IRC log for #asterisk on 20130406

00:22.54*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (~apb1963@
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01:05.51KattyHERRO CUPCAKES.
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01:41.21pabelangerMan, just burned through 9 hours of toll-free minutes because a meetme channel got stuck
01:41.22pabelangerlooks like all meetings last 30mins now
01:41.22pabelangerthen, you are kicked
01:41.29pabelangeralso surprised we don't have a default conference limit prompt
01:41.44dijibive done that b4
01:41.45dijibnot the limit
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07:31.51Rhomberis there more of a real time way to check the SIP channel status?
07:32.04RhomberChanIsAvail always returns 0
07:32.05ectospasmthan... what?
07:32.24Rhomberthan dialing and waiting for a CHANUNAVAIL result
07:32.30ectospasmyou sure you're running it on the right channel?
07:32.52ectospasms/g it/g ChanIsAvail/
07:32.56Rhomberi can check the sip peers, but they are only updated with the qualify
07:33.03Rhomberlol, of course.
07:34.33ectospasmthat's not the full channel name.
07:34.48Rhomberthis is just before a Dial, so I can determine if I need to use a fallback delivery means (like a traditional DID via trunk)
07:34.57ectospasmit'd be something like ChanIsAvail(SIP/david-mobile-00000003b)
07:35.11Rhomberi see
07:35.25Rhomberso i have to resolve what the full channel id for the SIP peer is first?
07:35.41ectospasmBefore you dial, you can write the channel name to a variable right before you Dial()
07:35.53ectospasmyou may need to play around whether you need a global variable, though probably not.
07:36.53Rhomberso I guess, if multiple devices are logged in with that sip account there will be multiple channel id's?
07:37.13Rhombernot that i expect that in my scenario, but just to clarify
07:37.31ectospasmyes.  Use the CHANNEL dialplan function to extract the name of the channel for this particular call.
07:38.01ectospasmspecifically, CHANNEL(name)
07:39.05ectospasmuse something like:  Set(MYCHAN=${CHANNEL(name)}
07:39.44ectospasm...or you may want to set an ASTDB key/value pair to that, so other threads can find that call
07:40.16Rhomberim using a java environment, so it will be different.. more need to understand the underlying concepts and i'll be fine
07:40.49Rhomberi'll have a look into CHANNEL, what you say confuses me a bit.. but looking into it might clear up my confusion :) thanks
07:41.12ectospasmRhomber: see "core show function CHANNEL" the Asterisk CLI
07:41.34ectospasm...that's meant to be used in dialplan, I dunno how to use it in Java/AGI
07:42.19RhomberJava/AGI can exec any dialplan command/function so it's not a problem :)
07:42.41ectospasmthere ya go, then.
07:43.28Rhomberwhat confuses me is that there won't be a channel related to the SIP peer in the current context..
07:43.37Rhomberuntil i bridge it with dial
07:43.50Rhomberso not sure how CHANNEL helps me, though it does look interesting
07:44.17Rhomberjust to clarify, is the CHANNEL function relative to the current channel? or other channels active within asterisk too?
07:45.38ectospasmcurrent channel
07:45.57ectospasmit executes within the context of the current channel.
07:46.01Rhomberokies, well you've given me a place to look :)
07:46.12Rhomberi think i can find the full channel name
07:46.34Rhomberprobably contained within the PeerEntryEvent :)
07:46.39Rhomberjust inspecting it now
07:52.39Rhomberwait, will a channel even exist before it's dialed or dials in?
07:54.06ectospasmthere will be the half that reaches the Dial command
07:54.11ectospasmother than that there's no channel
07:56.18Rhomberso there's no way to see if a SIP channel is available without dialing it?
07:56.21Rhomberthat's pretty lame
07:56.40Rhombersurely there is some means of SIP ping or something?
07:56.57ectospasmwhat are you trying to achieve?  Asterisk will allocate another channel data structure as needed.
