IRC log for #asterisk on 20130114

00:01.48*** join/#asterisk acedia (~rage@unaffiliated/ffs)
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00:35.05doctorrayWhat's the trick to defaulting a verbosity level when running 'asterisk -r' ?  my asterisk was started with -vvv and I have "verbose" on the console line in logger.conf.  latest 11.1.2
00:36.03doctorrayor do I have to run asterisk -rvvv ?
00:36.39*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
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00:41.20doctorrayfound it in the docs, thanks and nevermind!
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04:11.10deo_hello guys.. may i ask for what is the command to check if your sip provider is online? or where to check it???
04:11.58WIMPysip show peer[s| <name>] or sip show registry
04:13.32*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
04:13.58deo_hi WIMPy  thanks. will try it..
04:14.48deo_yes it works.. thanks WIMPy ... our sip provider is online but we cant go through :(
04:14.58volga629Hello Everyone, trying troubleshoot [2013-01-13 15:44:59] WARNING[31598]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2143 ast_rtp_read: RTP Read too short
04:15.02deo_checking on this...
04:18.46*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
04:31.53*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
04:50.54*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (3afc49a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:51.28BeeBuuis anyone try sipml5 with asterisk 11?
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06:19.36*** join/#asterisk BeeBuu (3afc49a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:27.23BeeBuumy sipml5 client can't get audio with asterisk 11,anyone help me please?
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08:57.24*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
09:20.10*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
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09:23.40*** join/#asterisk jzaw (
09:23.46jzawmorning peeps
09:23.56jzawre sip + ipv6
09:24.22jzawi put bindaddr=:: in sip.conf      and of course i get both ipv4 and ipv6 sip connectivity
09:24.47jzawbut i want to put a specific ipv4 and specific ipv6 ip in the conf (multiple ips on the interface)
09:24.58jzawbut when i do that ... and sip reload
09:25.04jzawi get a whole raft of errors and no sip
09:25.11jzawany pointers?
09:25.38*** join/#asterisk jmls (~somefake@
09:31.13Wiretapjzaw, those addresses must be assigned to an interface
09:31.40jzawWiretap: ifconfig gives me the ips
09:31.46jzawfor eth0 for instance
09:32.03jzawi have native ipv6
09:32.37WiretapI'll admit I use :: and use a firewall to manage connectivity
09:33.16jzawif i use bindaddr=w.x.y.z for a specific ipv4 ip
09:33.20jzawthat works
09:33.24jzawno ipv6 of course
09:33.50Wiretaphave you tried putting the IPv6 address in square brackets?
09:33.59jzawbut if i us a specific bindaddr=actualipv6ip     blammo
09:34.09jzawi thought of that just as you typed it
09:34.12jzawwill try now
09:34.15jzawthanks for the prompt
09:34.16Wiretapsome stuff prefers it that way
09:34.22*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
09:34.32Wiretapthe other thing to try would be the full IPv6 address, all zeroes included]
09:36.42jzawwiretap .. correction to my description of the error ... if i have two bindaddr lines one with ipv4 and a second with ipv6
09:36.49jzawi get onlhy iv6 onnectivity
09:36.58jzawmy ipv4 peers become unreachable
09:37.00Wiretapseperate the addresses with a comma
09:37.06jzawwith streams of [Jan 14 09:36:58] WARNING[602]: chan_sip.c:3871 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0x9d7a8d8 (len 444) to (null) returned -1: Invalid argument
09:37.08Wiretaprather than two bindaddr statements
09:37.32jzawah .... x.x.x.x , ipv6
09:37.39jzawor x.x.x.x, ipv6
09:37.58Wiretapno space
09:37.59Wiretapjust comma
09:38.39*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
09:38.43jzawdone i have ipv4 no ipv6 hehe
09:38.49jzaw[Jan 14 09:38:36] WARNING[647]: chan_sip.c:3871 __sip_xmit: sip_xmit of 0xa443790 (len 748) to [2001:470:70:1b7::2]:5060 returned -1: Address family not supported by protocol
09:39.54Wiretapwith it in square brackets?
09:39.59WiretapI'm afraid I'm now stumped
09:40.31jzawtrying ... like you say you have to eliminate all the obvious combinations
09:42.30jzawnope not that either
09:42.36jzawback to bindaddr=::
09:44.40jzawta for your help Wiretap
09:51.38*** join/#asterisk unicsoid (~me@
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10:15.14*** join/#asterisk R1ck (
10:16.37R1ckhi. I have a question about the Read() application. I want customers to be able to skip entering input by just hitting #, but this does not seem to work (they have to input *something*), how can I make this work?
10:17.01*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
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10:25.08wdoekesR1ck: set attempts to 1 ?
10:25.33*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:25.47wdoekesI believe you can check ${READSTATUS} (or similar) for what happened
10:26.36*** join/#asterisk Mission-Critical (~MissionCr@unaffiliated/missioncritical)
10:27.19R1ckisn't 1 attempt the default?
10:27.32R1ckah, guess not
10:27.36R1cksetting to 1 worked :)
10:39.53*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
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12:01.51*** part/#asterisk mihamina (
12:08.01*** join/#asterisk krotos (
12:08.02krotoshi all
12:09.29krotosi'm playing with hint and Custom devstate. I'm encountering some difficult for configure a BLF ( used for showing day/night state)
12:10.06krotoson the phone i can't see the BLF change
12:11.16krotosmy extensions.conf is here
12:18.50WIMPydevstate list
12:18.55WIMPycore show hints
12:20.08krotoson the devstate list i can see the change
12:20.39krotoson core show hints, watchers = 0
12:20.48krotoson the phone i've to set,in my case, 60
12:21.36WIMPyBut I'm not sure the /callerID thing works for hints.
