IRC log for #asterisk on 20130109

00:00.45navaismobad link
00:01.14navaismowell then, do you reload the dialplan?
00:01.48DocfxitYes.  Lets try the fist one again
00:02.59navaismoexten => n
00:03.03navaismofix that
00:04.07DocfxitDo you want me to make it exten => 130,n,     ?
00:04.19gustoi wonder, seeing that DAHDI devices appear here quite often on this channel
00:04.37gustoseems to me like there would be a lot of ppl out there using that HW
00:05.23navaismoDocfxit, yes
00:05.49navaismogusto, yes many people use dahdi, I use alot dahdi,
00:06.44cuscohowelse do you connect to a PRI?
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00:09.41gustowell, i have no primary rate connection, first of all
00:10.32gustoand second, these cards are not cheap, they are rather expensive, i just looked up how much a 2x FXO 2x FXS would cost ... 600 USD!!!
00:11.03navaismoi think b600 its very affordable
00:11.17gustowell, maybe one buys such a card once in a lifetime, that is an argument that would count
00:11.23navaismoi always try to recommend digium hardware but you have options
00:12.15gustoi mean, i have a Marantz here, so who am i to judge, but that is something i knew that should last for LONG
00:13.02navaismoso whats happen Docfxit ?
00:13.12Docfxitnavaismo:  I updated the dial plan
00:13.18gustoand with these DIGIUM cards it may be the same, that once you buy it, you have it as long as you have use for it
00:13.39DocfxitIt's in
00:13.54gustoor when you make money of it, that's another argument
00:14.03*** part/#asterisk FLeiXiuS (~FLeiXiuS@unaffiliated/fleixius)
00:14.08cuscodepends on the needs. cheapest solutions are voip
00:14.26DocfxitI updated the cli in
00:14.29navaismoor a modem with tiger cheapset aka x100p
00:15.06navaismoDocfxit, "Invalid extension '13'" you dialed 13 not 130
00:15.08DocfxitWhen I made the call I dialed 130    It shows I dialed 13    in the cli.
00:15.17navaismook press slowly this time
00:15.18DocfxitI did it a few times.
00:15.18gustoa MODEM!
00:15.22gustothat's true
00:15.29DocfxitIt came out wrong every time.
00:15.39gustoi had once a modem i could do calls with ... but that was my ISA 33,6 one
00:15.40DocfxitI used two different phones.
00:15.53gustoand it had 1x FXS and 1x FXO
00:15.54DocfxitIt still came out wrong.
00:16.02navaismoDocfxit, try to set relaxdtmf in your trunk or dial slow
00:16.05cuscothat is one channel only
00:16.29navaismo1 channel 1 exten
00:17.42DocfxitI'll give it another try.
00:19.31DocfxitAs soon as I put in 13   I see Asterisk doesn't wait for the zero.
00:20.01DocfxitMaybe I should change the extension so it doesn't include a zero.
00:21.21*** join/#asterisk Russ (
00:25.37gustothere are no modems out there, but the most soundcards/onboard souncards have integrated modems, could they be of use? or there is no way how to connect to them, because there is no connector on a board
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00:32.26DocfxitNavaismo:  Any ideas as to why it would only accept the 13 ?   Maybe it's something else in the dialplan?  Would you like to see the complete dialplan?
00:34.23*** part/#asterisk Russ (
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00:38.03gustohowever, not connection VoIP to PSTN is the most secure option
00:38.17navaismoDocfxit, with what kind of phones are you testing?
00:38.55DocfxitI tried with a cell phone and a land line phone.
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00:39.09gustofor me the question is more like how to cheaply connect old analogue phones to VoIP, because old phones are available in high numbers and VoIP is the future, so ... for me the cheapest solution were PAP2T and SPA112
00:39.32leifmadsengusto: those modems will not be of use to Asterisk
00:39.47leifmadsenyou can certainly use ATAs to use analog phones
00:39.48gustoleifmadsen: i already thought so
00:40.02Docfxitnavaismo:  It just came to me that we have voice direction prompts.  How does Asterisk know when to dial an extension and when to follow the prompts?
00:40.08gustoleifmadsen: yes, but an ATA isnt cheap either
00:40.09leifmadsenbut the cost of the ATA is approaching the cost of an entry VOIP device
00:40.12leifmadsentrue story
00:40.17leifmadsenwelcome to the world of telephony
00:40.22leifmadsenuse softphones if you need free
00:40.35leifmadsenthen pony up some money
00:40.37leifmadsenthose are your options
00:40.45leifmadsenor get into a new line of work
00:40.50gustoi was just saying, because we have SOME old working analogue telephones here
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00:41.55leifmadsenthe handsets aren't the issue... it's the connectivity to SIP
00:42.05leifmadsenyou either pay in the ATA or in the SIP phone
00:42.08leifmadseneither way, you pay to connect
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00:43.04navaismoDocfxit, asterisk knows based on your dialplan
00:43.04leifmadsenruns away
00:43.27Docfxitnavaismo:  In voicemenu-custom-5 there is a WaitExten(20) for the extension.
00:43.36gustoleifmadsen: of course
00:43.58DocfxitSo I don't understand why it didn't wait for 130.
00:44.15leifmadsenshow dialplan section
00:44.25gustoleifmadsen: the best soulution for me would probably be one ATA where i can connect a lot of telephones to, like 16 ports or such but then i would pay in cables :-D
00:44.42leifmadsengusto: I say good luck to you sir
00:45.09gustoleifmadsen: dont worry, at the moment, i am fine
00:45.16leifmadsenI'm not worried
00:45.21navaismoDocfxit, yes 20 secons to enter a exten seems fair enough, but waht kind of phone are you using
00:46.33DocfxitI tried with a cell phone and a land line phone.   Do you want to know the model phones?
00:47.53Moloya i'm tired of spending $ on ATAs
00:48.07Molopeople just need to quit faxing and use email
00:52.22navaismoDocfxit, nope
00:52.32navaismoMolo, +100000
00:52.59navaismowhy the hell people use faxes, they can scan and email
00:53.54navaismoDocfxit, if you can fix quickly cahnge your exten 130, if not debug your dtmf and check the if relaxdtmf is enable in your trunk
00:56.47DocfxitWhat file is relaxdtmf in?
