IRC log for #asterisk on 20130321

00:12.08*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
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00:28.18*** part/#asterisk Petchaw (~Pascal@
00:49.20*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/thecardsmith)
00:50.59*** join/#asterisk koffel (
00:51.18koffelhow can i block attacks on my asterisk box
00:52.40WIMPyDisconnect from the internet.
00:54.56koffelbesides that
01:04.10Carlos_PHX_We use Fail2Ban with great success.
01:06.37koffeli tried fail2ban
01:06.43koffeland they do call from
01:06.46*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:12.55koffelcarlos here my log
01:26.35resist0rkoffel: iptables might be a start
01:37.47*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
01:43.21*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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01:44.53*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
01:45.20*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:48.57*** join/#asterisk Kobaz (
02:07.50deoguys good day, how do we change the record file name in asterisk? the files that are in /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/xxxxxxxx.wav
02:08.23deoi need to rename it to whatever extension it is, and if its outgoing call or incoming call.. any ideas? thanks
02:09.17*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
02:13.15*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
02:14.27ChannelZHow are you recording?
02:14.43ChannelZMonitor and MixMonitor let you specify the base filename, you can put whatever you want in that
02:18.17Kattyoh it's too late for asterisk stuffs.
02:18.26KattyChannelZ: you should be eating cookies and drinking beer.
02:19.45ChannelZI just finished a Drumstick if that counts
02:19.58Kattythat's a start.
02:20.46Kattyi'm plotting garlic parmesan wings next week. should be tasty.
02:27.04deoChannelZ: thanks for the tip.. ill try that..
02:45.49*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
02:47.02carrargarlic wtf
02:47.13carrargarlic ftw
02:47.46Kattyboth legit statements.
02:47.50Kattydepending on the recipe.
02:50.53*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
02:53.07carrarthe problem with garlic
02:53.14carraris that it doesn't aggregate RSS feeds
02:59.05*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
03:08.48*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
03:14.26*** part/#asterisk gonewage (
03:16.14*** join/#asterisk JamKo (
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03:38.05deoguys, is it possible to modify the call recording format to use the real name instead of extension number?
03:43.27navaismoae you using a GUI to do that?
04:10.51*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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07:52.50*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
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08:26.17*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:32.23ChannelZWow. Almost 5 hours and not a peep out of anyone. Rare.
08:33.07*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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09:29.34*** join/#asterisk sedeki (~textual@unaffiliated/sedeki)
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10:14.21sedekii'm trying to send an AGI command to the server. is this correct? "DIAL SIP/VoIPProvider/###,150" where ### is a telephone number
10:32.15GreenlightHmm....45gig logfile... guess Asterisk doesn't auto rotate then
10:32.55*** join/#asterisk DarkKnightCZ (~lukas@2001:718:1001:110:a017:6b32:24ce:8f02)
10:33.36DarkKnightCZhi, i've just installed asterisk in debian, enabled http in http.conf, but when i try to access localhost:8088, it throws 403 error... if i enable static content, it throws 404, any ideas?
10:40.13wdoekesDarkKnightCZ:         sprintf(path, "%s/static-http/%s", ast_config_AST_DATA_DIR, uri);
10:41.01DarkKnightCZyeeah, static-http is empty :)
10:41.43wdoekesuri is also empty, so that should be fine.. but it it stat'able by the asterisk-user?
10:42.28DarkKnightCZhow do i check that? i've created testing user "admin" in manager.d/admin.conf
10:42.41wdoekesis asterisk running as root?
10:42.49DarkKnightCZit should
10:43.38wdoekesand you have /var/lib/asterisk/static-http? put dummy.txt there and try to access localhost:8088/dummy.txt
10:44.17wdoekes.. because if it's a directory, you'll get a 404 again ;)
10:44.44DarkKnightCZstatic-http is directory, but it is in /usr/share/asterisk (debian)
10:46.06wdoekessee datadir in asterisk.conf
10:46.17wdoekesand see redirect = / /static/config/index.html in http.conf
10:46.36DarkKnightCZhmm, http show status shows only /httpstatus, /phoneprov/, /static (which works), redirect is all right
10:47.57DarkKnightCZdatadir is /usr/share/asterisk, so it should be ok... but normal user doesnt have enough permissions to access /static
10:50.54DarkKnightCZwdoekes: you can check it remotely, what it does -
10:51.03*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
10:51.35DarkKnightCZat that server, there is clean install, only thing edited is http.conf set to enabled and binding to
10:52.52wdoekesis there a config/index.html then?
