IRC log for #asterisk on 20130311

00:03.40*** join/#asterisk arapaho (
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01:20.11*** join/#asterisk joobie (~joobz@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
01:22.16joobiehey guys, my phone boots up and gets stuck on the HTC boot screen.. how do i resolve it? I've flashed the recovery image and unlocked the bootloader..
01:22.20joobiei have a htc one x
01:24.17eirirs#android , I assume?
01:25.22joobiewoops thanks eirirs
01:37.20*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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02:36.05mnathaniHow do I get multiple SIP phones from behind a NAT to register to the same Asterisk server (on a public IP)
03:03.07igcewielingmnathani: that should work by default, assuming you didn't do something silly like port forward 5060/udp.
03:03.13*** join/#asterisk mzb (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
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03:21.33*** part/#asterisk joobie (~joobz@unaffiliated/moo0o0ooo00o0o0o)
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03:58.09mnathaniigcewieling: Is STUN required?
03:58.50*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:59.48*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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04:32.41igcewielingmnathani: almost never
04:33.15igcewielingif you enable asterisk's support for remote natted endpoints (with nat=yes or some varient) and any OTHER nat traversal things you do may break things.
04:34.12*** join/#asterisk mzb (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
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06:04.34*** join/#asterisk Bradada (
06:24.17BradadaHi, I tried to add a custom module(with external library) to asterisk by following the wiki but without any luck. Is there any more well-documented article? Wiki is way to simple.
06:28.42*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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06:38.23*** join/#asterisk Rhomber (
06:38.55ChannelZwas it compiled already?
06:53.25*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:53.28schmidtsgood morning
06:54.54*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
06:55.39ChannelZputs his hands in the air
07:00.08*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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07:03.44v0lZyCan anyone offer me some advice on using asterisk to call skype names?
07:05.07*** join/#asterisk Keanne (~sabayonus@
07:08.36BradadaChannelZ: Yes, I'd compile it.
07:12.22*** join/#asterisk Rhomber (
07:14.12infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
07:14.15kaldemarBradada: ^
07:15.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:21.03v0lZyHi kaldemar
07:23.00v0lZykaldemar, whats the best way to get asterisk to make calls to skype users? Right now im thinking some kind of gateway...
07:23.19v0lZyWhere one side of the gateway behaves like a skype client and the other side like a pbx or something
07:23.28v0lZySIPtoSIS looks extremely ugly though.
07:25.49*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
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07:27.48schmidtsv01zy there is a solution which runs on windows, where they simulate a lot of clients in virtual machines, iirc the company who build this was from italy but i didnt remeber the name
07:29.01v0lZyschmidts: sounds exactly the same as SIPtoSIS
07:29.11*** join/#asterisk robert_ (~hellspawn@objectx/robert)
07:29.35v0lZyThe way i understood SIPtoSIS is that they require multiple user with multiple skype profiles (basically each user has their own home directory with their own profile)
07:29.44kaldemarv0lZy: since skype for asterisk got the boot, i wouldn't have high hopes getting it to work in a decent manner. there used to be a SIP connection to skype but i have a feeling that it has been discontinued also.
07:30.06v0lZythen all these users spawn their own X sessions, running their own skype client, and SIPtoSIS uses those clients to make/receive calls... FUGLY.
07:30.29v0lZykaldemar: Yeah, I've come accross that while googling
07:30.53v0lZyMicrosoft is really viewing anyone who develops software is its competition apparently.
07:31.04v0lZyWas all good before they bought Skype the way i understood it
07:31.43v0lZyThen support for linux became dodgy at best, and they pulled out from the digium contract...
07:32.57v0lZyschmidts: simulating a lot of clients in virtual machines... thats one damn ugly way to do it, but i guess short of running a windows terminal server, theres no other way to do it..
07:39.06schmidtsv01Zy it is atleast a windows application/solution they offer, so it might be a terminal server
07:41.40v0lZythats an L btw :D
07:42.07v0lZyschmidts: all these terminal solutions sound inheritly bad
07:42.29v0lZySounds like I dont know, a bash script using sendkeys
07:42.58v0lZyor actually placing a fixed sized window somewhere then controling then scripting the mouse cursor to control the application
07:43.24schmidts:D ok voLzy
07:43.28v0lZyI can accept that kind of mechanics if it works reliably, but this doesnt sound so :D
07:43.40v0lZyoh, no, the second one is a zero though ...
07:45.24v0lZyAnd the fact that there isnt a command line skype utility u could just suid or something..
