IRC log for #asterisk on 20130318

00:12.49*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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05:09.03*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
05:23.37*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
05:24.58linociscohi all. I would like to know how to write asterisk applications.How to learn? which programming languages should I use/learn ? I will learn only best one
05:25.30WIMPyAre you talking about dialplan applications?
05:26.19linociscoWIMPy, not only dial plan. but also other billing or click2call which is by default in switchvox
05:27.01WIMPyThat wouldn't really have anything to do with Asterisk.
05:28.39linociscowhy Not? on billing software, once a new extension is added, bill software should be able to read or if it has own separate database, it should also update a newly added user
05:29.11WIMPyYes, but that's it. You can use whatever language you like.
05:29.53linociscoWIMPy, but I dont know which interface i should use to communicate directly with asterisk and programming langauge
05:29.59WIMPyIf you want to add somethign to Asteriks itself you have to use C.
05:30.23linociscoWIMPy, ok. but C has no good UI design
05:30.23WIMPyThat depends on what you want to do.
05:30.54WIMPyIt doesn't have any.
05:31.31linociscoWIMPy, I am not a programmer. but I learnt some basics at school. Trying to write custom applications for asterisk like switchvox is offering free. As we cant get switchvox like operator panel free
05:32.13WIMPyAs I said: it depends entirely on what exactely you want to do.
05:32.36linociscoi want switchvox like operator panel which is really intuitive and complete. There is no those available free, Am I right?
05:33.30WIMPyThere used to be FOP and gastman. Not sure what their current status is. Possibly others as well.
05:33.49WIMPyOff course I don't know what switchvox looks like.
05:33.53linociscoWIMPy, thanks bro. Let me google them
05:35.53linociscoWIMPy, can show u
05:36.41WIMPyOh, wow. Nice snow storm outside.
05:37.13WIMPy(I guess inside would be bad :-) )
05:39.22WIMPygets no connection to
05:57.48*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
06:03.53Rhomberhow do i get spandsp to work with asterisk these days?
06:04.13Rhomberit seems to be missing the "app_rxfax.c, app_txfax.c and apps_makefile.patch" files
06:06.04workhello - is degium TE405 work in TAP desing to collect calls and CDRs from T1 ?
06:08.59Rhomberor does ReceiveFAX replace that now?
06:09.04WIMPywork: Can you rephrase that?
06:10.06WIMPyThere are may ways to do fax. Experiences seem to vary greatly.
06:12.09workhello - is degium TE405 work in TAP desing to collect calls and CDRs from T1 ?
06:12.17Rhomberhmm ReceiveFax doesn't do the ulaw style fax :(
06:13.13WIMPywork: I don't understand your question/sentence.
06:16.35workWIMPY thankx  there is physical tap for E1 to take a mirror of E1
06:17.13WIMPyYou want to just listen on an existing line?
06:18.25WIMPyWell, if you want full details to generate CDRs you will need two ports.
06:19.01WIMPyApart from that there is a patch somewhere to allow dahdi to just listen.
06:19.03workthen ?
06:19.42WIMPyBut I don't know any software that makes use of such a setup.
06:20.30worktwo port ? why and how ?
06:21.01WIMPyYou need to listen on both the transmit and the receive direction if you want all details.
06:21.31workhow do it in RG45
06:21.42WIMPySo you need two ports to receive both directions of one line.
06:22.11WIMPyWell, cabling is another issue, as that's not really supported.
06:22.44WIMPyYou need to make sure the line impedance stays in a working range.
06:23.01WIMPyYou got coax cabling?
06:23.34workyes and convert it bu ballun
06:23.44WIMPyThe other possibility would be to just put Asterisk in the middle with all calls going through it. Then you get the CDRs automatically.
06:24.15WIMPyThat would remove any electrical issues from the setup.
06:25.52workhow do it ? (asterisk in the middle ?)
06:26.09WIMPyThat would be just a normal Asterisk setup then.
06:27.22workdo you mean to put my device inline to be pridging for E1
06:27.32workand listen by asterisk?
06:28.35WIMPyMore like a switch that doesn;t really do anything.
06:28.50WIMPyE1 or T1?
06:33.06worklast query please
06:33.27workall degium degital card support this ?
06:33.45workI have TE405P ?
06:34.17*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:35.17WIMPyI guess so. But I don't know if all hardware versions will work with a tapping setup. The TE405P is most probably ok for that.
06:36.14WIMPyThere are complete commecial solutions for what you want, BTW.
06:36.31workwhere ?
06:37.03*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
06:37.28WIMPyI can't remember the name :-( But it was a little box that contained the neccessary hardware for tapping and connects via USB to a PC.
06:38.53workboxs not recomanded box have no flexibility
06:39.13workasterisk is aflavor
06:39.25WIMPyI did not understand that sentence.
06:39.52WIMPyAsterisk is of no use if you want to do the tapping thing.
06:40.21WIMPyBut you can put it in as a switch.
06:41.03workboxs have limit option and functions but asterisk with DAHDI have many functions
06:41.40WIMPyThe box is just the interface. The rest is software. But I'm pretty sure that won't be open source.
06:42.57*** join/#asterisk cryptic (
06:43.33WIMPyGot it. It was from
06:49.01*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
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07:56.27Rhomberhmm, asterisk is "Sending fake auth rejection for device" to my incoming SIP trunk calls
07:56.51Rhomberthe only thing that seems to fix it is to allowguest=yes in general.. and then the calls come to the default context and not the peer context
07:56.54Rhomberany ideas/pointers?
07:57.13eirirsRhomber: are those legitimate incoming calls?
07:58.00kaldemarRhomber: the calls don't match any peer you have configured.
07:58.06Rhombermy old/new configs are:
07:58.25Rhomberthats what i figure too
07:58.56Rhomberbut not sure how to fix that..  i mean.. it seems dumb to me.. i am registering the sip trunk.. why reject calls that come in on it?
07:59.13*** join/#asterisk swimmercol (~swimmerco@
07:59.18eirirsspam calls, if your firewall dont restrict which hosts that can come in with calls
07:59.46Rhomberyes, but not on the channel that's been opened to my provider
07:59.50Rhomberseems silly
07:59.57Rhomberbut i guess it's because asterisk is flexible
08:00.02*** join/#asterisk areski (
08:01.03Rhombercan you see anything wrong with my configs?
08:01.14Rhomberor should i pastebin a sip debug?
08:03.06kaldemarRhomber: registering has nothing to do with incoming calls.
08:04.03kaldemarRhomber: yes, you should pastebin sip debug.
08:05.51Rhomberok, and i changed the config as i forgot context= (just fyi)
08:05.54Rhomberwill paste bin now
08:06.50*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:8511:2d81:9f83:b99d)
08:07.11Rhomberalso, the exact reject line is "Sending fake auth rejection for device "61386448287" <>;tag=H9rgcttX1yeBN"
08:07.28Rhomberwhich is... the number i called from (not to) @ my sip provider domain
08:10.42Rhomberso I see "No matching peer for '61386448287' from ''
08:10.49Rhomberwhich is the exact cause, kinda useful
08:10.55eirirshave you set it up in inbound route?
08:11.31eirirsthe number you was calling to
08:11.38eirirsin the DID field, in inbound route
08:11.48Rhombernot sure what you mean?.. i've set up the context to handle 61280145750
08:12.27Rhomberis this in sip.conf? it's news to me if it is..
08:12.32Rhomberi'll have a look
08:12.43eirirsI understand that you don't use webadmin gui?
