IRC log for #asterisk on 20130121

00:00.29*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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00:25.57*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
00:27.18volga629Hello Everyone, trying troubleshoot issue with RTP What is mean type rtp in debug ?
00:32.36*** join/#asterisk morfin (
00:33.23morfinhow can i add h extension in realtime?
00:37.56ChannelZtype really really quickly
00:40.55*** join/#asterisk Sprocks (
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00:52.32*** join/#asterisk geek (~killown@unaffiliated/geek)
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04:16.20volga629Hello Everyone, trying troubleshoot issue with RTP What is mean type rtp in debug ?
04:17.04[TK]D-Fenderlink is no good
04:17.15volga629ups just sec
04:17.48volga629 I just opened it is not working for you ?
04:18.11*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-ccdtgpcxsmlcphsc)
04:21.18[TK]D-FenderThat's the message.  What is the actual problem you are having that this seems to be related to?
04:23.15volga629yes look like. I am trying track down
04:23.31volga629yes you was write about first link
04:24.44volga629it should  come back on-line right now
04:28.10volga629I checked MTU on tunnels I checked firewall setting to make sure no any nat module will be loaded. I checked both sip trunk setting
04:29.08volga629And can't find any useful information online about this issue, except physical media
04:33.03*** join/#asterisk radic (
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05:08.54*** join/#asterisk serafie1 (~erin@
05:15.05volga629I will continue work tomorrow on this issue
05:18.43*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
05:23.21*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
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07:09.24*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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07:09.48schmidtsgood morning
07:15.06*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
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07:20.36*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (4257008e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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07:34.48*** join/#asterisk bruce_ (~bruce_@
07:34.57bruce_hey peeps
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07:35.06greenwolfsup bruce?
07:35.11greenwolfhow is everyone tonight?
07:35.27bruce_greenwolf, yo man. I was told that you the guy to speak to with this issue I have
07:35.57greenwolfok shoot
07:36.22bruce_greenwolf, I have a SIP trunk from Asterisk to some VOIP provider out there... what would I look for in the full Asterisks logs if it were to go down?
07:37.09bruce_have any idea?
07:37.35greenwolfdepends on how the trunk went down
07:37.53bruce_umm... give some examples man
07:38.08greenwolfcheck the log files for the sip packets for that trunk or provider
07:38.35greenwolfmost likely will contain SDP packets for info passed between you and the carrier
07:38.36bruce_these logs are awful
07:38.42bruce_I think the verbose level is like 100000
07:38.44bruce_or something
07:38.45greenwolfhit cntrl+F
07:38.51greenwolfthen search trunk name
07:39.06greenwolfscroll until you find the error msgs not the warnings
07:39.28bruce_umm.... I'm trying to do something in BASH that plugs into Nagios
07:39.33bruce_but I'll check this out
07:39.33greenwolfi personally use nano to open the logs and then search with control W
07:40.07*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
07:40.10greenwolfi see...i haven;t used Nagios so couldn't help u there...sorry
07:40.16bombevhi all
07:40.22greenwolfyea its sometimes a pain to go thru the logs
07:40.26greenwolfi hate it myself
07:40.34schmidtsbruce_ maybe you should start with a grep ni "error" logfile then you allready have the right line number
07:40.34greenwolfsup bombev?
07:40.49schmidtsuhh missed the "-" before ni
07:42.14kaldemarbruce_: what logs are you looking at?
07:42.33kaldemarthe file?
07:43.28bombevgreenwolf what ? :)
07:44.05greenwolfbombev:i said whats up?
07:44.25bruce_kaldemar, wanna help?
07:44.40kaldemarbruce_: if you have qualify enabled for the peer and they answer those messages, you'll see "Peer '<peername>' is now UNREACHABLE".
07:45.21kaldemarbruce_: other than that, i don't know what you're trying to do. are you trying to find a cause for some downtime or find a reason why something is not working right now?
07:45.55bruce_it's just for monitoring...
07:46.12bruce_I need a way to monitor if the sip trunk is up or not
07:46.23bruce_there is some sip proxy thing in the middle though
07:46.40bruce_so using nagios' sip plugins are useless
07:46.40kaldemarAMI can be used for that too. you'll get events for such occurrences.
07:46.46*** join/#asterisk ghghz (
07:47.52ghghzHey. Is it possible to track the path, how call is traveled? I mean via what ISPs.
07:50.20bombevwhat does mean that error: SIP/2.0 501 Unsupported Method
07:51.06bombevgreenwolf not much what about you ;)
07:51.17bruce_kaldemar, AMI?
07:51.48greenwolfbored doing some work then going to bed soon...very tired and its late here :)
08:01.00bombevany idea
08:01.11bombevabout SIP/2.0 501 Unsupported Method
08:06.54schmidtsbombev incoming or outgoing call?
08:09.06ghghzSo, is it possible to trace/track a call?
