IRC log for #asterisk on 20121214

00:00.01saint_the funny thing is that once I playback a file after the read , then while the file plays and after it i will see the DTMF in the traces
00:00.09saint_that's @#$(*& up
00:00.37saint_oh well..
00:00.52JasonLfixed it by setting pedantic=no in sip.conf
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01:02.38saint_kaldemar: hey, can you give me a quick hand with one stuff that i change in my odbc query from yesterday night ?
01:09.08saint_I have this in my func_odbc.conf:   readsql=SELECT '${ARG1}' FROM `FIREHOUSES` WHERE `number` = '${ARG2}'
01:09.25saint_and I try to call it with INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(id,xxxxx)
01:09.39saint_id being a field of my table , and xxx being a number in the table
01:10.09saint_when I verbose ${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(id,1234)} , all it shows is "id"
01:15.23saint_never mind . working now.
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02:09.26SeRip3nguin: no use for the wo100 yet?
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02:48.03saint_how to I test a value with asterisk..? GotoIf(${value} = x) or GotoIf(${value} == x) ..?
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02:53.29WIMPyYou have to use $[].
03:08.33saint_just got it to work, thanks
03:08.44saint_now.. is there a way to change the value of strftime ?
03:08.52saint_I would like to extract the time, but to add 5 minutes to it
03:09.25saint_like if it's 13:56:00 , I'd like to put in a variable 14:01:00
03:10.29WIMPyYou can use it twice. First to give you the unixtime, then add the time in seconds and then use it again with the result and the wanted format.
03:11.27saint_when you mean unix time, you mean epoch ?
03:12.35saint_let me try to do something with that.
03:20.06saint_WIMPy: working like a charm, thanks for the trick !
03:30.24saint_WIMPy: can I do something like that ? Set(ETA=${STRFTIME($[${STRFTIME(,,%s)} + 300],,%H:%M)})
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04:02.43saint_Can I use pattern matching symbol _ in a gotoif for a value that I just got using read ?
04:03.06saint_I want to make sure that the read has a value 0-9 and not * nor #
04:18.43saint_can someone help me with this error :    WARNING[4400][C-0000002c]: ast_expr2.fl:470 ast_yyerror: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '>=', expecting '-' or '!' or '(' or '<token>'; Input:
04:18.43saint_( >= 0) & ( <= 9)
04:19.01saint_i believe this is in reference to this line:    GotoIf($[(${ETA} >= 0) & (${ETA} <= 9)]?UPDATE)
04:21.23saint_maybe i need to write $[${ETA}] ?
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06:24.08ATS63dufaq... 11.1? I'm running 1.6
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06:34.24[TK]D-FenderATS63: 1.6 isn't a branch let alone a specific release....
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08:44.24x1user[Dec 14 03:39:51] WARNING[3435][C-00000008]: pbx.c:4398 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'Dial{${FOO})' for extension (billing, 0888111432, 4)
08:44.53x1userI have include => extensions in billing and this numbers falls into some context but cant find out which one? How can i debug the dialplan?
08:45.15x1usercore verbose and debug are set to maximum
08:47.08slash213x1user,  dialplan show
08:47.36x1userThat just lists the dialplan, i need to follow the call trough the dialplan.
08:48.46slash213x1user, well, you can simulate the call with it
08:49.10slash213dialplan show 12345@from-pstn or something like that
08:49.14ChannelZyou have a syntax error
08:49.25x1userslash213: as I said i got includes, and cant follow it so easy because the dialplan is big
08:49.57ChannelZDial{  <--- not supposed to be a brace
08:50.02x1userslash213 dialplan show 12312@CONTEXT is ok thanks
08:50.47x1userChannelIZ: you are right thanks :)
08:52.06ChannelZBut anyway a console verbose 3 *should* show you the dialplan as it executes.
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08:57.30x1userCan I debug variables in some easy way? I got same => Dial(SIP/{EXTEN}) and i got [Dec 14 03:56:00] WARNING[3447][C-0000000b]: app_dial.c:2121 dial_exec_full: Dial requires an argument (technology/resource)
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08:59.09ectospasmx1user: your dereference of ${EXTEN} is wrong (missing dollar sign [$])
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09:09.26x1userectospasm: no it is ${EXTEN} really but it seems i dont get the variable set right
09:10.36ChannelZWhat extension is executing?
09:10.41ChannelZLook at the console
09:10.43ectospasmx1user: there needs to be an antecedent to "same"
09:10.44ChannelZcore set verbose 3
09:11.30kaldemarthat warning shouldn't be possible if EXTEN is not empty. if the call is in dialplan, EXTEN cannot be empty. there's a typo of some kind.
09:12.08ChannelZ(and if you're going to show examples, paste/pastebin (if long) them exactly rather than re-typing even more type-os into them
09:13.50kaldemarx1user: and setting a value to EXTEN is not a good practice. use another variable.
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09:23.09x1userThe problem is EXTEN is empty for some reason, i will try to find out why so
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09:26.57slash213x1user, are you sure? have you tried noop?
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09:28.54slash213x1user, try to add noop(${EXTEN}) at the beginning of the context
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09:40.20kaldemarEXTEN is not empty. you're executing one thing and modifying another. that Dial does not even have "SIP/" in it.
09:41.14kaldemaryour extension in the CLI output is 0899023432. the show dialplan lists a pattern of _2., which does not match.
09:41.59kaldemaryou're dialing the wrong number of modifying the wrong extension.
09:43.12*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
09:43.50x1userso why dialplan show 2006558@billing shows that is goes to ougoing??
09:46.00kaldemarit doesn't matter what it shows. your call never hits the extension.
09:46.03slash213x1user, because 2006558 matches _2.
09:46.11slash2130899023432 does not
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10:42.19hurdmanwhat are your max calls/seconds with asterisk and digium card ?
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10:46.02ectospasmhurdman: I don't understand your question
10:48.38hurdmani want to know how many calls per seconds can do an asterisk server withh xx  8 ports E1 digium cards
10:49.04hurdmanit's to understand if my top is normal or not
10:50.30hurdmani do about 240 simultaneous calls, with 2 Digium cards, on a Bi Xeon and 6 Go de Ram , i'm near a top of 30 ( 16 core about 50% and 1200 Mo off RAM used )
10:55.40hurdmanectospasm: any idea ?
10:56.04ectospasmper second?  That metric is meaningless.
10:57.36ectospasmhurdman: you should check out the dimensioning page:
10:58.08ectospasmthat's just a rough guide
10:59.15ectospasmhurdman: with dedicated PSTN hardware like your Digium TE420s (assumed that's the model you have/will get), it incurs relatively little CPU usage
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10:59.41ectospasmif you're bridging them with any technologies that would require transcoding, it will increase some.
10:59.54ectospasmDo you intend to have 100% usage most of the time?
11:00.53hurdmanno, but sometimes, i'll have more, so i want to know if i have to buy one more serv ( but dadhi card are nice but a bit expensive for me :) )
11:01.57hurdmanit looks like i have a lot of TLB ( or now Function call interrupts )
11:02.00ectospasmhurdman: don't forget that the PSTN adapters also need a physical PSTN connection.