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00:57.31navaismowtf twinkie fingers, i cant write
00:57.52navaismoDocfxit, in chan_dahdi.conf or dahdi-channels.conf
00:58.25DocfxitI just got it working.
01:00.35DocfxitIn the past the cli was showing it going to voicemenu-custom-5.   I just noticed it went to voicement-custom-4.   I included Voice_Prompt_That_I_Recorded in voicemenu-custom-4 and it started working.
01:00.58Docfxitnavaismo:  Thank you for all your help.
01:01.25DocfxitSorry I'm not more savy with Asterisk.
01:02.17DocfxitI think the other guys have left for the evening.  If you get a change please thank them for me.
01:03.35navaismok they back later
01:05.59*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
01:06.11DocfxitThanks a bunch.
01:06.22gustoof apples
01:11.55navaismoI preffer cranberries
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02:44.17Russso I noticed today that t-mobile supports 'hd voice', and my voip provider already supports hd voice
02:44.21Russwhat has to happen for the two to work together?
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03:13.08hebberHi, I have a problem loading acl's into ARA using mysql - asterisk don't want to load the table without the presence of the acl.conf file. When its presence it loads some info from the file and some info from mysql. Does someone have an idea of what goes wrong?
03:14.38hebberyes, the acls is defined in extconfig.conf : acls => odbc,asterisk,ast_acltable
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03:33.43leifmadsenhebber: acl.conf => odbc,asterisk.ast_acltable
03:33.54leifmadsenbecause you can only load it statically, not dynamically
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03:38.36hebberHi Leif, thanks for reply, I will see how I get it to load in statically, instead of dynamically
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03:39.25hebberany hints in your book? :-)
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03:41.44hebberI see now that your corrected me already
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03:46.50hebberleifmadsen: however I did follow the documentation here: using the lastest branch of Asterisk 11
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03:48.07leifmadsenhebber: I can't speak to that -- I just looked in my 1.8 configs, but possible ACLs are dynamic in 11 now
03:48.19leifmadsenKobaz: ^^^^^^^^
03:48.23leifmadsenI think he wrote that stuff
03:49.02leifmadsenah ya, looks like named acl's exist in asterisk 11 now which can be loaded dynamically
03:49.07leifmadsenI can't speak to it unforatunetly
03:49.09leifmadsenand now I'm off to bed
03:49.33hebberok, thank you Leifmadsen - will continue to try and fail :)
03:57.37*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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04:24.27hebberKobaz: may I ask you a question regarding realtime ACL - realtime using the documentation only works if the acl.conf is loaded together with realtime configuration.
04:25.08hebberwithout the presence of acl.conf - realtime acls fails to load
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04:54.00MooJuiceanyone had issues with call transfers randomly not succeeding with asterisk 10.11.1? I get a SIP Notify from the receiving party (SIP client) but both parties just hear MOH and then the call drops?
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06:04.54rue_bedso I have this mgcp problem, I can only get one gateway to work
06:05.12rue_bedis mgcp.conf supposed to be able to handle more than one?
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06:41.23Russare the dahdi TDM400P boards limited to 8khz?
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06:45.20ChannelZI think the answer is basically yes
06:45.58Russhmm..suppose it wouldn't matter anyway, I'm guessing my cordless phones are at 8kHz anyway
06:46.09Russwhat's a home user to do
06:46.29*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
06:46.40ChannelZwell it's analog so it's more to do with the D/As
06:47.11ChannelZAlthough internally I'm sure it's treated similarly to ulaw
06:47.22Russmy cordless phones are digital
06:48.11ChannelZbut if they are POTS they would still get it analog from the TDM card
06:48.27Russright, so both the phones and the fxs would need to support 16khz
06:48.42Russhmm, wonder what the att and vtech marketing speak means 'best sound quality by extending the frequency band'
06:48.48Russ(on their cordless phones)
06:50.32ChannelZAt the end of the day I don't think it matters much since the whole public phone network isn't wideband
06:51.02Russt-mobile is now
06:53.15ChannelZgreat if you have direct access to their network
06:53.56RussI'm curious if some of that is already happening, like the termination between my provider (teliax) and t-mobile, does it already happen over the internet?
06:55.19Russit'd also be nice if I make a SIP call to home, that it'd be wideband
06:55.19ChannelZI suppose it'd be more likely but probably not widespread, it would depend on teliax's termination with the rest of the world
06:55.43Russand some countries are wideband, yes? no?
06:58.03ChannelZI don't know specifically
06:58.23*** join/#asterisk Changos (~Changos@unaffiliated/changos)
06:58.29RussI think AU is, since Telstra is
06:58.41ChannelZI would imagine still only with mobile networks though, since they have control over it and it would be easier to do given the nature of the devices using the network
06:58.51ChangosHi guys, I need to help
06:59.01Russok, you can help me!
06:59.15Russhook me up with wideband goodness
07:02.40ChangosI've one server on Gentoo with Asterisk, I've E1 card and this work fine, but I can't find who I can split all E1 (30 Channels) by line number, e.g. I have 4 lines number for my ISP and all this input from E1, but how I can split the E1 for, line 1 max 5 channel, line 2 max 10 channels, line 4 all remaining
07:03.08ChangosI already seach the Internet several times, and found nothing about it :s
07:03.56ChannelZWell the channels are virtual.
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07:04.37ChannelZIn the sense that you don't typically only get calls from a particular DID on a specific channel
07:04.38schmidtsgood morning
07:06.20ChangosChannelZ: yes, I know
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07:06.57ChangosChannelZ: have you some example code/guide how I can create this virtual channels ?
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07:08.33ChannelZThey already are.  If you are wanting to control outgoing calls, you could do it with channel groups but I don't think you have any real control over incoming... besides writing a semi-complicated call counter system or something that would track how many calls are active for a given DID and then reject new calls if that limit had been reached or something
07:09.25ChannelZIs there a reason you want to be so rigid with it?
07:13.28ChannelZSay you had 2 companies sharing the same PRI and wanted to allocate 10 channels to company A and 10 channels to company B, you could just make 2 different channel groups, one for channels 1-10 and one for 11-20 for instance, and then only dial out through the respective groups.  But if company A got 11 incoming calls simultaneously, I'm not sure there's any easy built in way to refuse that.  (Perhaps your telco can limit channels per DID?  No idea honestl
07:13.29ChannelZy, I don't really deal with PRI..)
