IRC log for #asterisk on 20121228

00:08.59ChannelZSkype is just for masturbating on camera anyway.  Or is that MSN?  I forget.
00:10.09cuscowasn't that netmeeting?
00:10.41*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
00:14.28[TK]D-FenderChatRoulette <-
00:26.37*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:43.25leifmadsenthemrrobert: where did you see "reload acl" ?
00:43.55leifmadsendlynes: unknown at this point -- we're still finishing up the draft, then when we deliver that, probably another 2-3 months by the time it is shipping
00:44.01leifmadsenso I expect... May-ish
00:50.02jeffspeffis there another method to specify ami users other than in the flat file? like db, odbc, ldap?
00:55.37*** join/#asterisk bebe-lala (
01:12.53leifmadsenjeffspeff: sure, you could use static realtime
01:21.29*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~bwahahaha@
01:21.59youjellyhey guys, I wanted to know if I can load share on a SIp trunk that is defined on 2 asterisk servers
01:22.27youjellyor would I need a dedicated SIP proxy
01:23.02WIMPyAs long as those two servers can reach each other.
01:26.22youjellyyeah WIMPy they are going to be part of the same set-up
01:26.42youjellyrunning the same IVR
01:27.00youjellyI just need load sharing implemented on SIP, over TDM its simple
01:27.31youjellyyou just need to connect PRIs to each server and the Switch balances it for you
01:28.08WIMPySo you want it for incomming calls?
01:28.35WIMPyThen you need to talk to your ITSP.
01:28.47WIMPyOb build something in between.
01:29.23youjellyThat was my first guess too...
01:29.35youjellyThought I'd ask anyway
01:30.44youjellyldirector might help
01:34.06*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~bwahahaha@
01:34.25youjellyso either ldirectord or HAProxy
01:35.09WIMPyI'm not sure how much sense that makes on your end.
01:35.14youjellywill have to give it a try
01:35.21WIMPyOr do you have more load than one box can handle?
01:35.41youjellycan I PM?
01:35.56WIMPyYou shouldn't.
01:36.20WIMPyI'm not always fast to respond and others can help as well.
01:36.53youjellynaa I wasn't asking for help
01:37.04youjellyjust telling you about what we're planning on deploying
01:37.44WIMPyAnd you don;t want imput fromothers, how might have more to say about it?
01:38.06*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
01:38.12youjellyIts irrelevant to this conversation
01:38.18WIMPy(Bad typing day today)
01:38.37youjellyWhat I need help on
01:41.09*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
01:57.18dlynesleifmadsen, I guess it's already available on, though?
01:57.55mnathaniDoes Asterisk provide addons that can generate Call Detail Records
01:59.44WIMPyYes the CDR modules.
02:00.19*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
02:00.21leifmadsendlynes: it's available as a rough edits probably
02:00.28leifmadsendlynes: and has it up for review right now
02:00.41leifmadsenwe try to thank everyone who contributes useful reviews
02:02.29*** join/#asterisk rue_house (
02:02.33rue_housepopularity votes? tftpd vs atftpd vs tftpd-hpa ?
02:14.16adeelis it possible to have multiple voicemail backends configured and or used simultaneously?
02:17.45*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
02:17.50*** part/#asterisk rue_house (
02:18.53*** join/#asterisk rue_house (
02:19.06rue_houseanyone installed asterisk on a wrt54g?
02:30.30*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
02:45.27*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
03:02.24jpsharpI use tftpd-hpa, it deals with NAT better.
03:03.12*** join/#asterisk voxter_ (
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03:36.19*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
03:54.14[TK]D-Fenderadeelis it possible to have multiple voicemail backends configured and or used simultaneously? <- nope
04:30.59*** join/#asterisk shadar (~eugene@
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05:08.32kakainSo im trying to set up a home system, I went out and got a DiD provider, all incoming call are going to context 'default', but I dont see where iv told asterisk to send calls to that context
05:08.52kakaincan anyone advise?
05:11.30*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
05:11.34sruffellkakain: DiD provider is sending calls to you via sip or iax?
05:14.49kakaini think i just figured it out
05:14.55sruffelllook in /etc/ ….  cool...
05:15.11kakaini had it pointed at the wrong ip
05:16.00*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:17.23dlynesleifmadsen, cool...thanks
05:41.45*** join/#asterisk dorphalsig (be540e99@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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06:26.24*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
06:33.01*** join/#asterisk appleboy (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
07:00.47*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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08:05.06*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (d51beb92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:06.34BorjaGVOHi everyone. I want to get rid of the content in queue_log under /var/log/asterisk. I don't know if deleting the file and creating a new one with same permissions is sufficient...should I just do that?
08:07.24kaldemarwhat if you just delete the file?
08:08.53BorjaGVOkaldemar: yeah, but just deleting it would Asterisk create a new one?
08:11.41kaldemardid you try it?
08:12.53ChannelZtry? there is no try!
08:13.11*** join/#asterisk creativx (
08:14.44ChannelZlsof |grep aster |grep log
08:15.19ChannelZMight show you if it's keeping a file handle open.  In which case you probably need to 'logger reload' or something to get it to behave if you mess with them behind it's back.
08:17.57BorjaGVOlogger reload Reopens the log files
08:18.38BorjaGVOif I do lsof |grep aster |grep log:  asterisk  25501      root   20u      REG     202,65  8408257     279692 /var/log/asterisk/queue_log
08:19.27ChannelZso if you delete the log something unexpected will probably happen since the file handle Asterisk has is not exactly valid.
08:19.58BorjaGVOSo, if I want to left blank the queue_log? 1. Delete queue_log and make "logger reload"?
08:20.51BorjaGVO1. Delete queue_log 2. execute "logger reload"..
