IRC log for #asterisk on 20130118

00:08.11*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:13.23*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
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00:22.58*** join/#asterisk ccrnp (
00:23.54ccrnphi Folks ! I am having issue with asterisk 1.4.42 where there are bunch of "channel.c: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to IAX2" WARNINGS
00:24.19ccrnpany suggestion and direction would be really helpful
00:25.20s14ckccrnp: please make nopaste or smthg
00:26.14s14ckccrnp: Im going reboot my system brb
00:27.15*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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00:34.43*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
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00:39.35ccrnpno one in this room experienced "channel.c: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to IAX2" problem before ?
00:44.36*** join/#asterisk s14ck (~s14ck@
00:44.49s14ckccrnp: hey
00:44.59s14ckccrnp: im back
00:45.04ccrnpwelcome back
00:45.09ccrnpso any suggestions
00:45.25s14cksorry I dont see your log
00:45.36igcewielingccrnp: what version of asterisk?
00:45.52ccrnpits 1.4.42
00:46.46igcewielingin my experience that is either network congestion of the server is not fast enough to keep up with the incoming audio
00:47.00igcewielingHowever, it has been a long time since I was crazy enough to use IAX2
00:47.03s14ckccrnp: line number? (I dont wanna read all file)
00:47.27ccrnp7 ,12 and 16
00:47.36s14ckccrnp: thnks
00:48.32s14ckccrnp: there is not sense
00:52.13s14ckccrnp: please, get log again but with debug mode active
00:52.31s14ckcore set debug 9
00:53.45s14ck(Oh God, Im losing my powers at the cli)
00:54.50s14ckccrnp: aditionally pay attention in your system performance (cpu, mem, blah blah)
00:55.29s14ckccrnp: obviously in middle of the test
01:01.14SmakIs there a difference between SIP trunking and SIP termination?
01:02.26s14ckSmak: Oh, yes.
01:03.08SmakI am wanting to play around with asterisk and I am trying to find a termination service.
01:03.54Smakso that I can make outbound calls, I thought they were the same thing, but maybe I don't know know what I am looking for.
01:06.42s14ckSmak: depends than you need to get.
01:08.17SmakThat looks like english, kinda
01:08.43s14ckSmak: ^^
01:10.34s14ckccrnp: are you alive?
01:11.26*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (~jsharp@
01:20.47*** join/#asterisk smkelly (
01:40.00*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:43.25SeRiguys I am trying to craete a statement that when 1102 is dialed it sends it to another context so I am using GotoIf but I am not sure how to catch the number whe passing though the context... Any Ideas?
01:46.24igcewielingexten => 1102,1,Goto(context,extension,priority)
01:46.35carrarLike: Goto(some-context-here,${EXTEN},1)
01:47.35carrarThen match the extension in the new context
01:48.28carraror move the extension to a variable
01:51.25SeRiThanks for the ideas guys....
01:55.48*** join/#asterisk digilink (~digilink@unaffiliated/digilink)
02:00.20SeRiguys I know this is not going to work but here the idea.
02:00.40SeRiI am trying to catch 1102 from 11XX
02:00.54SeRiand send that number to gotcha
02:08.25*** join/#asterisk scubes13 (
02:08.50SeRiany ideas?
02:11.53WIMPyMaybe I don't get the question, but why don;t you just write a exten => 1102?
02:13.17igcewielingSeRi: if you have exten => 1102 and exten => _11XX  then 1102 will match when dialing 1102 because it is a more specific match
02:13.20SeRiWIMPY let me pastebin the whole thing and it will make better sense
02:13.56SeRiigcewieling: The problem is that on the range 11XX we have over 20 exten so we use 11XX
02:14.19WIMPyAnd how many of them are special?
02:16.22SeRijust 1102
02:16.29SeRiWIMPy: ^^
02:16.45*** join/#asterisk sustav (~vpp@
02:16.48WIMPyThen I guess my answer wil stay the same.
02:17.22SeRiOk I see what you mean just put 1102 underneath 11XX?
02:17.48WIMPyOrder doesn't matter.
02:18.51WIMPyYou don't want the DB check on that extension, either?
02:19.08SeRijust skip it all and go to pr
02:19.36WIMPyOk, because you can do more specific extensions wfor only certain priorities.
02:19.51WIMPyUgly to read, but otherwise very efficient.
02:20.32SeRilet me see
02:27.32SeRiok got it
02:27.58SeRi[$EXTEN]=1102 :)
02:28.04SeRiThanks guys!!!!!!
02:29.10SeRiexten => _11XX,1,NoOp()
02:29.23SeRisame  => n,GotoIf($[${EXTEN}=1102]?pr)
02:29.50WIMPySo you're doing it within the pattern anyway.
02:30.01SeRihard headed I guess
02:31.57WIMPyThat's the shortest I can come up with. Let's see if you can figure that out :-)
02:39.55WIMPyOoops. Didn't save.
02:43.37*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:56.35SeRican you repaste?
02:57.17SeRiI see
02:57.22SeRi1102 going back to 3
02:59.33*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:00.42*** join/#asterisk file (~file@asterisk/developer-and-muffin-lover/file)
03:00.42*** mode/#asterisk [+o file] by ChanServ
03:02.07SeRiis the priority :)
03:12.30*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
03:15.27*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
03:16.25*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
03:16.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
03:17.40ChannelZgoes back to scratching himself
03:24.22*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:29.48SmakI am wanting to play around with asterisk and I am trying to find a cheapish termination service. Any recommendations?
03:30.20jpsharpYou'll get as many answers as there are people logged in here.
03:33.05SmakI wish. I am rather confused just using google, Not sure on exactly what I am getting into. I have found something that sounds like what I am looking for, for $0.002/minute, and yet others are talking $0.2/per minute. Some include voice mail and lots of other features. I was to understand all I really needed was termination. Kind of confusing.
03:36.36*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
03:37.12jpsharpIf all you're doing is sending calls out, all you need is termination.  For very low volume, you'll be averaging about 2 cents USD per minute for calls made to domestic US number.
03:37.56SmakSo I am not looking for sip trunking?
03:38.31jpsharpWell, some people call their services sip trunking.  You want SIP or IAX services if you want to play with asterisk.
03:38.40jpsharpWhich service are you looking at?
03:38.56jpsharpPersonally, I've used and for my termination needs.
03:39.04Smakgoogle and
03:39.46SmakI am just looking to get started and play around with asterisk, not trying to set any kind of business anything.
03:40.45jpsharpThen I'd recommend either one I've used.  They're pretty asterisk friendly.
03:41.05SmakI didn't see a US rate for
03:41.05jpsharpAnd their rates are reasonable without needing to do a big prepayment.