07:57.36Rhomberi already said.. i want to see if the SIP channel is available.. if it is.. use it.. otherwise connect the call using the trunk and a regular DID
07:57.42Rhomberpretty standard stuff really
07:57.54Rhomberperhaps my terminology is wrong
07:58.30ectospasmif the trunk/whatever is registered, and qualify says it's OK, then you should be able to send a call, or receive a call
07:58.48ectospasmno need to test the waters further, you'll just go mad
07:58.55kaldemarthere is no channel until there is a call.
07:59.14*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
07:59.20Rhomberso, you have a qualify on the SIP which happens every so often.. say 60 seconds.. a call about to go out..  so if the sip peer is registered.. but perhaps this is within the 60 seconds of qualify.. i want to ping the SIP peer to make sure..
07:59.32Rhomberthat's not the case
07:59.51Rhomberand it's kind of a silly thing to have not considered IMHO
08:00.13Rhomberif it's to save bandwidth, it makes no sense.. a simple PING .. ACK.. wouldn't be much overhead
08:00.48Rhomberso i guess i'm left with just making a Dial call and then having it failing, and then having to start over again after temporarily banning the interface in my system
08:00.52Rhomberwhich is pretty lame
08:01.19kaldemaryou're thinking of SIP like it was a bundle of circuits.
08:01.23Rhomberit would be much better and logical to be able to test the interface before the dial command is invoked
08:01.37Rhomberno, im thinking that it's a protocol
08:01.43Rhomberthat can send and receive
08:01.46Rhomberis it not?
08:02.25Rhomberfine sure, if you guys don't see a problem.. i really couldn't care. but it's pretty obvious to me :)
08:02.28kaldemarand you'll know whether it can when you dial.
08:02.48Rhombersure, but that's not how i want to handle it
08:02.49ectospasmYou can send an OPTIONS message, and you should get an appropriate response
08:02.55Rhomberthough, im going to have to do that
08:02.57kaldemarthat's the "test". and you'll define what happens after the dial if it were to fail.
08:03.31Rhomberhmm, interesting
08:03.36Rhomberi'll have a look at the options
08:03.42kaldemarif you know that a peer only handles for example a fixed amount of calls at a time, you can use device state or group functions.
08:05.44Rhomberthat's not the problem really
08:05.53Rhomberit's that the SIP client will be running on the phone on 3G
08:06.06Rhomberand will for sure at times be unreliable
08:06.18Rhomberand also wanting to detect that before Dial occurs
08:06.45Rhomberbut as discussed, i might just have to contend with using dial and going again with a fallback configuration
08:09.16kaldemar"yes" is not the only options for qualify though... there's also qualifyfreq and qualifygap.
08:09.31Rhomberyeah, i fine tuned those a bit
08:09.55Rhomberbut ultimately I don't want to set the freq to like 2 seconds either.. that would burden multiple things
08:10.26Rhomberlooks like i can't easily send an OPTIONS request from asterisk
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08:13.32ectospasmRhomber: OPTIONS is usually how qualify works
08:14.17ectospasm...the side receiving the OPTIONS message will usually send a 4xx message, when any message would do.
08:14.42Rhomberyeah i saw that
08:14.52Rhomberbut can't see how to instigate it myself
08:15.16Rhombera way to force qualify would be good
08:15.34ectospasmyou'd have to construct your own SIP request.  I can't say I know how to do that from within Asterisk.  Not sure if an AGI script could do it
08:16.20Rhomberthe java engine has direct access to the manager too
08:16.29Rhomberbut i'd still have no idea either
08:17.44kaldemarfeel free to abuse/make it work/whatever.
08:21.40Rhomberthanks :)
08:22.17RhomberI just saw in asterisk-java SipNotifyAction .. that might be an easy alternative?
08:22.44Rhomberunless it's send and forget i guess
08:23.14*** join/#asterisk markwaters (~markwater@unaffiliated/markwaters)
08:24.31kaldemarit just sends a notify message, you won't get a response to it.
08:26.20Rhomberhmm :(
08:26.53markwatershi guys , does confbridge depend on dahdi ?
08:27.32kaldemarmarkwaters: no.
