IRC log for #asterisk on 20130314

00:01.22navaismodimitry7, show us the iax debug on a pastebin
00:01.29infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:01.53navaismoand the iax.conf for both servers
00:08.11f0ner00tHey Navaismo do you know 3com routers in #asterisk .. LOl
00:08.13f0ner00tJust playing
00:08.30navaismoso what is your issue btw?
00:09.42f0ner00tI got two 3com switches I am trying to connect togther.. But the one doesn't even show a light when its connected to the other. The physical connection is good because we can plug a 601 polycom in it... But i think it might be my ip config on the one router.
00:09.54f0ner00tI'll have to hook into the other router tommorrow and see how its configured
00:12.14navaismoi see
00:12.27navaismoif everything fails check the manual :)
00:12.36f0ner00tyea the manuals aren't much help
00:13.03navaismothere is no reset tool, web gui or its old for that
00:13.27navaismoalo alo dimitry7 did you managed the pastebin???
00:14.48f0ner00tLOL I'm on a craft port...
00:14.50f0ner00tright now
00:22.12navaismoguess he was kidding about the help
00:24.06*** join/#asterisk freeedrich| (
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00:42.27dimitry7navaismo, my boss did the final part lol, its ok, thank you!!!
00:42.48dimitry7see ya guys, good day, afternoon or night :)
00:50.35*** join/#asterisk mzb- (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
00:56.16ruben231navaismo: my issue is if i used small codecs like g729, audo quality gets worst..
01:00.02WIMPyruben231: That's the idea.
01:00.53*** join/#asterisk Surye (
01:01.36SuryeAre there no RPMs for Asterisk 11? Or am I looking in the wrong place? I'd like to upgrade my asterisk 11 and has none
01:01.37LieutPants[ASTERISK-11] [Status: Closed] AGI channel_status failure -
01:03.52*** join/#asterisk wdoekes (
01:04.01navaismoruben231, do you want quality pay the price, i mean the bandwidth
01:05.14navaismosee you
01:09.14WIMPyToo late.
01:10.57WIMPySo what do you want?
01:12.39*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:22.55igcewieling1Whoever created cdr_adaptive should get a prize or something
01:30.46*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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01:30.47ruben231WIMPy: what would be best setup somehow to make this work that quality might be preservde coz based on badwith monitring usage on teh datacenter im only in minimal but the user end are having voice quality issue already.
01:35.41WIMPyHow many call and What's the bandwidth?
02:05.18*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
02:09.20pigpenHi all.  I have ran across this before, but I cannot remember the resolution.  Asterisk + Polycom phone:  when using the "Polycom way" of transferring, the call is not transferred, but ultimately placed on hold after the final "transfer".
02:09.35pigpenThe destination number does ring, but when answered, the call is not connected.
02:09.59pigpenafter they hang up the errored call, the call is found "on hold" at the origination of the transfer.
02:10.37pigpendigitmap issue?
02:12.29igcewieling1pigpen: no.  likely a user error.  Make SURE they are transferring as the polycom docs instruct.  We have some phone docs at
02:13.14pigpenyeah, I even had the "user" (which has managed this pbx for 5 years for 250 users) video the transfer.  All was done right.
02:13.36pigpenit sure does sound like user error though
02:14.43BludSuckingFiendInteresting pigpen
02:15.03BludSuckingFiendI just updated some of my IP550s to the latest firmware and I am getting similar behavior
02:15.19pigpenyeah.  recently move from asterisk 1.6.12 to 11.2 (wow, big jump)
02:15.23BludSuckingFiendthough, I am actually getting an error on the phone display when attempting to complete the transfer
02:15.28pigpenand Polycom 2.2.5 to 3.0.0
02:15.40BludSuckingFiendand I just upgraded from 1.8.20 to 11
02:16.25pigpenother than this odditiy, and dealing with user neglect for 5 years across 250 phones, it is going pretty well.
02:16.52BludSuckingFiendI've got about 140, mix of 550s and 501s
02:17.08pigpenwow.  501's
02:17.17pigpenyeah, they have mostly 430's and 601's.
02:17.18BludSuckingFiendI think I just installed 3.0.4
02:17.28BludSuckingFiendWe have maybe 10 501s left
02:17.33BludSuckingFiendthe rest are 550s.
02:19.14pigpenyeah the 550's are nice phones.  little brother to the 650's
02:19.19BludSuckingFiendactually, not 3.0.5
02:19.40BludSuckingFiendthey are definitely complex to configure
02:19.43BludSuckingFiendso many options...
02:20.07BludSuckingFiendWay more phone than my users need
02:20.14pigpenI have not gone to the 4.x yet.
