IRC log for #asterisk on 20130228

00:06.01*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (~TriJetScu@2001:470:e97f:1003:215:5dff:fe07:4806)
00:08.01*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (~nanoha-sa@2001:470:e97f:1003:215:5dff:fe07:4806)
00:09.30*** join/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
00:09.31phixigcewieling1: what did that do?
00:09.36mattwj2002hi guys
00:09.52igcewieling1phix: it caused one way audio
00:10.00phixhai mattwj2002!!!!
00:10.10mattwj2002I have asterisk on a raspberrypi
00:10.18mattwj2002hai phix!
00:10.24phixnow setup a samba4 DC on it
00:10.36mattwj2002and watch it start on fire :P
00:10.59phixsup ketas ?
00:11.48mattwj2002man compiling is slow on the pi!
00:11.50ketaswondering if such embedded boards with ethernet are cheaper, i can put one into each lamp and wall switch
00:11.58phixmattwj2002: cross compile then
00:12.11mattwj2002cross compile? O.o
00:12.19mattwj2002never heard of such a thing
00:12.19ketaswhole new meaning to ethernet switch
00:12.21phixketas: haha, they are pretty cheap, ~$40 AUD
00:12.40mattwj2002they are cheap
00:12.58mattwj2002I recommend a good 2.1 A ipad charger
00:13.06phixmattwj2002: yeah, cross compile, where you compile code on an intel computer to run on an ARM
00:13.11mattwj2002and a nice case
00:13.21mattwj2002is that even possible?
00:13.28phixit is called cross compiling :)
00:13.39ketasphix: well, surely they are cheaper than crazy expensive automation bus wall switches
00:13.51phixketas: yeah those  things are crazy
00:13.52vasterskanyone, how do you properly stop and restart asterisk?
00:14.03phixketas: however the bus wall switches probably use less power
00:14.06ketasphix: but still bit too much for this purpose
00:14.07mattwj2002core stop gracefully
00:14.10mattwj2002I think
00:14.16phixvastersk: sudo service asterisk stop
00:14.18ketasphix: power -> heat, etc
00:14.38phixbut I have already wanted to run apache in my wall socket :)
00:14.47ketasyou can
00:15.04mattwj2002in the wall socket?
00:15.10ketasinside it
00:15.13phixI will hide them in my wall
00:15.17vasterskok, thanks :)
00:15.19mattwj2002you could!
00:15.38ketasi'm planning massive cat5 pulling
00:15.43phixmy army of wall arms :)
00:16.06file"friendly-scanner" amuses me
00:16.08ketasarm is in your arms
00:16.23ketasif you use phone
00:16.55phixoh yeah, my phone is an arm too!
00:17.30ketasarmy army
00:17.33ChannelZI have an arm
00:17.38ketasi have two
00:17.49ChannelZand I'm armed
00:18.12ketasi have phone and i'm not afraid to use it
00:18.15igcewieling1file: calling it friendly scanner is like calling Genghis Kahn a friendly Mongol.
00:18.20phixLets see, 2x wireless routers, 1 adsl router, 1 phone, 1 tablet, a printer, and soon to be an army of PIs :)
00:18.26fileigcewieling1, quite
00:18.30phixlots of arms here
00:19.04mattwj2002I am killing my pi
00:19.10phixI prefer midget throwing
00:19.11ketaspoor pi
00:19.21filewhat REALLY amuses me is this packet from it:
00:19.24mattwj2002I screwed it up
00:20.01phixfile: haha
00:20.26phixmattwj2002: install Ubuntu or Debian onto your PI imo
00:20.37ketascalculate pi on pi
00:20.43ChannelZwhile eating pie
00:20.44phixor are you using the offical one that you can purchase with it?
00:20.51igcewieling1file: I saw something similar.  our adtrans where complaining about invalid lines in the packet
00:20.53phixwhile looking at a pie chart
00:21.06ChannelZprogram it in python
00:21.08mattwj2002yeah I am doing a reinstall
00:21.18phixpython <3
00:21.23mattwj2002hey guys I have a question
00:21.31ketaspython will eat you
00:21.33ChannelZbut we are discussing pie
00:21.43mattwj2002has anyone got asterisk and google voice working together?
00:21.49phixnever  tried
00:21.51ChannelZSort of.
00:21.56mattwj2002I am able to make outgoing calls but not incoming
00:21.57phixwhy would you want to do such a thing?
00:22.06mattwj2002sort of ChannelZ?
00:22.12mattwj2002free long distance!
00:22.14ChannelZWell I don't use it that much
00:22.20mattwj2002free incoming number
00:22.33mattwj2002US only :)
00:22.34phixmattwj2002: In which country?
00:22.38phixyeah thought so
00:22.39ChannelZand under 11/Motif I've had random issues with it
00:22.48phixwell that is useless to me :)
00:22.52phixI live in AU
00:23.06mattwj2002your an Aussie?  I am a Yankee nice to meet you
00:23.36phixyes, pronouned ozzy not HAUS-EEE
00:24.34ChannelZAnyway, do the calls come in at all or you just can't get it to work afterwards?
00:24.56mattwj2002I don't know if they are even hitting the asterisk box
00:25.01mattwj2002did you have to forward some ports?
00:25.21phixyou behind NAT?
00:25.35ChannelZwell it uses tcp
00:26.22mattwj2002so what ports?
00:26.23ChannelZyou should turn on xmpp debug
00:26.41ChannelZ5222 I think, it's in your config
00:26.46mattwj2002ChannelZ: what version are you using?
00:26.58ketasbleh, why is it that company sites are total crap always
00:27.23vasterskwhen you start asterisk again, will it be sudo service asterisk start?
00:27.39mattwj2002ChannelZ: do you know if it works with 1.8?
00:28.14ChannelZWell, it used to.. but Google likes to f* with the protocol a lot so I dunno how well it works these days
00:28.23ChannelZFor that it's 'jabber debug' then
00:28.30ChannelZor   jabber set debug on
00:28.40mattwj2002would you recommend 11 or 1.8?
00:28.49mattwj2002I am rebuilding my box
00:28.54ChannelZ11 unless you need to live in the past for some reason
00:29.00mattwj2002ok :)
00:29.05ChannelZ(some other module, etc.)
00:29.12mattwj2002I do like 80s music ;)
00:29.25ChannelZThe config is a little different between the two
00:29.32[TK]D-FenderIf I knew how to play any more hair metal I'd have to buy stock in Revlon....
00:29.36mattwj2002yeah I am going to just research it
00:29.50ChannelZIE jabber is gone, xmpp is in, chan_google or whatever it was is now Motif
00:30.05filethere have been very few issue reports regarding google voice support
00:30.12mattwj2002yeah I installed 1.8
00:30.16fileand from what I've heard it mostly "just works" for a lot of people, with Motif
00:30.19mattwj2002and tried to upgrade to 11
00:30.22mattwj2002it wasn't happy
00:31.02ChannelZIt just behaves a little different, like calls come in a little differently than they did before
00:31.38mattwj2002well I had a module issue
00:31.45igcewieling1sure would be awsome if they fixed this bug: asterisk: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
00:31.53mattwj2002I figured I might as well just restall
00:36.46ChannelZmeh.. well my own gtalk seems not to be working at the moment
00:37.27ChannelZoh no there it goes, the web client is just stupid
00:38.38ChannelZ* is just sitting there though. hmm
00:40.48mattwj2002google down?
00:40.49ChannelZI get the jingly messages but it apparently doesn't understand them
00:41.43filewhat are you trying to do?
00:42.00ChannelZI was just testing gtalk since I haven't used it in awhile.
00:42.06ChannelZSee if it still worked
00:42.29ChannelZI'm trying to even remember my google voice number to see if that works either.
00:43.25mattwj2002you lose them if you don't use them
00:43.59*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
00:44.00ChannelZI know they sent me a message about it awhile back asking if I still owned the number it was forwarding to
00:44.32adeelanyone ever happen to use the PAMI php class?
00:45.20ChannelZnope that ain't workin either.  I get the XMPP message from google but * doesn't do anything.  I must have something weird.
00:51.38ChannelZdunno if it's the transport= in motif.conf or not.. the sample config is a bit confusing, it shows one as transport=google for "Google Talk" but then says Google Voice uses transport=google-v1 "the original Google Talk protocol"
00:53.16*** part/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
00:53.19fileif * doesn't do anything then it's either 1. The account specified in motif.conf isn't correct or 2. You got hit by a bug with occurred if the connection bounced with Google, it has since been fixed
00:53.27fileerm which
00:53.36ChannelZhuh switching it to google-v1 is working for both now.
00:54.13filethere's 3 different Jingle protocols
00:54.14ChannelZYes for the transport= line in motif.conf
00:54.31*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
00:54.44ChannelZDoes Google use all 3 at random? :)
00:54.46filethe standard, the slightly different Google standard, and the pre-standard "hey I'm not documented anywhere" Google
00:54.53filetechnically, yes
00:55.02fileGoogle Voice use the pre-stand
00:55.10filegmail uses the slightly different Google standard
00:55.13fileand other clients use the standard
00:56.19ChannelZwhich google-v1 I guess seems to cover the first 2
00:56.30filegoogle-v1 is the pre-standard
00:56.37ChannelZ(both my GV number and calling through gmail seemed to work)
00:56.46filethe code will also try to automatically figure out what the other side is using, and switch accordingly
00:57.22ChannelZDoes it default to something?  I had it set as transport=google but I notice the Wiki sample setup doesn't show it at all.
00:57.46mattwj2002ChannelZ: what wiki are you talking about?
