IRC log for #asterisk on 20130301

00:14.44igcewieling1does rtptimeout still work if reinvites move the audio off the asterisk server?  I'd say no, am not so sure since asterisk sort of supports RTCP as well.
00:14.53*** join/#asterisk fulcan (brads@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe70:f0a9)
00:18.16fileit doesn't
00:19.26*** join/#asterisk war9407 (
00:21.52*** join/#asterisk apardo (~apardo@
00:22.16apardohow to can i get the callee id of a call ?
00:22.29igcewieling1file: thank you.
00:23.47*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:26.14*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
00:31.10[TK]D-Fenderapardo: You get it when it comes in.
00:54.09fulcanI did a 1.4 to 1.6 upgrade and asterisk is failing to start with a permissions error "[2013-02-28 19:50:54] ERROR[6057]: logger.c:1046 init_logger: Unable to create event log: Permission denied"   and   Unable to access the running directory (Permission denied).   on suse
00:55.05[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: Nothing 1.6 is supported
00:55.36*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
00:55.49fulcandon't give me that. I had to fight to get 1.4 off
00:56.49[TK]D-FenderYou fought for the wrong target...
00:57.09[TK]D-Fender1.6.0.  1.6.1.  1.6.2 all completely EOL
00:59.21*** join/#asterisk BludSuckingFiend (
00:59.35navaismoin the other hand you should look at that error check the permissions on that folder and the owner
01:00.05fulcanbut which folder, the error is non specific.
01:00.38[TK]D-FenderWell... it says LOGGER.
01:00.45[TK]D-Fendermy guess is that logger.conf would tell you where
01:04.17*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
01:04.35*** join/#asterisk andresmujica (~andresmuj@ubuntu/member/andresmujica)
01:04.43*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (~g_r_eek@
01:05.18fulcanlogger doesn't have anything and setting the verbose higher doesn't help.
01:06.00[TK]D-Fenderhav you looked at /var/log ?
01:06.21fileit would probably be in... /var/log/asterisk
01:06.38file(where it is trying to create)
01:06.57igcewieling1fulcan: are you running freepbx?
01:07.17fulcanvicidial iso
01:07.41fulcanI am chown'ing a bunch of stuff and she is coming alive.
01:07.50igcewieling1maybe the default user Asterisk runs as changed.
01:09.43fulcanno command line?
01:10.11[TK]D-Fender[2013-02-28 20:05:40] WARNING[7220]: db.c:57 dbinit: Unable to open Asterisk database '/v
01:10.15[TK]D-FenderNot astdb either?
01:10.24[TK]D-FenderYour perms much be royally screwed all over the place
01:12.56*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
01:13.00mattwj2002hi guys
01:13.10mattwj2002I need help getting incoming calls working for asterisk
01:13.34WIMPyFrom where?
01:13.42fulcanwhere is 'sip show peers'?
01:13.56igcewieling1fulcan: what is the current user of an asterisk file you did not change the ownership on?
01:14.25fulcanchown -R asterisk:asterisk /var/lib/asterisk brought the system live
01:14.31fulcanigcewieling1 ^^
01:14.44mattwj2002what is unmonitored mean?
01:14.54igcewieling1yeah, but what was the owner before you did that
01:15.20WIMPymattwj2002: You don;t have qualify enabled.
01:15.21fulcanigcewieling1 not sure, it work now though.
01:15.50mattwj2002where is that/
01:15.52fulcanwhere are the sip commands hiding?
01:16.21navaismomattwj2002, sip.conf
01:16.42mattwj2002qualify=yes under general?
01:16.54filefulcan, your system could not open the modules directory and thus no modules were loaded
01:16.56navaismofulcan, probably your asterisk haven't loaded the
01:17.12navaismomattwj2002, under your peers
01:17.36fulcannavaismo how do I fix that?
01:17.37WIMPymattwj2002: You can do so if you want it for everyone.
01:17.48[TK]D-Fenderfulcan:  you need to fix the permissions on all of *'s folders
01:18.07[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: So far you can't load modules, can't touch AstDB, can't log, can't do pretty much anything.
01:19.42mattwj2002still not working
01:19.51fulcan[TK]D-Fender where else besides /var/lib/asterisk  ?
01:20.11[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: modules folder,, /var/log./...
01:20.15[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: var/spool, etc
01:20.22[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: Go reinstall and do it right
01:20.37[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: And set your perms right as well as the runuser
01:20.56WIMPymattwj2002: What isn;t working?
01:21.42[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: You also need to brush up on the CLI changes from 1.4 as we can see the first half-dozen that aren't right for 1.6+
01:21.48fulcanls: cannot access /usr/lib/asterisk/: No such file or directory  ??
01:21.50navaismofulcan, asterisk.conf will show all folders related to asterisk
01:23.17*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:24.31fulcannavaismo correct. why is the module directory missing?astmoddir => /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
01:25.18mattwj2002not sure
01:25.19[TK]D-Fenderfirst guess : no premissions to even create it.
01:26.01[TK]D-FenderHighly recommend trashing and reinstalling....
01:26.15fulcan64 bit directory
01:26.45[TK]D-Fenderperhaps you should be pointing there instead....
01:26.55fulcan[TK]D-Fender I have no clue how vicidial is going to react to asterisk 10 and vicidial is more important that asterisk at this point.
01:27.24[TK]D-Fendergo check all the patchs for your * install....
01:27.37[TK]D-FenderDid you just try to COPY your configs from another system entirely as-is?
01:27.45[TK]D-FenderThat is what this is beginning to feel like...
01:28.00[TK]D-FenderWhere all of the underlying paths are being turned upside down
01:28.53navaismoand I dont know how vicidial install all so better ask in their forum/irc
01:30.46fulcan[TK]D-Fender it's an iso install (out the box) with zero confiig other that a 1.6 upgrade because 1.4 was just st00pid.
01:31.20*** join/#asterisk Starstorm (~Starstorm@
01:31.31fulcan[TK]D-Fender the vici dial latest release iso comes with 1.4  :(
01:31.46StarstormHiya, Anyone willing to help me with a dahdi problem?
01:31.48[TK]D-Fenderpaths and/or configs got mangled.  fix them up and try again
01:32.09infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
01:32.12mattwj2002WIMPy incoming calls now
01:32.13[TK]D-FenderStarstorm: ^^
01:33.39WIMPyfulcan: I'm not sure I'd prefer 1.6 over 1.4.
01:34.04fulcanwhen I changed to the 64 bit module directory, I start getting this
01:34.10WIMPymattwj2002: You are not being very specific.
01:34.12[TK]D-FenderBTW ... 1.6 isn't even a BRANCH
01:34.24mattwj2002sorry WIMPy
01:34.28[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: What precise version are you running now anyway?
01:34.44mattwj2002I call my google voice number using skype and it doesn't ring my phone
01:34.48*** join/#asterisk jmetro (
01:34.49*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
01:34.49*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
01:34.55Starstormdahdi isn't loading the firmware into the xorcom astribank, it won't get past (lsusb) 1160 when I do xpp_fxloader load.  I get fxload command not found fxload failed woth status 127
01:35.02jmetroHas anyone used the STAT function recently and know what it returns?
01:35.04mattwj2002I see nothing on the console either
01:35.45fulcanVersion: Installed:
01:35.57fulcan[TK]D-Fender ^
01:37.14[TK]D-FenderWell ..... at least you did get to the end of that line...
01:37.20BludSuckingFiendSo who here is familiar with the res_phoneprov module?
01:37.37jmetrotrying to stat -e for FIle Existence and the documentation
01:37.39jmetrohas nothing
01:38.56mattwj2002is there a debug command I am missing or something?
01:39.20fulcanAsterisk doesn't like those 64 bit modules at all.
01:40.17[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: strip it all and redo fresh
01:40.30WIMPyfulcan: Are you mixing different versions?
01:41.08fulcanall I did was take a vicidial iso and upgrade asterisk to 1.6  Thats it.
01:41.28fulcanit is a 64bit iso
01:41.30[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: Yes, the upgrade is botched
01:41.32[TK]D-FenderStrip Asterisk
01:41.35[TK]D-FenderReinstall it
01:42.08StarstormAsterisk stopped running when it got rebooted. dahdi isn't loading the firmware into the xorcom astribank, it won't get past (lsusb) e4e4-1160 when I do /xpp_fxloader load.  I get 'fxload command not found fxload failed woth status 127' Any ideas?
01:43.34*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:44.28WIMPyreinstall dahdi and the xorcom tools?
01:46.23[TK]D-FenderStarstorm: you may have to be patient.  Not a lot of Xorcom users around at any given time....
01:46.57pabelangerStarstorm: you want talk with tzafrir_laptop
01:47.30[TK]D-FenderThat would be ideal....
01:47.53BludSuckingFiendXorcom eh? A friend was talking about those the other day.
01:48.01BludSuckingFiendThinking about using them
01:48.07pabelangernever tested them
01:48.11pabelangerbut some cool things
01:48.16pabelangertdm over USB
01:48.17Starstormsorry, been at it for 5 hours. downtime sucks
01:48.39WIMPyNice for debugging if you put them in to a smaller case :-)
01:48.42BludSuckingFiendyeah... I am skeptical about anything time-sensitive over USB
01:48.43fulcan[TK]D-Fender ripping it out and reinstaling and adding the addons worked. I have a normal asterisk command line now.