11:02.10hurdmanyes :)
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11:16.07hurdmanectospasm: any idea on my interrupts ?
11:17.21ectospasmI don't know what you mean by TLB, and I can't answer the question about interrupts.
11:25.01v0lZyhey guys, I have a question. I'm designing a punch clock system and the current issue we have is that people dont adheer to the regieme strictly when it comes to punching in/out. As a solution, we have a guy control other people's time punching, but documenting it at the end of the day is way too complex so it boggs him down a lot because he has to take notes all the time
11:25.20v0lZyNow I have an idea to use asterisk in combination with a bash written punch system
11:25.56v0lZyI want the bash script to use asterisk to call the guy's phone and connect him into an IVR when he answers
11:26.29Faustovis there a way to distinguish availability due to agent registered in sip.conf but not on the network and not registered in sip conf at all?
11:26.30v0lZythat way, people can punch in/out without his physical presence, and when they do, he gets a call to either 'approve or deny'
11:26.54v0lZyideally id do this through ssh
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11:34.33kaldemarv0lZy: what is your question?
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11:41.42v0lZykaldemar: if its fisible to do it
11:41.51v0lZytrigger a call to a number from a script
11:42.06v0lZythen have the ivr send information back to the script
11:42.23v0lZyall i need is an 'ok/not ok' check
11:43.02v0lZypeople can then come in late, or leave early, and when they check the time clock, the controling person gets a call
11:43.28v0lZyhe can then just select either 1 or 2 ... 1 meaning 'ok, excused' and number 2 meaning 'count as is'
11:44.28v0lZyi think starting a call from a bash script should be possible
11:44.45v0lZyi suppose originate call and on answer bridge with an ivr extension
11:45.07v0lZyand in ivr, on selection, run bash script
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11:45.09x1userI got  write("exec SetCDRUserField PrePaid"); in old *.agi php script, how to convert this to work with the new Set(CDR(userfield)=Value) ?
11:46.45kaldemarv0lZy: sure. it's a very common task. originate is the keyword.
11:47.36kaldemarx1user: do you have that write in your code directly or is it coming from a library?
11:49.59x1userkaldemar: it is directly in the code
11:50.15x1userThis should be the standart system call i guess
11:54.53kaldemarx1user: a system call is something completely different. that is the exec agi command. "agi show commands topic exec" shows you usage in CLI.
12:00.06x1userI though i was writting to stdin, write seem to be deprecated, what is the equivelent in asterisk 11 ?
12:00.15jonno11Hmm is it possible to execute multiple commands in ExecIf()?
12:02.06kaldemarx1user: an agi is supposed to write to stdout, not stdin. also, write() has nothing to do with asterisk.
12:03.04kaldemarjonno11: not directly, but you could use a subroutine.
12:03.16x1useragi show commands show that exec agi command is dead?
12:03.55kaldemarx1user: and what made you think the Dead option has anything to do with deprecation?
12:04.44x1userNo I want to exec SetCDRUserField LOCAL
12:04.52x1userbut SetCDRUserField is depricated
12:05.19kaldemaryou already said Set(CDR(userfield)=Value) yourself.
12:05.37kaldemarso you use Set instead of SetCDRUserField.
12:06.26x1userThe problem is that i cant get the right syntax, tried with exec Set (CDR(userfiled)=Value)
12:07.06con3xCan anyone give me an example config of SLA in chan skinny, I'm finding it hard to get running with just the documentation in the patch
12:09.06*** part/#asterisk BenC[UK] (~bcummins@
12:09.38kaldemarx1user: is it Set((CDR...)) or Set(CDR...) ?
12:10.04jacekowskii need to make my asterisk server accessible from outside
12:10.16jacekowskiit's behind NAT at the moment but i can forward some ports
12:10.59con3xjacekowski: Do you need SIP access from the outside?
12:11.29jacekowskiso my setup would be phone - NAT - internet - NAT with port forwarding - asterisk
12:12.09con3xIts actually a little more complicated than just forwarding :) I think I've got a good guide sitting around.
12:12.18infobot[~sipnat] Quick guide on configuring Asterisk + SIP behind NAT: otherwise check the wiki at .  Typically, you MUST configure these settings with appropriate values in the [general] section of sip.conf: nat, directmedia, externhost or externaddr, and localnet.
12:12.52v0lZythanks kaldemar, ill look into it
12:12.53v0lZygotta run now
12:13.04jacekowskii was hoping that i could somehow restrict RTP to like 10-20 ports
12:13.07jacekowskiand then i could forward thost
12:14.23kaldemarjacekowski: you can. define the ports in rtp.conf.
12:15.04jacekowskihmm, can i limit it to just one port?
12:15.16jacekowskior it needs one port for each RTP stream?
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12:16.49con3xjacekowski: even if one port does work, its UDP traffic so it may degrade quite quickly with one port.
12:17.39jacekowskiit's port just like any other
12:19.07kaldemarjacekowski: afaik, you need one port per stream so that would be a no.
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12:20.08con3xThere is no flow control on UDP, so if packets arrive out of order or late due to multiple RTP stream filling the buffers then it would drop packets and jitter
12:20.50con3x(and apparently it doesn't work anyway, which is a good thing IMHO :))
12:21.02kaldemaractually, one port for rtp and another for rtcp.
12:21.47jacekowskirouters don't care if traffic is UDP or anything
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12:49.18con3xjacekowski: they don't, but ordering of packets really matters in RTP :)
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12:52.23leifmadsenif you have a jitterbuffer then asterisk can reorder the packets for you
12:53.57coppiceany self respecting endpoint reorders the packets
12:56.46con3xThat makes a lot of sense, I'm pretty sure the standard also has it written in :). I had a few problems a little while ago with RTP and Wifi latency (Badly configured Wifi with 200ms+ latency =/)
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13:01.32bombevwhat is that line: chan_sip.c: Sending fake auth rejection for device 1001
13:01.46bombevin my asterisk log, i dont have extension as 1001
13:08.17kaldemarbombev: see alwaysauthreject in
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13:08.51Faustovis there a way to distinguish unavailability due to agent registered in sip.conf but not on the network and not registered in sip conf at all?
13:08.58Faustovin the dialplan, that is
13:10.03bombevkaldemar thanks
13:10.39bombevdo you know what is tha normal core set debug 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9....
13:10.47bombevand core set verbose 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9.....
13:12.13ghost75if somebody needs nagios script:
13:18.51bombevkaldemar so where should I put this: alwaysauthreject=yes
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13:29.08kaldemarbombev: did you read the sample config i handed to you?
13:30.52ghost75how high is your sip peer delay showing when you do show sip peers ?
13:30.54kaldemarbombev: it is yes by default, you just saw a notice of asterisk sending such a reject.
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13:34.09bombevi got it
13:34.34kaldemarghost75: one says 11 ms. are you asking what is "normal"?
13:34.46ghost75yes what is tolerable
13:35.07[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Anything lower than your qualify setting on the peer
13:35.07kaldemarhow do you define tolerable?