03:42.40jpsharp2-3 cents/minute depending on destination.
03:44.01SmakWholesale VoIP Termination to the United States at blended rates as low as $0.0066  I am guessing wholesale mean more minutes then I would use just playing around.
03:44.23*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU (
03:44.27jpsharpYou wont touch wholesale rates until you're passing at least 100K minutes/month.
03:44.28SmakThat is:
03:44.28*** part/#asterisk CRCinAU (
03:44.33*** join/#asterisk CRCinAU_ (
03:44.39flingHow to match every number from "+7 901 4500000" to "+7 901 4529999" ?
03:44.46CRCinAU_Has anyone noticed asterisk 11.2.0 crashing on a RecieveFax?
03:44.53CRCinAU_using the spandsp
03:45.25CRCinAU_and wtf:
03:45.28CRCinAU_14:44 < jpsharp:#asterisk> You wont touch wholesale rates until you're passing at least 100K minutes/month.
03:45.31CRCinAU_14:44 < Smak:#asterisk> That is:
03:46.08jpsharpWTF wtf?
03:46.11SmakI just keep thinking 2 - 3 cents a min can really add up.  I am only playing around at this point but.
03:46.44flingChannelZ: hello
03:46.56CRCinAU_they came through to me as a server message o_O
03:47.05flingSmak: :p
03:47.09CRCinAU_the only output I get is:
03:47.19CRCinAU_Disconnected from Asterisk server
03:47.21CRCinAU_Attempting to reconnect for 30 seconds
03:47.24CRCinAU_can't seem to find a core dump
03:48.12CRCinAU_on second thoughts, I've found the core dump now :)
03:52.08CRCinAU_also, I'm not getting any emails from JIRA :(
03:56.37ChannelZsorry, hi fling
03:56.51infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
03:57.01flingHelp me please with my dialplan , it works but now I want to dial these numbers via another sip peer, so I need to match these numbers with exten
03:57.09flingChannelZ: :p
03:57.14SmakWhy are you sorry, did you not hear what we was saying about you.
03:57.25flingChannelZ: so I want to do it right, where to read about it?
03:58.59ChannelZwell you have two choices.. you can write lots of dialplan to properly match all the numbers you want vs the ones you don't, or I'd probably do it in some other language with an AGI..
03:59.13ChannelZpossibly fetching all that crap from a database or something, if it's stuff that's going to change as well
03:59.56ChannelZI don't speak russian so I have no idea what those columns say.. is it just the first 3 digits basically you're interested in?  The 913, 923, etc
04:01.35ChannelZCRCinAU_: This is FFA it looks like, do you have the right versions of the modules installed?  (IE not some mismatched architecture or for the wrong version of Asterisk)?
04:02.53Smakfree for all?
04:03.09CRCinAU_I haven't been able to find any workaround....
04:03.14CRCinAU_t38 on or off.
04:03.21CRCinAU_either way, everything I seem to do causes a core dump :(
04:03.33flingChannelZ: +7AAABBBBBBB, AAA is the first column, BBBBBBB is a number between second and third column
04:04.09ChannelZFax For Asterisk
04:04.23flingChannelZ: so the first line is all the numbers from "+7 901 4500000" to "+7 901 4529999"
04:04.24ChannelZres_fax_digium or whatever it is
04:04.26CRCinAU_no, its the stock standard res_fax_spandsp
04:04.29ChannelZtheir licensed one
04:04.44mjordanCRCinAU_: A core dump isn't useful. You need to generate a backtrace
04:04.48CRCinAU_I don't use it very often - but someone needs to send me a fax lol
04:05.31CRCinAU_mjordan: thanks. I haven't had to submit a bug report since 1.2 ish - so how it all works these days is... well, nfi :)
04:05.35mjordannp :-)
04:05.38mjordanthanks for reporting it
04:06.11CRCinAU_hell, for some reason, I still have my CRCinAU nick unable to talk in here after a heated disagreement years ago ;)
04:06.33CRCinAU_and I mean, years ;)
04:10.00ChannelZfling: well with so many ranges, it's kind of ugly regardless.  But in general if it's something takes more than a few dialplan lines to do, I usually do it in an AGI so my dialplan doesn't get outrageous. The expression syntax in the dialplan gets ugly and it makes me crosseyed
04:10.39flingChannelZ: ok, I'm reading about AGI
04:11.00ChannelZit also assumes you hopefully know some other scripting language.
04:11.23ChannelZBut you could do it all in the dialplan.  It's not "wrong", just harder to maintain in my humble opinion
04:11.29CRCinAU_I wouldn't have thought about using AGI for outgoing stuff
04:11.32CRCinAU_but I suppose it works.
04:12.25ChannelZWell I'm saying mainly just for doing the logic he needs to do to figure out if the number being dialed falls within these 2 dozen different ranges or however many there are
04:12.56ChannelZpersonal preference really
04:13.11CRCinAU_using perl + regex would work better ;)
04:15.08CRCinAU_mjordan: so is a core dump not useful at all without the DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES options set?
04:15.16mjordanyes, unfortunately :-\
04:15.21mjordanotherwise, there aren't any symbols
04:15.38CRCinAU_ok, I'll have to try and rig up some way I can send faxes to asterisk.
04:15.54CRCinAU_my testing was someone trying to send me something from a remote SIP point.
04:16.06CRCinAU_so I'll see if I can use an ATA or something on a fax machine to duplicate
04:19.46CRCinAU_almost built.... now just have to rebuild chan_sccp-b
04:19.49flingChannelZ: what should AGI return?
04:20.44flinglooks like I don't understand how it works
04:20.47ChannelZwell usually what I do is send an AGI command to set a variable which I can then act upon in the dialplan accordingly
04:22.07flingChannelZ: so variable will be true if number match and false if dont?
04:22.08ChannelZusing the SET VARIABLE command.. or you can even use SET EXTENSION and SET PRIORITY to make it jump directly
04:22.21ChannelZYeah, or whatever method you come up with.
04:22.23flingChannelZ: and the script will just check for number matching
04:22.54flingI want the fine example! :p
04:23.16ChannelZLike I have a "call handler" script which decides what to do based on some records in a database, so I return an 'action' that makes more sense to me in the dialplan.. like 'ignore', or 'annoy', etc.
04:28.25ChannelZI can send you an example in PHP which is what I usually script in
04:30.28*** join/#asterisk sparrowjs (
04:33.16CRCinAU_now it doesn't crash, but it seems the ReceiveFax exits without actually doing anything
04:33.17CRCinAU_ie no file created
04:34.19*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
04:35.39*** join/#asterisk sustav (~vpp@
04:36.33*** join/#asterisk voxter_ (
04:39.36*** join/#asterisk sparrowjs (
04:46.02CRCinAU_I'm not sure what else to debug on this :(
04:47.28CRCinAU_debug all the thing?