01:48.58BludSuckingFiendtiming sensitive I mean
01:49.01[TK]D-FenderNo more logging errors?
01:49.03pabelangerStarstorm: well, 127 is not found
01:49.05[TK]D-FenderAstDB restored?
01:49.11pabelangerso see if fxload is actually installed
01:49.35pabelangeror just a path issue
01:50.08[TK]D-FenderBludSuckingFiend: Long ago ztdummy used it for just that.  And there are USB timing devices specifically for *
01:50.23fulcan[TK]D-Fender how do you check the AstDB again?
01:51.00BludSuckingFiendYeah, I just have some bias against USB based on years of troubleshooting USB network devices
01:51.08BludSuckingFiendbut that was before 2.1/3.0
01:51.41BludSuckingFiendprobably fine now... but I am still reluctant. I like TDMoE to my channel banks...
01:51.52*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
01:52.09[TK]D-FenderBludSuckingFiend: I have a bigger isue of business critical hardware being so easily unplugged without so much as a little plastic clip I take for granted on RJ45 :)
01:52.22BludSuckingFiendlol yaeh
01:52.23WIMPyhas heard more bad things about the redfones than about the Astribank.
01:52.58[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Agreed, those can DIAF
01:53.03WIMPyBut I wouldn't like to rely on an USB cable, either.
01:53.28pabelangerI got to test a USB controller in a RF chamber. It was pretty cool, but our testing kept causing the kernel driver to panic
01:53.32pabelangerthat was not fun
01:57.37fulcan*CLI> reload
01:57.49infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
02:00.34[TK]D-Fenderheading out for a while...
02:03.01BludSuckingFiendtoo late
02:05.20*** join/#asterisk fulcan (brads@2600:3c00::f03c:91ff:fe70:f0a9)
02:05.41fulcanhuh? -> No such command 'exit' (type 'core show help exit' for other possible commands)
02:06.25BludSuckingFiendyou pasted too many lines too fast
02:06.32BludSuckingFiend20:57 < infobot> A "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,
02:07.50fulcanBludSuckingFiend thay wasn't me, that was my dirty mouse.
02:07.54*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
02:08.06WIMPyClean it!
02:09.26fulcanwinblows clipboard error. <- that's what it was supposed to get.
02:09.44fulcanwhat happened to my 'exit'?
02:10.15WIMPyNo way out any more.
02:10.18WIMPyToo late to leave.
02:10.29fulcantrapped like a rat?
02:10.42fulcanwill there be internet?
02:10.54WIMPyI think rat's aren't too bad at diigin their way out.
02:11.25WIMPyYes, you are trapped in the internet.
02:11.48fulcanas long as I got my porn, i'm good to go!
02:12.44WIMPyAnything you find interesting in that pastebin?
02:13.24fulcanno, it looks clean to me.
02:13.34*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
02:13.41fulcanlooks like what you are supposed to see.
02:13.47WIMPythinks so, too.
02:14.08themrrobertexit doesn't work u want quit
02:14.42fulcanthats the only thing. how to escape the command line. I feel like a retard
02:15.00fulcanNo such command 'quit' (type 'core show help quit' for other possible commands)
02:15.50themrrobertwhat version are u running
02:16.17themrrobertoh i bet you are in the main console
02:16.29fulcanyes, main console
02:16.38themrrobertthen to "quit" means shutdown
02:16.46fulcanVersion: Installed:
02:16.56WIMPyThat will stay as long as Asterisk is running.
02:16.59fulcanthemrrobert means nothing to me..   :/
02:17.22themrrobertto exit you have to core stop [now,when convenient]
02:17.31themrrobertbut that will kill the pbx
02:17.49themrrobertif you're on a "connected" CLI ( via asterisk -r ) then you can exit with quit
02:18.58fulcanhow do you exit the cli gracefully?
02:19.30WIMPyDon't start the daemon in the foreground.
02:19.45WIMPyNow it's too late.
02:19.59WIMPyYou can stay there or kill it.
02:34.21*** join/#asterisk appleboy (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
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04:32.55BludSuckingFiendI'm not so sure about this new-fangled users.conf...
04:43.05ChannelZis it?
04:44.47BludSuckingFiendaccidently left a parsing error in it and reloaded the dialplan... segfaulted
04:45.57*** join/#asterisk chang33 (
05:01.39*** join/#asterisk Yxa (~Yxa@
05:02.34Yxausing 11.2.1. help I can't get call parking to work. When I transfer a called to ext 700, it just says it's an invalid extension
05:07.49*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-sepklrgdkhfgagmc)
05:25.06themrrobertouch BludSuckingFiend that would be disastrous if i did it haha
05:25.37BludSuckingFiendyeah, tell me about it... I dropped over 1 PRI worth of active calls
05:27.37BludSuckingFiendwhat's worse is I was converting from using sip.conf for my phones to users.conf... now it looks like I'll have to switch back
05:28.04BludSuckingFiendstuff in users.conf seems to be adding some dynamic dialplan entries that are breaking stuff... a gosub to macro-stdexten
05:28.50BludSuckingFiendWhy inject "hidden" entries into your dialplan that you can't modify?
05:31.55*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (~tzafrir@
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06:17.25Yxarepeat: using 11.2.1. help I can't get call parking to work. When I transfer a called to ext 700, it just says it's an invalid extension
06:21.12ChannelZDoes your dial() have the appropriate arguments to allow parking?
06:21.59ChannelZIs it turned on in features.conf?  Are you including the parking lot context in your extensions?
06:23.09ChannelZor actually you said transfer so the dial options don't matter
06:23.16ChannelZ(except that they can transfer..)
06:27.34Yxayes everything is in order
06:27.44ChannelZwell something isn't
06:28.50ChannelZmy guess is you don't have the parking lot context included in your dialplan
06:42.04YxaChannelZ the include => parkedcalls? it's there
06:42.52ChannelZunder the right context?
06:45.04ChannelZso "dialplan show 700@whatever" shows, where 'whatever' is the context your phone is in?
06:45.13Yxabut there isn't a physical [parkedcall] context anywhere
06:47.32Yxaso when i try to transfer the call to 700, it says i'm sorry that's not a valid extension
06:48.28*** join/#asterisk chang33 (
06:51.32ChannelZwhere is that message coming from? Do you have some other extension pattern that's sucking up 7xx?
06:51.54ChannelZit's sort of tiresome making 500 guesses, pastebin some verbose console output and your extensions.conf
06:57.56ChannelZwanders off
07:06.17*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
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07:39.54ChannelZguess he really didn't want help
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08:02.34themrrobertprobly waws easy fix sounded
08:03.35ChannelZwho knows, I can only make so many guesses without seeing something
08:04.49*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
08:05.11niklaswehey guys, I have a question.. I trying to user videosupport in my conference, and it working when to ppl are connected, but when third person joining I get "Waiting for remote Video"
08:05.19niklasweany idé what I have miss?
08:07.28*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
08:07.38jkroonhow does the qualify in asterisk 11.2.1 work?
08:08.17jkroonafaik it sends OPTIONS and then waits for a SIP response, however, I've got one peer where even though it's not even reachable at an IP level (destination network unreachable ICMP responses) asterik reports the peer as reachable.
08:08.44themrrobertsip set debug peer 333
08:09.36themrrobertthen do a test call, and you will see sip traffic  for peer 333, or "sip set debug on" on for all sip traffic to be shown
08:10.00themrrobertcan the peer make calls or receive them?
08:10.53jkroonthemrrobert, no.
08:11.04jkroonthe *IP* level link between the two is non-existent.
08:11.38jkroonbut sip show peer 333 shows a status of OK (1 ms) ... even after I issued a "sip qualify peer 333"
08:11.49themrrobertwhat output are you seeing from asterisk indicating its reachable?
08:14.11*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
08:18.33themrrobertit looks like
08:18.40themrrobertits targeting itself
08:18.49themrrobertwhat is the ip in the register field
08:19.00themrrobert"Reg. Contact"
08:20.36jkroonasterisk -rx "sip show peer 333" | grep Status => Status       : OK (1 ms)
08:21.01themrrobertwhats result of this:
08:21.10themrrobertasterisk -rx "sip show peer 333" | grep Contact
08:21.21jkroonreg contact is blank, and To Host is
08:24.57themrrobertis traffic possible routed incorrectly, ie traffic with invalid dst possibly being routed?
08:25.23themrrobertwhat happens when you ping
08:26.30BradadaHi guys, I just installed asterisk with AsteriskNOW last day, but I can't find the <agent.conf> file in the /etc/asterisk. Should I create one myself?
08:27.07themrrobertwhat version of asterisk is it
08:27.45BradadaIt's Asterisk 11.2.1.
08:27.56themrrobertagent.conf is old
08:29.23BradadaSo is there any equivalent setting file to agent.conf? Or newer version has new way to do that?
08:29.26themrrobertI cant completely remember how its been replaced at  this time
08:29.33themrrobertnew version does it different
08:29.49themrrobertagents are just sip users that join queues
08:29.59themrrobertor however else you want to use them
08:30.56themrrobertjkroon:- after pingtest,  try sip unregister 333 and then see if it's still there
08:32.44BradadaOkay, thanks for the help robert.