12:21.37*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
12:21.57krotosmmmmmmmmmmm, let me try without this
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12:23.12WIMPyI didn;t have that idea, yet. But I think it might be usefull.
12:23.19krotosi confirm you
12:23.45krotos3 day working on:)
12:23.54krotosthe callerid on hints does not work
12:26.09WIMPyBad luck. I liked the idea.
12:34.03*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
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13:19.24*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~TK]
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13:30.36alsurenHey guys: Any ideas why agi STREAM FILE might hang forever?
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13:44.20krotosWIMPy: you know if there are some way to notify two hint wit only one exten=? Something like exten=> 60,hint,Custom:blf1&Custom:blf2
13:44.27krotosas i write before, not work :(
13:45.33WIMPyShould work exactely that way.
13:55.38*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-rxaojrzcyyggnxoc)
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14:04.12krotosWIMPy: i think it work when i specify SIP/user1&SIP/user2
14:04.23krotosbut when i use Custom:blf1&Custom:blf2 is not working
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14:05.38WIMPyIt might be becuase of the states you're using. They have certain priorities.
14:06.54krotosdo you know the right way for notify multple hint on same extension?
14:07.43*** join/#asterisk LGPhoenix (~chatzilla@
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14:10.04LGPhoenixGreetings! Does anyone have any information as to when and where AstriCon 2013 will be held?
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14:19.42radenmorning alll
14:20.34*** part/#asterisk LGPhoenix (~chatzilla@
14:24.20[TK]D-Fenderkrotos, That is the syntax for regular devices.  I'm betting they simply didn't account for people using anything after the first "Custom".  This is somewhere between a bug to fix and a feature request
14:26.41*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
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14:45.57*** part/#asterisk stephbul (
14:51.59*** join/#asterisk Danerdo (
14:55.30*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
14:56.17DanerdoIs this an open channel for anyone inquiring about Asterisk?
14:56.36infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
14:58.26DanerdoReceived an error: "WARNING[4786] app_dial.c:2341 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP' (cause 20 - Unknown)." Are there any recommendations that I can research that may shed some light on this error you can recommend?
14:59.06leifmadsenDanerdo: means the channel you're trying to dial isn't registered/online
14:59.14WIMPyThe peer isn't reachable.
14:59.14leifmadsenor, that chan_sip isn't loaded
15:00.17WIMPyThat should give another error.
15:00.22leifmadsenah I couldn't remember
15:00.30leifmadsenbecause I never load asterisk without chan_sip anymore :D
15:00.40DanerdoMy network admin assigned this this task to me. I'm just starting the long learning-curve. I appreciate the information.
15:01.29kaldemarDanerdo: you'll see with "sip show peers" that asterisk does not have an ip address for the peer that was dialed when that warning showed up.
15:01.32DanerdoFirst thank you for the insight. Can you advise a course of action I can read up on to delve into the error.
15:02.15kaldemaror did not have at the time, it may now if there was a temporary network issue for example.
15:03.10DanerdoThe remote site is not receiving incoming CIDs on Friday. I'll admit I have to look at the server this morning, but wanted to educate myself beforehand. Google was of no help.
15:03.34kaldemarresolving it depends on the circumstances. is the peer a phone? has it worked before? is the peer configured to register to asterisk?
15:07.31DanerdoIt is a phone, worked before and is registered. Howeve,r I didn't perform the "sip show peers" I will investigate the logs today to see if the error is present again.
15:09.17kaldemaris the phone behind a wireless network?
15:10.44DanerdoThey are cabled.
15:11.12DanerdoIt sounds like this is fully unrelated as to why the end phone recipients are unable to see caller ID. I appreciate the information.
15:11.43WIMPyDefinitely unrelated.
15:11.46*** join/#asterisk PbxMan (c335d959@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
15:12.00WIMPycaller ID from where to where?
15:12.18DanerdoThe 4786 error occured twice on Friday afternoon and fortunately isn't consistent.
15:12.38DanerdoAll incoming calls were not showing CIDs.
15:12.57WIMPyComming from where?
15:12.59Danerdo"dialparties.agi: Caller ID name is 'unknown' number is 'unknown'"
15:13.00[TK]D-FenderDanerdo, Sounds like you're just hitting a qualify timeout or something similar.  increase it.
15:13.45WIMPy"dialparties" smells liek freepbx.
15:14.02[TK]D-FenderIt is.
15:14.18DanerdoYes it is.
15:14.25DanerdoGood confirmation.
15:14.25*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
15:14.45WIMPyThen you need to debug that part in #freepbx.
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15:15.00qakhani am using page app with d and q option. when i page there is beep in call
15:15.45qakhanit should not be beep in call while  i am using q option, anyone can tell me how i can resolve this problem
15:16.14WIMPyAre you sure it's from Asterisk and not from the phone(s)?
15:16.18kaldemarqakhan: i've never had it play a beep with the q option. show a CLI output.
15:17.34qakhankaldemar 1 min
15:18.54*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
15:21.55DanerdoWIMPy I'm not fully certain, but I believe it's on the asterisk side as it has occurred with two different extensions
15:22.42[TK]D-FenderDanerdo, There is no issue with "asterisk". Only the devices and services sending it calls.
