IRC log for #asterisk on 20130405

00:03.52lanninghelllllllllllllllllllllloooooooooooooooooooooooooo asterisk.
00:04.08lanningwe should fix that echo
00:05.30carrarI don't hear any echo
00:06.05carrarJust a loud ringing sound in my head
00:06.43lanningI don't hear any echo
00:06.46lanningJust a loud ringing sound in my head
00:16.15*** part/#asterisk ghost75 (
00:33.44*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
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01:07.05*** part/#asterisk TysonBrooks (
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01:56.12*** part/#asterisk iprouteth0 (ccf60469@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:28.44*** join/#asterisk cgoodwin73 (
02:29.20cgoodwin73hello to all!
02:33.33cgoodwin73Has anyone seen "dialparties.agi: EXTENSION_STATE: 4 (UNKNOWN)" problems when calling a Ring Group under AsteriskNow 3.0.0? We're seeing it now with a server that's supposed to be deployed tomorrow. We've seen this failure with every phone we've tested so far - Digium D40 & D70, Polycom 550. Directly dialing the same extensions works normally. Any ideas, guys? We appreciate any help on this!!
02:39.21*** join/#asterisk MissionCritical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
02:39.21cgoodwin73We are using DPMA on the Digiums, all Digium-specific features, etc., are working. We simply can't find anything wrong with our config. Any thoughts?
02:39.33*** join/#asterisk hebber (
02:40.25igcewielingcgoodwin73: make sure call counter is enabled in sip.conf
02:43.17hebberHi, where do I find a how-to to correctly report an possible Asterisk bug?
02:44.01androssare you sure its a bug, whats happening
02:44.59hebberThats why I wrote its a possible bug - here is the scenario: It's consistent and possible to replicate
02:45.49hebberIts realtime ACL where we use an ATA which then reports an error in in the ACL container everytime there is an incoming call
02:46.10hebberit works, but annoying in the CLI
02:46.35hebbernot static realtime btw
02:46.49cgoodwin73I'll pass that to my programmer, igcewieling, thanks. He posted to the asterisk users mailing list last night, but no reposnse at all there....
02:47.23hebberhmm, can I subscribe to that list?
02:47.27igcewielingcgoodwin73: since dialparties.agi is really a freepbx thing, you might have better luck there or reproduce the issue outside of freepbx
02:47.51hebberBTW, I have had this "bug" the last two months updating Asterisk three times
02:47.58igcewielinghebber: you can even search it, add to your google search.   sign up at
02:49.43cgoodwin73igcewieling: good point, I had the same thought, signing up there now
03:04.11*** join/#asterisk Mission-Critical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
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04:26.51rhineheart_mis there a way to connect skype to asterisk?
04:29.51netmanI think there is a propietary module for doing that
04:31.20igcewielingThese toll fraud hackers are actually being helpful.   They are finding all the routers we don't have on the "list of routers", and so were not updated with new ACLs.  8-|
04:32.28igcewielingrhineheart_m: Stype does not want Asterisk users using their service.   There are a couple of hacks, most of them likely no longer work .
04:33.04rhineheart_migcewieling: I see.. now I know. Thanks.
04:33.30rhineheart_mAny recommendation for a cheap DID in the US?
04:33.37rhineheart_mDID provider I mean..
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05:21.51androssyeah anyone with a recommendation on a cheap sip trunk provider
05:22.01androssfor like 2 incoming and outgoing
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06:33.44ChannelZWhat kind of usage?
06:41.51*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
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06:44.33eject_ckhi, how can I make call, (Dial then playback(my-recording) )   from shell ?
06:46.29ectospasmeject_ck: I'd use a call file.
06:47.01eject_ckectospasm: that's what I'm using now
06:47.26eject_ckthere is a way to make call from asterisk cli ?
06:47.50ectospasmyou can execute a specific section of dialplan (e.g., Goto...)