08:13.17Rhombernope, im a developer working directly with the system
08:14.45*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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08:16.57Rhomberi think i sorted it
08:17.06Rhomberthe from ip changes
08:17.59Rhombernow to work out how to get around that.. haha
08:20.28Rhomberyeah, it bounces between and
08:22.19Rhomberany ideas how i can perhaps do this some other way than a host/domain?
08:23.31eirirscant u specify host range? or just domain?
08:27.22Rhombernot sure, but also what if they added other servers at their end in a different range?
08:27.31Rhomberdon't really want to loose calls :(
08:27.48Rhomberi can't expect them to let me know when they do
08:28.49kaldemarRhomber: what does you sip show peers say?
08:31.39kaldemarnevermind that. the ip didn't match.
08:34.37*** join/#asterisk HmdP_Mobile (~HmdP_Mobi@
08:36.49Rhomberat least i better understand now..
08:36.59Rhomberfromdomain is just for outbound calls, to set the domain
08:37.02Rhomberhost= is what matters
08:37.11Rhomberor at least seems to
08:37.29Rhomberand i can't set it to multiple ip's or a range
08:37.52eirirscan't you set multiple host= lines?
08:38.02kaldemaranyway, the host on alltel-1 being (Unspecified) is a problem.
08:38.06kaldemareirirs: no
08:38.24kaldemarRhomber: if your resolution for dns was working, you should see an ip address there.
08:39.06eirirsis it possible to specify a subnet in host= ?
08:39.19*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:39.28eirirsmaybe insert a /29 =
08:41.00kaldemareirirs: no.
08:41.01eirirsit covers .65-.70
08:41.16eirirsok, sucks
08:42.22eirirshow about host=dynamic ?
08:42.47kaldemar"dynamic" would require them to register to his box. which they most likely don't do.
08:43.21eirirsahh, what about fromdomain= ?
08:43.40kaldemarthat's for outgoing calls to the peer.
08:44.38Rhomberdns resolution works fine, but the ip address the call comes from sometimes isn't the same as the provider.. not sure how that works
08:44.59Rhomberi'll try /24
08:45.16kaldemarwaste of time, it won't work.
08:45.24eirirsmaybe make two contexts, for each ips?
08:45.32Rhombergetaddrinfo("", "(null)", ...): Name or service not know
08:45.40kaldemarRhomber: doesn't seem to work fine if you have (Unspecified) in there.
08:45.52eirirsRhomber: if you do /24 you need to use
08:45.55Rhomberim sure that would work, but i've no idea how many they have.. or will have.. might not have a choice though
08:46.02Rhomberi did..
08:46.11Rhomberi did before :(
08:46.13eirirsapparently not lol
08:46.13Rhomberhang on
08:46.36Rhombergetaddrinfo("", "(null)", ...): Name or service not know
08:46.45eirirsRhomber: but, are there possible that you can make two contexts, for each ips?
08:46.45Rhomberi did when i tried /
08:47.06eirirsyou dont write subnet mask that way
08:47.11Rhombersure, it might work.. but that isn't a viable option
08:47.28Rhomberlol, that's a class C subnet
08:47.45Rhomberim using that elsewhere..
08:48.19eirirshmm thats new for me, using / with subnet mask instead of 24
08:48.20Rhomberworks fine, im sure the underlying subsystem understands either.. /24 is just shorthand
08:48.48Rhomberoh well, seems to work
08:48.57Rhomberi'll try multiple host='s
08:49.04Rhomberdoubt that it will work though :(
08:49.51eirirswhy aint two contexts a viable option, if you don't find other options?
08:50.32Rhomberas expected, it just uses the last one
08:50.50Rhomber(multiple host='s that is)
08:51.08Rhombermultiple peer sections.. if no other option.. i guess.. but it's not very stable
08:51.17Rhomberif they decided to add more servers
08:51.17eirirshow about host=<ip1>,<ip2> ?
08:51.29Rhomberi tried that earlier, doesn't work either
08:52.25kaldemarRhomber: use different names for the peers if you use more than one.
08:53.43eirirsRhomber: same here
08:53.58Rhomberseems to register twice?
08:54.03Rhomberbut works..
08:56.14Rhomberso i guess that is the solution - kinda shitty
08:56.24Rhomberi'll have to enquire as to what IP's they have
08:57.33*** join/#asterisk swimmercol (~swimmerco@
08:57.40eirirsyes, and ask them to inform if they plan to add more
08:58.16eirirsare you running latest asterisk (11) ?
08:58.44*** join/#asterisk threesome (
09:00.49Rhombernot the best.. but here is my config now:
09:00.53Rhomberand yeap
09:01.00Rhomber(for latest asterisk)
09:01.42Rhomberworks pretty well
09:02.07eirirsyes, that looks good
09:03.28*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:09.09*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:11.07ChainsawWhen can we have back please?
09:12.14*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
09:13.41kaldemarChainsaw: now?
09:14.14Chainsawkaldemar: Excellent, thanks.
09:15.49kaldemarChainsaw: i'm not to thank for that. :)
09:16.12Chainsawkaldemar: Well, it was timing out on IPv4, and when you said "now" the file I wanted downloaded fine.
09:16.25Chainsawkaldemar: So, whatever shoulder you tapped... it had the desired effect.
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09:54.20Rhomberso if my upstream SIP provider doesn't support T.38 for faxes.. i should just give up?
09:54.34Rhomberthis seems like a nightmare trying to get G.711 to work
09:54.53ChainsawRhomber: Without T38, getting any faxing going seems very unlikely. Even over G711.
09:57.51Rhomberkinda sucks
09:58.03Rhombergoing to cost me $9/mo for them to do it for me :(
10:05.07ChainsawDownside of outsourcing... loss of control.
10:05.21workhello please I got this message in log about chanspy --- /var/spool/asterisk/monitor is emplt WARNING[5192] pbx.c: Context 'app-chanspy' tries to include nonexistent context 'app-chanspy-custom'
10:06.33workI cannot record wav file
10:06.50*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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10:11.58kaldemarwork: that has little to do with recording, it is just a notice that you have a non-working include statement in your dialplan.
10:13.39workI have no dial plan my server is PRI_CPE and I need to record calls
10:14.37kaldemarthere is always a dialplan in asterisk. without one, it does not handle calls.
10:14.46kaldemarextensions.conf is the dialplan.
10:15.09workok I will provide you it
10:16.22kaldemaryou should also show everything that you see in CLI with verbosity enabled when you try to use chanspy.
10:16.40kaldemaror are you even trying to use chanspy? how are you trying to record calls?
10:17.21workhow show enable chanspy on CLI?
10:18.34workI added record entity from GUI with to record  with  : immediatly from function code to chanspy 555
10:19.04kaldemarwhich GUI?
10:20.02kaldemarand that is?
10:20.24workwebmanager for freepbx
10:20.53workinstall record applacation
10:20.56kaldemarfolks at #freepbx are more likely to be able to help you.
10:22.19workit web admin for asterisk and freepbx  provided by asterisknow os
10:24.28workand chainspy does not work
10:25.03kaldemari know what freepbx is. and i know that chanspy itself does work. freepbx has made you configs that do not work as you expect. you need someone who knows how freepbx works.
10:25.07infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
10:26.33*** join/#asterisk cervajs2 (
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10:31.50cervajs2_Hi, does anyone know if there is a functional patch for opus codec for asterisk? thanks
10:33.40*** join/#asterisk bogrd__ (~asteriskp@
10:34.45Chainsawcervajs2_: Seemingly no interest:
10:34.45LieutPants[ASTSCF-66] [Status: Open] Implement support for OPUS. -
10:36.14bogrd__Hello all, I am trying to call an extension from the browser using SIPML5 .. I am able to register to asterisk, but when I call the extension, the get 'Media Stream Permission denied'. Any idea how to resolve this ?
