IRC log for #asterisk on 20130206

00:07.23nnyanyone here familiar with the Vega 50?
00:07.37*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
00:08.31lorsungcuanyone had luck with Snom phones and subscribing to contact lists?
00:11.13*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:11.25nnyhow am I suppose to express UTC -5 as a positive integer?!
00:11.41nnyi assume i am just retarded
00:13.23*** join/#asterisk Gitch_ (~Gitch_@
00:14.59igcewielingUTC +29? 8-)
00:16.47*** part/#asterisk ghost75 (
00:20.27nnyi figured as much but doesn't that make it 24 hours into the future?
00:20.30nnyer nm
00:21.32*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
00:27.09*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
00:30.07*** join/#asterisk protoboardmx (~protoboar@
00:33.56protoboardmxHello everyone
00:35.14protoboardmxI'm trying to use an Avaya 1608 IP phone with Asterisk but so far I haven't had any luck
00:38.24[TK]D-Fenderprotoboardmx: Do you now have configs and debug to show us for your attempts?
00:39.52infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
00:41.17protoboardmxok, let me show you the h323.conf file
00:41.35[TK]D-Fenderprotoboardmx: And the CLI attempts with H323 debug enabled
00:43.38protoboardmxI'm having trouble figuring out how to see the output on the CLI
00:43.47protoboardmxthe problem is I don't really know what to ask
00:45.55[TK]D-Fenderasterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvv
00:46.03[TK]D-Fenderyou should then be at * CLI
00:46.22[TK]D-Fenderthe do : h323 <tab> and see what the syntax is to debug
00:48.05*** join/#asterisk igcewieling1 (
00:59.31*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
01:00.43*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
01:02.31*** join/#asterisk zhando (
01:03.15zhandostill playing around with soundcards.. Anyone ever get them to work.. alsa/oss/console?
01:03.57PhoebusNight all
01:04.17[TK]D-Fenderzhando: I highly recommend you use a proper one instead
01:04.17zhandoWhat is it about * that's so different from vlc and other media apps when it comes to the soundcard?
01:04.42[TK]D-Fenderzhando: The fact that no attention has been paid to it's implementation.
01:04.57[TK]D-Fenderzhando: And it's something that very few people use or need
01:06.00zhando[TK]D-Fender: ok.. another time I guess...
01:06.07*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
01:06.56[TK]D-Fenderzhando: Just run a proper soft-phone on your server if you must and let it handle it
01:07.04*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
01:07.14zhando[TK]D-Fender: ok will do.. thanks..
01:08.03*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:09.32ketasnny: do you have sip.conf for me? :P
01:09.46ketasnny: just wanted to see
01:10.24*** join/#asterisk blizzow (
01:15.21gustohi ketas
01:15.24gustowhat's up?
01:16.40gustozhando: what are you doing with soundcards?
01:22.10rue_housezhando, are you using the sound cards to get around your unfunctional mgcp?
01:28.48ruben231:'(guys help
01:33.35ruben231still not able to make my asterisk 1.8 to have color on its log..still purely white..
01:33.51WIMPyxterm works for me.
01:34.10ruben231on me even i restart all whilte on teh asterisk log
01:34.20WIMPyBut as I said, as far as I remember it has to fit when the daemon ist started as well.
01:34.30[TK]D-FenderFix your termcap <-
01:34.44ruben231asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvv ------> no color only white logs
01:35.53ruben231WIMPy:ok bat what part could this be
01:36.41WIMPyWhat's yur TERM when starting the Asterisk daemon?
01:41.37WIMPyecho 4
01:41.49WIMPyecho $TERM
01:43.08WIMPyor just export/setenv TERM to "linux".
01:44.05ruben231root@asterisk:~# echo $TERM  xterm-color
01:44.58WIMPyAnd now do ith wherte you start Asterisk
01:45.22ruben231on the startup script
01:46.01WIMPyAnd my xterm only set xterm.
01:46.10WIMPyNo -color.
01:49.40*** join/#asterisk lanning (
01:49.44*** join/#asterisk hebber (
01:54.53zhandogusto: I'm back... Just want to be able to use * as a softphone.. Another tool in the box... mgcp??
01:55.17gustono idea
01:55.29gustohowever, using asterisk as a softphone seems to be a very bad idea
01:56.17[TK]D-Fenderzhando: Asterisk is not the tool for the job
01:56.35zhandogusto: nonsense.. the console should have the most functionality of all...
01:57.45gustowell, but i seem to be in the majority
01:58.08zhandoI mean what's the typical solution these days for overhead pagers and *?
01:58.08[TK]D-Fenderzhando: There is no basis for this belief of yours
01:58.29*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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01:58.42[TK]D-Fenderzhando: Asterisk is not a softphone with PBX features.  It is a PBX toolkit that if you're desparate you might be able to use the console for a test call.
01:58.56[TK]D-Fenderzhando: It has no call handliong capabilities and is fugly
01:59.29zhandook guys I won't debate you on this..
02:00.13[TK]D-FenderMost use FXS/FXO based solutions on an interface of some sort
02:01.07[TK]D-Fenderzhandogusto: I'm back... Just want to be able to use * as a softphone.. Another tool in the box... mgcp?? <- and this is not as a "softphone".  Calling out to it for paging is different from expecting call-handling and to use directly.
02:04.12zhandoguys I lied a bit.. I was able to get chan_oss working but I had to open /dev/dsp to full permissions.. It was as [TK]D-Fender said "fugly"..
02:04.42igcewieling1zhando: how will you hangup your console "phone"?
02:04.52zhandoconsole hangup
02:04.57[TK]D-FenderI'm not sure which lie is the truth now...
02:04.59igcewieling1using a sound device may be useful at times.
02:07.32zhandoWell at least I'm getting some negative feedback here (with one notable exception).. #asterisk-dev is dead silent..
02:08.07igcewieling1zhando: are you trying to modify Asterisk's source code?  #asterisk-dev is not 2nd level support.
02:08.39igcewieling1In any case, I bet they are afraid to respond to someone who is obviously crazy. 8-)
02:09.14nnyoh lord
02:09.26zhandoigcewieling1: I tried reading it... I even compared it against vlc.. What does snd_pcm_open do wrong in * that it doesn't do in vlc?
02:09.29nnytigase is downloading at a couple bits per second
02:09.50nny[TK]D-Fender: any hacks for having a phone sidecar monitor hints on two servers?
02:10.14nny[TK]D-Fender: tigase is turning into a pia pretty quick
02:10.24zhandoigcewieling1: what's crazy about wanting to use existing code?
02:11.42igcewieling1zhando: because there are so many other tools which are designed to be a softphone.  You can use a hammer as a screwdriver, but that doesn't mean it is the right tool.
02:12.03nny1.42K/s  eta 1h 46m heh. Gues i'll just let it download
02:12.08igcewieling1nny: what brand of phones are you using?
02:12.18nnyigcewieling1: cisco 514g
02:12.24nnyigcewieling1: so cisco SPA
02:12.58igcewieling1I was hoping polycom, if you set two regisration servers on polycoms it will register to BOTH servers for each line appearance (as of 2.1.x firmware).
02:13.08*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
02:13.15nnyigcewieling1: this cisco may do the same, I am going to test it
02:13.40igcewieling1this is both REALLY cool and REALLY annoying depending what you are trying to do. 8-|
02:13.56zhandowhois igcewieling1
02:14.04igcewieling1is aka ManxPower
02:14.10nnyhe is Vigo! You are like the buzzing oflies to him!
