IRC log for #asterisk on 20130320

00:00.07*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
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01:04.02*** join/#asterisk slicknick5181 (~slicknick@
01:04.38slicknick5181I found a wake up call script online and I was wondering who could help me with a little caller id problem the code apparently has
01:08.16[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: [Mar 19 21:00:08] WARNING[12809]: pbx.c:3877 func_args: Can't find trailing parenthesis for function 'CALLERID(nu'? <--- what do YOU think this should have referenced?
01:08.32[TK]D-FenderLooks a little short....
01:08.36slicknick5181Well I checked that Let me paste my code
01:08.41[TK]D-Fender"core show function CALLERID"
01:09.56[TK]D-FenderTake a close look at the syntax and your code...
01:09.57slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, I did that and it shows all the CALLERID info
01:10.01*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:10.14[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: Your CLI shows things have been chopped....
01:11.25slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, It looked a little short so I checked the code to see if in fact I forgot the n in num and I didn't
01:12.19[TK]D-Fenderslicknick5181: Looks like an escaping issue
01:13.02slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, what do you mean?
01:13.29*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:13.43[TK]D-Fenderthat you have a ) in your function call and didn't escape it properly
01:16.19slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, I couldn't find anything that would disable the correct capture of the caller id
01:16.28*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:20.36slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, Maybe I'm miss understanding
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01:27.07*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
01:27.51slicknick5181[TK]D-Fender, I'm very lost on what to do here all my other CALLERID settings I have in different parts of the dialplan work fine
01:28.58[TK]D-FenderYes, but this is a system call and things need escaping
01:29.09[TK]D-FenderAnyway keep at it, I've got to head out for a bit
01:29.17slicknick5181ok Thank you
01:31.18*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
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01:58.40*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
02:10.07poseidonAnyone know of a php api which uses the asterisk http ami?  I just want to grab simple information such as extensions on a call, how long, if it is inbound/outbound/transfer, etc
02:39.49*** join/#asterisk bigDoggy (brads@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe70:f0a9)
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02:49.06slicknick5181poseidon, This channel has much better times I've found mornings are better I am in estern time
02:54.13poseidonI am eastern time as well
02:54.22poseidonI just generally work at night because I have school in the morning
02:58.54*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
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03:03.53lorsungcusup yo
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03:17.02bigDoggyis it easier to configure and IVR on freepbx via the gui? I am looking at the /extensions_additional.conf going 'yuck'. Never played with freepbx, only asterisk.
03:17.27ChannelZ"easier" is a relative point of view
03:18.03ChannelZIt's easier in that it's clicky-clicky, but perhaps not easier to make it do exactly what you want it to do.
03:18.38bigDoggyanything hancoded isn't going to necessarily reflect in the gui, will it..?
03:19.07ChannelZdunno, I don't use FPBX
03:19.48ChannelZI'll guess no.
03:20.30slicknick5181If you start using the .conf files you must keep track of it yourself for the most part
03:21.45bigDoggyguis are the scurge of satan.
03:41.24*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
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04:10.50*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
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05:03.27drmessanoI'm playing around with using the iptables recent module to (possibly) limit sip attacks.. Found a forum post on it, but I am concerned about only matching based on IP address and not IP source port
05:03.38drmessanoAny IPTABLES gurus around?
05:06.35ChannelZNot sure about guru but hit me
05:07.04androsswell requests could come from any source port
05:07.54ChannelZyeah don't you mean destination port (you)?
05:08.59drmessanoMy concern is that, suppose I set a hitcount of -recheck -second 60 and a hitcount of 5.   If I have 5 phones with multiple extensions that decide to reregister after the internet has been down for 2 hours at a remote location.  Won't that be much greater than 5 from 1 IP?
05:09.26drmessano(If we're purely going by IP and not the source port)
05:11.26carrarYou could block on file not found too
05:11.43carraror things like that
05:11.53carrarif they are polling their configs
05:12.05ChannelZwell in that case yes I suppose you'd have to hardcode all the source ports to differentiate them, assuming they don't change.  But if you know their IP, why not just whitelist them completely?
05:12.17androssseems weird to filter traffic from a location that you have control over tho
05:12.36androsslike why not just allow whatever sip/rtp from that ip
05:12.40ChannelZI mean you either want to trust them or you don't.. or perhaps your case is more subtle.
05:12.59carrarsoftphones can come from anywhere
05:13.24androsssoftphones from abroad are always an issue
05:13.53drmessanoI can't whitelist every location where there may be multiple endpoints due to dynamic IP addresses, and users do roam.
05:13.58carrarIf they register on 1st try have to give them the benfite of the doubt
05:14.08carrarunless you know they are just are false
05:15.00drmessanoBut this hitcount thing seems flawed if I am limited to 20, and have to make the window so wide as to account for multiple legit devices hitting the box from one IP too fast
05:16.39carrarCould just do it, then exclude blocks that are issues but is real traffic :)
05:17.20carraror just not bother with it
05:17.25ChannelZif the intention is to try and throttle, let them fail and try again.
05:17.42drmessanoI thought about that too
05:18.07ChannelZLike if your limit is 5 and you get 6 requests, one guy loses but more than likely will try again after a timeout.
05:18.28ChannelZMinor inconvenience I suppose
05:18.32carrarunless it's cronic
05:18.39drmessanoI think thats the part I missed.. I was hung up on "But wont they all.. "
05:18.40carrarand then hits random users
05:18.46drmessanoNo, they wont all.. just the missed ones
05:18.54ChannelZWhere it gets squirrely is if they all start making calls at once, you have a rapid exchange of individual SIP packets for the call setup
05:19.22carrarWhat is the issue?
05:19.27ChannelZSo there's really no good means to deal with it just using the packet limit thing.
05:19.29carrarthat you are trying to solve
05:19.37ChannelZYou'll eventually get false positives
05:19.51carrarIs there a real probably happening?
05:20.52carraror just playing?
05:20.52drmessanoI have a couple boxes that are getting murdered by SIP attacks... I can reproduce it with SIPp pretty easily.. Box gets exhausted, Asterisk crashes, restarts
05:20.54ChannelZMost of the BS traffic I ever get is drive-by registration tries, or trying to place calls.. I trap all that mess with fail2ban and then just block that IP
05:21.26carrarso you get lots of failed attempts on your console/logs?
05:21.39carrarwith a IP in there someplace?
05:21.48drmessanoYeah, and they're like 30+ calls a second and BOOM
05:22.06carrarSo what about autofwd or fail2ban?
05:22.28carrarYou can only take in 1 second and your box explodes?
05:22.41drmessanoI thought about fail2ban, but I keep reading more and more about how under an attack scenario that Asterisk dies before fail2ban even has a chance to react
05:22.46ChannelZyeah that seems to be not-good
05:22.48drmessanoNot 1 second
05:23.01drmessano30+ calls a second over some period of time
05:23.12drmessano20 seconds?
