IRC log for #asterisk on 20130323

00:09.11*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
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00:27.03*** join/#asterisk Spengler1 (
00:28.35Spengler1Hellooooo everybody
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00:33.39Spengler1anyone in here use broadvoice
00:34.34navaismonot me
00:34.53Spengler1any recommendations for a voip service?
00:38.27*** join/#asterisk fetalbird (~fetalbird@
00:38.49infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
00:38.55navaismook was
00:39.05infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
00:39.13navaismoSpengler1, ^^
00:40.24gundyteliax? huh.  I've had problems with them.
00:40.33gundyI'm much rather go with flowroute.
00:40.51gundyAnyway. Not trying to stir things up.
00:45.24Spengler1what are your thoughts on deploying these services to businesses?
00:46.06navaismoYou need a good infrastructure a good QoS network
00:46.40Spengler1i'm segmenting the voip onto a seperate vlan ; is that sufficient for qos or should i do more?
00:58.11*** part/#asterisk poseidon (
01:08.43*** join/#asterisk Hyper_Eye (~mwoodj@pdpc/sponsor/digium/hyper-eye)
01:12.38jmetrooh lawd.
01:12.47jmetrohas anyone here ever put SDP on asterisk
01:13.37jmetromy valcom unit just provoked the error "NOTICE[1369][C-00000428]: chan_sip.c:10453 process_sdp: No compatible codecs, not accepting this offer!
01:16.43navaismowell that said a lot, you need to use same codecs to made the call
01:17.07jmetrohm. That makes me realize that i have no idea what codec this thing is using.
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03:57.25*** join/#asterisk Doozer_ (cbcebb1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:59.11Doozer_hi all, i've managed (i think) to register 3 extensions, but don't seem to be able to call from one extension to another (yet I can make outbound calls).  Looking for some help please :)
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04:32.56ChannelZCan you be more vague?
04:33.09ChannelZDid you write any extensions in extensions.conf to make them call each other?
04:34.22Doozer_I can be, but i doubt it'll help
04:34.43Doozer_i have added 3 extensions, 2 real phones, one soft
04:34.49Doozer_the soft is able to call etc fine
04:35.01Doozer_the real ones show up as status UNKNOWN
04:35.13Doozer_which i suspect means they aren't registering properly
04:37.50Doozer_ok to paste a sip show peer xxx to the chan?
04:49.48fetalbirdput the sip and extensions in a paste, ill check it out
04:49.59fetalbirdits prob just wrong contexts
04:50.44Doozer_great thanks, be a couple of mins
04:56.18Doozer_let me know if i missed something
05:01.12fetalbirdThose configs are for freepbx, not for a vanilla install
05:01.26Doozer_dialing *61 gives me "The number you have called is not in service"
05:01.41ChannelZThank god I wandered off to go poop
05:02.21*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
05:03.47fetalbirdI cant solve your issue, someone else might or try #freepbx
05:04.33Doozer_ok, will do, thanks for taking a look
05:04.42fetalbirdno prob
05:05.00*** part/#asterisk Doozer_ (cbcebb1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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05:12.27*** join/#asterisk fabiobik (5f5c316e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:12.37fabiobikhello guys
05:12.55fabiobikive installed on vm the iso at
05:37.56*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
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08:32.54slicknick5181asterisk 1.8 my console commands have disappeared from my cli help list
08:33.07slicknick5181and none of the commands work
08:38.03*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
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09:47.48*** join/#asterisk rasheed (
09:48.21rasheedi need a help regarding queue
09:48.26rasheedcan some one help me
09:49.48rasheedany body here
09:50.36*** part/#asterisk rasheed (
09:51.16*** join/#asterisk rasheed (
09:51.29rasheedsome body there?
09:53.17rasheedi would like to discuss a strange behaviour of queue ..
09:54.23infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
09:55.57rasheedwe have deployed asterisk 1.8 in a site.  and i configured queue with ringinuse=no
09:56.29rasheedbut i noticed that , randomly some times 2 calls are still routing to same extension
09:56.34rasheedextensions are all SIP
09:57.08rasheedi was not able to regenerate this case, when testing with only 2 trunks
09:57.32kaldemarby extensions do you mean queue members?
09:57.33rasheedin the deployed site,  there are 13 trunks and 32 extensions
09:57.39rasheedyes queue members
09:57.41kaldemarextensions are something in your dialplan.
09:57.49rasheedsorry i mean queue members
09:58.09rasheedi add dynamic queue members using addqueuemember
09:59.03*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
09:59.19kaldemardo you have callcounter=yes configured in sip.conf for the peers that are members in your queue?
09:59.56rasheedin fact..  let me explain my configuration..
10:01.15kaldemaryou can also show the configurations in pastebin instead of trying to explain what you have configured.
10:01.51rasheedi will try to do that..  but i am new to IRC.. let me check the options..
10:03.32infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
10:03.43kaldemarbut first, answer the question about callcounter.
10:04.05rasheedyes callcounter =yes for all the SIP extensions.. defined
10:06.29rasheedthe same sip interfaces are defined for addqueuemember
10:12.58rasheedi pasted part of my configuration in pastebin
10:13.56kaldemarfeel free to paste the link to your pastebin here.
10:14.01rasheedok ..
10:14.25*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
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10:15.08rasheedthis is for queue member 1040
10:17.47rasheedthis is the login with addqueuemember
10:19.40rasheedthe calls from trunk will be directly passed to the queue ..  and if there are free agents who logged in using addqueuemember,  call will be routed to him
10:20.50kaldemari don't see anything passing directly to any queue.
