IRC log for #asterisk on 20130322

00:12.09*** join/#asterisk resist0r (resist0r@unaffiliated/mrresist0r)
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00:36.50*** join/#asterisk killown (~killown@pdpc/supporter/student/killown)
00:37.03killownwhat is better TDM400P or AEX410?
00:37.26WIMPyGoing digital.
00:39.06*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
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00:52.03*** join/#asterisk zemmali-voip (~zemmali@unaffiliated/zemmali-voip)
00:53.55*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
01:02.56*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:27.38zemmali-voiphi guys, please i need help to Installing FreePBX on Ubuntu 12.04
01:33.18*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
01:33.19*** join/#asterisk droemel (
01:33.33WIMPyWrong channel. Try #freepbx
01:35.31*** part/#asterisk ghost75 (
01:35.44zemmali-voipsorry WIMPy
01:37.26WIMPyNP, just telling you where to get help.
01:37.58zemmali-voipthanks for your help
01:42.24*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
02:29.10KNERDHow do I diabled the BUILD NATIVE in the MENUSELECT_CFLAGS category?
02:40.36*** join/#asterisk coppice (
02:50.16*** join/#asterisk Doozer_ (cbcebb1e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
02:56.41*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
02:58.30poseidonI'm going to be using asterisk ami to find out basic information for a call center (ie who is on a call, how long, if they put the person on hold, etc.)
02:59.24poseidonany suggestions for where to start with learning how to get this information.  I have found various pages, but I'm still losted in someo f the terminology.  ie ParkedCalls, I'm not sure want constitutes a "parked" call.
03:05.41infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
03:07.56KNERD~book @poseidon
03:08.17poseidon~book poseidon
03:08.19ChannelZA parked call is a call that has been put on hold in an Asterisk parking lot
03:08.55ChannelZA parking lot being somewhere you transfer a caller, and they get assigned a sequential extension where they can be picked up by someone else.
03:10.19*** join/#asterisk SlicerDicer (~SlicerDic@pdpc/supporter/monthlygold/slicerdicer)
03:11.01SlicerDicerif I have _800........ how do I prepend 1 to it? So I can make it be 1800foobard ultimate result
03:11.27ChannelZlike when you dial you want to add the 1?
03:11.47SlicerDicerI want it to add after
03:12.06ChannelZexten => _800XXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/something/1${EXTEN})
03:12.39SlicerDicerrgr thanks
03:13.24ChannelZadapt as necessary
03:16.38*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
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03:36.58*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
03:38.40infobotAMI is the Asterisk Manager Interface, a way to control an Asterisk server (and retrieve information) via a TCP/IP socket. More information is available at and
03:44.51*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
03:44.51*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
04:21.45andross_800NXXXXXX is a more precise match fwiw
04:52.03*** join/#asterisk radic (
04:55.00*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/thecardsmith)
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05:26.39*** join/#asterisk fetalbird (~frankgald@
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06:25.17igcewielingyou would be suprized how many people dial 8000 XXX XXXX
06:25.38*** part/#asterisk tm1000 (tm1000@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe70:fce6)
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06:50.15drmessanoOH NO, ALL THE CALLS
07:00.09*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
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07:34.09schmidtsgood morning
07:35.26*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
07:39.14*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
07:41.25*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
08:01.43*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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08:12.50*** join/#asterisk seik0 (3eb61f96@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:15.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:16.03seik0Hi, guys. I need some advice. We use asterisk very close to databases and use ODBC to connect to many databases (10 at the moment), some of which are a bit remote. If we lost connection to even one of those DB, then asterisk odbc engine hangs until connected or failed, not allowing to do any PBX action
08:18.26seik0Tried to use CURL to connect to applications connected to DB instead of immediate access to DB, but failed, because CURL is some kind not parallel, serial. Bug is published on bug-tracker
08:21.35seik0And one more thing: as I remember, ODBC queries are serial too int asterisk, m?
08:22.29seik0Seems everybody is sleeping now
08:22.40seik0so, i'll be back =)
08:31.28*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
08:32.36*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
08:35.34*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:35.42wdoekesseik0: queries and curl requests are only serial if called from the same thread
08:36.15*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:36.41wdoekeshowever, odbc queries do use mutexes since recently, so they can block each other, unless you use pooled (more than one) connections
08:37.46wdoekesbut.. incoming calls are generally handled by a single thread.. so if your query locks there, it would be "serial", as you say
08:38.36seik0wdoekes, wait a sec, i'll look for an issue
08:40.21seik0wdoekes, does this make sense: , or, possibly, i've lost something?
08:40.22LieutPants[ASTERISK-18708] [Status: Open] [Assigned: dcabot] func_curl hangs channel under load -
08:44.48wdoekesI'm probably wrong at 9:37.. every dialplan should get its own thread
08:45.10seik0so did i think )
08:45.42wdoekesin which case you'd be looking at locking issues in func_curl.. that should be easy enough to reproduce
08:47.00*** join/#asterisk threesome (
08:49.55wdoekesseik0: looking at your patch: I wonder why global_curl_info is locked during curl_easy_setopt
08:50.22wdoekesjust moving that up should fix your problem
08:52.12seik0it's not my issue )
08:52.16seik0not my patch
08:52.19seik0but i'
08:52.27seik0but i've tried it
08:52.36wdoekesdoes it do what you expect?
08:53.03*** join/#asterisk pbxbrian (~pbxbrian@unaffiliated/brian98)
08:55.06seik0it's not working at all, crashing asterisk, needs deeper insight to make it work
08:56.34wdoekescould you try what happens if you run everything from a local channel?
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08:57.02wdoekesi.e. from the incoming extension, do Dial(Local/s@the_real_context)
08:57.16wdoekesand run the curl stuff from [the_real_context] s,1
08:57.34seik0with patched func_curl?
08:57.39seik0or as is
08:57.53wdoekesif it crashes your stuff, then forget that patch
08:59.20seik0ok, i need some time, need to prepare some long-running func on app-side, others are faster
08:59.49seik0crashes, you mean? blocking?
09:00.18seik0or crashing at all, with lighting and fire?
09:00.45wdoekescrashes != blocks
09:00.51seik0ok =)
09:00.55wdoekesthings were already blocking for you, right?
09:01.27seik0but, why should it crash with unpatched func_curl?
09:03.45*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
09:05.32wdoekesnever mind that. are you setting CURLOPTs somewhere else than in during the normal call run?
09:06.35wdoekesI'm assuming you have a 5 line dialplan right now, trimmed down to show exactly the problem and nothing more?