08:20.56ChannelZIf you want to empty it and have it continue writing log entries to a new one, yes
08:22.12ChannelZIf you have exceptionally busy queues it's also entirely possible you might lose a line or two in the interum but I'm guessing it's not terribly important if you're deleting the old one in the first place.
08:23.26BorjaGVOyeah, you're right
08:23.29BorjaGVOok, thanks very much
08:23.31*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:36.54*** part/#asterisk rue_house (
09:10.06*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
09:12.07*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
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09:42.45*** join/#asterisk MushroomNZ (
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10:56.37ghost75when i am using pap2t, is the busy signal (the audio tone) coming from asterisk or pap2t ?
10:58.20*** join/#asterisk hebber (
11:02.15kaldemarghost75: depends on what is really happening, but most likely the pap2t.
11:07.10*** join/#asterisk youjelly (~bwahahaha@
11:07.18youjellyWIMPy: I found this
11:07.27youjelly\o/ hope is restored
11:27.28*** join/#asterisk italorossi (~italoross@
11:35.34ghost75if the dialed person is busy
11:35.57ghost75the tone sounds very ugly
11:49.52kaldemarghost75: is the call answered somewhere before the busy tone?
11:58.54*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:03.08ghost75in cli is written that everbody is busy
12:04.39kaldemarwhich means pretty much nothing at all by itself.
12:13.50*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:32.01*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:40.24*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
12:41.06*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:46.39youjellyghost75: can you share the log
12:54.20*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
13:08.35ghost75is only: [Dec 28 13:09:15] VERBOSE[26318] app_dial.c:   == Everyone is busy/congested at this time (1:0/1/0)
13:10.07kaldemarthere is plenty of other output related to that call.
13:12.04ghost75not relevant, its right after dial and before: [Dec 28 13:09:15] VERBOSE[26318] pbx.c:   == Spawn extension (phones998780, 081932125336, 2) exited non-zero on 'SIP/10-00000156'
13:12.05*** join/#asterisk bebe-lala (
13:13.19kaldemarghost75: oh it is relevant.
13:14.03ghost75or you want to see sip log?
13:15.07kaldemari already asked you a question which you did not answer. the logs would provide an answer to the question and tell where the tone comes from.
13:15.41ghost75but which log, verbose or sip
13:16.15kaldemarverbosity might be enough.
13:16.24ghost75might not but i can show
13:19.08kaldemarit's the pap2t.
13:19.20kaldemarcheck it's tone zone setting if it has one.
13:21.06ghost75do you know whats also strange
13:21.15ghost75why its hanging up immediately
13:21.41kaldemarfor that, see sip debug.
13:22.38ghost75this gets also written into messages file?
13:22.57kaldemarin CLI, "sip set debug on"
13:26.43*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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13:30.52ghost75problem with audio codec?
13:31.22*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
13:31.56ghost75SIP/2.0 488 Not Acceptable here
13:32.01ghost75Warning: 305 " Incompatible media format"
13:33.01kaldemarghost75: seems so. the only codec you offer is G.729a and they don't like it. fix that and move on to the next issue.
13:33.31ghost75strange though that i can receive calls with g.729 but i will try alaw/ulaw also
13:34.56*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
13:37.38ghost75yes is working now
13:38.38ghost75i thought my itsp will convert from g.729 to the callers needed codec
13:39.49ghost75so this means the called person has also voip but no g.729
13:53.00kaldemarit means that your provider does not accept calls that use G.729a.
14:07.47*** join/#asterisk shadar (~eugene@
14:27.51WIMPyHmm. These new SIP scanners are a little annoying.
14:29.05igcewielingWe block all off-net traffic with iptables so we never see those scans. 8-)
14:32.58Kattyhello my asterisk does not work at all how to fix plz?? is urgent plz answer thx.
14:35.20leifmadsenKatty: step one -- 3 shots of vodka
14:37.02Kattyleifmadsen: is that before or after the 3 shots of espresso
14:37.17leifmadsenKatty: use the espresso as a chaser
14:37.23Kattyi love you.
14:37.36leifmadsenthat didn't work out at all
14:37.51Kattylooks like a bubbly eyed goldfish.
14:38.24leifmadsenthen we all win
14:38.46leifmadsenRJD2 on the decks!
14:39.03*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
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14:53.38*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
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15:28.46*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
15:31.03*** join/#asterisk falz (
15:31.24falzhi. is there a 'sip clear peer' type of command? I have two devices fighting over one thing (vpn user vs office user phone)
15:32.01kaldemarsip unregister
15:32.31falzdon't have that command
15:33.03*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:33.29ghost75(14:53:29) kaldemar: it means that your provider does not accept calls that use G.729a. <- for some it works
15:33.38kaldemarconsider upgrading. you're using ancient code.
15:33.58ghost75provider just doesnt translate codecs
15:35.02kaldemarmaybe, maybe not. i have no idea about your complete scenario.
15:35.16ghost75if i call my number with mobile then g729 works
15:35.32ghost75if i dial a analog or isdn number then g729 also works
15:35.48leifmadsenfalz: sip prune perhaps
15:35.56leifmadsenbut that's more for pruning from realtime I think
15:36.26leifmadsenfalz: also, you won't be able to stop the peers fighting unless you block one of them
15:36.30igcewielingfalz: won't do any good unless you stop the devices from fighting with each other
15:36.35igcewielinglooks at leifmadsen
15:36.39leifmadsenigcewieling: I win!
15:38.14kaldemarprune is for realtime only
15:38.20falzyeah doesnt let you specify one
15:38.30falzwill null route/firewall his home vpn ip off or something
15:38.41leifmadsenya, pruning wouldn't have helped anyways
15:38.51leifmadsenthe peers would still attempt to request
15:39.04leifmadsenthe alternative is to use permit and deny on the peer
15:39.40kaldemari prefer sledgehammer
15:41.31*** part/#asterisk falz (
15:44.21Kattyi just moved furniture. ugg.