10:21.10rasheedi will paste that section now..
10:21.14rasheedplease wait
10:22.54kaldemaranyway, the callcounter won't help you much since you don't use the sip interfaces as members, but local channels.
10:23.36rasheedoh ok..
10:23.51rasheedis there any other way
10:24.04kaldemari just mentioned two ways. pick one.
10:24.19rasheedif i use sip interfaces as members,,  i think it is not possible to have free seatring for agents right?
10:24.47rasheedi am sorry if i am asking some thing wrong..  but i am very new .. and i really appreciate your great feedbacks
10:25.12kaldemarclarify "to have free seatring for agents"
10:26.20rasheedi mean ,  the agents work on shift basis..  they need to login to the phone to get the calls routed to them..
10:26.31rasheedif i use fixed sip interfaces as members.. i dont know how it is possible
10:27.38kaldemarnot fixed. use the queue member applications just like you do now, but don't use local channels as the interface. use the SIP/... directly.
10:29.56rasheeddo you mean..  in addqueuemember command,  the interface should be SIP/104 like this ?
10:30.11kaldemarsomething like that, yes.
10:30.29rasheedin fact it is done like that , in the dial plan
10:30.34rasheedif you have noticed
10:31.49kaldemari have not. the only AddQueueMember line in your configs is exten => 701,n,AddQueueMember(7000,local/${AUTH_MAILBOX}@agents/n...
10:32.08rasheedif you check the dial plan for agent login with addqueuemember..  the last parameter was the interface.. where i put SIP/CALLERID(number) which will be the person who calls the dialplan
10:32.27rasheedi will paste the complete line
10:32.33rasheedplease wait..
10:32.35kaldemardon't bother, i see the line.
10:32.52kaldemarthe syntax is AddQueueMember(queuename[,interface[,penalty[,options[,membername[,stateinterface]]]]])
10:33.33*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
10:33.44kaldemarokay, you do have the stateinterface, that one i missed.
10:35.38rasheedi am using leastrecent strategy
10:37.41kaldemarwhat you have yet to show is how the calls get to the queue in the first place and an actual call.
10:37.52rasheedok.. i am taking that
10:37.56rasheedplease wait..
10:40.55*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
10:45.35rasheedplease check this..
10:46.03rasheedi will paste the queues.conf also
10:48.32rasheedqueues.conf is also pasted in
10:53.47kaldemarand the call...
11:00.39*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:10.28rasheeddo you need the call log?
11:22.19rasheedi will send the sample call log of a file
11:24.13rasheedplease have a look at this call log.. where 2 calls routed to same agent
11:25.40rasheedi will be back in 5 minutes
11:29.37kaldemar"SIP_STATE=NOT_INUSE" and "SIP/101-00000042 is busy" don't quite match.
11:33.31kaldemaryour sip configs may be to blame.
11:39.01rasheedoh ok
11:39.34rasheeddo you need the SIP configs, i can paste it
11:46.48*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
12:03.37rasheedi pasted the sip_additional.conf
12:07.58*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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12:13.38rasheedhello kaldemar
12:14.00rasheeddid u get the pastebin of the sip conf
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12:36.50kresp0rasheed, your paste has expired
12:42.15rasheedi will paste again
12:43.56rasheedi have a question..
12:44.08rasheedin the previous log of call logs which i posted..
12:44.45rasheedyou can see that queue is sending 2 calls to local interface 2030 from dahdi channel 6 and 12..
12:45.07rasheedin the normal scenario queue application should not do that , i believe .. is that right
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12:46.03rasheedprovided ringinuse=no..
12:46.13*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
12:46.56rasheedi am not sure , how the queue internally track calls..  do you think if it is tracking the call based on SIP interface status?..
13:09.47kresp0rasheed, sorry, I'm new to queues. But I think that line 6 on have at least several syntax errors.
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14:06.24rasheed<rasheed> hello
14:06.25rasheed<rasheed> sorry my internet connection was lost in between
14:06.25rasheed<rasheed> can you please type the last message again , regarding the syntax errors
14:06.25rasheed<rasheed> i just lost it
14:18.45leifmadsenif you're having issues with sip channels not having the appropriate device state, there are thigns you need to enable
14:20.50*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:27.04rasheedok thank you ..
14:31.10*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
14:44.29KNERDWhat are the list of CFLAGS, etc supported by the config script?
14:45.35KNERDI am dealing with this crap
14:45.36LieutPants[ASTERISK-20128] [Status: Open] [Assigned: kmoore] Virtualized  no longer runs in a KVM virtualized environment.     Compiles without error,  but fails with Illegal instruction on launch  Regression since     Last good   -
14:47.12*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
14:55.12KNERDWhat about using an Intel compiler?
14:59.19*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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15:46.59igcewielingLove this "[Mar 23 11:46:06] NOTICE[12358]: rtp.c:849 process_rfc3389: Comfort noise support incomplete in Asterisk (RFC 3389). Please turn off on client if possible. Client IP:"   .18 is an ASTERISK server.
15:57.39*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
16:04.13*** join/#asterisk kchehab (~david@
16:04.23kchehabhi i use to add
16:04.24kchehabexten => conn,n,Dial(SIP/Comp_220/${number}:3,30)
16:04.24kchehabexten => conn,n,Dial(SIP/Comp_221/${number}:3,30)
16:05.01kchehabbut  when call fails on Comp_220/ its not jumping to Comp_221
16:05.07kchehabany advice
16:05.50[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: look at the call.
16:09.02kchehabsorry ${number:}
16:09.05kchehabsorry ${number:3}
16:09.51[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: I was wondering if that was a variable mistake....