07:45.39v0lZythat it *absolutely* needs a graphical environment
07:45.49v0lZyall this rings alarms.
07:51.37*** part/#asterisk studybot_ (~studybot_@gateway/tor-sasl/studybot/x-68286794)
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08:24.55nunneAnyone have any experience with asterisk sip -> microsoft lync? I have problems with getting no audio in conference.. Dialin/out + redirect to cell phones works as it should. But conferecing does not. I don't think anything is wrong with asterisk.. since everything else is working. but anyone here have experience with lync?
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11:24.47*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
11:26.12Ice_StrikeIs Pentium Dual-Core CPU E5300 2.Ghz and 3GB RAM powerful enough for approx 6 concurrent channels?
11:26.22Ice_StrikeVia SIP and ULAW codec
11:28.32*** join/#asterisk zemmali-voip (~zemmali@unaffiliated/zemmali-voip)
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11:44.50schmidtsIce_Strike simply yes. atleast even an asterisk running on a rasberry pi can do more calls than 6 concurrent
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11:47.12Ice_Strikerasberry pi is slow as hell on xmbc
11:47.15Ice_Strikei give up
11:49.50ghost75raspberry is pretty expensive if you ask me
11:51.40Ice_Strikeyou meaning buying all the parts?
11:51.50Ice_Strikelike power adapters and such
11:58.09*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
12:01.08gavimobilehow can I record a playback?
12:01.27gavimobilefor example I wanted to use google tts and save that audio file
12:02.12*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
12:03.45ghost75Ice_Strike: yes, if you compare to atom or similar which costs the same
12:03.58*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
12:05.22kaldemargavimobile: core show application Record
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12:34.17Ice_Strikeghost75 I have two rasberry pi and I dont really use it.
12:34.19Ice_StrikeTwo reason
12:34.20Ice_StrikeToo Slow
12:34.31Ice_Strikeand too messy with a lot of cables
12:38.00ghost75and 2 raspberry are not faster than 1 atom
12:38.54nunnerasps are excellent devices for trinkets and stuff like this.. since they have lots of gpio outputs/inputs.. but for raw processing power they are not very good at all.
12:41.54eirirsthey works for simple home-network tasks like home-pbx, router, ...
12:42.21ghost75good thing is energy usage
12:42.28eirirsI'm just waiting for them to spit out a PoE-powered Pi which I can just slap into a PoE switch and go
12:43.04eirirsTHAT would make a excellent router for my home :)
12:45.17ghost75router with 1 nic?
12:45.40eirirsor hope for dual-nic on next model with PoE
12:45.48ghost75i use openwrt
12:45.49eirirsyou don't need killer-nic for router
12:46.45ghost75i wish there were more routers with larger flash
12:46.58[TK]D-FenderWonder how much IPsec & OpenVPN it could handle...
12:47.25ghost75and how much l7
12:53.40[TK]D-FenderAnyone here now know of a good low power/noise/cost x86 appliance I could make a router out of.
12:54.21[TK]D-FenderSo far I've got one supermicro system that is using a chipset that DOESN'T suppoedly have the issues that most of theirs do on their NICS
12:54.27[TK]D-FenderAnd it's about 500$
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12:54.37plundraeirirs: I very much doubt they will make such a rPi.
12:54.46[TK]D-FenderI need the equivalent to a cheap-ass netbook + 1 more NIC
12:54.47plundraeirirs: If you want that kind of setup now, maybe use a PoE splitter?
12:55.07Ice_Strikeeirirs You setup PI as a router?
12:55.16*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-ppkdirpzxssbufft)
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12:55.37plundraeirirs: Or something similar. Doesn't seem very bulky. Use a rubber band around it and your rpi, or whatever :P
12:57.41ghost75[TK]D-Fender: how about Intel DQ77MK + G1610
12:59.14StaRetjiwhat would be exten => to allow calls from whitelist.txt and drop all other?
13:02.34StaRetjiI want to block all callerids except from the list I have
13:04.15_methods[TK]D-Fender: you should hit up ##pfsense or the monowall guys
13:10.01*** join/#asterisk taylorbyte2013 (~cyberninj@2001:470:1f05:12cc:1e6f:65ff:fec2:bec7)
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13:19.23ghost75anyone has mk-sip.jar for cisco?
13:19.42*** join/#asterisk OldSmurf (~OldSmurf@unaffiliated/oldsmurf)
13:20.04eirirsIce_Strike: No, I currently use a Cisco 1841, but would love something smaller.
