IRC log for #asterisk on 20130415

00:05.24*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
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01:06.55*** join/#asterisk amizraa (~amizraa@gateway/tor-sasl/amizraa)
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01:32.59*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:37.10*** join/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
01:37.32gnudnahey guys how can i see who is making similar attempts
01:37.55gnudnaCall from '' to extension '3011972597396094' rejected because extension not found in context 'main'
01:38.25gnudnaim in what seems a never ending battle to secure asterisk
01:39.10gnudnahow can someone force asterisk to call out from the outside? if they are unable to register a devce?
01:39.38gnudnaalso i see from time to time --> app.c: Huh....? no dial for indications?
01:43.20WIMPyThere's no need to register in order to place a call. It's only needed to receive calls.
01:45.48gnudnahow does one secure an asterisk server from outside people making calls then?
01:45.51*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
01:45.57gnudnai have added te deny allow options
01:46.25WIMPyBy not letting them do anything you don;t want in the context they will end up in.
01:47.22gnudnaand my other question?
01:47.48WIMPyhas never senn that.
01:48.29gnudnaseems some calls get lost when put on hold
01:48.43gnudnaor they get put back into the queue
01:49.09gnudnakinda random from what im told and consistent so hard to debug at the moment
01:50.07gnudnasorry meant inconsistent
01:51.34gnudnawould love someone to talk to...and look over the configs
01:51.39*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
01:58.56*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
02:04.46gnudnathank you for the pointers wimpy
02:05.01*** part/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
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02:59.41androssdoes anyone here attend the mhvlug
02:59.50androssserious question
03:18.20*** join/#asterisk troyt (
03:18.37iprouteth0urgh.... Still fighting with SIP-TLS and SRTP
03:25.49*** join/#asterisk troyt (~troyt@2001:1938:240:2000::3)
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03:45.55igcewielingiprouteth0:  like everyone else 8-|
03:48.23*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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03:53.39iprouteth0igcewieling:  I feel like I'm close, but can't get any further progress
03:54.06iprouteth0Seems like I can get SRTP to work on a peer that isn't using sip-tls and I can get sip-tls to work but not with SRTP
03:54.23igcewielinghave you searched the asterisk mailing lists?  I don't recall seeing much disucssed there, but it can't hurt
03:54.42iprouteth0been through a good handful of threads but I'm sure I've missed some
03:54.51iprouteth0I haven
03:55.18iprouteth0I haven't been using the dial plan directives however.  I tried once but asterisk did not seem to like those directives
03:55.48*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
03:55.50iprouteth0though it's possible I was not using them correctly.  The documentation for sip-tls and srtp is pretty sparse
03:56.17iprouteth0not really certain what the best way to go about troubleshooting is either
03:59.13*** join/#asterisk cedr (~cedr@unaffiliated/cedr)
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04:07.01igcewielingthe best way is wait a year until this new feature settles down 8-)
04:13.04*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
04:14.25iprouteth0I'm beginning to think you're right igcewieling
04:14.39iprouteth0I'm running it on an openwrt router and usually run it over openvpn
04:15.02iprouteth0but i'm on trunk and the package repository updated with a new kernel so I need to relash the kernel on the device to install openwrt
04:15.07iprouteth0that can be a pain sometimes
04:17.53*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
04:19.26igcewielingor you can assume your calls are not that interesting and it is unlikely someone wants to listen to them.   did you also add armored conduit to your landlines and add armed guards to your wiring closet?
04:23.23*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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04:28.20iprouteth0lol.  My router is in a central office so it does have adequate physical security :)
04:28.47igcewielingsecure VoIP would be nice and should happen eventually, but there is no urgency to it.
04:54.14*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
05:03.02*** join/#asterisk cedr (cedr@unaffiliated/cedr)
05:38.48iprouteth0drivin me nuts.... Wish I could get it working.... Feels like I
05:38.52iprouteth0I'm so close!
06:05.05*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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07:19.01*** join/#asterisk James87 (~wiv@unaffiliated/james87)
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07:21.29elmargolHow much memory do you think does debian stable + asterisk need for receiving fax and 1-2 calls?
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07:32.07androsselmargol: you mean in terms of hardware?
07:32.17phixelmargol: just put 16Gb in your server :)
07:32.23elmargolI have it running in a VM
07:32.24phixram is cheap
07:32.26androsselmargol: you need a raspberry pi
07:33.00androssalso you dont wanna do faxing unless you are prepared for it not to work most of the time
07:33.17elmargolandross, i have fax running and it seems to work
07:33.20androssbuy a vps using your spare bitcoin from bitvps
07:33.27izbushkais enough for receiving faxes or I should get res_fax_digium or something?
07:33.44elmargolI just need to receive fax. no need to send
07:35.21James87you dont need much memory for that 512 mb will do
07:37.44*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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07:50.30bulkorokizbushka: you should use res_fax_spandsp
07:51.21izbushkathank you, i suspected that
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08:09.32*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
08:14.38flingMay you please help me setting up ata?
08:14.58fling303/303 D 5060 OK (11 ms)
08:15.37flingIt is AddPac AP100, it is up but I can't call, got busy, nothing in console
08:17.05kaldemarenable verbosity and sip debug and pastebin the result of a whole call.
08:17.53flingkaldemar: also I see 'Local Domain name (SIP userpart of authentication)' field in 'SIP (Session Initiation Protocol)' ata's settings page
08:17.59flingand the field is empty
08:27.53flingkaldemar: changed analog phone and it started working automagically
08:27.55flingkaldemar: thanks ;D
08:33.50*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
08:48.45*** join/#asterisk bretolius (
08:54.16Rico29hi all
08:54.51Rico29I still have a problem where agents in Queue stop ringing when queue is full, and I have to restart asterisk to restore normal activity
08:55.40*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
08:55.41*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
08:56.06jkroonhi guys, how do I go about trouble-shooting an ever increasing number of open fd's and failure to clear hung up channels from asterisk?
08:56.44iprouteth0fling: that empty field is also known as "authuser"
08:57.00iprouteth0most devices will use what you put in the username field if it is left blank
09:03.47flingiprouteth0: ok, thanks
09:07.41*** join/#asterisk teff (~teff@
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09:24.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:25.59wdoekesjkroon: enable ref count debugging
09:26.02jkroonok guys, i've got asterisk 11.3.0 leaking file descriptors like a sift.
09:26.57jkroonwdoekes, DEBUG_FD_LEAKS ?
09:27.18jkrooni'm reasonably sure it's not the FDs themselves but some other lock issue, so will DEBUG_THREADS get me core show locks too?
09:27.34wdoekesdebug_threads will get you 'core show locks'
09:28.07jkrooni've now done everything I can to debug my own custom code, and it just stops getting called, my suspicion is that on channel hangup something happens that prevents the CDR system from sending the call to the cdr handlers.
09:28.28wdoekesdebug_fd_leaks sounds useful
09:28.30jkroonand that there is some lock somewhere there that then holds open all the various channels.  not sure if batch mode will do anything to that.
09:30.22wdoekesI was talking about REF_DEBUG
09:30.37wdoekesif you enable that, it will write to /tmp/refs
09:30.46wdoekesand you can read that using the refcounter utility
09:31.00jkroonok, will enable that too ...
09:31.11*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:31.56wdoekes(See "To find out why objects are not destroyed" in astobj2.h)
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09:36.25jkroonwdoekes, 'REF_DEBUG' not found
09:36.37wdoekesjkroon: 11:31 < wdoekes> (See "To find out why objects are not destroyed" in astobj2.h)
09:38.29jkroongrr, wdoekes I see ... ok, that's no use as I don't even know *what* objects it are that's not getting destroyed.
09:40.54*** join/#asterisk andross8th (
09:43.31wdoekesjkroon: you can enable it for all objects
09:43.47wdoekesjust put REF_DEBUG on top of the .h file
09:44.52wdoekesand you don't *need* the custom descriptive tags.. it will still record the function/lineno/file
09:46.17jkroonperhaps not a bad idea to make that a config option in menuselect ... ?
09:51.36jkroonok, given that core show locks shows an insane number of locks, how do I go about figuring out who *has* the lock (where was it locked from)?
09:53.59jkroonok, the output from asterisk -rx "core show locks" is 5671 lines long and can be downloaded from
09:54.04jkroonany help appreciated.
09:57.15*** join/#asterisk elmargol (
10:00.31jkroonok, cdr_mysql it probably is, now I need to get debug out, since it's killing the swtich.,
10:01.14James87can anyone tell me what dundi is used for?
10:01.34jkroonfor finding routes to destinations.
10:01.38jkroonvery, very handy :)
10:02.01jkroonso if you have multiple servers to which an agent can register DUNDi can be used to locate them.
10:02.08jkroonas but one example
10:03.00James87hmmm sounds interesting but is it only used when you have multiple servers?
10:05.45*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
10:06.08jkroonor if you're peering with someone else who's willing to route certain routes for you :)
10:06.24jkroonbut yea, mostly just in multi-server setups in my example.
10:06.30James87ok sounds clear, thanks
10:07.25jkroonthe original idea that was posed was that you can peer with a bunch of people who's willing to advertise what "free" routes they offer and will allow anyone to route, mostly aimed at an american market from that perspective, so a whole network of people willing to route calls for other people (free of charge) in return for them routinng calls for you again
10:07.33jkroonthat's the theory, will never work in ZA.