05:23.27carrarautofwd works great
05:23.46carrarassuming there is a IP in the log
05:24.02*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:24.06drmessanoI am checking out autofwd
05:24.28drmessanoI guess there's another angle too
05:24.40carrarrate limiting seems like a bad idea
05:25.50ChannelZyeah it's just too generic in your case
05:26.22drmessanoThat's where I was stuck.. I couldn't make sense of a way to implement it and not screw something legitimate
05:26.40carrarbeefire box might help also to extend the amount of time you can take a hit for something to kick in and block it
05:26.45carrarerr beefier
05:27.41ChannelZI'm more curious why/how it can kill *
05:27.42drmessanoIt's a VM.. and I guess I could pay for something bigger, but it seems kinda silly if I am doing it just to stave off attacks, when I don't need the resources otherwise
05:27.51carrarresource issues
05:28.15carrarso it's not doign any RTP?
05:28.38carraror is it
05:28.40carrarmust be
05:28.43drmessanoYou mean at night when the bots come?
05:29.26androsswhat if you had softphone users with dynamic ips vpn in first
05:29.32ChannelZWell yea - are these legit calls (do you accept anonymous?) or are they just lots of requests that get rejected?
05:30.11carrarI think your vm is undersized
05:30.28drmessanoI do accept anonymous.  I could shut that off, but that kinda pisses me off...
05:31.27drmessanoMaybe so
05:31.31ChannelZso these calls do connect?
05:31.58*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-byfmhjedojdcgkga)
05:32.11ChannelZWhat's your test args with sipp?  I wanna see if I can kill mine!
05:32.19drmessanoI drop the ones to non-existant extensions with a hangup
05:32.37drmessanoI just fire it up and keep hitting + until I get the BOOM email from monit
05:33.01drmessano(+ increases the concurrent calls)
05:33.36ChannelZyeah but what do I tell this thing to start.. just the host/ip?
05:34.07drmessano'sipp ipaddress'
05:34.40drmessanoThere's TONS of arguments and tweaks, but you can get it running without going nuts on the switches
05:35.56ChannelZhmm.  I have this going like a bat out of hell but nothing is breaking.  But I don't have a catchall extension, I just reject them..
05:36.06ChannelZ"Call from '' ( to extension 'service' rejected because extension not found" etc
05:54.11*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
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06:33.53*** join/#asterisk bigDoggy (brads@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe70:f0a9)
06:35.32bigDoggyI am using freepbx and I can dial out and I can see/hear the inbound call hit asterisk but cannot get it into my ivr.  ??
06:45.03*** join/#asterisk fling (~fling@fsf/member/fling)
06:47.43WIMPyTry in #freepbx. It's not supported here.
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07:49.03hebberHi, I have a nut to crack - when I transfer using features, I loose track of peername and accountname. What variable can I use to find the peername and accountname after a transfer?
07:53.41*** join/#asterisk n8ideas (~joshelson@
07:54.11n8ideasGah... freaking disaster tonight. Can anyone tell me if "qualifygap" actually does what it's supposed to?
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08:11.50*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
08:13.21jzawgoogle-fu failing me
08:13.28jzawcan anyone point me to some info on
08:13.31jzaw[Mar 20 05:57:15] WARNING[13118]: chan_sip.c:17900 check_via: Could not resolve socket address for '`��ī :47298'
08:13.32jzaw[Mar 20 05:57:19] ERROR[13118]: netsock2.c:269 ast_sockaddr_resolve: getaddrinfo("`��ī ", "47298", ...): Name or service not known
08:14.20wdoekesjzaw: someone is sending you crap in the via header
08:14.45wdoekesI suspect a broken ALG
08:14.55wdoekessip set debug on
08:15.14deohi guys need some advice.. is it possible in asterisk to generate cdr automatically based on extension? is there some module to do that? thanks
08:15.46wdoekesdeo: ? cdrs are generated for calls..
08:16.00deoyes wdoekes ..
08:16.31deowhat i mean is that is it possible to generate a csv file from the cdr per extension?
08:16.41wdoekesif you want them grouped by *calling* device, set an accountcode
08:16.49deowhat i can see in the /var/log/asterisk/cdr-XXX/Master.csv
08:17.09deois the whole Master.csv..
08:17.26deowhere to set that w?
08:17.29deowdoekes: ?
08:17.42wdoekesif you want them grouped by dst (extension, *not* device), you'll have to search through the file and split it by dst
08:17.49*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
08:18.08wdoekesaccountlogs=yes  ; create separate log file for each account code. Default is "yes"
08:19.14wdoekesyou'll have to set up accountcode's for each device (e.g. accountcode=deo in sip.conf)
08:19.30deoyou mean per extension wdoekes ?
08:19.40wdoekesextension != device
08:20.04wdoekesyou need to know the difference
08:20.41*** join/#asterisk areski (
08:20.56wdoekesyou have devices (sip accounts, etc..), which can call
08:21.05wdoekesyou have extensions (points in your dialplan), which can be called
08:21.18wdoekesfrom the dialplan, you can call the devices
08:22.44wdoekesbut you can do other stuff in the dialplan too, like go-to VoiceMail, for which you'd also get a cdr: for the 'dst' extension which was called
08:23.19bulkorokdeo: you can handle CDR via databases...
08:23.37deobulkorok: by scripting ?
08:23.48bulkorokthere are modules I think
08:23.58deothats what im planning to do, using php to query the db
08:24.07deobulkorok: i hope there are modules
08:24.16bulkorokew... no don't do that... it's invented already...
08:24.17jzawthanks wdoekes ... looking now
08:24.41bulkorokI'm using one... let me check
08:24.49hebberdeo: check cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf
08:24.55deothanks bulkorok
08:25.03deohebber: thanks will do
08:25.16bulkorokright... thats waht I use with mysql...
08:25.52deobulkorok: what module is it/
08:26.31deohmmnn i dont quite get it hehe
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08:27.04deohebber: do i dont find any cdr_adaptive_odbc.conf
08:27.18deoam i lacking in module to be recompile? :(
08:27.28bulkorokcheck menuselect...
08:27.42wdoekesinstall unixodbc-dev
08:28.26hebberdeo: it was a pain to install odbc, but when I got it right the adaptive cdr works great
08:29.06deohmmn ok hebber will try to check it
08:29.07bulkorokright... in menuselect under "Call Detail Recording" (surprise!)
08:29.10*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
08:29.16bulkorokbut depends on res_odbc
08:29.18deobulkorok: ?