06:48.46kaldemareject_ck: core show help channel originate
06:48.47ectospasmNot easily.  I'd use a call file for that, then !cp callfile.txt callfile, !mv callfile /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
06:49.16ectospasmyeah, but will originate allow eject_ck to execute dialplan when it connects?
06:49.33kaldemarjust like any other means of origination.
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07:57.23*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~Eugene@
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07:59.51eject_ckthank you all!
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08:28.42Freeaqingmehi. I'm looking for a softphone (linux) that displays a sip-log. any ideas?
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08:41.31fling[Apr  5 15:41:16] WARNING[17882]: pbx.c:4458 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'GoSub' for extension (hh, +73852350000, 1)
08:41.38flingwhat am I doing wrong?
08:42.27x1user In this context it doesnot play the Background sound, but the same context works on different version of asterisk... anyone who knows what is the problem?
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09:12.45kaldemarfling: what version are you using?
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10:34.55bogrd__Hello, I am getting null values for $VM_DATE and $VM_DUR variables after the VoiceMail has finished on Asterisk 11.2.1. Any idea why this is happening ?
10:41.10kaldemarwhere and why are you expecting to see non-null values?
10:42.27bogrd__kaldemar: My dialplan for an extension looks like this :
10:42.36infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
10:44.59kaldemarwhy are you expecting to see values in the variables?
10:45.58bogrd__VM_MESSAGEFILE gave the path of the Voicemail, likewise was expecting a value for $VM_DUR too
10:46.30kaldemarthe app does not set those variables on the calling channel.
10:47.18bogrd__kaldemar: any way by which I can get the voicemail duration ?
10:50.37kaldemarafaik, no.
10:51.26bogrd__kaldemar: ok thanks '
10:57.54x1user In this context it doesnot play the Background sound, but the same context works on different version of asterisk... anyone who knows what is the problem?
11:14.55*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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11:20.29kaldemarx1user: pastebin a CLI output of a call with verbosity enabled.
11:31.36*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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11:40.38GreenlightIs there an established method to implement a "queue callback" - whereby callers can be called back when they reach top of the queue ?
11:45.40skrustyanyone ever used an SPA122 with a fax machine in the UK?
11:48.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
11:48.57skrustyseems when i call the fax machine behind an spa122, the call gets put on hold
11:49.18skrustyso inbound fax hears moh, while the fax machine tries to negotiate fax tones
11:49.34skrustyreally odd :/
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12:42.59chuckf_skrusty: out of curiousity, what happens if you point that call to a sip phone?
12:44.18srp_Hi, I'm using Asterisk ARA for storing SIP users details (like username, secret, etc.) in MySQL database. I want to know how do I set the md5 hash salt (for the sip user secret) so that Asterisk uses the same salt while calculating the md5 sum while the user is registering...
12:45.27skrustychuckf_: it gets answered when picked up
12:45.53skrustynothing odd at all when pointed directly to a sip phone
12:46.15*** join/#asterisk jmetro (
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13:01.03seik0Hi everyone. I've got another question for you. I have DAHDI, 8-port BRI card and some incoming ISDN calls. I realised today, that each call goes into same exten (into configured for card context). It means, that TelCo doesn't provide DID for me? Or what else I can check?
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13:02.51seik0One options is to configure input point for each card port, but then I become dependant on if someone very smart will switch cords between card and NT-terminators. But now it's only option I see.
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13:03.42kaldemarseik0: what extension it that? s?
13:04.09seik0But goes to "s" as specific exten is not define
13:05.04seik0In fact, that exten is even not an msn
13:05.26seik0the only common part is city code
13:06.01WIMPyseik0: Which channel?
13:06.33seik0don't understand question )
13:06.58WIMPywhat drivers
13:08.08WIMPyIt's MSNs, not DDI?
13:08.15WIMPyDo you perhaps have alwaysimmediate enabled?
13:09.20seik0DID, of course
13:09.39seik0yes, DID is right
13:10.00WIMPyThat's a difference. If you have DDI, you want immediate=yes.
13:10.36seik0immediate yes forces to use "s" extension, no?
13:10.56WIMPyThat should only happen in NT mode.
