IRC log for #asterisk on 20130220

00:04.28*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
00:09.37Kobaz   any good?
00:10.26Kobazneed a little remote office setup for my brother with some cordless phones
00:13.26Kobazwhat's a good cordless phone these days
00:14.33Kobazdoesnt have to be fancy
00:14.34*** join/#asterisk ruied (
00:16.21micmic-Siemens Gigaset
00:16.35micmic-was working for me very well.
00:16.43ruiedhello! I'm getting Sending fake auth rejection for device 1000<sip:1000@X.X.X.X               X.X.X.X is my  public IP, is this some bad configuration in asterisk or coul it be some kind of attack ?
00:17.19micmic-Kobaz: good price & decent quality - and you can pick from a mega simple AS180 to some more complex models with big displays etc.
00:19.06*** join/#asterisk gusto (
00:19.10[TK]D-Fenderruied: No, it is SOP
00:19.38[TK]D-Fenderruied: As for being an attack... look at the IP it's coming FROM.
00:20.24ruied[TK]D-Fender, SOP?  what is that?    the strange thing to me is the IP is my router's public IP...
00:20.44[TK]D-Fenderruied: Show us the complete debug
00:20.56[TK]D-FenderStandard Operating Procedure.
00:21.04micmic-if someone feels powerful enough in -> I have an issue with AMI Action: Bridge, pbx.c complains that it was sent to invalid extension, context 'extensions'.
00:21.43[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: Show us complete debug and applicable configs
00:21.59micmic-[TK]D-Fender: on the way.
00:22.02*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
00:22.12[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: And relaize that release if OLD within it's branch, and that branch AND the two the followed are both no longer supported at all
00:22.37micmic-WARNING[18430] pbx.c: Channel 'SIP/XXXXX' sent into invalid extension 'PHONE NUMBER' in context 'extensions', but no invalid handler.
00:22.54micmic-[TK]D-Fender: yes, I know that - but I cannot just upgrade - there's plenty of software written "around it"
00:23.15infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:23.50[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: and I'm pretty sure that error means exactly what it says...
00:24.11[TK]D-Fenderruied: that is not SIP DEBUG for the attempts
00:24.17micmic-[TK]D-Fender: yes,
00:24.20[TK]D-Fenderruied: Go to * CLI and start looking at it
00:25.59micmic-[TK]D-Fender: but I am missing a link (logical) to make sure I get the point - if the PHONE NUMBER is not defined in extensions - because that PHONE NUMBER can be pretty much whatever
00:26.14micmic-[TK]D-Fender: how to proceed here? (a pointer or two would be great, I'd love to do more digging/reading)
00:26.51*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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00:27.24[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: We have no idea what you're doing.  We have no idea what numbers you are passing it.  You've told us nothing.  I could tell you how to bild a bridge and find out you wanted to bake a cake.
00:28.00[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: you should show us actual config and the actual attempt and tell us what you are trying to DO before you ask us "how"
00:29.10Kobazselect count(*) from log_queue.agents;
00:29.44micmic-[TK]D-Fender: extconfig.conf -> extensions => mysql,FD,Extensions
00:29.51micmic-all extensions are kept in a mysql table.
00:29.58[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: Stop being generic about this.
00:30.18[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: Show us what you're doing or we can't tell you where you went wrong
00:30.27micmic-[TK]D-Fender: yes yes, I am getting there
00:30.33*** join/#asterisk darksk1ez (~mhb@fsf/member/darkskiez)
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00:30.48[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: Go direct and skip "story time".
00:30.52[TK]D-FenderDo not pass "go"
00:30.57[TK]D-FenderDo not collect $200
00:31.06*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:31.13[TK]D-FenderDo not eat the yellow snow
00:31.23Kobazdon't pee on the electric fence
00:31.29Kobazor into the wind
00:32.05Kobazso, would having 44 million records in my queue agents log be a good indication i should delete some old data
00:32.15*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (
00:32.21micmic-[TK]D-Fender: simple as that: the receptionist has a customer on the phone and calls another person on the phone (PHONE NUMBER). If another person says "OK", she connects these two. Software generates AMI message Action: Bridge with two channels.
00:32.40micmic-and then things go bananas, => that log line pbx.c
00:34.39*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
00:35.33[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: Awaiting debug....
00:36.20micmic-sec. pastebin
00:42.13[TK]D-FenderMicNow try again including AMI DEBUG so we can even see the request.
00:42.13micmic-I think I have something.
00:42.22*** join/#asterisk tallest_red (
00:42.49[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: There are no details there.
00:43.06micmic-the request sent to AMI
00:43.30micmic-Action: Bridge
00:43.35micmic-Channel1: SIP...
00:43.40micmic-Channel2: SIP...
00:43.42micmic-and that's it.
00:44.00[TK]D-FenderPASTEBIN  <-
00:46.15micmic-as I am looking at the source code in that bit responsible for that
00:47.00[TK]D-FenderGuess you want to just waste time... best of luck with this.
00:47.15micmic-not really, I would like to solve the problem.
00:47.18Kobazmicmic-: seriously... provide more data
00:47.27[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: You clearly don't
00:47.49[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: You have bee playing "secret squirrel" from the start and provide nothing of value to look at.
00:47.57micmic-[TK]D-Fender: I am not an asterisk primer, pretty new to it
00:48.07[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: This runaround is a waste of our time
00:48.28[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: Real debug.  Real configs.
00:48.46micmic-[TK]D-Fender: can I then please ask you - which configs, to make things clear
00:48.48Kobazmicmic-: if you're new, then the best thing to do, is learn from the best, and follow their instructions... since the veterans do actually know what they are talking about
00:49.00*** join/#asterisk poseidon (
00:49.11[TK]D-FenderShow an actual call with actual dumps of the AMI being issued
00:49.40poseidonHello.  I'm interested in building some software to monitor calls in my call center.  Does anyone have suggestions on where I can pull information about calls and queues?
00:49.51[TK]D-Fenderposeidon: AMI
00:50.00[TK]D-Fenderposeidon: Queue Logs
00:50.08Kobazmicmic-: if you have super secret data like a password, just put some X's in it, but otherwise paste the logs as-is
00:50.22micmic-[TK]D-Fender: ok, working on it.
00:50.58micmic-[TK]D-Fender: the thing is - I have only data I gathered when doing some debug - live dumps can be done earliest in ca. 10 hours
00:51.01micmic-[TK]D-Fender: is that ok?
00:51.37Kobazyou can only provide what data you have
00:51.45Kobazand if it's not enough to diagnose the problem we'll let you know
00:51.47[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: Come back when you've got something to show us.
00:51.58[TK]D-Fendermicmic-: This is not a guessing game.
00:52.13Kobazbut being selective yourself about what data to provide is a recipe for lots of time wasted
00:52.16micmic-[TK]D-Fender: ok, good. We are about to reproduce this tomorrow (in 10 hrs)
00:52.32micmic-[TK]D-Fender: I'll get as much stuff as possible, live dumps, AMI requests etc.
00:52.42micmic-[TK]D-Fender: thanks for your time and sorry if you had an impression I was wasting your time
00:52.44Kobazcore set verbose 5
00:52.46micmic-Kobaz: same to you :)
00:53.36Kobazmicmic-: there's just way too many people who come in here and say "help, it's broke, help me fix"  and then provide some vague description of the problem and no hard evidence
00:54.12micmic-Kobaz: I can imagine, but now you set the rules and I got some instructions when I can come and ask for help. that's clear now ;)
00:54.13Kobazasterisk is a VERY complex system and everything is interacting with everything else and without log data, you really can't diagnose anything at all
00:54.22Kobazgood good
00:54.37[TK]D-FenderYou think X is happening.  Y is actually happening.  We can't see that.
00:55.18[TK]D-FenderDo I trust where anything is being pointed?  Of course not.  Samuel L. Jackson had wonderful things to say about assumptions.....
00:55.30micmic-rotfl ;)
00:55.34[TK]D-FenderSo if you want to fix something you have to actually look at it.
00:56.00*** part/#asterisk saysocomm (
00:56.02micmic-[TK]D-Fender: indeed, although believeme - as Kobaz said - there are sooo many things, I am really lost in the beginning ;)
00:56.17Kobazit takes a good two years to really get into asterisk
00:56.21Kobazenjoy the ride :P
00:56.54Kobazbut that's just about any complex skill really
00:57.09Kobazyou're only good at it until you've run into a bajillion and one problems and know how to fix them all
01:02.51micmic-ok, thanks a lot - I better hit the bed now
01:02.57Kobazhave fun
01:04.59[TK]D-Fender|<--ruied has left freenode (Ping timeout: 264 seconds) <-- not getting his debug either I guess
01:05.14Kobazpoor fella
01:06.03*** part/#asterisk kresp0 (
01:08.18poseidon[TK]D-Fender: Any suggestions for documentation on those/
01:08.37infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
01:08.53[TK]D-Fenderwiki, <-
01:15.44*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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02:44.46*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
02:48.00poseidon[TK]D-Fender: Do you know where I can find actions I can perform with AMI?