08:32.51jkroonthemrrobert, that's what i'm trying to explain - i explicitly routed traffic incorrectly because the peering is buggered. and it's a host= - NOT a dynamic.
08:33.37jkroonso ping at this point responds with destination network not reachable.
08:33.52jkroonmy point is that Status *should* go to unreachable and not stay OK
08:35.21themrrobertI see. Well, I know that asterisk does "sip qualify" with OPTIONS, so if traffic were routed thru the asterisk box, and it got a sip reply from port 5060, which it looks like it did, then its going to think its available
08:35.34themrrobertit doesn't do additional authentication checking each qualify
08:35.56themrrobertalthough if you unregister it, i don't think asterisk should register as the phone..
08:36.12jkroonthemrrobert, it CANNOT receive a reply.
08:36.34jkroondon't worry, REGISTER *to* the server doesn't get a sensible response either, chan_sip seems to be in limbo.
08:37.06jkroonthemrrobert, it's a IP<=>IP peering, there is no registering involved between the two ...
08:37.15themrrobertoh gotcha
08:38.54themrrobertBut I guess I don't follow what sort of help you're looking for..
08:39.16jkroonlooking to try and figure out why sip qualify can't figure out that the peer is MIA
08:39.29themrrobertI thought you said you purposely rerouted traffic
08:40.19jkroonyes, but asterisk still reports the peer (in spite of qualify=yes) as status OK (1 ms) - which is obviously wrong.
08:40.30jkroonit should become unreachable after a while
08:41.07themrrobertright because you routed traffic to the box, so it sees that (but appearing on another ip)...
08:41.11jkroonwith sip set debug on peer foo it shows the outbound OPTIONS frame, but never the returning frame.
08:41.27themrroberthow about with sip set debug on
08:41.32themrrobertturn it on globally
08:41.42jkroondude, 400 sip peers ...
08:41.50themrrobertlol ok ik how that goes
08:41.56themrrobertits 12:40 am for me tho
08:42.29jkroonlol, i was close to that a few nights back.
08:42.42jkroonok, with sip set debug on (globally) i still don't see the return traffic.
08:42.59jkroonheck, I don't see *any* SIP traffic for that matter!
08:43.05themrroberttbh i'm not sure what you're supposed to see
08:43.11themrrobertin response to that
08:43.44themrroberthow exactly did you change the flow of ip traffic
08:44.00jkroonwell, with 400 sip peers, of which 350 is currently registered i'd expect to see a bunch of outbound OPTIONS frames to qualify them ... for one.
08:44.20jkroonip ro ad via router.that.doesn'
08:44.47jkroonnormal route is ip ro ad via m.p.l.s.route
08:45.11themrrobertdo you ever get more than 1ms on your Status?
08:46.09jkroonnot for that particular peer no.
08:46.40jkroonbut a normal ping to it reports a 0.2ms round-trip anyway ... so i don't expect it to be higher than 1ms.
08:46.53jkroonsporadically, under really massive load i sometimes get like 2ms.
08:49.57jkroonok, so there is a definite bug in the SIP stack in asterisk 11.2.1
08:49.59jkroonudp   213056      0  *                           5707/asterisk
08:50.33jkroonthat's the recv queue building up, so internally chan_sip stopped responding to the queue ... off to file bug number 3 in two days.
08:52.24themrroberton my box  i have a server plugged in directly via cat 6 cable to my pbx, its supposed to communicate via AMI, but its fubar'd, most events work properly, but some are missed or something, and the client ends up timing out. comparing the two logs was unbelieveably horrible, with no useful results. makes me want to bash something
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08:55.38jkroonthemrrobert, i hear you!
08:55.55themrroberthave u encountered similar?
08:56.34jkroonhad some weird lockups with AMI, eventually found a bug in the code on my side that blocked on stuff it shouldn't have, refactored my code to queue the events instead in a somewhat clever way, problem fixed.
08:57.11themrrobertthat sounds like more than ill  be able to do =/
08:57.23themrrobertnever got into c as much as i should have probably
08:57.29themrroberti'm sure i could do it, but i dont have the time
08:59.54themrrobertleifmadsen said he thought it might be locking (my problem) but i haven't more than a vague idea what that could mean
09:00.38themrroberti assume a handle is locked so its unable to read for a period of time, till it just decides to start running again...
09:00.56themrroberti need it fixed before i reconfigure everything on 1.8
09:01.07themrrobertdownsgrade 11.2.1 > 1.8
09:01.27jkroonthemrrobert, mail me - got a nifty class for C++ that might give you a few ideas.
09:01.51jkroonoi, you downgrading?
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09:48.28*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.2.1 (2013/01/22), 10.12.1 (2013/01/22), (2013/01/22), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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09:52.20*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.2.1 (2013/01/22), 10.12.1 (2013/01/22), (2013/01/22), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
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10:19.56linociscoanyone used cisco RV042 with asterisk with Grandstream GXW410?
10:20.17linociscoI can't find how to QoS asterisk UDP traffic on it
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11:17.08dipanjani have files with the same name but different formats (1.wav, 1.gsm, 1.ogg) in the same folder. Is there a way to make asterisk force choose o play only the gsm files?
11:17.52GreenlightI believe it trys to choose one that matches the codec of the channel it's playing it to
11:18.08GreenlightAlthought that does seem somewhat buggy atm
11:19.11dipanjanGreenlight: It plays fine when I call from a SIP phone (twinkle) but when calling from a phone, it tries to play the ogg files and fails.
11:19.36GreenlightDelete the ogg file ?
11:19.59dipanjanI need it for preview under on a web-browser
11:20.21GreenlightOn 11.2.1 for me at present for some reason Asterisk tries to play g729 when the channel is alaw. I think there is perhaps a bug in there
11:20.39Greenlightdipanjan: Put the .ogg in a different directory ?
11:20.59dipanjanGreenlight: one solution is to put them in separate folders, but was wondering if I can tell Asterisk to play only gsms.
11:21.04dipanjanGreenlight: yes
11:28.08dipanjanGreenlight: commenting out all other formats under [my-codecs] in /etc/asterisk/sip.conf seems to have done the trick
11:29.15GreenlightAhh nice one
11:29.31GreenlightI wonder if the order there effects the priority of it playing them then
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11:41.56kchehabis there a parameter can be edited to avoid the TLS disconnect when the user have a bad bandwidth ?
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12:10.19bviktoris it possible to give an immediate busy signal to the caller of a ring group when all members of the ring group are busy?
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12:17.31kchehabis there a parameter can be edited to avoid the TLS disconnect when the user have a bad bandwidth ?
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12:50.07creativxIt sure is 3 years since last time I had to touch asterisk extensions
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13:56.49leifmadsencreativx: extensions.conf is the easy part! :)
14:00.46jmetroDialplan is the funnerest part.
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14:46.37glazCote yesterday,
14:46.44glazhe's gonna be a huge 170 !!!
14:47.13glazwrong window, sorry.
14:47.57glazmy bad :(
14:48.44blitzrageI like UFC too, so I'm not offended :D
14:48.57blitzrageI am normally 180, but I don't look like that
14:51.05glazhah, Cote is a friend of mine
14:51.19glazI train BJJ with him
14:51.36glazI'm a 205 and he rapes me in BJJ
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14:52.44glazwhere you from blitzrage ?
14:52.52blitzrage<-- normally leifmadsen btw
14:52.57blitzragein case you recognize the name
14:52.59glazNice, did you go to UFC 157?
14:53.04blitzrageunfortunately I did not :(
14:53.18blitzrageI forget why... I think I had something else that night
14:53.19glaz158 is in Montreal, I can't wait
14:53.33blitzrageI do like watching on TV though, you get to see so much
14:53.36glazare you a Leaf fan? :)
14:53.40XliffIs there a list of Asterisk compatible phones out there? I'm looking on the wiki without much luck.
14:53.41blitzrageunfortunately yes :D
14:53.55blitzrageXliff: Digium phones are pretty compatible :)
14:53.57XliffI'm trying to determine if the Altigen IP 720 will work with Asterisk based systems.
14:53.58glazheh they're doing good this year
14:54.02blitzrageotherwise, just stick to anything SIP
14:54.10Xliffblitz: LOL - Yes. I know. I'm drooling over the top end.
14:54.14blitzrageglaz: yep! lost to Montreal though :\
14:54.25blitzragehas a D70 sitting in his cabinet that he hasn't setup yet :
14:54.33Xliffblitzrage: Problem - What one vendor advertises as SIP may not really BE SIP.
14:54.38blitzrageI should really use it to replace my Polycom IP335
14:54.47igcewieling1We are having a weird SIP issue between two Asterisk servers.  Looks like there is an INVITE with a empty SDP, which I may be the problem.  Would anyone have a min to look at especially line 33, and let me know if you see anything wrong?
14:54.58blitzrageXliff: true story... I can confirm Panasonic, Polycom, Grandstream, Aastra, and Digium all work fine :D
14:55.17blitzrageigcewieling1: 404 Not Found
14:55.22XliffYeah. Those tend to be the more *ahem* "open" of the phones I have worked with.