04:47.40CRCinAU_things even
04:48.27ChannelZAll the broken things anyway
04:52.18*** join/#asterisk mintos (~mvaliyav@
04:53.35flingChannelZ: I can simplify my dialplan a lot with this script, thanks :]
04:55.00CRCinAU_for fucks sake.
04:55.07CRCinAU_debug gives me nothing.
04:55.11CRCinAU_verbose gives me nothing
04:55.20CRCinAU_fax set debug on gives me nothing
04:55.40CRCinAU_its almost like ReceiveFax is just going "#!/bin/bash\n exit 0"
04:57.10ChannelZfling: sure good luck. Obviously assumes you even have PHP installed. And it would generally go in /var/lib/asterisk/agi-bin and needs chmod +x
05:00.20flingChannelZ: I'm about to add a lot of checks in the script and it will return town name for a given number or nothing if no match
05:03.32ChannelZwell I'd test it first, I didn't.
05:03.54flingI'm not using it in production now, just thinking
05:04.00flingI will test it a lot
05:20.05flingChannelZ: now I do not want using long lists, I want the app like geoip but for phone numbers :D
05:20.15flingChannelZ: to make things even more simplier
05:22.12apb1963_Greetings.  I can't get my IVR welcome message to play anything other than silence.  Log here:
05:26.01*** join/#asterisk voxter_ (
05:36.08sparrowjsHey everyone
05:44.45[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_: Asterisk isn't playing any prompts except "Goodbye"
05:47.53apb1963_so you see the problem
05:48.12*** join/#asterisk bchia (
05:48.29[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_: Yes.  It's a FreePBX one, not Asterisk
05:51.24igcewielingJust a reminder everyone, backups are IMPORTANT.
05:52.58[TK]D-FenderJesus Saves
05:53.17[TK]D-FenderThe Devil keeps redundant off-site backups.
05:54.11apb1963_Moses invests
05:57.56*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
05:59.55igcewielingJesus saves at Wal-Mart.  Buddha shops at Target
06:01.21apb1963_Moses invests in real estate
06:07.50ChannelZfling: that's up to you, put it in a database, etc.
06:08.15flingChannelZ: I have several options!
06:11.18flingChannelZ: are h.323 and sip complex and bad?
06:21.35ChannelZNo personal experience with h323
06:27.07*** join/#asterisk sevin (
06:58.20*** join/#asterisk Maliuta (
07:03.01salz212If somebody can have a look at sip debugs, I am having an unusual problem with Asterisk 11 with one carrier. It advertises fax, image udptl etc in SDP to which asterisk reply and then call is hanged due to BYE received from carrier.
07:03.16infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
07:03.20[TK]D-Fender^ your friend
07:06.37*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
07:07.31[TK]D-FenderCause No. 79 - service or option not implemented unspecified [Q.850] This cause is used to report a service or option not implemented event only when no other cause in the service or option not implemented class applies.
07:09.15*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
07:10.03CRCinAU_I'm just sure ReceiveFax is screwed in 11.2
07:10.15CRCinAU_and 11.1.x
07:10.31CRCinAU_it says receiving fax, then just dies with a non-zero result.
07:10.39CRCinAU_no file written, no debug output
07:11.33salz212exactly I have done my re-search and all the tweaking I could.. but its not working for me.
07:11.52salz212more over I am not using fax I have even unload the modules ..
07:12.21salz212is there any way to not send udptl in Answer()'s reply to carrier..?
07:13.45*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
07:16.08CRCinAU_I lodged this:
07:16.13CRCinAU_however, now its not core dumping :(
07:16.23*** join/#asterisk bpietro (
07:16.35CRCinAU_its just.... well... its... just exiting?
07:16.41CRCinAU_but voice calls work fine
07:18.24kaldemarCRCinAU_: what "dies"?
07:19.45kaldemarCRCinAU_: also, asterisk will not dump core unless configured to do so with option -g for the asterisk binary or dumpcore=yes in asterisk.conf.
07:21.28flingShould I use IAX everywhere?
07:21.41[TK]D-Fenderfling: Do you have a reason to?
07:22.32fling[TK]D-Fender: I want to connect two asterisk servers
07:22.40CRCinAU_kaldemar: RecieveFax exits non-zero with no debug output, no verbose output, and no file written
07:22.56salz212Fender: I am not using udptl fax etc neither I want it to be advertise by Asterisk 11
07:23.07[TK]D-Fenderfling: The generally an option with bosnus.  If you need to care about bandwidth at least
07:23.30fling[TK]D-Fender: my sip friends are using ekiga, I'm waiting for iax2 support in ekiga because sip works bad with nat
07:23.49[TK]D-Fenderfling: SIP generally works jsut fine
07:24.07[TK]D-Fendersalz212: Then perhaps you should tell your peer not to support it
07:24.31CRCinAU_its interesting that it core dumped when compiled normally, but doesn't core dump with DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES set
07:25.01ChannelZIAX doesn't necessarily work better with NAT, depending on what your issue actually is, it just uses less ports to worry about.
07:25.03CRCinAU_makes me very wtf.
07:25.33ChannelZBut if you have more than a few calls going between those two systems, it's beneficial to link them with IAX and use trunking
07:25.33salz212I have it disabled in sip.conf. Secondly I do not have registeration on Asterisk it is on SIP Server.
07:25.40kaldemarCRCinAU_: precisely what do you mean by "exits non-zero"? show output.
07:25.40flingChannelZ: also it is faster, should work better on gprs/3g connection
07:26.20*** join/#asterisk voxter_ (
07:26.59flinginfobot: thanks :p you are awesome
07:26.59infobotfling: sure thing
07:27.18ChannelZfondles infobot's ass
07:27.53kaldemarCRCinAU_: the "exited non-zero" is just a print that tells the fax,s extension has finished and dialplan is moving on.
07:28.26CRCinAU_kaldemar: however, it doesn't move to the next step, it just goes to the h,1 entry
07:28.33[TK]D-Fenderfling: IAX2 is not "faster"
07:28.39CRCinAU_either way, ReceiveFax hasn't worked .
07:28.50fling[TK]D-Fender: but it is using less traffic!
07:28.59CRCinAU_which is interesting as I've had it working for a long time... just not under 11.x
07:29.36ChannelZfling: real time is real time. It can't be "faster" but it indeed does have less overhead as call volume increases
07:29.41[TK]D-Fenderfling: If you are using trunk mode between 2 * servers and are running at least 2 calls, yes
07:29.45flingthe problem is few sip clients are using crappy connection and slow atom cpus, and the best working codec is gsm somewhy
07:30.14kaldemarCRCinAU_: you don't have a next step in the extension.