15:44.39Kattyhow dare i have to do work on a friday.
15:44.47Kattyk, over it!
15:44.54Kattyreturns to knitting and watching birdies
15:47.39*** join/#asterisk WIMPy (
15:50.17*** join/#asterisk Rico29 (
15:50.39Rico29are panasonic KX-NT phones compatibles with asterisk
15:52.09*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
15:53.34leifmadsenRico29: are they SIP?
15:53.44leifmadsenthen yes
15:54.42Rico29don't you think it can be "panasonic-made SIP" ?
15:55.06leifmadsenthis is ISDN BRI
15:56.19Kattyyarn bombs leifmadsen's keyboard.
16:08.10*** join/#asterisk acidfu (
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16:21.21*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
16:21.58saint_hi all
16:22.20saint_what's the big reason to switch from 1.8 to 10.x or 11.x ..?
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16:32.21*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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16:59.52saint_i installed mysql and all the os related binaries , what do i need to do in order for asterisk to take in account mysql , and install odbc modules ?
17:00.02saint_i did a ./configure && make && make install , but it still does not work
17:00.20saint_i do not see any *odbc* modules in /usr/lib/asterisk/modules
17:00.36igcewielingsaint_: how about ./configure && make menuconfig [select the correct modules and save] make && make install , but it still does not work
17:00.59saint_i ll try
17:04.09igcewielingsaint_: I see no reason to switch away from 1.8 right now.  Asterisk 11 is too new for me to trust it in production.
17:04.49[TK]D-Fendersaint_i installed mysql and all the os related binaries <- that doesn't tell us which ones.
17:05.19youjellydoes asterisk like more cores or higher clocks
17:06.51saint_[TK]D-Fender: on CentOS, unixODBC unixODBC-devel libtool-ltdl libtool-ltdl-devel mysql-connector-odbc
17:07.13saint_[TK]D-Fender: when I run odbcinst -q -d , I see the driver MySQL
17:07.41saint_[TK]D-Fender: finally when I run echo "select 1" | isql -v asterisk-connector i see the ODBC connector
17:07.49[TK]D-Fendersaint_: ./configue && make menuconfig
17:08.02[TK]D-Fendersaint_: the curses install should tell you what's missing...
17:08.23youjellyso cores or clock?
17:08.41*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
17:10.19saint_[TK]D-Fender: it ends with no error message
17:10.35saint_[TK]D-Fender: is there anywhere in menuconfig a place to select mysql ? if yes, I can t find it
17:10.38[TK]D-Fendermake menuconfg is an onscreen interface... not an "end status"
17:12.03igcewielingyoujelly: servers
17:12.31youjellyigcewieling: ...
17:12.45igcewielingin order of preference, more servers, more cores, more CPU speed.
17:12.45saint_[TK]D-Fender: i understand that, but when i have the interface, is there anything to select within it ?
17:13.36[TK]D-FenderIt lets you hand-pick the ones to compile and TELLS you what dependencies you are missing.
17:13.45youjellyso instead of having 1 8 core machine I should have 4 2 core machines?
17:14.01igcewielingsaint_: you mean like some option like Dialplan Functions / func_odbc
17:14.30igcewielingyoujelly: or two 4 core machines
17:14.44igcewielingPersonally I think 8 cores is a good number.
17:14.59youjellyI second that
17:15.29igcewielingBut yes, four 2 core machines is likely to perform better than one 8 core machine, but I don't think you'll notice that much difference.
17:15.50youjellygoing with an e5-2680
17:15.50igcewielingkeep mind this is my OPINION.  I'm not aware of any benchmarking for recent Asterisk versions
17:15.56saint_[TK]D-Fender: ha... :   XXX func_odbc
17:16.15igcewielingWe use three 16 core machines, but the machines also run lots of AGIs and use MySQL
17:16.15[TK]D-Fenderyoujelly: You also haven't stated what your actual needs are...
17:16.19[TK]D-Fendersaint_: LOOK DOWN
17:16.39saint_[TK]D-Fender: yeah, depends on res_odbc ... and res_odbc has XXX too
17:16.57[TK]D-Fenderand what do ITS dependencies say?
17:17.05saint_generic.. looking for it
17:17.19igcewielingsaint_: this means asterisk did not think the required libs for that function are installed in the system.
17:17.35saint_ok.. let me double chck
17:17.45*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
17:18.09igcewielingyou MAY have to do a "make distclean" before the ./configure for Asterisk to pick up any libs installed since the first invocation of ./configure.
17:18.51youjellyneeds as in?
17:19.16youjellyI need to accommodate as many users as I can on 1 server
17:20.23[TK]D-Fenderyoujelly: "as many users as I can" is not a need.
17:20.51saint_igcewieling: make distclean did it. i can now see the func_odbc with a * in front of it. thanks !
17:21.19[TK]D-Fenderyoujelly: I'm quite sure if I just through 10 million out there it will be far more than your need.  Care to shave that down to a REALISTIC number and describe what the server will actually be doing with them?
17:21.36igcewielingsaint_: Asterisk pretends to be your friend and then hits you on the head with a 2x4.   You learn to live with it.   I, like you, assumed that ./configure would actually, you know, CONFIGURE
17:22.03saint_igcewieling: lol.. yeah.. lesson learned and will be remembered..
17:22.39youjellyThe dialplan itself isn't doing much really, just some agi calls, playbacks, dtmf (its an IVR)
17:22.58igcewielingwe have a custom ISO to install the OS, packages, Asterisk, etc so we don't run into those sorts of issues anymore.
17:23.00youjellymost of the heavy lifting is done on a separate AGI server
17:23.20saint_igcewieling: i m making myself a template..
