IRC log for #asterisk on 20130417

00:00.03*** join/#asterisk sjs205 (
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04:47.33linociscohi all
04:47.51linociscoi can't flash my cisco 7942G into sip well.
04:53.53linociscomy cisco phone keep rebooting and started trying to find to upgrad firmware
04:55.26linociscoi dont know how to make it normal mode
04:57.41*** join/#asterisk evilman_work (~evilman@
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06:38.36help_me_plsi want to make the extension  72 80 ring on 3 new phones we got... i configured the phones and they work individually with 7281, 7282 and 7283, but when i call 7280 it just answers and then hangs up after 1 second
06:38.40*** join/#asterisk James87 (~wiv@unaffiliated/james87)
06:39.31help_me_plsthis is what i added to my extensions.conf, is this wrong?
06:40.34help_me_plsdo i have to add something more to the extensions.conf to get it to work?
06:40.48help_me_plscould somebody please point me in the right direction
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07:04.33kaldemarhelp_me_pls: ",5" means "quit dialing after 5 seconds and move on to the next priority"
07:06.07kaldemarshow a CLI output for a call with verbosity.
07:13.06*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~chatzilla@
07:14.11help_me_plsokay i got it
07:15.02help_me_plsunder [incoming-calls] i added this
07:15.36help_me_plsi just looked at what we had there for the other numbers, copied it and change it to 7280
07:16.14kaldemarstop stuffing answer() into every extension you make.
07:17.25kaldemarin your last paste there is absolutely no need for the answer app, it will just cause confusion in call progress state.
07:18.13help_me_plshmm... im pretty new to asterisk and got this config from the guy before me.... how should it look correctly?
07:18.53kaldemarremove the answer app.
07:19.32help_me_plsive just been learning by doing... kinda going along by trial and error (lots of error).... so everything i do is kinda based on what the other guy did when he first made it
07:19.47help_me_plssooo like this?  exten => 7280,n,set(CALLERID(name)=Heraeus) exten => 7280,n,Dial(SIP/281&SIP/282&SIP/283,40,m(inspectron)tT) exten => 7280,n,VoiceMail(7273,su) exten => 7280,n,Hangup()
07:20.04help_me_plsor do you mean under the incoming calls part?
07:21.39kaldemaran extension must always start with priority 1. so you'd have to change the "n" priority of the set to "1".
07:22.01kaldemarthe incoming also does not need the answer.
07:23.56infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
07:24.52kaldemarsome reading on dialplan basics will help you plenty. if you just copy and paste stuff without understanding what they do, it will be a rocky road.
07:31.30help_me_plsill look at it, thanks man
07:39.18*** join/#asterisk k610 (
07:40.16phixhelp_me_pls: Interesting nick
07:40.44help_me_plsstraight to the point.... i know what i am
07:45.04*** join/#asterisk tparcina (
07:46.00tparcinaWhere can I find information what this ":0:1" mean in  ${CALLERID(num):0:1}?
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07:58.46tparcinaphix: Do you know where can I find information what this ":0:1" mean in  ${CALLERID(num):0:1}?
08:05.14*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:13.07bulkorokhow do I stopp receivefax cleanly!?
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08:13.35bulkorokhangup rquest kills the whole reception... but I suppose only the sender can stop!?
08:22.59tparcinakaldemar: Thank you.
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09:11.10romaintordogood afternoon, I am looking for a developer expert on FreePBX module development to push any CDR to our CRM, does any of you happen to know a company or a freelancer interested in this kind of project? - thanks
09:11.33tparcinaIs this statement correct? In dialplan, labels don't change execution order of dialplan. They are used so that we can easily jump to that priority. And execution order of priority with label is the same like we don't have label at all.
09:19.53wdoekestparcina: correct. labels don't change the order (how could they?)
09:21.09tparcinawdoekes: Thank you. I though it's better to check. :)
09:43.04*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
09:47.34*** join/#asterisk RadJackson (
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09:49.25RadJacksonHi everyone,
09:51.15RadJacksonActually we are using Asterisk to make outgoing calls in France, our sip trunk is linked to a french operator, while creating the context we made sure not to add the country calling code to the CallerId , despite that, it is still displaying it.
09:51.47RadJacksonIs this linked to our developement process? or may be we should contact the provider?
09:56.09*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
09:57.46RadJacksonOk thank you very much
09:59.13WIMPyWHERE is it displayed?
09:59.29RadJacksonthe receiving device screen
10:01.08*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
10:02.02phixtparcina: I would say the asterisk documentation would be a great place to start
10:02.14phixbulkorok: killall -9 asterisk :P
10:02.23WIMPyUsually you don't have any influence on how it's displayed at the caller. Or is it only for callees with the same provider?
10:02.25phixthat will kill it for sure
10:02.33phixhai WIMPy!
10:03.03WIMPyHi phix
10:03.06bulkorokphix: sure... but 'hangup request channel...' makes it too :-)
10:03.36phixheh yeah, my example was like using a nuke to kill a fly instead of just using a swat  :)
10:05.28*** join/#asterisk xilun (
10:05.42RadJacksonNop , we have tried to make calls to differents numbers from differents providers, same result it displays "Call From (+CountryCode NUMBER)"
10:07.06*** join/#asterisk seik0 (5f349ef0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
10:09.43seik0Hi, again, everyone. Once I had a problem: SIP stops working when I loose connection to external sip provider (which is "register => ..." in sip.conf) because of external internet connection failures. Here was an advice to add DNS name of sip-providers to /etc/hosts. But that doesn't help - asterisk get stuck and only way to get it work is to unregister this sip-connections.
10:09.46*** join/#asterisk pepesmith (db5c4b3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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10:11.02seik0Somewhere in internet I meet advices to create some always working sip-provider, dummy one. So, when connection fails, then asterisk tries to find any working "register" peer and continue to work as usual
10:11.13seik0But here was said, that this will not help
10:11.38seik0I'm going to try. But maybe any more help on this issue?
10:16.05sjs205Does asterisk have any tools for adding a sipuser to the sip database?
10:16.34seik0sjs205: what is "sip database"
10:17.15seik0if it's a DB table (realtime), than you need simply add new row with all required parameters
10:17.16sjs205Sorry seik0, I';ve setup a realtime configuration using the mysql table structe...
10:17.39seik0so, you just use any sql client and add rows
10:17.41sjs205seik0, yeah, I was hoping there would be somesort of tool that would automate this process.
10:17.57seik0what exactly you want automate?
10:17.57sjs205like add a peer in the cli?
10:18.49sjs205seik0, something like, 'sip add user"
10:19.51sjs205Can this be done with the web management interface?
10:20.20seik0I don't know of such tool. sip user had a lot of parameters to work with. but some ways may exist
10:20.33seik0web interface of asterisk?
