IRC log for #asterisk on 20121231

00:02.40*** join/#asterisk themrrobert___ (4c5a1503@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:03.54themrrobert___can anyone link me to the 4th edition ebook?
00:09.48*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
00:11.39themrrobert___~take-a-number can someone please linkme to the asterisk 4th edition ebook public review?
00:13.57[TK]D-FenderThere is no botlet for that.
00:14.01[TK]D-FenderThis isn't #freeswitch
00:18.08themrrobert___Ya I noticed lol
00:19.58themrrobert___ugh I really don't want to wait till work tomorrow where I have the bookmark saved. oh well I know it's Sunday
00:21.49*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
00:22.10[TK]D-FenderAnd tomorrow is New Year's Eve.  GREAT odds of more people being here...
00:22.30[TK]D-Fenderthemrrobert___: A whole MINUTE spent Googling for it
00:22.42*** join/#asterisk MrRobert (4c5a1503@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:23.13MrRobertI spent 20 minutes and i couldnt find it
00:23.43[TK]D-FenderAsterisk book 4th edition
00:23.57[TK]D-Fender4th link, 2nd CHOICE I made
00:24.28MrRobertit doesn't show up for me
00:24.35MrRobertjust the page where they want me to buy it
00:24.40Krolokaslet's try it ... " -> asterisk 4th edition" -> first link
00:25.05MrRobertah hajh
00:25.14MrRoberti see it now >.<
00:25.29*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
00:25.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
00:25.42MrRobertwell thank you very much for the aide, i never would have found it
00:26.01[TK]D-Fenderthat is a SAD thing to hear
00:26.32[TK]D-FenderNot being able to handle a 4-word Google search on your own is a terrible omen for your odds as an admin.
00:27.03MrRobertlol it's not like i would have expected to have to go to a twitter thread to find a book i've read on
00:28.02[TK]D-FenderIt's UNRELEASED and you told us as much.
00:28.17[TK]D-FenderDo you think the PUBLISHED is going to publicly list it for you?
00:28.27*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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00:28.48MrRobertclearly i did
00:29.15[TK]D-Fendermjordan: The "downloads" page no longer has a section for DAHDI.  Go kick your web-admin!
00:29.15MrRobertdon't act like you've never made a faulty assumption
00:32.42*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
00:34.24[TK]D-Fenderfile: Qwell : The "downloads" page no longer has a section for DAHDI. Go kick your web-admin!
00:35.36WIMPyMaybe you should take a look to the left.
00:36.10MrRobertor small print under the header
00:36.38Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, here it shows up perfectly.. and links to
00:36.44WIMPyIt's there twice.
00:36.58[TK]D-FenderKrolokas: Where's the page linking to that one?
00:37.31[TK]D-FenderHrm, hold that thought.  Backtracking the page I'm at..
00:38.05Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, - clicked on download at the top - ( - left side the link DAHDI ..
00:38.25Krolokassomeone took over your dns and pretends being
00:38.52[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing the way from Digium's main...
00:40.07[TK]D-FenderYeah, if you weed around you can eventually get one with it
00:40.11[TK]D-FenderDamn it's a mess though
00:41.09[TK]D-FenderSeveral places like the one I did link earlier should also have it though especially as it leists so many other "optional" bits.  You'd think the far more critical one would be tops...
00:41.45[TK]D-Fender <-- buttons on left mash over text very badly...
00:43.18*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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00:44.23*** join/#asterisk pushpop (
00:45.17pushpopHi all, quick question in my sip.conf I setup my voip provider but I keep getting the following error.  Of course the password is correct I have in the conf - what else could it be?
00:46.05WIMPyWrong username
00:46.10WIMPyWrong provider
00:46.11Krolokaspushpop, line 4 is not correct
00:46.12[TK]D-Fenderpushpop: I doubt they're lying.  Go check if your account is actually active.  Check your password.  Then check it again.  Then check it TEN more times with a magnifying glass.
00:46.18[TK]D-FenderThen check the User name.
00:46.24[TK]D-FenderThen check it AGAIN.
00:46.31[TK]D-FenderThen ... I hope you're getting the idea
00:46.56*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~bwahahaha@
00:47.25Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, don't forget to mention that there are two places where the password goes..
00:47.42Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, so everything has to be done twice ;)
00:48.03[TK]D-FenderKrolokas: O RLY?  What are these "2 places"?
00:48.17WIMPy'd like to know as well.
00:48.43Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, the "register =>" and the "secret=" ;)
00:48.58[TK]D-FenderPeers have NOTHING to do with register statements
00:49.05WIMPy1. this was a register.
