IRC log for #asterisk on 20130122

00:02.22iztechwoot, one of the trunks registered
00:05.02*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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00:05.13leowtive got asterisk with sip clients. Wen connecting to a client outside the NAT i am able to talk to the 1st client, and the other ones get sip connection but no sound.
00:05.22*** join/#asterisk cusco (~tralala@2001:41d0:1:6cef::8899)
00:05.24leowtanyone has a clue about what is happening?
00:07.06[TK]D-Fenderleowt: Improper NAT setup like I just explained to iztech
00:07.13ChannelZdeja vu
00:07.48[TK]D-FenderDeja moo : the feeling you've heard all this bull before..
00:07.50leowt[TK]D-Fender: why im i able to call the first outside client?
00:07.59leowti mean
00:08.02leowthave sound
00:08.26[TK]D-Fenderleowt: show your actual setup and call attempts.
00:08.31ChannelZYou can't control everyone else's network.  And it's important to know does sound work in either direction or just one?  Which one?
00:08.54leowteither direction
00:09.16leowtthe first caller network is identical to my third one
00:09.23leowtincluding sip client and OS
00:10.21leowt[TK]D-Fender: asterisk server with 2 sip clients in the same network
00:10.32leowtand then a router to internet, ant the other 4 clients
00:11.37[TK]D-Fenderleowt: I did not mean "give me a story about them", I mean "show me your configs and debug from actual call attempts"
00:11.59leowt[TK]D-Fender: sip.conf?
00:12.11[TK]D-Fenderthat would be a relevant config file...
00:12.30leowtjust a sec
00:14.40*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
00:15.16*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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00:18.21leowtMYDDNS was replaced just to show you
00:18.35leowtjust saying =P
00:19.50ChannelZis your * behind NAT as well?
00:19.57ChannelZNone of your peers are nat=yes
00:20.21leowtChannelZ: ive made that, and didnt make a difference
00:20.21[TK]D-Fenderdirectmedia=yes                ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the <- BAD
00:20.27[TK]D-FenderAutomatic fail.
00:20.41[TK]D-FenderNext, permanently trash the 1200 lines of junk comments in there
00:20.46ChannelZDid you port-forward a range of RTP ports as specified in rtp.conf?
00:21.00leowt10000 to 20000
00:21.37ChannelZand the firewall Asterisk is behind isn't preventing it from spewing UDP on pretty much any port (because you can't always control what the remote end is going to ask for)
00:22.19[TK]D-Fender[19:20][TK]D-Fenderdirectmedia=yes ; Asterisk by default tries to redirect the <- BAD
00:22.50leowt[TK]D-Fender: directmedia=no
00:22.52leowtno sound
00:22.54ChannelZbecause everyone is probably telling everyone else to connect to fake LAN IPs that don't exist
00:23.39[TK]D-Fenderleowt: I also asked for the CALL DEBUG.  but your sip.conf is a mess.  clean all the comments out.
00:23.39*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:23.44leowta sec
00:23.54[TK]D-Fenderleowt: And then provide the updated version along with the debug requested
00:24.28leowtthe version of *?
00:25.00leowtits iqual
00:25.05leowtbut directmedia=no
00:26.53[TK]D-Fender[Jan 22 00:19:29] WARNING[28254]: chan_sip.c:22276 handle_request_invite: Failed to set an alternate media source on glared reinvite. Video may not work properly on this call.
00:26.59[TK]D-FenderDirectmedia = BAD
00:27.06[TK]D-Fenderyou are allowing REINIVITES.
00:27.12[TK]D-Fenderthat's what Directmedia is.
00:27.35*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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00:27.44leowtbut, what should i put in directmedia then?
00:28.08leowtalready done that
00:28.12ChannelZblows his rape whistle
00:28.16[TK]D-FenderApparently not in all the right places
00:28.35[TK]D-Fenderclean the junk out of your config and pastebin it.
00:28.57leowtok, sec
00:50.29[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on" <-
00:50.32[TK]D-Fenderwaiting to see the call.
00:52.20leowtjiust a sec
00:53.43leowtim seeing that the caller that works have his ip
00:53.52leowtbut the other no
00:54.02saint_[TK]D-Fender: I did a sip trace for my audio which is not working. can you give me a hint ? :)
00:54.14leowtthis is a local ip
00:55.08saint_[TK]D-Fender: XXXXX is my local set behind a private network , YYYY is the ip of my asterisk server, so is
00:55.24leowti can see that this client shows a local ip
00:55.39leowtand the one that its working is showing his public ip
00:56.27[TK]D-Fendersaint_: that is not a complete call.  I do not see the full dialplan processing
00:56.50[TK]D-Fenderleowt: And that isn't even a call
00:56.54saint_[TK]D-Fender: i did sip set debug on , is there anything else to do ?
00:57.07ChannelZleowt: the retransmitting is a bother..
00:57.22leowt[TK]D-Fender: isnt there the error?
00:57.22[TK]D-Fendersaint_: it isn't COMPLETE
00:57.35leowtChannelZ: sorry?
00:57.52saint_[TK]D-Fender: that is a full copy / past from the console. all i scambled was the public IP and fqdn
00:58.17ChannelZleowt: your last paste doesn't really show much but it does show that Asterisk has re-transmitted the same packet multiple times because either it's not escaping your network or the other end isn't replying/the reply isn't making it back to you
00:59.04leowtChannelZ: i can see that the other client rizo@ is showing a local ip
00:59.18leowtand not maching the ip on the top
01:00.12leowtbut what causes this?
01:00.19*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
01:00.48leowtthe client that works is showing the external ip on top and the <sip:renato@ddns> with domain and not a local ip
01:00.49ChannelZ"rizo" is behind NAT and isn't aware of its external IP.  that's one problem but if the peer is set nat=yes AND Asterisk gets some RTP from the actual IP (the 94.* one) it should all work out.
01:01.05leowtthe peer is set nat=yes
01:01.32ChannelZBut another problem seems to be that your server is unable to send SIP to that peer, or it is and their reply is getting chewed up somewhere.
01:01.44ChannelZ>> Retransmitting #3 (NAT) to
01:04.02leowtgoing to try from a 3g in a phone
01:09.34saint_[TK]D-Fender: so i just ran a sip trace on 2 calls , 1st one no audio, 2nd one audio (it usually works like that. first one no audio, 2nd one has audio).. they look exactly the same, even the rport , the only thing that change are the sequence vakyes and other random tags. any idea why i do not have audio all the time ?
01:17.51*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (42570423@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:17.54saint_anyone can share a voicemail.conf file that handle Digium phones ?
01:19.59sawgoodhandle Digium series phones differently say then a Polyocom or Cisco?
01:21.42saint_I don t know. I just setup a basic file with a vaey basic D70=>1234,saint,,,   and my D70 does not do anything with that ..
01:23.17saint_either that, or i screwed up what to put in front of voicemail in the D70 configuration
01:24.21sawgoodI can pastebin a copy of one for you
01:25.15saint_and I keep receiving in the console:   Received SIP subscribe for peer without mailbox: D70
01:25.41saint_sawgood: I'll take it.. or you can just write 1 line here.. is   D70 => 1234,saint,,,    good ?
01:25.43sawgoodDoes that phone have an entry in /etc/asterisk/voicemail.conf?
01:25.57saint_that's what I have in the voicemail.conf
01:26.01saint_the D70 => xxxx
01:26.25saint_in the D70 configuration, for the voicemail, I have:     sip:d70:1234@asterisk_server
01:26.47sawgood342 => 10755,After Hours VM,,,attach=yes|saycid=no|envelope=no|delete=no
01:26.54sawgoodhows something like that?
01:26.57saint_yeah, so i m pretty good
01:27.11saint_I wonder if it's because my extension starts with a letter
01:27.30sawgoodWell, I've asked bout that in the past, and found it should be ok
01:28.13*** join/#asterisk leowt (
01:28.26saint_I changed the voicemail number to 999
01:28.32saint_and I changed the voicemail number in the D70 to 999
01:28.43saint_now when I press MSGS it works, but it asks for my mailbox
01:28.49saint_is there a way to automatize this ?
01:29.07saint_and I still see the Received SIP subscrive for peer without mailbox: D70  in the logs
01:35.19saint_i can t find anywhere how to setup the message waiting indication too on the D70..
01:35.44*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
01:39.52saint_anyone know how to install  iksemel-devel with yum ?
01:41.17*** join/#asterisk leowt_ (
01:45.06*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
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01:53.52*** join/#asterisk Molodus (
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01:59.02*** join/#asterisk leowt (
02:09.48*** join/#asterisk mathi (
02:09.56mathiwhen I try to "make" libpri
02:09.59mathiit says :
02:10.22mathiq921.c:811:7: error: variable 'tei' set but not used [-Werror=unused-but-set-variable]
02:18.37saint_anyone has gtalk / google voice working correctly ?
02:18.37saint_when i try to call my system, I receive in the logs: Channel 'Gtalk/+1xxxxxxx-a454' sent into invalid extension 's' in context 'default', but no invalid handler
02:20.23*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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02:23.58leowt[TK]D-Fender: localnet was bad
02:24.02leowtnow it works
02:24.06*** join/#asterisk asr33 (~asr33@unaffiliated/asr33)
02:24.17leowtlocal ip gets replaced by dns
02:24.42leowtbut i still dont understand why the first caller had the external ip instead of local ip
02:27.26*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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02:29.21leowtand, do this mean that i got to put every possible local ip on the localnet=?
02:29.28ruben231hi guys i ahve installed asterisk 1.4 on ubuntu-server 12.04 LTS and somehow wanted to email my voicemail directly, how do i setup it..any idea..?
02:45.23*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
02:47.10*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-wffxajuxywprfjrr)
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03:12.32*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
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03:42.45*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
03:51.32din3shI have installed 2 HP DL380 servers with digium cards, I get "PRI got event: HDLC Abort (6) on Primary D-channel of span 1" &  "HDLC Bad FCS (8) on Primary D-channel of span 1"
04:07.11*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
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04:21.54*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
04:27.39din3shyour email entries in voicemail.conf are not working?