10:21.22sjs205seik0, yeah, I have seen reference to some sort of portal, and now I've just found out that freePBX provides this functionality for asterisk
10:22.51seik0i never used web interface for asterisk, so can't say anything
10:24.51seik0i think, you can add some scripts to system to add entries to mysql DB
10:25.07seik0with syntax you need
10:25.26seik0the only difference will be that command run not in CLI
10:26.00*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:27.13sjs205seik0, yes, that is what I'm thinking of doing. It may not be so bad though, since ultimatly, my application is web based...
10:27.41sjs205Do you know when I can find a complete realtime database setup docs for asterisk 1.8?
10:29.11seik0start here:
10:29.24seik0and follow white rabbit
10:29.27seik0follow links
10:32.12sjs205Haha, cheers seik0... I've found those pages before but gave up because the white rabbit is quite quick at diving down those holes!
10:33.00kaldemari'd definitely not start in voip-info. and contrib/realtime in a source package for more example tables.
10:33.38seik0kaldemar, thanks
10:33.51*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
10:34.05sjs205Thanks kaldemar, yes, I have never really spent much time looking at the voip site since everything seems to outdated...
10:38.31seik0By the way, I have an issue on asterisk 1.8 with Asterisk-DynamicRealtime-unixODBC--Oracle: exten-patterns (_X123X.) not working correctly, such patterns not found in DB. In asterisk 1.4 there was Ok. I resolved it by using mixed static/dynamic realtime putting in dynamic part only really dynamic extensions without such patterns
10:44.50*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
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10:44.52seik0checked DB logs and got that "select ..." is quite correct, but asterisk not receiving result. Started to dig sources, but had not time unfortunately
10:45.49seik0As i know, actual bestpractices says "dynamic realtime is Bad" ? =)
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11:24.59James87I'm looking for some wav files to download to use as music on hold. Anyone who can advise a good website?
11:34.10*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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12:14.38leifmadsenseik0: I use dynamic realtime all the time, works great when you know how to set it up :)
12:15.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:17.23romaintordoafternoon, I am currently running asterisk version 1.6.2 with FreePBX for about 2 years, everything is fine, I have a new server comming in 2 weeks, do you recommend to use  asterisk NOW 3.0 to replace my production machine or is it too early and I should use an older version of asteriskNOW?
12:23.22[TK]D-Fenderromaintordo, Don't waste time going for older ones.
12:23.45[TK]D-Fenderromaintordo, Get the latest stable release of AsteriskNOW, or the FreePBX Distro
12:24.38romaintordogood to hear - thanks D-Fender; I'll build my next server on 3.0 in that case. Have a good day
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13:20.22Captain_Proton? on rxgain & txgain everything I have read said to positive number so I am understanding it right that to tuen it down txgain by 8 i would put "txgain = 8"
13:20.23Captain_Protonor would it be txgain = -8
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13:20.24igcewielingyou would use a negative number
13:27.28Captain_Protonigcewieling: thanks
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13:35.14Captain_ProtonI know I asked this before but to many of partying. When I change chan_dahdi.conf do I need need to do a dahdi restart or will askerisk reload do?
13:39.44[TK]D-Fenderindividually or with * as a whole.
13:39.46Captain_Protonwill that restart the pri channels?
13:39.47igcewielingCaptain_Proton: no.
13:39.47igcewielingCaptain_Proton: MOST changes to chan_dahdi.conf will be applied on a reload or reload    There are a few things which require you restart asterisk or unload / load chan_dahdi, but those items are listed when you reload the module
13:39.48kaldemarCaptain_Proton: asterisk reload or restart, depending what you change.
13:43.24*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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13:54.04xilunif anybody is interested to test some "sip show peers" with lots of registered peers (~3500+ ; try with 4000 or 5000) , can try: ( issue : )
13:54.05LieutPants[ASTERISK-21466] [Status: Triage] [crash] "sip show peers" crashes Asterisk with ~3500 registered peers -
13:54.20Kattyguys. i have a very serious problem.
13:54.23xilunwithout the patch it crashes with stack overflow
13:54.28Kattyit requires a very ingenious plan.
13:54.31Kattyi am out of coffee.
13:54.45KattyHOW DID THIS HAPPEN!?
13:58.21*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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13:58.40igcewielingKatty: I blame the squirrels.
13:58.52Kattyshakes fist
13:59.15Kattymore coffees will be had!
14:00.35igcewielingLieutPants: Several sip related deadlocks were fixed in recent versions of Astersik
14:00.50KattyLieutPants: i love the /nick
14:00.58igcewielingah, you appear to be running the latest.
14:01.17KattyLieutPants: but for some reason, my brain read it as lieutenant pants.
14:01.30igcewielingLieutPants: do you NEED to run Asterisk 11?   Have you considered reverting to a more mature version of Asterisk like 1.8.x?
14:03.20xiluni think you are talking to a bot...
14:03.29xiluntest : ASTERISK-21466
14:03.30LieutPants[ASTERISK-21466] [Status: Triage] [crash] "sip show peers" crashes Asterisk with ~3500 registered peers -
14:03.34xilunyes you are :)
14:03.54xilunigcewieling: the same bug exists in 1.8 btw
14:04.24igcewielingThis makes me VERY happy our peers don't register. 8-|
14:04.51mjordanLieutenant Pants is the demoted Captain Pants.
14:05.00mjordanI blame leifmadsen
14:05.22jmetrocaptain underpants is his sidekick?
14:05.54mjordanxilun: most likely. Although a 'sip show peers' with 3500 peers on the CLI is a bit silly. I'm sure this is being done by an external process and is scraping the CLI output, but still.
14:06.03mjordan(yes, it shouldn't crash)
14:06.16igcewielingmjordan: AMI has similar functions, I wonder if they also have the issue.
14:08.15mjordanmost likely
14:08.18mjordanoh well :-P
14:08.32xilunmjordan: i agree
14:09.40xilunin our systems, it is done every 5 minutes by a monitoring process that i don't really know what it does with the info...
14:10.27sjs205I've got a number of extensions under the "[default]" section in extensions.conf, and I have created a new user with the context "default", but when I dial one of these extensions I get a [default]... any ideas?
14:10.27xilunand it might be done by an admin that does not know in advance there are so many peers
14:11.11sjs205ooops, but when I dial one of these extensions i grejected because extension not found in context 'default'
14:14.24*** join/#asterisk teff (~teff@
14:17.02igcewielingxilun: I'm pretty sure you can get registration / unregistration / lag messages via AMI events, that might be a better way to handle this.   Maybe once per hour do the sip show peers to make sure.
14:17.14[TK]D-Fendersjs205, PASTEBIN is your friend...