16:09.53kchehab[TK]D-Fender is there a way to make a load balance between these to gateways
16:10.06kchehabtwo* or three
16:10.52[TK]D-Fenderkchehab: define "load balance"
16:12.30kchehab[TK]D-Fender  i have three  trunks and i want to let the calls go to the three trunk with percentage not to make an order 1st 2nd 3rd ,sicne the 3rd will have a low ASR
16:13.30igcewielingkchehab: you will have to manually code that in the dialplan
16:15.09igcewielingof all your peers are Comp_22x where x = 0-2 exten => conn,n,Dial(SIP/Comp_22${RAND(0,2)}/${number:3},30) but that does NOT do failover
16:27.44*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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17:17.42igcewielingHeh, no calls, no calls, no calls, BAM! 300 calls from one customer.    Expected, but still interesting.
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18:52.58rasheedif 2 calls hit a queue at the same time ,  is there a chance to route the call to same sip extension even when ringinuse =no
18:53.27[TK]D-Fendervirtually impossible
18:54.13rasheedi got this behaviour with a system of 13 FXO lines and 32 extensions
18:54.43rasheedthe logs are posted in for this behaviour
18:54.44[TK]D-FenderAnalog is already very slow to get answered.  the odds of those coinciding is incrementally lower
18:56.00rasheedas given in the logs , it is detecting the SIP_STATE as NOT_IN_USE even when it route another call to the same extension..
18:56.18igcewielingdo you have a call-limit set?
18:56.19rasheedi am using local interfaces as queue members..
18:56.36rasheedin the sip extension , callcounter=yes
18:56.42[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: what SIP state?  we have no idea what that dialplan is doing
18:57.10[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: -- Executing [2030@agents:2] Set("Local/2030@agents-0000002f;2", "SIP_STATE=NOT_INUSE") in new stack <- and this is DIALPLAN level.  The call is already being DISTRIBUTED.  It's too late
18:57.37[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: If you didn't want to call the agent.. you need to tell the member what state device to use, not try to check it yourself in the dialplan.
18:58.15[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: -- Executing [2030@agents:4] Playback("Local/2030@agents-0000002f;2", "agent_2030") in new stack ,- also, playing back to the client answers the queue call preventing further distribution or agent dials.  This is shooting yourself in the foot
18:59.08rasheedi mentioned state interface in the addqueuemember
18:59.24rasheedplease refer the post
18:59.53rasheedso i expected that the queue will check the status of the sip interface before it is distributed
19:00.19[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: "core show application addqueuemember" <- PB
19:01.12rasheedsorry i didnt get you..
19:01.41[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: PASTEBIN the instructions if give you
19:01.54[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: Also we need to see your queue dump to see what you've actually added
19:03.23rasheedqueue dump.. where can i take this..
19:03.48[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: so you never actually looked at your queue in CLI?
19:04.03rasheedi ddid that ..
19:04.13rasheedqueue show..  i was checking
19:04.29rasheeddo you want to PB queue show
19:04.56rasheedcurrently few other agents are logged in
19:05.17[TK]D-Fendershow the whole queue.  and the instructions page.
19:05.29[TK]D-FenderAlso the dialplan for your agent dial-outs
19:07.14rasheeddial plan for agent dialouts is at
19:10.50rasheedi dump the queue and other details here..
19:10.58[TK]D-Fenderthat dialplan for the agents appears to be for one agent, and not the one we actually dialed
19:11.34[TK]D-Fenderexten => 1040-NOANSWER,n(hngup),Queue(7000,tr,,,10) <- and looking from 1 queue to another in a single dial? this looks like a very flawed design
19:12.05rasheedits the same for the other agent.. only difference is that instead of 1040, 2030 is the agent in the logs
19:12.31[TK]D-FenderI'd still like to see bits that at least match
19:12.39[TK]D-FenderAnd your queue shows all paused.
19:12.44[TK]D-Fenderwhat happens with calls now?
19:13.11rasheedin fact.. the logs which i posted before was taken duringa  test session.. of the call centre..
19:13.31rasheedsince we faced this issue.. we revert the lines back in to a previous pbx
19:14.34[TK]D-FenderYou need to show us matching and relevant confgs & debug if we're to get anywhere
19:15.38[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: exten => 1040,n(norm),Playback(agent_1040) - and this causes that first queue to always consider the agent dial as answered...
19:15.39[TK]D-Fenderthis is bad...
19:16.00rasheedoh ok..
19:16.06[TK]D-Fenderit will never distribute to another agent.
19:16.07rasheedwe shall disable this..
19:16.44[TK]D-FenderAre any of your agents processed differently than any other?
19:17.11rasheedsorry, i didnt get you ..
19:17.38[TK]D-Fender[agents] exten => 1040,1,Set(AGENT_SIP=${DB(agent_sip/1040)})
19:17.42[TK]D-Fenderwe see you dialing 2030.
19:17.51[TK]D-Fenderis 2030's call-flow any different from this one?
19:18.02rasheedno its the same
19:18.10[TK]D-Fenderexcept for substituting 1040 for 2030?
19:18.17[TK]D-Fenderthen you should be using a pattern for this
19:18.17rasheedyes ..
19:18.30[TK]D-Fenderso you don't risk making a tiny bug fixing one, but not all of them
19:18.55rasheedi am following same pattern for this
19:19.00[TK]D-FenderAnd using labels in that same pattern and not Goto another extension on status, etc
19:19.07rasheedfor all agents
19:19.15[TK]D-FenderNo, I'm saying your EXTENSION should be a PATTERN
19:19.18[TK]D-Fendernot a fixed value
19:19.28rasheedoh ok..
