IRC log for #asterisk on 20130107

00:15.10*** part/#asterisk ghost75 (
00:49.14*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
01:18.52*** join/#asterisk appleboy (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
01:31.22*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
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01:55.45*** join/#asterisk voxter_ (
02:05.37*** join/#asterisk apple (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
02:11.56*** join/#asterisk Ringtailed-Fox (
02:16.30*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:05.29*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
04:03.11*** join/#asterisk mnathani (
04:13.38*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
04:32.35*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:34.09*** join/#asterisk |KNERD| (~KNERD@
04:35.36*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
04:36.00KNERDSomething has to be done about Asterisk and virtualization
04:36.47KNERD" sip set debug on No such command 'sip set debug on' (type 'core show help sip' for other possible commands) "   COME ON NOW....F*****G REALLY!!
04:47.43jpsharpThat's not a virtualization issue.  That sounds like you just don't have chan_sip loaded or built.
04:48.14KNERDwanna bet?
04:49.00KNERDi have been trying to make another successfull build for 3 months now!!!!
04:49.19KNERDthis crap is beyone old
04:49.31KNERDi am about to flee to FreeSwitch
04:49.48KNERDbut before I do I am going to an old version
04:49.56KNERDand see what happens
04:50.59jpsharpI see an "illegal instruction" bug.  I don't see a "chan sip didn't load or build" bug.
04:52.02KNERDit is related
04:52.12KNERDthey stuck in that NATIVE BUILD crap
04:52.18KNERDand now it si causing havoc
04:52.39*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
04:53.24jpsharpDunno.  Every time I see someone say something about chan_sip not showing up or not loading its cause they didn't install libssl, so res_crypto didn't build, and chan_sip didn't build because of that.
04:53.54KNERDI used their suggestion of CFLAGS="-march=k8 -msse4a"  and now i am getting unpredictable behavior was working seconds before then all of a suggen no such command...derp
04:55.09jpsharpOkay.  Just offering a second opinion :)
04:55.30KNERDyeah, but after 3 months of this crap..
04:57.44KNERDi had a nice working system until I moved to a new server and got the newer I will be stuck at 1.8.5 or so until either I learn FreeSwitch, or Digium fixed this crap
04:59.12KNERDi thought it was fixed until I saw all my phones getting a SIP 401 Unathorized error
04:59.50jpsharpI personally blame the virtualisation providers.  Requiring hacked up kernels and doing a crap job of providing reasonable virtual CPUs.
05:02.13KNERDI was using on OpenVZ, but after this issue I though it may have been OpenVZ because I switched to a new server with an updated version of OpenVZ
05:02.21KNERDso I switched to Xen
05:02.36ChannelZMaybe I'm thick but this just seems like a compiler options change
05:02.36KNERDwellI think it was partially OpenVZ problem
05:02.52KNERDas not even DAHDI would run on OpenVZ
05:03.25KNERDwell the problem with that is their make script is not seeing the correct CPU
05:04.06jpsharpIf you've got full access to the server, might I suggest VMWare ESXi?  I'm running Asterisk on it without a problem.
05:04.21KNERDno I don't
05:04.42KNERDI would run my own box if I had the bandwidth somewhere
05:04.49jpsharpAh.  Gotcha.
05:05.33KNERDlooking at 1.8.5 the BUILD NATIVE is missing
05:06.21KNERDyes I know and I aprecciate it
05:07.04KNERDsome of us just dont have time to play with these things and the hundreds to CPU flags to see which one may work
05:08.30jpsharpYou can go bottom of the barrel and just use "-march=i386"
05:08.42ChannelZCan you look at the results of an old version configure?
05:09.21KNERDnot sure...I guess I can look.
05:09.50KNERDi396?? uggg
05:09.57KNERDerr i386
05:10.07KNERDwell the no flag did not work either
05:12.07KNERDthe config log?
05:17.00KNERDi got it here...
05:29.20*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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05:44.33*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
05:49.52*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
06:00.43*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
06:13.30*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
06:30.15*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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07:03.10*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
07:08.47*** join/#asterisk _zoom_ (~zoom@
07:11.27*** join/#asterisk Schabo (~schabo@2001:470:28:b16:9db6:2e3e:86c1:e6b4)
07:15.09*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
07:26.08*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
07:26.11_zoom_server internal error, cause & reasons do they have standards values?
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08:00.24*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
08:10.03*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
08:31.31*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
08:31.34schmidtsgood morning
08:33.36*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (~quassel@
08:34.02*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
08:35.37*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:37.50schmidtsmaybe thats a stupid question but how can i set the verbose level in asterisk 11 so it might stay when i reconnect to it?
08:38.05schmidtsi have the problem when i enter asterisk with rasterisk i allways have to reset the verbose level
08:38.41ghost75asterisk.conf options
08:40.48*** join/#asterisk elico (
08:41.26*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:42.02schmidtsghost75 thats where i set the default level but for example when i set verbose to level 10 i didnt want to reset it the next time
08:49.49bulkorokschmidts: asterisk -rvvv gives you verbose 3
08:51.39*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:53.24schmidtsbulkorok thanks but why is this behavior changed since 10?
08:54.04*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (kvirc@
08:56.20ChannelZhas it?
08:56.38bulkorokI don't think so too...
08:56.41ChannelZYou can also set some defaults in cli.conf
09:01.00ChannelZ(which is possibly something you had before and don't now..)
09:03.40Guggeif "verbose = something" is set in asterisk.conf, asterisk -r picks that up in 11, in 1.8 it it only picks it up if the setting in asterisk.conf is higher
09:03.43Gugge(on my machines)
09:03.46Guggeso something changed :)
09:04.38*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
09:05.37Guggeschmidts: but why do you care about the verbose level (when you dont use the cli)?
09:07.07schmidtsgugge why do you think i dont use it?
09:07.23Guggeuse what?
09:07.31schmidtscli :)
09:07.41Guggei think you use it :)
09:07.51schmidtsmonday morning, i need more coffee
09:08.01Guggejusat remove verbose=x from asterisk.conf if you want the custom set verbose level to stick :)
09:08.19GuggeOr if you want a specifik verbose level set each time you start the cli, set the option
09:08.29GuggeAnd if you want to log a specifik level, set that in logger.conf :)
09:09.50schmidtsok once again, i should read CHANGES file :)
09:10.08Guggeit was the logger stuff you wanted? :)
09:11.04schmidtsits exactly described what have changed in the CHANGES file
09:11.14Guggeyep :)
09:11.32ghost75somebody use monitoring on asterisk?