10:07.33*** join/#asterisk DennisG_NL (
10:11.04v0lZyjkroon: it routes as in it passes through them?
10:12.05v0lZyjkroon: In the sense that voice packets go through the whole chain to the destination
10:12.20jkroonas in for example, let's say I sit at using protocol SIP, then I can via dundi publish that I'm willing to route calls for 27873513298 free of charge, and your contact for the call would be SIP/
10:12.51jkroonso now on DUNDi a query goes out for 0873513298 and I respond with that response, and you initiate a Dial() on the returned result.
10:13.52v0lZyso... I'd call you and you'd call the number?
10:14.16v0lZyand all the packets would travel from me to you to the destination
10:14.19v0lZyand back again?
10:14.50v0lZyWhat if that number isnt registered to you, can it still be advertised?
10:16.19jkroonyes, except in my hypothetical case that number belongs to me, so giving a free inbound call is not a major issue as I only pay for bandwidth.
10:16.45jkroonyes, and that's the *risk*, I can "steal" calls.
10:16.51jkroonso it's a trust-based mechanism.
10:17.54jkroonnot only that ... i'd be able to listen in on your calls using Monitor() etc ... so you REALLY have to trust those that you peer with.
10:18.18jkroonit's also convenient as a fail-over mechanism, again, mostly in my scenario where i've got multiple servers.
10:19.19v0lZyso its concievable that its chained
10:19.40phixjkroon: using rtps or what ever it's called would solve the listening in business?
10:19.46v0lZyI want A, you advertise A, but route it through someone else who routes it through someone else etc?
10:19.59v0lZyphix: I dont think it would.
10:20.05GreenlightI would presume the final endpoint would still be able to listen in
10:20.08*** join/#asterisk DennisG (
10:20.22v0lZyphix: he could accept the call locally on the fly and forward it while recording it.
10:20.36phixoh, no man in the middle protection?
10:20.37jkroonphix, no, because I'd need to make you go to sips:// where I can still decrypt the rtp (even though it's rtps)
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10:22.01v0lZyyou could just answer the call as a local extension, and then send it through a separate dundi lookup or something as well, couldnt u?
10:22.14DennisGit's normal that you can decrypt the data on the endpoint of the transfer ;)
10:22.33v0lZyi think the issue here is that whoever is doing the lookup doesnt know what the endpoint is
10:23.15v0lZyso you can declare yourself as the endpoint, initiate a separate call to the true destination, then bridge those two calls to a conference in which you could listen in...
10:24.20phixsounds dicey
10:25.31jkroonv0lZy, yes, i chain a lot, for example, client A registers (and passes calls) to server Z, server Z has an IAX/2 link with server Y, and client B registers to Y.  No A places a SIP call to A, Z uses DUNDi to figure out that B is registered to Y, then (over IAX/2) passes the call to Y which then finally passes the call (over SIP) to B.
10:25.36v0lZythink about all the telephone based banking thats done these days.
10:25.53jkroonv0lZy, or just execute Dial() on the raw unanswered extension and do the right thing.
10:26.34jkroonv0lZy, depends on the setup - I know for a *fact* that everybody that *can* answer my DUNDi queries is *authorized* and *authoritative* and more importantly - UNDER MY CONTROL.
10:26.58v0lZyNo wonder DUNDi didnt catch on.
10:27.36v0lZynot in the independant network sense anyway.
10:28.22v0lZyThink how much potential for abuse there is in this telephone banking stuff
10:28.57*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
10:28.58v0lZyi.e., suppose you are a bastard administrator from hell and that one of your users is using your services to contact a bank
10:29.22v0lZyyou can either listen in on their exchange, or, pretend that you're the bank
10:29.43v0lZyI suppose there's some two way authentication through a third party done in such scenarios though
10:29.48jkroonyou can do that if you admin the user anyway.
10:30.05v0lZyI sincerely hope the banks don't depend on the secure phone lines...
10:30.11GreenlightYou also at present give such trust to your existing ITSP
10:30.39v0lZyGreenlight: yeah, i know, but think about how many sip providers are out there
10:30.48v0lZya bajillion
10:31.15v0lZymakes you wonder.
10:31.24jkroonok, thank you very much cdr_mysql ... you might just have lost me my biggest client :(
10:31.41v0lZyAll you'd need to do is build up a registry of the numbers of the telephone banking services...
10:31.58GreenlightWhat did cdr_mysql do ?
10:34.39jkroonwell, it takes a lock on it's lock_mysql, and some path doesn't release, that causes a bunch of calls from the cdr core to lock up in cdr_mysql, and since this eventually puts back-pressure on the rest of asterisk consumes all available resources, and causes major issues.
10:34.54v0lZygonna go pick up my monitor brb
10:35.02GreenlightOuch ;/
10:35.40jkroonI don't think batch mode will resolve the issue on the core because I *suspect* that even then the generated cdr record maintains a ast_channel* reference to the channels, which means that the associated channels will hang around until the cdr's successfully process one day.
10:35.43GreenlightWould cdr_adaptive_odbc in batch mode allevaiate that?
10:36.47GreenlightYea; we run in batch mode, and it can cope with back end db issues, but I guess if they never get processed things are gonna go haywire eventually espeically if it's holding a ref
10:42.28*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
10:44.31James87good explanation jkroon, you should blog it somewhere :)
10:45.22*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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11:21.35jkroonGreenlight, yea, haven't looked at main/cdr.c (IIRC) yet, or the ast_cdr struct for that matter yet.  But this was nasty.  And I suspect I'm down one client.  A big one.
11:21.57*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
11:23.01GreenlightOuch - client pretty pissed then (or going to be)?
11:23.46GreenlightIs it the loss of CDR's that's the problem for them, or the system crash ?
11:34.32*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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11:41.25jkroonpissed doesn't quite describe it.  they couldn't care less about the CDRs.  me losing CDRs means they don't pay for calls.  The lockups (and therefor lack of service) is an issue.
11:42.23James87you dont't have backups or redundant servers?
11:48.51*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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12:05.09s-hellHello everyone! I'm trying to get this running:
12:05.39s-hellBut for some reason the script isn't executed. It seems that my asterisk ignores the hangup
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12:13.08jkroonJames87, yes i do.  somehow the issue bit on both of them at the same time ... go figure.
12:13.23jkroonand even restarting asterisk did not help, unload cdr_mysql ... issue gone.
12:26.10jkroonok, here is the strange thing - I cannot find *anything* in cdr_mysql that looks like it should cause the problem.
12:26.53jkroonexcept that I can correlate the lockups approximately with reload
12:30.56*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
12:39.37GreenlightI've seen issues on a few boxes with massive dialplans (they were running FreePBX) that would lockup about 30% of the time when busy and doing a reload, apparently it's a known issue. When it happened I would have to kill the asterisk process, although I didn't attempt to unload cdr_mysql
12:49.52jkroonGreenlight, my dialplan is getting rather large ... approaching 25k lines of dialplan.
12:50.09jkroonafter filtering comments etc it's only about 14k lines though.
12:50.37GreenlightI'm not sure of the exact cause, but if reloading is causing lockups then I'd guess you're perhaps being effected
12:50.51GreenlightApparently, turing off console verbosity helps
12:54.45GreenlightFor us, chanting "please don't crash, please don't crash" when issuing a reload also seemed to help. YMMV :)
12:55.31*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@nat/digium/x-wwkfzefwsakgohcw)
12:55.32jkroonGreenlight, ... hmm, i'll add code to reduce verbosity to 0 before issuing reload
12:56.01jkroonevery time i do it by hand (except when chan_sip has DNS issues) it works.
12:58.09GreenlightIf it is the same issue, they yes it's a very odd one. A "core show channels" during the lockup would either hang completely or spit out at a rate of about a channel a second.
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13:15.40jkroonGreenlight, no, i still get core show channels.
13:15.53jkroonbut unloading cdr_mysql merely alleviated the issue.  we still have some of it.
13:17.15jkrooni wonder whether it's simply "sheer load"
13:18.18*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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13:36.09jkroonGreenlight, at what call concurrency did your issues start cropping up?
13:40.06GreenlightHmm.. it's difficult to say. I've seen it happen on boxes with 30 simultaneous calls, but perhaps 1000 extensions.
13:40.18GreenlightCertainly seems to happen more frequenlty with more calls in progress
13:40.52*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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13:57.36Kattymonday morning meetings suck :<
13:57.53igcewielingI'm too lazy to do the research, but I'm pretty sure I saw something about a bug related to "sip show channels" and a phone registration happening at the same time causing some kind of deadlock
13:58.20igcewielingcould be core show channels, not sure.
13:58.36*** join/#asterisk RetentiveBoy (
13:59.10igcewielingjkroon: "dialplan show" will tell you the actual number of dialplan lines at the end.
13:59.31igcewielingyou can tell we do a database based dialplan.  LOL!  10,000 TNs, "-= 45 extensions (416 priorities) in 16 contexts. =-"
14:03.15jkroonGreenlight, yea, that's the thing - is I consistently operate with ~80-100 concurrent calls at the moment.