17:24.09youjellyand umm, there's some AMI actions being handled
17:24.12youjellythat's about it
17:25.58youjellyno trans-coding etc, and using SIP, just incoming calls.
17:28.23igcewielingyoujelly: if you want lots of users/callers then put a SIP Proxy in front of Asterisk
17:28.45youjellydoing that
17:28.54youjellybut there's lots and lots of users
17:29.00youjellyand I can only put so many servers
17:29.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
17:29.29youjellykamilio/openSER right?
17:30.38[TK]D-Fenderusers != callers
17:30.44[TK]D-Fenderthere is a distinction in the load.
17:30.58[TK]D-FenderAnd I haven't seen any numbers yet
17:32.53youjelly~5000 channels
17:35.57*** join/#asterisk chris_n (~Chris@
17:36.28[TK]D-FenderDefinitely multiple servers.
17:36.58[TK]D-FenderGiven your AGI's are off-loaded it should be that bad though.
17:37.33youjellyit should be?
17:38.12youjellyI know but I'm planning around 1000-1500 calls per server
17:44.08*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
17:49.43youjellyso do I need that much clock speed with 8 cores
17:56.51*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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18:17.24ghost75a 1000 calls on one server? which company is this?
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18:43.10*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
19:04.01adeelyoujelly: clarification, when you say 1 server, do you mean 1 IP or 1 actual box?
19:05.06[TK]D-FenderActual box
19:06.33*** join/#asterisk Nugget (
19:06.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
19:07.14adeeli was able to hit ~2200 concurrent calls on an 8 core 3.4 ghz box with full dialplan, and also had mysql & kamailio in front to handle the registrations/etc
19:07.44adeelbut that was in a VM, so that might be higher
19:12.03*** join/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@
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19:14.37igcewielingadeel: Was Asterisk handling RTP or was that reinvited off Asterisk?  Also how many calls per second or calls per min?
19:14.56igcewielingadeel: also what asterisk version?
19:16.15[TK]D-Fenderadeel: What is the average airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
19:17.22*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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19:17.53[TK]D-Fenderhigh-5's Penguin
19:17.55adeeligcewieling: without RTP traffic, with rtp traffic that dropped to about half that value. i sustained about 35-40 cps. 50 cps would result in too many failed calls (i considered any failed call to be too many) and this was asterisk 1.6.2
19:18.23adeelerr, 1.6.20
19:18.36adeeland i think my real bottleneck was the fact it was in a VM rather than on baremetal
19:19.20adeelin all honesty, i'd rather implement it in kamailio and just proxy the relevant calls to asterisk only when necessary
19:21.07[TK]D-Fenderadeel: however that does not match his call requirements at all.
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19:46.34SuperNullis there a variable that would hold a registration username ?
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19:47.56PenguinWhat would you use it for if there is one?
19:48.49n2techwhy dont u use func_odbc.conf for mysql database ?
19:49.04n2techcreate a database for usernames for asterisk to lookup and retrieve those varaibles
19:49.13PenguinNot everyone uses mysql.
19:49.33PenguinIf you're only going to put the names into a db, why not use the asterisk db?
19:50.03n2techtru penguin true
19:50.24n2techbut at least you can keep track of things alot better using mysql database
19:50.45n2techcan use phpmyadmin to actually see what going on and what info is actually in the db
19:50.48PenguinRegardless, if we know what he wants to do with such data, we can recommend ways to make it happen.
19:51.07n2techso you recommend to use asterisk db for things like this
19:51.19PenguinUsually, yes.
19:51.31PenguinDepends on what you're trying to store.
19:51.38n2techlike if i wanted a caller to login using a username and password via dtmf i can use the internal asterisk db to lookup that info?
19:52.10n2techok nice i have been setting up external  mysql databases for this
19:52.20PenguinIf you need a lot of fields, the astdb might not be the best db for it.
19:52.24SuperNullPenguin im trying to track down some 'leaking' calls through our call detail records..
19:52.28n2techlike there was a banking system i created for customers to login using their account number and password
19:52.49n2techbut i kept creating mysql databases for this not realizing that i could have actually used the internal asterisk db for this type of operation
19:53.15n2techawesome im glad u told me this penguin...this could save me alot of time and programming instead of using external databases
19:57.57SuperNullalright.. im running 1.4.20 on 2 servers. one updates regserver in ast realtime registration table.. one doesn't .. asterisk.conf and sip.conf both appear to be .. 100% correct.
19:58.37SuperNullwaits for the 'omg its old as shit'
19:59.30n2techolmg its old as shit
19:59.43n2techactually i think 1.4 and 1.6 are the best running version of asterisk
19:59.50n2techseem to be alot more stable than any other versions
20:00.11SuperNull1.6 is a rock.
20:00.17WIMPythinks that 1.6 is the worst.
20:00.29Penguin1.6 isn't even a branch, much less a version.
20:00.35kaldemarthere is no 1.6
20:00.43SuperNullbut butttt
20:00.55SuperNulli ment 1.8 ;)
20:01.05SuperNull1.8 is a rock ..
20:01.20PenguinAnyway... CDR already stores the peer name for each call.
20:01.45n2techwhat version does everyone think is the best version so far?
20:01.56n2techill say 1.4 or 1.8
20:02.08Penguin1.8.11.0 seems pretty good.
20:02.12WIMPyOr 10 or 11.
20:02.13lanning"the next version" :)
20:02.20PenguinNeither 1.4 nor 1.8 is a version.
20:02.30n2techwhy do you say that penguin?
20:02.46*** join/#asterisk moos3 (
20:02.51PenguinIt's stable.
20:03.27*** join/#asterisk infobot (
20:03.28*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.1.0 (2012/12/10), 10.11.0 (2012/12/10), (2012/12/10), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.14 (2012/12/20) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
20:03.45PenguinWith the exception of 1.6, you've listed a bunch of branches, not versions.  1.6 isn't even a branch.
