IRC log for #asterisk on 20130221

00:00.27*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
00:05.20infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
00:05.29infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
00:09.25*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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06:35.17flinghow to change sip peer input and output volume?
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06:45.41ChannelZthere's the VOLUME() function but that means * has to be processing the audio streams
07:04.39*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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07:26.55flingchanged sound volume on pata, now it is loud :]
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08:18.46eirirs091501 < *** > I tried to commit suicide so I took a bunch of pills but I was upset when the pills I thought said "die" actually said "diet"
08:18.49eirirs091507 < *** > lost 5 kg though
08:20.32*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
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08:45.53zenmasterHi guys. :) I am trying to setup failover with two of my sip providers, and am having a issue. :0
08:50.33ChannelZ"how do I tell if one is dead" ?
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09:04.43*** join/#asterisk Cutzmf (
09:07.30CutzmfHi! Have problem with FFA (licensed). Actualy tiff file is fully recieved, but transmission ends up with "FAILED HANGUP"
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09:16.12lorsungcuit is late
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09:33.25CutzmfNeed help to review fax debug messages
09:33.49*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:38.42wdoekesCutzmf: I've always assumed an available tiff to mean that the fax succeeded
09:42.33*** join/#asterisk Hrnec (~Miranda@
09:43.29Cutzmfwdoekes: that's great (really), but how you identify fully transmitted tiff with partial?
09:44.09HrnecHi. Is it possible to allow RTP and SRTP from the same peer (proxy) at the same time? If yes, how? Thanks a lot.
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09:45.39wdoekeswait, I lied. I hangup, and from the hangup handler I check ${FAXSTATUS} for SUCCESS
09:46.58wdoekesyou're probably getting a different faxstatus
09:47.29wdoekesor? (and you're using FFA, I'm using spandsp)
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09:51.15HrnecLet me ask a better question. Is it possible to allow RTP and SRTP at the same time for calls when signaling comes from the same proxy (defined as a peer in sip.conf) ? Thanks.
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09:57.06wdoekesHrnec: I haven't done any SRTP, but I have matched different users from the same proxy. so if it's not possible, you could make two users, an rtp and and srtp user
09:58.22wdoekesI don't know how you do your auth/user matching. but altering the From in the proxy should be sufficient to have asterisk match a certain user
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11:38.43madhatt3ranybody here dealt with cisco SPA501G phones?
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11:40.14R1ckwhen I Playback a file, sometimes I can't here the first 200ms of the file or something.. a Wait(4) before it doesnt fix it.. what could be wrong? the file itself is fine (gsm format)
11:41.17wdoekesR1ck: do you Answer() before playing?
11:42.31R1ckno, should I? :)
11:44.40R1ckhmm, now the Wait does work.. but still the same problem.. gonna double-check the file
11:47.32kaldemarPlayback(silence/1) before the actual file may help.
11:48.07*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:51.24R1ckthe file itself has close to a second pause at the start
11:55.20R1ckmeh, its the file :)
12:04.01*** join/#asterisk din3sh (2988fcb3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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12:57.20*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (Ice_Strike@
13:15.57GreenlightI've got to the bottom of what's been causing the issue I was discussing yesterday. There appears to be a bug, in that if jitterbuffer=yes is set in ConfBridge.conf, then if channels are subsequently Bridged directly, then this causes one way audio on the bridged channels.
13:16.15*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:22.18WIMPyOr just one of them?
13:22.32WIMPyNice to hear you found it.
13:23.08GreenlightI know :) I was so glad when I found what caused it, and at least a temp solution, been driving me nuts for days.
13:23.39GreenlightI was hoping that one of the folk who know that part of the code would cast their eye over it, before I raise an issue on the JIRA
13:24.29GreenlightIt's odd that it's one way audio tho, yea. I'd have though that it would apply the jitterbuffer to all channels in the ConfBridge. Guess the problem may lie inside the bridging code
13:24.35WIMPyI think opening an issue may make it more likely.
13:25.32Ice_StrikeHi WIMPy!
13:25.52WIMPyI'm currently waiting for an devstate/hint failure. Have tshark running since yesterday. Trouble is that it takes at least a day to show up.
13:25.57WIMPyhi Ice_Strike
13:26.07Ice_StrikeYou cool?
13:26.12GreenlightThose are the worst sort to track down
13:26.57WIMPyJust hoping there will bin anything interesting when it happens again.
13:27.35WIMPyAnd BTW: wireshark segfaults when it tries to list my interfaces...
13:27.37Ice_StrikeWIMPy Have you ever created your own predictive dailer?
13:28.58ChainsawGreenlight: In fairness though, you are the king of intermittent faults.
13:29.00*** join/#asterisk jkroon (
13:29.08ChainsawAfternoon jkroon.
13:29.40GreenlightChainsaw: Well, yea, I guess I have the trophy for that one :)
13:29.50WIMPyIce_Strike: No, I've just done some experiments towards it some years ago.
13:30.18jkroonhey Chainsaw Greenlight
13:30.30GreenlightHeya jkroon, hope you're well
13:30.35WIMPyHi jkroon
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13:30.44GreenlightIce_Strike: I have
13:31.18jkroonGreenlight, very busy but very well
13:31.27GreenlightHeh, I know that feeling :)
13:31.38GreenlightBetter busy than not though, eh
13:33.03jkroonand for once i can concentrate somewhat on non-voip stuff after ast 11.
13:33.21jkroonGreenlight, just wanted to double-check that all your concerns have been addressed and fixed?
13:33.39Ice_StrikeWell I am going to create my own predictive dailer for learning purpose.  What the best method to send commands from a browser to background process that run AMI. For example if agents click on Hang Up button a browsers..
13:33.47WIMPyseems to remember that jkroon had some interesting issue last time, but can't remember what it was.
13:34.00*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
13:34.18jkroonIce_Strike, use ami directly from your server-side code that serves the browser
13:34.28alamihello i have asterisk 11.0, and when i run rasterisk i get Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
13:34.29jkroonWIMPy, ISDN
13:34.57WIMPyjkroon: Was that the one NT is other than the others one?
13:35.08Ice_Strikejkroon I don't get ya.