13:11.15seik0i'l try
13:11.29WIMPyoverlapdial=yes and immediate=yes
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13:13.11seik0tried, looks same
13:14.24seik0kaldemar asked if it's "s" extension. Now I think yes
13:14.35seik0it's always only s extension
13:14.51igcewielingseik0: then you are not receiving the DDI info.
13:15.00seik0number i thounght was a did was CallerID
13:15.00WIMPyUnusual. Put a WaitExten there.
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13:18.39seik0I checked again, it's not a CallerID, excuse me =). So it's really DDI, it differs from callerid
13:18.57seik0So, DDI is always the same
13:19.16seik0immediate, overlapdial and WaitExten don't change anything
13:19.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:19.58WIMPyAnd what is the exten? Is that just your base number or what?
13:20.44igcewielingimmediate=yes is almost never needed
13:20.50seik0base numbers are 83422410026, 83422410027, 83422410028. Exten is 3422700725
13:22.46seik0Should run now. Thanks for help. Now I still think it's TelCo issue.
13:23.02[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, It's kind of a fact of life with BRI
13:23.34igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: but not PRI?
13:24.41WIMPyigcewieling: I'd never do without.
13:24.58WIMPyseik0: And that list looks more like MSNs thatn DDI.
13:28.17[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, not so commonly
13:29.01jmetroso if i have exten => 1 that means the user can press 1 as an option...but asterisk is ignoring everything except my "S" extension..
13:29.06[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, I'm forgetting on a term used for that. "[blank] dialing" when it checks as you dial in-line...
13:29.22[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, PASTEBIn <- show us
13:29.29[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, Code & CLI
13:29.48[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, thanks.
13:29.50jmetro[TK]D-Fender: @,@ give me a bit
13:29.56[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, Yes, "overlap dialing"
13:30.05WIMPyAnd that can happen in all directions.
13:30.16[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, Starts routing in-line... its just how things are in much of europe.
13:32.47jmetro is my dialplan
13:33.15igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: ah, I was not thinking of inband dtmf for overlap dialing
13:33.33igcewielingstill rather odd, ISDN normally sends the entire DNIS in enbloc
13:33.41WIMPyigcewieling: How do you get to DTMF now?
13:34.03WIMPyigcewieling: Only for MSNs, not for DDI.
13:34.08igcewielingWIMPy: our ISDN inbound calls do not transmit the dialed number using DTMF
13:34.27WIMPyOff course not.
13:34.28igcewielingthey transmit the dialed number in the setup message.
13:34.52jmetro is my dial
13:34.55WIMPyYes, hence the question what makes you mention DTMF.
13:35.20igcewielingWIMPy: your siggestion for immediate=yes and wait exten implies you are expecting DTMF
13:35.36WIMPyigcewieling: No
13:36.05WIMPyjmetro: You're missing the priority.
13:36.12WIMPyexten => 1,1,Verbose...
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13:36.58WIMPyigcewieling: WaitExten works perfectely before accepting the call.
13:37.36jmetroWimpy: Oh jebus.
13:37.52igcewielingWIMPy: immediate=yes immediatly answers (accepts) the call
13:38.12WIMPyigcewieling: No. Only if the dialplan does.
13:38.55WIMPyIf you just do a s,WaitExten(), the call won't be accepted until it has a match in the dialplan.
13:40.34WIMPyAsterisk and dialling as a very tough topic, but it is possible :-)
13:42.41jeffspeffhow can i tell what codec a channel is using?
13:43.42WIMPyjeffspeff: <channeltype> show channel[s| <channel>]
13:43.47igcewielingjeffspeff: "sip show channels"
13:44.05jeffspeffhaha! thanks
13:44.11jeffspeffhaven't had all my cofee yet. :)
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13:45.43igcewielingcoffee is 2 doors down the hall.  Both cups and IV drips are provided.
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13:46.17WIMPyNo networked coffee?
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14:01.30lorsungcuanyone experience that packet of death people were talking about on supermicro machines a while back?