02:14.12igcewieling1egads my 1 is sticking out
02:14.30jpsharpslimes nny.
02:14.40nnyi need cab fare now
02:14.50[TK]D-Fendernny[TK]D-Fender: any hacks for having a phone sidecar monitor hints on two servers? <- reg to each.  Read your phone's manual
02:15.14nny[TK]D-Fender: yeah i kind of knew that. Just wanted to say hi in the most annoying way possible
02:15.26[TK]D-Fendernny: Aim high.
02:15.56zhandoigcewieling: how did sandy treat you?
02:16.16nnynotes sandy is his girlfriend's name... awaits response
02:16.55zhandoi have callcentric and were were out a few days.. was ruthless about it..
02:17.17nnynothing morbidly funnier than seeing "[GIRLFRIEND] Affects Thousands" in a newspaper
02:22.50nnyigcewieling: cisco allows it as well. Just set BLF field to @server 2 and add phone creds to sip.conf
02:26.47ketashmm ok
02:26.51ketasit seems to work
02:27.35ketasbut it sounds like crap
02:31.54WIMPychan_alsa works very well for overhead paging.
02:32.01*** part/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
02:33.08zhandoWIMPy: what do you use as your hardware thingy: hw:0,0 ??
02:33.10ketaslot improvements now
02:33.30zhandoWIMPy: default?
02:33.33lorsungcui need to add headers to notifies when notifying for DND
02:33.38lorsungcuany ideas how?
02:33.58zhandoWIMPy: interesting!
02:34.19zhandoWIMPy: I'll give that a try!
02:34.47WIMPyFor input I use the dummy device and noaudiocapture=yes.
02:34.51*** join/#asterisk bytemaster (
02:35.52zhandoWIMPy: makes sense.. I'm not interested in audiocap at the moment myself. But I will be pretty soon.. Ever get it to work?
02:36.23WIMPyYes, but I don't use it.
02:36.54zhandoAnd your hardware spec?
02:37.35WIMPySome sound card with 2 PCM channels.
02:38.30zhandoWIMPy: I meant output_device=???
02:39.28WIMPyI'm using plug:dmix, but hw: works as well if the device isn;t in use otherwise.
02:40.20zhandoWIMPy: I actually meant input_device=??? Let me guess hw: ...
02:41.35zhandoWIMPy: very good.. Thanks for the tips!
02:56.43*** join/#asterisk coppice (
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03:00.22*** join/#asterisk vedic (~V@
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03:07.00*** join/#asterisk slidesinger (
03:29.09*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
03:33.28ketasi wonder what makes this crappy sound when i call out via sip into provider's network
03:43.14*** join/#asterisk allover12 (47c3bc86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:43.45ketassounds strange
03:44.24allover12hello everyone :)
03:44.35ketasintermittent wait-connecting tone
03:45.35ketaslike something with terrible audio quality
03:45.58ketasit's almost ready
03:46.08ketasbesides the weird sound when i call out
03:46.21ketasi don't like to hear it at all
03:48.03ketasbut then again, some numbers i call to output normal sound
03:48.42ketaswell i have no idea how calls are routed out there
03:48.55ketasand where does this shitty sound come from
03:50.26allover12anyone here familiar with EAGI app?
03:50.44allover12having a problem with it for going on 8 hours
03:56.04allover12i dont want to spam the exact problem until someone is ready to help
03:59.11lorsungcuspam away
04:00.21*** join/#asterisk allover12_ (47c3bc86@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:00.44allover12_back :)
04:11.43*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
04:14.36*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
04:16.14allover12_Can anyone help me with a problem im having using eagi
04:18.52*** part/#asterisk vedic (~V@
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04:34.22*** join/#asterisk xSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
04:37.25lorsungcui need to modify what is sent as <state> in dialog-info xml for BLF
04:37.26ketasweird sounds with unknown origin :(
04:37.37lorsungcuis there an easy way to do that?
04:47.33allover12_looking for help:
04:49.23*** join/#asterisk elico (
05:22.27lorsungcuallover12_: is that your actual script
05:22.37lorsungcuor is there a ton more you aren't showing
05:34.50kukuI have a call and I launch a bridge to a dummy context ( that does a playback of a sound ). However, the "other side" ( the number I called , disconnects. the sip phone stays connected.
05:36.11lorsungcupaste bin the dialplan
05:43.01*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
05:47.15ketaswow, it works
05:51.00*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-fzczgtgimejjtfnq)
06:01.19*** part/#asterisk zhando (
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06:13.54*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
06:29.04ketasmagically it started working
06:29.12ketasor not magically, hmm weird indeed
06:30.02ketashey, it all works... calls come in, calls go out, there is voicemail and call recording
06:30.09ketasand it even wasn't so difficult!
06:35.34*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
06:37.17*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:51.48*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
06:51.56din3shgd mrning all
06:52.34*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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07:16.01*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
07:17.07allover12_anyone know how i can add a non-user to a confbridge, and then run an application?
07:17.28allover12_sorry if i worded that wrong
07:18.27v0lZywhat do u mean by non-user?
07:18.48allover12_well, one is dialed out... so it would be a person
07:19.17allover12_the other would be added to the conference to listen in
07:19.23allover12_maybe by a call file?
07:20.11v0lZySo, the non-user is actually a person, just not local to asterisk?
07:21.01allover12_Sorry for being confusing man
07:21.40allover12_simular to what is on that page... with the dialplan and call files
07:22.19allover12_let me pastebin my dialplan, maybe that will help :)
07:23.10v0lZySorry, I have no idea what this is
07:23.47kaldemarallover12_: how do you want to trigger all this?
07:23.55v0lZyat a quick glance, you want to stream conversations to a radiocast or something'
07:24.08v0lZyand then listen to them with VLC etc?
07:24.19v0lZyas if it was an internet radio?
07:24.23allover12_exactly v01zy...
07:24.31allover12_@kaldemar call file
07:24.35kaldemarwhy not listen on them with a soft phone?
07:24.38allover12_or ami maybe?
07:25.20allover12_i want the conf bridge to be put out to internet radio
07:25.26kaldemarwhy call file? if you want to execute an app too, you might want to use a phone for all this. make an extension that originates using the Originate application and then use ChanSpy to listen on the confbridge or whatever.
07:26.02kaldemarso spying on it with a phone is not what you want.
07:26.45v0lZyone reason he might want to do this is like a radio talk show
07:26.45allover12_i was using the EAGI application to get the audio
07:26.57allover12_sorry if im confusing guys
07:26.59v0lZypeople call in on a phone...
07:27.27allover12_would i be able to use EAGI with chanspy?
07:28.11*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
07:28.36*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
07:30.46allover12_Im confused on how to have AMI or a call file join in on confbridge.... once they are joined i can use EAGI to get the audio stream
07:30.49*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
07:32.32*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
07:35.57allover12_kaldemar: maybe with async agi i could get what i want?
07:36.05*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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07:48.24*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
07:48.50din3shhow to set jumper to E1 on a TE220 card
07:59.54phixattach one end to the card and the other to your car battery
08:05.48kaldemardin3sh: you can set the t1e1override module parameter to 0xff when loading the module.
08:06.03kaldemardin3sh: so touching the jumper is not required.
