IRC log for #asterisk on 20130419

00:05.03*** part/#asterisk g_r_eek (
00:09.46*** join/#asterisk Quest (~syncsys@
00:10.33Questwhat software are recomended for asterisk installation? i mean which OS and any utilities like freepbx or trixbox or asterisknow      etc?
00:10.42*** part/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
00:11.09*** join/#asterisk jdummy (6cb742fc@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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00:12.27jdummyHi All... I've just installed asterisk now, but it doesn't install a gui and I can't access it remotely.  How does one connect to the freepbx web based gui?
00:13.06*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
00:13.27jdummyAsteriskNow gave the machine an IP of, but that's not from my DHCP server, which gives IPs in the 192.168.x.x range.
00:14.07jdummyI must be missing something painfully obvious.  Thanks in advance for your help,
00:16.16[TK]D-Fenderjdummy: Where do you see it having gotten that address?
00:16.28[TK]D-FenderQuest: Whatever you want to run
00:16.50Questwhats most recomended
00:17.01jdummyWhen I boot the machine, it says I can access it by visiting that IP in my browser.  Also, ifconfig
00:17.18[TK]D-FenderQuest: Compile from source on a server you're already running and capable of administering
00:17.41[TK]D-Fenderjdummy: If that wasn't pulled from DHCP it must have been given to it
00:18.00[TK]D-Fenderjdummy: That's basic CentOS under the hood so changing the NIC properties is standard
00:18.20[TK]D-FenderQuest: The more important question is what you want to get out of Asterisk
00:18.58jdummyHmmm... weird.  I can ping out to google.  AND... if I change the IP to a static in the 192.168.x.x format, I can no longer ping out
00:20.40jdummyI'm running it in a virtualbox... that may have something to do with it.  I'll dig around.  Thanks [TK]D-Fender
00:23.51jdummy[TK]D-Fender: I'm a dummy :)  My virtualbox instance had the network adaptor setup for 'NAT', but it needed to be a 'bridged adaptor'.  Thanks again
00:27.02*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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03:31.58Kobazwhy would all of a suddon all my phones go unreachable in asterisk
03:32.08Kobazbut i can still ping the phones, access their web interfaces, etc
03:33.59*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
03:35.53Kobazhad to restart asterisk twice and now it's working properly
03:57.42*** part/#asterisk StrangeWill (
04:01.40*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
04:01.53RahailHi quesiton if i am using realtime iax/sip how can see if they are register or not
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04:05.56linociscohi all where can I get new asterisk sound files?
04:06.00linociscoready to use
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04:49.19apb1963_meetme anyone?   .All I get are a few beeps and it doesn't connect to the conference.  Here's the log:
04:51.18apb1963_The basic problem is: app_meetme.c: Error: conference (8000001) not found
04:52.25*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
04:53.31kaldemarapb1963_: you need to configure it in meetme.conf
04:57.21*** join/#asterisk taylorbyte2013 (~cyberninj@
05:03.28apb1963_kaldemar: thank you.  To the best of my knowledge, I've done that.
05:05.26*** join/#asterisk iprouteth0 (~james@unaffiliated/iprouteth0)
05:05.29apb1963_I have: conf => 8600001  do I need something else?
05:05.39apb1963_oh crud
05:05.46apb1963_I just spottted it
05:05.53iprouteth0still geeked about getting sip/tls and srtp working :)
05:07.37iprouteth0even did the packet capture with sipdump and sipcrack.  all is well
05:21.14drmessanotls/srtp is pretty sweet
05:21.31drmessanoDid you use a package for SRTP or compile from source?
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05:24.01iprouteth0used package in the repo....running it on a router with openwrt
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05:25.17drmessanoI ask because there's a couple of patches for libsrtp... One for a memory leak, and one that apparently prevents a crash in Asterisk under certain conditions.  Neither have been merged or even looked at, it appears
05:25.38drmessanoI keep a tarball with those patches applied
05:26.36iprouteth0I can work with the developer who ported asterisk 11 to openwrt to have them committed over there
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05:26.51iprouteth0its 11.2.1 currently
05:27.17drmessanoOk.. Let me see if I can find the links to them.  One is in a bug report, and one is in a post on the forum for the project in sourceforge
05:27.46drmessanoLemme see if I have the diff's
05:28.33iprouteth0I have to restart asterisk routinely otherwise it sometimes has issues.  This was also occurring before the encryption
05:29.11iprouteth0I have that in a cronjob currently
05:29.55drmessanoOk, heres one.. Check the attached file
05:31.50drmessanoScroll to the bottom.  Read the description in the patch itself
05:32.20drmessanoNo, thats not where the description is.  Crap
05:32.29iprouteth0so that should be able to be patched without patching any of asterisk?
05:32.32apb1963_me too iprouteth0
05:32.50drmessanoCorrect, those are patched for srtp itself
05:32.57iprouteth0apb1963: ??
05:33.09apb1963_rebooting asterisk issue... in a cron job
05:33.37iprouteth0I see.  what sort of system is it on?
05:33.39apb1963_every morning, 6:30 am come smell or high water
05:34.31iprouteth0I've really never spent enough time troubleshooting the cause since it's an embedded device and I want to preserve the life of the flash
05:34.47apb1963_FreePBX on ubuntu-12.04.1-server as a guest OS courtesy of VMware® Player 5.0.1 build-894247 running under Windows XP Professional 5.1.2600, Service Pack 3 running on a ASUSTeK Computer INC. A8N-VM Rev 1.xx mamaboard with a bus Clock of 200 megahertz and using an American Megatrends Inc. 0610 BIOS from 12/30/2005 and a 2.40 gigahertz AMD Athlon64 X2 Dual Core processor with a 128 kilobyte primary memory cache & 512 kilobyte secondary m
05:35.13drmessanoiprouteth0, is asterisk compiled with the LOW_MEMORY flag for that device?
05:35.17iprouteth0I use google voice as my trunk and sip for my endpoints.  not sure which side or if it's the core software thats at fault
05:35.23apb1963_Hey... me too!
05:35.37apb1963_GV trunk... sip softphones
05:35.52iprouteth0thats a good question.  I'm not sure that it is.. I can ask the dev
05:36.02iprouteth0csipsimple for me
05:36.27drmessanoiprouteth0, LOW_MEMORY is a guaranteed crash.  I've seen it mentioned a few times that's currently broken
05:36.33iprouteth0I would want to get it off of the virtual machine to start
05:36.48apb1963_funds are strained
05:36.58iprouteth0me as well
05:37.23apb1963_I was forced to buy a hard disk I really didn't need to fix a corrupted boot file
05:37.31apb1963_Paid too much, got too little.
