:25.25linociscoallow=alaw,ulaw,gsm  or allow=alaw&ulaw&gsm?
05:25.37linociscowhich one is correct?
05:28.10*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:2000::3)
05:28.19ectospasmlinocisco: the commas
05:28.27linociscoectospasm, thanks
05:28.41ectospasmor, list each codec separately with different allow= lines
05:28.44linociscoectospasm, gsm or gsmlaw?
05:29.00linociscoectospasm, thanks
05:32.51*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
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05:54.17igcewielinggenerally you don't want to allow both ulaw and alaw
05:54.46igcewielinglinocisco: freepbx translates the & to individual allow lines
05:55.13linociscoigcewieling, i m refering
05:55.24linociscoigcewieling, but can't get it to work.
06:06.10*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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16:41.08linociscohi all
16:41.57linociscoi heard asterisk can't let users or extensions press 91 and hear dial tone or busy tone to check if line is free or not
16:42.59linociscoso alternatively, can asterisk make cisco ip phone show as FXO line indicator to see whether FXO line is occupied or not before making a call.
16:43.24linociscootherwise, line busy may be in two forms, our source FXO line is busy or destination number is busy
16:44.13igcewielinglinocisco: in SIP digits are not sent to asterisk until the user completes dialing on the phone.   If asterisk doesn't get the digits there is not much Asterisk can do.
16:45.33igcewielingthis is fundamental concept about how SIP works and you MUST understand it.
16:45.57linociscoigcewieling, ok. so if we want to call outside, is it ok to press to dial 91 and asterisk can see line is busy or not? if FXO line 1 is busy, will it automatically procceed to next line 2 ?
16:46.23igcewielinglinocisco: yes it is possible in theory to monitor the state of a device/port but you are not even close to understanding Asterisk enough to do that and you are using FreePBX which makes it even more complicated.
16:46.50linociscoigcewieling, yes. that is why I formatted freepbx
16:46.51igcewielinglinocisco: if you configure your phone to send digits after dialing 91 then you can handle it in the dialplan
16:47.20igcewielingif the port is busy then Dial will set DIALSTATUS to CHANUNAVAIL, not BUSY
16:47.58linociscoigcewieling, will it move to next available one automatically ?
16:48.27igcewielinglinocisco: it will move to the next priority yes.
16:48.41igcewielingas for moving to the next available port, that is a function of your SIP gateway, not Asterisk
16:49.25linociscoigcewieling, all explanations on most books are using DAHDI and digium cards. mine is grandstream FXO gateway device which accept 4 PSTN lines in maximum. i found no explanation on that
16:49.58igcewielinglinocisco: that is because as far as asterisk is concerned you don't have FXO ports.   You simply have a sip peer.
16:50.25igcewielingonce the call gets to the sip peer aka device it is up to the device to handle selecting ports and hunting, etc, not asterisk
16:51.38linociscoigcewieling, what I was facing is that call can be heard from one side if we dialed from users behind asterisk. for incoming calls from PSTN into asterisk , call were fine
16:51.40igcewielingAsterisk doesn't know if your sip device is a phone, a gateway, or a trunk to a provider -- they are all just sip peers.
16:54.47linociscoigcewieling, what I was facing is that call can be heard from one side only if we dialed from users behind asterisk. for incoming calls from PSTN into asterisk , call were fine
16:55.26igcewielingone-way audio issues are typically nat issues
16:55.52igcewielingthey could also be codec issues, but that is uncommon
16:57.22*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
17:08.53linociscoigcewieling, hi
17:09.44linociscoigcewieling, we are not calling over inside out of NAT. PBX is setup for PSTN inside out call
17:14.42*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
17:28.45igcewielinglinocisco: pastebin the cli output with sip debug enabled for the peer and hope someone can help.
17:29.22linociscoigcewieling, thanks
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19:02.15bchiaAnyone familiar with starpy? I'm getting "WARNING:FastAGI:Line received without pending deferred: 'HANGUP'" when trying to call agi.hangup() and the channel is still up. How do I hangup a channel?
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20:05.33bchiaFor anyone who might find this later (searching logs, etc…) the solution I found was to use agi.finish() instead of agi.hangup() - this closed that one connection (and hungup the channel) while leaving the reactor running to receive more calls.
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23:38.28Kobazanyone know if polycom phones support third party call control directly
23:39.26igcewielingKobaz: define "thirs party call control"
23:40.08Kobaztell the phone to do things, from outside the phone, and outside of just plain sip signalling
23:40.59Kobazi guess it used to be a license-only feature
23:41.15Kobaznow the question is, where's the docs on how to use it
23:41.21igcewielingthere are multiple methods to control the phone remotely.
23:42.03Kobaznow i know what it's called, uaCSTA
23:42.58igcewielingthat is just one method
23:43.03igcewielinglook for "push" in
23:43.51igcewielingthere is also broadsoft and microsoft linc integration, I assume those support some form of call control as well
23:44.11Kobazyeah linc and etc wont help me
23:44.18Kobazi want call control for unit testing
23:44.55igcewielingso something like "A push request is defined as an XML formatted request that you send to a phone to tell it to process the XML content. The phone may render the data, fetch a URL, or perform an action."
23:45.14Kobazyeah i know about polycom push
23:45.23Kobazdidn't know you can use it to do cal lcontrol
23:45.29Kobazi've used it for just messaging and stuff
23:45.55igcewielingI'm pretty sure you can tell it to push buttons for you, but you'd have to check to be sure.
23:46.03Kobazwow this hotel wireless is really getting crappy, i might be better off on tether
23:46.34igcewielingWe looked into it a few years ago.
23:47.21*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
23:49.24Kobazi can do some adapting if it's not totally comliant with polycoms
23:52.20*** part/#asterisk alhemicar (~alhemicar@

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