13:35.14Greenlightjkroon: I'm almost finished the re-write of my code, which I'm hoping will alleviate the problems. Will almost entirely avoid Queues, Local channels, and ConfBridges. Servers are still just about stable for a day, so stil got breathing space from customers. I think the problem was the exterme number of context switches and new threads being spawned
13:35.32Ice_StrikeGreenlight How did you do it
13:35.43jkroonWIMPy, yes.
13:36.05jkroonIce_Strike, I use curl from php to connect to ami over http.
13:36.11jkroonworks quite well
13:36.14WIMPyjkroon: And was it the NT?
13:36.30jkroonWIMPy, client cancelled, digium dragged a little too long looking at the issue.
13:37.03jkroonGreenlight, sounds like you've got things under control then.
13:37.07GreenlightIce_Strike: You'll need some sort of central service to speak to the AMI on behalf of the agents.
13:37.15Greenlightjkroon: I'm hopeful yes :)
13:37.23Ice_StrikeGreenlight How did you do it?
13:37.30jkroonhopeful is good.
13:37.33GreenlightIce_Strike: Blood, sweat and tears :)
13:38.17WIMPyYes, don't let the frontend be the application. That will most probably hit you hard later on.
13:38.27Greenlightjkroon: Plan B is still to recruit help from yourself and/or Chainsaw and stick Gentoo on though.
13:38.49jkroonwonders how serious a difference that will really make.
13:39.06GreenlightYea, that's why I'm hoping plan A works
13:39.19jkrooncurrently doing around 25k call setups/day and ast 11 works quite well, but you do really strange things
13:39.23GreenlightI reckon I was spawning around 50-100 new threads per second, under load
13:39.43GreenlightAnd 50k-100k context switches
13:39.54GreenlightI think that was the killer
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13:40.14GreenlightAnd maybe even the source of the very very strange readings in "top"
13:40.37jkroonyea, the 50-100 new threads shouldn't take a box down, but if there is some resource leak associated with that spawning ...
13:41.02jkroonthe load average spikes?  but i did email you the clarification of how that calculation works and why it can easily spike like that
13:41.28GreenlightYea indeed
13:41.34Ice_StrikeGreenlight  I was thinking something like this:  Browser <--> Background Process (run in a loop,AMI Socket, Update Databases, etc ) <-->  Asterisk Server
13:41.53Ice_StrikeSend the data to a Background Process via ajax with XML or Json format
13:42.00GreenlightIce_Strike: That's pretty much how we do it, yes. We have a windows service that goes inbetween
13:42.08Ice_StrikeI dont know if there other better solution
13:42.26WIMPySounds like a good solution to me.
13:42.38jkroonthe load average is *sampled*, so if it's sampled every 5 seconds, and it happens to sample it just after 3000 odd threads waiting on a mutex got woken up, that's 3000 tasks in the run queue, so even though they'll almost all go back to sleep within a millisecond or two they still end up chasing your load average up by a HUGE amount
13:42.55WIMPydid it the same, jut not with a browser, but a dedicated app.
13:43.28Ice_StrikeDo you send data to Background Process or you write the commands file in a dir  and then a process keep checking the files in the dir  to execute any if nessary.
13:43.42GreenlightYea, but for a box doing realtime media, that could definetly be a problem. So am hoping it's all the threads and context switches that were killing it
13:43.52alamii have installed asterisk but i still can't start it
13:43.56alamican any one help plz?
13:44.12WIMPyIce_Strike: What files?
13:44.21jkroonGreenlight, without major redesign i fail to see how you intend to get rid of those :)
13:44.46Greenlightjkroon: From what I can see each Local channel runes in it's own thread
13:44.57Ice_StrikeWIMPy like command files, in each file have like AgentID, HangUP
13:45.06jkroonGreenlight, that's scary, but perfectly possible.
13:45.08GreenlightIce_Strike: DOn't write to files, use a database
13:45.09Ice_Strikea process will check if the files exist to do the action
13:45.15alamijkroon: can you help plz?
13:45.21jkroonalami, depends
13:45.27WIMPyIce_Strike: To communicate from the webserver to your application?
13:45.31alamii have installed asterisk but i still can't start it
13:46.00Greenlightjkroon, Yea, like in the old code, each call placed, could have up to 3 or more Local channel pairs, as well as it's SIP channel
13:46.10WIMPyhas been doing the file based communication, but it's definitely not the cool way to do it.
13:46.11Ice_StrikeWIMPy No - Browser to a process background.
13:46.12GreenlightANd I'm dialling 100 new calls a second sometimes
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13:46.18alamijkroon: when i type asterisk -V i get Asterisk 11.3.0-rc1
13:46.38jkroonalami, what's the error you get when trying to start it?
13:46.43WIMPyIce_Strike: How do you come to files there?
13:46.45jkroonasterisk -V will print version and exit ...
13:46.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
13:47.11Ice_StrikeOr other solution is if I click on Hang Up Call button on the browser  - it update to the database.. then a process  keep checking any data on MySQL database.
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13:47.23alamijkroon: Illegal instruction
13:47.39jkroonalami, compile asterisk for your local machine, not something you don't have.
13:47.54GreenlightIce_Strike: You will want to use ajax or similar to talk to the background service
13:47.56WIMPyalami: How did you install it?
13:48.14Ice_StrikeGreenlight yea using ajax
13:48.19alamiWIMPy:from the source
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13:48.35GreenlightIce_Strike: You could even have it call a php page, which opens a socket connection to your background process
13:49.03alamiWIMPy: why?
13:49.10WIMPySockes are the most elegant and easy thing.
13:49.17WIMPyalami: Fix your OS.
13:50.27Ice_StrikeGreenlight Yea I could do... I could make a process to become mini web server.. so I send send data via XML or JSON
13:52.25mjordanalami: you most likely are building on a VM which has a virtual CPU architecture. Disable BUILD_NATIVE in menuselect and re-compile. If that doesn't work, you'll have to pass the CPU architecture type to Asterisk's build system explicitly.
13:52.40mjordanif you aren't building on a VM, however, disregard
13:53.19Ice_StrikeGreenlight What did you do to recieve AMI event?
13:53.36Ice_StrikeIt update to database directly and browser read from database?