08:08.10kaldemarif you insist on using the jumper, get the manual for the card.
08:08.38din3shi got it
08:08.56din3shthere's 4 sets of jumper pins
08:09.08din3shbut only 2 jumpers
08:09.14din3shshould i set all 4?
08:09.21*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:11.10kaldemardin3sh: what does the manual say? what do you see printed on the board?
08:14.26*** join/#asterisk studybot_ (~studybot_@gateway/tor-sasl/studybot/x-68286794)
08:15.38din3shopen=t1 closed=e1
08:15.51din3shi have set the 2 jumpers to closed
08:15.59din3shnot sure about the remaining 2
08:29.29*** join/#asterisk elico (
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08:43.36*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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09:02.26ketasThe use of '_.' for an extension is strongly discouraged and can have unexpected behavior.  Please use '_X.' instead
09:05.50ChannelZWhy is that a problem?
09:06.30ghost75when called person is busy, why i have extension s in cdr?
09:06.55ketasChannelZ: i had idea of putting + there
09:07.04*** join/#asterisk hegars (
09:10.41kaldemarghost75: look what your dialplan does on busy.
09:11.47kaldemarketas: then use _+. if it suits your needs. the idea is to not match special extensions.
09:12.07*** join/#asterisk bruce_ (~bruce_@
09:13.01ketasi wish i could join _+. and _X
09:13.17*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
09:16.33bruce_anyone know anything about pattern matching in dial plans?
09:16.36kaldemarketas: _[+0-9].
09:16.50ketaskaldemar: ooh, this even works?
09:17.01*** part/#asterisk hegars (
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09:18.44ghost75kaldemar: nothing different
09:21.26ChannelZno, nothing.
09:25.43bruce_ChannelZ, have you used Elastix before?
09:29.41*** join/#asterisk hegars (
09:31.20ChannelZAnd I was joking. What is your actual question/problem?
09:32.08din3shjoin #elastix
09:38.19din3shi have this strange problem
09:38.35din3shin my realtime sip_users table in * 1.8.x
09:38.57din3shi have added deny & permit collumns
09:39.42din3shfor some reason after i add for an extension
09:39.48din3shit is renamed to
09:41.28din3shany idea why ChannelZ?
09:43.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
09:43.58hegarsdin3sh, is it one host or a network?
09:45.58din3shone host
09:46.10din3shi have set ACL per host, not network
09:46.28hegarsdin3sh, then use as the mask
09:47.00din3shwhy so?
09:47.27din3shthe network subnet is
09:48.23hegarsdin3sh, its basic masking for networks, matches only one host matches the last 8 bits of the 32 bit network addresses
09:48.28din3shwhy is the original saved value over-written anyway?
09:49.53hegarsnot sure what you mean there?
09:50.16din3shok but still doesnt explain why the value is over-written, does Asterisk over-write it?
09:51.38hegarsyour peers are in the database I'm guessing from what you said before?
09:52.26*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
09:53.13hegarsits your table order correct?
09:53.39*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
09:55.54din3shpermit/deny should have an order? these 2 fields werent present in the DB, i added them
09:56.16hegarsdeny should be before permit
09:56.20*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:9cff:302e:befd:b86c)
09:58.33din3shit is before
09:58.47din3shthen permit 172....
09:59.14*** join/#asterisk niluje (
10:01.12*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (~MarKsaiti@
10:02.19din3shmy questions made him quit
10:05.18ChannelZYou said 'after I add XXX it is renamed to YYY' -- are you doing this through a GUI?
10:07.27kaldemarand where are you looking at the values? where do you see and where do you see
10:09.13*** join/#asterisk gajini (~gajini@
10:10.23din3shnot gui
10:10.30din3shmanually inserting in the db
10:11.04din3shthe ip remains same, somehow /255 or /255.2 is added at the end
10:11.14ChannelZbut then you do a SELECT on the same rows and it's returning something different, or are you talking about how it shows up within Asterisk?
10:12.19kaldemardin3sh: where are you looking at the values?
10:13.18din3sham using navicat (mysql gui)
10:13.27ChannelZwow haven't heard that name in awhile
10:13.47din3shits working for
10:13.48ChannelZI used to own that (or whatever it was before it got bought by them)
10:14.08ChannelZIt seems like it's not really working for you
10:14.33ChannelZIt's either display corruption or it's not treating what you're entering as a string (varchar) and doing something bizarre..
10:15.27ChannelZMascon!  That's what it was.
10:15.48*** join/#asterisk hegars (
10:16.19kaldemarso this really has nothing to do with asterisk in the first place?
10:16.44ChannelZIt was very weird.  The guy who wrote Mascon decided to quit and then they gave people who owned it licenses to Navicat if memory serves.. but then the original guy turned around and wrote a new one called MyCon.
10:17.13din3shhow is the /255 being added ?
10:18.02ChannelZprobably by that retarded SQL client
10:18.19ChannelZYou said you created the two new columns in your database because they didn't exist.. what type did you make them?
10:19.57ChannelZwell get in a shell and connect to the database that way and see if it's the GUI thing screwing up what it's putting in the row or how it's displaying it.
10:20.18ChannelZbecause it's either one or the other.
10:21.25*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
10:28.15ChannelZbed time
10:28.37din3shits 14:30 here
10:28.42din3shdefinitely not bed time
10:32.04ketasecho 'Monitoring test' | mail user@misp-smsgw ; cp -a /var/spool/asterisk/outgoing/
10:32.09ketaslot of fun
10:34.30kaldemarketas: using cp is likely to cause you issues. asterisk may read a partial file while it is being copied. use a temporary file and mv it to the spool dir.
10:36.09ketassure, needs cp + mv
10:36.28ketasthat's because i need that file again :P
10:43.04*** join/#asterisk nacho2k (
10:46.09wdoekesketas: ln without -s
10:47.09ketasbut file wasn't on same fs
10:48.16wdoekesah.. note that mv isn't atomic over fs boundaries either
10:49.56*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (~MarKsaiti@
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11:09.56din3shres_config_mysql.c: MySQL RealTime: Ping failed (2006)
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12:03.41bruce_cock suckers
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12:09.25din3shyou drunk mate?
12:13.32bruce_din3sh, you an african
12:14.44bulkorokmy asterisk is segfaulting when ReceiveFax with res_fax_spandsp... is here somebody with a similar problem!?
12:14.56bulkorokI can't reproduce it!
12:15.14din3shyes am an african, so?
12:15.53bruce_are you a black african?
12:16.08*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
12:17.21din3shindian african, why
12:17.24din3shVERBOSE[28255] res_clialiases.c:   == Aliased CLI command 'pri intense debug span' to 'pri set debug 2 span'
12:17.33din3shis this wrong!?
12:20.15kaldemarwhy would it be wrong?
12:22.36din3shhow do you disable pri intense debug again?
12:24.58kaldemarpri set debug off span X
12:25.58kaldemarthe ye olde command was "pri no debug span X" i think.