09:11.45schmidtsi only wondered cause normally if i set the verbose level with core set verbose it stays that way, but as it says in the CHANGES file it only is changed for the current terminal session
09:12.35schmidtss/terminal session/remote consol/
09:15.34_zoom_on exten.conf can I associate certain exten with specifi IP address?
09:15.35*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
09:16.28schmidts_zoom_ not directly in extensions.conf you have to made this in sip.conf for example, there you can create peers for every IP you want, and then set a different context for each peer
09:17.13_zoom_am working with carriers they drop calls directly @ipaddress
09:19.44ghost75schmidts: do you remember how that software was called for seeing voip quality?
09:20.29schmidtsghost75 i have to look in my mails, you mean this open source project around 2 years ago or something?
09:20.53ghost75was it voip monitor?
09:21.15schmidtsyes i think so
09:21.27*** join/#asterisk elico (
09:21.58*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
09:24.40*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
09:26.42*** join/#asterisk ruied (
09:38.48*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
09:39.26zambawill 'reload' break any channels already up?
09:44.36*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
09:48.38*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:51.09wdoekeszamba: no
09:56.43*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
10:02.55*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
10:06.49*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
10:49.45bombevHi guys
10:49.53bombevI bought two channel of G729
10:50.08bombevHow can I install it on my system
10:52.21Vince-0let me google that for you
10:52.35Vince-0there are lots of instructions for that - even on digiums site
10:55.16bombevI found it :) already
10:56.40bombevVince-0 how to check
10:56.49bombevwhether the machine is 32bit or 64?
10:59.55kaldemarbombev: uname -m
11:01.17bombevwell I got this
11:01.18*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:01.19bombevNo such command 'uname -m' (type 'core show help uname -m' for other possible commands)
11:01.30kaldemarbombev: not in asterisk, in shell.
11:01.37bombevoh my vad
11:02.29bombevhm I got this x86_64
11:02.35Maliutahow can you not know if your using a 32 or 64 bit system?
11:02.47Maliuta64 bit
11:03.31bombevso 32 bit or 64?
11:08.29bombevMaliuta thanks
11:08.56bombevI dont know because somebody else have installed the system
11:09.15bombevI just wanna make sure :)
11:11.31*** join/#asterisk hugo (~hugo@unaffiliated/hugo)
11:16.44Vince-0uname -a
11:17.57Maliutabombev: what is the OS/distribution ... most of them make it perfectly clear what the architecture is in one way or another.
11:20.42bombevWell I think /sbin/init: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, AMD x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.9, stripped
11:21.46*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
11:26.47*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
11:28.35hugoERROR[-1] tcptls.c: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection refused <--- how can I convince * to stop trying ? (other than removing the db)
11:28.53hugoit just seems to retry.. forever
11:37.21*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
11:53.38ghost75is capturing voip packets cpu intensive? i have only atom cpu
11:59.20schmidtsghost75 only capturing in a pcap file shouldnt be a big problem, cause it runs mostly without cpu, but many IO and allways the cpu of your nic
11:59.56ghost75nic has no cpu
12:16.15*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
12:22.09*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
12:22.46*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:25.31gavimobilesorry for going off topic over here, I have a linksys spa2102 which has the ability to use Block ANC Act Code: *77. I want to use *77 as a dialplan rule in my pbx for something else. I do not wish to disable only this service in my pap device, I would rather disable ALL service feature codes. is this possible? or should I just change my dialplan rule from *77 to somethine which my spa2102 isn't using?
12:31.10ghost75is not possible to run 2 asterisk server behind nat conncting to outside sip accounts like sipgate or?
12:31.40*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:33.23*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
12:35.14*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
12:35.38*** join/#asterisk jmls (~somefake@
12:35.44jmlsmorning all
12:35.44*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:36.21*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
12:36.27jmlsI thought that there was a way to execute ami / cli commands from the dialplan using asterisk-11. Am i mistaken ?
12:37.06jmlsi know that I can system asterisk -rx "somecommand", but thought that there was a diaplan option as well
12:37.09*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
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12:39.34ghost75system cmd in dialplan?
12:40.05ghost75why execute ami cmd over dialplan?
12:41.39*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
12:42.38jmlsbecause I want to do (for example) a "sip reload" and provide a mechanism to allow you to do this from a "command" phone without having to logon to a web service etc
12:43.22*** join/#asterisk GeoGeek (~steve-o_@
12:43.48ghost75start script from dialplan
12:44.44GeoGeekDoes anyone here have experience with Hylafax integration? I have  Hylafax installed and working with Asterisk, but am having iax2 registration issues.
12:46.11GeoGeekEven just basic iax extension experience might be able to help me...
12:49.19*** join/#asterisk AviMarcus (
12:49.20AviMarcusHey. I've got an SPA-2102 that returns "busy" when a call comes in while one is still on the line. But I have "call waiting" turned on. How do I debug this? I got the debugging logs but they just show sending a 100 trying then 486 0.2 seconds later.
12:49.53*** part/#asterisk jmls (~somefake@
12:57.40*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
13:01.52*** part/#asterisk mihamina (
13:08.10schmidtsAviMarcus are you sure the analog phone connected to the 2102 is capable of call waiting?
13:08.41AviMarcusschmidts, isn't that a function in the spa?
13:08.59AviMarcusit just needs a flash button or something to actually send the signal to pick up
13:09.33schmidtsAviMarcus i am not sure about this to be honest. normally you should hear a ringer signal for this
13:09.53schmidtsMaybe you can set a syslog server in the system tab of the spa and check if you will see somthing there
13:11.31AviMarcusschmidts, I did get this, but it doesn't seem very helpful.. maybe I don't have enough debugging on:
13:12.12*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
13:15.08*** join/#asterisk Lipsum (~lipsum@
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13:16.25schmidtsyes you need debug level 3 (i think its the highest) and also on line 1 you can enable sip debuging that also helps
13:16.40*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~TK]
13:16.55AviMarcusI'm pretty sure I did that but I thought it was supposed to send the SIP trace with it
13:17.11AviMarcusbut sip trace won't help, I need to know why the box is doing what it's doing.... mmmm.