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02:49.51*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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04:02.10*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (~jsharp@
04:02.43jpsharpAnyone have a working outbound fax using spandsp?  I cannot for the life of me get mine back up and running.
04:04.55*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
04:05.53*** join/#asterisk CrazyTux[m] (
04:05.54*** join/#asterisk Sorcier_FXK (~nssystem@unaffiliated/sorcierfxk)
04:06.07CrazyTux[m]Hey guys - does anyone know if the manager.conf can be configured to use a FIFO instead of TCP
04:09.45*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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04:19.47*** join/#asterisk batphone (~boo@unaffiliated/batphone)
04:20.00batphoneanyone in here familiar with netsapiens soft switch? i cant seem to find a channel to ask in.
04:23.55batphonethis is actually a really cool product, but the last time i used it we had to bolt on an LCR
04:25.00batphoneits a linux box with a mysql back end with a web based front end that is more of a database development environment than a true GUI for an application
04:25.53batphoneit has been several years since i used it, so i thought id ask around and see if anyone has been able to make it scale
04:26.38batphonemy machines had four xeons and dozens of gigs of ram in them and could process about a million calls a day per box
04:27.57batphoneive seen it handle upwards of 200 CPS pretty easily, but i was able to write a benchmarking tool that found the upper limit of many aspects of the system
04:29.29batphonei was responsible for integrating with other SIP speaking carriers and out of the multitudes of SIP speaking gear out there I only found one or two that simply could not talk to it
04:29.42batphoneone was a specific version of a cisco call manager
04:30.02batphonewhich that vendor, some tiny cell phone provider somewhere in mexico, could not upgrade
04:30.04*** join/#asterisk wireddd (~wired@unaffiliated/wireddd)
04:30.16batphonehi wireddd
04:30.27batphonei have a question for you
04:30.38batphonehave you ever used a netsapiens soft switch?
04:31.09batphonek. i have another question too.
04:31.21batphonehave you ever built a GIGANTIC asterisk box?
04:31.56batphonedang dude
04:32.14batphoneso, whats up with you tonight. have any questions for me/
04:32.33*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:32.59batphonei have another question btw.
04:33.16batphoneany of you ever use GCS as an LCR?
04:33.59*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
04:34.00wiredddI can't get the second sagnoma a200 card to work in my asterisk box
04:34.13batphonewhats it doing
04:35.01wiredddI can't figure out how to get asterisk to talk to it properly
04:35.02WIMPyWhat is GCS?
04:35.04batphoneman i havent installed a sangoma in years. it was a pain in the ass to get it working. i had to use gentoo to make it happen. it was a t1 card, i might even have it laying around
04:35.17batphoneGCS is an LCR based on OpenSER
04:35.41batphoneasterisk shouldnt have a problem with the card
04:35.50wiredddit is a trixbox pro box as well and their support has been less than helpful
04:36.05batphoneoh well shit, trixbox
04:36.24batphonei had to admin one of those too. just getting multiple phones to ring was a huge hassle
04:36.33wiredddyeah, wasn't my choice to go with them in the first place
04:36.48batphonewhy did you buy a sangoma?
04:37.13batphoneis it for faxes or what
04:37.22wiredddno, analog lines
04:38.12batphonei never had to open up my trixbo
04:38.28batphonenot sure what that process would be like, to get new hardware configured and all
04:38.54wiredddwe just bought the software and support, it is running on a dell pc
04:39.10batphonei built a big set up based on those
04:39.14wiredddI think they sold us the sagnoma cards too though
04:39.20batphonewireddd: you are kidding
04:39.26batphonewireddd: and they wont help you get them working?
04:39.44wiredddoh they have tried and failed several times
04:40.02batphonedigium actually recommended some DECT phones to us once and then wouldnt support them when they didnt interoperate with trixbo
04:40.26WIMPyNoone supports Trixbox.
04:40.29wiredddgetting 1 working is easy, everything is autodetected and just works, the second one is another story
04:40.59batphoneah, i was thinking of switchvox, derp sorry
04:41.00*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
04:41.06batphoneim a little zonked right now
04:41.42batphonegonna get some coffee. i have a 12 pound brisket going thats been smoking for about 5 hours now.
04:42.14wiredddWIMPy, yeah... not even fonality apparently
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05:11.53*** join/#asterisk mail323 (
05:14.02mail323Does anyone know why a Polycom phone would refuse to store the SIP password?
05:14.58batphonemail323: maybe in the big config file it downloads there is an xml schema for it
05:15.12batphone<store pasword no>
05:15.16batphonesomething like that
05:15.48ChannelZOr maybe it disapproves of your terrible password.
05:16.09batphonethe letter "a".
05:16.45mail323No. I don't know why suddenly these phones are giving me hell. I would always copy the {macaddress}-phone.cfg file and now I have tried three phones and they don't even attempt to download the file.
05:17.15mail323So I Just said "screw this"  and try to configure the phone manually. I save the settings but when the phone reboots it still can't register and when I go back the password is blank
05:19.54ChannelZhave they been haxx0r3d and are provisioning from someplace else?  Or you have some syntax wrong in the config causing it not to parse correctly and fail?
05:21.28mail323ChannelZ: No they are provisioning from the internal server. I was getting some unxplained configuration errors but I have the same configuration files for a while without any issues
05:25.56mail323Can I just use a "secret = "  for a null password?
05:48.00batphonemail323: there are some pretty detailed logs you can pull up with polycoms
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05:48.24batphonemail323: id have to dig for it but you can find a list of hotkeys you can press on the phone to have it upload its configuration files and debug logs i think
05:48.49batphonei was referencing sip.cfg
05:49.03batphonein my earlir comment about the xml config file
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05:53.01batphonewin /7
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06:12.59mail323batphone: The phone is not downloading [macaddress]-phone.cfg, I even tried deleting it, so I don't understand why manually configured the phone will not save the password
06:13.38batphonemail323: create a mac address file with all 0'
06:13.42batphoneall zeroes
06:13.48batphoneit will do a TFTP get for that by default
06:13.56mail323batphone: Yes that is there by default
06:13.59batphonedo you have logging cranked up on your TFTP server?
06:14.20mail323batphone: No. I use HTTP
06:14.22batphoneis it that the phone is not attempting to download the file, or is it that your settings in the file are not taking effect?
06:14.36batphoneok, so your apache logs or whatever should tell you that much
06:14.59batphoneyou should be able to get a list of files that the phone attempts to download pretty easily.
06:15.55batphonetear them down until you get one to download. ive had to do that before but found it easier to just have the phone upload its current manual config, then edit that config.
06:16.26batphonethat way you are starting with a clean slate from the phone's perspective. it sounds like you have syntax problems in your config files.
06:16.33batphonethat or a networking problem.
06:17.02mail323I just rebooted another phone and it also does not download [macaddress]-phone.cfg
06:18.24batphonemail323: can you pastebin your phone's config files?
06:18.26mail323ChannelZ: Obviously the DNS is fine if the phone can download some files.
06:19.22ChannelZI didn't realize it was downloading anything.
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06:33.51mail323ChannelZ:  You were right! Once I changed the server to FQDN the phone downloads [macaddress]-phone.cfg and everything works! Going to format it just to be sure
06:36.14ChannelZso it was an IP before?
06:37.06kopilohey I know this is a legacy issue and it has more to do with debian than asterisk but I was wondering if you could help. I'm having issues with voicemail being recorded, I'm using format=wav but it errors out claiming any recording is less than 2 seconds. When I did some googling apparently that is because the right codec is not installed, but I have libavcodecs installed. Help?
06:38.19kopilois it possible to record voicemail using vorbis on 1.6x?
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06:42.21kopilothese are the warnings I am recieving:
06:45.48mail323ChannelZ: It's a long story, it was always a hostname but the network was split into different vlans and the server was replaced with a different hostname
06:47.32mail323kopilo: The path "  /tmp/asterisk_recordings/_var_spool_asterisk_voicemail_ANAT_Voicemail_107_tmp_mFEk90.wav"  seems rather odd. Are you able to leave voicemail with the default settings?
06:47.39*** join/#asterisk Nobody08 (
06:50.21mail323.wav format would be managed by, on my system the only dependencies for it are and
06:51.26mail323On this subject, anyone have issues playing .wav voicemail attachments on Android phones?
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06:51.51kopilodefault settings, that would be nice, I didn't set this system up
06:52.28mail323kopilo: Mainly you would be looking at format = in voicemail.conf
06:52.33kopiloI can verify that the folders exist with perms 777
06:52.49kopilo;format=g723sf|wav49|wav ?