14:17.16infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:17.48[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Show su the call at verbose 10, SIP DEBUG enabled, along with your extensions.conf and "ls -la /etc/asterisk"
14:19.22xilunigcewieling: probably, though we don't work on that part of the code right now and i'm making other tests on other parts and have a lot of user, and to finish the bug can also affect the sip show peers equivalent via AMI (the same function is used) and even if it did not it needs to be fixed anyway
14:20.17igcewielingxilun: *nod*  In the long term watching the events should use far far fewer resources than a sip show peers every 5 mins.
14:21.23xilunyes, obviously
14:21.43xilunalthough it does not take too much resources
14:21.59xiluneven with that many users
14:22.09xilunbut still, I agree on the principle
14:23.12*** join/#asterisk pepesmith (~pepesmith@unaffiliated/pepesmith)
14:24.25sjs205[TK]D-Fender, cheers, I'm just doing it :D
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14:36.17sjs205here we go [TK]D-Fender, apologies for the delay, got held on a call...
14:37.37[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Looking for *2111 in general (domain
14:37.45[TK]D-Fendersjs205, that says "general', not 'default'
14:38.32sjs205[TK]D-Fender, sorry, it is default... atleast I think... I changed that to try and see if it worked since I found that in a tutorial...
14:38.50*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:38.56[TK]D-Fendersjs205, that debug clearly says it's looking in 'general'
14:40.17sjs205I've done a reload and now it says default because I changed those test settings back... I'll post the correct one now...
14:41.19sjs205[TK]D-Fender, that is the new log
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14:43.11[TK]D-Fendersjs205, I fail to see any exten that SHOULD match what you dialed there.
14:43.28[TK]D-Fendersjs205, <- what line do you see that should match that number?
14:45.33sjs205You know, I've just realised my confusion... I'm the guy that was trying to get opensips and asterisk working together... on the same server... And now I realise that that routing was from opensips... So I guess that *1111 for voicemail was from the opensips routing table... sorry about that...
14:45.47[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Your config is loaded with a  ton of * 1.0 standard junk.
14:46.02sjs205What would I dial to access the extension defined on line 834 [TK]D-Fender ?
14:46.10[TK]D-Fendersjs205, And is not valid on anything in the past half a decade...
14:46.42sjs205Basically, 831 - 875 are my extensions... can I safely delete everything else?
14:46.59sjs205haha... Damn ubuntu standard install!
14:47.05[TK]D-Fendersjs205, remove the garbage.
14:47.07AkkerKidheya all!
14:47.22[TK]D-Fendersjs205, those are SAMPLE configs.  You used/left them there.
14:48.11[TK]D-Fendersjs205,  VMR_ + One or more chars.
14:48.23sjs205I will remove everything except 831 - 873
14:48.36[TK]D-Fendersjs205, VMR_1 , VMR_2, VMR_FRED
14:48.50sjs205oh, VMR_alice should do it! :)
14:49.26sjs205Once again [TK]D-Fender, you help has been invaluable... much appreciated :)
14:49.58phix[TK]D-Fender is the bestest
14:50.09sjs205phix, agreed!
14:50.36phixhe rang me up to help me test my echo problem, best resource to asterisk ever
14:50.40AkkerKidSo I create a callfile with a few "Setver:" lines and when the call gets to the extension on the second leg, I don't have those variables set anymore.  Do they not follow both paths of the call?
14:51.07sjs205I'd get [TK]D-Fender to ring me if I could get this server up! :)))
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14:53.40sjs205[TK]D-Fender, should I leave the [general] section in there?
14:53.51phixjust get it working sjs205
14:54.09[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, If there is a "second leg" then that is a DIALED channel, and it follows standard variable inheritance rules
14:54.26igcewielingAkkerKid: See Inheriting Channel Variables on
14:54.34igcewielingNow go back and READ THE BOOK
14:54.40[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Yes, it is supposed to be used for only core settings, not actual "dialplan"
14:59.41*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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15:01.29sjs205Right... I've removed all of those, I'm able to now make a call but still not able to hear anything.... :?
15:02.59[TK]D-Fendercheck your firewalls
15:07.44sjs205[TK]D-Fender, yep, all firewalls disabled and still not a sound!
15:08.26[TK]D-Fendershow us, and go validate your sound works at all.
15:11.45*** join/#asterisk hilacha (~joel@
15:11.49sjs205[TK]D-Fender, My sound on my desktop works since I hear the deafly twinkle daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah noise when the call is initilised...
15:15.06hilachasomeone knows why the te110p are so cheap (at least in brazil) and the board in digium site is so expensive?
15:15.35Qwellhilacha: The card you are looking at, that is cheap, is probably a crap Chinese clone.
15:15.36hilachaare the local boards fake?
15:16.00[TK]D-Fendersjs205, I'm not seeing firewall dumps from both sides...
15:16.04hilachathe chineses ones are identical (at least visual)?
15:16.12Qwellhilacha: I assure you, they are not.
15:16.22[TK]D-Fenderhilacha, Many of the chinese knock-offs look almost the same.
15:17.02sjs205[TK]D-Fender, firewall dumps? iptables -<something>?
15:17.04hilachaQwell: do you know how to identify the original and the fake?
15:17.28Qwellhilacha: Easy.  Real cards do not come free with purchase of a box of cereal.
15:17.31*** join/#asterisk feeshon (
15:17.52hilachaQwell: :)
15:18.16Qwellbesides - the little bits of cereal get stuck inside all of the connectors
15:18.25[TK]D-Fendersjs205, "iptables --list"
15:18.30feeshonI am looking to virtualize Asterisk on KVM, it's a very small asterisk server which the pysical server that it sits on is over kill. Any known issues with virtualizing asterisk? concerns?
15:18.45Qwellfeeshon: Try it.  See if it works in your environment.
15:19.08QwellThere is nothing about virtualization, in general, that would cause issues though (if you know what you're doing).
15:19.25hilachanow.. serious.. do you know how to do it? the pictures of the fake have the digium trademark..
15:19.42Qwellhilacha: You purchase it from a reputable reseller.
15:20.21hilachaQwell: Thank You. Good answer.
15:21.09feeshonI have virtualized several Operating systems on KVM and haven't ecountered major issues, but I have never virtualized a PBX and figured I would as if there were any major things I should be concerned about. This is in production.
15:21.36navaismofeeshon, Are you using PRi/Bri cards?
15:21.56feeshonno all sip
15:22.41[TK]D-Fendersjs205, first get rid of the Ringing()
15:23.40igcewielingfeeshon: have you ever virtualized something that must service data in near-realtime?
15:24.36igcewielingnobody cares if it takes an extra 500ms to serve a web page, they will care if it takes an extra 500ms to service their audio on a phone call.
15:24.47sjs205[TK]D-Fender, done... that is interesting,... that daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah tone is actually ringing
15:25.29feeshonigcewieling: good point,  and I don't think I have virtualized something like that
15:25.48sjs205would the sound clip for that ringing be from twinkle or asterisk?