09:07.46*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:08.00*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:08.27seik0i'm useing CURLOPT everytime before I make CURL
09:09.15seik0this is because withing the same run I need to make CURL-request with different access rights
09:09.40seik0of course, this may be eliminate due to bug
09:10.27seik0at least, may be tried to
09:11.49*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
09:12.21seik0now i have to use two different versions of asterisk (1.8.* and 1.4.*) and one of them does not accept http://user:pass@... authentification in curl request
09:13.30wdoekesI have no idea what you're saying
09:13.46wdoekestry what this does:
09:20.23seik0i'll try
09:21.39seik0to be clear, where else i cat set CURLOPT except during noraml call run?
09:22.04wdoekesthe possibility exists, and that's when globals start getting used, so you don't want that
09:24.13*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:24.20seik0i can set CURLOPT(userpwd) in [globals] section? Or what do you meen?
09:25.32*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:25.39seik0or... in fact, i'm really using something like Set(CURLOPT(userpwd)=${GLOBVAR1}:${GLOBVAR2})
09:26.26*** join/#asterisk srp_ (~sandeep@
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09:33.12*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
09:40.27*** join/#asterisk Chinorro (
09:40.34*** join/#asterisk Dibbler (
09:41.28*** join/#asterisk Curs0r (~Curs0r@unaffiliated/curs0r)
09:43.03Curs0rHello all. Hopefully simple predicament I find myself in here. I grabbed asterisk-gui from svn, made everything fine, configure checked config, everything looks perfect. Asterisk is responding on localhost:8088 but it isn't serving anything up at /gui/static/config/index.html
09:43.25WIMPyTry #asterisk-gui
09:43.35Curs0rd'oh! right you are
09:43.57Curs0rheh, that looks like a lively channel :)
09:44.49WIMPyI guess #freepbx is the only gui channel with at least a little activity.
09:44.50Curs0rAll links in the topic are 404 haha
09:45.42Curs0rI think I'll just abandon the crusade. Obviously just going to chase my tail for days on that one
09:51.17*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
09:52.25mirela666hello, is there any reason why would cdr_addaptive_odbc.conf configuration be killing *, so that it won't get back up
09:53.04*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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09:54.15*** join/#asterisk AlHafoudh (~alhafoudh@
09:54.17AlHafoudhhi all
09:54.46AlHafoudhwhat SIP softphone do you use for testing SIP connections and trunks? without "fancy" interface, just a lot of trace and debug
09:54.59*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:00.38*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:01.51*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:01.56wdoekesmirela666: you're not specific on what happens
10:02.17slicknick5181Hello, I have run into a problem with sound on the console chan_oss.c:489 setformat: Unable to re-open DSP device /dev/dsp: No such file or directory
10:02.45slicknick5181In fact there is no file of that name but how do I point the console at the correct device
10:03.08WIMPyWhat is the correct device?
10:03.23WIMPyThat looks as if you don;t have OSS with a working device.
10:03.53wdoekesslicknick5181:     ; Set the device to use for I/O
10:03.55slicknick5181Thats the other thing I don't know where to find my sound information, I'm on xubuntu 10.04
10:04.22slicknick5181wdoekes, But where do I point that
10:04.23WIMPyMaybe you want chan_alsa instead?
10:04.45slicknick5181WIMPy, I do use ALSA but idk how to change it from dsp
10:04.49slicknick5181i mean oss
10:06.09*** join/#asterisk gusto (
10:06.22mirela666wdoekes: I have TrixBox + Web-MeetMe and when I use cdr_Addaptive:
10:06.23mirela666connection=meetme ;Note that this matches res_odbc.conf
10:06.23mirela666Asterisk dies with 127 code
10:06.43mirela666wdoekes: when I comment that everything works ok
10:07.08WIMPyslicknick5181: As I said: Use chan_alsa instead of chan_oss.
10:08.04slicknick5181WIMPy, How do I switch over to chan_alsa I found both files
10:08.52*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:09.18mirela666wdoekes: ofcours last line in log is :
10:09.18mirela666[Mar 22 10:50:24] VERBOSE[4992] logger.c:   == Parsing '/etc/asterisk/cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf': [Mar 22 10:50:24] VERBOSE[4992] logger.c:   == Found
10:10.17wdoekesmirela666: fire up asterisk from gdb:
10:10.22wdoekes# sudo gdb
10:10.28wdoekes(gdb) run -c
10:10.41wdoekes$ sudo gdb `which asterisk`
10:10.43wdoekes... run -c
10:11.38mirela666wdoekes: no command gdb on that server, how will that help me, to trace error better?
10:12.27wdoekesif it crashes, you'll see why
10:12.42mirela666wdoekes: thx :)
10:13.25wdoekes(I suspect something in your generic odbc config though.. missing driver or something)
10:13.38wdoekes(did you test connecting to your db with isql?)
10:16.04*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:18.14mirela666isql: relocation error: /usr/lib/ symbol strmov, version libmysqlclient_15 not defined in file with link time reference
10:18.30mirela666i guess it is odbc issue
10:19.33slicknick5181I now appear to have lost my console all together
10:19.43slicknick5181even help shows no console commands
10:19.57slicknick5181and I cant find console in the modules to load
10:23.34*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
10:29.59srp_hi, I have installed asterisk-11.2.1 on ubuntu-32bit with ARA (mysql database via odbc). I am using Ekiga as my SIP client for making test calls. The problem is that ekiga (on ubuntu64bit system) gives a "Could not register (Transport error)" whenever I try to register to my Asterisk setup... where as everything works fine if ekiga is running on ubuntu32bit machine.. any ideas if this is a problem with Asterisk or Ekiga... (PS: Ekiga works fine for
10:31.09*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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11:18.09*** join/#asterisk brian98 (~brian98@unaffiliated/brian98)
11:23.25seik0wdoekes: ok, I tried call on local channel with original func_curl and with your patch. dialplan is simple CURLOPT(...) and CURL(...), where CURL just waits 30 seconds. With original func_curl CURL calls stacks in time (so +30 seconds every next call to wait until previous is done). With patched there were no any waits and calls were completed simulateniously
11:24.15seik0Shortly, patch works
11:24.21wdoekesseik0: and I assume you get the same results if you remove the local channel
11:24.53seik0it's harder to test on live channels with many calls
11:25.02seik0it's midday here
11:25.24seik0but yes, i think it will work
11:25.54seik0am i right, this patch already in asterisk code?
11:26.11wdoekesI'm missing a verb
11:27.56seik0what do you mean?