14:55.28glazAnd obviously Cisco phones too :)
14:55.29XliffAltigen, however......
14:55.46blitzrageXliff: if you can just test, then you're likely ok. Asterisk is pretty forgiving to be honest.
14:55.47igcewieling1blitzrage: maybe you have scripts disabled?  works for me when I click on the link
14:55.53XliffPut this way. This system is less than 5 years old and the phone server is STILL running XP.
14:55.59blitzrageigcewieling1: don't know... has always worked
14:56.17Xliffblitzrage: Already have a test server from Digium. So far... nothing.
14:56.25XliffCan't get the bloody thing to run as an IP phone.
14:56.30blitzrageXliff: oh, do you mean Switchvox?
14:56.47blitzrageSwitchvox doesn't strickly speaking == Asterisk
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14:57.30XliffBut yeah... I know what you mean.
14:58.05XliffI think there is some kind of config file that the phones load and there are options there that are screwing us up.
14:58.29igcewieling1try this one
14:58.43XliffSwitchvox text system saw no IP traffic even tough phone was set on which is automatically NAT to our external IP.
14:59.03eschmidbauerhaters gonna hate
14:59.38igcewieling1Xliff: do you really want to use phones which don't have enough documentation to know if there is a config file?
15:00.31Xliffigcewieling1: You have a point. This is for work though so I have to show due dilligence before I tell 'em they are better off dumping a ~3 phone system and spend the money for a better one.
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15:33.43bitwizeI need help defining an registration string for a SIP-trunk. The ITSP tells me to send "REGISTER" with "FROM:" and "TO:" but I cannot resolve this registration pattern.
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15:40.17AkkerKidhey all....    what am I doing wrong?  this should forward a call to extension 10060 to extension 1060:  exten => _10XXX,1,Goto(from-internal,${${EXTEN}-9000},1)
15:40.36AkkerKidbut instead it just loops in the cli and doesn't go to the right extension
15:41.16WIMPyThat is literal. Use $[] or $MATH().
15:41.48AkkerKidi knew it was going to be something that simple
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15:47.12blitzrageAkkerKid: what WIMPy said; with the way you have it now you basically have requested the contents of a variable ${10060-9000}
15:47.52jmetroWhat exactly does func STAT() return if a file exists or does not exist? show func STAT doesnt say.
15:48.02jmetrostat -e i mean.
15:48.18blitzragejmetro: I believe 0 or 1
15:48.30blitzragepretty simple test to run though :D
15:49.05jmetroTrue, but i have no phones hooked up to test dial with =)
15:49.26WIMPychannel originate ...
15:49.54blitzrageexecute a Local channel
15:51.47jmetrohave never used originate before, but will look into it
15:53.27AkkerKidQuestion: when I originate a call in the CLI or AMI, it's doesn't show good callerid info.  Am I not going through the right context?  unfortunately i'm running elastix.
15:53.47blitzragesee #elastix I guess
15:54.12ShoreTeldefine "good callerid
15:54.27Qwell"ugh, I have to get help where people would actually know how to solve my problem"
15:54.30WIMPyThat's normal. If you want something sensible, use a local channel and dialplan functions to set the caller ID.
15:54.54blitzrageugh, I am using something crazy unique that I don't understand and don't like that people who use vanilla asterisk don't know how to help me
15:54.58AkkerKidwhen the call hits the receiving extension, it shows only what i defined in the originate
15:55.04jmetrohm. If i originate a channel to an autoattendant, how can I then dial my options?
15:55.31blitzrageoriginate it to dialplan that will execute dtmf presses on answer
15:55.46navaismoeverytime someone say the word elastix a frog in the world dies.
15:55.51AkkerKiddon't get your panties in a wad guys...   i'm trying to get away from elastix.
15:56.17blitzragejmetro: see D() option in Dial()
15:56.19AkkerKidI just don't yet have the skills to make it completely with a gi
15:56.31blitzrageAkkerKid: either do we
15:56.55AkkerKidcompletely without a gui*
15:57.16navaismowonders which certification it's better dCAP or ECE
15:59.57glazI don't know what ECE is but I did dCAP, if you already know how to install asterisk and create a dialplan, don't waste your time in a dCAP
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16:00.24jmetroBlitzrage> I get you, code dialplan to execute testing of other dialplan.
16:00.52blitzragelike a boss
16:01.28jmetroQuite Θ ̨Θƪ
16:01.45*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
16:02.24linociscohi all
16:02.35WIMPylo you
16:02.54linociscoanybody who has experience with asterisk + cisco RV042 and Grandstream GXW410 together?
16:03.33linociscoanybody who has experience with asterisk on QNAP + cisco RV042 and Grandstream GXW410 and cisco IP phone 7945G together?
16:03.51navaismoglaz, "Don't waste your time in a dcap"..???
16:03.56navaismoglaz, why?
16:04.09glazI thought I was pretty clear..
16:04.25blitzragewell, if you know how to do that stuff, then getting your dCAP to prove it then is useful :)
16:04.26glazread before just before that statement
16:04.34jmetroin some ways it can be better to pile on as many certifications as you have time to take tests for
16:04.37navaismoglaz, ECE-->Elastix Certified Engineer
16:04.41blitzragedoing the training is different then writing the certification
16:04.44navaismoblitzrage, my point
16:04.48glazElastix, ewww.
16:05.05navaismoand two frogs died
16:05.20glazmaybe it's just me, but certificates don't prove anything where I work
16:05.25blitzrageif you are comfortable with Asterisk, then writing the dCAP can be useful. If you need the training before taking dCAP, then that can be additionally useful
16:05.34blitzrageglaz: it depends where you work then
16:05.37linocisconavaismo, Elastix does not comply original objective of asterisk. It modified its code to be totally different from asterisk
16:05.43blitzragethat doesn't make the dCAP useless, just useless in your situation
16:05.46glazI've meet CCIE guys that I could school, my CCNA has expired 8 years ago
16:05.56navaismoso i have experience using asterisk but without a dcap no one take me serious
16:06.08glaznavaismo: really? where do you live?
16:06.10blitzragewrite a book, it worked for me
16:06.19navaismoglaz, Mexico
16:06.35linociscoglaz, I am CCNA with 1000/1000 with no school training.
16:06.35blitzrageI may be biased though, I helped write the original training course and dCAP cert
16:06.41glazfunny, all the guys in my dCAP training week were from Mexico
16:06.46jmetroblitzrage =D the definitive book would definitely help credibility
16:06.48blitzragedon't worry, I have the largest penis in here
16:06.57blitzragethat's what we're doing right?
16:06.58glazblitzrage: :p
16:07.19blitzragenavaismo: if the dCAP could be useful for you, then by all means take it :)
16:07.31glazhow much is the dCAP now?
16:07.43linociscoglaz, 300 USD
16:07.50linociscoglaz, dCAA is free
16:07.52blitzragethat's a pretty cheap cert
16:07.56navaismolast time here only the exam was 600USD, so I need to save a lot of money
16:08.07navaismo:'( not for me
16:08.10blitzrageyou can also take it at astricon
16:08.11glazwhat? why do I remember my job paying like 3500$ for this
16:08.19blitzrageglaz: because you took the training course
16:08.23blitzragedCAP != training
16:08.26navaismoglaz, maybe you pay the full course & exam
16:08.40glazyeah probably, I don't remember :\
16:08.49blitzragewell, the dCAP is not a week long exame
16:08.54blitzrageyou probably remember that part
16:09.00glazI do :)
16:09.10blitzragedCAP itself is a 3 hr test
16:09.13ShoreTelmy asterisk box outwit's your asterisk box
16:09.19glazI remember helping the teacher helping others, but nothing much more
16:09.20ShoreTelthat's what we're doing here.
16:09.22blitzrageat least from what I remember
16:09.25eirirsmy asterisk box are invisible. I win.
16:09.33ShoreTelmine are invincible!
16:09.38ShoreTelxxxoops :/
16:09.41blitzragejokes on you, I switched to yate years ago
16:10.10glazI also remember the guys from Mexico, they were like 6, hangover every morning
16:10.34glazthey really enjoyed Montreal and its hookers
16:10.35linociscoanybody who has experience with asterisk on QNAP + cisco RV042 and Grandstream GXW410 and cisco IP phone 7945G together?
16:11.02eirirsRV042 are not cisco, but linksys :P
16:11.21glazlooks at his phone, 7940, sorry
16:11.38linociscoeirirs, but name is cisco, it was acquired by cisco, now by Belkin or who knows. I dont care whoever acquire it
16:12.03jmetrowho here would have a heart attack if you saw "belkin acquires cisco" on tech news
16:12.30linociscojmetro, it is not amazing news. I have known
16:12.42eirirslinocisco: "cisco SMB" :P
16:12.52eirirshuuuge difference
16:12.57igcewieling1jmetro: not me, I just shrugged and said to myself "At least people won't think Linksis boxes are real Cisco boxes anymore"
16:13.03linociscoeirirs, yes
16:13.26igcewieling1"We have a CISCO router!"   "No, you have a fscking Linksys consumer POS, now get off my lawn!"