19:19.45[TK]D-Fenderyou must have a massive amount of dialplan code duplication for this by now
19:19.51rasheedbut these are the agent id which the users log in
19:20.00rasheedthrough thier phones
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19:20.15rasheedso the numbers will be different for each user
19:20.21[TK]D-FenderI'd suggest you clean all of that up.  Clear out your memebers.  get them back in and come back with a new matching scenario if there is anything in need of debugging at that point
19:20.50[TK]D-Fenderyes, well the PROCESSING is identical.
19:21.05[TK]D-Fender[agents] exten => _XXXX,1,Set(AGENT_SIP=${DB(agent_sip/${EXTEN})})
19:21.17[TK]D-Fenderusage of patterns is Asterisk 101
19:21.20*** join/#asterisk Beta2K (
19:21.35[TK]D-Fenderwhy have 30 lines repeated for 10 agents?  the exten you dial IS the variable part
19:21.44Beta2KHello all :)
19:22.15rasheedwhen adding queue member,  i am using local interface
19:22.31[TK]D-Fenderblocks Beta2K with a 4 inch wall of water
19:22.43[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: Still fine so far...
19:22.49rasheedlike Local/2030@agents/n
19:23.21rasheedso will that be granted , if i use patterns..
19:23.28[TK]D-FenderrashYes and we can see you made THAT function variable as well.. this time using the CALLERID
19:23.52[TK]D-FenderAll the values would seem to HAVE to work based on the circumstances of their creation.
19:24.24[TK]D-FenderYou added 2030 as the exten in your local channel... no reason you can't take that at face value in the pattern match
19:24.50Beta2KGee thanks Fender :)
19:24.50rasheedok got it
19:25.12rasheedi will try to clean up
19:27.09rasheeddo u think that ,Playback("Local/2030@agents-0000002f;2", "agent_2030") will make an issue identifying that 2030 is answered and queue will make again make another call to same 2030?
19:28.04fetalbirdit will match a _XXXX in that context
19:28.17rasheedok fine
19:29.36[TK]D-Fenderrasheed: it DOES answer it
19:29.44[TK]D-FenderPlayback ASNWERS calls
19:29.57[TK]D-Fenderand you are in your local channel. there is a chance of queue considering the local channel as free , after the answer and route again another call?
19:33.25[TK]D-Fenderit is checking the DEVICE....
19:33.34[TK]D-Fenderwhich is a SIP phone that hasn't even been DIALED yet
19:33.36[TK]D-Fenderso YES
19:33.44[TK]D-Fenderwhile that pacyback is happening... you COULD get another call
19:33.48[TK]D-FenderAll part of the same failure
19:34.05[TK]D-FenderAnd Requeuing the call.... bad idea
19:35.20rasheedok..  we were trying to requeue becuase,  some times agents put thier handset down to escape from calls..  in this case , the call will keep on hitting the same agent until he put the handset back..
19:35.34rasheedso we made the agent to pause.. and then requeue in this situation
19:36.29Beta2KAnyone around tried to get a Polycom 8002 to register?  I'm seeing these incomming SIP register packets, but asterisk isn't sending anything back?
19:36.34[TK]D-FenderPutting a handset down after answering.... doesn't end the call.
19:37.17rasheedit will not end the call.. but will keep trying same agent again and again and finally he get rid of that..
19:37.32rasheedit is an emergency call centre.. so they dont want to loose calls..
19:39.31rasheedif this is dangerous to do like that , i will try to avoid that
19:39.38[TK]D-FenderIf yo have an agent who isn't answering... and all you are going to do is hammaer thta one guy ... then your CALLER isn't getting answered for their emergency and you aren't helping the caller  You are hurting their ability to GET an answer from someone who isn't slacking.
19:39.56[TK]D-FenderSimply LOG it and pause them and send a notice to a manager
19:40.07igcewielingrasheed: the solution to that problem is when an agent makes the call go away, have the call be transfered to the person's boss.
19:40.21[TK]D-FenderBut you are preventing these apparent emegerncy callers from getting actual service and making a mess of your PBX while doing that
19:40.32rasheedok i got it..
19:40.53rasheedso i will try to take away..  the playback.. ,  requeueing from the dial plan
19:41.30[TK]D-FenderI don't see a reason to requeue
19:41.41rasheedok..  will take it away
19:43.16rasheedis it ok to route it to another queue instead?
19:43.44[TK]D-FenderWhy do you need another queue?
19:44.10[TK]D-Fenderrasheedis it ok to route it to another queue instead? <- this IS sending it to another queue which I just asked WHY you felt the need for...
19:45.07rasheedhmm.. ok ,  i dont think it is required..
19:45.19rasheedwill try to avoid any requeuing to make it simple
19:46.14*** join/#asterisk bdunn (
19:46.35bdunnHi - can anyone tell me how to contact the 24/7 support from Digium?
19:46.51[TK] <-
19:46.58bdunnI've searched there.
19:47.14igcewielingI was not aware Digium provided 24/7 support.
19:47.17rasheedthanks a lot fender.. i will get back to you with the results...
19:47.22[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: <--
19:48.09[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: "A: Support is available, depending on your agreement, twenty-four (24) hours a day, around the clock." <-- and your agreement offers this?
19:48.13bdunnThey have commercial support, which I have, but I cannot find the telephone number that will take me to a real live person.
19:48.14igcewielingheh, interesting.   Though it does say "per your afreement"
19:48.44igcewielingFor some reason I thought they only offered support contracts for their commercial Asterisks.