00:57.52file; If the target is not found in the roster the target will be used as-is and a session will be initiated using the
00:57.52file; transport specified in this configuration file. If no transport has been specified the endpoint defaults to ice-udp.
00:58.48ChannelZoh.. I need to re-copy all the dist configs into my sample dir :)
00:59.10filehuh using my own nickname on my desktop triggered notifications to my cellphone and tablet, funn
01:02.12*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
01:02.12*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
01:02.42mattwj2002don't kill me Qwell!
01:05.50*** join/#asterisk mzb (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
01:07.41*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
01:09.31*** join/#asterisk mzb| (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
01:09.50mattwj2002god I hate IPv6
01:09.59filethere's no place like [::1]
01:10.49igcewieling1"  My idea is to rip out Asterisk and install some key system from the mid 1980's which we get off ebay.  That is what they actually want.  "  <-- customer is driving us up the wall
01:10.58igcewieling1so there is my solution
01:11.13mattwj2002what is wrong igcewieling1?
01:11.26*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:11.27fileJoe! Pick up Line 1!
01:11.59igcewieling1mattwj2002: Our sales people don't do a very good job of explaining before the sale that Asterisk is not a key system
01:12.14*** join/#asterisk mzb- (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
01:12.32mattwj2002are they the fax type people too?
01:12.40mattwj2002hey Joe can you fax me that
01:12.56mattwj2002I hate fax machines
01:12.58igcewieling1mattwj2002: hey now, there are plenty of perfectly nice people who use fax.
01:13.13igcewieling1And using fax is still *reasonable*
01:13.32mattwj2002I guess
01:13.35igcewieling1expecting every "line" to appear on every phone may have been reasonable 20 years ago, but it is not reasonable today.
01:13.56mattwj2002hey guys have you meant my friend called "Mr. E-mail"?
01:14.11mattwj2002or worse yet
01:14.32mattwj2002someone scans it using a really crappy fax machine and then e-mail it
01:14.44mattwj2002I hate that :)
01:15.16igcewieling1most people hate changing their bank and most people hate changing phone companies so the only customers our sales people seem to get are people who are unhappy with their current phone company, often for no other reason that the people are simply assholes and will be unhappy with any phone company.
01:15.19*** join/#asterisk jhirley (
01:15.57mattwj2002so what are they saying exactly?
01:16.16igcewieling1they want the same "line" to appear on different phones.
01:17.09igcewieling1this is not a new issue, but we have one customer who is complaining right now.
01:17.23igcewieling1mattwj2002: because they want it to work like their old system
01:17.34mattwj2002got ya
01:18.34igcewieling1joe's line rings, you talk to the person, you put the call on hold, holler to joe in the office next door, hey you have a call! and then have joe press the button on his phone for that "line" and start talking.  They are apparently too stubborn to learn to transfer or park calls
01:19.44igcewieling1my boss thinks everyone hates everyone else and don't want to talk to any of their coworkers and that is the real issue.
01:20.23mattwj2002sounds like a great place to work ;)
01:20.35igcewieling1we are just their phone company/pbx vendor
01:20.46mattwj2002no I mean your customer
01:21.08mattwj2002sounds like a great place to work at your customer's company
01:21.18apb1963_simple solution (I think)... relabel the "Hol" button.
01:21.23igcewieling1thankfully I don't usually have to interact with customers
01:21.31apb1963_Relable the "Park" button... call it "Hold"
01:22.06igcewieling1ah, we thought of something similar, but what they want would require a "personal" parking lot accessable from all phones.
01:24.19mattwj2002igcewieling1: do you have a short user guide?
01:24.26mattwj2002like a single page?
01:24.36igcewieling1no idea, that is a sales thing
01:24.59igcewieling1I believe we have several documents covering various things but nobody seems to read them.
01:26.24mattwj2002good point
01:26.39mattwj2002igcewieling1: if it makes you any better
01:26.46mattwj2002*feel any better
01:27.14mattwj2002I had to create a TV troubleshooting guide today
01:27.26mattwj2002because don't know how to change the source on a TV :P
01:32.10*** join/#asterisk vastersk (~vinscentp@
01:34.22*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
01:35.40mattwj2002has anyone tried a digium phone?
01:35.46mattwj2002are they any good ? :)
01:36.24WIMPydefine "good"
01:36.43mattwj2002well I meant that generally
01:37.04mattwj2002what do you think of them?
01:37.23*** join/#asterisk mzb (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
01:37.23mattwj2002they are not cheap :)
01:37.38WIMPyI find the configuration feels very basic. Usage is ok. They allow you to do what you need, but not neccessarily in the obvious way.
01:39.19WIMPySo far they would be my second best choice. (within the SIP category)
01:39.29apb1963_igcewieling1:   I wonder... I'm assuming they're using phones with multiple buttons (lets say 5), where each button represents a "line" - or extension (say x101, x102, x103, x104, x105).  Is that correct?  Is it possible that each phone can register all 5 extensions?  And then so everybody's device/phone rings when a call is for say x103... so they Fred puts the call on hold, and then Joe can go pickup x103 on his device?  Does that make any sense and/
01:39.29mattwj2002what is your first?
01:39.50WIMPyThe old Snoms (320/360/370).
01:39.58apb1963_s/they Fred/Fred/
01:40.19igcewieling1apb1963_: that isn't really how asterisk (or SIP) works
01:40.23[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_: No.
01:40.27apb1963_Is it possible that each phone can register all 5 extensions?  And then so everybody's device/phone rings when a call is for say x103... so they Fred puts the call on hold, and then Joe can go pickup x103 on his device?  Does that make any sense and/or is do-able?
01:40.49[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_: Thechincally "ye", BUT... they will all FIGHT for the registration and the LAST one wins (and will fight in circles).
01:40.56igcewieling1apb1963_: problem 1: only one device can register to an account.
01:40.57apb1963_weird how IRC only lets you have a few characters :/
01:41.00[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_: So forget your end result.  Only ONE will ring
01:41.46apb1963_oh i see
01:42.20[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_: apb1963_ Forget abou "key system" functionality
01:42.31apb1963_feature request? :)
01:43.02apb1963_[TK]D-Fender: consider it forgotten... since I have no idea what it is in the first place :)
01:43.07WIMPyapb1963_: Give them an introduction of new technology of the last century.
01:43.30igcewieling1apb1963_: if it was easy it would have already been done.  People have been asking for this for years.  Asterisk's SLA features were supposed to provide something comparable, but the code doesn't seem to get a lot of love.
01:43.31mattwj2002tell them to get rid of those CRTs too
01:43.46*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
01:43.46*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
01:44.04apb1963_What's wrong with CRTs?  Everybody needs a little radiation.
01:44.24apb1963_igcewieling1: I never said it was easy :)
01:44.28mattwj2002they actually give off small amounts of x ray
01:44.36WIMPyNothing. So far, decent LCDs are only avalable in laptops, but not for the desktop.
01:44.50apb1963_xray's don't count as radiation?
01:45.02mattwj2002I didn't say that
01:45.18igcewieling1LCDs just don't give that same pale at-death's-door pallor.
01:45.23mattwj2002I was just saying x ray is one form of radition CRTs give off
01:47.18apb1963_ok, it was just a thought.  I'll go back to banging my head.  Since I don't know the code I don't know why asterisk couldn't keep a list of devices registered for a particular extension.... I'm sure there's a good reason.
01:47.48*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
01:47.48*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
01:47.50WIMPyIt's a 1:1 mapping.
01:48.00mattwj2002why though?
01:48.04apb1963_by design
01:48.22mattwj2002so there are no shared line appearances?
01:48.45igcewieling1apb1963_: by design done long long ago and considered by many people to be a mistake.
01:48.56apb1963_ah, ok
01:49.00[TK]D-Fendermattwj2002: Correct
01:49.18igcewieling1considered in hindsight, I'm sure everything thought it was a great idea at the time
01:49.20apb1963_igcewieling1: so asterisk is the equivalent of a CRT?
01:49.25*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
01:49.37[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_: More like an Etch-A-Sketch really ;)
01:49.41WIMPyapb1963_: Maybe
01:49.42igcewieling1apb1963_: no, key systems are equivalent of a CRT
01:50.08igcewieling1A key system has a one to one mapping of phone lines to phone buttons, this makes no sense in the context of SIP
01:50.21WIMPykey systems = piece of slate
01:50.32igcewieling1WIMPy: everyone seems to want the functionality
01:50.55WIMPyEveryone in the US maybe.
01:51.02mattwj2002is there a technical reason?
01:51.07apb1963_igcewieling1: I see.  But... we're talking about not a one to one mapping, but a many to many mapping I think maybe?
01:51.09WIMPyI hadn't even heard of such stuff until I came here.
01:51.11igcewieling1WIMPy: I stand corrected.
01:51.48apb1963_WIMPy: We have indoor plumbing and brick houses.  What's goin' on over there where you are?
01:52.01igcewieling1apb1963_: you are sort of correct.  one phone line gets patched into a button on multiple phones, but there is still a one to one mapping, when you press a button you ALWAYS get the same line.
01:52.28WIMPyapb1963_: We're in the final phase of switching off the PSTN.
01:52.30apb1963_igcewieling1: On a per device basis.
01:52.41mattwj2002where are you WIMPy?
01:52.43WIMPyProbably goin post-civilisation or simething.
01:53.00apb1963_WIMPy: Nice.  We still have a few people using outhouses.
01:53.05mattwj2002no PSTN?
01:53.36mattwj2002you may take my freedom but you will never take my LANDLINE! :P
01:54.07WIMPyI guess you should avoid Europe then.