11:28.27wdoekesare you asking whether that patch is committed? it's not
11:31.44seik0yes, asking that. It's patch you've just made? Just unlock global list a bit earlier, so why it's not commited in issue with "Major" severity? Should be a reason
11:33.19wdoekesseik0: describe your findings on the bug report please
11:33.40brian98hi guys
11:33.50wdoekesI cannot answer off hand what the unlock does there that late
11:34.10brian98If I am currently using a free fax for asterisk licence do I need to purchase 1 to get 2 channels or 2 ?
11:36.28seik0wdoekes: ok, i'll do it
11:36.36srp_Hello, Assuming I have two registered users 'A' and 'B' with Asterisk 11.2.1, how do I make user 'A' call user 'B' with the url sip:B@<ap addr> rather than calling him on an extension configured in extensions.conf ?
11:37.00*** join/#asterisk iondream (
11:37.03srp_'A' and 'B' are SIP users ..
11:41.18*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
11:41.20WIMPysrp_: You can only call extensions. But you cann make extensions A and B, off ourse.
11:45.18srp_WIMPy: i'm using ARA (mysql) for loading sip users from db.. i need something like ekiga.. create an username and then we can make calls like how do i accomplish this in asterisk?
11:46.09*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
11:46.13WIMPyAs I said: Create extensions.
11:46.23WIMPyNoone says they have to be numerical.
11:48.39srp_WIMPy: instead of adding each extension in extension table for each user, can i match using a regex? like.. for all alphabetical extensions do this.. something like that..
11:49.18*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:49.30WIMPyYou can use patterns, yes. But if you want one letter extensions you need to be carefull, as there are special extensions in that area.
11:52.18*** join/#asterisk kuruption (
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11:55.07srp_WIMPy: but there is one problem.. say i want the users registered to my asterisk (lets call XYZ) to call some sip user from other service providers (say ABC)... now if a sip user of XYZ calls a sip user of ABC, the call ends abruptly with no answer.. why is this? any ways to solve this?
11:56.04WIMPyBecause they don't accept your call?
11:56.35WIMPyMost ITSPs will only accept calls from authenticated users.
11:57.25srp_WIMPy: nope.. for example, take this address ( mentioned on Tropo's homepage.. it works if i call with an ekiga account but not from a sip account from my asteisk setup...
11:58.10*** join/#asterisk sedeki (~textual@unaffiliated/sedeki)
11:58.20WIMPyDo you have somethin in your dialplan to match and route URIs?
11:58.29srp_WIMPy: the link where that sip address is mentioned is this,
11:58.55srp_WIMPy: but that would make it specific right?
11:59.37WIMPyYou could make a matchall and check for a "@" in the extension.
12:00.36WIMPySome phones will be able to do it themselves again if you create an empty account.
12:02.07*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
12:05.45srp_WIMPy: for that tropo address, when i call that address, does that hit my asterisk dialplan? because I tested it and its not matching for matchall at all!...
12:07.30*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:11.51WIMPyDepends on your phone.
12:19.58*** join/#asterisk benasse (
12:22.09seik0I compile patched version of module (saying,, unloads old one from running instance (module unload, replace old file with new one, make "module load" and asterisk crashes.
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12:32.32madhatt3rhello all
12:32.53madhatt3ri need to do a follow me across trunks but its not working
12:33.38madhatt3rlist is as follows: 101 (trunk A), 201 (trunk B), 202 (trunk B)
12:33.43madhatt3rnever reaches trunk B
12:36.02madhatt3rany tips?
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12:44.22[TK]D-Fendermadhatt3r, Show us what you're doing along with the actual call.
12:44.23infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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13:01.04madhatt3rtrunk A
13:01.30madhatt3rtrunk B
13:02.08madhatt3rbasically incoming call goes to IVR in A, then option 1 is selected (corresponds to extension in B)
13:02.30madhatt3rextension in B has a follow me that points to an extension in A
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13:09.41[TK]D-Fendermadhatt3r,  -- dialparties.agi: Filtered ARG3: 201-102-103 <- that's the hunt list
13:10.17madhatt3r201 is server B
13:10.21[TK]D-Fendermadhatt3r, it tried 201
13:10.23madhatt3r102 103 are in A
13:10.27[TK]D-Fenderfaile dafter 10s
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13:11.25madhatt3rwhy would it say no hunt members?
13:11.28[TK]D-FenderAnd determined nothing left to dial
13:11.37madhatt3rmaybe its the strategy
13:11.53madhatt3rfirst available i have it set
13:12.00madhatt3rwhich is kinda wrong now that i think
13:13.00[TK]D-FenderI think it's wrong you think you can include internal extensions from another server like that
13:13.26madhatt3ri tried with misc application and destination
13:13.35[TK]D-FenderShow us your follow-me
13:13.38madhatt3rbut didnt work so i went this other way using elastix
13:13.57[TK]D-Fendermadhatt3r, this is a server B problem
13:14.03[TK]D-FenderSCREEN SHOT <-------
13:14.13[TK]D-Fendershow us what you're dialing on that side
13:15.59madhatt3ri had it set to firstavailable, now just changed it to hunt, I also tried with
13:16.08madhatt3r# at the end of 102 and 103
13:16.11[TK]D-Fenderyou told server B to just hunt 2 extensions that aren't real extensions on that server
13:16.52[TK]D-Fenderif you want to use the TRUNK DIAL method to reach them you have to add a character to their entry
13:17.00[TK]D-Fenderread the tool-tip for this
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13:28.49madhatt3ri dont know where to find this tool tip
13:29.27[TK]D-Fendermadhatt3r, float your cursor over the underlined field name....
13:30.46madhatt3rwhich field name
13:30.51madhatt3rtrunk dial?
13:30.58madhatt3rfollow-me list?
13:31.00[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> if you want to use the TRUNK DIAL method to reach them you have to add a character to their entry
13:31.53madhatt3rworking now
13:32.18madhatt3rhad tried that one before but had the wrong strategy
13:32.25*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
13:32.32eXcAliBuRhello, how do do
13:32.53[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Try a  toilet
13:33.26*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
13:34.11eXcAliBuRi'ma play with SLA today
13:35.30infobothmm... wglwat is well, good luck with all that
13:38.14*** join/#asterisk skirmisha (~vk@
13:38.19skirmishahi guys
13:38.56infoboti heard ty is thank you, or cobb -- a baseball player
13:38.57skirmishahow can i check whether device state is working properly? On some extension BLF is not working and i am trying to understand why
13:39.10eXcAliBuRi learn quickly
13:39.12skirmishai have tigase server where all asterisk servers connect to
13:39.26skirmishai can see the servers in buddy list
13:39.30[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, What are you looking to use it with?
