IRC log for #asterisk on 20130106

00:08.45ruiedhas anyone worked with zyxel's 72port sip to analog card "VOP1372G-61" (
00:12.47ruiedI've worked with the zyxel's adsl2 cards and they are working for several years without a single problem. I wonder if the SIP cards area also fine and if they are ok for asterisk....
00:24.15*** join/#asterisk dijib (
00:24.33dijibSeRi: are you in here?
00:24.59dijibsomeone from a 24.x.x.x address was trying to access asterisk. maybe penguine?
00:25.03dijibim in conf fyi
00:25.08SeRiI saw that one
00:25.33dijibhey see the other
00:25.40dijibminexpire error
00:25.41SeRione sec
00:26.00*** join/#asterisk Penguin (
00:26.01SeRiI saw it
00:26.06SeRiall of it as it was happening
00:26.15SeRiwhy would it be Penguin?
00:26.20dijibi switched to csipsimple today from sipdroid. maybe that?
00:26.26dijibthe 24. might be i dont know
00:26.31dijibdoesnt make sense really
00:26.43SeRichan_sip.c:25120 handle_request_subscribe: Received subscription for extension "asterisk" context "phones" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 30" min is 60
00:26.59SeRiis that your peer?
00:27.09SeRifor your cell
00:27.20dijib400 is peer
00:27.21SeRiso than somebody was hitting you
00:27.32dijibimma hit somebody
00:27.43SeRilook at your cdr
00:35.11*** join/#asterisk JimDickenson (
00:40.33dijibSeRi: no calls made it into the CDR.
00:40.42dijibwhich means they did not reach my outbound context
00:53.59*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (186788ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:54.17cheaseeim playing with chan_dongle, actualy trying to get it run under freepbx working virtualized with qemu-kvm. when initializing the dongle, i get this error: ERROR[22294]: chan_dongle.c:433 do_monitor_phone: [privatone] timedout while waiting 'OK' in response to 'AT'
00:55.08cheasee(same setup is working on a real host and same setup virtualized with vmware esxi5 works too)
00:55.25cheaseeanybody ideas what/where i could debug further?
00:56.17greenwolfits probably a problem with qemu emulator
00:57.59ChannelZIs that Hayes?
01:00.54WIMPyYou don;t seem to have access to the USB port, I guess.
01:01.42WIMPyNormal modem style.
01:01.49dijibdongle for what?
01:02.19cheaseeim able to access the data device via screen
01:02.27cheaseeuh, not modem, gsm
01:02.45cheaseehuawei e1550 usb dongle
01:05.25cheaseeah right, true
01:07.18gustowho has a e1550 here?
01:07.22gustoi have such thing as well
01:07.31gustoand here i have an E220
01:08.10cheaseeive got an e1550 and an e180 working :)
01:08.16WIMPyE172 and E1550
01:08.34gustoE173 i think it is what i have as well
01:08.36cheaseee122 doesnt work, tried everything, even firmware update
01:08.37gustonot E172
01:09.29gustobut however, these devices are really cool, the only problem about them is the poor provider's network
01:10.01WIMPyMy e1550 won't do voice, either.
01:10.10gustoi mean with t-mobile and vodafone you at least get good signal, but then it's all NATted and proxyservered, that's no good internet connection
01:10.23gustoi do not think that any of mine does
01:10.36gustobut that E220 is old, so theoretically that would be the best shot to try
01:10.52cheasee"three"/3 gives me a public ip :)
01:10.52dijibi hope you have a 25ft cable and an enclosure for that e1550
01:11.08gustothe older the device the less likely is it antifeautured
01:11.22gustocheasee: in austria?
01:12.50dijibgusto its registering in dmesg properly? getting irq?
01:13.38cheaseedijib: 25ft cable? enclosure?
01:13.45cheaseegusto: yes, in austria
01:13.53dijibso you can put that thing outside.
01:13.55gustocheasee: that's even worse
01:14.13gustofrom what i heard austria has no good wireless networks
01:14.32gustoi could have HSPA+ with 42 MBit/s here! ;-)
01:14.43gustobut i do not have a dongle that could do that
01:14.44cheaseedijib: ive got enough signal to get calls through without problems, so no must need to put it outside
01:14.58dijibfind one in the garbage
01:15.48cheaseegusto: austria has no good wireless networks?