10:53.40DarkKnightCZnope... in /usr/share/asterisk is only conf folder with bunch of sample files
10:54.00wdoekesok.. so you expect index.html to be served out of thin air?
10:54.40DarkKnightCZwell, i don't know, i thought there would be some sample web admin
10:56.16wdoekesin my default asterisk there are some sample files in static-http (not index.html, but mantest.html for instance)
10:56.37wdoekesif there are no files, you won't get anything.. that should speak for itself
10:57.00DarkKnightCZyeeah, so wrong debian package then :)
11:00.22*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
11:01.14wdoekesDarkKnightCZ: don't overestimate what you can do with the sample files. if you're looking for something to administer your asterisk config with, you're going to be disappointed
11:10.09*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
11:14.02*** join/#asterisk DarkKnightCZ (~lukas@2001:718:1001:110:6a5d:43ff:fe39:2308)
11:14.52DarkKnightCZok, so there is no default asterisk frontend, right?
11:15.39filethere isn't
11:16.08DarkKnightCZso, any recommendations?
11:24.36sedekii'm using AGI. i've set it up to play some music. i have to make three calls to it before it plays music
11:28.47sedekiasterisk says it is playing music but it isn't
11:31.50wdoekes12:01 < wdoekes> DarkKnightCZ: don't overestimate what you can do with the sample files. if you're looking for something to administer your asterisk config with, you're going to be disappointed
11:31.55infobotgui is, like, (Graphical User Interface) Any system that uses graphics to represent the functions of a program. All Windows operating systems are GUI. or point-and-drool, double-click, drag-and-drop, such as  Of course Real Programmers use the command line interface.  See cli
11:32.05infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
11:32.12infobothmm... asterisknow is based on Asterisk, but is difficult to support in #asterisk for a number of reasons.  Please seek support in #asterisknow instead.
11:32.15infobotelastix is probably a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
11:32.34*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:32.48DarkKnightCZwdoekes: yes, i know, but i'm making school project, so gui should be enough to do with :)
11:33.05wdoekesthat's fine.
11:33.13wdoekesbut then you're in the wrong channel :)
11:33.37DarkKnightCZyes :) so #freepbx... i didn't know it wasnt part of asterisk :) thanks
11:36.32*** part/#asterisk DarkKnightCZ (~lukas@2001:718:1001:110:6a5d:43ff:fe39:2308)
11:36.41kaldemarsedeki: use pastebin to show what really happens. enable verbosity and agi debug.
11:37.31*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
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11:58.41*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
12:03.00*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
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12:27.05*** join/#asterisk elico (
12:27.49*** join/#asterisk Rumbles (
12:29.56RumblesHi guys, do you know how I can check whether jitter buffer is being enforced on a particular call? I believe it is set up correctly, but I'm seeing latency spikes and the EU is reporting call quality issues
12:34.44*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:36.50*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
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13:16.32igcewielingRumbles: the jitter buffer is not usually needed since endpoints dejitter.  Is there a specific reason you are looking at the JB?
13:16.56igcewielingRumbles: you might be able to find the info in "core show channel <channelname>"
13:18.51*** join/#asterisk chris_n (~Chris@koha/developer/chris-n)
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13:23.06*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
13:23.22eXcAliBuRlooks around silently
13:23.44eXcAliBuRlets talk about sound for a second
13:24.13eXcAliBuRi have audacity and I recorded a nice line from google translate, because I like how it sounds.
13:24.19eXcAliBuRtried to export as gsm, didn't work
13:24.26eXcAliBuRwav doesn't work either
13:24.47eXcAliBuRwhen I say doesnt work, asterisk screams at me
13:25.01eXcAliBuRhow are others doing their sound?
