IRC log for #asterisk on 20130219

00:13.46*** join/#asterisk dpilon (~dpilon@
00:21.30*** join/#asterisk gusto (
01:06.09*** join/#asterisk mzb- (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
01:09.11*** join/#asterisk nightrid3r (~kvirc@
01:19.39*** part/#asterisk Ice_Strike (Ice_Strike@
01:25.03*** join/#asterisk gusto (
01:29.19*** join/#asterisk mzb (~mzb@2001:44b8:512d:7501:f66d:4ff:fe90:9629)
01:37.15*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
01:37.52*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:40.14*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-fsiqcpqgsbpjrunv)
01:41.04*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:44.15*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint@
01:44.28saint_hi all
01:50.46*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
01:59.00*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:18.39*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
02:18.45carrarCalifornia Highway Patrol?
02:19.45carrarPonch and Joh WTF
02:22.47saint_is this correct: GotoIf($[${DIALSTATUS} = DONTCALL]?xxx)   ..?
02:23.07saint_the ${DIALSTATUS} = DONTCALL , is this a correct test to test the value ?
02:29.49*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:35.38*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
02:35.38*** mode/#asterisk [+o sruffell] by ChanServ
02:35.49[TK]D-Fendersaint_: logically yes, except that is a reserved variable and that is not a value it should ever hold
02:36.41*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
02:38.56*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
02:41.09linociscohi all
02:41.57linociscohow have done configuration with Grandstream HT702 + asterisk?
02:42.04linociscowho have done configuration with Grandstream HT702 + asterisk?
02:48.29saint_anyone would have an example of torture menue ?
02:49.07saint_never mind
02:50.14[TK]D-Fender10 PRINT "I AM GOING INSANE!!!"
02:50.18[TK]D-Fender20 GOTO 10
03:12.21*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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03:13.05*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
03:15.53linociscoI am testing asterisk on QNAP with Grandstream HandyTone HT702. but call from one phone to another is with much delay. it should be quick dial as it is calling one extension to another. how could I configure?
03:16.22linociscoI am testing asterisk on QNAP with Grandstream HandyTone HT702. but call from one phone to another is with much delay. it should be quick dial as it is calling one extension to another internally. how could I configure?
03:16.51[TK]D-Fenderis the VOICE delayed, or is it slow to acknowledge what you DIAL?
03:17.33linocisco[TK]D-Fender, actually. dialing tone is delayed to hear in my ear.
03:17.56[TK]D-FenderLinSo you pick up the phone and it takes too long to start hearing the tone?
03:17.58linocisco[TK]D-Fender, actually. I feel like calling overseas.
03:18.06*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
03:18.08[TK]D-Fenderbefore you dial?
03:18.09linocisco[TK]D-Fender, sure
03:18.24[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: Then check your HT... it is what generates the tone
03:18.26linocisco[TK]D-Fender, no after dial
03:18.41[TK]D-FenderAfter dial delay is ALSO the HT's doing
03:18.59[TK]D-FenderThen there is whatever gts added by how you dial out from there
03:19.37linocisco[TK]D-Fender, I dont understand
03:20.03linocisco[TK]D-Fender, I dont know exactly what to look at either on HT or asterisk
03:22.27linocisco[TK]D-Fender, I dont know how to check. There are so many parameters or settings/options on HT's web GUI
03:24.33[TK]D-Fenderlook at when * actually starts processing a call.  All that time is the HT's doing
03:24.35*** join/#asterisk bytemaster (
03:24.49[TK]D-FenderThen lok at the time from the start of * actually processing and calling out.
03:25.00[TK]D-FenderWhich you didn't tell us what it's doing
03:27.42linocisco[TK]D-Fender, what is "*"
03:28.03[TK]D-Fender* = a symbol you should know on your keyboard.
03:28.08[TK]D-FenderDo you know how to say it?
03:28.19[TK]D-FenderAsterisk <----
03:29.01[TK]D-FenderWhich is why it's their logo
03:29.04linocisco[TK]D-Fender, I am using asterisk system on WebGUI.
03:30.15linocisco[TK]D-Fender, asterisk system on one settop box calle QNAP. I have not check on Linux CLI of asterisk commands because I dont know asterisk commands. that is why I used only WebGUI like freepbx or asteriskNow
03:37.11[TK]D-Fenderlinocisco: You will need to learn to watch * CLI
03:37.15infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
03:37.23[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvv
03:38.25linocisco[TK]D-Fender, to just know one thing, need to read the whole book start to end
03:39.23[TK]D-FenderHave you read the table of contents?
03:49.24*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (d9494764@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:58.00linocisco[TK]D-Fender, I dont even know what to look at. meaning what causes what problems.
03:59.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:00.22tompawchan_sip.c: Not an IPv4 nor IPv6 address, cannot get port. << what does this mean?
