IRC log for #asterisk on 20121212

00:09.21*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (
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00:42.29*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
00:45.49*** join/#asterisk dr0ck (
00:57.56*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
01:14.49*** join/#asterisk lorsungcu (
01:16.28*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
01:17.18jonno11How can I use CURL?
01:17.58jonno11exten => 8,1,Set(foo=${CURL(http://SERVER:3000/log_call?number=1)})
01:18.02jonno11doesn't work
01:18.56Billiard"doesn't work" is not very helpful
01:19.07Billiardis anything logged?
01:19.32Billiardor notices/warnings/errors printed in CLI
01:22.02jonno11Sorry! I get Executing [8@gotoexten:1] Set("SIP/2000-0000018e", "foo=") in new stack
01:22.07jonno11But that's it
01:22.27jonno11and the host is set to log to console when a request is made
01:22.33jonno11Billiard ^
01:22.47Billiardare you sure that extension is even reached?
01:24.14*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
01:26.33*** part/#asterisk rrittgarn (
01:30.25jonno11What do you mean?
01:30.39jonno11Billiard: It goes on to the next item in that extension list
01:30.49jonno11And it says "Executing:"
01:31.06jonno11But just setting the variable to null
01:31.18jonno11Which should be the contents of the curl request
01:32.01Billiardand this on the same machine prints something?: curl http://SERVER:3000/log_call?number=1
01:34.05jonno11Billiard: Yeah
01:34.21jonno11with SERVER replaced for my server ofc
01:35.07Billiardchecked your server's access logs
01:35.22jonno11as in the web server?
01:35.32jonno11no such thing, I'm using node.
01:35.43jonno11so as soon as it should connect
01:35.50jonno11or makes a get request
01:35.55jonno11it prints to the console
01:36.07jonno11But it doesn't
01:36.43jonno11Billiard: So the request is never made
01:37.33Billiardtry CURL( or something known to be working? :p
01:38.00jonno11No no I mean, curl works
01:38.10*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:38.13jonno11It's successful
01:38.34jonno11from shell, but from asterisk it isnt
01:39.37Billiardyou've tried CURL( to see if foo contains something?
01:39.49jonno11Billiard: Yeah just did, that didn't work :/
01:39.55jonno11:S *
01:39.58Billiardyou did reload the dialplan?
01:40.12Billiardhow did you determine foo was empty?
01:40.20jonno11Same output as before
01:40.32jonno11Executing [8@gotoexten:1] Set("SIP/2000-0000018e", "foo=")
01:41.19jonno11Billiard: It's odd
01:41.36Billiardiunno, any module loading errors when you start asterisk?
01:42.02jonno11What module will it be?
01:42.17Billiardjust check for any module loading errors
01:42.58jonno11Hmm how can I do that?
01:43.09jonno11Sorry, relative n00b here
01:43.21Billiardcheck logs probably or run asterisk -v and look I guess
01:44.16jonno11I can't see anything
01:44.30jonno11Billiard: Plus ./configure has a path for curl
01:54.05*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
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03:46.10*** part/#asterisk deo (~deo@
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03:52.24infinity_is there a website that will place a test call to an * box accepting anonymous calls?
04:03.36*** join/#asterisk TysonBrooks (
04:03.44TysonBrooksAnyone active?
04:04.06TysonBrooksGoogle Voice Intergration, is it still working?
04:05.00BilliardTysonBrooks: crappily
04:05.14TysonBrookscan you elaborate?
04:06.33Billiardit works on and off, there are alternatives to using gvoice with asterisk directly, you can read about the troubles on the internet
04:06.49TysonBrooksin the wiki I'm seeing that asterisk has to be compiled with chan_gtalk / chan_motif - Yet its showing in the setup both are depreciated and no longer installed, its showing XXX
04:07.03TysonBrooksI wanted to use Gvoice since its been a free phone number
04:10.03TysonBrooksBilliard: What other alternitives are there?
04:12.04BilliardTysonBrooks: other programs or (free) services using the other programs :p
04:16.30TysonBrooksGuess I'll keep researching, but continue with the install of asterisk 11, he did mention that they have tried to tweak things to make it work better. We'll see how it works.
04:25.27*** join/#asterisk YoMomma (
04:30.00*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
04:31.48*** join/#asterisk MrSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
05:05.55infinity_does anyone have documented a moh solution that streams from the local asterisk server as to not always start a person from the beginning of a track?