07:30.17[TK]D-Fenderfling: this won't be any savings for clients
07:30.21flingChannelZ: [TK]D-Fender: I want to use iax2 between asterisk and clients too
07:30.41ChannelZI want a million dollars
07:30.44flingAnd I probably will when ekiga will add iax2 support
07:30.49flingChannelZ: me too
07:31.00CRCinAU_kaldemar: in my debugging I do.
07:31.05CRCinAU_however not in what is posted.
07:31.10ChannelZUnfortunately IAX hasn't latched on much as a client protocol
07:31.27CRCinAU_I have a NoOp afterwards which should print FAXOPT(status)....
07:31.28flinghmm hmm
07:31.36ChannelZSome softphones is all. But it wasn't necessarily designed to be that anyway.
07:31.56kaldemarCRCinAU_: your issue does not even show asterisk crashing, you should add proof of your claims in the issue.
07:32.10CRCinAU_the attached core dump not enough?
07:32.36ChannelZspeaking of core dumps... I could use one myself
07:33.38[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, later all
07:33.58kaldemarfling: don't count on ekiga adding iax2 support.
07:34.09flingkaldemar: will not they add it? :p
07:34.23kaldemarCRCinAU_: you should actually show that asterisk does crash.
07:34.32CRCinAU_kaldemar: the interesting part is why it doesn't core dump with DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES set
07:34.46CRCinAU_I should recompile it without those and see if it core dumps agian
07:35.13kaldemarfling: well, considering that the note of IAX2 has been on the todo list for over 3 years and not many folks making phones are interested in IAX2, i would hold by breath waiting for it.
07:35.30kaldemarCRCinAU_: does it even crash?
07:35.39flingkaldemar: ok :]
07:36.00CRCinAU_kaldemar: no - I just used /dev/urandom to get a core dump </sarcasm> :)
07:36.02kaldemarCRCinAU_: that will probably be the first question when someone reads your issue.
07:36.35flinganother question: How to turn on online sip status? I want my clients to be able to set the status like Online/Away/DND, etc >
07:36.40flingit is not working now
07:36.44CRCinAU_kaldemar: however, when I followed the guide to get a useful backtrace, part of it says to recompile asterisk with DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES set
07:37.18CRCinAU_kaldemar: now that I set those options, it doesn't crash and core dump, but it fails to work.
07:37.44CRCinAU_so. If I compile with those options UNSET, and it core dumps again, then we're on a whole new level of weird.
07:40.55ChannelZFAX should be dead
07:41.01CRCinAU_I agree.
07:41.05CRCinAU_but sadly, it isn't.
07:41.14CRCinAU_in fact, I use it at work multiple times a day
07:41.15ChannelZWell it is for you.  That's a start.
07:42.33CRCinAU_ok - so now its built without DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES set
07:42.41CRCinAU_if this thing core dumps.... o_O
07:43.40CRCinAU_no core dump now, but:
07:43.55CRCinAU_Status: FAILED, Error (if any): T38_NEG_ERROR
07:47.40*** join/#asterisk brodz (
07:48.12*** join/#asterisk linocisco (~linocisco@
07:48.25linociscoI have Avaya BCM450 but which run out of VOIP phone licenses . Can we extend it with asterisk server and sip phones? with BCM450 as main PBX in place and another route or trunk to Asterisk to let asterisk's SIP clients to use BCM access
07:48.59*** join/#asterisk Bryanstein (~Bryanstei@shellium/admin/bryanstein)
07:49.39CRCinAU_linocisco: buy more licenses. save yourself the pain.
07:49.57ChannelZfling: those are probably SIP NOTIFY messages (if at all) but you'd have to figure out/find out what they are.
07:50.31flingChannelZ: ok, thanks, I'm searching for it
07:50.45linociscoCRCinAU_, it will take time and I hate proprietary stuffs but according to HQ's decision, currently BCM is the standard and they will move to Cisco CUCM later. in the mean time, we have no licenses
07:51.44linociscoCRCinAU_, it will take time and I hate proprietary stuffs but according to HQ's decision, currently BCM is the standard and they will move to Cisco CUCM later. in the mean time, we have no licenses for VOIP phones. I am thinking to connect BCM with asterisk to give people voip phones access
07:53.05*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:53.57CRCinAU_linocisco: you poor man :(
07:54.52*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:54.52kaldemarlinocisco: what protocols does the pbx speak?
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07:55.22linociscokaldemar, I dont know how to check
07:56.01kaldemarlinocisco: really? how about asking nortel?
07:56.22ChannelZIs secret!
07:56.47linociscokaldemar, I am not sure. HQ guys came here and setup. everything is not clear and transparent
07:56.49kaldemarlinocisco: first step is to find out what protocols can be used to communicate with it.
07:57.05linociscokaldemar,  can we trace it wireshark?
07:57.26linociscokaldemar, what i am sure is that it has no sip licences
07:57.29kaldemarlinocisco: otherwise you'll be asking your question for some weeks more without answers.
07:57.45linociscokaldemar, that makes sense
07:57.49ChannelZSome casual googling implies it can do SIP, but whether or not that's a separate licensed thing is unclear
07:58.57kaldemarlinocisco: the pbx needs to have an interface that can be used with an asterisk box. you must find out what it has (and if they're usable) before going any further with this.
08:01.10linociscoyes. it has LAN interfaces
08:01.35igcewielinglinocisco: A LAN interface only matters if the PBX supports SIP
08:02.12ChannelZor something
08:02.54ChannelZSPeaking of propriatary bullcrap, I have 3 3com 3102 phones here free to someone who can use them
08:05.08linociscoigcewieling, other interfaces are USB port which is connected to UPS
08:05.42linociscoChannelZ, can't u flash it to make it only sip phones?
08:06.56ChannelZfrom what I can tell no.  What I'd been reading seemed to imply that they don't even hold their OS images, just a bootstrap, and it has to contact the server to get the rest of its brain (like permenant forced provisioning)
08:07.10igcewielinglinocisco: T-1/E-1 CAS or T-1/E-1 PRI or Analog.  Other than SIP those are your connectivity options.
08:08.00kaldemarand all the other protocols asterisk supports.
08:13.51*** join/#asterisk PbxMan (c335d968@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:14.16igcewielingkaldemar: none of those are supported by most PBXs
08:15.10kaldemarigcewieling: some do support H.323. but it was just a note that those are not the only options.
08:18.39CRCinAU_ahhh shit.