13:20.57eirirsplundra: lol, now that was new for me
13:21.19ghost75i have this ufo
13:21.45eirirsis it flying?
13:21.54ghost75not yet, can try lol
13:22.36ghost75asterisk,postfix etc are on atom and storage is hp microserver
13:23.47carrarCentOS 6.4 Released!!
13:24.29ghost75wants wheezy
13:24.52OldSmurfI am trying to setup directmedia over SIP between two asterisks. The caller has been trough a IVR menu before redirecting the call to the other *. Could this be the reason why I can't get remote bridging to work?
13:25.27StaRetjidatabase put whiltelist 12345 1
13:25.35StaRetjiis next one 45678 2
13:25.43StaRetjior is always 1 at the end?
13:25.55ghost75thats a name
13:26.02StaRetjigot it :)
13:26.07StaRetjiso, I can put john
13:26.11StaRetjino need to be number
13:26.25ghost75you can also put obama
13:27.33StaRetjican I leave it empty?
13:27.34[TK]D-Fender<StaRetji> what would be exten => to allow calls from whitelist.txt and drop all other? <- "core show function SHELL"
13:28.39*** join/#asterisk coppice (
13:28.42[TK]D-Fender<ghost75> [TK]D-Fender: how about Intel DQ77MK + G1610 <- tad large & noisy....
13:28.57StaRetjithx [TK]D-Fender dude, meanwhile I googled and found db example
13:29.03ghost75noisy not rlly but how about itx
13:29.12StaRetjijust wonder if I can just do database put whitelist 123454
13:29.17StaRetjiand so, without names
13:29.38[TK]D-Fenderghost75, ITX / FlexATX.  Something I can get in a short-depth 1U
13:29.50[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, You could
13:29.52ghost75there is thin itx
13:29.57*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
13:30.15StaRetjihm, it seems not
13:30.31OldSmurfStaRetji, you can't, you need a value
13:30.32StaRetjican I call them all john?
13:31.39*** join/#asterisk HmdP_Mobile (
13:31.51coppice[TK]D-Fender: that might be large, but there's no reason for it to be noisy
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13:32.18ghost75 cheap and has 2 nic
13:32.22[TK]D-Fendercoppice, CPU fan on top.... would have to go LP... That's why Atom is kinda the ideal base for me...
13:32.37[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Need for small * server, and another for firewall appliance
13:32.52ghost75celeron b847 is much faster than atom
13:32.56coppice[TK]D-Fender: even the stock intel fans are pretty quiet these days
13:33.18[TK]D-Fendertrick is getting ons suitable fora  1U case as well...
13:33.29dpilonremember..1u would not have much space fir a fan on top
13:33.53coppiceoh, 1Us are usually noisy because nobody seems to bother trying to make them quiet
13:34.01dpilonmost have it in from...and those fans are normally loud
13:34.06dpilonin front *
13:34.10dpilontoo early
13:34.28ghost75yeah 1u kinda sucks in cooling
13:34.41[TK]D-FenderHence passive on Atom.....
13:34.43dpilonwhich is why atom is the better solution
13:35.09ghost75but dont get atom (i have one)
13:35.17[TK]D-Fenderjust trying to avoid the NIC issues with Intel 82574L NIC's which supermicro's boards tend to use
13:35.29dpiloni have am old baracuda 1u here...i can here the sucker 3 offices down with door closed
13:35.58coppicethere is an assumption in the industry that rack mount == used in another room
13:37.08dpilonnow....if you could get liquid cool in a 1u   that would be nice :)
13:37.10[TK]D-FenderThey have a new one that looks like it might do.  A tad pricier than I'd have hoped but worth it I think :
13:37.47[TK]D-FenderSuppose I shouldn't think too bad of it @ $500
13:38.14coppiceI bet that one is noisy. look at the tiny fan in the PSU
13:38.43dpilonthat is normal size
13:38.44[TK]D-Fendercoppice, Reports say it's quite a bit more quiet than it's predecessors
13:39.31coppicedplion: and normal is noisy in a 1U. if you want a quiet 1U you use a large horizontal impeller
13:40.06[TK]D-FenderIs that like a propeller that gets you nowhere? ;)
13:40.54coppiceits the merging of impale and propel
13:41.26*** join/#asterisk tuxx- (tuxx@2a02:2308::216:3eff:feac:73b6)
13:41.44[TK]D-FenderSo not quite "impaler"?
