IRC log for #asterisk on 20130205

00:00.11saint_so Asterisk can have the status of the line ?
00:00.49WIMPydin3sh: Not neccessarily. You should read a lot about load balancing / LVS and HA.
00:01.20WIMPysaint_: Hintes are for devices and some special other states, not for extensions.
00:01.40saint_WIMPy: so I have a couple of digium phones.
00:01.46WIMPyIt's an extension->state mapping.
00:01.52saint_WIMPy: do i need to put a hint for every exten =>  when calling htem ?
00:02.20WIMPyIIRC hintes are created automatically when you use DPMA.
00:02.58rue_workwow, that was a cool problem, a wrong dial plan on an aastra set caused it not to connect the incomming audio stream
00:03.22saint_WIMPy: ok...
00:07.56saint_does SLA work with SIP ? Or only Analog / T1 trunks ?
00:09.15saint_ha.. never mind, i just found the example with sip trunks
00:09.55pabelangerdin3sh: well, if you add a 3rd server, you now need to make sure it is redundant too
00:10.04pabelangerotherwise, it is a single point of failure
00:10.30pabelangerDo active / passive, have your phone reregister every 60 seconds
00:10.41saint_I have , but I do not have SLA. What did I do wrong ? The documentation says that if you have meetme, then SLA should be loaded too.
00:10.48pabelangerif server dies, phone will reregister in 60 seconds
00:15.09din3sh@pabelanger: ok thanks
00:17.56pbxbrianRunning Asterisk 11 since mid November without any issue.. The quality of initial releases has got so much better.
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00:30.08leifmadsensaint_: that's true -- SLA is included in the meetme module
00:30.29leifmadsensaint_: btw the documention in the 3rd edition of Asterisk is kind of wrong
00:30.39leifmadsenuse and read the 4th edition where I updated it
00:30.48leifmadsenI think that is the only place with sane documentation for the SLA functionality
00:31.01leifmadsenplease test and review what we have there and provide feedback tonight if you can
00:31.09leifmadsenruns away again
00:36.23SeRidoes any body know where I can ppurchase a Polycom Productivity Suite Package?
00:36.35SeRior individual license?
00:37.33*** join/#asterisk KamiyK (
00:38.51ChannelZI'm guessing only from them.
00:41.19*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
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01:03.37rue_houseChannelZ, yes, replaced lots of roofs, today your price is $7000
01:06.41SeRiChannelZ: nope
01:20.32*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
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03:07.44zhandoneed pointers to get a soundcard channel working alsa/oss/console whatever's easiest... I'm on an hp laptop..
03:12.37zhandoI mean I fire up vlc and I hear sound no problem.. Why is it so hard with * ???
03:16.25zhandoI'm on linux too
03:24.22saint_hey, I know I have the right login and password since I did a copy / paste in jabber.conf.
03:24.32saint_But when I start my asterisk box, I get an error message: JABBER: encryption failure. possible bad password.
03:24.51saint_Anyone would have a trick on how to trace or fix that ?
03:24.58saint_I'm 100% sure of the login and password
03:31.36*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
03:32.03saint_i wonder if it's because my google voice is not a account ..
03:38.25saint_anyone can give me a hand with this
03:54.49saint_ha yeah, i confirm, it's a bug in the jabber module. where do i open ticket for bugs ?
04:13.29*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-fielvnnhkcjcztya)
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05:24.20saint_is down ?
05:25.34saint_or.. and so
05:25.36saint_damn it
05:34.54*** join/#asterisk apb1963__ (~apb1963@
05:42.50zerohalosaint_: don't seem down to me
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06:49.37din3shgd mrning all
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08:22.17tathas anyone experience with asterisk on osx, is it possibill to use my motorolla sm 56k modem receive and send calls using my landline ?
08:22.31ectospasmtat: no
08:22.36ectospasma modem does not transmit voice
08:23.43igcewielingThe few modems which are capable of "transmitting voice" are designed to handle voicemail and are not capable of realtime bidirectional voice.
08:24.03igcewielingRegardless, there are no asterisk drivers for them anyway.
08:24.06ectospasmtat: you'd need something like a Digium TDM or AEX410, with at least one FXO module... and I don't know the status of the DAHDI drivers on OSX
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08:30.13tatthanks, for the fast answer
08:30.20*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:30.38*** join/#asterisk phpboy (
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08:32.11phpboyHi, I have a hosted PBX, I've got SIP connections from point A over the internet to the hosted PBX and point B. when I make calls the caller's channel is clear but the callee's channel is jittery
08:32.27phpboywhat's the most common cause for something like this?
08:33.12ectospasmprobably the network connection to point B, I'd guess.
08:33.34ectospasmdo you know what kind of capacity the link has?
08:33.41ectospasmphpboy: ^
08:40.13ectospasmif it's truly network jitter (packets arriving out of order), you might try the jitter buffer settings
08:48.27phpboywell, the connection seems stables from point A to point B
08:48.54phpboygetting under 50ms response with no packet loss
08:49.06phpboyI thought it may be the link between the two points but it's not
08:51.48*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
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09:01.26ChannelZWhat is the bandwidth of both links?
09:05.51phpboypoint A is 4Mbit ADSL, point B is 100Mbit hosted
09:07.30phpboySo I'm pretty confident bandwidth isn't the issue here
09:07.40phpboywell hopefully :T
09:17.10*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
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09:25.53*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
09:26.31danfromukHi. Is there anything within asterisk that can send a warning email if an outgoing calls results in a '500 service unavailable'?