13:25.31mirela666eXcAliBuR: single channell 8000 sample rate 8k hz
13:26.19mirela666I do them row/headerless .alaw formt
13:26.53eXcAliBuRi think i need plugins
13:27.41mirela666which version of Audacity you have
13:30.08mirela666cool, so you change project rate to 8000 in bottom left corner
13:30.52[TK]D-FenderNo, leave the project at it's best and change your EXPORT settings
13:31.08mirela666record and export file as raw/headerless
13:31.24mirela666ok, probably better
13:31.55[TK]D-Fendermirela666, and GSM 6.10 wave is a good choice (.wav)
13:32.02mirela666encoding alaw or gsm (6.10)
13:32.03eXcAliBuRi don't see raw option
13:32.06[TK]D-Fendermirela666, make sure it's NAMED ".wav"
13:32.35mirela666header > raw
13:32.46Rumblesthanks igcewieling, the latency on the sip device is going from 50ms at good times up to 300ms at bad times, meaning they are reporting choppy calls
13:33.07eXcAliBuRok found it
13:33.12*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
13:33.21mirela666[TK]D-Fender: is it better than alaw?
13:33.34[TK]D-Fendermirela666, No, but it should work.
13:33.36eXcAliBuRhas a extension of .raw now
13:33.39eXcAliBuRis that ok?
13:33.42mirela666[TK]D-Fender: oki
13:33.51[TK]D-Fender* processes based on the extension
13:34.36mirela666eXcAliBuR: if you chose gsm give it wav, if you chose alaw give it .alaw
13:36.00mirela666alaw files are played directly and wav is copied to .slim and then played by Asterisk
13:36.05mirela666I think
13:36.24eXcAliBuRit played in super slow motion
13:38.20mirela666eXcAliBuR: ok, try with project rate of 8000 and see if it;s ok
13:40.52eXcAliBuRbut still slow
13:47.01eXcAliBuRall better
13:47.11eXcAliBuRi had to resample it
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13:58.41*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
13:58.48eXcAliBuRcrashed my laptop
14:00.43eXcAliBuRnew question, i made a folder fr in the sound folder because i have french also.  how do i tell asterisk to look there?
14:00.51eXcAliBuRor it's only 1 folder
14:00.53eXcAliBuRn not two?
14:01.02eXcAliBuRi'll just use one
14:03.25*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
14:05.53eXcAliBuRhmmm my client said I make them sound handicap :(
14:06.57GreenlightHmm Asterisk deadlocked again. This time I've got full debug loggin, and DONT_OPTIMISE set in the backtrace
14:07.36*** join/#asterisk garymc (
14:09.01filegrab what you did before, and trim the log down to where it looks like stuff went funky
14:10.13GreenlightSo you don't want all 15gigs of the log :)
14:10.21fileI *could*
14:10.26fileif you have a place to put it, that is
14:11.32GreenlightYea, sure I can stick it somewhere. I'll see what I can trim down first, but it's likely going to be over the limits of pastebin.
14:12.23*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-altfjxbmfijpsekq)
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14:12.48GreenlightMind giveing me the IP you'll be accessign from so I can allow through to where I'll dump the logs etc ?
14:13.07fileIPv4 I assume?
14:13.30GreenlightOk - give me 5 mins - again, thanks :)
14:13.59*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
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14:16.45*** join/#asterisk apocn (~apo@unaffiliated/apocn)
14:18.22apocnHello all, I have this simple scenario. What can I use to make it work? (I've tried with a sip proxy without success):
14:20.33GreenlightBacktrace @ : Still working on the logfile.
14:22.16GreenlightWow audiohook.c: is quite spammy in the logs
14:22.21[TK]D-Fenderapocn, Port forward the appropriate ports.  Tell * your WAN IP.  Set the peers to NOT allow re-invites.  DONE
14:29.04*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
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14:32.05*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (~corey@
14:36.15*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
14:36.24GreenlightMost of the log appears to be filled with this: Is that of any relevance, and if not is there a fancy way to trim it out?
