IRC log for #asterisk on 20130101

00:08.41gustowhat's up?
00:09.17gustodont you think that the "red queen" would use *asterisk* for her communication?
00:11.43*** join/#asterisk TriJetScud (
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00:21.44*** join/#asterisk nanoha-sama (~nanoha-sa@2001:470:e97f:1003:215:5dff:fe07:4806)
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00:40.44*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
00:45.16gustothat picture is not a fair comparison
00:46.48WIMPyRight. The Linux guys don't wear (penguin like) suits.
00:47.05gustothis would be
00:47.31gustoi would need to make a picture
00:47.49gustobut ...
00:48.00WIMPydo it
00:48.11gusto <- is this reachable?
00:48.25gusto404 - Not Found would come in there
00:48.39gustoi just do not have a handy location to upload it to
00:48.45gustoi ll adjust the firewall
00:50.46gustoshould work now
00:51.02gustocool ;-)
00:52.41[TK]D-Fendernot here
00:58.52[TK]D-FenderI was expecting hot chicks.
00:58.56[TK]D-FenderVery disappointed....
00:59.19WIMPyEnd even for a stuffed one I've seen better Tuxes.
01:00.03gustothat's not a tux
01:00.14gustothat's my soft toy penguin ;-)
01:01.26gustoi am a wrong place to look for hot chicks ... i do not even like them, i am more into experienced women
01:01.32WIMPySo ist DBS vs something undefined that looks a little like Linux?
01:02.05WIMPyThat doesn;t mean you can't take photographs of them.
01:02.05*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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01:16.03gustoyou mean of that experienced women?
01:18.27WIMPyNo the hot chicks you don't want to take home.
01:23.25*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
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01:50.32*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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03:00.23*** join/#asterisk coppice (
03:04.24gustohot chicks are boring
03:04.27WIMPyGoto #cisco
03:04.30gustoand a security risk
03:06.56coppicehot chicks == bird flu
03:09.06gustobut any human being can be a security risk, i lost my digicam with my ex and my father is going to loose far more about his divorce process
03:09.21gustoso it's generally not a good idea to bring anyone homw
03:09.57gustomy mother for example brought once a freerider with and he is still here. so the problem is sometimes how to get rid of him again
03:11.02gustothis wold is full of idiots that want to install themselves somewhere and expect others to take care of them
03:11.07gustopoliticians for example
03:20.25*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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03:20.42coppicedepends how you define idiot. I've never met a politician with a functioning brain, but many of them are doing far better than you or me
03:20.48*** join/#asterisk solitude88 (
03:23.49solitude88Hello everyone. Am I able to have converged lines ring even if the softphone line is off?
03:25.45WIMPyErr, WHAT?
03:27.17solitude88WIMPy I have a few lines setup on a SIP Extension
03:27.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:27.44solitude88The converged lines that I have setup with that SIP extension will not ring unless the softphone is on
03:28.30WIMPyExtensions are not SIP. Extensions may dial sip peers.
03:28.42WIMPyAnd what are converged lines?
03:29.22WIMPyAnd where does that soft phone come in to play?
03:30.58solitude88Maybe I'm a little confused, I might even be in the wrong channel. I have a switchvox system by digium and I've created a few SIP Extensions
03:31.24solitude88These SIP extensions allow me to add converged lines (external numbers)
03:31.52solitude88I cant get the external numbers to ring unless the extension that I setup is active
03:32.05solitude88active meaning open for a call via softphone
03:32.08WIMPyThat's not a term I have heard before.
03:32.33WIMPyAnd SIP still has nothing to do with extensions. At least not in Asterisk terms.
03:33.17solitude88WIMPy this is what I have
03:33.19WIMPySo I guess you have an extension that you want to call bot a SIP account and an external number somehow?
03:34.17solitude88yes thats correct
03:34.38WIMPyNFI. We don't support GUIs in here.
03:35.06solitude88I couldnt find a switchvox or Digium irc channel
03:35.18solitude88Ill keep looking. Thanks for trying to help out WIMPy
03:35.19WIMPyIf you give a list of destinations to call to Asterisk it will call whatever it can, no matter if some of the calls fail.