04:03.30[TK]D-FenderOr he could just leave without answering a simple yes/no question...
04:04.51*** join/#asterisk mchou_ (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
04:05.19tompawGents, that's something that turned my day today into a disaster.
04:05.32tompawAny idea what could be causing this behavior? Google doesn't help much.
04:05.48*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
04:10.55tompawchan_sip.c: Probably a DNS error for registration to 772032@, << why isn't it showing any domain name / ip address?
04:23.49[TK]D-Fendermaybe you should look at your register line....
04:25.50tompaw[TK]D-Fender: I don't have a register line... out of a sudden asterisk started acting strange today and now it's trying to register all of my realtime peers... for no reason!
04:27.30*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (d9494764@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:28.05tompaw[TK]D-Fender: what do you mean by "register line"?
04:29.57tompaw[TK]D-Fender: ?
04:34.22tompaw[TK]D-Fender: ?
04:36.21*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
04:40.57*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
04:43.06tompawAnyone - any ideas why asterisk tries to REGISTER all of my sippeers?
04:45.50[TK]D-Fendertompaw: You're not even loking at the full sip comm...
04:47.34tompaw[TK]D-Fender: there is no SIP message. Asterisk stubbornly tries to initiate the REGISTER all by itself. Even if I kill all the network interfaces.
04:48.01tompawIT started doing it today on 11.0, after few months of no problem. I updated to 11.2, but it's still doing it.
04:49.07tompawIf I disable realtime sippeers, it shuts up and restores normal operation, but I don't feel like moving thousands of users to a .conf file.
04:49.29[TK]D-Fendertompaw: are you going to show us your configs at some point?
04:49.58tompaw[TK]D-Fender: which one?
04:52.43tompaw << added sip.conf
04:53.37tompawWhat can cause this auto-registration? I've never ever experienced this before...
04:53.47*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
04:54.24tompawIT seems like asterisk goes through each sippeer, one by one, and tries to register them as "1234@", where 1234 is the actual peer's name.
04:57.49tompawAnd those ghost REGISTERs appear in debug as:
04:57.50tompaw[Feb 18 23:56:48] DEBUG[28099] chan_sip.c: Allocating new SIP dialog for 703889cd2a467d1265b84d6941a093b9@(null) - REGISTER (No RTP)
04:58.28tompawBut there's no actual SIP traffic at all, this is all Asterisk talking to itself...
04:59.38*** join/#asterisk chaz68 (
05:00.41*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (d9494764@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:02.40tompawActually, it seems like Asterisk is trying to use defaultuser during registration.
05:02.46tompawBut the question remains - WHY?
05:10.58*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
05:11.20tompawIs it a hardware failure or a bug in asterisk?
05:12.22coreyf1513tompaw: what version did you upgrade from?
05:12.46*** join/#asterisk Natureshadow (
05:12.48tompawcoreyf1513: 11.0 to 11.2, but this actually started to happen this morning at 11.0
05:13.10tompawSince then I was banging my head against the wall, because google mentions NOTHING about this issue.
05:13.25coreyf1513what version worked correctly?
05:13.30tompawIf I disable realtime sippeers, it goes back to normal.
05:13.37tompawcoreyf1513: 11.0, for a few months.
05:13.51tompawThen we had a power outage last night, I restarted the server this morning to find this...
05:14.55tompawCould it be, than a presence / a lack of presence of a certain column (field) in sippeers is causing this?
05:15.06coreyf1513tompaw: i would suggest doing a backup of your database, check for corruption
05:15.42tompawcoreyf1513: it's a simple 1 table, I actually logged the sql queries and they run perfectly normal.
05:15.55*** join/#asterisk jetlag (
05:15.56coreyf1513tompaw: sorry i don't use realtime so I don't have any great suggestions, but I don't see anything in your sip.conf.
05:16.19tompawone sec, let me add my sql to the picture
05:17.30tompaw << there
05:17.51tompawcould it be one of those fields forces asterisk to try and to the stupid register?
05:18.00*** join/#asterisk camerin (
05:18.00*** join/#asterisk freeedrich| (friedrich@
05:19.28coreyf1513tompaw: from cli if you run: 'sip show channels' does it show the dialog for the invalid register?
05:20.03*** join/#asterisk sezuan (
05:20.03*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-lnpogseskmqbtucv)
05:20.05tompawcoreyf1513: nope, and sip debug doesn't show them, either
05:20.54coreyf1513i'm guessing the issue isn't your schema if that has been working, more likely a value is wrong
05:21.18tompawa value? like in a single row?
05:21.44coreyf1513have you tried testing with a small sample of peers (backup and clear the table, then restore 10 users)
05:22.01tompawnot really, but that sounds like a good idea.
05:22.04tompawI will try that, thanks.