04:31.21ruben231yes its not working
04:36.56nix8n82You may have to setup an email relay
04:44.59igcewielingruben231: Asterisk uses sendmail (or whatever MTA you have installed) to send the mail.  Check there.
04:48.30*** join/#asterisk raden (
04:51.00ruben231igcewieling: but the problem i dont know how to setup sendmail
04:51.47igcewielingruben231: learn.   Are you sure your distro uses sendmail and not postfix or exim, both of which install a sendmail binary for compatability?
04:52.48ruben231i just install teh basic ubuntu serevr 12.04 LTS
04:53.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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04:57.28kaldemarruben231: ubuntu has easy-to-follow howto's for mails.
04:57.59kaldemarruben231: you're asking in the wrong place.
05:11.08*** join/#asterisk voxter_ (
05:11.39ChannelZhint: you might look at msmtp because if you aren't already running a mail server, chances are you don't want to.
05:20.54*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
05:21.24deo_hi guys.. can we check in our asterisk server if one of pstn lines is not accessible or inactive??
05:21.30deo_trough the terminal...
05:34.36*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
05:34.43DarthExpeditoranyone still up?
06:07.18*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
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06:55.46ChannelZdeo_: A DAHDI channel or..?
06:57.05deo_nope ChannelZ
06:57.14deo_a PSTN line
06:58.07[TK]D-FenderThere are bout a dozen or more kind of PSTN lines
06:58.21[TK]D-Fenderso that answer isn't saying much...
06:58.51ChannelZcore show channels
06:58.57[TK]D-Fenderdeo_: And doesn't describe how * even interfaces with it
06:58.58ChannelZmaybe. Not exactly sure what you're looking for.
06:59.11[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: I I got this one :)
07:02.49*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
07:11.07[TK]D-FenderOR.. they could just drop off without answering....
07:11.49ChannelZnarcolepsy maybe
07:14.11*** join/#asterisk dxrt (~dxrt@unaffiliated/dxrt)
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07:40.39WIMPydin3sh: Interrupt issues or configuration error.
07:40.49WIMPyOr a bad line.
07:41.01deo_hi guys [TK]D-Fender ChannelZ ...sorry late reply
07:41.15[TK]D-FenderYou've got a minute or two before I'm out
07:41.21[TK]D-FenderAnd it';s already extremely late here
07:41.32deo_oopss okay maybe next time :)
07:43.41[TK]D-FenderI sai you have a minute or two
07:43.43[TK]D-FenderDon't waste them
07:44.02*** join/#asterisk bjornts (~BTS@2001:700:200:10:2400:56ae:2435:60bf)
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07:44.36ChannelZHe's Snoopy dancing.  I just know it.
07:47.25*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:51.59[TK]D-Fender.... AND I'M GONE </meme>
07:52.29ChannelZI don't know that one.
08:06.58deo_ChannelZ: what i mean is a regular PSTN lines from telco... i find it hard to check if those lines are working.. theyre currently attached directly to a TDM400 Digium Card..
08:07.10deo_and i dont have any physical access to this server.. :(
08:07.22ChannelZso that is a DAHDI channel.
08:07.35deo_yes indeed it is :)
08:07.46deo_sorry late reply
08:08.02ChannelZwell you told me "no" when I asked an hour ago but no matter
08:08.46deo_please disregards those ChannelZ ... it is not meant  to that.. :(
08:08.56ChannelZYou can check for alarms on the card with 'dahdi show status' but that sort of depends on what the problem really is
08:09.34deo_i thought the problem is that line is not working already.... it may be that telco disconnect that line...
08:09.35ChannelZif the lines are just not working between you and the telco there's not necessarily any way to know but to place a call on the channel and discover it doesn't work
08:09.58*** join/#asterisk bondar (~bondar@
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08:11.01deo_dahdi show status  shows ok
08:13.44ChannelZwell it's a pain in the ass but you can use dahdi_monitor on the shell to record a channel, then make a call out that channel, then download the recording and listen to it and see if the line is just dead silence or something
08:14.22*** join/#asterisk Elleni (3ec00582@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:14.45pbxbrianHey there, anyone familiar with sangoma vega gateways?
08:15.06pbxbrianIs it possible to make them send either Remote-Party-ID or P-Asserted-Identity ?
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08:28.01Guest90715hi all
08:28.23*** join/#asterisk shadebob (~shadebob@
08:28.41fukuda76140i'm a problem to configure T38modem with hylafax
08:37.25*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
08:39.12*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:41.06fukuda76140FaxGetty[24052]: /dev/ttyT38-1: Can not open modem
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08:43.26schmidtsgood morning
08:51.56fukuda76140help please
08:55.36*** join/#asterisk nunne (
08:57.33*** join/#asterisk din3sh (~din3sh@
08:58.15din3shanybody here using CEL table/data for billing?
08:58.55*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:59.13*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
09:00.09fukuda76140i can't create a virtual modem t38modem
09:00.48fukuda76140with faxstat -s i have  : Modem ttyT38-1 (): Waiting for modem to come ready
09:22.30*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
09:30.48*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
09:30.54bombevhi all
09:35.15bombevI have strange issue here: look at line 89
09:36.45bombevI dont understand why rom: <sip:48420212244024@........ I have two area codes first one 48-Poland, 420-Czech
09:38.50schmidtsbombev from where did you get this call? maybe its just incoming like this
09:39.21*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
09:40.15bombevthis call is from mine phone server
09:41.00bombevI have created diff context for that number : 48223821882
09:42.25bombevthe real caller id is: 420212244024 but i am receiving 48420212244024 and no idea why
09:45.56*** join/#asterisk PbxMan (c335d968@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:46.47*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
09:47.47wdoekesbombev: if x.x.150.20 is your phone server then you're sending/adding the 48 there.. look there or upstream, not in the receiving asterisk
09:48.30danfromukHi. I'm starting to realise that there are issues with the way that sip.conf realtime has been implemented. I was wondering if anyone could tell me what the advantages of sip.conf realtime are compared to automatically generating the sip.conf file and issuing a sip reload ?
09:50.26bombevwdoekes *.*.150.20  is my trunk ip
09:50.34bombevnot the IP of the phone server
09:52.17wdoekesstart looking upstream. if you're the one placing the call with the trunk: what are you sending?
09:53.07din3shWIMPy:how u track down/bill transfered calls for example?
09:53.42WIMPyI don't
09:54.02*** join/#asterisk alsuren__ (~dlaban@
09:54.12din3shtransfers are not billed, or maybe you don't need to!?
09:54.16bombevwdoekes where can I upstream
09:55.02WIMPyHow do you do billing with Asterisk at all? There's no billing information in the CDRs.
09:56.13flingHello! I need a fine how-to on SugarCRM <-> Asterisk integration.
09:56.27wdoekesbombev: you're receiving a call with XYZ in the CLI. where would you find the problem? with the sender, right?
09:57.30bombevwdoekes yes
09:58.18wdoekesthe only sip trace you've shown, is the call-reception, not any sending
09:59.14*** part/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
10:00.31din3sheither you develop your own billing interface using php/mysql or use software like Call Accounting Mate to parse the CDR.
10:00.48bombevwdoekes ok i will check the sender :)
10:00.56wdoekesthat would make sense
10:01.14wdoekesand when you see that you're sending +42, you'll realise that the problem is between the sender and the recipient
10:01.32wdoekesand then you call the next hop after the sender to ask why your +42 gets translated
10:02.50wdoekes(or you can play with different methods of sending CLI, e.g. 0042 or using different headers: RPID, PAI)
10:05.15bombevhow can i use those diff methods
10:10.14*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
10:13.55fukuda76140who use T38modem here ?
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10:25.25mathiI can't install libpri
10:25.33mathihere is the problem described:
10:25.43mathino idea what to do next
10:28.12hebbermathi: it might help to download the Latest Version - 1.4.14
10:28.33mathihebber, i'll try that now
10:28.56WIMPyThat's not an error.
10:29.03WIMPyAnd you can probably ignore it.
10:29.27WIMPyBut a current version is surely a good idea anyway.
10:29.43*** join/#asterisk beebeeep (
10:34.58mathihebber, with 1.4.14 I have another error: fatal error: dahdi/user.h: No such file or directory
10:35.14mathi(in pridump.c:45:24)
10:35.27*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
10:36.12WIMPyYou need to install dahdi first.
10:37.08mathiWIMPy, that's not what is written here:
10:37.14mathi"With LibPRI installed, we can now install DAHDI."
10:37.27WIMPyIt's outdated.
10:37.32mathigreat ...
10:37.41mathiso now we need to do the opposite ?
10:37.59mathihow do you know?
10:38.17WIMPyYou just told me :-)
10:38.34WIMPyBut it's not the first time that issue came up.
10:40.13mathishould update the docs!
10:42.20WIMPyThe 4th edition is already up for review.
10:44.58mathithen I have another problem whene xecuting command:
10:45.07mathisudo apt-get install linux-headers-`uname -r`
10:45.47mathiUnable to lcoate package  linux-headers-3.5.0-22-generic
10:46.40WIMPyInteresting. What Distro?
10:46.51mathiLubuntu 12.10
10:46.59WIMPyHaving asked that, you might have more luck with that one in a channel for your distro.
10:48.45mathiok I just asked, I hope i'll have an answer
10:49.05mathiI miss Windows
10:49.35WIMPyNo dahdi for windows.
10:50.04WIMPyAnd teh old rule is: Make sure yor get Hardware that's supported by Linux.
10:50.23WIMPyAlthough dahdi may be neccessary.
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11:07.24conashula buda?
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11:26.10mathiWIMPy, I willa dd a comment in the new book, ok ?