02:20.43BludSuckingFiendmost of my 550s are on 3.2.2
02:20.55BludSuckingFiendI've upgraded 3 of them as a test group
02:21.01BludSuckingFiendand then ran into my tranfer problen
02:21.42BludSuckingFiendstill doing testing and comparing with the older firmware to determine what the problem is
02:22.19pigpenah, yeah, on the 550's running 3.2.2
02:23.57BludSuckingFiendI am thinking it is probably a configuration  difference
02:24.20BludSuckingFiendsince I had to replace the config files when upgrading... so going to try the old configs with the new firmware
02:24.44pigpenyeah, I thought 4 was way different.
02:25.13BludSuckingFiendquite a bit
02:25.29BludSuckingFiendThe website on the 550s is totally reworked too
02:25.37BludSuckingFiendopens up a ton more options
02:25.57pigpenoh, my transfer issue is defiantly a phone issue.  Using the ## transfer works fine.
02:26.25BludSuckingFiendYeah, my pre-4.0.3 firmware 550s still transfer ok too
02:26.33[TK]D-Fender550 = waste
02:26.49[TK]D-Fendercosts too mcuh for just a slightly bigger screen than the 450, etc.
02:26.55[TK]D-FenderN o expansion like the 650.
02:27.03[TK]D-FenderStuck in the middle sad wastes
02:27.13[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, heading home (WAY too late)
02:27.17BludSuckingFiendprice for standardization
02:27.43pigpennight TK, good to see you are still alive  (I think I am?)
02:28.08pigpenmaybe I am a bot and just haven't figured it out yet.
02:35.26igcewieling1maybe you are a butterfly dreaming you are human?
02:36.29*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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02:45.22igcewieling1we are turning up a customer with 276 channels tomorrow
02:52.49androssyou have a customer that needs to be able to make 276 simultaneous calls?
02:54.21BludSuckingFiendthat on an asterisk system?
02:56.35*** join/#asterisk raden (
02:56.40radenKatty, HUGZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ
02:56.45radenanyone use asterisk GUI ?
03:01.59igcewieling1andross: around that yes.
03:02.07igcewieling1they claim 1 million calls per month
03:02.27igcewieling1we have a small cluster of asterisk boxes
03:03.48BludSuckingFiendnot bad for an asterisk system
03:04.15BludSuckingFiendI've seen a few Avaya PBX/ACDs that handle > 400,000 calls/day though
03:06.02*** join/#asterisk cryptic (
03:06.14androssi used to work for an ISP supporting hosted asterisk
03:06.31androsswe did a few million calls per month
03:07.09androssalthough that was across all customers we didnt really have any that needed more than a few dozen lines per
03:09.46BludSuckingFiendI was with the 2nd largest outsourced call center company in the world.... pretty impressive phone systems, but terrible company
03:10.07igcewieling1I think we do about 2 mil calls per month, I was told the customer will increase our call volume by about a third
03:13.21BludSuckingFiendcalls came in on an OC-12
03:13.26BludSuckingFiendthat's a LOT of angry customers
03:18.04androsswe used a few paetec ds3's on old as5400's
03:18.31androssso thats like around 600 calls per ds3
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03:20.45pabelangerandross: why did you leave?
03:21.14androssnew manager fired me to bring in his own people
03:21.48androssstaffing was always an issue and i was overworked
03:24.17igcewieling1andross: happened to me a few years ago, but it was expected and talked about ahead of time
03:36.55androssits always discouraging getting fired
03:37.02*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-xfbeuqdijfzerdxx)
03:37.04androssbut im no longer underpaid and overworked
03:37.17androsswhich is one benefit to working somewhere else now
03:39.07WIMPyHas anyone tried to make use of DAHDIs HOLD feature? How far is it possible to make use of it from Asterisk? Does it even make sense to try?
03:41.04androssfor moh?
03:42.04WIMPyNo, for additional calls.
03:48.24igcewieling1WIMPy: no, only standard hookswitch call waiting and 3-way calling
03:48.50*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
03:50.43WIMPyLast time I checkt, 3-way didn't work. But I'm more interested in the network side.
03:51.30*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:58.39igcewieling1PRI or analog?
03:59.33*** part/#asterisk gonewage (
04:01.31WIMPyThe main use would be BRI.
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04:04.53WIMPyHome / normal office use where this is quite an issue.
04:09.45igcewieling1ah, 2BCT on ISDN
04:10.00WIMPyNo, HOLD/CW.
04:12.34BludSuckingFiendAre you talking about where a B channel is freed up while holding?
04:12.52BludSuckingFiendand I'm surprised anyone still uses BRI
04:13.14WIMPy30% of all phone lines here are BRIs.