01:54.11igcewieling1ISDN, which doesn't have a one-to-one mapping of number/"line", became popular in many parts of Europe in the 1990s (I think) and so I'm sure they got rid of their key systems then
01:54.14apb1963_yeah I need my landline... I have no cellphone or mobile as some of you ummm....overseasians call it
01:54.35mattwj2002WIMPy: I don't even have a landline
01:54.50mattwj2002but the US still doesn't have full coverage nationwide
01:55.00WIMPyigcewieling1: They have only been popular for extremely small installations anyway.
01:55.03igcewieling1I dont' have a landline either, but only because DSL is not available where I am
01:55.25mattwj2002in the US cable is much faster where available
01:55.27igcewieling1WIMPy: most of our new customers are those sorts of very small installations
01:55.31mattwj2002I have 20 down and 4 up
01:55.51apb1963_I have 10/768
01:56.08mattwj2002I need multiple megabits up
01:56.15igcewieling1mattwj2002: I have 18 down / 3 up on cable, but if DSL was available I'd have ADSL as a backup to my cablemodem
01:56.19apb1963_and I pay an arm & a leg for it
01:56.33WIMPyigcewieling1: What I wanted to say is that that concept hasn;t been popular for a lot longer than the appearance of ISDN with very few exceptions.
01:56.36apb1963_and I have cable
01:56.41mattwj2002backup igcewieling1?
01:56.44mattwj2002for home?
01:57.03mattwj2002your internet is that critical?
01:57.03igcewieling1mattwj2002: I work from home and DSL when avaialble can be very cheap
01:57.18mattwj2002I guess :)
01:57.33igcewieling1my internet was down for most of the afternoon, had to switch to 4g to do ANYTHING
01:57.48*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
01:57.58mattwj2002we have wimax here too
01:58.50mattwj2002but they cap it badly
01:58.53apb1963_I'm considering switching to DSL.  I can only get 6Mbps max, but (and I need to doublecheck this), the cost is about half.  Considering I used to get by on 1Mbps no problem, I'll prolly be ok.
01:59.09apb1963_shudders in memory
01:59.32igcewieling1mattwj2002: 4g here is capped as well
01:59.38mattwj2002I use to get by on dialup
01:59.54mattwj2002technically my cable is capped too
01:59.56mattwj2002300 GB
02:00.09igcewieling1when I lived at the campground I had satellite for web browsing and modem for ssh
02:00.18apb1963_I used to get by on 9600K... but it was torture.
02:00.38mattwj20029600 baud is better than nothing
02:00.38igcewieling1I would not wish that setup on my ex-wife and I'd happily poison her.
02:00.45apb1963_so is 300 baud
02:00.58apb1963_But you don't see me running for an 80's modem
02:01.00WIMPyThose were te days.
02:01.14apb1963_That's when real men coded in ALGOL
02:01.14mattwj2002oh come on
02:01.19mattwj2002don't you love that sound?
02:01.43WIMPyOr the look of the sound?
02:02.00WIMPyLike getting garbage on the screen every time you had to cough?
02:02.15apb1963_Yes!  {{{{
02:02.23mattwj2002I had dialup briefly in 2006
02:03.47apb1963_You are in a maze of twistly little passages, all alike.
02:04.16igcewieling1someone needs to code an IVR of that game, let people play it while on hold.
02:04.32mattwj2002hehe igcewieling1
02:04.50igcewieling1apparently someone did
02:04.53mattwj2002what was that game called apb1963_?
02:05.35mattwj2002Zork Returns
02:05.37mattwj2002I guess
02:06.07mattwj2002heck that is 900 number material there
02:06.38mattwj2002oh non profit only :(
02:06.46apb1963_I think it was Zork when PC's came out
02:07.00apb1963_but on mainframes I'm relatively sure it was called Adventure.
02:07.27mattwj2002god CNN
02:07.36mattwj2002is nothing but sex and guns tonight
02:07.43apb1963_and then there was Moria.
02:07.44lorsungcuturn it off
02:07.58mattwj2002I am considering it
02:08.07lorsungcunothing that cnn will give you that you can't find elsewhere
02:08.11lorsungcutv news is a joke.
02:08.14*** part/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
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02:08.33mattwj2002I was hoping they would say something but the March 1st deadline
02:08.35apb1963_I'm always up for a laugh
02:08.38mattwj2002not much
02:08.47mattwj2002I have some new music cds
02:08.57mattwj2002I think I'll listen to them instead of this trash
02:09.17lorsungcuyou watch tv news and listen to physical media?
02:09.40lorsungcuthat's pretty badass.
02:09.48mattwj2002well they are converted to mp3s
02:10.28mattwj2002I like a hard copy of my music
02:10.33mattwj2002and full albums
02:11.33mattwj2002shuts off CNN
02:11.49lorsungcui used to
02:11.59lorsungcuwould go buy tons of used cds
02:12.04lorsungcuthen i just had a lot of cds.
02:12.25mattwj2002why did you stop?
02:12.45mattwj2002that is what I am currently doing
02:12.50lorsungcualbum art pretty well quit being good, i was able to download/buy them electronically at the same or less cost
02:13.03*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
02:13.19lorsungcuthey take up space, and i don't like the clutter
02:13.36lorsungcufeels way good to give them all to the free store :)
02:13.46lorsungcuand the RIAA can't get you for that one!
02:14.01mattwj2002copying CDs you own is legal
02:14.10lorsungcubut what if you copy it
02:14.17lorsungcuand give the physical copy away!
02:14.24lorsungcuand SOMEONE ELSE
02:14.28lorsungcuhears those musics.
02:14.54lorsungcui am a felon :/
02:15.09apb1963_I believe that if you give away the CD you purchased that you no longer have the right to keep copies.... but I'm no lawyer.
02:15.20mattwj2002yeah the RIAA can suck my balls :)
02:15.29mattwj2002I do it legally
02:15.34mattwj2002but I think it is a joke
02:15.57lorsungcui just don't even bother anymore
02:16.01mattwj2002ops sorry for the language
02:16.15lorsungcuhas pretty much whatever i want
02:16.23mattwj2002I have a subscription to grooveshark
02:16.40lorsungcui used to to grooveshark, don't anymore
02:16.43apb1963_shake your groove thing
02:16.43lorsungcuno need really..
02:16.54lorsungcuexactly, apb1963_
02:16.59apb1963_I use pandora
02:17.07mattwj2002oh yeah and pandora
02:17.11lorsungcuthat is nice if you don't know what you want to hear
02:17.14apb1963_and to a lesser extent, that other service... ummm... jango?
02:17.27mattwj2002never heard of it
02:17.32apb1963_i think that's what it's called
02:17.35apb1963_been awhile
02:18.07apb1963_and then there was Launch Music... which Yahoo then bought and incorporated.
02:18.28apb1963_I worked there briefly.
02:19.02mattwj2002what ever happened to
02:19.16apb1963_There was yet another service that I don't remember the name... I also worked there briefly... I think it was started by Carol King or someone like that?
02:19.25mattwj2002great it goes directly to
02:19.58apb1963_yahoo is a monster
02:20.18apb1963_they bought AT&T I think use to have streaming music videos
02:20.49mattwj2002like a mtv thing
02:21.54mattwj2002not a youtube thing
02:23.17apb1963_grooveshark looks pretty cool.. but I don't know the name of the song or artist I want to listen to :)
02:23.39apb1963_unless it's Led Zeppelin
02:25.15apb1963_odd how they catagorize Def Leppard with Elton John
02:26.32mattwj2002same era
02:26.56mattwj2002then again
02:27.03apb1963_oh I think I may like grooveshark
02:27.16mattwj2002with that logical metalica could be categorized with Hanson
02:27.27apb1963_we'll have to see what limitations they impose after 10 minutes or so.  lol
02:28.05mattwj2002apb1963_: on the pc I don't think there is
02:28.25mattwj2002no ads last time I checked
02:28.55mattwj2002in the music I mean
02:28.59mattwj2002I think there are some banners
02:29.26apb1963_I would be amazed and a convert if so... unless I have to pick EVERY song
02:29.47apb1963_that would get old
02:29.50mattwj2002they have radio
02:30.15apb1963_real radio?  or just automated music picking - aka dj style?
02:30.30mattwj2002radio you can skip
02:30.55apb1963_so far, I'm a convert
02:31.16apb1963_yeah i'm the genres section... picked a song to listen to
02:33.39apb1963_oh i'm liking this
02:34.38apb1963_now... not that i'm ready to do it... but how do I stream groovething into asterisk MOH?
02:34.53mattwj2002that would be illegal
02:34.56mattwj2002sends the RIAA!
02:35.13apb1963_well that's dumb
02:35.24apb1963_I can listen but my "friends" can't?
02:35.49mattwj2002someone in the room will have to explain the whole royality thing again
02:35.53mattwj2002I forget how it works
02:36.18mattwj2002but the RIAA is responsible for elevator on hold music
02:36.30apb1963_hmmm... well lets see...I'm paying zero royalties... how about if I charge my friends double and send it in?  Will that square things?
02:39.05igcewieling1apb1963_: I believe t is not illegal if you have groovesomething's permission.
02:40.13mattwj2002apb1963_: pandora
02:40.19mattwj2002has a business music service
02:40.30mattwj2002I don't know if you can use it for music on hold and what not
02:40.37mattwj2002another idea
02:40.53mattwj2002assuming you live in the US
02:44.29mattwj2002according to this you can use pandora
02:44.38mattwj2002but I don't know if that is true
02:44.58mattwj2002it has to be the pandora for business system though
02:57.41apb1963_meh.  Not that important.  Just a passing "that would be cool" thought.