15:25.35Danerdogentleman, thank you much for your insight. I will look at my logs at this time. D-Fender and WIMPy I appreciate very much.
15:27.12qakhankaldemar here is
15:27.59[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, pastebin your actual dialplan
15:29.05[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, This is with Polycom phones isn't it?
15:29.14[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, If so pastebin your PHONES configs as well\
15:29.37qakhanyou mean phone1.cfg?
15:29.57[TK]D-FenderI mean whatever your phones are using.
15:30.07[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, They're your phones.  You should know which ones
15:30.46kaldemarqakhan: what version of asterisk is this?
15:31.23qakhankaldemar 1.4.38
15:31.39kaldemarare you getting full duplex audio?
15:32.20kaldemarok, then it's not the pipe. didn't remember when the pipe was removed as an argument delimiter.
15:33.31qakhan[TK]D-Fender here is my dialplan and phone conf
15:33.55qakhankaldemar i am not using pipe and i am use comma " , "
15:41.29*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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15:46.56*** join/#asterisk Pegasus_RPG (
15:47.40Pegasus_RPGHello. I just updated to the latest security update from Debian for * (v1.6.2.9) and now I get a segfault whenever it tries to open any SIP channels
15:54.13mjordanPegasus_RPG: 1.6.2.x is no longer a supported version, even for security releases.
15:54.36Pegasus_RPGOkay. Guess it's time to dist-upgrade to Wheezy then
15:56.49*** join/#asterisk elico (
16:01.04[TK]D-Fenderqakhan,   <OVERRIDES"Paging" se.rt.custom1.ringer="ringer15" se.rt.custom1.timeout="800" se.rt.custom1.type="ring-answer" se.rt.default.timeout="5000" up.idleBrowser.enabled="1" up.localClockEnabled="0" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.class="custom1" voIpProt.SIP.alertInfo.1.value="Paging" />
16:01.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
16:01.22[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, You POLYCOM phones are generating the ringing because that is what YOU told it to do
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16:05.17qakhanwhere i told them?
16:05.45[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Was I unclear in any way?
16:06.08[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, How?  Your configs did it.
16:06.25[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, You are responsible for them.  It is not an Asterisk issue at all.
16:06.41qakhancan u highlight where i made that mistake
16:06.42[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Go read the Polycom Admin Guide.
16:06.51[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, I did.. I pasted the entire line.
16:09.43*** join/#asterisk DoSJustin (
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16:18.02rsdhas anyone used GOIP gsm VOIP gateways? are they good enough?
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17:01.55joris2Hi all, I've a question about asterisk monitoring.
17:02.04joris2I'll explain:
17:02.26joris2my asterisk acts as a client to an upstream sip provider
17:02.44joris2in sip.conf is a register line and this all works fine
17:03.14joris2I am willing to monitor the registration status of the sip subscription to my upstream provider
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17:04.00joris2this can be done by wrapping a shell script around the 'sip show registery' command
17:04.31joris2but i would like to known what you would suggest... there's not funtion in the asterisk manager as far as I known
17:04.47ghost75i use nagios for this
17:05.11joris2my monitoring is also nagios (icinga)
17:05.24ghost75there are plugins available for asterisk
17:05.45joris2but they are all shell script around the astrisk CLI
17:06.05joris2isn;t there an other way?
17:06.20ghost75where is again path for nagios plugins?
17:07.12*** join/#asterisk Katty (
17:07.41Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix?? plz answer is urgent thx.
17:08.06*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
17:08.35joris2Katty: what does /etc/init.d/asterisk restart do?
17:08.56jmetroKatty: did you try wrapping the phone cord going out of your PC in aluminum foil? just make sure to seal it with CAULK or the water will degrade your console
17:09.24ghost75joris2: yes is using asterisk -rx ....
17:09.24Kattyyou know i did recaulk the shower last weekend.
17:09.38Kattyit was easier than i thought it would be.
17:09.47jmetro^ most house repair
17:09.47Kattyjoris2: that would restart the asterisk service.
17:10.07Kattyjmetro: yes. we tore out a cabinent in the basement with a pry bar sunday.
17:10.13Kattyjmetro: most fun House Repair ever.
17:10.32ghost75other way is to use AMI
17:10.39Kattyjmetro: there are two cracks to fix in the basement. then we can start building walls ^____^
17:10.57Kattyalso! squirrels this morning!
17:10.59joris2ghost75: I'm trying to find another way... more clean in my opinion
17:10.59Kattyinfobot: crittercam
17:11.00infobotit has been said that crittercam is Katty's Critter Cam
17:11.07jmetroi re-stained an old oak cabinet in the bathroom, and then put a frame up around the giant mirror above it stained the same color. Didnt take either peice off the wall.
17:11.14ghost75there is nothing cleaner than ami
17:11.15Kattywhat a cute squirrel.
17:11.30Kattyjmetro: i hope you were careful about it.
17:11.42joris2true... but ami does not have an implementation for this (afaik)
17:11.43Kattyjmetro: i wouldn't want my wallpaper to be Oak Stain color.
17:11.55jmetroYep. It looks beautiful too. The most nerve-wracking part was using gorilla-glue to put the wood on the mirror to make the frame.
17:12.06Kattygood lord.
17:12.11Kattyyou glued trim to the mirror?
17:12.23Kattywell i guess that's one way of doing it ^_-
17:12.25jmetroits cheap, looks great, and super easy.