08:09.14ghghzwhich provaiders it passed
08:11.18*** part/#asterisk Russ (
08:17.36bombevschmidts incoming
08:26.10schmidtsbombev then you have to take a look at the invite message sent from this client to your asterisk what kind of codecs they offer. maybe the try to set up t38 in the initial invite and you have set t38 support to no, then you will see a 501 reply or the client offers only codecs you havent allowed
08:33.54mariusnotormsl: mshaugla trenger en
08:42.21*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:47.56*** join/#asterisk PbxMan (c335d968@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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08:53.17bruce_hah I'm making something with nsca work
08:53.22bruce_awesome stuff
08:59.24*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
09:10.48*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
09:16.45ghost75for cisco phone i need to have injector with a 48v power supply?
09:21.30bombevschmidts well i am using g711 codec.. i dont thik this is the problem
09:22.25kaldemarbombev: your sip.conf and sip debug will probably show the reason.
09:23.12bombevkaldemar well I already did sip debug
09:24.16kaldemarconsider showing it to others if you can't figure it out.
09:26.16schmidtsbombev it could be a problem if the client doesnt support g711 or maybe has it deactivated but as kaldemar said, please pastebin us the sip debug output
09:26.58*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
09:28.02bombevoks I'll paste it in a minute
09:36.12*** join/#asterisk tokozedg (5cf1517e@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:37.16tokozedggreeting, does anyone have any idea how can I drop call as soon as asterisk receives 180 Ringing message or 183?
09:38.11*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
09:38.49schmidtstokozedg for 183 you could use the rtplimit with 1 second, cause rtp will start after a 183 is received, but for 180 you should take a look at absolut limit, but i dont know why you would need something ;)
09:39.11ChannelZcrank calling
09:42.00tokozedgschmidts: thanks for answere, I'll take a deeper look. It's kinda call back service, one client informs other I don't have balance so call me :) with single ring tone
09:42.20*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
09:43.23schmidtstokozedg ah ok, even an easier way would be to set the timeout really short in the Dial app but this will also close the call before receiving a ringing
09:44.06tokozedgschmidts: yes, that's what I'm afraid of, some calls might take more than standard time to setup, and they might got dropped.
09:44.42danfromukI'm struggling to diagnose an issue. Ive got two asterisk servers set up using the same mysql database for realtime SIP Peers. The SIP clients are pointing to which only points to the ip address of server1.
09:45.17danfromukSome how, occasionally, sip peers end up registered with server2. I have verified this by using sip set debug ip.
09:45.32danfromukHowever, there is nothing in the client confirm thats pointing to server2.
09:45.43danfromukThe only connection is the realtime sip peers db
09:46.36danfromukThis occurs with multiple hardware vendors and other asterisk boxes connecting in to my servers.
09:46.51bombevkaldemar schmidts:
09:47.20*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:47.51kaldemarbombev: they don't like your OPTIONS messages which are caused by qualify. just ignore those.
09:50.02schmidtsdanfromuk do you really see register messages to server2 or only the keep alives?
09:50.21*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:b4c3:d291:18b9:fd80)
09:51.41danfromukschmidts: Just waiting for the next register message to trigger. But in the last 2 minutes, it looks like only keepalives.
09:51.56danfromukStrangly, both servers are receiving the keepalives
09:53.05danfromukBoth servers have the extension as registered
09:54.06danfromukThis is one example. Currently, around 4% of peers are registered with both servers without being given the IP of server2
10:13.33danfromukschmidts: its only keepalives
10:20.15*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:30.06v0lZyhi guys
10:30.16*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
10:30.23v0lZysecurity question... I have a remote location which i need to register the phone from to my location
10:30.56v0lZywhats my best option here.... VPN? would GRE suffice?
10:32.34*** join/#asterisk alsuren (~dlaban@
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10:39.14ruben231hi guys any idea how to make my voicemail be emailed toa specified email add, using asterisk 1.4
10:42.49v0lZydont know about 1.4, but other than that its pretty trivial
10:43.08schmidtsdanfromuk even strange but i think its quite normal cause of the realtime data, maybe you can take a look at the astdb on server2 maybe you still have some data of these peers in the astdb and with the realtime db asterisk knows where to reach these peers
10:43.13v0lZyat least in my asterisk version, its not biggy.
10:48.37ruben231v0lZy: any guide somehow..
10:54.33*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
10:56.12schmidtsruben231 i dont understand what you want, just sending your voicemail to an email address or something different? just take a look at the configs/voicemail.conf:samples file in the directory where your asterisk sources are, its described in there how to setup an external mail prog to send voicemails
10:58.37*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
11:00.37gavimobileim having trouble over here with clid.  the polycom is listed in cdr as "Polycom" <111>  and the other peer comes out as "110" <0000FFFF0000>. it should read as "Office Portable" <110> instead of  "110" <0000FFFF0000> in the cdr.  I don't believe this is an asterisk problem, but maybe asterisk can overide the ata/pap device
11:01.18*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:03.04ruben231schmidts: juts basically sending my voicemail file into an email, thats all
11:04.58*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
11:05.22schmidtsruben231 then its easy. open your voicemail.conf, set attach=yes, sendvoicemail=yes and add a mail address to your voicemailbox itself, that should be everything if you have a mailsender allready configured on your system
11:09.22danfromukschmidts: in that case, if i remove the ipaddr, fullcontact and port columns from the realtime db, the servers should start behaving?