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11:33.18leowthi there, do i have to put every possible local network on localnet? or there is another way?
11:43.49iztechhey anyone here set up SipStation i am getting this error
11:43.54iztech[Jan 22 03:37:44] NOTICE[6536][C-00000002]: chan_sip.c:25184 handle_request_invite: Call from '' ( to extension '2137778888' rejected because extension not found in context 'incoming'.
12:10.55*** join/#asterisk srp_ (~abhishek@
12:13.16srp_Hello, I am trying to register SIPML 5 web sip client with asterisk, but Ive been getting 'Failed to connect to server' in the client. Is there any special configuration to be made on the client ?
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12:30.13fukuda76140iztech your context is not create
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12:32.15iztechfukuda76140: just mucked around my extensions.conf still with no luck
12:32.29iztechthere is something simple i am missing
12:32.36fukuda76140you use a virtual modem ?
12:33.46fukuda76140you are using a modem virtual (like iaxmodem or T38modem) ?
12:34.25fukuda76140i'm sorry, i don't know
12:34.36iztechthx for trying
12:35.08fukuda76140i'm beginner on asterisk
12:37.28fukuda76140me i'm a problem to install and configure T38modem
12:38.58ectospasmiztech: you need an exten => ... line which matches the extension 2137778888
12:39.19ectospasmpossibly something like exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,...
12:40.32iztechin [incoming] section?
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12:43.21iztechexten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
12:43.27iztechlike that?
12:44.34SeRiiztech: #1 do you know who is
12:45.00SeRiThats the system that it seems to be trying to csll you
12:45.56iztechheh, let me check
12:45.59iztechmy logs
12:46.48iztechyeah, that's fine
12:51.02iztechthats what i have in my [incoming] in extensions.conf
12:53.38*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
12:58.07ectospasmiztech: you need to have an extension that matches your DID.  So if the caller dials 2137778888 to reach you, you need "exten => 2137778888,1,..."
12:58.35iztechk, let me try
13:02.26iztechthanks so much
13:02.39iztechgood lord that took me a long time
13:02.53ectospasmdon't worry about it, it took me two weeks to figure that out.
13:03.46ectospasmIf you have multiple DIDs that need to be handled by the same dialplan code, use a pattern _NXXNXXXXXX, or similar.  << iztech
13:04.29mathii created a user/group "asteriskpbx", and changed the file permissions as specified in the docs, but now I have to log in into this user every time I want to run asterisk ?
13:05.44ectospasmmathi: the init script (in /etc/init.d/asterisk) should handle that.
13:06.12*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
13:08.45iztechdo you know what exten => s,n stands for?
13:10.04*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
13:10.47iztechso i did exten => 2137778888,1,Dial(SIP/101)
13:10.58iztechwhich worked
13:19.42mathiectospasm, thanks ineed, i had to put sudo in front
13:20.07mathishould I use WAV, ALAW and GSM encodings ?
13:20.47ectospasmmathi: depends, what codec are your users/callers going to be using?
13:21.08mathiectospasm, uhm... they are going to use normal phones
13:21.51ectospasmmathi: the term "normal phones" doesn't compute.  Do you mean POTS/analog, or VoIP/SIP phones?
13:22.03mathiectospasm, POTS/analog
13:22.35ectospasmmathi: so go with alaw/ulaw, which ever companding your telco uses.  Check their documentation.
13:23.28*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
13:23.34mathiectospasm, if I specify also GSM, Asterisk will first try to use ALAW because it knows it is better quality ?
13:24.15ectospasmmathi: if all you have is GSM, and your phones are using ALAW, Asterisk will transcode from GSM to ALAW.
13:24.34ectospasmIt does not hurt 'cept for disk space to have multiple versions of an audio file don't specify the codec in dialplan, Asterisk selects the best one at runtime least that's how it's supposed to work
13:27.35mathiah i see thanks)
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13:49.18ashgottiHello all. I've been doing a bit of research to see if Asterisk would be the proper application for one of our clients. He runs a residence and would like to set up a touch screen kiosk in the lobby where visitors can look up residence, dial them, and be given access like most condos or apartments. Does Asterisk have this feature set?
13:51.29*** join/#asterisk k610 (
13:51.58ectospasmashgotti: it can do that, but it will take work.
13:52.39ashgottiectospasm> We're not looking to do the work ourselves and will contract it out. We just don't want to go down a rabbit hole only to find out that it's not really the right tool.
13:53.03ectospasmashgotti: Asterisk was specifically designed as the basis for projects like this.
13:53.19ashgottiThey already have a voip system in place so that's what lead me to Asterisk. Do you know of any other applications that could do this, maybe more directly?
13:53.19ectospasm...but it's not going to do all of it out of the box with minimal configuration.
13:53.44*** join/#asterisk mihamina (~mihamina@
13:53.46ashgottiectospasm> of course there will be configuration, maybe some customization
13:54.01ashgottiis there a forum or website for asterisk consultants or developers that we can engage?
13:54.02ectospasmI don't know of any turnkey system which will offer what you want.
13:54.09beardyNot anything without "special" hardware and software, and cabling, and costs.
13:54.49ectospasmyeah, the "glue" tying the touchscreen to the PC isn't handled by Asterisk.
13:54.59ashgottibeardy> I understand. They already have 3 kiosks. They had a partner for the software but it felt through. That's where we come in.
13:55.19*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-qgubcyroywdddngs)
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14:00.40ashgottiI think I found it, Asterisk Exchange
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14:19.13fukuda76140what's the diferrence between iaxmodem and T38modem ?
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14:25.30jmetroone uses iax protocol im guessing.
14:37.08PenguinThis is a real bother that all the files in the download site have dates of 28-Nov-2012.  How am I supposed to track dates now?
14:45.17mjordanPenguin: which site?
14:45.53PenguinLook at the dates.
14:45.57mjordanPenguin: nevermind. Yeah, I see it now
14:46.11PenguinIt's jacked.
14:47.13jmetroi didnt know what you meant at first, but that looks bad.
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14:55.15Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix?? is urgent plz answer thx
15:00.34jmetrohelly my critter cam only has sqirrls plz help i need birds.
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15:06.53din3shI have a 30-channel E1, I have this occasional problem where calls to any DID/number on this E1 does not even reach the * box. PSTN Caller hears an announcement from telco saying number is unavailable.
15:07.45din3shAlso I get HDLC errors on the span, are these 2 problems related? how to test/troubleshoot?
15:09.54Kattyjmetro: there were BLUE BIRDS earlier :> :> :>
15:10.00Kattyjmetro: 2 males and a female
15:11.29jmetrowhere do you live geographically? I never see blue birds or robins as much as your cam seems to
15:11.34*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
15:12.01Kattysouthern missouri
15:12.08PenguinWe probably have more robins here than most other birds.
15:12.12Kattyi've not seen any robin's on the feeder yet, but they tend to go back to the forest when it's cold.
15:12.30Kattyand in all honesty, i've never had /any/ bluebirds on a feeder up until the next week.
15:12.36Kattynot a single one in four years.
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15:12.57jmetroi saw a red robin a couple times, and a cardinal just perching there for a while.
15:13.10Kattyi'm not sure if it's the new area i've moved to...or if finding food in the frozen ground is particularly difficult this year...bluebirds eat mostly insects and fruit
15:13.31Kattystrange. i've not seen a single robin since this past summer
15:13.59jmetrocause you don watch your own cam =p
15:14.10Katty <- you sure it wasn't one of those guys?
15:14.37Katty <- that's the native robin around here
15:14.50Kattya female bluebird would also be close
15:14.54jmetrodefinitely not a finch
15:15.17Katty <- female bluebird.
15:15.22Kattythey can look more brown than blue on the back
15:15.31Kattythe thing about a robin is that bright yellow beak.
15:15.31jmetroi saw two of the american robins last week
15:15.49Kattybut very welcome
15:16.02jmetrothey were perched next to eachother on the hanging feeder
15:16.19jmetrowait thats a stand. The standing feeder.
15:16.31Kattyi've never seen a robin eat seeds.
15:16.40Kattybut they will be back, surely
15:17.00Kattythe plan is to put up a window box over to the right, on that window
15:17.09Kattyand in the window box put a small bird bath
15:17.14Kattyalong with some herbs around it
15:18.03Kattythe little gray and white bird that comes in to steal a peanut and leave is a tufted titmouse.
15:18.15Kattyi believe they migrate.
15:18.35Kattythe black ones with the speckles are starlings. they're the birds you see in huge flocks flying in the sky
15:18.53Kattyi'm not much of a fan of them, they tend come in 2 or 3 at a time and scare all the smaller birds off.
15:18.54*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-bzcemnkhsaffluit)
15:19.09jmetroStarlings are mean, according to the redwall books =p
15:19.16Kattyi wouldn't doubt it
15:19.19Kattyblue jays certainly are.
15:19.23PenguinThey're trash.  Kill 'em all.
15:19.30Kattyi've seen a blue jay chase every other bird off the feeder.
15:19.40Kattyexcept for a squirrel.
15:19.57*** part/#asterisk Elleni (3ec00582@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:20.01Kattythe squirrels don't seem to care about the coming and going of birds.
15:20.29Kattybout the only thing that bothers them is the random car that drives by or if the cat swats the window...or if another squirrel gets too close for comfort.
15:22.44*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
15:23.51GreenlightAFternoon all. I'm getting an odd error on Asterisk 11. [Jan 22 16:26:41] WARNING[14386]: rtp_engine.c:1471 ast_rtp_instance_bridge: Got hangup while attempting to bridge 'SIP/minotaur-0000fa85' and 'SIP/70229-0000de81'. This is happening for about 10% of the bridges I try to initiate, and annoyingly it just seems to hangup both channels. Any ideas what might cause this? The only change I
15:23.52Greenlightthink has been made is to use MixMonitor rather than Monitor
15:24.11PenguinThat's a warning, not an error.