16:13.46jmetroAll i know is that Linksys used to be the only alternative to Netgear for home routing, but now I go d-link
16:14.11eirirsd-link??? booo
16:14.13igcewieling1jmetro: I don't really hate Linksys, what I hate is Cisco calling their Linksys boxes "Cisco"
16:14.39eirirsigcewieling1: +1
16:14.43linociscojmetro, though it is not discussion about products, anyway. linksys, or Belkin or Netgear or D-link aall are SOHO
16:15.06linociscothe worst models are ProLink, TP-Link
16:15.26eirirsTP-link mediaconverter are okay
16:15.33eirirscheapo and works
16:15.44linociscoeirirs, fibre media converter?
16:16.26linociscoeirirs, I would not go with crappy fibre media converter, I would use SFP module on switch port
16:16.46eirirshehe agreed on that, im waiting for a SFP module incoming
16:16.59eirirsthough, it works wonder as temporary solution
16:17.41linociscohi all bros.let's get down to nitty gitty. I have very doubtful questions on asterisk related to be done in limited time
16:18.21linociscoI have asterisk installed on QNAP as my office wont allow me to install on normal PC.
16:19.16igcewieling1moves slowly away from linocisco
16:20.46linociscoI have Grandstream GXW410 for two CO land lines to be used with asterisk and cisco RV042 and Cisco 7942G IP Phone
16:21.49linociscocisco RV042 is meant a router or gateway between internet and LAN. or Dual WAN Router if I have another internet line. Calling in and out will be only made through CO Lines
16:22.11linociscoSearching on internet said Cisco RV042 blocks all SIP registration
16:22.37linociscoI have no other routers to be used because it is meant for Dual WAN.
16:22.56igcewieling1linocisco: buy a new router.
16:23.03eirirsdid you disable sip alg and sip whatever functions in that web gui thingy?
16:23.18linociscoeirirs, I didn't find
16:23.26igcewieling1eirirs: I think this is one of the models where you cannot disable SIP ALG and SPI
16:23.56eirirsigcewieling1: LOL fail
16:24.09igcewieling1linocisco: you know the RVXXX routers are really Linksys and not actual Cisco routers right?
16:24.38igcewieling1elguero: I've run across them a couple of times, each time the ONLY solution was to replace the router.
16:24.45linociscoigcewieling1, I am CCNA with 1000/1000. I know that pretty well. I have no choice in my country
16:24.49linociscoin my office
16:25.17igcewieling1linocisco: I wish you the best of luck, but I doubt anyone here can help you.
16:25.18eirirsI had to replace one RV220 with a 1841, because it somehow decided to run gw instead of, and fucked up alot, and that route table was NOT editable
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16:25.44eirirseven that I insert in appropiate WAN input fields
16:25.50eirirsscrew it
16:25.55linociscoeirirs, but it is funny it said RVxxx are being run on linux opensource
16:26.29eirirswould love to see a dd-wrt or openwrt or whatever at RV220, which are a piece of neat hw
16:26.50eirirsthat linksys-webgui are a joke
16:27.04linociscoeirirs, can we flash RV042 with Openwrt or tomato firmware to still have the same functionality?
16:27.04jmetrothats what i love about my dlink. the webgui is a++
16:27.17eirirslinocisco: why not? :)
16:27.30eirirslinocisco: you even gets MORE functionality
16:28.00eirirsopensource ppl create sw with love, linksys only "meh, I have to finish that thing up, and get paid"
16:28.00linociscoeirirs, that is cool. As long as I dont lose Dual WAN load balancing functionality+DHCP server+ Routing feature, I am fine with any firmware on That damn RV042
16:28.23eirirslinux support load balancing +++
16:30.13linociscoeirirs,  I love only opensource. not proprietary
16:30.35eirirsthen change fw asap
16:31.08linociscoeirirs, but now feeling like writing WINE code to reverse engineer
16:31.58linociscoeirirs, I got 4 cisco IP Phones 7942G. which comes with SCCP native cisco protocol to be used by costly call manager.
16:32.30eirirsI changed all phones to SIP fw
16:32.36linociscoeirirs, I dont want to flash it with sip firmware because if I can't reverse it to SCCP. I will be fired
16:32.42eirirsyou CAN
16:32.43eirirsno problem
16:33.04eirirsjust have a tftp server running, and dhcp option 150 pointing to that ip
16:33.07linociscobecause i have faced the same problem with Nortel IP phone 1140E which was converted to SIP phone
16:33.18eirirsand have both SCCP fw available there, just in case you need it
16:33.30eirirswell, you won't have problem with cisco phones
16:33.34eirirsI can't say about nortel
16:33.39linociscoeirirs, then i see it is 30 days eval version. I lost my way and can't change it back to Untsim firmware
16:33.49eirirslol ouch
16:34.04*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:35.14linociscoeirirs, I was nothing in my office. I was blamed and almost had to pay it back for my flashed nortel ph
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16:36.13eirirsmistakes can make it more costy than having a proprietary cisco phone system hehe
16:36.25jmetroor just get phones that are SIP
16:39.04igcewieling1hugs his Polycoms
16:39.35linociscoeirirs,grandstream , yeallink ? what is good enterprise phone?
16:40.09linociscoeirirs, I want license free phone
16:40.30jmetrocisco sip phones are nice. Snoms have some very nice features. Polycom 335's are good for simple desk phones.
16:40.55igcewieling1ciscos are not license free are they?
16:41.07linociscojmetro, Cisco produce pure SIP phones?? namely?
16:41.26*** join/#asterisk ghost751 (
16:41.59linociscojmetro, it is ATA . not phone, right?
16:43.10jmetroI'm not sure what you mean
16:43.49ghost751any idea what an "intercept" button on the phone is doing?
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16:45.49linociscoeirirs, I looked at openwrt website. but not found Cisco RV042 is supported
16:45.56eirirslinocisco: I use cisco phones
16:46.25linociscoeirirs, how to use? by converting it to SIP ?
16:46.25eirirsno license needed, thats just for cisco's call manager
16:46.39eirirsI just explained you
16:46.48eirirs173304 < eirirs> just have a tftp server running, and dhcp option 150 pointing to that ip
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16:48.17linociscoeirirs, our 4 cisco 7942G phones are sent to us by HQ to be used with Call manager. but as we have only Nortel BCM450. Those are now extra and I want to use them with asterisk. After Cisco CUCM arrive,  I have to use them with CUCM.
16:48.58eirirsyes, with tftp and both cisco sip and sccm firmwares available on the tftp server you will have no problem changing back and forth
16:49.01eirirsat those cisco phones
16:49.36linociscoeirirs, do I have to install both fimrware SCCP and SIP at the same time. ?
16:49.54ghost751can be tricky to change sip<->sccp
16:49.58eirirs..... no
16:50.11eirirsghost751: what do you mean?
16:50.15linocisco shows it is possible
16:50.33ghost751dependencies when flashing fw
16:50.59linociscobut I have no confidence as I have Cisco RV042 which most said, will block SIP, and my previous Nortel Phone was destroyed with trial SIP version
16:51.42eirirslinocisco: I bet you can get those nortel back, just google about howtos
16:52.10linociscoeirirs, I waa searching every single where
16:53.01linocisconot worked for me
16:54.35linociscoI have 3 problems. (1. no openwrt firmware for Cisco RV042, 2. cisco IP SCCP <--> SIP ok or not? 3. Nortel Phone's Untsim can't be installed successfully)
16:55.27eirirsI'm 110% sure there are working solutions :)
16:56.06igcewieling1There are two types of "Cisco" phones.   Linksys (SPA series) which are branded by Cisco but do not are not really "Cisco platform", IIRC firmware is free for those phones.  There are also Cisco phones based on the Cisco platform and designed for Call Manager, IIRC firmware costs money for these phones.
16:56.35*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
16:57.31eirirsI have SPA501G, 7975G, 7940G
16:57.33eirirsthey all works nice
16:58.57linociscoeirirs, what type of Cisco 7942G is ? free or not?
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17:00.27linociscoigcewieling1, so if I install firmware from sip-->SCCP, it is not automatically ok to connect with call manager? need license?
17:01.29eirirslinocisco: phones are free to use. using call manager is not free.
17:02.36linociscoeirirs,  we will have license for call manager by HQ by default. but as I am going to flash the phone into sip mode, if I changed it back to SCCP fimrware, can I have problem connecting call manager?
17:02.48igcewieling1The nice thing about Asterisk, as compared to Call Manager is that you don't need to use scientific notation when quoting the price of an Asterisk install.
17:03.29eirirslinocisco: Nope.
17:03.42linociscoigcewieling1, as I have never done asterisk + cisco business, I dont know the power. but asterisk is free . no TCO as far as I am sure
17:04.05eirirslinocisco: I even flashed one 7975g back to SCCP to experiment with asterisk, then flashed back to SIP again
17:05.01linociscothat is why I am going to die to use asterisk day by day. but my office is not fully aware. HQ is not changing/not recommending their standard from cisco to opensource
17:05.28linociscoeirirs, u use chan-SCCP driver which I heard is no need to flash Cisco Phone to SIP
17:05.39linociscoeirirs, u use chan-SCCP driver ??which I heard is no need to flash Cisco Phone to SIP
17:06.07eirirsI didn't succed, thats why I changed back to SIP
17:10.29*** part/#asterisk Opperior (
17:15.16linociscook bro
17:15.34linociscoeirirs, let me find one on
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17:24.05eirirsnot now, I've things to do here
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17:52.22*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
17:52.56AtreiuHi all, when a user disconnects from his SIP extension, his status in queues stays at Not in use instead of unaivalable. Is this a bug?