13:53.42GreenlightI have my service listen to and process the events
13:53.54GreenlightThe service tracks calls, channels etc
13:54.27WIMPyUsing browsers for interactive stuff is so horrible.
13:54.28Ice_StrikeYep, that is a process job.
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13:58.07alami@mjordan: it's not good to compile asterisk on VM?
13:58.33Ice_StrikeGreenlight What I meant if a customer hang up a call, then a browser need to say customer have hang up a call..  What is the solution to this? I think when a process detected a hang up call via AMI event - then update to mysql database. Ajax check the database every 5 seconds?
13:58.41Ice_Strikeor what the better solution?
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13:59.59mjordanalami: no, it's fine to compile Asterisk on a VM. We do it all the time. Some, however, have virtual CPU architectures that aren't interpreted by the default compiler settings. When that occurs, you have to specify the architecture you're compiling for.
14:00.13GreenlightIce_Strike: It's not going to be quite as straightforward as you're making out. You need to track the channel(s) associated with the "call" and issue a hangup
14:00.54Ice_StrikeYes I know that
14:01.40*** join/#asterisk phix (
14:01.44Ice_StrikeI meant how do you make a browser to detect a hangup event - from a database directly ... or check through socket to a process background
14:01.47GreenlightSo, what you probably want to do is track the agent to the call on the service, and then the agent can hangup and the service will translate that request to issue an ami action
14:02.04GreenlightIce_Strike: Oh, I see.
14:02.14GreenlightIce_Strike: You could poll the service
14:03.07Ice_Strikepoll the service?
14:03.29Greenlightjavascript loop on browser polling for any new "events"
14:03.50GreenlightOr, if you wanna be really cool, use SignalR.
14:04.09GreenlightBut that may tie you into .NET, which you might not want
14:04.29Ice_Strikejavascript loop on browser  every second
14:04.33Ice_StrikeEwww :P
14:04.41GreenlightIce_Strike: Eww indeed - that's why SignalR kicks ass
14:04.47WIMPyIce_Strike: Do you need it to run on a browser?
14:05.23[TK]D-FenderJava script connected to server.  Push the message direct
14:05.38Ice_StrikeWIMPy because I am most famililar with php and mysql
14:05.45WIMPyLiefe is so much easier without the browser crap.
14:05.46[TK]D-Fendertrigger on "h", no need to "poll" anything
14:06.25Ice_StrikeWIMPy I get ya.
14:07.19Ice_StrikeWIMPy But browser is still good if you wanna update something quickly.. for an application you have to compile it and update all the clients PC's
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14:07.54WIMPyYes, but it will make everyting so much easier and quicker.
14:08.42WIMPyUsing a browser is really only interesting to support users on OSs you don't want to support.
14:09.34*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
14:10.16*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
14:13.02alamimjordan:can you tell me wich file on /usr/src/asterisk-11.3.0-rc1/menuselect i will find BUILD_NATIVE
14:13.13Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender what us "h" ?
14:14.38[TK]D-FenderAsterisk Standard Extensions <-
14:14.41[TK]D-FenderDialplan basics...
14:14.45infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
14:14.46mjordanalami: run menuselect. "make menuselect"
14:14.57mjordanalami: you'll then find it under the section build options
14:16.59alami@mjordan: aha okay thanks
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14:23.52qakhani m getting this error when i try to install DAHDI
14:24.19GreenlightYou have kernel-devel packages installed ?
14:25.03WIMPyAny reason you use an old version of dahdi?
14:25.23[TK]D-FenderAsterisk 1.4 <-
14:25.33[TK]D-FenderAnd no, he's never getting off of it
14:25.58WIMPyI don;t see any hope then anyway.
14:26.34WIMPyBut even Asterisk 1.4 should work with the latest version of dahdi, shouldn't it?
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14:28.43qakhan[TK]D-Fender my friend listen
14:29.38qakhanmy dev team has developed an app which is integrated with asterisk and using Manager
14:30.22*** join/#asterisk rgsteele (~rgsteele@
14:30.23qakhanwe are using asterisk 1.4.38 because of Agentcallbacklogin
14:31.14[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, It is dead.
14:31.20[TK]D-FenderThe entire branch is dead
14:31.32[TK]D-FenderThe next THREE branches that came after it are dead
14:31.32qakhani know
14:31.43[TK]D-FenderYou do not have to use that approach to do the job.
14:31.56qakhanyes you are right
14:32.01[TK]D-Fenderyou are hung up on something that doesn't have be done that way.
14:32.16[TK]D-FenderAnd your explanation is an empty excuse.
14:32.21qakhanbut i have to do it for time being
14:32.25[TK]D-FenderYou are running yourself int a very dead end
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14:32.56qakhani got you
14:33.32qakhanbut is there any way to do it for now
14:33.33[TK]D-FenderYes, and I know that in half a year you'll still be fishing for support for this unchanged
14:34.13qakhanman i want to move forward but my dev team dont want
14:34.37qakhani am depending on them
14:34.48WIMPyDon't waste your time trying to push the dead end half a meter away. Make your way over to the highway.
14:34.59GreenlightGet a new dev team
14:35.05WIMPyTell them what we tell you.
14:35.17qakhanok i will tell them
14:35.24WIMPyOr what Greenlight said. Seems to be neccessary.
14:35.55GreenlightMaybe if one of them has an "accident" the others will change their minds...
14:36.10[TK]D-Fenderand we'll STILL see you here in a half a year in the same position
14:37.16qakhanbut plz help me for today plzzzzzzzzz
14:43.19alamimjordan: thanks a lot it work ;)
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14:45.20FlashDeluxehi! i got a question: I would like to forward a call to another number if the line is busy, how do i do that?
14:45.41WindBackSimple Question: Is insecure to have nat=no in general section and rewrite some peers with nat=yes?? This configuration can make those peers discoverables?
14:46.33WindBack[TK]D-Fender: Simple Question: Is insecure to have nat=no in general section and rewrite some peers with nat=yes?? This configuration can make those peers discoverables?
14:46.45[TK]D-FenderWindBack, Don't single people out like that....
14:46.50GreenlightI raised a JIRA for the bug I found:
14:46.51[TK]D-FenderWindBack, Those wou'll answer will answer
14:47.39WindBack[TK]D-Fender: ok, sorry.