13:17.25AviMarcusmaybe I should toggle call waiting on it, that might fix it.
13:17.30AviMarcusthx for looking
13:22.16schmidtsAviMarcus in the system tabs you have a setting about the debug level and system debug level, you have set both to the highest level
13:23.01*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
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13:33.42bombevpf please need help about g729 codec
13:34.08bombevI did everything
13:34.47bombevWhen I try to load the codec i got this
13:34.53bombev[root@call /]# asterisk -rx "module load"
13:34.53bombevUnable to load module
13:34.53bombevCommand 'module load' failed.
13:35.23kaldemardoes the license not include support?
13:35.43bombevwell I included the license
13:36.18bombevI think
13:37.01bombevI did everthing
13:38.20*** join/#asterisk _Corey_ (
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13:43.15bombevkaldemar I have the license var/lib/asterisk/licenses
13:43.35bombevfile with name g729-*********.lic
13:44.46kaldemari really meant that digium surely supports the products they sell, you can ask them.
13:47.24*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
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13:51.26[TK]D-Fenderbombev, Don't just -rx it.  Do it from full CLI in case it's sending messages you won't see from there
13:53.00*** join/#asterisk w9sh (~chatzilla@
13:55.31*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-ibcqzdwvczdnxsqm)
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14:16.15schmidtswelcome katty
14:16.32schmidtskatty did you asterisk survive the new years eve?
14:16.48*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
14:18.29*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
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14:35.12*** join/#asterisk qakhan (~qakhan@
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14:37.37qakhanhi all, here i have a question
14:38.45qakhani want to setup exts, which can communicate one to one and one to many exts
14:43.18PenguinNo, you want to set up phones, which can dial many extens.
14:45.38qakhani want to setup exts which can dial many exts same time and one to one dial
14:46.11leifmadsenno, you want a device that can dial an extension that can dial many devices
14:46.35leifmadsenextensions are just what triggers the dialplan logic -- extensions are no devices
14:47.04leifmadsenqakhan: all of this is easily possible -- if you and work through some of the dialplan it should become pretty obvious how to do that
14:48.09qakhan@leifmadsen can you tell me about Push to Talk in asterisk
14:48.17leifmadsenI can not
14:49.00leifmadsenI'm not even sure what that question really means... PTT is really a device level thing
14:49.05leifmadsengotta reboot
14:49.48qakhanok is there any setting in dialplan if i dial any ext it answer call on phone automatically
14:58.32wdoekesqakhan: depends on the phone. you'll need to add a SIP header
14:58.54*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
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14:59.06wdoekesSIPAddHeader(Alert-Info: Auto Answer) ; Polycom
14:59.09Rac-onqakhan: SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0) seems to work for most phones
14:59.15wdoekesSIPAddHeader(Call-Info: <http://>\;answer-after=0) ; Grandstream/Linksys
15:00.02*** join/#asterisk bchia (
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15:36.39jacekowskimy asterisk seems to have problem reregistering after reload
15:36.43jacekowskias in, it's not doing it
15:36.49*** join/#asterisk moos3 (~moos3@
15:37.14jacekowski[Jan  7 15:36:04] NOTICE[21638] chan_sip.c: Sending fake auth rejection for device "+447XXXXX" <>;tag=as466088a4
15:37.22jacekowskiafter waiting for a while
15:37.25jacekowskiit will work fine
15:37.47moos3anyone know why Asterisk SVN-branch-1.8-r378217 ignores rtp.conf rtpstart and rtpend ?
15:38.01*** join/#asterisk leedm777 (~leedm777@nat/digium/x-poggxnrlyrcfqxby)
15:38.23moos3I have it set to rtpend=20000 but its trying to use 63501 on client
15:39.29kaldemarmoos3: the ports are what adterisk uses, peers may still use what ever they want.
15:40.38moos3Registered SIP '9043' at
15:40.45leifmadsennothign wrong with that
15:40.46moos3its causing me to have one way audio
15:40.59leifmadsenthe port range is what asterisk advertises as being valid for it to listen on
15:41.09leifmadsenthe client can listen on whatever port they want
15:41.28leifmadsenone way in terms of other end can't hear you? then their firewall is the problem
15:41.37moos3they can hear me
15:41.40moos3but I can't hear them
15:41.50moos3doesn't matter if i'm vpn'd in to the network or not
15:42.29leifmadsenif you're remote to asterisk as well (not same lan) check your firewall etc.  Also check to make sure SIP connection is setting up correctly and that you're getting RTP from them
15:42.34kaldemarand that is a port for SIP, not RTP
15:42.47leifmadsenRTP is negotiated at call setup time
15:43.03moos3k, because we are comming into 5060
15:43.03leifmadsenrtp set debug ip xx.xx.xx.xx
15:43.13moos3k will set it up
15:43.14leifmadsenthat won't have anything to do wtih the RTP stuff
15:43.25leifmadsenyou're listening on 5060, other end probably isn't if they are behind NAT
15:44.18*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (~k3asd`
15:47.47moos3that was me making a call, they could hear me but I can't hear them
15:48.02moos31.6.2 this worked, 1.8 only effecting 2 users
15:51.54moos3leifmadsen ideas ?
16:01.30leifmadsenmoos3: ya, looks like asterisk was only getting RTP from one directly
16:01.51moos3I can't figure out why its just effecting me
16:06.41*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-rvomxedfcxcsvvaj)
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16:33.59qakhanRac-on and wdoekes SIPAddHeader(Call-Info: answer-after=0) is not working
16:34.35wdoekesqakhan: there were three distinct headers posted
16:34.44wdoekeswith a short summary of phone types
16:35.02wdoekessurely you can come up with a better report than "option 1 doesn't work"
16:37.58qakhando i need to enable auto answer somewhere in sip.conf?
16:40.04*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
16:42.30GreenlightHi folks, and happy new year! I'm having troubles with CallerID on an ISDN30 (in UK - Virgin Media/Telewest). Asterisk 1.8.0 and Dahdi 2.6.1. Outgoing callerid used to work and now does not, we're not sure when it stopped working and in that time both asterisk and dadhi have been updated to what were latest versions. Are there any known issues with CallerID or is it likely something has been
16:42.30Greenlightchagned externally?