09:28.45kaldemardanfromuk: your options are to examine the DIALSTATUS variable and then do what you want.
09:29.01*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
09:40.48danfromukIs there an active OP in the channel?
10:03.13phpboylol, seems it was a school boy problem... codec conversion issue
10:03.18phpboyproblem fixed :D
10:03.42ectospasmphpboy: that'll getcha every time
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10:12.41phpboyectospasm: out of interest sake, there's no way around that issue right?
10:13.05phpboywould love to do G 729 on the one end and G 711 on the other
10:20.09ectospasmno reason it can't be done... probably need to be mindful of the packetization.
10:20.29ectospasme.g. if it's 20ms per packet on one end, prolly should have 20ms on the other
10:20.36*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
10:20.47ectospasmsee the packetization text file in the Asterisk source/doc directory
10:37.58*** join/#asterisk sgimeno (~sgimeno@
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11:04.24BorjaGVOHi, first of all, I know that this might not be the correct channel, but I don't see where I can ask for this. I'm trying to receive 2+ calls in a softphone but I don't find any that supports it. I see this very basic feature. Can anyone recommend a softphone or tell me if I must enable any options in Asterisk? Thank you very much.
11:19.03*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
11:27.28BorjaGVOI know that activating call waiting (*71), several incoming calls from other users can be reveived. However, I'm trying to receive several calls on one same softphone within a queue but it's not working? Is it possible?
11:36.28EmleyMoorWhy am I getting the error shown on line 210 of when I try to send a fax using t38modem? Is there anything I can do about it?
11:44.24*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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12:02.04EmleyMoorI added t38pt_rtp = yes and now get
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12:04.59gavimobilewhy did my google calendar stop connecting.res_calendar_caldav.c:157 caldav_request: Unknown response to CalDAV calendar myGoogleCal, request REPORT to /calendar/dav/ Could not read status line: connection was closed by server
12:10.04*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
12:12.56EmleyMoorIs there any way to do faxes simply (with or without hylafax) on Asterisk 1.8? I've got a way to send, it's just receiving that's a pain.
12:20.45*** join/#asterisk bipul (~bipul@unaffiliated/bipul)
12:21.45bipulHellow Any one have any idea about Network Simulation with emulation ? does any one know how to do Voip emulation on ns-2.
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13:36.25bipulHellow Any one have any idea about Network Simulation with emulation ? does any one know how to do Voip emulation on ns-2.
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13:46.48WIMPySimulation with emulation? What does that even mena?
13:50.23bipulWIMPy, search for NS-2 emulation.
13:50.55bipulWIMPy, That is completely call "nse"
13:51.20WIMPyThat doesn't mean anything to me.
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14:05.42leifmadsenATDG 4e is now done. Thanks to everyone for playing along!
14:08.05Kobazmy vision is pretty good today
14:08.43WIMPyremember he wantes to take a look...
14:13.02*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
14:13.06Rico29hi all
14:13.25Rico29I'm having trouble while trying to register a trunk from my asterisk box to an opensips server
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14:15.19Rico29it works well with other equipments (like oneaccess, etc...)
14:15.25Rico29but not with asterisk
14:15.42leifmadsenwaits for the punch line
14:16.14jmetroon the contrary, life without oxygen is a danger.
14:16.21kaldemarRico29: what kind of trouble?
14:17.29Rico29kaldemar> opensips always returns "wrong password"
14:17.34Rico29but the password is the good one
14:18.11kaldemarwhere do you see that "wrong password"? what do you see in sip debug?
14:18.44kaldemarwhat does your register statement look like?
14:20.05Rico29register statement :           Y      1001               300 No Authentication
14:20.27Rico29and in cli : WARNING[23444]: chan_sip.c:20458 handle_response_register: Forbidden - wrong password on authentication for REGISTER for '1001' to ''
14:20.59[TK]D-FenderRico29, pastebin the actual registration attempt
14:21.17Rico29the sip debug ?
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14:22.16kaldemarRico29: by register statement i mean the line in your sip.conf. and yes, pastebin the whole sip debug for a registration attempt.
14:22.40[TK]D-FenderRico29, Clearly
14:23.07[TK]D-FenderRico29, Any special characters in your password?  Three are several that * does not support
14:23.18Rico29non special chars
14:28.10[TK]D-FenderRico29, Checked your realm?
14:28.32Rico29[TK]D-Fender> yes
14:28.47jmetrowerent you going to post configs we can check?
14:28.56[TK]D-FenderRico29, So pure alphanumeric PW?
14:29.16Rico29it's in the pastebin I've sent you
14:29.28[TK]D-FenderSo that's "actual"?
14:29.31Rico29(super secure passwd)
14:30.35[TK]D-FenderIt's all so basic....  well give the OpenSIPS side a few more go-overs but it all feels pretty normal here...
14:31.19*** join/#asterisk Kyosh (
14:38.27Rico29[TK]D-Fender> looks like the nonce calculated by asterisk is wrong...
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14:48.12EmleyMoorIs there anywhere I could generate a fax to myself from, other than
14:49.23*** join/#asterisk TarCert (c1a9b80e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:55.53rue_houseups store?