14:48.21qakhan[TK]D-Fender any answer?
14:48.38[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, UPGRADE
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14:59.06Ice_StrikeWhich is better solution?
14:59.34Ice_StrikeTo communicate - browser between processd background
15:00.17igcewieling1that is like asking "when did you stop beating your wife."  all answers are wrong.
15:00.59igcewieling1when the user clicks hangup, make an ajax call to a script which connects to AMI and hangs up the channel.
15:02.09GreenlightIce_Strike: Don't do database polling like in the first picture
15:02.36Ice_StrikeOk cool Greenlight
15:02.40GreenlightImagine database running slow, and agents can't hangup on customers!
15:02.47Ice_StrikeGood point
15:02.53GreenlightThat bit needs to be as direct as possible
15:03.21Ice_StrikeWhat about Hang Up message on a browser when hangup has been completed via AMI
15:03.37Ice_StrikeSend data back to browser from process background
15:03.45Ice_Strikeor poll from database via ajax?
15:03.51GreenlightEither javascript polling, or SignalR as I suggested. Or a socket connection from the browser to the service
15:04.04Ice_Strikejavascript polling from service again
15:05.15Ice_StrikeGreenlight Why can't use database polling for receving data?
15:05.24GreenlightYou can, I just wouldn't recommend it
15:06.09GreenlightHowever, if you'r just learning, then it's not a huge problem, so yea, you can do it that way.
15:06.31GreenlightBy far your biggest challenge will be tracking everything that's happening on asterisk and keeping your own records up to date
15:07.30igcewieling1leave the process running, pass back javascript to do something in the browser when the hangup completes.
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15:10.45igcewieling1we have an internal GUI for our core asterisk switch.  When you save something to the user it appears immediate (you go back to the previous screen), but an ajax call happens in the background which passes the form to a scrip on the server which saves the data then spits back to the browser something like <script>alert('page saved');</script>\n which confirms to the user that it actually saved.  The popup is more friendly than an ale
15:11.53GreenlightHow do you keep a connection open from the browser to the background service? Polling, or long-running connection ?
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15:13.22Ice_StrikeGreenlight My plan are .. Send the data from Ajax to a process service using curl.. A browser recieve update information from database.
15:13.40Ice_StrikeYou recommend  javascript polling from service but how you make sure you recieved right information?
15:15.16GreenlightBUt how do you make the browser update, when something changes in the service. At our side we use SignalR, but without that I would imagine polling to be the way
15:15.53GreenlightOr, does your GUI/browser only update when the user does/clicks something ?
15:17.59Ice_StrikeTalking to me?
15:18.22GreenlightIce_Strike: What do you mean "right information" ? You'd just have a queue of messages, and each time it polled it would pick them up, and deal with them client side
15:19.03GreenlightSo, in your background process if it detected that an agents call had hungup, it would add "CallHungup" message to the queue for that agent. The next time that agents browser polled, it would receive that message.
15:19.35Ice_StrikeGreenlight What I meant if there are mutitple agents on calls and many hangup at the same time.. you would want to recieve right information from spefic call.
15:19.48Ice_StrikeAhhh I get ya
15:20.10GreenlightIce_Strike: Your background service would need to decided to which agent each channel and call are associated.
15:21.03Ice_StrikeDo you know any opensource script that does the samilar thing that we are talking about.
15:21.16Ice_Strikeand background process opensource script.
15:21.42GreenlightNot sure, I wrote my stuff from ground up. I beleive there are libraries out there which claim to deal with some of it, but not sure of names etc
15:21.43qakhan[TK]D-Fender i resolved the problem
15:21.52GreenlightYou upgraded ?
15:22.10[TK]D-FenderNo, he EXTENDED the problem
15:22.53qakhanno i used other dahdi version
15:23.18GreenlightLike, [TK]D-Fender said, you've extended your issues
15:23.24GreenlightWell, until next time :)
15:24.06qakhanOK let see
15:24.24qakhanbut i will tell my dev team to use new version
15:24.45Greenlightmjordan: That's the component I was looking for in the list, didn't see "Core/Bridging" there. Thanks :)
15:24.59qakhan[TK]D-Fender which version you recommand
15:27.10mjordanGreenlight: np. newtonr and I were just discussing the problem a bit - jitter buffers sometimes log things when they get unhappy, but through a weird implementation quirk it is usually only seen if you enable iax2 debugging
15:27.30mjordando you think you could run a test to get a DEBUG log and see what your jitter buffer spits out?
15:28.25GreenlightWhat's very odd is that it's only 1 channel, even though both have been in the confbridge
15:28.29mjordanit may spit out nothing, but this feels like the jitter buffer getting confused and dropping frames
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15:29.03GreenlightIt's either the Channel1 or Channel2 (can't recall off hand) in the Bridge, that doesn't have any rtp come from it
15:29.07mjordanThis is one of those edge cases where things get funky.
15:29.15GreenlightGotta love em
15:29.24mjordanI'd be curious what would happen if you redirected the channels into an infinite Wait() and then Bridged them
15:29.49mjordanbut I can say I've never tried using Bridge on channels already in a bridge, so this is new ground :-)
15:30.09GreenlightThe weird thing is that i've another service that bridges millions of channels a day (literally!) from a ConfBridge without problem, so I was looking in totally the wrong place. Turned out just happened they had jitterbuffer disabled
15:30.20Greenlightmjordan: I've tried that
15:30.23GreenlightALl works ok
15:30.33GreenlightIt's only when ConfBridge with jitterbuffer=yes is used
15:31.03GreenlightBasically, the reason for doing it is that we conference in a 3rd party. Once they are no longer needed, it's best to bridge the channels direct again
15:31.30filehum so it uses func_jitterbuffer to put a jitterbuffer on the channel... hrm
15:31.57fileI think the timestamps would suddenly change wildly
15:33.01GreenlightIt's *ALL* rtp traffic. For example, if you've ever used xlite, you know the 126 RTP keep alives it sends?
15:33.14GreenlightThey spam the CLI with "NOTICES" but can be ignored.