14:03.38jkroonigcewieling, 3198 extensions (7518 priorities) in 2924 contexts.
14:03.53jkroonand going DB has it's advantages, but what happens if the link to the DB dies?
14:04.36igcewielingjkroon: Bad Things 8-)  Though our AGIs use a locally replicated database for read ops and a central DB for write ops.
14:05.08igcewielingFor the most part if the central DB goes down calls will still happen, though stuff like CDR and CEL won't of course.
14:05.40jkroonyea, CDR and CEL I can deal without, got ways to "buffer" that.
14:05.48igcewielingone of my Great Annoyances with Asterisk's Realtime is it does not appear to support such a design, so we don't use Realtime, we use AGIs
14:05.55jkrooncan I configure ODBC with a primary/backup DB?
14:06.38igcewielingjkroon: I think func_odbc supports that, but not Realtime
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14:07.53igcewielingThe only realtime we used with sippeers, but again, you can't separate read ops from write ops
14:08.15igcewielingwe now regenerate sip.conf from the db once per hour to avoid that.
14:09.28filetakes notes
14:09.31WIMPyAs long as 'sip reload' works for you...
14:10.43WIMPyOh, BTW:
14:10.53igcewielingfile: for inclusion in Asterisk 16? *tease*
14:11.28fileI'm not touching chan_sip, but the new data access layer API for 12 (which is effectively the next generation of realtime) could do such things
14:11.40WIMPyfile: chan_sip always sends a to: with the configured hostname. That can be some issue sometimes.
14:11.41igcewielingfile: nifty!
14:14.14jkroonbecause I can probably reduce my dialplan to <500 priorities if I can query things from the database using whatever.  issue is that there is certain queries that is better suited to dialplan style lookups than SQL ... and depending on SQL is something I'd prefer to avoid.
14:14.23fileit's fun to code for so I pick up ideas for additions/changes where I can
14:14.36jkroonWIMPy, yea, sip reload is a scary operation.
14:15.17jkroonis a seriously disgruntled user at the moment, to be honest.
14:15.31WIMPyjkroon: I always lose my registrations.
14:15.35jkrooni really wish that some of the ideas for ast 12 was already around.
14:15.37igcewielingjkroon: You're using Asterisk, that is the normal state. 8-)
14:15.59jkroonWIMPy, fortunately for my core systems i don't register outbound, but people do register to me.
14:16.05*** join/#asterisk Leddy (
14:16.22jkroonigcewieling, yea well, if you told me I could spend R100'000 right now and my problems would just *go away* I might seriously consider it.
14:16.26WIMPyneeds both
14:19.32igcewielingstuff like this doesn't help either  "VZ tech was onsite last week physically ripped out the pairs this circuit was  using. XO and our tech got there at the same time. Seen the broken pairs,  repunched them down and everything is working."
14:20.22jkroonno, it does not help
14:21.57*** join/#asterisk fafaflofly (
14:22.35fileigcewieling, I shall add the ability to designate stuff as read-only or write-only
14:22.40igcewielingjkroon: In the Good Old Days Asterisk's bugs were fairly easy to reproduce, it either worked in a specific situation or it didn't.   Digium made significant improvements to the release cycle, etc and those sorts of bugs are much less common.    These days most Asterisk bugs seem to be the ones which are are hard to find and hard to reproduce.
14:23.18igcewielingfile: you understand the reasoning behind the need and the master/slave DB setup?
14:24.00igcewielingfile: cool.
14:24.51fileit's minor to add
14:33.49*** join/#asterisk Invader (~Invader@unaffiliated/invader)
14:33.59igcewielingfile: do you know if there is an easy way in Jira to see if Digium still has my disclaimer on file?  I sent it in sometime in 2002 I think and have not done anything requiring a disclaimer in years.
14:34.36igcewielingI have a couple of dialplan examples I'd like to submit
14:34.57filedoubt it, but it's all digital these days - including signing one
14:36.14igcewieling*nod*  I'll resubmit when I clean up the code a little bit.
14:36.23Greenlightigcewieling: Was it you who gave me the srv dns dialling function ?
14:36.25igcewielingSeveral people here found it useful.
14:36.38igcewielingGreenlight: correct and that is what I was thinking of submitting.
14:37.04igcewielingGreenlight: working well for you?
14:37.24GreenlightI did alter a few bits so that the CDR's worked with it, but it's worked perfect for circo 1,000,000 calls per day for a few months
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14:39.13igcewielingha!  We only use it for PBX endpoints so not high call volume.
14:39.35GreenlightWell I can vouch for it working well under load :)
14:40.31GreenlightAnd my customers are a lot happier now too, as issues with my wholesale provider no longer effect them, since calls are distributed accross their nodes :)
14:42.10igcewielingThat is great to hear.  Most of our AGI and Dialplan/AEL code would not be very useful outside our company, but the stuff which would be useful we are willing to release.
14:43.01igcewielingI also have a inbound fax script I hope to release at some point, nothing special
14:43.35jkroonok, so i have issues even at a concurrency of a mere 27 concurrent calls.
14:43.39GreenlightAnd very much appriciated you making it available was - save me countless grey hairs, and am sure others could benefit from it too!
14:44.02Greenlightjkroon: This with things hanging after a reloiad ?
14:45.32jkroonGreenlight, no, this was from a clean start, clients are complaining about call breakups ... jitter, I'll see if I can get RTCP monitoring via AMI working tonight so that I can at least start getting a hold on this.
14:51.48igcewielingjkroon: Have you eliminated the possibility of network related issues?
14:52.21*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
14:57.11igcewielingjkroon: add a Dumpchan in your "h" extension (and anywhere else needed).   The dumpchan info will include rtcp info too.
14:57.58jkroonigcewieling, all of out tests are testing clean, so yes, we're 99% sure there is no network issues.
14:58.40jkroonigcewieling, that's maybe not a bad idea.
14:59.25igcewielingthe dumpchan info will also be written to the asterisk logs just like any other CLI output.  It can be VERY useful.
15:00.04jkroonindeed.  but at around 5GB worth of logs per day I really do NOT look forward to digging through that.
15:00.27igcewielingset your verbose to 1 if you are not trying to diagnose dialplan issues.
15:01.08jkroonno, dialplan has been stable for about 2+ years now.
15:01.11*** join/#asterisk sjs205 (
15:01.18jkroonexcept for a few minor issues, but nothing that would explain today.
15:01.48jkroonthe *only* change that has happened since *perfectly working* last week to today was that we swapped out the hard drives for faster ones ...
15:08.56*** join/#asterisk camerin (
15:09.20*** join/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
15:10.02gnudnaguys quick question im having a nat problem i believe
15:10.11gnudnaanybody willing to offer some insight
15:10.41infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
15:10.58gnudnapubip --> fw --> internal asterisk
15:11.13gnudnaall traffic to pubip is forwarded internally upd and tcp
15:11.36gnudnai have a remote user who is having issues connecting every so often
15:11.56*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (
15:12.01gnudnaMaximum retries exceeded on transmission .....
15:12.22gnudnathey are connected threw some linksys router and they connect to external ip
15:12.31gnudnain their setting i have nat-yes
15:12.36*** join/#asterisk NicoR (
15:12.43jkroongnudna, yes, quite likely.
15:13.00jkroonyou need to set externip and localnet.
15:13.05gnudnai did
15:13.20GreenlightIt only sometimes doesn't work ?
15:13.40gnudnain sip.conf [general]
15:14.05gnudnai have externip=x.x.x.x and localnet=
15:14.22*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:14.46gnudnayeah it was working all of last week
15:15.09GreenlightWhat's been chaged ?
15:15.12gnudnahad some issue on monday of last week
15:15.47gnudnai added localnet= localnet= since the asterisk has ip in those spaces also
15:15.59GreenlightIs the problem occuring for other users, or just this 1 user ?
15:16.14gnudnai also added ignoresdpversion=yes
15:16.27*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
15:16.32jkroongnudna, what exactly is the symptom?
15:16.37gnudnabecause we were having issues with users on hold getting put back into the call queue
15:17.03gnudnaonly that user is having the issue which is also the only remote user we have connecting to asterisk
15:17.45gnudnathis is what im seeing in logs chan_sip.c: Maximum retries exceeded on transmission fcfbfb10-a2850007-0e4a6285-5a294f1d@ for seqno 101 (Critical Response) -- See doc/sip-retransmit.txt.
15:18.01igcewielinggnudna: did you read doc/sip-retransmit.txt?
15:18.19igcewielingChances are putting Asterisk "in the DMZ" is the problem.
15:18.51sjs205Hello all... I've finally managed to integarte asterisk and opensips... But when I dial my voicemail or the talking clock, I can see that asterisk is playing sound. But I can't hear anything.  any ideas on how I can debug this?
15:19.17gnudnaigcewieling, what do you mean?
15:20.00Greenlight[04:11pm] <gnudna> all traffic to pubip is forwarded internally upd and tcp <-- That sounds like it's in the "DMZ"
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15:20.26gnudnaGreenlight, yes but i would assume that that would cause no issues
15:20.30igcewielinggnudna: You only need to forward port 5060/udp.  The RTP ports will generate the correct NAT translations when the first outbound audio packet is sent.