04:13.16BludSuckingFiendI've never seen that done, unfortunately
04:13.50BludSuckingFiendI've seen a lot of BRI-base phones... a lot of proprietary DCP phones are based on it
04:13.58BludSuckingFiendjust not much trunking done that way
04:14.38BludSuckingFiendDigital phones... well, that's the Avaya Terminology anyway
04:14.43WIMPyAh, Avaya
04:14.59BludSuckingFiendeOn digital phones are BRI as well
04:15.21BludSuckingFiendthe 4-wire dual-phone loops were a pain
04:15.44BludSuckingFiend2 phones on one loop taking advantage of that ISDN functionality that allows more than one TE on a loop
04:15.49drmessanoI am trying to figure out if a fix that is marked as shipping with 11.3.0 is included in the 11.3.0-rc1.  Where can I look to see what revision the 11 branch was at when 11.3.0-rc1 was tagged?
04:21.07WIMPyAs far as I see it it will require a rather complex dialplan involvon lots of group foo and possibly some AGI to make it easier, but I'm not sure it's possible to get the full functionality of a PBX.
04:21.11WIMPyOr without a PBX.
04:22.51igcewieling1drmessano: ?
04:23.25drmessanoIs that 2013-01-30 17:46 +0000 [r380452-380521]  ?
04:23.33drmessano380521 then?
04:26.30drmessanoThis is driving me nuts lol
04:26.58drmessanoI think I found it
04:27.00WIMPyYes, it would be really helpful if the SVN contained version numbers.
04:28.52drmessanoMy issue is that there is a somewhat trivial SDP fix that seemed to address misbehaving clients that were offering video..  In the ticket, X-Lite 3.0 was the issue for the reporter.  I run a number of BRIA iOS endpoints.  After months of sub-12-hour crashes of Ast 11, I threw this patch onto a 11.2.1 install and I have been up and running for 48 hours
04:29.08drmessanoHowever, When I try Ast 11.3.0-rc1, I don't get the same result
04:30.26drmessanoCrashes isn't accurate.. The SIP stack seems to go deaf, nothing logged, no errors.. just freezes up until Asterisk is restarted.  But anyway, kinda excited but can't figure out why 11.3.0-rc1 isn't doing the job
04:30.57drmessanoThis issue is addressed in the changelog
04:31.14drmessanoGAH ?????? *&*%*^%
04:32.25drmessanoI wish I could look at a specific revision in SVN and see the commit, because the patch wasn't applied against the ticket, so there's no notation on the ticket itself
04:38.06elguerodrmessano: do you have the Asterisk issue number?
04:38.32drmessanoI do.. 20908
04:40.43drmessanoI think this is the closest I am going to get --->
04:40.58elgueroif you look at the issue, there is a tab Subversion... I think you already found it
04:42.28drmessanoSo if this is revision 380331, and it APPEARS 11.3.0-rc1 includes up to 380521, it should be included
04:42.35elgueroThis is another way to look at the commit:
04:45.08elguerocorrect... patch was committed on 01-29-2013, RC1 was tagged on 01-30-2013
04:50.02drmessanoYep, the dates seemed to indicate it would have been included, but I am satisfied now from the revisions that it is.
04:50.50drmessanoNow to figure out if my testing was flawed, because if this patch is indeed preventing this issue, RC1 should work
04:51.48drmessanootherwise I am running 11.2.1-drmessano-fixes-that-sip-going-deaf-thing-1.0 indefinitely :)
04:53.07*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:53.26WIMPyYou can try to remove the patch from -rc1. Then you know exactely what's in there.
04:54.33drmessanoAh, hadn't thought of that
04:55.13*** part/#asterisk snadge (~snadge@unaffiliated/snadge)
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09:03.47RhomberI forgot who i was asking about reparking a call, but it's possible
09:04.17Rhomberyou need to configure the parkedcalltransfers and parkedcallreparking options in features.conf :)
09:05.12micdobroAre there any issues related to running 1.6.0 branch on a 64bit system? (I know it's old, but I am kind of forced for legacy :(
09:08.36wdoekesmicdobro: not that I know of.. I ran 1.6.2 a long while on 64 bit
09:08.44kaldemarmicdobro: maybe not related to 64bit, but the branch does have issues.
09:10.36micdobrowdoekes: thanks :)
09:10.45micdobrokaldemar: "does have issues"?
09:11.13micdobrokaldemar: I'd love just to check if we are aware of the same things
09:13.25*** join/#asterisk madhatt3r (
09:13.29kaldemarthe branch got EOL in october 2010. no bugs that are found after that are fixed in it.
09:14.11micdobrook, I am aware of that
09:14.20micdobroI will be upgrading to 1.8
09:14.37micdobrobut before that happens I'd like to get as much of the legacy 1.6.0 stable
09:14.45micdobro(there's a bit of software written around it)
09:15.25kaldemar26 newest ones here:
09:15.56kaldemarspecifically to 1.6.0? if you're stuck with 1.6, at least use 1.6.2 (which is dead too).