08:29.44bulkorokand res_odbc Depends on: generic_odbc(E), ltdl(E)
08:29.47*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
08:29.52wdoekeswhat hebber said: make sure you get isql (command line tool) to access your database before continuing
08:29.58*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
08:37.58hebberdeo: make sure mysql connection work, then install odbc, make sure it works, then menuselect and compile
08:38.28deohebber: wdoekes bulkorok thanks for all your suggestions.. i will try that.. thanks ;)
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09:40.42hebberHi, does anyone have experience of atxfer is working on only SIP to SIP, but not from a DADHI call?
09:41.01hebberthe atxfer is defined in features.conf
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09:49.19*** join/#asterisk bogrd__ (~asteriskp@
09:54.24bogrd__Hello, I am trying to integrate the already setup asterisk system with the hardware to handle calls from hardphones, I already have the card. Please let me know if this card here can serve the purpose for me.
09:59.17kaldemarwhat kind of hardphones?
10:00.06bogrd__kaldemar: VOIP
10:00.41kaldemaryou don't need any telephony hardware to use voip phones.
10:00.55kaldemarare you trying to connect your asterisk box to an analog line?
10:01.39bogrd__I am getting a PRI line so that it can handle calls to PSTN from SIP phones
10:02.29kaldemarthen you need PRI hardware. analog interfaces (FXO or FXS) won't do you any good.
10:02.53kaldemarthere's also the possibility to use an ITSP to connect to PSTN.
10:03.46bogrd__Since that I already have this hardware and PRI line, I am experimenting on them
10:04.29bogrd__Can I use this hardware to connect to a single channel normal telephone line ?
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10:07.54kaldemarbogrd__: "normal" as in analog? FXO is used for that, yes.
10:08.06bogrd__kaldemar: yes analog
10:08.51bogrd__kaldemar: so can this card serve my purpose, Im using astersisk 11.2.1 ?
10:10.27kaldemarwhich purpose?
10:11.16bogrd__I should be able to make and receive calls from analog phones
10:11.32kaldemarno. FXO is for connecting to a line, not a phone.
10:12.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
10:14.15bogrd__kaldemar: ok, Can make a call to analog phones using VOIP phones connected to asterisk ?
10:15.52kaldemarnot with FXO.
10:16.54kaldemaryou can not connect analog phones to an FXO interface.
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10:17.55bogrd__kaldemar: ya.. i mean.. i'll be using a sip softphone to connect to asterisk and then call a analog phone via the telephone line connected to FXO port of asterisk.. this is possible right?
10:19.20kaldemarof course. it does not matter what the phone behind PSTN is, you only interface with the phone line.
10:22.08bogrd__The product specification says that it is compatible with Zaptel drivers. i read that Zaptel is renamed to DAHDI sometime back. As I am using Asterisk 11.2.1, are Zaptel drivers comptible yet ?
10:23.21kaldemarzaptel is dead. use DAHDI.
10:24.01bogrd__is this hardware comptible with DAHDI ?
10:24.25*** join/#asterisk Phoebus_ (~Phoebus@
10:26.41kaldemarbogrd__: ask the manufacturer. the zaptel->dahdi transision happened over 4 years ago.
10:27.54bogrd__kaldemar: thank you .. il enquire the manufacturer about it ..
10:30.45kaldemarif you already have the card, you could just try it yourself. the wcfxo driver in DAHDI should be compatible.
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10:40.21bogrd__kaldemar: il try that  ..
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11:17.10sedekiwhen I call from my softphone to my cell phone, i cannot hear anything in my softphone but i can hear in my cell phone
11:18.07kaldemardid you check the rtp debug?
11:18.20sedekihow do i check the rtp debug?
11:18.52kaldemar"rtp set debug on", make a call and check if rtp packets are coming from your provider and going to your softphone.
11:20.08*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
11:20.51sedekiI get lots of packets like this
11:20.52sedekiGot  RTP packet from (type 08, seq 000500, ts 080000, len 000160)
11:20.53sedekiSent RTP packet to (type 03, seq 004840, ts 080000, len 000033)
11:22.52sedekiI guess that means that packets are coming to my softphone
11:30.01kaldemarsedeki: make sure a firewall doesn't block those on the softphone computer.
11:30.20sedekishould I allow several codecs or just one?
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11:42.21kaldemarsedeki: that's up to you to decide.
11:42.35sedekiokay got it working by changing my softphone settings.
11:56.41sedekikaldemar have you used starpy?
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12:01.00kaldemarsedeki: no.
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12:13.23IckmundI have a fresh installation of 11.2.1 where I'm not getting any console info. done core set verbose 10, logger show channels gives me 'Console  Enabled    - DEBUG NOTICE WARNING ERROR VERBOSE'
12:14.20IckmundI see nothing. No registrations, no verbose messages, nothing from extensions, nothing. What can I be missing here?
12:15.32GreenlightIckmund: Try starting it directly "asterisk -c" and look for any errors when loading up
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12:18.04IckmundGreenlight: no errors, but it started working... forgot the old reboot there...
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13:47.43malcolmdahh, morning
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13:58.12eXcAliBuRi'm cold, does anyone have a blankey ?
13:58.47eXcAliBuRi was rather rude to digium support last night :(
13:58.53eXcAliBuRthey referred me to your site
13:59.05eXcAliBuRI don't think they even read my question
13:59.08*** join/#asterisk alami (~alami@unaffiliated/alami)
13:59.31eXcAliBuRI want to have a line key directly connected to an analog line
14:04.18malcolmdslastation, slatrunk.  good luck, support doesn't assist with that.  also, there's no immediate dial capability, so the phone won't take the analog line off-hook when the handset is raised or the handsfree engaged.
14:05.58eXcAliBuRi c
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14:09.01eXcAliBuRcan the line keys show when an analog line is busy?
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14:17.22[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Yes.
14:17.41[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, However forget real SLA.  * does not support that.
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14:21.43AlexForsterso, I tried this question last night, I'm going to try it one more time...
14:21.50AlexForsterdevelopers: other than call transfers, what are the scenarios where asterisk will masquerade a channel? I'm pushing a few thousand calls a day through an instance of asterisk 1.8, and 3-4 times each day, for only a few specific people, asterisk ends both legs of the call immediately after masquerading a channel as "AsyncGoto/{channel}<ZOMBIE>"
14:22.00AlexForsterI'm running a mostly stock install of FreePBX 2.10, and I don't have a single instance of AsyncGoto in my dialplan
14:22.11AlexForsteralternatively, does anyone have any tips on debugging this (keeping in mind that it's a prod system with high volume, so I'm trying to avoid just "logging everything")? the SIP trace doesn't give any helpful info, nor do any manager events I've seen, though I'm not subscribed to any diaplan application events
14:22.36Boichevfrom where can I see all $agi->request functions ?
14:25.11eXcAliBuRwhen i dial a 9 digit number and press dial, it works, but when i lift the handset and start to dial, after the 6 number i get busy signal and asterisk says unknown extension.