17:12.30jmetroworks really really well.
17:12.35Kattywell that's all that matters i suppose.
17:12.38Qwelluntil the mirror breaks
17:12.47Kattythen 10 years of bad luck for you!
17:12.57Katty...mister squirrel. what /are/ you doing
17:13.01chuckfKatty: it looks like there's a bunch of small white animals imprisoned in your feeder
17:13.03jmetrowell it was already mounted on the wall, so if the mirror breaks its the same amount of work to get it off.
17:13.19*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:13.33Kattychuckf: i don't know what that squirrel is doing. apparently the sunflowers in the bird feeder is more appetizing than on the sunflowers on the tray
17:13.45Kattychuckf: but i'm very amused, either way
17:14.00Kattychuckf: he's up to no good. and i like that.
17:14.04chuckfhe's an active one
17:14.10Kattyor at least curious.
17:14.11*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
17:16.01Kattyjmetro: i'd be interested in seeing how it turns out.
17:16.08Kattyjmetro: take a picture next time you think about it
17:16.18*** join/#asterisk JoeyJoeJo (
17:16.50chuckfSo, to ask an asterisk question, when I get a call from an outside line in, there is about a 1 second delay in the voice. What might be an easy way to overcome that? Its happening on an * 11.1 box and, my wife tells me, the previous 1.8.x box I had up. Vitelity is the provider.
17:17.49Kattyi used to have that problem here.
17:18.07Kattythen i found that people were talking at the same exact instant they were hitting the answer button on the polycom
17:18.10chuckfThis is a home system, so there isn't much load on it
17:18.28Kattythere wasn't much i could do about it other than tell them wait for the call to connect
17:18.34Kattyor pick up the headset
17:18.56Kattycourse you might have a different issue.
17:18.59JoeyJoeJoMy company has two offices in different cities and they want to use asterisk so users in one office can easily call users in the other office. I'm new  to asterisk, so does anyone know of a good diagram or howto guide for this type of setup?
17:19.11chuckfI'll give that a shot Katty, thanks
17:19.13KattyJoeyJoeJo: tunnel.
17:19.17KattyJoeyJoeJo: vpn tunnel.
17:19.26KattyJoeyJoeJo: put everyting on the same 'lan'
17:19.38Katty192.168.1.1 and 0.1
17:19.41Kattystill the same lan
17:19.43Kattybut you know what i mean
17:19.47JoeyJoeJoKatty: That's what I thought. I already have openvpn setup between the two offices
17:19.56Kattyeggg celent.
17:20.12ghost75doesnt work over routers?
17:20.28JoeyJoeJoSo I don't need an asterisk server at both locations, right?
17:22.12KattyJoeyJoeJo: newp.
17:22.20KattyJoeyJoeJo: as far as the asterisk box things, everyone's on the same network
17:22.37KattyJoeyJoeJo: just keep an eye on your bandwidth.
17:22.43KattyJoeyJoeJo: wouldn't want any pesky packet loss...
17:22.47ghost75why it should matter in which network?
17:22.49Qwellif they're in different cities, and you want local PSTN connectivity, you really should have 2 boxes.
17:23.09Qwellghost75: Because dealing with NAT when you don't have to is utterly silly.
17:23.36ghost75if its only for connecting phones from outside, why not
17:24.23JoeyJoeJoIf I can, I want to set it up so all calls originate from the main office. So if a call comes from the branch office, it uses the other office's PTSN
17:24.49ghost75u want to use sip?
17:25.07JoeyJoeJoI don't know. If SIP can accomplish this, then yes
17:25.52KattySIP can make toast.
17:26.11QwellI'll toast *you*.
17:26.33*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
17:26.52Kattyin a minute?
17:27.01QwellOn medium.
17:27.15Kattymister squirrel would like the mostly frozen bowl of peanuts to be toasted on medium.
17:27.24Qwellpeanuts can freeze?
17:27.35Kattywell it rained some. and then it sleeted.
17:27.41ghost75u need a reliable and fast wan for this
17:27.42Kattyand so there was water between the peanuts. in the bowl.
17:27.55Kattythen night happened. and it froze.
17:29.11Kattypoor dear.
17:29.18Kattyhe's trying so hard.
17:32.50ghost75poor one
17:33.39Kattyoh boy, two squirrels on the same feeder.
17:33.52Kattyseems like a recipe for disaster. they usually fight.
17:33.57Kattymaybe they're related.
17:34.25ghost75JoeyJoeJo how many users?
17:35.10JoeyJoeJoClose to 100
17:35.27ghost75in each office?
17:35.32JoeyJoeJoNo, total
17:35.37[TK]D-FenderJoeyJoeJo, how many remote?
17:35.50JoeyJoeJoI'd guess it's about 70/30
17:36.02[TK]D-FenderJoeyJoeJo, I'd recommend a small * box at the remote then
17:36.47[TK]D-FenderJoeyJoeJo, that way their traffic doesn't waste your bandwidth going from remote>head>remote and that they aren't screwed internally if your connection fails
17:37.12[TK]D-FenderJoeyJoeJo, And you can deal with a failover.  Almost certainly a 911 requirement, etc.
17:37.32JoeyJoeJoGood points. Thanks!
17:39.22ghost75is it difficult to configure iax ?
17:41.08Kattyare there any laws about 911?
17:41.30[TK]D-FenderKatty, Plenty.\
17:41.46[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Less than SIP typically
17:42.02Kattypats [TK]D-Fender
17:42.09Kattyyou're just /so/ helpful dear.