08:18.43CRCinAU_who can close jira issues? ;)
08:19.20kaldemarCRCinAU_: #asterisk-bugs
08:19.46wdoekesCRCinAU_: which bug?
08:20.08CRCinAU_I found a config problem on my end.
08:20.20CRCinAU_however, I have NFI why it was core dumping earlier. :(
08:20.26CRCinAU_but now I can't reproduce it
08:21.12wdoekesin any case.. attaching core dumps is never good. we'd need the extracted info from it
08:22.30CRCinAU_yeah - mjordan told me that.
08:22.34linociscoigcewieling, E1 PRI card. but it is used for VSAT to VSAT calls
08:22.42*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
08:23.01CRCinAU_then after I recompiled with DONT_OPTIMIZE and BETTER_BACKTRACES, the core dumps stopped
08:23.19CRCinAU_even when disabling those, recompiling, and reinstalling, it now *still* doesn't core dump.
08:23.31wdoekesok.. glitch in the matrix then ;)
08:23.36CRCinAU_so I just put my hands in the air and accept it
08:23.56CRCinAU_I even downloaded the tarball and started completely from scratch.
08:24.10CRCinAU_still can't get it to core dump again.
08:24.42wdoekesthanks for the effort, then
08:25.17CRCinAU_shrugs shoulders
08:25.22CRCinAU_was worth a try
08:27.34ChannelZwas it newly built when you were originally having problems, or an existing install that had been working previously for awhile and then suddenly broke?
08:27.58CRCinAU_existing install
08:28.50ChannelZMaybe some other dependent library got updated in the interim and caused some wonkiness?
08:31.11ChannelZanyhoo off to bed
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09:03.28*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
09:03.30Rico29hi all
09:03.52Rico29is there a way to disallow message leaving on a particular voicemail box ?
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09:30.05Rico29anybody ?
09:31.23kaldemardon't allow your dialplan to do it.
09:35.05Rico29to do what ?
09:35.26Rico29I want to play the VM message tu the caller, but I don't want him to be able to leave a message
09:35.41Rico29in myd dialplan I only call 'voicemail' app
09:41.23kaldemarRico29: do you have a custom message?
09:42.12kaldemarRico29: anyway, don't use the voicemail app if you don't want callers to be able to leave messages.
09:42.17Rico29kaldemar> no, only unavailable message
09:42.23kaldemarRico29: if you want to play a message only, use Playback.
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09:58.24Rico29kaldemar> But I want to play the message configured by the user on his voicemail
09:58.33Rico29just disallow leaving of message
09:58.54Rico29that would have been an useful option I think
10:01.10kaldemaryou can use something else for that. voicemail is meant for voicemail, not for unavailability messages.
10:01.57kaldemaran extension that records a message for a user is not a complex task.
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11:19.18ghost75has someone knowledge how the voicemail perl script from digum works?
11:19.51ghost75is it precaching the voicemail file before it presents them to browser?
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11:28.40kaldemarghost75: doesn't look that way.
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11:32.55salz212Failed to initialize UDPTL, declining image stream... and call drops after Answer... I have been trying to find a solution to this problem for quite some time now.. I am not even using FAX or any image for call only .. carrier send faxt udptl support in SDP to whcih asterisk reply with udptl in sdp after Answer and right after that Carrier send BYE with service not implemented..
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11:48.08ectospasmsalz212: did you contact your provider?  IIRC, if they're not sending you a fax, they shouldn't advertise UDPTL in the SDP...
11:49.28salz212yes we have, you know how carriers are.. they have not given a reasonable answer yet. I was wondering if I can fix it in Asterisk or OpenSIPs for my case.
11:49.31dr0ckand then cry 'not implemented'
11:50.07ghost75kaldemar: directly presenting a link to the file you mean?
11:50.13salz212but the point is Asterisk is not configured to support FAX in my case why is it.. sending it in SDP./
11:50.56salz212I have compared Asterisk 1.6.X and 11.X. The only differnce is Asterisk 1.6 do not Answer with any UDPTL field in SDP
11:52.15salz21211 does.
11:53.11ghost75there are 2 different ways to send t.38
11:53.40kaldemarsalz212: does t38pt_udptl setting in sip.conf help?
11:54.00salz212no its not.. its the default one .. commented.
11:54.21ghost75maybe his provider uses rtp instead udtpl ?
11:54.22salz212i don't want to send.. any fax thats the problem..
11:54.34salz212do you want to see the traces again?
11:54.52dr0ckdefault is prolly diff. between versions, set it to 'no' instead of leaving commented?
11:57.29salz212i think I tried that but I will do that again.. but I am sure it in not going to work I have tweak many parameters..
11:58.06salz212I did set it in carrier peer t38pt_udptl=no as well other than sip.conf..
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12:20.30salz212no luck by even setting it to no in sip.conf as well.
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12:22.00randulo~seen davevg
12:22.04infobotdavevg <> was last seen on IRC in channel #asterisk-doc, 737d 21h 21m 28s ago, saying: 'just checked, <= works :)'.
12:22.12wasanzyam getting this error when starting asterisk 11.2:
12:22.29wasanzyerror while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
12:24.07*** part/#asterisk randulo (~randulo@pdpc/supporter/active/zeeek)
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12:24.17ectospasmwasanzy: check menuconfig, did it build that module?  You might be missing dependencies...
12:25.08wasanzywhat dependencies could that be?
12:25.25ectospasmwasanzy: you'll have to check menuconfig, which is why I mentioned it.
12:26.53ectospasmI don't have any version of 11 compiled... I'm checking menuconfig right now.
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12:28.45wasanzysorry how do I check the menuconfig?
12:29.33kaldemarwasanzy: how did you install?
12:29.34WIMPyHow did you install Asterisk?
12:29.46wasanzyfrom source
12:30.15wasanzyI followed the instructions in the Asterisk The definite Guide book
12:30.18ectospasmlooks like you might need libopenssl (or openssl-dev[el]) for res_crypto to be built.
12:30.42ectospasmI'd assume res_crypto is necessary for
12:31.39wasanzyshould I install res_crypto?
12:32.27wasanzyI have penssl-devel installed
12:33.12wasanzyam auto loading modules so how come it is complaining?
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12:36.56wasanzyres_crypto is installed when I check menuselect "make menuselect
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12:51.21wasanzyI have solved that problem by doing ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib64 and ln -s /usr/lib/ /usr/lib64
12:51.39wasanzynow I have another problem: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
12:51.58wasanzythe path exist so I don't know why it is complaining
12:53.58wasanzysrwxr-xr-x 1 asteriskpbx asteriskpbx 0 Jan 18 12:50 /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl
12:55.26kaldemarare you that user when trying to attach?
12:55.46wasanzyattach? or start?