14:25.31*** join/#asterisk leedm777 (~leedm777@nat/digium/x-vldotsqyjfhrmznt)
14:25.40[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Fix your phone's dialplan.
14:25.40eXcAliBuRwhy won't it let me finish dialing?
14:26.02eXcAliBuRwould it be the digit_map ?
14:26.22[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, What its name is, yes
14:29.46*** join/#asterisk thecardsmith (~quassel@pdpc/supporter/student/thecardsmith)
14:35.13eXcAliBuR_NXXNXXXXXX why is there a second N ? and not a X ?
14:35.43Boichevin asterisk 1.8 how to get to the call lenght with AGI
14:36.03igcewielingbecause you can't have 212-055-1212 that is why
14:36.21igcewielingBoichev: same way as previous versions
14:36.55igcewielingeXcAliBuR: also that does not look like a phone digit map, that looks like an Asterisk extensions pattern.
14:37.11eXcAliBuRyuh, i think mine is broken
14:37.16Boichevigcewieling, I don't know how to get it in previous versions ... I added 1.8 because I saw in the manual that DeadAGI is depricated since 1.6
14:38.23igcewielingBoichev: just before you run your AGI, run "dumpchan"  that will show you all the channel variables, assuming the call was answered and ended somewhere else in the dialplan you'll see DIALEDTIME and ANSWEREDTIME or similar variables.
14:38.38igcewielingyou can get those variables in your AGI
14:38.39[TK]D-Fender<eXcAliBuR> when i dial a 9 digit number and press dial, it works, but when i lift the handset and start to dial, after the 6 number i get busy signal and asterisk says unknown extension. <--- NXXNXXXXXX is a NANPA format.  This does not match the NINE digits you said you were trying to dial.
14:39.06[TK]D-FenderBoichev, It's in CDR() as always
14:40.03kaldemarBoichev: find out how to read variables/functions from AGI and then look at fields duration and billsec in func CDR.
14:41.53eXcAliBuRthis is my digit map ... there is something wrong wit it too, I just can't figure out what. digit_map=[0-8]xxxxx|911|9911|411|0|9411|9611|7777|9011xxx.T3|91xxxxxxxxxx|9[2-9]xxxxxx|*xxx.T3
14:42.04Boichevkaldemar, [TK]D-Fender igcewieling  I got it running   with $agi->request['agi_uniqueid']; but don't have any idea how to access the CDR
14:42.13eXcAliBuRi'm gonna add more xx's
14:42.20[TK]D-FenderBoichev, "core show function CDR" <---
14:42.38igcewielingBoichev: uniqueID is not the call length
14:42.39kaldemarBoichev: find out how to read variables with the library/framework you're using for AGI.
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14:43.11[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, So far I still don't see a pattern for 9 digits, or an explanation of where that is considered valid
14:43.16Boichevigcewieling, uniqueID was an example
14:44.24igcewielingBoichev: you can only get a VERY limited number of items from the request, best to do a $agi->get_variable("CDR(billsec)") like [TK]D-Fender said.
14:44.43igcewielingnot knowing anything about your language or agi lib I can't be more specific.
14:44.45eXcAliBuRguess defaults isn't always good
14:45.04igcewielingeXcAliBuR: this is telecom, the defaults are NEVER good.
14:45.09[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Correct
14:45.21igcewielingeXcAliBuR: what country are you in?
14:45.37eXcAliBuRyay it's working now
14:45.50eXcAliBuRyou won't judge me?
14:45.52[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, digit_map=[0-8]xxxxx|911|9911|411|0|9411|9611|7777|9011xxx.T3|91xxxxxxxxxx|9[2-9]xxxxxx|*xxx.T3 <- not default for anyone...
14:46.07[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Clearly modded....
14:46.24[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, And 1980 is calling .. they want their "Dial 9 prefix" back :p
14:46.41eXcAliBuRyuh i deleted it
14:46.54igcewielingeXcAliBuR: Ah, you must not be calling the PSTN
14:47.37igcewieling*sigh*  If it wasn't for customers, this job would be much more fun.
14:49.03*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
14:54.21Boichevigcewieling, [TK]D-Fender kaldemar  I have big problems keeping the script running after the call here is my dialplan and agi script
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14:55.55igcewielingBoichev: I don't see the "g" option on Dial.   Also your AGI will only execute (assuming you have g on Dial) when the DESTINATION hangs up first.   When the SOURCE hangs up first then exten => h is run instead.
14:56.40Boichevigcewieling, it executes and gives me the extension and the called number
14:57.14[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, Commented out. there is no dial
14:57.22[TK]D-Fender(at the front
14:57.47[TK]D-FenderBoichev, And you aren't showing us the call so we can what is actually happening.
14:58.06igcewielingBoichev: what excactly is the issue?
14:58.23igcewielingyou know get_variable returns an array, right?
14:59.01kaldemarBoichev: why are you expecting your AGI to be running during the call?
15:00.13Boichevkaldemar, as I understand to get the call lenght I have to request it after the call has ended ( after the SIGHUP signal)
15:00.18kaldemarand what is the point of using agi for writing that data to a file?
15:00.50[TK]D-FenderBoichev, Your script is not just sitting there while you dial.
15:00.56[TK]D-FenderBoichev, * call processing is LINEAR
15:01.05[TK]D-FenderBoichev, You don't seem to understand the flow yet
15:01.12infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
15:01.33Boichev[TK]D-Fender, sorry first think with dialplans
15:01.35kaldemarBoichev: when dialplan enters the Dial, your agi has already exited.
15:02.11Boichev[TK]D-Fender, after the hangup I can't call the AGI ... .what is the way to do get info after the call has ended
15:02.41[TK]D-FenderBoichev, Start by reading the book.  So far what you look like you're trying to do in your AGI isn't anything you can't do straight in the dialplan without it.
15:03.05[TK]D-FenderBoichev, the "h" Asterisk Standard Extension <---- you've been told this already
15:03.17[TK]D-FenderBoichev, Read your basics.  You are skipping the important bits
15:03.19*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (~AkkerKid@
15:03.32AkkerKidHEY ALL!
15:04.39AkkerKidanyone know how hard it would be to turn a Cisco IAD2431 into a SIP to FXS converter for fax machines using T.38?
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15:08.10eXcAliBuRis there someone in here named Daniel ?
15:08.35[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, Perhaps dozens.  Are you looking for one in particular or will any do?
15:08.51leifmadsenDaniel: quick! hide!
15:09.25kaldemarBoichev: what is the reason for writing this info into a file anyway?
15:09.28eXcAliBuRwell i'm looking Daniel McElveen.
15:11.17[TK]D-FendereXcAliBuR, And what would his nick be?  Any reason to assume he'd be here?