14:56.15rue_housecopy centres usually have machines you can use
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15:04.13Rico29[TK]D-Fender> looks like this problem :
15:06.07[TK]D-FenderRico29, What version are you running?
15:08.31Rico29I'm compiling latest 1.8
15:08.41Rico29but why mysql modules are marked as deprecated ?
15:08.50Rico29will mysql support be disabled ?
15:09.29*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
15:09.31GreenlightI think the idea is to use mysql via odbc moving forward
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15:10.19Rico29ok, is there any big changes to do for replacing mysql by odbc ?
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15:12.34Rico29Greenlight> ?
15:12.37GreenlightI can't remember setting up mysql via odbc being too tricky
15:13.01GreenlightBut, the old mysql module should still work if you want to use that
15:13.23GreenlightAlthough it's marked as deprecated, I seem to recall you can still include it
15:16.13*** join/#asterisk Tarcert (c1a9b80e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:19.35Rico29[TK]D-Fender> do you think it can be my problem ?
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15:20.53[TK]D-FenderRico29, these are the sort of things that would be more commonly found bugs and possibly fixed.  No reason to be behind on this so far....
15:21.19[TK]D-FenderRico29, And still a good idea to check the changelog/tracker to see if something specific was mentioned.
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15:29.17Kattyg'morning lads.
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15:50.09leifmadsenKatty: OH GOD! MY ASTERISK IS ON FIRE!
15:50.16leifmadsenI'm losing dataz by the minutes!
15:51.38chris_nhands leifmadsen a bucket of water and another cup of coffee
15:51.55leifmadsendrinks the coffee before doing anything else
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15:57.45Kattycoffee is a very important part of a complete morning.
16:00.33Kattyoh what should i start today?
16:00.42Kattyi watched the Once Upon a Time series...and finished Firefly up
16:00.45Kattywhat next?
16:01.10Kattysomething good to pre-occupy my brain between tickets.
16:01.13_Corey_Katty: I just started watching Homeland...  it's pretty good
16:01.18Kattywhat's it about?
16:01.23sruffellI take it you already watched Battlestar Galactica?
16:01.45Kattysruffell: mmmm, not all of it know what you need to do...
16:01.56Kattysruffell: i got up to the point where they discovered 13 flags on a moon, i believe
16:02.00_Corey_Katty: it's a spy thing...  there's a "Manchurian Candidate" quality to it
16:02.14Kattyrussell is right tho
16:02.23Kattyi should finish up battlestar galactica. it's epic.
16:02.34Katty_Corey_: but that sounds like a good one to watch too!
16:08.22*** join/#asterisk dwayne (
16:13.53Weezeyanyone know if it's possible to change an exension button on a 7960/7940 to show status of a queue or something else?
16:14.41[TK]D-FenderWeezey, XML browser on it.
16:16.27*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
16:16.28Weezey[TK]D-Fender, but the user would have to press a button to see that, I'm thinking like change an icon, flash an extension.
16:16.50WeezeyI guess I could use a mailbox and flash new voice mail, but that would be quite confusing.
16:16.55Weezeyfor idiots.
16:17.00Weezeylike my users.
16:17.35Weezey[TK]D-Fender: know of any way via the telnet to change the name of an extension button?
16:17.47igcewielingWeezey: Cisco seems to reserve all the cool features for Skinny/SCCP and CallManager
16:18.18QwellWeezey: Digium phones can.  </unsolicited_advertisement>
16:18.38igcewielingAs can Polycom.  I bet Linksys SPAs could as well.
16:22.24anonymouz666igcewieling: and do you know how reliable is SKINNY/SCCP support in Asterisk?
16:22.50[TK]D-FenderWeezey, Does thier XML include an "idle" screen?  Polycom & Aastra do...
16:30.41*** join/#asterisk infobot (
16:30.41*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.2.1 (2013/01/22), 10.12.1 (2013/01/22), (2013/01/22), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
16:30.46QwellKatty: the ship itself is alive.
16:30.49apb1963__Yes... they were all aliens
16:30.53Kattyah. then this isn't lexx i'm thinking of
16:31.00apb1963__Probably not
16:31.04apb1963__Nobody was blue
16:31.05Kattythe alien interfaced with the ship
16:31.10Kattysimiliar to the borg, but not the borg.
16:31.23apb1963__Stanley was the ship's captain
16:31.46apb1963__Ki was the dead assassin
16:31.48aberriosyou're thinking of Farscape Katty ?
16:31.49Kattythis is going to drive me absolutely insane
16:32.02apb1963__Farscape had a blue alien
16:32.04KattyYES,. that one
16:32.12apb1963__She was a plant
16:32.21Kattyshows you how much i remember about the series
16:32.30Kattysome crazy alien at the center of a ship, and some guy with a weird alien beard.
16:32.38apb1963__Yes... with multiple arms
16:32.46apb1963__Yes.. that was farscape
16:32.52*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:32.54aberriosFarscape was the one where everyone dies at least once and comes back to life
16:33.00apb1963__He could knock people out with his tongue (the beard guy)
16:33.15apb1963__That one was with Claudia Black
16:33.29Kattyi don't remember anything about lexx tho.
16:33.33Kattyother than the girl looks familiar.
16:33.38Kattybattlestar galactica, then lexx.
16:33.45apb1963__then Supernatural
16:33.50apb1963__then Fringe.