03:35.45WIMPySo that must be something more special.
03:35.50solitude88I think it might just be the way I have configured it. I will keep trying to trouble shoot it first
03:36.06solitude88Im sorry?
03:36.33WIMPyA more complex thing that's going on behind the scenes.
03:36.52solitude88probably so, I'll keep knocking at it
03:36.52WIMPySomething we don't know about.
03:37.47*** join/#asterisk voxter_ (
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06:00.34slav3_kittenHappy Newyear all you CST folks
06:01.10solitude88Happy News Years!
06:08.22leifmadsenhappy new years!
06:16.55*** join/#asterisk UnixDev (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
06:17.32UnixDevhow can one cancel an Atxfer that was initiated via AMI ?
06:39.00Moloindeed happy new year
06:41.04*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
06:56.52*** join/#asterisk zerohalo (~zerohalo@
07:00.29slav3_kittenHappy New Year all you MST ladies and gents!
07:03.50dr0ckhappy new yarz
07:06.31Kobazhappy happys
07:10.08*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (kvirc@
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14:48.43gavimobilehey folks, how does asterisk choose which extension type to use for playback
14:56.40*** join/#asterisk ujjain (ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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16:14.42WIMPyNow that everybody has made it: Happy new year to everyone.
16:17.11*** join/#asterisk Invader (~Invader@unaffiliated/invader)
16:17.19v0lZyHappy New Year WIMPy, everyone!
16:17.31v0lZyYou were waiting for me? <3
16:18.32v0lZygives WIMPy a chocholate euro coin
16:30.45*** join/#asterisk l2trace99 (
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16:36.49*** join/#asterisk appleboy (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
16:53.04*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (~k3asd`
17:02.04*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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17:14.19*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
17:14.53saint_hi all
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17:15.47saint_Out of the blue, I started to see in my console some attempts to dial an external number. What's the best way to secure my asterisk ? I thought only registered people could attempt to make call. This is what I saw in the console logs: [Dec 31 19:18:22] NOTICE[12611]: chan_sip.c:23251 handle_request_invite: Call from '' ( to extension '0972592296325' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'.
17:16.25saint_my dialplan does not allow for external calls since this box is only supposed to receive calls. but how a non subscribed user can get in and make outgoing calls ?
17:17.19WIMPyRegistering has nothing to do with making calls.
17:17.47saint_WIMPy: how do i make sure that it's not a free for all then ?
17:18.02WIMPyAnd the general rule is: Don;t allow anyone to doe something you don't want them to do.
17:18.06saint_I thought only users that were declared in my sip.conf would be able to register / attempt to make call between each other
17:18.10[TK]D-Fendersaint_: "allowguest=no" <-
17:18.36[TK]D-Fenderunder [general]
17:18.39saint_[TK]D-Fender: damn it. thanks. i just saw that. i took the example from the book but did not go in all the options of sip.conf yet.
17:19.43saint_[TK]D-Fender: is there anything else I should look at, or is this enough ?
17:20.09[TK]D-FenderI'd secure your peers you have
17:20.29WIMPyWhat's the use of SIP if you don't allow guests?
17:23.06[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Allowing the IP phones you just bought for yourself to call out your nice hardware PRI and not the rest of the world at large.
17:25.54*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
17:27.34saint_[TK]D-Fender: is this secure enough ?
17:28.18[TK]D-Fendersaint_: So you only use SIP with your ITSP?
17:28.50saint_[TK]D-Fender: yes, i'm developing an application that request only incoming calls.
17:29.03[TK]D-Fendersaint_: Then sure
17:29.09saint_cool, thanks
17:32.56saint_if i put allowguest=no under sip/general ,
17:33.18saint_will this be taken in account under the peers/client configuration too ? like a template ?
17:33.35saint_or do i need to put allowguest=no in both general and peer/client conf ?