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13:10.43bruce_how would I setup a dial plan so that if a number like 11XX goes to 11XX
13:10.49bruce_lol I can't explain this shit
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13:12.11bruce_it's some pattern matching dial plan or something
13:12.21GreenlightPrefix the extension with _
13:12.26GreenlightAnd it'll pattern match
13:12.29GreenlightSo, say
13:12.38bruce_I'm a massive asterisk/voip noob
13:12.43bruce_can you explain that a little
13:12.46Greenlightexten => _11XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
13:13.07*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (
13:13.15GreenlightYou should read the book
13:13.55infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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13:19.04jkroonhi guys, asterisk - netstat -nulp | grep 5060 indicates that asterisk isn't processing the receive queue on port 5060
13:19.15jkroonthis is on a clean startup ... any ideas/suggestions?
13:19.59wdoekesjkroon: core show locks
13:20.39jkroonwdoekes, no such command ...
13:20.51*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zoom@
13:21.13[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, "sip reload"
13:21.52_zoom_hi, have pri with over 100 caller id, I need to rotate setting these 100 numbers, any idea?
13:22.03bruce_Greenlight, where would I put that in Elastix
13:22.24jkroon[TK]D-Fender, just did a restart three times and it didn't help, restarted again now and suddenly it works.
13:22.29jkroon[Feb  6 15:22:11] WARNING[25237]: chan_sip.c:3706 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x1719ac0 (len 414) to returned -1: Operation not permitted
13:22.36jkroonooh, would that eventually cause problems?
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13:27.24[TK]D-FenderSounds like * is blocked off
13:28.51jkroon[TK]D-Fender, yea, but is an illegal IP anyway afaik ...  turns out one of my technicians thought it was a good idea to add to /etc/hosts ...
13:29.00jkroonand then use iptables to drop outbound frames to
13:29.08jkroonjust pissed off about 300 clients for no good reason.
13:30.56[TK]D-Fenderthat would do it...
13:31.31*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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13:34.17kukuI have a call and I launch a bridge to a dummy context ( that does a playback of a sound ). However, the "other side" ( the number I called , disconnects. the sip phone stays connected.
13:34.40jkroon[TK]D-Fender, ok, still, that error shouldn't cause the entire chan_sip to lock up should it?
13:35.04jkroonso I suspect there is still an issue in chan_sip itself that's causing NOBODY else to be able to access it either.
13:38.10*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
13:40.30Ice_StrikeHow many channels are possible with 1Mbit connection?
13:40.40Ice_Strikeusing ulaw codec
13:41.04WIMPyAbout 10.
13:41.04Ice_Strike1Mbit upload, about 20Mbit download
13:41.11WIMPyGoogle for voip bandwidth calculators.
13:41.28WIMPyIt also depends on the desired delay.
13:41.33WIMPyBut not that muvh with ulaw.
13:42.54*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
13:45.19WIMPyI get about 105kbit on the LAN.
13:46.04WIMPyThat's with 10ms frames.
13:47.09[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, The standard and default with * is 20ms mind you...
13:47.28[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, 10ms is better for latency, but worse on BW
13:47.40WIMPyThat's why I mentioned it.
13:47.57[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, You're also the only person I've ever heard running that rate :p
13:48.16WIMPyLatency is a big issue, so I try ti minimize it as much as possible.
13:49.22kuku << can anyone tell me why the call hangs up ?
13:50.09[TK]D-Fenderkuku, You didn't tell Bridge() what CHANNEL to grab
13:51.07kukuI did
13:51.19kukuLaunching Bridge(SIP/198-00000019,qB)
13:52.11[TK]D-Fenderkuku, I don't see that in your code
13:52.20kukufputs($socket, "Data: ".$channel.",qB\r\n" );  << this is where I pass it... unless im doing something wrong
13:53.11[TK]D-Fenderkuku, Don't mind me... I missed it at the bottom
13:53.12*** join/#asterisk rox (~rox@
13:53.23[TK]D-Fenderkuku, You really should do things like this in order....
13:53.55roxis there any way I can control the period of time after which the periodic announce message in a queue is first played?
13:54.09kuku[TK]D-Fender: what order should I do them in ?
13:55.02[TK]D-Fenderkuku, And you should be looking with SIP DEBUG to see what happened to the call.
13:55.08*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-rujltfkzhswujmrj)
13:55.35[TK]D-Fenderrox, It's always after that amount of time has passed
13:55.56rox[TK]D-Fender: you mean after one period?
13:56.35[TK]D-Fenderrox, Correct.  Adjusted by your agent dial time.
13:56.40rox[TK]D-Fender: in my measurement it is not, if i set the period to 9 or above, it starts after 17 seconds, if i set it at 8 or below, it sarts after 7 seconds
13:57.27[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> rox, Correct.  Adjusted by your agent dial time. <-
13:57.38[TK]D-FenderIf phones are ringing it won't start until after they stop
13:58.09roxagh, right, the tiem starts ticking only if the phones are not ringing?
13:58.46[TK]D-FenderNo, it only starts when they're not.
13:58.55roxbah, i got a client, who wants the message played after exactly 10 seconds, so this means that I really can not control it in that manner
13:59.12[TK]D-FenderRing=20, period = 90, then it'll only play on 100
13:59.51[TK]D-Fenderrox, You cannot control that.
14:00.18jkroon[TK]D-Fender, 10ms is actually a good idea - especially if you're using G.729 since the recovery characteristics of G.729 is that if you lose more than one consecutive 10ms frame it takes up to 7 or 8 more frames to properly recover.
14:00.44kuku[TK]D-Fender: I dont see anything in sip debug - just a bye
14:00.45rox[TK]D-Fender: ok, thank you very much, at least i got that figured out now
14:00.50[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, And you have just shot yourself in the foot while doing it
14:02.01jkroon[TK]D-Fender, i run 20ms because all of my peerings does.  it's good enough most of the time.
14:02.15[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, You pick G.729 to SAVE BW.  The packet overhead is 20kbps for 20ms frames. with 9.6kbps of payload.  Imaging the WASTE by halving your data.
14:02.26jkroonand uses significantly less bandwidth, so well worth the risk :)
14:02.51[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, You are wasing BW this way.
14:03.24jkroon[TK]D-Fender, it's a fine balance, when trunking (eg IAX/2) I reckon it's OK to use 10ms frames ... with rtp I would not dream of it.
14:04.08[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Ok, if you have enough channels at a time, then the cumulative impact could be worthwhile.
14:04.32[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, That's the only real way to justify.
14:05.07jkroonyea, haven't actually done that math yet.  only just found about the g729 characteristics like a month back.  for now (and the foreseeable future) I'm sticking to 20ms :p
14:05.27jkroonif you have a link where you're losing frames you have much bigger issues anyway
14:05.42[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Do you have a PL issue?
14:06.02jkroon[TK]D-Fender, just had one an hour back ...
14:06.16jkroonvendor sorted out the link pretty quickly from reporting though
14:07.04[TK]D-Fenderjkroon, Till then, good work on fixing problems you don't have
14:07.28jkroonhehe, thanks :p
14:07.55*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
14:08.05jkroonthe chan_sip failing entirely one was a major PITA just now though.
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14:26.27KobazSet(CONNECTEDLINE(name)=Test);    Dial(SIP/7777);
14:26.35Kobazdo i need anything else for connected line updates?
14:27.03Kobazi have sendrpid=yes for my peer that's dialing (SIP/5610 is calling 7777)
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14:31.29Rico29hi all
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14:39.40GreenlightAny reason why Agent/ channels wouldn't always play the on hold music when a call clears?