16:33.50Kattyi've seen supernatural
16:34.01Kattyi've seen parts of fringe i believe
16:34.08apb1963__you have to watch it from the beginning
16:34.20Kattyor maybe i'm thinking of Monk
16:34.25apb1963__season one, episode one
16:34.34Kattyeither way, i lean more towards the scifi than the Crime Stuffs
16:34.34apb1963__Monk was the defective detective
16:34.52Kattytho Bones was pretty good.
16:34.55apb1963__Fringe had two universes
16:34.57KattyLost Girl was decent, tho a little cheesy
16:35.17Kattyi got completely Lost in Lost...i missed a few episodes and suddenly  nothing made sense with alternate realities and what not
16:35.24apb1963__Walter the Scientist... and Walternate
16:35.30Kattyi'm going to have to start over with Lost
16:35.45Kattywhich series is shorter....Battlestar Galactica or Lexx?
16:35.50apb1963__Walter Bishop
16:36.04apb1963__Hmmmm.... not sure
16:36.42apb1963__BG has movies and remakes so... possibly Lexx
16:36.42Kattythere's 4 seasons of lex.
16:37.09Katty4 seasons of battlestar galactica...but a lot more episodes per season.
16:37.12Kattyso maybe i'll start with Lexx
16:37.23apb1963__BG starts with Lorne Greene in what... 1978?
16:37.37Kattyi'm going to watch the newer BS series
16:37.57apb1963__They're both good
16:38.12Kattyi've seen the old ones before. they're very good
16:38.23Kattynever finished up the newer ones, so i'll tackle those after Lexx.
16:38.25apb1963__I never finished either... couldn't find all the episodes
16:38.41Kattyi'm just watching what's on netflix.
16:38.43Kattythere's probably more.
16:38.49Kattybut i can always buy the series if i enjoy them
16:39.02jmetrowatch the original doctor who - season 12 with Tom Baker. The best.
16:39.14Kattyi've seen a lot of doctor who, jmetro
16:39.18Kattyi started on the very very very very first one.
16:39.21Kattywith the cave men
16:39.28apb1963__Unrelated... there's some web series that's amatuer and low budget but very funny and very well done IMHO.... D&D style.
16:39.31Kattyand watched ALL of them up to all but this last season
16:39.48apb1963__Yes I used to have about 40 seasons of Dr. Who
16:39.58Kattythe first ones were hard to get into
16:40.03apb1963__watched most of them
16:40.19Kattythe old black and white ones. cave men....then the daleks.
16:40.27Kattythose first few episodes. i felt like i might fall asleep ;)
16:40.36Kattytv was a lot different back then.
16:40.42apb1963__The first and maybe second episode were very good... the rest... not so much for many, many seasons.
16:41.08Kattyanywho. i'mma watch lexx mostly afk (=
16:41.17apb1963__waves. Enjoy
16:43.27*** join/#asterisk TarCert (c1a9b80e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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17:16.20curfonturgent.. if I want to forward a number a call, the header is set to the incoming call that I am forwarding, how do I change that header?
17:16.59curfontFor example.. what do I put before "Dial" to make it my account number for the voip provider
17:17.13WIMPySet the caller ID
17:17.26WIMPyThat's a different thing.
17:18.09curfontThey said this" You should 1. Adjust the from header, instead of the mobile number it should be your account number."
17:18.16curfontThe mobile number being the forwarded one
17:18.28curfontSo I should change the caller Id to my account number?
17:18.50WIMPyLooks like your peer is incomplete.
17:19.03curfontSet(CALLERID(name)=Asterisk PBX) ?
17:20.07curfontstill didn't work, hmm
17:20.16curfontIs the header she is saying different to the callerid?
17:20.48curfont"from header"
17:20.59igcewielingcurfont: generally CALLERID(num) is what sets the "user" in the From header
17:21.29igcewielingCallerID(name) is both totally cosmetic and totally useless when talking to most providers, it should not cause an issue though.
17:23.10*** join/#asterisk Hive (
17:23.26curfontigcewieling: " Conflicting extension values given."
17:23.33curfontAsterisk is spitting that out now
17:23.39curfontBut it's using the correct "from" header
17:24.08igcewielingcurfont: where are you getting that error message?
17:24.50igcewielingif in the CLI pastebin the CLI output leading up to and including that message.
17:25.13curfont[Feb  5 17:24:51] NOTICE[1652]: chan_sip.c:27435 sip_request_call: Conflicting extension values given. Using X and not Y
17:25.16curfontthats all
17:25.19curfontAfter the dial
17:25.27curfontit's a NOTICE
17:25.37igcewielingI eagerly await the CLI output leading up to that error
17:26.08HiveHello Asterisk people, is there a maximum value for priority inside of a context? I tried setting a priority to a 10 digit phone number, then doing a GoTo to that priority, but Asterisk does a GoTo to 1866989779 (notice the 9 digits :[ ).
17:26.32igcewielingHive: 1) likely 2) don't do that
17:26.38curfontigcewieling: Answer, Set, Dial, with my username and password in it..
17:26.40curfontThats all
17:26.48curfontThen that notice
17:27.02WIMPyHive: Interesting experiment, but probably not really what you wanted.
17:27.05igcewielingcurfont: Either pastebin the ACTUAL output or find someone else to help you.
17:27.31WIMPycurfont: It's about the peer in your sip.conf.