20:03.58infobotAsterisk 10 --, or a Standard Release. It was released on 2011-12-15, with maintenance until 2012-12-15. Asterisk 10 will be end of life on 2013-12-15.
20:04.14SuperNulli have not even started using it yet and its EOLed.
20:04.22PenguinWhat is?
20:04.30SuperNullAst 10.
20:04.36SuperNullobviously gonna skip it.
20:04.45PenguinEOL already?  I doubt that.
20:04.47SuperNullstill contemplating about freeswitch
20:04.48[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Instead of going from 1.8 to 1.10 they decided to just call it "10"
20:04.56n2techi see
20:05.01PenguinBut go for LTS branches instead.
20:05.04n2techso is version 10 or 11 better to use?
20:05.16SuperNull11 is higher numerically ?
20:05.22PenguinThey aren't versions, they're branches.
20:05.33n2techok so which is better in your opinion?
20:05.38[TK]D-FenderAsterisk 11 = LTS and includes all the goodies from 10 and quite a bit more.  So far no horror stories on it so not a lot of reason to think about anything lower
20:05.40PenguinAny LTS branch.
20:06.57PenguinEven the "best branch" can still have a really crappy version or two in it.
20:09.24n2techyea it happens
20:09.26n2technothings perfect
20:09.54n2techi just wish they would fix the core to handle sip better and handle more sip concurrent calls
20:09.55n2techdead locks suck'
20:10.20*** join/#asterisk elguero (~miguel323@2001:470:1f06:12c4::2)
20:10.21n2techi can never seem to get an asterisk system to handle anymore than 150 concurrent calls at one time before it totally crashes
20:13.55[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Digium was selling 4-port E1 cards a decade ago (120 channel just there).  You must be doing something wrong....
20:14.18n2technope its a complete voip sip machine
20:14.31n2technever got it to hold any more than 150 calls at 1 time
20:14.38n2techdead locks would occur
20:15.09n2techyea your talking about analogue cards to PSTN
20:15.09n2techim talking about SIP/VoIP
20:15.20[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Do let us know when that is something you are preparing to actually debug.
20:15.35n2techyes i will
20:15.52n2techmaybe i can help develop to fix this
20:16.03n2techget asterisk to hold more sip calls then it currently can
20:16.20n2techi would be willing to dedicate time in helping fix it to allow this no problem
20:16.28[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Since you are the only one I've heard with issues like that I'm not sure that Asterisk at a whole is at faul but rather something rather tragic in your scenario
20:16.52[TK]D-Fendern2tech: There are user pushing thousands of simultaneous calls through their servers....
20:17.00n2techhow many current SIP calls have you been able to handle at one time in an asterisk machine?
20:17.29n2techi have never heard anyone running 500 sip calls concurrently accept in freeswitch
20:17.39[TK]D-Fendern2tech: I'm not the best comparative sample for that...
20:17.48[TK]D-Fendern2tech: I jsut know what others have come through with.
20:17.57n2techwell then how could u comment on the subject
20:18.22[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Countless stats from OTHERS who have told us what they've done
20:18.56[TK]D-Fendern2tech: I don't have to duplicate the experiments of others to tell you the RESULTS.
20:19.05n2techyea creating a cluster of asterisk machines
20:19.27n2techbut 1 asterisk server isnt capable of handling that many sip calls at one time...thats y asterisk created IAX
20:19.29[TK]D-Fendern2tech: And Digium was selling 4-port E1 cards (120 channels) a decade ago.  And that's just the TDM side....
20:19.34n2techto handle VoIP calls better than sip does
20:19.48n2techexactly TDM its analogue and digtal lines
20:19.54n2techthey go thru dedicated lines to the POTS
20:20.06[TK]D-FenderIAX doesn't "handle" better than SIP does.  IAX2 has one thing on its side : IAX2 Trunk Mode.
20:20.08n2techtotally different than handling VoIP calls using SIP
20:20.13[TK]D-FenderAnd that's just bandwidth sasvings.
20:20.24[TK]D-FenderChanges nothing about what the machine spec is capable of handling.
20:20.58Penguinsupernull: I just looked it up... The 10.x branch doesn't EOL until 2013-12-15, so you've got a full year to play with it if you prefer to use non-LTS branches.
20:21.08[TK]D-FenderIt has virtually no impact on CPU/memory etc vs SIP
20:21.51n2techlisten fender i have deployed these machines in many conditions many times i know what im talking about
20:22.00n2techyour going on info from others and have not actually done it yourself
20:22.11WIMPyYou mean: You know how not to do it?
20:22.23n2techim not going to argue with you about this event the developers will tell you sip calls are limited
20:22.36n2techits the nature of VoIP
20:23.06[TK]D-Fendern2tech: No-one else is coming in here stating issues like yours.  I've only been here for 8 YEARS.  What do I know?
20:23.49n2techumm..the whole freeswitch team will tell you. thats y they branced off and left asterisk because its limited ability in SIp calls it can handle
20:23.52[TK]D-Fendern2tech: You have offered us no details and speak generically about "the nature of VoIP"
20:24.02n2techthey created a better core to handle sip calls without dead locks
20:24.17n2techthats y an entire project is dedicated to handle this
20:24.34n2techand this is y they create opensips or sip proxy's because a pbx is limited in this nature
20:24.35WIMPyAt which Asterisk Version was that?
20:24.40n2techeveryone know this
20:24.59[TK]D-FenderYup, we've entered full troll-mode....
20:24.59n2techasterisk is not a switch and cant handle this amount of call voume
20:25.14[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Incorrect.
20:26.04WIMPyn2tech: There is one thing I don;t understand about the whole thing. If Asterisk can't do what you want, but freeswitch can, then why are you using Asterisk?