10:43.30*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
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10:44.45schmidtsgood morning
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12:24.57skrustydoes anyone know if there is a definitive list of what AMI events exist in which versions of asterisk? voip-info is a litlte out of date, and the new documentaiton wiki seesm to only cover 1.8 onwards
12:25.29skrustyi've taken over AsterNET development and we want to get ASterisk.NEt up to speed, starting with AMI for 1.6 and then moving on to 1,8 etc
12:27.10Chainsawskrusty: There is a manager show events CLI command.
12:27.36skrustyah, /me goes away to install a version of 1.6 :)
12:28.09Chainsawskrusty: Just be careful with 1.6, as that consists of three different branches. 1.6.0, 1.6.1 & 1.6.2
12:28.18Chainsawskrusty: They may behave differently, and you should probably list them differently.
12:28.29skrustyChainsaw: thanks for the heads up
12:28.54Chainsawskrusty: Any time. I think they've finally decided on a numbering scheme now, essentially you have 1.6.0, 1.6.1, 1.6.2, 1.8, 10, 11, 12
12:29.06Chainsawskrusty: And I wouldn't bother with anything older :)
12:29.12skrustyyeah, agreed! hasn't had any development for such a long time, just need to get it stable and supprting AMI events, then can move on to 1.8 support
12:30.51ChainsawBack later.
12:31.22kesselklopfer79_i have bad experiences with 1.6 Versions
12:31.33eirirsI jumped from 1.6 to 11
12:32.40kesselklopfer79_so you can also start with 1.8 ....
12:33.47skrustywe've already agreed to cover 1.6 in some form, i get the impression people still use it
12:36.59skrustyanyone here use ? if so, new source is now at
12:39.17*** join/#asterisk mirela666 (~Thunderbi@
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12:59.37skrustyhmm, under there doesn't seem to be a way to list the AMI events from the console, just commands. there's manager show eventq which does very little (i think it's a placeholder)
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13:05.33kaldemarskrusty: start with "find -name \*.c | xargs egrep -r -o "Event: \w*" | cut -f2 -d" " | sort | uniq | sed '/^$/d'" for example.
13:09.27skrustykaldemar: nice :)
13:11.05skrustyi know little about "good" use of bash etc, how could i output the filename the reference comes from in that list? sorry to be a pain!
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13:22.53*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
13:23.49eXcAliBuRmy digium phone isn't configuring it's self, It shows the list of extensions I select the one that has worked before, and it doesn't work.  just shows digium on the lcd display instead of the extension.
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13:25.57eXcAliBuRyay an oper
13:26.03eXcAliBuRwelcome sir oper
13:26.38malcolmdaloha.  that doesn't mean i know anything ;)
13:26.51eXcAliBuRi'll take my chances
13:27.01kaldemarskrusty: drop the cut part
13:27.59eXcAliBuRdoes digium phones accept an auto answer?
13:28.52malcolmdeXcAliBuR: you define the alerts that you want the phone to process and the ringing type for that alert
13:28.58malcolmddpma or xml?
13:29.02skrustykaldemar: cheers
13:29.04eXcAliBuRi'm using dpma
13:29.46malcolmdeXcAliBuR: okay, so you'll need an alert ( and you'll need to apply that alert to your phone (type=phone)
13:30.01eXcAliBuRoh how wonderful
13:30.19eXcAliBuRand u said, you didn't know anything, you tease
13:30.32malcolmdyou happened to ask a question about something with which i'm very familiar :D
13:31.49eXcAliBuRAdded by Malcolm Davenport, last edited by Malcolm Davenport on Mar 13, 2013
13:31.57eXcAliBuRcan't be the same person
13:32.00malcolmdlike i said, very familiar
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13:36.58eXcAliBuRnow where is my big asterisk book, i wanna see if your name is on that too
13:37.25eXcAliBuRnop :(
13:37.28malcolmdprobably not
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13:41.34eXcAliBuRgeneral question: digium D40 vs. polycom 321 => speaker phone loudness, which one is better?
13:42.06malcolmddunno, i never did any of those comparisons
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13:42.40eXcAliBuRwell i'm bias towards digium
13:42.44eXcAliBuRso it wins
13:43.06malcolmdwe are, too
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13:50.14GreenlightGenerally is Asterisk scaling fairly linear or not? For example if I double the server specs, can I expect double or almost double capacity?
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13:51.16v0lZyhi guys
13:51.36v0lZyIs it possible to tell asterisk to playback a sound file from a specific directory?
13:52.10mirela666v0lZy: sure
13:52.20greenwolfactually its very simple to achieve that
13:53.06v0lZycan it be done from within the dialplan?
13:53.29mirela666v0lZy: i think you can specify file with apsolute path, but relative from your default language folder will 100% work
13:53.38v0lZyWhat I wish to achieve is to have multiple directories with sound files, and select which one to play via a variable
13:54.10v0lZymirela666: so inside the default folder, i create my own folders, then i can do Playback(/myfolder/filenamewithoutending) ?
13:54.51v0lZyOne more question... is asterisk... symlink smart in this case?
13:54.52kaldemarv0lZy: a path given to Playback is absolute.
13:55.00mirela666v0lZy: ofcourse, if you say Playback(file) it will first look in en/ folder if that is your language
13:55.20v0lZyi mean, does it follow symlinks as you'd expect (it should as far as i know, but just asking..)
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13:56.21v0lZyOk, one more scaling question... if im just passing RTP traffic, no transcoding etc
13:56.53v0lZydoes playback of a terms of use policy or disclamer etc for each call hugely impact the amount of concurrent calls ill be able to handle?
13:57.13mirela666v0lZy: kaldemar: so only absolute path works? :/
13:57.44v0lZyThing is i cant use music on hold cause then a user could drop in in the middle of the recording being played and missed half of it then have to wait for another loop etc...
13:57.49kaldemarmirela666: err, no. what i should have said is that if the patch begins with a slash, it is absolute.
13:58.09mirela666kaldemar: oki :) thought so :)
13:58.37v0lZyah, so no /myfolder/myfile but myfolder/myfile
13:58.43teffdoes anyone have  a account configured?
13:59.11mirela666v0lZy: you can do both ways, what ever is best fitting
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13:59.35v0lZyyeah but if i do / then it has to be full path from my root dir down.
13:59.43mirela666v0lZy: personally I like to add my sound files in en/mySounds/*
14:00.05mirela666v0lZy: so that i can playback them with Playback(mySounds/*)
14:00.15mirela666v0lZy: yes
14:01.50v0lZyis using the Playback on each incoming call a big resource hogg when it comes to running multiple concurrent calls?
14:04.35Greenlightv0lZy: Naa, not really. How many concurrent calls you expecting ?
14:05.08v0lZyid like as many as i can get :D
14:05.56mirela666i'm guessing it's just like any other call
14:05.58GreenlightWell, if you're pushing like 400+ calls you might want to stick the files on a ramdisk
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14:09.21v0lZyI see, so its just an access speed thing
14:09.29v0lZyrathen then cpu intensive..
14:11.00Greenlightv0lZy: It'll be slightly more intensive than just bridging say two sip calls, but not a great deal so.
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14:31.09v0lZyGreenlight: thanks for the info
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14:36.07[TK]D-FenderAll disk-speed.
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14:43.01v0lZyhave to run now
14:43.03v0lZybe back later
14:43.38filefalls into existence
14:45.11drmessanoLike the Whale?
14:45.20drmessanoDidn't work out so well for him
14:45.48drmessanoor the bowl of Petunias, for that matter
14:48.31eXcAliBuROMG file is here, does everyone see?
14:48.42fileI'm always around.