16:43.10*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
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16:47.10rue_workanyone awake I have a problem with mgcp.conf
16:47.55rue_workif I specify more than one mgcp device, only the last one defined works
16:48.39rue_worktaps on the glass...'hello?'
16:51.06*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
16:52.50Rac-onqakhan: certain phones require you to enable auto-answer in the phone-configuration
16:53.04Rac-onqakhan: and like wdoekes said, try 1 of the other mentioned headers
16:53.41*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
16:55.52qakhanRac-on i tried all
16:55.57qakhanbut not working
16:56.19rue_workanyone ever used mgcp or am I the only one?
17:00.49SuperNulli laughed when one of our providers wanted to use MGCP over sip ;) heh.
17:01.07SuperNullAnyone use Linksys ATAs ? (spa-21XX)
17:02.03rue_workok I have two mgcp gateways that I'm trying to link calls between, but I cant get them both to work at the same time with asterisk
17:02.21rue_workI can get one to work
17:02.29rue_workand it can be either one
17:02.35rue_workbut not both
17:02.48rue_workI dont know if mgcp.conf is limited to one gateway
17:05.01Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all it seems to have a dinosaur on it. how to fix plz???
17:06.00WIMPyWait a few thousand years until the dinosaurs become etinct.
17:08.41Faustovwalk the dinosaur
17:13.17leifmadsenturn the dinosaur into gasoline and power the generator that runs your asterisk box
17:13.36*** join/#asterisk fullstop (
17:13.55fullstopWhat is a reliable ATA these days?  I'm looking for one with 1xFXO and 1xFXS
17:14.20WIMPydoesn't think that technology existed when the dinosaurs did.
17:15.07Kattyleifmadsen: clever boy.
17:15.19KattyWIMPy: ancient aliens disagrees with you! lol
17:15.38KattyALIENS, i tell you. ALIENS.
17:15.41Kattyflashes the crazy hair
17:15.51WIMPyYou think they killes the dinosaurs?
17:18.01Kattysomething sure did.
17:18.11Kattythey're lyin all about the place. skeletons everywhere.
17:18.22Kattyi'm not so sure about Aliens doing it.
17:18.31Kattybut they're definately extinct.
17:18.37*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
17:18.52fullstopIF the aliens were around and had access to reliable hardware, which ATA would they use?
17:19.05fullstopand don't say alienware
17:19.07Kattyi like this guy
17:19.23qakhanRac-on any update?
17:20.15Kattyfullstop: if you don't get an answer, call and ask them what their best seller is.
17:20.29Kattyfullstop: i don't use them, so can't really give any advice.
17:21.01fullstopOften times the best seller is something which has been discontinued, but I'll give it a shot.
17:22.01Kattythat happens.
17:22.08Kattyyou can ask them about their second best seller too ;)
17:22.32fullstopAre ATA's that uncommon now?
17:22.52Kattywell since i've never used one, i can't say i have a good answer
17:23.14Kattybut..i don't see a whole lot of plain ole phones sittin around when i go visit clients
17:23.42Kattythere's another vendor that's pretty good. telephony depot
17:23.56Kattyi think fender bender introduced me to them
17:24.00fullstopRight.  I normally don't deal with analog, but this would be for home.
17:24.25fullstopI used to be in this channel quite often, but I don't do as much with voip these days.
17:24.33Kattyi have a number for telephony depot if you want it.
17:24.35fullstopYou might remember my daughter vs her soup:
17:26.36*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
17:26.50Kattyi have a retired polycom at my house.
17:27.05fullstopdo you feed it crackers?
17:27.11Kattyit mostly collects dust.
17:27.29fullstopthat is not a very ambitious thing to collect.
17:27.49WIMPyhas lots of phones collecting dust.
17:28.05fullstopmy phone collects dust... because nobody calls me.
17:28.41WIMPyRedirect all invalid extensions to your phone and you will get lots of calls.
17:28.53Kattyleifmadsen: happy birthday two ewe!
17:28.55fullstopinteresting idea.
17:28.57Kattyleifmadsen: happy birthday two ewe!
17:29.06Kattyleifmadsen: happy birthday deer ewe!!!! happy birthday two ewe!!!!!
17:30.41*** part/#asterisk GeoGeek (~steve-o_@
17:32.56tzangeroh yeah it's his birthday
17:33.01tzangerhe's gotta be what now, at least 15
17:33.26fullstopDriving into work today, I realized that I didn't know my age.
17:33.50fullstopI did the math and was a year older than I thought I was.
17:33.52tzangerfullstop: I always have to ask my wife
17:33.53Kattyyeah i have to subtract years all the time
17:34.40Kattyguess it's not important enough to remember ;)
17:37.44[TK]D-Fender<qakhan> but not working <- you haven't told us what you're using.
17:49.24*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
17:50.52leifmadsentzanger: at least!
17:54.08tzanger:-) How old are you now?
17:58.19*** join/#asterisk rokjan (
18:03.49rokjanwhere to get table structure ARA Asterisk 1.8? which exists in: it's only for SIP accounts.
18:03.51rokjanhelp me
18:18.33*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
18:22.02leifmadsentzanger: 32 :)
18:23.25WIMPyleifmadsen: Happy 6th bit then.
18:23.38leifmadsenthanks :D
18:23.43leifmadsenclever, I like that
18:24.00leifmadsenhopefully I can make it to the 7th bit
18:24.06leifmadsen7 is my lucky number...
18:24.27leifmadsenthat sounds somewhat ominous
18:24.39WIMPyWell, you know it takes twice the time for each additional one.
18:26.16fullstopEven turtles have difficulty making it to the 8th bit.
18:32.28*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
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18:34.25SuperNullso if i looped through an SQL result is there a way to put the contents into a search able .. variable some how ?
18:34.52*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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18:51.31*** join/#asterisk ryan42 (
18:52.38ryan42Greetings. I have a quick question as I can't seem to figure this out. I have FreePBX + Digium phones. I'm trying to set a custom ring for an incoming route with Alert Info in FreePBX
18:52.39reisishould ubuntu 1.8 include cli originate command? (as in )
18:52.54ryan42Something like "alert alert_info="normal" ringtone_id="Digium" ring_type="normal"
18:53.28ryan42however that isn't working, and I can't figure out if alert info should carry the actual alert info, or if it's just a reference that's defined elsewehre like sip_additional.conf
18:54.15navaismoreisi, you mean Asterisk?