13:35.14ghost75i have avg 70ms and sometimes goes to 130ms
13:35.20[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Doesn't matter
13:35.25bombevam what about the normal number of core set debug or verbose?
13:35.41kaldemarqualify=yes means qualify=2000 i.e. 2000 ms.
13:35.52ghost75nokia phone phone on wlan was having about 200ms
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13:36.04kaldemarbombev: there is no such thing as "normal".
13:36.45[TK]D-Fenderghost75, SIP options = layer 7.  The number isn't really that important.
13:36.48ghost75i only know if its like 1000ms the opposite party doesnt understand any single voice
13:36.59ghost75word, not voice
13:37.29bombevkaldemar whats the diff between debug and verbose
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13:38.15kaldemarbombev: they are different types of output, controlled by different commands and settings.
13:38.17[TK]D-Fenderbombev, Verbose shows dialplan execution.  Debug shows an INSANE amount more
13:41.13bombev[TK]D-Fender aha, so core set debug 0 is okay and core set verbose 5 is okay?
13:41.49[TK]D-Fenderbombev, ok for what?
13:42.06[TK]D-Fenderbombev, Don't ask if a tool is good.  It depends what you need it for.
13:42.11bombevnormal values
13:42.19[TK]D-Fenderbombev, That says nothing
13:42.49bombevif i need to investigate failed call
13:42.58bombevwhat are best values
13:43.40[sr]is it possible to have timestamp on the console?
13:43.51kaldemarbombev: depends on what you want to know about the call.
13:43.59kaldemar[sr]: yes, see asterisk.conf
13:44.08bombevi need to know why the call got failed
13:44.10[sr]kaldemar: merci, let me see
13:44.28kaldemarbombev: start with core debug as 0 and some verbosity.
13:44.39bombevfor example 5
13:44.45bombevis it good enough
13:44.53kaldemartry it...
13:44.59bombevok :)
13:45.16kaldemar[sr]: not that throughly explained in there, but it is the timestamp option.
13:46.17[TK]D-Fenderbombev, how it failed.
13:49.02[sr]kaldemar: just checked
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14:20.57qakhanall, is there any Licensing on VOIP service in USA?
14:22.16[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, No.
14:24.25qakhanif i sale VOIP services to any company in US then i dont require any license expect company to be registered
14:24.29qakhani m right
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14:30.18[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Your wording is dangerously vague.  You should be very careful what you ask....
14:31.29[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, There are differences depending on the kind of service you are trying to sell.  Calling-card companies are not primary telcos ILEC/CLEC/etc.  I sincerely hope this isn't a field you're looking to get into at this point...
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14:33.42qakhan[TK]D-Fender i am not planning to sell calling-cards. just trying to sell VOIP service, like Conferencing system, Voice mail, Exts, etc....
14:34.20[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, that is not "VoIP Service", that is a HOSTED PBX.
14:34.45[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, There is a difference between building roads and selling cars.
14:34.53jacekowskiis it possible to have two phones register to one extension
14:34.58iEatChildrenthe fist column listed when i run "sip show channels" returns SIP/xxxxxxxxxx-00004 but when i run channel request hangup its showing items like SIP/xxxxxxxxxx-00004abc
14:34.59jmetroand selling parts you find on the side of the road..
14:35.08iEatChildrenam i missing something on sip show channels?
14:35.15[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, Yes, and as each does it will knock out the other's registration
14:35.16jacekowskior i need two extensions and then just use ring groups or stuff
14:35.27[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, So from a standpoint of ringing both... no.
14:35.44[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, You need 2 PEERS.  Do not call them "extensions".
14:36.15[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren, because the column clearly isn't wide enough to show the whole thing
14:36.22iEatChildrenhow do i widen it?
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14:36.47[TK]D-FenderiEatChildren, You don't.  You use another function instead
14:36.53iEatChildrenwhat function?
14:37.03[TK]D-Fender"core show channels concise", etc.
14:37.23qakhan[TK]D-Fender yes you are right Hosted PBX, thats what i meant
14:37.57iEatChildrenthank you [TK]D-Fender
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14:38.25qakhan[TK]D-Fender is there any way, we setup conference bridge for limited time like 30 mins,
14:39.34qakhanif conference keep going till 30 mins then call disconnect
14:39.38[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, You've been here for over a year now.  How many options are there in meetme.conf?  What does the app's command-line instructions say?  How about app_conference?  What about your ability to script something outside of * that will tell it to end?
14:40.31qakhani cannot make any scripts
14:40.45qakhanbut i just started learning PHP
14:41.17[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, And you're thinking of running a hosted PBX platform for others?
14:42.23qakhani have this plan in future not now
14:42.30[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Go learn Asterisk first
14:43.15qakhanthats why i am here to learn *
14:44.44[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Your questions aren't about your usage and problems you are having and you evidently aren't looking at the documentation that is provided for it.  What kind of effort are you actually putting into this?
14:45.11[TK]D-Fenderqakhan, Results are typically proportionate.
14:47.50kaldemarConfBridge has marked and end_marked options that enable setting the first user as marked and kick everyone else out of the conference when the marked user leaves. then it's just a matter of making the first user leave after the timeout.
14:48.55kaldemarrough way for doing that would be for example to use a local channel and app Dial option L() for the first user.
14:52.54Faustovis there a way to distinguish unavailability due to agent registered in sip.conf but not on the network and not registered in sip conf at all? Something for the dialplan?
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14:53.46[TK]D-FenderFaustov, What does "not registered in sip conf at all" mean?
14:54.11Faustov[TK]D-Fender: lacking context definition in sip.conf
14:54.27[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Peers register.  They either are, or aren't.  Whether a peer EXISTS at all is another matter.
14:54.36[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Where are you looking to check for this?
14:54.40FaustovI have misused the word register
14:55.01[TK]D-FenderFaustov, "core show function SIP_PEER" <-
14:55.20[TK]D-FenderFaustov, It'll tell you if it even exists, and various state info depending what you ask it.
14:55.26Faustov[TK]D-Fender: in the dialplan, I would like different handling when user dials an exten defined in sip.conf and different if not defined
14:55.51[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Why would you be allowing users to dial things that aren't valid?
14:56.36FaustovI wouldn't, however I would have to play back a message informing them that the extension is not valid
14:56.53Faustovbut sometimes an agent might be offline - in which case the number is valid but not available
14:56.56Faustovdifferent message needed
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14:59.13[TK]D-Fender<Faustov> I wouldn't, however I would have to play back a message informing them that the extension is not valid <- .... you ARE lettnig them dial something invalid.  You jsut said so right here.
14:59.43[TK]D-FenderFaustov, DIALSTATUS will tell you what happened anyway.  no need to check before....
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15:01.19Faustov[TK]D-Fender: problem is DIALSTATUS in both cases leads to "chanunavail", so I cannot play back different messages
15:02.00[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Again you are talking about allowing the to even THINK about dialing a peer that doesn't exist.  Why are you letting them process a number that's not going to work?