19:48.46bdunnOh wait… the phone tree is different this weekend.
19:49.19bdunnDamn - same result… "Our office is currently closed"
19:49.44bdunnI have several 24/7 support contacts but I have never needed it before.
19:50.59[TK]D-FenderYou should have a number from them with it...
19:53.30bdunnWorked my way through the tree to support and it asked for a phone number to the account.  I put in about five and none are recognized.  Oh well.  So much for 24/7 support.
19:54.11bdunnI guess I need to setup a new Asterisk box quickly and try to find a solution that way.  Any suggestions for doing that quickly?  Trixbox or FreePBX or what else is there?
19:54.57[TK]D-Fenderdepends what you need & want
19:55.29bdunnBasically I need to test a few polycom phones against a system.  I have a Switchvox from Digium which is having issues and I need to rule out the phones.
19:55.51bdunnI'm about 50 hours into this counting last weekend and this weekend.  Need to start isolating the issue.
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19:57.19Beta2KDon't even bother looking at Trix
19:57.26Beta2KIt hasn't been updated in over two years
19:57.33[TK]D-Fenderand never will be
19:57.34[TK]D-Fenderit is dead
19:57.52[TK]D-FenderFreePBX ISO or AsteriskNOW are the best ISO options so far
19:57.55bdunnGood to know.  FreePBX, AsteriskNow?  Anything else?
19:58.04Beta2KI'm in the process of trying to decide, Elastix or PIAF
19:58.38rasheedi think elastix will be the best
19:58.39[TK]D-FenderBeta2K: Nethier.... Elastix is embedded FreePBX and broken crap to support
19:58.46[TK]D-FenderPIAF bundles too much extra junk.
19:59.23tm1000also there's elastic v2 which does what [TK]D-Fender said and v3 which is a rewrite not using freepbx, but has limited support for well…anything
19:59.23Beta2KThat's what I've been noticing :)  I don't even login to Elastix front end anymore, straight to freepbx
19:59.41[TK]D-FenderIf you're spending your time working around it... you are making a mistake
20:00.28bdunnAny opinions on FreePBX vs. AsteriskNow?
20:00.33rasheedi am not using elastix call centre and other modules
20:00.40rasheedi just use the free pbx in it
20:01.14[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: AsteriskNOW just got a new release.  Not sure how is measures up.  But the FreePBX ISO has been solid for along time and the GUI is directly supported
20:02.11bdunnLooks like there is a lot more web based information for FreePBX.  Think I'll go with that.  I'm concerned that AsteriskNow will interfere with Digium's Switchvox business which means it may be crippled somewhat.
20:02.16tm1000rasheed: If you have no need for call centre or anything BUT freepbx then elastic is NOT your best choice.
20:02.27Beta2KUgh, who would have thought a 3com phone would be easier to setup then a polycom...
20:02.34rasheedoh ok..
20:02.48[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: What may be crippled?
20:03.26[TK]D-Fenderit isn't
20:03.30rasheedyes this is one concern why i didnt go for asterisk now
20:03.33[TK]D-FenderIt is exactly what it looks like
20:04.47bdunnWhile I'm here… I have Polycom IP phones that are retaining settings from a different SwitchVox (asterisk appliance) system.  No matter what I do the settings keep coming back and I have no idea how.  Anyone have any ideas?
20:05.29[TK]D-Fenderthey are pointed to a provisioning server
20:05.30Beta2KAny idea why asterisk isn't responding to a sip register request?  I see it coming in on the cli, but it doesn't send anything back to the phone?
20:05.30[TK]D-Fenderchange it
20:05.46Beta2Kbdunn, what model phone?
20:06.43bdunnI get on the web server for the phone and make the changes to SIP or Lines and it will reboot with the same settings.  I have tried using the phone menu to reset local config, reset settings, erase firmware.
20:07.05bdunnThe old system isn't on this network - only the new one, and it has none of this config on it.  It's a new system.
20:07.55bdunnTried 4,6,8,*
20:07.55[TK]D-FenderAnd did you disable provisioning so it can't detect it or try to contact it in the BootROM?
20:08.10Beta2Kif it can't pickup files from the provisioning server it will used it's stored ones
20:08.15bdunnI guess I don't know how to do that.
20:08.35Beta2Keven if you set it up different in the menu
20:08.48bdunnBeta2K: That may be what is happening.  Here's the weird thing.  NEW 650 phones are just fine.  Those that were brought from another site will not lose their old settings.
20:09.23Beta2KProvision them, I've got a couple 430's I have a similar issue with
20:09.39Beta2KYou could also try updating their FW to force them to erase their flash
20:10.02[TK]D-FenderRestart phone.  Enter BootROM BEFORE it boots.  kill of provisioning.
20:10.11bdunnThat's what I was going to try next with another phone system like FreePBX as Switchvox doesn't give you a lot of options there.
20:10.12[TK]D-Fenderpoint to NEW place for it to look
20:10.34[TK]D-Fenderset up FTp and drop a stock firmware pack there
20:10.47[TK]D-FenderYou don't even need to isntall Asterisk to just fix your phones
20:10.52Beta2Kfreepbx won't help with provisioning phones :)
20:11.11[TK]D-FenderIt certainly can
20:11.20Beta2KEndpoint manager?
20:11.25tm1000Beta2K: yes
20:11.28bdunnSo - could I setup a DHCP server to point to a TFTP site?
20:11.35bdunnEndpoint Manager?