18:54.46navaismomaybe your alias conf file is not setup and you should try with: Channel Originate
19:03.42*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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19:20.40jacekowskiryan42: you need DPMA for that to work
19:21.00jacekowskiryan42: and phone has to be provisioned from DPMA
19:22.28fullstopSo who here is sick / getting over being sick?
19:22.32*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
19:22.45fullstopApparently a good portion of the world is sick at the moment, based on my limited sampling.
19:26.17leifmadsenyep, for sure
19:26.19leifmadsenwife is sick
19:26.23leifmadsenI haven't been sick this year yet
19:26.32fullstopI'm just getting over something my daughter gave me.
19:26.43leifmadsenbut I work from home and avoid sick people -- I'm almost a dick when it comes to avoiding people who are sick around me
19:26.52fullstopI know it's from her because she stuck her finger in her mouth and then poked me in the eye.  On purpose.
19:28.32fullstopI assume that you have no children.  If you plan on having them, know that they are tiny germ factories.
19:28.56fullstopAnd then you send them to school, which turns into a gigantic germ factory.
19:29.13fileI banned my mother from visiting when she was sick because of a trip, but then a snow storm had my delay it anyway
19:29.19fileerm had me
19:29.33filehates his travel luck
19:30.26mjordanfile: part of this may have something to do with your location
19:30.51filemjordan, it's rarely on the legs for here!
19:30.52fullstoptwist:  file lives in Arizona
19:34.24leifmadsenfullstop: kid due in Feb, and I'm well aware of how much more sick I'm going to start getting in the coming years
19:34.58fullstopcongratulations, btw.  On the kid, not the sickness.
19:40.43*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
19:42.19tzangerwhoa wait
19:42.23tzangerwow congrats leif!
19:42.28tzangerdo you know what it is?
19:42.48fullstopa baby, you fool!
19:42.49tzangerfile: why, were you on this flight?
19:42.53tzanger(who do you think they tied up?)
19:43.03fileno comment
19:43.37tzangerfullstop: amen to that
19:44.01*** join/#asterisk citywok (~kvirc@
19:44.16infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
19:44.20tzangerlate last year I was reading to my 3yo and he barfed on me, the chair, the carpet, the dresser, his stuffed puppy... there wasn't anything I could do either since that would involve me tracking it through the house
19:44.44citywokI need an ITSP for a number in France, and a number in Germany.  Does anybody have any suggestions? (U.S. based here, so flying blind) -- Thanks!
19:50.28*** part/#asterisk rokjan (
19:50.59fullstopMy girls have strong stomaches, but both had explosive diapers.  As in, shot poo up their backs and into their hair.
19:51.24fullstopWe keep a chair in a particular spot in the room because of that.
19:52.05cuscoI'm using AMI action originate
19:52.49cuscoI'm setting a variable, and not having it in dialplan.. the correct syntax to set a var is "Varialbe: webId=$callid\r\n"
19:55.05cuscoahh typo
19:55.09cuscoVarialbe vs Variable
19:57.38*** join/#asterisk epaphus (~user1@
19:58.06epaphusHello. Is this the correct way to set a custom callerid when dialing out...    exten => _8X.,2,Set(CALLERID(num)="954678987")
19:58.15epaphusobviously this would match when i dial 8 as prefix.. right
19:59.04epaphusfor some reason when i add that line, calls are not getting out. Dead air. If i remove it then calls out work
20:00.44[TK]D-Fenderepaphus, pastebin the entire relevant section of your dialplan and the call attempt
20:01.00[TK]D-Fenderepaphus, Also, NO QUOTES after the =
20:01.06[TK]D-Fenderepaphus, First thing...
20:01.20ryan42jacekowski: I believe it is
20:01.30*** join/#asterisk OneNarrowWay (
20:01.36epaphusit was the quotes! thanks
20:02.03ryan42jacekowski: I have the DMPA addon installed
20:02.19ryan42The phones are listed in the Digium Phones section of FreePBX
20:20.45*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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20:28.28ghost75is there a command to get the callerid from a phone?
20:28.56rrittgarnyou mean from a channel?
20:28.59ghost75from all phones
20:29.24rrittgarnwell the ${CALLERID} can be called to get the CID info or set it
20:29.52ghost75there is no call, i have a list with all internal extensions and want to include callerid from sip.conf
20:31.01rrittgarnwhat's your goal here then? just a list of extensions with caller id?
20:31.38*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
20:32.00ghost75i have webpage that displays all extensions with their state and you can do click2dial
20:32.02jacekowskiryan42: digium_phones show sessions
20:32.30ryan42it shows my three phones
20:32.36ryan42total active sessions:3
20:34.41rrittgarnghost75: Are you running real time? We run realtime here and its just a query against my device table (sip.conf effectively)
20:34.55ghost75 <- how it looks
20:35.57ghost75i dont want to give rights on sip.conf to apache
20:35.58rrittgarnah yeah I don't use that webGUI... you could use the AMI to grab a sippeer and parse that out if you're customizing that
20:36.29ghost75of course you dont use it because i did it
20:37.00rrittgarnlooked a bit like the web GUI project
20:37.27ghost75as soon i am gonna parse it over ami, the webserver needs read rights on sip.conf
20:37.37ryan42jacekowski: so I have "ring-group1" as alert info from my ring group but I don't know where to define that it should be a separate ringtone
20:38.21rrittgarnghost75:  with AMI you would just need read rights in the manager.conf for it, Thus not giving apache direct access to sip.conf. I assume you're using AMI to do the click action?
20:39.24ghost75no ami is then just able to execute the commands
20:40.57rrittgarnghost87: i use the http://serverip:8088/asterisk/mxml?  page for loading dynamic content on my front end, but the asterisk server's web UI is only accessible via my apache server (different box/different network) separated by Firewall rules
20:42.05ghost75whats on that port ?