15:33.27GreenlightAnyway, after the calls END I suddenly get all those coming through at once
15:33.38GreenlightAs if they've been queued up somehow
15:39.04mjordanDo you know what kind of bridge the Bridge action puts the channels in? Native, local, remote?
15:39.15GreenlightI've tried both Native and Local
15:39.21Greenlight(By swapping codecs around)
15:39.31filea jitterbuffer on the channel won't allow that to happen
15:39.54mjordanit should native - local or remote would imply something went wrong
15:40.06mjordanand if it goes into native, the jitter buffers should be reset
15:40.40GreenlightMaybe I'm getting crossed wires
15:40.53filemjordan, generic = through the core, native = through the channel driver, if RTP is involved a native bridge will turn into a local or remote bridge
15:40.58GreenlightI made it use both the bridge associated with the channel tech
15:41.05GreenlightThat i thought was native
15:41.12mjordangeneric is what I meant :-)
15:41.15GreenlightI also made it use ast_bridge_generic (I think thbats the name)
15:41.52mjordan(I blame being sick)
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15:42.28GreenlightIn my case the channel tech bridge, would be the SIP bridge. But since I had directmedia=no, it turned to local
15:42.40GreenlightUnless I'm missing something when i stepped through the code
15:43.26GreenlightWhen I set different codecs, the stars didn't "align" in that big if statement, and so, it ended up at ast_brdige_generic (iirc)
15:43.32GreenlightEither way, audio was one way.
15:44.19GreenlightRight, so IAX2 debugging
15:44.33GreenlightGimme 30 misn or so, I've to call a customer quickly first
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16:00.07GreenlightSO, what's the command to enable IAX2 debugging
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16:03.00navaismoiax2 set debug on
16:03.18GreenlightWas afrid you were going to say that
16:03.41GreenlightIn fact, I wonder if this is the source of the problem
16:03.53GreenlightI've not got iax2 enabled and compiled
16:04.59GreenlightIs it just the iax2 debugging that the jitterbuffer uses, or does it perhaps rely on it for other things ?
16:15.29mjordanGreenlight: iax2 just has a mechanism that will display debug messages from any jitter buffer. The jitter buffer works fine without i
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16:16.05GreenlightAhh well, so I'm best to recompile iax2 support, to be able to enable iax2 debugging ?
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16:39.55Micc360 just started sending me one number with ;rn=5092040000 attached to it. Is this a valid invite or is asterisk just not parsing it correctly? I never got this from them before. INVITE sip:5099563083;rn=5092040000@ SIP/2.0
16:40.16Miccshouldn't the ;rn= be after the :5060?
16:42.57WindBack[TK]D-Fender: Simple Question: Is insecure to have nat=no in general section and rewrite some peers with nat=yes?? This configuration can make those peers discoverables?
16:43.05WindBack[TK]D-Fender: sorry
16:43.41WindBack[TK]D-Fender: I didn't want to ask you
16:53.25[TK]D-FenderApparently you did
16:53.28[TK]D-FenderAnd did so twice
16:53.57[TK]D-FenderWindBack, NAT settings have to be what they have to be.
16:56.10WindBack[TK]D-Fender: If you have no desire to answer, do not answer me. But that answer does not help me at all
16:58.46igcewieling1WindBack: the answer is "generally no"
17:01.16WindBackigcewieling1: I'm asking this because in sip.conf you can read: ONLY DEFINE NAT SETTINGS IN THE GENERAL SECTION
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17:01.51igcewieling1WindBack: that has nothing to do with security, which is what you were asking about.
17:03.31WindBackigcewieling1: the sip.conf documentation says: IT IS IMPORTANT TO NOTE that if the nat setting in the general section differs from the nat setting in a peer definition, then the peer username will be discoverable
17:03.31WindBack; undefined peers.
17:04.37igcewieling1WindBack: then set nat=yes
17:04.54igcewieling1Sorry, I was responding to what you asked, not what you mean.
17:06.01WindBackI think that having peers discoverables is insecure
17:06.05igcewieling1what exactly they mean by "discoverable" is unclear to me.
17:07.00fileit means that from the response you can determine if an account is configured with that name or not
17:07.06fileso a brute force attack can focus on the user account
17:07.11igcewieling1if you mean "remote attacker determine valid usernames" then set alwaysauthreject=yes and allowguest=no will solve that issue.
17:07.27WindBackigcewieling1: yes
17:08.08filewell, if the response goes to a different place based on the configuration... while the packet itself may be the same between an account that exists and doesn't exist the very act of that packet going elsewhere would mean the configuration differs, and thus the account exists
17:08.27fileinformation disclosure is a fun thing
17:10.37WindBackfile: And what do you think? Having nat=no in general and having nat=yes in some peers will make asterisk answer different in a brute force attack?
17:13.59fileunless things have changed nat=no will cause the response to go to the information in the Via header, with nat=yes the response will go to the source IP address and port
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17:22.21igcewieling1does anyone know if this message indicates a problem?  "[Feb 21 12:21:44] WARNING[28648]: chan_sip.c:20923 handle_response_invite: just did sched_add waitid(1512202) for sip_reinvite_retry for dialog in handle_response_invite
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17:32.22navaismonever saw it before today ^
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17:36.20[TK]D-FenderAnyone here using 3CX for iPhone?  I've got an iPhone 4 here an just installed it. with OS 6.2.1 (latest).  Seems to work and runs in the background but I have no icon for it and can't see how I'm supposed to open a dialer, etc.
17:39.16WindBackfile: thanks!!
17:40.04WindBackfile: What is the disadvantage of setting in general section nat=yes when having a lot of peers that doesn't need it?
17:40.37fileit *shouldn't* cause any issues
17:40.53drmessanoI've not seen it cause issues
17:41.09WindBackfile: perhaps more load for the server?
17:41.54fileit just changes where stuff goes, basically
17:42.30fileso really if the remote device is extremely poorly implemented or doesn't support symmetric RTP (can't name any...) it won't work
17:42.54WindBackyes.. I understand. When setting nat=yes, Asterisk reads the IP stack whereas setting nat=no it reads from the SIP stack
17:43.13WindBackfile: thanks a lot for your advices
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18:09.47igcewieling1navaismo: we get it ALL the time and are also having some weird calling issues.
