IRC log for #asterisk on 20130202

00:11.38*** join/#asterisk F|ReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
00:29.23Mon|A|rchChannelZ, I'm assuming the asterisk curl returns false on an error?
00:30.03ChannelZHmm.  I don't really know.
00:35.38Mon|A|rch: /
00:36.00Mon|A|rchwell, I'm calling two methods on another server with it, one is getting the correct output from the method, the other isn't getting any
00:36.08Mon|A|rchI've checked the function names, and the CURL urls
00:36.19Mon|A|rchis there debugging for this sort of thing?
00:36.24Mon|A|rchI'm not sure what debug to turn on
00:36.35Mon|A|rchrelevant code/errors if that's needed
00:37.40Mon|A|rchYou'd think I'd get an error in the response or something
00:39.24Mon|A|rchthat debug is unfortunately near the end of the extension's execution
00:39.27Mon|A|rchi can post all of it
00:40.00Mon|A|rchi just need to see the information being sent by CURL, and I feel like I could nail this problem down
00:53.12*** join/#asterisk DoSJustin (
00:53.55Mon|A|rchno one?
00:57.29*** join/#asterisk tekzilla (
00:57.36WIMPyist starting to get issues with chan_sips dosability.
00:58.43*** join/#asterisk saint_ (~saint@
00:58.47saint_hi all
00:59.19WIMPyI guess it sould be possible to add a "not udp 5060" to the ESTABLISHED,RELATED rule.
00:59.47*** part/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
01:00.12WIMPyOr maybe not.
01:03.11*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
01:06.24ChannelZMon|A|rch: Your PHP not getting called write is outside the scope of Asterisk really.
01:06.49ChannelZLook at your server logs and see if it's requesting the URL as you expect it to... beyond that you need to debug your PHP
01:14.21saint_is there a web page where is shows what kind of power Digium D serie phone needs if I do not have PoE ?
01:15.06Mon|A|rchChannelZ, thanks
01:15.47ChannelZsaint_: Their spec sheet says '5 volt DC power port' is all.
01:15.52WIMPysaint_: 5V DC, according to the lable on the bottom, 2A. Haven't tried to measure it, yet.
01:16.06*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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01:16.28saint_ChannelZ: / WIMPy thank you
01:16.33WIMPyAnd the plug is an unusual size.
01:16.37ChannelZQwell probably could tell you but I suspect he's idle for the night
01:17.06ChannelZI take it they don't come with one standard?
01:17.28*** join/#asterisk sebastianpersic (
01:17.30saint_they do , but i did not order it since i have poe here
01:17.51saint_the guy i'm making test with does not have poe . he was supposed to get a switch at best buy, but they don t have anything in store
01:17.56saint_so we are looking at power bricks..
01:18.26WIMPyWell, all 5V PSUs I have have the same plug, but they on;t fit the Digium phones.
01:19.39saint_what's a POE splitter ?
01:19.50saint_don't tell me it's something that remove the power from poe ?
01:20.21WIMPySomething you can use to power non-POE devices from POE.
01:20.34saint_WIMPy: oh, ok.. that's cool.
01:20.55saint_WIMPy: and the difference between a poe injector and poe kit ..?
01:20.59saint_injector would be what he needs, right ?
01:21.04WIMPyLike POE to 5V or POE to 12V.
01:21.13saint_i see best buy has poe adapter kit
01:21.38WIMPyInjector puts POE on an ethernet cable that doesn't otherwise have POE, yes.
01:21.54WIMPyMake sure it's really POE.
01:22.33WIMPyThere are kits that just allow you to directly put the 5V or 12V on the spare wires and split them out again.
01:22.48saint_ok, so what he needs is an injector then, right ?
01:23.52WIMPyOr just the right plug. PCs have lots of 5V to spare.
01:24.11saint_man, he is killing me. i was so exited to try this scenario tonight..
01:24.19saint_we're trying to replace our phone system at the fire house..
01:24.44saint_WIMPy: we use macs .. :D
01:25.07WIMPyWhere's the difference?