17:33.41*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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17:34.04[TK]D-Fendersaint_: guests don't get to match peers.  That's the point.  Only under [general] ...
17:46.19*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
17:59.47ghost75what is used to make a hold of the call with moh ?
18:00.25ghost75is this just a transfer to a specific extension?
18:05.15[TK]D-Fenderghost75: No, it's pressing "hold" on your phone
18:12.43*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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18:13.18*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
18:13.37PenguinHuh.  Who would have thought that you could put a call on hold with the hold button?
18:15.37ghost75my crap phone doesnt even have that button
18:16.51ChannelZJust hang up on them
18:17.27[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Get a better phone.
18:17.41[TK]D-FenderPatient: Stop raising your arm like that.
18:17.45ChannelZUse features.conf and park them
18:18.16[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Don't necessarily need features.conf for this .. yet
18:18.19WIMPyI've always wondered what a hold button is actually good for.
18:18.34ChannelZignoring people
18:18.37[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: My guess would be ... putting the caller on hold.
18:18.48[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: But that's just a guess.  I could be wrong.
18:19.17WIMPyAnd why would you want to do that explicitely?
18:19.29ghost75thats why they ask everything "are you still there?"
18:20.04[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: So you can tell your co-worker what an asshole you're stuck on the phone with without the caller hearing you.
18:20.41ChannelZAnd simultaneously annoy the asshole with shitty music
18:20.50WIMPyI'd prefer to use mute for that.
18:20.50*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
18:20.57ChannelZWell you use what you want.
18:21.22[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Oh now you want a MUTE button too?
18:21.34ChannelZghost75: so what exactly IS your shitty phone?
18:21.42ghost75they also try to get rid of you with horrible wait music
18:21.48[TK]D-FenderMaybe you don't want to hear the caller either
18:21.53ghost75what it is? a phone?
18:22.16[TK]D-Fenderghost75: He's asking what MODEL.
18:22.19ChannelZA SIP phone? What model? Analog? Softphone?
18:22.28ChannelZTin can adapter?
18:22.38ghost75tin can, similar yeah
18:23.11ghost75cheapest analog dect you can imagine it is
18:24.57ChannelZYou might look at your ATA, you can probably make Flash put them on hold or it might have a built-in service code of its own
18:25.05[TK]D-Fenderghost75: then the functionality is limited to the interface you are plugging it into.
18:25.50ghost75make flash?
18:26.46ChannelZeither the flash button or depending on its old-schooledness, what happens when you quickly hang up/pick up the handset
18:27.50*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
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18:36.10ghost75buttons are like here
18:37.17[TK]D-Fenderghost75: You already said analog DECT.  Functionality for "hold" comes from the interface you plug the phone into
18:38.42[TK]D-Fenderghost75: ... whose manuals you should be reading...
18:40.29ghost75if the phone doesnt have any spare buttons would not work anyway or?
18:40.52WIMPyI see the R key.
18:41.02rkeeneI'm currently using Bria on an iPhone 3GS for my SIP client.  Anyone have any suggestions for an inexpensive SIP client ?
18:41.06[TK]D-FenderOr the functionality doesn't come from special button on the phone.... what magical button on your phone do you think translates to some other signal on analog?
18:42.37*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (~k3asd`
18:46.21ChannelZFlash works for me by default on the 3102.  On my little Uniden wireless phones you hit the same button as you do to answer to do a flash.
18:57.35*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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18:58.02ghost75pap2t has just so many settings
18:59.28WIMPyHow can an ATA have many settings? Have you ever looked at a sip phone?
19:00.09ghost75have you seen pap2t ?
19:01.58*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
19:02.00ghost75aha the r key works even :)
19:19.04*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
19:35.55*** join/#asterisk Micc (
19:36.46MiccAnyone know why a mitel 5324 suddenly starts rejecting calls with 486 "Busy Here" messages when its not in DND, and no one has touched the phone?
19:37.09MiccIt keeps doing this after I reset it accepts calls for a while, then at some point in a day or two it starts rejecting all calls with 486.