06:53.44mail323kopilo: the semicolon at the beginning of that line indicates it is commented out. Any other instance of that line?
06:54.19kopilothe only other one I tried switching via uncommenting and it didn't work >.>
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06:54.47mail323Well a few things, is there any "include"  line in voicemail.conf? Is the disk full?
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06:55.11kopilodisk is at 94%
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06:55.55kopilono includes inside voicemail.conf
06:55.57mail323if you have no include line in voicemail.conf and no other format = line that is not commented out then I would try to add format = wav
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06:56.28kopiloyeah I tried that too :/
06:57.32mail323Do you have a /tmp/asterisk_recordings/ directory?
06:57.54mail323Create it!
06:58.14mail323maybe someone/something rm -rf /tmp/*
06:58.38kopilocreated it
06:58.52kopilostill exitied
06:59.18kopiloswitching it back to wav and changing perms
06:59.53mail323In asterisk.conf do you have something along the lines of record_cache_dir = /tmp/asterisk_recordings?
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07:01.46kopilono luck so far, checking
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07:02.17kopilorecord_cache_dir = /tmp/asterisk_recordings
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07:03.28mail323I'm convinced the issue is related to the error " WARNING[21663]: file.c:1148 ast_writefile: Unable to open file"
07:03.34kopilome too
07:04.03mail323By default in asterisk.conf that line is commented out. And it seems when it's commented out it tries to write the temp file to /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/1234/tmp
07:04.19mail323BTW you are reloading or restarting when you change the config?
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07:04.32mail323I would try to comment out the record_cache_dir line
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07:07.48kopilono joy
07:13.16mail323kopilo: What's the current error? Might want to try a restart if you edit asterisk.conf
07:14.06kopilofile.c:1148 ast_writefile: Unable to open file /tmp/asterisk_recordings/_var_spool_asterisk_voicemail_ANAT_Voicemail_107_tmp_vEk6JT.wav: No such file or directory
07:14.18kopilopeople are working late makes it impossible to restart >.<
07:14.38kopilophew they are leaving
07:14.44mail323"restart when convenient" and then go watch youtube
07:14.44kopilorestart all the things!
07:15.07mail323No, just restart the asterisk service
07:15.54kopilo#service restart asterisk worked!
07:16.27kopilothank you so much
07:17.04kopiloI also enabled astctlowner = root
07:17.20mail323I can honestly say I have no idea what that does
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07:21.50kopiloI still could kiss you mail323
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07:22.36kopilolater I will have to work out how to store the messages in a differnt location but for now it is working
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07:24.25bogrd__hi, i'm trying to connect to the asterisk-11.2.1 AMI via HTTP by following the steps on the asterisk book at ( ). but when i try to access the AMI using wget / curl, I get a 404 error. Any help would be great! :) thanks in advance..
07:24.37*** join/#asterisk radic (
07:25.27kopilobogrd first things first: is port 80 open on your firewall?
07:25.56kopilooh and are you curling from the same computer the asterisk server is on?
07:26.09bogrd__kopilo: yes..
07:26.21mail323bogrd__: Did you set webenabled = yes in manager.conf?
07:26.22bogrd__kopilo: and i'm curling on the same computer
07:26.30bogrd__mail323: one sec.. checking that..
07:26.57kopiloI gather bogrd did if those instructions were followed
07:28.03bogrd__kopilo: mail323: enabled was no :P sorry.. its working fine now.. no idea how i missed it ! :)
07:28.22kopiloyay :D
07:28.31kopiloyay for simple fixes
07:30.13kopiloI have a yes or no question if anyone likes. If I have an asterisk server connected to the interwebs in office a and softphones with internet in office b, can the softphones in office b be peers on the asterisk server?
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07:34.33volga629Hello Everyone, I am trying use t38modem, and I want about the following messages
07:34.38volga6292013/02/20 02:05:13.796Opal Liste...0x20cab700SIPReceived NOTIFY message-summary
07:34.40volga6292013/02/20 02:05:13.797Opal Liste...0x20cab700SIPCould not find a SUBSCRIBE corresponding to the NOTIFY message-summary
07:34.42volga6292013/02/20 02:05:13.797Opal Liste...0x20cab700SIPSending PDU 481 Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist (346 bytes) to: r
07:37.19kopilohave no idea what this means: Could not find a SUBSCRIBE corresponding to the NOTIFY
07:41.05volga629Let me see on debug
07:44.23volga629that what I found
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07:45.43kopilointeresting: Scheduling destruction of SIP dialog '' in 32000 ms (Method: REGISTER)
07:47.00volga629what interesting that I be able sent fax no problem
07:48.09kopilowell the sip dialog/fax is being scheduled for destruction which explains why "Call Leg/Transaction Does Not Exist" or maybe I'm just guessing too much
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07:49.42volga629I think might need disable subscription, because t38modem I guess don't have this option
07:51.27mail323I'm still looking for a working example of T.38 in Asterisk. Never seen it work.
07:51.48volga629I can send faxes no problem
07:52.14volga629but this message hmmm
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07:53.51mail323volga629: If you are not having any issues with it, then it's safe to ignore.
07:55.41volga629I think is safe for ignore, but I asked on forum t38modem more information about it. If I get this correctly it related to mailbox.
07:56.06volga629which modem don't have it
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07:57.00mail323volga629: Yes that's possible. You should probably look at a full SIP debug. I'd love to look it it but it's late and I was about to leave.
07:58.56volga629yes,  I will try check it tomorrow
08:01.01volga629thank you Everyone.
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08:39.03yangFrom your experience, which VoIP hardphones would you recommend for simple dialing without extension, I am looking into one with good sound quality ? Are Polycoms still having that kind of a reputation ?
08:41.17ChannelZsimple dialing "without extension"?
08:41.31yangwithout the extension set
08:41.54ChannelZstill scratching my head
08:42.14yangthe additional extension hotkeys plugged to hardphone
08:42.25ChannelZoh.. a sidecar
08:43.06yangAlso I am looking for a phone in the 100 eur range
08:43.38ChannelZin any event I have Linksys SPAs (now Cisco something-or-anothers) which I like well enough, they do enough without 500 buttons, aren't ugly...
08:45.53yangah its the VoIP adapter
08:45.57yangwell that isnt a hardphone
08:46.14yangI know those yeah
08:48.19ChannelZI'm talking about actual phones.  I think they are Cisco SPA5xx like the SPA502G
08:49.42yangI thought you were referring to SPA3102
08:49.43ChannelZ~100 US, whatever that is in euros
08:49.43infobotI think you lost me on that one, ChannelZ
08:49.52ChannelZhush bot
08:50.18ChannelZOh no, but I have one of those too :)
08:51.31*** join/#asterisk studybot_ (~studybot_@gateway/tor-sasl/studybot/x-68286794)
08:56.10yangChannelZ: are they good for SIP ?
09:08.30ChannelZI haven't had any problems
09:09.07ChannelZ(again mine are Linksys, before Cisco bought them, and I don't know if they changed the firmware and Crisco-ized it)
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09:09.50din3shHello Ppl
09:10.18yangChannelZ: thanks for the hint
09:11.31ChannelZSure. Just one humble opinion
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09:32.47linociscohi all
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09:46.36danfromukHi, Ive got a client whose isp blocks sip calls. Custom ports dont seem to help. So i want to set up a vpn for that user to get around the problem. Once the vpn is set up, whats best? Give the asterisk box a private IP and then give all vpn users private ips? Or give the users a public ip which they can use to access asterisk using its public ip?
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10:29.23linociscohi all
10:29.25linociscoI need ur help on asterisk
10:29.25linociscoMy asterisk config on QNAP TS-259 Pro+ which is settop box. I also configured grandstream HT702 2 FXS ports and let them call each other. First thing is that i can only choose user extension starting from 6000 only. 2nd thing is big annoyance beacuse after pressing ext no. to call to another ext., i feel it is so long to hear ringing tone. it is big delay i heard nothing before it actually rang when i called another. What would be the most likely p
10:29.25linociscoroblem and how to correct? Actually, I am not familiar with asterisk commands. To make sure, I restarted both QNAP server and grandstream device but still the same when I dial.
10:33.13kaldemarthe HT is what you need to look at, not asterisk.
10:34.04kaldemarit generates the ringing tone and defines when it dials after you have pressed keys.
10:34.23kaldemaralso, asterisk does not limit what you can dial.
10:36.21bogrd__hi, i'm trying to use the originate command in asterisk-11.2.1 CLI. It says "No such command...". Am i missing something here? even the originate command is not auto-completing in asterisk-CLI...
10:36.27linociscokaldemar, so what parameters should I check on HT?
10:37.16kaldemarlinocisco: no idea. check its manual.
10:37.33kaldemarbogrd__: what command are you trying to use, exactly?
10:38.03R1ckdoes _X. not match +31260000000 ?