13:41.58tuxx-Hiya, does asterisk have a feature where the /var/spool/voicemail/ folder is deleted when the voicemailbox doesnt exist in the realtime database any more? :)
13:42.00eirirsVlad the Impaler?
13:42.28[TK]D-Fendereirirs, It does suck :p
13:43.05[TK]D-Fendertuxx-, If you're using a realtime storage it should never touch files at all IIRC
13:43.30eirirsrealtime storage that never touch files?
13:43.46[TK]D-Fendereirirs, "Vlad the Impaler" -> "Dracula" -> Vampire -> Sucker
13:43.48eirirscan you elaborate?
13:44.09[TK]D-Fendereirirs, Realtime -DB -> not FS storage
13:44.22tuxx-well, the voicemails are still saved on the disk, not in the DB.
13:44.44tuxx-but it would make it alot easier if they were in the DB
13:44.45[TK]D-Fendertuxx-, Shouldn't be....
13:45.12tuxx-that enough information for me, thanks! :)
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14:14.41StaRetjifolks, is this looks ok?
14:14.43StaRetjiexten => s,1,GotoIf(${DB_EXISTS(whitelist/${CALLERID(num)})}?:hangupcontext,s,1)
14:14.43StaRetjiexten => _.,1,Goto(a2billing,${EXTEN},1)
14:15.26StaRetjiline 1 is the only thing I added to normal setup, and I've added hangupcontext
14:15.53[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, _. = HORRIBLE pattern
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14:17.01StaRetjigot it
14:17.47StaRetjibesides that, first line, is it okay? will this allow numbers from whitelist to pass to a2billing else, go to hangupcontext?
14:17.58[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, Also your usage seems to say that what you are using isn't a white-list
14:18.20[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, Perhaps you should test it....
14:19.01StaRetjiI am looking at it now, tbh, testing it on live traffic lol
14:19.28*** join/#asterisk |Physis| (c813bc0b@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:19.31StaRetjibut seems non of the calls are passing
14:20.56StaRetjiseems like it is oposite
14:21.41[TK]D-FenderWell so far... that first pattern is worthless
14:22.23kaldemarStaRetji: also GotoIf syntax is wrong. you're missing $[]
14:23.04StaRetjiI was following this one
14:23.11StaRetjithx kaldemar
14:23.15StaRetjiwill check it again
14:23.43[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, Not required
14:24.01StaRetjiyes, just checked, seems asterisk doesn't complain
14:24.32[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, Your first esten is setill a dead-endpatterns as shown are still worthless for
14:25.16StaRetjiI don't know what to do, I've made whitelist, I thought my nightmare is over lol
14:25.59StaRetjiI thought it would be simple as that, chect whitelist, if not inside, hangup, else continue
14:26.35[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, You aren't looking at the STEPS or patterns.  Those 2 line have no relation to each other.
14:27.08[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, "s" either jumps to your "hangup" destination.... or just DIES
14:27.14[TK]D-FenderEither way = fail.
14:27.27[TK]D-Fenderand the next line is a different pattern entirely that checks nothing at all
14:27.37StaRetjiaaah, ,1 ,2
14:27.40StaRetjilet me try now
14:28.05[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, the is no point to having "s" and "." as patterns there.  This is severly broken logic
14:28.05kaldemar[TK]D-Fender: i stand corrected. binary return value from a function is enough.
14:28.09StaRetjibefore I do, calls where passing, so werid
14:28.16[TK]D-Fenderkaldemar, Shortcuts++
14:28.32[TK]D-FenderStaRetji, prioirties are wrong.  patterns are wrong.
14:28.47infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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14:33.30GreenlightIf I run asterik
14:34.08Greenlightasterisk virtualied, will applications like say Playback suffer with timing issues, or will remote jitter buffer take care of most of that ?
14:34.31[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Jitter buffers are on the RECEIVING end
14:34.36[TK]D-FenderPlayback is something you SEND
14:34.37GreenlightYea, exactly
14:34.49GreenlightI said "remote" jitter buffer
14:34.53GreenlightIt received what I send ...
14:34.57[TK]D-FenderSo if your client has one it might compensate
14:35.37GreenlightI'm considering splitting one large box into multiple virtual boxes, and that's my main concern
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14:36.11GreenlightIf I understand correctly, most endpoints should have a jitter buffer, and so that should compensate. As long as I'm not needing say conferencing, I'll be mostly okay ?