05:37.43apb1963_Now the old one sits doing nothing
05:37.54iprouteth0one has to cross compile for this system so I generally use the repositories, but I've got an ongoing dialogue with the dev who ported the version I am on
05:37.56apb1963_Cloned it first
05:38.34apb1963_sorry... I missed it... what kind of system?
05:38.44iprouteth0I usually reconfigure half from scratch half from old conf files.. But bare asterisk on a router is a different animal than freepbx
05:39.03apb1963_no doubt
05:39.11iprouteth0I do like freepbx very much despite it's many hiccups and somewhat ugly source
05:39.38drmessanoFreePBX is getting better.  GIve it time
05:39.47drmessanoMuch of that ugly code is being weeded out
05:39.51iprouteth0buffalo wzr-hp-g300nh
05:39.54apb1963_i have no real complaints with fpbx
05:40.03apb1963_what the heck is that?
05:40.09iprouteth0with an 8gb flashdrive as an extroot overlay
05:40.21iprouteth0its a bufallo gigabit wireless n router
05:40.42drmessanoOpenWRT you say?
05:40.46iprouteth0has a lot of memory and flash... much more than many soho routers
05:40.59apb1963_so you're running * on the router itself?  wow... never thought about that... any special reason why?
05:41.52*** join/#asterisk mnathani (
05:42.42drmessanoI need to give OpenWRT a shot again.  I went to DD-WRT years ago because of a few issues I had with OpenWRT.. Now that I am trading in my WRT54G's for newer hardware, I am finding more and more that having one dev working on DD-WRT isn't cutting it for keeping current with new hardware
05:43.00apb1963_no doubt
05:43.23*** join/#asterisk iprouteth0 (~james@unaffiliated/iprouteth0)
05:43.33iprouteth0ok what was that last question?
05:43.56iprouteth0ah I see it now
05:44.41iprouteth0I run it on the router as I have no other server hardware to use
05:45.24apb1963_I didn't even know it was possible to do such a thing...
05:45.36apb1963_it's something I simply would never have considered
05:45.39iprouteth0I've been doing it for almost 3 years now
05:45.43apb1963_of course... I don't have a router to play with.
05:45.54iprouteth0it can be nice as the server has the public IP
05:46.02apb1963_Actually... I do have an ancient one in the closet somewhere.
05:46.18iprouteth0just have to configure your firewall correctly, and that can easily be done in the router's luci web interface that can be optionally installed
05:46.50apb1963_I just didn't know you could load a program onto a router.  The one and only router I've owned... I doubt that could be done.
05:46.50iprouteth0i run the trunk version since it has asterisk 11 in the repo
05:47.02drmessanoLooks like no support for the Cisco M20
05:47.04iprouteth0its like dd-wrt but way better
05:47.11apb1963_again... no knowledge.
05:47.43iprouteth0custom firmwares for many routers.  DD-WRT supports more models but has less features and configurability
05:47.43apb1963_actually... I did own a second router very briefly recently.
05:47.59iprouteth0openwrt has more devs also so it is maintained a bit better
05:48.07apb1963_yeah... I was thinking the only way to do it would be to flash the firmware. unless they had some other way.
05:48.21drmessanoiprouteth0, you mean more than 1 dev?
05:48.27iprouteth0the bufallo wzr-hp-g300nh can easily run openwrt
05:48.37iprouteth0yeah, right
05:48.51iprouteth0I call it the "chuch of brainslayer"
05:49.06apb1963_I've been led to believe a raspberry pi is the way to go in order to dispense with my VM
05:49.23iprouteth0he does good work but it doesnt hold a canlde to openwrt imho
05:49.47iprouteth0rasp pi is great now that it's 512mb of ram
05:49.55apb1963_that's it?
05:49.59iprouteth0also check out the odroid x or some such
05:50.08apb1963_MB or GB?
05:50.31iprouteth0if you don't run X11 it doesnt need much
05:50.34apb1963_I don't
05:50.46apb1963_It never runs out of the box for me
05:51.01apb1963_then again... I got the server version so I suppose it's not meant to.
05:51.07drmessanoiprouteth0, looks like the Cisco Valet M20 (AKA WRT320Nv2) isn't even a WIP yet.  Damn
05:51.17iprouteth0though there is pbx in a flash and straigh freepbx/asterisk for it I'd be inclined just run only asterisk to save mem on mysql and apace
05:51.56iprouteth0yeah, openwrt has less models it supports than dd-wrt
05:52.08iprouteth0I bought mine with the intent of running openwrt
05:53.01drmessanoI bought the M20's because the refurbs on Amazon are cheap, they're N300, run DD-WRT, have Gigabit ports, and they're white
05:53.05drmessanoSo yeah
05:54.47drmessanoI need to buy a Buffalo box at some point.  I've heard nothing but awesome things
05:59.00jeevbuffalo > *
05:59.07iprouteth0this one is interesting as its a bit newer and beefier
05:59.22iprouteth0this is mine
05:59.26jeevi have a wzr-hp-g300nh somewhere, i bricked one though ;) i didn't pay attention, it was a never revision.
06:00.43iprouteth0cheapest I found mine on google shopping is around 50 us with shipping
06:00.56iprouteth0they are actually very easy to unbrick
06:01.07iprouteth0they listen for a TFTP connection shortly after power on
06:01.14jeevnot this one. lol
06:01.25iprouteth0you have to set a static ip on the PC and a static mac address to a certain setting
06:01.28jeevi've unbricked a lot..
06:01.29jeevof things
06:01.43iprouteth0It will only listen from the specific mac address
06:02.10jeeviprouteth0, i'm confident that this thing was just dead. it doesn't matter, i exchanged it, it went back to the manufacturer, let them suck on my mistake!
06:02.12iprouteth0but you tftp put to it and put packet trace on so you can watch it transfer and also you can set the retries very high
06:02.33iprouteth0lol.  word to that.  Sometimes an RMA is much more worthwhile
06:02.46*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
06:03.46drmessanoChang has an OS now?
06:03.47iprouteth0I love my buffalo... Wireless has gotten a bit flaky, but it's been heavily used
06:03.53drmessanoWhat happen to his Changnesia?
06:04.08iprouteth0I moved it to the central office I work in so now it's wireless is not even active
06:04.45drmessanoI haven't used anything but WRT54G's until a few months ago
06:05.43jeevwow drmessano, i had some respect for you.. when i say some, i mean none.. but now you're in the negatives!!! who uses linksys?!?!