01:25.11WIMPyEspecially today?
01:25.27saint_the difference in what ?
01:25.40saint_oh, computers ?
01:25.42WIMPyDon't know.
01:25.52saint_Well.. it's the difference of Windows against OS X
01:25.57WIMPyMacs run on 5V as well.
01:25.57saint_OS X being based on BSD
01:26.43WIMPyYou don't have to tortue PCs with Windows.
01:35.03igcewielingThe difference is with one you support a large evil corporation and with the other you support a large evil corporation.
01:37.59*** join/#asterisk Iamnach0 (
01:40.07saint_the other difference is that you can't have that with windows:  20:39:50 up 590 days,  4:22,  1 user,  load average: 0.19, 0.19, 0.12
01:40.12saint_up 509 days !
01:48.01igcewielingyour mac has 590 days of uptime?
01:48.54saint_nah.. my linux
01:49.01saint_one of my linux i should say
01:50.32*** join/#asterisk j4m3s_ (~j4m3s_@pdpc/supporter/active/j4m3s)
02:19.32astra05igcewieling: i wish i knew :( i appreciate the mis-ping though
02:27.16*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
02:32.46Sprocksanyone here able to help me with forcing asterisk to shutdown?
02:34.31Sprocksi tried "core restart gracefully" and it didn't restart and now I can't restart cause it says "already in progress."
02:36.19igcewielingkillall -9 asterisk
02:36.29igcewielingyou can also abort shutdown
02:37.14Sprockscore abort shutdown?
02:37.37Sprocksdidn't work
02:38.41Sprocksthe killall worked
02:41.25igcewielingSprocks: abort shutdown stops the pending shutdown so you can issue a different shutdown command.
02:42.55Sprocksevery command except "core restart now" & "core restart gracefully" said it didn't exist
02:43.13Sprocksbut thanks for the killall command igcewieling
02:44.09*** join/#asterisk tamiel (~tamiel@
02:44.12igcewielingSprocks: I use cli_aliases.conf so the original command might be different.  does "help abort" show anything?
02:47.06Sprocksin help I see "core abort shutdown" and I tried that
02:49.00igcewielingkillall is such a violent way to end asterisk 8-|
02:49.00*** join/#asterisk bytemaster (
02:49.30Sprocksusually I use the graceful restart but that didn't work so I need something else
02:54.41jpsharpThat'll do it :)
02:55.01Sprocksdidn't want to go that far the server hosts other things as well
02:56.17*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
03:06.52*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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03:39.21jpsharphuh.  I'm not a big fan of Asterisk GUIs, but I gotta admin Elastix is pretty freakin nice.
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03:47.58pabelangerjpsharp: they serve a purpose. I am even working on one for my needs
03:48.25pabelangerbut, a HTTP server on your PBX, is still wrong IMO
03:54.02jpsharpYeah. I agree.
03:54.30*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (45cc7e1d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
03:54.42coppiceif all your phones run an HTTP server, why not your PBX?
03:55.19pabelangerhow do your phones run off a http server?
03:55.54coppicehow many IP phones are not running an HTP server?
03:56.26greenwolfi think he means the GUI that comes with an IP phone or linksys ATA adpter
03:56.28pabelanger0 run over http
03:56.39greenwolfbuddy those phones arn't running an http server
03:57.28pabelangerwell, if you are talking provisioning,that is a different story.  Again, not on your PBX, but a central http server
03:57.28greenwolfits using 1 in the ATA device to program the phones
03:57.42greenwolfi think that might clear that up
04:25.14saint_can someone explain to me the script at the end of the page
04:25.44saint_I thought to return a value, you had to use GoSub()
04:26.01saint_how can ${BLACKLIST()} can return something ?