17:27.34igcewielingonly mask the password
17:28.07Hiveigcewieling: I'm trying to route calls depending on what number they were called in on.  I currently have a bunch of "GoToIf" and then compare a number to the number called in on(please dont scold me too much).  This works fine for tiny amounts of phone numbers, but larger customers are spamming my CLI with literally hundreds of GoToIf statements.  Any thoughts on how I should approach this challenge? :x
17:28.46curfontigcewieling: ?
17:29.09WIMPyHive: Usually calls arrive in extensions, which are the dialled number. How exactely are they not doing that for you?
17:30.27curfontWIMPy: The incoming or dial out peer?
17:30.41*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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17:31.02WIMPycurfont: The oue you're sending that call to.
17:31.08HiveWIMPy: well I created a "check-blacklist" context in which calls pass in their caller ID as the ${EXTEN}. Here we encounter some GoToIf's to see if the ${EXTEN} is in the blacklist.  If we get through the blacklist, i then route the call based on the number called in on (i call it ${DNIS}).
17:31.43igcewielingcurfont: I cannot help you further.
17:32.03curfontigcewieling: Why? I pasted the output..
17:32.18WIMPyHive: 1. Why do you use EXTEN for the caller ID? 2. Goto an extension, not a priority and 3. I'm not sure all channel support dnid.
17:32.28igcewielingHive: your best bet is to use exten => lines to match each DID
17:32.51gavimobilemy google calendar I cannot get to reconnect. it was working and I don't know how to get it to work again! WARNING[4522]: res_calendar_caldav.c:157 caldav_request: Unknown response to CalDAV calendar motekpc, request REPORT to /calendar/dav/ Could not read status line: connection was closed by server
17:33.15gavimobileim on day 5 trying to get it to work
17:33.26curfontWIMPy: I figured out what it means, it's trying to use my account number (CALLERID(num)) as an extension
17:33.32curfontFor some reason
17:33.46curfontInstead of the number I put for the extension..
17:34.33HiveWIMPy: 1) ummmmm I'm going to use inexperience at the time of creating this as my excuse here ^_^' 2) I think I should probably separate my blacklist out and my call routing into separate contexts.  Then I can use ${EXTEN} as it seemingly is intended to be used.  3) I actually set ${DNIS} to a cahnnel variable when the DID is called, so i can guarantee it is set for ever call.
17:35.19WIMPyYes, seperate contexts are definitely the way to go.
17:35.22curfontWIMPy: OK fixed it :)
17:35.46HiveThanks for the input WIMPy and curfont :)
17:35.49Hiveoff i go!
17:41.57*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
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17:50.13kukuAny ideas why I would be getting this: X-Asterisk-HangupCause: Protocol error, unspecified
17:53.52*** join/#asterisk protoboardmx (~protoboar@
17:54.05protoboardmxhello everybody
17:54.49protoboardmxI don't know if this is a good place to ask this but I need some help integrating our Avaya 1608 desk phones with Asterisk
17:55.02protoboardmxhas someone done that before?
17:56.05navaismothe phones support SIP?
17:56.09dpilonH323   how fun
17:59.29[TK]D-Fenderprotoboardmx, Have you configured a peer for them in h323.conf ?
18:01.55WIMPykuku: The "unspecified" part is the important one.
18:02.40*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
18:03.19protoboardmxI haven't configured anything yet
18:03.29[TK]D-Fenderprotoboardmx, Go try
18:04.09protoboardmxI know the phones use h323 and I also know that SIP can be enabled by upgrading the firmware of the phone
18:04.14protoboardmxI haven't done that either yet
18:04.26protoboardmxfirst I want to have more information
18:05.01[TK]D-Fenderprotoboardmx, ask away....
18:05.15citywokwhat specific information are you looking for, other htan "how do i do it" ?
18:06.08protoboardmxok, sorry for asking such an ambiguos question
18:06.37protoboardmxI meant ambiguous
18:07.04citywokyou can do s/ambiguos/ambiguous/
18:07.29WIMPyYou don;t even have to use whole words.
18:07.34igcewielingAmbigui OS
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18:17.34vedicHello friends, I am trying to install Dahdi on my system which is connected with phone lines. make and make install worked fine but make config is giving errors:
18:17.39vedic/sbin/chkconfig --add dahdi
18:17.39vedic/sbin/insserv: No such file or directory
18:17.39vedicdahdi                     0:off  1:off  2:off  3:off  4:off  5:off  6:off
18:17.39vedicmake[1]: *** [config] Error 1
18:18.33*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
18:18.36WIMPyWhat is insserv?
18:20.14WIMPyIf your distro doesn't have it, you probably want to ignore that.
18:20.44gavimobilejust posted on asterisk forum.. if anyone has expirence with please respond
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18:23.16navaismo.i dont know but i think this "connection was closed by server" says a lot
18:23.58gavimobilenavaismo: what gave it away?
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18:25.45vedicWIMPy: so can I assume that make config went successful? It shows that Error 1
18:26.19WIMPyI don;t know what the script does. Do you have a config?
18:26.49vedicWIMPy: I just did make config after successful make install
18:27.31WIMPyWait. Make config only instlls the init scrip, does it?
18:28.12Qwellvedic: Did you Google the error?  That is a bug in your distro.
18:29.08vedicQwell: I am using ubuntu 10.04 64bit. Do you really think its a bug? I did search on Google but didn't find that its a bug. Could u point me to that?