15:25.32QwellKatty: squirrels aren't birds.  just sayin'. :p
15:25.45GreenlightOk, a warning. The bridge failes nontheless...
15:27.09PenguinWhat does the sip debug reveal?
15:27.33KattyQwell: *hee*
15:29.04GreenlightI can't really enable SIP debg it's quite a busy server (200k+ calls a day)
15:29.26GreenlightIs that normal for a failed bridge to hangup both sides?
15:29.53PenguinI wouldn't have thought so, but I just don't know.
15:30.51GreenlightFair enough. And are there any known issues with using MixMonitor on a channel that's being bridged? (Use ManagerBridge btw if it makes a difference)
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15:53.47BriGuyDoes anyone have experience with running Asterisk on VMware - but using RTP proxy on physical boxes? I wanted to know if that resolves the call quality issues...
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15:56.45GreenlightAs long as you're not *doing* anything with the audio (recording, voicemail etc) and it's just passing through, ideally in same codec, it'll be okay
15:56.55_abc_Does anyone know if a cisco phone can be rebooted using asterisk sccp commands?
15:57.02_abc_from debug mode or such in console
15:57.21GreenlightWe can 500 simultenous channels over a virtualised box with no issues
15:57.55BriGuyWe are recording VMs and recordings then passing them off to NFS - even using dahdi will that be an issue on a VM platform?
15:58.09_abc_ found it...
15:59.31_abc_uhh telnet interface on 7940 phone not responding
15:59.43_abc_I hate cisco 'clever' setups which lock out everything
16:00.16GreenlightWith just recording you can get some success as it should use the timing from the source, and not rely on the local timing source, but I'd not recommend against it. I've personally seen issues with recordings when the local timing source goes waaaay out, which can happen on VM's
16:00.21PenguinIf you are using chan_sccp, there's sccp restart on the CLI.  If you are using chan_skinny, I wouldn't know (becuase I do not use it).
16:00.25RumblesHello, I'm having trouble installing asterisk-dahdi through the centos repo on, have some dependencies been broken in recent changes?
16:01.36Rumblesmanaged to get dahdi to install from source, and /etc/init.d/dahdi status shows the lines fine, but unable to load in asterisk
16:01.37BriGuyhow do you handle call recording/VMs on the VMs then?
16:03.09*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
16:03.14GreenlightI've never used a VM based Asterisk to do recordings on.
16:03.15Rumblesthis is Asterisk 1.8.20 btw
16:04.05leifmadsenwe do it all the time
16:04.09leifmadsenworks fine in the ramdisk
16:04.18_abc_Penguin: sccp. Thanks. btw good info here:
16:04.18GreenlightYea, if you are doing it, use a ramdisk
16:05.04BriGuygood idea - thanks for the input Greenlight & leifmadsen
16:05.05phonebuffSpeaking of Cisco -- The BLF patch that was done ofr 1.8.12 fails with 1.8.19. Does anyone know if there are plans to get this excepted into the the code, and/or where it broke between 18.12 & 1.8.19 ?
16:05.31GreenlightI'm lead to beleive it's more efficent to use /dev/shm which doesn't have the overhead of ext filesystem, but that's probably nitpicking
16:05.31leifmadsenyou'll have to elaborate on what patch and where it is
16:06.38jmetrotheres filesystems besides zfs?
16:07.07leifmadsenphonebuff: ya that looks like a feature patch -- will only be applied to trunk whenever it is marked as done
16:07.07GreenlightI've heard rumours....
16:07.20leifmadsenphonebuff: you still haven't figured out how to fix the conflicts?
16:08.07WIMPydin3sh: Yes, those issues are most probably related. As I said earlier: Interrupt issues, wrong configuration or a bad line.
16:08.20_abc_Penguin: hmm okay that reset the device but not from cold start, it keeps its old ip, I need it to get a new dhcp lease.... any ideas on how to make it do that?
16:08.47PenguinTry sccp reset instead.
16:08.48phonebuffNo I have not,  figure I am going to have to go back to 1.8.12 source and compare that against 1.8.19 source and then see if I can find the errors.   patch -p0 .........  tells me 4 out of 144 hunks failed
16:08.59_abc_Penguin: it's skinny not sccp, sorry
16:09.06_abc_Penguin: reset exists in skinny too
16:09.28phonebuffbut the make errors look more like a comment bracket or something is way out of place
16:09.50phonebuffJust two many error messages.
16:10.02leifmadsenphonebuff: sounds about right, the code likely changed and you'll have to look at the failed hunks and then apply them manually, then export the patch for that version
16:10.27leifmadsenif you can't figure it out, you'll have to wait for the reporter to update it, or hire a consultant/developer to create the patch for you
16:11.32phonebuffLeif: if I do that for 1.8.19 is it likely to be broken again almost immediately for 1.8.20 ?
16:12.30phonebuffLeif: I have no issue working the code other than time,  I am not however familiar with the patch routine and diff files, can you point me to some learning material.
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16:13.41_abc_Penguin: mea culpa, seems to work fine, the reboot is 10 times faster than before, I have a new dhcpd online heh
16:13.50Becker54Hello room
16:13.59_abc_Penguin: I rebooted it about 5 times and it was so fast I did not have time to see it happen so I thought it didn't
16:14.10_abc_Penguin: all ok on skinny rebooting ciscos heh
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16:15.23Penguin_abc_: I think it is sccp reset that doesn't actually do a reboot, and it happens in a fraction of a second.  The sccp restart should take at least a second and you should be able to see that happen.
16:15.26phonebuffGreat I will do some reading --   Since the apply failures arein sip.c I have a feeling that I maintaining / applying this patch may be a very long term effort.
16:15.37PenguinI could have the two commands reversed -- I do that all the time.
16:15.51Becker54I was wondering if anyone could assist me in getting SIP messaging working or find information on why it is not?
16:16.21*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
16:16.49phonebuffBy the way, it's the use of diff output  by patch .  :-)
16:17.05leifmadsenphonebuff: it depends entirely where changes happen, so that isn't a question one can answer
16:17.20_abc_Penguin: I tried both, again, skinny has the same options
16:17.28PenguinGood to know.
16:17.30_abc_Penguin: neither takes more than 2 seconds with my settings
16:18.30_abc_Penguin: do you have a sccp/skinny config (cnf) template for ciscos on non-sip?
16:18.43Penguinphonebuff: When I have had to port a patch from one version of code to another, I will often look at the code side by side using sdiff.
16:18.46_abc_I have a hard time locating such. If you have a template, could you share it?
16:19.05phonebuffWell from my reading and looking at the code so far, it appears that both some of the latest revs per the change logs, and many of the changes needed in this patch are i the same areas (memory management)
16:19.49Penguin_abc_: Are you referring to the SEP<MAC>.cnf.xml files?
16:21.02Rumblesdoes anyone here know if asterisk-dahdi can be install on CentOS 5.9 via the repo? I'm trying to install it and it's asking for an old kernel-i686
16:21.09phonebuffBy the way on a side note Penguin be careful of the Cisco 9 dot firmware for 7975s and others, had to fall back to an 8 dot release to get the phone to handshake with 1.8.19
16:21.50_abc_Penguin: yes, but I prefer the generalized XMLDefaul
16:21.57Rumblesi.e. asking for "Processing Dependency: kernel-i686 = 2.6.18-308.24.1.el5 for package: kmod-dahdi-linux" when I am using kernel 2.6.18-348.el5PAE
16:23.22phonebuffLeif: Is there a note in the Wiki that talks about the process to get patches incorporated ?
16:24.03Becker54Sorry can't help you Rumbles are you using a VM or real hardware?
16:24.14Rumblessorry, real hardware
16:24.20_abc_Penguin: I think I have that, it is not applicable to skinny
16:24.34Rumblesfirst time we've had this issue but it's the first time we have had to use CentOS 5.9
16:25.17Becker54what is the repo address?
16:25.21Penguin_abc_: I don't see why it wouldn't be.  chan_skinny and chan_sccp are only the asterisk channel drivers; the .cnf.xml files are for the phones' firmware.
16:25.29Rumblesthnx Becker54, 1 sec
16:25.48_abc_Penguin: it's related to everyone explaining how to upgrade to sip and pretty little else
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16:26.06_abc_Penguin: do you know, for example, how to enable telnet in the cnf file?
16:26.11Rumblesfrom the repo file: baseurl=$releasever/asterisk-1.8/$basearch/
16:26.12Penguin_abc_: Sounds like you read the wrong thing.
16:28.31Becker54I am looking hang on
16:28.44QwellThere is no package for that kernel yet.
16:28.50QwellRed Hat broke an interface.  Again.
16:29.05PenguinI'm not even sure that the sccp firmware has telnet.  I've never seen a setting for it at all.
16:29.25_abc_just a sec I have a reference, maybe I misread
16:29.28PenguinThe sip firmware has telnet.  I know that.
16:29.40Rumblesthanks Qwell
16:30.03Rumblesnow I just need to figure out a way to get it to load :/
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16:30.42RumblesQwell, any idea when the package will be out?
16:30.50QwellOnce DAHDI 2.6.2 gets released.
16:30.59Becker54that stinks sorry rumbles
16:31.43navaismoHi does asterisk 11.2 set/send the profile-level-id in the sdp by default?
16:31.49Rumblesyeah, but not much I can do to help that.... These phone servers are meant to go live in 16 hours :/
16:32.23Penguin_abc_: But yeah, is only for configuring the phones with sccp/skinny, and has nothing to do with sip.  If you think it is trying to get you to switch over to sip, you read the wrong thing.
16:32.33Becker54I am new to Asterisk and trying to figure out SMS in asterisk 11. I have Asterisk 11 running and added the dialplan and edited the sip.conf file accordingly but SMS still does not work. When I disconnect from PBX SMS works without PBX. Scratching my head.