13:39.39skirmishaany ideas where to check
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13:39.54eXcAliBuRI want to share my analog lines so people can see when they are in use
13:39.56[TK]D-Fenderskirmisha, "core show hints"
13:40.04*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:29e7:b75f:6641:5a1a)
13:40.10[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, On what phones?
13:40.23eXcAliBuRbest phone in the world, Digium
13:40.36eXcAliBuRdo I get points for saying that
13:40.46[TK]D-FenderWith somebody possibly...
13:42.05[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, You could just use basic hints on the channels without going through th rest of the "SLA" process
13:42.12skirmishai have show hints
13:42.30skirmishait shows everything, but when ext dial it does not update the status
13:42.48skirmishabasically can you tell me what watchers means in above output?
13:45.17*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
13:47.20eXcAliBuRwill just sit here idle, revving occasionaly
13:49.11srp_I am planning to buy an analog FXO/FXS card.. but when I looked up the vendor sites I see additional prices for modules. What are these modules and do i require them? My requirement is an analog TDM 2 port FXO card...
13:49.45*** part/#asterisk gonewage (
13:50.50[TK]D-Fendersrp_, the cards are MODULAR and support different kinds of ports.  The card itself is the backing but you still need to buy the specific modules for the combination YOU want
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13:55.41srp_[TK]D-Fender: so the card is just like a thing to plug in modules is it?
13:56.21srp_[TK]D-Fender: so for 2 port fxo, i need two fxo modules?
13:56.42[TK]D-Fenderthe high-densitycards can use 4-port modules
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13:57.49srp_[TK]D-Fender: I looked up this thing ( which is the cheapest of the lot. does it have modules or just the card? how do i find out?
13:59.06[TK]D-Fenderjust the card
13:59.34[TK]D-FenderAnd X100's are flakey as far as callerid reliability, etc go
13:59.43_Corey_oooh, they come with a hologram so you know they're genuine though....  ;)
13:59.44[TK]D-FenderRemeber that ...
13:59.49infobotygwypf is, like, You Get What You Pay For.  If the sole factor in your decision to purchase a product or service is that it's cheaper than everything else out there, don't be surprised if it's also worse in every other respect than everything else out there.
14:00.14srp_[TK]D-Fender: :) so, i need to buy a module seperately to work with this right? :-|
14:00.31[TK]D-Fendersrp_, no, that card is an INDEPENDENT 1-port card
14:01.15srp_[TK]D-Fender: and one more thing on my mind.. it says it supports zaptel.. i wonder if i'll be able to use it with asterisk-11.2.1 which has dahdi...
14:02.27[TK]D-FenderBut still the X100-type cards are the bottom of the food chain
14:03.07srp_[TK]D-Fender: ya.. i understand.. this is only for experimentation.. so i'm choosing the cheapest one.. :)
14:03.35[TK]D-Fendersrp_, What is your end goal?
14:04.20srp_[TK]D-Fender: I'm working on a academic project based on asterisk.. so want to use it for that.. for prototyping and basic usage...
14:04.46[TK]D-FenderDoes it require it being a PCI card?
14:05.11[TK]D-FenderWhat are the parameters of the project and what do you think you'd be doing outside of this specific project?
14:05.50srp_[TK]D-Fender: PCI.. ah.. no.. I thought this was the default thing.. just plug it to the PCI port and configure is what i thought..
14:06.19[TK]D-Fendersrp_, Ok, answer the rest...
14:06.58srp_[TK]D-Fender: parameters are that, i'm supposed to build a pbx with asterisk and freepbx and add / delete / configure extensions... have some basic ivr and voicemail options for the user...
14:07.28srp_[TK]D-Fender: and using ARA with mysql
14:08.45*** join/#asterisk evil-man (
14:09.34*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@
14:10.06srp_[TK]D-Fender: I hope this card will help me do all the above.. right?
14:10.09[TK]D-Fendersrp_, Linksys SPA-3102 <-
14:10.20[TK]D-Fenderthat'll give you 1 FXO, and 1 FXS on the device
14:10.35srp_[TK]D-Fender: checking it..
14:10.37[TK]D-Fenderand you won't need DAHDI.  It will use SIP to talk to *
14:11.22[TK]D-Fendersrp_, also, FreePBX does not use ARA.  Those ideas are not compatible
14:11.40[TK]D-FenderAnd is a terrible test of "learning something"
14:13.28*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
14:13.42jeffspeffanybody here use opennms?
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14:14.02srp_[TK]D-Fender: but I need to connect my asterisk setup to a PSTN telephone line finally.. to make outbound calls from sip phones to normal telephones.. I think its not possible in that Linksys device right?
14:16.07srp_[TK]D-Fender: oh.. that linksys device has a FXO.. so i can connect it to telephone lines.. :)
14:18.21*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:18.53[TK]D-Fendersrp_, one PHONE, one LINE
14:20.39srp_[TK]D-Fender: but if i have a PRI line (instead of a normal telephone line), then I can have more than one continuous active channels with just one FXO port right?
14:21.03[TK]D-Fendersrp_, correct
14:21.16[TK]D-Fendersrp_, but normal people don't have those.  The cost is considerable
14:21.39[TK]D-Fendersrp_, the service as well as the hardware
14:22.01*** join/#asterisk Rhomber (
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14:41.36eXcAliBuRi feel slightly un smart :(
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14:42.29srp_[TK]D-Fender: I checked out the entire specs of that Linksys device.. its amazing.. I have a doubt.. why do more people prefer the cards (digium/sangoma/etc.) instead of such Linksys voice gateway that you just showed me..
14:46.35[TK]D-Fendersrp_, this device isn't great either but it has 2 ports, doesn't require DAHDI (more installation options), doesn't have to physically install in the server, etc.  I still wouldn't runa company on it for FXO, but it's a question of fitting the need
14:46.51[TK]D-Fendersrp_, if I wanted a real card for a bunch of lines I'd go for a quality card
14:48.24srp_[TK]D-Fender: sounds reasonable :) Thanks for the help... you made my day :D
14:53.23[TK]D-Fendersrp_, You're welcome
14:53.57*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
14:53.58[TK]D-Fendersrp_, side-benefit : the linksys box is commidty gear you'll probably get faster & easier in regular distribution channels
14:54.47*** join/#asterisk chatran (~chatran_@
14:55.07chatrani have an problem
14:55.17chatranwith pap2t
14:55.23chatranbehind adsl modem
14:55.48chatranwhen i call i can listen them and them do not listen me ?
14:56.01chatranits firewall of modem ?
14:56.03jeev?? nat
14:56.05infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
14:56.24*** join/#asterisk aliban (~aliban@
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14:56.31igcewielingDoes anyone know what this might mean? chan_sip.c:20897 handle_response_invite: Re-invite to non-existing call leg on other UA. SIP dialog '085d0db44e8e04a50cd659ed06bdf8a7@'. Giving up.