18:11.19fileit's a reinvite race condition
18:11.27filemultiple reinvites happening at once
18:11.39WIMPyWhat was planned for last year has now got a definite deadline in 3 years: Switching off the PSTN.
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18:13.07igcewieling1file: Is it a problem?
18:13.25fileno, the code just waits a period of time and then attempts to reinvite again
18:13.43igcewieling1we ran out of RTP ports on one of our boxes recently --- with 5 active calls.   default rtp.conf.
18:14.05igcewieling1That is why I'm concerned, but it doesn't sound directly related.
18:14.17igcewieling1might be nice if it was a NOTICE though.
18:15.01ChannelZdoesn't default rtp.conf list a range of like 10000 ports?
18:15.24igcewieling1ChannelZ: correct.
18:15.44ChannelZAnd you ran out with 5 calls?
18:16.05igcewieling1thankfully calls failed over to one of our other boxes, but it was still distressing.
18:16.14igcewieling1ChannelZ: correct.  should not have happened.
18:20.31ChannelZNAT? Is it leaving mappings in place for 3 weeks or something!?
18:25.18ChannelZ[TK]D-Fender: dunno about the iPhone but does it maybe integrate into the phone's own dialer like ones on Android can?
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18:51.19igcewieling1ChannelZ: almost no natted devices
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18:58.10ChannelZSo is it a bug in * allocating RTP ports but not releasing them, or..?  I wasn't really tracking the conversation, I think I must have been missing something way back in scrollback
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19:06.15[TK]D-FenderChannelZ, was away for a while.  Restarting the phone had it come up as normal.
19:06.36[TK]D-FenderChannelZ, And it works pretty decently just FYI
19:13.31ChannelZrebooting fixes everything
19:13.53leifmadsenalways does
19:14.34WIMPyOnly if it's broken by design.
19:14.59leifmadseneverything is broken by design
19:15.20WIMPyMight be true by now.
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19:22.28[TK]D-FenderWell this was FruitTech based....
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19:40.48danfromukHi, when using a macro to allow the callee to filter calls, how can I set MACRO_RESULT=BUSY when the user hangs up? Currently, if the user hangs up, the macro simply ends and the caller is disconnected.
19:42.25danfromukIn short, I want to carry on running the Macro's dialplan even when the called party disconnects.
19:44.10danfromukThe macro is run like this: "Dial(SIP/201,,M(press1))"
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19:45.43saint_hi all
19:45.56lorsungcusup yo
19:46.17saint_can someone tell me in this simple auto attendant menu  if it is OK at the end to call autoattendant,mainmenu if someone presses 0 ?
19:46.26saint_because when I try that, it hangs up on me
19:47.37lorsungcuthere is no invalid destination
19:48.21saint_so if someone is in the exten => 1,1 , and chose 0 , it should go back to the main menu prompt, right ?
19:48.43lorsungcuit should hang up on you
19:48.53saint_why is that ?
19:48.58lorsungcuoh, in 1,1?
19:49.30lorsungcutry adding "" around ${CHOICE}
19:49.31saint_when I ' m in 1,1 if I press 0 , it hangs up on me instead of sending me back to the n(mainmenu)
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19:50.24[TK]D-Fender<danfromuk> In short, I want to carry on running the Macro's dialplan even when the called party disconnects. <- "h" at best
19:50.24saint_I added something else in my dialplan:
19:50.24saint_exten => 999,1,Goto(autoattendant,mainmenu)
19:50.33saint_oh .
19:50.34saint_hold on
19:51.22[TK]D-Fendersaint_, Helps when you tell it a proper full destination....
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19:54.57saint_I added the " around ${CHOICE} , but it still hangs up on me.
19:55.16saint_[TK]D-Fender: can I have your lights on
19:55.39saint_[TK]D-Fender: then the caller choses menu 1 , 2 options: 5 or 0. If he presses 0 , it hangs up.
19:56.44saint_i think i know where the problem is.
19:56.50saint_there is no priority in my destination...
19:57.11[TK]D-FenderThere is, and it's wrong
19:57.22saint_can i put a n as a priority ?
19:57.31saint_so what's the work around in this case ?
19:57.38[TK]D-Fendernumbering them
19:57.42saint_i need to create a specific context ?
19:57.43[TK]D-Fenderor referring to a LABEL
19:58.13[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm not sure what you're asking me following the pastebin
19:59.53saint_[TK]D-Fender: in my pastebin, i m using a label ..
20:03.33saint_[TK]D-Fender: is there any trick so someone who;s in my 1,1 can press 0 and go back to autoattendan,mainmenu ?
20:06.16[TK]D-Fendersaint_, You failed to read GOTO's instructions.
20:06.24[TK]D-Fendersaint_, "core show application goto"
20:10.39saint_[TK]D-Fender: i think i understand there is no priority in my goto. but from what you can see in my pastebin, is this the best way to do it ?
20:11.01saint_or should i create context for every options of the auto attendant ?
20:11.04[TK]D-FenderNo, what you fail to realize is there is ALWAYS a priority if you pass parameters at all.
20:11.15[TK]D-Fenderexten => 999,1,Goto(autoattendant,mainmenu)
20:11.21[TK]D-Fenderautoattendant = EXTENSION
20:11.22saint_[TK]D-Fender: i fixed this one
20:11.26[TK]D-Fendermainmenu = PRIORITY
20:11.42[TK]D-Fenderwhat you WANTED for the values was wrong.
20:12.00saint_i read goto and fixed this one
20:12.20saint_my question is about the pastebin. is this the best way to do an auto attendant, or should i create a context for each menu ?
20:12.21[TK]D-Fenderpriority.  exten,priority.  context,exten,priority
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20:12.35[TK]D-Fendersaint_, that makes no sense
20:12.47saint_[TK]D-Fender: what does not ?
20:13.09danfromukHi, can someone assist with this?  I've been using Macros with the Dial command to allow the Called Parties to accept or reject an incoming call. But if a called party answers the phone, doesnt press 1 for accept and simply hangs up the phone, the macro_result doesnt get set and the incoming call gets disconnected instead of continuing to ring at the other peers.
20:15.18danfromukSorry, forgot this.