16:32.50_abc_Penguin: no, I was referencing another article on the web
16:32.56RumblesI'm using sangoma cards so I'll try getting woomera working
16:33.00_abc_Penguin: you seem to be right, there may be no telnet on skinny
16:33.12_abc_Penguin: it does have a dandy web page in the phone, though
16:33.25_abc_why they could not add a cgi button there for reset and such?
16:33.33_abc_The mysteries of large company products
16:33.45PenguinYou probably don't need either, though.  Most things can be done with the config files and a restart/reset from the CLI.
16:34.19_abc_I hope so. I have to wait for someone to get back to the relevant office so I can verify that the phone can really do what it should when cold booted by unplugging.
16:34.38_abc_Otherwise I might get a *phone* call in the morning about it (from another phone >:)
16:34.47_abc_thanks for the tips for now
16:35.02_abc_wanders away to find some food and patch the always empty coffee cup
16:35.35*** part/#asterisk _abc_ (~user@unaffiliated/ccbbaa)
16:35.50Becker54I am new to Asterisk and trying to figure out SMS in asterisk 11. I have Asterisk 11 running and added the dialplan and edited the sip.conf file accordingly but SMS still does not work. When I disconnect from PBX SMS works without PBX. Scratching my head.
16:37.37Becker54Anybody out there
16:38.23GreenlightWhy would I get a "BridgeAction Suceess" message over the AMI, yet get a Bridge failure message in the CLI... for the same bridge?
16:39.19WIMPyBecker54: Patience. This is not the 1.99/minute hotline. But You need to tell from and to where you're trying to get SMS working.
16:40.34Becker54Sorry I am not real familiar with IRC. I used it once 10 years ago. Not really up with the etiquette.
16:40.39*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
16:41.33*** join/#asterisk rue_work2 (
16:42.09rue_work2turns out connecting the mgcp machine to the network to be able to post the errors is going to be a job and a half
16:42.17rue_work2its an isolated staticly addressed network
16:42.18Becker54I have 2 WiFi SIP handsets that have SIP SMS enabled. They will send messages to each other when the PBX is not reachable. However, when SIP is registered SMS stops. I am running Asterisk 11
16:45.06*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
16:45.13Becker54I ran a packet capture and saw the phones communicate "Request: MESSAGE sip:6000: (text/plain)
16:45.32Becker54The phone that sent was ext 6000 and asterisk is
16:45.35*** join/#asterisk SteveWilliams (~chatzilla@
16:45.42SteveWilliamshello everyone...
16:45.42*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
16:46.37Becker54there was no activity to EXT 6001 which I sent the text to. So I am thinking the server is the problem
16:48.08SteveWilliamsi have an asterisk server with asterisk it has two ethernets.... eth1 has a public ip address and eth0 has a private ip address... i would like no sip registrations on eth1... how do i do it....please help...
16:49.46WIMPyYou can bint to the internal address. But that will completely disable SIP on other addresses.
16:51.12Becker54I have mine set that way. For ex. my external is 192.168.1.x and my internal(for asterisk) is 10.1.1.X. I just set the bindaddress to my NIC IP intended for asterisk only
16:51.55*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
16:52.51SteveWilliamsWIMPy: sorry... i am new to asterisk... but where do i do that.... and would that hinder me from registering my asterisk server as a sip client to other sip server in any way...
16:52.55*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:53.08phonebuffSteve: If it were me I would get the box off the Internet entirely and put a Firewall between it and the world, them place rules for what is and is not allowed.
16:53.25phonebuffOtherwise look at iptables --
16:53.26WIMPySteveWilliams: sip.conf and yes.
16:53.55WIMPySteveWilliams: Yu can use permit/deny for your peers or ACLS if you use a current version of Asterisk.
16:54.26SteveWilliamsWIMPy: i have asterisk will permit/deny work??
16:54.55WIMPyyes, but not ACLs.
16:55.12WIMPyBut you should get a more recent version anyway.
16:55.18rue_work2ok, I have an mgcp problem
16:55.27rue_work2I cant define two gateways
16:55.29SteveWilliamsWIMPy: yes, you're right....
16:55.36rue_work2if I do, I get an error for the first gateway defined
16:56.16rue_work2maximum retries exceeded for transaction # on [gateway]
16:56.20rue_work2where # is a number
16:56.38rue_work2and [gateway] is the name of the gateway that was defined FIRST in mgcp.conf
16:56.56rue_work2because I tied swapping them
16:57.08SteveWilliamsWIMPy: what if i block access to port 5060 on eth1 which has a public ip address... will that hinder me from registering my asterisk server as a sip client to other sip server
16:57.08rue_work2the last defined gateway always works fine
16:58.35rue_work2I understand to get help with my question I need to post every config file and every log file, so I'll just work on that now
16:58.41WIMPySteveWilliams: Depends on how exactely you do it.
16:59.47SteveWilliamsWIMPy: through iptables.... the command could be: iptables -A INPUT -i eth1 -p tcp --dport 443 -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j DROP
16:59.57WIMPyIf you yse connection tracking to allow replies to what you send out, it will be ok, if you just shut that port there will be no sip at all.
17:00.07SteveWilliamsWIMPy: sorry... port would be 5060 not 443
17:00.12WIMPyLooks good.
17:00.31WIMPyerr, yes and protocol udp.
17:01.00WIMPyESTABLISHED DROP? What kind of combination is that?
17:01.24*** join/#asterisk shadar (~eugene@
17:01.35SteveWilliamsWIMPy: oops... something wrong... ?? sorry new to linux admin as well... new job
17:02.02*** join/#asterisk shadar (~eugene@
17:02.33WIMPyBetter drop everything and accept ESTABLISHED (and RELATED).
17:03.04*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
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17:03.21SteveWilliamsWIMPy: okay... will try that out... thanks..
17:03.48WIMPythat's not port specific, BTW.
17:04.21*** join/#asterisk chris_n (~Chris@
17:05.50SteveWilliamsWIMPy: okay.... i see that blocking connections on 5060 for eth1 still allows sip registration...
17:08.21apb1963_Anyone have experience with the Cisco SPA 502G phone?  I'm thinking about getting one to use with asterisk
17:12.03jmetrowe use spa 509s. Work awesomely.
17:12.03*** part/#asterisk sorressean (
17:13.20apb1963_not quite the same thing, but nice to know :)
17:14.31jmetrothe added blf's are pretty righteous.
17:14.42*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
17:16.34RumblesQwell, I don't want to bug you, and if you don't have a solid date don't worry, but do you have a rough eta for dahdi 2.6.2? Just so I can let the guy who's setting the next servers up about this issue.
17:17.03GreenlightIs anyone around that's familiar with some of the source code. I'm trying to track down an issue I've started experiencing when Bridging after I've moved from Monitor to MixMonitor. In features.c, in the ast_bridge_call function, there is a section of code which seems to do something if the Monitor app is running, but there's nothing about MixMonitor - was wondering if that could have an
17:17.03Greenlighteffect, or if there's a good reason ?
17:17.53*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200:e90b:7171:1947:d35e)
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17:19.43mjordanGreenlight: MixMonitor works differently than Monitor. MixMonitor works through a feature known as audiohooks that manipulate frames on the channel. Monitor (being rather old and crusty) didn't have such a feature when it was written, and so it's kind of shoe horned into various locations.
17:20.12mjordanGreenlight: the code in ast_bridge_call is to initiate the Monitor when the bridge is started. In the case of MixMonitor, that already happens when the application is called and the frame hooks are attached to the appropriate channel.
17:22.09GreenlightAhh okay, so what seems to be happening in around 5% or so of the bridges is that ast_rtp_instance_bridge fails reporting that one oft the channels has hungup. I initiate the bridge at pretty much the same time as I request the MixMonitor - could this cause some sort of race condition? I also allow audiohook inheritance by setting it as soon as I've had a repsonse to say MixMonitor has started
17:23.40mjordanYou get the error message "Got hangup while attempting to bridge '[chan]' and '[chan]'"?
17:24.09GreenlightExactly, which I tracked down to that function
17:25.36GreenlightMy guess is that ast_channel_bridge which gets called inside ast_bridge_call points to ast_rtp_instance_bridge ?
17:25.44mjordanGreenlight: hm.
17:26.05mjordanthere is a possible way MixMonitor could hang up the channel when it's attached
17:26.29*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:26.41GreenlightAnd would that be related to if there was a bridge in progress ?
17:27.09mjordanah. Well, not really a hang up. MixMonitor is going to attempt to break a native bridge if it detects that the channels are in one
17:27.32GreenlightWell they're same tech, same codec so they woujl
17:27.35Greenlight*would be
17:27.40mjordanbecause it needs the audio frames in order to record - so a packet to packet bridge has to be broken
17:27.51GreenlightYea, makes sense, I never even considered that
17:28.19Greenlight*could* that perhaps cause the check inside ast_rtp_instance_bridge (ast_check_hangup) to return false?
17:28.40mjordanthat is probably what's happening. One of the channels has a soft hangup flag to tell it to break the native bridge, but the native bridge hasn't fully started yet
17:28.53mjordanit checks that they aren't hung up, which includes the soft hangup flag, and bails
17:29.02mjordanso yes, that sounds like a bug and a race condition
17:29.07GreenlightYea, that makse perfect sense.
17:29.25GreenlightSoo...... a *quick* and bloody dirty fix is set the outgoing side to a differnet codec?
17:29.32GreenlightThen work on the issue ?
17:30.08GreenlightWhich, would force a *proper* bridge, if I understand how it works?
17:30.11mjordanor just put an option on the Dial statement that prevents a native bridge in the first place
17:30.18mjordansuch as a DTMF feature
17:30.31*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
17:30.49GreenlightAh yea, perfect!
17:31.12mjordanast_check_hangup should probably not consider the soft hangup flag AST_SOFTHANGUP_UNBRIDGE as a proper hang up, but I'm not sure what all that will effect without digging into it
17:31.17mjordanplease do report this as an issue
17:32.06GreenlightI'll do the dirty fix and then have a delve into it, if it's easy enough to fix I'll submit the fix when I raise the issue
17:32.13mjordanthat'd be awesome
17:32.19GreenlightThankyou ever so much for your help, it's much appriciated!