14:59.24Greenlightigcewieling: I see those from time to time. Asterisk sometimes goes a little crazy with it's SIP messages (from looking at a capture), esepcially it allowing REINVITES
15:00.30GreenlightIf you do a packet capture, and then lookup the call in the capture, you'll probably see the craziness I speak of
15:01.37igcewielingok then, how to I stop Asterisk from going crazy? 8-)
15:01.58GreenlightDo you allow directmedia?
15:02.09igcewielingHonestly, we've had no end of problems after upgrading to Asterisk 1.8
15:02.12igcewielingGreenlight: yes.
15:02.37igcewielingbecause none of our endpoints are behind NAT and CPU usage is significant if we disable reinvites
15:02.40Curs0rDespite my strong self-advice not to do so, I stayed up all night and whipped asterisk-gui into submission :) The deed is done
15:05.08[TK]D-FenderCurs0r, Add our strong advice to your own :)
15:05.54Curs0r[TK]D-Fender, it was one of thos personal vendetta, can't let the software win type things
15:07.09[TK]D-FenderCurs0r, Even when it works... you still lose :)
15:07.43Curs0rI had fun, and it works. Seems like a win to me.
15:09.25[TK]D-FenderCurs0r, That's just how insidious it is!  You get more entrenched and then you NEVER get out!
15:09.59Curs0rIndeed, asterisk is at once the most confusing and joyfully esoteric thing I've played with in server-land in a long time
15:10.36*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
15:11.02eXcAliBuRthats a big word
15:14.08Greenlightigcewieling: Disabling directmedia sorted it for us. I'm guessing there are some bugs in the SIP handling otherwise.
15:14.54Greenlightigcewieling: In terms of CPU load, it did increase but it's nothing crazy
15:15.17igcewielingGreenlight: how many calls do you handle at the same time?
15:16.44GreenlightWe've even ran that through a VPS before, no issues
15:17.01GreenlightCurrently, though, it runs on an ESXi guest
15:18.26GreenlightYou'll want to ensure the codecs etc all match, and it'll do p2p bridging, the packets dont even hit asterisk core
15:19.56igcewielingwe are very careful about codecs
15:21.07igcewieling700 calls with media going through Asterisk on one server??
15:23.10GreenlightPeak, yea. Generally we're sitting in the 400-500 region
15:24.14GreenlightIf it's working correctly, you should see it mention p2p bridging in the logs (debug?)
15:25.15GreenlightI was actually only going to carry the media temporarily as a fix to the types of errors you saw, until I could sort more permenantly, but since it worked so well we've stuck with it
15:26.24GreenlightI think local bridging covers both core and p2p bridging , from the last time I looked at that bit of code
15:27.04igcewielingwould be nice if the message indicated which it did.
15:27.49Greenlightiirc there's a massive "if" block in the code, which I refer to as the "stars aligning", if all that's okay, then it'll p2p bridge
15:28.17igcewielingwe expect to have to disable directmedia when we get rid of our RTP proxy anyway (because of carrier routing policies) but I'd still like it to work until then
15:29.14igcewielingwe are putting a 3rd server into our Asterisk cluster -- I'll feel better when we have it deployed
15:29.17GreenlightEnable debug and see if you can spot anything; we definetly had it display in the CLI somehow
15:30.22GreenlightWhat sort of CPU load are you seeing, and how many calls ?
15:31.26igcewielingI don't quite understand CPU load in a multi-CPU enviroment, but Asterisk takes about 30% of CPU at around 100 calls.
15:31.37igcewieling16 CPU box
15:32.05GreenlightYea, that sounds okay. 30% is nothing. That with directmedia disabled ?
15:32.35GreenlightYou're "maxxed out" load is 1600%
15:32.55GreenlightWell, unless you're hyper-threaded
15:35.26jmetro1600%... huh
15:36.33Greenlight100% is only 1 core
15:36.40ccherrettcan anyone point me to an example extentions.conf file using a sangoma card? or does sangoma even matter once the card is configured and working, does it just use something like g0?
15:36.45GreenlightPresuming you're going by CPU% in top
15:37.46GreenlightFor example I've an 8 core box and asterisk process on there sits around 170-250%
15:37.50eXcAliBuRmy voicemail gets to the part" the person at extension ### is unavailable" then it hangs up
15:38.29eXcAliBuRand i gets things like this: [Mar 22 11:41:49] NOTICE[1421]: chan_sip.c:25975 handle_request_subscribe: Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: 255
15:38.47eXcAliBuRbut i added it in my voicemail.conf
15:39.01ccherrettwhen I call the box I see: [Mar 22 09:33:50] WARNING[4702][C-0000000e]: pbx.c:6390 __ast_pbx_run: Channel 'DAHDI/4-1' sent to invalid extension but no invalid handler: context,exten,priority=from-zaptel,s,1
15:39.14ccherrettI can use the CLI to place a call
15:39.23ccherrettto an external phone line
15:39.54ccherrettso I am done to configuring my card in asterisk
15:40.03ccherrettjust don't know where to start
15:43.57jmetroattach something and dial it?
15:44.18kaldemarccherrett: the fact that you use a sangoma card is irrelevant. your warning already tells you that you should have exten s in context from-zaptel.
15:44.38eXcAliBuR can someone have a looksee at that and let me know whats wrong?
15:44.49jeffspeffanybody here use opennms? i'm having some troubles getting it to work with asterisk.
15:44.57ghost75someone has experience with bluetooth pstn gateway ?
15:47.47[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, We don't know what you expect or why... so nothing looks blatantly wrong there to us
15:48.27[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, For your Vm question... devices aren't supposed to subscribe for it... you're supposed to define the box in your peer
15:51.23*** join/#asterisk Xserver (~Xserver@
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15:53.33eXcAliBuRi can't leave a message
15:53.38eXcAliBuRit hangs up on me
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15:57.25Xserverany suggestion for a billing package for asterisk ?
15:57.30Xserverastpp or vbilling ?
15:57.41Xserveror anything similar ?
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16:08.51F41LHey all, question for ye... who do you use as a SIP trunk provider? I am working to move over to voip, and having a hard time finding a sip trunk provider that seems good quality and for a decent price. I was wondering if you all had any insight you'd be willing to share.
16:09.19infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
16:09.23F41LMy first choice -looks- like it would be broadvox.
16:09.43carrarWhere are you at?
16:09.57infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
16:10.18F41LI looked at broadvox, but was also interested in didlogic, but they.. being a telephony company, don't have a telephone number to speak with a sales rep?