14:38.44Rumblesigcewieling, I don't see any info in the "core show channel SIP/......." output about jitter buffer, do you know if that should produce jitter buffer info?
14:39.10*** part/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
14:40.41fileGreenlight, you can trim it out
14:43.26*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
14:45.24igcewielingRumbles: jitter buffers are used so seldom with Asterisk I don't know for sure.
14:45.48igcewielingRumbles: do you have reinvites disabled?
14:46.41GreenlightOkay, down to 2gigs for the last 1 1/2 hrs prior to deadlock
14:47.04*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
14:49.50*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
14:51.16igcewielingFound what appears to be a bug in Adtran media GWs.    We use SRV records for load balancing, but we also had two IP addresses set up on the A record for the hostname (sans the _sip._udp).   The adtrans were updating the A record DURING a call and using the NEW IP for new SIP packets on existing calls.  Hilarity ensues (for negative values of hilarity)
14:57.43Rumblescanreinvite is set to no igcewieling, we are using FreePBX on the system, and it is set in there for Jitter Buffer to be forced on, but we're still seeing voice issues, so I wanted to ensure his calls were using jitter buffer
15:11.27*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
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15:16.54apocn[TK]D-Fender, it worked and now I'm registered. But RTP won't go through. I did DNAT to the rtpstart - rtpend ports as well.
15:17.19*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
15:17.53[TK]D-Fenderapocn, Show us your configs masking only passwords
15:17.56infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
15:18.08[TK]D-Fendersip.conf <-
15:18.27[TK]D-Fender[general ] + peers, and the SIP DEBUG for a failed call
15:19.03*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
15:20.41ruben231hi guys any idea how to completely remove dahdi..? on my asterisk server
15:22.55ruben231dahdi_test -------------->Opened pseudo dahdi interface, measuring accuracy... 4.693% 4.689% 4.688% 4.689% 4.691% 4.689% 4.689% 4.690% <----------------seems issue coz with working install it dispplay 99.9%99%
15:23.01ruben231any idea guys..?
15:25.12ruben231dahdi_test ------>Opened pseudo dahdi interface, measuring accuracy...99.606% 99.613% 99.449% 99.643% 99.433% 99.614%  <--------------working value (no audio issue)
15:26.21*** join/#asterisk glaz (
15:27.01WIMPyRemove it or jsut don't use it.
15:27.22glaznow that I've upgrade asterisk from 1.4 to 11, I seem to have a hard time googling for config examples. I'm trying to configure CDR, I've read that CDR mysql is now native, any place I could find a write up for this?
15:28.18Qwellglaz: You read incorrectly.
15:28.33apocn[TK]D-Fender, it worked after I put nat=yes in my sip.confÂ… thanks a lot for your help
15:29.02glazQwell: any place I should look to setup mysql CDR for asterisk 11?
15:29.35ruben231WIMPy: how do i completely remove it..?
15:29.42*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
15:29.47Qwellglaz: Don't use MySQL CDRs.  Use cdr_odbc, or one of the others.
15:29.57ruben231so i can install lower version of dahdi to amke it work somehow
15:30.00glazwill it write to a mysql table?
15:30.10WIMPyruben231: How did you install it?
15:30.34Greenlightfile: Sorry my pc decided that opening that logfile would hard crash it /sigh Windows sometimes infuriates me. Did I miss anything?
15:30.42filenothing yet
15:32.12navaismoglaz,  check the 5th result
15:32.26glazI did that already
15:33.15*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
15:34.12glazSeems like odbc can write to a MSSQL, trying to find if it can write to a MySQL
15:34.35fileit can.
15:34.36navaismoyes you can use ODBC or deprecated cdr_mysql
15:34.58glazUsing MySQL for CDR records is supported by using ODBC and the cdr_adaptive_odbc module (depends on res_odbc).
15:35.48navaismonow search with odbc mysql asterisk
15:36.22navaismoone result ---> is not responding to me
15:36.50glazoh now it is, nvmd.