17:32.26mjordannp - thanks for digging into it!
17:35.32Kattymy every day here is a fight :<
17:35.44Kattymayhaps it's time to think about going elsewhere
17:36.35nukendoes anybody have some experience with sip trunks between asterisk and cisco routers ?
17:36.43nukeni'm unable to use codec ilbc
17:37.00GreenlightI've a few installations with Asterisk <-> Cisco. All alaw though.
17:37.01nukencalls from cisco -> asterisk, work fine with ilbc
17:37.12nukenasterisk -> cisco, just alaw
17:37.31GreenlightIm my experiance Cisco tend to try and have their own way of doing things, and think everyone else should adapt to them ;/
17:37.54GreenlightWhen does it fail ?
17:38.37nukeni'm montoring with snmp the links
17:39.03nukenfrom my softphone to asterisk server, ilbc is always used
17:39.21GreenlightIsnt't that just a codec preference issue ?
17:39.31Rumblesdoes anyone know if I can compile from source, to correct the issue I am having due to the kernels available on CentOS 5.9? I'm not getting far with my google search to see if it is possible
17:39.32GreenlightHave you tried setting asterisk to only allow alaw
17:40.11nukenI've tryied setting asterisk to use just ilbc, that is what i want
17:40.22GreenlightYea, sorry, just ilibc
17:40.39nukenthis way, asterisk can't complete the call
17:40.48nukenbusy chanel to cisco
17:41.09GreenlightGrab a sip trace, but sounds like Cisco isn't allow that codec for calls in that direction
17:41.16WIMPyRumbles: You do need the headers for your kernel. No way around that.
17:41.28GreenlightRumbles: Not sure, but you're only a wget and a make away from finding out...
17:41.45nukensip trace? with debug ccsip in router ?
17:42.53RumblesI have kernel headers, just wanted to make sure it was possible
17:43.22nukenGreenlight, please, take a look at this config, is that i'm using in cisco router...
17:43.35nukenthis is what you use too ?
17:43.41Rumbleswhere can you download the source from Greenlight ?
17:44.02WIMPyrumbles: Try it
17:44.56Greenlightnuken: I've always worked with a 3rd party who configured the Cisco side of things, sorry
17:45.06Rumblesthanks WIMPy
17:46.26nukenno problem Greenlight  , thanks anyway
17:46.56Rumblesmake install bombed out on 2.6.1 :/
17:47.41WIMPyWhat? You can make but can't make install?
17:47.58Rumblesah, I only tried make install :)
17:48.03Rumblesdoes a make
17:48.09GreenlightYea, that'd help :)
17:48.18Rumblessame error
17:48.29infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:49.06GreenlightDo you have kernel-devel ?
17:49.16GreenlightThink you need that for the headers
17:49.27Kattywhy does asterisk flash green lights at me?????
17:49.33Rumblesdamnit, thanks Greenlight
17:49.51*** join/#asterisk puzzled (~patrick@2001:980:5e31:1:44e0:7317:b5db:64aa)
17:49.55GreenlightKatty: It's saying "hello" ...
17:50.01Rumblesstill bombed out with the same error
17:50.05WIMPyDo you need the xpp stuff? If not, disable it.
17:51.07nukenSIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable Media, this is a codec error correct ?
17:51.09Rumblesno idea what it is tbh
17:51.19Rumblesgoogles it
17:51.29WIMPyxpp is for Astribank
17:51.45Greenlightmjordan: Damn, still getting hangups and failed bridges even with different codec and DTMF features. Could MixMonitor still be doing a soft hangup even under those circumstances ?
17:51.52*** join/#asterisk igcewieling1 (
17:51.55WIMPyNo need to buid drivers for hardware you don't have.
17:52.00Rumblesand how do I disable it? :)
17:52.16Rumblesno idea what Astribank is.. :)
17:52.22mjordanGreenlight: looks like it. Is the hangup occurring in a different place?
17:52.28talntidI make deposits into astribank :)
17:52.29igcewieling1Has anyone experienced a problem where when you save a voicemail message the message stays in the INBOX?
17:52.41WIMPyDidn't dahdi have dome configuration thing? It's been a long time since I used it.
17:53.00Rumblesoh, if that's for asterisk-usb connectivity I need it, we have a Digium failover switch
17:53.00Greenlightmjordan: Still seems to be the same place, in that fuction. The error is the same, and it's when I try to bridge.
17:53.21WIMPyRumbles: Does that use xpp?
17:53.51igcewieling1when you do a "make config" in DAHDI it prints the command you can use to generate the file which only loads drivers for hardware you have
17:54.11RumblesI have no idea, but on the page I'm looking at talking about astribank it shows a failover switch
17:54.17Rumbleslet me check with my colleague
17:54.19Rumblessee if he knows
17:54.41GreenlightWARNING[16088]: rtp_engine.c:1471 ast_rtp_instance_bridge: Got hangup while attempting to bridge 'SIP/minotaur-00015064' and 'SIP/70273-0001430a'
17:54.46mjordanHm. I wonder why it's still going into the native bridge.
17:54.51GreenlightYea - same place
17:55.16GreenlightThe SIP/minotaur trunk is forced ulaw, everything else is alaw
17:56.30GreenlightI also set/enable AudioHook inheritence, not sure if that could effect things
17:56.55mjordanthere's several race conditions here that are kind of annoying.
17:56.57mjordanI'd do this:
17:57.07*** join/#asterisk ziz212 (~chatzilla@
17:57.17ziz212hi frends
17:57.30mjordanin rtp_engine, after the check for the hangups, check to see if the reason why you're getting hung up is due to the AST_SOFTHANGUP_UNBRIDGE flag
17:58.06ziz212how can I write some thing in ring groups in dial plan
17:58.14GreenlightDoes (ast_check_hangup return that reason ?
17:58.14*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
17:58.33mjordannope, hold on :-)
17:58.38GreenlightHeh :)
17:58.50GreenlightSorry, I'm painfully unfamiliar with the code
17:59.28Greenlightziz212: Dial(SIP/200&SIP/201) ?
17:59.32ziz212let say I need to write some funtionlaity when call hit a ring gorup.. how can I write that in dial plan. I mean how to point the exact location..or command. pls help me
17:59.46mjordanwhat version are you on?
17:59.47ziz212let say I am haning ring roup 1000
18:00.06Greenlight11.0.1 to be precise
18:00.53mjordanI'll pastebin something in a second
18:01.12igcewieling1ziz212: in extensions.conf in whatever context the call arrives in exten => 1000,1,Dial(SIP/peer1&SIP/peer2&SIP/peer3)  This should be covered in the Asterisk Book
18:01.15Rumblesokay, spoken with the colleague, so the issue with xpp is down to an error in one of the files, if you comment it out it works... he knows this because he has already compiled dahdi-linux-complete from source... so dahdi is installed, but we have no channel driver, any idea how I can compile a without compiling the entirity of asterisk?
18:01.18ziz212it is 1.8.12
18:01.24kaldemarziz212: you're the one who should know the location in your dialplan. as for the commands, you must elaborate on the "thing".
18:01.30GreenlightI suppose it's fair to say that what i'm doing may be a niche case, I could I suppose fire my bridge request *after* I get the confirmatoin that mixmonitor has started, or vice versa. Although I'd like to fix the underlying issue if possible
18:01.49*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
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18:02.21ziz212Oh ... sorry for disturbing you all
18:02.24WIMPyRumbles: No go. It needs to fit exactely. Either you install it from the same packet source or you do it yurself.
18:02.25ziz212I got it
18:03.28ziz212thanks guys to remembering basics... it is a shame to ask that question.
18:03.33Rumbleshow come isn't created as part of compiling dahdi? Is there no other way apart from compiling asterisk again?
18:04.09ChannelZchan_dahdi is asterisk-side not dahdi-side
18:04.15Rumblesactually, I know the answer for that, dahdi can be used without asterisk and visa vesa...
18:04.58Rumblesso there is no way to create a valid without compiling asterisk from source?
18:05.27WIMPyWhat way could there possibly be?
18:05.37Rumblesmagic? :)
18:05.50WIMPyIt's always from source. Either by yourself or someone else doing it for you.
18:05.55WIMPyDoesn't compute.
18:06.26Rumblesokay, thanks for all your help WIMPy :)
18:08.24igcewieling1Asterisk is one of those programs where you can spend all your time fighting with it and be miserable or you can accept Asterisk's oddities and be happy.
18:10.29*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
18:10.32igcewieling1Like my issue with "can't delete new messages".  If I don't get a fix I'll keep downgrading until the problem goes away.
18:11.19mjordanigcewieling1: what's the ASTERISK issue?
18:11.50Greenlightmjordan: The changes to try and prevent native bridgedo seem to have greatly reduced the frequency of the bridging issues, although it is still occuring, so I think we're on the right path
18:12.11igcewieling1mjordan: this is a 2nd hand report.  The user reports "when we delete voicemail 5 mins later the messages are back as new messages".  I doubt it is really 5 mins, but there is some problem somewhere.
18:12.21GreenlightAlthough it's subjective
18:12.23mjordanGreenlight: yay progress. Compiling a patch now that should at least dump out some more info if it happens (and will try to avoid it)
18:12.52ChannelZigcewieling1: are you using IMAP storage or something?
18:12.53RumblesWIMPy, something my colleague just mentioned, can you do "make menu-select" or something along those lines and just compile parts of asterisk? i.e. just the channel driver I need?
18:12.59*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
18:13.01igcewieling1ChannelZ: no.
18:13.43WIMPyRumbles: yes, but all parameters must be exactely the same as for the Asterisk Version tou're using.