09:17.24micdobroI haven't checked specifically, but 1.6.0 and 1.6.2 are different releases, meaning there might be different syntax etc.
09:17.36micdobrothen I prefer to invest my time into going straight to 1.8
09:18.51kaldemarwhy not the latest LTS if you have a choice?
09:19.54kaldemarUPGRADE*.txt in source packages give a pretty good collection of possible syntax and behavioral changes.
09:28.12micdobroyes, that sounds like a viable strategy
09:28.33micdobroanyway, the current production box I'll just move to 64bit system
09:29.12micdobroand then simply start looking into a real upgrade
09:41.52*** join/#asterisk areski (
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09:59.39Rhomberi really wish who ever wrote asterisk-java would have had the common decency to make the code extendable
09:59.49Rhombereverything is friggin private
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11:15.20*** join/#asterisk grifx (c133c7d5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:15.45grifxIs it possible to make a phone call on Analog line with asterisk ?
11:16.43grifxI want to use a Raspberry Pi to make a phone call on analog line. I don't know how to do
11:17.09Vince-0you need an analogue interface with compatible drivers
11:17.11kaldemarsure. with rpi you need an ATA with an FXO port.
11:18.05grifxDo you know a micro ata with a FXO port ?
11:19.18kaldemarATA as in analog telephone adapter
11:20.09grifxa digital phone will be able to call on an analog line ?
11:20.26grifxor an analog phone will be able to call on a digital line ?
11:22.01kaldemarno and no.
11:23.01kaldemarthat has one FXS, which is for connecting to a phone. you need one with FXO if you want to use a line.
11:23.29kaldemarsuch as SPA3102 or similar.
11:28.08grifxkaldemar: thanks you so much. :) I'll study that. I'll come back :)
11:31.57*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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11:58.48as001Hello I managed to get sound with webrtc asterisk and sipml5 demo from google chrome. I must use this patch I wonder will this patch be available in new Asterisk 11 releases ? Without it I can not hear any sound during call.
12:00.05as001I followed this manual and it worked:
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12:16.41weinerkPlease help with ideas - I have an intermittent problem:
12:16.41weinerkI have qualify=on for a trunk, sending periodic SIP OPTIONS over UDP, both sides - public IPs (no NAT)
12:16.42weinerkAll of a sudden - my OPTIONS cant get through to GATEWAY.
12:16.42weinerkUntil for example SIP INVITE originates from GATEWAY - that seems to open traffic in both directions again.
12:17.42kaldemardo you have some ALG enabled in the gateway?
12:17.51weinerkwhat is ALG?
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12:18.45kaldemarapplication level gateway. a sip aware sw component in the gateway.
12:20.22weinerkI am pretty sure there should not be.
12:21.24*** join/#asterisk b2 (~ion@pdpc/supporter/active/beckb)
12:22.18weinerkEverything was stable for months. Problem started happening a week ago. Daily or more frequently.
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12:30.34beefcafedoes asterisk have to be in the media path for srtp?
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13:11.16teffanyone know why I would not be able to hang up a call from csipsimple? Audio is working both ways and dtmf is been sent from the extension, but the hangup button does nothing
13:12.36kaldemarteff: look at sip debug when you try to hang up the call.
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13:15.59teffkaldemar, doesnt appear to regsiter anything once the call is in progress
13:17.34kaldemarthen nothing comes from the client to asterisk.
13:19.21Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all, plz answer is urgent thx.
13:22.46fileKatty, .
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13:23.35igcewielingKatty: This may help
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13:59.32Rhombercan someone explain what subscribecontext means in sip.conf?
13:59.38Rhomberafter much reading, i'm still lost
14:05.33igcewielingRhomber: it is the context for subscribe requests, usually "buddy list" or BLF or other extension state monitoring
14:09.09Kattyfile: ohai
14:09.24Kattyigcewieling: omnomnomnom
14:09.30Kattyfile: how'rechu
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14:09.34fileKatty, good!
14:10.00moos3asterisk manager api when making a socket connection to initate a call how do set the SRC field in the cdr ?
14:10.05Kattyfile: egggcelent.
14:10.30igcewielingmoos3: FUNCTIONS act like VARIABLES
14:10.54igcewielingmoos3: "core show function CDR"
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14:12.56moos3doing this via the manager api
14:13.42igcewielingmoos3: do you know how to set a channel variable using manager?
14:13.59moos3no thats what i'm trying to figure out
14:14.15igcewielingonce you do, you'll be 90% of the way there. 8-)
14:14.46moos3I have the caller id but we are trying to track the support person that generated the call
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14:18.20moos3i dont think you can override a cdr field from a Variable: src=7000 instead of it using the callerid
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14:27.26igcewielingmoos3: with cdr_adaptive you can add your own custom fields to the CDR.