15:02.33Faustov[TK]D-Fender: how would you recommend handling this?
15:05.05jmetrocatch all your valid extens with dialplan... the "i" option we use for autoattendants means "invalid" which is almost what like youre suggesting but i'm not sure how that would work with outbound [still a noobie]
15:07.03Faustovthe "i" option was heavily bugged
15:07.05[TK]D-FenderFaustov, If they dial direct from a SIP phone, "i" won't work.  You would make a context that includes all your valid stuff in order and then a more generic catch-all to process the invalids
15:07.26[TK]D-FenderFaustov, I have not seen any "bugs", it's a question of understanding whewn it gets used
15:07.38WIMPyWhat's bugged about i?
15:08.17Faustov[TK]D-Fender: there were patches targetting "i", so I guess it is safe to assume it is bugged. They were not improvements
15:08.32FaustovWIMPy: sorry, I don't remember now, you'd have to check asterisk bug db
15:08.50[TK]D-FenderFaustov, little is "safe to assume".  It means you are making assumptions and not looking, reading, or validating.
15:08.50Faustovthis year, sorry for not being precise
15:08.57WIMPyI do regularly and I don;t remember anything the like.
15:09.15Faustov[TK]D-Fender: nope, we were actually affected, I just don't remember the details
15:09.38Faustovwell if it is really important/relevant, I could begin digging my mailbox
15:14.17[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Without details all it looks like is FUD-flinging...
15:14.58[TK]D-FenderFaustov, You are making assumptions on one side and unsupport vague hints at possible problems.  All without any specifics on versions either.
15:15.08[TK]D-FenderFaustov, You do realize how horrible that looks, right?
15:16.03Faustov[TK]D-Fender: I'm already wasting my time finding that bug report only because you SEEM to have an idea how to resolve my problem ;)
15:16.11Faustovlets leave it at that
15:16.40[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Make you a deal.... I'll leave it at that if you don't repeat that approach again :)
15:17.45Faustov[TK]D-Fender: ok, lets assume (while I try to get the bug id), that "i" works exactly as designed - is it a part of your idea when it comes to my problem then? ;)
15:18.37[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Stop trying to weasel your way through this.  They eat phone systems, human flesh is second nature to them....
15:20.36Faustov[TK]D-Fender: I might get crucified for this, but I found this instead of the actual asterisk bug id:
15:21.26Faustovnvm, here's the jira equivalent
15:22.04WIMPyChan_sip doesn't use the i extension.
15:22.15[TK]D-FenderFaustov, that has nothing to do with "i"
15:23.05[TK]D-FenderFaustov, there is a PATTERN MATCH there.  They HAVE a pattern.  i is when they dial something that DOESN'T have a pattern match.
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15:23.55[TK]D-FenderFaustov, you need to go read up on your dialplan basics....
15:24.42Faustov[TK]D-Fender: perhaps I have misunderstood "i" then, however this brings us back to the basic question: pattern matches, but is invalid - how to distinguish between valid but offline?
15:25.30[TK]D-FenderFaustov, What part of "don't" was unclear?
15:25.49[TK]D-FenderFaustov, And I already gave you the answer ... to that thing I've told you you shouldn't be doing in the first place.
15:27.09jmetrohm. valid but offline..feels like if i have an extension 102, and his phone is off, it skips dialing him but goes to his VM?
15:27.10Faustov[TK]D-Fender: I'm not sure I understand how I could prevent dialing an invalid one in the first place
15:27.40FaustovSIPPEER is good, to a point - the sip.conf must be local
15:28.04[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Faustov, "core show function SIP_PEER" <-
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15:28.24[TK]D-FenderFaustov, Sorry... could you be a little more vague?
15:28.57Faustov[TK]D-Fender: to be precise, I could run the SIPPEER function locally to do exactly what I asked for
15:29.10Faustovbut I have a number of agents on a remote system, which are advertised by dundi
15:29.32Faustovyes, I know, I didn't mention before, sorry ;)
15:29.48WIMPyGret. They will only match if they exist.
15:29.49[TK]D-Fendergrabs his rusty-nail enhanced ClueBat (tm)
15:30.10[TK]D-FenderFaustov, DUNDi is a DIALPLAN match.  It is not a "sip peer discovery tool"
15:30.28[TK]D-FenderFaustov, It has no such functionality.  This entire conversation has been a waste of time.
15:30.43Faustovwell, I think I benefited a bit ;)
15:30.51Faustovso don't feel too bad about yourself
15:31.29FaustovWIMPy: correct, but to avoid advertising 50 extensions, I advertise paterns
15:31.32[TK]D-FenderI feel fine about myself .... you on the other hand are falling several notches for it....
15:31.55WIMPyThen you're doing it wrong.
15:32.05Faustovthat's what I was afraid of
15:32.10[TK]D-Fender<Faustov> WIMPy: correct, but to avoid advertising 50 extensions, I advertise paterns <- your advice sucks.  Youa re going to pay a price for thinking sweeping patterns is a good idae and that you chould just validate afterwards.
15:33.04Faustovmy logic was: why would the local admin have to remember to define a new context every time they add a new agent, AND THEN also add it to what is being advertised
15:33.12Faustovpattern would make it easier to manage
15:33.22FaustovI was not aware I shot my foot though
15:33.29Faustovor well, I hoped there was a smart way out of  it
15:33.47Faustovdo you guys consider the only option is to drop the patterns?
15:34.02WIMPyYes. Define the estensions so that you don;t have to configure them elsewhere when using dundi.
15:34.48WIMPyIf you advertise non existant extensions you're giving yourself a hard time.
15:35.04Faustovhmm fair enough
15:35.28Faustovwell, thank you for the help, definitely not wasted time
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15:38.35p3nguinIf you advertise a pattern on one system, but the extension doesn't actually exist on the other system, you'll end up with a congestion tone.
15:38.55p3nguinI think that would be enough for the dialing person to know he made an error.
15:39.26[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, it's so much worse than that...
15:40.18p3nguinAdditionally, provide a catch-all for any extension that isn't explicitly defined.  Then have the catch-all pattern play a message that you dialed an invalid number.
15:40.52p3nguinAnd this has almost nothing to do with sip.conf.
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15:44.00[TK]D-FenderFaustov, The context include method I mentioned does not apply to your situation.  Only doing your systems right on each end will.
15:44.13[TK]D-FenderFaustov, No shortcuts
15:46.08Faustovpoint taken
15:51.33Faustovp3nguin: that's another way to look at it, but I think we got it now ;)
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16:12.21tonyclewisdoes anyone know why in Asterisk 1.8 on every version I have tested when a queue member transfers a queue call to another extension i no longer see transfer events in the queue logs
16:12.36tonyclewisthis is with both asterisk feature code transfer and the phone transfer button
16:12.47tonyclewisAsterisk 1.4 would show this event
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16:40.01rogers-Trying to figure out a problem between 2 IAX2 peers.. status is showing UNREACHABLE. I enabled debug, but all I see is RX-Frame retries, POKE/PONG. Any other way to get more detailed logs?