06:05.52drmessanoI bought a dozen WRT54Gv2's in 2006, deployed them, and they've been reliable as hell
06:06.14drmessanoThe WRT54G is a classic
06:07.06jeevyea i guess i had a sucker customer with one
06:07.08drmessanoI decided when I got an iPhone 4s that it was time to upgrade to N at home.. so I jumped on the Cisco M20s.
06:07.32drmessanoWho has time for Assdroid?
06:07.44drmessanoI need a phone that works
06:08.28drmessanoNot at all
06:10.21drmessanoSupport a bunch of users with an array of Assdroid devices.  It's very telling
06:12.23jeevdrmessano, i can't handle a bunch of iphone users, it's like working with a bunch of morons who have erections over aluminum.
06:12.47jeevmy favorite part was when they all call and still call their iphone 4's "4g"
06:12.58*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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06:13.26iprouteth0I love my android
06:13.31drmessanoI don't know a single person that fits the "Apple snob" stereotype.  Everyone I know with an Apple device simply wants a phone that doesn't need to be reset routinely or returned after a few months
06:13.42iprouteth0cant say I'd want to support end users with them
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06:14.07jeevdrmessano, you dont live in L.A.
06:14.18drmessanoI don't care
06:14.19jeevdrmessano, red state?
06:14.42iprouteth0I've always jailbroken iphones anyway
06:14.53iprouteth0so I figure why not use android.  I dont regret the switch
06:15.21iprouteth0my bro won't give up his iphone though.  Other brother, galaxy s3
06:16.02drmessanoMy wife wants a tablet.. and she is hesitant to spend the money on an iPad.  I am probably going to give her mine and buy a new one just to spare us the misery
06:16.04jeevi dunno y0, im sleepy
06:16.19jeevdrmessypants, so.. you're gonna get a new ipad..
06:16.53iprouteth0i'm too broke for things like that :(
06:17.57iprouteth0Dont even have cell service active on my phone.... I use google voice and the over abundant wifi aroud me
06:18.24jeevah crap
06:18.28drmessanoI'd love to be wifi-only.
06:18.42jeevi'm gonna listen to the police scanner to see wtf is going on at MIT and lseep
06:18.48iprouteth0doesnt cost me anything
06:19.07iprouteth0but it can be inconvenitn
06:19.26iprouteth0i plan on activating it with ting
06:19.41iprouteth0very cost effective carrier
06:19.50drmessanoI've always seen them in passing
06:19.55drmessanoNever researched much
06:20.33iprouteth0since I use wifi and google voice for the bulk of my calls already I wouldnt need much in the way of minutes
06:21.27drmessanoI use Google Voice for work.  Nothing like having my calls going to 4 places
06:21.35drmessanoIts a lifesaver
06:22.02iprouteth0I just use chan motif and my asterisk server
06:22.15joakoI have my cell phone setup so if it´s turned off it forwards to my car phone, home & office and then rolls back to my AT&T voicemail
06:23.33drmessanoI have calls going to my mobile number, my desk phone at work, my BRIA extension on my cell (when I am at work), and then chan_motif on my personal Asterisk box for my home phones.
06:23.49drmessanoSo when people say they called and couldnt reach me, they are damn liars
06:24.35iprouteth0well i've got to get some sleep.  Night all
06:24.43drmessanoTake care
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09:30.55danfromukHi, is there a list of sound files required for queue position annoucements that I can copy and paste to a voice artist?
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09:41.48kaldemardanfromuk: wget ; tar xzvf asterisk-core-sounds-en-g729-current.tar.gz ; grep "vm-" core-sounds-en.txt | less
09:42.48kaldemaroops, don't grep "vm-" those are the voicemail prompts. anyway, you'll find all the prompts in text for in the .txt file.
09:45.28mirela666danfromuk: Ic queues.conf you can find list of announcments and set your own
09:46.07mirela666danfromuk: if you installed samples
09:46.50mirela666danfromuk:                         ;       ("You are now first in line.")
09:46.50mirela666;queue-youarenext = queue-youarenext
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11:15.08seik0Hi, everyone. If I using Static Realtime for extensions.conf, how should i create entry to define that "my_context" exists without adding any "include" or "exten" (or anyting else) ?
11:15.50seik0more definitely, what should be the values for "val_name" and "var_val" ?
11:19.12seik0ok, in fact, there is no point in such definition, so you may not answer
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12:04.40infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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13:11.13paul_andrewHello, iif i modify an multiple agi scripts, do i have to restart asterisk or will a reload be enough?
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13:11.58Questwhat do most people use for asterisk. i have ubuntu and i can install asterisk. but i heard most people go with debian and use asteriskNOW with it?
13:12.00igcewielingpaul_andrew: you don't have to restart or reload anything when chaning AGIs
13:12.08igcewielingQwell: CentOS 6
13:12.29igcewielingThe answer to your questions USE THE DISTRO YOU ARE MOST FAMILIAR WITH.   Asking multiple times won't change the answer.
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13:12.39igcewielingsorry, not Qwell, that was for Quest
13:12.51Questigcewieling,  why cento 6?
13:13.00igcewielingQuest: because it is the distro I am most familiar with.
13:13.01paul_andrewigcewieling: so asterisk calls the script and whatever its in the agi it will load and run that.
13:13.13igcewielingpaul_andrew: correct.
13:13.15Questigcewieling,  oh . so thats the only reason
13:13.22igcewielingQuest: correct.
13:14.34kaldemarQuest: "go with debian and use asteriskNOW with it" really makes no sense because asterisknow is a linux distro with asterisk and a GUI installed.
13:14.57Questigcewieling,  my question was in context to asterisk and ease of use, and features that most professionals like.
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13:15.21igcewielingQuest: there is no significant difference between popular distros with regards to Asterisk
13:15.25paul_andrewigcewieling:  I have about 8 scripts that calls a database and now i need to move that database. If the database would be static then this could be done without downtime. hmm
13:15.40Questkaldemar,  oh. whats the underlying distro of asteriskNOW ?  does it has its own distro?
13:16.07igcewielingYou have enough to learn when starting out with Asterisk, using a distro you are not familiar with is just stupid.
13:16.37Questigcewieling,  kaldemar  well the trixbox is not recomended for sure? right? we have it setup. we want to shift to another. its old , buggy, and insecure
13:16.53igcewielingQuest: trixbox is not a distro
13:17.04kaldemarQuest: centos.
13:17.16igcewielingtrixbox is a PoS GUI which is poorly maintained
13:19.59Questigcewieling,  kaldemar  trixbox has the underlying distro of centos and has a GUI of freepbx
13:20.10Questwith asterisk already installed
13:20.30Questigcewieling,  kaldemar  so are we on the right track?