10:38.22kaldemarR1ck: no. X is a digit, + is not.
10:39.01bogrd__kaldemar: this >> originate SIP/hello application dial SIP/world
10:40.20bogrd__kaldemar: basically i'm trying to bridge two calls using this command..
10:41.32kaldemarbogrd__: the command is "channel originate" instead of "originate".
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10:43.11bogrd__kaldemar: oh.. thanks.. its working now! :) and this can be used to bridge calls right?
10:46.02R1ckkaldemar: if I replace _X. with _[0-9+]! I guess it would match, but is this usage.. frowned upon?
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10:51.09kaldemarbogrd__: more like bridge endpoints. but yes.
10:51.20kaldemarR1ck: it's completely acceptable.
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11:08.30bombevhi all
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11:18.26R1ckkaldemar: oh, nice.
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11:46.47x1userHello. Think that i have some problems with NAT and Asterisk. Some users when pick up the phone dont hear anything ;>
11:48.40infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
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12:18.47Ice_StrikeI have enabled /etc/xinetd.d/tftp but where are the log? I want to see if hardware phone have attempted to connect to tftp server
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12:24.58GreenlightI've got a really odd situation, and can't think how to move forward in diagnosing it. I've two channels, which start of bridged. Audio is fine both ways. I redirect them both into a ConfBrdige, again all is fine, audio both ways. I then bridge the channels again (Via a ManagerBridge), and now I have one way audio.
12:25.55rachoi know the question is not very appropriate but if someone has used linphonesh can it enlighten me how to terminate a call without making the user drop from an asterisk queue?
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12:33.59GreenlightWould a manager bridge always honour the "directmedia=no" settings against the peer - or could it be trying to remotely bridge them ? If so, how could I avoid it doing that ?
12:41.33filethe directmedia setting is enforced within chan_sip, no matter who tries to use it it will be enforced if set
12:42.05GreenlightHmm well it's not that then. Thanks
12:42.23GreenlightJust don't see how suddenly the channels have one way audio
12:42.43GreenlightSomething's happening to one/both of them I guess, but i've no idea where to look now
12:46.08GreenlightEven odder, the MixMonitor that's running on one of the channels, stops writing to the file. Audiohook inheritance is enabled.
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13:15.54GreenlightWhats the best way to see some sort of debugging output in regards channels being bridged ?
13:17.38[TK]D-FenderAs in?
13:18.34GreenlightBridging channels using a manager bridge, is stopping MixMonitor recording (audiohook inhertiance is enabled) and causing one way audio. There's got to be something odd happeing but I can't see what from the standard CLI output
13:19.09GreenlightSo I need some further debugging output of some sort
13:20.31GreenlightIt may be that the bridge thread is becoming deadlocked and never completing, I'm just not sure
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13:26.39kaldemarGreenlight: sip debug during the bridge command and rtp debug to see if there is any rtp going through asterisk.
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13:43.13Greenlightsip debug shows nothing at all during the bridge, so at least I know it's 100% not trying to remoetly bridge etc. rtp debug stops showing anything after the bridge
13:44.20Greenlightwhere abouts does "rtp debug" measure and report from ?
13:50.12GreenlightLike, the sip channel must still be receiving RTP, so if it's not being reported by "rtp debug" where abouts does that indicate the issue is?
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14:12.01GreenlightAre "#ifdef FOR_DEBUG" type debugging messaged enabled in menuselect?
14:12.31GreenlightI see something in the code that looks like it's existing if a zombie flag is set, and i'm thinking that could be what's happening here
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14:23.55krotoshi all guy
14:24.09krotosthe "R" key on old phone, can be captured on asterisk to activate atxfer?
14:25.40[TK]D-Fenderkrotos, that is a question for whatever interface you have it plugged into
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14:37.18R1ckI want to firewall my asterisk server, but when I do, the asterisk server cant send audio to SIP phones - why is that or where can I find info on how to work around that?
14:38.10R1ckis that RTP?
14:38.25[TK]D-FenderR1ck, If it can't send where you want it to send then you are clearly blocking things you shouldn't be.  Stop doing that
14:38.38[TK]D-FenderR1ck, And yes, the audio is RTP
14:38.39R1ckthats what I'm asking
14:38.46R1ckwhat do I need to unblock
14:39.03R1ckso I'll try RTP first
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14:41.38jmetrortp is the audio stream
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14:48.09bitwizeI need help defining multiple blacklist filters for a AMI manager in manager.conf, the filter works fine if I define "eventfilter=!Event: RTCP*", the problem occurres when I'm trying to define multiple blacklist filters. When I define multiple "eventfilter"-rows no events beeing filtered. Am i supposed to define all filters on the same "eventfilter"-row?
14:48.24bitwizeIf so, how would this syntax look like?
14:49.19bitwizeI cannot find this information on google nor in my o'reilly book
14:49.45GreenlightOooh, I was looking for a similar filter, those damn RTCP events are bloody spammy
14:51.24GreenlightI thought you could define them on separate rows, I've webpage somewhere that I had open about it, 2 secs
14:51.38GreenlightAhh here:
14:51.38bitwizeIndeed, there is alot of event-info that I do not need to receive :)
14:51.41bitwizeok, great
14:53.24GreenlightThe only difference what what you said you tried is that your using a wildcard match for the RTCP, rather that defining them separetely, maybe try that ?
14:53.57bitwizeExactly, I'll give it a try, bbs :)
14:57.06bitwizeThe same problem occures without the wildcard, if I only define one eventfilter-row with one blacklist filter it wors fine, when I define multiple rows no events beeing filtered....
14:58.34GreenlightHmm, odd. I didn't get as far as actually trying it at this side, it's on my "todo" list. Lemme try and see, two secs
14:58.47bitwizeMaybe this is related to my version of Asterisk...
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15:00.00GreenlightI'm running 11.2.1 so will let you know in a momnety
15:02.10coreyf1513bitwize: I don't have 1.8 anymore but you might try latest.  at one point i tried multiple filters without success, then weeks later the filters worked (I assume due to an asterisk update)
15:02.41GreenlightSeems to be working a treat on 11.2.1; think it's your version
15:02.51bitwizeOK, it looks like there is also possible to dynamically populate temporary filters via Action-commands through AMI. In worst case maybe I can populate theese filters from the client when connection has been established.
15:03.48GreenlightYou could just upgrade to latest version of 1.8 ?
15:04.11GreenlightFrom what coreyf1513 said it's been fixed at some point
15:05.02bitwizeahh.. actually we are planning an upgrade from to 11.2.1 in a couple of weeks so I can live with just the RTCP*-filter for now..
15:05.17bitwizecoreyf1513: great thanks for the input!
15:05.26GreenlightWell, it 100% works in 11.2.1 so you'll be sorted then
15:05.49bitwizeGreenlight: Thank you for helping me out, I just wait for the migration to 11.2.1
15:06.07GreenlightNo worries, glad to help
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15:11.36caliShould localnet be set under [general] in sip.conf?
15:12.13leifmadsenalong with externip
15:12.35FaustovI love ex turnips
15:12.40caliIs it discarded if it is not in [general]?
15:13.19leifmadsenit is a global setting
15:13.28leifmadsenpoints at and sip.conf.sample
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15:13.56calithe same for externaddr?
15:14.01leifmadsenread the docs
15:14.12leifmadsenit is clear how they work together
15:14.31calithank you
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15:14.52[gabri]hi people i am triying phpagi and i have a problem
15:15.37[gabri]my simple script are in
15:15.59[gabri]My error is " Call to undefined method AGI::text2wave"
15:16.10[gabri]i installed text2wave without problem
15:16.40[gabri]My call script are in
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15:26.17[gabri]i can't fix the problem
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15:35.09coreyf1513[gabri]: documentation mentions a procedure text2wav, not text2wave
15:38.29[gabri]coreyf1513:  thaaaaaanks thanks thanksssssssssssssss
15:38.38[gabri]coreyf1513: you are god man!!!!!!!!
15:39.59caliGetting: looks like a NAT issue but I have set nat=yes in peer's configuration.
15:41.19[TK]D-Fendercali, That is a response to a QUILFY packet.  What gives you the impression that this is anything negative?  Go place an actual call.
15:42.16caliWell, when placing a remote call only the recipient can hear something.
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15:46.51GreenlightRight, *something* is preventing RTP packets from passing when channels are bridged. I've narrowed it down to something inside ast_channel_bridge in channel.c - are there any specific places in here that I should focus my attentions on
15:47.39GreenlightThis appears to only happen if the channels have previously already been brdiged or redirected, so am thinking something is getting set or left over from the bridge or redirect, causeing the final bridge to not work right
15:48.04R1ckwhat other firewall ports do I need to open, besides RTP and SIP, for a SIP trunk to function properly? right now if I start the firewall and I call the number, nothing happens in asterisk (even with very verbose logging and sip debug peer), if I turn off the firewall everything works as expected..