01:15.53gustocheasee: yes
01:16.00cheaseedefine please ;)
01:16.21gustowell, they are old and outdated, like everything there
01:17.47cheaseegusto: where are you from? is it that much better where you live?
01:18.08gustoslovakia has much better UMTS coverage
01:18.31gustoyou see it on my domain where i am from now
01:18.54cheaseei dont whois everybody im speaking to ;)
01:19.34cheaseewell isps provide lte lately.. ?
01:20.11cheaseea friend got hspa+ with 25mbit (outside cities where less people use 3g)
01:21.49dijibthis: BBi5 -> [Jan  5 20:16:07] WARNING[10128]: chan_sip.c:25120 handle_request_subscribe: Received subscription for extension "asterisk" context "phones" with Expire header less that 'minexpire' limit. Received "Expire: 30" min is 60
01:22.30dijibwhile sending an SMS+image apparently being caught by asterisk from the cellphone.
01:22.34gustothat's LTE but only in few locations ... not slovakia-wide operation
01:24.06cheaseetype in "wien" and search
01:24.52cheaseeit displays whole austria.. im not sure, but on first sight it looks better than in .sk ?
01:25.49gustocheasee: that's A1 and that's vodafone
01:26.39gustobut that map you gave me is not realistic, because you can get those speeds only for some distance of the BTS
01:27.26gustothat orange network i gave you is 1.) realistic 2.) shows ONLY HSPA+ ... you have ALL UMTS there
01:27.43gustois zu 42 Mbit/s <-- that can mean even 7,5 mbit/s
01:28.02gustobis zu 236 Kbit/s <-- that looks like GSM !!!
01:28.30gustoyou understand what i mean?
01:28.52cheaseei know what "up-to" means ;)
01:29.07cheaseei worked for an isp and had to explain that to many customers :P
01:29.16gustobut you have bis zu 236 Kbit/s and that is not even UMTS, so it's GSM with some extensions
01:29.49gustoand bis zu 42 Mbit/s can mean UMTS basic 386kbps to HSPA+ and HSPA+ DC !
01:30.12cheaseesure :)
01:30.26gustoso on first sight it looks better than that, but that map is a map for HSPA+ ONLY!
01:30.39cheaseeand you always get those ~40mbit constantly?
01:31.10gustotake that
01:31.11*** join/#asterisk appleboy (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
01:31.33cheaseei dont have much experience with all networks, just with orange, t-mob and three.. three is the fastest one
01:31.46*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:32.13gustowhen you choose  GSM/GPRS/EDGE and "zobraz" then austria does not look soo good any more :-D
01:32.21cheaseei dont like orange at all heh, three is nice, it even lets you phone for free within their network :)
01:32.35cheaseezobraz ?
01:32.40gustoyou can not compare orange in austria and orange in slovakia
01:32.49gustothat were always two very different companies
01:33.05gustoorange in austria (which does not exist any more) was using old Siemens hardware
01:33.38cheaseeaha? interesting
01:33.57cheaseeyes, three/hutchison bought orange in austria
01:33.58gustoand here Orange has all Alcatel-Lucent and Nortel hardware and planning was done by some dudes from ESA
01:34.31gustobut now they ll be using Huwaei like everyone else
01:35.25gustoyes, then 3 will need to exchange all BTSs from orange there
01:37.57gustoso wireless networks are no problem here in slovakia, but DSL is ... having the german telecom here as monopolistic provider for all telephone and DSL lines is worse than russian occupation, because they were not staying forever
01:38.18dijibPenguin: your alive, i didnt see you entres
01:40.03cheaseehah, here in austria dsl is no problem, telecom even gives you 7km dsl line with "up-to 16/1mbit" hahaha and you end up having 1-2mbit down when the cabling isnt rusty haha
01:40.07dijibalso did anybody see my sms issue? is this possible through itsp's? sms?
01:40.39Maliutadijib: it depends on the itsp ... mine has an API for doing it
01:41.41gustocheasee: in slovakia you get DSL everywhere as well,  .... for 40 EUR / month !!! LOL :-D
01:42.12cheaseeomg? for 40eur you get cable/vdsl in austria
01:42.26gustoyou see
01:42.46gustothat's deutsche telekom thiefs and swindlers inc.