08:27.57markwatersits enabled in menuselect but the core show applications in the console doesnt show it and my dialplan fails when it hits it
08:28.11Rhomberactually, it seems to work :)
08:28.19markwaterskaldemar: thanks
08:28.20Rhombermessage='Notify Sent'; response='Success';  (when the channel is up)
08:28.45Rhombermessage='Could not create address'; response='Error'; (when the channel is down)
08:29.02Rhomberi'll test a few times and see
08:29.16Rhomberbut that might be a relatively painless alternative
08:33.31Rhombernah, it was just a fluke
08:33.40Rhomberthe qualify timed out during the test case haha
08:34.10Rhomberi guess i'll just have to rely on the Dial state, seems safest.. but it would be nice if there was an alternate
08:34.21Rhomberthanks for the code though kaldemar :)
08:39.30kaldemarmarkwaters: what is the failure message you see in CLI when making a call?
08:42.27*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
08:43.51markwaterskaldemar: [2013-04-06 10:03:39] WARNING[9712][C-00000000]: pbx.c:4621 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'ConfBridge' for extension (conference, s, 4)
08:44.22markwatersi am rebuilding from source again with every conceivable depency installed
08:45.49markwaterslol , staring at the gcc screensaver
08:45.55ectospasmmarkwaters: what version of Asterisk?
08:45.59kaldemarcheck that it ( actually gets built and installed in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules. if it does and still no go, try to unload/load it manually with "module unload" and "module load" in CLI.
08:46.31markwatersectospasm: its the latest 11.3 , downloaded from the site this morning
08:46.39markwaterskaldemar: ok , let me try that
08:47.28Rhomberactually i can't rely on Dial, as when using multiple interfaces (&'ed) and only one is unavailable, it doens't return CHANUNAVAIL
08:48.51markwaterskaldemar: ok , i am getting somewhere now
08:49.17markwatersi can see the module is failing to load because of problems in the confbridge.conf file
08:49.21kaldemarRhomber: see app ChanIsAvail, maybe it can do you some good.
08:49.22markwaterskaldemar: thanks!
09:06.47Rhomberkaldemar: that's what i started asking questions about.
09:07.18kaldemarroger. didn't read the conversation from the beginning.
09:07.39RhomberIt always returns 0, and ectospasm said I was passing the wrong channel through.. I gave it SIP/david-mobile .. he said i needed SIP/david-mobile-3432f8b or something..
09:07.59Rhomberand that 'active channel id' doesn't exist before a Dial to or from the SIP device
09:08.51Rhombertrying to get the Sip options code to work
09:08.58Rhombernot sure how it's meant to work with NAT :(
09:12.45ectospasmheh, SIP takes work to traverse NAT.  Usually we let Asterisk do that
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09:12.52ectospasmgotta mangle headers
09:14.16Rhomberdamn :(
09:14.33Rhomberthe SipPeerEntry has
09:14.42RhomberIPaddress: .. IPport: 1024
09:14.55Rhomberbut I guess that's only part of the solution
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09:18.24Rhombersounds like it might be easier to write a c module to force qualify
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09:35.36Rhomberlooks like there is an undocumented option in Dial
09:35.57Rhomberb and B for predial, where the channel to be used for the Dial is constructed
09:36.07RhomberChanIsAvail may work there :)
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09:36.23Rhombernot ideal, but perhaps a work around
09:37.41WIMPyWhat are you trying to do?
09:38.49Rhomberdetect if a SIP channel is available between qualifies
09:39.14Rhomberi.e. if the sip channel is down and hasn't timed out within a qualify period.. use the backup interface
09:39.44Rhomberideally it would be nice if ChanIsAvail worked, but apparently that's only for established channels.. not SIP peer channels
09:39.59Rhomberor it would be nice if i could force a qualify.. which i can't
09:40.07WIMPyIf it's not known yet, you can only try and see that it failed, then retry.
09:40.34Rhomberrelying on Dial to return CHANUNAVIL isn't good enough as when i use multiple interfaces, it just returns CANCEL as one keeps ringing and times out and the other is not available
09:40.44Rhomberas i said, not good enough
09:40.55WIMPyWhat good would that be? You only delay the connection attempt. And what if it fails at exactely that time?