11:09.44danfromukif thats the case**
11:10.44schmidtsdanfromuk first do a database show key SIP/Registry on server2 if you have any entries in there, if yes you could remove it from there and it should be fine
11:12.07danfromukSome are listed in astdb but not all of them.
11:14.55danfromukThere is a column called regserver which doesn't appear to be being used, but i would have assumed is asterisk's way of tracking which server a peer is currently registered to.
11:16.37danfromukActually, its an old bug thats marked as resolved.
11:16.47*** join/#asterisk Elleni (3ec00582@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:27.01danfromukDoes regserver actually prevent the other servers from trying to use the data?
11:31.49ruben231schmidts: the problem i dont know how to configure mail sende on the system
11:32.05*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
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11:34.48schmidtsruben231 what os do you use?
11:35.03*** join/#asterisk albertoandrade (~albertoan@
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12:05.41ghost75wow poe needs even 56v psu
12:18.50wdoekesdanfromuk: "Ignore this, please close it i'm an idiot. asterisk.conf [options] was commented out so the system name setting was not getting applied. As soon as i uncommented it it works."
12:20.00Chainsawghost75: 48V at the destination really, but yes, there is some loss in the cabling.
12:20.29ghost75do you think these phones will run also with much lower voltage?
12:22.18Chainsawghost75: Qualify much.
12:22.53Chainsawghost75: Anything below 48 is unlikely to work. If you happen to have some oddball Cisco 48V PSU lying around though... yes, that might well work.
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12:27.14*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
12:27.52danfromukwdoekes: i saw that and checked it but i have it uncommented and regserver still not being updated. Also, when it works, it doesnt appear to prevent asterisk from sending out keepalive packets. it appears to be used in dialplans to send calls to the correct server.
12:28.08danfromukHowever, I'm looking into dundi as an alternative.
12:28.16ghost7524V, plugged directly into phone?
12:29.46Chainsawghost75: That's half of what you need. I told you that you need 48.
12:30.15ghost75but nobody tried lower right?
12:30.52Chainsawghost75: It is unlikely but not impossible.
12:31.33Chainsawghost75: I would like to qualify though, that the unlikely is written in capital letters.
12:32.51*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:35.24ghost75too low voltage shouldnt damage it, so maybe i try it
12:47.31ruben231schmidts: ubuntu server 12.04 LTS, sorry late reply
12:49.26*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
12:49.29schmidtsruben231 first install sendmail with "aptitute install sendmail" and normally you should get a config menu set it up,normally its very easy to do
12:49.35*** join/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
12:50.02ruben231schmidts:ok i wil try
12:52.06*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
12:53.21weinerkHi please help with DUOBLING DTMF sygnals.
12:53.21weinerkI added this: dtmfmode=auto
12:53.21weinerkNow all user input started to double up like this: 1122334455
12:54.11gavimobileim having trouble over here with clid. my polycom is listed in cdr as "Polycom" <111>which is good and my other peer comes out as "110" <0000FFFF0000>. it should read as "Office Portable" <110> instead of  "110" <0000FFFF0000> in the cdr.  I don't believe this is an asterisk problem, but maybe asterisk can overide the ata/pap device
12:56.02schmidtsweinerk set dtmfmode to inband or rfc2633 this should help
13:02.00*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
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13:12.51gavimobilewhy is the output of ${CALLERID(name)} not coming out as specified in sip.conf
13:13.37kaldemargavimobile: show what you're doing.
13:15.34gavimobilekaldemar: when calling from one of my peers, the wrong data is being saved into my database. here is peer info
13:15.49gavimobilethis is what I see in my database "110" <0000FFFF0000>
13:16.08gavimobilekaldemar: what else can I show you please?
13:17.15kaldemarCLI output that shows an incoming call match that peer and show caller id output that differs from the value in sip.conf.
13:17.47kaldemaryour database might have something else.
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13:29.17gavimobilekaldemar: I called from another peer locally this is what I get
13:29.43gavimobileI don't think that's enough detail for you
13:30.24gavimobilemy other peers that are NOT registered to my pbx with a pap/ata device work fine. seems my ata/pap device is taking control of the clid for this peer
13:31.04kaldemargavimobile: your paste is completely useless.
13:31.06*** join/#asterisk rokjan (
13:31.15gavimobilethe pap/ata device has 2 fxs ports and both log wrong clid info. I've checked all my other peers from softphones to hardphone and they are all fine
13:32.24kaldemar1. make an extension that outputs caller id. 2. enable sip debug. 3. make a call to the extension that outputs caller id. 4. pastebin result.