14:27.46moos3from the socket ?
14:27.54igcewielingwe insert the account ID, route id, and billing id into our own fields in the CDR.
14:28.04igcewielingmoos3: using CDR() yes.
14:28.31moos3the thing is i dont want to add any more fields, i just dont want socket generated calls to have incorrect src's
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14:48.19moos3igcewieling dont think you can call a function from a Socket
14:48.29moos3I blieve only events can be called
14:48.55[TK]D-Fenderthere are ways
14:48.56igcewielingmoos3: functions are considered variables
14:49.27moos3socket("CDR: src=7000") ?
14:49.43igcewielingIf you can use this: then you should be able to set a variable
14:49.55igcewielingmoos3: it is CDR(src)=7000
14:50.15igcewielingJUST like you set a variable or other function
14:50.25moos3so socket("SetVar: CDR(src)=7000")
14:50.43igcewielingmoos3: no.  read
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14:51.00igcewielingyou need to specify the channel name, etc.
14:59.23kaldemarmoos3: you probably want the variable to be set in the originate action. for that there is the Variable header.
14:59.41moos3i'm trying to figure out how to set that
15:00.33kaldemarVariable: CDR(src)=value
15:01.54kaldemarhowever, you'll have an issue with that because the src field of CDR() is read-only.
15:02.49igcewielingkaldemar: will it be updated if CALLERID(num) is changed?
15:03.57kaldemarigcewieling: i'm not sure. i'd expect it to.
15:04.30igcewielingkaldemar: I imagine he could set the right callerid to start with in his Originate?
15:04.50kaldemaroriginate action also has a header for caller id. if that does not work, another field in CDR can be used, such as accountcode, userfield or something custom.
15:05.07kaldemarigcewieling: exactly.
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15:15.17pietroI need to keep some custom header added by my UAs in invite. Is there a way without using SIP_HEADER() and SIPAddHeader() in dialplan ?
15:16.11pietroI know that asterisk isn't a pure proxy, I'm asking if maybe exists some setting that preserve original headers.
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15:22.08[TK]D-Fenderpietro, Yes ... an actual proxy.  That is all.
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15:29.27MrMeekhow can i debug func_odbc calls to see if i'm getting errors from the sql server?
15:31.54igcewielingpietro: Why is SIP_HEADER not acceptable?
15:32.24igcewielingMrMeek: enable debugging on the sql server.  Asterisk's ODBC is not very debug friendly as far as I can tell.
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15:35.54pietroigcewieling: because I need to add more check in my dialplan, But isn't a big issue at the moment.
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15:36.27pietroSomeone of development can take a look on this issue ? (patch provided) thanks,
15:36.28LieutPants[ASTERISK-19883] [Status: Reopened] RTP packet with Timestamp=0 on Multicast paging -
15:37.24moos3kaldemar: the reason i'm overrideing the caller id right now is because we dont want internal numbers to show to the world when i call them
15:42.36MrMeekthanks igcewieling
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15:47.26mjordanpietro: in general, development discussions are held in #asterisk-dev. I've gone ahead and noted on the issue that there is a patch
15:48.04*** join/#asterisk gtTuna (~Tuna@
15:48.35gtTunaWhat would be some things I should look at for users complaining about intermittent outbound audio cutting in/out?
15:48.43pietromjordan: thanks
15:49.44SuperNulli want to 'normalize' my cdrs so they are always 1<areacode><numberzzz> not just <numberzzz> i tried doing this by setting CDR(DST) but it doesnt like that.. 'readonly' .. ?
15:50.10igcewielinggtTuna: congestion on your internet connection
15:50.25*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
15:50.37igcewielingSuperNull: correct.
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15:51.04igcewielingSuperNull: you can modify your dialplan so that EXTEN is what you want or you can add a custom field to your CDRs
15:51.27SuperNullsoo just modify exten instead.. ?
15:53.07igcewielingSuperNull: exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Goto(1${EXTEN}, 1) and handle everything in your exten => _1NXXNXXXXXX
15:53.25igcewielingthis does not work with AEL macros 8-(
15:53.34SuperNulllooks like it doesnt work with 1.4 either.
15:53.39Qwell~upgrade asterisk
15:53.39infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
15:53.43SuperNullin 1.8 it works flawless.
15:53.59igcewielingSuperNull: huh?  my method works on 1.4.
15:54.00SuperNullyeah, well if it were that simple dont you suppose i would do that?
15:54.53SuperNullexten => _NXXXXXX,1,Macro(dial_out,1${CALLERID(num):-10:3}${EXTEN},nanpa)
15:54.53SuperNullexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(dial_out,1${EXTEN},nanpa)
15:54.54SuperNullexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Macro(dial_out,${EXTEN},nanpa)
15:55.00SuperNullis what i use.. works in 1.8 perfect.