12:57.07kaldemarwait, you got that when starting asterisk?
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12:58.49wasanzyyes kaldemar
12:59.15wasanzybut when I check the status, asterisk seem to be running
13:00.00WIMPyWhat status?
13:00.13kaldemarVERSION=`${DAEMON} -rx 'core show version' || ${TRUE}` probably causes that, but it starts anyway.
13:00.29kaldemarinteresting. that output did not occur on previous versions.
13:01.47wasanzy/etc/init.d/asterisk status I mean.
13:02.05wasanzyso what can I do about the error?
13:02.54kaldemarit's not an error really.
13:04.32wasanzydoes it means it will not affect any thing?
13:06.38kaldemaryes. it it just a line of text to stderr.
13:07.25wasanzythen I guess that shouldn't be printing?
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13:07.57kaldemarwasanzy: yes, the init script is to blame.
13:09.42wasanzyI have to probably take that line off then.
13:10.16kaldemardon't do that.
13:10.48wasanzythank you so much
13:10.49kaldemarit servers a good purpose. better would be to modify it to VERSION=`${DAEMON} -rx 'core show version' 2>/dev/null || ${TRUE}`
13:11.10kaldemarthat way you won't see the error print but the script still can figure out if asterisk is already running.
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13:14.00wasanzyI have this instead: VERSION=`${AST_SBIN}/asterisk -rx 'core show version'
13:14.28kaldemarthen modify that to direct stderr to /dev/null.
13:15.28wasanzythis line is really confusing me: if [ "`echo $VERSION | cut -c 1-8`" = "Asterisk" ]; then
13:16.10Guggeif character 1-8 in $VERSION is "Asterisk" then
13:16.23wasanzyoh ok
13:16.37*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-tveebcfrleitqllr)
13:18.15wasanzyVERSION=`${AST_SBIN}/asterisk -rx 'core show version'`  2>/dev/null
13:18.36wasanzystill getting: Unable to connect to remote asterisk (does /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl exist?)
13:18.50Guggedoes it?
13:19.08Guggeput 2>/dev/null inside the ``'s
13:19.12joris2hi all, I need to record sip calls with my asterisk installation. But not on the same machine, on a special recording machine, what is the best approche to do this? I need the recorded voice data as well as the call details (in mysql)
13:19.13WIMPyyou might have to insert it before the `
13:19.14kaldemarthat has been changed in asterisk.c to 11.2.0, it now prints directly to stderr for some reason instead of using ast_log.
13:20.40wasanzyok worked, thank you.
13:22.51kaldemarreason for the change is in commit r376447.
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13:37.01WIMPywould have gone for killall.
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14:00.06joris2I was thinking aobout the RTP monitoring feature, but that doesn't seem to be very stable
14:00.52[TK]D-Fenderjoris2, Whatever way you want.  Mount a remote filesystem.  Copy after the end ("core show application monitor").
14:01.26[TK]D-Fenderjoris2, And DB storage of CDR's is already well documented
14:01.57joris2it's not just the CDR's. It's the actual data
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14:02.10joris2copy after hangup is my alternate option
14:02.31joris2I was wondering if there was an option to record it directly on another server
14:02.51joris2something like the xorcom patch and oraka
14:03.02joris2but then clean and some newer
14:03.58[TK]D-FenderMount a remote filesystem. <-
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14:04.27joris2I guess that's my only option left...
14:04.32joris2thanks !
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14:05.55[TK]D-FenderStore & move to remote would be a good idea.
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14:06.19joris2not directly store on the remote fs>
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14:07.31[TK]D-Fenderjoris2, And when that link fails for whatever reason your attempts to record die with no recovery and possibly choke up the server?
14:08.34joris2hmmm... I thought asterisk would discard the recording then...
14:08.48joris2but, move after recording is a better idea :-)
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14:09.46[TK]D-FenderSomehow "discarding" doesn't sound "good"
14:10.05joris2hehe, true
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14:19.35jzawok ok where the f is the command line in vista ?
14:19.41jzawi cant see it
14:20.03joris2windowskey+r -> cmd ?
14:20.07WIMPythinks that is intentional
14:20.19killowndoes anyone knows how to set up a x100p board?  no phone cable is connected to the board and even so the Alarm is Ok
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14:20.56jzawis not a windows user and is only forced to do this at the point of a barrel of a semi auto
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14:34.07igcewielingkillown: no.  nobody uses that card.  contact the mfgr.
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14:36.45killownigcewieling, has you sure this is not an asterisk problem ?
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14:37.19igcewielinglooks like a card driver problem
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14:50.57killownso I found it :P
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15:07.47jan_beeHello, I am running asterisk on Debian Squeeze and for some reason the memory usage keeps rising until the server goes out of memory. Does anyone here know how to debug such a problem?
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15:12.26[TK]D-Fenderjan_bee, Upgrade.  You're 7 releases behind
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15:13.53jan_beeIt's the latest release from de squeeze backports repository..
15:15.41[TK]D-Fenderjan_bee, Yes, Debian is slow.
15:17.13killowndahdi  -> included from /usr/src/dahdi-linux/drivers/dahdi/xpp/xpd.h:26,  include/linux/types.h:36: error: previous declaration of ‘bool’ was here
15:17.49killownigcewieling, it's not a driver card problem, it's 100% a dahdi problem which is from asterisk
15:18.51[TK]D-FenderDAHDI is the driver....
15:19.14killownI downloaded this driver from asterisk repos
15:19.31killownnot from the board manufacturer
15:19.44jan_bee[TK]D-Fender: It makes maintenance a bit easier though.
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15:26.55igcewielingkillown: nobody is going to ever issue any bug fixes for the x100p driver.
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15:27.01killownyeah include/linux/types.h already have typedef _Bool                   bool; this not need to be declare one more time in xpd.h, I just removed that declaration and solved the problem
15:27.12killownigcewieling, you speak for everyone here?
15:27.21igcewielingyou can kick and scream and whatever, but you simply are not going to get help.
15:27.31igcewielingkillown: I speak about everyone, but not for them.
15:27.32killownit's what you are saying
15:27.44killownif you don't want to help me, you don't need to waste your time
15:27.46leifmadsenhe's not wrong
15:28.00leifmadsenthe x100p stopped being supported by nearly everyone about 4 years ago
15:28.45[TK]D-FenderAnd that is more than 5 years after Digium stopped ever distributing them, aside from the fact yours is a clone
15:28.56leifmadsenif you're doing development though in the channel drivers, you might want to try using #asterisk-dev
15:29.05killown[TK]D-Fender, not a clone, this is the original one
15:29.32leifmadsenthat's like adding "Real Beef" on the McDonalds hamburger
15:29.48igcewielingThey stopped making them about 14 years ago, didn't they?