20:11.49[TK]D-Fenderthough.. it'll be for that same server
20:11.49[TK]D-Fendernot sure you can manually point it elsewhere and jsut usse for setup
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20:12.18[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: no need for DHCP.  Just point it to a folder on whatever tech you want
20:12.48bdunnDo you know where I would point it?  Can I do that from the web interface?
20:13.00bdunn(I'm not a phone guy - I'm having to cover someone)
20:13.00Beta2KFrom the BootROM
20:13.14Beta2KEthernet menu I think
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20:13.48bdunnHere's a good question - is there any way to do that from remote?  I am about 350 miles away at the moment.
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20:19.21[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: No
20:19.30[TK]D-Fenderget someone there to push buttons for you
20:21.43bdunnThey left until tomorrow at 1pm.  Do you think I may be able to resolve this with FreePBX EPM?
20:22.07Beta2KIf you provision them yes, assuming you can remote reboot them
20:22.17[TK]D-FenderIf you can't change your BootROM provisioning source nothign you do matters
20:22.33Beta2KYou should be able to change it via dhcp
20:22.42[TK]D-Fendernot necessaryly
20:22.52Beta2KYeah if their setup static you're boned :)
20:23.13bdunnThey are all DHCP.
20:23.25bdunnI can remote reboot them.
20:23.38bdunnTFTP server?
20:23.50Beta2Ktftp, ftp or http
20:23.54[TK]D-Fenderdepends if the PROVISIONING source is specified by DHCP Options <---
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20:24.07[TK]D-FenderWe are not talking about them just getting their OWN IP address thre
20:24.17[TK]D-Fenderit's a question of the PROVISIONING SERVER IP address
20:24.20bdunnRight - I've done this before YEARS ago and it worked well.
20:24.33[TK]D-FenderSo depends on the phone
20:25.58Beta2KBut code 66 should set the provisioning server ip and protocol
20:26.10Beta2Katleast on the 430's it does?
20:26.26bdunnI just realized I am going to have to have current images for the Polycom phones, which Polycom doesn't make freely available.  Am I remembering that right?
20:26.56Beta2KNo they do
20:27.03Beta2KAgain, atleast for the 430's
20:27.18bdunnHave a link?
20:27.41Beta2KOne sec
20:28.01Beta2KI've got a AP for these 8002's too close and it's mucking my wifi up :)
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20:30.09bdunnThanks!  I guess they changed their ways.
20:31.25Beta2KFender, any idea where to start looking with these pohones that asterisk isn't answering registration requests for?
20:34.31[TK]D-FenderBeta2K: Not offhand... what version are you running?
20:37.09igcewielingstart with a sip debug on the asterisk server
20:37.14carrarI always find things I am missing in my car
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20:37.52[TK]D-Fender[15:36]Beta2KAnyone around tried to get a Polycom 8002 to register? I'm seeing these incomming SIP register packets, but asterisk isn't sending anything back?
20:37.54[TK]D-Fenderhe did
20:38.07bdunnI am just about ready to roll now… I have the Polycom download, setup the tftp server, setup the DHCP 66 entry.  I want to have the phone point to the correct server.  Which file(s) will I be looking at?
20:38.12igcewielingbdunn: Polycom has released their firmware for many years.
20:38.41igcewielingbdunn: you should read the admin guide,
20:39.07carrar8002, thats their crappy spectra link stuff?
20:39.17carrarI've got a 8020 I use once in a while here at home
20:39.51[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: Well you haven't told us how you expect to reconfigure them beyond the Web interface
20:40.09[TK]D-Fenderbdunn: So with that in mind leave the STCOK files there and see if it goes into that condition by the time you're done
20:40.23bdunnMy main goal is to clear the old settings out so I can have the Switchvox provision them.
20:41.04igcewielingcarrar: yes.   We prefer the Kirk wireless phones from Polycom
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20:41.30carraryeah the DECT stuff always works better thent he wifi stuff
20:42.13igcewielingbdunn: menu/Settings/Advanced/456/Admin Settings/Reset to Defaults and reset the device settings, then reset local config, then reset web config
20:42.15carrarAnd I'm not a big fan of having to configure a bunch of spectralinks
20:42.47bdunnigcewieling: Yes, but these phones aren't clearing their old settings when doing that.  They are booting back up with the old settings anyway.
20:43.05igcewielingbdunn: exactly WHAT settings?
20:43.07carrarbut once configured in a area with no interference they work ok, much shorter range then DECT of course.
20:44.00bdunnline, user, password, pointing to previous old server (different network) for server, app server, time server, etc.
20:44.44igcewielingyou can change most of that via the phone menus
20:45.01igcewielingSounds to me like the phone is using DHCP to find a local provisioning server
20:45.42igcewielingresetting the device settings is the important one, that clears out the FTP server/user/pass info
20:45.48bdunnigcewieling: Yes, but I'm 350 miles away.  :-)  DHCP option 66 wasn't set until I just set it.  These phones are from a different network.  Same model phones that are new are working just fine - provisioned by Switchvox without issue.
20:46.17igcewielingbdunn: if you are 450 miles away, how did you go into the phone menus and do what I suggested?
20:46.42carrarLike you don't have a robot you can control remotely!
20:46.45[TK]D-Fenderthe question is were they set STATIC for the provisioning source
20:46.50[TK]D-FenderAnd if you thery weren't then your changing to another server and providing stock pack should have likely blown away the firmware already on it AND the settings along-with
20:46.51bdunnigcewieling: Already tried it several times before.  Was there last weekend.  Had someone try it earlier today (no longer there until 1pm tomorrow).