04:26.17saint_if it is called like that : exten => 124,1,GotoIf($[${BLACKLIST()]?blocked,1)
04:28.05pabelangersaint_: it is a function, it return 1 or 0
04:28.21pabelanger*CLI> core show function blacklist
04:28.42pabelangernot sure where you are getting GoSub from
04:29.32saint_pabelanger: oh @(*$&@(#$ , thanks for pointing that. i thought "we" as the reader had to write our own function and it was nowhere to be find in the book.
04:31.34saint_pabelanger: is there any way to see the source of this function ?
04:31.41saint_I'd like to do myself a whitelist too
04:32.29saint_then for people who are in neither, filter them with a "record your name" , then ring the phones , and play the name.. then leave me the choice to press 1 to get the caller, 2 to whitelist , 3 to black list
04:43.06*** join/#asterisk pigpen (
04:43.07*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
04:46.36saint_is there anything special to have Zapateller registered in the list of the apps ?
04:46.43saint_I can't see it when i do core show applications
04:55.06saint_is there a way to find the position of a character in a string ?
04:55.18saint_the callerid(name) coming up is
04:55.31saint_I'm trying to get ride of the @ and whatever is after
04:57.36ChannelZlook at the CUT function
04:58.41saint_channelz ha, that looks perfec tthnks
05:01.19igcewielingsaint_: "core show applications" and "core show functions" are your friends.  Get to know them and help keep the kittens alive!
05:02.33saint_i m getting used to that.
05:02.42saint_So the function cut, is this the right way to call it ?
05:02.42saint_Verbose(0,***** ${CUT(${CALLERID(name)},@,1)})
05:03.14saint_Because I get a blank after the ***** in my verbose
05:06.43saint_ha.. just found the trick.. it's ${CUT(CALLERID(name)... and not ${CALLERID(name)}
05:14.30saint_how do i evaluate an expression with an IF ?
05:14.41saint_Is it IF (xxx == ttt) ?
05:17.58ChannelZIt's IF(expression?true:false) - expression is generally something in $[] and 'true' and 'false' are data that IF returns.
05:18.49saint_ChannelZ: thats what i m trying to do:   same => n,IF(${CALLERID(num)}=="+"?Set(CALLERID(num)="":}))
05:19.01ChannelZIF is a function, not a dialplan application
05:19.01saint_I want to test the value of the caller ID.
05:19.15saint_If it's only a + that I have , then I want to make it blank
05:19.39saint_Unless if PrivacyManager will take a + as an anonymous call  ?
05:20.41ChannelZit'd be more like same => n,Set(poop=IF($[CALLERID(num)=123]?yes:no))
05:22.08ChannelZoops missing some braces
05:22.30saint_ChannelZ: so sometimes you an do one = and it test , and some other time you can do one = with a SET then it allocate a variable ?
05:22.34ChannelZasterisk syntax is annoying
05:23.25ChannelZIF returns data, not a true/false as some type of boolean
05:23.35ChannelZAnd it's a function, not an application
05:24.05saint_yeah, but you wrote in the if CALLERID(num)=123
05:24.07ChannelZSo the application you're running is Set, to set a variable to something resulting from the IF
05:24.23saint_why isn't this allocating the variable with 123 ?
05:24.26ChannelZno I wrote $[CALLERID(num)=123] which is important
05:24.44saint_so with [ ] , = would test
05:24.56ChannelZmore or less
05:25.07saint_no need to put == to test
05:26.01ChannelZwell no because == doesn't mean anything
05:26.50ChannelZIt's not a real programming language
05:27.02saint_ok.. just asking, because from the poor C that I can do , you do x = 8 would assign 8 to 8 , and if (x==8) to test x
05:27.24saint_now, do I need to put the Set() for the if ?
05:27.40saint_Because I really want to apply something if it's true or not touch it if it's false
05:28.23saint_can I do IF($[CALLERID(num)="+"]?Set(CALLERID(num)=""):)})  ..?
05:28.27ChannelZI'm not sure how else to explain it.
05:28.50ChannelZIF returns data.  It doesn't execute something if true or something else if false.
05:29.02saint_oh.. ok
05:29.03ChannelZYou would do it backwards, as I showed.