00:49.11KrolokasI know.. but suppose what will be next ...
00:49.15WIMPy2. you don;t need a register statement to register.
00:49.16Krolokas.. "i can't dial..."
00:49.21[TK]D-FenderHe has a REGISTRATION issue.  Peer does not factor in at all
00:49.41WIMPySo to register you definitely only have one password.
00:49.43[TK]D-FenderKrYou seem to constantly talk about things people are NOT dealing with
00:50.15Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, then put me on ignore, please
00:50.19[TK]D-FenderKrolokasI know.. but suppose what will be next ... <- Who said his peer was wrong?
00:50.26youjellyI think he's registering as a client
00:50.32WIMPyAnd if you're clever you use the secret= in the peer for registering as well.
00:50.52[TK]D-FenderWIMPy: Cleaver AND using a fairly new release of Asterisk, perhaps.
00:50.58*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
00:51.09[TK]D-FenderMind you a cleaver wouldn't be a bad idea either
00:51.10Krolokaswe simply do not know where he put what - because he did not post the file..
00:51.10WIMPyIt's not that new.
00:51.27youjellyeven then, the password only goes in the peer section
00:51.34[TK]D-FenderKrolokas: Just saying you should stop trying to fix problems people don't even have yet :)
00:51.59Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, sorry, i'm lazy ..
00:52.16[TK]D-FenderKrolokas: No, you spent effort answering questions he didn't ask :p
00:52.24youjellyThat's even more counter intuitive then Krolokas
00:52.39youjellyLazy people don't solve problems, you're solving problems that don't exist.
00:52.42pushpopeeeek the password and user name are correct what the farg
00:52.55Krolokasperhaps wrong server ?
00:53.02WIMPyAnd the hostname?
00:53.48pushpopno its registering to the correct server
00:54.39[TK]D-Fenderpushpop: Show us the complete attempt
00:57.47Krolokaslast time this happened to me was some sort of utf-8/iso-8859-1 issue - after deleting the whole register line and peer section and rewriting it, everything was ok. if it's not a username/password/wrong server ip .. perhaps a non printable char at the wrong place?
00:58.02Krolokasor is this to far away from the problem?
00:59.16pushpopthanks guys
00:59.20pushpopill play around for a bit
00:59.27pushpophas to be something stupid im missing
00:59.30[TK]D-FenderCurious as to where a plain-text file has a charset encoding in it....
00:59.53[TK]D-FenderAnd the idea of just rewrinting it without any descriptive changes.... does not make sense on the surface.
01:00.00[TK]D-Fenderpushpop: And I'm not seeing debug.
01:02.05[TK]D-FenderKrolokas: Maybe you used some editor that decided to take serious liberties on opening it at some point.  I can't imaging which one might do such a thing mind you and it would be the first claim of it's kind I've ever heard of in here.
01:02.20[TK]D-Fender</Penguin >
01:05.17Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, not the editor was the problem, but the terminal encoding .. login shell via virt-manager and ssh login sometimes have different settings .. and this behaviour is reproducible..
01:05.49[TK]D-Fendervirtualization also in the picture?
01:06.11[TK]D-FenderGuess this is an unfortunate house of cards.  But it is the first I've heard of it here.
01:06.19Krolokas[TK]D-Fender, as i said: only thing i changed was CTRL-K the section and register line - typed everything new and all was ok.
01:06.52[TK]D-FenderKrolokas: Understandable I guess...
01:30.34*** join/#asterisk asr33 (~asr33@unaffiliated/asr33)
01:32.29*** join/#asterisk dpilon (
02:11.33*** join/#asterisk engrxyz (
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02:12.27*** join/#asterisk JonMR (JonMR@2600:3c03::f03c:91ff:feae:9b1d)
02:14.04sniper7killsAnyone have advice on getting an incomming call go to an AGI and also call a second phone to set up ChanSpy?
02:15.38[TK]D-FenderYou're 2nd call is independent of the first.
02:15.49[TK]D-Fenderthat is something you ORIGINATE (book)
02:16.03[TK]D-FenderThen dumping to your AGI... is just dumping to your AGI
02:17.19sniper7killsok, so I'd have to call with the phone I want to spy with, and then just wait for my first call to come in?
02:18.58[TK]D-FenderYour inbound call has already ahppened.
02:19.05[TK]D-FenderThat is the start of things as per your description.
02:19.18[TK]D-FenderBringing ANOTHER phone in to spy is a reaction you seem to want
02:19.32[TK]D-FenderSo you inbound call should be triggering a call OUT to your other phone to spy, no?