15:11.32AkkerKidI'm Sparticus.
15:11.45GreenlightNo, I'm Sparticus
15:12.32Boichevkaldemar, basicly I'm tring after completing the call to go to a webpage for example  and I have done all the other parts that will log the call in the crm but for the first time I'm working with dialplans and AGI at all..... the output to file is just for testing.... I just need the steps to acomplish this because google info on this is small and I don't want to read the whole book in
15:12.50igcewielingAkkerKid: If the 2431 supports T.38 it should be easy, if it doesn't then give up now.
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15:13.09eXcAliBuRwell i'd think a good lad like mr. mcelveen would hang out here
15:13.11kaldemarBoichev: how about doing that with a single line from your dialplan?
15:13.13[TK]D-FenderBoichev, Use the "h" exten.  Call "curl" or something to hit that page.  Done.
15:13.39AkkerKidigcewieling: the documentation says it does...   I'm just not sure yet about the command line stuff...
15:13.52eXcAliBuRwaves to sir leifmadsen
15:14.02igcewielingAkkerKid: likely depends on the actual IOS version you have installed.
15:14.06AkkerKidigcewieling: I'm looking for a tutorial or something to help me get my feet wet
15:14.13Boichev[TK]D-Fender, I can't get to the lenght of the call that is my problem
15:14.28[TK]D-FenderBoichev, I don't see you trying yet.
15:14.40[TK]D-FenderBoichev, Where you put things so far is wrong
15:14.55kaldemarBoichev: forget the AGI and do that in dialplan.
15:15.13protocoldougBoichev: You might want to look up putting CDRs or CEL into a db, and pulling from that with your PHP scripts from the web
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15:18.36nilujeI need to deploy the current stable version of asterisk (11) on debian. Do I mean to create the package myself or does it already exist somewhere?
15:18.51jmetrocompile from sourcebro
15:19.35[TK]D-Fenderniluje, Digium doesn't provide them for Debian, and Debian doesn't keep that current on their own.
15:19.42[TK]D-Fenderniluje, So Source it is....
15:20.13jmetroits easy, read the book.
15:20.34[TK]D-FenderOr maybe just the tiny doc that comes with it...
15:20.51nilujejmetro: what do you mean? I know how to compile and run asterisk, that's not the problem
15:21.21nilujeI need to deploy it on multiple servers on which there's no compiler, a debian package is exactly what I need :-)
15:23.31Boichevkaldemar, with exec?
15:23.54kaldemarBoichev: "exec"?
15:24.19[TK]D-FenderBoichev, CURL, System()  SHELL().  Whever you want.
15:24.37chris_ndoes anyone have a fail2ban regex they would be willing to share built for this notice:
15:25.00kaldemarBoichev: Noop(${CURL(,extension=...&clid=...)})
15:25.55igcewielingchris_n: is the IP of the server or the IP of the attacker?
15:26.13*** join/#asterisk fishcooker (~chika@
15:26.17igcewielingyou are attacking yourself?
15:26.19Boichevkaldemar, [TK]D-Fender aahhh let me try :)
15:26.37chris_nigcewieling: nope
15:26.47igcewielingchris_n: please answer my question.
15:27.02igcewieling(11:25:55 AM) igcewieling: chris_n: is the IP of the server or the IP of the attacker?
15:27.06chris_nargh... attacker
15:27.18chris_nchecks to see if it is still monday
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15:28.34igcewielingchris_n: sorry, I only have a regex for failed registration
15:29.49fishcookerwe want to develop video conferencing is there any service that we can use for building the client side.. is there any API support for our purpose?
15:29.52chris_nigcewieling: tnx; I'll just have to create one for it; I was hoping to save time
15:30.10igcewielingfishcooker: no.
15:30.21fishcookerHmmmmm :-(
15:30.32fishcookereven asterisk?
15:31.05igcewielingfishcooker: better information yields better answers.
15:31.30fishcookerwe look for skype support
15:31.36igcewielingYou can use ConfBridge and dialplan to do video conferencing, but Asterisk's support for video is rather primitive.
15:31.38fishcookerbut no support for the api
15:31.50fishcookeris there any igcewieling
15:32.01igcewielingFor example, Asterisk does NOT transcode video and does NOT mix video.
15:32.09igcewielingfishcooker: is there any what?
15:32.31fishcookerany other alternative for skype?
15:32.46igcewielingfishcooker: I'm sure there is.  Perhaps Google knows?
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15:33.09igcewielingSince you are on an ASTERISK channel, we don't know much about random video conferencing solutions.
15:33.10fishcookerhmmm im waiting for their answer
15:33.30fishcookerok igcewieling thank for the info
15:33.37igcewielingPolycom has great video conferencing systems.
15:33.57igcewielingYou need the GDP of a small country to afford it, however.
15:41.13AlexForsterenterprise-y videoconferencing is a market that's just *dying* for disruption
15:41.22AlexForsterstrictly because of the absurd price of it all
15:41.27*** part/#asterisk domi (
15:42.40fishcookerthat's one of the consideration
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15:53.25FLeiXiuSIs there a difference between [genera] and [global] in sip.conf?
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15:55.38kaldemarFLeiXiuS: general is valid and global is not.
15:55.56[TK]D-FenderFLeiXiuS, Yes.  The former (when spelled correctly] is an actual specially reserved setion name.  the latter isn't and would become the name a a user section like any othre peer, etc would have
15:57.02FLeiXiuSThanks, I'm migrating some extremely old sip configurations
16:00.49*** part/#asterisk fishcooker (~chika@
16:01.57igcewielingFLeiXiuS: [global] has never been a special section in sip.conf
16:05.29*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
16:15.01FLeiXiuSigcewieling, Alright, just a confusing context name.
16:24.52*** join/#asterisk StaRetji (~LittleAll@
16:25.51StaRetjiFolks, I have extension to read response if busy
16:25.53StaRetjiexten => _.,n,GotoIf($[ "${busy}" = "0" ]?a2billing,${EXTEN},1)
16:25.54StaRetjiexten => _.,n,Hangup
16:26.26StaRetjielse, to hangup, but it seems it doesn't recognize busy, so I am not sure if GotoIf($[ "${busy}" = "0" ] is correct
16:26.37StaRetjiany thoughts?
16:27.29igcewielingStaRetji: do a Noop(busy is '${busy}') to verify the variable contains what you think it contains.
16:28.09igcewielingAlso you do NOT want to use _. or you'll rerun your code when the caller hangs up.
16:28.44StaRetji_. should be what? and thx for reply ;)
16:29.29*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
16:29.34igcewielingthat depends on your dialplan
16:31.26StaRetjiwell, my dialplan is to call any destination trough a2billing
16:31.54StaRetjiso, basicaly, if ratecard exist, can make a call, if no, can't
16:31.58igcewielingdoes any destination include the telephone number "123"?