18:29.29WIMPyWhy is that a bug?
18:30.15WIMPyAnd do you need a script anyway?
18:30.15dpilonvedic: is hard -->
18:31.55vedicdpilon: thanks
18:32.27vedicWIMPy: init script is useful when server boots. Else dahdi will need to be run manuallyu
18:32.51WIMPyShouldn't that be done by udev?
18:35.14*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
18:38.37vedicWIMPy: What is the procedure? Asterisk books says make, make install and make config
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18:40.03WIMPyI have never tried to do make config.
18:40.37WIMPyI'm not a fan of tons of scripts anyway.
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18:42.43ruben231hi guys i ahve installed asterisk 1.8 and i notice when i used asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvv and as i see the CLI logs its only white text no variation with color like, yellow,pink, - the usual asterisk have...any idea what could be wrong..?
18:43.36WIMPyYour teminal type? But IIRC the one when starting the daemon is important as well.
18:48.16ruben231WIMPy:how do i check terminal type, i using ubuntu server
18:48.24kuku'tcp' is not a valid transport type when tcpenable=no. If no other is specified, the defaults from general will be used   << what am i doing wrong ?
18:49.07*** join/#asterisk Devon_ (~Devon_@
18:54.22ruben231WIMPy:..? you there
18:55.01igcewielingkuku: add tcpenable=yes in sip.conf [general]
19:05.02*** join/#asterisk doctorray (~ray@
19:07.03WIMPycheck $TERM
19:07.07WIMPyis off to the cinema
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19:20.57ruben231WIMPy: how do i check it..? other than asterisk my directory and files the color hinting are fine and ok but tiwh asterisk CLI, its all white only
19:21.24ChannelZecho $TERM
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19:31.58jpsharpruben231: Did you start asterisk with the -c option?
19:32.37jpsharpoh, nevermind.  Dumb idea.
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19:33.08jpsharpI thought that was the color option.
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19:35.53mathiI would like to put two persons in a call. How can I do that ? The idea is to ring one person, and when he takes the calls, ring the other person. Is this possible ?
19:38.06*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
19:39.17jpsharpmathi: Use the Asterisk originate command or call file.  In the originate command, tell it to dial the second number as the Application/Data.
19:41.11mathijpsharp, but wait ... I need to be able to do two outbound calls simultaneously right?
19:47.32*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
19:48.40mathileifmadsen, isn't that covered in your book by the way ? :)
19:48.52leifmadsendidn't read back, but I'll say yes
19:48.58leifmadsencheck the cookbook actually
19:49.01mathiuhm what chapter ?
19:49.15leifmadsenotherwise, check the AMI chapter
19:49.31leifmadsennot sure.. there are like 29 chapters in the book :)
19:56.30infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:56.53navaismoalways lost the link
20:04.33ruben231WIMPy: im using this ----------->xterm
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20:27.41ruben231WIMPy: ..? still there
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20:32.21ruben231hi guys i ahve installed asterisk 1.8 and i notice when i used asterisk -rvvvvvvvvvvvvvv and as i see the CLI logs its only white text no variation with color like, yellow,pink, - the usual asterisk have...any idea what could be wrong..?
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20:33.01jmetroyou can set the verbosity and debug level once and just connect with asterisk -r
20:33.09jmetroyour terminal colors might be off.
20:34.36jmetrono clue, google-fu
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20:44.27navaismoruben231, look at asterisk.conf
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20:47.54ruben231navaismo: then, what part..?
20:49.01navaismoscroll down check the options
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20:50.52ruben231;nocolor = yes                  ; Disable console colors.
20:51.51ruben231thats what i see
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21:33.39ketaswhy is it that those dialplans are extremely difficult to write
21:36.15igcewielingketas: because telephone is hard.  pbxs are hard.
21:40.45ketasi remember i got something working in past
21:43.43ketasit's all sip at least
21:46.30*** join/#asterisk ChanServ (ChanServ@services.)
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21:50.08ChannelZruben231: is the main asterisk daemon has to have been run in an environment that supports color.
21:52.55igcewielingChannelZ: Maybe he is starting it manually from rc.local or something rather than using safe_asterisk or the init script?
21:53.50ChannelZYeah usually it's that and either isn't being run with -c or whatever means the init script gets run by doesn't have a supporting terminal that * thinks it can do color on
21:54.49ChannelZFor whatever reason it seems like something changed for me where if I manually start asterisk with my init script from a shell running under 'screen', it doesn't work.
21:54.52*** join/#asterisk nny (
21:55.32ChannelZI feel like that started happening in * 11 as I don't remember it ever being like that before, though I can't really say for sure.
21:56.00nnyquick question, I am setting up 2 servers, bridged via IAX2, with hints at one location. SIP is accessible to both. Currently they are on the same network, they will be moved to different networks eventually. How should the phones check for hints? Does the phone need sip accounts on both servers to do so?
21:56.14nnyer with hints at both locations, sidecars at one location*
21:56.28igcewielingmaybe caused by the console redirection stuff which was recently changed in the startup scripts?
21:57.01ketashm, telephony hard... is it hard partly because it drags old bullshit along with it?
21:57.52ChannelZigcewieling: maybe although I don't recall ever having updated my init scripts.
21:58.35ChannelZI'm still using one I hacked up from 2008 :)
21:59.19igcewielingwe start asterisk using either amportal (for FPBX installs) or the standard init script
21:59.31jmetroKetas> Yes.