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14:37.27GreenlightOr would timing issues, skew the rtp timestamps and cause issues anyway ?
14:39.16[TK]D-FenderDon't know all the finer points unfortunately
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14:40.05GreenlightNo probs, thanks anyways :) Guess I can build it and see...
14:40.39GreenlightIt would just give me a real neat way to seperate out customers, especially smaller ones, who don't merit their own dedicated box
14:41.08lorsungcuGreenlight: i've seen it go both ways, i have ~350 endpoints in a huge vmware cluster, and it works great, and tried a 10 person office in proxmox and it was a disaster
14:41.15lorsungcuso yeah, build it
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14:41.56GreenlightFingers crossed then! It's ESXi that I'll be running, so nice and low level virtulisation
14:42.26lorsungcuyeah also had somewhat good luck with that.
14:42.37GreenlightThat's promising then
14:43.12GreenlightMost calls will be p2p bridged once connected, it's just for any IVR type stuff, or announcements that I feared
14:44.09lorsungcuyeah, and that's where i did see issues when I had them,
14:45.19GreenlightIt'll be an learning experience if nothing else I guess
14:46.37BludSuckingFiendI've got an IVR and a Voicemail box on an ESX cluster... it works relatively well, not a lot of load though
14:47.11BludSuckingFiendI am very leary about using VMWare for anything timing-sensitive though.
14:48.30GreenlightYea, that was my fear too. We generally try to always under provision the host box, and if it seems to work well I certianly dont mind spending £5k or so and getting another host dedicated to just running the Asterisk guests
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15:16.21[Outcast]does anyone know of any solutions to automate mos scoring
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16:05.25_zoom_fellas, what does it mean "span 1 got hangup request, cause 31" when place outgoing call in pri
16:09.37igcewieling_zoom_: it means "call ended normally"
16:09.54igcewieling31 is sometimes used instead of 16 for reasons I never understood
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16:21.27Salmanis there any tutorial on extensions.conf?
16:25.39igcewielingSalman: too complicated for a tutorial, have you read The Book?
16:26.04Salmanyes but thats also complicated
16:26.16Salmani was looking for with an example where all dial plan can be explained
16:27.25[TK]D-FenderThere is no such this as "all dialplan".  The basic concepts are all out there, and tons of specific little samples
16:27.38[TK]D-FenderSalman, What point in particular are you having trouble with?
16:28.53Salmanactually I just trying that all extensions should dial each other without specifying in externsions.conf
16:30.56[TK]D-FenderSalman, You can't
16:31.00[TK]D-Fenderthat's the poitn of extensions.conf
16:31.16[TK]D-Fenderto define what happens when your devices dial
16:31.21[TK]D-FenderThere is no "just assume this number relates to something else"
16:31.36[TK]D-FenderYou make your patterns and tell it what actions to take
16:33.17BludSuckingFiendunless you're using users.conf -_-
16:33.29BludSuckingFiendThen it has an annoying habit of breaking convention
16:33.34[TK]D-Fendernot entirely.. and EWWWW
16:34.10[TK]D-FenderSalman, the dialplan is 95% of configuring *
16:34.18BludSuckingFiendI am surprised they chose to do that. The document that explains best practices extolls the virtues of separating devices from the extension #s
16:34.35[TK]D-FenderSalman, A phone is just a phone... no one model is really that much different than every other
16:34.35BludSuckingFiendand then if you use users.conf it automatically associates the device to a #
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16:35.22[TK]D-FenderSalman, The dialplan defines what happens when * gets a call.
16:35.32[TK]D-FenderSalman, So that is where all the real work of setting up * is
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16:36.16_zoom_igcewieling, call never goes out
16:37.58Salmansorry was away
16:39.13Salmani understand all that
16:40.25[TK]D-FenderSalman, So go start a nice new dialplan, make a context for your phones and a simple exten to dial each phone to start
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16:43.12Salmanwhat about freepbx? it makes itself or we have to define manually..
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16:43.40Salmanactually that thing is very complicated. I know dial plan is key of telephony but I'm not too much handy with asterisk
16:44.33[TK]D-FenderSalman, What do you actually want to do?
16:45.37Salmani just want to communicate two extension dial each other and two peers
16:45.55[TK]D-FenderSalman, basic * is tiny for that... could be a handful of lines
16:46.26SalmanVisual Dial Plan could be helpful?
16:47.17[TK]D-Fenderwaste of time.