16:10.52carrarWhat kind of call volume?
16:11.15F41Lalso, carrar, I was looking for opinions on them moreso, not just a listy-list :3 But I appreciate the response.
16:11.25F41Lat most 4 concurrent calls, and 1 fax
16:11.41carrarSo you want to ensure your itsp supports t38
16:12.42carrarI don't have any expirence with the above formentioned ITSP's
16:13.03F41Lwell, who -do- you have experience with? :)
16:13.13carrarI'm a itsp :)
16:13.25carrarin seattle
16:13.52F41Lheh :_
16:17.33*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
16:20.32Xservercheck with geils
16:20.37Xserverthey offer unlimited sip trunks
16:21.25F41LDo you have any experience with their call quality and reliability, by chance?
16:21.45*** join/#asterisk awilliams (mistik1@unaffiliated/mistik1)
16:22.01XserverNope ... unfortunately they do not serve my requirement of dialer traffic ..
16:22.36igcewielinggets the garlic and holy water
16:23.03jmetroi dont think garlic water would taste very good.
16:23.13F41Lthey have garlic ice cream
16:23.18F41Lthat tastes fine.
16:23.22igcewielingjmetro: they are for the eyes of the telemarketers
16:23.28XserverYep ... 60% of my clients are using auto-dialers
16:23.33alibantalking about sip provideres
16:23.45igcewielingWow, that is an amazing concentration of PURE EVIL.
16:24.10jmetroimagine , only one company has to be affected to get rid of all those telemarketers
16:24.31alibanany advice on a sip provider on UK?
16:24.34igcewielingjmetro: *nod*
16:26.24Xserverseriously .... dialer traffic is indeed evil
16:29.40Xserveranyone had any luck with vbilling or astpp ?
16:30.27Xserveror similar applications ?
16:31.36*** join/#asterisk kesselklopfer79 (
16:32.06igcewielingwe import the wholesaler CDRs directly into our billing system so we don't worry about billing from Asterisk CDRs
16:32.27ghost75when using nat=no, allowguest=no and no ports are forwarded on router, is it still possible that asterisk can be "hacked" ?
16:33.05igcewielingghost75: all in alwaysauthreject=yes
16:33.36ghost75how the system can be reached from outside?
16:34.38ghost75alwaysauthreject is sending always same error i think
16:36.58igcewielingghost75: what exactly are you trying to do?
16:37.16igcewielingif you simply want to prevent access, then use iptables
16:39.26*** join/#asterisk benasse (
16:39.57ghost75i want to know if this would be hackable
16:40.08*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:40.18igcewielingghost75: there is no way to know about bugs discovered in the future
16:40.36ghost75more like the usual kiddie hackers
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17:01.27chatrani did put my pap2t behind an modem adsl... i put it on dmz host but still people not listen me, but i listen them.
17:01.53chatranmy asterisk have no firewall its ip on internet directly
17:02.24chatranany ideia what is happen?
17:02.40igcewielingchatran: "its ip on internet directly" and "i put it on dmz host" are incompatible statements.
17:02.56igcewielingchatran: make sure you have directmedia=no
17:02.58[TK]D-FenderChampi, You should not DMZ your client side and you did not configfure your peers right on * for them to work from behind NAT
17:03.19[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, Server is public.  PAP is behind NAT
17:03.23*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
17:03.26[TK]D-Fender(and DMZ'd)
17:03.31saint_hi alllll !
17:04.07igcewielingIt is a little known fact that "DMZ" stands for "Destroy My callZ"
17:04.54*** join/#asterisk edong23 (
17:05.51chatranigcewieling asterisk have internet ip no firewall... pap2t is behind modem adsl
17:06.13chatrani did try put port redirect too.. still no work
17:06.21igcewielingchatran: you have one of the easiest and most common setups.
17:06.32igcewielingchatran: it won't work right if you forward ports.
17:06.46igcewielingso stop forwarding ports, stop putting the PAP in the DMZ
17:06.48chatranyes !!! but not work !!! and im dont know why... maybe becose protocol
17:06.59KNERDIs mpg123 needed anymore  for since asterisk 11?
17:07.03igcewielingchatran: do you have directmedia=no?
17:07.14chatranigcewieling let me see
17:07.25chatranon asterisk ?
17:07.29chatransip.conf ?
17:07.29igcewielingchatran: the fact it doesn't work likely has NOTHING WHATSOEVER to do with port forwwarding
17:07.33igcewielingchatran: correct
17:07.56malcolmdKNERD: mpg123 is needed if you're playing back mp3 files for moh
17:08.07KNERDgroovy, and thanks
17:08.40[TK]D-Fenderchatran, Fix your peers.  you peer settings are wrong for the phones.
17:09.43chatrancan i past here ?
17:09.49infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:10.14chatranis 4 lines  :(
17:10.58chatranlook my config
17:11.02chatranon sip.conf
17:11.17chatrani did put what you say, still no work
17:11.24igcewielingthat is a template
17:11.31GreenlightWhat's in [general] ?
17:12.02igcewielingI bet he is using port and bindport or bindip
17:12.20chatranin general ?
17:12.32GreenlightOr has a route that tries to be "SIP aware"
17:13.00GreenlightThey should all be burned, horrid devices those SIP ALG routers
17:13.19chatranGreenlight :) pap2t ?
17:13.51saint_can someone recommend a good sip wireless phone ?
17:14.09[TK]D-Fenderchatran, that is only HALF of your peer config and you are missing bits
17:14.13igcewielingsaint_: Kirk wireless from Polycom
17:14.34*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
17:14.41igcewielingor if you are a cheap SOB and ATA with a standard cordless phone
17:15.24chatran[TK]D-Fender half ? missing what ?
17:15.33Greenlightchatran: Not sure what the default if not specifcied is, but you should at least define "nat=force_rport,comedia" and "externip="
17:15.44saint_igcewieling: nah, I'm looking for a full sip solution..
17:16.56chatranGreenlight ok i put
17:16.59igcewielingGreenlight: his server is not begind nat, so externip is not needed
17:17.01chatranlets test
17:17.21chatrani think my problem is the modem
17:17.26igcewielingchatran: have you read ANYTHING on line about Asteisk and NAT?     Doesn't look like it.  If you had you would put nat=yes in your config
17:17.29chatranbecose i have same config on other modem
17:17.34[TK]D-Fenderchatran, ...
17:17.39igcewielingchatran: you can't know that until you actually have a correct config
17:17.41Greenlightnat=yes is depreached iirc
17:17.45[TK]D-Fenderchatran, You showed us only a TEMPLATE that holds HALF of your settings.