01:43.39gustoi had DT 2 mbit/s in nuernberg as well, so they are not better out there, now i have 18/1 MNet there
01:43.47gustowith native IPv6, what i miss here
01:44.35fileI'm 80Mbps down, 30Mbps FTTH here... wish it had native IPv6 but I settle for an tunnel
01:44.46gustoyes yes
01:44.55filethankfully my ISP peers with them so the extra latency is minimal
01:45.05gustois possible here in this city as well, but not to my address
01:45.07cheaseeya, native v6 in austria only possible with i couldnt find another isp with native v6 support
01:45.07fileeerily Google over IPv6 via the tunnel has less latency than IPv4 directly
01:45.40gustothat's 100/100 for 30 EUR
01:46.16gustono one can beat that
01:46.28cheaseefile: lol!
01:47.07file40ms over IPv6, 50ms over IPv4
01:47.12*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
01:47.43gustothese *** get 100/100 for 10 eur less than me for my t-com 10/0.5 DSL only few km away, and maybe less than one by air
01:48.02gustofile: i have such data as well
01:48.04filea few km is a lot of fiber ^_^
01:48.10cheaseegusto: i guess thats only possible in new buildings where fiber is already available? or does orange put fiber in old buildings?
01:48.15gusto64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=48 time=39.7 ms
01:48.25gusto64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=51.4 ms
01:48.43gusto64 bytes from 2a00:1450:4001:c02::65: icmp_seq=1 ttl=57 time=50.6 ms
01:48.58gustocheasee: yes
01:53.19cheaseeinteresting, such buildings here in austria are the last who get fiber ..
01:54.02gustohere it only depends on how many ppl will buy it
01:54.36gustoand buildings with high density of potential customers are likely to be in the first row
01:55.07cheaseethat would be logical, but somehow thats not the case in austria (or at least in vienna)
01:55.36gustoin vienna noone would care about tearing off the street for putting cables in there
01:56.56cheaseethere are much more potential customers where fiber has to be passed but it costs too much to pass "so much" fiber.. its a war with local regulators :/
01:57.43cheaseetrue :/ but there are comapnies like cablerunner who use alternatives heh
02:04.23gustothat's not an alternative to run the fibre optics in the shitter
02:06.21WIMPyThis analog shit seems to like me just as much as I like it.
02:06.24gustobut that's typical for the austrian ppl, they invent bullshit because they are too lazy
02:07.08gustobut who else would get that idea to pass fibreoptics in canalisation?
02:07.26WIMPyThat's not a new idea.
02:07.35WIMPyThe nerds in Berlin have been doing so for decades.
02:07.44gustoanother lazy ppl
02:07.49WIMPyWell not with fibers at that time, obviousely.
02:09.31WIMPyHere our utility company put fibers in to the old gas pipes.
02:09.46cheaseegusto: lol? you prefer a loud building lot over weeks than this idea?
02:10.01gustowell, thats understandable, i would do the same, but those gas pipes are OK
02:10.18gustoof course i would prefer that
02:10.38gustowould do that by myself preferably
02:11.06gustopneumatic hammer is fun
02:11.56gustoonce we built a cluster of two compressors to tear up some concrete and while we were talking we forgot about the pressure and one of them blew up
02:12.29gustothat dropped down a tree ... would be there a person it would take him down as well
02:13.05cheaseeyou were talking? dont lie, i saw what you did:
02:14.22gustobtw. when that robot puts that cables inside the shitter tube, where do the ppl shit during that time?
02:14.55gustoi would not want A1 to tell me when to and when not to use my loo
02:14.56ChannelZin plants
02:15.04cheaseeit gets routed over other connections :P
02:15.44cheaseedont you know dynamic routing?
02:16.30WIMPyIt's a misery.
02:16.32gustoi have only one route to my loo
02:16.54WIMPyThat's what you think.