02:58.34mattwj2002okay cool
02:59.06apb1963_I mean maybe if I had a real business with real income it might be worth looking into, but with 2 calls a month....  nah
03:01.15*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
03:01.23*** join/#asterisk Velluto (~stephen@
03:02.53VellutoHey - I was wondering if anyone could help me quickly? I have an issue with registration packets not making it to Asterisk, but they are being picked up by tcpdump on the same server
03:06.13apb1963_what makes you think they're not making it to asterisk?
03:06.55VellutoI have sip debugging watching the ip address, and there is nothing appearing for them
03:07.17VellutoThere are 3 phones (NAT), which work on another server with the exact same config
03:07.31igcewieling1Velluto: have you enabled sip debug in the cli?
03:07.51apb1963_have you confirmed basic network connectivity?  ping?
03:08.13*** join/#asterisk Minotaur01 (
03:08.33Vellutoigcewieling1: yeah, I'm monitoring the one of the ip addresses, and it shows up in tcpdump on port 5060 but never makes it to asterisk
03:08.58igcewieling1Velluto: with sip debug enabled nothing shows up in the CLI?
03:09.08Vellutoapb1963: yes, local phones are registering correctly, it's just the packets coming from nat that make it to the server but not asterisk
03:09.19igcewieling1Velluto: ah.
03:09.57igcewieling1you'll see the packets have an incorrect destination address.   you have a nat issue.  do you have localnet= and externip= set?
03:10.06Vellutoigcewieling1: if I have sip debug on (without filter), every sip packet is shown, if I filter on the specific IP address, nothing appears (i get the IP address from tcpdump)
03:10.24Vellutolocalnet and externip are both set
03:10.31Vellutobtw - I'm using asterisk 10.7.1
03:10.32igcewieling1what is the localnet set to?
03:11.48igcewieling1make sure to disable SPI and SIP ALG options on your router.
03:12.49Vellutoif I point the router to our old asterisk server (also 10.7.1) these three phones register correctly - and the configs are the same (this is a failover server)
03:13.06apb1963_if you grep for the IP address in the log with filtering off (so that every sip packet is shown).... you don't see the address show up in the log?
03:13.35Vellutolet me do that - give me a second
03:19.49Vellutonope - the IP address does not show up in the logs with the filter off
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03:22.37igcewieling1what about the calling or called TN?
03:22.43igcewieling1(showing up in the logs)
03:23.02Vellutowhat do you me calling? like Invite packets?
03:23.45VellutoI tracked those as well, the packet gets forwarded correctly from the router, shows up in the tcp dump, but never makes it to asterisk
03:27.21*** part/#asterisk poseidon (
03:27.24apb1963_so tcpdump is running on the same machine as asterisk right?
03:27.42Vellutoyes, they are both running on the same machine
03:27.48apb1963_and asterisk works for local phones right?
03:27.55Vellutotcp dump is watching port 5060
03:28.37Vellutoiptables and selinux are both disabled
03:29.26apb1963_and you're definitely getting packets from local phones?
03:29.53Vellutoyes - all phone internally are able to call eachother, and make it out the PRI
03:30.05apb1963_pastebin the output of a registration that's working
03:30.22Vellutoi just noticed tcpdump is pointing to the old hostname, when the failover kicked in it took the IP address from the old server, but it has a different hostname. Could that cause NAT devices not to function?
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03:31.19apb1963_ummm.... hostnames are associated with IP addresses... IP addressess are associated with machines.
03:31.28apb1963_or NICs more accurately
03:32.22Vellutook - let me see if I can get a register for you
03:33.49apb1963_so... you're saying your new malfunctioning asterisk server (lets call it Fred) is using the IP address of the old functioning server (lets call it Wilma) ??
03:34.18VellutoThat is correct - because Wilma is no longer functioning
03:34.49apb1963_So Fred is using Wilma's IP address because Wilma died.
03:35.44apb1963_is your router by any chance caching the MAC address?
03:36.10Vellutohmm... let me look - we're using a SonicWall if that helps
03:37.00apb1963_nah, that makes no sense... you said the packets are showing up in tcpdump
03:37.55Vellutoyeah - the router has the correct mac
03:38.05apb1963_have you tried rebooting asterisk?  Not that it would ever need it, but just for giggles.
03:38.42VellutoI have restarted Asterisk many (many) times, and restarted the physical server many times
03:38.46*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
03:39.54apb1963_and no packets whatsoever (from the 3 magic phones) show up in asterisk logs?
03:40.58Vellutoabsolutely nothing - it's boggling my mind...
03:41.08apb1963_verbosity is set to.... ?
03:41.41ChannelZone million!
03:41.53Vellutoverbosity set to 5 currently
03:41.55apb1963_not enough
03:42.02apb1963_one million I mean :)
03:42.03ChannelZnot enough for what?
03:42.22apb1963_for me?
03:42.25Vellutohere's the pastebin of my phones registration (internal)
03:43.24ChannelZI thought they weren't registering?
03:43.31ChannelZguesses he should read back further
03:43.49Vellutoonly NAT devices outside the firewall are not registering
03:44.09Vellutobut the registration packets are making it to the tcpdump on the server
03:45.05ChannelZnetstat -alpn |grep 5060
03:45.14ChannelZis it listening/on the right interface?
03:45.21apb1963_pastebin the relevant tcpdump
03:45.55apb1963_ChannelZ  it has to be... he's getting local registration
03:46.39ChannelZunless it's only listening on a LAN IP and the forwarding is busted
03:46.42apb1963_I'm wondering if his phones are pointed at the right port
03:46.46Vellutoyes - it has the correct IP address and port
03:46.52ChannelZbut generally yes
03:46.56apb1963_pb it
03:47.15apb1963_he's got iptables and selinux turned off
03:47.42ChannelZYou said earlier you had sip debug turned on "for the IP" -- are you SURE you've not got the wrong thing?  Just turn SIP debug on period
03:47.48apb1963_more importantly... he's seeing the packets in tcpdum
03:48.11apb1963_ChannelZ: He did that and then grepped in the logs for it.
03:48.46apb1963_that's why I want to see the tcpdump
03:49.01apb1963_confirm he's getting what he claims he's getting
03:49.15ChannelZsounds like something else has taken a tcpdump
03:49.42apb1963_you mean someone dropped the kids off at the pool?
03:51.31Vellutopastebin 1432 with the previous url
03:51.35apb1963_assuming they're really showing up in tcpdump, then somehow packets are not making it from the interface to asterisk... or asterisk isn't talking about it.
03:52.20Vellutoand that's what's confusing me
03:52.37*** part/#asterisk mattwj2002 (~Matt@wikisource/
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03:53.49Vellutoi just had a thought - it could be DNS
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03:57.22apb1963_da heck is dat?  That's not a packet.
03:57.32apb1963_use -v
03:57.41VellutoI just went to try and ping and it couldn't make it
03:58.50apb1963_use traceroute
03:59.09apb1963_use dnslookup
04:00.45Vellutook - it's not DNS, it looks like the default gw is missing
04:01.50VellutoAnd that was it!!
04:02.23VellutoI'd like to thank all of you for your help!
04:03.15apb1963_still weird.  Not sure why a missing gateway would prevent it from reaching asterisk if in fact the packet was reaching the server in the first place.
04:03.52apb1963_gateway is outgoing
04:04.06VellutoI'm thinking maybe Asterisk had trouble getting to the IP address based on the host name from the NAT'd device and crapped out without notice
04:04.07apb1963_I presume
04:04.25*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
04:04.52apb1963_so asterisk couldn't reach localhost?
04:05.14apb1963_or rather it couldn't reach the external IP for that server
04:05.14Vellutono Asterisk couldn't reach the hostname of the NAT'd device to get its IP Address
04:06.07Vellutoit was fine getting to itself, just couldn't get to, which led me to believe it couldn't get to the shaw url in the tcpdump to translate that into an IP Address to register the device
04:06.11apb1963_that would explain why the device wasn't getting a response... not why asterisk didn't receive the packet in the first place.
04:06.35*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
04:06.39Vellutomaybe Asterisk did recieve the packet, but couldn't translate its host name, and there are no errors for that
04:07.20VellutoSIP relies on the IP address to register (I'm pretty sure), and without that IP address - it looks like it bailed
04:07.28apb1963_needed a higher verbosity I think
04:07.48Vellutocould be
04:07.56apb1963_I knew a million wasn't enough :)
04:08.22apb1963_so let that be a lesson to you young paduan
04:08.39Vellutowell Thanks again - I'm documenting this for the future!
04:08.45apb1963_I really need to get out more
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06:10.07fulcanI am using asterisk 1.4 from the vicidial iso and it is missing all of the sip commands. are they hidden or do I have to install/upgrade to a regular asterisk distro?
06:10.35fulcanNo such command 'sip show peers' (type 'help sip show' for other possible commands)
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06:41.40[TK]D-Fenderfulcan: "module load
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07:07.17resist0rfulcan: I think 1.6.x and above started to implement the specification of sip in many of the commands you are likely used to now.  You might try "show peers" (leaving out the sip)
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07:08.22[TK]D-FenderThat one did not change.
07:08.29[TK]D-Fenderchan_sip has not loaded for some reason
07:10.17resist0rwaits to thanks [TK]
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08:29.47x1userAnyone experienced with SMS?
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08:30.29ChannelZHOW R U 2 DAY?