17:17.47igcewielingGreenlight: I don't care.
17:18.03saint_any other recommendation than polycom ..?
17:18.12igcewielingGreenlight: especially since nat=yes may be partially broken in Asterisk 11
17:18.17chatran[TK]D-Fender its not a template :) is my config and it works well behind other modems
17:18.26[TK]D-Fendersaint_, Ok, what doesn't Polycom do for you?
17:18.29chatrani will test again
17:18.37Greenlightigcewieling: nat=yes should not be used from what the CLI groans at you if you use it
17:18.57[TK]D-Fenderchatran, Half the options are NOT there
17:19.02saint_[TK]D-Fender: nothing.. i just like to have more than one option ..
17:19.03[TK]D-Fenderchatran, because as-is it is broken
17:19.04chatranthe best is dmz or port forward ?
17:19.17Greenlightchatran: Neither
17:19.22GreenlightYou shouldn't need either
17:19.23KNERDWhere are the docs on the CONFIGURE file so I can set the correct CPU? I am just not seeing them.
17:19.25chatrannat = port forward
17:19.40igcewielingchatran: NO!  NAT != PORT FORWARD
17:19.44chatranthan how i redirect on modem ?
17:19.57igcewielingchatran: when you port forward you prevent Asterisk from fixing up the packets so they work with NAT
17:20.00chatrani have port trigger too
17:20.08Greenlightturn all that crap off
17:20.12[TK]D-Fenderchatran, No forwarding at all of any kind
17:20.21GreenlightThen, as we've been saying, fix your settings.
17:20.23[TK]D-Fenderchatran, And show us your COMPLETE peer settings for both of them
17:20.27igcewielingchatran: the outbound packet from the endpoint to asterisk will open a port forward in NAT just like it does with HTTP and every other protocol you use.
17:20.36chatranhow i will came out to internet if not using nat ?
17:20.40saint_igcewieling: what kirk model of the polycom 3040, 4020, 4040, 5020, 5040
17:20.45GreenlightYou WILL use NAT
17:20.51igcewielingchatran: same way a web browser gets to the internet
17:20.54GreenlightWe never said not to use NAT
17:20.58igcewielingsaint_: no idea.
17:21.16igcewielingsaint_: check the prices and proceed from there.
17:21.27chatranok its nat ... on modem is: redirect ports
17:22.06chatranon modem have this option
17:22.07GreenlightPort redirection should not be neccissary
17:22.13igcewielingI give up.  chatran I wish you the best of luck, but until you can start following instructions it is unlikely you'll get this working.
17:22.20*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
17:22.32chatranig got mad
17:22.49GreenlightYea, cause you're not listening
17:22.56chatranim trying
17:23.10chatranis 2/3 people writing at same time
17:23.39chatranso, on modem i dont need port redirect ( nat / DNAT ) to inside my lan ?
17:23.49chatranjust nat to out ?
17:24.12chatranok, removed
17:24.15GreenlightNo port redirection, no DMZ. Just normal settings.
17:24.17saint_when i look for kirk, i end up on this page .. their web site sucks
17:24.27GreenlightIf you can access the internet, then that should work.
17:24.36chatranok, lets test
17:24.42GreenlightNow, go fix your settings on Asterisk
17:24.49Greenlight*then* you can test
17:26.29eXcAliBuRi'm back
17:26.36eXcAliBuRi had sushi for lunch
17:26.41eXcAliBuRis happy
17:26.50chatraneXcAliBuR :(~)
17:27.00chatranGreenlight is working normal
17:27.04chatranon other places
17:27.19Greenlightchatran: What do you mean ?
17:27.33chatrani have SAME config behind other modem
17:27.38eXcAliBuRnow for my voicemail problem, it says the person at extension... bit then hangs up
17:27.47Greenlightchatran: Then, it's your modem
17:27.49chatranits modem or pap2t the problem but...
17:27.52eXcAliBuRwhere to start
17:28.11chatranits an tp-link / td 8810
17:29.55eXcAliBuRautofallthrough = yes/no ... right now it's at yes... is that normal?
17:33.28eXcAliBuRnow it just times out
17:35.56chatran[Mar 22 14:34:10] WARNING[18991]: channel.c:5128 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from 0x100 (g729) to 0x8 (alaw)
17:36.17chatraneXcAliBuR i dont know
17:36.57GreenlightYou're using g729 at one side and alaw at the other, and don't have the ability to transcode (you need a license)
17:36.59[TK]D-Fenderchatran, codec failure
17:37.10saint_Is there a way to use the Dial command with the p option (privacy) to make a phone ring 10 sec, play a message to the caller , then ring the phone again ?
17:37.17chatran[TK]D-Fender its not failure becose is WORKING
17:37.24saint_when I do that, if I pick up at the first time and hang up, the phone rings right away again
17:37.26chatranbut still give this message
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17:38.50chatrani think this is becose pap2t is trying all modules
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17:40.37chatranim upgrading the asterisk, on other asterisk have g729 with no license working
17:40.44chatrani dont know how
17:40.47chatranbut have :)
17:42.49chatranGreenlight and this: 14:41:10:287  ERROR: No Open LogicalChannels - Failed FindLogicalChannelByChannelNo (incoming, ooh323c_3
17:42.51saint_[TK]D-Fender: so beside teh $450 sip polycom, do you have any other brand you would recommend, slightly cheaper ?
17:44.41jmetrosaint_ why not Dial the number for 10 sec, background the sound file, then dial again
17:46.31saint_jmetro: that is what i do. my issue is that if i pickup the first 10 sec, chose 2 in the privacy (to send to voicemail), then hangup , the phone rings again right away
17:47.50jmetrohm.. show us the console output
17:48.12saint_gimme a sec
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17:53.30saint_jmetro: you don t see anything interesting in the console, you still want it ? You see the Dial, the Background, and the Dial again.
17:53.55saint_which is what it is somehow supposed to do
17:53.56jmetrowhen you press 2 on the privacy menu, it doesnt do anything?
17:54.19saint_instead of sendine me to voicemail, it plays the Background , then goes to the next action which is the Dial
17:54.28saint_if I remove the background and dial , then it goes to voicemail
17:54.49jmetroand do you have same = > n,voicemail(ext) after the background and dial?
17:55.20saint_hold on, let me past my extendion.conf
17:55.44jmetroput the console output in there too
17:55.52*** join/#asterisk areski (
17:56.46kresp0chatran, please read this:
17:57.12kresp0i guess that it will help you more than any other reading right now
17:57.12saint_jmetro: and I think i just understood by looking again at the source what is going on
17:57.28saint_I think when you press 2 to send to voicemail, you have a DIALSTATUS that comes back, and depending on that, you can do whatever you want.