14:48.53eXcAliBuRhmm should be a t in thre somewhre
14:49.14eXcAliBuRmy fingers seems to be going faster than the keyboard can keep up
14:53.53*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:58.08RumblesHi everyone, just noticed that dahdi-linux 2.6.2 is out in the repos, just wondering, is there a mailing list you can get added to so notifications are sent out when new versions come out? Just installed a pair of 5.8 servers, now I need to reinstall them and redesign our install script, would have been nice if I'd known before :)
14:58.37drmessanoCentOS 6.x is also out
14:59.34drmessanoThat's the list
15:00.42Rumblesthanks drmessano
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15:02.38drmessanoHow do you need to "redesign" your install script?
15:02.42RumblesI'm guessing this won't just be release emails though drmessano
15:03.01drmessanoRumbles:  Why would you guess that?
15:03.10Rumbleswell, at the moment it changed the repos to look at 5.8 in the vault, won't need to any more
15:04.03RumblesI just got the impression it will be anything sent to the mailing list? Is it just going to notify when later versions of the software come out?
15:04.16drmessanoIt's an ANNOUNCE list for Digium
15:04.21drmessanoLow volume
15:04.28drmessanoInstead of guessing, check the archives
15:04.48drmessano  <--- That's a high volume month
15:04.55Rumblesthanks, don't need to now :)
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15:23.33GreenlightI've an odd issue that's happend twice now in the last two weeks. Asterisk completely hangs, deadlocked it seems, and needs restarted. When it dies the CLI gets spammed with "Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to.." for all Local/ channels that I have active. How would I go about pinning down the cause. The systems a production one and too busy to enable and of the debug options
15:23.33Greenlightunfortuntely, and I can't reproduce in a lab.
15:24.28malcolmddrmessano: how'd you notice the centos 6.x repos? ;)
15:25.01igcewielingGreenlight: exact Asterisk version?
15:26.08kesselklopfer79_is it possible to force an rename on local channels over AMI or AGI ?
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15:26.44igcewielingkesselklopfer79_: you cannot rename channels
15:27.01igcewielingGreenlight: are you using /n  on your local/ channels?
15:27.03GreenlightLast time issue occured I was running 11.2.1 - Upgraded to rc as it fixed some issues with Dual Redirect
15:27.48Greenlightigcewieling: Yes, I'm using /n.
15:28.17GreenlightI'm not sure if the "Exceptionally long.." messages are the cause, or an effect of the problem. It seems the channel stack is deadlocked
15:28.18igcewielingGreenlight: weird.
15:28.29GreenlightFor example "core show channels" and the CLI just locks up.
15:28.34kesselklopfer79_igcewieling: only force asterisk to rename local channels if asterisk dont do
15:28.50igcewielingkesselklopfer79_: I have no idea what you just said.
15:29.06Greenlightkesselklopfer79_: You cannot rename local channels, nor would I see any need to
15:29.43igcewielingGreenlight: you might want to confirm ALL IPs on the server are listed in /etc/hosts and make SURE DNS is working correctly, preferrable to a local caching nameserver.   Asterisk uses DNS in all sorts of places you might not expect.
15:30.15Greenlightigcewieling: There's a thought! Nice catch let me go check that out.
15:31.26fileGreenlight, any additional features in use? I know there's a deadlock issue with fax gatewaying and local channels
15:31.41GreenlightAt present we use the hostname in sip.conf. Now, if I add that to /etc/hosts, do you reckon I'll still need to setup local caching dns ?
15:32.55Greenlightfile: No faxing. The local channels (which I'm not 100% sure are the cause or not) are used the bridge ChanSpy and Playback functions. Basically to whisper a sound to a channel. The system is rather busy - circa 350-400 channels when it died.
15:33.18fileyeah I know of nothing open right now even remotely related to that
15:33.26GreenlightFile: Damn :(
15:33.39GreenlightIt's odd, as it's been up and fine for 14 days. Then bam.
15:33.47kesselklopfer79_Greenlight: asterisk dont rename local channels if a sip trunk with an originate is dialed and the extern participant answers ....
15:34.07kesselklopfer79_Greenlight: on my test account with toplink
15:34.18fileGreenlight, probably a subtle race condition that requires exact conditions to occur
15:34.43GreenlightFile: Yea, my fears were that
15:35.07GreenlightThe long voice queue messages; are they an indicator?
15:35.26filemeans that the thread which is supposed to be reading and processing the queue isn't doing so
15:35.31filemost likely due to a deadlock
15:35.31GreenlightI don't see any of those messages, relating to the current SIP channels, only the Local ones
15:36.09GreenlightSo, if all channels were deadlocked, it'd not be unusual to see that messsage against only the local channels. (Sorry my knowledge of the core working is still somewhat sketchy!)
15:36.21fileit... depends
15:36.32GreenlightI love IT
15:36.50*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
15:37.40filekesselklopfer79_, ...what?
15:37.48GreenlightNothing obvious in the full log either. A couple of calls failed with "480 Temp Unaviable", then loads of the Excpetionally Long queue messages.
15:38.21fileGreenlight, when that happens you can attach gdb to the running process and get a backtrace - at the very least it can narrow things down
15:38.39Greenlightoo .. even without having debug stuff enabled
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15:39.15fileWELL if it's it a normal build it may provide a bit of info
15:39.25filebut yes
15:39.33filegdb asterisk --pid=<pid of asterisk>
15:39.46GreenlightExcellent! Some hope at least :)
15:39.52fileit will halt the running process until you exit
15:40.21GreenlightThats okay, at that point the process might as well be dead, and I'm about to kill it anyway. Then go grovelling to my customer :)
15:41.33GreenlightAnd, can I tell it to output anything useful to a file for looking over later, rather than just halt the process then and there ?
15:41.55kesselklopfer79_file: for example Originate with Local/XXX@waitForME Exten: XXXXXX Context: international ... the extern participant answers then the local channels Local/XXX,1 Local/XXX,2 are not renamed in our asterisk buisness edition
15:42.38fileGreenlight, I haven't done that in many a time so I do not know
15:42.39kesselklopfer79_file: with our toplink account with intern sip accounts everything is fine ....
15:44.55Greenlightfile: Ok, thanks for your assistance. I'm going to have a Google regarding gdb and see - Since it's weeks between deadlocks, I want to be ready and get all the info I need the next time it happens.
15:45.05igcewielingGreenlight: Asterisk does a lookup on the local interfaces too.
15:45.32fileit doesn't do any DNS lookups for local interfaces
15:45.59igcewielingfile: could have fooled me.  We add the local interfaces into /etc/hosts and all calling issues when the internet goes down stop happening.
15:46.13fileoh you mean local network interfaces
15:46.17fileyeah, probably
15:46.21fileI thought you meant chan_local
15:46.26igcewielingah, no.
15:49.03GreenlightSooo... if it's in /etc/hosts I'll be okay from a dns point of view? Do you reckon a dns "glitch" could cause things to go so crazy that it totally deadlocks
15:49.33filechan_sip isn't designed in an asynchronous DNS manner, so when DNS is wonky it can block... a lot
15:50.57GreenlightWell that's promising I guess, from the point of view adding to /etc/hosts might just fix it :)
15:51.18fileit's possible but my gut tells me no
15:52.03GreenlightWe're sometimes originating 50 calls in the space of 10 seconds or so, so if DNS was wonky it would pile up quickly
15:55.54drmessanoI always set up a local DNS resolver
15:56.04drmessanoDNSMASQ is my current go-to
15:57.11drmessanoSIP DNS issues seem to be like a high speed rail train.  Runs along fine for tens of thousands of miles, but one little bird...