02:17.00cheaseesure, you also got only one route to your modem
02:17.32cheaseeWIMPy: lol :D
02:21.51gustosomeday i ll have an SDSL ;-)
02:22.22gustoi am sick and tired of this asymetric connections
02:29.34*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
02:50.01*** join/#asterisk Russ (
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04:19.52*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (425704ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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04:29.58*** part/#asterisk FLeiXiuS (~FLeiXiuS@unaffiliated/fleixius)
04:42.56*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (kvirc@
04:55.03*** join/#asterisk asr33 (~asr33@unaffiliated/asr33)
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06:35.56*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
07:09.06*** join/#asterisk mobile_gordita (
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07:48.02*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:49.17*** join/#asterisk Russ (
08:07.14*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:10.41*** join/#asterisk FLeiXiuS (~FLeiXiuS@unaffiliated/fleixius)
08:23.15*** join/#asterisk Russ (
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09:03.26*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
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09:41.42*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
10:06.47*** join/#asterisk rdegges (
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10:18.34*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:45.07*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
10:47.23*** join/#asterisk Romeo- (~romi@unaffiliated/romeo/x-000000001)
10:48.32*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
11:01.27*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:04.02*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:e5b6:16ef:c1b:58fa)
11:45.16*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@unaffiliated/davlefou)
12:17.34*** join/#asterisk elico (
12:18.25*** join/#asterisk hugo (~hugo@unaffiliated/hugo)
12:19.53hugo[Jan  6 12:19:14] WARNING[-1]: chan_sip.c:4374 __sip_autodestruct: Autodestruct on dialog '7b6d6dc63519577827020b3a6e486300@asterisk_ip:5061' with owner SIP/myuser-0000000d in place (Method: INVITE). Rescheduling destruction for 10000 ms
12:20.20hugohas been going on all night, no clients connected to it, any ideas what could be causing it?
12:23.40*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
12:29.35*** join/#asterisk elico (
12:40.39*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
12:41.28hugook guys I think I may be on to something here regarding the issues with nat clients.. I turned SIP debug on and now I see  Transmitting (no NAT) to (...) in one of the clients
12:41.33hugowhich is also behind a NAT
12:41.51hugoshouldn't it always say Transmitting (NAT) ?
12:42.16hugowe're running diff uas and the other party is on tcp/tls while I'm connected via udp but that shouldn'tmake a difference here?
12:48.09hugoand what's this stuff with "reliably transmitting (NAT)", how does it differ from "transmitting (nat)" ?
12:51.55ghost75different nat modes
12:53.24ghost75Asterisk 1.8:
12:53.24ghost75The 'nat' option has now been been changed to have yes, no, force_rport, and comedia as valid values. Setting it to yes forces RFC 3581 behavior and enables symmetric RTP support. Setting it to no only enables RFC 3581 behavior if the remote side requests it and disables symmetric RTP support. Setting it to force_rport forces RFC 3581 behavior and disables symmetric RTP support. Setting it to comedia enables RFC 3581 behavi
12:55.19hugoin sip.conf general I have nat=force_rport,comedia now
12:55.33hugoand in the others configuration just nat=yes
12:57.14hugomaybe I got that part wrong too..
13:01.12ghost75i think nat should be only under general or sip peer
13:02.04hugoI'll read some more about it
13:02.16hugothought I read somewhere that the directmedia etc settings only apply if client has nat=yes too
13:02.59hugoat any rate is it correct that for clients behind nat one would always need comedia,force_rport (if client didn't set rport) and directmedia=no?
13:04.24ghost75in directmedia the endpoints talk directly to each other
13:05.15hugodirectmedia=no is supposed to prevent that
13:05.59hugowhich I think would always be required with NAT involved because the clients won't be able to reach their local NAT IPs and the port that asterisk is using to go back to them will appear closed to any other IP
13:07.18ghost75yes i think directmedia is when every phone has its own public ip address
13:08.24ghost75i have nat=no and no port forwardings on router
13:09.06hugoyeah, I reckon my problems are coming from the fact that I have NAT on asterisk and everyone connecting to it is behind NAT as well
13:09.49ghost75do you have all phones in same lan as asterisk?
13:10.55hugoasterisk in the US laptops connecting from all over
13:11.00hugoall of them under nat as well
13:17.05ghost75can you portscan me?
13:17.15ghost75i am curious if 5060 is open or not
13:22.33hugowhat's ur ip?