14:05.51bulkorokread about that...
14:08.05igcewielingthat was a VERY bad week, all three of our newly deployed core asterisk switches had the problem.
14:08.43lorsungcuwhat were the symptoms, igcewieling
14:08.48lorsungcuthink it just happened to me
14:09.41igcewielinglorsungcu: the most obvious symptom was large numbers of dropped packets or errored packets in the output of "ifconfig"
14:09.53lorsungcuthats what i saw
14:09.55lorsungculike 4 billion
14:10.08lorsungcualthough rebooting fixed it
14:10.09igcewielingthey come in bursts.  are you sure you have the chip with the issue?
14:10.18lorsungcuyeah just checked
14:10.33lorsungcuIntel 82574L
14:10.37igcewielingthen get a new card ASAP (add-on)
14:10.44lorsungcugoing to today
14:11.13lorsungcudamn that sucks.  should have checked before deploying the thing
14:11.29lorsungcujust got everything stable and working for this customer
14:11.33lorsungcuthing takes a dump
14:14.15igcewielinglorsungcu: same here
14:14.27lorsungcuwhat phones?
14:14.44igcewielingbut we have on average 200+ calls active across the two systems
14:15.05igcewielingNo phones, adtran media gateways
14:15.09lorsungcuthere are really not that many calls on this system
14:15.33lorsungcunot totally sure how many, but i'd say 20, max
14:16.37*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~alhafoudh@
14:16.38AlHafoudhhi all
14:16.47AlHafoudhdoes anyone have experience with avaya IP office here?
14:17.49AlHafoudhi know :(
14:17.49GreenlightI replaced one with Asterisk once, does that count? :)
14:18.05jmetro^ only one? XD
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14:18.50GreenlightOnly one I've came accross yet, so 100% record :)
14:19.08AlHafoudhi have a strange problem, when recieving call from SIP trunk and putting it into H323 trunk in avaya ip office, the calling number (caller id) is like real caller number concatenated with source IP address withut dots :)
14:20.07lorsungcuAlHafoudh: try in #avaya
14:20.36AlHafoudhyeah :) i tried
14:21.22GreenlightAvaya's a commercial system - can't you call the installer or Avaya themselves ?
14:23.11AlHafoudhinstaller is me
14:23.31AlHafoudhavaya support with reply in two weeks with suggestions like "did you try to turn it off and on again" ?
14:25.20Greenlight ?
14:26.21jmetroI know an avaya installer in my area, taking a class on how to install and use asterisk =)
14:27.32GreenlightI guess you want to take a quick SIP trace, and check what's being passed over, and they play around with the settings on Avaya till it looks right
14:27.47GreenlightLatest firmware etc if you've not already
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14:41.08rgsteeleI've got one VoIP provider with whom I get audio drops several times a day 20-30 secs after the call connects.  Upon further investigation, it appears as though it's due to Asterisk sending out a REINVITE (this is while the users are talking, no media stuff such as on-hold or background music is involved).
14:41.43rgsteeleAlthough I have canreinvite=no, I'm aware that doesn't stop all reinvites.  Is there any way to force Asterisk to prevent sending ANY reinvites for ANY reason for a specific SIP peer?
14:42.00GreenlightWhat version are you using ?
14:42.47rgsteele1.8.11.1-1digium1~lucid on Ubuntu Lucid.
14:42.55GreenlightThen it should be directmedia=no
14:43.24GreenlightI also think session timers will cause reinvites sometimes
14:43.25rgsteeleFYI, here's what we see in the logs when it happens:  [Apr  4 23:29:35] WARNING[1576] chan_sip.c: just did sched_add waitid(3477831) for sip_reinvite_retry for dialog 1899061346fb931e4bc6082c2bd5bc69@ in handle_response_invite
14:43.31rgsteeleGreenlight: I've disabled session timers
14:44.01GreenlightWhat about rtptimeout ?
14:44.47igcewielingrgsteele: that is a harmless message and not the cause of any issues you may be having
14:45.03GreenlightChange canreinvite=no to directmedia=no, and see if that helps.