15:57.42filethe new SIP infrastructure will not suffer from such things
15:57.52drmessanoI figured as much
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15:58.47GreenlightRight, I just went ahead and updated sip.conf to use the IP. Since it was only in the one place. I hope that solves my issues :)
15:58.55drmessanoI'm sure there is a big list of "Shit we need to make sure is different this time but was too hard to rip out and repair because the beast was too big and sickly"
15:59.06igcewielingGreenlight: still a good idea to run a local caching nameserver on the asterisk box
15:59.18filedrmessano, "do the opposite of chan_sip"
15:59.38coppicethe next version will solve all your problems (TM) :-)
15:59.40drmessano@file: Sounds correct
16:01.07dwayneputs a candle in Katty's cupcake
16:01.23GreenlightOk, I'll setup DNSMASQ, and pray too :)
16:01.39Kattywaves to dwayne
16:01.47GreenlightIn the meantime, I'll also research the gdb outputs incase it still blows up
16:01.51dwaynegood morning Katty
16:02.41chuckfwants a cupcake
16:02.48chuckfhugs Katty
16:03.18Kattyhugs chuckf
16:03.26Kattychuckf: and i'd totally make you some red velvet ones.
16:03.40Kattychuckf: or whatever, off the blog
16:03.50Kattychuckf: just bring me the ingredients.
16:04.06chuckfIf I'm ever passing by, I'll do that!
16:04.23Kattydoes your +1 cook?
16:04.43Qwellwoah, it's a dwayne
16:04.44chuckfwhen she's in the mood, yeah
16:04.55Kattywoah it's a Qwellery.
16:04.56dwaynehey Qwell, how it going?
16:04.57Qwelldwayne: I was going to ask you crust!
16:05.01chuckflargley we take turns
16:05.03Qwelldwayne: doing pretty well
16:05.04Kattyoh? pizza crust?
16:05.11dwayneNJ pizza crust?
16:05.12Kattyi'm interested in dwayne's pizza crust, fo sho
16:05.33Kattychuckf: check our Chef John @ on youtube.
16:05.36Kattychuckf: your welcome.
16:05.40dwayneQwell, were you looking at some of my weekend IRC comments or something?
16:05.41Qwelldwayne: good pizza crust.  any tips/pointers you've got.  I know at one point you were mad that you couldn't find good crust here.
16:05.52chuckfKatty: I'll do that
16:05.53Qwelldwayne: You made comments about it several years ago.
16:05.54Kattytip: use flour.
16:06.02drmessanoflour, yeast, water
16:06.06Kattytip: oven recommended.
16:06.09Kattyhi danny
16:06.16Kattynoogies drmessano
16:06.18Qwellthrows an el6 repo at drmessano
16:06.29dwayneQwell, pizza crust could start a religious war
16:06.35Kattyi agree.
16:06.42Kattybut if it's GOOD pizza crust, i will listen.
16:06.44drmessanoAlso, you need a pizza stone
16:06.48Qwelldwayne: I know.  That's why I'm turning to the bishop. :p
16:06.49Kattyor a cast iron pan
16:06.57Kattyprefers the cast iron pan
16:07.11Kattyoh, wait. we weren't doing the religious war yet.
16:07.19*** join/#asterisk cbdev (
16:07.24dwayneI haven't found any good pizza in HSV yet.
16:07.25Kattythat comes after dwayne's recipe he's about to share with us.
16:07.29Kattytugs on dwayne's sleeve
16:07.32Qwelldwayne: sadness
16:07.33dwayneKatty, I'm just a consumer
16:07.40Kattyand i'm just a girl.
16:07.54fileI like the mellow mushroom crust
16:08.05KattyQwell: well if dwayne isn't going to share his recipe, would you like mine?
16:08.06dwaynebut I believe NJ has the best pizza in the world
16:08.24QwellKatty: I wanted super awesome NJ pizza crust. :(
16:08.32Kattywhat kind of crust is that
16:08.35QwellI once saw dwayne kill a man over pizza.
16:08.42Qwell(not an entirely accurate story)
16:08.43fileKatty, is that no-knead pan pizza as good as it looks?
16:09.04drmessanohalf tsp of yeast, cup of water, flour until it's just right.. then let it sit 12 hours
16:09.06Kattyfile: i've not made that yet
16:09.12Kattyfile: but i saw it on reddit, and it sure does look good.
16:09.18Kattyfile: mine has minimal kneading.
16:09.29QwellNormal pizza crust is so kneady.
16:09.34KattyQwell: YES.
16:10.00Kattyis NJ pizza crust deep?
16:10.04Kattythin? crispy?
16:10.26KattyGIVE ME THE SCOOP.
16:10.32Kattyerr crust.
16:11.02drmessanoThin and crispy, but not like "thin crust"
16:11.12Kattyit's not like imos, is it?
16:11.14drmessanoLight and fluffy around the edges
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16:12.20drmessanoand while whole wheat tastes great, you can't make a NY style pizza crust with whole wheat flour.. it doesn't set up correctly
16:12.58drmessanoIt's awesome in a chicago style pizza
16:14.24jmetroReally chicago style pizza shouldnt be classified as the same food item
16:14.44jmetroThere's a guy near me that imports water from New York [I live near Chicago] and he makes the best pie around
16:15.23drmessanoI can agree with that.. 2 very different styles
16:16.01Qwellwonders why drmessano isn't running AsteriskNOW 3.0 yet.
16:16.19drmessanoBascially, if you're used to making NY style pizza, and someone asks for Chicago Style, you're all wrong
16:16.39drmessano@Qwell:  Is *now 3.0 going to upgrade my CentOS 5 box to 6 :)
16:16.47Qwelldrmessano: Heck yes it is*
16:17.31drmessanoI have one box with CentOS, which happens to be 5.x, and it may stay that way forever
16:22.41lorsungcuLight and fluffy around the edges  << like most people from NJ
16:23.13Qwelllorsungcu: You forgot the baked to a golden brown part.
16:24.26lorsungcuso ez
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16:31.42MrMeekI'm surprised to find that SayUnixTime is not available out of the box in a default * 11 config
16:31.56MrMeekIs there any reason for that? i still see it in the ast 11 commands reference
16:32.14MrMeekmaybe it has a dependency i was missing at compile time?
16:32.35QwellThere are no dependencies, no.
16:32.52QwellYou would have had to have disabled it.
16:33.03MrMeeknope, same situation on two separate machines
16:33.26QwellIt is built by default.
16:33.34MrMeekdefault configuration at compile timem, both do not have SayUnixTime() listed in core show applications
16:34.25*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
16:34.26MrMeekshit, my bad
16:34.27MrMeekignore me
16:34.47MrMeeki used Leif's guide, blindly copy and pasted his noloads=> in the quick startup guide
16:35.14QwellBlaming leifmadsen is something I can definitely get behind.
16:35.24MrMeeknot his fault, definitely my fault
16:35.36QwellDon't take this from me.
16:35.46MrMeekokay, as you wish
16:36.04fileleifmadsen, answer for what you have done!
16:38.13drmessanoDocumenteur?  No, SABOTEUR!
16:38.42malcolmdQwell: what's this AsteriskNOW 3.0 of which you speak?
16:38.56Qwellmalcolmd: I don't know, but there's an RPM that says it's a version now.
16:39.16malcolmdis it 48.51% better than AsteriskNOW 2.02?
16:39.22QwellDidn't mjordan say the 18th was beer day?
16:39.29drmessanoWouldn't it be AsteriskNOW 30?\
16:39.33fileQwell, what?!?
16:39.33drmessanoYou guys confuse me
16:39.42malcolmdQwell: i'll see what i can do; wfh today with two sick kids
16:39.50Qwellfile: I'm pretty sure such words were uttered like 2 weeks ago!