17:42.11[TK]D-FenderKatty, varies by country, state, etc....
17:42.11QwellKatty: it's going to be different down to the city level
17:42.12ghost75how this works with dialplan when you have 2 servers
17:42.17[TK]D-FenderEven city
17:42.23Kattyinteresting. i had no idea.
17:42.24[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Same as anything else
17:43.06[TK]D-Fenderghost75, using a single peer to send calls to another server is no different that setting up for an ITSP, etc/.
17:43.48*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
17:43.52ghost75then the other server is just a peer
17:44.18jmetrokatty: i should setup a u-stream of the hummingbird feeder outside. we get a family of hummingbirds every year
17:44.28Kattyjmetro: that'd be wonderful to watch.
17:44.53ghost75and is there such thing as cluster?
17:45.40ghost75active/passive ?
17:48.33*** join/#asterisk BCrookAtRA (
17:48.49[TK]D-Fenderghost75, No.
17:49.08[TK]D-Fenderghost75, * is every bit as flat and boring as it looks.
17:49.36BCrookAtRAMy boss wants to pay a company to build and install an asterisk system for us.  Any recommendations?  (I've already looked at switchvox and fonality)
17:49.38ghost75k then still virtualizing could be used
17:50.02jmetrobcrookatra build your own, become familiar with it, do your own support of it.
17:54.10[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, What do you actually want to have & do with it?
17:57.48BCrookAtRAjmetro: I would like to do exactly that.  It is clearly the best decision.  Nontheless, My boss wants to pay a company to build and install an asterisk system for us.  Any recommendations?  (I've already looked at switchvox and fonality)
17:58.40BCrookAtRA[TK]D-Fender: receive calls through our t1 and through a new sip provider, answer on phones in the office, or in our remote workers' houses, or on sip clients on our smartphones
17:59.07[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, How is it "clearly the best"?
17:59.08BCrookAtRAplace calls outbound preferentially through T1, but through sip if T1 is full.  transcribe voicemails to email
17:59.35[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, And you can almost forget transcribing voicemail to e-mail
17:59.45BCrookAtRAwhy's that?
17:59.54[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, Almost all ASR sucks far too bad for that and is a big hassle to try to integrate
18:00.12BCrookAtRAdarn didelly darn
18:01.19BCrookAtRAwe want a support queue for customers to reach the first person who can answer in a group, and to be able to initiate calls via https url like vonage offers
18:01.25[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, So far everything you've stated (aside from ASR) can be done with a quick-install ISO using FreePBX
18:01.43BCrookAtRAI realise
18:01.48[TK]D-FenderWhich doesn't require learning much Asterisk to get off the ground.
18:02.18BCrookAtRAboss wants to blow shit tonnes and lock ourselves in to a support contract so we can remain ignorant of the technology we depend on to do business
18:02.36[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, Not necessarily
18:02.51KattyBCrookAtRA: i deal with that every day.
18:02.58[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, Just because someone else builds your setup doesn't mean it has to be difficult for you take ownership of or maintain.
18:03.00KattyBCrookAtRA: the only way the boss learns is if it bites him in the rear.
18:03.06BCrookAtRAi'm asking for recommendations on the type of rope we should use to hang ourselves
18:03.10KattyBCrookAtRA: so let it bite him the rear.
18:03.17[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, You are drawing rather wild conclusions.
18:03.18KattyBCrookAtRA: i /completely/ understand.
18:03.46BCrookAtRAKatty: at least we can re-use the phones when he comes to his senses
18:04.05KattyBCrookAtRA: <- try that
18:04.22[TK]D-FenderBCrookAtRA, Again you are painting a picture of the end result without a basis of comparison.
18:04.40KattyBCrookAtRA: learn what you can and try to maintain it yourself as much as possible afterwards.
18:04.49KattyBCrookAtRA: you'll find it's easier than contacting support most times.
18:04.58KattyBCrookAtRA: and if the boss doesn't like it...not your problem.
18:05.05KattyBCrookAtRA: not your software, not your responsibility.
18:05.19KattyBCrookAtRA: maybe when he gets bit in the rear end he'll listen to you.
18:05.25KattyBCrookAtRA: but don't count on it ;)
18:05.58[TK]D-FenderIt's always your fault.  Especially when it isn't.
18:06.11KattyBCrookAtRA: i'd get a couple quotes from the companies nearest to you.
18:06.18KattyBCrookAtRA: let the boss-man pick the company it comes from.
18:06.25KattyBCrookAtRA: that way that can't bite you in the rear either
18:07.04*** join/#asterisk Janos (~Janos@
18:07.19[TK]D-FenderI'd amend that with "present him choices YOU can live with and let him pick from those".  That way you aren't screwed right from the start and if you are in the end... then it's on him :)
18:08.17BCrookAtRAit amuses me to no end when i try and call an asterisk reseller and their phone sounds like shit
18:08.27BCrookAtRAthis guy from fonality had about 800ms latency
18:08.39QwellBCrookAtRA: take Fonality off your list entirely.
18:08.42QwellDon't even bother.
18:08.50BCrookAtRAthat's like a fire station that catches fire
18:08.52KattyBCrookAtRA: that's a bad sign.
18:08.57KattyBCrookAtRA: just don't go there.