20:42.26rrittgarn8088 is the default port
20:42.34rrittgarnbut you can do a curl request to grab the xml formatted info
20:42.37rrittgarnand then parse that out
20:42.39ghost75port for what
20:42.48rrittgarnsorry asterisk listens on that
20:43.11rrittgarnif you have webenabled=yes
20:44.07ghost75ah the diginum gui
20:44.14ghost75dont have that installed
20:44.24rrittgarnits in stock asterisk
20:44.48ghost75didnt they remove it in later versions?
20:44.56rrittgarnnope, still running it on 11
20:45.14rrittgarnits built into the AMI
20:46.06rrittgarnonly issue with it that i've found is that you have to use curl to create the cookie to pull it from the pbx properly
20:46.16ghost75http:// <- doesnt start
20:46.18rrittgarnso parsing out AMI might be easier depending on your preference via socket
20:46.29rrittgarnyou have webenabled=yes in your manager.conf?
20:46.39ghost75ah manager, wait
20:47.08rrittgarnthen restart asterisk and a netstat should show it listening on that port as well as the usual 5038 (unless you specify otherwise of course)
20:48.11ghost75in general section?
20:49.16rrittgarnused to come in the sample docs
20:50.03ghost75doesnt show
20:50.16rrittgarntimeout or page not found?
20:50.31ghost75nmap doesnt even show port
20:51.11rrittgarnfrom the asterisk cli:  manager show settings
20:51.16rrittgarnwhat's enabled?
20:51.38ghost75Web Manager (AMI/HTTP):    Yes
20:51.54*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
20:52.13rrittgarndid you sent the bindaddr in the manager.conf?
20:52.44ghost75ok, it was localhost thats reason
20:53.49ghost75but still not works lol
20:53.55rrittgarnso doesn't yeild anything?
20:54.17ghost75maybe something is missing in install
20:54.25rrittgarnserver still isn't listening on 8088 if you do nestat -a
20:54.37serafieghost75: This is documentation for Asterisk GUI (which does not come with Asterisk, however Asterisk does come with an HTTP *server* not *gui*) This documentation includes information on troubleshooting the HTTP server which may help you:
20:55.29rrittgarnghost75:  Kaldemar is right... i forgot about that one...
20:55.48*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
20:56.13serafieghost75: "http show settings" and "manager show settings" CLI commands may give you additional information as well.
20:59.54jacekowskiryan42: you have to define it all in res_digium_phones.conf
21:00.05jacekowskiryan42: as in ringtone and stuff
21:00.34ryan42okay. Right now my res_digium_phone.conf file just has includes for 4 other files (due to freepbx)
21:00.43ryan42I have tried putting it in _devices.conf but it gets overwritten
21:00.44ghost75http:// -> The requested URL was not found on this server.
21:00.54ghost75at least port is now open
21:01.24ryan42so can I just put the overrides in say _additional? for instance [100] \n type=phone \n alert=alert=alert-from-pstn
21:01.57serafieghost75: you may need to add prefix=asterisk to http.conf
21:02.01serafieor remove it
21:02.13jacekowskiryan42: that's how it's supposed to loo
21:02.38ryan42ah okay. that's pretty much waht I have come up with but now I just need to put it somewhere where freepbx doesn't overwrite it
21:02.47jacekowskiryan42: where did you get digium phones module for freepbx
21:03.15ryan42I just installed it through PBX and put my key and such for asterisk in
21:03.26ryan42err key from digium rather
21:03.54rrittgarnghost75:  add /mxml  or another one of the subfolders to there
21:04.03ghost75http:// <- that worked
21:04.06rrittgarnthe /asterisk directory will yield a 404 by default
21:04.19rrittgarnyep so
21:04.39rrittgarnthere's also one for plain text, and one with a hoakey click do dial via AMI for testing things
21:04.59ghost75This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.
21:05.06ghost75<generic response="Error" message="Missing action in request"/>
21:07.11rrittgarnhave you used the AMI before? it accepts ami commands via get request
21:07.40ghost75i have used ami over normal manager access 5038port
21:08.02rrittgarnsame theory here, just all at once. So after you log in you can do stuff like action=sippeers
21:08.47rrittgarnghost75: old but most of it is accurate
21:08.49ghost75http:// <- get a login here but fails to login in
21:09.22rrittgarncredentials line up with your manager.conf or manager.d/*
21:10.26ghost75maybe rights problem
21:10.52rrittgarnpossibly. I don't use that very often (the amanager), just the mxml from my protected networks.
21:13.13ghost75i dont know path from this webserver files
21:15.08rrittgarnits just the GET requests... so like i have it above. just replace the action= stuff
21:16.28ryan42jacekowski: so in your example... [paging-alert] defines the alert and alert=paging-alert activates it for teh phone, right?
21:16.46ryan42paging-ring-answer is the text that must be specified as alert-info for the incoming trunk to activate that alert?
21:21.00*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
21:24.36ghost75rrittgarn: <generic response="Success" message="Already authenticated"/>
21:24.45jacekowskiryan42: yes
21:24.56ryan42jacekowski: doesn't seem to be working here :-/
21:26.04rrittgarnghost75: after you get authorized, you issue commands like :
21:26.13rrittgarnmaking sense?
21:27.40ryan42i have to go afk for a bity
21:30.14ghost75k i have now sip.conf, but looks a bit ugly
21:30.59*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
21:32.46rrittgarnyeah you will have to parse it in whatever language your looking for... I assume you're not hard coding all this, so you will need to parse the XML into something useable, and probably loop through to grab the sippeer info for each host to get the CID, but that's whatever you're programming in, and not asterisk
21:32.46ghost75hard to extract callerid from there
21:33.50epaphusCould anybody help me with this? Call from '13010' ( to extension 's' rejected because extension not found in context 'from-external'.   i dont find any extensions "s" in that context... :S
21:34.20WIMPyYes, that's what it says.
21:35.02*** join/#asterisk shadar (~eugene@
21:35.05ghost75good old dial patterns
21:36.42*** join/#asterisk gusto (
21:37.31jmetroepaphus: you answered your own question - but to clarify, somewhere you have a peice of code that is going to from-external with the target "s" and since S isnt there...
21:38.24WIMPyOr someone calling s or nothing.
21:39.52ghost75or the given exten doesnt exist and jumps to s ?
21:40.15*** join/#asterisk Docfxit (
21:40.22jmetroghost75: i believe thats "i" for invalid.