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10:12.39bitwizeI have a problem with my Asterisk, under high load asterisk crashed and wont start again. Even if I restart the whole server asterisk fail to start.
10:12.41bitwizeWhen i start asterisk with "asterisk -cvvvvv" the last message before returning to shell is "ERROR[2852]: cdr_mysql.c:566 my_load_module: Unable to query table description!!  Logging disabled."
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10:13.13GreenlightSounds like the mysql cdr backend is the problem
10:13.53GreenlightDo you *need* the CDRs ?
10:13.54*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
10:15.17bitwizeactually I don't need the cdr's, I'll try to disable the cdr.. bbs
10:15.37GreenlightYup - uneccissary overhead if you don't need them
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10:17.40bitwizePerfect, that solved my problem. Thanks Greenlight!
10:18.18GreenlightGlad to help
10:18.28*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
10:18.41hrolfHi, is there any way to detect answer on analog lines?
10:19.00hrolfI enabled answerpolarity, but now I don't receive the answer event.
10:19.09hrolfWhat other options do we have?
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10:22.36kchehabi have a problem with srtp  both have m=16 SAVP but 488 not acceptable  here ,i guess its a nedia issue
10:23.20kchehabis there any way to fix it as i try all codecs G711a/U g729 licenced abd crack all have the same scenario
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10:42.05kchehabany hint
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10:49.01din3shhello all
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11:28.22hrolfIs there any way I can reject (not accept) calls which has the same CLI as any active call in the system?
11:29.04hrolfFor instance, I would like to receive only one call from the same PRI (i.e. both have same CLI.)
11:30.41Greenlighthrolf: If I understand what you're trying to do, you could perhaps use GROUP_COUNT with the CallerID/CLI
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11:42.56hrolfGreenlight: How can it be done through GROUP_COUNT?
11:45.17GreenlightYou're trying to prevent two incomming calls from the same number ?
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11:45.57kchehabi have a problem with srtp  both have m=16 SAVP but 488 not acceptable  here ,i guess its a media issue  ,any one face such issue
11:46.47Ice_StrikeHi Greenlight
11:46.54hrolfGreenlight: Yes.
11:46.56GreenlightMorning Ice_Strike
11:47.26Greenlighthrolf: Then, looking at GROUP_COUNT, which part are you unsure of ?
11:47.39hrolfGreenlight: What is GROUP_COUNT? Is it a func?
11:47.50Greenlighthrolf: Yes
11:47.56Greenlighthrolf: Google is your friend :)
11:48.31hrolfGreenlight: Indeed! thanks I'll look into it.
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11:55.18nunneanyone with experience with digium phones (d50/d70) on how to configure tone settings?
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11:57.17ectospasmnunne: you mean ringtone settings?
11:57.34ectospasmnunne: are you using DPMA?
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11:59.17nunneectospasm: yeah, ringtone. would like european dialtones. this particular phone is connected to an old embedded asterisk 1.4. so not using DPMA
11:59.55ectospasmringtones are not the same as European dial tones...
12:01.00ectospasmnunne: you can configure ringtones using the XML provisioning documentation:
12:01.01nunneahh, sorry. read everything wrong. am a bit stressed :D i mean tone setting as in dial tone, busy tone, reorder tone etc..
12:01.35ectospasmdo you have any PSTN adapters?
12:02.04ectospasmnormally you'd set the zone info with loadzone and defaultzone in /etc/dahdi/system.conf
12:02.18ectospasmbut if you don't have any PSTN adapters, that won't be relevant
12:03.35nunneectospasm: well, the sip phones generate their own tones. and i can't really find any tone settings in the wiki
12:04.04nunneectospasm: plus we don't use ISDN nor analog. only SIP.
12:04.11ectospasmnormally we don't set dial tones for the phones specifically.
12:04.35eirirswould be cool if we could make dog barking as dialtone on our sip phones
12:06.33Greenlighttt-monkeys ...
12:06.40GreenlightBet then phones would get picked up quickly :)
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12:06.52nunneectospasm: on all other sip phones you change the dial tone patterns on the phones or in provisioning. would be madness if the digium phones are locked to only use US dial tone patterns.
12:06.58mattmonkeymagicHi everyone, anyone here that could help with a question about asterisk hanging on a reload??
12:07.18Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: Ask the question and find out
12:07.36ectospasmnunne: like I said, that's usually set in Asterisk, through the proper tonezone settings.
12:07.49kchehabi have a problem with srtp  both have UA's debug show on DSP  m=16 SAVP but 488 not acceptable ,as UA1 cant call UA2 but UA2 can call UA1  ,i guess its a media issue  ,any one face such issue ,as i try all codecs and all have tyhe same output
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12:09.13mattmonkeymagicHi Greenlight, I've got an issue with Asterisk where it appears to hang after clicking 'apply changes here'. Result is complete inability for any new calls in or out to be made until an asterisk stop start is issued
12:09.57Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: That sounds more like FreePBX perhaps, than Asterisk. Asterisk doesn't have an "Apply Changes" button. Is that what you're using ?
12:10.36nunneectospasm: I'm not sure I follow. for ISDN/Analog I would assume so. (Plus i have loadzone=se set). But SIP phones always generate their own tone in the handset.. they never get dial tone from the PBX.
12:10.56mattmonkeymagicHi Greenlight, yep sorry its Elastix, with asterisk  and FreePBX
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12:11.25Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: Thought it might be; although FreePBX isn't really supported here, that is a known issue.
12:11.30infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
12:11.50mattmonkeymagicOk, thanks guys!
12:11.50Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: From what I can tell turing off verbosity helps
12:12.21mattmonkeymagicyep, was also going to try and extend the max_execution time in php.ini for, see if that helps any
12:12.23Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: But really, on FreePBX installations with lots of extensions, you're best to do reloads out of hours
12:13.09Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: I think it's a problem on the Asterisk side, rather than the FreePBX web site. As I say, turn off verbosity "core set verbose 0", it apparently helps
12:13.35mattmonkeymagicI'll give that a go thanks Greenlight
12:13.36ectospasmnunne: if you've registered your Digium phones, I recommend opening a support case with Digium, so we can file a bug report/feature request on your behalf.
12:13.56Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: We found on those boxes where we had FreePBX running, once they got to that size, an "Apply Changes" had like a 30% failure rate - so unless it's a bloody urgent change, just wait till out of hours :)
12:14.07ectospasm...since I don't see any ability to set the zone in the XML configuration.
12:14.55mattmonkeymagicha Greenlight, unfortunately here, all changes are 'urgent' ;-)
12:15.22ectospasmmattmonkeymagic: your organization needs proper change management, then...
12:15.53mattmonkeymagicectospasm:quite :-)
12:16.29Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: You can also try waiting for "quiet" times; lunch breaks etc
12:16.55Greenlightmattmonkeymagic: It's some kind of deadlock when under moderate to heavy load, with all that FreePBX crap
12:22.24*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
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14:55.20*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.2.1 (2013/01/22), 10.12.1 (2013/01/22), (2013/01/22), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
14:56.05igcewieling1leifmadsen: do you know what the max length of dial parameters is?
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14:57.05leifmadsenigcewieling1: I documented it once
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14:57.29leifmadsenit depends on the version of asterisk, and it's more the length of the line in extensions.conf
15:00.08danfromukleifmadsen: i'm using realtime and found that the app data is about 248 characters in 1.8
15:01.27leifmadsenmakes sense.... 248 + Dial(  ) = 254 chars, plus probably a terminating char at 255
15:01.35leifmadsenso somewhere around 256 chars
15:02.00leifmadsenI updating that in the latest Asterisk book somewhere, but cant' find it right now, and OFPS sucks for searching
15:03.09leifmadsenfile: ping!
15:03.24leifmadsenalso I have a question
15:03.40leifmadsenTranscoding audio in Asterisk, possible when a video stream is involved?
15:03.57leifmadseninteresting... always worked, or only worked as of version X?
15:04.14fileshould have always worked, but as video support is sort of ... hacked in there ... it could get confused
15:04.42leifmadsenya, Asterisk 1.4 and 1.8... seem to have an issue transcoding ulaw->g729 when video is involved
15:04.54leifmadsenjust wanted to see if it *should* work before digging in
15:05.06fileit should.
15:05.12leifmadsenok thanks!
15:05.31filethe most likely problem to crop up is that the code doesn't remove the video part when trying to figure out translations
15:06.02leifmadsenI'll start the research process knowing there isn't something known that would break it absolute
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15:12.05SuperNullhey guys what do you use for call quality control ?
15:13.12leifmadsenI don't
15:13.27leifmadsenI just make sure I don't over provision my circuit
15:13.44phixgg leifmadsen
15:14.15SuperNullnot a matter of that..
15:14.20SuperNullwere losing packets some where ..
15:14.22SuperNulli believe.;
15:14.29SuperNullnot over provisioning..
15:14.45leifmadsenlosing packets is typically not something you can fix on your side, it's a network issue
15:14.59leifmadsenif they are just arriving out of order, you could use a jitterbuffer
15:15.03SuperNull<-- network engineer.
15:15.14leifmadsendo you control the network from one point to the other?
15:15.24leifmadsenyou're not going over the internet then?
15:15.33leifmadsenI also don't run my voice network over the data network
15:15.58SuperNulltechnically yes,  but its qosed over the small portion that isnt. We are in control of all legs regarding calls. or at least in such a way that we can ensure its good till PSTN
15:16.13SuperNulllet me rephrase.
15:16.29SuperNullliterally 10 feet off our 'internet' connection is the PSTN Nortel DMS.
15:16.43SuperNulland our 10gigabit link is not even 50% maxed.