13:33.04gavimobilekaldemar: that sounds clearer than the first request
13:33.08gavimobilejust a minute
13:36.53gavimobilekaldemar: hope nothing important got cut
13:38.21gavimobilethis is my dialplan for this btw
13:39.29*** join/#asterisk nix8n82 (~AndChat27@
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13:40.15kaldemargavimobile: asterisk -rx "sip show peer 0000FFFF0000" | grep Callerid
13:40.36gavimobileCallerid     : "Office Portable" <110>
13:40.41gavimobileI already gave you that info
13:40.59kaldemarno you did not. you showed a snippet of sip.conf.
13:41.44fukuda76140hi, i'm a problem to install T38modem with hylafax and asterisk. I'm installed T38modem but on faxstat -s ==> Modem ttyT38-1 (): Waiting for modem to come ready
13:42.10gavimobilekaldemar: ok, well "Office Portable" <110> was set as the value for callerid in that sip snippet
13:42.38gavimobilekaldemar: could my pap device be taking over? it all started I believe once I upgraded the firmware for my pap device
13:42.46gavimobileif I am NOT mistaken
13:42.57kaldemarthe rpid is probably to blame. and the rest of your sip.conf.
13:43.26gavimobilewhat's that? and what's the fix?
13:44.40fukuda76140In /var/spool/syslog => Jan 21 14:42:58 hylafax-projet1 FaxGetty[1680]: /dev/ttyT38-1: Can not open modem (No such file or directory)
13:44.47kaldemartrustrpid=no under [0000FFFF0000]
13:46.01gavimobilekaldemar: wow!!! bingo
13:46.14gavimobilethanks man!
13:46.59gavimobileThis defines whether or not Remote-Party-ID is trusted.
13:47.40gavimobilekaldemar: what's recommended as default?
13:47.48gavimobileon or off for all other peers
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13:55.38fukuda76140help please
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14:00.17kaldemargavimobile: what's recommended depends on where it is used. for phones there is no need to use rpid because the values are defined in asterisk configs.
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14:08.36fukuda76140it not find /dev/ttyT38-1 but  ttyT38-1 redirect to /dev/pts/2
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15:43.15jeffspeffI'm having some issues with faxing. It seems that some come through just fine and others don't. Here are the fax logs and dialplan context and macro i'm using.
15:49.32leifmadsenhas anyone used sipp to perform some registration testing, and been able to get it to respond to OPTIONs?
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15:50.13leifmadsenI can't get SIPp to respond to OPTIONs using either the -aa option (which isn't for OPTIONs anyways according to docs) or the -oocsf file to respond to out of call messages (because it appears to not match them as a OOC scenario)
15:52.01tarcertHi All, i have 7911G with sipfirmware, if I rest that phone I'll lose the SIPFirmware?
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15:56.33tarcertanyone can help plz
15:58.58igcewielingjeffspeff: Best of luck.  In my experience FoVoIP and FoIP both such.
15:59.26jeffspeffigcewieling, thanks
15:59.54igcewielingjeffspeff: we get anywhere from a 50% to 80% completion rate
16:00.19jeffspeffeven when using t.38?
16:00.33igcewielingonly a moron would not use T.38 for fax.
16:00.42igcewielingjeffspeff: T.38 makes it closer to the 80%
16:01.07jeffspeffso far, our fax machine that's setup for using SIP has a much better success rate than the t.38
16:01.13jeffspeffand i mean much much better
16:02.03jeffspefffax machines should just be destroyed. there's no need for them anymore; they've been replaced with email
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16:03.04igcewielingjeffspeff: Fax is needed because paying customers want it.
16:03.31jeffspeffunfortunately, they only want it because they don't know any better.
16:03.33igcewielingWe often install POTS lines for fax.
16:03.50igcewielingI don't care why they want it.  If we don't offer it they will go with a different company.
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16:36.51pabelangerSo, if I wanted to change a queue members settings via the AMI, I guess I need to log them out then back in with the new settings?
16:37.05pabelangerfor example, changing their penalty
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16:49.02mjordanpabelanger: does QueuePenalty not immediately affect the member?
16:54.58pabelangermjordan, not sure, guess that is what I am asking.  About to test it.  But, also wanted to know if we exposed anything over the AMI to modify a member, aside from logout / login
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17:00.44damgdoes anyone know what's the right behaviour for rfc 5589 (sip call transfer) if the refer-to header contains uri parameters or headers? should the transfered UA invite with or without the params or headers? e.g. what should the user agent do about a Refer-To: sip:foobar@;fancykey=1337 ?
17:01.57jacekowskii've been recently getting quite a lot of call failures with cause code 111, i'm on BT BRI (ISDN2e) lines
17:02.06jacekowskidoes anybody have any idea what is it?
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17:29.39Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix??? answer plz is urgent thx.
17:31.37chuckfKatty: press the shift key then the 8 key
17:31.55pabelangerKatty, I think you want to try freeswitch
17:32.37igcewieling*** Katty is now known as KattyTrolling
17:32.43Kattyigcewieling: sshhhh
17:32.46Kattystuffs igcewieling in the closet
17:33.14Kattypabelanger: yes. i do.