05:06.23infinity_preferably it plays wavs and not mp3s.
06:01.00*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
06:12.14shadarHi, please help me with the following problem:
06:12.14shadarI have an asterisk server configured. It's writing all calls coming through into mysql-cdr table.
06:12.14shadarIncoming calls are going through SIP-gate from analogue phone line, with DTMS caller ID, and then through the same SIP-gate into analogue phone.
06:12.15shadarThe thing is, that for some reason the letter "D" is added in front of each phone-number, so now the phonebook in analogue phone is not working.
06:12.15shadarHow do I erase the D, so that un-D-ed number is written into cdr-table and sent to analogue phone?
06:13.40*** join/#asterisk moaa (~BOFH@gateway/tor-sasl/moaa)
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06:34.22*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
06:37.47kaldemarshadar: Set(CALLERID(num)=${FILTER(0-9,CALLERID(num))})
06:39.11shadarkaldemar: thank you
06:39.23kaldemarshadar: other approach would be to use func REPLACE to only remove D's from the number.
06:41.13shadarkaldemar: Would that work: ${CALLERID(num):1} ?
06:41.37kaldemarif D is always the first character.
06:42.14shadarkaldemar: it is, thanks again
06:43.02shadarkaldemar: actually I'm going to use FILTER =)
06:46.08*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
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07:42.01*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
07:42.25bombevgood morning all :)
07:42.26*** join/#asterisk DND (~DND@
07:42.48DNDhi guys i wanted to know about SIP trunking. do i still need a PRI card for it?
07:45.06kaldemarshort answer: no.
07:46.51DNDkaldemar, if i have freepbx, i can just setup SIP trunking with the ip user/pass right?
07:47.35DNDdo you think its more reliable than ISDN to think SIP trunking will share with the usual internet browsing,email etc
07:49.22kaldemarDND: you should be able to configure an ITSP connection with freepbx. for that you'll find help in #freepbx. reliability depends on your connection and usage, you'll have to test it yourself and be the judge of that.
08:04.20*** part/#asterisk Billiard (
08:05.22*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
08:08.54*** join/#asterisk schmidts (
08:08.56schmidtsgood morning
08:12.19bombevgood morning :)
08:13.08*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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08:31.48*** join/#asterisk chris- (
08:32.12chris-i know im maybe wrong here for these questions
08:32.30chris-but is there any irc channel for phpagi questions where i could go?:)
08:41.00*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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08:49.41shadarkaldemar: Me again, after setting CALLERID(num)=${FILTER(0-9,CALLERID(num)) - the analogue phone defines number as "asterisk" =|
08:51.41kaldemarshadar: what do you see in CLI when making a call? pastebin the output.
08:52.23*** join/#asterisk jonno11 (
08:53.54slash213btw, is it possible to filter cli output by variables? for example, only get info related to ${EXTEN}=100
08:54.14slash213i have a lot of calls coming through my box, and debugging can be an itch sometimes
08:54.19kaldemarslash213: no.
08:54.25slash213that's sad
08:55.07kaldemarshadar: -- Executing [fxs@from-gw:5] Set("SIP/fxo-0000000c", "CALLERID(num)=") <-- the caller id number part gets set to an empty value. what exactly do you have in your dialplan?
08:56.27*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:24e8:ff67:417f:d03a)
08:57.39kaldemarshadar: ${FILTER(0-9,CALLERID(num))} should be ${FILTER(0-9,${CALLERID(num)})}. my bad.
08:58.01kaldemarshadar: the function takes a string, not a variable/function name.
08:58.32shadarkaldemar: ahh.. thanks again
09:00.34kaldemarslash213: you can use grep though. "asterisk -vvvvr | grep \\[100@" for example.
09:01.46slash213that's what i'm using right now - although simple grep like this one doesn't cover all the occurences in the debug and i have to think a bit every time i need it
09:02.01slash213i thought maybe i'm missing something
09:02.22slash213like, a big red button labeled 'MAKE EVERYTHING COMFORTABLE' :)
09:02.31kaldemaryou're bettef off grepping a channel instead of an extension or a context.
09:02.35*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:07.14*** join/#asterisk Kako (
09:08.39KakoHi, I would like to set 2 SippHeaders with AMI-Originate, but only the first is been set ( Is this not possible or is my way the wrong way?