18:09.02jmetrowell youre also an inbound caller, and that determines a lot of things about the connection
18:09.04KattyBCrookAtRA: if they don't act professional, don't consider them
18:09.44rrittgarnI've had really good luck with NexVortex as of late. Very attentive, good service thus far. They only handle the sip setup, media is mostly processed by Level3
18:09.44Janostzafrir_laptop, hello, sorry to bother, i just updated asterisk in my debian squeeze box with this and i´m getting a segmentation fault, do you have any other report about this ? if this is not the right channel for this let me know
18:09.49KattyBCrookAtRA:common sense sort of stuff.
18:09.50Qwellbchia: They aren't even worth the toll charges you spent, calling their toll-free number.
18:09.54QwellBCrookAtRA too
18:10.35tzafrir_laptopJanos, right. See for a fix
18:10.41tzafrir_laptopHope to upload it shortly
18:10.44Janostzafrir_laptop, thanks a lot, checking
18:16.17BCrookAtRAWhat's the dirt on Fonality?
18:16.42Kattyseems like we had them here once.
18:16.45Kattysuper expensive.
18:16.52BCrookAtRAI can't help but wonder now.  If their mention drew such vitrol from the crowd, it must be juicy.
18:16.55Kattyseemed like they were pawning trixbox at the time, i think
18:17.27Kattyi've not had much /real/ interaction from them.
18:18.15BCrookAtRAwhy thank you infobot.  I'm using IRC, but I've never heard of sed
18:19.06Janostzafrir_laptop, that fixed it, thanks a lot
18:20.37ghost75a fix for a fix oO
18:21.20BCrookAtRAit would be cool if my irc client could let people ammend their own messages in-place with sed syntax
18:22.32ghost75seds dead
18:25.27BCrookAtRAI use it every day
18:25.34fubadarrittgarn: i use nexvortex here, not bad
18:25.56BCrookAtRAghost75: it is undoubtedly in execution a dozen times right now by various scripts I have written
18:26.16ghost75dont u know pulp fiction?
18:27.04BCrookAtRAghost75: ooooooooooh
18:27.19ghost75actually was zed :)
18:27.44BCrookAtRAyeah i remember
18:28.05*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:32.12*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
18:33.31moos3is there a way to create a function that i can past a sound file and have it plug my list of audio files to play
18:45.35*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
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18:47.00[TK]D-Fendermoos3, that makes no sense.  What is this list you're talking about?  * doesn't have a "list".  What's this about "pasting"?
18:49.30moos3i have a macro that looks like this
18:50.07moos3if i tell the dialplan to go to that how can I return to the same spot in the various menus that might get called form
18:50.21Qwellwhy don't you just pass in the files as args?  almost like a macro or something.
18:51.48[TK]D-FenderOr like ... use priorities... or something....
18:52.02[TK]D-FenderAnd use a GOSUB
18:52.06infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:52.09moos3GOSUB ?
18:52.21Qwellinfobot: silly bot
18:52.25[TK]D-Fendermoos3, "core show application gosub:
18:52.28[TK]D-Fendermoos3, "core show application gosub"
18:52.36moos3[TK]D-Fender thanks
18:52.39moos3Qwell thanks
18:57.50*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
18:58.15ghost75[TK]D-Fender: how was that module for freepbx called again to configure sip phones?
18:59.14ghost75is this from you?
18:59.15tm1000what are you asking.
18:59.32tm1000is the module from me?
18:59.36ghost75nothing right now, want to try it
18:59.46tm1000use your words. what are you asking
19:00.03ghost75nothing right now :)
19:01.10jmetroaw... our motto should be "use your words, what are you asking"
19:07.34*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@unaffiliated/luckman212)
19:09.11jmetroKatty: You should add a water dish to the crittercam. Either that, or turn the squirrel feeder into one of those spinners.
19:14.30*** join/#asterisk coreyf1513 (
19:14.39[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, 5 years ago....
19:14.45[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, That's old news around here ;)
19:16.13jmetroThe yankee flipper looks like it gets higher velocity =p
19:16.42[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, Check out the Binford 5000 ;)
19:21.52*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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19:41.18jmlsis there any way of resetting a voicemail pin that a user has forgotten short of using either realtime or vi ?
19:41.34[TK]D-Fenderjmls, "vi voicemail.conf"
19:42.16jmlsshort of using either realtime or vi ?
19:42.19jmlsshort of using either realtime or vi ?
19:42.22jmlsshort of using either realtime or vi ?
19:42.29[TK]D-Fenderjmls, Voicemailmain([box]@context,s)
19:42.33jmlsbloodty irc client. sorry
19:42.35[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, take your pick
19:42.43[TK]D-Fenderjmls, ^
19:43.37jmlsyeah, I'll add an admin "password" to make sure that only admins can access the mailbox.
19:43.45jmlswas hoping that there was an ami command
19:49.00*** join/#asterisk vedic (~V@
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19:57.09Kattylooks in
19:57.29jmetroSquirrel spin cam \o/
20:11.21*** join/#asterisk hariom (~hariom@
20:11.54ghost75Version 8.5(3) was released October 8, 2009. This release appears to have a new problem where the phone will continue to indicate that an inbound call is "ringing", even after asterisk has stop ringing the extension.
20:13.09hariomHello Friends, I am getting error while loading . I want to use 'dial' command from CLI
20:13.51hariom65 modules will be loaded. *** Failed to load module - Required
20:15.58hariomWhen I manually try to load, it gives this msg:  Unable to read ALSA configuration file alsa.conf.  Aborting   Unable to load module
20:16.09hariomFrom where is it looking for alsa.conf?