05:29.30saint_so I get the value in poop.. now I need to test poop.. so since IF return a value, I can't do IF again ..
05:29.51ChannelZThat was just an example
05:30.05ChannelZpoop can be CALLERID(num) if you're intending to transform it via the IF
05:30.53ChannelZbecause Set can call functions where it makes sense (any function which can set a piece of data.. like DB() and others)
05:31.18saint_So most likely this is good:  Set(CALLERID(num) = IF($[CALLERID(num)="+"]?:${CALLERID(num)})}) )
05:32.17ChannelZwell IF needs to be surrounded by ${} in this case
05:32.49ChannelZAnd if I remember right saying "+" is literally "+" (quote, plus, quote)
05:33.15igcewielingMost functions take a string ${CALLERID(num)} becomes a string when it is evaluated by the dialplan.  a few things take a variable name, such as CALLERID(num)
05:33.34ChannelZso you probably need to either quote the CALLERID(num) or remove the quotes from the +, I don't _think_ there is a =+ operator.. you'd have to juist test it
05:34.10igcewielingGeneral rule of thumb, if you have quotes on one side of an = then you need quotes on the other side of the =
05:34.46ChannelZThis is why most people just give up and write AGI in some other more sensible language
05:34.56saint_ok.. thank you
05:35.22ChannelZ..well, I do anyway.
05:35.34saint_yeah.. i m not at that level yet.
05:35.38saint_i'm just one month into it.
05:35.43igcewielingChannelZ: the masochists write it in dialplan, the ones somewhat less interest in pain do it in AEL.
05:35.53igcewielingI do all three, dialplan, ael, AGI
05:36.22ChannelZThe expression/variable syntax is good to know but often makes your eyes cross
05:36.42ChannelZI wonder if someone has built syntax highlighting rules for standard * dialplan in some editor..
05:38.28ChannelZThere used to be a PDF that spelled out expressions and operators and lots of other things quite clearly, but I think it got scrapped for all this auto-generated faff which is far less readable.
05:39.14saint_how do i assign an empty value to a variable ?
05:39.27saint_if I do  Set (xx) , it yells because there is no =
05:43.04ChannelZ...for Expression syntax and some other things to know
05:45.02saint_so that's how I'm testing the callerid:
05:45.03saint_same => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[CALLERID(num)="+"]?:xx${CALLERID(num)})})
05:45.20saint_I want to make it empty if it's only a +
05:45.35saint_I just tried to put ?xx to add xx to see what I would get and if the test is correct
05:46.03saint_My verbose tells me that callerid after the test is ***** CALLERID(num): xx+
05:46.19saint_why does it add xx instead of replacing the single + with xx ..?
05:47.48saint_ha.. hold on..
05:47.57saint_I missplaced the xx
05:49.27saint_still not working.. how can I test my variable to see if it's equal to + ?
05:50.08saint_ChannelZ: you said i need to probably double quote callerid(num) ..
05:50.30saint_does it become ["CALLERID(num)"="+"] ?
05:51.13igcewielingI would take a different approach, something like ExecIf($["${CALLERID(num)}" = "+"]?Set(CALLERID(num)=))
05:51.18saint_ok, forget it.
05:51.23saint_i know how i'm going to do this damn test.
05:51.32saint_i just saw that there is a test on string lenght
05:51.37igcewielingsaint_: you are checking if the string CALLERID(num) is equal to + which will never be true
05:52.13saint_igcewieling: it is true in my case ..
05:52.19igcewielingno, it isn't.
05:52.31ChannelZhe means literal strings.  Your syntax still isn't quite right.
05:52.39saint_the value of ${CALLERID(num)} is +
05:52.48saint_I'm going to use this
05:53.00igcewieling${CALLERID(num)} might  be equal to + but the actual characters C A L L E R I D ( n u m ) will NEVER be equal to +
05:53.08saint_igcewieling: understand
05:53.14saint_igcewieling: understood *
05:53.30ChannelZThis is almost as fun as regex
05:53.41igcewielingChannelZ: Not even close. 8-)
05:53.42ChannelZexcept I mostly like regex
05:54.23ChannelZor perl.  perl has pretty horrendous syntax.