15:17.24SuperNulli was looking at voipmonitor .. def takes a bit to set it up tho
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15:38.50kalibHello guys. How can I check if a sip peer is in a call on my CLI?
15:39.07kchehabi have a problem with srtp  both have m=16 SAVP  at sdp message but 488 not acceptable  here ,i guess its a media issue  ,any one face such issue
15:39.08[TK]D-Fenderkalib, "core show channels"
15:39.36[TK]D-Fenderkchehab, Show it, don't "describe" it.
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15:41.37kchehab[TK]D-Fender my debug
15:42.17[TK]D-Fenderkchehab, And the full configs from both sides
15:44.25SuperNullTK you do any kind of quality monitoring ?
15:45.29[TK]D-FenderSuperNull, I buy only the best monitors.... preferrably LCDs....
15:46.17kchehab[TK]D-Fender  my config is here for clients and sip.conf
15:46.52GreenlightIs there a way to "clear" or "reset" the Asterisk internal database (the one that persists queues members etc between restarts) ?
15:47.00Qwelldelete it
15:47.07GreenlightAnd it'll just be recreated ?
15:47.11GreenlightBut empty
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15:52.20kchehab[TK]D-Fender that your needs ?
15:52.29SuperNullTK you know what i ment bud ;)
15:53.07GreenlightQwell, malcolmd: Thanks, that's nice and easy then. Where abouts is the actual data file stored ?
15:53.58GreenlightAhh there we go - thanks again
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15:56.09[TK]D-Fenderkchehab, Your debug doesn't match your configs.
15:56.57[TK]D-Fenderkchehab, Your peers make no mention of codecs but it's clearly restricting to ALAW and that isn't the rules for [general].  I do not trust what you've shown me.
15:57.28kchehab[TK]D-Fender yes  it on ot the captures
15:57.50kchehab[TK]D-Fender in all cases of codecs i have such  problem, codec is not the reason
15:58.36kchehab[TK]D-Fender this capture did were i restrict all devices  to have G711a unique
15:58.50[TK]D-Fenderkchehab, I don't care that you think it isn't a problem.  It highlights that the pieces don't match and I don't TRUST any of what you've provided
16:04.11kchehab[TK]D-Fender its the same config unless i disallow all and set  g711a  unique,trust me the codecs were commented but due copy paste the ; didnt appear
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16:12.30igcewieling1kchehab: hopefully you set alaw in the asterisk config and not g711a as that is not a valid codec name for Asterisk
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16:43.56GreenlightIf I use "autocreatepeer=yes", do I then specify a password in [global] ?
16:44.55kchehab[TK]D-Fender i re did the test again and there is my config + asterisk full debug ,kindly check hen specify a password in [global] ?
16:45.12kchehab[TK]D-Fender  kindly check at
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17:02.09igcewieling1kchehab: do you have a g729 codec license?  if not, don't allow= it
17:02.55igcewieling1this may not be valid: externip= localnet=  Is your server behind NAT?
17:03.05[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling1, He's running an unlicensed one for which leifmadsen dropped out immediately upon hearing yesterday
17:03.25igcewieling1oh.  And I shall do the same.  sorry, kchehab but I don't assist with unlicensed codecs.
17:04.00pabelangerspend the $10 man
17:04.20GreenlightAhh yea he's the guy that came back in with "yea but I have 100 real licences" hmmmm
17:05.03kchehabigcewieling1 i have it and allow as UA2 can call UA1 but UA1 cant call UA2
17:05.19igcewieling1kchehab: I said I cannot help you further.
17:05.20kchehabigcewieling1 not its real IP
17:05.38kchehabfile hi ,...can you please assist  me
17:06.06igcewieling1kchehab: file works for Digium, he would be fired if he helped you.
17:06.25pabelangerdoubt fired
17:06.28pabelangermaybe flogged
17:06.59igcewieling1pabelanger: risking the rights holder revoking Digium's g729 license?  I'd fire him.
17:07.28igcewieling1thought flogging does sound more fun.
17:08.08kchehabigcewieling1 oops i didnt know that
17:08.25kchehabigcewieling1 whom can i ask ,...
17:08.49QwellYou aren't getting help with that here.  Period.
17:09.05QwellAnybody that does help with that, will be swiftly removed from the channel.
17:09.06igcewieling1kchehab: I doubt anyone will help anyone who has an unlicensed codec.   If they work for Digium they risk the entire company and anyone else doesn't want to anger Digium.
17:09.46QwellIf you continue to try, you will also be removed.
17:11.48WIMPySometimes I wonder why we support Asterisk and don't demand people use Switchvox.
17:13.06dr0ckwhy is that?
17:13.57WIMPyTo prefer the commecrial solution?
17:14.02QwellThe only legal solution*
17:14.28QwellWhere I am.  Where FreeNode is hosted.
17:14.39QwellWhere Digium is a legal entity.
17:14.47kchehabfile what the benfits i could have if i buy asterisk licenced commercial
17:14.53WIMPyFreenode is hosted about everywhere.
17:14.58kchehabis it the same ,or more stable
17:15.07leifmadsenit's legal
17:15.10Qwellkchehab: Nobody is saying to buy a commercial version of Asterisk.  They are saying that in order to use G.729, you need to have valid licenses for it.
17:15.10leifmadsenthat's a benefit
17:15.28kchehabQwell i have ,113 licensce
17:15.46WIMPyQwell: That's the same. Just because YOU may need a license, doesn;t mean everybody else does.
17:16.00QwellWIMPy: We cannot help him here.  That's it.  End of story.
17:16.01dpilonlegaly yes they do
17:16.07QwellI don't care what the laws in his country are.
17:16.31WIMPyAnd It's only ever about the digium solg G.729 licenses whereas other required liceses are actively ignored.
17:16.48QwellThere are no other legally licensed modules.
17:17.12WIMPyQwell: Yu don;t have to support the freee versions. But others might not have issues with that and probably shouldn;t.
17:18.16dpilonthis just wasted 5 minutes of everyone's life
17:19.10WIMPySame thing each time.
17:19.26drmessanoThe distro I use is better than yours
17:21.46Faustovspeaking of gentoo...
17:21.53QwellFaustov: let's not
17:24.18igcewieling1gentoo is just FreeBSD with a Linux kernel. 8-|
17:24.28drmessanoThere is a real answer to this G729 issue.  This channel is owned and moderated by project staff.  If they say the topic of the "free" G.729 is off-limits, even if were only due to the legal implications in THEIR country, then they have every right to moderate it out.  While I don't ever agree, on principle with "STFU or GTFO", it's valid.
17:24.36WIMPyWe could try this one: As far as I can sse it, it's not legal to use Digium phones in the EU.
17:24.48WIMPyHope that gets corrected before they appear at CeBIT.
17:25.02drmessanoLast time I checked, this is IRC, and channel rules apply.
17:25.19drmessanoEven if you grossly disagree with that whole principle :)
17:25.57igcewieling1I disagree with Digium on plenty of issues, but their policy for unlicensed g729 is not one of them
17:25.58WIMPyI disagree with the disrespect for the rules of other people.
17:27.17drmessanoYou are well within your right to register #freeg729nowthatkevinmitnickisfree and spread the good word
17:27.58WIMPyI'd just prefer if #asterisk was #asterisk and not #digium-support.
17:28.15dr0ckyou mean the rule of law of other people
17:28.55filego away for a meeting and THIS happens
17:29.05WIMPydr0ck: In this case. But generally I wouldn't want to restrict it to legal issues.
17:29.05mjordanfile: crap, I totally missed the meeting
17:29.09Qwellfile: That'll teach you to leave.
17:29.09mjordanI've been watching this
17:29.23filemjordan, don't worry
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17:29.35GreenlightDigium is the project sponsor and maintainer, and it's not unreasonable for them to have such rules. Quite frankly the status quo is perfect.
17:29.42dr0ckwat? law restricts it whether you like it or not
17:29.44filemjordan, I'll just stand in for you in the future if you want :P less meetings
17:29.47drmessanoG729 argument?  Has it been 3 months already?
17:29.59drmessanochecks his watch
17:30.11mjordanfile: I probably would have enjoyed the meeting. And I actually had something for David this time too. Nuts
17:30.12drmessanoYep, mickeys third hand is on the 3
17:30.19GreenlightNot to mention the fact that the non Digium verison is buggy as hell.
17:30.25filemjordan, IM him?
17:30.37mjordanfile: oh, you and your technologies
17:30.44QwellFAX it to him!
17:30.55Qwell(over WebRTC)
17:30.56dr0ckand use digium FFA module
17:31.06mjordanhides his res_fax_spandsp
17:31.47Qwellwonders where malcolmd ran off to
17:32.02fileQwell, his laptop went to sleep
17:32.08mjordanQwell: I'm going to write that RFC for April first
17:32.16Qwellmjordan: Do it.
17:32.27QwellYou've got a month.
17:32.36drmessanoCoffee over WebRTC would be more productive
17:32.47mjordanrealizes that would mean having to actually know more about T.38 than he already knows and gets depressed
17:32.53Qwelldrmessano: We do coffee over jabber here.
17:32.54drmessano"I'm a teapot!"
17:33.12WIMPyIs that firmware for the Digium phones that was just announced available somewhere?
17:33.41newtonri missed all the fun in here!
17:33.53fileit's a party and it's not even Friday!
17:34.10dr0cknothin like showing up sober and late to the party
17:34.20Qwellfile: The bot seems to think it is.