15:26.58[TK]D-FenderShould be Twinkle
15:27.03igcewielingfeeshon: many people virtualize Asterisk and make it work, some fail, depends on many things, but with ALL SIP and no significant load it may work.
15:27.25feeshonigcewieling: Thank you
15:27.52sjs205cool, still no audio from asterisk though :/
15:29.06[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Ok, I'm out for now.  Keep at it.
15:29.10igcewielingno audio is almost always a NAT / Direct Media issue.
15:29.27sjs205Haha... cheers [TK]D-Fender
15:29.47sjs205I have no nat... and by direct media you mean??
15:30.08sjs205does dahdi have anything to do with sound?
15:30.16igcewielingsjs205: "formely known as canreinvite
15:30.43igcewielingsjs205: yes dahdi has "something" to do with sound, if you are using dahdi.
15:31.27*** join/#asterisk fkurkowski (~fkurkowsk@
15:31.44sjs205igcewieling, I tried to use asterisk-dahdi from the ubuntu repos... but I can't see the module loaded... would it just be igcewieling
15:32.06igcewielingsjs205: what PSTN interface card are you using?
15:32.21sjs205igcewieling, I'm not... just sip
15:32.26igcewielingthen you don't need dahdi
15:32.38sjs205That is what I thought... :)
15:32.44sjs205So that is that one sorted...
15:34.20sjs205Are these two sound related at all? "ais/clm.c: Could not initialize cluster membership service?" "res_config_ldap.c: No directory URL or host found."??
15:34.58sjs205And this error should be okay, right? "chan_sip.c: No valid transports available, falling back to 'udp'."
15:35.09sjs205At least it does fall back! :D
15:37.46*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~cmendes01@
15:41.47*** join/#asterisk RyanTG (~Thunderbi@
15:44.49learathanyone use broadvoice?
15:46.11[TK]D-Fenderlearath, My guess is "lots of people" otherwise they'd have gone out of business years ago...
15:46.33learathtrue. but given the responses I get it appears none of them use asterisk :)
15:46.46learathit's officially a "supported platform" but the config example they provide is.. uhm.  not good
15:46.51learathand their support is MS level
15:47.46[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Not sure what responses you're referring to are .... but if you have a problem to show us maybe we can help
15:47.59learathI've got everything working, except MWI
15:48.03learathwhich just fails silently
15:48.28learathif I try to explicitly register via mwi => I get a "subscription refused"
15:49.03infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:49.58FreeaqingmeHi. 'set debug peer <trunk>' enables debugging to that host. However, how do I turn that off?
15:50.21[TK]D-FenderFreeaqingme, "set debug off" perhaps....
15:50.42learathit's a single line - "[Mar 27 11:54:02] WARNING[9583] chan_sip.c: Host '' does not implement 'SUBSCRIBE'
15:50.55Freeaqingmeright. I was looking for a way to disable the debugging for one specific host. But I guess I cannot [TK]D-Fender ?
15:50.58learath(the ip is the broadvoice sip server)
15:51.00navaismook thats the answer
15:51.11[TK]D-Fenderlearath, It's more than a single line when you enable SIP DEBUG....
15:51.20learathhah will do
15:51.38[TK]D-FenderFreeaqingme, One, all, or none.
15:51.47learathip, on or peer?
15:51.50Freeaqingmecheck. thanks
15:52.14[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Yes
15:53.53learathdone, the only change was I got 5 of those lines instead of a single line
15:56.55[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Then you did it wrong
15:57.01learathhmm.  possible.
15:57.14[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Absolute certainty
15:57.51[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Because a packet in & out is at least 6 lines all by itself.  Then there is the fact that none are even so small
15:58.03learathahh.  my debug was getting turned off by the sip reload (to force it to resubscribe)
15:58.31learathunfotunately it's not much more.  SIP/2.0 405 Method Not Allowed
15:58.31learathVia: SIP/2.0/UDP;received=;branch=z9hG4bK4c71bbe8;rport=5060
15:58.40learathwell.  it's tons more information, but not useful
15:58.47[TK]D-Fenderlearath, complete SIP comm in a pastebin.....
15:58.51learaththat's possibly useful.  ok
16:02.00learathmildly redacted -
16:04.12[TK]D-Fenderlearath, And on top of redaction you are only looking at half of the communication.
16:04.24learathdid I miss the other half?  Finding.
16:04.26[TK]D-Fenderlearath, You seem to be learning the term " complete in very small increments....
16:05.12learath:)  Really what I need to know is "who's figured out the magic incantation that broadvoice requires to make mwi work", and I'm afraid their packets are unlikely to reveal that
16:05.19learathlemme find the other half
16:05.55igcewielinglearath: generally the only thing you should redact are plaintext passwords.   Trust me, you are not interesting enough to call.
16:06.58learathI wasn't sure which were "hashed" passwords
16:07.11learathand I didn't bother redacting the phone number
16:07.22learathwaiting for the next failure so I can capture the whole thing
16:07.38sjs205[TK]D-Fender, igcewieling Twinkle is a pile of s*&t :) Sound was working all along! I'm an idiot too of course!
16:07.56igcewielingsjs205: All softphones suck, some more than others.
16:08.10sjs205igcewieling, any that you'd recommend?
16:08.26igcewielingsjs205: I cannot recommend any softphones.
16:08.42sjs205switched to linphone which seems aright so far... :)
16:09.21learathI've had remarkably consistant experience with softphones :)
16:09.21sjs205I wonder if my openSIPS and Asterisk config would work with linphone! GRRR!
16:10.25igcewielinglearath: all bad? 8-)
16:10.45*** join/#asterisk threesome (
16:10.55learathwell it depends.  if you love Mr Roboto some are quite good
16:13.40learathhopefully is better?
16:16.38[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Not all MWI is subscription-based
16:17.04[TK]D-Fenderlearath, and ... Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to <- Broadvoice is NOT behind NAT.  Fix your peer to them
16:18.21phix[TK]D-Fender: <3
16:19.29[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Go leave a VM via BV and watch for an unsolicited MESSAGE event
16:19.51[TK]D-Fenderlearath, * supports broadcast & subscribe methods or it's peers.  BV may not.
16:20.18sjs205I think I'm just going to leave my "AN_time" extension on automatic redial for the next 24 hours... tis like music to my ears!
16:20.28learathdoing so
16:21.20learathok, I see the notify
16:22.11learathso, that means I don't have the phone properly configured?
16:23.14[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Well "the phone" is another matter...
16:23.29[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Asterisk is talking to BV, not "the phone" (whatever that is).
16:23.40learathof course :) and I, being oh so smart, am using a Cisco 9951 which is so well supported and documented!
16:23.43[TK]D-Fenderlearath, You should start filling us in on the rest of the particulars now...
16:24.20learathbut I do know it supports MWI, as I forced an MWI onto it via debugging, and the light lit up
16:24.34learathso what I've probably got misconfigured is the connection from the phone's sip connection and the broadvoice one?