05:54.24igcewielingI do not want to finish these upgrads, I want to go to bed.
05:54.29ChannelZ(now I'll have all the perl people riding my ass..)
05:55.10igcewielingI stick to PHP, "good enough" for almost anything.
05:55.38igcewielinghas been using Asterisk for 12 years.
05:59.15saint_damn it
05:59.19saint_what's wrong in this one now:
05:59.20saint_same => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF$[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}=1]?:${CALLERID(num)}})
05:59.52saint_it looks like the Set sends back empty string no matter what
06:03.47ChannelZyou're missing a ( after IF
06:04.09ChannelZand then probably something else
06:04.42igcewielinglooks like the fatigue bug
06:04.55saint_ChannelZ: i catched this one and added it . still same issue.
06:05.08saint_same => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}=1]?:${CALLERID(num)})})
06:05.19saint_always Set callerid(num) to empty string
06:06.04saint_fatigue bug, yeah
06:06.09saint_i kept calling with blocked caller id
06:06.12saint_damn me
06:06.32saint_is it possible to add article ourselves in the wiki  ?
06:06.40saint_if not , i will make a document about google voice
06:06.45ChannelZI think there's still a syntax error but my eyes are crossing looking at all these braces and parens
06:06.46saint_because the way they have it in the wiki is wrong
06:07.21saint_ChannelZ: nah nah, it s working correctly now.. when i call with block number that comes only with a + , then my num is setup to empty string , then privacymanager works
06:07.43saint_ChannelZ: if i call with a non blocked number , then caller id stays the same and it goes on the other part of my script
06:08.21ChannelZnm I mistyped something in my test.
06:10.55*** join/#asterisk jmls (~somefake@
06:12.10ChannelZwhat part of the wiki is wrong
06:13.14ChannelZ(and no I don't think you can edit the wiki, only add comments)
06:14.31saint_ChannelZ: the Filtering Caller ID part
06:14.47saint_I started with his example, it was not working.
06:15.22saint_then later in the comments, a guy named Andrew wrote Set(CALLERID(number)=${CALLERID(name):2:10})
06:15.41saint_that worked, until I tried to call myself with blocked number.
06:15.52saint_With his solution, the callerid(num) and (name) are fucked up
06:16.08saint_The correct solution is same => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${CUT(CALLERID(name),@,1)})
06:16.24saint_where if it's non blocked, you get the +1xxxyyyzzzz
06:16.30saint_and if it's bloked, you get only +
06:16.38saint_which is where my other test comes:
06:16.44saint_same => n,Set(CALLERID(num)=${IF($[${LEN(${CALLERID(num)})}=1]?:${CALLERID(num)})})
06:17.02saint_if you have a + only, then callerid(num) becomes an empty string
06:17.09saint_then privacy manager works
06:18.36saint_When I try to create a login in the wiki, I get "You are not permitted to perform this operation" ..
06:22.43*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
06:25.40saint_gee.. it's late. going to bed. good night all. thanks for the help.
06:33.41*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
07:28.15*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
07:28.36SeRiso I got my new Polycom 670 in today
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07:29.04SeRibut it seems that it was not new as advertised
07:29.42SeRiis there a way to reset the password on a 670?
07:37.47SeRiThanks ChannelZ looks like I got it.
07:37.50SeRidamn ebay
07:38.10SeRithis thing was new for sure but preconfigured with a provissioning server
07:38.22SeRifor a provider
07:42.25*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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07:55.06ChannelZAre those things really ~$400?
08:23.08SeRiChannelZ: yes and no
08:23.32SeRiI found one new on ebay for 250
08:32.10SeRiwow this new firmware is nice
08:32.20SeRia whole new learning curve :/
08:40.09*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
08:41.40ChannelZI just can't fathom paying $400 for a phone.