14:45.15igcewielingThough you are welcome to open a bug in jira.  harmless messages are not supposed to be warnings
14:45.20rgsteeleGreenlight: Cool, will give it a shot!
14:45.35mjordanpretty sure we already killed that 'warning'
14:45.37rgsteeleigcewieling: If this doesn't help, I'll probably do that.
14:45.52rgsteele(Assuming I can't find an existing bug and/or it hasn't been fixed in newer revisions)
14:46.13igcewielingrgsteele: setting directmedia=no will stop the message, since the message only happens with directmedia
14:46.47mjordanhm. Nope, we didn't :-)
14:47.36mjordanAlthough that message does imply that a re-INVITE was sent while another request was pending, so that's a tad odd.
14:47.58rgsteeleYeah, I've tcpdump'ed the SIP traffic, it's definitely due to a reinvite
14:48.07rgsteeleAs soon as that happens, all audio drops
14:48.28rgsteeleEnd up having to hang up & retry the call.  It's intermittent, which is kinda weird
14:48.41rgsteeleI just changed it to use directmedia=no, though, so we'll see what happens
14:49.04rgsteeleGuess I missed that setting when upgrading this old box (used to be 1.4) to 1.8
14:53.19Greenlightdirectmedia can be um .. funky at times
14:53.41rgsteeleDoes 1.8 still honor the canreinvite option, then?
14:53.50rgsteeleI don't see any complaints about it being present in sip.conf
14:54.16mjordanyes. canreinvite simply maps to directmedia.
14:54.47rgsteeleSo, changing canreinvite=no to directmedia=no probably won't result in any change at all, then.
14:54.52mjordanI would guess that if you've set canreinvite to no, you are getting a re-INVITE for a different reason.
14:55.16mjordancanreinvite never actually squelched re-INVITES completely, hence the name change (also, directmedia actually says what it does, etc.)
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14:58.52rgsteelemjordan: So, is there any way I can instruct Asterisk to not send any re-INVITEs for any reason?
14:58.57mjordanyou may get a re-INVITE if you have SIP session timers enabled; if a hold frame is processed by one of the channels; if the call was going from audio to T.38 and/or back; in certain transfer scenarios; if party identification is changed; and probably a number of other scenarios that I'm not remembering
14:59.06rgsteelemjordan: I have session timers disabled
14:59.13mjordanrgsteele: nope. It would break pretty much all of the scenarios I've outlined.
14:59.26rgsteeleDisabling session timers fixed the drops that were > 30min
14:59.32mjordanwell, that's goo
14:59.33rgsteeleBut, all the <30sec drops are still there :-/
14:59.58mjordantwo things to check
15:00.27mjordan(1) what is different in the re-INVITE then the original INVITE?
15:00.43mjordanwell, okay one thing.
15:01.06mjordanWithout knowing what the re-INVITE is trying to update in the dialog, we're kind of just guessing as to what's going on.
15:01.27mjordana DEBUG log usually tells you why Asterisk is sending the re-INVITE as well.
15:01.33rgsteeleYeah, I'm trying to find the pcap that had the evidence in it
15:02.19*** join/#asterisk BlackIceXS (~BlackIceX@
15:02.35rgsteeleI just re-enabled debugging on the peer we're having issues with.  If I can't find the records I captured a few weeks ago, I'll get some new data to chew on.
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15:04.46BlackIceXShello, is there a way for me to have the Read app to terminate on star instead of the pound key ?
15:04.56Greenlightrgsteele: You might want to enable debug logs while you're at it
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15:10.54gttuna  anyone have any ideas what would cause this?
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15:26.33danfromukHi, Is it possible to auto-delete old voicemail messages after 30 days?
15:26.41mjordangttuna: you have an audiohook on a channel (MixMonitor?) and it's not getting any audio.