16:32.12igcewielingor the telephone number "456723456909456789"?
16:32.15StaRetjiyes, 123, 00123, 222 any
16:32.20StaRetjiyes :)
16:32.24igcewielingThen try _X.
16:32.29StaRetjiok, thx ;)
16:33.37kresp0StaRetji: if you use _X. remember to filter $EXTEN to dial numbers only
16:34.17StaRetjithx kresp0, now I am confused, I can't just replace _. for _X.
16:34.25igcewielingStaRetji: so when someone tries to dial "rm -rf /@your domain" it won't work
16:34.47igcewielingStaRetji: his comment about filter would apply to either pattern
16:34.55StaRetjiok, thx ;)
16:36.28StaRetjiregarding Noop(busy is '${busy}')
16:36.46StaRetjithis show go before my part of the code, or this is just temporary
16:37.41infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:37.55[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, If you don't know why you're doing something.. you've got bigger problems.
16:38.29StaRetjiThx [TK]D-Fender for the tip
16:39.03StaRetjiI thought it worth a try to ask here
16:39.42[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, It's a NoOp..... it only shove a line on CLI (unless you reference a function that takes an actual action .... so that one isjust displaying the contents of a variable.  Where do you expect it to have a value for it to display?
16:40.04[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, Where you'd put this should be fairly evident based on when you expect to actually see something of value from it
16:40.20StaRetjithx, clearer now
16:40.35StaRetjibut not crystal clear lol
16:40.43[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, We can't tell you why you are doing something.  We can only help you with what you have CHOSEN to do
16:41.06StaRetjiyes and I appreciate help, really
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16:45.17kresp0welcome Ice_Strike
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17:12.15kresp0I'm having 401 Unauthorized when trying to make a call from a softphone. This softphone registers OK (it receive calls) so the password is correct. All other clients are ATAs and hardphones that works OK (IN/OUT). I'm almost sure that has to be something stupid, but I cannot find out after few minutes. What I'm doing wrong here?
17:12.26kresp0sip CLI debug:
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17:15.57navaismoseems like your peer isn't reponding the challenge
17:21.14igcewielingkresp0: When a SIP client sends a call to a SIP server it does not provide auth password, the SIP server then responds with a 401 and the client retries with a password.  This is normal.
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17:24.33kresp0thanks navaismo and igcewieling. But * respond "401 Unauthorized" 4 times, not just the first one.
17:28.50AlexForsterkresp0: edit your logger.conf to include console => notice,warning,error and then issue a module reload
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17:31.27kresp0ok AlexForster, let me try that
17:32.29kresp0AlexForster, I already have that line on logger.conf
17:33.13AlexForsterhm, then on the console do core set debug 9 / core set verbose 9
17:34.30igcewielingkresp0: do you see your client responding to the 401s?
17:37.52navaismoi didint
17:38.34FLeiXiuSIs there a way in asterisk console to show srtp vs unsecure calls
17:42.01kresp0igcewieling, here on line 85 I can see the response
17:42.20kresp0let me try that AlexForster
17:43.04igcewielingkresp0: Are you SURE the client is not sending a different password for registration .vs. calls?
17:43.54kresp0no, not sure. But it asked once for passwd. I'll try with another softphone
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17:45.53kresp0AlexForster, I did core set debug 9 and core set verbose 9 but nothing apears on the CLI when I try to make the call if sip set debug off
17:47.23ChannelZdebug is almost never useful unless you're trying to track down a bug or very obscure problem.  It says lots of alarming things that aren't really that alarming.
17:47.41kresp0ok, the problem was on linphone. Now I'm using sflphone and now IT WORKS :D
17:47.47ChannelZAnd depending on how far you're getting you might not see anything with verbose.
17:48.52kresp0thank you AlexForster, igcewieling, navaismo and ChannelZ
17:50.47*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~davlefou@unaffiliated/davlefou)
17:51.49igcewielingMy brain must not be working today.  Does anyone see an error in this?  ExecIf($["${SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID}" != "" && ${SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID} > 7],Hangup,34)
17:52.31GreenlightYou missing the "'s around the 2nd one
17:52.56GreenlightAh wait your evaluating as numeric
17:53.02igcewielingGreenlight: exactly
17:53.22igcewielingthe first condition is because sometimes SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID will be empty
17:53.53GreenlightI usually seperate each evaluation into separate $[ ] secions and nest them, not totally sure if it's required though
17:53.58Ice_StrikeHey Greenlight
17:54.04GreenlightHiya Ice_Strike hows it going
17:54.05Ice_StrikeGreenlight Did you get my PM?
17:54.43igcewielingGreenlight: I'll give that a try
17:54.50GreenlightExecIf(${ $["${SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID}" != ""] && $[${SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID} > 7],Hangup,34)
17:54.52GreenlightLike that
17:55.02GreenlightExecIf($[ $["${SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID}" != ""] && $[${SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID} > 7],Hangup,34)
17:55.03GreenlightThat even
17:55.30ChannelZit's ExecIf(statement?doiftrue:doiffalse)
17:55.41ChannelZyou don't seem to be using the whole thing correctly
17:55.52Greenlightoooh yea, the "?"
17:56.29[TK]D-FenderAnd mismatched and unnecessary extra expressions
17:57.23GreenlightI didn't think it was neccissary but I've always seprated them out like that, somehow seems to look neater to me
17:57.38igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: , is correct for asterisk 1.4
17:58.04igcewielingactually let me check that, 1.4 is inconsistent between ExecIf and GotoIg
17:58.30igcewielingnope, I had it correct Usage:  ExecIF (<expr>|<app>|<data>)
17:59.08[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, I wasn't really commenting on the ?
17:59.23ChannelZYou can yell at me.  I didn't know you were in the past.
18:03.42ChannelZif SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID sometimes will be empty, that shouldn't be greater than 7, so I don't think you need to test for its emptiness
18:06.08igcewielingChannelZ: When SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID is empty the expression becomes $[ > 7] which is Not Good
18:06.25igcewielingThis is why you test for emptyness before using < or >
18:08.47*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
18:09.41ChannelZis nothing greater than 7?
18:10.55ChannelZor does it throw an error?
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18:14.28ChannelZnm tried, looks like it confuses the parser
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18:17.33igcewielingyup!  They should change the error "ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '>', expecting $end;" to read "YOU FORGOT YOUR QUOTES IDIOT!"
18:18.51ChannelZalthough if empty won't the second half still fail?  Or is ExecIf smart enough to stop the expression when it sees the && and that the first expression already failed?