15:20.53igcewielinggnudna: NAT Fixup is "fragile", i.e. anything slightly different can mess it up.
15:20.56jkroonigcewieling, my experience dictates otherwise.  it depends on who sends the first RTP :)
15:21.20jkroonanyway, i'm off
15:21.35gnudnaso i am better just forwarding 5060 udp to asterisk
15:21.43GreenlightLaters jkroon... hope you fix your problem!
15:21.51gnudnaand have nat=yes in [general]
15:22.08jkroonGreenlight, so do i ... but i suspect tomorrow is not going to be much better than what today was.
15:22.20GreenlightAlas, I know that feeling
15:22.22jkroonalthough, i must say, at least this afternoon held up much better.
15:22.32GreenlightDon't jinx it!
15:22.37*** join/#asterisk RyanTG (~Thunderbi@
15:22.39jkroonthe number of complaints reduced significantly.
15:22.41igcewieling"what could possibly go wrong?"
15:22.46jkroonbut i'm not overly optimistic.
15:22.53gnudnacan i post my sip.conf? for you guys to read?
15:23.01infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:23.08jkroonigcewieling, well, i'll just assume that's a rhetorical question
15:23.30gnudnaoff course
15:26.54fafafloflyAnyone know how i would setup the asterisk to be able to allow a caller to dial an extension out of the attendant to another PBX that is connected as a SIP extension (sip trunking on PBX side) without creating 300+ extensions in the asterisk that exist on the PBX?
15:26.58*** join/#asterisk camerin (
15:27.18ChannelZMake them follow a pattern
15:27.53ChannelZ(or rather pick them up as a pattern)
15:27.55GreenlightSounds like you've got a single extension working, so like ChannelZ said, just adjust that to use a pattern match instead
15:28.16GreenlightSay, extension 200-299 were on the other PBX;
15:28.35Greenlightexten => _2XX,1,Dial(SIP/otherpnx/${EXTEN})
15:28.46GreenlightSomething like that
15:29.06igcewielingfafaflofly: Using patterns is the correct way, but do NOT think it is easy to create a simple dialplan to handle the complexities of the real world.   dialplans are long, diaplans are ugly, dialplans are not elegany.
15:29.10igcewielingelegant, even
15:30.00gnudnasmall summary since exntensions repeat with different username/password
15:30.16fafafloflyyeah i'm starting to learn that and yes i have a single extension connected and will try altering that dialplan
15:31.23GreenlightAnd what's the exact symptom you're getting, gnunda?
15:31.45gnudnaproblem with ext e402 not being able to connect
15:32.05gnudnathat is the remote user
15:32.30gnudnabased on general settings do you see anything obvious?
15:32.30GreenlightCan you see him registered ?
15:32.53igcewielinggnudna: love your [general] context
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15:33.58gnudnaat the moment the user went to lunch --> some creative use of language just ensued
15:34.23*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
15:34.43*** part/#asterisk RyanTG (~Thunderbi@
15:36.06GreenlightIn the meantime you could setup another remote extension to test with?
15:36.28Greenlight(The problem could well be at the user's side)
15:37.04gnudnai though of that but since it is intermittent managment blames asterisk
15:37.14gnudnaeven thought the 50 other users have no issue
15:37.46gnudnai guess i can use my android phone to test connecting from outside
15:37.55gnudnausing that extension even
15:38.06NicoRHi all, I have some question about billing.
15:38.38igcewielinggnudna: A softphone?  Then you would have two problems.
15:39.17gnudnawhat issue would i have then?
15:39.29gnudnathe user has a physical phone btw
15:39.38igcewielinghaving to diagnose softphone issuses at the same time as the NAT issue
15:39.39NicoR[Billing] Which is the best to use between CEL and CDR? (I was thinking it was CEL but I see that => )
15:39.59GreenlightNicoR: I use CDR's for billing purposes.
15:40.24igcewielingNicoR: the BEST way is to use the CDRs from your carrier.   If that is not an option, then I recommend CDRs as CEL is a very new feature.
15:41.03NicoRActual (Asterisk 10) CDR implementation seems to be wrong in "complex" case
15:41.15GreenlightNicoR: How so ?
15:42.38GreenlightI'd always recommend having a separate box that acts as a gateway for generating CDR's if your using them for billing purposes. Perhaps overkill, but much much less to go wrong.
15:43.08NicoRGreenlight: From memory, especially in some transfert case (Sorry I have not specific example)
15:43.09fileahhhhhhhh CDRs!
15:43.49GreenlightNicoR: I recall issues in the past where transferring has made funny results in CDRs. It's one of the reasons why I'd say a separate box is the way to go.
15:44.05fileyes, CDRs as they are can be wrong in some cases - they are being redone as part of the Asterisk 12 work and there is a specification at
15:44.31Greenlighteg. [Normal Asterisk Box] ---> [Asterisk Gateway for CDR's] ---> [Upstream Carrier]
15:44.34filethey will be more sane but you will need to do post-processing to interpret and bill accordingly
15:45.19NicoRGreenlight: I understand but in my case I only have access to Asterisk data
15:45.54NicoRfile: That exactly the link I post (See up) and that why I doubt of using CEL
15:46.33fileif you can't write something to interpret call events and construct your view of what you need for billing then yeah, CEL isn't for you
15:47.30gnudnadamn it i was able to connect using a sip phone
15:47.41gnudnagoing over carrier 3g
15:47.46gnudnano issues
15:48.11NicoROh no no. I can write a call events handler but will CEL be maintained in future Asterisk release?
15:48.20igcewielinggnudna: maybe the endpoint router has SIP ALG or SPI enabled?   That would explain a lot of your issues.  turn them OFF.
15:48.30fileit'll still be there, yes
15:48.49NicoRThe fact that this page ( have not update since 2010 let me doubt
15:48.56gnudnai figured my next step was to connect to their router
15:49.10gnudnaon my side linux iptables so no magic options
15:49.23GreenlightMy bettings on SIP ALG.... horrid "tech"
15:49.29fileCDRs do not provide what CEL provides
15:49.32gnudnabrb test logging into queue
15:50.37NicoR@file: I agree they provide a lot more. But I take a look at CEL only to "fix" present CDR issues in some case
15:50.55FLeiXiuSIs there any diagrams that show the order of communications for a SIP call?
15:50.56igcewielingWe use CDR Custom to add the billing information we need.
15:51.15*** join/#asterisk help_me_pls_ (d9a20f65@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:51.38NicoRBut if in Asterisk 12, CDR are fixed. Does CEL are still a good way? :)
15:51.53NicoR(Only for my case)
15:52.01fileCEL will still exist, and you can use it if you wish
15:52.13igcewielingNicoR: CDRs are "fixed" in 12?
15:52.45leifmadsenwhat does that even mean? :)
15:52.48fileigcewieling, CDRs are being redone according to the above specification and should provide what people need
15:52.54help_me_pls_hello.... i was working on our asterisk and rebooted and now nothing works anymore, cant call out or receive calls in... the error i see when i call with the CLI open is this: [Apr 15 17:43:50] NOTICE[3007]: chan_sip.c:18160 handle_request_invite: Call from '205' to extension '0793294524' rejected because extension not found.
15:53.02help_me_pls_how do i troubleshoot this
15:53.09[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, "sip set debug on" <-
15:53.16fileit means instead of the old "you get one record always" it becomes "you get multiple records" and have to post-process and bill accordingly
15:53.48NicoROk and does CEL documentation will evolve (Billing one in particular: ) ?
15:54.01fileI know of noone working on CEL documentation.
15:54.04[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, You'll see "found peer XYZ for the call (or NOT.  This would be bad), and then "looking for '0793294524' in [CONTEXT].  Go verify WHO it is matching, and WHERE it is looking
15:54.14[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Because it is not finding a match
15:56.44NicoRIs there any project that already use CEL for billing? (An open source one should be a really good point :D)
15:56.45help_me_pls_ this is what im seeing now
15:57.18fileNicoR, from my past experience when billing is involved people generally don't like to give out their code/approach
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15:58.42NicoR@file, I understand. Thanks for your time
16:00.39help_me_pls_this is what is get when i call out: [Apr 15 17:59:36] NOTICE[3007]: chan_sip.c:18160 handle_request_invite: Call from '205' to extension '0793294524' rejected because extension not found.
16:00.50help_me_pls_and this is what i get when i call from outside: [Apr 15 18:00:24] NOTICE[3007]: chan_sip.c:18160 handle_request_invite: Call from 'sip-cablecom' to extension '0447227272' rejected because extension not found.
16:02.31igcewielingRemember everyone, when calling from the USA simply matching on 011 will NOT catch all international calls.
16:02.35[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, You call is NOT in that pastebin.
16:02.43[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Place another where we can see the whole thing
16:02.48igcewielingThis should match all international calls regex ^011|^1684|^1264|^1268|^1246|^1441|^1284|^1345|^1767|^1809|^1829|^1849|^1473|^1671|^1876|^1664|^1670|^1787|^1939|^1869|^1758|^1784|^1721|^1868|^1649|^1340
16:03.43GreenlightYou don't have an international dialling prefix over the pond?