15:26.43mjordan[2013-04-05 11:06:59] DEBUG[20531] res_rtp_asterisk.c: Received frame with no data for RTP instance '0xb1e78e8' so dropping frame
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15:27.30mjordanwithout knowing more about what's occurring, it's hard to say. The 'pretty quick' debug statement is rather low level and is not, on it's own, indicative of any problem
15:27.46gttunayeah, the commonality between the 3 servers where i'm seeing these errors, is that they're all using MixMonitor to record calls (FreePBX)
15:27.59mjordanwhat version of Asterisk?
15:28.01*** join/#asterisk fkurkowski (~fkurkowsk@
15:28.04mjordanand 32-bit or 64-bit?
15:28.09mjordannot specific enough :-)
15:28.29gttuna1.8.20.1,, and
15:28.43fkurkowskiIs there any known issues with Digium cards detecting nonexistent incoming calls?
15:29.00mjordankk. There was a bug that affected timing in audiohooks ages ago, but the latter two versions are recent enough that it wouldn't be causing the problem.
15:29.33fkurkowskiBy last two you mean 11 and 10?
15:29.59gttunamjordan, the and are 32bit
15:30.04gttunathe is 64 bit
15:30.21gttunaerrr, is 64 bit
15:30.25mjordank. The issue I was thinking of only affected 32-bit systems, but it doesn't affect call or audio quality. The recording simply failed.
15:30.45mjordanaudiohooks most likely aren't causing you audio quality issues anyway. They intercept the audio after the audio has been received by Asterisk. If you look at an RTP debug (either in a pcap or 'rtp debug on'), do you see a consistent stream of audio coming in for those calls/
15:30.56gttunathe reason i looked into logs in the first place is that we're seeing some outbound call quality issues
15:31.35mjordanyeah, I don't think this would be the cause of the problem. I'd guess that if you took the MixMonitor off the channels, you'd still have a problem - but it might be worth trying
15:33.19mjordangttuna: what timing source are you using?
15:33.35gttunai dont know :( lol
15:34.21drmessanomumbles something about pthread
15:34.42WIMPy'timing test'
15:35.10drmessanoI'm telling you.. If you have another timing source, putting a noload on res_timing_pthread is the best thing you can ever do for an Asterisk box.  It's like "timing rehab"
15:35.20mjordandrmessano: +10
15:35.33gttunawell, how can I check what timing sources im using?
15:35.38mjordan'timing test'
15:35.40gttunasorry for being a noob :(
15:35.42WIMPy'timing test'
15:35.47drmessano'timing test'
15:35.50drmessanoHad to..
15:36.45mjordank, well, that's good... although 49 timer ticks is a bit odd.
15:37.21gttunaive done it a few more times, and gotten 50 each time
15:38.42mjordank. I'd determine first if the audio coming from the various sources is 'good', that is, does it have jitter, are you seeing dropped/out of order packets, etc.
15:39.32mjordanif all of the sources are good, I'd rule out the MixMonitor next - although I doubt it's causing any issues.
15:40.00mjordanIf the sources aren't good, then you can apply a jitterbuffer to the affected channels to see if that gets the audio back in line.
15:40.04gttunabest way to monitor the audio just doing a packet capture ?
15:41.13mjordanpcaps are helpful. Wireshark can analyze an RTP stream.
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15:43.30MalMenhello, i have trixbox installed, now i want to record all calls and calltimes to a database, there is any easy tuturial? i didnt found anything yet
15:43.56WIMPyMalMen: Try #trixbox it's not supported here.
15:44.09MalMenbut trixbox not use asterisk for base ?
15:44.33WIMPySomehow. But you use Trixbox, not Asterisk.
15:45.46drmessanoTrixbox is not only unsupported, but doesn't use a supported version of Asterisk
15:46.23drmessanoIt went from being an endangered species to extinct when 1.6.whatever went extinct
15:46.26MalMeni never used trixbox before, i have to try change my boss mind to use asterisk
15:46.42WIMPyTell him about
15:46.47infobotDelving into Trixbox is like exploring a pyramid; it's ancient, forgotten, dark, and dangerous.  Trixbox was one of the earliest complete PBX distros and a relic of a bygone era.  While it was a great idea, it was implemented by a horrible group of Wizards from an evil, barren wasteland that stuffed it full of black magic and FUD.  Also, an example of how not to run a business.