07:14.06ChangosChannelZ: Well, the issue is, line 1 is for administrative, line 2 call center, when a lot people calling to company, call center receive those calls. But if incoming calls to Call Center e.g. is 30 simultaneously, line 1 (administrative) can't output call because not have channel available
07:16.07hebberChangos: I think you can limit the ACD queues to a certain limit of people waiting, hence disconnect more calls to the queue
07:16.14ChannelZI think you'd have to do it manually with a call counter
07:16.50Changosso I guess that this example is very common, and I hope that exist some solution for somehow split the E1 Channel
07:17.09ChannelZand then look at the counter and reject the 30th incomg call to try and leave a channel open
07:18.05Changoshebber: yea, just right now I've this configuration, but I think that this form is not the best.
07:18.37ChangosI hope that exist other form "more clear"
07:19.53hebberChangos: ok
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07:21.18ChannelZLook at the GROUP and GROUP_COUNT functions
07:21.51Changossincerely, I guess that limit the ACD queues is not a good solution, I think that this is "dirty", but work, xD
07:22.08ChangosChannelZ: thanks, I'll try
07:22.50kaldemarChangos: you can't control in asterisk how the calls come in from the provider.
07:23.03ChannelZthis might give you an idea:
07:23.23Changosi thought that there was a simpler way, e.g. Channel 1-10 DID XXXXX channels 11-15 DID XXXXX and not more
07:23.51kaldemarthat's something the provider would have to do.
07:24.30Changoskaldemar: yeah, I'll calling to ISP and ask about it
07:24.53*** part/#asterisk Russ (
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07:27.56Changosthanks guys !
07:29.31ChannelZgood luck
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07:36.55ChannelZhmm well looking at it, that example I posted is totally broken
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07:40.59ChannelZyeah it's a function not an application
07:41.26ChannelZthe idea is sort-of partly right anyway :)
07:44.55ChannelZuntested but something more like this
07:45.24kaldemarthat's a perfect example for why random googling for examples is bad.
07:45.31ChannelZheh yeah
07:45.48ChannelZBroken Since 2008(tm)
07:46.20kaldemari'd put the count check first. why bother putting the channel in a group if the group is full anyway?
07:47.55kaldemarbloggers should pay more attention to the crap they write.
07:48.22ChannelZBut then they'd be writers, not bloggers.
07:49.10ChannelZAlthough that's even getting questionable these days
07:49.17*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
07:50.34ChannelZAre you the guy from Lost?
07:50.56ChannelZOh wait.. that was a John.
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08:06.05ghost75i was ever wondering why blogs are so popular ( in my eyes its crap)
08:09.17*** join/#asterisk aidinb (~aidin@unaffiliated/aidinb)
08:22.36WIMPyJust like forums.
08:23.01WIMPyAKA the concept of newsgroups made unusable.
08:24.05*** join/#asterisk PbxMan (c335d91f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:24.46WIMPyCool. Here as well.
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09:38.11nunne_Refer/SIP Response  302 "Moved Temporarily" ... It doesn't send the call via my __TRANSFER_CONTEXT ... Is this the normal behaviour? Or is it any other way to see if it's a transfered called? (need to make sure the channels is not answered again)
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09:42.13kaldemarnunne_: 302 is not transferring, but forwarding.
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09:42.33wdoekesnunne_: I set a __var before dialing. if I see that that var is set in my phone context, I know it's a redirect
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09:43.26nunne_wdoekes: smart workaround! thanks :)
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09:47.36roxHello, I am trying to end a SIP call with a specific code (i need to distinguish this call ending from others). I was trying to set the HANGUPCAUSE variable, but no matter what i set to it, i always get 19 on the caller's side. I do a Hangup(${MyCode}). How would one go about ending a SIP call with some kind of identifiable information?
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09:50.45roxHere is the code:
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10:08.14kaldemarrox: what do you see in CLI?
10:08.45roxkaldemar: on the other side i get DIALSTATUS=CONGESTION and HANGUPCAUSE=19
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10:09.16roxkaldemar: i don't need to send this specific HANGUPCAUSE over, any meaningful way to reject the call would be sufficient for me
10:09.20kaldemarsure, but what do you see in CLI?
10:09.33roxkaldemar: what would be the canonical way to meaningfully reject a SIP call in asterisk=?
10:10.09roxkaldemar: a second
10:10.32kaldemarenable sip debug too while you're at it.
10:11.19roxCLI is silent, apart from Verbose messages
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10:11.39roxhow about the general wuestion, how would one go about meaningfully rejecting a call in asterisk?
10:11.42roxhow would you do it?
10:11.59kaldemarwith a cause code, just like you're trying to.
10:12.05roxdid i do something completely inapropriate?
10:12.21roxok, so i got that right
10:12.23kaldemarthe verbose messages are part of the interesting stuff.
10:12.55roxhmm, i guess the other side is translating my cause code into 19 even though i am sending 16
10:13.52roxin reality, this is a loop call, i call somebody and they call me back, then i have to reject the call, but i have to distinguish my call rejection from theirs
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10:14.31roxi need to distinguish between me rejecting the call and the called SIP trunk actually being congested
10:15.05schmidtsdoes anyone of you have allready tried using asterisk with openfire for distributed device state (PUBSUB) ? i allways get a 403 error when asterisk tries to send a device state
10:15.13schmidtsregister and even jabbersend works fine
10:18.56wdoekesrox: sending hangup 16 doesn't make sense.. NORMAL_CLEARING = hangup after the call was picked up
10:19.57roxwdoekes: ok, then it makes sense that the other side is overriding this code
10:19.59wdoekesrox: I don't know which codes you already pass on, but you can take a look in include/asterisk/causes.h and cause2sip in chan_sip.c
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10:20.40roxwdoekes: ok, I will try some different status codes
10:20.45wdoekes(pro-tip: Hangup(USER_BUSY) and any other identifier found in causes.h works)
10:22.27kaldemarthat should be documented in the app if the feature is meant to be permanent.
10:22.30*** part/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
10:23.50kaldemarthen again, with SIP you need to look at the source anyway since that seems to be the only place that states what values mean in SIP terms.