09:41.30Rhomberit would do a lot of good, because the qualify range is 1 minute.. that's a lot of time for failure
09:41.41WIMPyThat is you dial a group of peers and want backups for single members of that group?
09:41.43Rhomberwhere by the 10-100ms period is significantly less
09:42.16Rhomberwell the specific scenario is this
09:42.58RhomberDial could be for either SIP/david-snom&SIP/david-mobile ... or SIP/david-snom&SIP/trunk-outgoing/1323232  as the fallback for the mobile SIP being down to call the mobile via regular DID on the trunk
09:43.17Rhomberi've already implemented it by detecting the sip peer status
09:43.26WIMPyThat's easy.
09:43.29Rhomberbut it's unreliable as there is a 60second period of failure
09:43.34WIMPyJust use local channels.
09:43.52Rhomberit's already got to this stage with a local channel :)
09:44.02Rhomberare you suggesting i go another level deep?
09:44.47Rhomberman im going to have to rewrite half the code to do it like that
09:45.01Rhomberwhy can't i just have asterisk ping a SIP peer?
09:45.12WIMPyDial(sip/david-snom&local/david-mobile) then call sip/david-mobile and thereafter trunk/number in exten => david-mobile
09:45.14Rhomberseems more than lame that it can't.. it has the code.. why no interface/app?
09:45.16Rhombercan i write an app?
09:46.12Rhomberyeah that's not how the code works.. sure it's simple if you just use dialplans.. and have a huge convoluted extensions.conf.. but that's not how it's happening
09:46.15Rhomberas in..
09:46.24Rhomberwrite an app to perform the SIP OPTIONS PING
09:46.34Rhomberor an app to force a qualify
09:47.14WIMPyNo idea if that works, but you could try a dial with a 0s timeout.
09:47.31Rhomberi had thought of that
09:47.37Rhomberi guess it's worth a try
09:48.01Rhombernetwork lag may cause it to fail though?
09:48.09WIMPyYou should really modify your configuration for the local thing.
09:48.40Rhomberthe config i have is in java .. to make the asterisk stuff more elegant..  with quite a few Agi hooks
09:48.55Rhomberand java assembles.. members.. devices.. and interfaces
09:49.10Rhomberwhich are concepts i've defined :)
09:49.17Rhomberi..e my mobile is a device.. with 2 interfaces.. either SIP or trunk DID
09:49.31Rhomberso.. i can do what your suggesting.. but yeah, lots of rewriting
09:49.36Rhombermight not have a choice though
09:50.00WIMPyIt's the only fail safe option anyway.
09:51.28Rhomberso, Local/9010@ctx from the queue.. then... Local/9011@otherctx with a Macro for member acknowledgement... and then 9011 => to deliver a real Dial
09:51.36Rhomberwill the macro in the middle work still?
09:51.52WIMPymacros are deprecated.
09:52.38Rhomberbut they are the only way to do a queue member acknowledgement?
09:52.52Rhombereverything else will result in the queue caller being dropped or bridged?
09:53.56WIMPyNot being a queue user, I'm not sure what that's about.
09:54.07Rhomberfrom my experience that's the case
09:54.14Rhomberi tried to use a Gosub, doesn't work
09:54.52Rhomberas for handing the member ack in the 2nd Local dial, that wouldn't work would it?
09:55.03Rhomberonce the real Dial is performed, the queue call will be connected..
09:56.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:03.57Rhomberi think i can make it work
10:04.16Rhomberbut will be interesting to see how it goes
10:11.32*** join/#asterisk morfin (
10:11.52morfincan anyone tell me can asterisk use UNIX socket for AMI?
10:12.23morfingood for me
10:12.30morfinand bad
10:12.54WIMPyThe remote console uses a unix socket.
10:13.25morfinremote console?
10:13.32WIMPyasterisk -r
10:13.35morfini know
10:14.35WIMPySo it's only for extremely limited amounts of "remote".
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12:33.34pznI need to make a report of incoming unanswered calls of a given period of time... any hints? which log files can I look?