13:24.33*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
13:27.06ghost75udp not tcp
13:28.28hugoit's there
13:28.41hugoI nc'd and wrote something
13:28.43hugoit closes the connection
13:29.45ghost75i think asterisk uses some tricks like skype
13:30.11hugoit actually looks closed, nevermind
13:30.21hugopointed baresip to it, I can only see outbound packets
13:30.22hugo0 reply
13:30.35hugoua: dude@ Register: Operation timed out
13:31.23hugohey I gotta go now
13:31.25hugobe back soon
13:46.32*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:11.34*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
14:12.15*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
14:26.36*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
14:51.15*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
14:51.26*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
16:04.25hugoafter killing asterisk not so nicely and starting it up again I see  ERROR[-1] tcptls.c: Unable to connect SIP socket to Connection refused repeatedly
16:04.42hugolike it still remembers the client's address/port from a previous session
16:04.54hugohow do I convince it to stop trying ?
16:15.27*** join/#asterisk shadar (~eugene@
16:16.37*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:17.55*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
16:19.16danfromukHi, i'm struggling with DTMF and asterisk. Usually I do things over sip and know how to deal with that. I've got a client using ISDN lines for calls and asterisk doesnt want to respond to DTMF signals when doing things like READ. Any ideas what could be the cause?
16:20.09WIMPyWhat channeltype?
16:21.22*** join/#asterisk classix (
16:23.28WIMPyThat direction should work right out of the box.
16:24.55danfromukhmm. thats what i thought
16:26.09danfromukJust to check, this is the correct syntax for asterisk 1.4?       Read(result|divert-menu-1|1)
16:26.20*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
16:27.49[TK]D-Fenderdanfromuk: Show us the full call, and you still shouldn't be using "|" as a delimiter
16:28.12danfromukIts an old asterisk 1.4 installation. The client doesnt want to upgrade.
16:28.48WIMPy| was for 1.2 and earlier.
16:32.03danfromukOk, sorry, i thought it was changed in 1.6
16:34.33danfromukHowever, changing it to comma didnt help. Call log here
16:34.38danfromukDial plan following in a moment.
16:36.51danfromukCaller is dialling 7204408
16:37.07danfromukExternal caller
16:37.21danfromukOr 204408
16:37.29danfromukI didnt make most of this plan. I've just taken it over.
16:46.05danfromukI dont think its a dialplan issue though.
16:47.56danfromukAh, it seems it was an issue with my home phone. Some reason it didnt like my dtmf tones.
16:48.00danfromukMobile works fine.
16:48.28danfromukThanks for your help.
16:48.59davlefouhi, what is use the regexten? Is for register line?
16:51.04[TK]D-Fenderdavlefou: It's pretty much worthless.
16:58.41*** join/#asterisk Invader (~Invader@unaffiliated/invader)
17:01.49*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
17:05.34WIMPydanfromuk: You can tune the DSP module if you feel like it.
17:10.26*** join/#asterisk Tim_Toady (~fuzzy@
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17:29.36hugoif in sip show channelstats one of the peers shows as the local (NATted) IP, what could be wrong?
17:29.43hugoin sip show peers I see the external IP on both
17:35.57ghost75wtf, when i park a call then the parking number is announced to the other channel
17:40.57hugoPeer audio RTP is at port: local_nat_ip:some_port
17:41.10hugoI suppose that's wrong ..
17:41.23hugoif it means what I think it means, that it's actually using the internal IP to address the rtp stream
17:42.45ghost75once i had problem with my router, it had old nat table and asterisk was using local ip instead
17:44.57*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
17:45.10ghost75why asterisk begins already with transfer when i press only #
17:45.31ghost75in features.conf there is not just only #
17:56.43[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Show us.
18:06.07ghost75dtmf tx method: auto
18:06.11ghost75dtmf tx mode: strict
18:06.17ghost75thats on cisco ata
18:10.06[TK]D-Fenderthe * side...
18:10.18[TK]D-FenderYour configs.  You call.
18:10.43ghost75do see any setting here worth changing:
18:13.06[TK]D-Fenderghost75: * is clearly getting your DTMF.  It is starting a transfer.  Stop staring at your ATA and start looking at *
18:13.40[TK]D-FenderAnd your dialplan.
18:13.43[TK]D-FenderAnd the call debug
18:16.26*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
18:16.46ghost75that says also default would be #
18:18.13ghost75do i need to enable features.conf file somewhere?
18:19.33[TK]D-FenderWhere is the rest?