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10:25.58roxkaldemar: i think the other side overrides my code with DIALSTATUS=CONGESTION and HANGUPCAUSE=19 no matter what i send, so i guess i'll have to work around it
10:26.25roxany other reasonable ways to reject calls, other then simple Hangup(${Code})
10:27.55wdoekesHangup(code) is the right way.. and it works.. try a couple of common ones: USER_BUSY (sip/486), UNALLOCATED (sip/404)
10:29.11roxwdoekes: overridden, i've tried the list
10:29.40wdoekeswhat kind of sip code gets sent then?
10:29.54kaldemarif the other end overrides what you set, there's nothing you can do is there?
10:30.11kaldemari asked for the CLI output to see if you're setting it properly.
10:30.46roxkaldemar: i put the code in pastebin
10:31.43roxkaldemar: the actual CLI output will take me about 10 minutes to grep out, it's a production machine with quite some traffic
10:32.33kaldemarrox: the dialplan proves nothing. you're using a variable that is not set in those lines.
10:33.29wdoekesand the hangupcauseclear() app that doesn't exist, as well as setting the HANGUPCAUSE variable.. which you shouldn't. Hangup() does that
10:34.18kaldemarHangupCauseClear does exist.
10:34.45wdoekesit does? ok..
10:36.52kaldemarit comes from func_hangupcause.c in asterisk 11.
10:37.15wdoekesI see. but it's irrelevant for the ${HANGUPCAUSE} var..
10:37.21*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:38.29roxi added the Hangupcauseclear call after a few hours of trying to figure out how to send the code over, the code fails to be delivered with or without the Hangupcauseclear call
10:40.04roxoh, whole debugging i also thought of the problem with the variable, so i tried to set the cause code numerically, i.e. Hangup(17), but it also didn't get delivered on the other side
10:40.10kaldemarasterisk -vvvr | grep dialednumber@context <-- makes getting output a little easier in a busy system.
10:46.33*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
10:47.35wdoekes.. and -C4 to get surrounding context
10:51.27*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
10:51.42gavimobileone of my peers doesn't get the clid info logged properly
10:52.44gavimobilethe field for clid comes out like this "Iphone" <112> which is what is set in sip.conf however for 1 of my peers it comes out like this "110" <0000FFFF0000> and its not set like that in sip.conf
10:53.03gavimobilethis is what's set in sip.conf Office Portable <110>
10:53.14roxkaldemar: there is the CLI output, there are two call IDs, 4036 for my original call, 4040 for when i get the call back from caller
10:54.09roxso in 4036 i get the call from a phone, then i call this other SIP trunk and get the call back from them in call ID 4040, then i reject that call and check for status back in 4036
10:54.29kaldemar-- Executing Hangup("SIP/From1010-9e764230", "") <-- you're not passing any code.
10:55.02roxthis is the final hangup
10:55.32kaldemaralso, CLI output is better than snippets from logs.
10:55.35roxi don't know, why the hangup in 4040 is not recorded
10:56.06kaldemarnot much use for that output then.
10:56.18roxin 4040 i only get this: == Spawn extension (from-detel, 980051258508, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/5060-9e744190'
10:56.35roxthere should be a hangup there with code 17
10:58.30kaldemarlooks like your previously pasted extension is not even used.
11:00.30wdoekeskaldemar: I think he's showing us the other end :-/
11:00.32roxkaldemar: there, another try, this time the hangup with code 17 is clearly recorded
11:00.44roxand the overriden cause code on teh other side, which is 19
11:01.44*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (~MarKsaiti@
11:02.09roxkaldemar: so this: -- Executing Hangup("SIP/5060-00f008c0", "17") in new stack
11:02.10roxshould result in getting HANGUPCAUSE 17 , but i get this: DETEL Call ended with DS: CONGESTION HC: 19
11:06.14wdoekesgavimobile: pastebins of sip.conf and dialplan and execution might help
11:06.54kaldemarrox: now you're just pasting stuff without any context whatsoever. what you see in your verbosity depends on when it is executed and where.
11:07.35roxkaldemar: it's OK i'll work around it, i'll just set some variable and be done with it
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11:15.09hebberops :)
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11:23.41GreenlightI'm having an issue with outbound callerid on an ISDN30 circuit. I've done a PRI trace via the Asterisk CLI and I can see the outbound CLI that I want to use in the SETUP packet, however when the call comes through it's always replaced with the main CLI for the circuit. Virgin Media have tested the line and assure me it's setup to allow presentation of any number. Any ideas what this could
11:23.42Greenlightbe, or are there known issues?
11:27.00kaldemaryour telco does that. they restrict what you can send.
11:28.04GreenlightWe should have "Type 5 CLI" and be able to present any number we want, and they confirm that this is the case
11:28.17kaldemarif you see the caller id going out of your box in the signaling and it still is replaced, then your telco is to blame.
11:29.10GreenlightSo, if when i enable "pri debug on span 1" and I see the outgoing CLI in there, I can be guarenteed that nothing else at the Asterisk/DAHDI/LibPRI side will alter or change that?
11:30.53kaldemarthat is how it goes out.
11:31.46GreenlightOk, thanks - guess back to shouting at Virgin Media :)
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11:46.47BorjaGVOHi people. A simple question: What is the purpose of having to different log files (full & messages). Is it having different debugging levels?
11:47.50kaldemarBorjaGVO: yes. look at logger.conf and you'll see.
11:48.59BorjaGVOkaldemar: yep, just checking..It might had some hidden purpose that I was not seeing..
11:49.03kaldemarbut rather logging levels than debugging levels.
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11:51.29BorjaGVOyeah, that is more precise. Few days ago I had a security issue and I found myself looking for information that it wasn't available. In order to have it, I enabled "sip set debug". I found this emasure as good enough...any advice about this?
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12:10.43TobSnyderI have a problem using SIP Trunk - an incoming sipgate call is disconnected after 10s - any idea why this can happen/has someone already had such a problem?
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13:04.16powerunitshello every one
13:05.10powerunitsplease can any one guide me. if we have panasonic PBX which has sip support . can we communicate it with asterisk?
13:06.27powerunitsso asterisk SIP users can call any extension number on panasoic pbx
13:07.15[TK]D-Fenderpowerunits, If it speaks SIP ..... can you think of any reason why not?