16:03.57igcewielingThere are 24 countries which are dialed as 1+ from the USA
16:04.18igcewielingGreenlight: 1+ is somewhat unique.
16:04.52*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
16:04.59GreenlightAm sure here in UK, *all* international destinations are prefixed with the "00" international prefix
16:05.09help_me_pls_i opend asterisk -r , sip set debug on, then i called and pasted everthing in that pastebin.... is this correct?
16:05.13igcewielingGreenlight: yeah, that is the LOGICAL thing to do.
16:05.46igcewielingGreenlight: Country code "1" consists of United States and its territories, Canada, Bermuda, and 17 nations of the Caribbean
16:06.13GreenlightAhh I see
16:06.13[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, AGAIN, there is NO CALL in there.
16:06.24igcewielinghelp_me_pls_: try asterisk -rvvv
16:06.27[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Notice the lack of even seeing the ERROR message you showed us earlier
16:07.05[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Make sure it's in there for the next pastebin
16:07.32[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, If you don't see any of what you were told should stand out or that you've already told us your were getting then it is not good.
16:07.54help_me_pls_if i turn on debugging it moves really fast
16:08.03help_me_pls_my verbosity is way to hig
16:08.07help_me_pls_how do i lower it?
16:08.17[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Don't.  get a bigger buffer <-\
16:08.34GreenlightOr use the logfile...
16:09.18igcewielingthe list, in case anyone cares
16:11.22help_me_pls_is this it?
16:12.57help_me_pls_heres my extension.conf if that helps
16:16.14[TK]D-Fenderheffer, No, that is not it... you are showing us the ERROR onwars.. not the stuff before that CAUSED it
16:16.18[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, ^
16:17.07[TK]D-Fenderwe nee everything that arrived BEFORE that point as well
16:18.16*** join/#asterisk giany (
16:18.24igcewielinghelp_me_pls_: did you connect to Asterisk as "asterisk -rvvv" or as "asterisk -r" ?
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16:18.59gianyhi, when I'm logging like this : asterisk -rcvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv > file.log the file.log contains some chars like "[1;30m+" , any idea how can i get rid of them
16:19.03*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
16:19.17[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Found peer 'sip-cablecom' for '0793294524' from <- that is the PEER it is matching.
16:19.24[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Looking for 0447227272 in sip-trunk-cablecom (domain
16:19.28leifmadsengiany: disable colours; those are ansi codes
16:19.56[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_,  it is looking for a match for "0447227272' in [sip-trunk-cablecom]
16:20.24gianyleifmadsen: thx, how do i disable colors?
16:20.31leifmadsenasterisk -h
16:20.53[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, and you have NO match for it
16:20.58help_me_pls_i used -rvvv (changed the verbosity to 3 instead of 29 like before
16:21.12[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, exten => _04472272[0-9][0-9],1,Answer()
16:21.17help_me_pls_okay... how the hell did that happen after a reboot?
16:21.25[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, this will not match the number coming in
16:21.31*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
16:21.35[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, this has nothing to do with "rebooting"
16:21.49[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Your dialplan does not match the number they are sending you.
16:21.59help_me_pls_[sip-trunk-cablecom] exten => _04472272[0-9][0-9],1,Answer() exten => _04472272[0-9][0-9],n,Goto(incoming-calls,${EXTEN:-4},1)
16:22.06help_me_pls_is this correct?
16:22.15help_me_pls_that s from my extensions.conf
16:22.16[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, no
16:23.23gianyleifmadsen: so basically like this : sk channel 1 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.26giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 3 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.30giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 4 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.33giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 6 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.37giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 7 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.40giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 8 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.44giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 9 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.47giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 10 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.50infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:23.51giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] NOTICE[11613] provider.c: Asterisk channel 11 seems available. Channel can be used for outgoing calls.
16:23.54giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] ERROR[11613] routing.c: Could not compute the cost of the route to <18563588844> on channel <#1> using the JSON Hubring engine.
16:23.58giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] WARNING[11613] routing.c: Falling back to querying the database for a cost.
16:24.01giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] ERROR[11613] routing.c: Could not find cost for number <18563588844> on channel <#1>.
16:24.05giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] ERROR[11613] routing.c: Could not compute the cost of the route to <18563588844> on channel <#3> using the JSON Hubring engine.
16:24.08giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] WARNING[11613] routing.c: Falling back to querying the database for a cost.
16:24.12giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] ERROR[11613] routing.c: Could not compute the cost of the route to <18563588844> on channel <#8> using the JSON Hubring engine.
16:24.15giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] WARNING[11613] routing.c: Falling back to querying the database for a cost.
16:24.19giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] ERROR[11613] routing.c: Could not compute the cost of the route to <18563588844> on channel <#9> using the JSON Hubring engine.
16:24.22giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] WARNING[11613] routing.c: Falling back to querying the database for a cost.
16:24.26giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] ERROR[11613] routing.c: Could not compute the cost of the route to <18563588844> on channel <#10> using the JSON Hubring engine.
16:24.29giany[2013-04-15 16:22:34] WARNING[11613] routing.c: Falling back to querying the database for a cost.
16:24.33giany[2013-04-15 16:22:39] WARNING[11614] app_callrecord.c: record_always not enabled for 0195*0001
16:24.39giany[root@sip50 2238]# asterisk -rcvvvvvvvvvvn > /root/blah
16:24.41giany[root@sip50 2238]# vim /root/blah
16:24.44giany[root@sip50 2238]# vim /root/blah
16:24.46gianygod dammit!
16:24.49gianysorry about that
16:24.52gianyleifmadsen: asterisk -rcvvvvvvvvvvn > /root/blah would do it? thing is that even like that in /root/blah i still have those chars..
16:25.30help_me_pls_soooo... what do i have to do to fix this (im no expert at asterisk by any means)
16:25.31[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, pastebin "dialplan show sip-trunk-cablecom"
16:27.42help_me_pls_what doe that mean?
16:28.21[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, "la -la /etc/asterisk" <- pastebin from linux CLI
16:28.30[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, In full with the command itself showing
16:29.31*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
16:30.37help_me_pls_where exactly do i have to run this command? im using ubuntu server if that matters
16:31.18[TK]D-FenderLINUX CLI
16:34.03help_me_pls_i think i doing this wrong (im so sry, pls dont hurt me) all i get is "-bash: la: command not found"
16:34.28leifmadsenla is not a command
16:34.30leifmadsendo you mean ls?
16:34.44GreenlightHe meant "ls -la"
16:34.48[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, ls -la /etc/asterisk
16:34.58[TK]D-FenderMy typo
16:36.01help_me_pls_and here i was feeling stupid for not knowing which CLI to use it in ^^
16:36.29GreenlightYou, or someone, altered your extensions.conf file today
16:36.34[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, this is not looking good that your configs are all owned by root
16:36.44GreenlightIt looks like they left a backup there though...
16:36.46[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, "diaplan show" <- PB from * CLI
16:37.02help_me_pls_yes i did, but all i did was add 3 users... once it stoped working after a reboot i removed the changes i made
16:37.37*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
16:37.42GreenlightWhy did you reboot ?
16:38.22help_me_pls_cause im stupid thats why
16:38.30leifmadsenam I being punked?
16:38.35GreenlightNo, I mean, there must have been a reason
16:38.47Greenlightleifmadsen: ??
16:38.49[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, "dialplan show" <- PB from * CLI
16:40.24GreenlightI suspect you've made a typo when you altered extensions.conf
16:40.55[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Nothing loaded it seems
16:41.05[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, How did you install *?
16:41.05help_me_pls_well i did try using a differen extension.conf, but that didnt work either....
16:41.38GreenlightSo... why did you reboot? What was changed? It worked before the reboot, but not after?
16:42.02help_me_pls_and the reason why i rebooted was because i couldnt get the snom 320 phone to work. all iwas gettin when i dialed was 123: NOT FOUND
16:42.15help_me_pls_and in the CLI i was getting the error
16:42.26GreenlightRight, so whatever happened was prior to the reboot
16:42.27fafafloflyGreenlight, thanks for the dialplan help that did work but how do i pass the digits dialed so they appear to the other PBX as the DID.
16:43.02Greenlightfafaflofly: Digits dialled are the the extension number, no ?
16:43.17help_me_pls_before the reboot the phones still worked, i could receive calls and make them
16:43.20fafafloflyyes, 3XX
16:43.23help_me_pls_but just that one üphne didnt
16:44.07Greenlightfafaflofly: Those should be passed accross to the other PBX
16:44.21Greenlight${EXTEN} gets passed over, and that would be 301 for example
16:45.02help_me_pls_i was getting an error like this when i tried calling on the snom phone: chan_sip.c:18160 handle_request_invite: Call from '' to extension '' rejected because extension not found
16:45.03[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Lets try this again.
16:45.08help_me_pls_yes please
16:45.13[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> help_me_pls_, How did you install *?
16:45.27fafafloflyinteresting, my PBX is saying NO DID received
16:46.32[TK]D-Fenderfafaflofly, those are not words Asterisk is programmed to use...