16:39.56fileQwell, that's so long ago
16:40.04filemalcolmd, PLAGUE CARRIER
16:40.07QwellI specifically remember the "it'll be after St. Patty's day, so nobody will want to drink" comment.
16:40.26QwellThat's why he's out.  He's trying to dodge beer day!
16:40.46malcolmdthat or he wasn't cleared to drive himself in to work today following revelry
16:41.07Qwellmalcolmd: I actually wouldn't be able to tonight anyways. :p
16:47.57*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
16:55.27KattyYoMomma so smart he can bake brownies and do algebra at the same time.
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16:59.08_abc_Hello. Are the skinny developers here now?
16:59.15_abc_I need to talk about chan_skinny.c
16:59.24Kattylet's talk.
16:59.30Kattyhow's your mom.
16:59.47_abc_my mum's been dead for a while now, and I am not in the mood for assl
16:59.54_abc_next question
16:59.59lorsungcuI'm always in the mood for ass.
17:00.09Kattywell my condolences regarding the death of your mother.
17:00.11carrardepends who's ass
17:00.18_abc_is never in the mood for ass since he is straight
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17:00.26lorsungcuthank god for that
17:00.29igcewielinghey, straight people like ass too.
17:00.36_abc_is this asterisk the telephony server channel or is this #electronics in disguise?
17:00.48lorsungcui think this is #a+certs
17:00.49carrarYou can be straight and like female ass!
17:00.55Katty_abc_: oh do be nice.
17:00.56infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
17:00.58Katty_abc_: we're people too
17:01.19_abc_I would never have guessed <sncr>
17:01.20Katty_abc_: especially volunteers *frownyface*
17:01.41igcewieling"some of my best friends are straight"
17:01.43Kattygoes back to knitting glove.
17:01.51igcewielinggoes back to coding
17:01.55chuckfsome are bots, but we'll let you figure out which is who
17:02.07_abc_okay so I need to add a new device to chan_skinny.c which is unsupported, and I need to do it the hard way. I am in the middle of reading source and patching it by hand with what I think will make the new device work. I hope.
17:02.22lorsungcuthat sounds more like a statement.
17:02.26_abc_So I need to ask specific questions from people who actually know what they say, as I have been reading code for 2 hours straight.
17:03.02_abc_The questions:
17:03.05chuckfthinks you might want a dev channel rather than a general channel
17:03.08Kattychuckf: it's going to be a long afternoon.
17:03.25_abc_1) I need to define a new device with its id code as: #define SKINNY_DEVICE_somenumber thecode
17:03.55chuckfKatty: but its getting shorter by the minute
17:04.05Kattychuckf: excellent. my kind of afternoon.
17:04.06_abc_2) I need to figure out some button template and pass it to the relevant case of get_button_template() to set the right buttons on the device, else it will not work
17:04.21Qwell1) Okay, so what's the problem?
17:04.28_abc_3) I need to make device2str() print something sane for that device
17:04.31Qwell2) get_button_template()
17:04.32KattyTHE PROBLEM is i'm out of caffeine.
17:04.38Kattypls resolve.
17:04.42_abc_Is this all enough to get a device recognized?
17:04.49jmetro4 hrs sleep, and caffeine makes me MORE sleepy...halp
17:04.51Qwell3) You have the function already.  What's the question?
17:04.57Qwell_abc_: What happened when you tried it?
17:05.11_abc_Qwell: I mean, is there something else I need to do besides make up a template and then try to alter it until it mostly matches the device?
17:05.20Kattygood ole reliable Qwell
17:05.23Kattywhat would we do without him.
17:05.27_abc_I have not tried it yet, I am coding it now, will try it later tonight or tomorrow
17:05.30QwellKatty: starve, probably
17:05.34jmetrowe would have nothing to quell our hunger
17:05.35Kattybesides have less stalkers at the coffee shop
17:05.44Qwell_abc_: Well then try it.  It sounds like you're on track.
17:05.51_abc_So, I am asking, are those 3 the basic necessary steps to add a new device?
17:06.05dwayneKatty, sorry, I was in a meeting.  NJ pizza can be regular crust, thin crust, deep dish, sicilian, stuffed, etc..
17:06.06_abc_Because there seems to be no other place where a device is recognized or rejected in chan_skinny.c
17:06.32Qwell_abc_: There may be some changes with the protocol, depending on firmware.  We couldn't say, until it was running.
17:06.45_abc_Changes with the protocol?
17:06.55_abc_You mean the phone would need heuristics?
17:07.02_abc_To make the protocol work with it?
17:07.13QwellCisco is stupid.  The protocol can change, per device.
17:07.21QwellSo, try it and see.
17:07.25_abc_Also, is there some cozy place where I can insert my homemade hex dump for raw packets incoming from the phone?
17:07.31_abc_I mean cozy functions.
17:07.41Kattyjmetro: i agree. seems like i've gotten a recipe or two from him.
17:07.44_abc_I would like to look at the wire protocol directly in a debug window
17:07.47QwellNo, you'll need to figure out what they all mean, if they differ from what is supported.
17:07.50Kattyinfobot: cozy place
17:07.58Kattyinfobot: Cozy Place is Cozy Functions
17:07.58infobotokay, Katty
17:08.04Qwellwireshark has an old dissector that may be of some (small) value
17:08.13_abc_Qwell: sure, but, what function in chan_asterisk is best to use for hooking such wire messages incoming?
17:08.37jmetroKatty: You make bot macros by telling it things?
17:08.38_abc_skinny_req_parse ?
17:09.10_abc_Qwell: I can use tcpdump for that but in this case I would like to patch it into the asterisk source and run logs for specific devices (and not others) for a while.
17:09.15Kattyjmetro: are you kidding me? i have infobot filled with so much crap russellb probably wants to ban me.
17:10.14jmetropsh its all just shoved to a db somewhere
17:10.31Katty3gbs later....
17:11.51_abc_Qwell: is there someone here to talk to specifically about this kind of skullduggery?
17:12.13Kattyare you saying Qwell isn't good enough? :<
17:12.17_abc_Are Jeremy McNamara, Florian Overkamp or North Antara around here sometimes?
17:12.30QwellNone of them are involved with it anymore.
17:12.30_abc_They are the chan_skinny.c authors
17:12.42Kattypoor Qwell
17:12.45_abc_Is anyone else sort of taking care of chan_skinny.c now?
17:12.45KattyQwell: i still love you.
17:12.49KattyQwell: you're the best.
17:13.16_abc_Moving from to broke all skinny devices (several types), in despite of correct skinny.conf (edited for the upgrade).
17:13.22*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-vbekpsthbdilmozl)
17:13.30_abc_I had to back out and I am patching by hand in which is ancient as a result.
17:13.39_abc_I got serious protocol errors in 1.8
17:13.42Qwell"broke" how?
17:13.43jmetroSIP imo
17:13.56WIMPyWhy don;t you use a current version?
17:14.07_abc_Qwell: borke as in not one managed to register and I kept getting 'unexpected got 4 bytes' and such
17:14.12KattyWIMPy: maybe it's going for a retro feel.
17:14.40_abc_Also the diff con chan_skinny from 1.6 to 1.8 is ~4900loc
17:14.48_abc_out of ~8000 for 1.8
17:14.56_abc_I have read both versions in the last 2 hours.
17:15.04drmessanoWhat about from 1.8 to 10 or 11..
17:15.16_abc_Have not tried 10 or 11 yet, I might.