18:13.53Rumblesoic, thanks :)
18:14.19WIMPySo unless you did it from the same source on the same system, you need some amount of luck.
18:14.52GreenlightHmm if there is a soft hangup flag, do we still want to go to done, should the logic not be to continue ?
18:15.08igcewieling1Asterisk's SRV support is a perfect example of "go with the flow, don't fight it" sort of thing. 8-|
18:15.56GreenlightOr can the rest of that function be skipped ?
18:16.23Greenlightit looks like it does some useful stuf
18:16.28din3shI have a 30-channel E1, I have this occasional problem where calls to any DID/number on this E1 does not even reach the * box. PSTN Caller hears an announcement from telco saying number is unavailable. ]
18:16.29din3shAlso I get HDLC errors on the span, are these 2 problems related? how to test/troubleshoot?
18:17.14WIMPydin3sh: I answered that one twice.
18:18.09GreenlightLike: ?
18:21.13mjordanwell... most of that function is trying to set up a native bridge.
18:21.35mjordanIf we're trying to bail out of that, it's all not needed - in fact, there is code that explicitly prevents trying to get into this function when there are audiohooks in the first place
18:22.22mjordanif you continue on, then *hopefully* the local/remote native bridges will get the message that you need to be broken anyhow
18:23.46GreenlightAhh - so this function is *only* to setup a native (packet-to-packet?) bridge?
18:24.19GreenlightSo, where abouts would the normal bridge be setup
18:24.32mjordan(the bridging code is ... interesting)
18:24.45mjordanand, to some extent, channel.c
18:24.55GreenlightRight, so ast_bridge_call
18:25.18*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
18:25.21mjordanthe problem is there's lot of kinds of bridges. There's the Asterisk managed kind (features), then channel specific (channel) which acts as a wrapper around the technology specific bridges (RTP, DAHDI, etc.)
18:25.39mjordanpreference is to use the technology specific as much as possible, since there's less stuff in the way interpreting packets
18:26.03GreenlightRight, so that's what it's doing here: res = ast_channel_bridge(chan, peer, config, &f, &who);
18:26.11GreenlightThat's tryuing to use the tech-specific bridge ?
18:26.32GreenlightIn this instance, the rtp bridge function
18:27.58mjordancorrect, there's a block of code in ast_channel_bridge that attempts to set up the native technology bridge
18:28.07GreenlightBut if we return AST_BRIDGE_COMPLETE won't it think that a native bridge has worked, and not bother trying a normal bridge
18:28.21mjordanIt shouldn't
18:28.25Greenlight"interesting" you said :)
18:28.37mjordanit's probably one of the most complex things Asterisk does
18:29.23Katty^- other than making toast.
18:31.28mjordanKatty: totally possible if you have a VoIP enabled toaster.
18:31.32GreenlightOh, I see it's actually passing "res" back up to the caller
18:31.44GreenlightIn features.c
18:32.13Katty <- it WILL work, eventually.
18:32.30mjordanKatty: awesome
18:33.04Kattythat's not my photo. i can't take the credit.
18:33.10WIMPyBuilt in toaster is much better.
18:34.21Kattyi wonder if they make voip toasters.
18:34.39WIMPy5ΒΌ" toaster
18:34.46WIMPyAnd pizza slice
18:34.53GreenlightMight get a burnt ear
18:35.45*** join/#asterisk k610 (
18:35.45Kattyi'm going to build one
18:35.52Kattywith a raspberry pi
18:36.14WIMPyThat's what the 90s looked like.
18:37.07Greenlightmjordan: So, the only thing I'm not fully understanding is that *if* the native brigdge hasn't happened yet, why is MixMonitor issueing a softhangup ?
18:38.59GreenlightPrior to the bridging the channel that's getting MixMonitor'd is briged to a Local/ channel
18:39.19mjordanI suspect what's happening is that the bridge NFLAG is getting set prior to it going very far into that loop
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18:39.56mjordanand that is what happens on line 8040 in channel.c
18:40.47GreenlightI've a different line 8040, what's the text ?
18:40.56mjordanast_set_flag(ast_channel_flags(c0), AST_FLAG_NBRIDGE);
18:41.03mjordanwhoops, sorry, looking at trunk
18:41.26GreenlightGot it now
18:42.20mjordanso, my guess is the race condition goes something like this: a pbx_thread checks for audiohooks and other stuff, finds none, and sets the NBRIDGE flag. Context switch to MixMonitor (on a different thread) who puts the audiohooks on the channel (missed a race there), sees the NBRIDGE flag (race) and sends the softhangup. Context switch back to pbx_thread, enter into the rtp_engine callback for the bridge, who sees that the channel has been
18:43.56GreenlightAhh cause the channels aren't locked until inside the rtp_engine callback
18:45.21*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
18:45.59GreenlightBut that NBRIDGE flag shouldn't be getting set if different codecs, right?
18:48.04mjordanthe codec check unfortunately happens in the rtp_engine portion of the native bridge setup, after it checks for hangup
18:48.15mjordanIIRC, anyway :-)
18:48.23GreenlightYea, just noticed that it compares tech in channel.c, but not codec
18:49.17GreenlightThis also answeres why my "test" customer using DAHDI had everything working
18:49.44Greenlight!ast_channel_monitor(c0) && !ast_channel_monitor(c1) &&
18:50.40GreenlightOkay - going to apply that patch this evening, and hopefully that sorts things
18:52.08mjordangood luck! There's at least several nasty race conditions in this whole thing, so it'd be great to get it fixed in a release
18:52.17GreenlightMight also swap around the order I request things via AMI; at present I request the Bridge, then immediately after request MixMonitor.
18:52.26mjordanplease let me know how it goes
18:52.40mjordanMixMonitor before bridge would probably alleviate some of it
18:53.04GreenlightStill potentially a race issue, depending how quick it gets that audiohook in there
18:53.59GreenlightBut at a guess the call to MixMonitor will lock the channel fairly quickly, and start doing it's thing?
18:54.16GreenlightFingers crossed... will let you know how it goes tomorrow!
18:54.19GreenlightThanks again
18:55.25iztechsince last night i was able to get outgoing and incoming calls working, but there is no audio coming, only going out - any obvious clues?
18:56.25iztechyes its behind nat
18:56.29mjordanGreenlight: yes to the first question, and good luck
18:56.52iztechsorry abt that
19:06.15*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (c087e3a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:06.59greenwolfsup everyone...
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19:15.29iztechhey guys Sipstation has stated that it would work without a static IP, from what i am reading this could be the issue. Audio is going but NO audio in. will bindaddr= help am i on the right track
19:28.10greenwolfput your private IP there
19:28.19greenwolfand also use bindport=5060
19:28.36greenwolfexternip={outside IP here} also
19:29.50iztechthat all goes in the [general] section?
19:30.19*** join/#asterisk ks3 (
19:35.39igcewieling1I never recommend using a bindip
19:36.38igcewieling1iztech: one of the the best ways to screw up your asterisk is to use bindaddr, don't use it at all
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19:38.03iztechwell Sipstation states that this works without a static IP, that's why I paid for it - but they offer no support, nor do they provide any sample sip.conf - so i have been mucking around for 4 days or so
19:38.35igcewieling1iztech: is the server behind nat?
19:39.06igcewieling1you need externip localnet and directmedia=no
19:39.32igcewieling1you also need to disable any SIP ALG on your router and should set qualify=yes
19:39.35iztechin [general] i have directmedia=no
19:39.48igcewieling1iztech: and localnet and externip?
19:40.16iztechqualify=yes is set
19:40.59iztechi did not haver externip
19:41.20igcewieling1localnet= would specify your INTERNAL network and netmask
19:41.32igcewieling1put in everything and try again
19:41.56iztechyeah i don't have localnet
19:43.34iztechk, let me try
19:43.54iztechthx - you guys have been super helpful - lets hope it works
19:45.53*** join/#asterisk bchia (
19:47.14iztechk, so i have local, directmedia=no, qualify=yes, and i should remove bindaddr?
19:52.34iztechk, got it
19:58.26iztechstill no love
19:58.55iztechso localnet is correct?
19:59.45*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200:221:6aff:feb8:e0b2)
20:01.42mathiis it possible to playback a sound like it dials ?
20:02.07mathisomehow simulate a dialing
20:03.03*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (c087e3a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
20:03.14navaismoyou mean send dtmf or the ring or the tone
20:03.31igcewieling1iztech: try  assuming that is your internal network
20:03.50mathinot dtmf, the tone I guess
20:04.21iztechrouter is
20:04.36igcewieling1iztech: localnet is a NETWORK not a host
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20:05.02igcewieling1mathi: something like Playtones(dial)  ?
20:05.14iztechk, thx
20:06.02mathii'll try thank you
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20:13.33iztechdidn't work
20:13.42doctorrayIs there a level of function VOLUME() that would be considered "muted"?  I'm trying to see if I can duplicate MeetMe's "talk only" feature in the new ConfBridge without code patching.
20:13.46iztechlet me try some port mapping
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20:14.49WIMPyHmm. Some comfort clicks when dialling wouldn't be bad.
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20:19.40dr0ckdoctorray: theres MUTEAUDIO()
20:20.46doctorraydr0ck: oh! that should work.. looks like you can even select the direction
20:21.13greenwolfhas anyone used Erlang language with asterisk
20:21.36greenwolfagi scripting with erlang by any chance anyone? i would imagine it would be awesome for its use
20:21.55doctorraydr0ck: now I just need to figure out how to call that through ami.  back to reading docs
20:22.20iztechigcewieling1: thanks so much - with the port forwarding it worked
20:22.53iztechthis channel is amazing, thanks for helping out a n00b
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20:23.44greenwolfiztech: great ppl here and were all willing to help out as long as your willing to learn and get knowledge by reading on your own also
20:24.36iztechyeah did a lot of reading, hopefully i can post something on net about sipstation, usually its super easy to configure when you have freepbx
20:25.11iztechbut i am running it on a server with zoneminder and so i just installed asterisk 11
20:25.16greenwolfare you using freepbx still or have you switched completely to vanilla asterisk?