16:47.18help_me_pls_all i did today was add following to extension.conf:
16:47.47fafaflofly[TK]D-Fender: no i know, that just what my PBX is reports back when it doesn't receive a DID
16:47.51help_me_pls_the asterisks has been running for a long time without problem and ive added users like that before....
16:48.02help_me_pls_i then tried to configure the phone
16:48.13[TK]D-Fenderfafaflofly, You should probably be looking at the call debug in full
16:48.14help_me_pls_and once that didnt work i rebooted and all hell broke loose
16:48.20Greenlightfafaflofly: You could do a SIP trace, and you'll see them being passed over. Not sure why your other PBX isn't processing them correctly.
16:48.45[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, If you aren't going to answer the simple questions I've asked I'm going to simply move on to other matters....
16:48.51QwellHis config is invalid.  Next?
16:48.55fafafloflyGreenlight, i'll do that right now
16:49.33Greenlightfafaflofly: I seem to recall some other PBX's wanting the "from" number if different places... but can't remember any more specifically.
16:49.38help_me_pls_how did i install? install what? the asterisk? i didnt
16:49.51[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, how was it installed?
16:49.53help_me_pls_someone else did and he is not here anymore.... and that was a long time ago
16:50.06help_me_pls_i dont know
16:50.16Qwell...what version of Asterisk are you running?
16:50.36GreenlightMy betting is 1.2
16:50.54QwellMy money is on 1.6.0.x
16:51.05[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, since your dialplan is not even loading I am suspecting that your user permissions on the entire folder are now screwed up.
16:51.13[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, Go validate who * is set to run as
16:51.18Qwell[TK]D-Fender: invalid syntax causes that
16:51.22[TK]D-FenderQwell, Which?
16:51.38[TK]D-FenderQwell, I've never seen any that would kill the entire dialplan load
16:51.51Qwell[TK]D-Fender: Add this to your config.  [broken
16:51.57Qwelldone and done
16:52.04[TK]D-FenderQwell, News to me....
16:52.14QwellBeen that was for ~5 years.
16:52.29GreenlightI supect just such a typo in extensions.conf
16:52.38GreenlightI also reckon asterisk is running as root anyways
16:53.08Greenlighthelp_me_pls_: Can you PB your extensions.conf ?
16:53.29[TK]D-FenderQwell, I don't see a broken example in his pastebin of his dialplan... perhaps I'm a little blind this morning (ish).  Can you point it out?
16:53.41help_me_pls_yes, pasted it above, give me a sec
16:53.54[TK]D-Fender <- his dialplan
16:54.15GreenlightAhh missed that being pasted
16:55.17help_me_pls_how do i validate who * is set to run as?
16:57.35QwellHis permissions are fine...  it's all ugo+r
16:57.44Qwelldir might be wrong, but that's rather unlikely
16:58.48help_me_pls_is there a way to verify my configs?
17:00.12GreenlightNothing jumps out as obviously wrong with that dialplan, to the point it wouldn't load
17:01.46GreenlightIt's possible that the reboot triggered a version change, or something like that, if it's been updated from a repo in the past
17:02.02[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, "dialplan reload" <-
17:03.39help_me_pls_No such command 'dialplan reload' (type 'help dialplan reload' for other possible commands) -> do you mean:  /etc/init.d/asterisk reload   ???
17:03.50help_me_pls_or am i just doing it wrong?
17:03.57GreenlightHow odd
17:04.06Qwellhelp_me_pls_: What version of Asterisk?
17:04.06Greenlight"core show version"
17:04.25help_me_pls_Asterisk built by root @ asterisk on a i686 running Linux on 2009-08-28 07:24:12 UTC
17:04.57GreenlightThere's a module not loaded then
17:04.58Qwellmodule show like pbx_
17:07.21GreenlightI was expecting for something to be missing... alas there's not
17:08.13GreenlightTry stopping asterisk
17:08.24GreenlightThen starting it with "asterisk -cvvvvv"
17:08.29GreenlightThe pastebin that output
17:11.52Greenlight[Apr 15 19:09:24] WARNING[3267]: config.c:1102 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 1 of /et
17:12.07help_me_pls_[Apr 15 19:10:38] WARNING[3302]: config.c:1102 process_text_line: parse error: No category context for line 1 of /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
17:12.19help_me_pls_what does that mean?
17:12.34GreenlightRemove the first line, and try it
17:12.55QwellI've got $20 on ^M
17:13.01Qwellany takers?
17:13.02GreenlightYou've a blank first line, but why that would cause issues is beyond me
17:13.29GreenlightNo way, not taking that bet! :)
17:13.40Qwellhelp_me_pls_: You edited the file on Windows, didn't you?
17:14.14help_me_pls_okay so the first line was missing a ;
17:14.16help_me_pls_[Apr 15 19:13:30] WARNING[3338]: pbx.c:8870 ast_context_verify_includes: Context 'inspectron' tries to include nonexistent context 'outgoing-calls-cablecom-inspectron2'
17:14.20help_me_pls_no im getting this
17:14.38Greenlighthelp_me_pls_: That's not a serious error
17:14.42fafafloflyGreenlight, thanks for the help it was sending the DID, the PBX's debug apparently wasn't reading it but the DID tables did get it. Another case of wasted hours looking for a problem that wasn't there.
17:14.48sjs205hello all, trying to build dahdi kernel module on ubuntu... failes with  fatal error: asm/system.h: No such file or directory - kernel headers and sources installed... any idea how to fix?
17:15.02Greenlightfafaflofly: No probs, glad it's working now!
17:15.16Greenlightsjs205: Install the kernel sources
17:15.34GreenlightUmm, on Ubuntu, would it be "apt-get install kernel-devel" ?
17:15.37sjs205Greenlight, the kernel sources are installed
17:15.43sjs205Ah, maybe that is the one...
17:15.58GreenlightNot 100% sure as I don't use Ubuntu on daily basis
17:16.19GreenlightBut on CentOS the package is called "kernel-devel"
17:16.28Greenlighthelp_me_pls_: Try making a call now ?
17:16.49sjs205greanlight *-devel is fedora and the likes... I think it is just linux-source... which is installed
17:17.05help_me_pls_äwoeihveoabvdfopipdfh¨jhwerf üoiuwreg hoaierjgejrgihgr
17:17.08help_me_pls_i works
17:17.13help_me_pls_i love you guys
17:17.14GreenlightAhh, and did you do ./confdigure again after installing them ?
17:17.24help_me_pls_i cant fukin believe it
17:17.30help_me_pls_was it just that missing ;
17:17.39GreenlightNaa, just remove that line tbh
17:17.43help_me_pls_or am i miisng something here?
17:17.52GreenlightIt's perhaps expecting a context on the first line
17:18.00Greenlight";" makes it ignore it
17:18.08GreenlightOr... you have a funky character there
17:18.21help_me_pls_the second like this
17:18.27GreenlightDid you add "===" there ?
17:18.40help_me_pls_;  =========== textetextetextetexte ==============000000
17:18.43help_me_pls_without those zeros
17:18.47GreenlightThere were *not* in your pastebin!
17:19.10help_me_pls_yes and im very sorry for wasting your time like this
17:19.21GreenlightWell at least it's working now..
17:19.28help_me_pls_tell me about it
17:19.40help_me_pls_i couldve gone home 3 hours ago ^^
17:20.07help_me_pls_well thanks guys
17:20.17GreenlightSpeaking of which, am off, laters
17:20.18help_me_pls_i think ive had enough asterisk for this week
17:20.31sjs205Greenlight, I am not configuring manually... I'm using some bizarre 'm-a a-i dahdi' command... which makes NO sense to me...
17:20.40sjs205Maybe a mnaul install will sort it...
17:21.35help_me_pls_thank you defender guy, you really helped me, there no way i could ever express the size of my gratitude to you here on irc
17:21.50help_me_pls_and thank you everybody else that helped me
17:21.58[TK]D-Fenderhelp_me_pls_, You're welcome
17:23.24*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:23.31help_me_pls_im gonna go home now and watch game of thrones.... ill probably be back within a fortnight with mor stupid questions.... till we meet again my saviors :P
17:23.43Qwellhelp_me_pls_: Tyrion dies
17:23.54Qwell(he doesn't actually die)
17:24.09[TK]D-FenderQwell, You are a bad, bad man...
17:24.20QwellI was trying to help him get those 3 hours back. :p
17:28.58*** join/#asterisk MrMeek (
17:30.39*** join/#asterisk Ashutto (~Ashetic@2001:b05:0:b0:6ef0:49ff:fe7d:3d35)
17:31.45Ashuttoi'm behind full natted ip, without any chance to have pat to my private ip. is it possible to have a working rtp stream in such conditions ?
17:33.35fafafloflyGreenlight, how do i get the IVR to recognize the new dial patterns so callers can direct dial out of it?
17:43.19*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
17:46.55fafafloflyGreenlight, n/m its been a long day, i created the from-internal and not the ivr-custom
17:50.31*** join/#asterisk jagster` (~chatzilla@unaffiliated/jagster/x-9084543)
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19:05.50sjs2052 machines on the same network, internal firewalls off but still no sound when I call my talking clock, although asterisk says it is playing... any ideas?
19:06.36[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Look at the call.
19:06.54[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Optionally (preferably), show US the call.