05:22.19*** join/#asterisk b2 (~ion@pdpc/supporter/active/beckb)
05:22.26coreyf1513i'm guessing a value got weird when your server shutdown improperly
05:22.42*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@gateway/shell/
05:23.32tompawcoreyf1513: this is something that actually does make sense, vs everything else I was considering today.
05:23.49coreyf1513when you find the row that caused this you might want to report a bug.. in that case your db would need to be corrected, but asterisk should catch the problem before trying to create an invalid register
05:23.51tompawOK, need a quick nap and will return my findings first thing tomorrow.
05:24.07tompawyep, will definitely do it.
05:24.25tompaw(db was not affected by the power outage, tho, as it's 10 000 km away)
05:26.25coreyf1513could still be an unusable combination of values at time of outage..  seems crazy using a remote realtime db, but that's just my opinion
05:29.05tompawcoreyf1513: this is only for peer registrations, that's hardly any sql traffic, and the db is a part of a bigger crm.
05:34.26lorsungcutompaw: still there
05:35.16tompawcoreyf1513: bingo
05:35.37tompawit is one of the rows... it's gonna be interesting tomorrow morning to pinpoint which.
05:37.19tompawbut whoa
05:37.22tompawasterisk is still doing it
05:37.33tompawit tries to send a REGISTER to my softphone ip...
05:37.42tompawas per fullcontact field
05:37.53lorsungcuwhat do you mean by " Actually, it seems like Asterisk is trying to use defaultuser during registration."
05:38.28tompawlorsungcu: Asterisk was using the username from that field when it was spawning those REGISTERs.
05:38.37lorsungcuah ok
05:38.39tompawNow it seems like it's actually the fullcontact column.
05:38.48lorsungcuwanted to be sure it wasn't actually saying 'defaultuser'
05:39.11tompawYes, it is, I am 100% sure at this stage.
05:39.26lorsungcudid you add a column since i last saw a debug
05:39.37lorsungcubecause full contact happens to be directly after defaultuser
05:39.43tompawYep, but that's irrelevant.
05:39.50tompawHere's EXACTLY what happens.
05:41.12tompawFor a reason unknown to me, Asterisk goes through EVERY SINGLE row in the sipusers/sippeers table and tries to REGISTER using the name from callbackexten and ip from fullcontact columns.
05:41.39lorsungcuyeah, got that.
05:41.41tompawIf there is nothing in fullcontact, it will still spawn the REGISTER internally to a @(null) uri.
05:41.52tompawThe question remains - what the fuck?
05:42.11lorsungculook into this at all?
05:42.11lorsungcu[Feb 18 16:39:43] [1;33mNOTICE[0m[27244]: [1;37mchan_sip.c[0m:[1;37m30423[0m [1;37mbuild_peer[0m: The 'username' field for sip peers has been deprecated in favor of the term 'defaultuser'
05:42.39lorsungcusorry if i missed something, been ask for a bit.
05:42.56tompawlorsungcu: I don't even have a 'username' column....
05:43.04lorsungcuso that is weird.
05:43.34tompawThis whole day is weird. It seems like asterisk grew a mind of its own and went rogue on me.
05:43.38lorsungcuunless it just prints it arbitrarily, i suppose.
05:43.53tompawYeah it probably does.
05:44.02tompawSo now I got only ONE entry in the table.
05:44.15lorsungcuthat is a good start.
05:44.19tompawThis prevents SIP stack from crashing and allows me to actually register.
05:44.31tompawBut here's the thing: it doesn't stop Asterisk from trying to register.
05:45.07tompawSince now it has an ip in the fullcontact field, it actually SENDS A REGISTER to my sipphone!!
05:45.24tompawIs there like a global register-everything setting?
05:45.33tompawregisterpeers, or sth?
05:47.23lorsungcuwhat does your single entry look like
05:47.35lorsungcupb csv or something
05:49.26tompawlorsungcu: is the table, the entry means filling in everything from name to type.
05:49.54tompawI'm actually gonna drop the callbackextension column, cause I have a strange feeling about it.
05:49.56lorsungcuright, so how are you filling it in?
05:50.29tompawExcuse me?
05:50.38lorsungcuwhat values do you have for each column.
05:51.51tompawok, I removed that column and it seems to have stopped registering!
05:52.18lorsungcuit wasn't even populated, though?
05:52.34tompawat this stage, let me remind that I ADDED it today, because some arbitrary message in debug convinced me to do so :F
05:52.43tompawlorsungcu: it was =name
05:53.05tompawok, let me try restoring backup and killing that stupid column, see what happens.
05:53.34lorsungcudid you ever look at the function
05:55.19tompawnope, first time I'm hearing the name
05:55.52lorsungcuits in the debug you posted a while ago
05:56.02lorsungcu[Feb 18 16:39:44] [1;33mNOTICE[0m[27244]: [1;37mchan_sip.c[0m:[1;37m5519[0m [1;37mregister_realtime_peers_with_callbackextens[0m: Created realtime peer '772002' for registration
05:56.34lorsungcumight be worth looking at if you care to understand what was happening.