22:00.15ChannelZthe supplied debian one (I'm on Ubuntu) doesn't run safe_asterisk for LSB reasons so I'm using an old one that still does.  Or rehacked it to.  I forget.
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22:01.49nny2sorry got dc'd
22:02.03nny2if someone responded to my query could you repost?
22:02.29ketasdamn, somehow i can find any proper examples too :(
22:04.32*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:04.37igcewielingketas: what are you trying to do?
22:05.18igcewielingnny2: I don't believe hints are accessable between servers
22:05.42nny2igcewieling: er I mean to say is the phone will try to register for hints at both locations
22:05.52igcewielingask your phone?
22:06.29nny2igcewieling: i was more interested in seeing how hints security works. The phone may not need to have two accounts on it to see both
22:07.37igcewielingI can't imagine the phones would be able to subscribe without an account in any sane world.
22:09.22nny2igcewieling: is there a standard practice for hints and IAX2?
22:09.37nny2i am kind of guessing at how it would work right now. I could be heading on the wrong path anyways
22:10.19igcewielingI was not aware hints were supported on IAX2, but I don't use it.  IAX2 is more of an affectation, like wearing a fedora or bow tie or rolling your own cigarettes.
22:13.10nny2oddly though suggested as the preferred method of bridging two systems over SIP by digium :\
22:13.11*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
22:13.18nny2oddly though suggested as the preferred method of bridging two systems over SIP by digium :\
22:13.19igcewielinggcewieling: I was not aware hints were supported on IAX2, but I don't use it.  IAX2 is more of an affectation, like wearing a fedora or bow tie or rolling your own cigarettes.
22:13.29ketasigcewieling: well, i have few sip phones and also few accounts from provider for in/out calling... i want to record all calls and also have voicemail answering if calls come in and no phone answers to them
22:13.35igcewielingwhen, in 2002?
22:13.36ketasigcewieling: not that difficult task?!
22:15.25nny2igcewieling: maybe opinions vary, i'm not hellbent on it. I could just as easily use SIP, but that still leaves the core issue of hints
22:17.38ketasigcewieling: well, indeed
22:23.21ketasdamn ffs
22:23.34ketaslooks like impossible task
22:23.34nny2ketas: i'd love to help you but stuck in my own issue atm
22:23.52nny2ketas: but essentially you need a full dialplan it looks like
22:23.58ketasi know how to add sip user, i know how to add upstream...
22:24.03ketasdoh, dialplans
22:24.35nny2ketas: yeah you need to define your contexts, routes and rules for it. Have you done this before?
22:24.53nny2ketas: do you have the asterisk book?
22:24.55infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:24.58*** join/#asterisk igcewieling (
22:25.02nny2there it is for free :)
22:25.28nny2it's not simple. It's kind of it's own language, you'd be best to start from the beginning. I hope you aren't in a hurry to set this up
22:25.47nny2ketas: what's your goal right now and why? Just learning or single install?
22:25.48igcewielingKnology (ISP) has been SUPER reliable for years but in the past month I've had more service outages than in all of the previous 3 years
22:25.51ketaswell i tried before
22:26.14ketasbut never completed the dialing plan
22:26.38ketasnny2: learning
22:26.51ketasnny2: i would also want it to work after learning it
22:26.56nny2ketas: i can link you my default one BUT I suggest using it to learn, just trying to implement it would be painstaking and you won't be able to do much with it
22:27.57ketasi remember that i got sip <-> sip local calls partly working, with voicemails
22:28.08hbeeif i would want to connect asterisk to a dx220 using ss7, would this be the cheapest way?
22:28.45nny2ketas: that is my base, mind you it's not what I end up with. some of it may even be outdated, but it shows the structure and purpose of contexts
22:29.06nny2ketas: I'd try to learn what each of those contexts does, and implement your own. Like reading code backwards
22:30.27nny2also looking at it there's a typo or two (old config) sip add heat should be sip add header. That line basically tells the phone to ring a certain way via a sip packet
22:30.33igcewieling"exten => s,n,SIPAddHeat-Info: n=Simple-1)"  >
22:30.54igcewielingah, you already saw it
22:31.41nny2it warms the packet first
22:31.49nny2no one likes a cold header
22:32.28nny2looking at distributed hints, anyone have thoughts on it?
22:32.51nny2looks like XMPP based sharing, wondering how it works in situ
22:34.35ketasphone in heat
22:35.09ketasnny2: now i need to simplify it out
22:36.04navaismoim so bored :(
22:36.53ketashelp me with dial plans :P
22:38.56igcewielingnavaismo: take down a couple of customers.  end of boredom problem
22:39.05nny2ketas: you'll have to learn it. There's no easy way to explain it
22:39.15*** join/#asterisk hbee (
22:39.28nny2navaismo: if you had 2 servers/locations via SIP how would you handle hints?
22:39.56nny2i am looking at distributed hints right now
22:39.57navaismoigcewieling, no more customer :'(
22:40.18navaismonny2, never used hints across servers, only local
22:40.24ketasnny2: i wonder why is it that i have no problem writing code, but i have great issues with dialplans?