19:07.30sjs205[TK]D-Fender, 2 secs, I'll pastebin it... :) cheers
19:09.29*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
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19:11.32sjs205[TK]D-Fender, this is my pastebin...
19:12.42*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
19:12.59sjs205it seems like it should be workign, I just hear nothing...
19:20.47[TK]D-Fendersjs205, * CLI verbose 10, sip debug
19:20.50[TK]D-Fenderno 3rd party
19:21.19sjs20510... I didn't even know there was a 10!!!
19:23.00*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
19:23.02sjs205[TK]D-Fender, I've got v @ 10... what is that 'sip debug'?
19:23.24[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
19:23.30[TK]D-FenderNo external TCPdump, etc
19:25.32sjs205here ges [TK]D-Fender
19:26.18*** join/#asterisk bsaggy (~bsaggy@unaffiliated/bsaggy)
19:26.38sjs205Cheers for looking
19:26.50*** join/#asterisk kuku (
19:28.22igcewielingsjs205: you have one SERIOUSLY screwed up config Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
19:28.43igcewielingYou're not trying something stupid like running your softphone ON the actual Asterisk server, are you?
19:29.27kukuI'm being told that I'm not sending back a packter after na Invite - what I can use to capture the call and see if the packet is there?
19:30.20sjs205igcewieling, ehh? where would i have set that?
19:30.34*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
19:30.35igcewielingkuku: chances are you are sending the packet to the wrong IP.   Start out with a sip debug, if nothing obvious then use tcpdump or ethereal
19:30.39*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
19:30.45[TK]D-FenderINVITE sip:AN_time@ SIP/2.0
19:30.48igcewielingsjs205: Are you running a softphone on the same box as Asterisk
19:30.52sjs205I have openSIPS doing all of the sips work and asterisk just doing the media stuff...
19:31.07[TK]D-Fender<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> Contact: <sip:alice@> <- MESSED UP
19:31.11[TK]D-FenderLooking like NAT'd
19:31.18igcewielingAh.  I doubt you'll get a lot of help with that sort of setup, it is too complex
19:31.26kukuigcewieling: I have 40 active calls. Doing a sipd ebug will flood the screen with data
19:31.29sjs205igcewieling, no, it is running on my desktop
19:31.45igcewielingkuku: then just debug the peer which is having issues
19:32.03[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Why is twinkle SOURCING from one IP and saying its contact is at another?
19:32.09sjs205Tell me about it... I've lost hair this week, and this is the fisrt time I've ever looked at asterisk and opensips
19:32.30igcewielingsjs205: unless you REALLY understand SIP, using a SIP proxy is just crazy.
19:32.33kukuigcewieling: but then if it goes to a different ip I will not be able to see it ( "sending the packet to the wrong IP" )
19:32.41sjs205I'm not using a proxy... that i know of!
19:33.03igcewielingkuku: which is why I also said tcpdump
19:33.09igcewielingsjs205: if OpenSIPs is not a sip proxy, what is it?
19:33.21sjs205A sip server? haha
19:33.23kukuigcewieling: do you have the parameters to capture full pbackets?
19:33.32sjs205Sorry, yeah, that is how sip experienced I am!
19:33.51igcewielingkuku: tcpdump -i ethX -X -s 4096 -v port 5060
19:35.13sjs205So do you guys know what the main issue here is, other than PEBKAC
19:35.21*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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19:36.05sjs205and [TK]D-Fender Sourcing from one ip and saying its contact is another?
19:36.13*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
19:36.32[TK]D-Fender <---- 13/23
19:37.35sjs205[TK]D-Fender, 192...20 is my sever, port 6267 is the connection between asterisk and opensips...
19:38.00igcewielingsjs205: I'd not touch your config with a 10 foot pole and oven mitts.
19:38.11sjs205igcewieling, me either! ;)
19:38.33igcewielingI do, however, wish you the best of luck.    I assume you have a REASON for using a SIP proxy with Asterisk?
19:39.19sjs205I thought this was a standard install... most of it is from the tutorial re integration on openSIPS docs
19:39.45igcewielingNo, a standard Asterisk install does not use OpenSIPS
19:39.46sjs205igcewieling, I plan to manage a large number of calls at some point in the future... I thought this was the best option...
19:39.56igcewielingsjs205: define "large number"
19:40.13*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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19:40.18sjs205worst case, 1000...
19:40.24sjs205haha... don't laugh!
19:40.36sjs205But even that is extremely unlikely...
19:40.53igcewielingOK, I can see wanting to use a proxy for that, but you should get all your asterisk stuff working as expected before you increase the complexity 100fold by adding a sip proxy
19:41.00sjs205So would you suggest scrapping opensips and just using asterisk?
19:41.35igcewielingsjs205: it is VERY easy to accidentally allow unauthenticated calls thru Kamailio or OpenSIPS.
19:41.54sjs205Ahh, okay, sure... so initially I should just try to get asterisk set up and working without the proxy... and then add later?
19:42.11igcewielingsjs205: I suggest you scrap OpenSIPS until you are fully comfortable with Asterisk.  I also recommend putting the proxy on a seperate box.
19:42.16sjs205Actually, the server will not be recieving many calls at all, mostly making them.
19:42.41sjs205okay... that sounds like it could definitly simplify things somewhat...
19:43.00sjs205cheers igcewieling... I'll give that a go.
19:44.35[TK]D-Fendersjs205, <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> <--- it is NOT NAT'd, it is PROXIED
19:44.43[TK]D-Fendersjs205, set your peers to NAT=NO
19:45.21[TK]D-Fendersjs205,  just because your SIP is proxied doesn't mean your MEDIA is.
19:45.45sjs205okay... sure... [TK]D-Fender... that bit is directly from the tutorial...
19:46.23sjs205I've spent the better part of two weeks trying to get this setup going... today was the first time I was even able to make a call...
19:49.32[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Is this to say you are now getting the expected audio?
19:50.22sjs205no... haha... I've just made the call... no sound... that was to mearly say haw frustrating these weeks have been, and how excited i was at finally being able to make a call!
19:50.42sjs205I mean i just made the change, and still no sound...
19:50.46sjs205pastebin again?
19:52.05sjs205Thank you!
19:52.35[TK]D-Fender<--- Transmitting (no NAT) to ---> Contact: <sip:AN_time@>
19:52.44[TK]D-Fendersjs205, now the contact is a PRIVATE IP
19:52.50[TK]D-Fendersjs205, Your setup is getting worse
19:53.33[TK]D-FenderActually this is it's own audio
19:53.38sjs205I think that is due to how the users are shared between opensips and asterisk, that is, the sipsuser table is mearly a view exported from opensips
19:54.03sjs205"It's own audio"??? like music? haha
19:54.18sjs205it is singing! in the shower!
19:54.25[TK]D-Fenderok, your proxy is passing crap because of all being local.
19:54.38[TK]D-FenderGo learn your proxy or a minimum of NOT installing it on your ASTERISK server
19:55.04sjs205[TK]D-Fender, okay, sure... so I gues next step is to find the a spare server t
19:56.09*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
19:56.42sjs205[TK]D-Fender, I "liked" this setup because the users were shared... I'm guessing that I will have to use a script to export the opensips users to asterisk...
19:57.15*** join/#asterisk deviantlinux (~ryan_gpx@unaffiliated/deviantlinux)
19:57.33deviantlinuxAnyone have experience with any of the Openvox failover switches?
19:58.31sjs205actually, that is what I was unsure of, isn't the sipserver/proxy in a better position to manage presence and users etc?
19:58.56sjs205rather than just using asterisk to manage this?
20:00.31[TK]D-Fendersjs205, You are trying to fly before even leaving the delivery-room....
20:01.29sjs205I know... but I work in a tiny company and we are trying to develop a new system... when I say tiny, I mean that I am the only software guy... and this is what I've been tasked to do.
20:02.29sjs205Anyway... I need a drink... it has been a long day... Tomorrow I'll get a post on the forum and describe exactly what it is that I'm trying to do... I'll link it to you tomorrow if you are at all interested?? Many thanks for your help [TK]D-Fender and igcewieling, it is very much appreciated...
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20:24.09jagster`sjs205:  i'm thinking of picking up smoking tobacco
20:24.16jagster`after spinning my wheels on asterisk for a week
20:27.14sjs205jagster, i'M ALREAD ONE THAT ;)
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20:44.54igcewielingother natural smokable plant material may be more effective at relieving stress.
20:47.57ryan_gpxI'm trying to see if anyone has successfully failed over an OpenVox FD40 device with asterisk after pulling power cables?
20:48.08*** join/#asterisk Rahail (~Rahail@
20:48.13Rahailhi i got quesiton i install ssh
20:48.17Rahailbut i get this error
20:48.27Rahail./usr/src/asterisk- __stub__ast_aes_set_encrypt_key: AES encryption disabled. Install OpenSSL.
20:48.55ryan_gpxit's almost like it's asking you to install openssl
20:49.01gnudnais openssl installed?
20:49.16igcewielingtry the -dev packages.  and learn your distro
20:51.03Rahailsorry not expart
20:51.17ryan_gpxRahail: this is an asterisk channel not a "teach linux" channel.