13:20.31igcewielingQuest: and yet virtually nobody here uses it.
13:20.48Questya. so what i said is correct? its ok to migrate?
13:21.07igcewielingif you want to use FreePBX then use FreePBX, not some bastardized custom modified FreePBX like Trixbox uses.
13:21.21igcewielingQuest: migrate what?
13:21.31kaldemarQuest: trixbox also has a bunch of other stuff as far as i know.
13:21.38Questigcewieling,  migrate from trixbox to some thing other
13:22.34kaldemarQuest: freepbx is also distributed as a pre-installed image nowadays.
13:22.49igcewielingQuest: since I don't know your requirements, setup, or business I can't say.   But if you MUST use a GUI then use FreePBX.  FreePBX has a large community of users which can help you with issues.
13:23.12tparcinaIn extensions.conf, is there any variable that stores current context name?
13:23.22kaldemartparcina: CONTEXT
13:23.29Questigcewieling,  kaldemar  first of all i want to confirm that is trixbox so old, outdated, insecure and bugy?  second what other app is advised. provided that we want ubuntu to be the base OS
13:23.34igcewielingtparcina: Yes.  Apparently you have not read the documentaiton  Try reading the Asterisk book.
13:23.36infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:23.40tparcinakaldemar: Thank you. :)
13:23.41Questwe have 100 phones
13:24.14tparcinaigcewieling: Thank you, I haven't read it yet.
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13:32.27ke-escG'Morning all. I just fronted my Asterisk installation with Kamailio following the tutorial instructions on Kamailio's site (using asterisk realtime tables).. Now I'm having an issue where all phones in asterisk appear to be from the same peer, so things like callerid and voicemail aren't working properly (I use CHANNEL(peername) in a DB lookup to match device to physical user). Any ideas what I should look for to fix this?
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14:10.58Questigcewieling,  ok.
14:11.25Questkaldemar,  igcewieling  so   ubuntu + freepbx + asterisk. is good to  go?
14:11.50igcewielingQuest: Is ubuntu the distro you are most familiar with?
14:12.03igcewielingthen it should work well for you.
14:12.19Questso install ubuntu. then install freepbx and then asterisk?
14:12.20igcewielingjust remember once you install freepbx you should ask your questions on #FreePBX since you are not running "real" asterisk
14:12.22Questok.. wonderful
14:12.36igcewielingQuest: no, install ubuntu, then follow the FreePBX install instructions
14:12.39Questigcewieling,  not the real asterisk?
14:13.00igcewielingQuest: correct.  Where "real" in this case means "config files you wrote".
14:13.03Questis that not the real asterisk that is in freepbx
14:13.27Questigcewieling,  oh so the freepbx writes the config files of asterisk in its own way?
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14:13.48igcewielingQuest: Adding FreePBX is like building a custom car out of standard parts.   You can't bring your car to the dealership and expect help.   Same goes for FreePBX and Asterisk
14:14.00Questigcewieling,  i hope it wont be a problem if I later on try to change some configs by consol . it wont cause a problem with freepbx GUI?
14:14.18Questigcewieling,  i see
14:14.24igcewielingQuest: if you make the changes in a way compatible with FreePBX, then it is not a problem.
14:14.45igcewielingfor example if you make changes to extensions.conf they will be lost the next time you make a change in the FreePBX GUI
14:14.45Questwell i wont be knowing weather its compatible or not. untill i crash :)
14:14.53Questi see
14:15.20igcewielingso you MUST make your changes in a way compatible with FreePBX
14:15.57igcewielingsame applies for sip.conf and virtually every other standard Asterisk config file.
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14:18.44Questgreat help. igcewieling  thanks
14:19.02Questigcewieling,  i guess most seniors use non-GUI asterisk
14:19.12Questwe have 100 phones and want quick setup
14:19.19Questand we are not experts
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14:28.10igcewielingWe use FreePBX for client Asterisk boxes so our operations and support people can do adds/moves/changes and so the customer can do so as well.   We do NOT use FreePBX on our core call router boxes
14:30.35FleshMissileIs there a way to use a delay in extensions.conf that will wait 60 seconds before doing the next line, but without stopping the call like wait(60) does? Basically I am trying to get PauseMonitor to auto resume after 60 seconds
14:32.14FleshMissilean example
14:33.55igcewielingFleshMissile: no.
14:34.22igcewielingyou should use AMI for Async stuff in Asterisk
14:34.41FleshMissileAh okay, what's AMI?
14:34.56FleshMissileNewbie here :)
14:35.12igcewielingAsterisk Manager Interface
14:35.23igcewielingFleshMissile: you should read The Book
14:35.24infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:36.01FleshMissileExcellent, thanks
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14:41.01Questigcewieling,  thanks!!!!!!!!
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15:14.06RadJacksonHello everyone , i would like to know if it is possible to leave a message directly in a voicemail without making the phone ring
15:14.20igcewielingRadJackson: yes
15:14.36jmetrovoicemail(box@context) RTFM?
15:14.43igcewielingYour question makes me think you are using an Asterisk GUI
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15:15.58RadJacksonigcewieling i am using asterisk
15:16.34igcewielingRadJackson: then all you need to do is exten => 123,1,Voicemail(123@default)  (or whatever extension and context you are using)
15:16.43laurisis it possible to store queue_log in a mysql without using res_odbc or any 3rd party importer in asterisk 11 ?
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15:31.11jodiespeaking of GUI.. I just installed asterisk.. I'm in the browser and prompted/asked for user name and password.. What / Who do I use.
15:31.55jmetrodepends on what gui you installed. asterisk itself doesnt have one
15:32.07jmetroid google [name of gui] default password
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15:32.46jodieI did the asteriskNOW CentOS iso from the download site
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15:34.58navaismowith FreePBX or Asterisk GUI, anyway in the process you should set the credentiels if not try the basic admin:admin
15:36.34igcewielingwith FreePBX the default user/password info is at the end of the INSTALL file, which is included in the tarball
15:37.08jodiesuper.. Thank you.
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15:41.14malcolmdjodie: admin / admin
15:42.31jmetroew centos?
15:43.09malcolmdno distro wars plz :D
15:43.46drmessanoThe only kind of people that run CentOS are the kind of people that run CentOS.  There.  Said it.
15:43.54drmessanoCome at me, bro
15:44.03jmetroOh snap, drmessano with the big guns.
15:44.13leifmadsendrmessano: oh man I was gonna say something gross
15:44.46leifmadsenI think my point has been made
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15:47.16jodieOff the subject of distros.. Any options out there as to which Softphone client/software for asterisk?