17:33.41Kattypabelanger: but that is complicated since we don't sell that sort of thing here.
17:34.06igcewielingjacekowski: 111 is "unspecificd protocol error"
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17:46.37Kattyman i am having a rough morning of converting oxygen into carbon dioxide
17:49.07slav3_kittenassists with this by starting a nice fire in the fire place
17:49.30Kattythat'll work so much faster than my lungs
17:49.30ChannelZThat will make the Green people happy
17:49.49slav3_kittendid you get all sick Katty ?
17:50.05Kattywell...a few weeks ago i caught something.
17:50.13slav3_kittenaww :(
17:50.13Kattynot sure /what/ exactly, but benadryl kicked it to the curb.
17:50.21Kattyi've been fine since.
17:50.55Kattystill sinus drainage tho. and the occasional cough.
17:50.59slav3_kittenmight be pneumonia, it's been going around recently
17:51.03Kattybut nothin like it was.
17:51.10slav3_kittenoh i see
17:51.12Kattyoh no, it's not pneumonia
17:51.20Kattymy guess is some sort of allergic reaction to something
17:51.24slav3_kittenwhen you said lungs i was thinking hard time breathing an shortness of breath
17:51.37slav3_kitteni got it pretty damn terrible around christmas
17:51.40Kattyoh no. i was just saying i wasn't doing anything this morning except breathing :P
17:52.00slav3_kittenwell i got some ideas....
17:52.01Kattybut pneumonia would also be an acceptable answer.
17:52.10Kattyit fits :P
17:52.26slav3_kittenyou could drive over here an do some electronics repair for me :)
17:53.15Kattythat sounds like work.
17:53.25Kattyi think i'd rather convert oxygen to carbon dioxide
17:54.03slav3_kittenyou could do some programming for me?
17:54.14Kattycould? yes.
17:54.16Kattywill? probably not.
17:55.12slav3_kittenwhat if i cooked you a steak for your troubles?
17:55.41Kattyyou must really be desperate hehe
17:56.04Kattyi don't have a good steak recipe yet.
17:57.14Qwellremove steak from fridge.  put steak on fire.  remove steak from fire.  eat.
17:57.31Kattyi don't know how to cook steak. at all
17:57.44Kattyand i'm not really entirely sure on how to operate the bbq grill either
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17:58.11QwellKatty: feel the meaty part of your thumb, on your palm.  The softest part == rare.  Move up slightly, med.  Move up more, well done.
17:58.38Kattylike up towards finger
17:58.41Kattyor up towards palm
17:58.49Qwellup the thumb
17:59.04Qwellby the joint
17:59.18Kattyit's just skwish then bone :<
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17:59.47Kattyso between the two joins would be medium, or well done?
18:00.01Qwellgo in more
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18:00.24Kattygoes in search of photo
18:00.26QwellKatty: You'll need to see a picture
18:00.28Qwellyar, that
18:00.51Qwellor that
18:01.36dr0ckyou gotta know your grill, is all
18:02.09Kattyi feel weird continuiously poking myself
18:02.59slav3_kittenkaldemar, to cook steak you take lump charcoal
18:03.03slav3_kittenyou err Katty
18:03.18Kattyi probably won't cook it on a grill
18:03.58slav3_kittenyou then light it in a chimney, wait till coals are white hot and spread them out and flatten them down with a cast iron pan
18:04.37Kattyi'll probably cook in a cast iron pan
18:05.00slav3_kittenbut but...
18:05.01Kattythat's a neat idea flatten it with cast iron
18:05.45slav3_kittencooking a nice dirty steak is tasty
18:06.10neohidrai use asterisk with freepbx and managed to set it up at least for the LAN. As a client i use csipsimple and i am able to connect to the server via the mobile network. I have set a port forwarding rule  (to the asterisk server) on the router and can dial/receive calls but i cannot hear anything - only the other side can hear me. Is there something i am missing regarding the port forwarding or it is most probably a problem with some o
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18:20.25Katty <- squirrlie nomnomnom
18:21.05ChannelZneohidra: What ports did you forward?
18:21.20chuckfHow i cook steaks... Alton Brown's method.
18:21.34chuckfThat's for indoor cooking, not grilling
18:21.53Kattychuckf: ty!
18:22.26chuckfKatty: you're welcome.
18:22.32neohidrachannelz: UDP 4590 on the router to 5060 on the asterisk machine
18:23.08ChannelZThat will get you SIP (I guess, if you point your phone at port 4590...) but you need a range of ports forwarded also for RTP
18:23.33ChannelZFor FreePBX I have no idea how you change it, but in vanilla asterisk it's whatever range you use in rtp.conf
18:24.16ChannelZwhich by Asterisk default is some huge range like 10000-20000
18:24.59ChannelZoof actually it's worse than that.. "Defaults are rtpstart=5000 and rtpend=31000"
18:25.07neohidrachannelz: yes i am pointing csipsimple to my asteriskserver:4590 but missed the rtp port. So there is not on esigle port but a range to forward?