18:19.51ghost75i think features.conf is just not used
18:24.21*** join/#asterisk elico (
18:25.44ghost75dial cmd is:
18:25.45ghost75exten => _1X,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},20,tTkK)
18:27.31ghost75when i press # then i see in cli: Started music on hold, class 'default', on SIP/12-0000009a
18:33.58[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Did you restart * since having made that change? "ls -la /et/asterisk" > PB
18:35.33ghost75i changed only dialplan and did reload dialplan but can restart all
18:36.31[TK]D-FenderSo... you didn't even apply your changes from features.conf defaults...
18:37.57ghost75features.conf i changed yesterday, looks like i forgot to restart yes
18:38.31WIMPyDidn't I ask if it was activated?
18:39.04ghost75u did and i thought i did
18:39.57[TK]D-Fender"Think" ....
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20:02.33hugomy friend tries to place a call and soon after asterisk boots him off.. seems to happen pretty reliable
20:02.33verywisemanif i want to send a call through ATA , which one syntax is true : Dial(sip/ATA/Extension) , or Dial(sip/Extension@ATA) , where ATA is defined in sip.conf?
20:02.42hugosays peer becomes unreachable
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20:03.52WIMPyverywiseman: Preferrably the first.
20:05.16[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: NEITHER
20:05.26[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Dial(SIP/peer)
20:07.19WIMPyIf it has only one port.
20:07.50verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, would you please explain more about SIP/peer
20:07.56[TK]D-Fendermost multiport ATA's  us separate SIP ports on the same IP.
20:08.03*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
20:08.09[TK]D-FenderYou don't dial a target extension at them
20:08.17[TK]D-FenderI have never seen any that you do this for
20:08.47WIMPyMany contain their own little PBX.
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20:09.24[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Which?
20:09.59WIMPyAll those low cost things that also contain a router and modem and whatnot.
20:11.06hugoI set directmedia back to yes, me and my friend are on the same LAN (asterisk is behind NAT remote)
20:11.17hugosip show channelstats shows our internal-nat IPs
20:11.24hugowhen I call him I can see him but he can't see me (we're in the same room)
20:11.27hugono firewalls in our laptops
20:11.32hugowhat on earth can possibly be wrong? :(
20:12.42[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: None of the linksys/ciso, Grandstream ones...
20:12.55[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Not Audiocode from what I've seen....
20:13.05[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Got a sample that people in here have really used?
20:13.32verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, ok , how can i send extension ?
20:13.41[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: You don't
20:15.43verywiseman[TK]D-Fender, sorry , i didn't understand , what is Dial() syntax to generate a call through ATA to PSTN?
20:15.58[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: You are using the wrong term....
20:16.02infobotmethinks ata is Analogue Terminal Adapter which provides an FXS and/or FXO and ethernet, see
20:16.08[TK]D-FenderA PHONE is a terminal.
20:16.10[TK]D-Fendernot a LINE
20:16.34[TK]D-FenderYou are using "SIP gateway", and as usual your description was vague
20:16.57[TK]D-Fenderverywiseman: Dial(SIP/peer/numbertodial) is the normal way for that
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20:22.43hugohas anyone managed to get 2 way audio+video at all with all clients behind nat and asterisk on another nat ?
20:24.03*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
20:24.33volga629Hello Everyone, trying troubleshoot Got SIP INFO response 415 "Unsupported Media Type" back from host ''
20:24.40volga629any help thank you
20:45.45ghost75unsupported codec?
20:50.25*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
21:46.38ChannelZvolga629: do you have g729 licenses?
21:47.23ChannelZyou also seem to be having some other network issues with these retransmits
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23:09.38volga629yes I have lince
23:09.47volga629yes I have license
23:11.26volga629hmmmmmmmmm -- Channels: 32541 (incorrect host-id)
23:12.01volga629why is that over the sudden,  I din't touch server at all
23:12.19volga629might be re transmit from this too
23:13.15volga629this l2tp ipsec client might be mtu issue
23:16.05volga629license can screw up only if nic mac was change right ?
23:18.12volga629uffffffff Server response: 469 - Maximum Activations Reached. Please contact Digium Support
23:21.52volga629transmitting might firewall issue
23:24.33volga629ChannelZ, ghost75. thank you for help. yes always need look on simple thinks first :-)
23:30.04*** join/#asterisk mbrit (~mbrit@

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