16:28.03*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
16:28.07linociscohi all
16:28.30linociscoi have cisco 7942G which was converted to sip
16:28.46Kattydoes it make toast, too?
16:28.53Kattycould totally go for some toast.
16:29.08linocisconow registered to asterisk. but missed calls are shown with blinking. how can I clear those missed call entries?
16:29.25learathso, how do I figure out where that notify is going, or if it's going nowhere make it go somewhere?
16:29.59igcewielingKatty: my sourdough experiments have been going well.
16:30.05Kattyigcewieling: oh?
16:30.08Kattyigcewieling: go on.
16:30.17[TK]D-Fenderlearath, The phone isn't talking to BV.  * is a B2BUA.
16:30.28igcewielingKatty: Have not ruined a batch in 2 weeks
16:30.37Kattyfistbumps igcewieling
16:31.06learathI know.  I'm asking about asterisk, I know how to make the phone talk to a mailbox, I set unsolicited_mailbox for my broadvoice context, which obviously is wrong
16:31.09learathI dunno why
16:31.23linociscohi dear all, who is reading my msg?
16:31.30learath(and mailbox= for my phone, which I believe *is* working, but .. meh)
16:32.16[TK]D-Fenderlearath, "voicemail show users"
16:33.00learathshows the default users, with 0 mail, and the user I set in unsolicited_mailbox with 0 mail
16:33.24igcewielinglearath: your phone will NEVER talk to broadvoice.   ASTERISK is the Broadvoice client.
16:34.02learathigcewieling: I know that.  Asterisk sits between and talks sip to both my phone and broadvoice.
16:34.11learathI'm not a *complete* idiot
16:34.12[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Well 0 mail = 0 notifications.  And that's *'s VM boxex... nothing to do with BV clearly
16:34.41jmetromajor ISP in my area just implemented an infinite loop in their routing
16:34.46linociscohi all how to clear missed call blinking and call log to be cleared manually?
16:35.01linociscoit is on cisco 7942G
16:35.28learathI thought/hoped that by setting "unsolicited_mailbox" I could have asterisk update the MWI flag for my phone via a mailbox.
16:35.47phixKatty: you speak what I think, stop it
16:35.54phixand while you are at it bring me some toast too
16:36.15phixwith some type of savoury spread on it
16:36.28learathvegamite or marmite?
16:36.47phixI am a vegemite fan, then again I am Australian and have grown up with it
16:37.01phixbut I do prefer peenut butter / satay
16:37.12phixwith chilli
16:37.29phixpeenut butter with chopped chilly on toast <3
16:37.41phixslightly melted
16:38.18phixbut if I have to eat vegemite it goes great with sharp / matured chedar cheese
16:38.41igcewielingkind of like why Hawaiians like Spam?  They don't know any better.  8-)
16:38.42phix20 months+
16:39.02phixI don't like pork products
16:39.47*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
16:40.01phixit is a choice not forced on me like some people who's parents have brain washed them into believing it is evil
16:40.36linociscoi have cisco 7942G which was converted to sip
16:40.40phixpeople who force arbitary life choices onto people are wrong
16:40.43linocisconow registered to asterisk. but missed calls are shown with blinking. how can I clear those missed call entries?
16:41.08navaismoits that a deja vú? ^
16:41.25navaismothe matrix has a glitch
16:41.53Kattydelivers phix a piece of tasty garlic bread.
16:41.59learathinteresting, event dump cache MWI was very handy
16:42.04learathshowed me where my problem is
16:52.32learathugh.  found the issue I suspect - Mailbox: 5440165@SIP_Remote
16:52.32learathContext: SIP_Remote
16:55.36learathtk: thank you for helping me stop looking in the wrong places :)
17:01.51*** join/#asterisk wtfitsme (
17:04.26[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Baby steps...
17:06.56learaththat had a @SIP_Remote, which was WRONG
17:07.11learathawesome, thanks
17:08.33*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:12.31*** part/#asterisk wtfitsme (
17:19.13*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
17:45.13*** join/#asterisk Free99 (
18:01.31hilachasomeone from brazil?
18:01.53hilachathat uses e1?
18:03.34infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
18:03.46*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
18:08.02jmetrocan i ask a question? is qwell here?
18:08.42Qwell~kick jmetro
18:08.42infobotACTION kicks jmetro
18:08.53jmetro@.@ my shins!
18:21.30slav3_kittenwell it's official
18:21.43slav3_kittenwisp network engineers are incompetent fools
18:21.46learathnew coke sucks?
18:21.58[TK]D-Fender<jmetro> can i ask a question? is qwell here? <- that's TWO questions.
18:22.14slav3_kitteni got told today that they have no idea why i'm not getting the correct static IP
18:22.14[TK]D-Fenderme gives jmetro a supplementary kick
18:22.42slav3_kittenif you're the top level network engineer, it's your job to know why shit aint working
18:22.58slav3_kittennot shrug an be all "i dunno"
18:23.30Free99slav3_kitten, maybe that's how he got the job, if his company is a dilbert replica
18:24.09slav3_kitteni think it may be the case sadly
18:24.42slav3_kittenthis new unifi pro is pretty boss however
18:24.43jmetroslav3_kitten: i can set you up with a static IP on my 20$ netgear router for half the cost of your ISP's static IP per month!
18:25.16jmetrookay, your new external ip is 192.168...
18:25.28slav3_kittendon't make me pimp slap you
18:25.43slav3_kittenbecause i'll do it
18:26.03jmetroFine fine i'll move you up to a class B... 127.0...
18:26.41slav3_kittengimme your address, i'll be right over
18:27.05slav3_kittenwell right after i find my purple suit and balling cane
18:27.09jmetroI can imagine people trying to tell eachother their IPv6 addresses over the phone. it will be faster to walk
18:27.45slav3_kittenit's been a day of successes and fails
18:27.58learathno no, ipv6 is perfect and flawless in every way!
18:28.19slav3_kittenfail, stripped out the screws in my 80 dollar dosimeter because there was poor thread engagement and possibly incorrect screw size
18:28.34slav3_kittenwin, i got my unifi pro
18:28.46slav3_kittenfail, my isp is sucking a bag of dicks instead of fixing my gear
18:28.56slav3_kittenwin, i got 60 dollars finally refunded
18:29.16jmetroneutral: those 60 dollars pay for the 80 dollar dosimeter?
18:29.18slav3_kittenif i get this unifi all setup an provisioned quickly it'll be epic win
18:29.35slav3_kittennah, i'll just order some screws and a tap and fix the dosimeter myself
18:29.51slav3_kittenfor the time being duct tape holds the thing together just fine
18:30.05jmetroi think its interesting that "torx security" is openable with a flathead
18:30.25learathonly if you don't ever want to reuse it
18:30.51slav3_kittenjmetro, it's easier to take a screw driver an bust off the lil prong in the center then use regular torx
18:30.58Free99learath, if you're careful you can do it several times
18:31.12learathonly if they are not torqued down right
18:31.18jmetroI despise flathead screwdrivers though.