18:25.12igcewielingneohidra: try directmedia=no or canreinvite=no (depending on your asterisk version) in the general section of sip.conf
18:25.23igcewielingChannelZ: no, the default is 10,000 - 20,000
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18:26.07din3shHello all
18:26.13ChannelZigcewieling: well it is set for 10k-20k but I guess if you specify nothing it's the other? For FPBX no idea what the hell it's doing
18:26.46igcewielingdefault == no config file
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18:27.59din3shHave deployed a couple of cisco 6945 SIP phones with Asterisk 1.18. I am getting "SIP 486 busy here" messages without any DND function actually active on the phones.
18:28.11din3shany idea why ?
18:28.51ChannelZneohidra: anyway yes, you need a range, as many as you would have simultaneous calls occuring on the system plus some padding
18:29.33neohidraI get ; Do NOT edit this file as it is auto-generated by FreePBX. All modifications to ; ; this file must be done via the web gui. There are alternative files to make    ; ; custom modifications, details at:    - i will dig into freepbx docs for now
18:29.57neohidraand may come cak if still have problems :) thank you all
18:31.27*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
18:32.28din3shHave deployed a couple of cisco 6945 SIP phones with Asterisk 1.18. I am getting "SIP 486 busy here" messages without any DND function actually active on the phones. any idea why?
18:33.45jmetrodid you watch the console and see why its happening?
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18:46.02din3shjmetro: only fires out a SIP 486 busy here
18:46.56din3shnot much info :s
18:46.58jmetroso with core set debug 400 and core set verbose 400 you dont see anything else.
18:47.11*** part/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
18:47.24din3shor i can't interprete it maybe :s
18:47.46jmetroyou should pastebin the log for us.
18:50.14din3shhere it is
18:50.42din3sh1st call rings alright
18:50.56din3sh2nd call which arrives gives a busy 486 message
18:54.46ChainsawHanging up zombie call. Be scared.
18:55.11din3shi am scared
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19:02.31Kattydoes a little dance, gets down tonight
19:02.48KattyQwell: i had a russian cuisine recommendedation for the stl area :>>>>>>>>
19:02.57KattyQwell: and the menu looks LEGIT!
19:03.08ChannelZTurn off core debug, it's almost never helpful for what is probably configuration or device configuration issues
19:05.04ChannelZthere's so much going on in this paste
19:07.23KattyChannelZ: amazing that the human brain can sort through so much input and make sense of it
19:08.44KattyChannelZ: did you know that we process about 1.5MBs of data per second?
19:11.11Kattyassuming you're awake for 15 hours a brain sifts through nearly 80GB of data per day
19:11.31ChannelZ90% of which it probably throws out as irrelevant
19:11.38Kattybut it's still processed.
19:11.48Kattyand it knows what to keep, and what to toss.
19:11.50Kattymost of the time >.<
19:11.58Kattyshame it doesn't catalog and tag it too
19:12.55ChannelZwell this log is only a few k and I can't get through it, it's a wreck :)
19:14.02Kattymy whole day is a wreck.
19:14.10Kattybut someone my brain still manages to sift through it....amazing!
19:15.27jacekowskiigcewieling: i know that
19:15.33jacekowskiigcewieling: i was wondering what that means on BT
19:26.11navaismoIn asterisk 11.2 the profile-level-id in video mode is setted by default in the sdp or I need to patch the asterisk to include a profile-level-id??
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19:51.37feeshonHello all, I have a quick one I believe
19:52.14feeshonI need to made one change in my polycom config files (which is correct from what I read in the polycom manual) and my phones don't seem to pick up the change
19:52.41feeshonIs there something I should be doing for it to prase the new phone prov files?
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20:07.25tarcertHi Gents, why cisco phone keep requesting ctlsep<mac>.tlv ? anyone can help me please ?
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20:14.49tarcertHi    why cisco phone keep requesting ctlsep<mac>.tlv ? anyone can help me please ?
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20:39.46jacekowskisounds like some kind of provisioning
20:44.18[TK]D-Fendertarcert, Because that is one of the files used in provisioning it with the version of firmware you have on it. <- go download the admin guides and set them up.
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21:03.03jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, can you assist me with faxing troubles? here's the conf files and dialplan  here's the fax log of completed faxes and errored faxes   the problem is that all faxes aren't being received. as you can see on the last few attempts, i have the baud rate set for 2400 but it still somehow negotiates a 4800 speed. the others that transf
21:03.03jeffspeffer at 2400 fail with timeout errors.
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21:05.21[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, What is the call coming in over?  What ver of *?
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21:07.34jeffspeffthe faxes are coming over t.38 using asterisk version 11.0 with latest FFA module from digium.
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21:07.52Questhow do i know i have t38 support? i have asterisk pbx runing . i want fax over ip
21:08.14jeffspeffQuest, do a fax show stats
21:08.22jeffspeffif you have license for t.38 it will show there
21:08.27Questwhat command?