20:23.21AkkerKidHey all!  How come when i have exten => _.#,1,DoStuff()   with   exten => _.,1,DoStuff() right after it and I type 12345 on the keypad (without the pound), it runs the first instead of the second?
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20:25.08[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, You don't get to put anything after "."
20:25.25[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, "." = end of the line.  There is no way to pattern up "ends with"
20:25.52leifmadsenAkkerKid: because the . eats everything, the # at the end means nothing
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20:27.38saint_is it legal to do this;    Set(COUNTDOWN = $[${COUNTDOWN} + 1])
20:27.49saint_because it looks like my variable is not getting incremented..
20:28.07[TK]D-Fendersaint_, No extra spaces around the =
20:28.10danfromukSet(COUNTDOWN = ${COUNTDOWN} + 1)
20:28.23[TK]D-Fender^ even worse
20:28.33[TK]D-Fenderit is an expression, it needs the $[]
20:28.39[TK]D-Fenderno spaces around the =
20:28.45[TK]D-FenderDon't get creative.
20:28.52[TK]D-FenderDialplan is quite fussy
20:29.05[TK]D-FenderIt was clearly based on Systen 360 COBOL
20:29.06danfromukOne second. I was getting ahead of myself. Does he not need MATH ?
20:29.13[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, No.
20:29.43saint_[TK]D-Fender: worked, thanks
20:30.01danfromukLearn something new every day.
20:31.28danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: whats the need for the MATH(x+x) function if the above works?
20:32.16AkkerKidSo D-Fender, in my case i need to save a variable-length variable from an IVR that may or may not include a pound at the end.  If the pound is there, I must remove it.  Is there any way to do this?
20:35.02AkkerKidBasically I need a function that returns only digits.
20:38.59saint_[TK]D-Fender: this example   shows that you can call and extension and label (the line with goto(start,monkey)
20:39.57[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, Not sure really....
20:40.34[TK]D-Fendersaint_, <[TK]D-Fender> priority.  exten,priority.  context,exten,priority
20:40.59[TK]D-Fenderlabel is a priority
20:41.11danfromukIs Tilghman Lesher ever on IRC? Whats his nick?
20:41.26[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, remeber the difference is stripping in from a variable in how you use it VS what you match
20:41.41saint_[TK]D-Fender: got my stuff to work... thanks again
20:41.47[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, tzafrif
20:41.58[TK]D-Fendertzafrir_laptop  <--
20:42.47danfromuktzafrir_laptop: are you currently online? I want to discuss an issue regarding macros which you've commented about in this
20:42.52danfromuk[TK]D-Fender: thanks
20:44.05tzafrir_laptop[TK]D-Fender, err... I'm not Tilghman Lesher
20:44.51tzafrir_laptopHe's on-line, and in #asterisk-dev
20:45.00danfromukoops. thanks for replying.
20:45.41danfromukWhats his nick? I cant see which one he is.
20:45.42mjordanTilghman is Corydon76-*
20:46.22tzafrir_laptopWe need something like :-)
20:46.37mjordantzafrir_laptop: that would be handy
20:47.02mjordanthere's all sorts of 'mappings' of nicks to names and other aliases in the repotools script
20:47.09mjordanit would have been nice to have a db to query :-)
20:48.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
20:52.21danfromukDoes setting MACRO_RESULT cause the macro to exit immediately? My thought is that maybe I can set MACRO_RESULT=BUSY at the start the macro, I can update it later on if the caller presses 1. In the event that the user presses nothing, MACRO_RESULT will already be set and therefore the call will continue for the other called parties.
20:53.28*** join/#asterisk goldkatze (~nobody@unaffiliated/goldkatze)
20:54.35goldkatzeIs it possible to use Asterisk and mISDN to build a PBX which provides an S0-Bus for ISDN-phones?
20:55.15goldkatzeAs in, can I use mISDN like a "host" to /generate/ an S0-bus or just as yet-another-isdn-client-phone
20:55.38*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
20:58.35AkkerKid<[TK]D-Fender>, So rather than try to build two lines that match for the two possibilities, i should make one line that matches it all and strip the variable in that?  Makes sense.
21:00.29*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
21:01.47teffcan anyone help with a problem with inbound uri calls? I am trying to call myusername@mydomain from, asterisk seems to be matching the username and trying to register instead of using the default context
21:03.09[TK]D-Fender<tzafrir_laptop> [TK]D-Fender, err... I'm not Tilghman Lesher <- sorry, think I got my names mixed up
21:03.44ChannelZwrites that down as a password
21:03.56[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk, No
21:03.58AkkerKidWould this do it?  Set(StrippedNumber=${IF($[${EXTEN:-1:1}=#] ?${EXTEN:0:-1}:${EXTEN})})
21:04.31ChannelZteff: you mean it's trying to match a peer called 'myusername' ?
21:05.46AkkerKidlooks like it works.  Sweet!
21:05.52[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, not bad :)
21:06.01teffChannelZ, ermmm :D maybe,  WARNING[9789]: chan_sip.c:12886 check_auth: username mismatch, have <myusername>, digest has <getonsip_myusername>
21:06.04AkkerKidI'm almost good at this
21:06.24AkkerKidnow if only i can get asterisk to connect to MSSQL
21:06.26[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, The wheels are spinning decently...
21:06.27teffmyusername is a friend (my extension) in sip.conf
21:07.23AkkerKidFreeTDS refuses to use the password for the MSSQL server that's stored in plaintext in odbcinst.conf.
21:07.28[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, I've heard reference to using FreeTDS for this
21:07.42*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:07.43ChannelZthe problem with friends is that they are both a peer and a user.  And a user matches by the From: so if you're calling yourself (or someone tries to call you with the same exact name) you're just going to run into that.
21:07.59AkkerKidFreeTDS all of a sudden requires that you use kerberos for authentication or some such...
21:07.59[TK]D-FenderAkkerKid, IIRC you have to mention the user & pass on *'s side, not just expecting the SDSN pass-through
21:08.28AkkerKidD-Fender, you mean in res_odbc.conf?
21:08.33teffChannelZ, so make it a user only?