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15:52.34[TK]D-FenderR1ck, You keep talking about "firewall" generically.  Show us your actual settings
15:52.39infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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15:53.26[TK]D-FenderR1ck, So far this is also with no implication of any other networking transform in the chain.
15:55.17R1ck[TK]D-Fender: by "show us your settings" you mean, my firewall script?
15:56.48[TK]D-FenderR1ck, Or at least what it has done
15:58.00GreenlightWhy don't I see debug output in the CLI after doing "core set debug 9999" ?
15:59.11[TK]D-Fenderperhaps you should pick a more reasonable number
15:59.13R1ck[TK]D-Fender: SIP rules from line 346 and RTP rules from 551
15:59.24[TK]D-FenderAnd confirm things like calls actually taking place....
15:59.39GreenlightI thought it was like verbose, and a highter number included everything ?
16:00.51GreenlightThere's a load of "ast_debug(1," that it's hitting in the source code, along with extra ones I've added, yet none of them are showing in CLI
16:03.22R1ckwhat's funny is that I can make outgoing calls just fine with the firewall on
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16:04.56[TK]D-Fender$IPTABLES -A OUTPUT -o $ETH -m udp -p udp --sport ${PORT} -j ACCEPT
16:05.16[TK]D-Fendernot sure what the source is supposed to look like...
16:05.25[TK]D-Fenderbut thqat script is just way too much for me to wade through.
16:05.55[TK]D-FenderAnd you are restricting IP's on those sections as well and we have no details.
16:06.56[gabri]coreyf1513: can i ask other question?
16:07.05R1ckdoesnt matter what source is supposed to look like, the bit that allows RTP is with --dport ${PORT}
16:08.11R1ckmy trunk peer is which is allowed on line 484
16:10.12[TK]D-Fenderr1Dport is whatever the dest asks for.
16:10.16[TK]D-FenderYou have no control over that
16:10.57[TK]D-FenderYou also haven't told us the rest of the networking involved in all of the pieces of this
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16:12.07R1ckthe --dport bit doesnt matter, I can delete that rule, the bit that makes RTP work is with --sport
16:12.56gauravpHi all, Just wanted to check if anyone else is having issues calling toll-free numbers from Asterisk via Google-Voice this morning? Checked online and saw reports on forums several months ago, so it does seem to happen from time to time
16:13.29[gabri]When i call to my asterisk i have this error: [Feb 20 17:13:08] NOTICE[27109][C-00000001]: chan_sip.c:25423 handle_request_invite: Call from '0034912692714' ( to extension 's' rejected because extension not found in context 'entrada-sip'.
16:14.04[TK]D-Fender[gabri], Because precisely like it says, there is no match for "s" in [entrada-sip]
16:14.10[TK]D-Fender[gabri], What was unclear about that?
16:14.26[gabri]exten => s,n,Answer
16:14.26[gabri]exten => s,n,Hangup
16:14.32[gabri]i have s in entrada-sip
16:14.43[TK]D-Fender[gabri], You have no 1 priority there
16:15.00[TK]D-Fender[gabri], You can't just use "n" without having a 1 first
16:15.10[gabri]ok thanks
16:15.13[gabri]thanks thanks !!
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16:28.24R1ckis there some kind of benchmarking / stress testing tool for testing voip connections? We have an ADSL line here with 1mbit up and I want to find out how many concurrent outbound calls that will handle
16:29.04GreenlightIt depends on the codec you're using, and how much headroom you want to leave
16:29.21Rico29R1ck> do you know sipsak ?
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16:29.30WIMPyJust ask aunt google for a voip bandwidth calculator and you will know.
16:29.40R1ckRico29: no, but thanks
16:29.59R1ckWIMPy: I'm not interested in calculators.. I want to do real-world tests
16:30.51GreenlightThen make some phone calls ....
16:31.03R1ckyes, I think we'll do that
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16:31.14drmessanoThat's going to be a big subjective
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16:31.27drmessanoCalculate it out, and subtract a couple for overhead
16:31.31GreenlightIf you're using G711, and that 1mb is *dedicated* then personally I'd only go upto 8 or 9
16:31.59drmessanoBandwidth calculators are not just magic... there is real math involved
16:32.02GreenlightTechnically you can sequeeze 10 or 11 but I'd not push it that far
16:32.33Greenlight1mb sounds like adsl, and it's likely contended, and subject to resync hihger or lower over time, so you need to leave some headroom
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16:33.01R1ckoh, that G711 leads me to another question: my trunk provider stated they only allow alaw over the trunk. Does that mean if my phones use G711 to my asterisk server, they can't call out? or will Asterisk convert it to alaw automatically?
16:33.14Greenlightalaw is G711
16:33.22GreenlightSo you're fine
16:33.48Rico29Greenlight> G711a != G711u
16:33.57drmessanoAsterisk will transcode
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16:34.01drmessanoNot a problem
16:34.07GreenlightRico29: I never said they were the same
16:34.10R1ckah okay
16:34.32igcewielingit is better to use the same codec for the phones as for the provider, but there are many good reasons why you might not want to.
16:35.10igcewielingany provider which does not support g729 is a provider you want to stay away from
16:35.21drmessanoR1ck:  "G711" is missing the important "a" or "u".. If your phones can use g711a, you won't be transcoding
16:35.42drmessano[11:35] <igcewieling> any provider which does not support g729 is a provider you want to stay away from  <---- ++
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16:36.15drmessanoIf a provider is not willing to spend money on you, then you shouldnt spend money on them
16:37.48igcewielingexactly what drmessano, even if you don't actually want to use g729.
16:41.32[gabri]i have this script
16:42.10[gabri]when i execute this i haven't got errors but the result isn't good
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16:48.58WIMPy[gabri]: You have to implement the protocol. Just throwing data at AMI doesn't work.
16:49.21infobotcollectdebug is, like, a method of collecting logs allowing others help troubleshoot an issue.  Refer to
16:50.36[gabri]mm WIMPy  and with Setvar?
16:51.10WIMPy[gabri]: Doesn't matter. You have to wait for Asterisk to acknowledge your login befor sending any other actions.
16:51.38QwellThe script is also immediately logging off, without doing anything else.
16:51.50Qwellwell, trying to
16:52.02Qwellnot that it ever actually gets sent
16:52.24[gabri]mmm i need to do two actions?
16:52.43QwellYou need to actually send the actions that you've got.
16:52.49WIMPyYou already have 3 actions.
16:53.27[gabri]mmm ok
16:53.34WIMPyAMI isn't a one way street. You have to listen for it's answers.
16:54.25WIMPyThere are some libraries out there to alledgedly make it easier for you.
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16:55.11[gabri]mmm great
16:55.30[gabri]can you give the name of the best library
16:55.48eirirsthe library in Alexandria.
16:55.53[TK]D-Fender[gabri], phpagi alreday has this <-
16:55.59igcewieling[gabri]: what language
16:56.02Qwelleirirs: I don't know you, but I love you.
16:56.35GreenlightAm going through the source code here, and am just hitting a brick wall. Can't see anything that would cause a bridge, to suddenly stop any rtp at all from a channel. Anyone ever seen something like that happen before, or able to point in a direction of the function where rtp may be getting stopped, dropped, or not moved on ?
16:58.27GreenlightWhatever is happening seens to be occuring *before* it hits either the ast_generic_bridge, or the technology specific bridge method, as both have the same issue
16:59.51WIMPyGreenlight: I think wee need a description of what's going on first.
17:02.17GreenlightBasically, whats happening is that I've two SIP channels, which are bridged (via AMI). All works fine, audio flows both ways. I then dual-redirect to a ConfBridge. Again all is fine, audio both ways, things are good. I then Bridge the two channels again, and suddently I have one-way audio, and it's like the RTP packets are getting stopped somewhere.
17:03.38GreenlightNow, I've previously Bridge channels that are in a ConfBridge without any issue, so I *think* that the Redirect, is somehow setting a flag, or doing something, that's causing the following bridge to go a bit crazy
17:03.46WIMPyHave you tried to take a close look at whatever events are generated? Anything different there?
17:03.55[gabri]mmm igcewieling [TK]D-Fender i tried this:
17:04.14[gabri]i can see that the mark users is logged, but i can't see any call
17:04.54GreenlightThe events all look the same, so far the debug output looks the same. But at the point of the bridge function being called, rtp just stops
17:05.09Greenlight"rtp debug" goes from spamming the CLI to completely quiet
17:05.42WIMPyGreenlight: Completely quiet? Didn't you say oy get one way?
17:05.47GreenlightAs I say, I've been stepping through the source code, but I'm not that familiar with it
17:06.43GreenlightWIMPy: Ahh I didn't have a mic plugged in on that particular test, so there was no audio being generated in that direction, but when I did have a mic, or called a differnt phone, the audio was one way
17:06.55GreenlightThe other thing that's strange
17:07.01GreenlightYou ever used xlite?