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15:48.28glaznow comes packages conflits
15:48.52glazthis write up tells me to install unixodbc, libmyodbc and iodbc
15:49.09glaziodbc wont work with libmyodbc, it now requires libmyodbc2
15:49.20glazand unixodbc wont work with libmyodbc2
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16:00.52igcewielingglaz: Distro?
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16:52.50linociscohello all
16:53.12glazigcewieling: sorry I was at lunch, let met very, iirc ubuntu 12.04 LTS
16:53.31glazigcewieling: yes, Ubuntu 12.04.2 LTS
16:54.04igcewielingah, sorry, can't help with that distro
16:55.21glazigcewieling: I think I'm screwed.
16:55.35glazcan I use the obsolete cdr_mysql addon ?
16:56.55*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
16:57.56linociscohi all, I am to configure IVR for bus/Airplan schedule. Management want to put annoucement mp3 files themselves. How can I just create simple folder so that they can put easily?
16:59.21navaismoglaz yes you can
16:59.22igcewielinglinocisco: you do not want to do that.   Convert your files to a format Asterisk support nativly
16:59.38navaismolinocisco, use samba
17:00.22linociscoigcewieling, whatever file format, it doesnt matter. I would like to know where to create which folder and how to give file path
17:00.31linociscoso that they can access easily
17:01.28WIMPyThat's not an Asterisk question.
17:01.43igcewielingCreate a folder in /home/sounds and run Playback(/home/sounds/thesoundfilename)
17:02.01igcewielingThe rest is a Linux question
17:02.14linociscoigcewieling, thanks bro
17:02.15glaznavaismo: ok, but in make menuconfig the option seems disabled, it shows xxx, I can't select it
17:02.54WIMPyglaz: And at the bottom it tells you why.
17:03.10glazreally? didn't see that, let me check
17:03.26linociscoigcewieling, how can we make sure that inserted new audio file is updated or annouced real time without having to stop functioning of running asterisk?
17:05.08WIMPyIt just happens. The downside is that you might get side effects when updating a file while it's playing.
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17:06.33glazit says depending on mysqlclient
17:06.35glazI have it installed
17:06.56linociscoWIMPy, how can I avoid?
17:07.16*** part/#asterisk gonewage (
17:07.40igcewielinglinocisco: it is avoid automatically internally by Asterisk
17:08.07WIMPyHow could Asterisk do that?
17:08.13linociscoigcewieling, so no need to shutdown asterisk? goood
17:08.33igcewielingWIMPy: In Linux when you have a file open and it is deleted, the application won't see it gone until the file is closed.
17:08.37igcewielinglinocisco: correct.
17:08.59igcewielingif you are overly paranoid then upload to a temp folder on the same filesystem and the mv the files to the correct location
17:09.16WIMPyYes, but if you update an existing file that's a different matter.
17:09.29igcewielingah, I see your point.
17:10.08WIMPyThat's the safe way, yes.
17:11.49glazmeh, I just realised I don't have mysql.h, I need to install libmysqlclient-dev
17:12.52igcewielinglinocisco: NONE of this is Asterisk specific.
17:12.56infobotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
17:13.30infobotDocumentation can be found at or or or or
17:20.48glazigcewieling, navaismo: it works, thank you.
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17:52.04eXcAliBuRi'm back
17:52.08eXcAliBuRbut i don't need support
17:52.11eXcAliBuRjust came to chill
17:52.15eXcAliBuRi'm nice like that
17:57.03ChannelZLet's get drunk and screw!
17:57.29ChannelZI mean, good afternoon
18:14.28eXcAliBuRI know this is so like 1990's but ChannelZ: asl ?
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18:32.17GreenlightAnyone else in UK got internet connectivity issues as of a few moments ago ?
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18:44.11glazafter using Dial() with the Fg option (continue dialplan execution after caller/callee hangs up), I lose the variable I've set, is there a way to keep it?
18:47.16[TK]D-Fenderg only continues on CALLEE hanging up
18:47.35glazand F on caller, right?
18:48.06glazso if I put both it should continue whomever hangsup right?
18:48.09[TK]D-FenderWhere do you see this documented?
18:49.03[TK]D-Fenderglaz, that other channel has INHERITED variables.