05:56.45tompawsee now I was looking at different debug and it didn't mention that part.
05:57.23tompawI think I pretty much do. Earlier today, I made a mistake of following the error that complained about this missing column, and everything else was a consequence.
05:57.32tompawThe only two questions that remain unanswered are:
05:57.53tompaw1) Why was my sip stack frozen, since obviously it wasn't the fucking missing column.
05:58.23drmessanoAsterisk 11?
05:58.35tompaw2) Why is the whole realtime thing so very inconsequent? The columns that are not needed should not really throw ERRORs, as this can cause a LOOOT of trouble once you mess around with them.
05:58.39tompawdrmessano: yes.
05:58.41drmessanoI keep running into that too
05:58.51drmessanoDifferent scenario
05:59.07drmessanoBut SIP seems to take a nap on me.. two different boxes running 11
06:01.22drmessanoKinda pissing me off.. dies with nothing logged
06:01.39drmessanono debug, nothing at all before the "event"
06:01.59drmessanoIts like chan_sip slips out the back door at 11am and nobody knows its gone until 3pm
06:02.07tompawI guess it's high time to move my confbridge to freeswitch and kiss those problems goodbye once and for all.
06:02.18lorsungcutompaw: yeah setting that callbackfield to extension sure does make it send a register there
06:02.26tompawdrmessano: precisely what derailed my day today...
06:02.44tompawlorsungcu: yep, seems so
06:03.03tompawanyway, thanks for your help guys
06:03.09lorsungcugood luck
06:03.12tompawI'm gonna enjoy my 4 hours of sleep now
06:03.18tompawspeak tomorrow, good night!
06:18.08*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
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06:28.58*** join/#asterisk jmls (~somefake@
06:39.57*** join/#asterisk srp_ (~sandeep@
06:50.42*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
07:01.55*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
07:05.08*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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07:09.56*** join/#asterisk tonyclewis (uid6025@gateway/web/
07:10.16*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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07:35.38*** join/#asterisk Matthias (~Matthias@
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07:57.28*** join/#asterisk yoyop (d2035892@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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08:00.13nunnedoes anyone know if it's possible to send callerid with cmd pickup?
08:04.00*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
08:04.29studybo__I'm setting up an asterisk server
08:04.37lorsungcugo on
08:04.53studybo__my client connects to asterisk by iax2
08:05.16studybo__but timeout error keeps happening
08:05.49studybo__am i missing any settings?
08:05.57studybo__i'm using asterisk 10.12
08:07.00studybo__the client's working fine with asterisk 1.8
08:09.27*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
08:11.19studybo__I'm also confused by settings in extension.conf
08:11.21studybo__and iax.conf
08:11.35*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
08:11.55studybo__what is the difference of these 2 settings
08:12.54*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
08:12.59din3shgd mrning ppl
08:13.16kaldemarstudybo__: extensions.conf is your dialplan. iax.conf defines how IAX2 is used. when the call comes in, you need to look at asterisk's CLI and enable iax2 debug with "iax2 set debug on".
08:16.10studybo__how do iax and dialplan relate?
08:16.45studybo__as I understand I define the system's behavior when there's an incoming call by a dialplan
08:18.37studybo__I notice that the default port for iax (4569) isn't opened
08:18.53studybo__though asterisk is running
08:18.58studybo__is it alright?
08:18.59*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:19.35*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
08:22.25kaldemarstudybo__: dialplan defines what asterisk does with calls. IAX2 is a protocol for calls and iax.conf defines what may connect to asterisk via IAX2 and the relation to dialplan via a context.
08:22.48kaldemarstudybo__: how did you notice the port is not opened?
08:23.16studybo__nmap -p 4569 hostname
08:23.48kaldemarIAX2 does not run on TCP. your assumption is wrong.
08:24.03studybo__got a clearer view between a dialplan and iax
08:24.19studybo__got it!
08:26.29studybo__the port is opening (open|filtered)
08:27.04studybo__what do you think is the reason of connection timeout?
08:27.13*** join/#asterisk areski (
08:28.40*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
08:30.13ChannelZWrong IP? Firewall on the client side?  You'd have to debug some networky things on your own end if you're not seeing the traffic even hit Asterisk
08:32.37kaldemarstudybo__: look at asterisk as i told you. you'll get more hints.
08:34.31studybo__I will check the networking stuffs and enable iax debug mode
08:34.52studybo__>> kaldemar, ChannelZ: thanks for your help!!
08:38.05*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:42.55*** join/#asterisk yoyop (d2035892@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:42.56*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
08:46.33studybo__I can see a udp request
08:46.37studybo__hit server
08:47.05*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:47.08*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:47.41studybo__I also enable iax debug (at cli: iax2 set debug on)
08:48.08studybo__but nothing happens at the cli
08:49.21kaldemarsee with netstat -nlup that asterisk is listening on the correct interface. if so, check your firewall on the asterisk box.