19:37.45Micconly the 5324's do it, but not a bunch of 5312's at the same location.
19:38.22MiccI'm guessing the firmware is bad, Its R7 something though.
19:43.31ghost753way calling even works
19:54.07ghost75if i have a sip phone and attended transfer is for example *2, do i have then to do a mapping on the phone *2 <-> transfer button ?
19:56.10[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Real SIP phones don't need to use DTMF triggered things on the * side for this
19:56.48ghost75so there is a sip command for these things
19:57.35[TK]D-FenderAn attended transer isn't a directly signalled thing in SIP.  It is a channel hand-off
19:57.42WIMPyOne of the few things SIP can do, yes.
19:58.31ghost75parkcall is #72, is it possible to press buttons so quick oO
20:01.49Miccanyone know a mitel reseller?
20:03.14[TK]D-Fenderghost75: yes
20:11.06*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
20:11.28rkeeneI'm trying to create a dialplan such that when users call into it, they are dumped into a conference line and then some action happens afterwards.  But ConfBridge() never seems to return control to my dialplan
20:11.52ChannelZYou have to give them the ability to exit the conference
20:12.05rkeeneI don't want them to exit the conference
20:12.09rkeeneI want them to stay in the conference
20:12.14ChannelZThen what do you expect to ever happen afterwards?
20:12.30rkeeneAfter they get bridged into the conference, I want something to happen.
20:14.09ChannelZIf they are in a conference, they are in a conference.  You'd have to do your work externally (AMI)
20:20.04[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Dialplan processing is LINEAR.
20:20.23[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: You'd have to launch something before going to the conf
20:20.59rkeeneThe thing I want to launch is Dial().
20:21.38ChannelZTo what end?
20:21.48[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: If there is an expected delay between calling the app and actually entering the conference then you'd need to see the event being issued for it which would imply your background listening script you'd launch would have to use AMI as ChannelZ was referring to
20:21.54ChannelZAre you trying to get someone else into the conference by force, or..?
20:22.33[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Back up and describe your actual goal.  I am wondering if even the means you are using to initiate things is the best way...
20:22.41[TK]D-FenderChannelZ: Does feel like it...
20:22.57rkeeneThere's no such thing as "by force" for voluntary actions, so that's silly.  I'm setting up a line such that when someone calls it it calls X (unless X is already on the conference) and joins them to the conference bridge.
20:23.38[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Originate that 2nd call and just fall into the conf
20:23.56[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: this callout is completely independant of the 1st call
20:24.57rkeeneAccording to the documentation the Originate call blocks until the call fails or is answered.
20:27.38[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: AMI or CLI <-
20:28.39rkeeneNo, I meant that is a failure of the AEL.
20:28.48[TK]D-FenderDid I say AEL?
20:28.55rkeeneI did.
20:29.07ChannelZIt's a failure of congress!
20:29.09[TK]D-FenderWhat is this "failure of AEL" you're referring to?
20:29.31rkeeneThe fact that this activity can't be represented in the AEL, and thus (as you said) must be done outside it.
20:30.07[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: this is the entire concept of dialplan processing.  There is no such thing as "background activity".  This has nothing to do with AEL specifically
20:31.33WIMPyOr just use a local channel and Answer().
20:32.12rkeeneWell, clearly it can be done with dialplan processing in general.
20:32.28rkeeneIt's just that there's no way to represent it.
20:32.50[TK]D-FenderThat term does not make much sense
20:33.29rkeeneWhich term ?
20:33.35[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Can't answer immediately otherwise the actual connected portion of the originate takes over before the actual call is answered...
20:33.42[TK]D-FenderrkeeneIt's just that there's no way to represent it. <-
20:33.50[TK]D-FenderYour usage is vague
20:33.53rkeene[TK]D-Fender, That's more than a term.  Which term ?
20:34.05rkeeneUsage of what term ?
20:34.08[TK]D-FenderThe whole phrase
20:34.12WIMPyErr, what?
20:34.32rkeene[TK]D-Fender, The whole phrase is not a term.