17:15.37_abc_This runs on a slack 1337 machine which is not that new and I can't shake the boat too much
17:15.59_abc_I need to support 1-2 'new' (actually old) phones on it now without taring it down and building it anews.
17:16.08_abc_I will consider upgrading later.
17:16.29_abc_So any hints, suggestions etc, are welcome (except upgrading to 11 now).
17:16.34_abc_brb afk
17:16.52Kattyhe needs a beer.
17:16.59carrarupdate to 11.2.1
17:17.14carrarnot 11 :)
17:17.26Kattycarrar: and this is why i love you.
17:18.06jmetrodont make me force_rport your comedia
17:18.33Kattyspeaking of comedia.
17:18.36Kattywhere's fender?
17:19.10Katty[TK]D-Fender: shouldn't you be harassing people?
17:19.13*** join/#asterisk pbxbrian (~pbxbrian@unaffiliated/brian98)
17:19.36igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I can only assume he is harassing people in his home dimension. 8-)
17:20.12Kattyi hope they're harassing him back. he needs to be harassed.
17:20.20*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (5c19a35f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:23.09lorsungcuwould really like to know what abc is doing/who is paying him to do it
17:23.35carrarSome lazy Chineese admin is paying him to do his work
17:23.37*** join/#asterisk willryder (
17:24.22Kattymaybe he's doing Top Secret work for the CIA.
17:24.43lorsungcuwe can only hope.
17:25.21carrarThey have to come here now since they can no longer send NSL's
17:25.44jmetroD-fender goes undercover in north korea to yell at government officials
17:26.10Kattyhe's good at  yelling.
17:26.14Kattymaybe progress will happen.
17:26.17igcewielingjmetro: only if they don't read the docs and don't do what he instructs.
17:26.55jmetrois able to procure documentation for every military site of north korea because he demanded a PB
17:27.20Kattyi could totally see that happen.
17:30.23_abc_lorsungcu: curiosity killed the cat
17:30.36_abc_pay is not worth mentioning this is part of assorted janitorial work
17:31.32lorsungcusounds miserable.  good luck.
17:31.38_abc_and no, I am not in China, I'm in Europe.
17:32.02_abc_also I am in the habit of contributing patches to open source stuff.
17:32.09_abc_once they work and someone wants them
17:32.19_abc_you people sound like you don't want them ;)
17:32.34_abc_goes to read more on weird keys on cisco phones
17:32.49_abc_incidentally I need to support this little beast:
17:33.06Kattysomeone sure does sound like Mister Grumpy Pants today.
17:33.22_abc_Katty: lucky we have you to lighten up the mood by clowning around :)
17:33.25Kattybut if i'd been digging through code for 2 hours, i'd probably be a little grumpy too.
17:33.53_abc_just ate dinner and is no longer grumpy.
17:34.01Kattyomnom dinner nomnom
17:34.09_abc_Also grumpiness is orthogonal to dealing with jokers on a technical channel at the wrong time.
17:34.25_abc_Such as when someone is asking specific tech questions.
17:35.21Kattypats _abc_
17:35.30Katty_abc_: i know you're grumpy and i hope it gets better.
17:35.33_abc_re you TSA?
17:36.03Katty_abc_: don't let my humor get on your cranky side.
17:36.12Katty_abc_: i've been irritating the crap out of everyone here for 8 years.
17:36.22_abc_Ahh you are a fixture.
17:36.37Kattyi am many things.
17:36.54Kattyincluding the person who always yells at fender for harassing newbies.
17:36.57*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (
17:37.03jmetroThere are two types of Tech/IT people..the super serious guys who for instance, made the Cisco web gui's
17:37.17jmetroand the jokers, who for instance, came up with "TWAIN" or "Nibbles"
17:37.26Kattyi LOVE nibbles.
17:37.30Kattythat engineer needs a hug.
17:37.43Kattywe need more fun words.
17:38.29lorsungcuI'm pretty sure a joker made Cisco's web guis
17:38.39_abc_no, he was a sad troll lorsungcu
17:39.05jmetrohe was a super serious guy who was having a bad day.
17:39.30_abc_Maybe 2-3 bad years you mean
17:39.39Kattywell, bad days happen.
17:39.42Kattythey are a fact of life.
17:40.02jmetroNormally on days when you have to use a Cisco web gui.
17:40.05*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
17:40.09Kattyhi _Corey_
17:40.39Kattyhow're you and the +1 dear?
17:40.49_Corey_she's been sick...
17:40.55Kattynothing serious, i hope?
17:41.12_Corey_(she teaches, so brings home all the diseases from the children)
17:41.29Kattyah, so not serious.
17:41.36_abc_Wait, cisco does not have a web site. They have a rat maze. I have been at the same pages 3 times already running aroud following links.
17:41.40Kattyhope she's feeling better soon (=
17:41.42*** join/#asterisk eXcAliBuR (~eXcAliBuR@
17:41.49_Corey_Katty: It depends on what I'm asking of her...  :)
17:42.05Katty_Corey_: Lysol ALL the things.
17:42.35*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:42.44igcewielingchildren, rats, and pigeons are very similar in that way.
17:42.44eXcAliBuRwhen someone calls in and it gets routed to an extension, is there a feature (call pickup) that another phone could pick up the call?
17:42.59igcewielingeXcAliBuR: yes.  It is even documented.
17:43.02Kattyis the extension activately ringing?
17:43.07Kattyfeatures.conf, *8 i believe
17:43.24eXcAliBuRi might of asked before googling
17:43.31Katty's coo
17:43.45Kattyi always ask Qwell before googling.
17:43.48Kattyhe practically IS google.
17:46.02_abc_ this sounds like a great way to make users report a LOT of bad phones in a very short time
17:46.57lorsungcunot sure what part you refer to
17:47.14lorsungcuthere is a chart with too many arrows
17:47.15_abc_I feel like designing an ip phone from scratch and adding support for it to asterisk rather than dealing with slippery cisco any more but I have no choice
17:47.18lorsungcuand then i closed the window
17:47.24_abc_lorsungcu: the part with power save plus.
17:47.33lorsungcuyeah the arrows got me first
17:47.44_abc_Basically the phones can be made inoperable by the pbx for 'power saving'
17:47.57_abc_you can imagine what the clueful user will do when seeing such a phone, right?
17:48.05_abc_rma is the keyword here
17:48.10lorsungcudepends on how you trained them, i suppose
17:48.14_abc_you can't herd cats
17:48.26_abc_Anyway thanks for the handholding
17:48.30lorsungcui have never had luck with cats using phones.
17:48.34_abc_Be back tomorrow or such
17:48.47Katty_abc_: have a good night!!!
17:48.50_abc_lorsungcu: I have had *bad* luck with cats using phones for various things
17:49.05lorsungcui tend to just throw the phone at the cat
17:49.07_abc_stinking chewed up hairballed bad luck
17:49.18*** part/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
17:49.51lorsungcuyeah TK should have been here for that
17:50.07Kattymeh, North Korea needs him.
17:51.59*** join/#asterisk sipman (
17:52.56igcewielingKatty: if [TK]D-Fender stopped helping many people would not get help.  He may act like a drill Sargent, but he is effective.
17:53.17Kattyi've known fender a long time.
17:53.31Kattyhe is a jerk, but a nice jerk.
17:59.35*** join/#asterisk oneadvent (
17:59.43oneadventhi, can someone tell me what: Return early if $buffer is adequate for request. means?
17:59.54oneadventit is part of phpagi and i just can't find what it means by that
18:03.43eXcAliBuRmalcolmd you still here?