18:20.11igcewielingparsers are generally smart enough to not eval the 2nd expression if the first expression is false (when using &&, not ||)
18:20.26ChannelZYes but we are talking about Asterisk
18:20.58igcewielingAsterisk's parser is smart enough
18:21.07ChannelZNoop($[${EXISTS(${DDFJK})}>0 && ${DDFJK}>7])  fails over here when it gets to the second eval.
18:21.21sruffellheh…The C preprocessor doesn't use lazy evaulation. I got hit by that not too long ago.
18:21.35igcewielingNoop($[${EXISTS(${DDFJK})}>0] && $[${DDFJK}>7])
18:21.42igcewielingI don't know why that is needed
18:22.32ChannelZnot sure that's even valid, && doesn't mean anything outside an expression
18:22.51ChannelZanyway, back to work for me..
18:24.01igcewielingmaybe $[$[${EXISTS(${DDFJK})}>0] && $[${DDFJK}>7]] 8-)
18:29.27igcewielingaha ExecIf($[0${SM_DNIS_SWITCH_SID} > 7],Hangup,34)
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18:32.00igcewielingI can't believe I didn't think of that before.
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18:37.20ccherret1will drivers and freepbx work with the latest asterisk 11.2.1? or has there been any api changes that would not allow other tools to work with the nexer asterisk?
18:37.39ccherrettI guess what I am asking is should I go with 1.8 or 11?
18:38.00igcewielingccherrett: start by reading the UPGRADE-*.txt files in the asterisk 11 source directory
18:44.38*** join/#asterisk ke-esc (~ke-esc@
18:45.02ke-escHello all- has anybody had success with TLS signalling on Asterisk 11 and Polycom phones?
18:45.27BludSuckingFiendman... I think I am going to take [TK]D-Fender's advice and just ditch users.conf. Breaks all kinds of stuff
18:45.38BludSuckingFiendnot worth it.
18:45.40ke-escBludSuckingFiend, good call
18:46.22igcewielingusers.conf is mostly there to help GUIs, not people.
18:47.01[TK]D-FenderOnly asterisk-gui really ... and that has been dead for a long time now...
18:54.55leifmadsenand it doesn't even do that very well
18:56.43*** join/#asterisk glaz (
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19:01.25igcewielingA blue bells feature
19:02.54ke-escSo nobodies dealt with TLS? :(
19:03.52glazI have a problem with a queue, even if I set ringinuse = no, it still shows agent as "Not in use" in queue show foo
19:04.39glazwhen on a call, obviously
19:06.53drmessanoke-esc:  I have TLS set up, but not with Polycoms
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19:08.38ke-escdrmessano, I've gotten it working with a soft phone, but it seems there are some quirks with the poly's that are causing trouble
19:12.01navaismoglaz, which asterisk version, how you add the member, can you show us the queue show when agent in call?
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19:27.30glazasterisk 11.2.1 , I add the member with the QueueAddMember() function
19:27.52glazthis guy is on a call now,       SIP/111 with penalty 1 (ringinuse disabled) (dynamic) (Not in use) has taken 3 calls (last was 14 secs ago)
19:29.30glazoh god, he left.
19:30.09jmetrowhat happens if he is on a call and another comes in, he ring?
19:30.18jmetroor is it just his availability not updating
19:33.47glazI think the phone is not telling asterisk that its in use
19:33.50glazor something like that
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19:34.26glazthe availability is not updating
19:34.49glazthe call center guy picks up the phone and it stays as "Not in use"
19:35.06jmetroif the queue gets another call, does it ring him?
19:35.19jmetroaka is the phone system actually ringing an in use phone
19:35.33glazyes, but the system doesn't seem to know it's in use
19:35.45glazit still says not in use, and it should be in use
19:36.27jmetroremove him , de-register, reboot phone, register, re-add
19:36.37glazI tried
19:36.53jmetroremove and add with queue remove tabtabtab..etc
19:37.50glazdone, let me test
19:39.53glazsame thing
19:40.36jmetroi remember having thi issue once and it wound up being a syntax error with how I added him
19:41.23glazme too I had this issue before
19:41.42glazI know call-limit=1 would fix that, but that's a patch not a fix
19:41.50glazthey can't put customer on hold and make another call
19:42.11igcewielingtry call-limit=99
19:42.49igcewielingor even a more reasonable number like 6 or 8 or whatever is more than the maximum number of calls your endpoints can handle, just as sort of a failsafe
19:44.06glazI put call-limit=3
19:44.08glazlet's see
19:45.11glazseems like it fixed it
19:45.22glazim testing with a second call
19:46.21glazgod, it works.
19:46.26glazthanks igcewieling
19:47.13igcewielingglaz: no problem, though more google searching may have turned up an answer.   Your issue is not all that uncommon
19:47.30glazyou found an answer to this problem on google?
19:47.34glazi googled like crazy
19:47.57igcewielingglaz: no.  I've been using Asterisk for more than 10 years -- you pick up a few things along the way.
19:48.23glazheh, I configure it once a while, even if I'm a dCAP I'm not very up to date
19:48.52glazgot my dCAP 6-7 years ago, didn't play with asterisk much the last 3-4 years
19:49.20igcewielingI manage a not small number of Asterisk servers
19:49.36igcewielingI think around 60 the last time I counted
19:50.08glazI manage Metaswitches
19:50.26glazaround 8000 concurent calls, but no asterisk in the way :(
19:51.19glazthanks again igcewieling, I gotta run
19:51.26igcewielingWe usually have around 400 calls transiting our core during the busy parts of the day
19:51.35igcewielingglaz: np
19:51.41glazheh, we have schoolboards as customers
19:51.45glazthey push a lot of calls
19:51.56igcewielingheh, we have a school bus company as a customer
19:52.06glazyou sell hosted services?
19:52.52glazoh well, I really gotta run, later!
19:53.00igcewielingglaz: only when forced to. 8-|  We usually provide the internet service so we can QoS the circuit and put media GWs in a the customer to handoff to their PBX (at the non-asterisk sites)
19:53.52ke-esc0320154100|sip  |4|03|[TLS] Server Certificate Common Name '' doesn't match any of the following:
19:53.53ke-esc0320154100|sip  |4|03|[TLS]            Hostname:
19:53.58ke-escwtf!?! blargh
19:55.43igcewielingke-esc: what version of Asterisk?
19:56.26igcewielingI think I saw an e-mail about SRTP being broke in 11.3-rc but I don't know for sure.
19:56.50ke-escigcewieling, I haven't even gotten to srtp yet
19:57.20igcewielingI suspect all the crypto uses the same code
19:58.07AkkerKidanyone know how to reset a locked cisco iad2400 series device to factory defaults without the password?
19:58.12ke-escigcewieling, true..i'll have to dig for that a bit
19:58.13igcewielingnothing in the changelog for 11.2.0 -> 11.2.1
19:58.33igcewielingalso try adding a . at the end of the full host name
19:59.01igcewielingI doubt that is the issue, but worth a try.