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10:05.02jmlsnot understanding device_state :(
10:05.09jmlsdialplan is thus:
10:05.28jmlswhen I dial the number from my phone, I get a "NOT_INUSE" for the device_state
10:05.56jmlsI must be missing something or not understanding what the function of device_state is
10:13.44jmlsfound it. callcounter=yes needs to be set in sip.conf.
10:18.30*** join/#asterisk sebastianpersic (
10:22.41ChannelZyes, that.
10:44.52ghost75i had that too lol
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16:05.28SeRiIP 670 is a bit more complicated than the old 560
16:05.38SeRiThis new firmware is a bit of a pita
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17:07.26Jozzahi what i the command to make a proper diff? By proper i mean compare shows Unknown as root directory instead of trunk
17:13.15rue_housecan anyone help me with a mgcp problem? I think mgcp.conf can only define one gateway?
17:14.29rue_housedoes the asterisk source code contain sufficient libraries to write a console sip client app?
17:26.58*** join/#asterisk EmleyMoor (
17:27.57EmleyMoorI have asterisk - does this version support SIP on IPv6? If so, is there anything special I need to do to enable it?
17:29.05EmleyMoor(it seem an attempt to use IPv6 by one of my ITSPs has caused my test number with them to stop receiving calls)
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17:35.57EmleyMoorIf they are right, then merely enabling IPv6 on my Asterisk should fix the problem. If not, I have to wait for a DNS TTL to expire.
17:52.14igcewielingEmleyMoor: yes, asterisk 1.8 supports ipv6 (according to the docs)
17:52.50EmleyMoorHmmm... how do I go about enabling it?
17:53.17igcewielingThere is a section on this page about it
17:53.36igcewielingAre you TOTALLY SURE you have working IPv6?   Just because your ifconfig output shows it doesn't mean it is really working
17:54.14EmleyMoorI have working IPv6 - I'm with a totally sensible ISP who provide it
17:58.14EmleyMoorI have tried adding udpbindaddr=:: to the [general] section - my test line is still dead... oh well...
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19:07.50gavimobilemy calendar stoped showing me events, the module is installed and shows its working
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19:08.25gavimobilecalendar show calendars   shows me myGoogleCal          caldav     free
19:09.13gavimobilethe weird thing is I cannot unload the module inorder to reload it afterwards. I can do reload though
19:10.04gavimobilemaybe this is no longer supported?
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19:17.47gavimobilehelp is appreciated
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19:40.01jmlsTaking actions in pre-dial handlers that would put the caller/callee channels into other applications will result in undefined behaviour
19:40.10jmlsdoes this include an application like curl ?
19:44.27gavimobilejmls: did you copy and paste that from documentation?
19:45.23gavimobilejmls: I see!
19:45.40jmlskinda worrying ;)
19:45.42gavimobilethe channel has been quiet for some time now
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19:46.13jmlsonly nerds or saddos are working on a weekend
19:46.17jmlsoh. wait ...
19:46.25gavimobileI wasn't sure if you were asking me a question regarding my question but I understand now that your not!
19:46.43ChannelZWe make the world go 'round
19:46.54jmlsonly truly dedicated professionals with immense deadlines and pressure work on weekends
19:47.14gavimobileim no professional, and I have no deadline
19:47.21gavimobilejust an addict
19:47.24jmlsergo, saddo ;)
19:47.29ChannelZI just woke up.
19:47.35jmlsaus ?
19:47.53gavimobileChannelZ: well go wash your face and drink a cup of coffe, we need you in her
19:48.00jmlshah lol
19:48.12jmlswhere is she ?
19:48.20ChannelZNot here, that's for sure
19:48.36jmlshow ... do ... you ... know ....
19:49.09gavimobilejmls: im with ChannelZ on this one.. if they say their woman, I wouldn't believe it
19:49.19gavimobilethe womans job is the talking
19:49.25gavimobilewe just make it work
19:50.12jmlsoh, I am _so_ not connected to that statement. It's disgraceful.