21:09.00jeffspefffax show stats
21:10.01Questwe never purchased a licence
21:10.20jeffspeffyou can get a free license for 1 concurrent fax from digium
21:10.26Questand if we do. theres no need for any additional software?
21:10.51jeffspeffi'm doing this to recieve a fax and then i wrote a script to email it
21:10.57jeffspeffi believe so
21:11.04jeffspeffjust do a google search for digium FFA
21:11.15Questi need to send faxes ...
21:11.26jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, did you see my response to you above?
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21:12.05[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Show the complete call
21:12.15Questjeffspeff,  thanks
21:12.39jeffspeffthat is complete. i have the DID go straight to the fax extension
21:12.57jeffspeffthat's line for line what shows on console, just without all the extra crap from people making phone calls
21:15.38[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, there is no SIP DEBUG in there
21:22.32jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, do i need to enable sip debug and try again
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21:45.19navaismoanyone here using webrtc with asterisk 11.2??
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22:09.13SteveWilliamsGood Morning everyone!
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22:11.12SteveWilliamsI am facing voice quality issues with my asterisk based dialer. How do I seek paid support from Digium? Their link for commercial support is broken
22:12.16SteveWilliamsGuys help! Please....
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22:14.22WIMPyI think, commercial support is only available for the commercial products. For commercial Asterisk support you can ask on the asterisk-biz mailing list. For support here you have to
22:14.24infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
22:15.44SteveWilliamsAlrighty Sir.... Let me start off by explaining my setup first...
22:16.24*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-pwutaxjgeryagpnu)
22:16.53SteveWilliamsMy Dialer uses 3.0 Ghz Xeon Proc, 2 GB RAM, 250 GB Hard Disk and has asterisk installed in it
22:17.13SteveWilliamsit is connected to a 2 MBPS leased line
22:17.14WIMPyThat's pretty old.
22:17.24din3shupdate your asterisk man
22:17.45navaismoLOL i know people using asterisk 1.2 & 1.4
22:17.58din3shhow many concurrent calls?
22:18.01navaismofor commercial & professional CC
22:18.02WIMPyThe S&M scene never dies.
22:18.19SteveWilliamsnear about 24 - 30 concurrent calls
22:18.53WIMPyWhat CODEC?
22:19.11SteveWilliamsdid i spell it right
22:19.35SteveWilliamsnext priority codecs are ulaw & alaw
22:19.38mjordanSteveWilliams: clicking on your link went to the Digium support page.
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22:20.06SteveWilliamsi dunno, it didnt in my case... lemme check again
22:20.07WIMPy30 calls of alaw/ulaw won't fit in to 2mbit.
22:20.26SteveWilliamsbut should work with g729 as the first codec
22:20.30SuperNullam i retarded ? how does one list loaded modules in ast 11
22:20.32SteveWilliamsor am i wrong
22:20.53WIMPySteveWilliams: correct
22:21.19WIMPySuperNull: module show
22:22.36SteveWilliamsokay... my setup..... my hardware for agents to take calls.... 2 port LinkSys PAP2 phone adapter(supports g729) + Panasonic Telephony Basesets
22:23.45SteveWilliamsi have a sangoma ut 50 usb dongle installed as well with my asterisk server...
22:24.09ChannelZI think 'module show' is sort of a lie though
22:26.06SteveWilliamsalso, i have a netgear firewall acting as gateway for the asterisk server
22:27.36SteveWilliamsokay guys... contacting support..... bye
22:28.11ruyoAnyone knows why an ISDN doesn't make a busy tone in an incoming call when the 2 lines are busy? (asterisk 1.4.X mISDN, I know it's very old)
22:28.52sawgoodusually busy are SIP 300 reinvite messages (at least for me) maybe you have a reinvite concern?
22:29.19WIMPyruyo: Tone? Where? Incomming from there?
22:31.42ruyoWIMPy, For instance, imagine 2 phones are making or receiving calls, occupying both ISDN lines. An outside person then makes a call to the ISDN phone number and they don't get a busy tone. They instead get either those fast busy tones or a message from the operator.
22:31.56ruyoSometimes people think the number is out of order.
22:32.26WIMPyruyo: That's correct.
22:32.36WIMPyIt's a congestion.
22:34.48ruyoI remember having this question and you answering that like 2 years ago. :P But that's not how those ISDN phones or those Siemens Gigaset for instance, behave
22:35.37ruyoAnd when someone calls the number they think it doesn't exist anymore
22:35.48WIMPyThe difference is that Asterisk doesn't support Call Waiting.
22:37.16ruyoYeah, but I also tried disabling CW on the operator and they say it's disabled. Is there any way to send the "right" tone? Maybe that must be handled on the operator side?
22:38.12WIMPyIf CW is disabled from the operator side, the 3rd call won't reach you. So it's up to them then.
22:38.58ruyoHmm... In that case they're not doing their job. I do get some sort of message from the D-Channel when I try to make the 3rd call.
22:39.38WIMPyI haven't head anyone disabling CW anyway.