18:05.30malcolmdeXcAliBuR: sorta
18:07.36eXcAliBuRi'm trying to get one of the line keys on the phone d50, to be *8
18:07.48eXcAliBuRi forget where to do it
18:07.58eXcAliBuRi checked in contacts.xml
18:08.01eXcAliBuRbut got scared
18:09.07Kattyoffers eXcAliBuR a blanket.
18:09.09QwelleXcAliBuR: Are you using DPMA?
18:10.13Qwellblf_unused_linekeys=true, then a contact of *8 in the contacts.xml file.
18:12.22eXcAliBuRwouldn't that mess up all my speed dials?
18:12.25eXcAliBuRlike move them up
18:21.43*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
18:22.19QwellWell, yes.  That's what you're wanting, isn't it?
18:26.47*** join/#asterisk HmdP_Mobile (
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18:55.12eXcAliBuRi broke my contacts.xml :[ i got a group for my blf keys, and another one for the speed dials
18:55.16eXcAliBuRbut none are working
18:55.25eXcAliBuRI think I might have something mis labeled
18:56.37WIMPyI try to open xml files in opera to see if they are valid.
18:56.39*** join/#asterisk talntid (
18:57.59malcolmd^ do what wimpy suggests; it's easy to create invalid xml in a vi editor
18:58.49WIMPyIs it known BTW, how many contacts the Digium phones can handle?
18:59.13WIMPyOr is it about the number of entries or the size?
18:59.36*** join/#asterisk ra21vi (~ravi@
19:00.09ra21viIN my queue, how can I add a custom recording to be played along with other announcements
19:00.27[TK]D-FenderAll announcements are custom.
19:00.38[TK]D-Fenderra21vi, And it's all in the queues.conf sample config
19:02.01ra21vi[TK]D-Fender: yes, like thank-you and other sounds. But I dont want to override them, I want to add one more sound.
19:02.42malcolmdWIMPy: hundreds are fine, thousands are not
19:03.10WIMPyI know.
19:03.23ra21viI would like to remind user periodically that if they do not want to wait in queue, they can press 0 and then send us recorded message
19:03.27malcolmdthough you could always write your own contacts app that leaves them on the server rather than putting them in local memory
19:03.37WIMPyBut I'd rather not have to try out when it starts to fail.
19:03.37eXcAliBuRcan i see an example of a contacts file
19:03.56eXcAliBuRi'll paste bin mine, so everyone can point and laugh
19:04.08WIMPymalcolmd: That's what I did so far, but I doubt I can motivate myself to look at json.
19:05.06eXcAliBuRalready there malcolmd
19:05.14eXcAliBuRit's not showing me what I want.
19:06.48malcolmdsorry, i'm wfm today and no access to phones
19:07.27[TK]D-Fender<ra21vi> I would like to remind user periodically that if they do not want to wait in queue, they can press 0 and then send us recorded message <-- yes and there is an annoucement for that in the sample
19:09.17malcolmdchrome doesn't hate it, but that doesn't mean there's not something subtle in there that's unliked by the phone
19:11.05eXcAliBuRmy xml crashed internet explorer
19:12.35malcolmddid it break paste bin, also? ;)
19:13.04eXcAliBuRits there
19:13.31eXcAliBuRoh dear seems to still work…try simplifying things..   what do you get if you load that?
19:14.12eXcAliBuRthat works
19:14.58eXcAliBuRit looks right to me tho
19:15.08eXcAliBuRmy call pickup works
19:38.36*** join/#asterisk taylorbyte2013 (~cyberninj@2001:470:1f05:12cc:1e6f:65ff:fec2:bec7)
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19:46.48*** join/#asterisk AlexForster (~AlexForst@
19:53.55AlexForsterAMI problem: I want to use all of these "RTCPSent/RTCPReceived" events, but I can't figure out a reliable way to tie them back to a channel... anyone have any advice?
20:09.26igcewielingAlexForster: Asterisk version?
20:09.49AlexForster1.6 or 1.8
20:10.11igcewielingthe best you can do is look at the uniqueid in the event
20:10.26igcewielingon 1.8 you should look at linkedid
20:11.51AlexForster this is from 1.6, but iirc 1.8 didn't have any more info
20:12.55AlexForsterthe From/To headers appear to be the only uniquely identifying information (the RTP endpoints), but I can't find any way to map RTP IP:port to...anything else
20:13.24QwellAlexForster: huh.  That's not terribly useful, is it?
20:13.26*** join/#asterisk gusto (
20:15.10AlexForsternot so far, haha - i've been googling for the last few hours, but short of monitoring SIP traffic, i can't find any way to get info about anything related to the SDP negotiation
20:15.51igcewielingAlexForster: I'd file a bug asking for UniqueID and/or LinkedID be added to those events
20:16.20WIMPyPretty senseless for 1.6/1.8
20:16.44igcewielingAlexForster: I'd file a bug against 11.x asking for UniqueID and/or LinkedID be added to those events
20:16.45AlexForster sample from 1.8
20:18.10AlexForsteryeah, eh, I'm hoping there's a way that I just haven't come across - we're stuck with whatever asterisk version is in EPEL
20:18.19AlexForsterwhich, at the moment, is 1.8
20:18.44*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
20:23.32igcewielingAlexForster: If you file a bug today, by the time you can FINALLY upgrade to Asterisk 11, the change might actually be put in the code.
20:24.00AlexForsterha, sadly true
20:25.18igcewielingAlexForster: remember rctp only works for audio which is going through Asterisk  i.e. if media is direct, Asterisk won't have the stats.
20:27.06AlexForsteryeah, no I live in NAT hell, everything we deal with passes through asterisk
20:30.33*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
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20:42.16ghostmediaproQwell: I'm trying to debug freenum on my asterisk server to find out why calls from out side aren't reaching it, can you please assist by placing a call?
20:43.14*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
20:52.55AlexForsterfigured it out :D { Action: "GetVar", Channel: "...", Variable: "CHANNEL(rtpdest)" }
20:53.16AlexForsterI knew there had to be a way
21:02.32*** join/#asterisk nephfl (6c09e362@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:02.56nephflhello, anybody know how to make a transfer key on the aastra 6753i?
21:08.49ChainsawI only use Polycom 670/IP7000 these days, sorry.
21:09.26QwellChainsaw: You're missing out.
21:09.45ChainsawQwell: I know. I haven't had handset-related stress for months.
21:11.51ghostmediaprocan anyone help me debug freenum calls to my server, by placing a test call
21:17.24jmetroripping the base station off a Polycom = Hulk smash
21:24.09*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:28.50igcewielingjoy.  looks like the router where we blocked the person who hacked into it, is now getting a DDoS attack.
21:33.31jmetroprobably because you blocked the dude. He got mad
21:33.54jmetroYou made all of his scripts that other people made for him not work anymore.
21:34.39*** join/#asterisk marksaitis (
21:36.06igcewielingWe have multiple layers of fraud detection/prevention which do not rely on the endpoint.  We don't know how they are getting into the endpoint, but our other stuff is still blocking internationa
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22:32.28jdoeis there any way I can have a caller exit a queue (to some other part of the dialplan) if and only if they press a specific button? I don't want to dequeue people if they hamfist the wrong button.
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22:50.55robert_so how do you get your own extension when you're trying to set CID informatino?
22:54.05RudyValenciaWe are trying to set up our Asterisk system so that internal calls display the extension number, and outbound calls display either our toll-free DID (by default) or the DID associated with a given extension (when dialing pattern _*821NXXXXXXXXX). Currently we have our caller IDs set to the extension number.
22:54.29RudyValenciaHow do we get the external caller ID to show the phone number instead of the extension number?
23:13.57*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
23:17.26jblackjust use the callerid function right before the dial.
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23:24.14igcewielingRudyValencia: do different extensions have different callerid numbers for external?
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