08:50.19studybo__udp     3776      0      *                               17567/asterisk
08:50.22studybo__here is the output
08:50.42studybo__so I understand that it's ok
08:50.47Wiretapstudybo__: redhat?
08:50.51Wiretapmake sure system firewall is off
08:51.23Wiretapsame thing
08:51.28Wiretap(I knew you were going to say that)
08:51.33Wiretapcents is essentially
08:52.34studybo__I don't know that
08:53.23ChannelZiptables -L INPUT    if your policy is DROP or DENY (or is it REJECT? I don't remember) you'll need a rule for port 4569
08:54.15ChannelZalthough you said a min ago "I can see a udp request hit server" - how were you seeing that?
08:54.26studybo__the policy is ACCEPT for INPUT
08:54.38studybo__ah ok
08:55.06studybo__by this command /usr/sbin/tcpdump -nnvvXS udp and dst port 4569
08:57.48ChannelZand I assume   iptables -L OUTPUT  is also default to ACCEPT?
08:58.32studybo__as you're assuming
08:58.53ChannelZI would maybe stop and restart asterisk, maybe it barfed binding to the interface/port in some strange way
08:59.39ChannelZif those packets really are incoming to your server you should see *something* with iax debug on
09:01.44studybo__I'm afraid that the problem lies in config files
09:05.18*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
09:08.07yoyopHi all
09:08.25yoyopI'm running into a problem where I'm getting this message from my VOIP provider
09:09.54ChannelZPerhaps you are dialing a number they can't route?
09:10.24yoyopThe call works when I use zoiper to call though
09:10.32ChannelZ'Termination not possible'
09:10.48ChannelZOr the number format you are sending they don't like
09:11.07yoyopI'm sending it like that as well in the zoiper client
09:11.12yoyoptried with 011 and +
09:12.13Wiretapauthentication problem
09:12.25ChannelZwell I guess you'd have to ask your ITSP specifically what the error means then.  500 is kind of a generic server error, and that specific message must mean something to them.
09:14.14kaldemarsip debug might reveal some additional info.
09:19.24yoyopsip debug on the CLI?
09:30.14yoyopso this is what it says immediately
09:30.17yoyop<--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 100 Giving a try Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7801504f;rport=5060;received= From: "64664514" <>;tag=as740413f2 To: <> Call-ID: CSeq: 103 INVITE Content-Length: 0
09:30.24yoyopand then I get the not possible following it
09:30.33yoyop<-------------> --- (7 headers 0 lines) ---  <--- SIP read from UDP: ---> SIP/2.0 500 Termination not possible Via: SIP/2.0/UDP;branch=z9hG4bK7801504f;rport=5060 From: "64664514" <>;tag=as740413f2 To: <>;tag=7f30cfab27f183c281995d8bc71a2ffb-97c2 Call-ID: CSeq: 103 INVITE Content-L
09:32.10infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
09:34.14yoyophere's the pastebin
09:36.56kaldemarask your ITSP. something happens between 100 and 500 but they are not sending a cause.
09:43.35yoyopmy voip provider is pretty bad :(
09:43.49yoyopwill there be a better one that you guys recommend?
09:43.54yoyopI'm using voipvoip now
09:44.04yoyoptheir support guys just says restart...
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10:12.14din3shwhats a cyclcitest on an * box?
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10:59.44_zoom_is there anyway to rotate or randomize callerid without using scripts?
11:00.27WIMPyuse RAND?
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11:03.18_zoom_thnx WIMPy
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14:13.03Kattyhi lads.
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14:51.45Katty <- feeder is hoppin this morning.
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14:55.33lorsungcunice, Katty
14:56.29Kattyty (=
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15:10.25rogersis IAX2 an IP Protocol? trying to figure out ACLs for my cisco to allow the traffic
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15:13.30rogersok looks like it works over IP
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15:53.12danfromukHi, is there any reason why when I do this.....Dial(LOCAL/07977XXXXXX@feature_outgoing_call,30,treM(announce^/var/lib/asterisk/clientsounds/features/187/343)... the macro is called but ${ARG1} is empty ?
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15:59.32Marco-123hi all. im making a sip call between two computers on a local network THROUGH an asterisk server which is also on my local network. I'm trying to control two-way voice/video sip calls. problem: one-sidedness. If I set my client's Min Frame Size option to qcif, I get two way video out of asterisk (at qcif). if i set it to cif, i get one way video. question: what other parameters might be at play here (in terms of format negotiat
15:59.39Marco-123because peer to peer it works fine
15:59.51Marco-123any ideas? plz and thanks
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16:06.02bitwizeHi everybody! I have an problem which i hope you could help me out with..