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20:47.09[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling: 350 miles away <----
20:47.25carrarCAn only do this if you are 362 miles away
20:47.35igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: sounds like he doesn't understand what is going on and so is going on a wild goose chase.
20:47.37bdunnOh… the provisioning source can be set to static.  Oh damn.  I was thinking if it is DHCP then it will all be DHCP.  I think that's probably the issue here.
20:48.00igcewielingbdunn: correct, and resetting the device settings on the phone would clear that info out.
20:48.02[TK]D-Fender[16:23][TK]D-Fenderdepends if the PROVISIONING source is specified by DHCP Options <---
20:48.32igcewielingcarrar: we call them "Tech" and they are dumber than a bag of rocks.
20:48.54bdunnigcewieling: Okay - then I still don't quite understand.  Resetting the settings on the phone using the menus isn't clearing it out.  Unless it is cleared during the BOOT menu access (which makes sense now - DUH).
20:49.24igcewielingbdunn: there are multiple types of settings you can clean using the phone menu.  Most of them do not clear out the provisioning server info
20:49.52igcewielingyou do not need to be in the boot menu to change the provisioning server.
20:50.04igcewielingmaybe in 10 old firmware, but nothing reasonably recent
20:50.07bdunnWhat's the easiest way to walk someone through that?
20:50.12igcewieling10 YEAR old firmware.
20:50.33[TK]D-Fender[16:22][TK]D-FenderIf you can't change your BootROM provisioning source nothign you do matters
20:50.39[TK]D-FenderIve already said it all
20:50.39igcewielingbdunn: (4:42:12 PM) igcewieling: bdunn: menu/Settings/Advanced/456/Admin Settings/Reset to Defaults and reset the device settings, then reset local config, then reset web config
20:50.40igcewieling(4:45:41 PM) igcewieling: resetting the device settings is the important one, that clears out the FTP server/user/pass info
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20:51.40carrarpacket capture the phones request at bootup, create fake network with the hardcode provistioning server ;)
20:51.50bdunnGot it.  Thanks a lot!
20:52.42bdunnWhile I have experts at hand - anyone have an opinion on FreePBX capabilities vs. Switchvox from Digium?
20:53.10carrarSwitchVox ++
20:53.19igcewielingAll GUIs suck.
20:53.26carrarexcept they keep changing the damn Diversion headers
20:53.41igcewielingcarrar: what do they do?
20:53.51carrar5.7 they just switched to tel:
20:53.54carrarwas sip:
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20:54.05igcewielingLOL!  Asterisk doesn't support tel: diversion headers.
20:54.38bdunnI like GUIs for a lot of things, but they can really get in the way if that's all you have.
20:54.42igcewielingchan_sip.c: Huh?  Not an RDNIS SIP header (tel:17189750600)?
20:55.11carrarI'm talking SIP Headers
20:55.12igcewielingI keep meaning to file a bug report, but I work around the issue in my AGI
20:55.15carrarnot some console output
20:55.31igcewielingcarrar: a SIP Divert header caused that message.
20:55.56carrarI don't understand your statement
20:55.57igcewielingwe do only SIP on that box.
20:56.43igcewielingcarrar: I'm saying it is funny that Switchvox uses tel: Divert headers and Asterisk doesn't even support that format of a Divert header.
20:56.51igcewielingcarrar: we, the company I work for
20:56.52carrarWell this is a "new feature" of 5.7 I guess
20:57.23carrarI guessing from the notes: "Blind transfer calls to external callers now have their caller ID set correctly."
20:57.29carrarit's related to that
20:58.11carrarCorrect Diverson headers for blind transfers from queues has been a issue
20:58.46carrarwas not expecting the uri to change like that
20:59.50carrarother then that
21:00.00carrarSwitchVox is nice
21:00.03carrar& pretty :)
21:00.27carrarbut also not free
21:00.54bdunnDefinitely not free.
21:01.24bdunnAnd with this level of support that doesn't seem to be there at all for two weekends in a row, I am not sure I want to deal with another one.
21:02.38carrarbdunn, your on switchvox?
21:03.08carrarwell you knew all that before going into it
21:03.24carrarbut I don't mind so much
21:03.28bdunnActually we purchase Gold support which is supposed to be 24/7 support from Digium.
21:03.40bdunnWith every SV… about 12 of them.
21:03.41carrarbeen working with the software since before Digium biught it
21:04.01carrarI blame Tristain
21:04.19*** join/#asterisk zemmali-voip (~zemmali@unaffiliated/zemmali-voip)
21:04.49carrarwe have every level
21:05.48carrarcurious to know what will come after Titanium
21:05.49bdunnDo you happen to have a secret to getting to Digium support on the weekends?  Any phone number I put in it tells me it isn't a valid phone number.
21:06.38carrarisn't gold m-f?
21:06.57carrarfor calling
21:07.10carrarI'd have to check their levels
21:07.18carrarI always just open a ticket via their web
21:07.25bdunnThey changed the names.
21:08.19carrarYou need to pay a additional $27,000 for Saturday support between 2-4pm
21:08.55igcewielingcarrar: that is more expensive per year than our Genband/Nextone service contract.
21:08.57bdunnI think I need to hire a phone guy.  :-)
21:09.20carrarone that is on site
21:09.29igcewielingbdunn: why?  nobody else does. 8-(
21:10.21carrarbdunn, so what level do you have?
21:10.24igcewieling"You need your IT person or IT vendor to check the network wiring."  "We don't have an IT person or IT vendor!"   "Well, I guess you're fucked."
21:10.28carrarand why can't you use the web portal?