20:34.51ChannelZSemantics food-fight!
20:34.51[TK]D-FenderWhat do you mean "no way to represent"?
20:34.55ChannelZruns around giggling
20:35.41rkeeneChannelZ, Indeed -- we shouldn't have semantics in order to communicate we should just know what the other means without these pesky "words" muddling things up.
20:36.23rkeene[TK]D-Fender, I'm not sure how much more clear that could be.  There's no way to represent that something should happen asyncronously, though clearly things can happen asyncronously.
20:36.33ChannelZNot really.
20:36.36[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Unfortunately, this is all text on a screen and we don't have hand-gestures to accompany it.  So when you are asked to clarify something, maybe picking some more words would be helpful.
20:37.09rkeene[TK]D-Fender, When I am asked to clarify a term, I do not assume that you did not want me to clarify a term.
20:37.12[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: This isn't just a failing of AEL.  No dialplan processing is asynchronous.
20:37.36rkeene[TK]D-Fender, This is not semantics, this is simply failure to communicate clearly.  Say what you mean, becuase that is all I can interpret.
20:37.37[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Asterisk can't fail something is was never designed to do.
20:37.46rkeeneCertainly it can.
20:37.48[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: I can't fail tests I'm not taking.
20:37.59rkeeneYou certainly can.
20:38.05[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Your expectation is the failure.
20:39.02[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Expecting a tool to do something it wasn't designed to do and then blaming it is not appropriate.
20:39.11rkeeneIndeed the fact that it was never designed to do it means that it does fail to do it.
20:39.23*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:470:1f0b:a42:224:1dff:fecd:234c)
20:39.23rkeene[TK]D-Fender, But that makes the tool no less a failure at doing it.
20:39.24[TK]D-FenderCan't fail if you don't try <-
20:39.48ChannelZSo you clearly chose the wrong piece of software.  What a failure you are!
20:40.04rkeeneChannelZ, What have I failed to accomplish ?
20:40.10ChannelZYour goals
20:40.16rkeeneChannelZ, I am not a failure because I can still accomplish my goals.
20:40.27rkeeneThere's nothing stopping me from achieving them
20:40.28[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: So Can Asterisk.  Come back in ten years.
20:40.29ChannelZThen what are you continuing to complain about?
20:40.38[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Maybe 20.  We could use the break :p
20:41.15gavimobileI need a hand folks, I have a call file which im trying to configure to work with my dialplan.  when I call it says call completed but then hangsup. here is my pastebin with sip debug on.
20:41.33rkeeneChannelZ, I am not continuing to complain.  I said a true statement, and you guys failed to interpret it.  Then you guys could not tell me what part of the statement you could not interpret (first you told me it was a term, which I tried to find to clarify -- then you said it was a phrase, which I clarified.  Now you are hung up on ... something)
20:42.20gavimobilethis is the section in my extensions.conf
20:42.22ChannelZI'm not hung up on anything.  Asterisk can't do what you want the way you want it done.  That's just the way it is.
20:43.23[TK]D-Fendergavimobile:    exten => n,Answer() <--- this line is very wrong
20:43.33[TK]D-Fendergavimobile: As are all the lines below it
20:43.39ChannelZgavimobile: syntax error, you need to say either "exten => same,n,blah" or "exten => start,n,blah" for your subsequent statements
20:43.42[TK]D-Fendergavimobile: You need to pay more attention to your syntax
20:43.48rkeeneChannelZ, Indeed.  I never claimed it could.  I never claimed anything at all other than it was a failure to not be able to do it with that tool within Asterisk.
20:44.09ChannelZOK Deepak Chopra we get it
20:44.22gavimobileand here is my call file
20:44.28rkeeneChannelZ, Which is decidedly true, and fairly easy to understand so I'm not sure why this conversation had to continue to this point.