15:55.09QwellSo problem solved.  Next?
15:58.15igcewielingSuperNull: you didn't SAY you were using MACROS
15:58.51SuperNullerm. im using macros. ;) didnt know it made a difference.
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15:59.34igcewielingin your macro try exten => s,1,Goto(${MACRO_EXTEN},1) then create exten lines for _1NXXNXXXXXX
16:00.19SuperNullalright.. gonna require some tweaking.
16:00.27igcewielingwe don't use this method anymore because we use AEL, but I used this method for many years on 1.4
16:01.45SuperNullalright let me try it.
16:06.58navaismoanyone has a chance to chek this sip debug I cant figure out why receive the "408 Request Timeout" response
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16:16.01igcewielingnavaismo:  only crazy people use IAX
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16:25.35melteris there a good source of info for people who want to install asterisk and explore what it can do?
16:26.45infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:26.50igcewielingthere you go
16:27.08igcewielingnavaismo: I'm serious.  You won't get much help with IAX because almost nobody uses it.
16:27.52kaldemarnavaismo: you'd need to look at the ACOM508, since that what sends it to you.
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16:29.58navaismoright but dont know why, the ringing must be acked??
16:30.04tm1000file: Is Asterisk 12 compilable? As in would it be useful to start providing feedback now or should we be waiting a while longer
16:30.30filetm1000, it's Asterisk trunk right now - none of the major stuff has really been merged in, still too early
16:30.37tm1000file: ok
16:34.51gtTunaigcewieling, yeah, on bandwidth, they not even using half of the T1 they have dedicated for voice
16:35.28igcewielinggtTuna: have you verified with traffic graphs.  Our customers tell us that all the time until we show them the graphs showing them otherwise.
16:36.06navaismoigcewieling, i was a big fan of iax2
16:37.37gtTunaigcewieling, yeah, I run MRTG against their router (Cisco 3725), and also don't see any errors on any of the interfaces
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16:42.07as001Hello can you help me with this sip debug . I tried to make test call from Firefox Nightly + webrtc4all and sipml5 demo phone but I get some error. It works good in google chrome.
16:43.08as001"chan_sip.c:10427 process_sdp: Can't provide secure audio requested in SDP offer"
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16:57.22as001I noticed this "Found audio description format telephone-event for ID 101" just before warning for SDP offer
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17:05.08as001what is "unknown media description format opus for ID 109" ?
17:05.42navaismocodec opus is not supported yet as far i know
17:06.01as001is it video codec ?
17:07.59as001but why browser want to comunicate with asterisk with opus insted of alaw codec ?
17:08.29as001why is that 488 not acceptable here ?
17:10.45navaismoyou need to check the codecs that the browser an use, and I have noticed that response using webrtc2sip too, but the call come in
17:10.55navaismoyour asterisk is patched?
17:12.48moos3is there away to make a call via socket just flow the normal call path
17:13.45igcewielingmoos3: it is AMI not socket.  Use a Local/ channel
17:19.04moos3igcewieling i'm trying to get this to over ride the cdr src field with the ext that dailed it
17:19.36*** join/#asterisk Linkforsoad (~Linkforso@2001:1af8:fec1:0:3065:7433:6215:ae57)
17:19.36igcewielingwhy don't you just set the callerid to be correct when you Originate the call?
17:20.12igcewielingmoos3: Channel: Local/$sipext@somecontext
17:20.36igcewielingmoos3: fix your callerid line and it might work
17:20.46as001yes my Asterisk is patched
17:20.51igcewielingCallerID: NAME <number>
17:20.59igcewielingNOT CallerID: number
17:21.39moos3i miean it works just in the cdr table the src are all as 7033555200
17:21.39as001I patched it according to this howto:
17:21.45moos3not as 7000 for example
17:22.19moos3which i'm trying to fix
17:22.26as001naviasmo patched Asterisk works with google chrome good but not with firefox nightly
17:22.29igcewielinggix the callerid line forst
17:23.24igcewielingmoos3: You must really like pain to write your own AMI code instead of using PHPAGI
17:23.57moos3igcewieling its inherrited code in a massive applicaiton here are work that I have been made to maintain
17:25.03as001I enabled all codecs in sip.conf and I have avpf=yes in friend config.I can't believe Firefox can't use  alaw codec in communication with Asterisk.
17:26.06navaismoyou should see the debug also at firefox to see what happen
17:28.41igcewielingI still don't see < and > in   asterisk("CallerID: ".$sipext);
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17:33.56as001naaismo I can't see antything more in Browser console it stucks at "488 Not Acceptable Here". That is what Asterisk is saying and that is the end.