21:42.31*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
21:47.39epaphusiam going to paste my from-external context
21:48.20WIMPyWe all know it has no s.
21:48.53WIMPyMaybe you should actually ask a question. If you're looking for some sort of answer, that is.
21:49.28jmetro13010 looks like an internal number, why is it hitting from-external
21:49.33jmetrostart there?
21:50.12WIMPyPossibly. We don't know.
21:50.39jmetro^ was directed at epaphus
21:57.12DocfxitI would like to record a voice prompt.  I added extension 130 to extensions.conf. The lines I added are at  I have restarted Asterisk.  It isn't working.  Could someone please suggest what I need to do to get it working?
21:57.54jmetrowhat is the problem you are having..what goes wrong
21:58.12WIMPyFirst of all it would help if you post full URLs.
21:58.58Docfxitjmetro: When I dial the extension I don't hear a beep.  No file gets created.
21:59.05WIMPyAnd second I'd try to Answer() before recording.
21:59.14jmetroget rid of the first wait - not necessary. also [referencing mine] it is asterisk-recording.gsm not :gsm
22:00.03WIMPythat too
22:00.03*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
22:00.16jmetroand why are you using numbers instead of n, and extens instead of same.
22:01.41DocfxitJmetro: I just copied off the internet.
22:03.11DocfxitI just changed the numbers to n.  I don't know how to code same instead of extens.
22:03.28jmetrowimpy's suggestion is probably the most effective for fixing it though. mine are just coding OCD.
22:04.19jmetroexten => 130,1,answer followd by same=> n,Playback(please record blah blah..).
22:04.39jmetrosame => (step#),(action)
22:04.53jmetroread up on dialplan basics from the book or wiki
22:05.49jacekowskiryan42: have you reconfigured the phone
22:06.03jacekowskiryan42: digium_phones reconfigure all
22:09.23*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey_ (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
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22:15.25*** join/#asterisk schultza (
22:15.47schultzadoes running two asterisk servers on the same network conflict with each other? no sip trunk of any kind...
22:16.42serafieschultza: done many times.
22:16.57schultzahow does it conflict?>
22:17.08serafieshouldn't. I meant it has been done many times successfully.
22:17.33schultzaok.. so i can run a test environment from another machine (asterisk instance) on the same network?
22:21.26*** join/#asterisk jkroon (~jkroon@
22:25.04*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-heryiddnuriyyofu)
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22:42.42ryan42jacekowski: I did do that.
22:43.01ryan42let me pastebin my config
22:44.54ryan42jacekowski: see anything out of whack?
22:50.36ryan42ah wait I think I got it
22:50.38ryan42syntax error in another file
22:52.43ryan42Thanks very much for pointing me in the right direction!
23:01.18*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:04.54*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
23:17.43Docfxitjmetro: wimpy: Thank you both for the help.  I applied the suggestions.  It still isn't working.  I have to go now.  I'll be back in touch to try to get it working.
23:19.32*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
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23:25.54*** join/#asterisk Get_The_Fish (
23:26.38Get_The_FishDoes anyone know how to force a polycom phone to reset to factory defaults? I just cannot get this phone to accept the fact that there is no blessed boot server to connect to any longer
23:27.32epaphusHello, can anybody please help me interpret this error.. iam unable to make calls... [Jan  7 17:26:21] WARNING[6199]: chan_sip.c:20552 handle_response_invite: Received response: "Forbidden" from '"585005" <sip:585005@>;tag=as29bcfad6'
23:27.36epaphusForbidden by who?
23:27.51[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Where's the problem?
23:28.07Get_The_Fish"I just cannot get this phone to accept the fact that there is no blessed boot server to connect to any longer"
23:28.16[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Doesn't matter if a boot server is there.  If it has configs on it then it will boot
23:28.30[TK]D-FenderThere is no "don't loks for a bot server" option that I've seen.
23:28.39[TK]D-FenderBut it doesn't matter if there is or not
23:28.59Get_The_FishAnd thats exactly what I DONT want it to. I need to reconfigure the thing, and I cant because it keeps reverting to its old configuration
23:29.06[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: pastebin the complete call with SIP DEBUG enabled
23:29.08infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
23:29.21zerohaloGet_The_Fish: what model?
23:29.32Get_The_FishSoundpoint 301
23:29.36[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: the only way it reverts is if there IS a boot server it's connecting to.
23:29.46Get_The_FishWell that isnt the case.
23:29.50zerohalohold all of 4,6,8 and *
23:29.52Get_The_FishI did
23:31.18zerohalocan you get into the admin interface?
23:31.21*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
23:32.33Get_The_Fishzerohalo, the admin interface as in the web interface? No. And since the phone is a reboot loop I only have access to the limited setup menu. But that doesnt matter because it cant find a boot server and keeps reverting to it's previous configuration
23:33.16zerohalono - the interface on the phone
23:33.19zerohaloadmin settings...
23:33.33Get_The_Fish"since the phone is a reboot loop I only have access to the limited setup menu"
23:33.51Get_The_Fish"But that doesnt matter because it cant find a boot server and keeps reverting to it's previous configuration"
23:34.01[TK]D-FenderReboot loop is the kind of thing that happens when it's got corrupted configs and can't even minimally boot
23:34.10Get_The_FishNo, it isnt
23:34.22Get_The_FishBecause I'm watching it
23:34.52[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Then how far does it get?  How long does it last?
23:35.06[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: What version of BR & SIP are you running on it?
23:35.22Get_The_FishIt cant pull an IP address, because it still thinks that it's on VLAN 2. It's not. So, it reboots.
23:35.44zerohaloyou can remove the vlan in the ethernet menu
23:35.59[TK]D-FenderSo lack of network interface then?
23:36.02Get_The_FishI remove the setting VLAN 2, tell it to start, it gets to the "Welcome! Processing cfg" and fails.
23:36.16[TK]D-FenderSthen that part is still corrupted
23:36.19Get_The_Fish?? Lack of network interface?? No.
23:36.25Get_The_FishThat part is not corrupted.
23:36.27[TK]D-FenderAnd the VLAN is its own layer of fail
23:36.39Get_The_FishIt used to be on VLAN 2. It is not anymore.