20:27.09[TK]D-FenderLOts of samples with 5-year old specs list over 300 calls.
20:27.15n2techbecause asterisk is a pbx
20:27.18n2techi love asterisk
20:27.25n2techits great for what it does its just not a sip proxy
20:27.28[TK]D-Fender3.2 Gig Pentium 4, HyperThreading (HT) turned off, Memory 1 Gig, no hard drive, running in Ramdrive, Memory usage never goes over 256Meg. I'm using asterisk with looping call test configs to play audio and using 3 of the same spec servers to pound calls through 1 server. I managed to get 350 concurrent calls through (g711, no transcoding) with perfect audio consistently with ~20% idle...
20:27.30[TK]D-Fender...processor load. Anything above that and things start breaking up. Using Asterisk 1.2.6 I'm running into a limit of 276 SIP calls and no more. IAX calls can go 400+, so I test with combination 200+ SIP calls and the rest IAX and a combination of more and less SIP and IAX calls. With HT turned on, SMB loaded in the kernel gave ~20% performance increase, BUT, using 425+ channels gave very...
20:27.31[TK]D-Fender...inconsistent results, choppy audio, calls dropped, no audio, and call setup time slowed.
20:27.37n2techwhoa dude us pb
20:27.43WIMPyI wouldn't call Asterisk a PBX, but that's another matter.
20:27.46n2techi love asterisk it is a great PBX
20:27.48[TK]D-Fenderthat was one line, it jsut happened to span.
20:27.50[TK]D-FenderTake a pill.
20:27.51n2techawesome system for office and businesses
20:27.53Penguinthree lines
20:27.59PenguinStill within tolerance.
20:28.00[TK]D-FenderAt least I'm showing details while you fling FUD.
20:28.05n2techbut its not a sip proxy thats all im saying
20:28.19[TK]D-FenderWe all know this
20:28.24WIMPyFinally a correct statement.
20:28.36n2techok i was just saying i wasnt able to get over 150 calls thats all
20:28.43n2techyour making a big thing about thing fender
20:28.57n2techthats all i said was i wasnt able to get to handle over 150 SIP calls
20:29.04[TK]D-Fenderand that's just YOU
20:29.10n2techok fine
20:29.18n2techi never said "everyone" couldn;t
20:29.19[TK]D-Fender5 year old benchmarks have done more than twice that.
20:29.24n2techi was just making a statment
20:29.50WIMPySo do you want to find out why you can't do it or do you want to senselessly try yo convince others that it's the way it has to be?
20:29.53[TK]D-Fenderthat Asterisk can't handle it.
20:30.07kaldemari've put more than 150 calls through asterisk on a 1.0.x version.
20:30.30n2techim trying to figure out how to imporve wimpy
20:30.39n2techcan someone assist me in helping improve these numbers
20:30.58infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:31.00[TK]D-Fendern2tech: You aren't providing any details or debug.  You are not actually doing anything to help your situation yet.  We might be able to help when that changes...
20:31.14WIMPyThat's certainly not the impression you made so far.
20:31.17n2techok so what should i post to help me in this matter
20:32.30n2techalright let me login to this server ssh
20:32.46n2techshould i post sip.conf or extensions.conf ?
20:32.53[TK]D-FenderCONFIGS aren't to blame.
20:32.54n2techwhat and where do you think is causing this limitation?
20:32.59[TK]D-FenderMachine spec & environment are
20:33.14n2techdo u think iptables can cause this issue
20:33.32[TK]D-Fenderyou mean something that can throttle the shit out of your packets? Nah... couldn't be...
20:33.35n2techor maybe fail2ban?
20:33.42[TK]D-Fender(see above)
20:34.17n2techi mean the machine is a powerful machine. xean processor 4 cores 4 processors. 8GB ram
20:34.36WIMPyHave you looked ate what fail2ban did when you had issues?
20:34.41[TK]D-Fendern2tech: And if you read what the dimensioning reporting page said your machine kills those spec.
20:34.52[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Did you knock out fail2ban & iptables to test?
20:35.08n2techim going to try and do that now fender see if i get different results
20:35.19[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Are you at some point going to tell us what OS you're running it on?  any other services on that server?  What version of Asterisk?
20:35.37n2techubuntu server 11.04LTS
20:35.40[TK]D-Fendern2tech: What call processing is actually being done to those calls?
20:35.44n2techasterisk 1.8
20:35.51n2techg.711 ulaw for codec
20:36.03[TK]D-FenderStraing install?  Virtualized?  What kind of connection are those 150 calls going over?
20:36.08[TK]D-FenderWhat codec(s)?
20:36.10n2techim doing alot of databses lookups and retrieval of data
20:36.17n2techit is virtualized
20:36.19n2techmaybe thats y
20:36.24[TK]D-FenderNo, that couldn't possibly be a load issue....
20:36.28n2tech100 mbps up/down
20:36.42n2techdeidcated bandwidth
20:36.53[TK]D-FenderVirtualized and lots of DB lookups... you ar already starting crippled....
20:37.04[TK]D-FenderAnd placing the load issue on Asterisk
20:37.16n2techok with fail2ban i was able to sip test and performance the max amount of calls into the system..i was able to get 212 now
20:37.19[TK]D-FenderStart removing roadblocks
20:37.43n2techok so how could i lower the db lookups?
20:37.56[TK]D-FenderWow 41% increase right off the bat, imagine that...
20:37.56n2techi need them for customers to login and check their account info
20:38.14[TK]D-FenderMaybe look at the efficiency in the method you use.
20:38.14n2techyes very nice! IM VERY HAPPY
20:38.25n2techi also have the mysql sever on same server
20:38.34n2techwhich could be limiting
20:38.38WIMPyWhat dos top give you when you run those test?