19:59.02drmessanoSRTP seems to be wonky period
19:59.14drmessanoBut I think the fix is in libsrtp
19:59.41drmessanoAs in, the issue is libsrtp, and I believe there are patches on the SF page between the tickets and forum
19:59.45jmetroakkerkid: flash it with new firmware?
19:59.48ke-escin otherwords its still probably best to stick with a sip server in front of asterisk?
20:00.04igcewielingor stop being so paranoid 8-)
20:00.17ke-escigcewieling, NEVER! :)
20:00.30drmessanoke-esc: For SIP TLS and SRTP, more and more I am finding out that indeed that may be necessary.. There's LOTS of SMALL issues, and you'll end up chasing them until your hair falls out
20:00.45igcewielingAkkerKid: Cisco would have documentation on how to do that
20:01.00jmetrowe had another guy trying to do SRTP and i think he wound up spontaneously combusting
20:01.20ke-escdrmessano, I did start playing around with kamailio a few days ago- but its got a pretty huge learning curve..
20:01.28ke-escand the docs are pretty shoddy
20:01.58drmessanoke-esc:  I have been looking for a simple something to put in front of Asterisk for TLS and SRTP, but yeah..
20:02.03igcewielingjmetro: I heard SRTP caused the TUNGUSKA event of 1908
20:02.26ke-escigcewieling, I thought that was zrtp?
20:02.48igcewielingPerhaps it was.
20:03.27drmessanoke-esc:  If you check the SRTP SF page, at the very least there is a patch in a CLOSED ticket that hasn't been committed that mentions in the description "This patch resolves a crash in Asterisk that we could easily reproduce", paraphrasing
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20:04.10ke-eschmm..i'll take a look at that
20:04.40AkkerKidRegarding Cisco:  all I have is a serial connection to the box so far...
20:04.45drmessanoke-esc:  SO there's SRTP issues that break Asterisk, Asterisk issues that break SRTP, and that doesn't count the few TLS issues sitting in JIRA with patches that have yet to be commited
20:04.52AkkerKidor a "console" cable as they call it
20:05.23drmessanoke-esc:  I have a handful of patches I have gathered, and built SRTP from source to get to where I am now.. which is hardly anywhere
20:05.58ke-escdrmessano, does freeswitch handle it any better you think?
20:06.17igcewielingAkkerKid: every cisco I've had to bypass the password on I did with only a console cable
20:06.27drmessanoke-esc:  I don't know.. I had considered that as well..
20:06.38*** part/#asterisk kontinui_ (~kontinuit@
20:07.02AkkerKidigcewieling: well this is going to be the first Cisco device I've ever bothered trying to use so it's new to me
20:07.19igcewielingAkkerKid: Cisco should have the procedure documented on their site.
20:07.23jmetroAkkerKid: Like most macs, the most efficient use is boat-anchor.
20:07.34filethe only thing that we (as Asterisk) do in regards to SRTP is negotiate it - otherwise we just call into libsrtp to encrypt/decrypt, and to set the keying details and such
20:07.38drmessanoke-esc:  Of course, all this will be irrelevant when Ast 12 comes out, as chan_sip will be completely new.. and it may just work
20:07.44AkkerKidthat's the first thing I tried.   but it seems they assume there's already no password protection o nthe device
20:08.10igcewielingdrmessano: the first version of Asterisk to use a totally new sip stack?  I am not optimistic.
20:08.23igcewielingAkkerKid: incorrect.
20:08.36fileI think actually the new SIP work will do very very nicely...
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20:09.08igcewielingWhen the router start booting you send a break to it to get into rommon, then set a config register to tell the router to NOT read the config file (and password) and boot the router.  The exact method varies depending on the router.
20:09.10AkkerKidit says "method 1 uses the config-register 0x2102 command in global configuration mode."   what the heck does that mean?
20:09.29ke-escintruiging... of course I was hoping to get started with the LTS release :(
20:09.31igcewielingfile: I'm sure it will eventually, but I'm not optimistic about the first release.
20:09.37AkkerKidi think i have a break key on my keyboard...
20:10.04fileigcewieling, it won't have feature parity but it will have the major stuff - and so far even under the load testing I've done it's been fine but only the real world can truly tell
20:10.38drmessanoke-esc:  I can PM you a few of the specifics I have here regarding patches and workarounds.. It may not be as bloody as it looks.  Some of these I have found in just the last few days
20:12.38ke-escdrmessano, thanks, but I think I'm going to go back to messing with sip servers in front of asterisk.. This is going to be for a production system so I really don't want to start messing around with patches
20:14.57AkkerKidigcewieling: ok, i've gotten a "rommon 1 >" prompt.    how do I turn that into a "router#" prompt?
20:15.25igcewielingAddisk: I am not going to search the Cisco web site and read the docs for you.
20:15.44igcewielingIf you need additional help I suggest you try #cisco
20:16.08drmessanoIf you can get someones attention that maintains libsrtp, there's a patch for a memory leak and then the one that allegedly prevents the asterisk "crash" that should be merged, and they should stamp out a release for the first time in 6 years
20:16.34drmessanoBecause the diff between trunk and 1.4.4 isn't huge, but there's some work that has been done
20:17.23drmessanoThen you won't be using a "patched libsrtp" :)
20:18.21ke-esctrue true
20:18.47drmessanoWhich distro are you running?
20:19.06ke-esci'm on centos 6
20:19.53drmessanoAh.. because I was going to reach out to the maintainer of the debian packages and see what they thought about getting these patches in
20:24.47*** join/#asterisk bpgoldsb (
20:25.30bpgoldsbUsing users.conf, is it possible to have an the dialplan for a extension put someplace besides the context 'default'?
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20:36.27AlexForster[1234] / username = 1234 / secret = $ecret / context = someplace-besides-default / ...
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21:07.47bpgoldsbAlexForster: That handles their subscribe context, but not where their stdexten dialplan entry is made (sorry if my Asterisk vocab is a bit weak)
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21:11.16Ice_StrikeI am having performance problem - it is really slow copying file from my drive to network
21:11.38Ice_StrikeI am only getting between 7MB/sec to 30MB/sec
21:11.40jmetroperformance problems
21:11.52AlexForsterhm, it looks like sip.conf is the place to define where the originating context is
21:12.18Ice_Strikewrong channel lol
21:14.15bpgoldsbAlexForster: I tried looking through there, but admittedly, I got lost a few times.  Any specific ideas?
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21:17.34AlexForsterthe stock users.conf header basically says "ignore me and use sip.conf"
21:18.18AlexForsterit looks like you want to stick to sip.conf
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22:58.56ccherrettanyone know if the sangoma driver installs to the newest kernel
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