18:31.20learathto be fair, they almost never are.
18:32.08Free99or if they have threadlock
18:32.08slav3_kittenjmetro, why do you hate flat head?
18:32.23slav3_kittenred loctite <3
18:32.55jmetroslav3_kitten: because its an obnoxious crappy driver head that slips out constantly. I'd rather unscrew 6 stripped torx screws than 1 normal flathead
18:33.12Free99flat head and philips =/= good. Robertson, w00t!
18:34.02jmetroFree99: square?
18:34.15Free99..yeah, aka square :)
18:34.39slav3_kitteni like torx or tri wing
18:34.53slav3_kittenor standard socket head cap screws
18:35.14slav3_kittenspline drives are cool however
18:35.30Free99But how are those when you actually need to torque something to a pretty high level? Square doesn't pop out very easily
18:35.36jmetroOne way screws make me sad. I always have a multi-function driver on me and like to disassemble things when i'm bored.
18:35.39Free99haven't tried torx or tri wing
18:35.53jmetroTorx strips pretty easy under T10 but is reliable above
18:35.55Free99if they're pan-head, use a vice grip :D
18:36.13slav3_kitteni use a dremel tool to make one way screws into flat blades :D
18:36.37slav3_kittenif all else fails, plasma cutter
18:36.47Free99whoa buddy
18:37.05slav3_kitteni got to pop off a high security pad lock with my plasma cutter for a friend whom lost his key
18:37.23jmetroA bolt cutter with long enough handles > any lock
18:37.27slav3_kittenfancy ass steel shackle was no match for the temps on the surface of the sun
18:37.33Free99"friend" who "lost" his "key" the bank
18:37.53slav3_kittennah he collects high security locks, and locked his foot locker with one
18:38.43jagster`pointed isymphony at its $ipaddress instead of localhost
18:38.49slav3_kittenugh "E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)
18:44.00slav3_kittenseems mongod-10gen is being a cunt
18:44.27jagster`asterisk choked :<
18:45.54slav3_kitteni currently have a 200 dollar AP next to me that's currently useless due to invalid instructions from ubiquiti on installing the controller software
18:46.25Free99oh really? beel looking at some stuff from them actually
18:46.39igcewielingFree99: they are well known and known to work well
18:46.40Free99I'm running their sr-71 card in my laptop in fact, really awesome
18:46.56igcewielingbut I've had my fill of silly wifi stuff already so I'm outta here.
18:46.59*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
18:47.15slav3_kittenFree99, i love their gear
18:47.36slav3_kittenhowever mongo db is being a dick so until i sort that out i can't install their controller software
18:47.41jmetroUbiquiti has VERY nice AP's
18:48.09slav3_kittenwhich is why i dropped more money  then i should have on it
18:48.14Free99better than [dd,open]-wrt?
18:48.31slav3_kittenby far
18:48.52slav3_kittenmikrotik makes good gear too
18:49.00jmetrowe use lightweight ones which are good
18:49.04slav3_kittenbut if you want really good access points, i suggest juniper
18:49.15jmetroi dont care about setup though because ohwow their performance is spectacular
18:49.53jmetroi have a feeling that ubiquiti is breaking FCC regulation with how strong those AP's are
18:50.09Free99shoot, my card is 450mw max
18:50.14slav3_kittenjmetro, doubt it.
18:50.23Free99for a minipci laptop card!
18:50.42slav3_kittenwhat's the eirp on it?
18:51.01Free99and my router is a 54g with ddwrt which I waterproofed and put outside with a solar panel. borrow other people's wifi :P
18:52.13slav3_kittenffffff 10 more minutes until this mongodb downloads
18:52.29jmetrosounds like a perfect opportunity to play dwarf fortress
18:52.52slav3_kittensounds like a perfect chance to grab a slice
18:53.54slav3_kitteni kind of wish i could have justified a juniper based wlan solution. i keep drooling over their features
18:54.28*** join/#asterisk derjanni (
18:54.31*** join/#asterisk acidfu (~nib@unaffiliated/acidmen)
18:54.33derjanniGood evening everybody.
18:54.48slav3_kittenbut no way i coould justify 1500 for 2 APs and a controller, for my home network
18:55.19derjanniI keep getting "chan_sip.c:13189 sip_reg_timeout" with my provider, although FW is set up to fwd 5060 and 10000-20000 udp
18:55.20derjanniany ideas?
18:55.38derjannitried nat=yes and nat=no ... no effect
18:59.16[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, PASTEBIN your actual registration attempts with SIP DEBUG enabled.
18:59.17infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:59.35*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
19:01.28paulcI put a Ubiquiti UniFi in at home and love it :)
19:02.05paulcNext step: Replace the shitty ActionTec telco-supplied router, possibly with Mikrotik.. that's been on the to-do list for months though..
19:02.17derjannithere you go:
19:02.34Free99paulc, you mean craptiontec?
19:03.50Free99my dad paid for 40mbps fios, tests showed his computer only getting ~28mbps. Replaced the actiontec with a new one, and hey presto! 40mbps...for 2 weeks. then back to 28
19:04.41paulcFree99: Yeah, they don't exactly have a good rep do they.... So they just replaced it with another (same) unit?
19:05.12Free99yep. I mean it hooks directly to the fiber line, not like I can replace it with something else
19:06.23tacpilot*98 gets me to the mailbox welcome center.. is there a way to go straight to a user mailbox and by pass that ?
19:06.26paulcoh really? My fiber goes to an ONT which then goes ethernet to the WAN port on the ActionTec (V1000 I think?)
19:06.43paulctacpilot: core show application voicemailmain
19:06.58paulcYou can pass in mailbox number and optionally skip password prompt
19:08.10tacpilotdont mind password prompt .. just want a user to go straight to their box then enter their password
19:12.49Free99paulc: the ONT was motorola for a while but I actually see them by actiontec now
19:13.33Free99wait a sec that doesn't make sense
19:13.38[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, Retransmitting #1 (NAT) to Contact: <sip:4314982@>
19:13.56[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, Your provider is NOT behind NAT, and you have not set yours up properly for the fact that it itself is.
19:14.38[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, "localnet=", "nat=yes", "directmedia=no", "externaddr=" all need to be set under [general], and "nat=no" in your provider's peer
19:15.30paulcFree99: So you don't have fiber --> ONT --> router... yours goes Fiber --> Router?
19:15.31[TK]D-Fenderpaulc, I just got a Microtik RB2011UAS-2HnD yesterday and am in the process of setting it up
19:15.42[TK]D-Fenderpaulc, Amazing value routers...