13:07.49powerunitswell i know it should .. but i have not tried it yet
13:08.03powerunitsso i thought i should ask asterisk expert if they have done
13:08.09powerunitsany sort of integration
13:11.09*** part/#asterisk nunne_ (
13:11.11[TK]D-Fenderpowerunits, You should probably just go try.
13:17.02powerunitssure thanks
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13:24.59GreenlightWhen starting MixMonitor from the CLI (or via AMI "Command" action) is there a way to pass the options available normally (such as "a" for append) ?
13:26.06GreenlightAs in> MixMonitor start SIP/4712-0000094b /test.wav
13:26.14GreenlightBut make it append and not overwrite
13:28.31*** join/#asterisk Cubber (
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13:44.17kaldemarGreenlight: "core show help mixmonitor start"
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13:45.37GreenlightYea, but that doesn't show any place where the options can be specified, unless "args" means the filename AND any options?
13:47.21kaldemarfilename.extension[,options[,command]] are all arguments.
13:48.43GreenlightAhh cool, so I can just comma seperate the "args" there, exellent - thanks!
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14:19.49Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz??/ is urgen thx
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14:26.00GreenlightHave you tried turning it on ?
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14:27.42chuckfKatty: install it first, then try again
14:29.51jacekowskihow can i tell which echo canceller i'm set to at the moment?
14:31.34[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, What card do you have?
14:31.39Kattyhugs chuckf
14:31.47[TK]D-FenderKatty, Mew.
14:32.12Kattyg'morning fender bender.
14:33.22schmidtsgood evening katty ;)
14:33.56jacekowski[TK]D-Fender: i've found it
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14:35.16Kattyschmidts: ello.
14:38.21chuckfhugs Katty
14:39.22chuckfKatty: Are you all unpacked and settled in the new place?
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14:41.21Kattykind of.
14:41.28Kattywe can talk about it in /query if you want (=
14:41.36rue_housewow this is a busy channel
14:41.55rue_houseoverflow my scrollback buffer in just one night
14:42.37*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-pdrbhnbjvxviiiby)
14:42.59rue_houseI have a mgcp.conf problem, I cant specify more than one gateway, anyone know if this is a known issue?
14:43.01chuckfrue_house: you need a bigger buffer
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14:45.13jacekowskii've just had asterisk "crash" again
14:47.08jacekowskiit stopped handling calls
14:47.32jacekowskiand core restart when convenient had done nothing
14:47.38jacekowskieven though there was no calls in progress
14:48.56[TK]D-Fenderrue_house, considered showing us what you're doing and what's actually happening?
14:50.14rue_houseI'll post the mgcp.conf, either gateway will work alone, but if I specify two of them, only the last one works
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15:02.20ipc9i recently updated to the newest asterisk and, in turn, had to update my chan_capi driver.  Before when i restarted the asterisk service it would drop all active calls, but now when i restart the service it does not drop the calls and asterisk says there are no active calls.
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15:09.39rue_houseis there a virtual vu meter that could be added to a conference call to get an idea of realtime rtp audio levels?
15:10.37rue_house(STILL wrestling with audio levels on the polycom phones (my current oppinion is that polycom sucks))
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15:11.06carrarpolycom phones work awesome
15:11.29rue_houseno, they output no audio levels, the aastra we got work fine
15:11.54carrarI just use the default audio levels that are set in the example config from Polycom
15:11.56rue_houseon the polycom phones nobody can hear anything, and there is NO tech support for the xml config
15:11.58carrarand they work fine
15:12.06rue_housenot on our phones
15:12.31rue_housenobody can tell us what the ranges are for the XML audio levels
15:12.40carrarusing the default XML configs from polycom?
15:12.43rue_houseor how the different gains are configured
15:12.55carrardid you read the admin guide?
15:13.07rue_houseyep, says nothing about the audio gain settings
15:13.41rue_houseand our vendor cant understand my question about the ranges for values for them, and they wont pass the question on to polycom
15:14.03rue_house(williams communications in canada)
15:16.19rue_housethe only question about the polycome phones I think they would be able to answer is "what did I buy"
15:16.28rue_houseand I'm sure their answer would not be "a brick"
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15:20.02[TK]D-Fender<rue_house> (STILL wrestling with audio levels on the polycom phones (my current oppinion is that polycom sucks)) <- it's always just you.  Years and years of "just you".  But sure, try to sell that to the rest of us :)
15:24.03*** join/#asterisk pejman_ (~pejman@
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15:29.54artisticHELP please, lsdahdi: FXO   FXSKS   (EC: OSLEC - INACTIVE)
15:31.17artisticwhy Inactive? how to active? I've got elastix, it says my FXO "Not detected by Asterisk"
15:31.38[TK]D-Fenderartistic, that has nothing to do with your Elastic issue
15:32.11artistic[TK]D-Fender: ok, I know, what should I do?
15:32.47[TK]D-Fender#elastix <-
15:32.55[TK]D-FenderFor their GUI detection and setup bits.
15:32.59[TK]D-FenderIt's not supported here.
15:33.16[TK]D-FenderYour device seems to be there.  If their scripts are supposed to handle it then they will have to support thwm
15:34.06*** join/#asterisk luke0512 (
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15:36.38luke0512i'm new to asterisk and am trying to make a connection to isdn net via my phonebox with internal S0
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15:37.21luke0512i'm using a pci card with cologne chip and trying to use the chan_capi module
15:37.55luke0512make install runs fine but loaading the module results in error
15:38.05luke0512WARNING[4776]: chan_capi.c:8286 cc_init_capi: CAPI not installed, chan_capi disabled!
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15:39.00luke0512someone out there with some hints?
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15:51.25artisticHELP please, lsdahdi: FXO   FXSKS   (EC: OSLEC - INACTIVE)
15:51.28artisticI got disconnected from channel, really sorry, did anyone answer?
15:51.54[TK]D-Fender<artistic> [TK]D-Fender: ok, I know, what should I do?
15:51.54[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> #elastix <-
15:51.54[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> For their GUI detection and setup bits.
15:51.54[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> It's not supported here.
15:52.04WIMPyluke0512: I'd try to use LCR.
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15:55.15artisticcore show channels: 0 active channels   I think the problem is with asterisk config
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15:58.30[TK]D-Fenderartistic, Elastix builds the configs.  Not you.  You need to go through their means for confuiguring it.