14:40.55*** join/#asterisk nunne (
14:42.02nunneCalendar support through EWS. Is it possible to specify which users calendar to view through the URL or a parameter? Because would like to use a global account that has read rights to all the calendars that has a password that never changes etc.
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14:48.54hwthow can i set asterisk to forward something to TCP via an outbound proxy?
14:49.41hwttransport=tcp, host=...., outboundproxy=.... gives the correct R-URI, but still uses UDP all the way
14:49.59hwtthe asterisk should speak UDP with the outbound proxy, which speaks TCP with the next hop
14:51.34*** join/#asterisk elico (
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14:59.29[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, show us
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15:06.55Kobazif you do CONNECTEDLINE before a dial then the dialer clobbers the connectedline
15:06.59Kobazso you gotta do dial(I)
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15:10.02hwtis it possible at all?
15:10.58Kobazhwt: yeah
15:11.29hwtKobaz: oh, sorry, i was refering to the outbound proxy problem i described at all
15:11.38hwtKobaz: eh, "at all" = "above"
15:11.50ggtestHi !
15:11.53Kobazyou can get a call on udp and send it tcp on another peer, that's fine
15:12.40ggtestWhen I try this: Action: Originate Channel: SIP/200 Application: Background Data: music_file, it works.
15:13.41ggtestBut if I try this : Action: Originate Channel: MulticastRTP/basic/ Application: Background Data: music_file, I hear big noise in the speaker
15:13.55ggtestwith asterisk 11.2.1
15:14.58ggtestI don't know if multicastrtp channel suppor streaming like this
15:17.22*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
15:19.30hwtKobaz: that's not what i mean. I have an edge proxy which talks TCP to the endpoint, and i talk UDP between Asterisk and the edge proxy
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15:26.52bmillhey guys i've got a question.. one of our asterisk servers got hacked and i got blessed with having to analyze packet captures.. my question for you guys is what is i have a tcp stream for flirtmitmir on port 39925.  Are any of you familiar with this service?
15:27.32*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
15:28.08Kobazhwt: okay... so what's the issue?
15:30.22bmillwow that made no sense, i need more coffee :/
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15:31.23igcewielingSome days I want to go postal on a customer.
15:31.38igcewielingMy cat could send in better trouble reports.
15:31.40kukuRunning  - getting a lot of these: [2013-02-06 09:31:08] WARNING[5488]: chan_sip.c:4205 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '5abdd5c51b4a4be3682f600b071fdc79@' with owner SIP/83-000008af in place (Method: BYE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
15:34.31*** join/#asterisk Defraz (~Defraz@
15:36.08igcewielingkuku: make sure ALL ip addresses configured on all interfaces on the Asterisk system are correctly listed in /etc/hosts    I've seen this happen when DNS is down and the ips are not in /etc/hosts
15:36.23igcewielingi've seen it in other cases too, but that is the most common cause for us
15:37.47kukuok - thanks
15:40.58kukuigcewieling: Tried that - didnt help
15:43.51igcewielingkuku: are you running the latest 1.8.x?
15:44.30[TK]D-Fender<kuku> Running  -
15:44.39hwtKobaz: it doesn't send the ;transport=tcp in the R-URI even if I have transport=tcp on asterisk
15:44.55hwtKobaz: asterisk ---UDP---> outbound proxy ---TCP---> endpoint
15:45.14igcewielingkuku: according to that jira entry the specific issue addressed in the entry was fixed in
15:45.19hwtKobaz: and the asterisk is the only one which knows whether it should be TCP, UDP or TLS between the OP and the endpoint
15:45.39igcewielingassuming, of course, the patch ACTUALLY made it into Asterisk.  They often don't.
15:49.12*** part/#asterisk bmill (~millski@
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15:59.22Kobazhwt: and the problem is?.....
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16:23.41artyxIs there any known issues on installing asterisk 2.11 on RHEL6 x64 base distributions... i did the addons like sqlite3 and posix
16:24.37artyxBut i get error 127... i strace the asterisk binary and it seems to be complaining about the ast*.so.1 file, i set up a symlink on it, (and set up a modules.conf) and still no love... safe_asterisk or whatevers thats called still does not start up error 127
16:25.23*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
16:25.36artyxAh nevermind, now its working ... and i must be full of it. lol
16:32.23artyxalso In 11.2.1 ... is there supposed to be a call to undefined intenral ? (actual spelling)
16:32.31artyxor do you think it is supposed to read internal
16:38.43Kattyhi lads.
16:40.45Kattywho was i talking to yesterday about lexx?
16:40.53artyxThe show?
16:41.05artyxI liked that show
16:41.08Kattyapb1963_: YOU.
16:41.12*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:41.12Kattyapb1963_: it was you i was talking to.
16:41.33Kattyapb1963_: pretty sure when you said it was /odd/ that was the understatement of the month!
16:41.54artyxThere is wierder shows out there...
16:42.12Kattyidk i was expecting something similiar to firefly
16:42.23Kattynot softcore porn...creepy softcore porn
16:42.44Kattysruffell was right :< should have started BSG!
16:43.36artyxHEy they dont make them like that anymore
16:43.46artyxWell they do, just not for broadcast tv ;)
16:44.07Kattyi feel very disturbed.
16:44.14artyxDo you anime at all?
16:44.28artyxI seen some things man.... horrible things
16:44.32artyxWouldn't recommend it
16:44.57drmessanoI dont think thats considered "anime"
16:45.48artyxNo but if you like the mental mind f* .. there are some great animes otu there that do a nice job of it
16:45.49drmessanoHentai ?
16:46.11tzangerhm, if I want to receive a SIP message (sip sms?) from a softphone to my asterisk 1.8 box, what is the secret sauce? Do I have a special extension in the receiving context of the dialplan? I'm having some trouble finding information
16:46.25*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (
16:47.42igcewielingtzanger: in 1.8 SIP messages are only done in the context of a call.  Later versions support messaging not as part of a call.  Does that help at all?
16:48.12*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:49.20tzangerigcewieling: ah, I see. that's unfortunate (for me)
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17:19.18GreenlightIt's so annoying that the playing of music when Agent/ channels aren't connected is inconsistent
17:24.55lorsungcuwat do
17:30.00*** join/#asterisk SuperNull (
17:30.11SuperNullAnyone running realtime for sippears on 11 ?
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17:31.15jmetro sip pears.
17:32.16navaismowhats your isue SuperNull
17:34.04Greenlight <-- This claims agent channels are obsolete; is this the case?
17:40.29[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Yes
17:42.18igcewielingIn asterisk 1.8 if I don't want to use res_timing_dahdi, what is the next best/reliable timing module?
17:42.36igcewielingtimerfd and pthread are my options
17:42.56navaismoi was using timerdf
17:45.05Greenlight[TK]D-Fender: Hmm... damn, wish that was more documented. So, what's the alternative ?
17:45.24[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, AddQueueMember
17:45.38igcewielinghmm...on those install I don't see a timerfd timer.
17:46.03GreenlightI want to keep the users connected inbetween calls, like agent channels did
17:46.09igcewielingGreenlight: you should read all the UPGRADE*.txt files in the Asterisk source code so you know when the docs you are reading are out of date.
17:46.47GreenlightI must have missed the section regarding agent channels usage
17:49.24[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, no longer exists
17:51.19GreenlightAt present I'm using Queues, Local channels and ConfBridges to connect agents and customers. However I'm hitting some odd performance problems, and I was advised that agent channels were a better method to facilitate this.