17:07.16GreenlightYou know how it likes to spam RTP 126 packets to "keep-alive" ?
17:07.22WIMPyI treid to some years ago.
17:07.48GreenlightLike every minute or so, you get a unrecognised RTP notice in the CLI
17:08.30WIMPyHave you found out the pattern which channel gets stopped? Is it always the first/second of the last bridge action?
17:08.31GreenlightNothing to worry about, however, when the bridge is doing it's "rtp-blocking" these seem to build up in the background, and I've noticed when the bridge ends, I get them all through at once (the CLI noticed)
17:09.03GreenlightIt's always the same order
17:09.37WIMPyHave you tried other combinations not involving ConfBridge in between? Like just 3 phones connected round robin?
17:11.01GreenlightI've another application that does hundreds of thousands of bridges out of ConfBridges every day without a problem, so I *think* it's that DualRedirect which is somehow doing it
17:11.28GreenlightI don't know if there's a channel flag, that can get set somewhere, or something like that
17:12.23WIMPyIf you don't get the warning about theunknown RTP packets, either. It rather sounds like it stops receiving.
17:13.15WIMPyLike some thread isn't woken up, maybe. Or a receie task going missing.
17:13.37WIMPyI don't know the internals of the RTP stuff. Just guessing.
17:13.43GreenlightThat's my train of though, but unfortunately, so much of the asterisk code is alien to me
17:14.01[gabri]mmm igcewieling [TK]D-Fender i have the call but the Set command isn't work texto is empty
17:14.08GreenlightI was kinda hoping someone would read this and go "ah ha, this is what it is..."
17:14.13GreenlightMaybe wishful thinking :)
17:14.23filethe RTP stack uses the PBX thread for reading, if the PBX thread is not servicing the channel it will not read RTP packets and they can build up
17:14.27Qwell[gabri]: Set: isn't a valid header.
17:14.48fileI have no immediate comment as to why that would occur
17:14.58[gabri]mm Qwell what are the mistake, the ":" character?
17:15.01GreenlightAny where in the code to point my attention at ?
17:15.20filenot really... that spans a lot
17:15.39filewhat version of Asterisk and what is the exact AMI command usage?
17:15.45GreenlightSO latest
17:15.49[gabri]mm Qwell this cal file are working,
17:15.53GreenlightTwo secs I'll paste bin
17:16.15[TK]D-Fender[gabri],    'Set:'=> 'texto=esto no mola absolutamente nada', <-- and the reason you put the : in there is?
17:17.10[gabri]mm [TK]D-Fender i removed the : and the results is the same it was a mistake
17:18.02[gabri]Set it's correct? i am thinking about Variables command
17:18.39Qwell[gabri]: What does the documentation say about it?
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17:20.16[gabri]mm Qwell  i don't know i am looking for in
17:20.32Qwell[gabri]: manager show command Originate
17:21.05Greenlight@file: That's the exact command usage
17:21.21[gabri]mm Qwell the documentation says aboutVariable Channel variable to set, multiple Variable:
17:21.35fileGreenlight, there was substantial work done to the dual redirect stuff in Asterisk 11 that hasn't yet hit a release - I'd be curious if it solved it...
17:21.55GreenlightAhh that's interesting
17:22.06Qwellfile: maybe it was implemented as a duel redirect, and only one channel can win?
17:22.08[gabri]Qwell: thanks thanks thanks
17:22.19[gabri]Qwell:  [TK]D-Fender  the correct way is with Variable
17:22.19fileQwell, !!!
17:22.24[gabri]thanks thanks mens!!!!
17:22.33fileGreenlight, can you try the 11 branch to see if that does it?
17:22.51Greenlightsvn isn't it
17:22.59GreenlightLemme go set it up
17:23.57mjordanfile: Greenlight: pretty sure that fix is in 11.3.0-rc1
17:24.33fileooh it is
17:24.34GreenlightAny idea what specifically it fixed - is there an JIRA issue around ?
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17:24.51[gabri]mm Qwell  [TK]D-Fender  thanks!!!
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17:25.15fileASTERISK-18975 and ASTERISK-19948 but because it was a race condition it wouldn't surprise me if things went a little wonky...
17:25.49GreenlightWell - I shall grab 11.3.0-rc1 and cross my fingers, toes, legs and arms
17:26.15fileif that doesn't solve it I'll take a gander further
17:26.31GreenlightIt be wgetting it's way to my box already
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17:38.30GreenlightOk, testing now, fingers crossed!
17:39.27GreenlightDamn. Still one way audio after that bridge
17:40.15GreenlightI wonder if I can get away with two seperate redirects
17:40.34Greenlight*if* that's what's causing peculiar behaviour
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17:42.43filenothing immediately stands out
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17:49.07GreenlightHmm, not as simple to change to single redirect's as I'd thought, need to ensure the other channel goes back into the dialplan and doesn't just get hungup
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17:53.27GreenlightDamn .. gonna need to re-work how some of this is done. Will pick this up again later or tomorrow, as need to leave the office now. Thanks for your help
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18:21.19navaismoanyone here have seen this error while compiling wanpipe:  error: ‘struct sock’ has no member named ‘sk_sleep’
18:21.49Qwellnavaismo: You need to #undef sandals
18:21.53QwellOtherwise, no socks allowed.
18:22.29navaismook.. now im lost :S
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19:12.37Kobazis there any way to reconfigure a single sip peer either in 11 or trunk
19:12.42Kobazlike a sip reload 1234
19:12.48Kobazrather than an all out sip reload
19:13.35ChainsawKobaz: That's a good one. I don't think sip qualify peer 1234 goes deep enough for what you have in mind.
19:13.43[TK]D-FenderReload is the module, not a partial parse of a config file
19:13.56Kobaznot module reload chan_sip
19:13.59ChainsawKobaz: So you get to just reload the whole shebang and like it I suppose.
19:13.59Kobaza 'sip reload'
19:14.30Kobazit would be really useful when using realtime to do a single peer
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19:15.35jercosHullo. So when I attach to asterisk with -r, I'm informed of the current verbosity with the phrase "at least", does that imply that there are cases where the actual verbosity will be higher than the number given?
19:18.26Kobazthis is exciting
19:18.35Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: i started porting my local asterisk branch to 11
19:18.48ChainsawKobaz: I'm on 11. It's been very good to me.
19:18.58Kobaznot too many crashes and deadlocks?
19:19.08ChainsawKobaz: System uptime: 3 weeks, 6 days, 4 hours, 35 minutes, 39 seconds
19:19.31ChainsawKobaz: Now it's just two offices, so it has done only ~3100 calls in that time.
19:19.42drmessanoI've had some problems with 11 lately, but I don't want to be the "ZOMG 11 IS TEH BROKE" guy because I haven't spent much time on it
19:19.44ChainsawKobaz: But still, back in the 1.2 days 4 days was a stretch.
19:19.47Kobazmy servers do ~5000+ calls a day
19:19.53Kobazi restart asterisk nightly
19:20.00Kobazso i dont even know how long i would be able to keep it up
19:20.02ChainsawKobaz: Yeah, most people do a lot more. But I do SIP over TCP, I fiddle with the SSL options...
19:20.05drmessanoBut I have a box that manages to keep SIP going for about 24 hours before it stops responding
19:20.17ChainsawKobaz: So I'm quite good at breaking it. If there's something wrong with it, I will find it.
19:20.22Kobazyeah me too
19:20.30mjordanKobaz: sorcery may potentially allow for that sort of thing
19:20.35Kobazi was the one screaming zomg 1.8 is teh broke when it first came out
19:20.38ChainsawKobaz: But in the interest of full disclosure, that does have a distro patchset applied.
19:20.44Kobazand then i put in three bug fixes into sip and then it stopped crashing
19:20.47ChainsawKobaz: Oh, the non-existent SIP peer problems?
19:21.00Kobazit was like sip header parsing
19:21.01ChainsawKobaz: Those were infuriating. I had to rewrite my whole dial plan to work around it, because I was not believed.
19:21.08Kobazi found a null deref in the header checking
19:21.19Kobazand some other stuff
19:21.23Kobazref leaks in subscribes too
19:21.28Kobazasterisk was using 2 gigs in 4 days
19:21.30Kobazwith the ref leaks
19:21.55drmessanoChainsaw:  Had any issues with chan_sip becoming non-responsive after a day or so with TCP, TCPTLS?
19:22.37Chainsawdrmessano: Not anymore. The certificate chaining support in Asterisk is broken though.
19:22.40Kobazbut all those chan_sip fixes also went into trunk and also went into 10/11
19:22.45Kobazso i should be good on that aspect
19:22.46Chainsawdrmessano: So if you want to use a *real* certificate, you need to apply a patch.
19:22.56drmessanoOh really?