20:51.36ryan_gpxRahail: we don't know if you are on Centos, ubuntu, or what Linux distro you are using
20:51.52Rahaili am on ubuntu
20:52.08Rahaili did ask linux people but they give me some command i typed it and they told me ssl is there
20:52.22gnudnadpkg -l |grep openssl
20:52.30gnudnawhat does that display?
20:52.39Rahailii  openssl                         0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.14                              Secure Socket Layer (SSL) binary and related
20:52.41Rahailii  openssl-blacklist               0.5-2
20:53.02Rahailii  openssl                         0.9.8k-7ubuntu8.14
20:54.10infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
20:54.15pabelangerRahail: please ^
20:56.43*** join/#asterisk Morcegolas (
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20:58.06MorcegolasHello, I'm having problems in outgoing calls, incoming is OK, but outgoing always says all circuits are busy now, try again later, can anybody help me please?!?
20:59.47WIMPyWhere do you get that message? Are you using some GUI?
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21:00.17RahailWIMPy me or Morcegolas
21:01.16MorcegolasI'm using terminal and GUI.
21:01.32igcewielingMorcegolas: have you tried asking on a channel for your GUI?
21:01.57WIMPyMorcegolas: Then you should ask is the support channel of the GUI you're using.
21:02.32Rahailigcewieling plz help me with openssl
21:02.33MorcegolasLike free pbx right?
21:02.58igcewielingRahail: I have never in my life used Ubuntu
21:03.04WIMPyRahail: And you should try the support channel of your distro.
21:03.17slav3_kittencackles like a nutcase
21:03.38*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (5c15d35d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:04.01Morcegolas"TRUNK Dial failed due to CHANUNAVAIL HANGUPCAUSE: 0 - failing through to other trunks" but this can be what do you know?
21:04.04slav3_kittenso... my "isp" bought their own IP block, didn't inform me what so ever (how the fuck do you not inform your static IP customers their shit is going to change)
21:04.27slav3_kittenand well the IP addy i'm seeing isn't the one i should be seeing
21:04.31WIMPyMorcegolas: We don;t know what FreePBX has configured for you. Ask in #freepbx
21:04.40igcewielingOn CentOS you would run "yum install openssl-devel"
21:04.43slav3_kittenwhich kinda explains why sip has shit itself, i'm seeing tons of jitter, and up to 50% packet loss
21:04.45MorcegolasOk thanks
21:09.17lvlinuxslav3_kitten: u get ur audio working?
21:09.39slav3_kittennot yet
21:10.08lvlinuxhmm thats no good.
21:10.28lvlinuxDoes anyone here have any experience with Adtran TA6xx units?
21:10.43slav3_kittenthey are trying to figure out why the IP i'm seeing externally is different then the IP they say is my static
21:11.13lvlinuxthey are trying to figure it out? wow so they still say you have the same static ip officially?
21:11.29slav3_kittenso i've had about 8 network "engineers" if you'll call them that playing "lets try this!"
21:11.30slav3_kittenno, the ip officially changed
21:11.38slav3_kitteni'm just not seeing the official new ip
21:11.52lvlinuxso you're still seeing the old one?
21:11.58slav3_kittenreal d-bag move on their part not to even give me a courtesy call telling me my ip was going to change
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21:12.11lvlinuxyeah that's pretty bad...
21:12.57lvlinuxdid you do any SIP diags like they were talkin in here about the other day?
21:13.17slav3_kitteni've got the feeling half of their shit got mis-configured in the transition
21:13.38slav3_kittenyea i did. shows the external ip i'm seeing via and everything
21:14.30lvlinuxyou mean it shows the one you used to have?
21:14.34slav3_kitteni know they had to do static routing for my RTP ports and i have a feeling those are screwed up which is explaining why it just gives no audio either way despite initiating the call
21:14.54slav3_kittenno, it has the one i'm currently seeing but not the one they are telling me is the new one i should have
21:17.07lvlinuxby "they had to do static routing" do you mean they had to manually forward RTP to your address?
21:17.44lvlinuxthat sounds like they are NATting you
21:18.13slav3_kittenwell it is kind of natted.
21:18.35slav3_kitteni've got a 10. ip to their main office which has the edge router to the actual internet
21:18.44slav3_kittenbecause it's a wireless isp
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21:18.54jagster`yeah 10.* is natted usually
21:18.57slav3_kittengot a 2.4ghz ubiquiti nanostation as a "modem"
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21:19.36haryvcell phone service shut down in boston
21:19.58slav3_kittensupposedly they have fired the network engineer that i worked with to get everything setup correctly
21:20.03haryvgood idea dont want remote detonation of bombs.
21:20.17haryvslave whats up
21:22.21Rahailquestion how do you round robin sip peer
21:25.47haryvyou mean, ring one phone then the next and next?
21:26.14Rahailno like letsay this call ring phone 1
21:26.18Rahailnext call come ring phone 2
21:26.24Rahailnext call come ring 3
21:27.09haryvsounds like a call center setup
21:27.49Rahailwe have 5 people answering our incomign calls
21:28.10Rahailwe are not doing any que etc call just comes and we want this call do rectired randomly
21:28.15*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~frankthet@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
21:28.33Rahaili try using usern sipuser group=1
21:28.40Rahailthen on exten i did sip/r1
21:28.44slav3_kittensup haryv
21:28.46Rahailthat didnt work
21:28.47*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:28.50slav3_kittenjust fucking around with my is
21:29.29slav3_kittenyea apparently my IP should be a .138 instead it's a .25
21:29.44slav3_kittenthey are going to have to do a whole system restart in the morning
21:30.07haryvhow many seats in your company
21:30.32Rahailwe are not callcenter its nonprofit company
21:30.46Rahaillocal people come and help us answering phone if other have any quesiton's
21:32.39haryvwas asking slave3
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21:35.10Rahailharyv any idea how can accomplish this
21:35.25haryvlook at the site
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21:39.11Rahailany other way around i dont want put them on queue
21:39.41[TK]D-FenderRahail: what ARE you trying to do?
21:40.06Rahailwhen ever incoming call comes i want this round robin to different sip peer
21:40.16Rahailletsay call 1 comes goes to sip per 2
21:40.20Rahailnext call sip per 4
21:40.34Rahailsomething like that so that way it do not hit sim sip peer
21:40.35igcewielingRahail: you cannot do what you want to do without complex dialplan code unless you use a qeueu
21:40.41[TK]D-FenderRahail: that IS what a queue does already.
21:40.57[TK]D-FenderRahail: So why DON'T you want a queue?
21:40.58Rahaili have lackof knowledge this why i didnt want mass with queue
21:41.22Rahaillearning sip and little asterisk was lot challanges for me :)
21:41.38[TK]D-FenderRahail: Set up a queue.  This ain't Raw-Cat Sigh Hence
21:41.57[TK]D-FenderRahail: Everything else is HARDER
21:42.17Rahail[TK]D-Fender under each sip peer i need to add queue
21:42.25[TK]D-FenderRahail: No.
21:42.27*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
21:42.28Rahailthen redirect the call to queue group
21:42.39[TK]D-FenderRahail: "core show application queue" <- and go read the sample config
21:42.54[TK]D-FenderRahail: Things don't "belong" to "sip"
21:43.02[TK]D-FenderRahail: Your devices are not the center of the universe
21:43.16[TK]D-FenderRahail: phones are the END of the chain and the LEAST central
21:43.27[TK]D-FenderRahail: Everything is in the dialplanw hich includes the Queue() application
21:43.38Rahail[TK]D-Fender do you think if you can give me live example and i can use this as refrence
21:43.51[TK]D-FenderRahail: Read the sample configs
21:48.40Rahaili am reading it
21:48.45Rahailbut my head is going what what...
21:49.27[TK]D-FenderRahail: define your timeouts  Define your members.  Set if people can enter the queue with no-one there to answer.
21:49.47[TK]D-FenderRahail: This is ONE tiny config file and just dumping the callers into the queue app.
21:49.52[TK]D-FenderRahail: This is not complicated
21:51.03[TK]D-FenderRahail: The alternative is YOU doing al the work of trying to create a distribution group and tracking your agents call-out position yourself which can only do worse job with a whole lot more work and nothing to gain.
21:52.25Rahailexten => _X.,1,NoOp()
21:52.26Rahailexten => _X.,n,Set(STRATEGY=RANDOM)
21:52.26Rahailexten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/${IAXVAR(route)})
21:52.29Rahailsome one gave me this
21:52.35Rahailsomething like this what will happen
21:52.59[TK]D-FenderRahail: That will not track the order for multiple callers
21:53.40[TK]D-FenderRahail: And is no such thing as this "strategy" var you are referencing.
21:54.10[TK]D-FenderRahail: Stop wasting your time with it
21:56.27Rahaillet me read more about the queue
21:56.34Rahailand i am sure i will come back to bother you again and again
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22:23.17chris_nis there a way to get at the RPID via the dialplan (assuming it is set)?
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22:25.14chris_nfor inbound calls via a sip trunk, I should add
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22:28.07[TK]D-Fenderchris_n: "core show function SIP_HEADER"
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22:32.44chris_ntnx [TK]D-Fender
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23:59.57Rahail[TK]D-Fender I couldnt figerout yet

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