16:06.07bitwizeI have a problem implementing a SIP-trunk. When Asterisk sends the initial REGISTER request the registrar reply with "403-Forbidden" (due to the missing "Authorization" header in the REGISTER request).
16:06.13bitwizeDuring my earlier trunk implementations the registrar has always responded with "401 - Unauthorized", in theese cases Asterisk re-register with the "Authorization" header, but not when "403 - Forbidden" is replyed from the registrar.
16:06.18bitwizeSomehow I need to inject the Authorization-header in my initial REGISTER request, anybody know how to configure this?
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16:09.53fileauthentication is challenge based, you can't respond to a challenge you don't have
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16:12.29bitwizefile: ok, thanks. That sound totally logical, I wonder why the ITSP tells me to send the credentials in my initial request..
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16:22.17rogershaving some issues with an IAX2 trunk between 2 sites. We had a working setup so I know the trunk is configured correctly. We since then set up some new routing equipment. From the 2 asterisk boxes I am able to ping, and each return open with an nmap - 4569/udp open|filtered unknown. tcpdump shows communication both ways, but the trunk still says unreachable. What might be the issue?
16:22.47GreenlightCredentials ?
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16:23.40rogerscredentials in the trunk settings? I haven't touched those and they were working prior
16:24.04GreenlightDOes it specify IP addresses, which might have chagned ?
16:24.30rogersall the routing has changed
16:24.41rogersI made sure localnets are updated in sip_nat.conf
16:24.49GreenlightBUt, you're using IAX ?
16:25.01GreenlightDid you check the peer settings ?
16:25.01rogersfor the trunk between the two boxes
16:25.13rogerspeer settings all look fine
16:26.10rogersI thought it might be an acl rule in the firewall causing problems
16:26.17rogersbut the nmap shows open/filtered
16:26.28rogersits like the asterisk box is denying connections
16:26.57GreenlightIf it's a stateful firewall, I've seen them get confused before, you tried rebooting it just incase
16:27.22rogersI rebooted one side, the netgear
16:27.39rogerstheres 2 other core routers between
16:27.42rogersboth ciscos
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16:28.47rogersI'll try the netgear again for kicks
16:29.08rogersThe peer info shows
16:29.10rogersAddr->IP     : Port 4569
16:29.21rogersshould the default addr be set?
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16:37.25Marco-123can i confirm a few things. is asterisk involved in the negotiation of video codec formats?
16:37.31Marco-123for sip calls
16:38.16Marco-123thanks. 2) can bit rate be a factor in what frame size is negotiated?
16:38.23Marco-123max bit rate
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16:43.32nickfennellI don't think SIP is adaptive.
16:43.53nickfennelli.e., once the setup has been completed, that's what you'll use for the duration of the call.
16:44.10lorsungcuwhat do you mean by setup?
16:44.34nickfennellNegotiation of the call. Agreeing of codecs, media ports etc
16:44.36jmetrocall setup time. bringing the two peers.
16:44.52Marco-123thanks. i wonder why asterisk is not negotiating the parameters i have clearly specified in my client. looking at the sip debug log now
16:44.57nickfennellSIP doesn't particularly care if it's audio or video. the process is the same
16:45.04Marco-123if anyone would have a look at it with me, i'd appreciate it
16:45.16nickfennellMarco-123: What's your actual issue. Describe.
16:46.36Marco-123my issue is with frame size. when i specify qcif, no probs. when i specify cif (from the client i mean), i get cif on one side, and qcif on the other. QUIRK=if i switch who is the caller/receiver, i get different behaviour. cif one side, no video on other side.
16:46.48Marco-123  <- that is my log is anybody is interested
16:47.11Marco-123lorsungcu: perfect! was looking for this
16:47.18Marco-123thanks nickfennell and lorsungcu
16:48.56nickfennellNo problem. Hope it leads to a fix to your issue.
16:51.12lorsungcunick that link was mostly for you
16:51.19lorsungcushowing SIP update offers and so forth.
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16:53.25Marco-123hmm. this log is pretty short, would one of you fine gentlemen have a quick look for me? im trying to find where the frame-size is first lost
16:54.25lorsungcusure, paste bin it
16:54.39Marco-123thank you very much
16:54.53Marco-123i need all the clues i can muster up
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17:08.37fubadahi folks
17:09.23fubadacan someone clue me in on a slightly offtopic question? whats preferred among openh323, h323plus, or OPAL
17:09.37fubadaIm trying to build t38modem for use with asterisk for fax
17:09.58fubadait can be linked against either of those 3
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17:14.07Kattydances with chuckf
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18:32.01danfromukHi, is there any reason why when I do this.....Dial(LOCAL/07977XXXXXX@feature_outgoing_call,30,treM(announce^/var/lib/asterisk/clientsounds/features/187/343)... the macro is called but ${ARG1} is empty ?
18:42.09kaldemardanfromuk: no. show a CLI output of the call.