19:23.01drmessanoWhere is this patch?
19:23.06Kobazorly forreels
19:23.13ChainsawSitting in the bug tracker unloved. Like most of the stuff in my distro patchset.
19:23.54drmessanoWhen you say REAL, you mean, self-signed work, but anything involving a cert issued from some authority is wonky?
19:24.06Chainsawdrmessano: Confirmed.
19:24.20drmessanoSon of a bitch
19:24.23Chainsawdrmessano: We have a wildcard cert for the entire organisation. Obviously I want to use that.
19:24.29drmessanoMe too
19:24.41Kobazwildcard ftw
19:24.46Chainsawdrmessano: It won't work now. If you pay Digium, please shout at them. They don't listen to me.
19:25.18drmessanoChainsaw:  The "hold my beer and watch this" moment in the logs was something along the lines of a file not found with the cert?
19:25.34Chainsawdrmessano: It'll generally pretend the cert isn't valid and refuse to load.
19:25.36drmessanoThats vague.. I am trying to remember the exact error
19:25.59Chainsawdrmessano: Upstream bug. Ignored for a long time.
19:26.41Chainsawdrmessano: I have loads of these "obviously correct" ones that are lingering. comes to mind.
19:27.03Chainsawdrmessano: I think your hang is this though:
19:27.27Chainsawcan tell that SSL is untested
19:27.35ChainsawBecause anyone that tried to use it in earnest would notice that.
19:27.57drmessanoI am working on applying it
19:28.03ChainsawAnd having scavenged those two SSL-related patches is the only thing that gets me those three weeks.
19:28.13Chainsawdrmessano: I have them ready-made here.
19:29.18Chainsawdrmessano: It should all apply. Most if not all have headers to show origins.
19:29.38Chainsawis assuming 11.2.1 here
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19:35.59drmessanoIm building now..
19:36.56ChainsawThat one will SSL for you. Guaranteed.
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19:39.53drmessanoI applied both... Much appreciated.  I should know in about 24 hours.  Maybe less.  The sucky part is that I absolutely have to initiate a call on that box to break it.  It will sit there like a Zombie before chan_sip dies to the point that monit sends an email.
19:40.06drmessanoDefeats the purpose of proactive monitoring :)
19:40.32drmessanoSo I will make a test call every couple hours until it dies
19:40.38drmessanono, _IF_
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19:56.43autofsckkhello, anybody using asterisk on pfsense?
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20:06.15ChannelZisn't that just a firewall script?
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20:07.05ChannelZoh.. it's a whole FreeBSD distro..
20:07.32nightrid3rpfsense is a firewall distro with a number of addons
20:08.24leifmadsenI just use astlinux
20:08.33leifmadsenI don't even use the asterisk part of it, just the firewall/routing part
20:08.39leifmadsensince it works so well
20:09.16lorsungcui prefer dedicated hardware for firewalls
20:09.35lorsungcustill don't quite get the attraction of using big x86 machines as routers/firewalls
20:15.42WIMPyThe advantage ist that you can configure them to do what you need.
20:16.18solmstedHello, I've been writing a FastAGI application with Asterisk 1.8.20.  Is this the right channel to ask questions?
20:16.44WIMPyIf it's about the Asterisk part
20:16.52infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:17.20solmstedMy FastAGI application has been working great, but I ran into one problem: I have to pass a relatively large amount of data to an Asterisk command.
20:17.20solmstedMy TCP server shows that all of it is getting written to the socket.  The Asterisk console shows it only receives the first 2048 characters.  My TCP server receives two '510' errors back from Asterisk.
20:17.26solmstedI'm guessing that the command is getting split into two packets, and Asterisk is acting on the data in the first packet without waiting for the newline character.  When Asterisk receives the second packet, it looks like gibberish.
20:17.31solmstedDoes this make sense?  Anyway to fix it, other then by sending less data?
20:17.59lorsungcuWIMPy: not sure what you can do using something like pfsense that you couldn't do with some dedicated solution
20:18.23WIMPyWhat kind of packet is 2048 bytes in size?
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20:18.53solmstedidk, packet might not be the right word
20:19.01WIMPylorsungcu: I have no idea what pfsense can do.
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20:20.35WIMPyBut I know people who changed over to using PCs as routers because of Cisco stupidities.
20:21.18lorsungcuyeah, I've used plenty of stuff like pfsense
20:21.31lorsungcusome others
20:21.41lorsungcuended up using Routerboards
20:22.30WIMPyYes, nice things.
20:28.33autofsckkhi, anybody using asterisk on a pfsense box?
20:48.22Chainsawdrmessano: Indeed, if. But let me know. Because if that works very well for you we should find a way to petition Digium to take this more seriously.
20:48.38Chainsawdrmessano: Normally I could talk to leifmadsen, but he's not a bug marshal anymore. I miss this.
20:49.22Chainsawdrmessano: Sorry for the delay, I had one of these famous "short phone calls" with our DBA. The man can talk.
20:49.30leifmadsentalk to rnewton
20:49.39leifmadsenhe is the new primary bug marshal
20:50.06Chainsawleifmadsen: Okay. As a welcome present I shall await drmessano's verdict before I bother in earnest.
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20:55.53newtonrleifmadsen: newtonr :)
20:56.02newtonrleifmadsen: just looked over and saw
20:56.09leifmadsenya, that guy
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20:57.44newtonrChainsaw: i'll scroll up and read, but otherwise feel free to private message me anytime, or more appropriately bring it up in #asterisk-bugs
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20:58.18Mon|A|rchso, having an odd issue
20:58.29leifmadseneven it up
20:58.34Mon|A|rchtwo offices are making calls through this extension. one office, no trouble
20:58.40Mon|A|rchother office, can't make outbound calls
20:58.44Mon|A|rchthere's the sip log
20:58.58Mon|A|rchfirst it dials their extension with originate, no problem, then it tries to dial out
20:59.09Mon|A|rchi can't find the error in the sip log
20:59.18Mon|A|rchany insight would be appreciated
20:59.26Chainsawnewtonr: I shall peruse the bug channel when drmessano reports back. Thank you.
20:59.32Mon|A|rchI'll paste the relevant dialplan extension in a sec, but it's pretty simple
20:59.52nny I have an odd issue where a phone is disconnecting at 25 seconds. The pastebin shows a portion of the sip dialog. In the Via: section is shows an IP address of another phone in the network not involved int he test, this is asterisk 1.4.43. Thoughts?
21:00.05nnyer it shows two IP address in Via:
21:00.30nnyI have a full pastebin of the sip dialog if needed
21:02.06nny full pastebin
21:05.05*** join/#asterisk BrokenArrow (~BrokenArr@unaffiliated/brokenarrow)
21:08.32nnyalso the PBX has  public IP, the remote phone is behind nat (and sip.conf has the proper config (nat=yes, alwaysauthreject=yes
21:08.35*** join/#asterisk micdobro (
21:08.54micdobroKobaz: hello, ayt?
21:08.55*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
21:09.15nnyIt appears the 115 address in Via: is the phone's local IP address. Is this normal for both to appear in the sip dialog?
21:11.29Mon|A|rchis the problem I'm having the provider's fault?
21:11.47Mon|A|rchit looks like everything goes well, then the to becomes "anonymous@anonymous.invalid"
21:15.35igcewieling"anonymous@anonymous.invalid" normally means "callerid blocked"
21:16.11igcewielingthough the proper way is with the Privacy: header, but many providers do not use that, especially with end user accounts.
21:16.54Mon|A|rchwell, calls are only failing from one of the two locations
21:21.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
21:21.42Mon|A|rchbut they're all using the same network
21:21.44Mon|A|rch: /
21:21.51Mon|A|rchalthough they're several states apart
21:22.09Mon|A|rchboth offices dial out identically, by pressing 9 first
21:22.42*** join/#asterisk imcdona (
21:23.47Mon|A|rchit happens immediately after "SIP<blabla> is making progress passing it to SIP/<blabla>"
21:24.03Mon|A|rchit reads a BYE immediately after
21:24.12Mon|A|rchI'm assuming that's where the trouble is happening
21:24.41Mon|A|rchis there any meaningful information that I could get out of the information after that? or do i need to check the sip server logs
21:25.15Mon|A|rchgateway i should say
21:25.15*** join/#asterisk maetrik (maetrik@
21:26.37maetrikAsterisk 1.4.37 and a SIP provider with SRV records........ I can't get it to work. I use the same setup on several Asterisk 1.4.21 and .26 servers and it works everywhere except for a couple of 1.4.37 servers.
21:26.44maetrikIt does not seem to do the SRV lookup
21:27.00maetrikCentOS 5 on all machines, with and without dnsmasq. Same problem.
21:27.48*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
21:29.54leifmadsenmaetrik: srvlookup=yes in sip.conf?