18:49.09[TK]D-Fendernot the original names
18:49.16[TK]D-FenderRead up on your inheritance basics
18:49.24glazAll I want to do is UnPauseQueueMember() on the caller interface
18:49.52glazbut I can't do UnPauseQueueMember(,SIP/${CDR(src)})
18:50.02[TK]D-Fenderperhaps you could back things up a bit and show us the bigger picture...
18:50.04glazsince the CDR(src) becomes the callee
18:50.20glazok, let me pastebin that
18:52.54glazif I use ${UNPAUSEID}), the variable is unset, if I use ${CDR(src)}, like I do to pause the member, the variable becomes the callee number
18:55.58[TK]D-Fenderglaz, foget BOTH options and just use "h" <-
18:56.08[TK]D-FenderYou are gdoing it the hard way...
18:57.30glazh - Allow the called party to hang up by sending the DTMF sequence defined for disconnect in features.conf.
18:57.46glazoh you mean exten h ?
18:58.23glazLet me try this
18:58.31glazh per context, right ?
19:01.22glazit works, thanks [TK]D-Fender
19:01.56[TK]D-Fenderglaz, You're welcome
19:03.40glazI was really doing it the wrong way.
19:03.48glazexten => h,1,UnpauseQueueMember(,SIP/${CDR(src)})
19:03.59glazoops, oh well, this worked
19:04.45glazor should I use ${CALLERID(dnid)} ?
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19:31.58poseidonWhen I do a wget for action login, with '--save-cookies cookies.txt' I get authentication accepted.  However, when I go to do action=ping, using that same cookie, I get 'Message: Authentication Required'
19:34.16*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
19:34.17poseidonI am following directly from
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19:41.56glaz[TK]D-Fender: it's affecting all the dialplan though the h exten, I have some context that I don't want exten h to be executed, any idea?
19:42.05*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (~AkkerKid@
19:42.26[TK]D-Fenderglaz, Change your context
19:42.40[TK]D-Fenderglaz, you should already know your sense of scope...
19:42.42glazit affects other context too
19:43.23glazmy exten h is in my [outbound-local] context, and calls placed in [office] context are also affected
19:43.49[TK]D-Fenderpay attention to where you put it...
19:44.05poseidon9Any idea why it would be authenticating at first, then failing when I ping?
19:44.11glazyou mean context including other context?
19:45.42glaz[TK]D-Fender: I guess you're trying to point me to my error but I can't see it
19:46.49*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
19:47.47[TK]D-Fenderglaz, You are using INCLUDES and have forgotten how the seaerch path goes
19:48.11[TK]D-Fenderglaz, When you hit your dialplan match... jump to a context that ISN'T INCLUDE-d to do your dirty-work
19:48.43glazI'm trying to understand what you're saying, as english isn't my first languag
19:49.43glazso just jump, hangup() and h from this context will be executed?
19:51.10igcewielinggenerally extensions in your current context are matched before the same extension in include =>'d contexts
19:51.24igcewielingthink about that for a few mins and you may see the light
19:52.09glazThat I know
19:52.36glazbut the sip devices sit in a context including a lot of contextes
19:53.10glazaaaah, I see the light !!
19:53.31[TK]D-FenderAnd fix the var reference up top
20:22.17*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
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20:28.17poseidonAnyone here use asterisk ami via http?
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20:29.35killowncould anyone recommend a good cost/benefit fxo/fxs card?
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20:31.26igcewielingthe main benefit to using FXS and FXO cards is the idiot network admin (who may feel threatended by an IP PBX) doesn't have to be involved.
20:31.36igcewielingat least in my experience. 8-|
20:32.52igcewielingposeidon: is there a reason you want to do AMI over HTTP,  AJAX GUI or something like that?
20:33.30poseidonigcewieling: yes, for that reason.
20:34.49igcewielingposeidon: in my experience it is better/easier/more well known to do an ajax call to a script which uses a normal AMI connection.  Doing it directly with AJAX/JSON just makes stuff really complicated.