16:40.54rogers-each host can ping/ssh/etc to eachother, no firewalls
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16:50.17[TK]D-Fenderrogers-, Go prove the packets are making it.
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17:02.23salz212Hello all, I am looking for a scenarios in which caller calls and connect to the callee but caller get to hear specified playback and the callee get to hear the RTP stream of caller. Is it possible with ChanSpy?
17:02.48p3nguincore show application ChanSpy
17:04.09p3nguinIt sounds like what you want to do is have a caller launch an extension which originates a call to a callee and against application PlayBack, then you want to ChanSpy on the callee.
17:04.41salz212yes I have tried that with o and b after prefixes.. but not getting to heart the audio.. I can see CLI than chanspy is connecting channels.
17:04.43p3nguinIt should be possible.
17:05.11salz212hear'*  .
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17:05.25p3nguinb option is wrong for that purpose.
17:05.41p3nguinThe call will not be bridged since it is with application playback rather than another channel.
17:05.46p3nguinThe o option is right, though.
17:06.48salz212yes I tried o first but did not get to hear the audio.. and then got illogical and tried b as well :D
17:07.13p3nguinPastebin your dial plan.
17:07.18salz212anyways thanks I will figure it out.. at least know I know chanspy is my thing.. for this
17:07.47p3nguinI can see it in my mind how I would write the dial plan to make this happen.
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17:10.35salz212I have just hard coded the chanspy prefix to SIP/myCallerextension thats it and I am playing sound files on the caller side...
17:11.20_Corey_Anyone using Verizon's IP trunking product?  We've got a customer getting a little nonsense about product certification...
17:12.05salz212yes I have used Verizon IP trunk TF platform, DID platform etc.
17:12.48_Corey_salz212: You're using Asterisk I presume...  ?
17:12.54salz212whats the problem. Actually its Verizon's policy of certifying their users before giving them complete setuo.
17:13.16salz212Asterisk and Opensips.. but these trunks are with Asterisk for some reason.
17:13.34_Corey_They've never heard of Switchvox and want the customer to pay $4k for a certification process
17:13.43salz212All they need is trances to their scenarios.. and you pass the certification...
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17:14.22salz212$4k .. aah  we paid nothing for this..  are you sure Verizon is asking for this or some other broker is in the middle?>
17:14.34_Corey_No, VZ it seems
17:15.16_Corey_These guys are pretty large, so I think VZ is shaking them down a bit
17:15.41rogers-[TK]D-Fender I am seeing pokes on both sides now... rebooted both systems. One side is working 100%, the other cannot make calls, showing busy/congested
17:16.03salz212yep may be. Actually we were moving from one platform to another and they charged us nothing for that..
17:16.16_Corey_salz212: How long did the testing process take for you guys?  Was it a one session deal?
17:16.42jmetrotell them Digium switchvox, i'm sure theyve heard of digium
17:16.47[TK]D-Fenderrogers-, That doesn't sound like you looking at actual packet flow, peer states, etc...
17:17.17rogers-I'm seeing the same  call numbers -   Timestamp: 00013ms  SCall: 03490  DCall: 00000
17:17.20rogers-on both sides
17:17.30salz212they reserve like 10 -14 days. for that.. their process is way too long.. we were behind schedule  with them .. it was like 1 and half month .. after we got thiings working.
17:18.09_Corey_salz212: Yeah, doesn't surprise me
17:18.57_Corey_jmetro: You'd be surprised... most of these carrier guys know very little about this stuff
17:19.03salz212we tried all different ways but they took their time... they are not worried about any thing.. I don't know why but they seem to care very less..
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17:19.47p3nguinsalz212: Here's what I imagine doing for your scenario.  I have not tested it.
17:20.14_Corey_salz212: Thanks for the feedback on the process
17:20.44salz212actually what happen is .. we (clients) get to talk to Account managers they are sales people they don't know much about SIP/RTP stuff. but their tech team is not bad.
17:21.07salz212no need to mention..  :)
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17:23.26salz212p3nguin thanks  let me check it ..actually my dns is not resolving for paste bin :( wierd.. I will get back to you in min..
17:26.24jmetrotime to switch to
17:26.25p3nguinThis is the very basic procedure.  This does not account for answering machines and voice mail.
17:26.51p3nguinFor that, I would do it differently.
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17:38.13salz212p3nguin:  in system command you are executing 2 local channels on at outbound and the other for what? custom playback?
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17:45.34salz212p3nguin:  in system command you are executing 2 local channels on at outbound and the other for what? custom playback?
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17:49.58saint_morning all.
17:51.06[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, no need for the & at the end....
17:51.28[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, And it is a nifty minimal basis but doesn't really work when concurrency comes in.
17:51.47[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Mind you .. it's not supposed to be your job to code his project for him :)
17:53.30salz212agree to the last line.. but now he had share it.. it does not make sense to me... I think my question was not taken in the right context. anyways thanks.
17:56.07saint_can someone help me with this error : syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '>=', expecting '-' or '!' or '(' or '<token>'; Input ( >= 0) & ( <= 9)
17:56.31saint_that's the code: GotoIf($[(${ETA} >= 0) & (${ETA} <= 9)]?UPDATE)
17:56.43saint_and ETA get 1 digit from Read()
17:56.56saint_I just want to make sure that the caller does not press * or #
17:57.44[TK]D-Fendersalz212, it's 5 lines of dialplan, 3 of which are filler....
17:57.55[TK]D-Fendersalz212, What out of that are you having trouble with?
17:58.51[TK]D-Fendersaint_, The user entered nothing so the var is blank.  You can't have one side of your expression completely empty
17:59.04[TK]D-Fendersaint_, Or it will complain like it did there
17:59.39saint_[TK]D-Fender: no, I get this error only if I enter * or #
17:59.57[TK]D-Fendersaint_, "#" is used to terminate Read()
18:00.13[TK]D-Fendersaint_, terminating no other digits = blank
18:00.37[TK]D-Fendersaint_, For further debugging plase feel free to pastebin the call attempt and raw dialplan
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18:00.54saint_[TK]D-Fender: here is my dialplan:
18:01.16salz212system command.. I guess..My scenario is caller calls callee picks the call..... after that caller get to hear playback sound and calle get to hear the RTP steam of caller  channel.. it means that caller does not know he is being spyed meanwhile listening to playback sound file.
18:01.24[TK]D-Fendersaint_, Also, I don't recall () being valid in an expressions like that...
18:01.25saint_all I am trying to do, is read 1 digit (under CallerOK) , and treat it only if it's 0-9
18:01.34ponyofdeathhi, using asterisk 11.0.2 with google voice compiled on gentoo. After being able to receive calls for around an day asterisk stops accepting calls from google voice. I also see these in dmesg [170861.482788] asterisk[18921]: segfault at 0 ip 00007fc342aa4184 sp 00007fc311ce1fc0 error 4 in[7fc342aa0000+d000]
18:01.39ponyofdeathany ideas?
18:02.37[TK]D-Fendersaint_, Ass the call to the PB
18:02.47saint_hu ?