18:47.21danfromukJust getting it. One moment.
18:48.48_Corey_Anyone know of a media player for windows that can play g729 files natively?  (Doesn't need to be free...)
18:49.02leifmadsen_Corey_: try VLC
18:49.11leifmadsenit seems to play everything
18:49.18leifmadsen_Corey_: (and it's free)
18:49.27_Corey_tried it, seems they removed the g729 at some point
18:50.12_Corey_I tried to find the codec library (free or otherwise) and everybody's just broken links and non-working websites
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18:55.12danfromukkaldemar: heres the cli output
18:56.03danfromukLine 70 is the dial and line 101 is the ${ARG1}
18:56.34leifmadsendanfromuk: you're calling a Local channel without /n, so it probably can't execute the M() option without that
18:56.56danfromukleifmadsen: its executing. Just missing the variables.
18:57.00leifmadsenwhat version?
18:57.01danfromukI'll try it with a /n
18:57.13leifmadsennot sure... method looks reasonably sane
18:57.21danfromukIt has worked before so not sure why its stopped working.
18:58.14danfromukI think i'm going to try downgrading asterisk and see if it resolves the issue.
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19:03.23GreenlightHow can I diagnose one way audio after executing a ManagerBridge on two channels? They audio as perfect prior to this bridge, and from what I can see Asterisk ins't trying to remotely bridge them (certianly disabled in the peer settings), but yet there's only 1 way audio. Looking for some pointers where to start looking ?
19:03.25kaldemarCLI output is much easier to read...
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19:15.14danfromukleifmadsen: when using /n in a dial command with timeout and options, where does it go? at the end of the options or after the number@context?
19:16.39kaldemardanfromuk: you already use it elsewhere in your dialplan
19:17.38danfromukkaldemar: yes but thats on a line without options
19:17.54leifmadsenthat makes no difference
19:19.25danfromukslash n seems to have fixed it.
19:19.39danfromukThe macro variable is there now.
19:19.55danfromukWonder why it stopped working.... or even if it was ever working :-S
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19:20.00danfromukThanks for your help with this.
19:20.38kaldemarare you sure you need all those local channels?
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19:24.23danfromukIts a dial plan that's built automatically by my backend software. Users can change the dialplan themselves. I think the local channels were introduced so that called parties could reject incoming calls while still allowing other called parties to see ringing. I can't remember now and stupidly didnt comment my code.
19:25.10danfromukFor some reason, Local worked better than Goto if i remember correctly.
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19:37.45coreyf1513_Corey_: says v0.9 supports g729 decoding.. I don't know any details just that it's listed as a new feature
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19:40.56_Corey_coreyf1513: Yeah, I played with that earlier...  seem to work OK as a command-line solution
19:44.46_Corey_coreyf1513: Thanks!
19:44.54coreyf1513_Corey_: my understanding is VLC uses ffmpeg, so VLC built against ffmpeg 0.9+ in theory should do what you want
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20:20.10danfromukIs it possible to get asterisk to listen for sip packets on two ports? I have a client whose ISP blocks 5060
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20:23.02jzawdanfromuk, from a quick google ans=no ... but
20:23.28jzawmaybe someone more knowledgeable will correct that
20:24.11danfromukYep. I got it aswell. Thanks.
20:24.24jzawdanfromuk, is your client running *
20:24.35jzawor a sip phone / other device?
20:24.42danfromukNo. Its a softphone over MiFi from Verizon
20:25.05jzawi run csipsimple on 'roid ... on 5062
20:25.14jzawwith no forwarding ... just stun
20:25.18jzawbehind nat
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20:34.50danfromukjzaw: have you used zoiper before?
20:40.41danfromukare there any softphones for windows that allow you to point to a different server port?
20:42.42leifmadsentry jitsi
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20:51.03danfromukJisti seems extremely jittery. Have you experienced that?
20:53.39artyxI like zoiper personally
20:53.53artyxfast free, easy, and mostly idiot proof for testing purposes
20:54.06artyx(also nothing in the config really to screw up)
20:54.23danfromukYes but i cant find any options to change the sip server port number.
20:54.30danfromukjust the client's port number
20:54.42danfromukSo trying out jitsi which does let you change the port number.
20:54.44artyxdude, in zoiper?
20:54.47artyxYou can't find it?
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20:59.42artyxin domain, specify server:port
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21:00.09artyxSo if your sip server is on port 9999 then under domain your.sip.server.i.p:9999
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21:00.57artyxWhat is the boggle?
21:01.36danfromukI did a google and pages seemed to claim that you couldnt do that in zoiper. I'll give it a test.
21:01.51artyxI stuck in :5060 and it works just fine.... but that doesnt mean you annot
21:02.03artyxIt just means that adding :5060 didnt cause it to break :P
21:02.14danfromuk5060 is default so you havent tested anything.