19:50.14jmls's wife is coming ...
19:50.31igcewieling1Some days I hate the internet.
19:52.19igcewieling1both registrations I use for testing are not working
19:52.38igcewieling1I blame my ISP since they have been up and down for the past hour.
19:53.18jmlshaaa ha ha. guess he _does_ have problems
19:54.17ChannelZthe hamster stopped running
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19:57.04igcewieling1maybe 4g will work better today
19:57.48ChannelZI have a unicorn to sell you
19:58.20gavimobileanyone awake enough to point me in the right direction for diagnosing why my calendar isn't showing events?
19:58.55gavimobileI am connected to the calendar and it used to show me events, now it doesn't show me upcomming events
19:59.31jmlscould it be that the connection has dropped the login credentials (i've noticed a few times when refreshing gmail etc I have to log in again)
20:01.28gavimobilejmls: well not sure, cause if the connection was dropped would it still be showing me my calendar?
20:01.52jmlsit may have been cached
20:02.01jmlsit's an xml feed
20:02.03igcewieling1ChannelZ: better than having all of my ssh sessions and everything else disconnecting every few mins? 8-)
20:02.25igcewieling1Knology is normally VERY reliable, but not today
20:02.45jmlsigcewieling1 of course. My unicorn has two , um, corns ..
20:02.49jmlsanyone awake enough to point me in the right direction for checking if curl is ok to use in a pre-dial handler ?
20:02.52gavimobilejmls: well what do you do to get it connected again? I've unloaded the module, restarted asterisk rebooted the server tried a different gmail account... nothing
20:03.14jmlsoh. I see. is the new event private ?
20:03.23jmls(or in the right calendar ?)
20:03.26gavimobilejmls: its set to default
20:03.36gavimobileI never made anything public nor private
20:04.07jmls[apart from wanting to watch ChannelZ get in her ..]
20:04.20gavimobileI only have one calendar
20:04.57jmlsand you can get to that calendar in a browser, from the same machine ?
20:05.01gavimobileI wish I could monitor a log somewhere to see what's happening
20:05.19gavimobilejmls: I can get to the calendar from any machine/device
20:05.30jmlsincluding the * box ?
20:05.41gavimobilejmls: which box? my pbx?
20:05.49jmls* == asterisk ;)
20:06.04gavimobilethe cli doesn't output my events
20:06.16gavimobileI don't know what other way to access it from my pbx
20:06.45jmlsright - but can you use curl / firefox to access the calendar from the same box that * is running on ?
20:07.05gavimobilefirefox? there's no gui on this machine
20:07.20gavimobileand I don't know what curl is
20:07.36jmlsCommand line URL
20:07.58gavimobilejmls: no idea
20:08.01jmlscheck it out, allows you to get/post to any url from a command line
20:08.09ChannelZit's kinda like wget
20:08.30gavimobilebut why wouldn't it not display? it displays on every device/computer
20:08.47gavimobilejust asterisk is not able to putput the upcoming events like it used to
20:09.01ChannelZno idea
20:10.23gavimobilecan any of you see events from the cli? maybe google changed something
20:10.25jmlsI was just trying to see if the * box has some sort of issue with google
20:10.39jmlsnot from your box, strangely ;)
20:10.52gavimobilejmls: you see events?
20:11.34jmlsall the time ... some people call them hallucinations ...
20:11.58jmlssorry, don't use res_calendar in anger yet
20:12.09jmlsonly time I used it, it worked well
20:12.13gavimobileI see, thanks
20:12.29jmlsI would suggest setting up another calendar and seeing if that one works
20:14.53gavimobilejmls: done that
20:15.00gavimobileim considering trying another ical server
20:15.38jmlsgavimobile : try
20:15.57gavimobilejmls: thanks
20:16.10jmlsand see if you can access it from the * box - if so, then there is a problem with * itself, or the actual configuration
20:16.37jmlsand that's probably the limit of my experience ...
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20:46.11rue_housedoes the asterisk source code contain sufficient libraries to write a console sip client app?