19:15.51paulcFree99: I know they like the ACtionTec here cos it can do ADSL or fiber+ONT
19:16.13learathhah - I got the RB2011UAS-RM
19:16.25paulc[TK]D-Fender yeah - I've got an RB750GL at my desk here at work, been playing with it purely for DHCP/Option 66 for provisioning, on a network that already has that in place.. "handy" :-)
19:16.33[TK]D-Fenderlearath, I'm considering one of those for my office
19:16.38Free99paulc, nah, I must be wrong. the actiontec is integrated into the wallmount ont somehow, but the ont was seperate, though physically connected
19:16.46learathif you get one check the SFP port
19:16.53learaththe first one I got had internal damage
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19:17.10[TK]D-Fenderlearath, But perhaps more for our secondary link (FTP / alt) as it lacks certain modularity for IDS / content filtering
19:17.34learathI'm using it as a home router, so it's perfect
19:18.05Free99poll: you're providing sailors at sea with their only source of internet. Do you block porn?
19:18.12paulcFree99: Like physically connected with ethernet? or more like snap together modules? (I think our ONTs are Alcatel/Lucent)
19:18.20learathseems more effort than it's worth
19:18.21paulcFree99: No, but maybe rate limit it? ;-)
19:18.29Free99paulc, snap together
19:18.33[TK]D-Fenderlearath, Absolutely.  If I had a rack I'd have thought of it as well.   The pricepoint for the RM is insane...
19:18.57paulcWe had a request from our offshore call center yesterday to block web browsing from agent PCs.. collective eyes rolled - we're not going to solve a human issue with technology - manage your staff already!
19:18.57Free99right? that's what I said. boss is definitely religious to where personal views are being put on others :-/
19:19.39Free99i mean these are industrial sailors, when do they bring women with them?
19:21.59paulcwhat kind of bandwidth is there on the ship?
19:23.28Free99iunno, like 128kbps. VoIP will only work if I force g729
19:23.40Free99varies with weather too
19:23.48Free99but I figure QOS can handle that
19:25.13paulcYeah.. got your work cut out for you there eh :)
19:28.06Free99guess so
19:28.42Free99k, just wanted to see if anyone else agreed. I can now go to boss and say "guys and maybe girls, i don't know b/c its internet, back me up on not blocking porn"
19:28.48slav3_kittenthis unifi shit is awesome :D
19:29.53paulcFree99: Yeah.. blocking ends up being a cat'n'mouse game ultimately
19:30.04paulcslav3_kitten: what you got?
19:30.39slav3_kittenunifi pro access point
19:31.14slav3_kitteni /should/ be configuring it for quick tossing it in an calling it good instead i'm playing with all the options as it hangs out on my desk
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19:34.11slav3_kittenyou know how it is with new toys
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19:35.07ipengineerHas anyone come across this error before? No such switch 'Realtime'
19:35.45ipengineerI noticed I do not have a module I am not sure if that is still needed in 11.3
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19:39.36Qwellipengineer: Are you trying to use a realtime switch?
19:39.49ipengineerQwell: Yes
19:40.06Qwellthen it would help to have the module that implements realtime switches, yes
19:40.50ipengineerQwell: so the two modules I have are res_realtime and func_realtime.. There are others I am assuming?
19:50.05*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
19:52.22danfromukUsing realtime extensions, is there any way to get around the requirement of having the switch=>realtime/@ lines?
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19:57.15derjanni[TK]D-Fender added localnet, net, directmedia, externaddr - still no luck :-\
19:58.34derjanniin iftop I see outbound data, but no inbound from
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20:03.39[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, You've made changes apparently, but never showed me the new configs or the new call.  Please correct this...
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20:07.31derjanni[TK]D-Fender: here is my config:
20:09.13derjanniand here is my sip log:
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20:17.44Pumukihi! After a few days of looking up about how to config a pri card's (te122) B channels, I was wondering if you might know by heart: what's the way to make a few of those channels work for voice and others for data? (ie: 12 voice + 12 data, or 22 voice + 2 data) - I don't mean signaling channel (D) but B ones :)
20:18.00Pumukithanks in advance :)
20:22.10[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, make sure aal SIP helpers/proxies, etc are disabled on your routers.  Also ensure that 5060,10000-20000 all UDP are forwarded to your server
20:22.49[TK]D-FenderPumuki, voip-info Wiki has some info on that.  It's almost never used...
20:23.39[TK]D-FenderPumuki, This would have to be updated slightly for more modern syntax, etc
20:23.41derjanni[TK]D-Fender no SIP helpers/ proxies - the router is a nude OpenWRT WR1043ND
20:23.52derjannino gui, nothing
20:24.02[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, OpenWTR is often an offender all by itself
20:24.35derjanniis there a chance to use TCP / STUN instead of UDP?
20:25.01[TK]D-Fenderderjanni, Go test without the WRT
20:25.03[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
20:26.00derjanniCan't test it without the WRT, its on a Raspberry Pi box and required DOCSIS network access
20:28.34jmetroso Lync is just a hosted cisco call manager
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20:40.42jmetroAnyone know if the Cx600 are Asterisk capable? i cant imagine why they wouldnt be
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21:16.42fireman_biffWhen I try to load in asterisk it fails, with a log entry of "loader.c: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: pri_persistent_layer2_option". Any ideas why?
21:17.11WIMPyWrong libpri perhaps?
21:17.21WIMPyHow did you install the stuff?
21:18.31fireman_biffI didn't... somebody else installed elastix, and I believe they upgraded dahdi
21:19.19fireman_biffother thing is, it doesn't even have a pri
21:19.21fireman_biffjust analog
21:19.33*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
21:19.52WIMPyBut that dahdi mudule obviouselt has "pri" support.
21:24.37fireman_biffoh so there's nothing pri-related i can disable as a work around then... do you think the version of asterisk could have anything to do with it? or would it just be on the dahdi/libpri side?
21:24.47igcewielingfireman_biff: welcome to Package Hell.
21:25.01*** join/#asterisk FLeiXiuS (~FLeiXiuS@unaffiliated/fleixius)
21:25.06fireman_biffcause we have another pbx with the same version of dahdi/libpri, but a different version of asterisk, and that one is working
21:25.21igcewielingfireman_biff: you have a version mismatch between the version of libpri asterisk was built for and the version of libpri installed in your system
21:25.34jmetroHas anyone ever had the Directory application refuse to do First & Last names for searching? Mine wont do anything besides last name only.
21:25.45igcewielingjmetro: yes.
21:26.23jmetroigcewieling: Whats the issue happening?