15:47.32leifmadsenI like jitsi
15:47.33drmessanoWhat platform?
15:47.40leifmadsenwhich is all platforms
15:47.47leifmadsenand works well with confbridge video
15:47.52drmessanoNot iOS :)
15:47.55jodieIt mixed .. Windows and Ubuntu
15:48.06rgsteeleSo, I've been trying to figure out the best approach for having moh while dialing a list of extensions.  I have a Mobotix device that will ring several extensions in succession, so I'd like some moh in case the first person (or first few) don't answer.
15:48.28rgsteeleBut, using the 'm' option for Dial() doesn't seem like it'd be good, cuz it'd start over every time I dialed the next extension in the list
15:48.47drmessanoJitsi is pretty sweet
15:48.51rgsteelePerhaps I should just use a queue...
15:48.53igcewielingrgsteele: you may be able to use chan_local to do what you want
15:49.24igcewielingnot sure what would happen when dialing a Local/ channel with "m" and the actual Dial of the device not using "m"
15:50.52rgsteeleI'm thinking that using a queue with the linear strategy and static members might be easier
15:51.58jmetrocode your own queue
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16:50.21igcewielingAm I evil to laugh at this?  "Per the LEC (local phone company) the Area and site have no power. Billing customer for the LEC  dispatching out."
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16:55.45navaismorunning the command--> cdr show pgsql status return the usage of the command -->Usage: cdr show pgsql status
16:56.26navaismowhich is the same, is the normal behavior, i'm expecting a similar output of running cdr mysql status
16:56.45igcewielingnavaismo: Asterisk 10 or 11?
16:57.04igcewielingtry again.
16:58.28igcewielingI seem to recall reading somewhere recently that some of the tab completion stuff was not corrected for changes in syntax.   Though it was with core set debug, not cdr.   might want to try a couple of different combos like cdr pgsql show status or similar
17:01.59navaismoany change give a: n such command
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17:09.19leifmadsencore show help cdr show
17:09.24leifmadsenthat'll give you the commands
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17:12.16navaismohmm i guess this is and endless loop, core show help cdr show reuslt in: cdr show pgsql status & cdr show status. Running cdr show pgsql status result in: Usage: cdr show pgsql status Shows current connection status for cdr_pgsql
17:12.53leifmadsenentirely possible it just never got updating
17:13.07leifmadsenmost people just use odbc for database connections as that's the recommended method
17:13.10leifmadsenso cdr_odbc etc
17:13.20leifmadsenwell, cdr_adaptive_odbc
17:14.15navaismomy laziness tell me to use the native mysql(deprecated) & postresql module. Well not big deal that command still writting to the psql DB
17:17.00navaismothanks anyway
17:19.46leifmadsenlazy? sounds like a lot more work and effort in debugging and frustration to me
17:19.50leifmadsenand the odbc methods are well documented
17:21.47jmetroodbc is good.
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17:26.01navaismonever used
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17:27.15navaismoill give at try later
17:30.07igcewielingnavaismo: the difficult part is getting all the system ODBC stuff working if you are not already familiar with it.
17:30.49igcewielingI find the fact you can specify the database password in both the asterisk side and the odbc side to be confusing.
17:32.09navaismook, another point to stay with mysql
17:32.26drmessanoODBC is the way to go
17:34.09igcewielingwe use ODBC on our core systems and cdr_mysql on our FreePBX boxes.
17:34.39navaismoi use cdr_mysql always, but need to check out that odbc stuff
17:36.35NuggetODBC is the way to go  :)
17:37.05igcewielingfyi, for anyone who wants to use SRV for Dial, here is an AEL script for you   code needs some cleanup, but it works for us
17:38.11leifmadsennative mysql stuff has way more points against it than for it
17:38.37igcewielingleifmadsen: such as easier to setup, more community documentation, and likely being faster?
17:39.04leifmadsennone of those things are true
17:39.29igcewielingI admit the last may not be true, but I disagree with on the others
17:39.44leifmadsenI disagree with your disagreement, there is significant amounts of ODBC documentation
17:39.46leifmadsenI know because I wrote it
17:40.00leifmadsenthere is a whole chapter just on DB integration in the asterisk book
17:40.18igcewielingI know, that is where I learned how to set it up. 8-)
17:40.45igcewielingalso I would not call your documentation "community documentation".
17:40.56leifmadsenI've taken many clients from native mysql stuff to odbc integration, and the number of crashes was nearly reduced to zero
17:41.01leifmadsenigcewieling: how so?
17:41.10leifmadsencommunity members wrote it
17:41.15leifmadsenand is freely availably
17:41.20igcewielingleifmadsen: I'd call the book "authortative docs"
17:41.20leifmadsennot sure what else you want
17:41.37igcewielingas close to official documentation as you are likely to get.
17:42.04leifmadsennot really, just the most well known and used
17:42.12leifmadsenofficial documentation would be that generated from the source
17:42.14leifmadsenand on the asterisk wiki
17:43.49igcewielingleifmadsen: it just seems to me that calling the stuff you write "community documentation" is like calling the Hope Diamond a "pretty stone". 8-)
17:44.04leifmadsenI think our application of the terms differes
17:44.34leifmadsenjust because it is the most widely read documentation doesn't make it authoritative
17:47.27igcewielingI was thinging of mailing list and voip-info and blog posts, etc.
17:48.21Questigcewieling,  kaldemar  it seems that installing and configuring freebpx is very easy but maintenance and further customization is difficult. where as installing only asterisk is difficult to configure as well difficult to maintain as well.
17:48.43igcewielingQuest: Welcome to the world of PBXs
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17:49.09igcewielingbe glad you don't have to configure the PBX via DTMF on a phone like some legacy PBXs
17:49.56navaismolet me say the choose of mysql or psql or odbc its like choosing the distro, all works there are some flavors to choose
17:49.58igcewielingfor a long time using a dumb terninal to configure a pbx was a "premium feature"  I'm thinking of some nortel boxes.
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17:54.10leifmadsenif they were all equally maintained then I might tend to agree with the analogy
17:54.51leifmadsenit's like choosing between ubuntu, whitebox, and fedora core 3
17:56.33jmetroqwell: I woudlnt consider vanilla asterisk to be difficult if you read the book.