21:10.44bdunnI am looking at the web portal now.  I've actually never needed support before.
21:11.28carrarYou'll need to have a login of course already setup :)
21:11.50carrarand attached to the regcode
21:12.15carrarBut I am sure the person who set this up did all that correctly for you :)
21:12.21bdunnOkay - so the web portal is the way to go.  Thanks again.
21:12.43carrargood luck
21:32.50*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
21:35.41KNERDGuss I wil try in this channel too..
21:36.08KNERDam doing a script and having a problem with this line: --> menuselect/menuselect --enable format_mp3 --enable LOW_MEMORY --enable-category MENUSELECT_CORE_SOUNDS --enable-category MENUSELECT_MOH --enable-category MENUSELECT_EXTRA_SOUNDS menuselect.makeopts
21:37.42KNERDthe options are not getting passed to menuselect
21:38.48*** join/#asterisk OneNarrowWay (
21:46.25igcewielingI use = don't know if it matters.  menuselect/menuselect --enable=format_mp3 --enable=cdr_mysql --disable=CORE-SOUNDS-EN-GSM --disable=MOH-OPSOUND-WAV
21:53.19igcewielingI also don't put menuselect.makeopts on the line, but I do run this before running menuselect: "make menuselect.makeopts"
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22:10.20lvlinuxanybody used welltech wellgate FXO interfaces?
22:11.33lvlinuxI'm trying to find the best FXO solution for this * installation. Only need one FXO.
22:12.06[TK]D-Fenderwhat kind of call usage?
22:12.16lvlinuxDon't know whether to go with an external gateway like the Welltech, Linksys/Sipura 3000, or a <cough> Cisco router as an FXO-SIP gateway (if you can do that :-)
22:13.17lvlinuxwhat do you mean by call usage? you mean volume?
22:14.13igcewielingyour best option for inexpensive 1 FXO may be a Linksys ATA
22:14.42lvlinuxwould that be better than a TDM card like X100p or TDM400?
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22:16.32lvlinuxI've searched and read a lot and most info out there is just basically "I use XXX and it works fine."
22:16.34igcewielingthere are no real X100Ps, they have not been manufactured in almost 10 years.   A TDM400P may or may not be stable, older ones are not.  A TDM40P will be a lot more expensive.
22:17.46lvlinuxAhh I wondered about that -- most say x100p compatible.
22:18.13lvlinuxI have a couple TDM400s. One installed in another system at a different location and it seems to work fine.
22:18.36igcewielingI don't think I'd get an X100P for my ex-wife and I'd happily put cyanide in her coffee.
22:18.55lvlinuxI installed another one here to test and it missed a lot of the callerid
22:19.37lvlinuxwell good I can eliminate that one lol... still left with the other options.
22:19.59igcewielingThe issue with older TDM400Ps is that they just stop recognizing incoming calls and don't work for outgoing calls.
22:20.41lvlinuxso you mean they have issues with age, or with newer drivers?
22:20.53igcewielingSo if you are buying one NEW you should be OK, but if you get one from ebay or other second hand source, then you could be in for issues .
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22:21.11igcewielinglvlinux: hardware issue, corrected at some point.
22:22.03lvlinuxahhh, i see. The 3 I have are all second-hand. I think one is actually a TDM410
22:22.18igcewielingWe stopped using Digium cards and switched to Sangoma before the hardware/design issues were resolved, never switched back.
22:23.19lvlinuxI have heard good things about Sangoma but never used them yet.
22:24.15KNERDigcewieling>: thanks I will try
22:24.54lvlinuxSo I still don't know whether an internal card or external gateway is best for just one line.
22:26.37lvlinuxI'm interested in reliability more than features.
22:27.05igcewielinglvlinux: if you were interested in reliability you would go with a PRI 8-|
22:27.45KNERDfor just a dial tone and old phoen for $10 a month
22:28.32lvlinuxlol well yes I guess so. But it's a small office w 1 PSTN FXO line so that's all I got to work with.
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22:31.01lvlinux"reliability" is one of those things that is always relative...
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22:32.57KNERDhow's this for reliability?
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22:33.26igcewielingMy, what big capacitors you've got!
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22:33.49KNERDof course!
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22:35.55lvlinuxhehe yeah those things keep working...
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22:38.00lvlinuxAny of you guys ever used Cisco->Asterisk stuff? (not SCCP phones) but something like I mentioned using a Cisco router as a pstn gateway?
22:38.23igcewielinglvlinux: long time ago, yes.
22:38.54igcewielingagain, more expensive than a SPA ATA and gives you little advantage
22:39.17*** join/#asterisk dxrt (~dxrt@unaffiliated/dxrt)
22:40.56lvlinuxwell I have several Cisco routers but no voice cards in them (I do Cisco networking), mostly lab type older routers--3600/2600/1700. Can't find a whole lot of info about doing non-Cisco stuff w them lol.
22:41.22lvlinuxCisco doesn't exactly provide howto's on how to use Asterisk with their stuff instead of Callmanager lol.
22:42.32lvlinuxBut I see FXO interfaces for them on eBay for about the same cost as an FXO ATA (some cheaper) so I was wondering if it would be worth it.
22:43.10lvlinuxCan't figure out if that would be all that is needed or if the internal AIM cards would be required too or if that is just callmanger specific?
22:45.12igcewielingyou also need DSP chips for the PSTN cards.
22:46.20lvlinuxoh, I thought that is what the AIM modules were---no?
22:47.36lvlinuxSo basically to be able to do what I wan't I'd have to outfit a router just like it were going to be used with Callmanager? Not just buy the FXO interfaces?
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