21:30.05maetrikSorry I did not mention that, yes it has that included :)
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21:31.42maetrikThe biggest problem of all is that I can't upgrade these servers, I have to work with the tools I've got.
21:31.49maetrikAnd I suspect there is an issue with SRV records and 1.4.37
21:32.44maetrikWARNING[27369]: acl.c:401 ast_get_ip_or_srv: Unable to lookup
21:33.36Kobazdo de do
21:34.42maetrikI have tried dnsmgr enabled and disabled, same problem.
21:38.04*** join/#asterisk tallest_red (
21:43.34*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
21:44.52jeffspeffi have a digium AEX800, TDM800P and a TDM400P. do all of these cards work with a regular POTS line?
21:45.32jeffspeffi've found several of them at work not in use anymore as we're pure voip now, i'm wanting a card to play with and test, never messed with any of them before
21:46.38jeffspeffso, if i configure it correctly, i can plug in a regular old pots phone and make/receive calls ?
21:52.07Mon|A|rchwhat reasons are there that when I make a call the server would not make the call, but also not give me an error?
21:52.43Mon|A|rchgetting BYE packets after attempting to pass a Dial()'d call to an originated call
21:53.24Mon|A|rchI'll repaste the SIP debug, if anyone has an answer, PM me so I'll notice
21:53.26Mon|A|rchexten => 800,1,Monitor(gsm,${STRFTIME(${EPOCH},,%d%m%Y)}-${PATCODE},m)
21:53.31navaismojeffspeff, yes
21:53.35Mon|A|rchwhoa, wrong paste, my bad
21:53.44jeffspeffnavaismo, thanks
21:59.43*** join/#asterisk cheetahw26 (
21:59.54navaismoseems like your peer doest like anonymous calls
21:59.56navaismoFrom: <sip:313@>;tag=CCC7CAF4-13D3
21:59.56navaismoTo: "Anonymous" <sip:anonymous@anonymous.invalid>;tag=as020e2e40
22:01.36cheetahw26I've been asked to design a basic audio conferencing system, where users can dial in, enter some pass code and join a conference. It needs to support up to 50 users per conference and must be able to have at least two separate conferences running simultaneously...
22:02.09Mon|A|rchnavaismo, okay
22:02.24Mon|A|rchdoes that mean I need to set ${CALLERID(name)}?
22:02.31cheetahw26I've worked minimally with asterisk probably ~7 years ago, but haven't played with it since... and was curious if anyone could offer any recommendations on where to start, similar setups, step-by-step instructions with options?
22:02.43Mon|A|rchalso, i appreciate you taking a look at that very much
22:03.03*** join/#asterisk frozenfew (~ck@
22:03.27Mon|A|rchcheetahw26, there's the new "Asterisk: the definitive guide" online
22:03.33Mon|A|rchit's essentially a text book
22:03.36Mon|A|rchbut it's very complete
22:03.57leifmadsencheetahw26: for Asterisk 11, see
22:04.13leifmadsen4th edition draft is on the OFPS site contains the 3rd edition (Asterisk 1.8 based)
22:04.41Mon|A|rchlisten to leif, he wrote the book
22:05.03cheetahw26nice... and that covers audio conferencing setups I imagine
22:05.24cheetahw26well... I suppose I can read it first and then ask later :)
22:05.36leifmadsencheetahw26: it does
22:05.45leifmadsencheetahw26: for that in particular, I suggest you read the ofps version
22:05.56cheetahw26I'll probably need to know everything in it anyway, if I am going to set it up and configure it...
22:05.59leifmadsenthat section was updated quite a bit
22:07.48cheetahw26excellent thanks
22:10.11*** join/#asterisk gusto (
22:11.03Mon|A|rchso, to change the caller id to avoid getting that anonymous@anonymous.invalid, am I going to need to change just ${CALLERID(name)} or (name) (dnid) and (num)
22:14.25navaismoyou can try using SET & CALLERID(all)
22:14.33leifmadsenMon|A|rch: use Verbose() or NoOp() to look at the output of the various CALLERID() methods and determine what you need to change
22:16.36Mon|A|rchleifmadsen, makes sense, thank you
22:18.42Mon|A|rchso, noop(${CALLERID(all)}) gave me """ <>"
22:18.47Mon|A|rchdoes that mean none of them are set?
22:19.04*** join/#asterisk bitwize (
22:21.05malcolmdleifmadsen: yay for ATFOT confbridge documentation :D
22:21.18leifmadsenmalcolmd: hells ya
22:21.47leifmadsenthe future is now the past
22:22.00malcolmdsure was
22:23.23navaismoMon|A|rch, yep empty, use SET  to set it
22:23.53leifmadsenSET implies a dialplan function (uppercase)
22:24.14leifmadsenand now I go to dinner
22:24.36Mon|A|rchi tried Set($CALLERID(name)}=${SOMEVAR}), which worked
22:24.54*** join/#asterisk vandyk (~quassel@
22:24.55Mon|A|rchbut that noop(${CALLERID(all)}) still gives me the same result
22:25.42ChannelZYou set wrong
22:25.47Mon|A|rchdo i want to just set ${CALLERID(all)} to some value?
22:26.09Mon|A|rchthanks ChannelZ
22:26.16ChannelZSet is funny that way
22:26.38Mon|A|rchi forget that sometimes
22:26.58ChannelZsince its goal is to set a variable, it's kind of already escaped with ${}
22:27.26Mon|A|rchyeah, i knew that already, for some reason i just blanked and did it wrong
22:30.20Mon|A|rchalright, getting ""nameofid"" <>"
22:30.26Mon|A|rchguessing the <> is where the number should be
22:31.19dr0ckit is
22:33.51*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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22:41.25WIMPyDon't use quotes.
22:47.10*** part/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-hwipzctgmpkhovbk)
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22:49.49Mon|A|rchi wasn't using quotes
22:54.38Mon|A|rchhm, same issue
22:54.50nny: I have an odd issue where a phone is disconnecting at 25 seconds. The pastebin shows a portion of the sip dialog. In the Via: section is shows an IP address of another phone in the network not involved int he test, this is asterisk 1.4.43. Thoughts?
22:54.51Mon|A|rchis there a sip debug log?
22:54.57nny full pastebin
22:55.22*** join/#asterisk Tagor (
22:55.28nnythe ip address in Via: seems to be the local and public address of the phone (115 is the phone's address on the local network)
22:55.49TagorIs it possible to disable transcoding on outgoing calls?
22:55.51vandykI was having problems with calls being dropped after 30 seconds
22:55.58*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
22:55.58vandykit was NAT problems
22:56.39navaismoMon|A|rch, only if you enable the full log
22:56.43ChannelZCan we please have widespread IPv6 now?
22:57.24navaismonny, retransmitting issues maybe means a network or nat issue,
22:57.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:58.18nnynavaismo: i am thinking this is a remote issue, however I am trying to do due diligence. It started recently
22:58.55nnyI have sip.conf relevant settings nat=yes xternip=98.101.28.XXX)
22:59.15Mon|A|rchnavaismo, how do i do that?
22:59.24Mon|A|rchalso, why the heck isn't the full log on automatically
22:59.27jmetroonly takes 253 guesses to fill in the X's
22:59.34navaismovia logger.conf
22:59.35vandykdoes your firewall has right nat rules?
22:59.54navaismoMon|A|rch, via logger.conf and its disabled because it grows like a hell
23:00.03*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-gvgfpafvnqjbhjdr)
23:00.06nnyvandyk: the pbx is on a public interface
23:00.21nnyexternip not xternip
23:00.55vandykand between phone and pbx box does not have any firewall?
23:01.21navaismonny,  how is the nat setting on the extension that doesn't ack
23:01.40nnynavaismo: nat=yes
23:01.43*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:02.19nnynavaismo: my gut says remote router malarky. I may see if they can plug in directly to the modem if if's not a DSL
23:02.48navaismoMon|A|rch, if you want only the sip for current session without enable the full log, use tee and save to a txt file, run from linux shell:  asterisk -rnvvvvvvdd | tee mylog.txt
23:03.21navaismoMon|A|rch, the do your stuff as usual and when you finish  exit from asterisk cli and you will see the mylog.txt file with all the output
23:03.33nnydamn it's DSL
23:04.05Mon|A|rchnavaismo, k
23:06.30Mon|A|rchunfortunately my only avenue for testing today just left the office ><
23:06.36Mon|A|rchwonder if i can remote into their computers
23:06.40nnynavaismo: going to have him test on another network
23:08.45navaismoMon|A|rch, teamviewer, vnc, showmypc
23:09.06Mon|A|rchI've already remoted in
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23:34.59Mon|A|rchso it looks like the caller id wasn't the problem
23:37.56*** join/#asterisk JuStIcIa_ (~JuStIcIa_@
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23:53.18ChannelZWhat was the problem?
23:56.00*** part/#asterisk tech_travis (~Travis@

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