17:38.00igcewieling1I didn't notice any info in the upgrade file for asteirsk 10 or 11.  Did anything having to do with progress, inband audio, or ringback change in Asteisk 10 or 11 with regards to SIP?   I'm having an odd ringback issue
17:38.37igcewieling1Drat!  I was going to write an RFC for ASCII over DTMF for April 1
17:38.47filedon't think so, and no issues spring to mind from people or -users posts
17:39.05igcewieling1file:  thanks.  I was afraid it was not that easy.
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18:06.50drmessanoWhen the Asterisk?
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18:56.21igcewieling1*sigh*  We still have customers down from Sandy.  Yay Verizon.
18:57.50igcewieling1drmessano: yeah.   Not many though
18:58.01[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling1, Yeah, you go give them your .02 cents worth!!!
18:58.13igcewieling1in many places VZ will not be repairing the copper, they are installing fiber instead.
18:59.00igcewieling1[TK]D-Fender: I'm not allowed.  Upper management are TOTAL wusses about taking a chance on pissing off VZ.   Sort of understandable, they could put us out of business with any number of "mistakes"
19:00.46igcewieling1if it was up to me we'd have already filed multiple lawsuits against VZ
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19:08.55moos3how can i view only T1 calls and completely ignore SIP calls
19:09.13ChannelZwhat do you mean "view"
19:09.49WIMPydahdi show channels? pri debug?
19:10.35moos3just need to see if all my t1 lines are filled up, a customer claims they aren't getting thought
19:12.28edong23lawsuits because of a natural disaster?
19:17.14igcewieling1moos3: asterisk -rx "core show channels" | grep DAHDI
19:17.25WIMPyThat's 'dahdi show channels' then.
19:17.37igcewieling1no, dahdi show channels shows CONFIGURED channels.
19:17.57WIMPyThere's the extension column.
19:18.02ChannelZit'll show what extension they're in which is sort of useful
19:18.05igcewieling1edong23: no, but they have a bazillion other problems.
19:18.26ChannelZotherwise yeah you've got to do it externally if you want to sift out certain channels
19:18.29igcewieling1WIMPy: try it.  It shows the callerid of the last call if there is no active call on the channel
19:18.54WIMPyigcewieling1: Not for me.
19:18.59WIMPyIt's empty.
19:19.13igcewieling1WIMPy: maybe the channel has taken no calls?  Maybe it changed since 1.4
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19:19.40WIMPyThere are definitely more tahn 0 cannels that have been used.
19:19.49WIMPyAnd it might well have changed since then.
19:21.08igcewieling1on my 1.8 it does not show anything in the callerid field on a PRI with some active calls
19:22.08igcewieling1they are likely outbound calls rather than inbound calls
19:22.13WIMPythe box I've been looking at ist relatively up to date.
19:22.48moos3that appears to only show every channel but not if in use when i do dadhi show channels
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19:24.49WIMPyYpu should both upgrade :-)
19:26.21igcewieling1asterisk -rx "core show channels" | grep DAHDI should work for any version of asterisk using DAHDI
19:26.47WIMPyYes, but you have to count yourself.
19:27.13WIMPyWith dahdi show channels you see which channels are free.
19:27.48igcewieling1only if you are running Asterisk version higher than 1.8
19:28.06igcewieling1WIMPy: make an outbound call and see if it shows up
19:28.16WIMPyIt does
19:35.06*** join/#asterisk CrashSys (
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19:35.18jkroonleifmadsen, you around?
19:35.20CrashSysDoes dahdi or dahdi-tools require libpri to completely build?
19:35.26leifmadsenjkroon: I am
19:35.42jkroon <-- i can reproduce (i think) with 11.2.1
19:35.54leifmadsen302 redirects to newtonr
19:35.54WIMPyCrashSys: If you want ISDN support.
19:36.09jkroondon't have the high cpu usage, but I do get the repeated iax2 max retries exceeded.
19:36.16jkroonnewtonr, ? interested?
19:36.26leifmadsenya sorry, I'm not a bug marshal anymore
19:36.42jkroonno problem.  just that you closed the ticket with won't/can't fix.
19:36.53jkroonfigured you're as good a starting point as any to try and solve the problem.
19:37.06CrashSysWimpy: I know that libPRI is for ISDN Primary, but does DAHDI and DAHDI Tools require LibPRI in any way? I know that asterisk needs it
19:37.38jkroonnot sure what type 6 and subtype 12 means, but I *suspect* the remote peer has gone away, and that causes iax/2 to try and hangup the channel, but that fails repeatedly without ever actually destroying the channel.
19:37.50jkroonlooking at the code this seems viable.
19:38.13WIMPyCrashSys: I can;t remember which way round it is, but in the latest version there is a dependency between dahdi and libpri.
19:38.35WIMPyBut despite its name ist not only for primary, but for absic ISDN as well.
19:38.36jkrooncode in question at channels/chan_iax2.c:3550-3569
19:39.02CrashSysSo, if dahdi depends on libpri, and libpri depends on dahdi, how do you compile them?
19:39.07jkroonWIMPy, dahdi depends on libpri
19:39.26jkroonCrashSys, libpri doesn't depend on dahdi.
19:39.38newtonrjkroon: just go ahead and file a new issue if its not in 1.8 and doesn't have the CPU consumption issue as well.  What timing source are you using?
19:39.48CrashSysSO that break the circular dependency :)
19:40.01jkroonnewtonr, it's not related to timer i don't think.
19:40.14CrashSysso the build order should be: libpri --> dahdi --> asterisk
19:40.14jkroonok, creating new issue quick
19:41.37jkroonCrashSys, yes, and you're forgetting the os specific kernel modules.
19:41.44newtonrjkroon: kk, add a log with DEBUG,VERBOSE and iax debug turned up as well
19:41.58*** join/#asterisk emora (~emora@
19:42.13WIMPyYes, never use the latest kernel.
19:42.21jkroonnewtonr, will add what I can, but this is from a rather busy production system so won't be able to get everything you want.
19:42.26jkroonWIMPy, why not?!
19:42.37WIMPyIn fact afte updating my test box, I couldn;t get any of the ISDN channels to compile :-(
19:42.57newtonrjkroon: k, i'll look at it after you file and see what else we might need. will respond on JIRA issue
19:43.14themrrobertStill having delays in AMI that make it unusable in our environment
19:43.42WIMPythemrrobert: Have you found out where exactely they are happening?
19:45.01themrrobertBox1 is connected to PBX via network cable (direct, outside of the network, this was an attempt  to fix, but still same issue). Box 1 sends the AMI action, and Pbx doesn't respond for a while
19:46.20WIMPyDo you have a pcap with timestamps or something?
19:47.47themrrobertNo, but we've tried different "Box 1"'s, also tried different cables, it is a monumentous task trying to track down a specific bad packet
19:49.11*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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19:56.05jkroonnewtonr, looks like the call went through the dialplan as the dialplan got reloaded!  could that in any way make a call get "wedged" somehow?
19:58.29*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
19:59.18newtonrjkroon: not sure :) maybe
20:01.12jkroonnewtonr, ok, let me just file the bug ... not sure if there is any usable info though ...
20:01.17jkrooni'll leave you to judge that
20:04.55*** join/#asterisk willryder (
20:06.46filewhat happens when you reload a dialplan is that the new dialplan is built, and then merged into the old one - but that operation will prevent calls from progressing until it is complete
20:07.04fileso you don't get into some sort of undefined state by the very reload process itself
20:09.25[TK]D-Fenderfile, When a channel is created the entire "current" copy is copied over to it.  So only new channels get the new dialplan
20:09.56[TK]D-Fenderfile, So you don't get "hybrid" processing snafu's
20:10.06[TK]D-FenderSupposed toIIRC
20:14.15jkroonfile, so whilst a channel is in the dialplan it won't go into the new dialplan - it'll stick in the old one?
20:14.43jkroonok, so atomically replaced?
20:15.02carrarAsterisk is magically delicous
20:15.13jkroonso if channel x sits on foo,123,3 then it can hit the new dialplan on foo,123,4 ?
20:15.26jkroonthat seems ... wrong
20:15.53jkroonand would explain quite a number of interesting things I've seen in the past ...
20:16.18*** join/#asterisk Robotman321 (
20:16.18fileto do otherwise would be very very complicated...
20:16.39jkroonbut it would be the right thing to do if possible.
20:17.55carrarjkroon, you make all your changes on a dev/test server and then push them to production last at night in a maint window anyways rights?
20:24.20ChannelZWhat happens if an exten is on a priority higher than exists in the newly loaded dialplan?  Does that old one wind up remaining as a straggler once the extension leaves it?
20:26.45ChannelZThat's good
20:27.58filethe PBX core is more of a query and execution system...
20:28.14*** join/#asterisk bytemaster (
20:28.25fileso when you are "in the dialplan" you are really in a loop that just queries the PBX core for the next thing to do, retrieves it, executes, and then moves to the next step
20:28.27filerinse and repeat
20:28.55file(until other stuff happens)
20:29.01jkrooncarrar, i could - but i quite possibly won't trigger the specific bug at that time.
20:29.03ChannelZok so it's not really locked or a pointer to the actual dialplan being used
20:29.32*** join/#asterisk vastersk (~vinscentp@
20:29.51jkrooneesh, ChannelZ that locked pointer thing seems more sane to me ...
20:29.56jkroonsounds anyway
20:29.56vasterskhey guys...need ur expertise here...
20:30.56vasterskhaving trouble dialing out the extensions of all remote locations connectd via vpn...
20:32.24ChannelZjkroon: not really, I think it'd actually be more complicated.. both in implementation and operation in the case where you had to reload on a system with active calls.