15:29.53[TK]D-FenderThat's "Real Beef (tm)"
15:29.57killownno problem people I will patch it for myself
15:30.07leifmadsenigcewieling: not sure... it was always just a particular modem that Digium sold I'm pretty sure
15:30.57igcewielingleifmadsen: they added a heat sink!
15:31.03leifmadsenwas it a nice heat sink?
15:31.11igcewielingI did choose "they" carefully
15:31.24igcewielingleifmadsen: hand crafted, every one!
15:32.02igcewielingI bought 5 of them just before the OEM stopped making them back in the early 2000s
15:32.35igcewielingROFL!  Bicom killed my untar.
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15:32.40igcewielingI wondered if they would.
15:34.58igcewieling*sigh*  wrong window
15:36.09[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, Yes, made by the honest hard-working indigenous people of .... wherever.
15:37.15igcewielingWhen I make this stuff up it is the Maori.
15:42.16igcewielingI have a TiVo, I don't see many commercials
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15:47.16[TK]D-Fenderigcewieling, It isn't a commercial... officially ;)
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16:02.36Ice_StrikePolycom use TFTP to connect to my server
16:02.43Ice_Striketo open a firewall, is this correct: -A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 5060 -j ACCEPT
16:04.40Ice_StrikeO meant
16:04.41pabelangerchange that to HTTP
16:04.42Ice_Strike-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 69 -j ACCEPT
16:05.06Ice_StrikeAccording to documentation it use port 69
16:05.37pabelangeryes, udp/69 is TFTP
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16:11.29Ice_Strikepabelanger can you see anythign wrong with this:
16:11.39Ice_Strikepolycom is not connecting
16:12.49jeffspeffchannel variables don't follow to a different extension within the same context do they?
16:14.56tzangerwoo, upgrading to
16:15.11[TK]D-Fender<Ice_Strike> Polycom use TFTP to connect to my server <- Does it?  Where did you set this?
16:15.18tzanger(from, 1.4.something before that)
16:16.53killownwhat is a cheaper fxo card supported by the asterisk?
16:17.02Ice_Strike[TK]D-Fender Yes. Menu -> Setting -> Advance -> Admin Setting -> Network Conf -> Server Menu
16:19.25pabelangertzanger, We use religiously. Why did you upgrade?
16:19.32pabelangerplus some backports
16:21.43[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, go check that you actually have the right files * permissions on them
16:22.00Ice_StrikeIt did work before
16:22.09Ice_Strikethen I setup a firewall
16:22.15Ice_Strikeso something stop working
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16:22.31tzangerpabelanger: no specific reason.
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16:24.35[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, "TFTP typically uses UDP as its transport protocol, but it is not a requirement. Data transfer is initiated on port 69, but the data transfer ports are chosen independently by the sender and receiver during initialization of the connection. The ports are chosen at random according to the parameters of the networking stack, typically from the range of Ephemeral ports.[3]"
16:24.53[TK]D-FenderIce_Strike, Looks like the data is on another port for ACK and should fail
16:25.08pabelangertzanger, So, why bother upgrading?
16:26.17jeffspeffchannel variables don't follow to a different extension within the same context do they?
16:26.47[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Yes
16:27.15[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, there is no scope within the dialplan
16:27.41tzangerpabelanger: mostly just to see what's changed. I have an odd problem with that I'm sure is their end but I want to see if the sip stack updates have any bearing on it
16:27.45Ice_StrikeI see hmm
16:28.04jeffspeffwhen i try to call variables in the h extension, they show up as empty in my logs.
16:29.08[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, "h" has special rules because of the state of the channel being dead
16:30.08jeffspeffso, how do i get something to run after the call is hung up that uses variables set when the channel was active? or are those the special rules you were talking about?
16:31.43[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Show us what you're doing
16:32.16pabelangertzanger, Okay. Was mostly curious if you were having a specific issue and trying to fix it.
16:37.38[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, And a complete call attempt please
16:37.51jeffspeffrunning a new one now
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17:41.20DoSJustinis it safe to have branching and System calls in the 'h' extension?
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18:40.41igcewielingDoSJustin: in my experience yes, if you mean goto/gosub/etc by "branching"
18:47.25*** join/#asterisk Danerdo (
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18:49.20b0otWhat is the most common DSCP value for VoIP?
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18:54.02ChannelZI just made that up.
18:54.15philippel_macAre you guys aware or ever going to fix your jira server so that Safari can browse the ticket system? I used to think it was just my laptop but just had someone else check and they have the same problem
18:54.42philippel_macthe problem is you aren't accepting Safari's certiciate
18:57.01*** join/#asterisk imox (
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19:22.10b0otWhat is the default DSCP value that asterisk will tag voice with?
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19:35.02leifmadsenphilippel_mac: "you guys" is Digium in particular
19:35.59philippel_mac'you guys' is whom ever is responsible for the issues. :)
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19:36.43philippel_macbut posting this here, I was curious if a bunch of people on macs would come back and say 'not a problem here' or 'yeah broken here also' … I've checked it on two systems and it's been like this for quite a while
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19:41.29nukenhi all
19:41.52nukeni'm using a sip trunk between cisco 2811 router and Asterisk
19:42.15nukencalls from cisco -> asterisk are so fine ! codecs ok, voice quality very nice
19:42.48nukenbut, calls from asterisk -> cisco don't use my preferencial codec(ilbc) and i have bad voice quality
19:43.00nukeni'm using freepbx
19:43.26nukencisco 2811 with two FXS ports
19:43.40nukenany idea ?
19:45.48[TK]D-Fendernuken, Stop making it a preference and make it the only choice.
19:47.02nuken[TK]D-Fender, i've already tried, and asterisk returns me that it can't do the call because there is no codec avaliable
19:47.17[TK]D-Fendernuken, Then fix your Cisco.
19:47.37nukencisco -> asterisk ok in both situations
19:47.50nukendo you think that the problem can be in cisco router ?
19:48.02[TK]D-FenderWhen it won't accept your preference when you send it call... you need to make it do so.
19:49.36nukenhumm ok.. i will try to fix my cisco config
19:50.07carrarI suspect the color of the cat5 sheilding
19:56.27*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
20:02.49[TK]D-FenderCat5E natively supports fuchsia
20:03.02[TK]D-FenderI recommend upgrading
20:06.24*** part/#asterisk ipiera (
20:07.42ChannelZEveryone knows red is faster.