17:54.18acidfooeirirs, what version of asterisk do you use
17:56.06acidfooanyone is using an SCCP Cisco phone 7911 or 7906 and is using the GListen/GLoff softkey ?
17:56.52navaismoAtreiu, can you show us the cli output for sip show peer & queue show & core show hints?
17:57.08navaismoAtreiu, also which version are you using?
17:57.42Atreiunavaismo: Asterisk 11.2.0 built by root @ pabx on a x86_64 running Linux on 2013-01-17 17:00:41 UTC
17:58.46Atreiunavaismo: I'm pastebining the commands
18:02.10AtreiuHope it helps... Desesperated.
18:02.58AtreiuAs you can see, extensions 110 & 113 are offline, but still marked as available in queues.
18:04.42[TK]D-FenderAtreiu: show us how you added them as members of your queue, also the queue configs, etc
18:04.46navaismoright, hints and queue marked are not marked correctly. Do you use a GUI or custom dialplan? seems like freepbx
18:04.46jmetrosip show peers like them
18:04.59jmetroqueue show
18:05.17jmetroand i thought you had ti add them as SIP/### not local/###
18:05.28Atreiunavaismo: Yes, I use FreePBX
18:06.51[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: You can add whatever device you want
18:06.52Atreiu[TK]D-Fender: These are added through FreePBX as static agents.
18:08.20AtreiuOw, maybe if I tick Generate Device Hints option in queues?
18:08.45AtreiuI don't understand what hints really are...
18:10.04igcewieling1I imagine someone on #FreePBX would know more about how FreePBX sets up FreePBX queues.
18:10.25navaismonope no one answer there
18:10.29AtreiuNobody awnser in this channel... :(
18:11.16jeffspeffAtreiu, we typically use the config files instead of the freepbx gui or any other gui
18:11.55[TK]D-FenderAtreiu: What version of * is this?
18:17.08navaismoAtreiu, what is the lie to add your agents:  110,0 or A110,0 or S110,0?
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18:26.09acidfooHO yeahh !
18:26.19acidfoothe answer is not in the protocole, it is in the xml conf file !
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18:26.37acidfooi've been banging my head on it for a couple of hours before realizing it
18:27.54linociscousing my Nortel AVaya 1140E SIP phone, after pressing extension, I need to press soft button to ring to another ext. what is the problem?
18:28.10linociscousing my Nortel AVaya 1140E SIP phone, after pressing extension, I need to press soft button"send" to ring to another ext. what is the problem?
18:28.45navaismophone's dialplan
18:29.34linociscodont know
18:30.08ChannelZAnyone used the Google Talk app on Android?
18:30.31leifmadsenworks well
18:30.35newtonrChannelZ: i do
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18:31.16igcewieling1linocisco: that wasn't a question, it was a statement.  The issue is with the dialplan configured on your phone.
18:31.21linociscoleifmadsen, are u real leifmadsen ?
18:31.32ChannelZoh.. actually I think this is a problem with routing/firewall
18:31.37newtonrlinocisco: he's an imposter, don't let him trick you
18:31.45leifmadsentrue story
18:31.56leifmadsenthat guy is too awesome to not want to be his online persona
18:32.18leifmadsen(yes, I'm the real leif madsen)
18:32.27linociscohe is hot
18:32.45linociscoon fire
18:32.48igcewieling1linocisco: I think so too, but the poor thing likes women.
18:32.53Atreiunavaismo 110,0
18:33.07AtreiuI reconnect through Android
18:33.44linociscohe failed in fastest dialtone test judged by David Duffett
18:34.05leifmadsenwell, I didn't win :)
18:34.07leifmadsenI was also drunk
18:34.26leifmadsenI'm not using that as an excuse though :)
18:34.33leifmadsensome people are pretty clever
18:34.49linociscowho was that guy you are defeated
18:34.56leifmadsenJared Smith
18:35.38linociscoleifmadsen, since i sent you that youtube link, you quited from my IM list on google talk
18:35.56linociscoleifmadsen, until noow
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18:36.06leifmadsennot sure... I don't always have it online
18:36.22AtreiuHello back navaismo
18:36.54AtreiuSon, i just put 110,0 not with A or S.
18:37.06linociscoleifmadsen, i like the way you yelled " keystrokes" in that contest.
18:37.18AtreiuSome of m agents have penalties
18:37.29leifmadsenI do stuff like that when I work at home
18:38.01linociscoleifmadsen, why dont u come to asia to teach asterisk. David Duffett is coming to Malaysia in april
18:38.02ChrisInSydneyHi all. I'm having a challenge compiling Dahdi 2.6.1 against a 3.7.10 Kernel running on a linode VPS
18:38.21leifmadsenbecause I'm not an asterisk trainer? :) and it's not my job.
18:38.38leifmadsenChrisInSydney: does the linode VPS allow loading of kernel modules?
18:38.45leifmadsenyou can't load dahdi into AWS and other such things
18:39.02ChrisInSydneyFATAL: Error inserting dahdi (/lib/modules/3.7.10-x86_64-linode30/dahdi/dahdi.ko): Invalid module format
18:39.06navaismoAtreiu, have you tried with S+extension,penalty?
18:39.09ChrisInSydneythats the error,
18:39.20ChrisInSydneygood question leifmadsen
18:39.58leifmadsenChrisInSydney: ya that's likely the problem -- you can't load kernel modules
18:40.05leifmadsenbecause it's a shared kernel
18:40.18navaismoAtreiu, using onli number,penalty fpbx add with this--> 3000 (Local/3000@from-queue/n) (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet
18:40.37Atreiunavaismo: No. What's that?
18:40.43ChrisInSydneybugger. Its a xen platofrm
18:40.47navaismoAtreiu, using S+extens,penalty fpbx adds like this-->SIP/3000 (Unavailable) has taken no calls yet
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18:41.14AtreiuAaaah okay! I'm trying this right noz
18:41.33AtreiuSo something like S110,0 ?
18:42.08AtreiuIf it works, I'll kiss you feet :D
18:43.24ChrisInSydneyThanks leifmadsen. I've posted another update to the support ticket. Its 5:30am here so I'm struggling a bit. But got VUC to keep me awake :-)
18:43.41ChrisInSydney5:45 :-/
18:45.57ChrisInSydneymodule load and unload is supported leifmadsen
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18:57.57linociscoanybody who has experience with asterisk on QNAP + cisco RV042 and Grandstream GXW410 and cisco IP phone 7945G together?
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19:09.03[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: You could pick a smaller demographic please?
19:09.39linociscowhat do u  mean?
19:10.27[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: What schmuck is going to have ALL THREE of those things **together** specifically?
19:10.57linocisco[TK]D-Fender, my QNAP has only Asterisk 1.4 not upgradable. no CLI. available. Cisco RV042 is known as blocking SIP regisration. Cisco Phone comes with SCCP
19:11.42*** join/#asterisk feeshon (
19:11.45[TK]D-FenderNo CLI?  On a dead branch?  Talking about a router that blcoks SIP ... and then using a phone spcecifically in SCCP mode?
19:11.52[TK]D-FenderThis is an insane combination
19:12.06feeshonRescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
19:12.07igcewieling1[TK]D-Fender: He is set up to fail, I'm not wasting any more time on it.
19:12.15feeshonCan anyone help me with this I am getting a Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
19:12.27[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: How is that a problem?
19:12.30feeshonin my console....looks like a call won't hang up properly
19:12.34igcewieling1feeshon: that should be a harmless message unless you have an actual problem.
19:12.43[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: Perhaps you should show us .. the call.
19:12.47infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
19:13.09feeshonWe are using FOP and and it displays that a call is open when it really isn't
19:13.22[TK]D-Fenderthe FOP has a problem
19:13.35[TK]D-FenderNot Asterisk
19:13.43[TK]D-FenderChech their support resources
19:14.39feeshonFOP looks fine. I see that issue warning in the asterisk console
19:14.54[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: Show us the call.
19:14.58feeshonThe call isn't techincally hung up and fop is finding it as still on the line.
19:15.20[TK]D-FenderfeeshonWe are using FOP and and it displays that a call is open when it really isn't <-- apparently not it really "is" open
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19:15.55igcewieling1feeshon: have you confirmed the call is actually still active with "core show channels" in the CLI?
19:16.00jmetrosame => n,hangup then
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19:16.24[TK]D-Fenderjmetro: ....
19:16.38[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: Show us the call
19:16.49ChannelZand then show me some cookies
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19:18.07ageisI have a Park() implementation in 1.6 that relies on priorityjumping to Park an unanswered call momentarily and then Dial again. I'm interested in upgrading Asterisk but wondering what the alternative to this would be in 1.8, same functionality but without priorityjumping.
19:18.25feeshonIt's still active
19:18.30[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: Show us the call
19:18.31feeshongive me one sec for a pastie
19:19.22ageishere's the bit:
19:20.17feeshonthe 7276 is still active
19:20.29ageisI have found that without jumping to priority 6, the Dial after Park just hits a busy signal and doesn't work as expected.