20:19.14hariomok, I am restarting from system. Will be back in 1 min. Read in some forum that there is a bug so restarting help when loading
20:22.06*** join/#asterisk hariom (~hariom@
20:25.43*** part/#asterisk volga629 (
20:26.25jzawany users of * sip and ipv6?
20:26.57jzawre bindaddr=::    to eneable ipv6 (and ipv4) in sip.conf
20:27.08jzawis there anyway to bind actual ips
20:27.25jzawi used to bind just one ipv4 ip
20:27.29Kattymelted marshmallows are wonderious and binding things.
20:27.35jzawas ive many ips on the interfaces
20:27.41jzawsame with ipv6 ips
20:27.50Kattyyou ever try to get a batch of rice crispy treats out of a pan? that stuff is better than gorilla glue!
20:27.56jzawbut it doesnt seem  to work with ipv6
20:28.17jzawor oatflakes out of a bowl if you leave them 6 hours
20:28.32Kattynever had that before.
20:28.55jzawcornflakes too ... needs a pneumatic drill to remove those
20:29.10jzawbut ... sip ipv6 ?
20:29.15Kattyi'm guessing this comes from someone who doesn't load the dish washer every night.
20:29.39jzawi used to be a single person ;)   we'll say no more
20:29.42Kattyi've not used ipv6, so i can't help.
20:29.47Kattyah. that explains it!
20:29.57*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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20:33.03*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
20:34.31ghost75do you use atftpd or tftpd ?
20:36.12ghost75dnsmasq ?
20:37.00ghost75what else?
20:37.22*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:38.33[TK]D-Fenderghost75, You should rethink the nature of your questions.
20:39.10ghost75motto: use your words, what are you asking
20:39.24[TK]D-FenderYour words suck :p
20:40.10[TK]D-FenderYou asked a vauge question about 2 specific tools with no specified target demographic and with no stated intent as to what it would be used for.
20:40.13*** join/#asterisk mokmeister (~mokmeiste@
20:40.31[TK]D-FenderYou gavfe no details so ANYONE can answer and it won't mean that it's pertinent to you
20:41.13ghost75as we are in #asterisk obviously for asterisk
20:41.30[TK]D-FenderAsterisk doesn't use TFTP.  For anything.
20:41.40[TK]D-FenderAgain too vague.
20:41.48ghost75phones (what else?)
20:41.53[TK]D-FenderYou seem to have difficulty in being specific.]\
20:41.59[TK]D-FenderWHICH phones?
20:42.07ghost75this matters?
20:42.35[TK]D-Fenderbecause my phones support a LOT of different provisioning protocols AND can be configured via a web interface on them
20:42.48*** join/#asterisk nuken (
20:42.57[TK]D-FenderMaybe I don't NEED any provisioning server at all.  My response is still valid.
20:43.11[TK]D-FenderBut FYI, I provision mine using VSFTPD.
20:43.29ghost75cisco 79xx
20:43.33[TK]D-FenderWhich is neither one of your 3 items
20:43.58[TK]D-Fenderghost75, And your question was a ....
20:44.00infobotScript for automating Fidonet polls. URL:
20:44.07infobot"Does anyone have X or use Y?" is taking a poll, not asking a valid question. Don't do it or our army of rabid weasels will hurt you. Usually, people other than those with the exact same set up can help you and those who have sometimes will not be able to help you. Also see <ask>
20:45.08*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
20:46.47[TK]D-FenderSo ... rather then just getting an X users use Y... got a real question behind there?
20:46.53nukendoes anyone already work with avaya pabx ?
20:47.04*** join/#asterisk FLeiXiuS (~FLeiXiuS@unaffiliated/fleixius)
20:47.10nukenthere is a feature called coverage path
20:47.23nukeni'm trying to do something like that... any suggestion ?
20:47.38[TK]D-Fendernuken, And what does this "coverage path" do?
20:48.07nukenOk, we have group of extensions
20:48.19nukenand something like ring groups
20:48.35*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
20:49.47[TK]D-Fendergrabs some popcorn
20:49.50[TK]D-Fenderok, and?
20:49.59nukenfor example, a sales department, four extensions, 200-204, imagine that all of them will be not answered
20:50.30nukenthe 200 rings and 201 after,.. 202. ... 203
20:50.35*** join/#asterisk BarthezZ (
20:50.39nukenafter 20 seconds..
20:50.45[TK]D-Fendernuken, So far this sounds like a Queue.
20:50.57[TK]D-Fendernuken, Nice and boring.  Anything special after this?
20:51.20nukeni've try with queues
20:51.34nukenthe  problem is that i can't specify a order to extensions rings
20:51.43[TK]D-Fendernuken, Add memebers to your queue.  Pick your distribution strategy.  Can dial them in sequence.
20:52.13nukeni can work with sequeces in queues ?
20:52.17nukencan I *
20:52.30[TK]D-Fendernuken, Should be able to put the members in the order you want...
20:52.47nukenok [TK]D-Fender. i will try !
20:53.08[TK]D-Fendernuken, Worst case is if not you can just do up a little dialplan for them to do it.
20:53.28[TK]D-FenderThat alone should take 5 mins tops.
20:53.33nukeni will have a lot of dialplan;...
20:53.39nukeni have about 100 extensions
20:53.48[TK]D-Fender5 people in a group?  5 minutes work.