20:33.03jkroonimplementation would be insane, don't even want to think of that.  however i respectfully disagree on the operation.
20:33.30jkrooni'd much rather have a call stick in one dialplan (or context at least) during execution.
20:33.37jkroonnewtonr, ^
20:34.04ChannelZbut from what I'm understanding, it does
20:34.11jkrooni'm going to have to forcibly restart that instance in the next few minutes - so if you need/want me to query anything now is the time.
20:34.55filethe next time it queries it gets the new dialplan, which happens at each priority
20:35.01ChannelZI mean I guess you are saying you want a given channel to continue using the dialplan as it existed prior to the reload until it's done
20:35.21jkroonno, consider for example this exten => 123,1,NoOP(), same => Dial(SIP/foo); same => Hangup(); now replace that with 1,NoOP(), 2,NoOP, 3,Dial(SIP/foo), 4,Hangup()
20:35.55jkroonnow, whilst the prio 2 Dial(SIP/foo) is in progress the dialplan gets reloaded, once SIP/foo hangs up it will simply get called again, immediately.
20:36.21fileif you specified the option to allow dialplan execution to continue for the caller, yes
20:36.34jkroonthat's the default now isn't it?
20:36.50filepretty sure no
20:37.02filethat would be a major behavior change
20:37.05*** join/#asterisk Uthark (~Uthark@
20:37.06jkrooneither way ... i think my example shows what it's intended.
20:37.26jkroonfile, interesting ... i'll definitely test that at some point.
20:37.44UtharkGuys, any opinion or recommendation about Yealink IP phones?
20:38.18*** join/#asterisk teff (
20:39.48jkroonUthark, good value for money
20:40.06jkroondon't expect them to be on par with high-end phones, but not the crappiest thing money can buy either.
20:42.52*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-cajweneesyrwiksx)
20:43.52Utharkjkroon: Any good/bad experiences while working with them?
20:44.29jkroonyea, they don't honor annexb=no in g729 sdp, you have to explicitly switch it off on the phone.
20:44.40jkroonother than that - haven't had a days trouble.
20:44.52jkroonunlike some other ... often recommended ... brands
20:48.54Utharkjkroon: OK, thank you, you've decided the fate of two coworkers ;)
20:49.12jkroonthat's their fate fortunately
20:51.19ChannelZdisclaim! disclaim!
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21:02.16jkroonfile, so how does asterisk deal with chan_sip and it's peers?
21:02.26fileI don't understand the question
21:02.45jkroonjust picked up a case where during a reload a call to SIP/bar failed, even though bar is probably the most used sip endpoint defined in sip.conf ...
21:03.29jkroonDial("Local/number@blah-0000377b;2", "SIP/bar/number,,")
21:03.52jkroonnetsock2.c: getaddrinfo("bar", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known
21:05.20fileit replaces the fields in the existing peer
21:05.48fileI refuse to think about chan_sip unless I have to
21:06.12jkroonso i just struck it one in a million type of thing?  or should I file another bug?
21:06.27fileI have never heard of something like that happening
21:06.51jkroonone in a million then ... fortunately I have a backup server through which the particular call just routed and succeeded.
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21:15.04vasterskanybody who got vpn tunnel skills?
21:15.17infobotScript for automating Fidonet polls. URL:
21:16.22leifmadsenFidonet? BBS flashbacks!
21:16.41newtonrjkroon: thanks for filing 21193, i'll check it out when i get a chance
21:17.31jkroonnewtonr, np, thanks for looking!
21:19.30*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
21:26.49vasterskhow do you connect pbxtra server to another server via vpn tunnel? is it just by simply specifying the port mactching vpn router's settings, and should work?
21:27.47*** join/#asterisk chaz68 (
21:28.26Utharkvastersk: What kind of vpn tunnel are you using?
21:53.05*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:55.40Utharkvastersk: I dont have any experience with L2TP, but I've achieved the same with a simple openvpn tunnel with udp transport
21:57.29igcewieling1for the most part if you have a real VPN then asterisk doesn't have to know anything about it since it is transparent at the network level
22:02.05igcewieling1want me to point them to the daffys?
22:05.52igcewieling1heh, the daffys message was not for here.
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22:19.50vasterski got... i appreciate your inputs... thanks <Uthark>
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22:46.11*** join/#asterisk ShoreTel (
22:46.23ShoreTelI have asterisk interconnected to my shoretel using siptrunk groups
22:46.41ShoreTelrouted the SIP through a juniper with SIP packet inspection
22:46.44ShoreTelthis thing is leet
22:46.51ShoreTel3g sip on mobile devices :)
22:47.25igcewieling1with no QoS
22:47.50ShoreTelno QoS on the cellular network, but the calls are generally ok
22:48.12ShoreTelif I call an ip phone on the intranet from outside, once the call hits the asterisk we roll QoS
22:48.22ShoreTelanything between asterisk is QoS'd
22:48.37ShoreTeludp baby
22:48.56ShoreTelit works well, I have shoretel connected to a cs1000 with numerous pri's and other trunking
22:48.58igcewieling1*nod*  We do end-to-end QoS for our customers so I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to that 8-|
22:49.09ShoreTelit is my master dialplan / distant steering database / least cost routing
22:49.21ShoreTelend to end over 3rd world 3g networks?
22:49.26ShoreTelunlikely :)
22:49.40ShoreTeli used bria on an iphone over 3g in thailand and was crystal clear
22:49.43ShoreTelit had a delay
22:49.50ShoreTel300ms delay probably
22:50.02ShoreTelwhich is a lot but considering all calls were free and over wifi it worked great
22:50.16ShoreTelmy DID could be used to contact me while overseaas
22:50.28ShoreTelmy asterisk integration owns the shoretel mobile licensing
22:50.32ShoreTelthat stuff is crap in comparison
22:51.00malcolmdmaybe you wanna pitch the shortel and go all-asterisk? ;D
22:51.22Qwellditch the ALG too while you're at it :p
22:53.00drmessanoI've done 3G to 3G/4G from Bria on the iPhone to the * box on our mobile operations center, and it's pretty sweet.  Lower latency than I expected
22:53.25drmessanoSure, we're using their data.. but screw THE MAN
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22:53.40pabelangerBria drains my g2 too fast
22:53.50drmessanoTCP, yo
22:53.55drmessanoThat makes all the difference
22:54.22drmessanoUDP will drain the battery 10x faster.. Maybe that's an understatement
22:55.33*** join/#asterisk pbxbrian (~pbxbrian@unaffiliated/brian98)
22:55.41igcewieling1sounds like a bug
22:55.50drmessanoI don't attribute that 10x to "SIP UDP vs TCP" specifically, because the different shouldn't be THAT big
22:56.05igcewieling1maybe the phone and cell network spoof TCP keepalives?
22:59.30pabelangerokay, changed to TCP
22:59.40pabelangerwill full charge tonight and see
23:02.06*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:04.05ShoreTeldrmessano ya it works good
23:04.27ShoreTelif you pay the in app features for g729 :)
23:04.29ShoreTelits even better
23:04.36ShoreTel8k a channel vs 64k is quite a bit
23:04.43drmessanoSet up SRTP and you feel like you're doing some spy shit
23:05.14ShoreTeli paid for the video conferencing in app too and applied h.264
23:05.28ShoreTelworks great... portgo pro on teh PC does h264... testing on the local network
23:05.28drmessanoI've never gotten the video to work from Bria to Bria
23:05.33ShoreTelworks great
23:05.52ShoreTelwe should check settings to see what you're doign wrong
23:05.54ShoreTeli have it working
23:05.58drmessanoI'm glad it works.  That tells me i've just missed something
23:06.02ShoreTelinstall portgo pro on your PC
23:06.04drmessanoBaselines are good
23:06.06ShoreTeland test with that
23:06.14ShoreTelbaselines are relieving
23:06.30ShoreTelit pops up a nice little conference box showing all the people you conference in too
23:06.49ShoreTelonly the conference originator can see everyone due to the stream not being duplicated of course
23:07.03ShoreTelbut i was thinking of something that would produce video relay for conferencing
23:07.16ShoreTeli don't know if there is a plugin for asterisk to make that work yet or not
23:07.25ShoreTelim always thinking about this type of stuff nobody care about
23:07.32ShoreTeli need a raise
23:08.05ShoreTeltime for some gang dang thai red curry and mango
23:20.27themrrobert@leifmadsen: WIMPy : so I've done a lot of packet tracing,  and it does look like the AMI is processing events and responding to them immediately (via wireshark listening on the PBX). What then could cause such a delay between send and receive? The software on Box 1 that interacts with PBX ami receives a ton of events via tcp ami updateing it, but it only sends out relatively little. Connected
23:20.28themrrobertdirectly via gigabit. Box 1 uses windows, i was guessing maybe tcp stack delay?
23:21.05leifmadsenif wireshark shows asterisk processing immediately, I can only thing it must be a networking issue
23:21.11leifmadsenperhaps QOS or something is causing a delay somewhere
23:22.27themrrobertYea, I thought that before I connected them directly. : in their own subnet. no switch between: CAT6 between two servers. (on em3 on the asterisk pbx)
23:22.44themrrobertand thats the interface wireshark was listening on
23:22.59themrrobertshould listen on the other side
23:23.05themrroberti'll let you know what i find out
23:24.14igcewieling1bug in yuor AMI client?
23:24.21leifmadsenis the side absorbing (the client) causing the delay itself?
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23:45.02themrroberti'm not sure. i'm going to set up another controlled test, but its going to a bit logistically to synchronize the the two data.  that should give definitive answers

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