15:58.37luke0512mmmh...i just read about chan_capi to work on isdn but chan_lcr i have not tried yet
15:59.39WIMPyI guess capi should work as well, but I never tried that. You could also use dahdi.
16:02.02*** join/#asterisk blizzow1 (
16:03.22luke0512i want to use the asterisk behind the phonebox, therefore it is connected via the internal S0 on my phonebox, on the phonebox there are 3 analog telephones and 1 anlalog fax connected
16:04.04*** part/#asterisk hurdman ( ihave to search for the other methods and give them a try
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16:10.09luke0512some additional infos of my system
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16:43.12mm_tcooperey all, quick question i am using OpenSIPs as a proxy between asterisk and our carrier level3, sip.conf is configure to send calls to the opensips IP, which then proxies the request to the level3 IP, everything works from a call prospective, but if I TCPdump on the asterisk box I see that we are sending BYE messages directly to level3 not to opensips to be forwarded. is this a configuration problem with opensips or asterisk?
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16:52.34luke0512ok capi is now loaded with chan_capi the permissions on /dev/capi20 have been wrong
16:53.17luke0512now i have to take a look at the exten file(s)
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17:12.16luke0512to early...there is still a prob the card is ignored
17:18.31*** join/#asterisk ClintGoudie-Nice (
17:21.52ClintGoudie-NiceHello. I've got a device that's attempting a switch to switch transfer. In the Refer-To line, it has what appears to be the correct info for the destination endpoint, but when the device sends it's refer, I'm getting a notify back from asterisk saying "481 Call leg/transaction does not exist"
17:23.11*** join/#asterisk bakermd (~bakermd@
17:23.11ClintGoudie-NiceHow can I diagnose what is going wrong?
17:23.41filechan_sip requires all legs to be present within it, if this is not true then it won't work
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17:24.13ClintGoudie-Nicefile: so Asterisk cant handle a conceptual switch to switch transfer?
17:24.33ClintGoudie-Niceunless the second call leg is established through the asterisk.
17:24.34oejfile: THat's not fully correct. chan_sip can send invite/replaces to another host during transfer.
17:27.59fileit still has some knowledge about the dialogs
17:31.48ClintGoudie-Nicefile: Thanks for that info. I will ensure the other call leg is established through the asterisk.
17:31.55ClintGoudie-NiceThat info was invaluable
17:32.18fileClintGoudie-Nice, sorry for the inconvenience!
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17:52.12ghost75exten => h,1,ExecIf($[ ${GROUP_COUNT(intern)} < 1 ]?Gosub(throttleoff,s,1))
17:52.16ghost75returns:  -- Executing [h@phones998780:1] ExecIf("SIP/10-00000030", "0?Gosub(throttleoff,s,1)") in new stack
17:52.47ghost75what this means: "0?Gosub(throttleoff,s,1)"
17:54.52[TK]D-Fenderghost75, It means it's not doing it.
17:55.37ghost75so that group is >=1 at this point?
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17:58.48ghost75yes i just nooped it
18:02.15*** join/#asterisk Mon|A|rch (~SBean@
18:04.20Mon|A|rchanyone worked with the asterisk sms feature?
18:05.41leifmadsenasterisk sms functionality is practically non-existant
18:05.52leifmadsenapp_sms is tied to a pretty specific network
18:09.26*** part/#asterisk dr0ck (
18:10.04Mon|A|rchwhich network?
18:10.21Mon|A|rchif it's at all usable I'd like to explore it
18:10.36Mon|A|rchI'm willing to do email-relay shenanigans if i need to
18:10.56_Corey_Mon|A|rch: Have you heard of Twilio?
18:11.33ipc9i recently updated to the newest asterisk and, in turn, had to update my chan_capi driver.  Before when i restarted the asterisk service it would drop all active calls, but now when i restart the service it does not drop the calls and asterisk says there are no active calls.
18:11.47Mon|A|rchi have not _Corey_
18:12.51luke0512mmmh seems not to work with chan_capi
18:13.04*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:13.09_Corey_Mon|A|rch: Yeah, have a look there or Voxeo...  I think you'll find it "shananigan" free
18:13.43Mon|A|rchwe used voxeo prophecy a while back
18:14.08Mon|A|rchit broke about three months into usage, and the expensive support they sold us never responded to calls or emails
18:14.16Mon|A|rchso I'm not keen on going the voxeo route
18:14.22Mon|A|rchI'll look at twilio though
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18:14.37luke0512service capi is running but when i type capiinfo the system tells me capi not installed???
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18:16.52ghost75under which conditions this error shows?
18:16.58ghost75i get it from ami
18:17.19pabelangerghost75: fix your script
18:17.26ghost75disconnect without logoff?
18:17.30pabelangeryou are closing the socket before asterisk is finished sending you info
18:17.31ChannelZYour script terminated unexpectedly
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18:17.51ghost75the info i have received
18:18.21ChannelZAMI sends things without being asked if you'
18:18.43ghost75i tried also logoff before script end
18:19.03luke0512now i get the Warning message again
18:19.07ChannelZoops.  .... if you're monitoring events, etc.  So it could be a bad case of timing where you were done and logging off but it was spitting something out.  More likely if the system is quite busy
18:19.33ghost75i get it every time executing the script
18:19.47ghost75lets say 95% of the time
18:20.50ChannelZDo you attempt to clear the read buffers after you issue the logoff?
18:21.17ghost75there is not much to control, its a perl module
18:21.36ghost75i tried also to undefine the variable containing the ami connection
18:22.31ChannelZwell just ignore the error then if you can't fix the perl module to close cleanly
18:22.47ChannelZit's not a catastrophic error
18:22.53*** join/#asterisk TheKernel[work] (~tcrowe@unaffiliated/the-kernel)
18:22.54ghost75hmm i remember something its possible to disable buffers in perl
18:23.13TheKernel[work]Hi, is dtmfmode=rfc2833 still valid in 10.4?
18:24.12ChannelZshould be
18:24.28*** join/#asterisk DoSJustin (
18:25.13ghost75not nice to show this as "error"
18:25.54*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
18:25.58ChannelZWell it's not nice to terminate connections either but I think everyone will live.
18:26.09*** join/#asterisk raden (
18:26.27radenKatty, :)
18:26.35radenanyone use asterisk for SMS ?