17:51.22*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
17:52.39[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Get new advice....
17:52.49[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, chan_agent, AgentLogin = dead
17:53.10KattyLumpia is delicious!
17:53.12Kattythat is all.
17:53.51GreenlightI'm actually thinking that the performance issues could be related to the Queues if anything, so maybe I can still avoid using them, without using agent channels.
17:54.14Kattyoh. performance issues.
17:54.16*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
17:54.17Kattyi'm sorry to hear about those.
17:54.36Kattyyou know they make something call stallion potion, if you can find a good alchemist.
17:55.08GreenlightI tried some of that already, and smoke started coming out...
17:55.39Kattysounds like you should visit the college of winterhold
17:55.42jmetrofor calls lasting longer than four hours...
17:55.44Kattyyou may be doin it wrong
17:55.57GreenlightI'll have to try that :)
17:56.31GreenlightOh well, in the meantime, back to the drawing board, and to pull out my "change" to agent channels... have that to look forward to tomorrow.
17:56.34Kattycalls lasting longer than four hours?! gwai gwai long duh dong!
17:56.57Kattykwai chur hun-rien duh di fahng!
17:57.21jmetroi think the translator broke.
17:57.22KattyGreenlight: yes.
17:57.32KattyGreenlight: for tonight...there is Vodka.
17:57.42KattyGreenlight: optionally iced tea if you're not feeling Vodka.
17:57.47GreenlightGreat advice! Laters all.... :)
17:57.54apb1963_Oh Katty....  it was a funny show.
17:58.05Kattyjmetro: yes. that would be cursing from firefly
17:58.16Kattyjmetro: i googled it tho. it's not like i'm actually smart.
17:58.33Kattyapb1963_: if by /funny/ you mean quite /disturbing/
17:58.39Kattyapb1963_: wait. are we talking about firefly or lexx?
17:58.52Kattyapb1963_: then yes. most disturbing so far.
17:58.56Kattyapb1963_: on episode 3.
17:58.59apb1963_It didn't disturb me at all
17:59.03Kattypossibly 4
17:59.14Kattyi just got done with the ones about the Worms.
17:59.19Kattywho liked the bright green Pattern
17:59.23apb1963_I don't remember specifics.. it was quite some time ago
17:59.39Kattyah...well it reminded me of Soylent Green...which may have been the point
17:59.45jmetrowait, Lexx = Farscape?
17:59.54KattyLexx =/ Farscape
17:59.57apb1963_not by a longshot jmetro
18:00.05Kattyi remember farscape being cool.
18:00.09Kattywith pretty boys. and big guns.
18:00.10apb1963_it was
18:00.21Kattythere are no big guns in Lexx.
18:00.25apb1963_umm... I don't know about pretty boys
18:00.27Kattyjust pretty girls and suggestive soft porn content
18:00.29[TK]D-FenderKatty, Just one
18:00.46apb1963_Lexx IS a big gun
18:00.52apb1963_It destroys planets
18:01.04apb1963_they don't get much bigger than that
18:01.06KattyLexx isn't pretty.
18:01.28apb1963_no but the woman is.. I forget her name
18:01.43[TK]D-FenderZev / Xev
18:01.51Kattyah yes. Zev
18:01.52apb1963_That sounds familiar
18:02.31*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
18:02.35artyxFarscape was jim hensons work no?  Great stuff
18:02.44artyxI thik it was also aussie
18:03.22apb1963_It was poorly named.  I avoided watching it for a very long time because I thought it was some kind of geography show or something.
18:03.42apb1963_I think that's why it didn't do so well and got cancelled
18:04.10artyxI feel that if it went as long as stargate did it would have lost its appeal
18:04.10apb1963_There's an episode in stargate where they make reference to it.
18:04.30Kattynever did get into star gate.
18:04.32artyxI mean.. i dunno about you, but you can only do the same universe for so many episodes before your writers have constipation
18:04.41jmetroFarscape was excellence.
18:04.51artyxHell yes, crackers dont matter !
18:04.51Kattynot enough eye candy in stargate i supposed.
18:05.02apb1963_I prefer unsalted
18:05.27artyxI have the farscape bluray collectors edition, it was given to us by the distributor for the purposes of my wife reviewing it
18:05.31Kattycrackers don't have nearly enough fiber for that
18:05.39artyxI also have the PK wars on oldschool dvd... that was a good followup
18:05.49artyxWell normal crackers dont katty. but space krackers
18:06.04Kattyah. i don't get the reference. but that's ok! don't ruin it.
18:06.08Kattyi will get it eventually, surely.
18:06.16artyxI think its somewhere in the end of season 2,early season 3
18:06.28artyxforget exactly. its a title of an episode
18:06.58[TK]D-FenderKatty, Personal onte on it : S4 EP 10 = most important piece of enlightenment.  Look forward to it...
18:07.06chuckfFarscape was great, Lexx the movies were more pornish than the series, and the series had its moments
18:07.25artyxWhat about that 80's show max headroom
18:07.36artyxand if your on the subject of sci-fi . how about V the series
18:07.41artyxloved V
18:07.55*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-tgzbdzhcwhmolaqo)
18:07.58chuckfI'm surprised that Max Headroom hasn't been rerun in a while
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18:08.24psykonchuckf: I was just think that
18:08.25artyxI think there were licensing issues regarding the holder
18:09.00psykon"thinking" that is
18:09.09jmetroenders game - the movie.
18:09.19artyxIm holding out for that.. i have high hopes but low expectations
18:09.26jmetroharrison ford
18:09.33artyxAs mazer?
18:09.34chuckfThe thread of the show would be neat to see. Much like today but the real screens we carry around are much smaller
18:09.51artyxgraff even, oops
18:10.01jmetroGraff yeah
18:10.07jmetroI wish he was mazer.
18:11.46chuckfBlake's 7 is one that I haven't seen in ages too
18:13.05coppiceBlake's 7 led to charity events to send the main characters to acting school :-)
18:14.17chuckfheh, I saw it as a kid, thought it was good then
18:14.54*** join/#asterisk AviMarcus (
18:15.07AviMarcusHas anyone seen an spa-2102 request the provisioning file every 40-70 seconds for an hour? (And then lose the connection)
18:15.26coppicechuckf: well, it didn't become a classic through the superiority of its acting or special effects :-)
18:15.48artyxdoes libpri install the zaptel dependancies?
18:16.17artyxi installed dahdi-linux-complete and wanpipe still isn't working right.
18:18.09artyxonly thing i can think of is i set it up for dahdi and not zaptel (which should be the same damn thing no?)
18:18.38WIMPy... in different times, yes.
18:20.09*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
18:20.10artyxIt used to be called zaptel, and now its dahdi. wanpipe presents me with an option to specify dahdi or zaptel and the dir. and after specifying the install location (/usr/local) where dahdi resides
18:20.41artyxor is it /usr/local/include. if orget... It builds and int heory just works. at least thats how its always worekd out for me before. .. but THIS box is giving me grief
18:20.48igcewielingartyx: no.  It wants the location of the DAHDI srouce code, not the installed files.