15:48.06gttunahmmm, should I just capture all UDP packets?
15:48.14drmessanoand do what with them?
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15:49.26gttunalook at them later with wireshark ?
15:50.17gttunai mean, i have ports 10000-20000 defined in rtp.conf
15:50.29*** join/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
15:50.55gnudnahi guys / girls
15:51.10gnudnais there an updated document on how to secure asterisk properly?
15:51.39gnudnai have inhereted a system and i would like to make sure we have some form of hardening present
15:52.40WIMPyTry the README-SERIOUSELY.bestpractices.txt
15:53.12gnudnais this online somewhere
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15:54.56gnudnathanks i found it online
15:55.21MalMenso, what is the best web gui for asterisk ? :)
15:55.33MalMeni am searching for alternatives to trixbox
15:55.44workplease Mixmonitor  I could not understand it I excute Mixmonitor start and it ask me chan and range
15:55.54WIMPyThe one you do yourself for YOUR needs.
15:56.08MalMenwhat is the best choises ?
15:56.37WIMPyI think the only one with a bit of support is #freepbx
15:56.51workplease how MixMonitor syntax
15:57.05drmessanoMalMen:  There's AsteriskNOW and the "FreePBX Distro" which both use FreePBX
15:57.10workon CLI
16:01.16gttunadrmessano, so should I unload res_timing_pthread?
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16:05.08drmessanoI believe I saw that you have timerfd loaded.  I would unload pthread.. Yes
16:11.32*** join/#asterisk rrittgarn (
16:13.25rrittgarnAnybody ever have issues where Polycom phones freeze when registering to an 11.3 box? Moved a few phones from a 10 box to an 11 and now they are un-useable. They register, and will even make a call, but about 6-10 seconds in they just freeze.
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16:35.16AkkerKidHI ALL!
16:35.47WIMPyAkkerKid: lo you
16:36.15igcewielingrrittgarn: only when the phone can't write to the FTP directories
16:38.46*** join/#asterisk Free99 (
16:57.05rrittgarnigcewieling: unfortunately i have other polycom's pushing logs just fine :-/
16:58.11gttunamjordan, hmmm, i guess one of my techs put a jitterbuffer in place already. i have a feeling that may be causing audio issues
16:58.40gttunaif it's incorrectly setup, or the audio didn't have problems to begin with
17:04.55igcewielingrrittgarn: make sure you have the latest of what ever branch of phone firmware you are using
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17:20.01Free99which variable indicates the current context? Something like ${context}?
17:20.59WIMPyAlmost: CONTEXT
17:21.01jmetropredefined channel vars
17:27.05rgsteeleigcewieling: I set logger.conf to catch everything (verbose, debug, dtmf, etc.), set debugging on the SIP peer associated with the VoIP provider we're seeing the reINVITE issue with, and there wasn't any additional info to chew on.  I just turned SIP debugging on globally, and I'm setting up a tshark capture on the interface - hopefully will catch more info about the next one (without...
17:27.06rgsteele...choking off the throughput...)
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17:44.50Free99thanks jmetro & WIMPy
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17:49.17tompawIs it possible to have a per-extension call limit?
17:49.48WIMPySee the GROUP functions.
17:50.59tompawWIMPy: thanks
17:51.14WIMPyBTW: Anyone have a question worth a domation? I'm broke.
17:52.16navaismofeels better now, not the only one broken here just $5USD in the pockets
17:52.34tompawWIMPy: priv
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18:25.44clopezwhere I can find documentation about the format/fields that "meetme list $conf number concise" outputs?
18:26.03clopezmeetme list $confnumber concise
18:28.37clopezok.. found it on the source code :D straight to the source
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19:48.09SuperNullwhat does (d) indicate on 'sip show channels' under hold field ?