02:20.01sniper7killsyes, (sorry I just looked up originate)
02:25.23sniper7killsso I have this correct, tech_data would be the channel that is calling the second phone, type would be app, arg1, would be chanspy, and arg2 would be the arguments for chanspy
02:47.48*** join/#asterisk n8ideas (~joshelson@
02:48.19n8ideasHas anyone seen issues with cdr_odbc where if the database goes unavailable, Asterisk stops doing everything?
02:49.56WIMPyDoesn;t sound surprising.
03:01.56*** join/#asterisk KNERD (~KNERD@
03:03.13KNERDi take it /contrib/scripts/  is no longer needed amymore for "formapt mp3"?
03:09.53dpilonyes it is
03:10.59KNERDit is needed?
03:11.36*** join/#asterisk elico (
03:11.42dpilonyou will see an error if you don't run it before
03:11.59KNERDI am getting an error before I do
03:12.45KNERDnm..I was in wrong directory...thaniks for the response
03:15.09KNERDwhat about GV? let me look in the menu thingy
03:16.10KNERDi see jingle and gtalk what replacing it?
03:18.41KNERDoh..i see.. and it's like Vin Diesel
03:22.25dpiloncan you select chan_motif ?
03:22.52*** join/#asterisk sniper7kills (
03:23.50KNERDand Asterisk Blog needs to be on fail blog fo rnot even mentioning how to install it
03:24.06dpilonyou will need iksemel-devel
03:24.31KNERDi thought that was for jingle/gtalk
03:24.53dpilonjust install will see to install the epel rpos
03:25.04ChannelZmake menuconfig reveals all
03:32.24KNERDhey..what does "low memory" do and what is considered "low memory"?
03:35.27KNERD"Optimize for Low Memory Usage"
03:35.38KNERDi guess it could not hurt?
03:47.22*** join/#asterisk freeedrich| (
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03:57.24*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
05:07.50*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
05:34.51*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
05:49.01*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
06:02.01*** join/#asterisk sniper7kills (
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06:32.00sniper7killsoriginate is a cli only command if I'm not mistaken correct? As in I can't use it in extensions.conf
06:45.38kaldemarsniper7kills: there is also a dialplan application.
06:57.45*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
06:57.52schmidtsgood morning
07:16.51*** join/#asterisk hrolf (~hrolf@unaffiliated/hrolf)
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08:05.31[TK]D-Fendersniper7kills: You can use CLI, AMI, or dialplan application.  I'd recommend CLI/AMI over dialplan app, as that one is blocking
08:05.35*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
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09:03.06*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
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09:45.34*** join/#asterisk k3asd` (~k3asd`
09:46.07k3asd`hi everyone
10:05.24*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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11:23.00*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
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11:49.05*** join/#asterisk Romeo- (~romi@unaffiliated/romeo/x-000000001)
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13:11.56*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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14:13.41*** join/#asterisk acidfoo (
14:25.33ghost75is it possible to use utf-8 in master.csv ?
14:35.17*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-ebrohwggnjrjrenm)
14:47.14Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix??? is urgent, plz answer thx.
14:47.34KobazKatty: two parts baking soda, and one part cheezy poofs
14:47.41Kobazapply to affected area
14:47.52Kattythat sounds messy.
14:48.51Kattyit was sleeting at 7:30am this morning :<
14:49.23ghost75can you fix battery in my car?
14:52.57Kobazi found that my asterisk is much more healthy now that i have a health check running every minute
14:53.22jmetrosalt & vinegar potato chips + baking soda.. that way you get fizz
14:53.29WIMPyDoes your Asterisk also have health insurance?
14:53.55jmetroi dont think blue cross covers open source conditions.
14:55.31Kobazthe health insurance is the cron jobs that restart the asterisk health checker if even that dies
14:55.38*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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14:58.08Kobazhmm, this is sad
14:58.24Kobazlowes seems to not carry the wall/ceiling mounted mr heaters
14:58.35Kobazthey had them on the site a month ago
15:03.34Kattywait. ceiling heaters?
15:03.39Kattyi'm interested. what are these
15:03.50Kobazthey mount on the ceiling of like a shop or garage
15:03.52Kobazand they heat
15:04.03Kobaznatural gas
15:04.19*** join/#asterisk webguynow (
15:04.35Kobazi doubt you'll find a ventless natural gas heater
15:04.39Kobazthe co2 needs to go somewhere
15:04.50Kattywell they make the ventless natural gas fireplaces
15:05.14Kattyi thought perhaps it looked a little different
15:05.21Kattysomething suitable for a home ;)
15:06.00Kattyi've seen ceiling fans with a built in heating element now. pretty clever.