17:57.57saint_I am going to add a Message to print the dial status just before the background, and see if I can make it work this way
17:59.09kresp0chatran, about your codec warning: just remove g729 from sip.conf
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18:09.41saint_jmetro: it won t work
18:09.51saint_jmetro: because if i do not answer, I have a NOANSWE status
18:10.07saint_and if I pick up and want to send to voicemail, I have the same status
18:10.24saint_my goal was that if I did not pickup up, it would try again
18:11.59jmetroso it gives noanswer both ways.
18:12.14jmetroand the console output doesnt say anything about when you pick up?
18:12.35saint_no biggies
18:12.44jmetrowrite your own privacy then
18:12.50saint_i had asterisk call my cell phone  and i wanted to break it and try again so it did not go in my cell phone voicemail
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18:13.33jmetrowrite a confirmation AA that the callee hears
18:14.01saint_i ll work on that later. gotta go to real work. thanks for the hint.
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18:49.42chatrankresp0 pap2t have some protocols
18:49.54chatranwhat i do to work ? i put alaw there
18:49.58chatranits ok?
18:57.25kresp0alaw is ok
18:57.32chatran[Mar 22 15:56:39] WARNING[21134]: channel.c:5128 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from 0x100 (g729) to 0x4 (ulaw)
18:57.33chatran[Mar 22 15:56:39] WARNING[21134]: channel.c:5128 set_format: Unable to find a codec translation path from 0x100 (g729) to 0x8 (alaw)
18:57.49chatrani have another interface voip
18:58.07chatranand i did not put on sip.conf to allow
18:58.29chatranis just this on sip.conf
19:00.51eXcAliBuRcan I have 1 power supply at 120volt and the second one at 240 volt in the same server?
19:02.12chatranis your font bivolt ?
19:02.24chatrannormaly have and switch to change the voltage
19:02.49chatranif have switch i think yes
19:03.16kresp0wrong channel eXcAliBuR. Also: why? and: do you have 240v and 120v power supply on the same building?
19:03.53kresp0If you do, I guess it could work. But I really doubt that
19:04.00malcolmdyeah, that'd be weird.  it's also weird not to have auto-switching power supplies in a server.
19:06.33eXcAliBuRwell the power supplys are auto sensing
19:06.51eXcAliBuRwe need to change the UPS and want to power crit servers with an extension cord from a wall outlet
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19:08.58crazed1has Originate been removed from AMI? Whats the way to do it now, i don't see originate the ast 11 command reference
19:09.33[TK]D-Fendercrazed1, "channel originate <tab>"
19:09.46[TK]D-Fendercrazed1, read the UPGRADE.TXT for the versions you've passed over
19:12.11crazed1Thx, yea i was just realizing i could do action: command, then what you said
19:12.27crazed1i will rtfm some more ;)
19:13.37crazed1can you pass channe lvariables with the channel originate comand?
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19:23.03jmetrocrazed1: i beleive the correct method is to originate to a testing dialplan that will pass the variables for you
19:23.35[TK]D-Fendercrazed1, No
19:23.44[TK]D-Fendercrazed1, AMI & call-files can
19:28.27KNERDWhere are the docs on the CONFIGURE file so I can set the correct CPU flags for the correct type of CPU? I am just not seeing them.  typing "./configure --help" only shows the options, not the CPU flags
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20:05.57gundyAnyone here using XO's ESIP near the Denver area?
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20:15.42gundyNever mind all. I got the confirmation I needed. They're down.
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21:27.28gtTunawhat are people using for ATAs these days?
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21:38.41gtTunais the Cisco SPA112 any good?
21:42.37kresp0gtTuna: I'm using ATAs on cheap setups
21:43.20gtTunayeah, we don't use many of them...but sometimes we have to throw one in for a low volume fax machine or something
21:43.49gtTunaand we've finally run out of PAP2T in our stock
21:50.18*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
21:51.12drmessanoI still have some PAP2 v1's I really need to ebay
21:57.22Kattydrmessano: inspire me to brave the upsairs
21:57.29Kattydrmessano: where the miniture human is.
21:58.59drmessanoThat sounds like something out of 50 shades
22:08.10*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
22:11.49KNERDSince when is Asterisk using PJSIP?
22:15.22jmetroThe SPA 112 is pretty good, we use it all the time
22:15.32jmetroterrible web interface like any cisco, but it works.
22:15.51KNERDsoon? I am compiling the most current version and I saw some messages about PJSIP in it
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22:44.27fabiobikhello guys, its possible to making a huawei internet modem a gsm gateway?
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23:10.15lorsungcugundy: ESIP still down for you?
23:10.38gundylorsungcu: no, we're back up.
23:11.00lorsungcuwas down in MN around 4PM as well.
23:11.33gundylorsungcu: how long?
23:11.53lorsungcunot sure, everyone went home, and i dont keep track of it..
23:11.56gundyThis was about 1:00 to 2:00 pm MST.
23:12.00lorsungcufew hours
23:12.07lorsungcuwas down yesterday as well
23:12.13lorsungcuits XO
23:12.21gundymight be the same issue.
23:12.25gundyIt's killing us.
23:12.26lorsungcutheir SLA is actually for downtime
23:12.34lorsungcuguaranteed to not work 99% of the time
23:12.45gundyHow often do you go down?
23:13.26lorsungcunever gotten proactive alerts from them about it, either
23:13.37lorsungcualways need to call in/open tickets to get them to admit to anything
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23:13.57lorsungcui'm the PBX vendor; everything is blamed on me until i can get confirmation from XO
23:14.08gundyis not feeling hopeful about the future.
23:14.16lorsungcudid you just sign up?
23:14.40lorsungcuwe've got another customer mving to it this month.  i am not looking forwrad to it.
23:14.49gundyNo, we've been with them on and off. This is for a new client who is *very* sensitive to downtime.
23:15.06lorsungcuyeah bad choice, then
23:15.16lorsungcuwe have less downtime with flowroute than we do with them
23:15.17gundylorsungcu: what do you use with them? OpenSIPS, Asterisk, FreeSWITCH?
23:15.42gundyAny interop issues?
23:16.00lorsungcuyeah, their caller ID shit is a mess
23:16.19lorsungcuand i do not interop with their support department well at all
23:16.49gundyThat's the first laugh I've had all day, thanks!
23:19.11lorsungcuwe've also got customers using E&M with XO
23:19.19lorsungcutheres almost no support at all for that
23:19.33lorsungcui go with almost anyone else before using them
23:19.44lorsungcuespecially for the money they're asking for
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