18:27.15ChannelZI got it working via XMPP through Vitelity but only to see if it worked
18:29.21*** part/#asterisk luke0512 (
18:31.41Mon|A|rchwhat does the error "everyone is busy/congested at this time" mean exactly?
18:31.56ChannelZEveryone is busy.
18:32.11ChannelZWhatever device(s) or whatever you called said "no"
18:32.25Mon|A|rchokay, that's what i needed to know
18:32.41ChannelZSometimes it means "you dialed a number I have no idea what it means" and the remote end will return that.  Sometimes it means "whatever you dialed is busy"
18:32.43Mon|A|rchit's not asterisk saying it can't start the call
18:32.52Mon|A|rchit's that the call wasn't picked up or was busy with another call
18:33.01ChannelZYeah, it's a response from the other end
18:34.11[TK]D-Fender<Mon|A|rch> what does the error "everyone is busy/congested at this time" mean exactly? <-  could mean nothing.  You'd have to see the complete call to be sure.
18:35.42Mon|A|rchin this context, what ChannelZ said makes perfect sense
18:36.15wltjris there a better way to ring lots of phones at the same time without having a bunch of &s in dial?
18:37.34*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
18:37.39navaismomaybe a Queue with ringall
18:38.12*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
18:38.35ChannelZdefine "better" ?
18:39.09[TK]D-Fender<ChannelZ> Everyone is busy. <ChannelZ> Whatever device(s) or whatever you called said "no" <- not necessarily
18:39.11[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch, ^
18:39.30[TK]D-Fender<Mon|A|rch> it's not asterisk saying it can't start the call <- it CAN be
18:39.32*** part/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
18:39.52Mon|A|rch[TK]D-Fender, the situation is that we're calling multiple people simultaneously with that script i was working on yesterday
18:40.02Mon|A|rchso, they called my phone, and then someone else called my phone
18:40.13[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch, same answer....
18:40.14Mon|A|rchi didn't pick up the second line, instead i cancelled it
18:40.20[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch, Still ahve to look at it in full
18:40.28Mon|A|rchfair enough
18:42.27ghost75flushed it, still error
18:43.09*** join/#asterisk adeel (~adeel@
18:43.17[TK]D-FenderMon|A|rch, that means "SIP debug" <-
18:44.26Mon|A|rchare you saying i should paste the sip debug, or that's what that message is saying
18:45.28wltjrnavaismo: I was thinking about something like that
18:45.32ChannelZif you REALLY want to know, SIP debug.. but you've pretty much explained what happened.
18:45.33*** join/#asterisk chris_n (~Chris@
18:45.38ChannelZYou rejected a call from your phone.
18:46.21Mon|A|rchI'll wait for the testers to tell me if horrible things happened
18:46.24Mon|A|rchthen I'll know if there were issues
18:46.35Mon|A|rchit's great having other people to test your crap
18:47.46*** join/#asterisk elico (
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19:11.41Mon|A|rchSo, it appears that asterisk can only send SMS to landlines, and mobiles via bluetooth?
19:12.02Qwellfrom mobiles via bluetooth
19:12.19Mon|A|rchi see
19:12.38Mon|A|rchi guess i have to find somewhere else to route texts through
19:16.42*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
19:17.02Mon|A|rchanyone know of software that could do this for free?
19:17.06navaismochan_mobile or chan_dongle
19:17.08Mon|A|rchor do i have to pay for something like twilio
19:17.22Mon|A|rchI'll check out chan_dongle
19:17.23navaismoin my country there is no sms for free
19:17.36Mon|A|rchchan_mobile doesn't support what i need
19:17.47Mon|A|rchi don't need it for free, we'll pay for the sms
19:17.57navaismoyou need to pay service, but i was read alot of good things about twilio
19:18.23Mon|A|rchhow much is the service?
19:18.25navaismoalso a gsm gateway can help you
19:20.13*** join/#asterisk DoSJustin (
19:20.27navaismoIn US is 1Cent for outbound in myne 8.3Cents
19:24.26rogers-We just got a new cable modem from Time Warner after an electrical surge took out the old one. Now we are having sporadic service with outr external SIP provider. All outbound calls seem to work, however inbound work sporadically. Does this sound like a double NAT issue or Sip ALG? I called TW and they said the new cable router is in bridge mode, but I have no way to confirm.
19:24.33ghost75OT: is there 4k tv also coming in US?
19:24.53rogers-When calls are not working, if I call outbound, then try to call inbound, it works. Like a channel has been opened and it works until it times out
19:25.42*** join/#asterisk DoSJustin (
19:28.43*** join/#asterisk Fastidius (~quark@unaffiliated/quark)
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19:40.50timholumHas anyone used Activa for asterisk before? ( An asterisk tapi interface )
19:42.05*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
19:42.48navaismorogers-, you need a sip debug or cli output
19:42.58_Corey_timholum: I thought that project died years ago
19:44.02rogers-navaismo, what should I look for in the debug
19:51.01*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
19:52.57navaismothe call and messages baout it XD
19:56.10*** join/#asterisk district (
20:13.03*** join/#asterisk omani (~omani@unaffiliated/omani)
20:13.24omanimy menuselect.makeopts is not getting honoured when upgrading to current/latest lts release 18.19.1
20:13.30omaniis this a known bug?
20:13.49Kobazwhat the heck is 18.19.1
20:14.04Kobazoh 1.8
20:14.44Kobazif you ./configure again then makeopts can get cleaned
20:16.19ChannelZSome makeopts you put in your home directory or /etc/asterisk (I forget) don't get honored, I know that.
20:16.23ChannelZLike sound package selections
20:16.26*** join/#asterisk psilikon (
20:16.44omaniKobaz: my steps are: ./configure, cp oldversion/menuselect.makeopts ., make menuselect
20:16.53*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
20:17.04omaniI tried it with ~/.asterisk.makeopts
20:17.12omaniafter configure.
20:17.22omanibut still make menuselect with default values
20:17.23ChannelZyeah that's one.  Perhaps some other things get ignored as well.
20:17.41omaniI'll try .asterisk.makeopts in home prior to configure now.
20:17.43ChannelZI know there's a bug about it somewhere
20:17.48omanithen ./configure, then make menuslect
20:17.56omanigood to know
20:18.14omaniso what can I do?