20:38.42[TK]D-FenderEggs in a basket
20:38.56n2techdo u think i should use asterisk db over the external mysql database?
20:39.17WIMPyThate entirely depends on your application.
20:39.31[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Probably not applicable to your app.
20:39.53[TK]D-Fendern2tech: You should probably move it to another VM to keep the CPU for the * low.
20:40.16[TK]D-FenderIf you're virtualizing and putting all your load on one VM then you aren't saving yourself much
20:40.19n2techok what about using asterisk db instead of external db mysql for lookups and info keeping
20:40.19n2techgood idea
20:40.22WIMPyWhat's the database performance like?
20:40.22[TK]D-FenderJust common sense...
20:40.38WIMPyHow much time does the DB take and how much Asterisk?
20:41.44WIMPyWhat about disk I/O?
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20:44.31n2techok let me do something different here'
20:44.31n2techsee if i get better results
20:44.39n2techim going to put the db on a different virtual server
20:44.45n2techor should i just use asterisk db
20:45.19[TK]D-Fendern2tech: You haven't told us what's that DB, what else access it, etc.
20:45.21WIMPyA different physical server would be a good idea.
20:45.42n2techi said that already
20:45.47[TK]D-Fendern2tech: what's IN*
20:45.51n2techsorry i got my girlfriend yelling in my hear right now
20:46.03WIMPyAnd taking a very close look at your database queries might also be a good idea.
20:46.13n2techasterisk and a website where users can register their account
20:46.24n2techso that the phone system is up-to-date with the web site
20:46.44n2techlike i said tho should i use asterisk db over mysql
20:46.47[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Your "website" will likely have no realistic way to use the Asterisk DB (BDB which is not meant for this really), so MySQL is it.
20:46.48n2techis there better handling
20:46.58[TK]D-Fendern2tech: It's a question of tuning where it is and how you use it
20:47.05[TK]D-Fendern2tech: HOW are you making your DB calls?
20:47.34n2techthe databse is mysql...people can register an account online
20:47.36n2techthen they call use those creds to login to the phone system
20:47.44[TK]D-Fenderkay_: Why do you have multiple peers with the same IP? <-
20:47.53n2techits just a simple payment gateway to accept and make payments on the phone rather than paying a bill online
20:48.00[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Precicesly HOW are you issuing the command to query the DB during your calls?
20:48.07[TK]D-Fendern2tech: I wasn't asking "why"
20:48.23n2techim using func_odbc.conf
20:48.40n2techthen add that query into the existing dialplan
20:48.43[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Ok, that;s the most internal at least.  Offload your DB as your first step
20:48.44n2techi create the query in func
20:49.11n2techthen i found out about func
20:49.13n2techyea i used to use php scripts and call those via agi to do that before
20:49.21n2techthen started using that...i noticed a dramatic increase in savings
20:49.24n2techand fast load times
20:49.30n2techi hate agi
20:49.49n2techso i use func
20:49.58n2techno need to call a php script to do it when theres a built in func_odbc.conf
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20:50.15n2techit actually made things so much easier once i found out about it lol
20:50.24[TK]D-Fendern2tech: If the work you need to do is simply enough for it, yes
20:50.34n2techgreat application
20:51.02n2techhey do u have and recommend reading material that talks more about func_odbc.conf and how to use it?
20:51.14n2techi would like to touch up my skills and be able to use more advanced logic with that applciation
20:51.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:51.34n2techalso could i use func_odbc.conf with the internal asterisk db?
20:51.44[TK]D-FenderThere really isn't that much to say about it... it is just what it appears to be
20:51.50n2techor would i just use the dial plan and call DB application
20:52.18n2techlike if i wanted to use the internal DB for asterisk do i use the dialplan or can i use func_odbc.conf?
20:52.36[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Should be more or less the same I might figure.  Start by taking the DB location out of the mix.
20:53.03n2techyea ill put the db on a different server
20:53.08n2techso the load isn't so much
20:53.35n2techbut im wondering if i use the internal asterisk db would i still use the func_odbc or just the dialplan to access and retrieve values?
20:54.20n2techok so wimpy i could still use func_odbc and have it use the internal asterisk DB?
20:54.34[TK]D-Fendern2tech: Forget the internal Asterisk DB.  It is BDB and not suitably for outside integration.
20:54.35WIMPyNo. That doesn;t work.
20:55.00n2techoh ok so if i wanted to use it in conjunction with a website the internal db wont work then
20:55.02WIMPyIt can be used. But I don't think that's a good idea.
20:55.03n2techso keep the mysql then?
20:55.21n2techok makes sense fender
20:55.40n2techonce i move the db over to a new server i will run another test and see what type of performance i get
20:55.44n2techill let you guys kno
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20:56.14n2techok ill be back guys i gotta log off real quick to do something with this server
20:56.20n2techthanks wimpy, fender
20:56.22n2techfor everything
20:56.36*** join/#asterisk cisco (~cisco@
20:56.52n2techim sorry if i came off rude or ignorant...i have been in really bad mood lately ...girl problems if you kno what i mean :)
20:56.54n2techdidn't mean to take it out on you guys or anyone if i offend
20:57.49n2techlater guys
20:58.30PenguinIt's that time of the month, I guess.
20:58.40n2techlol shes PMSing
20:58.42n2techlater penguin
20:59.01n2techcatch u guys in a little bit...probably bout an hr or sp
21:00.50*** join/#asterisk jeffspeff (~jeffspeff@
21:01.46jeffspeffusing the ami, how can i show who called who and the caller cid(num) ?
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21:02.20WIMPyJust listen for the events you get.
21:04.09jeffspeffthanks wimpy, i'd looked over the 'dial' event status
21:05.22WIMPynewchannel would also be an usual suspect.