21:02.19artyxAh, but id id
21:02.24artyxSince it didnt error with the :5060
21:02.39artyxIt proves that the UI is capable of accepting (or at the least not parsing) ip addresses
21:02.46danfromukHowever, you are correct. Its working.
21:03.30artyxIf you see a sign saying caution do not stick elbows in ears... do you listen, or do you at least entertain the possibility of what that might do for ya
21:03.39artyxMe? I at least think about it....
21:05.10artyxEspecially when testing software out.. I try to set it up like osmeone who didnt follow the dirs, and see how tolerant it is of user idiocy
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21:05.30artyxBeleive it or not, there are some very lousy instructions out there for applications
21:07.15jzawartyx, dont put your finger in the fire ;p
21:07.16jmetroanyone here configured an Aastra to "hotline" or "autodial" or "offhook dial" ?
21:07.26artyxtoo late Jz
21:07.34jmetroaka "automatically dial a number when the handset is picked up"
21:07.39artyxBeen there, done that. ive made fires so hot they melted cambpells soup cans... and underwater sprinkler lines ;)
21:08.07jzawmy next choice was going to be blacksmith
21:08.17artyxOnly recreationally
21:08.29artyxthey gave me about 3 hrs to make enough coals to clay bake 18 turkeys
21:08.35WIMPyjmetro: A phone connected to Asterisk, how?
21:09.30jmetroWimpy: An aastra 6757i, just trying to find the phones local "hotline" or "autodial" settings. I know that past the point of telling the phone to dial a number once the handset is picked up is up to my dialplan to catch and route it
21:09.44jmetrojust want to know if anyone knows where the settings are at
21:09.53jzawdanfromuk, i love jitsi on the mac ... but using an svn trunk compile of sflphone on wheezy/kde
21:10.28jzawdanfromuk, if your client can ... why not an iax softphone ?
21:10.35WIMPyYes, it's entriely up to the phone. Asterisk won;t be involved.
21:11.00jmetroWimpy: well, it would to the point that your phone can autodial a local extension and you pick it up with regular dialplan from there.
21:15.50danfromukartyx: thanks . working perfectly with zoiper.
21:16.51artyxBut of course it is ;)
21:16.59artyxHey if you find a better sip client lemme know
21:18.56danfromukartyx: Been switching to zoiper ever since the latest version of xlite. glad its about to change the port number. was getting worried!
21:19.14artyxI had this other nice softphone, but they installed a ton of other bloatware on your pc and i wanted something nicer
21:22.28danfromukPersonally, i want an open source one that i can brand
21:23.41danfromukAt least then i'll know that my business isn't going to turn upside down every time a company releases a new softphone version.
21:24.19artyxDo they automatically disalbe old versions?
21:24.37danfromukXlite did
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21:41.28danfromukAfter all that hard work, it appears that even though i'm using a random port, Verizon are blocking the call setup SIP packets. It can't be a nat issue because its registering and dialling fine. But the OK INVITE sip packet that contains the agreed codecs isn't being received by the softphone.
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21:42.40[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBL
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21:44.11danfromukLooks like i'm going down the VPN route. Thanks everyone for trying.
21:45.00AkkerKidanyone have code that figures out what the second business day after today is assuming a mon-fri work week?
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22:07.12danfromukHas anyone seen a guide to setting up a vpn server to connect to asterisk?
22:08.24pigpenhi all, when using dpma where do I load the xml or setting to setup ring-answer?
22:08.35pigpenin xml provisioning, it was, well, the xml file.
22:08.42pigpennow in dpma, unsure.
22:08.55malcolmdin dpma land you need to setup alerts and load those alerts onto the phone
22:09.33jzawdanfromuk, wouldnt any old vpn setup work?
22:09.35malcolmdpigpen:  ^
22:10.46pigpenmalcolmd, thanks.  I googled around a bit, but no luck.
22:11.13malcolmdnp.  i'm still waiting on google to figure out that the wiki content there is the definitive resource for configuring digium phones…google seems to be a bit slow on the uptake
22:11.57pigpenmalcolmd, ah, so those are setup in the res_digium_phone.conf file?
22:12.08pigpenvery nice.
22:12.19pigpenwhat?  Not each xml file for every phone?  haha.
22:12.36malcolmdin dpma-land, the only thing that lives in an xml file (currently) are the contacts - those are still constructed in xml and then loaded onto the phone
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22:19.22AkkerKidDoes anyone know how I can calculate the date of the next monday following a given date in dialplan?
22:19.44jmetroadd 7 days
22:20.08jmetrooh a given date
22:20.22AkkerKidyeah  I'm not quite that daft.
22:21.07AkkerKidideally i'd build a function that calculates the date of the next business day given inputs of today's date and how many business days to add.
22:21.25jmetro7 iftime statements
22:21.45jmetroor 6 [or 5 if youre more clever]
22:22.41AkkerKidi wantto be more flexible than that.
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