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20:46.34igcewieling1rue_house: no.
20:46.49rue_housecan anyone help me with a mgcp problem? I think mgcp.conf can only define one gateway?
20:50.31ChannelZWhat do you mean one gateway?
20:53.05*** join/#asterisk tamiel (
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21:04.58[TK]D-Fenderrue_house: *'s SIP stack is not made to be reusable elsewhere and Asterisk itself is adaopting a new EXTERNAL SIP library for its new channel driver
21:05.31jerowhich one [TK]D-Fender ?
21:06.00jeroi know it well
21:06.11WIMPyIs it good?
21:06.37jeroit is very good, we built sflphone on top of it
21:07.04jerobut the licensing is special
21:07.18WIMPyLet's hope it will be less DOSable.
21:07.33WIMPyOh, in what way?
21:08.10jerosimilar to Qt back in the trolltech days
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21:08.30WIMPyAns will Asterisk have to become Sspecial as well then?
21:08.38jerogplv3 or proprietary, choice to the user
21:08.47WIMPy's not familiar with that one.
21:08.59jeroi dont think so if the license is gplv3 compatible
21:09.28jerov2 sorry
21:09.28WIMPyThat doesn't sound very special.
21:23.51gavimobilehow can I diagnose why res_calendar won't detect future events anymore?
21:26.00gavimobilealright, I guess this issue will need to wait till tommorow
21:26.08gavimobilemy eyes are closing
21:44.53jero[TK]D-Fender: what caused the switch to pjsip?
21:46.03[TK]D-Fenderjero: An easier start to a better foundation.
21:46.27jeroIs it documented somewhere?
21:46.29[TK]D-Fenderjero: Exactly why that one won out vs other libraries has been blogged and I didn't really look at the fine points
21:50.31igcewieling1[TK]D-Fender: The developers got bored and wanted something TOTALLY NEW to them so find bugs with, instead of fixing what they already wrote?
21:51.11[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling1: We want only the coolest and most fashionable bugs!
21:51.17igcewieling1[TK]D-Fender: Yup!
21:51.45WIMPySometimes that's not a bad idea. But I don't know if chan_sip was the most obvious candidate.
21:51.46igcewieling1I'll leave all that to the "early adopters" and their customers.
21:52.37[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling1: Well chan_sip was nevr a very full implementation and things were hacked onto it in pieces and lacked all sorts of things like SIP-B, etc and starting from a better base library lets them dig themselves out of a somewhat messy setup.  For the best really...
21:53.09WIMPyIsn;t that somehow true to all of Asterisk?
21:53.23igcewieling1[TK]D-Fender: I don't like customers yelling at me.  I expect this will cause a lot of that.
21:57.15[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling1: I'll reserve judgement for when it actually hits full release :)
21:57.35[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling1: Playing psychic has proven to be non-cost-effective :)
21:58.38igcewieling1Maybe I'm overly sensitive after the e1000 linux driver fiasco we recently had.
21:59.11WIMPyWhat happened there?
22:01.02igcewieling1 though there are plenty of reports about the issue.
22:01.34igcewieling1Seemed to start happening around 5Mbps of traffic, we didn't find the issue until we put the system into production.
22:02.05igcewieling1all three of our newest servers have the same ethernet chip.  We ended up buying an add-on ethernet and not had a problem since.
22:03.25WIMPyOh, I think that's the issue I saw after running powertop and tuning around.
22:06.25WIMPyNo, I had it on eth1. And indeed only after manually fiddling around powertop.
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23:36.14rue_houseChannelZ, I have a 4 port analog mgcp gateway
23:36.28rue_houseI have a box of them actually
23:36.47rue_houseI can get one working fine, but if I try to configure two of them, the first one errors out
23:37.05*** join/#asterisk ph8 (~ph8@unaffiliated/ph8)
23:43.10ChannelZErrors out how?  You're making separate peer entries for each one in the config but they don't all work?
23:49.28*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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