20:45.01gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: ChannelZ wow, im shocked if I missed that. let me take a look
20:45.09[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: You could then list everything that every product wasn't designed to do and call every product on the planet a "fauilure"
20:45.26gavimobileI was supose to use same
20:45.28gavimobilenot ext
20:45.32gavimobilewhat a silly mistake
20:45.57[TK]D-FenderMy screwdrives is a total failure.  It didn't record my TV show at all!  I even plugged it right into the tube! (/me stabs TV)
20:46.21rkeeneYour screwdriver is a total failure at recording TV.  I'm not sure what your point is.
20:46.28ChannelZwell yeah I screwed that up too, same => ...  not exten => same ...
20:47.16ChannelZI am delirious on cold medicine
20:47.34[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: Stop saying the something fails at something it was never intended to do.  If you use a screwdriver as a hammer and you don't get what you want, it isn't the screwdriver's fault.  The fault is the user being an idiot for making such an expectation.
20:48.20rkeene[TK]D-Fender, ... I'm not sure why you think failure has anything to do with the history of an object.
20:48.42[TK]D-FenderKraln: You said AEL is a fail for not working asynchronously.  it wasn't designed to.
20:48.45[TK]D-Fenderrkeene: ^
20:48.54rkeene[TK]D-Fender, Indeed.
20:49.00[TK]D-FenderScrewdriver isn't designed to be a hammer
20:49.06[TK]D-FenderDialplan doesn't process asynchronously.
20:49.20[TK]D-FenderWasn't made for that task
20:49.28[TK]D-FenderEnd of story.
20:49.38rkeeneYou have identified reason that it fails.  This has very little bearing on the fact that it does fail.
20:49.44[TK]D-FenderDoesn't FAIL.
20:49.49[TK]D-FenderCan;'t fail if you don't TRY
20:50.01rkeeneCertainly you can.
20:53.13gavimobileim asterisk adicted
20:53.22gavimobileI just cannot stop
20:53.31gavimobilemy poor wifey
20:56.31*** join/#asterisk bandroidx (~bandroidx@2607:f358:1:fed5:4:0:414:11)
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21:23.30ghost75any1 uses zoiper? its ringing on my speakers but i dont hear any voice
21:30.08ghost75voice gets transmitted over zoiper but is not received
21:30.30WIMPyThe usual SIP and firewall stuff.
21:31.21ghost75ah bloddy win fw
21:38.38WIMPyHmm. Does silence supression somehow kill rtptimeout? I have a user who has vanished but is still in a confbridge.
21:48.08ghost75a silent ghost :)
21:52.25MrRoberthmm.. any one good with freepbx here?
21:53.02WIMPyNo. Try #freepbx
21:53.55MrRobertaty :)
21:56.10*** join/#asterisk pushpop (
21:56.24pushpopwhere do I set the number of rings before voicemail picks up?
21:56.48WIMPyIn your dialplan.
21:56.57WIMPycore show application Dial
21:57.56pushpopyou don't set that in the voicemail.conf?
21:58.30pushpopsay I want vm to pick up after the 4th ring
21:58.36pushpopwhat would that look like
21:58.58WIMPyYou don;t specify rings. It's about seconds.
21:59.16pushpopoh ok what file is the timeout value in?
21:59.41WIMPyIn your dialplan.
22:03.48pushpopguess im looking for the format or context it needs to be in
22:04.07WIMPy'core show application Dial'
22:07.09pushpopgot it thanks man
22:22.15*** join/#asterisk DexterPark (
22:27.57DexterParkHas anyone here tried hosting an IP-PBX on  instead of with good results?
22:29.27[TK]D-FenderDexterPark: I'd put the odds to "extremely low" than any serious OSS user is going to use a hosting service with "Windows" written all over it.
22:30.32*** join/#asterisk Romeo- (~romi@unaffiliated/romeo/x-000000001)
22:31.57DexterParklol, I guess your right. I heard about Amazons recent outages and am looking for other options:,0,2446168.story
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22:58.04mnathaniAzure supports linux though
22:59.06DexterParkyup, I know Ubuntu for sure. Plus I found a great video on how to install from Digium:
22:59.38gustoah, no one cares about azure
22:59.57DexterParkSeems that way...
23:01.30*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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