17:35.06moos3igcewieling refresh
17:38.27navaismoas001, and with firebug
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17:38.49as001yes I watched that in firebug
17:39.04as001just sip messages like in sip debug
17:42.49jimwI have * running on ARM (PogoPlug/Arch Linux) from command line, but when I try to get systemd to start it at boot, it fails: -- I suspect something FUBAR in some .conf file or another, but I'm way over my head.
17:42.52as001when I use firefox and fail I can see that media opus with id 109, when I use chrome and success I see media opus id 111 but I guess firefox should use opus and alaw and should be able to connect to Asterisk by using alaw codec.
17:45.22navaismoso the issue is with firefox
17:47.00navaismoas001, hrmmm, you dont need to install the webrtc4all or that version dont need it?
17:47.13as001i Installed that webrtc4all
17:49.54navaismoas001, can you change the codecs only to support codecs in asterisk? I havent used the webrtc4all yet
17:52.13as001I am afraid I don't have that option in sipml5 demo phone but I guess it is ok because it works from chrome. on asterisk I can configure what I want. I can put allow=all but I don't think it will help. I will try
17:53.54as001stil the same at sip debug. How can I check if my asterisk is using SRTP ?
17:55.06as001I have module ''  loaded and encryption=yes in sip.conf
17:55.14navaismomaybe if the srtp module exist or have count in it: module show like srt                    Secure RTP (SRTP)                        0
17:57.07navaismoas001, i cant test from here firefox in linux is unsupported yet,
17:57.31Kobazis it bad if a girl's ex husband who physicall and mentally abused her, is palling around with the girl's mom
17:58.05Kobazi really don't understand people like that
17:58.09as001I am testing from windows firefox but can you tell me one thing. During a call from firefox i should se Use Count 1 for if it use srtp is that right ?
17:59.44navaismoas001, im not sure, but based on when you use trabscoding the count on codecs show 1(or number with channels active) ill choose yes XD
18:00.50as001because during call when I do show modules like srtp i can see changed to 1 which if I am correct means I am using rtp not srtp for call and that is exactly what I get in debug. Why is that when I have encryption=yes in friend conf ? Do I need to do some more configuration ?
18:03.17as001during successful call  from chrome both rtp and srtp are 1.
18:03.24navaismohints are here baout that-->
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18:04.40as001ok I will check that I guess it is firefox issue... Thanks
18:05.02*** part/#asterisk igcewieling (
18:06.40as001I followed that page already i have all libraries and what Joshua said on that page
18:08.49navaismoyup firefox still nightly
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18:26.26fubadahas anyone ever worked with FlexySIP?
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18:31.21fireman_biffdoes the term "clocksource" when talking about PRIs relate in anyway to the system time? My system time keeps going off and I'm wondering if there could be a connection. (its not a VM)
18:31.38Qwellfireman_biff: no
18:31.43fireman_biffcool, thanks
18:32.11QwellInstall an ntpd, so it stays tight.
18:33.01fireman_biffI have ntpd installed and running but its still messing up, and loosing a second every 15 seconds
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18:41.57picard276hey anyone familiar with PJ_SIP
18:42.06picard276or know a channel to ask pjsip questions?
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18:51.24poseidonAnyone know of a php api to work with asterisk ami?
18:51.28poseidon*php library
18:56.42poseidonnavaismo: do you know if it works over the tcp or http?
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19:04.01navaismoyou can check it at
19:06.49nixhrfireman_biff: is it maybe a virtualbox machine?
19:07.10fireman_biffnixhr: no, its not virtualized
19:07.18fireman_biffat this point I'm thinking it might be the cmos battery
19:07.24fireman_biffor some hardware issue
19:08.36WIMPyThe RTC is powered by the PSU, usually even if the machine is switched off.
19:09.05WIMPyAnd the RTC is only read at boot time. After that other timers take over.
19:09.26WIMPySee hwclock.
19:09.50nixhrfireman_biff: strange
19:10.01fireman_biffWIMPy: I was under the impression that the cmos battery only comes into play when the system has no power, but others were telling me differently... so you'd rule out the cmos battery as the cause then?
19:10.58nixhrfireman_biff: what does the ntpd log say?
19:11.01fireman_biffhmm... 'hwclock --show' shows the wrong time
19:12.17WIMPyAs wrong as date ore more wrong?
19:13.11fireman_biffdate is right, but time is off... `date` = "15:11:50" `hwclock --show` = "12:49:09"
19:13.18fireman_biffso even the timezone wouldn't explain that difference
19:13.55fireman_biffso should hwclock --systohc fix that?
19:14.36WIMPyAnd hopefilly the RTC should stay correct.
19:14.53fireman_biffany chance running that could interfere with the phones, PRI, etc?
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19:15.37robert_so for some reason, CHANNEL[secure_bridge_signaling] is coming up 0, even for so-called "secure" calls.
19:16.17WIMPyNo, but it might have a cause that affects other timing related things as well.