19:20.35ChrisInSydneyHey. Anyone help with a DAHDI compile on a Kernel 3.7.10 running on a linode VPS ?
19:20.48[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: Show us the actual call.  Actually arriving, actually hanging up.  And then actually lingering
19:20.54ChrisInSydneyFATAL: Error inserting dahdi (/lib/modules/3.7.10-x86_64-linode30/dahdi/dahdi.ko): Invalid module format
19:21.10ChrisInSydneyimplies that the source is wrong maybe ?? :-/
19:21.25ChrisInSydneykernel source DAHDI was compiled against
19:21.32ChannelZageis: what's really wrong with what you're doing now?
19:21.35feeshonnot sure how to get that
19:21.49ageisChannelZ: it works great. I'm talking about wanting to upgrade Asterisk and I'll lose this functionality, because of priorityjumping.
19:21.50jmetrowatch the console while it comes in
19:21.51feeshonThis was something that was already there
19:21.51ChannelZsorry I'm lagging
19:22.06feeshonWasn't watching the console
19:22.10ageisChannelZ: So wondering if I can do the same thing without.
19:22.10[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: what does that even mean?  Look at THEC ALL from beginning to end
19:22.28[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: If you're not looking in CLI then you aren't really looking.
19:22.33[TK]D-Fenderfeeshon: SIP DEBUG <--
19:22.42jmetroageis: What are you trying to accomplish, see if it can be done without priority jumping?
19:22.54ageisjmetro: Precisely.
19:23.10jmetroageis: I know, but i meant, what are you trying to do with that code anyway
19:23.15ChannelZageis: not sure what you mean that you will lose this.
19:23.29ageisBecause priorityjumping is deprecated in 1.6 (my version) and removed altogether in 1.8.
19:23.31ageisLet me describe
19:23.53ChannelZAlso, is the actual parking lot important?  IE is it possible someone who gets parked in this fashion would get picked up by someone while they are in the lot, or are you really just using it as a delay?
19:23.53feeshonI wasn't looking at the CLI when it originally happened....there is an active call that hasn't been removed.
19:23.59ageisIt's intended to call a location, ring for 45s, and if no one picks up the call is parked for a while. Then it rings again. If no one picks up then it rings another location. Finally it goes to voicemail.
19:24.17ageisThe purpose is so that if someone is busy or on the other line, they have a chance to answer the parked call, because it lights up on the phone.
19:24.55jmetroHave your park timeout to the second location
19:25.06ChannelZageis: you're not using priority jumping.  It's a function of the Park application as to where it returns to the dialplan.  The example you showed seems like it should still work just fine
19:25.07ageistimeout to another context?
19:25.27[TK]D-Fenderageis: that isn't priorityjumping.....
19:25.29ageisChannelZ: it specifically jumps to priority 6, if you'll notice. I found that putting a Dial() after a Park() without that priority DOES NOT work and results in a busy signal.
19:25.54newtonrfeeshon: people will need logs of the call to help
19:25.55[TK]D-Fenderageis: ageis What you have shown has nothing to do with that global setting that has been dead for a long time now...
19:26.22newtonrfeeshon: this is an Asterisk chat room, they need to see the Asterisk logs, not FOP stuff
19:26.45ChannelZYes because Park specifically returns to a different part of the dialplan, it's not a "timeout and continue on" type app.   But that's built into the Park app, it's not priority jumping in the old sense of the term (N+101 and such) so what you showed will still work.
19:26.47ChannelZIt's not wrong.
19:27.40*** join/#asterisk Atreiu (
19:27.54Atreiunavaismo !!!!!!!
19:28.08AtreiuI've to kss jour feet
19:28.24AtreiuYou solved my problem!
19:28.40ageisChannelZ, [TK]D-Fender so Park(timeout,return_context,return_exten,return_priority,options,parking_lot_name)    this return_priority argument is still a part of the Park() function ?
19:28.50Atreiunavaismo: I'm so happy thank you very very much!!
19:28.51ageisand is not considered jumping
19:29.03[TK]D-Fenderageis: "core show application park" <-- considered looking at the instructions?
19:29.24[TK]D-Fenderageis: Correct it is NOT "priorityjumping" as per that ANCIENT global var
19:29.43feeshonnewtonr: I understand and I am collecting that info now
19:29.53ageisexcellent, I must have misunderstood.
19:30.00*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~youjelly@
19:30.38youjellylol anybody seen this hilarious webRTC
19:31.39ageisis 1.6 to 1.8 upgrade generally safe in regards to sip.conf and extension.conf syntax or are there any significant changes?
19:32.51drmessanoJPEG over RTP
19:33.37youjellythat guy who made it is a legend, salute
19:37.32ageiss: Silence announcement of the parking space number. -- What's the correct syntax for adding this option? would Park(120000,northampton-open,,6,s) do it?
19:37.34igcewieling1ageis: read the UPGRADE-*.txt files in the Asterisk source code.  This will tell you about such changes.
19:37.44ageisbrackets are confusing me
19:37.48ageisigcewieling1: thanks
19:37.56[TK]D-Fenderageis: Go read the apps instructions. CLI will tell you this...
19:38.08ageis[TK]D-Fender: I just got that from CLI and I'm asking for clarification
19:38.14ageisor interpretation
19:38.21igcewieling1"core show applications" and "core show functions" to see any new cool stuff
19:38.39jmetrowhy upgrade from 1.6 to 1.8? go to ast 11
19:38.52ageisjmetro: will consider it. seems 1.8 is bundled with distro
19:39.02navaismoAtreiu, no problem
19:39.11igcewieling1jmetro: because Asterisk 11 has not been out long enough
19:39.28Atreiunavaismo: That's cool to learn new things
19:39.37navaismoAtreiu, is recommended to use local channels but your pbx have issues with your hints
19:40.06Atreiunavaismo: So the S before agent means SIP ans what's the A ?
19:40.53AtreiuWhat's the purpose ?
19:40.57linocisco[TK]D-Fender, i want to make sure if Cisco RV042 will block Asterisk SIP traffic
19:41.20[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Have you tried?  Go something to show us?
19:42.33linocisco[TK]D-Fender, not yet. but found no QoS for udp and port 5060
19:42.47Atreiunavaismo: What are hints also?
19:42.59jmetroDoes asterisk have a build in function to say an extension if you pass it the extension number?
19:43.06[TK]D-FenderlinoLack of QoS doesn't mean it blocks SIP.
19:43.15[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Lack of QoS doesn't mean it blocks SIP.
19:43.27drmessanoI thought the RV042 was the one that had bugs in regard to SIP traffic?
19:43.38[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: There is no association between the two.  Got something real for us?
19:51.02AkkerKidanyone know of a good reporting interface that'll tie in easily with my asterisk installation?
19:51.26*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
19:51.55AkkerKidi need to see avarage wait times in queues and stuff
19:52.22AkkerKiddropout rates, avarage hold, calls per extension,
19:52.34jmetrothe asterisk cli shows that, doesnt it? with queue show?
19:52.48navaismoAkkerKid, queuemetrics for queues, and maybe you can try the asterisk stats
19:56.07AkkerKidqueuemetrics is expensive.
19:58.19navaismoAtreiu, Agents are defined in the agents.conf and are used with queues., hints are used to see the status of device,
19:59.13navaismoHmm depends on the expensive parameters, but is really useful if you want a good reporting tool for your queues
19:59.31AkkerKidi only have inbound queues...
19:59.34Atreiunavaismo: ans my hints are bugged?
19:59.37AkkerKiddoes that make a difference?
20:00.18navaismoAkkerKid, not sure if this can give what you are looking and this, but take a look
20:01.04navaismoAtreiu, yes in your pb  the hints for your device was idle
20:01.24navaismoinstead unavailbale
20:02.05Atreiunavaismo: Maybe a freepbx glitch?
20:02.31navaismoits possible mp3 files for voice recording sound so good
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20:47.50nubbieany easy way to check a running asterisk process ulimit?
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21:31.31apb1963_nubbie: ulimit
21:31.41apb1963_and/or ulimit -a
21:32.02nubbieapb1963_, actually
21:32.20nubbiesudo cat /proc/<asterisk pid>/limits
21:32.48nubbiebut, would be nice to see in *CLI> core show settings
21:32.50nubbieor something
21:35.18*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
21:45.01leifmadsennubbie: just backport it
21:45.09leifmadsennubbie: exists in asterisk 11 for sure
21:45.20leifmadsenper 'core show settings';
21:46.08*** join/#asterisk jmetro (
21:46.23nubbieleifmadsen, Ya, it is there is 1.8 too
21:46.32leifmadsennot sure what else you're looking for then :)
21:46.37nubbiebut not the _current_ open file handlers
21:46.39leifmadsenseeing system data is not an asterisk thing
21:46.49leifmadsenya, that is out of scope afaic
21:46.50nubbiebut ya, other tools for that
21:46.56nubbiemany setup something in nagios
21:47.04nubbieto monitor
21:47.35leifmadsennubbie: did you check out that monitoring thing I told you about a couple weeks back?
21:47.43leifmadsenthe nagios on steroids?