15:06.21jmetroceiling fans are also unfortunately, incredibly ugly.
15:07.03Kattyoh i don't think all of them are
15:08.16*** join/#asterisk SuPrSluG (
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15:09.36Kattyi have one of those heaters that has the oil in it.
15:10.31Kattyworks pretty well.
15:11.15asr33just remembers the heat wave last summer and then enjoys the cold ;-)
15:14.01*** join/#asterisk gg608f (~Adium@
15:26.08Kattyit wouldn't be so bad, but i feel the cold in my bones all winter long.
15:26.14Kattyit's painful
15:26.48jmetroi wear three sweaters most days. Nice and toasty.
15:27.22Kattythey have a nice cashmere sweater at macy's i've been watching.
15:28.55leifmadsenI just turn up the heat :)
15:29.00leifmadsenor put on a sweater
15:29.15Kattybout the only thing that helps me is a really hot bath
15:31.36jmetroslanket + sweaters
15:31.55Kattywhat's a slanket
15:32.13jmetrothe original sleeve blanket
15:32.31Kattyi didn't think people /actually/ used those.
15:32.53jmetroits pretty great. The slanket is big enough to wear like a robe anyway.
15:33.23Kattyi think i'll stick with the lounge pants, hoodie, and mukluks
15:34.36*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
15:49.02WIMPyjust got two new SD cards. So now I can start playing with the Raspberry Pis.
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16:30.45Kattyinfobot: crittercam
16:30.46infoboti heard crittercam is The Birdie Breakfast Buffet!
16:30.50Kattylooks like it's snowing
16:31.20*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
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16:45.15ghost75my perl script for cdr has now 660 lines oO
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17:27.00sniper7killsis there anyway to hear playback from the server when using chanspy, or is it only from the ext you are listening to?
17:32.14ChannelZit's always from the server
17:32.33ChannelZIf two endpoints are communicating directly, you have no way to listen to them
17:34.24sniper7killswhat would be the best way then to listen to the channel I want, as well as playback being sent from the server?
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18:08.47*** join/#asterisk davlefou (~david@unaffiliated/davlefou)
18:09.26davlefouhi, i look to an web billing for asterisk, i have an realtime version an my cdr.
18:33.49ChannelZsniper7kills: I don't understand the question.  What are you not getting that you want to get with ChanSpy?
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19:03.17vimreaperhey guys, I'd like to develop a SIP softphone and was wonderign if anyone knew of any good resources for learning SIP protocol and SIP development
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19:06.50leifmadsenvimreaper: that's pretty elaborate... you might be better off developing the softphone around a sip stack already developed
19:07.09leifmadsenyou could look into using pjsip for example
19:07.16leifmadsenor sofia
19:07.35leifmadsenvimreaper: or
19:07.59leifmadsenthere are several others -- just google for "opensource sip stack"
19:08.09leifmadsenif you need to learn SIP, then i'd start with the RFC
19:09.28vimreaperok thank you
19:10.26leifmadsenbelieve me, you don't want to write your own sip stack :)
19:10.37leifmadseneven asterisk is moving towards using an external library at some point
19:12.43vimreaper:O  Basically Im just wanting to write a script that registers itself with asterisk, makes a call, and then hangs up for now
19:12.51vimreaperthen ill go from there
19:13.44vimreaperi was looking for the socket api but didnt turn up much on google.
19:19.00leifmadsentry something like sipsak then
19:19.09leifmadsenvimreaper: ^^
19:20.09vimreaperok ill check it out ty
19:21.24vimreapersipsak is exactly what i was looking for.  Like netcat for voip
19:21.36leifmadsencheck sipp too
19:22.12ghost75i have the impression since freepbx etc there are no people writing scripts for asterisk
19:22.34leifmadsendefine "writing scripts" ?
19:22.47ghost75agi,ami and these things
19:22.53leifmadsenlots of people do those things
19:22.56leifmadsenI do it nearly every day
19:23.47ghost75i wrote my own webgui in perl and i think most people would say, why dont use freepbx
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19:44.09tm1000ghost75:  you advertising in here or something?
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20:23.04[TK]D-FendervimreaperBasically Im just wanting to write a script that registers itself with asterisk, makes a call, and then hangs up for now <- whats the longer-term goal?
20:23.13gustojust another year in the shitter ... in two and half hours here
20:23.31[TK]D-Fenderghost75: You seem to equate "scripts" to "entire GUI interface for configuring Asterisk".
20:24.03[TK]D-Fenderghost75: People do AGI scripts for all sorts of things.  I use AMI for Queue stats on my phones.