21:20.48ageisam trying to send SMS with smsq. 'smsq --motx-channel=voicepulse-primary/<my VP username> 1<seven digit numbr> test' here's the error I'm getting:
21:21.56WIMPyLooks like you're missing the channeltype.
21:22.14ageistype is set to peer in sip.conf
21:22.30ageisis that different?
21:23.03ageisok so this would be SIP i assume
21:23.08WIMPyYou didn't say anything about sip.
21:23.22WIMPyThat's the point.
21:23.50ageishow would I set the channel type? simply append SIP/ to the beginning of my motx-channel?
21:24.41WIMPyI don't have SMS anywhere anymore.
21:24.53ageisoh great, now we're getting somewhere
21:33.03rrittgarnKamailio or OpenSIPS, anyone have a preference? Looking to move towards one of the two with heavy DB integration. I keep hearing they are interchangeable, and am just looking for any insight as far as deployability and ease of management.
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21:49.26ageisnow I keep getting Congestion (circuits busy). I'm thinking at this point that maybe my SIP provider doesn't support SMS.. here's the debug:
21:51.11WIMPylikes the "500 Nice try"
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22:02.13ageisjust tried SMS over sip2sip... same congestion (circuits busy) message but no 500 Nice try
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22:03.20ageiserm SIP/2.0 404 User not found I don't think it likes my "From" address
22:03.53WIMPyThat's usually about the TO.
22:20.54leifmadsenrrittgarn: basically, from a friend of mine, use Kamailio -- OpenSIPS and them are essentially the same thing, but Kamailio is more community based, vs OpenSIPS being "some guy" based
22:24.55rrittgarnLeif: Thanks... Is there more documentation on one than the other by chance? Right now I'm trying to get my head around the whole routing thing to apply it to how I want to implement it (Like we discussed @ Astricon)
22:32.55leifmadsenrrittgarn: unfortunately I'm unsure -- I've not really used a lot of opensips/kamailio yet
22:32.58leifmadsenjust started
22:33.08leifmadsenalthough the docs on the kamailio site seems to have a fair amount of docs
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22:36.32GINO_SSA_BRHi folks .
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22:59.54*** join/#asterisk teloniusz (
23:00.31teloniuszhi. Is there a way to check after Dial whether there was PROGRESS before CONNECT?
23:01.18teloniusz(other than looking into logs, that is; I need to use that information in dialplan or at least in AGI app)
23:01.34*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:01.40WIMPyAMI might tell you via newstate.
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23:07.12teloniuszhm. To be more precise: I need to dial somewhere and when hangupcause was 16, but call time was less than 5 seconds and there was no progress, I need to hangup with cause 1
23:07.43teloniuszbecause that's the way my provider signals there is no such number
23:08.10WIMPyTell them to fix their shit.
23:08.13teloniuszdo I need to write dual AMI/AGI script for this then?
23:08.29teloniuszWIMPy: they're much bigger than me ;>
23:08.33PenguinAnd then you need to fix your dial plan so that you aren't sending bogus numbers to the provider.
23:09.12teloniuszPenguin, I'm routing, there always will be some invalid numbers.
23:09.17WIMPyPenguin: Do you validate the numbers your users dial before trying to call them?
23:09.49PenguinI have a sane dial plan so that numbers dialed are valid numbers.
23:10.14WIMPyAnyway: Relating the information you get via AMI to simeting you can use in your dialplan could be interesting.
23:10.22PenguinThere is no need for me to validate numbers that are valid.
23:10.34teloniuszPenguin, a number can be valid (as in: in proper format), but unallocated; there is no way to know this without trying to dial it.
23:10.40WIMPyHow do you know they are valid?
23:10.54PenguinNANP defines validity.
23:11.14WIMPyOnly for very few numbers.
23:11.39PenguinFor the numbers I send to my provider, it covers virtually all of them.
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23:12.32teloniuszPenguin, great and lucky for you; it would be imprudent for me to assume the same while all of my destinations are in Europe.
23:13.11WIMPyAnd you wouldn;t know if they are allocated anyway.
23:13.14PenguinI'm glad I didn't try to guess how to make your dial plan better.
23:13.55WIMPyYou could set a variable via AMI as soon as you receive a PROGRESS message.
23:13.57PenguinI have no way to know if every number is allocated before dialing, but I also don't care if it is allocated or not.
23:14.31WIMPyThe caller might want to know why his call failed.
23:14.46teloniuszWIMPy: on the channel my connection is on? So I'd need to implement some kind of AMI monitor... looks like it can work
23:14.59WIMPyBut maybe that's only Europeans who want such strange things.
23:15.19WIMPyJust make sure you get the event you want.
23:15.31WIMPyBut I thing progreass gives one.
23:15.32PenguinI suppose variable length phone numbers would pose a problem.  I'm fortunate enough to not have that as a factor.
23:15.57teloniuszWIMPy: before this I was seriously considering implementing my own Dial application...
23:16.31WIMPyI'd consider using a provider that isn't broken.
23:17.34teloniuszWIMPy: pity that there lies some money ;)
23:17.43WIMPyPenguin: That has nothing to do with variable length numbers.
23:17.55teloniuszstill, now I can estimate how much work it demands
23:18.11teloniuszWIMPy: thx
23:18.46WIMPyIf  a call fails, I'd like to know why. But that's a concept that seems strangely new to Asterisk.
23:19.39PenguinMost people don't care why.  They dial a number and it either works or it doesn't.  If it doesn't, they dial a different number.
23:22.42teloniuszPenguin, most modern phones show different status messages for "unallocated number", "busy", "network busy" and "subscriber temporary unavailable", at least. Properly established routing should not lose that information.
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23:35.58gustoi have today a different problem
23:36.39gustoi have a noise on the line, but only on one phone, i screwed two cables together on it so it seems to be something related to that
23:36.52gustoi ll check it tomorrow

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