16:47.47Salmanok refer me to a guide
16:47.53Salmanlet me learn
16:47.59[TK]D-FenderIf you're determined to fight for a shortcut, then go the full-GUI route. but it's overkill and will pretty much suck up a whoe computer
16:48.07[TK]D-Fenderthe book is the place to start.
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16:49.33[TK]D-Fender5 phones = 6 lines of extensions.conf
16:49.42[TK]D-FenderWant voicemail for each?  11.
16:50.09[TK]D-FenderSimple dial-out to a provider?  Probably .... ONE more line
16:50.19[TK]D-FenderWe haven't even broken 20 here
16:50.33[TK]D-FenderThen if you want to get fancier... well... build as you go.
16:50.42[TK]D-FenderInbound handling?  Maybe another couple of lines
16:50.52[TK]D-FenderThis really isn't Raw-Cat Sigh Hence
16:51.39Salmanyou are good
16:51.51BludSuckingFiendMy dialout to our provider has about 80 lines
16:52.02BludSuckingFiendbut that's just because of the callerID stuff ..
16:52.21[TK]D-FenderBludSuckingFiend, Bet I could trim that for you :)
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16:53.03Salmansuppose we have 2 phones and one a2z trunk for calling outside. Enabling voicemail feature
16:53.09MrMeekhi all
16:53.41BludSuckingFiendBasically our provider requires callerID set to a 10 digit DID we own. Most of our employees have their own DIDs... so I've got to set their outbound callerID to the 10 digit on dialout
16:53.43[TK]D-FenderSalman, < 20
16:53.52[TK]D-FenderSalman, maybe < 10
16:53.59BludSuckingFiendwhich is different from their normal internal CallerID between stations. I've thought about using a DB
16:54.06[TK]D-FenderSalman, Dial() <- calls devices (your phones, your provider, etc)
16:54.10[TK]D-FenderSalman, All basic stuff
16:54.34[TK]D-FenderBludSuckingFiend, SetVar <- for each of your sip peers
16:54.50BludSuckingFiendaah, actually a really good idea
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16:55.59MrMeekneed some advice on festival... docs say that if intkeys arg is provided the key press is 'returned', but does not say how/where it is returned. I can't seem to get it to do anything except dial the extension of the DTMF pressed ...
16:56.23BludSuckingFiendthanks for that idea [TK]D-Fender
16:56.24MrMeekhoping to capture it like w/ cepstral: swift(tts text,5000,1)
16:56.53MrMeekGotoIf( ${SWIFT_DTMF}=1 ? context)
16:57.14MrMeekwould rather use cepstral but not avail on this server atm :/
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17:00.02SalmanHello [TK]D-Fender
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17:01.31navaismoMrMeek, have you considered to create the audio and then use within  background
17:01.52MrMeekI have- it seems straight forward to call out to system() and cache the audio
17:02.04MrMeekDo you think that may be the best solution considering the apparent constraints of festival?
17:02.59MrMeekofo app_festival, i should say :)
17:07.39MrMeekhrm actually i don't think you can capture the DTMF into a variable from Background() app either?
17:08.02MrMeekLooks like the functionality i get from Swift() is closest to what is provided by Read()
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17:19.33FLeiXiuSIs it possible to have a SIP client setup to use both TLS-SIP and unsecured SIP
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17:27.47igcewielingFLeiXiuS: check the docs for your SIP client.
17:29.13MrMeeknavaismo, thx
17:29.32MrMeekshame on me for not immediately relizing the obvious :P shell out to text2wav and playback with Read() working fine
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17:30.31drdruis there any other way than using ChanSpy to inject audio into a channel?
17:30.51igcewielingFLeiXiuS: You could set up 2 accounts on your SIP phone and set up two peers/friends in asterisk, one for TLS, one for no-TLS.
17:30.56drdruI'm planning to do some custom module development, but I'd like to get as close as possible before I start
17:31.17drdruI want to capture audio from each side of the call separately (so I'm using Monitor)
17:31.20igcewielingdrdru: check with #asterisk-dev if you are writing asterisk modules
17:31.49drdruand I want to inject audio into each side of the call independently, but I don't want to have an extra extension involved, so I don't want to use ChanSpy
17:32.41FLeiXiuSigcewieling, Alright, thats what I figured needed to be done.  I was trying to avoid having to create 2 sip accounts.
17:33.34igcewielingif you are talking about running chanspy, it doesn't sound very "module-like"
17:33.57igcewielingdrdru: you're not doing something silly like asking how to write a FreePBX module on #asterisk, are you?