21:47.57nubbieleifmadsen, Ya, I did.  too fancy for me :D
21:48.04nubbiebut seemed cool
21:48.27leifmadsenya very cool
21:49.17navaismocan I ask... what is that tool?
21:51.53jmetroalso curious
21:53.01*** join/#asterisk teff (
21:55.31ChannelZoh look, another SIP drive-by from OVH. How unexpected.
21:56.12navaismoseems like is top secret and keeps with icinga
21:57.25leifmadsennavaismo: Open Monitoring Distribution (OMD)
21:59.26ChannelZFrench internet
22:00.11ChannelZIf they're not from China, 9 times out of 10 it's from an IP OVH owns
22:03.20*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-yvzrslgmxakpaowd)
22:03.58jmetroHm. Can you stick multiple apps in an execif, or should i just use a gotoif.
22:04.15jmetroIm trying to play 3 sound files pretty much
22:05.19ChannelZyeah, no.
22:06.00navaismojmetro, not sure if you are asking for that but usually you can playback(file1&file2&file3) or with background
22:06.04ChannelZYou could probably GoSub
22:06.14ChannelZif you have to do anything wacky
22:06.41jmetroah i was trying to do sayNumber(1)&Saynumber(2) but i should just do saynumber(1&2&3) you mean
22:07.26jmetroi am making a dynamic DID autoattendant basically, so i have to feed it the extension numbers one by one
22:07.29ChannelZwell no, SayNumber is a different thing
22:07.37ChannelZbut in that case couldn't you use SayDigits?
22:07.51jmetrocould i saydigits(127) ?
22:08.14jmetro[i havent used any of the Say applications before so ayDigits sounds perfect if it works like that
22:08.16ChannelZyeah if you want "one two seven" and not "one hundred twenty seven"
22:08.29jmetroAwesome. Thanks
22:08.52*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-armriwgkptpkpplz)
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22:09.28jmetroOh wait, i forgot I had to do a playback before that. Hm.
22:11.13jmetroit just seems silly to have to gosub and then return for that
22:13.39ChannelZwell the easy way is just repeat your execif
22:13.58ChannelZdo one thing once, something else the next time
22:14.03jmetroAnd get rid of the Else on the top one.
22:14.12*** join/#asterisk Chotaire (
22:14.19jmetroPerfect idea
22:15.26ChannelZwell your syntax on that seems not right but sure
22:16.09ChannelZyou have a [ in there which I think is supposed to be a :
22:16.22jmetroYou mean for the Else part?
22:16.26jmetrousing a [] rather than :?
22:17.02ChrisInSydneyleifmadsen: Got DAHDI to compile and install. Just now trying to work out how to make it compile without having to compile the whole damn kernel :-/
22:17.13leifmadseneep :\
22:17.16ChannelZwell it's not a "rather than" syntax :)  it's  expression ? doiftrue : doiffalse
22:17.18ChrisInSydneymaybe just whip up an RPM
22:17.40leifmadsenChrisInSydney: ya, hopefully it's not because the kernel is missing something that allows you to load external stuff
22:18.56ChannelZI think you are misreading the syntax conventions that the help shows.  the brackets represent optional arguments
22:18.57ChrisInSydneyits the kernel source. Theres some "Stuff in there" that Dahdi wants. I know it doesnt want everything, but without Module.symvers, it wont compile.
22:19.08jmetroChannelz: probably XD
22:19.18leifmadsenwelp, I think that's it for work today
22:19.27leifmadsengot my RPMs built and such. Time to go play some Forza 4
22:19.31ChannelZso it's not literally [:appiffalse(args)],  it's :appiffalse(args) 'if you choose to use it'
22:19.41leifmadsen'bl1tzrage' on Xbox Live for anyone that cares
22:19.49jmetroRight. I understand Channelz.
22:19.52ChrisInSydneyleifmadsen: The intergoogletubes recon I should compile the krenel.
22:20.01leifmadsenChrisInSydney: that is less than ideal
22:20.14leifmadsenruns away
22:20.23ChrisInSydneyTrue, so does the system. i just got a disk usage alert
22:20.46ChannelZyah that looks better
22:24.51leifmadsenat that point, why not just use a GoSubIf() ?
22:24.59leifmadsenrather than wrapping all your commands in an ExecIf() ?
22:25.40ChannelZhe didn't want to since it's apparently only 2 things needing doing.
22:25.43[TK]D-Fender2-3 is worth doing inline.... more does make a subroutine a better idea
22:25.44ChannelZ5 ways to skin a cat
22:26.13leifmadsenI still find it easier to read and maintain using the subroutines -- you can use priority labels with a GoSubIf()
22:26.30leifmadsenanyways, I'm out
22:26.38jzawdo ppl not use ael2?
22:26.49jzawi find it way WAY easier to read and write
22:26.56leifmadsenI hate AEL
22:27.07leifmadsenI picked my word carefully too
22:27.08jzawi never got on with the conf language
22:27.08WIMPyThere is an AEL_2_?
22:27.14leifmadsenWIMPy: AEL  == AEL2
22:27.19leifmadsenbeen v2 forever
22:27.33leifmadsensince like 1.4 or something
22:27.35ghost75looks too complicate
22:27.50leifmadsenI just don't like that it simply converts from one parser back into dialplan anyways
22:27.56WIMPyToo restricted.
22:27.58leifmadsenthere were too many bugs
22:27.59jzawinteresting you say that ghost75 i found it much simpler to read
22:28.17igcewieling1UM, you can do anything in AEL which you can do in the regular dialplan
22:28.28leifmadsenI've been looking at dialplan since 0.7 though, so I just look at it and can see missing brackets like woah
22:28.40*** part/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
22:28.42igcewieling1WIMPy: what can't you do?
22:28.55ChannelZskin cats
22:28.59ChrisInSydneyleifmadsen. The file was missing from the initial get go, but after a make and clean, its still there. So, tgz it up and thats my source tree :-) Now to test properly
22:29.03WIMPyCombine multiple extensions.
22:29.11ChrisInSydneyso you can come back now, its safe ;-)
22:29.18WIMPyAnd IIRC there's more that doesn't work.
22:29.20igcewieling1I don't understand.  how would you do that in the dialplan?
22:29.21jmetroYeah i just had one decision to make there
22:29.28jmetroit was either play the voice title or play the extension as a number
22:29.31jzawpls explain WIMPy
22:29.36jmetrobut extension had to be Play extension, play digits.
22:30.16jmetroFull voice prompt will say "To speak to" EXTENSION ONE TWO SEVEN "directly, press 2"
22:30.25WIMPyIt's the ugly, but very effective thing of using a pattern, but for certain priorites use more specific lines.
22:30.26ChannelZyou're fine
22:31.03*** join/#asterisk Minotaur01 (
22:31.25igcewieling1WIMPy: ah, I call that "crazy dialplan"
22:31.47WIMPyI like it :-)
22:31.47igcewieling1I feel it is a great way to write horrible dialplan code.
22:32.15WIMPyYes. But it's also a great way to write less.
22:33.35igcewieling1not using spaces, not using newlines and using all one character variables is also a great way to write less, but it is still a bad idea.
22:34.03WIMPyDoesn't work in all languages :-)
22:34.34WIMPyDoes anyone remember tokenized code?
22:34.36*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
22:34.45ChannelZturning on porn is the best way to write less
22:34.56WIMPyYou can write however you want and it will allwys look the same.
22:35.21jmetroI remember using aliases in C++ to write paragraphs or stories that evaluated into code.
22:36.00ChrisInSydneyleifmadsen: Perfect :D
22:39.50ChrisInSydneyleifmadsen: Thanks for the pointers. Got me looking in the right spot.
22:49.16nubbie+1 to who ever told me to switch bria from UDP to TCP
22:49.22nubbienight and day for my S2 battery
22:50.29*** join/#asterisk w9sh (
22:52.01*** join/#asterisk billybutts138 (
22:52.51billybutts138Can anyone help me with a sip transfer error 403?
22:57.18billybutts138When a SIP phone gets the transfer section of my dial plan, I get a:
22:57.18billybutts138[Mar  1 14:34:58] NOTICE[21419]: chan_sip.c:22413 handle_request_notify: Got unknown code '403' in NOTIFY in response to REFER.
22:57.19billybutts138[Mar  1 14:34:58] NOTICE[21419]: chan_sip.c:22419 handle_request_notify: Transfer failed. Sorry. Nothing further to do with this call
23:00.50*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:03.46ChannelZwhat are you trying to transfer to?
23:04.08WIMPyny news on when the Digium phone firmware will be released that was announced yesterday?
23:04.42ChannelZno, but what do it do?
23:06.13*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:08.15WIMPySupport locales.
23:09.38ghost75anyone has experience with bluetooth?
23:11.17*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:16.31[TK]D-FenderUsing Blackberry's causes BlueTooth
23:33.29*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-armriwgkptpkpplz)
23:39.36ghost75i got everything installed but cannot select chan_mobile in menuselect
23:40.07WIMPyDid you run configure again?
23:40.42*** join/#asterisk marksaitis (
23:44.31navaismoso, i have hundreds of sip channels alive and in some point the server cant handle more calls, complaining about no more rtp ports available, i have increased the ports in rtp but at some point the issue happen again.
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