20:15.36*** join/#asterisk pcAngel (
20:16.11pcAngelHi guys, My SIP peers are going between unreachable and reachable, which has never been a problem before today.  The peers are all in different networks and my configuration hasn't changed
20:16.25timholumChannelZ: But blue has fewer issue's ( due to it being calmer :) )
20:16.26pcAngelI feel like I've hit some kind of a critical mass with my number of peers and the amount of peers asterisk can qualify
20:16.43pcAngelIs there anything like that I should be aware of?
20:16.49pcAngelor does anyone have other ideas?
20:16.57pcAngelI'm on asterisk 10.7
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20:19.04apb1963_OMG, you guys cannot be serious about red being faster
20:19.41apb1963_It's well documented that violet is fastest:
20:20.45timholumapb1963_ thats light, electrons work differently :)
20:21.08apb1963_Are you saying colors are made up of electrons?
20:21.21timholummust be
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20:25.10apb1963_I tried to convince the audacity people to map sound to light a number of years ago... but they weren't listening.  Here's one of my favorite web pages that I just found a few seconds ago:
20:26.43apb1963_If you're looking at it.. be sure to scroll down.
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20:47.58pcAngelYou develop "favorite" webpages pretty quickly.. a few seconds
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21:11.17apb1963_It's a good page.
21:12.53apb1963_It has everything... light... musical notes.... what more could you ask for from a web page?
21:13.20apb1963_And colors... can't forget the colors.
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21:38.15ccrnpHi Folks ! I have this weird error on asterisk 1.4.32 can anyone help me with this, I see  hannel.c: Exceptionally long voice queue length queuing to IAX2/XXXXXX followed by chan_iax2.c: I should never be called!
21:43.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:51.40ChannelZHamster Dance.
21:54.08fubadai cant figure out how to define alerts in 4.2
21:54.12ccrnpguys! anyone to leas me
21:54.16fubadadid it change since 3?
21:56.46fubadaops wrong channel
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22:02.10hwgasdfasdfdoes anyone else have problems with motif / xmpp where outgoing calls stop working after a while? They just ring and ring?
22:02.29hwgasdfasdftrying to figure out where the problem is, and just discovered unloading chan_motif crashes asterisk completely
22:03.42navaismoccrnp, is that aiax trunk between servers?
22:04.06hwgasdfasdfthen of course after reloading asterisk, everything works again, which is a problem for figuring out what is busted
22:04.52hwgasdfasdfold jingle / gtalk on another server works fine, always
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22:13.52ChannelZccrnp: 1.4 is pretty old.  Do you use Pickup a lot?
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22:30.51ccrnpnavaismo, yeah its a iax trunk between servers
22:31.08ccrnpnavaismo, no not that often
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22:51.55navaismoccrnp, you have enable the trunk=yes? if so happens if you disable it trunk=no?
23:01.07sawgoodThis might be 'dumb' (real dumb) with the luck I've had asking for help in the last 2 days, but ...
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23:01.40sawgoodfrom the Asterisk CLI ( is there anything I can watch for that says, "Shawn I sent a SIP notify to x298 to turn on the MWI light because voicemail is present"
23:02.13sawgoodMWI light is not coming on (no email attachments) just voicemail on a box out to a local Yealink phone on my desk
23:02.58sawgoodon the CLI, I do see other VM activity, just nothing after the phone is hung up talking leaving the VM (nothing else at core set verbose 5)
23:03.58sawgoodvoicemail show users for default
23:03.58sawgoodshows one vm present for x298
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23:07.56sawgoodHere is my [general] context for /etc/voicemail.conf
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23:15.19kaldemarsawgood: define mailbox in sip.conf. you'll see a notify in sip debug.
23:31.52sawgoodI connected to Asterisk box (yes it does run FreePBX as well), turned on sip set debug peer 298, make a call to voicemail (left a message), hung up the phone, waited 10 more seconds and turned off sip set debug peer 298 (I do not think the paste has any other traffic)
23:33.22ChannelZdid you sip reload and rereg the phone for fun?
23:33.34ChannelZno to which?
23:33.44sawgoodno sip reload
23:33.48sawgoodI did it just now though
23:34.02ChannelZ* should send a notify after the message.
23:34.11ChannelZa new message I should say
23:34.31ChannelZOnly if the phone specifically subscribes to MWI will the phone magically know after a reboot for instance
23:34.45sawgoodI waited about 10-15 seconds after hanging up (looking for that) and only 1 message comes in after hang up (after 5 seconds from hang up I'd say)
23:34.54ChannelZyeah but you said you didn't reload your sip config after having added the mailbox for that peer, yes?
23:35.12sawgoodWith this case, I have other boxes and identical phones (pre-provisioned with the same settings) ... they work 100% with MWI
23:35.48sawgoodI can do the test over if that would help?
23:36.53ChannelZIf you have a mailbox=xxx set for the peer in question, MWI will only turn on after a new message is left.
23:37.19sawgoodoh ... is that right ... I did a sip reload then ... I'll try
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23:38.21sawgoodok voicemail shows ZERO messages for the extension.  I did a SIP reload, and I'll try again now
23:39.08ChannelZsip show peer XYZ    should also show the mailbox it's monitoring for that peer
23:40.34ChannelZis "device" a voicemail context?
23:40.42sawgooddefault    298   LAB Yealink                               0
23:40.52sawgoodwell the mailbox line was part of the output from sip show peer 298
23:41.09sawgoodI think 'default' is the context 'no'?
23:41.51ChannelZUsually, but wondering why yours says "device".  Is that what you put in sip.conf for that peer's mailbox?
23:41.59sawgoodon a box, which the MWI works full time, this is the output I have from sip show peer 402
23:42.11ChannelZSee the difference?
23:42.19sawgoodactually, I can 'see' that ... wow!
23:42.50sawgoodI'll look on another box which does work too to confirm BRB!
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23:44.28sawgoodI looked at two other boxes (both with working VM to MWI) and they both had  Mailbox      : 201@device
23:45.16ChannelZit's not necessarily wrong if you actually have a voicemail context called "device" that some peers are in and one called "default" that others are in.
23:45.45ChannelZHowever at least by what you've shown, mailbox 298 is in default.
23:45.59sawgoodwow, I changed it to 292@default (and the little green light comes on now)
23:46.21ChannelZIt's possible the other ones set to "device" are only working because you've configured the phones themselves with the right mailbox/context and they are subscribing themselves.
23:47.21ccrnpnavaismo, I haven't set the value for trunk
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23:56.10sawgoodIs there a way from the CLI, to issue a command to see which end points have their MWI 'on' (what I say) is the green button lit on the phone
23:56.23sawgoodcan I issue a subscribtion request to see who has their MWI light on?
23:58.24ChannelZyou can arbitrarily turn them on and off but I'm not sure about asking.
23:59.28sawgoodcool: I'd like to try to turn off the green light on my phone (any tips)?

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