18:21.17artyxyour right, its linking to usr/local/src
18:21.18artyxmy bad
18:21.24artyxbut still.. its failing :P
18:22.09artyxgot this B600 in mint conditionf or like a hundred bucks
18:22.33artyx4 port fxo 1 fxs with hardware ec and $100. score =)
18:25.20*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
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18:29.02*** join/#asterisk Tymanthius (
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18:32.18TymanthiusHello!  I was wondering if anyone could help me figure out why a script won't run from my dial plan?  It spits out this error:  [2013-02-06 12:28:03] WARNING[12410]: app_system.c:138 system_exec_helper: Unable to execute ', <arg1>, <arg2>, <arg3>'  The script runs fine from the command line.
18:34.59igcewielingTymanthius: su -l asterisk -c 'fullpathtoscript'
18:35.13igcewielingalso use the full path to the script in your dialplan
18:36.46kaldemarTymanthius: show the line in your dialplan
18:36.55TymanthiusTried useing the full path to script in the dial plan, and it gave the same error.  EVen had it in a /test dir that was owned by asterisk:asterisk, and the dir & file were chmod 777
18:40.01Tymanthiusigcewieling: That command doesn't spit out errors, but doesn't seem to run the script either.
18:41.04*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
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18:41.47igcewielingTymanthius: aha!  remove the spaces after the commas
18:41.55Tymanthiuskaldemar: I'm using the ael file, I believe this is the relevant section:  h => {
18:43.48Tymanthiusigc:  Will do, brb
18:45.49kaldemarTymanthius: core show application System
18:47.17kaldemararguments for the command are not separated by commas
18:47.54igcewielinggenerally arguements to applications and functions should not have spaces in them
18:49.21*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
18:51.07Tymanthiusgrrrr . . . faxzero seems to be down so I can't send myself a fax.
18:51.22*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
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19:03.52TymanthiusOk, got a fax sent in, and even with the spaces removed, it gave the same error.
19:04.47*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (~anonymous@
19:07.04TymanthiusANd just to be clear, I get the faxes (they are sitting in my /var/pool/asterisk/faxes dir).  The script just refuses to run.
19:11.21TymanthiusKaldemar:  Jsut read the core show line - everything comes up "Not Available"  I'm on an ubuntu 12.04.1 headless server, installed from repo's.
19:12.07*** join/#asterisk kleszcz (
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19:21.15kaldemarTymanthius: spaces? you were supposed to remove commas. system takes a plain shell command.
19:23.03*** join/#asterisk bpriddy (
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19:23.17TymanthiusOk, I'm trying no comma's, just spaces.  Although it was like that before.  I (mis)read a config on the wiki. I think I read for agi commands, and that's why I had the commas.
19:24.30*** join/#asterisk bandroidx (~bandroidx@2605:6400:2:fed5:4:0:414:11)
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19:29.29TymanthiusOk, I've got it.  It's a permissions issue.  I moved back to the one in /test, after checking my permissions there, and THAT is working.  Thanks guys.
19:30.10*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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19:36.34leifmadsensees some AEL in the backlog, pukes a little in his mouth
19:36.56igcewielingleifmadsen: AEL is AWESOME!
19:37.05leifmadsenI disagree, but ok :)
19:37.21leifmadsenmaybe I'm just an old and crusty Asterisk admin now
19:37.33igcewielingleifmadsen: We use AEL mainly with Dial, most everything else is in AGIs
19:38.53*** join/#asterisk chris_n (~Chris@
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19:39.53Tymanthiuslol - I can read ael more readily than I can conf exten lines.  But I'm still getting MASSIVE help from the web, and friendly peoples.
19:40.30*** join/#asterisk gavimobile ( says that it supports .ics intergration, does this mean I just add the url to the ics location?
19:41.45gavimobilecan't find anythiny sample calendar.conf samples online doing this.. not sure what it means
19:44.43lorsungculeifmadsen: know of any way to change the dialog-info bits of notify packets?
19:46.14leifmadsengavimobile: did you read the calendar stuff written in the book?
19:46.25leifmadsenlorsungcu: use something like opensips or kamailio
19:46.46gavimobileleifmadsen: yap!
19:47.06*** join/#asterisk apb1963__ (~apb1963@
19:47.40lorsungcuyeah that's sort of what I was leaning towards
19:47.46gavimobileleifmadsen: this specific module is NOT discussed in the book
19:47.53gavimobilecaldav is mentioned
19:47.54leifmadsenlorsungcu: basically if you need to manipulate SIP packets directly, move that out of Asterisk
19:48.07leifmadsengavimobile: sorry, guess never used whatever part you're talking about
19:48.08gavimobilebut icalendar is NOT
19:48.17leifmadsencorrect, it is NOT
19:48.23leifmadsenalthough I don't understand the need for the emphasis
19:48.42gavimobileno emphasis :-)
19:48.58gavimobilejust trying to get my calendar back up and running. im on like day 8
19:49.22lorsungcusounds like its working fine, if you know what day you're on
19:49.46gavimobilethis is my post on the forums.. someone else claims the same this is a server issue
19:51.03leifmadsen<gavimobile> but icalendar is NOT
19:53.00*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu_ (~anonymous@
19:53.11gavimobileleifmadsen: im sorry?
19:55.21gavimobileI wonder what else I can use other than google and exchange
19:55.36gavimobilecan't find any information to connect to apple
19:55.57*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
20:11.35ghost75is it possible to use thunderbird with tapi and asterisk?
20:12.12[TK]D-Fenderghost75, I'd probably google "asterisk TAPI" and see what shows up...
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20:12.36jmetroId google "Google TISP"
20:12.36ghost75a lot ...
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20:17.04ghost75jmetro: thats at least 5 years old
20:19.32jmetrostill a very fat pipe for a 5 year old connection
20:21.08ghost75better get wireless cable
20:23.03drmessanoI have a 1000ft box of wireless ethernet cable
20:23.10drmessanoPaypal in PM
20:24.00ghost75i 'll send you nigerian agent
20:28.08Katty75 bucks?
20:28.13Kattyfor ethernet cable?
20:28.19Kattyi wouldn't touch that with a 10ft pole for a grand.
20:28.41Kattyi didn't see the wireless bit.
20:28.44Kattystill sounds like work ;) meh
20:29.05Kattydrmessano: maybe your wife will volunteer.
20:29.50*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
20:29.55din3shhello all
20:30.33chris_noffers drmessano a cable stretcher to go with that wireless cable
20:30.53din3shwct4xxp 0000:0b:08.0: TE210P: RECEIVE slip NEGATIVE on span 2
20:31.05din3shwhat does this mean?
20:31.15*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
20:40.24kresp0Hi all, I'm having trouble making dahdi work with a X100P FXO card
20:40.31kresp0this is what I've done so far:
20:42.07*** join/#asterisk tc (
20:43.36tcHi.  Does anyone know whether Asterisk correctly implements DNS SRV now (e.g. priorities, weights, and ports of the various records are respected)?  If so, do you know what version that happened in?
20:43.52tcI found conflicting information online.
20:45.26*** join/#asterisk elico (
20:45.31ghost75i remember something "1st record only"
20:45.44kresp0dahdi_hardware locate the card, but dahdi_genconf dont. what should I try next?
20:47.02tcghost75: Yes, I found that mentioned someone too.  I found it so hard to believe that hadn't been fixed by now I thought I'd ask.
20:47.22tcghost75: I checked in the bug tracker and couldn't find the right one.