20:24.13gustoah, who needs a gui
20:24.24[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Others use it to pull DB information for account balances, etc.
20:24.29gustoi am only angry about these asterisk distro packages that are just too big
20:24.40[TK]D-Fenderghost75: Scripts can mean just about anything for any purpose.
20:24.51gustothe best asterisk packages are to openwrt, because there it's minimalistic and it's just all you need
20:25.03gustothat makes configuring shit easy
20:26.57[TK]D-Fendergusto: "all you need"?  Says who?
20:27.14Nuggetwhere do I plug my PRI into the openwrt?
20:27.53[TK]D-Fendergusto: Nugget Well that router has jacks you can fit an RJ48 into.... doesn't that magically work?
20:29.29leifmadsenNugget: all the ports!
20:37.09ghost75(21:24:47) gusto: ah, who needs a gui <- users, not admins
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20:46.15ghost75how old is version 10 ?
20:47.30[TK]D-FenderI'm sure the changelogs has dates ALL over it...
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21:07.03leifmadsenghost75: easily found out by looking at the downloads site or checking dates for branches
21:08.29[TK]D-Fenderleifmadsen: I looked the other day.  All the dates were reset
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22:34.05darkdrgn2kIf my asterisk server is on the intenret (not natted) and a pap2t is natted.. do i have to set the connection as nat=yes
22:38.42darkdrgn2ki cant figure out why all of a suddon i started getting one way voice
22:38.48darkdrgn2kseems to be intermittent too
22:40.01darkdrgn2kwhat about on the pap2t .. do i enable nat on that
22:41.31WIMPyHi [sr]
22:43.18[sr]WIMPy: happy new year for you :)
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22:44.43WIMPystill has a few minutes of the old one.
22:45.08[sr]15 :)
22:45.13[sr]i have plus 1hour
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22:54.06WIMPyYou can already hear now that the germans have become rich again.
22:54.21WIMPyPlundering Greece must have been successfull.
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22:56.37[sr]WIMPy: i dont even want to watch the news.. :)
22:59.26WIMPyNeither do I. So I don;t know how far we got in Portugal. It seems to be less important in the news anyway.
23:01.31*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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23:03.24[sr]WIMPy: if we all still alive in the end of 2013, we'll know!
23:08.22WIMPyYou think it will be over by then?
23:08.53WIMPyLook at Greece. It doesn't end so soo. As long as the bload is dripping, you can still press stringer.
23:10.02[sr]i do really think, the bad days are still comming
23:10.51[sr]i dont understand why should outside forces govern the country, these guys who are called "troika"
23:11.24[sr]goldman sachs & company
23:12.24WIMPyIt may not look like it, but it works just like the old fashioned war.
23:13.09[sr]but without guns (for now)
23:14.22darkdrgn2kok astersik is sending to the wrong place
23:14.23darkdrgn2k18:14:03.292334 IP > UDP, length 172
23:14.24WIMPyBut the p-machinery is working well. People here relly belive the whole thing happened because the Greeks were just too dumb.
23:14.34darkdrgn2k18:14:03.272307 IP > UDP, length 172
23:14.40darkdrgn2kwhy is it seinding it to 250?
23:15.22WIMPy(or maybe even too lazy)
23:15.42darkdrgn2knat is set to yes on the extension
23:16.00darkdrgn2kand show peer show   Addr->IP     :
23:16.04[sr]WIMPy: normal people, happens on every country, like, the "normal" portuguse guy, believes in whatever the news says, no matter if true or false, they DONT THINK or understand the relations with the real thinks behind
23:16.56WIMPyOtherwise the whole thing wouldn't work.
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23:22.12[sr]it's just and only business.
23:24.05WIMPyAs long as there's someone left to do business with.
23:24.56WIMPyNow that they take over whole countries, they will run out of viktioms in the forseeable future.
23:33.16[sr]lets wait and see
23:35.50[sr]oh well, going to get ready to sleep
23:39.00WIMPyThat can wait til next year :-)
23:48.22[sr]well... see you next year :)
23:48.27[sr]pc' stays on!
23:48.51WIMPyHave a good one and keep out the bankers.
23:51.55[sr]WIMPy: we all aren't far from keeping the money under the mattress.. like in the past
23:56.19gustoagain a year older we are
23:56.44gustomoney is obsolete
23:56.57gustoi just watched all resident evil movies one by one
23:57.11gustoso ... gives one another perspective
23:57.18gustohumanity is obsolete
23:57.46gustoif there would be a red queen, i d like her to run freebsd (9.1 currently)
23:58.12gustoand my beastie soft toy underscores that

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