20:18.20omanijust copy old makeopts and run make instead?
20:18.28omaniby skipping make menuselect?
20:19.14ChannelZWell if you copied them over it should work
20:19.50ChannelZIt's just the integrating-makeopts-from-user-config-files bit that doesn't seem to work reliably.
20:20.32omaniI'll just run make
20:20.39ChannelZalthough this is a similar one I ran into:
20:20.40omanihope it works with custom makeopts copied in.
20:20.53ChannelZMostly I use defaults but always go in and deselect the sound and MOH packs
20:21.43ChannelZit's annoying
20:23.05Kattywaves at raden
20:25.36omanihmm doesn't work
20:26.10omaniseems I have to copy both menuselect.makeopts and menuselect.makedeps to get a working "make"
20:27.38omanino. didn't work
20:27.51omaniman I gotta go through all values by hand.
20:35.50Qwellglomps Katty
20:46.46Merlinanyone aware of a asterisk 1.2 backport of ?
20:49.26*** join/#asterisk MarKsaitis (
20:52.11[TK]D-FenderThat's not a backport.
20:52.18[TK]D-Fenderthat's a WAYWAYWAYWABACKport
20:52.50[TK]D-FenderMerlin, So why are you still running 1.2 at all?
20:53.57Merlinbecause i hate myself
20:54.09Merlinno, it's because fonality trixbox
20:54.17Merlini'm working on someone else's system
20:54.45Merlinfonality hasn't provided an update past 1.2 for trixbox pro customers
20:54.48Merlinfor no good reason
20:55.48dr0ckwell they did say they added millions of lines of code, must just take a while to update it
20:58.03*** part/#asterisk rokjan (
20:59.21[TK]D-FenderMerlin, Not having to care is a great reason.  If they are not obligated to then... oh well
20:59.44[TK]D-FenderMerlin, Don't expect car parts for your model forever
21:00.15[TK]D-FenderMerlin, And they did provide an update... that involves a complete R&R
21:00.47*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:01.25Qwell[TK]D-Fender: at this point, I think maybe a DNR is in order
21:02.39[TK]D-FenderQwell, Not hostile enough.  More like "Terminate Immediately With Extreme Prejudice"
21:09.04*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
21:14.18Merlinso, i'm out of luck with res_speech, right?
21:15.22[TK]D-FenderMerlin, maybe you could find a coder you could pay enough for such a thing to be done for you....
21:15.35Qwell~upgrade asterisk
21:15.35infobotBefore requesting assistance, you should be running the latest version of a supported release branch.  See the channel topic for the latest versions available in currently supported branches.
21:15.56[TK]D-Fender1.2 dead
21:15.58[TK]D-Fender1.4 dea
21:16.02[TK]D-Fender1.6.0 dead
21:16.03Qwell10 dead
21:16.08[TK]D-Fender1.6.1 dead
21:16.15[TK]D-Fender1.6.2 dead
21:16.26[TK]D-FenderQwell, Isn't 10 still technically getting bug fixes?
21:16.33Qwell[TK]D-Fender: security only
21:16.49[TK]D-Fender10 dead :)
21:16.58[TK]D-FenderTill when?
21:17.05Qwellit just moved
21:17.07Qwellso about a year
21:18.03Qwellwell, I guess there's technically one release still pending
21:22.22*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
21:32.17[TK]D-FenderCheckout time, BBIAB
21:35.15*** join/#asterisk raub (
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21:40.54*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
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21:52.45fireman_biffSome of the "channel" and "dstchannel" fields in my CDR have the format "DAHDI/i1/5551234-1234". What does the "i1" refer to?
21:53.02*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
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21:58.28feeshonCurrently have a conference bridge issue where very often the first person into the conf gets MOH and when the next person joins the first person is not in the conf
21:59.02feeshonWell it says that person is in the bridge but the MOH on hold is still given to the first caller
22:04.05*** join/#asterisk gusto (
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22:10.37navaismoand what show your cli?
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22:25.12phunguyi'm trying to call a certain international number, and i'm just getting a busy signals.  the number matches my dialplan, but i'm not showing anything on my DID provider side for termination, so its something on my asterisk end.
22:30.24*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
22:33.23raubStupid question: when I try to start asterix I get general protection error messages in the log file:
22:38.23*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:38.41navaismophunguy, cli output and sip debug if apply
22:43.19phunguynavaismo I am looking at my asterisk log now
22:43.30phunguyi'm just not sure how/why the call is being terminated
22:44.27navaismoyou need to see your sip debug
22:44.31navaismoof that call
22:45.20navaismoif your call is rejected see if you have permission to dial international numbers,
22:45.41*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
22:46.03gavimobilecan I use goto to goto a label rather than a context?
22:46.05*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (
22:46.11AkkerKidheya all!
22:46.31navaismogavimobile, labesl only works in the same context of your goto
22:46.48phunguyi know i have permissions
22:46.48gavimobilenavaismo: thanks
22:46.50phunguylet me check a sip debug of the call
22:47.24AkkerKidso I imaged my asterisk box to new hardware and once it coots up, the audio is choppy.  moving from core4quad to quad xeon and i don't think anything was combiled on the source machine. what could be the issue?
22:48.16AkkerKidboots, core2quad, compiled*
22:48.28navaismoAkkerKid, you mean like copy instead fresh install (compile)
22:48.51AkkerKidnavaismo: I imaged the HDD using DD
22:49.06AkkerKidmight as well have put my existing HDDs into the new box and turned it on
22:49.50navaismoeww my personal opinion is to make a fresh install and copy config files
22:50.02AkkerKidsource box > dd > gzip > ftp > gzip > dd > new box
22:50.16AkkerKidunfortunately, reinstall is not an option
22:51.09AkkerKidi've gotta get this working as is.  I would like to reinstall as well...
22:51.23AkkerKidbut there's way too much customization on this box to start over.
22:52.33AkkerKidis there any reason why a more powerful machine would sound bad on identical software?
22:59.57*** part/#asterisk fireman_biff (~biff@
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23:20.35timholumDoes anyone use activa tsp?
23:20.56timholumI am having issue's getting it installed on windows 7 without having ninja soft phone turned on
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23:36.58navaismomaybe asking in their forum/maillist/developer
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23:44.09ghost75 more power than i thought

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