18:03.20saint_oh, ok . but does the code at n(CHECK_DIGIT) makes sens ?
18:03.30[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> saint_, Also, I don't recall () being valid in an expressions like that... <-
18:03.30saint_the GotoIf actually
18:03.35[TK]D-FendergET RID OF THEM.
18:04.03[TK]D-Fenderawaits correction for what was notified, testing, then new dialplan & CLI upon failure
18:05.51saint_[TK]D-Fender: that's the log of the part of the call when i enter #
18:06.03saint_if I enter a digit though, the error does not pop up
18:06.26saint_i got ride of the () around the test of the values too in this example (and reloaded the dialplan)
18:07.18[TK]D-Fendersaint_, "#" ends read by default.  It is not part of the value returned by it.  You are returning a BLANK answer
18:07.45[TK]D-Fendersaint_, -- User entered nothing. <-------- this should have been a giant glowing neon sign to that fact
18:08.33p3nguin[tk]d-fender: If you don't use & to background it, System() will block and the dialplan will not continue execution.
18:08.34saint_[TK]D-Fender: so why is the $READSTATUS = OK then ?
18:08.38[TK]D-Fendersaint_, "core show application read"
18:08.53saint_[TK]D-Fender: because if I enter litteraly nothing on the keyboard, then it shows TIMEOUT
18:09.07[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, yes but you are calling * with RX.  It NEVER waits on that.  Ther is no "effective" blackage....
18:09.48[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, app_originate blocks.  Calling "rx" like that jumps back pretty much instantly.
18:10.13p3nguinEvery single time I have used it, it blocks and just sits there waiting for it to exit before continuing.
18:11.58p3nguinI made the same mistake thinking that it did not block and had to go back and change a bunch of lines of dial plan to background the command.
18:12.18[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Well wudddyaknow....
18:12.34p3nguinI guess you just tested it?
18:12.44[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Yup, blocking.  Guess I learned something today.... it shouldn't be..
18:13.13p3nguinIt was annoying when I found it that it was, but it was an easy workaround to make it proceed.
18:13.32p3nguinI don't think it always blocked like that.
18:13.40[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, True enough.... time to make an AMI-powered shell script ;)
18:13.47p3nguinIt seems like back in 1.4 that it didn't block.
18:14.03saint_[TK]D-Fender: ok, so I made a test with more verbose. with #, my value is empty. With *, my value has * , but it says syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '*', expecting $end; Input: * >= 0 & * <= 9
18:14.06[TK]D-Fendersaint_, Timeout != Opt out.
18:14.41saint_[TK]D-Fender: so would you have by any chance a recommendation to validate or verify that the user entered only a digit from 0 to 9 without having the system yell at me ?
18:14.56[TK]D-Fendersaint_, "core show application read" <- I recommend you read the options some more.
18:15.08*** join/#asterisk Galen (
18:15.13p3nguinI haven't seen what you're doing, but it sounds like you are trying to compare a star character against a number.
18:15.40[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, He's thinking about validation without really having looked at what the app takes in.
18:16.21[TK]D-Fendersaint_, * > 9 makes no sense.  It should complain about it.
18:16.31saint_i understand
18:16.43*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
18:16.55[TK]D-Fendersaint_, So go read the app's instructions for limiting to VALID responses.
18:18.52p3nguinI might add a test right after the Read() to see if the caller entered valid characters.  If not, I might play a message that it wasn't valid and then return them to the Read to try again.
18:21.02*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
18:21.53p3nguinPerhaps GotoIf($[${REGEX("[0-9]" ${ETA}]?:read)
18:23.51saint_p3nguin: i don t see anything about regex in the book.. I will look online and try that. that might be perfect. make a test, and if it's something else than 0-9 then default ETA to 5. thanks !
18:24.14p3nguincore show function REGEX
18:27.09saint_can I do If($[${REGEX("[0-9]" ${ETA})}]?:Set(ETA=5))  ..?
18:29.14p3nguinSet(ETA=${IF($[${REGEX("[0-9]" ${ETA})}]?${ETA}:5)})
18:29.33[TK]D-Fendersaint_, REGEX is overkill and not required.
18:29.35p3nguinI think I got all my brackets and crap right on that.
18:29.40saint_that s even better.. thanks
18:29.49[TK]D-Fenderno need for brackets.  Or regex.
18:30.28saint_[TK]D-Fender: I search on google for "asterisk read limit input" but it did not come up with anything helpful to me..
18:30.39saint_[TK]D-Fender: i ll take your solution if you have something easier..
18:30.43p3nguinI'm sure there are several ways to approach this.
18:30.54[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> saint_, "core show application read" <- I recommend you read the options some more.
18:31.04[TK]D-Fendersaint_, Read. The. Apps. Instructions.
18:31.17p3nguinIn my version, there are no options indicative of this issue.
18:31.22[TK]D-Fendersaint_, I did not say "Google stuff at random"
18:32.25saint_[TK]D-Fender: Reads a #-terminated string of digits a certain number of times from the user . I understand that, but there is nowhere in the instructions where it says you can limit to a certain range of digits.
18:32.40p3nguinThat's what I'm saying.
18:32.43saint_since the end user can enter * and # , I need to make a test against the value
18:33.53[TK]D-Fendersaint_, $["$ETA" = "" | "$ETA" = "*"]
18:34.09[TK]D-Fendersaint_, $["$ETA" = "" | "$ETA" = "*" | "$ETA" = "#"]
18:34.20[TK]D-FenderAssuming you disabled # so it's read as a char at all
18:34.27[TK]D-Fenderthat';s your worst case.
18:34.56saint_you are suggesting to replace the regex with this ?
18:35.32p3nguinI was testing for the chars to be digits, but this is checking to see if they are the bad things.
18:36.20p3nguinempty, star, or hash/pound
18:37.20[TK]D-FenderHash by the pound!
18:39.32SuperNullmmm Hash.
18:43.08saint_[TK]D-Fender: why arent the variables name in between { } ?
18:43.25p3nguinaccidental omission
18:43.55p3nguinI think we've all done it at some point.
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18:44.25saint_ha ok. sorry to ask, the book does not talk about IF , and the IF examples in the voip-info are minimals
18:44.43saint_[TK]D-Fender: but you still need to put ${ETA} in between " ?
18:46.20p3nguincore show function IF
18:46.44p3nguinI hope you're beginning to see a pattern about core show whatever.
18:46.53saint_yes, I was going to say it
18:47.07saint_too bad core show function IF does not show anything interesting..
18:48.37p3nguinLet me tell you about the quotes.  In asterisk, quotes are literal quotes.  In the case of comparing one quoted string to another quoted string, you will never have a null value to compare to something else.  In the case where ${ETA} can be null, you cannot compare it to anything else without a horrific error.  Where ${ETA} is null, "${ETA
18:48.57p3nguinWhere ${ETA} is null, "${ETA}" = ""
18:50.31[TK]D-Fendersaint_, $["${ETA}" = "" | "${ETA}" = "*" | "${ETA}" = "#"]
18:51.14saint_okay.. thank you guys
18:52.28saint_[TK]D-Fender: but we agree that I can get ride of the = "#" part, since when I push # on a phone, I get " " , correct  ?