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19:18.45WIMPyHave you checked voltages?
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19:19.28fireman_biffhaven't checked anything physically yet... you mean the voltages coming out of the PSU?
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19:20.28fireman_biffI'll have to do that when I can schedule down time... for today I'm running ntpdate manually via cron and everything is working
19:20.44picard276is the format for uri registration
19:21.02picard276because i try that and it will ont register?
19:21.19fireman_biffI'm not familiar with that... what should I search for?
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19:28.03fireman_biffWIMPy: sensors-detect doesn't detect any sensors
19:28.38WIMPyYou might be missing the the right drivers then.
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19:29.43WIMPySo either you could try your own kernel with everything enabled or wait til you can get there and look in the BIOS.
19:32.37fireman_biffThink I'll check the BIOS tonight, or use a PSU tester if the BIOS doesn't tell me enough
19:32.41fireman_biffthanks for your help
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19:48.59robert_oh, nevermind.
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20:06.02KobazI'm getting this when people are being put on hold: [2013-03-14 16:00:24] NOTICE[12417]: chan_sip.c:25939 check_rtp_timeout: Disconnecting call 'SIP/420-00000f7a' for lack of RTP activity in 61 seconds
20:06.19navaismochange your rtptimeout setting
20:06.32Kobazyeah but
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20:06.43Kobazthat's not a proper fix
20:06.47Kobazmusiconhold is generating rtp
20:06.56Kobazit shoukdn't trigger the timeout in the first place
20:07.19robert_is there a way I can enable encryption=yes and transport=tls for ALL "users"?
20:09.28malcolmdput it in a template and then add that template to all of your users
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20:15.23robert_hm, I can do that in sip.conf?
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20:17.06robert_oh, I see.
20:17.18robert_so I can have like  [employee](!)
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20:18.51pabelangerKobaz, transmitsilence asterisk.conf?
20:18.56pabelangeror what ever the setting is
20:19.56robert_and then "inherit" all employees from that?
20:25.40malcolmdyup… if you have [employee](!)  you've declared a template called employee.  you can put stuff in it.   then, for some other thing that wants to inherit the template, you'd do [bob](employee)     and you can inherit multiple templates like  [bob](employee,mainoffice)
20:32.12ChannelZI like [uncle](!) and [bob](uncle) better
20:37.07drmessanoWhat about [uncle](!) and [bob](uncle,dad) ?
20:37.19drmessano(Only for below the mason/dixon line)
20:38.41robert_yay, done.
20:43.15robert_it doesn't hang up when the caller hangs up
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21:12.32anonymouz666if you mixmonitor (without bridge option) and then you dial(dahdi) to somewhere and starting the early audio and after an answered condition - if you insert a playback(beeperr) into a macro (dial M option) on called channel, you can't listen the beep in the recording (mixmonitor). why is that?
21:14.25anonymouz666in resume what I saw was if i insert an audio after party B answered, this audio wouldn't be on recording
21:14.51navaismothe channels are bridged at all?
21:14.59navaismoworks without the b option?
21:15.15anonymouz666didn't try with b option. it is bridged.
21:15.23anonymouz666there is answer.
21:16.53anonymouz666what I am trying to acomplish is simple, when I dial out the mobile operators starting the mailbox at different points and that makes AMD confused. I just want to mark with a beep in the recording and see when the most of calls are hitting.
21:17.15anonymouz666to know the right time of answering machines
21:17.30anonymouz666and tweak amd
21:18.16anonymouz666mark with a beep when the telco send the ANSWER to start to bill
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21:21.59navaismohmm i have no idea
21:24.17anonymouz666i dont know if i was clear enough to explain what i am trying to do
21:25.24navaismoalways lost in trasnlation
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21:35.19epaphusHello all.. Iam about to hit my head on the wall. I have an extension that isnt registering. When i enable sip debug i see the server responding with Unauthorized... yet i checked the password in sip.conf for that extension and iam sending the correct one.. as well as the userid...
21:35.34epaphusHow ocould i obtain more info?
21:35.53epaphusThis is my sip debug
21:40.37kaldemarepaphus: your device is not even trying to authenticate.
21:41.48epaphushmm this is a Sipura.. why could that be kaldemar?
21:42.31kaldemarno idea. but it's the device you should be looking at.
21:42.50epaphusill reset it :)
21:44.25epaphusit was the nat option on the device, it was set to off... it had to be on.. the weird thing is that i didnt change that hmm
21:45.26epaphuskaldemar, what clue did you have in that debug that it didnt even try to auth? curious\
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22:17.13kaldemarepaphus: it was not responding to the "unauthorized" with a new invite with credentials as it should have.
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23:43.05darkdrgn2khi all, is there anyway to prevent asterisk from sending out TRYING?
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