20:35.10*** join/#asterisk zemmali-voip (~zemmali-v@unaffiliated/zemmali-voip)
20:39.06infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:39.44*** join/#asterisk iondream (
20:40.00iondreamafternoon gentlemen
20:40.33leedm777poseidon: there was a presentation about AMI over HTTP at AstriCon last year.
20:42.30killownAEX410 is fine?
20:42.51igcewielingkillown: I am personally prefer Sangoma
20:43.10igcewielingkillown: price out SPA phones, they might not be much more expensive.
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21:43.52linociscohow  can I shutdown asterisk from asterisk CLI mode and quit to linux CLI?
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21:44.35[TK]D-Fenderclarify "asterisk CLI mode"
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21:45.40linocisco[TK]D-Fender, I am in *CLI> mode and want to gracefully shutdown asterisk and return to linux CLI to shutdown linux properly
21:46.05[TK]D-FenderHow did you GET there?
21:46.37linocisco[TK]D-Fender, It is my first installation as per
21:47.17[TK]D-FenderlinHow did YOU just get to * CLI?
21:47.27[TK]D-FenderWhat command did you do precisely
21:48.29*** join/#asterisk dxrt (~dxrt@unaffiliated/dxrt)
21:48.30linocisco[TK]D-Fender, I think "/etc/init.d/asterisk start"
21:48.43[TK]D-Fenderthat didn't get you to CLI
21:48.46[TK]D-Fenderthat starts * as a daemon
21:49.06linocisco[TK]D-Fender, and then asterisk -rvvv
21:49.10[TK]D-FenderAt which point the assumption is that you did "asterisk -r" to CONNECT to it
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21:49.39[TK]D-Fenderso do "exit" to get back to CLI and "/etc/init.d/asterisk stop"
21:49.49linocisco[TK]D-Fender, thanks
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21:58.27ariel_hello folks
22:00.30ariel_I have a strange issue which maybe a simple way to fix it.  I normally don't set a bindport = or port= setting.  I have a sip provider that is sending me traffic on ports 5061 to 5064, but I can't seem get this to work. Asterisk 1.8.8 I have tried port=5060-5964 but it fails if I put port=5062 when it's send from the on 5062 it works.. any ideas on how to
22:00.31ariel_fix this?
22:02.05*** join/#asterisk sipman (
22:03.21[TK]D-Fenderport is a PEER/USER option and is for outbound comms.
22:03.30[TK]D-Fenderbindpeer is the * listening port
22:03.42[TK]D-Fenderand is one port only, not a range.
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22:04.53Tim_Toadyu can redirect the traffic on specific ports using iptables, but it will be a bit ulgy
22:05.28ariel_[TK]D-Fender: ok how can I allow for a range ports to listen too?
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22:07.33[TK]D-Fenderariel_: nothing in Asterisk
22:07.40[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Other proxy software
22:07.49[TK]D-Fenderariel_: Prepare to gang-pile layers
22:07.59[TK]D-FenderWINTER IS COMING
22:08.43drmessanoThis is the Winter of your discount tent
22:09.14[TK]D-FenderCHEAP TENTS!
22:09.26[TK]D-Fenderand homonyms!
22:14.05*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
22:16.25ruben231hi guys..can i ask how do i reduces the number of channels on my asterisk currently its running 13 and wanted to reduce to 2 only
22:16.45ruben231im using voip
22:17.37[TK]D-FenderBe more vague!  Come back and don't remind us you're using VoIP!
22:18.30[TK]D-FenderWant to reduce channels?  HANG UP. :)
22:18.53igcewielingruben231: search for "call-limit" on
22:19.39igcewielingnavaismo: vague or ESL (or both)?
22:20.29navaismocall-limit isnt deprecated?
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22:37.18carrarnom nom melonpan
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22:40.39igcewielingnavaismo: teaching him GROUP() and GROUP_COUNT() is more than I want to commit to at the moment.
22:45.04navaismodont you love the deprecated in asterisk still working like my cdr_mysql
22:45.25newtonrcall-limit is deprecated
22:46.41newtonrsip.conf says to use group counters
22:47.49newtonrsomehow missed igcewieling's comment
22:51.12newtonrruben231: what igcewieling said
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