18:53.58[TK]D-Fendersaint_, if it's filtered
18:54.02saint_okay, so that's working like a charm. thanks p3nguin / [TK]D-Fender : Set(ETA=${IF($["${ETA}" = "" | "${ETA}" = "*"]?5:${ETA})})
19:07.51QwellPenguin: how the heck is that not registered already?
19:09.03PenguinIt was when I switched to it.
19:09.05PenguinBut now it's mine.
19:09.40PenguinIt was expired.
19:10.17PenguinI've been trying to have it for eight years.
19:11.17PenguinThis makes me a happy penguin.
19:13.14[TK]D-FenderPenguin, Sucks.. p3n<tab> had so much better odd for auto-complete
19:13.46*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
19:14.38PenguinEven just p3 was almost never going to match another nick, but unless we get a penpal or pencil, pen<tab> will still have reasonable odds.
19:15.02Penguin(or any of several other nicks starting with pen)
19:15.11[TK]D-FenderPenguin, REASON HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!
19:15.39*** join/#asterisk fibres (~no@
19:15.45fibresEvening All.
19:15.48[TK]D-FenderPenguin, You are killing nostalgia, one letter at a time....
19:15.49PenguinSince when do we use reason, anyway, right?
19:16.20*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
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19:17.41fibresCan anyone give me any idea why on all versions of asterisk above 1.4 I am getting very poor CPS throughput?
19:18.27fibresOn 1.4 I can get 80 cps with 1200 concurrent calls. Move to any newer version and at 10cps it starts to fail to drop calls and system starts having issues.
19:19.16rgsteeleSo, I recently moved my asterisk server to a new subnet.  It had been logging CDR to a PG server on the same subnet.  When I moved it, I updated all relevant network configs, and I could still talk to the PG server, but for some reason, seems to send empty queries and columns: INSERT INTO cdr () VALUES ()
19:19.35rgsteeleI tested connecting to PG manually from the asterisk server, and it works fine.
19:19.49rgsteeleAlso, the local logger (master.csv) contains all the appropriate fields and data
19:19.58PenguinI used to be able to have 200+ tabs open in firefox 2.  Now that they've got like firefox 96, I bet I can't run 50 tabs.  Same crappy reasons behind it, I'd guess.
19:20.34rgsteeleI didn't change any of the configs, and I have all the proper libs installed.  Reloading doesn't generate any errors.
19:20.43fibresHi Penguin. I know where your comming from, but thats one hel of a decrease.
19:20.59PenguinI'm speculating.
19:21.31rgsteeleHere are the errors in the Asterisk logs:
19:21.38g_r_eeki have modified app_voicemail.c and recompiled when i try to load the new module i have the error: "Module '' was not complied  with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk." Is there something wrong or is it just a stability  measure than i can force somehow>
19:21.44rgsteeleThe PG server shows the same - empty column and value lists.
19:22.04fibresIm just wondering if there is a setting that needs changing, tweaking somewhere to increae throughput?
19:22.25[TK]D-Fenderg_r_eek, You'll need to recompile all of * along with your custom ver.  your binary fell out of spec with the rest of the * you kept
19:22.38PenguinI don't have that kind of call volume, so I'm not going to be able to give you a valuable answer.
19:22.39[TK]D-Fenderfibres, We have no machine specs, OS, etc.
19:23.04rgsteelethe file hasn't changed since February, so I doubt that's the cause
19:23.10g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: i modified the .c file and than i did ./configure and make
19:23.36g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: do i need to do a make clean b4?
19:23.40[TK]D-Fenderg_r_eek, Yes, and the compile time options do not match the binaries of the rest of your installed system
19:23.57[TK]D-Fenderg_r_eek, "make" alone for no install your binaries...
19:24.03[TK]D-Fenderdoes not*
19:24.33fibresHi [TK]D-Fender, This is running on a Dual Quad core Xeon 2.0 Ghz with 8gb ram and 146gb SAS 10k drivers running ubuntu 12.04 64 bit.
19:24.41fibresIt is same machine I have tried all version on.
19:24.43g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: so i need to run make install? Can i just do it for this specific module only?
19:25.35g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: finish first with fibres and talk to me after :)
19:26.40PenguinYou shouldn't have ran configure.
19:26.40[TK]D-Fenderg_r_eek, you should do this for all modules.  because YOUR's isn't matching everything else you left as-is/.
19:26.50jacekowskiPenguin: firefox always had problems with tabs
19:27.21jacekowskiPenguin: only browser so far that always survived when i had 200+ tabs open was opera
19:27.45PenguinI used to run way over 200 when firefox 2 was current.
19:27.56PenguinI used 2 for a long time after they went to 3.
19:28.06g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: i am just to afraid of doing it , its a freepbx distro install and i just wanted to change voicemail app to send to multiple emails
19:28.18PenguinBut then, as updates came to the system, 2 eventually stopped working for me and I never bothered to try to make it work.
19:28.59PenguinI thought app_voicemail would send to more than one email address already.
19:29.11jacekowskig_r_eek: it may be easier to do it with postfix
19:29.14g_r_eekPenguin: really? how?
19:29.39g_r_eekjacekowski: they need to put the emails in on fpbx gui
19:30.08g_r_eekjacekowski: they are 200 and more extensions i can set aliases for each one and change it when they want
19:30.48PenguinI'm not saying it does, I'm saying I thought it does.
19:30.56*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
19:31.08g_r_eekPenguin: np :( it does not
19:31.36PenguinIf I needed it to do that and found that it could not, I would probably handle it at the mail server level.
19:31.59PenguinI understand why you don't want to go about it in that way, though.
19:32.36jacekowskii would modify freepbx to update mail server config
19:32.46g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: so i understand right, after i modify the .c files i run make clean, ./configure, make, and i have to do make install right?
19:33.07g_r_eekjacekowski: i could not do that
19:33.24PenguinYou can take the file from the source tree and manually put it into the modules directory.
19:33.43[TK]D-Fenderg_r_eek, YES
19:34.02g_r_eekPenguin: i put it and when i try to load it i get: Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk.
19:34.14[TK]D-Fender<jacekowski> g_r_eek: it may be easier to do it with postfix <- proper way
19:34.18PenguinOh, right.
19:35.03g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: thanks, will the make install destroy any conf's, freepbx settings or so?
19:35.12jacekowskig_r_eek: build it with same options
19:35.44*** join/#asterisk Hive (
19:35.55g_r_eekjacekowski: is just a stock freepbx iso distro…i dunno all the options it uses
19:36.43jacekowskiget srpm for it
19:37.35g_r_eekthe rpm package for freepbx? what is an srpm?
19:37.56navaismosource rpm i guess
19:38.04g_r_eekthe source from asterisk was not there i dl manually
19:38.25[TK]D-Fenderg_r_eek, no
19:38.46g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: thanks i try
19:39.20g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: do i need to do any menuselect?