20:25.30iztechno freepbx on this machine
20:27.30iztechthere aren't too many sip providers that work with non static ips, i was able to set up call centric on this a lot easier than sipstation
20:28.04iztechi would have used phonebooth but you have to have static ips with them
20:29.10iztechstill have to get vm working on it
20:33.12rrittgarnanybody ever have channels that refuse to hangup? I have about 6 channels throwing errors trying to playback but I cannot end them.
20:38.00ChannelZWhat flavor?
20:40.23rrittgarnSIP channels asterisk 10
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20:42.40ChannelZHave you done any SIP debugs?  Do you have many Retransmits, or notice peers not responding to BYEs (or are they sending them but Asterisk is not responding?)
20:43.08rrittgarnwasn't able to get into the console... looks like there was a loop in the dialplan that kept calling playback
20:43.33rrittgarnthe console was moving faster than i could issue commands, i ended up using asterisk -rx '' to try and end the channel that was looping
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20:44.16rrittgarnwhats weird is the channel that was looping was a channel that was hung up. Like i did a test call into the box, heard my playback() and hung up before pressing any options... it then tried again and again on a dead channel
20:45.37ChannelZIt kept executing the same priority of the extension (your Playback?)
20:49.26igcewieling1rrittgarn: is any leg of the call POTS FXO?
20:49.35rrittgarni eventually got it to stop by pulling the playback from the dialplan and reloading vai asterisk -rx
20:49.52rrittgarnigce: no, was a call in from my SIP Trunking Provider
20:50.12rrittgarnMy system has dropped back down to idle, but it was still very odd
20:51.19ChannelZhmm. Can't say I've ever heard of that before.
20:54.45rrittgarnon an unrelated note:  What's the best way to match on a number with and without a leading + ?  Trying to combine two lines into one if possible in my incoming context for say:  18009001234 and +18009001234. Possible or no?
20:55.37rrittgarni would assume exten => _.18009001234 but that seems like it could be problematic (see semi-unrelated situation above)
20:55.44WIMPyYou can't. Use Goto().
20:56.05rrittgarnwas afraid of that.... thanks
20:56.07ChannelZIf only we had regex extensions!
20:56.13WIMPyAnd you can't have anything after a ".".
20:56.39WIMPyBut if you have lots of them you can use patterns and Goto or switches.
21:09.43*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
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21:16.09saint_hi all...
21:16.41iztechguys should this ring both the extension and the cell phone at the same time exten => _NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/101&SIP/VOIP_Provider/*1234567890,150,r,t)
21:16.47saint_when I read the documentation, I can see that some Asterisk version are "cert". What does it mean ? If I want to use DPMA , do I need a "cert" version ? Finally, how do I install it with svn if I need it ?
21:17.09iztechnot working for me it is only ringing the extension
21:18.22WIMPyiztech: *123... doesn't look like a valid number. And you have one parameter too much.
21:19.19*** join/#asterisk janmate (
21:19.27iztechwhich parameter?
21:19.41WIMPyDial only has 3.
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21:23.02iztechthx WIMPy
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21:25.13Rumblesthnks for the help earlier WIMPy, managed to get dahdi working by recompiling asterisk... just now cepstural isn't working :)
21:25.56WIMPyIs that the name of some provider?
21:26.33Rumblessorry cepstral, text-2-voice :)
21:27.35RumblesI'm sure it's a minor issue I can figure out when I have slept :)
21:31.11*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
21:32.36mathito get inbound sip calls, I used "register => ..." and created a new context in sip.conf, there I specify the context to enter in extensions.conf
21:32.53mathibut what should be the name of the first extension in that context ?
21:37.15igcewieling1mathi: perhaps you should read the Asterisk Book.
21:37.26mathiive read
21:42.41ChannelZIt depends on your provider.
21:43.22ChannelZProbably they send to an extension matching your DID.  They might let you specify it yourself when you register.
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21:48.44mathithanks i'll ty
21:54.01*** join/#asterisk schultza (
21:54.13schultzahow do i rebuild (from source) asterisk after it's already rebuilt/installed?
22:00.05ChannelZyes exactly
22:01.08schultzano ... i forgot that it was running... it didnt like reconfiguring for some reason
22:08.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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22:13.52saint_I had a version not CERT from asterisk. When I added a rpm (like jabber), i would just need to run make menuselect and make install.. menuselect would find my stuff and enable it by defaut.
22:14.12saint_With the CERT version that I just installed, I am realizing that all the stuff that were enabled by default before have now to be enabled by hand.
22:14.36saint_Is there any way to keep it automatic ? As per : Asterisk sees that a package is here, so it enables it automatically in menuselect ?
22:16.39*** join/#asterisk mathi (3eebd673@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:25.36mathiI try to get SIP calls but I got error when someone tries to call me:
22:25.47mathican anyone have a look ?
22:27.06[TK]D-FenderMatShow complete SIP debug and CLI for the call
22:27.34*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.2.1 (2013/01/22), 10.12.1 (2013/01/22), (2013/01/22), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
22:29.36*** join/#asterisk amadmin (~chatzilla@
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22:32.44mathi[TK]D-Fender: ^
22:33.08mathisomewhere there is "username mismatch, have <VoIPProviderInbound>, digest has <anonymous>"
22:34.11amadminGood Day people
22:34.37amadminplease any ideas how i can get HD video conferencing in Asterisk
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22:37.08navaismoconfbridge can make videoconference but no HD
22:38.25[TK]D-Fendermathi: Sending to (NAT) <- first, providers almost NEVER behind NAT so go fix your peer first and maks sure you don't have multiple witht he same IP/host
22:40.49amadminyeah @navaismo
22:41.15amadmini need to provide HD, any other suggestions. Diastar seems not to support HD too
22:44.56mathi[TK]D-Fender: how do I do this ?
22:49.13jeevhas anyone encountered a call coming in over PRI or SIP, within 14 seconds, it drops the call and comes back, the caller never notices that the PBX has dropped the call, call comes back in and goes through the ring group in full this time.
22:50.27[TK]D-Fendermathi: .... nat=no
22:52.57mathi[TK]D-Fender: I have put nat=no but I still have "Sending to (NAT)"
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22:55.40mathi[TK]D-Fender: I changed friend to peer and now I have:   Sending to (no NAT)
22:55.41[TK]D-Fendermathi: And I don't see where you put things or know that you've applied changes, etc
22:55.44mathiis this better ?
22:55.58[TK]D-FenderAlready, yes
22:57.21mathi[TK]D-Fender: I still have that same error:  username mismatch, have <VoIPProviderInbound>, digest has <anonymous> ...
22:58.52talntidi love how when a voip provider has an issue... i get calls from all sorts of asterisk people, saying their system stopped working, so they made <insert change here>, and it still isn't working...
22:59.16talntidinstead of thinking "hmm, I havn't changed anything in 2 years, and it stopped working." ... might be the carrier? :P
23:00.14mathi[TK]D-Fender: it still does one time (NAT) then it does (no NAT), strange:
23:01.13*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:01.42[TK]D-Fendermathi: If you're already authing by IP/host perhaps your provider isn't passing standard auth with the cal.  "isecure=port,invite" <-
23:02.23mathi[TK]D-Fender: I want to receive any number, what is this auth thing about ?
23:03.04[TK]D-Fender* doesn't trust them as being your provider. They are failing to authenticate
23:03.13[TK]D-Fendermathi: Many don't send authed calls at all
23:06.19mathi[TK]D-Fender: WOW it works with insecure=port,invite. What about this (NAT) and (no NAT) issue, should I care ?
23:07.12[TK]D-Fendermathi: Because it should auth immediately it certainly shouldn't
23:07.23*** part/#asterisk igcewieling1 (
23:07.37[TK]D-FenderThe first response was a challenge before and because they weren't accepted yet the peer's rules didn't apply to the challenge sent to them
23:09.33mathi[TK]D-Fender: dude I'm sorry it's like I am reading Chinese
23:16.07mathi[TK]D-Fender: do you know what this means ?  Agent policy for SIP/VoIPProviderInbound-00000000 is 'never'. CC not possible
23:16.19mathiI have this message several times during the call
23:16.36[TK]D-FenderMatDon't actually know that one.
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23:27.58jeev any idea what's going on there? there are notes there starting line 158. thanks.
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23:32.05amadminany suggestion of a product that can do tht
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23:33.25[TK]D-Fenderjeev: probably due to the fact you aren't answering the call and your hunting around while not getting an answer is causing TIMEOUTS to the caller's end
23:34.23jeevfender, it's 14 seconds though, the caller is my cell, no? what's the phone i'm using have to do with it, it's 14 seconds into the call
23:34.51amadmin@channel, i need to add HD video conference to asterisk
23:35.07jeevso that pastebin was someone answer it, if they didn't, it would've gone all the way through to the voicemail after the hunt was completed.
23:35.16amadmini have tried Diastar, which doesnt seen to support it
23:36.38[TK]D-Fenderamathere isno split-screen in *
23:36.46[TK]D-Fenderamadmin: there isno split-screen in *
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23:38.22amadminD-Fender: I am aware if that, Diastar does provide that. But there is no HD video provided
23:42.42[TK]D-Fenderamadmin: * also doesn't transcode.  The best you can get is "follow the speaker as long as everyone is using the same codec otherwise DOA
23:42.57[TK]D-FenderadaAnd the best * supports is H.264 in passthrough
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23:45.58[TK]D-Fenderheads out for a few hours
23:46.49amadminthanks D-Fender..
23:47.50amadminbut i will need a mixture of codec
23:52.50navaismonot with asterisk
23:52.56navaismoyou mnay check polyvom solutions
23:53.13navaismomay check polycom solutions*
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23:59.56jeevnavaismo, you have any idea what my issue could be ?

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