17:34.42drdruI'm not using FreePBX
17:34.52drdruand truth be told, I'm an asterisk n00b
17:35.09drdrujust looking for some pointers on how to setup my architecture before I have to write my custom code
17:35.19drdrunot sure what the difference is between module and application, etc
17:35.43drdruI setup a very simple dialplan which allows me to monitor both sides of a call to 2 separate wav files
17:35.57drdruso that already gets me 50% of what I want
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17:36.10drdrunow I want to inject audio back into each side independently
17:36.24drdruand I know ChanSpy can do it, but I don't want to have a third extension involved in the call
17:37.05igcewielingdrdru: are you fluent in C?
17:38.47igcewielingThen there is hope. 8-)   You should be asking on #asterisk-dev channel or asterisk-dev mailing list.
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17:39.37drdruok, I'm asking there in parallel, but haven't heard any response or activity thus far
17:40.41drdruigcewieling: what about injecting audio into an existing call? do I have to use ChanSpy or is there another way?
17:41.16drdruand is it possible to inject a file, rather than what is coming from the whispering extension?
17:41.19igcewielingdrdru: I'm sure there is, but since this is a dev question I don't know for sure.
17:41.43drdruit's not dev yet - I haven't edited any C files yet
17:41.58drdruI'm trying to get as close to my goal as possible before I start coding
17:42.03igcewielingdrdru: you are asking about asterisk's internal API (can a module inject audio)
17:42.15drdruChanSpy() can inject audio
17:42.24drdruI'm asking if any other functions can do it
17:42.42igcewielingdrdru: right, but if you are writing an asterisk module in C you will want to use the Asterisk API, not dialplan applications
17:42.46drdruChanSpy() has a whisper mode
17:43.25igcewielingdrdru: then go read the code for chanspy and see
17:43.36navaismonot sure if bridge can do that
17:46.25drdruI'm having trouble finding bridge() examples
17:48.29igcewielingdrdru: try audiohook or something like that
17:48.50igcewielingremember all this changes between major asterisk versions
17:48.56drdruyes, that's what file told me in #asterisk-dev
17:49.37drmessanoI found a few examples of Bridge() with a quick google search
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18:29.26MrMeekIs there any advantage of using Playback(silence/1) over Wait(1) ?
18:29.42MrMeekthe previous seems to be the preferred but i can't see any practical difference
18:29.53leifmadsenit answers the line
18:30.15MrMeekah, so if Answer() has already been called, there actually is no difference ?
18:30.16leifmadsenso you end up not getting the little bit of audio cut off when you play a prompt
18:31.08leifmadsenI just find usage of Playback(silence/1) a better method if you're going to call anything else that might call audio
18:31.20leifmadsenif not, there is no reason to not use Wait(1)
18:31.42MrMeekawesome ty for advice
18:31.58leifmadsennp, it's likely my fault you're seeing the Playback(silence/1) method :)
18:31.59MrMeekoh and, leif of asteriskdocs fame? :)
18:32.02*** part/#asterisk glaz (
18:32.07leifmadsenheh, fame? sure :)
18:32.18MrMeeklol, amonst us dial plan hackers anyway :)
18:32.26MrMeekappreciate all your effort on that book, especially the latest editions
18:33.31leifmadsennp :)
18:34.34igcewielingI bet he even has groipues.
18:34.40igcewielinggroupies, even
18:34.40leifmadsenso many groupies
18:35.08MrMeekthe ladies love asterisk, lol ;)
18:36.05leifmadsenwait wat?
18:36.21leifmadsenmy wife just calls me a nerd
18:36.31igcewielingleifmadsen: Asterisk Rock Star
18:36.42leifmadsenit's all about the sun glasses
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18:58.28Weezeyis there an easy way to playback music and a message on hold or mix the two?  I have 5 messages I want to play in random order with music as the background
18:59.02[TK]D-FenderWeezey, use a streaming source you an do this to.  There is nothing in * to allow it
18:59.32Weezey[TK]D-Fender: thanks, I'll just have to mix it myself then.
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19:54.25joobiehey guys, running 1.4 and having issues where users are complaining of poor quality calls (muffled). They have polycom 321 phones and ive switched them over to ulaw to asterisk and then DAHDI ulaw going out
19:55.09joobiewhat should i look at to try improve this? I was thinking the actual phone itself, looking for something with a better speaker
19:55.12joobiebut what do u guys think?
19:55.38Qwell~upgrade asterisk
19:55.38infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
19:58.38joobieQwell, will that make a difference to sip call quality?