22:39.44ruyoThis is the message:
22:40.58WIMPyThat's charging information for an ongoing call.
22:41.29ruyoLet me retry...
22:42.59ruyoIndeed. I tried twice before but it must have been coincidence.
22:43.18ruyoI don't get any debug information when placing the 3rd.
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22:52.10ruyoAre the call waiting enable/disable codes a worldwide standard?
22:53.12WIMPyDefinitely not worldwide. And not usually applicable to ISDN anyway.
22:55.03ruyoSo usually CW is enabled on ISDN and folks using asterisk don't disable it?
22:55.33WIMPyNo, you usually disable CW on your terminal, not at the operator.
22:56.45*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-vtnlktfxtbkqbysv)
22:56.59ruyoYeah, but the call never gets to the terminal because it hits asterisk first and the two channels are already busy
22:58.50WIMPyYou could probably patch the cause code to "fake" a user busy.
22:59.00WIMPyIf you have CW enabled, off course.
22:59.36ruyoI tried that once and it worked for a while, but then it stopped working.
23:00.20ruyoMaybe the call waiting was disabled in the meanwhile...
23:00.36ruyoAbout a year ago.
23:00.53WIMPyThat would be an explanation.
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23:01.48ruyoI think it only worked on PTP too...
23:02.19WIMPyThat doesn't matter.
23:02.29ruyoHere it is:
23:03.38ruyoApparently I got it to work when the CW was enabled. At least I got messages when receiving the 3rd call.
23:04.04WIMPyWithout it there's definitely nothing you can do.
23:04.15*** join/#asterisk iztech (
23:04.29ruyoYeah, that's a start. :-)
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23:36.52iztechhi guys i have installed asterisk 11 on ubuntu and i got it to connect to callcentric but i would like to use SipStation instead but I don't have freePBX. has anyone configured sipstation/phonebooth if so i would like to see the sip.conf
23:38.08iztechfpbx-1-xxxxxxxxxx                               a             5060     UNREACHABLE
23:38.08iztechfpbx-2-xxxxxxxxxx  6                                 a             5060     UNREACHABLE
23:38.24*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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23:38.32iztechthis is what i get with sip show peers
23:38.40*** join/#asterisk Mon|A|rch (~SBean@
23:38.51Mon|A|rchhey, [TK]D-Fender
23:39.13Mon|A|rchany idea how i might get a call to wait for a voicemail to be hit?
23:39.28Mon|A|rchor, at least to detect whether someone's picked up, or their voicemail was reached
23:39.41[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch: "core show application amd"
23:39.52iztechthis is all the guys at sipstation provide -
23:40.07Mon|A|rchthanks [TK]D-Fender
23:40.51[TK]D-Fenderiztech: I'd start by actually looking at your registration attempts and inbound call debug
23:42.06iztech[Jan 21 15:21:58] NOTICE[4448]: chan_sip.c:14983 sip_reg_timeout:    -- Registration for '' timed out, trying again (Attempt #11)
23:43.02iztechboth the ip addresses are resolved so i know its not a dns issue
23:43.16iztechis that what you mean [TK]D-Fender
23:43.39[TK]D-FenderI mean look at the SIP DEBUG
23:43.46[TK]D-Fenderand see what's actually in there
23:45.03saint_Can anyone tell me with this configuration : why most of the time my Digium D70 does not have audio when it calls Asterisk  ?
23:45.20saint_D70 <-- private network --> Internet <-- Asterisk on public IP -->
23:46.38iztechso sip debug on at cli?
23:46.51[TK]D-Fenderiztech: "sip set debug on"
23:46.53infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:47.17*** part/#asterisk coreyf1513 (~coreyf151@
23:47.25[TK]D-Fendersaint_: hostile router by phone, bad firewall on server.  Incorrect server config, etc.
23:51.23*** join/#asterisk leowt (
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23:51.58iztech[TK]D-Fender: i think this is what you are looking for
23:52.48[TK]D-Fenderiztech: Contact: <sip:s@> <- your * is NOT on a public IP, and it transmitting its PRIVATE IP to them
23:53.05leowthi there, ive got asterisk with sip clients. Wen connecting to a client outside the NAT i am able to talk to the 1st client, and the other ones get sip connection but no sound.
23:53.12iztechthey told me it would work without static IP
23:53.28[TK]D-Fenderiztech: It isn't configured properly for it
23:54.07leowtdo anyone has a clue?
23:54.36*** join/#asterisk MissionCritical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
23:54.39saint_[TK]D-Fender: the firewall on the asterisk has ports 5060 udp/tcp and 10000:20000 udp all open
23:54.44*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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23:56.20iztech[TK]D-Fender: r u saying that it will work without a static IP but my config is wrong? if so is this a simple fix?
23:57.12[TK]D-Fenderiztech: * needs to know it's WAN IP and this is everyday common stuff.
23:58.05[TK]D-Fenderiztech: in [general] nat=yes , directmedia=no, externaddr=get.a.dyndns.type.provider , localnet=NETWORK/MASK

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