23:36.41[TK]D-Fender"Welcome! Processing cfg" and fails. <- evidence appears otherwise
23:37.15[TK]D-FenderSo make a new provisioning folder and dump in stock sample configs & firwmware for it to pick up
23:37.16Get_The_FishWhat in the world are you talking about TK?
23:37.23Get_The_FishI cant do that.
23:38.11Get_The_FishBecause I dont have unfettered access to this entire subnet, and since it's looking for a boot server on a 10.x.x.x network, and is now on a 192.168 subnet, it fails.
23:38.53[TK]D-FenderThere is NOTHING you can point the phone to ANYWHERE?
23:39.29[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: From: "100" <sip:100@>;tag=as29817a6b <- set fromuser=(yourusername)
23:39.42[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: as well as "sendrpid=yes"
23:40.01Get_The_FishAnd how am I supposed to tell the phone to do that, do you suggest? Because it will not accept my settings.
23:40.30Get_The_FishHence the original question, how do you reset a polycom phone to factory default?
23:41.05[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: So you power the phone, drop immediately into the boot menu.  Manually change the server type, address info, etc and it doesn't stick at all?
23:41.43Get_The_FishNot to mention the fact that it is so old I wouldnt even know which firmware to use on it.
23:42.00[TK]D-Fender"no", what i said isn't true?  or "no, it fails like you just described?"
23:42.10[TK]D-FenderAnd the latter is NOT the problem
23:42.28Get_The_FishNo as in the setting do not stick
23:42.30[TK]D-FenderGet_The_FishNot to mention the fact that it is so old I wouldnt even know which firmware to use on it. <- not knowing what to give it has no impact with being able to TRY it.
23:42.48[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: So you go in, make changes.  hit save.  Immediately go back in and they're gone?
23:42.59Get_The_FishHere TK, I have a few more hairs over here you can split.
23:43.12epaphusTK thanks!
23:43.36Get_The_FishNo TK, when I enter the settings manually and it attempts to boot and fails, it reverts to the previous config.
23:44.10epaphusTK it worked just by setting the from-user.. but what is sendrpid = yes for?
23:44.36[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: So that they still accept CID sent in the Remote-party ID
23:44.55[TK]D-FenderGet_The_Fish: Give it a place to grab configs from then so it doesn't fail
23:45.10Get_The_FishWith which firmware?
23:45.23[TK]D-FenderAny that it supports
23:45.30Get_The_Fishbecause this phone isnt supported anymore
23:45.33[TK]D-FenderHopefulle >= what it has now
23:46.15Get_The_FishSO, apparently the answer to the question, at the end of the day
23:46.21Get_The_Fish(the part I care about)
23:46.23Get_The_Fishis that you cant
23:46.58[TK]D-FenderIf what it's got is baked and can't boot to a USER INTERFACE on the phone then you've already fucked it up
23:47.10[TK]D-FenderYou have to restore a certain minimum for it NOT to have a heart attack
23:47.42Get_The_FishSure pal. I appreciate you trying to help.
23:48.09[TK]D-FenderI see great resistance at your accepting it
23:48.23[TK]D-FenderThe tone is most than evident
23:48.47Get_The_FishBecause it isnt valid assistance.
23:48.51[TK]D-FenderIt is.
23:49.19Get_The_FishAnd frankly TK, this isnt my first rodeo with Polycom. Nor with you.
23:49.55Get_The_FishThe IRC "you already fucked it up" really isnt appreciated, and after several years of it from you it's rather old.
23:50.13[TK]D-FenderYou are far too sensitive and think this is a game
23:50.15[TK]D-FenderI've been working with Polycom phones for the past EIGHT years and this past week have reprovisioned over a dozen IP 600/601 and more to firmware from LAST YEAR.
23:50.26[TK]D-FenderI know what I'm talking about and have real experience with these
23:50.42[TK]D-FenderYou want to waste you time , well apparently YOU knwo better because YOUR setup it working, riight?
23:50.47[TK]D-FenderOh wait.  IT ISN'T
23:50.57Get_The_FishSo have I, and so do I. And screw you for assuming I don't. My last polycom shop was a 50 seat all polycom call center.
23:50.59[TK]D-FenderSo Don't dream of trying to shove my help back in my face.
23:51.23Get_The_Fishthen drop the attitude and you wont get it shoved back in your face.
23:51.35Get_The_Fishbecause frankly I'm sick and tired of it.
23:52.10tzangerGet_The_Fish: I have a polycom ip501 here
23:52.30tzangerGet_The_Fish: menu, 2, 456, enter, 2, I have "4. Reset to default" -- does that not work?
23:52.36Get_The_FishI dont have that menu
23:52.40tzangermind you if you can get to the admin menu you should be able to do whatever you want
23:52.47tzangerwhich menu are you missing specifically?
23:52.59Get_The_Fishthe menu button does nothing.
23:53.16tzangerGet_The_Fish: it sounds like you have to call polycom; this is not something I've got experience with
23:54.41[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Config failure prevents the SIP app from loading.
23:54.56[TK]D-FendertzaSame sort of thing a corrupted app would o as well depending on how bad.
23:55.14tzangerodd, that seems like a really broken thing to do on polycom's part
23:55.36*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
23:55.40[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Nothing pointing it to a fresh provisioning source can't fix as long as you didn't kill the BootROM
23:55.58[TK]D-FenderWhich is a big plus for it coming in 2 parts
23:56.02tzanger[TK]D-Fender: if the phone's network config isn't hosed as well
23:56.24[TK]D-Fendertzanger: that's the BR's side.  He apparently can get in there so its all app-side now
23:56.25tzangeras a designer of embedded systems having a device refuse to work due to bad config is a bad design
23:56.30tzangerand I love polycomps
23:56.32tzangerer polycoms
23:57.10[TK]D-Fendertzanger: Well the app itself could be corrupted too....but yes, bad configs will prevent full boot.
23:58.15[TK]D-FenderAnd this twit let his history and attitude get in the way of getting help from people who do know better.
23:58.26[TK]D-Fender[18:55][TK]D-Fendertzanger: Nothing pointing it to a fresh provisioning source can't fix as long as you didn't kill the BootROM <- can*
23:59.12tzanger[TK]D-Fender: yeah I saw the more recent scrollback, it's unfortunate but that too happens sometimes

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