12:34.05kaldemarpzn: cdr
12:35.39*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (777f2f0a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:36.45BeeBuuis there anyone know about h.248? is it supported by asterisk?
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12:39.36pznkaldemar, thanks, problem solved :-)
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12:49.51BeeBuudid you know asterisk support H.248 or not?
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12:50.48BeeBuuleifmadsen? Is asterisk support H.248 or not?
12:51.19leifmadsendepends what you mean by "support". I believe it can pass it through between devices that handle it. I just use H.264
12:51.37leifmadsenAsterisk can't {en,de}code video codecs though
12:52.03kaldemarh.248 is mgcp
12:52.17leifmadsenit's early... and I have no had coffee lolz
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12:52.31leifmadsenwtf was I thinking then....
12:52.41leifmadsenok, gotta go
12:52.43leifmadsenruns away
12:52.52leifmadsenBeeBuu: sorry, I'm sure my answer was incredibly confusing, and not applicable :)
12:53.08leifmadsenAsterisk does support MGCP, sort of. Not well supported I don't think, but chan_mgcp does exist.
12:53.56BeeBuuoh,thanks. is it same as megaco?
12:59.07BeeBuukaldemar: there any docs about how to config mgcp support h.248?
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15:43.11RhomberWIMPy: Finished implementing the Local -> Local solution, works a treat..  :)
15:45.03Rhomber(^ Thanks)
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15:51.57slav3_kittenfucking awesome. i'm getting congestion when i try to dial out
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15:59.38slav3_kittenoh hey...
16:01.06slav3_kittenmy static IP i pay 15 dollars a month to have... changed
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16:25.48carrarslav3_kitten, What provider?
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18:07.00slav3_kittencarrar, a rural wisp that's changed it's name twice
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19:19.40cuscowhile seting a var using Set() how can I set it to a string with new line feeds ?
19:19.47cusco\n goes unescaped
19:23.41navaismodont know the answer but wondering why you need multiline in a VAR
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19:34.46cusconavaismo: because I'm sending a jabber message and I wouldlike to multi-line it
19:37.39navaismoi see
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19:38.39ccherrettis there any opensource asterisk web based switchboard programs?
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19:45.55ccherrettthank you
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20:00.37cuscoin function CUT, can the delimiter  be a "
20:01.13cuscoerrors out: missing argument
20:01.17cuscodialplan has: Set(smsDATE=${CUT(CMGR,",6)});
20:02.26cuscook escaped quote \" works
20:04.07[TK]D-FenderFOP1 was OSS and is long-since dead
20:05.25[TK]D-FenderFOP2 is closed-source
20:07.04ChannelZand it sounds too much like 'fap'
20:07.12navaismocusco, yeah can't add a \n in the dialplan using jabbersend
20:07.41navaismoso far using an AGI to set the message and add \r does the job but overkill
20:13.07cuscookok no worries, thanks
20:28.20cuscowhatmodule provides function LEN() ?
20:30.14igcewielingnavaismo: shells use ctrl-V to escape the next character, maybe you can do that with a variable?   I doubt it, but can't hurt to try
20:30.27[TK]D-Fendercusco: func_strings.c
20:30.40cuscothank you [TK]D-Fender
20:30.48igcewielingnavaismo: are you sure you just need a \n and not a \r\n
20:32.08cuscothat was me, yes I was sure, and I need it no longer
20:32.49cuscoless overwkill would be using ${SHELL echo -e ......} still overkill..
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21:28.37ChannelZnothing serious but weird; why does 'make menuconfig' on one machine have a blue background (libnewt version) but on my other machine it's purple?
21:41.56slav3_kittenbecause purple is awesome?
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21:48.27ChannelZand I can't remember, does 'make config' install just the init scripts or it stomps on the /etc/asterisk configs as well?
21:48.40ChannelZoh.. no that's 'make samples' right
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23:55.57igcewielingmake samples overwrites the configs.  make config setup the init scripts
23:56.11igcewielingtotally logical, I can't see how you didn't understand that!  8-)

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