20:49.16kresp0ok, solved. I've rebooted and now it works :)
20:49.17ghost75no clue i dont use fqdn in dialplan
20:49.18filetc, it will sort and pick one - but only one and stick with it
20:50.29navaismokresp0, the modules file in /etc/dahdi/ contains the wcfxo module uncommented?
20:50.35navaismoha got it
20:50.42tcfile: Thanks, I see.  I have a customer running and it's not using the port number in the SRV record.  Should I tell them to upgrade to a particular version.
20:51.01*** join/#asterisk horatio (~horatio@unaffiliated/horatio)
20:51.16fileI don't know, nothing immediately springs to mind on any issue about that - best bet is to search JIRA
20:51.32horatioIs there anyone around who knows anything about the configuration of NEC PBXs? Specifically on an sv8100 how I pick a particular line to be in DISA mode rather than DDI mode?
20:51.36tctc: I also had them try turning on dnsmgr=yes as that helped some, but not all people in ASTERISK-17722.
20:52.11filethen it's entirely possible that is indeed an issue
20:52.13kresp0ty navaismo ;)
20:52.56*** join/#asterisk JohnnyAsterisk (~cianmaher@
20:53.38tcfile: Thanks.  It just seemed so unlikely for a compatibility issue like that to be outstanding so long that I thought I'd ask.  Thought perhaps it could have been fixed but the bug report abandoned.
20:54.00filebug reports are never abandoned, sometimes just forgotten if someone fixes it randomly
20:54.12JohnnyAsteriskok so this is frustrating…. compiling dahdi 2.4.1 complete everything goes fine, it compile i make the config and then start asterisk…. but there is no dahdi, when i do a search for the dahdi module its no where to be found on the server
20:54.17tcfile: Yes indeed.
20:54.25JohnnyAsterisktried with 2.6.1 and 2.4.1 any ideas?
20:54.31filenot likely something would ever touch randomly
20:55.13*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
20:55.49tcfile: Probably true.  Thanks again.
20:56.24*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
21:01.27JohnnyAsteriskdahdi compile find but doesn't drop our
21:02.27navaismothat is generated by asterisk IIRC
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21:42.57igcewielingJohnnyAsterisk: when you build asterisk if it finds dahdi installed in the system then it will generate
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22:26.20wwalkerwould someone ping the bot and have it tell me about provider lists?  I can't find that URL
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22:27.51infobotextra, extra, read all about it, providers is
22:29.29*** join/#asterisk cj (~cjac@2607:ff08:f5:3a::3)
22:29.33cjhey folks
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22:29.56jmetroyep, bots eat ~'s
22:30.42cjwhen I press a key my analog phone's keypad, the ATA it attaches to sends it immediately to my asterisk server.  what should I look for to have the delay wait for a bit before assuming I've finished entering the full number?
22:30.56cjthis is a grandstream 24-port ata, in case anyone knows that platform
22:32.34cjhmm... maybe it is out of time sync and I need to tell it the right network settings so it can a) resolve the ntp hostname and b) find a route to said ntp host ;-)
22:34.51wwalkerWhat I really need is a toll free number _in_Canada_ that forwards to my cell phone.  I'm not worried about cost as I will only use it to verify that our sip trunk providers and candidates to become sip trunk providers.  We've had problems calling Canadian toll free numbers repeatedly with multiple providers.
22:35.58wwalkerI didn't find any country info on the voipreview pages, so I'm hoping someone has used a service that provides Canadian toll free? and
22:36.58leifmadsenboth of those companies should
22:37.01wwalkerleifmadsen: thank you!
22:37.03leifmadsenalso potentially
22:39.18*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
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22:42.33dwaynewwalker, I don't believe has a 9 AM Eastern support option if that matters to you
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22:46.44sezuanI need some debugging help. I've upgraded my from an older 1.8.x to the and It seems that asterisk doesn't respond to network packets anymore. I can see with netstat that data is waiting.
22:47.38*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-awanwqkvuinbdguz)
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23:09.42igcewielingsezuan: does ifconfig show anything inteesting?
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23:36.51cjokay, so it wasn't clock skew
23:37.03cjmaybe I need to put the DSLAM into interleaved mode
23:39.12sezuanigcewieling: no, all error counters show zero. iptables looks ok, no insane fail2ban rule.
23:39.33sezuanthe asterisk <-> jabber connection is fine at the same time.
23:45.26*** join/#asterisk Mon|A|rch (~SBean@
23:50.14Mon|A|rchso, I'm trying to detect answering machines in my IVR, that way the IVR won't go ahead and leave uselsss messages on people's answering machines
23:50.33Mon|A|rchit detects answering machines very well
23:50.53Mon|A|rchbut it apparently can't tell the difference between an answering machine and a real person
23:51.09Mon|A|rcham i going to need to overwrite the parameters from amd.conf manually in the application call?
23:51.18Mon|A|rchi can paste amd.conf
23:51.21WIMPySo what part is it, it does very well then?
23:51.37*** join/#asterisk darkdrgn2k (
23:51.59Mon|A|rchwhen an answering machine answers, it recognizes it (apparently) and heads to the hangup extension
23:52.16Mon|A|rchwhen a human answers, it thinks an answering machine is on the line
23:52.32Mon|A|rchi guess very well isn't accurate
23:52.33Mon|A|rchbut w/e
23:52.35darkdrgn2khey guys question
23:52.41darkdrgn2kwhy am i getting 403 on that one?
23:52.48WIMPySounds like no detection to me. What am I missing?
23:52.56darkdrgn2kis it complainig about codec?
23:53.17Mon|A|rchWIMPy, you're probably right, i just don't know the amd application well
23:53.29[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: No.
23:53.44darkdrgn2kso whats the 403 mean? does it actualy matter?
23:53.50WIMPydarkdrgn2k@ What do you make of the word "Forbidden" after that 403?
23:53.56igcewielingMon|A|rch: tuning AMD is a black art.  I used to work for a company which considered the AMD settings they came up with as a company secret.
23:54.16Mon|A|rchigcewieling, oh god
23:54.20igcewielingThey were all complete nutjobs, but the product was very popular.
23:54.24darkdrgn2kWIMPy: not sure...
23:55.09[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: it's documented.
23:55.13Mon|A|rchigcewieling, there any semi-effective examples online?
23:55.20igcewielingThey may or may no have patched AMD, I don't recall.
23:55.33darkdrgn2kforbidden usualy is user login/password isses no?
23:55.39Mon|A|rchI'm in version 1.8, if that makes a difference igcewieling
23:55.43igcewielingMon|A|rch: no idea.  I was never crazy enough to try.
23:56.03Mon|A|rchi see
23:56.11Mon|A|rchwell, it's a robot going out and calling people
23:56.16Mon|A|rchso I guess I'll have to find something
23:56.20Mon|A|rchthanks for cluing me in
23:56.39igcewielingIn my experience most companys which need to detect answering machines are either collection agencies or telemarketers and I try not to consort with the devil.
23:57.10Mon|A|rchwe're medical, we're using a robot to call people asking if they need a refill on their medication/med supplies
23:57.19[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: Thre is no "acceptance" in there
23:57.19Mon|A|rchbut, you're right
23:57.49darkdrgn2kso its an auth issue?
23:58.24Mon|A|rchi think he means that the server isn't giving you the option to log in
23:58.27Mon|A|rchit's forbidden to you
23:59.02[TK]D-Fenderdarkdrgn2k: Did you look up what SIP 403 is defined as?

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