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19:59.29igcewielingjoobie: are you at least running the latest 1.4.x?
20:01.50joobieigcewieling, yes
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20:08.25leifmadsena muffled sounds seems like an issue with a handset or someone not using the phone propertly
20:08.36leifmadsenI don't see any way asterisk could cause that issue
20:09.43[TK]D-Fenderjoobie, So calling direct from 1 phone to another sounds bad?
20:10.30gavimobilehey folks!
20:10.37lorsungcusup yo
20:11.08gavimobileiight homie
20:11.22leifmadsenhomie don't play that
20:11.26gavimobileis it possible to record a playback to a file?
20:11.50gavimobileim using googletts, so I want to Record the output
20:11.56WIMPyHi again
20:11.58leifmadsenjust use Monitor() then
20:12.15gavimobilelet me read up on Monitor
20:12.20navaismogavimobile, the output of that script is stored in the /tmp directory as sln format
20:12.29leifmadsennavaismo: that's an even better method :)
20:13.13gavimobileleifmadsen: navaismo: sweet! that's exactly what I need then
20:13.21gavimobileI'll play with it tommorow time for me to bed
20:13.26gavimobileto go to bed
20:13.31gavimobilegnight folks!
20:13.35navaismowell the name of the file is a something like a hash so...
20:13.51gavimobilenavaismo: ill clear it first before I run the app
20:14.01gavimobilethall narrow down the results
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20:14.11joobie[TK]D-Fender, ill test, but i suspect no
20:14.22joobiei have to actually run to work now, sorry will jump on again later
20:14.25gavimobilegnight folks
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20:56.39linlinso it looks like asterisk@home was replaced by trixbox...which now appears to be dead.  any other free turn-key options out there for asterisk like AAH used to be ?
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21:00.05navaismofreepbx-distro or asterisknow+freepbx
21:01.03WIMPyThere are quite a few to choose from, but I doubt anyone is going to recommenda anything.
21:03.54linlinit looks like asterisknow come with freepbx
21:04.15leifmadsenpeople seem to use PBX In A Flash, but the community that surrounds it is vitriol
21:04.21linlinjust looking for something simple i can use at home, maybe drop my comcast voip eventuially
21:04.27leifmadsenya, asterisknow uses freepbx
21:05.22QwellI hear the maintainer of AsteriskNOW is awesome.
21:05.34WIMPyIf you want something simple, I guess the best place to look would be the antiques store.
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21:06.48WIMPySimple doesn't exist eany more.
21:11.13linlinoh...too bad
21:11.33linlini guess ill give asterisknow a shot...
21:11.42leifmadsenQwell: I heard from tdotzilla that guy is an asshole
21:12.08QwellHe totally is.
21:13.54linlini have a feeling Qwell = asterisknow maintainer?
21:14.16QwellWhaaaaaaaat?  No way!
21:14.28linlincant slip anything past me
21:15.29linlinthink last time i played with asterisk was around 2006....holy hell have these interface cards gotten cheaper
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21:19.54leifmadsenthe SIP ATA's are creazy cheap now too
21:24.25linlinyeah i see that, i remember buying sipura boxes that were pretty expensive
21:25.03linliniaxy still expensive though
21:26.55leifmadsenno one uses an iaxy any more
21:27.12QwellWe haven't sold them in years.
21:31.02malcolmdmattf uses one
21:31.11malcolmdthe original model, not the fancy-pants 101 model
21:31.39Qwellwonders if he would still get in trouble if the word "super" came out right now.
21:31.40linlini thought they were nice
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21:34.53fileQwell, the paperwork has begun!
21:35.29filesuper paperwork.
21:35.51QwellI don't know what that means.
21:37.34linlini still dont get it
21:39.18linlinextra special digium inside joke i assume
21:39.29Qwelljust file being file
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22:59.38*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
22:59.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
23:03.02*** join/#asterisk phunguy (
23:30.46MrMeeki pop in from time to time but i'm still quite new here
23:30.55MrMeeki wonder if 'mattf' is who i think it may be
23:45.53*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint@
23:56.49saint_hi all
23:57.05WIMPylo you
23:57.09saint_damn. fire call. gotta go.
23:57.34WIMPywonders if he should script that.
23:58.26igcewielingMrMeek: PRI wizard extraordinaire?
23:59.03igcewielingWIMPy: April 1 is coming up, maybe an RFC for Reality Scripting Language?

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