19:40.10HiveI know you can have a macro executed on the recieving party of a multiple peer dial command with Dial(SIP/101&SIP/102,ringtime,M(macroname[^arg1[^arg2]])), but is there a way to have a macro execute on the hangup of the channel?
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19:46.05HiveI know that I could put a macro in the hangup context, however that uses channel variables for the CALLER, but i need it for the CALLEE (which is what the above dial macro executes on)
19:51.25*** part/#asterisk navaismo (~Administr@
19:54.11HiveOr perhaps there is a way to cause the calling party to inherit some channel variables from the called party
19:54.27g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: make install stops:
19:55.33Qwellg_r_eek: read the whole message.
19:56.01g_r_eekQwell: from where?
19:56.15Qwellfrom the screen.
19:58.10g_r_eekafter the waring just the prompt
19:58.16*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
19:59.26g_r_eekhmm asterisk seems to run but no extensions are registering and sip show peers gives me:
19:59.27g_r_eekNo such command 'sip show peers' (type 'core show help sip show' for other possible commands)
20:01.09PenguinYour doesn't seem to be loaded.
20:01.35jpsharpmodule load
20:01.52g_r_eekPenguin: oh…nothing works now what can i do? i knew is  should not mess with make install....
20:02.30g_r_eekError loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_xml_get_root
20:02.45Qwellg_r_eek: read the whole message.
20:03.33g_r_eekon the configure i had to do: ./configure --disable-xmldoc because even the xmldic seems to be installed it did not find it
20:03.51QwellDid you read the message?
20:04.04g_r_eekQwell: Command 'module load' failed.
20:04.04g_r_eek[2012-12-14 15:02:09] WARNING[7735]: loader.c:460 load_dynamic_module: Error loading module '': /usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ undefined symbol: ast_xml_get_root
20:04.05g_r_eek[2012-12-14 15:02:09] WARNING[7735]: loader.c:850 load_resource: Module '' could not be loaded.
20:04.21Qwellstops bothering
20:04.24Qwellgood luck
20:04.54g_r_eekQwell: sorry did you mean the message on the cli or any other message?
20:06.27g_r_eekplease help i need to have my machine running again...
20:07.15jpsharpYou've got a jacked up install.  Remove asterisk, run "make clean", re run make, then reinstall.
20:08.13g_r_eekjpsharp: how do i remove asterisk? its a freepbx distro
20:09.05Qwelljpsharp: The best part?  He doesn't even need to change anything in order to do what he wants.
20:09.39jpsharpg_r_eek: You're boned, then.  You mess with anything under the hood of freepbx and you're going to break everything.
20:09.44jpsharpfdisk, format, reinstall...doohdah.
20:10.09g_r_eekjpsharp: thanks :(
20:12.20Penguinfdisk, format... really?  All over the software being broken?
20:12.54[TK]D-FenderPenguin, His system am screw from running that command!
20:13.06PenguinMy system is screw!
20:13.20PenguinI bet I still have that shirt.
20:14.04g_r_eek[TK]D-Fender: i fought you told me it will not break anything on fpbx...
20:15.29[TK]D-Fender<g_r_eek> [TK]D-Fender: thanks, will the make install destroy any conf's, freepbx settings or so?  <[TK]D-Fender> g_r_eek, no
20:16.34PenguinStill got it.
20:17.14SuperNullDamn my international provider.. they want a list of all source numbers.. but me being retarded.. i kept stealing all the 8675309 #s.. and routing it to my android sip client (amoung other numbers)
20:17.51jmetroPenguin I dont get it
20:21.21PenguinShall I paste what led up to that?
20:21.53jmetroim guessing it was somethign like rm -rf *
20:22.08PenguinPrecisely, but with more comedy.
20:22.33jmetroi bet he tried to press control-z to undo it
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20:38.56igcewielingI'm using spool files to send faxes.  Asterisk considers a spool call "OK" and deletes it if the outgoing call was answered, as expected.  But sometimes faxes fail so I need the fax re-queued.  Does anyone know of a way to force Asterisk to think a spool call failed when it didn't?  I'm using Channel: Local/blah and using context, extension, and priority which runs an AGI
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20:53.32ghenrywith dahdi show, how can you tell if there is an error on an FXO analgoue line?
20:54.15ghenryI have two in a g0 and the first line has an error so shouldn't the second one be used by dahdi for the outbound call?
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21:17.58n8ideasAnyone aware if there is an issue with periodic queue announcements in realtime?
21:19.37pabelangern8ideas: like what?
21:19.49n8ideaswell... they don't work
21:20.01n8ideasalthough not 100% sure I have the field names correct
21:21.58pabelangerwell, check the field names
21:22.01n8ideasperiodic_announce and periodic_announce_frequency
21:22.08n8ideaswhich match up to what I expect
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21:28.02n8ideasnot sure where to find the actual field names other than in the *.sql files which seem to omit it
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22:03.24g_r_eeki am getting on asterisk install error: mysql/mysql.h: No such file or directory -- and there is no such directory
22:03.54g_r_eekany clues what it might be?
22:05.43jpsharpMissing some mysql development headers?
22:07.59g_r_eekmaybe but which package to install on centos?
22:08.34Qwellwhat is failing to build?
22:10.16QwellBe more specific.
22:10.23jacekowskig_r_eek: mysqlclient dev packages
22:10.26jacekowskiand mysql dev packages
22:10.32jacekowskiinstall them
22:10.35g_r_eeki messed up freepbx by make install asterisk again
22:11.19g_r_eekso i dl again and trying to reinstall asterisk, did make clean, .configure selected the add ons and gsm sound extra files
22:11.22QwellCan you answer a single question properly?
22:12.05g_r_eekQwell: does this help you: [CC] app_mysql.c -> app_mysql.o
22:12.05g_r_eekapp_mysql.c:35:25: error: mysql/mysql.h: No such file or directory
22:13.11g_r_eekQwell: after the make install i get
22:13.45QwellDo you need app_mysql?
22:14.20n8ideasyou need mysql-devel
22:14.24n8ideasyum install mysql-devel
22:14.28n8ideasrerun configure
22:14.45g_r_eekfrepbx needs it
22:14.51QwellNo it doesn't.
22:15.10g_r_eekn8ideas: i think thats it let me try
22:15.15QwellHow did you enable it?
22:15.42g_r_eeki did just enable the mysql cdr that fpbx says it needs
22:15.52saint_I'l be back
22:15.53g_r_eeklet me try the dev
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22:20.43g_r_eek…waiting for make
22:20.53g_r_eekQwell: where r u from?
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22:28.34g_r_eekn8ideas: seems that it passed the point with app_mysql
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22:37.17g_r_eekYes! installed and running Freepbx also all ok! Thanks a million: jacekowski Qwell n8ideas !!!
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23:36.22KNERDWHat's this all about in v 1.8.19? /usr/sbin/safe_asterisk: line 145: 26558 Illegal instruction     nice -n $PRIORITY ${ASTSBINDIR}/asterisk -f ${CLIARGS} ${ASTARGS}
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