17:57.35navaismosince i don't have issues with the mysql module yet. I since 1.6 to 11.3.0 I preffer to use it since congure it the odbc
17:58.11navaismobut i need to take a chance to odbc
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18:19.34iprouteth0i'd love to figure out why my sip/tls was failing on a non standard port.  Guess I'll just have to watch for attacks on 5061 though I doubt the are as prevalent as on 5060
18:20.01iprouteth0somewhere in the call trace it tries going back to 5061 when on a nonstandard port
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18:57.17iprouteth0leifmadsen:  can you update the asterisk book regarding chan_motif and xmpp?  I've worked with Malcolm to get the wiki updated regarding the priority setting
18:57.41leifmadsenwhatever is in the 4th edition is what will be published
18:58.09leifmadsenwhich is available on is the 3rd edition
18:58.45iprouteth0I've been looking at the 3rd ed I think
18:59.04leifmadsenchan_motif would not exist in that edition
18:59.07leifmadsensince it is asterisk 1.8 based
18:59.24leifmadsen4th edition includes chan_motif stuff since it is Asterisk 11 based
19:00.11iprouteth0is there a free link for an online edition of the 4th ed book?
19:00.21leifmadsenalready given above in this conversation
19:00.44leifmadsen4th edition isn't published yet
19:01.08iprouteth0think I may have found one
19:01.20leifmadsen<leifmadsen> which is available on
19:01.30leifmadsennot sure what else you "found"
19:04.19iprouteth0hmmm this could be 3rd ed
19:04.43leifmadsen4th edition
19:04.59iprouteth0I see that now.... was looking through the versioning section
19:05.12iprouteth0not sure where to find the motif section though
19:05.33leifmadsenExternal Services
19:07.59iprouteth0this is the verbage I have issue with
19:08.00iprouteth0priorityDefines the priority of this resource in relation to other resources. The lower the number, the higher the priority.
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19:11.16jmetroiprouteth0: priority 0 is higher than priority 10?
19:13.01iprouteth0no, thats just it
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19:16.39iprouteth0the higher the numeric value, the higher the priority
19:18.44iprouteth0max is 127.  Gmail chat client uses 20 so if your xmpp client in asterisk is set to 1, gmail chat client will get the call instead.  not an issue if it's a dedicated google voice account
19:18.47iprouteth0but mine is not
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19:19.23iprouteth0android gtalk and windows gtalk uses value of 24 if memory serves
19:19.29drmessanoThats correct
19:20.39iprouteth0I felt it was worthwhile to have malcolm update the wiki.  Hopefully leif can work with the publisher to update the online portion.... Not sure of course where they would be at in the printing or proofing process for physical copies of asterisk: definitive guide
19:20.39drmessanoFWIW, the default in FreePBX has been changed to 127.  I made the arguement that since this is a phone system, and we want PHONE CALLS to arrive successfully, we should use the highest value available..
19:21.08drmessanoSo the use of 127 is making its rounds
19:21.25iprouteth0thats good to know.  I sent the dev of the google voice module for freepbx that priority needs to be an adjustable value in the module, but he already had it in place
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19:21.44drmessanoYeah, that came from our convo
19:22.30iprouteth0getting the priority setting correct solved a big headache for me
19:22.33drmessanoI sent him the info a week or so ago, and we discussed not only having 127 as the default, but allowing something lower in case someone had multiple systems and wanted to play with priority, or for SOME WEIRD ASS REASON wanted their other clients to get the calls before Asterisk
19:23.09iprouteth0it's reassuring to know that others in the community are working to update things like this :)
19:23.23iprouteth0love the open source communities!
19:23.35drmessanoI don't consider myself a contributor so much as a nag to have shit correct
19:25.27drmessanoThe priority thing seems like relatively new information.. or a discovery that hadn't made its way around much.  It absolutely explains the "bad behavior" when you're running Pidgin on Linux with Audio/Video enabled and a call comes in, or when you have gmail left open somewhere and your calls stop working
19:25.54drmessanoI'm really kinda surprised this didn't come up in what.. 2010?
19:26.53iprouteth0I found it on's blog page regarding his google voice gateway service
19:27.04iprouteth0a few months ago perhaps
19:27.11drmessanoI can only ration that someone randomly started digging into the XMPP priorities and discovered that Google was using this as a basis for call priority as well
19:27.30iprouteth0wrote a blog post about it that got into the mailing lists so I know others have noticed the trouble and adjusted their configuration
19:27.38drmessanoSweet is using yate, but priority still applies of course since it's an XMPP function
19:28.08drmessanoStart a domain.. "Put an end to silence"
19:28.46*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
19:29.15iprouteth0definitely think I should follow up with the dev who ported ast 11 to openwrt though
19:29.17iprouteth0root@OpenWrt:~# free
19:29.17iprouteth0Mem:         61464        59700         1764            0         8336
19:29.17iprouteth0-/+ buffers:              51364        10100
19:29.17iprouteth0Swap:            0            0            0
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19:30.55kareenai want to install the g729 codec but i don't know witch file i have to download
19:31.04iprouteth0I think if compiled with low mem might be a good thing to look into
19:31.20iprouteth0you have to buy a liscense for g729
19:32.19kareenathose files are not free ?
19:32.37drmessanoNo, thats like bootleg
19:33.43MrMeekAnyone know if * v1.6 suffers from the old timing issues that require a dahdi_timer ?
19:34.07MrMeekleif recently told me this is a non-issue in the newer versions of asterisk, but i have no idea about what versions it became a non-issue
19:35.36iprouteth0when you buy the liscense you should get a link for digium for the file you need
19:35.37jmetroupgrade to 11, then you can be sure.
19:36.04iprouteth0I would get off of v1.6 also...  I would want to at least be running 1.8 if not asterisk 11
19:36.24iprouteth0I havent run 1.6 since 2010 probably
19:36.36MrMeekI'm incomplete agreement but unfortunately these are telemarketers running vicidial (1.4) or osdial (1.6) so i have no choice but to deal with the legacy
19:37.18iprouteth0yeah, sometimes those limitations can be painful
19:37.24*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (~Linkforso@2001:1af8:fec1:0:9464:c17b:82da:8a95)
19:37.29leifmadsenMrMeek: only certain applications require a timer
19:37.32iprouteth0I would look into versions of vicidial for 1.8...
19:37.36leifmadsenthat has been the case since prior to 1.4
19:37.44MrMeekah, like meetme for instance
19:37.47MrMeekwhich i'm certain does
19:37.49iprouteth0conference bridges require timers if I'm not mistaken
19:37.50leifmadsenand that is still the case
19:38.07leifmadsenmeetme requires dahdi timing, but confbridge can use other methods of timing
19:38.31iprouteth0leifmadsen: Love that you are a treasure trove of asterisk info :)
19:38.34MrMeekI'm hoping that someday i have the time to fork the source and port the core to *11 and confbridge (or whichever conferencing app is more appropriate)
19:38.54MrMeekbut.. that's a long way off atm
19:39.32MrMeekthanks for the input as always
19:39.37*** join/#asterisk derjanni (
19:39.40derjanniGood evening.