22:40.29nny2navaismo: gotcha, thanks
22:40.42ketaswhich should be basically same thing
22:40.44nny2ketas: dialplans are more like BASIC imho
22:40.52nny2ketas: do this, next, do this, goto here, etc
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22:41.05igcewielingnny2: AEL is a more modern looking enviroment
22:41.31nny2ketas it's basically context | extension (exten => XXX,1 (step 1) APPLICATION (parameters)
22:41.35nny2igcewieling: I agree
22:42.42navaismowhat are the advantages using ael instead the normal dialplan?
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22:43.14nny2if you had [outbound dial] and exten => 1XXXXXXXXXX,1,Dial(${EXTEN}@SIPPROVIDER) and dialed 18435551212 (and your phone's sip context was outbound dial) it would then Dial(18435551212@SIPROVIDER)
22:43.24jmetrousing scripts outside of dialplan, you can literally do anything except have feelings.
22:44.05nny2sorry context should have been outbound_dial
22:44.08nny2no space
22:44.16ketasjmetro: what if i need feelings?
22:44.23jmetrowait until the singularity.
22:44.30nny2ok going to dig into this hint stuff. If there's a way to do it i'll figure it out
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22:45.14nny2ketas: just read the book, you'll feel saner afterwards
22:46.03nny2ketas: put it in your bathroom and eat a block of cheese
22:46.27ketaspaper book?
22:46.34igcewielingnavaismo: The ONLY advantage to AEL over dialplan is AEL looks more like a language.  The disadvantage is AEL is a lot harder to debug
22:46.46nny2better imho unless you don't mind reading pdfs or converting it to an ebook
22:47.25jmetroThe paper book helped me a lot when I started out, just making my own server on a Virtualbox on my laptop and getting a phone working with no outside help.
22:48.42ketasi have always read tech docs in non-paper form
22:49.16ketasyou know, you can't search on paper
22:49.35jmetropaper isnt case sensitive either.
22:49.46nny2 is what I am looking at btw
22:49.57nny2seems sane so far, need to set up a test and see how it works in practice
22:50.16nny2ketas yeah just go with the free download then
22:50.19infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:50.33ketasplus, you can't test things out right away
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23:13.50ketasmaybe it's because i've never written basic
23:14.00ketasalthough i do understand it a bit
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23:18.47nnysorry may have been a bad analogy
23:18.55nnyi meant it in terms of simplicity in structure
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23:30.00ketasand it doesn't help at all that all default config files are filled with things that you actually don't need
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23:31.25nnyketas move them to sip.conf.example, extensions.conf.example etc. I do this for voicemail sip and extensions.conf. the rest you'll touch on a need to basis based on the system
23:31.31nnyketas and create fresh ones
23:33.51nnycan anyone tell me or link me the current suggested implementation for distributed hints? I see some different docs including this one
23:34.44nnyleifmadsen: if you're around this is something you seem to have had a hand in at some point. Thanks in advance
23:35.10nnyfrom what I can gather XMPP and pubsub is better than openais
23:35.27leifmadsendepends how your network topology is setup
23:35.33leifmadsenopenais / corosync is much easier to setup
23:35.38leifmadsenbut it can't be used outside of a lan
23:35.40nnyleifmadsen: currently LAN, will be across WAN later
23:35.46leifmadsenthen you need to use xmpp
23:36.02leifmadsenso you need to install and configure tigase in addition to asterisk
23:36.11nnymay be a VPN between the two networks at some point though. I'll review both, thanks for your input
23:38.43nnyleifmadsen: does latency affect one more than the other? I saw something mentioned about it but not specific
23:39.03leifmadsenlatency affects corosync more because it can't be off the LAN
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23:39.19leifmadsenit's not just a network topology thing; it's a latency thing
23:39.31leifmadsenit expects the network to have near-zero latency
23:39.32nnyleifmadsen: roger, thanks
23:39.42leifmadsenVPN isn't likely to work very well
23:40.19nnyleifmadsen: FYI I am looking into this for multi server hints. If there's a saner alternative I couldn't find any specifics. Otherwise it will be pubsup and XMPP
23:40.36leifmadsenwhatever I know is documented in the book
23:40.51nnyleifmadsen: gotcha, ok sorry to bother, thanks, perusing now, my copy is outdated has the 4th edition up for the time being
23:42.00nnyleifmadsen: thanks again
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23:47.29ketasooh, i got something working again
23:47.36ketasjumps in happyness
23:48.31igcewielingI hate moving. 8-(
23:48.56ketasigcewieling likes calmness
23:49.22[TK]D-FenderI hate being stationary
23:49.28igcewielingdeciding what to keep and what to throw away.
23:49.35[TK]D-FenderEspecially when all those idiots try writing on you....
23:49.43igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: I usually move every 5-10 years.
23:50.03igcewieling[TK]D-Fender: and the pigeons!  The pigeons!
23:50.30igcewielingI just need to keep reminding myself "Palm trees, palm trees!"
23:51.31igcewielingI'll cry when I throw away my Catalyst 5505
23:52.08ketasi never move...
23:52.15ketasi'm happy here
23:52.49ketasoh, it works now
23:52.54ketasdamn codec issues
23:53.09igcewielingthankfully I have a lot of really cheap stuff I got after Katrina, most of that will be thrown out.
23:53.22igcewielingketas: best practice.  disallow=all and only allow= the few codecs you want.
23:54.50ketasoh, i feel much better now
23:58.53ketasindeed there was codec issue
23:59.02ketasall was quiet :/
23:59.07ketasfor most of tries

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