21:08.39AkkerKidit doesn't help.  :(
21:09.18ChannelZno, a peer.. which matches by IP first
21:09.48ChannelZIf you want this remote call to be treated as 'anonymous'
21:10.08teffChannelZ, nice one, got it. Thank you very much
21:11.35coreyf1513AkkerKid: are you sure FreeTDS caused the authentication requirement to change?  That seems like something MSSQL would do.
21:13.00AkkerKidthat may be possible.  I was able to connect in the past just fine but the feature that needed that conection was depreciated
21:13.09AkkerKidso i left it off and didn't bother with it.
21:13.52AkkerKidsince then, we've upgraded from MSSQL 9 to 10
21:13.58AkkerKidmaybe that's it
21:15.12coreyf1513AkkerKid: verify you can connect to MSSQL with plain-text user/password (specifically not integrated authentication).  I'm willing to bet you won't be able to do it even with the MS tools.
21:16.20AkkerKidthis doesn't work: echo "select 1" | isql -v "asterisk-MSSQL-connector"
21:16.33AkkerKidthis does:  echo "select 1" | isql -v "asterisk-MSSQL-connector" "username" "password"
21:16.57AkkerKidwhen i pass the UID and Pass directly to isql, it works fine.
21:17.11*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
21:17.45AkkerKidbut when i expect isql to get that info from odbc.ini it won't do it
21:19.52AkkerKidthe first example errors out saying it couldn't connect with username (blank)
21:20.02coreyf1513AkkerKid: is "username" an activedirectory account?
21:20.42AkkerKidit is not.
21:21.08*** join/#asterisk zoelorenz (
21:21.58zoelorenzhey, a quick question, i have a TDM410 with 3 FXS ports and 1 FXO, can i connect a t1 line in a fxs port?
21:22.59leifmadsenlolz, no
21:23.05AkkerKidT1 requires a different kind of card
21:23.38leifmadsenthat would be like a yak mating with a cat
21:24.09zoelorenzoh, i see.
21:24.18AkkerKid*sneeze*   (Cat allergies)
21:24.25leifmadsenone is digital circuit, the other is analog
21:24.31leifmadsenthey are totally different things
21:24.37*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
21:26.05AkkerKidOK, so when I try connecting through FreeTDS with and active directory account, it works even less.
21:26.24AkkerKidcan't even get isql to connects when defining the user/pass in the string.
21:26.57coreyf1513AkkerKid: maybe verify mssql can be used remotely (newer versions sometimes restrict to localhost only or named pipes only), make sure you can reach the mssql tcp port from asterisk.
21:27.26AkkerKidmy isql test proves that it's not an issue on the remote side
21:27.39*** join/#asterisk dfighter (~dfighter@arcemu/staff/dfighter)
21:30.26AkkerKidthis should show it nicely:
21:30.58_Corey_just logged into a production machine somewhere running 1.2.14...
21:36.53coreyf1513AkkerKid: pastebin missing your res_odbc.conf
21:39.04*** join/#asterisk themrrobert (cf4322ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:39.13themrrobertis it possible to have 2 AMI ports open?
21:39.27WIMPythemrrobert: Sure
21:39.45leifmadsenI thought AMI just listened on a single port...
21:39.49leifmadsenor do you mean 2 connections?
21:39.51[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBIAB
21:39.58themrrobert@leifmadsen you read me correct
21:40.09leifmadsenAMI listens on a single port.
21:40.16themrrobertthought so, thanks :)
21:40.17WIMPyUnless you're talking about listeners. In that case you have to do it with iptables, but I'm not sure that makes any sense.
21:40.29themrrobertboss wants the impossible as always.
21:40.32leifmadsenastmanproxy *may* listen on multiple ports
21:40.33themrroberti agree WIMPy
21:40.41leifmadsenI think your boss doesn't understand how services work :)
21:42.11AkkerKidupdated pastebin:
21:42.28*** join/#asterisk UnixDev (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
21:42.53UnixDevon a dual core machine w/1 gig of ram, how many Registered endpoints can Asterisk safely have?
21:43.01UnixDevrunning 1.8.x (latest stable)
21:43.18AkkerKidUnixDev, a few hundred.
21:43.40UnixDevso like 200 or closer to 500 ?
21:44.18AkkerKidassuming it's only registering and not transcoding...  several hundred
21:45.33themrrobertWe're encountering an issue where we're timing out before getting confirmation of member login to a queue. isymphony is having the same issue, but our .Net error looks like his
21:45.42AkkerKidI've got a quad Xeon with 104 extensions currently registered and CPU is mostly idle
21:46.03leifmadsenI have over 2000 on Asterisk 1.4 boxes
21:46.19AkkerKidwell of course you would   you wrote the book.
21:46.23leifmadsenon Asterisk 1.8 just don't use DEBUG_THREADS and DONT_OPTIMIZE or you'll get less than 600
21:53.37AkkerKid@leifmadsen: Have any idea why isql refuses to use the passwords stored in odbc.ini to connect to my MSSQL server?
22:00.48coreyf1513AkkerKid: do you have selinux enabled (maybe it's interfering with asterisk)?  sorry that's my last idea if isql from the asterisk box works but asterisk odbc doesn't
22:01.27leifmadsenAkkerKid: not sure, could be your odbc.ini isn't right. At some point the field names changed
22:01.37leifmadsenI tend to place them in res_odbc.conf as well when testing
22:10.44*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
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23:13.31UnixDevAkkerKid: sometimes transcoding is needed, say 10% of regs doing active calls, and say 20% of those clients transcode,
23:13.35UnixDevAkkerKid: what do you estimage?
23:13.46*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
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23:19.39PhoebusJust took part in a straight to the point, cool Webinar by digium. I dig them even more.
23:20.31filepoints are pointy
23:20.51PhoebusTrue true...
23:21.04lorsungcuPhoebus: for what
23:21.19PhoebusBuild or buy, asterisk vs switchvox.
23:21.30PhoebusPretty helpful to a newbie.
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23:55.48*** join/#asterisk docelmo (
23:56.06docelmoSay anyone know if you can point MWI messages to a specific host?
23:56.46docelmoFor instance..  I have an asterisk box used for VM..  I want to point any MWI it creates and send it to a host where the users are registered
23:56.59docelmoIs this possible and if so can someone point me in a direction?

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