19:53.19tompawGuys what do I need to do for REFER to work? As you can see here: it's pretty much ignored by Asterisk 11.2 with no errors given.
19:56.47Free99If I wanted to print a message to the console from my dialplan, how would I do that? I tried using NoOp("Message"), but that doesn't seem to work
19:59.01igcewielingif you core set verbose 3 you'll catch all dialplan lines being run.
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20:00.05mjordantompaw: it isn't being ignored. Asterisk is rejecting it with a 'declined'
20:00.31Free99thanks rrittgarn
20:00.38mjordantompaw: are you trying to do an attended transfer where the target of the attended transfer is not in a bridge?
20:01.44tompawmjordan: I'd actually like to make a blind transfer
20:03.12tompawmjordan: we are using Zoiper in the office, and that's what happens when I press "transfer" button. Is ther a way to control what type of transfer is performed upon receiving this message?
20:04.04mjordantompaw: that's up to Zoiper
20:04.33mjordanthe only way we send back a 603 on a REFER request is if the channel associated with the dialog is not in a bridge.
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20:07.44twitchnlnafternoon everyone, I was wondering if anyone had a recommendation for a good softphone to run on chromebook
20:10.25tompawmjordan: understood, thanks.
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20:33.40gttunamjordan, been looking at packet capture stuff all day
20:34.57tompawGuys, does anyone else have issues with flowroute? They seem to be sending 3 INVITEs / second to me :/
20:35.33gttunai found a call where they had audio issues, and found the corresponding RTP stream in my packet capture.
20:37.33jmetrolook at dat ping spike
20:38.16gttunaits weird that i dont see a corresponding spike in the reverse
20:39.16*** part/#asterisk hexanol (
20:39.33gttunai guess with the packets after 140193, they're all coming in at the same (relative) time, so the deltas are all super small?
20:41.06mjordangttuna: looks that way
20:42.22mjordanhaving a 4 second latency is ... bad. Jitter buffers aren't going to help you - the standard jitter buffer is (IIRC) is 200 ms. You'll blow right through it. Setting it to account for a 4 second delay would make your standard audio crap.
20:55.12jmetroanyone have a listing of polycom error codes?
21:01.24*** part/#asterisk gnudna (~sklav@unaffiliated/sklav)
21:02.22twitchnlnAnyone know of a softphone that will work on Chrome book?
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21:03.37jmetrolinux based.
21:05.13*** join/#asterisk Kazuhiro (~Kazuhiro@
21:06.42KazuhiroIs it possible to make calls via Switchvox (location S) -(IAX)-> asterisk IAX broker server (location Z) -(IAX)-> Asterisk (location A)?
21:07.17KazuhiroBasically using a asterisk system in a central site to have all remote office IAX links terminate into it?
21:07.57KazuhiroCurrently we have a mesh type topology with each office connecting to each other office's switchvox/asterisk system.
21:08.21WIMPyAnd you want to add a SPOF?
21:09.51KazuhiroSPOF that lives on a VMware cluster with DRS/live migration etc.
21:09.55igcewielingjmetro: define "error code"
21:18.12jmetrosomething like 0x501d
21:23.13citywokKazuhiro: until the cluster fails, or you want to do something with storage, or anything else that NEVER goes wrong goes wrong.  the central office loses connectivity & or power for an extended period of time?
21:23.40citywokthe mesh seems nice for those occasions, although probably a bit more work to manage
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21:29.48KazuhiroThe mesh setup currently has issues with bandwidth between office sites, broken IAX links even though they say they're up etc. Currently some offices can call into an office, but the receiving office can't dial back etc. So the plan with the central setup is to enable me to actually debug wtf is going.
21:30.14KazuhiroSwitchvox units are in most remote sites, so very limited in terms of what I can actually look at unless I ask an admin in each site to pop root on it so we can start debugging this crap.
21:31.02Kazuhiroa working setup with a SPOF is better than a partially functional setup that no one can get working correctly.
21:34.24*** join/#asterisk citywok (~kvirc@
21:41.34igcewielingSwitchVox us supported by Digium Support
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