19:39.49derjanniim really getting frustrated trying to play a file with Background
19:40.04derjanniit works perfectly with Mp3 player, but I cant get it to convert to GSM for Background
19:40.11jmetrofile convert it
19:40.26derjanniI read tons of articles about it, but it seems they all use a non existing option in sox -w
19:41.09jmetrowhat about through asterisk
19:41.37rgsteeleigcewieling: queue worked perfectly
19:41.48rgsteelesimplicity ftw
19:42.08rgsteeleand now, time to go enjoy the weekend.
19:46.10derjanniphone calls are so cheap why do people want to break into my box?
19:47.24jmetrocalls from china to israel probably expensive
19:47.43derjannididnt know chinese are allowed to call to israel
19:50.30derjannitreid to convert  with asterisk no chance
19:51.29derjannineed mp3 to alaw
19:51.48leifmadsenconvert mp3 to wav, then use the file convert method in the asterisk cli
19:52.07leifmadsenif you're using sox >= 14 then the docs on the site should work
19:52.24*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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19:53.19leifmadsenI think -w is just -2 now or osmething
19:54.10*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
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19:54.16derjanni[Apr 19 19:53:08] WARNING[6686]: file.c:1019 ast_readfile: Unable to open /etc/asterisk/sound/menu.wav -- Remote UNIX connection disconnected
19:54.36derjanniits all asterisk:asterisk
19:55.22jmetroshow us this result
19:55.26jmetrols /etc/asterisk/sound/
19:56.23derjannils -l
19:57.20jmetrowhat if you just put "menu" instead of "menu.wav" in dialplan
19:58.18derjannifile.c:663 ast_openstream_full: File /etc/asterisk/sound/menu does not exist in any format
19:59.14jmetrohm..ive had success with doing this. Rename the file to menu.sln16 and in dialplan add the .sln16
20:00.25derjannifile.c:663 ast_openstream_full: File /etc/asterisk/sound/menu.sln16 does not exist in any format
20:00.39derjanniDoesnt MP3Player support a Background like functionality?
20:01.00jmetro¬_¬ are you sure youre in /etc/asterisk/sound
20:01.24derjannipwd: /etc/asterisk/sound
20:02.04jmetroremove the sln16 from dialplan but keep it on the wav..see if it picks up
20:02.34jmetrothose are all the things i've tried with wavs in asterisk pretty much.
20:02.38*** join/#asterisk KJ4IPS (
20:03.02derjannisame issue
20:03.03derjannifile.c:663 ast_openstream_full: File /etc/asterisk/sound/menu does not exist in any format
20:03.06jmetroelse try to file convert wav to g722
20:03.21jmetroasterisk cli
20:05.03derjannihm doesnt even open it:
20:05.03derjannifile.c:1019 ast_readfile: Unable to open /etc/asterisk/sound/menu.wav
20:05.08derjanni^ file convert
20:05.21jmetroim guessing you converted it out of mp3 improperly
20:05.53derjanniill try again
20:05.54derjanniused lame
20:06.12jmetroif you can pull it to windows, use audacity
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20:06.41KJ4IPSI prefre using the pcm output mode of mplayer (rememver to specify sample rate and mono)
20:07.07derjannican u give me a cmd line for it?
20:07.16KJ4IPShang on a, sec
20:08.06jmetroits like tar.. if its not -zxf i dont know what it is.
20:08.47KJ4IPSmplayer -ao pcm -vo null <FILE>
20:09.27KJ4IPSdumps to audiodump.wav in the current working dir
20:11.24KJ4IPSthen use sox to do the rate conversion and mix the channels
20:11.39jmetrosounds complicated. Audacity ftw
20:12.39KJ4IPSGood luck, BTW anyone know where the dialplan parts of the web GUI are?
20:13.14jmetromanually convert sound files but resort to gui for dialplan? Thats the easy stuff mate :3
20:13.48KJ4IPSha, not for me, but the people who are supposed to be manageing it
20:14.35*** join/#asterisk iprouteth0_ (ccf60469@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:14.40KJ4IPSit seems to require a dialplan component, it trys to originate to stuff in guitools context (and i dont have such a context)
20:15.29iprouteth0_I forget how to kick my other host off....
20:15.42KJ4IPSit is /nickserv ghost username password
20:15.56jmetrorm -rf *
20:15.58KJ4IPSmight just be /ghost
20:16.50iprouteth0_lol jmetro
20:18.59KJ4IPSDo yall know how to list SE TE rules for a given context (i have a suspicion)
20:20.29KJ4IPScurse you selinux (and your poorly written contexts)
20:21.41derjanniused audacity and moved it to /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/menu.wav
20:21.53derjanni[Apr 19 20:20:06] WARNING[6947]: format_wav.c:94 check_header_fmt: Not a wav file 49
20:21.56derjanni[Apr 19 20:20:06] WARNING[6947]: file.c:386 fn_wrapper: Unable to open format wav
20:22.14KJ4IPSdo file menu.wav
20:22.51derjanni/usr/share/asterisk/sounds/menu.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, GSM 6.10, mono 16000 Hz
20:23.39KJ4IPSseems like a wav (abeit with the wrong sample rate), double chevk the permissions
20:23.56KJ4IPSls -alZ | grep menu.wav
20:24.12derjanni-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 85197 Apr 19 20:19 menu.wav
20:24.29derjanni-rw-r--r--  1 asterisk asterisk ? 85197 Apr 19 20:19 menu.wav
20:25.18KJ4IPSthere you go iprouteth0
20:25.37KJ4IPSlet me go look at one of mine...
20:25.49jmetroderjanni chmod for 7's!
20:25.54iprouteth0been a good while
20:25.55jmetrothe ultimate permissions solver
20:26.33derjannididnt work
20:28.47KJ4IPSNot sure if it will help, but the file that come with * are MSPCM at 8000 samples of mono in 16 bits, you could try that (file output:RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, Microsoft PCM, 16 bit, mono 8000 Hz)
20:29.25KJ4IPSand yours are gsm, and at 16000 hz
20:30.24jmetroderjanni: really the simplest thing would be to ftp it to a windows box, and audacity it to a wav file , rename it sln16, and it will play.
20:33.10derjannijmetro tanks: I did it on my suse box, but the sound is just noise, although the 8000 gsm file played fine with mplayer
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20:34.00jmetroexperiment with filetypes
20:34.09derjanniwhat else than sln16 - ulaw?