20:53.57[TK]D-FenderLet to build up for other groups
20:54.39nukenbut i will have to do a special dialplan for each exten rigth ?
20:54.51nukento forward the call when have no answer
20:54.53nukenor busy
20:55.02*** join/#asterisk DoSJustin (
20:55.38*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:56.19[TK]D-FenderThere is no "special".  It's all just dialplan.  Dial exits on time-out, busy, etc.
21:16.54*** join/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
21:24.41[TK]D-Fendercheckout time, BBL
21:25.13*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
21:26.47twanny796I have a client on DMZ, what ports do I need to pinhole?
21:27.42*** part/#asterisk twanny796 (~twanny@
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21:37.47jzawi see twanny796 waited all of 54 seconds for an answer!
21:43.33*** topic/#asterisk by mjordan -> #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.2.0 (2013/01/14), 10.12.0 (2013/01/14), (2013/01/14), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
21:56.47*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
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22:31.04gustohi, what's up?
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22:41.32gbitDoes anyone knows how to configure the Cisco SRP 521W FXO port? I got FXS working with asterisk, but can't figure out how to set up the FXO port to receive and make calls from asterisk.
22:45.27*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
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23:02.13*** join/#asterisk sampdc (
23:02.25sampdcHey all, I'm running Asterisk 11.1.2 and trying to turn sip debugging on. Looks like 'sip set debug on' isn't taking, has this changed with asterisk 11?
23:03.16[TK]D-Fendershouldn't have. Show us.
23:03.19infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:04.35jmetroyou might not have chan_sip on if you cant do simple sip commands
23:04.38jmetrofrom modules.
23:04.42*** part/#asterisk jmetro (
23:05.02[TK]D-Fendersampdc: "sip show peers".  Does that error out as well?
23:05.53*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
23:05.53sampdc[TK]D-Fender: Yep
23:06.43[TK]D-Fendersampdc: looking like cha_sip isn't eve loaded
23:06.50[TK]D-Fendermodule load
23:08.45[TK]D-Fenderhelp sip <tab>
23:11.29gustothat sip debug is still ugly
23:12.23[TK]D-Fendersampdc: I'm a little mystified there...
23:13.17[TK]D-Fendersampdc: module unload
23:13.21[TK]D-Fendersampdc: module load
23:13.35[TK]D-Fenderthe check the help and other commands.
23:13.39[TK]D-FenderPB all if failed
23:14.02mjordanhm. Most likely the module load failed on initial load but registered the SIP API.
23:15.04mjordanthe SIP API shouldn't be registered until much later in the load sequence. It's currently registered quite early, so a failure in something else has a good chance of creating this situation
23:15.30mjordanyou may want to look at your log file when you first loaded Asterisk - it should have the failure reason in it as to why chan_sip didn't get loaded properly. In the meantime however, this is a bug
23:16.08mjordansampdc: correct, at this point you're hosed until you restart. When you start, it's going to attempt to load chan_sip and fail, but put you back into this position
23:16.23mjordansampdc: I'd put a noload => in your modules.conf so Asterisk starts up completely
23:16.35mjordanthen perform a 'module load' to manually load it
23:16.43mjordanit will still fail, but we should get the error reason as to why it failed
23:17.09sampdcmjordan: Interesting, so loading chan sip fails on startup but not on restart?
23:17.27mjordannot really
23:17.49mjordanthere's lot of things it checks when it loads/reloads. One of the first is whether or not an API is exposes is registered with the Asterisk core
23:18.01mjordanif it's already registered, it bails. This is why you aren't able to unload/load the module.
23:18.51mjordanHowever, something else during startup failed - I'm not sure what. However, because it successfully registered the API - and it didn't de-register it when it failed - a part of it is sticking around in the Asterisk core
23:19.19mjordanthat is preventing you from loading it now - you're asking it to load a module, but some piece of it is still sticking around saying "I'm already loaded" even though there is no module loaded
23:19.32sampdcAhhh makes sense, I'll track that down. Thanks for the help!
23:19.42mjordannp - please do file a bug report
23:19.45mjordanthat shouldn't happen.
23:20.23sampdcWill do, where again can I find the asterisk startup log file?
23:20.37mjordanor whatever your logger.conf specified
23:22.15jzawsorry to ask again .... is it possible to bindaddr specific ipv4 AND ipv6 addresses rather than just bindaddr=::   in sip.conf
23:22.37jzawand q #2 .... does or how does iax ipv6 work at all?
23:23.27jzawmy experience with svn branch 11 is that if i bindaddr any ipv6 ip ... i dont get ipv4 connectivity
23:23.52jzawand in any case i see messages like ...warning  bindaddr ignored
23:25.08mjordanjzaw: ipv6 is not implemented in chan_iax2.
23:25.28jzawi suspected as much mjordan ... shame
23:25.40jzawive had native ipv6 for near 8 years
23:25.56mjordanjzaw: would you like to contribute towards a solution?
23:26.14jzawgosh if only i had the skill!!    i certainly would
23:26.41jzawi can test and contribute in other collaborative ways
23:27.13*** join/#asterisk yoyolala (~yoyolala@unaffiliated/yoyolala)
23:27.14mjordanif someone picks up the development of it, I'll let them know folks are interested in testing :-)
23:27.30jzawcool ... count me in
23:28.56*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-qkrsmlrsshnjsokl)
23:29.33jzawbtw for sip.conf whats the difference between udpbindaddr and bindaddr?
23:59.34*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (

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