21:26.27igcewielingFor example a name of "John Doe Jr" the "last name" is "Jr"
21:27.05jmetroI have a "John Doe" that cant search for anything besides "Doe"
21:27.45igcewielingjmetro: that issue I've not seen.  what are the options Directory is called with
21:28.07fireman_biffWIMPy and igcewieling: upgrading libpri fixed the issue, thanks for pointing us in the right direction
21:28.17jmetroDirectory(context,b) like it should be
21:29.26igcewielingjmetro: on MY asterisk: Directory([vm-context][,dial-context[,options]])
21:29.37jmetroyeah i had to add a second comma
21:29.37igcewielingwhich means your "dial context" is "b"
21:30.01jmetroI must have gotten used to coding in a language that wasnt so literal =p
21:30.46igcewielingjmetro: does "f" or "l" options work?
21:31.05jmetroi did Context,,b and it worked on the first try
21:32.48igcewielingso it is working now?
21:33.26jmetroyour question about the parameters made me double-take and wonder if asterisk was literally making my dial-context "b" which it was.
21:33.47igcewielingYay!  Work day is over, I can actually accomplish something now
21:34.28*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:38.50jagster`i volunteered to install our zimbra certs just so i could feel like i accomplished something
21:38.54jagster`cus fuuuu asterisk reporting
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21:52.37igcewielingjagster`: we wrote our own reporting scripts
21:58.12jagster`so did "we" thats where the pain comes from :P
21:59.11igcewielingheh.   Our reporting was pretty easy to do.    We generate CEL events in our dialplan, then use that data for our reports
21:59.31jmetroigcewieling: is there a way to limit an extension from being listed in the directory?
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21:59.56igcewielingjmetro: see voicemail.conf.sample  if there is a way, it would be listed in there.
22:00.28WIMPyNice nick
22:00.31forgotmynicki'm having trouble working with I've added a trunk - the trunk is online but it's not showing as registered
22:00.34forgotmynickthanks ^^
22:00.51forgotmynickis the auth string supposed to be
22:01.38WIMPyregister => [transport://]user[:secret[:authuser]]@domain[:port][/extension][~expiry]
22:01.57jagster`being as how old this is theyre using dcontext as the pivot for call transfers
22:01.57WIMPyAs listed in the sample config.
22:02.03jagster`and no call event logging :(
22:02.05igcewielingGolly WIMPy where did you get THAT infor from?
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22:03.10igcewielingjagster`: give up.  give up now.
22:03.21jagster`igcewieling:  :>
22:03.41jagster`ive got enough steam to upgrade but i dont know the system enough yet to upgrade safely
22:03.41igcewielingwhere "give up" could mean "upgrade to 1.8"
22:03.57igcewielingjagster`: FreePBX or some other GUI?
22:04.11WIMPyold stuff
22:04.36jagster`worse, older
22:04.44jagster`with of course freepbx
22:05.03igcewielingWow, your life really sucks, doesn't it?
22:05.14jagster`$bigboss is asking for progress
22:05.32jagster`"welp ive laid out the ground work for an upgrade but uh yeah"
22:05.54igcewielingjagster`: your problem is one of the major problems recent asterisk versions try to resolve
22:06.13jagster`yep im told "there were some missing features we require"
22:06.18jagster`however no one knows what they were
22:06.27jagster`so i cant just go look up a features list lol
22:06.30igcewielinglinkedid is one of them.
22:06.35igcewielingcel is another
22:06.36jagster`on newer versions of trixbox
22:06.56jagster`yeah they said they kept an older version because newer versions of asterisk did not have what they needed
22:06.57igcewielingyou would want to go with plain FreePBX if you must use a GUI
22:07.08jagster`the only one i got concretely was rrmemory which i come to find out just got renamed round robin
22:07.25jagster`everything else was "uh i dont remember"
22:07.34igcewielingjagster`: it is less the features of the GUI and more of the basic asterisk stuff
22:07.37jagster`so upgrading wont be easy and probably not painless
22:07.48igcewielingdon't upgrade.  Install a new server
22:07.51jagster`since i dont have anything scoped
22:08.04jagster`and i dont know dial plans yet to be able to recreate them on the fly
22:08.15jagster`ie no new server for a month or two
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22:08.26WIMPyYes, a replacement seems to be less painfull.
22:08.41jagster`yep either that or im completely rewriting our reporting scheme
22:08.51jagster`also suspecting this isymphony plugin is causing other abnormalities
22:09.09jagster`was easier supporting an inhouse appw hen i could send it to the devs :P
22:09.13jagster`u wrote this pos fix it!
22:09.16igcewielingjagster`: then underlying asterisk system has no way to associate the two legs of a transferred call and nothing in a GUI will fix that
22:09.45jagster`igcewieling:  whats the version of asterisk that first addressed this issue?
22:10.08jagster`ie what is the oldest version i can use
22:10.36igcewielingjagster`: I leave that as an exercise for the reader.  Reading all the UPGRADE-*.txt files (they are not that long) will give you an idea of what major changes happened between versions
22:10.56igcewieling1.8 has cel and linkedit, I don't know about 1.6
22:11.02WIMPyWhy do yu want an old version?
22:12.32jagster`WIMPy:  only ask about the first version to introduce the fix so i can compare the different versions
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22:33.13RahailHi can some help to create global count dialplan where i can loadblance between few trunk/peer
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22:46.22lvlolvloanyone here know if it is possible to modify a *.conf file in Asterisk 11.3 for the "T38MaxBitRate" and "T38FaxMaxDatagram" or is this hard coded into Asterisk
22:48.40lvlolvlohi Rahail
22:49.58Rahailhow are you
22:50.11Rahailsorry I have no idea about your conf i am new to for htis
22:50.31Rahaillast few days i been trying to do loadbalance between 2 sip trunk
23:00.33navaismolvlolvlo, in the dialplan you can configure the FAXOPT(maxrate || minrate) not sure if the same for the T38MaxbitRate
23:01.15igcewieling"core show function FAXOPT" would tell you
23:01.42Rahailigcewieling can you help me please
23:01.47igcewielinglvlolvlo: did you read the UPGRADE-*.txt files, major changes would be listed there.
23:01.48Rahaili still couldnt figerout out
23:01.56igcewielingRahail: you are far, far beyond my help.
23:02.18navaismoRahail, depend on your need you can use the AstDB or other kind of DB to balance
23:03.07RahailI want do it in plain asterisk so I do not put to much resource in that small box
23:04.40Rahailigcewieling maby you can just give me small live example
23:04.48Rahailso i can try pratice on that
23:04.52Rahailif you have time igcewieling
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23:10.39lvlolvlothanks navaismo and igcewieling
23:10.46lvlolvlosorry got d/c there
23:10.51lvlolvloi'll take a look
23:11.16navaismothen AstDb is part of asterisk
23:11.49Rahailigcewieling thank you
23:11.52Rahaili hope i can figerout
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23:30.45forgotmynickthanks everyone for a few hours ago. it was the provider blocking registrations from asterisk, i found an alternative provider
23:31.57Rahailigcewieling can i use queue
23:32.03Rahailon this global thing not getting in my head
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