20:34.29jmetrosln16 wav
20:34.31jmetrono filename
20:34.46jmetromake sure you set the wav setings in audacity
20:36.08derjannimplayer said AUDIO: 8000 Hz, 1 ch, s16le, 13.0 kbit/10.16% (ratio: 1625->16000)
20:38.13derjannistill just noise :-(
20:38.23derjannimenu.wav: RIFF (little-endian) data, WAVE audio, GSM 6.10, mono 8000 Hz
20:41.05derjanniwhats that saying?
20:41.41KJ4IPSjust tested this: sox science.mp3 science.wav channels 1 rate 8k (you will need the sox-plugins-freeworld package)
20:43.11*** join/#asterisk bdfoster (~bdfoster@unaffiliated/bdfoster)
20:44.53derjanniKJ4IPS: Great!!!!10101""10110!! works
20:45.26derjannispent more time converting audio files for asterisk than installing and configuring with sip clients and trunk
20:45.47KJ4IPSthat is how it works... (semodule is SOOOO slow...)
20:53.34*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
20:54.32KJ4IPSmake install
20:54.52*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
20:58.14derjanniExecuting [3@servicemenu:1] MP3Player("SIP/1000-00000047", "/etc/asterisk/sound/nachrichten.mp3") in new stack
20:58.17derjanni[Apr 19 20:55:58] NOTICE[7289]: app_mp3.c:133 timed_read: Poll timed out/errored out with 0
20:58.52KJ4IPSMight be easier to convert the file and yes Playback() instead
21:00.30*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
21:00.45derjannithat takes mem - its the 20 min tagesschau
21:00.58derjannidaily news and I want them updated with cron
21:01.21derjannithat should be doable - glad I gave my Pi a 32GB SD
21:01.49derjanni8 meg mp3 = ~ 30 MEG Wave, right?
21:02.16KJ4IPSdepends ( probably smaller, only one channel and less samples/sec )
21:02.42derjanni15 meg
21:03.38KJ4IPSI have a 700 M wav of a cassete of a Floyd bootleg, your 15M news clip is nothing...
21:03.43derjanniGreat works!
21:04.24derjanniAsterisk is sooo awesome my girlfriend never understands what the blinking red box is for
21:04.50*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
21:04.53KJ4IPSThe blinking red box? That is the internet! (Get the refrence?)
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21:05.34derjannihow to fix the internet:
21:05.41derjanni^  actually a 54gl *lol*
21:06.22[TK]D-Fenderderjanni8 meg mp3 = ~ 30 MEG Wave, right? <- from what you should be doing ... no.
21:06.36[TK]D-Fender[17:02]derjanni15 meg <- still not right
21:06.55[TK]D-Fenderderjanni: You are no looking at the right codec specs....
21:07.37derjanni-rw-r--r-- 1 root     root       418796 Apr 19 20:44 menu.wav
21:07.37derjanni-rw-r--r-- 1 asterisk asterisk 15408528 Apr 19 21:02 nachrichten.wav
21:07.57KJ4IPS(use the file command on it)
21:07.58[TK]D-Fenderderjanni: As I said ... you're converting them wrong
21:08.29*** join/#asterisk k610 (
21:08.48derjannibut it works. Im not that of a perfectionist
21:09.28[TK]D-Fenderderjanni: Evidently.... but as long as you can live with it
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21:46.40derjanniprogramming a cron job script that downloads the podcast-feed, extracts and downloads the mp3 with the latest german news, converts it to gsm-wave and places it in the proper folder: took 3 minutes to code
21:46.49derjannifinding out how to convert mp3 to wave: 3 hours
21:47.00jmetroits horribly documented
21:47.09jmetrofinding help for sox is ridiculous
21:47.24jmetroi know you can use lame with sox
21:47.38derjanniI will go 2 bed now
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22:18.42*** join/#asterisk butthurtface (~Butthurtf@
22:18.48butthurtfaceHello everyone :)
22:20.52butthurtfaceI did a little looking around on the wiki and couldn't find an example of how I should handle Asterisk GotoIf conditions where I need to compare three different possible results…
22:21.24[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: And then?
22:21.39butthurtfaceTried googling for an hour or two… Still couldn't find anything.
22:21.51butthurtfaceCurious if there are any other resources I should check for stuff like that...
22:22.06butthurtfaceI basically need to handle the "blah" variable three different ways depending on the output.
22:22.22butthurtfacedepending on the value* i should say.
22:22.32[TK]D-Fenderthen you need to do multiple GotoIf's
22:23.28butthurtfaceI tried that earlier but for some reason it tries to execute multiple lines...
22:23.54butthurtfaceKind of frustrated. Development team dropped these changes on my lap on a friday saying they need to be done by Wednesday… and I was really excited for this weekends fishing trip LOL
22:23.56[TK]D-FenderThen you've made a mistake in there somewhere.  Show what you've done and we can look at fixing it
22:24.00infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
22:24.17butthurtfaceSure if you don't mind helping, I would really appreciate you taking the time to help out a stranger.
22:24.57[TK]D-FenderIt's why we're here.  To help and get help.
22:27.11butthurtfaceAlright, I pasted the lines I'm having trouble with here:
22:28.28[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: problm is quotes are LITERAL
22:28.37[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: You need them on BOTH sides of the +
22:28.59[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: Also, it should only be a single =, not ==
22:29.07[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: Not sure if it accepts both
22:29.43[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: Also note that because your label is after the ":" that is going there on FALSE.
22:33.49butthurtfaceSo it would be :?FALSE)
22:33.56butthurtfaceerr ?:FALSE)
22:35.02*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-ammalqovbolhukcy)
22:35.40[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: "?true:false"
22:36.00[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: leaving true blank means it won't go anywhere
22:36.05[TK]D-Fendersame with fals
22:38.43butthurtfacethat makes perfect sense. I'm going to try that right now.
22:43.52butthurtfaceOkay okay I think it's actually starting to work....
22:44.22butthurtfaceWell very much on point with the placement of the true:false - I am going to paste bin what definitely worked
22:45.26butthurtface If you care to see.
22:45.44*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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22:47.28butthurtfaceD-Fender, your help is greatly appreciated… Now that I got this all cleared up I think I'm going fishing this weekend!
22:47.58KJ4IPSCurses cicso's non-verbose errors...
22:48.01butthurtfaceI know that sitting around on a chat room helping goofballs like myself is not a fetish of anyones, so is there any foundation I can donate to on your behalf?
22:48.47[TK]D-Fenderbutthurtface: not right now.  And you're welcome.
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22:56.41KJ4IPSI Apparentlu broke fedora's pastebin...
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