09:22.29GuggeKako: you can not set the same variable twice
09:22.49Guggei expect you use the SIPADDHEADER variable in your dialplan
09:23.01Guggemake another variabel for the seconds header, and use that too
09:27.22*** join/#asterisk pietro (~pietro@
09:27.48chris-is it possible that I cant make two ami requests at the server at the same time?
09:27.52pietroI reproduced this suspended JIRA:
09:27.59pietrosomeone can re-open it ?
09:28.28chris-I'm programing an ami interface and wanted to make a call and get the channels all the time over a thread
09:28.37pietro(I already attached more details and a patch to the  issue)
09:28.42KakoGugge: SIPADDHEADER is not defined by me but ist the var that is automaticaly interpreted by Asterisk to add a header. But this was the right hint... When I set SIPADDHEADER2 it runs, thank you!
09:28.43chris-if i activate the thread and make a call it crashes sometimes
09:29.50KakoGugge: this works now (
09:39.09kaldemarpietro: see the second commend of the issue.
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09:50.13*** join/#asterisk T-1000 (
09:51.21T-1000Hi there, I have question about cdrs and remote datbases: does anyone know what software can transport asterisk cdrs over MQ broker (RabbitMQ/Redis) into database on remote location?
09:58.56*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
10:00.17*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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10:16.19chris-someone knows a good howto for setup a fastagi server?
10:22.17pietrokaldemar: yes, thanks I asked on #asterisk-bugs
10:24.20*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
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10:48.42x1userI have asterisk which loads users from external mysql database, but it doesnot use odbc nor res_mysql? I want to find out how does it loads the sipusers?
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10:51.25kaldemarx1user: "module show like sql". how do know that is uses mysql in the first place? also, what exactly do you mean by users?
10:52.29x1usersip users show all sip registration. It is some old asterisk 1.4 and I know it uses mysql because i see the databases records being updated, but the old admin is gone ...
10:52.45x1usermodule show like sql returns 0
10:55.55schmidtsxluser outside of asterisk (shell) try asterisk -rx"modules show" | grep -i sql
10:56.01schmidtsi guess you will see more then
10:57.52*** join/#asterisk davlefouAMD (~david@
10:58.15kaldemar1.4 should have the "module show like" command.
10:58.35kaldemarat least 1.4.40 has it.
10:59.13x1userStill nothing...
10:59.28x1userI am starting to think this is hardcoded somewhere.
10:59.40kaldemarwhat does your extconfig.conf say?
11:00.21x1usersipusers => odbc,odbc_data,sifriends
11:00.54x1userbuy isql -v myodbc3 returns ERR
11:01.12x1userodbc is not running at all
11:01.23*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:01.31kaldemar"odbc" suggests that res_config_odbc is used.
11:01.34*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
11:02.09x1userYes, but if it is isql -v myodbc3 should drop me to SQL> prompt
11:02.16*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
11:02.44x1user[IM002][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Der specified [ISQL]ERROR: Could not SQLConnect
11:02.58kaldemarwhy would it?
11:03.59x1useri cant connect to odbc withh isql, this is why i think it is not working
11:04.01kaldemarwhat does your res_odbc.conf have?
11:04.22x1userthe dsn is myodbc3
11:04.28x1userin [odbc_data]
11:04.33x1userall other data is correct
11:05.19*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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11:12.15*** join/#asterisk Matthias (~Matthias@2001:15c0:670f:ffff::2)
11:13.10jonno11What's the correct syntax to include a variable in setting a variable?
11:13.38jonno11ie. Set(log=${SHELL(curl http://localhost:3000/log_call?number=${CALLERID(all)})})
11:16.44*** join/#asterisk mandx (~Mand@
11:17.51kaldemarjonno11: what you have there are functions, not variables. looks syntactically correct however.
11:18.09kaldemarjonno11: is CALLERID(all) really what you want instead of CALLERID(num)?
11:18.10mandxI'm trying to fix a probably quite old installation of asterisk. What could be the reason that external calls through a voip gateway work without a problem but for internal calls, I can only hear the other but the other cannot hear me?
11:18.38mandxAsterisk as it seems
11:18.38jonno11kaldemar: Hmm it doesn't work at all
11:18.58jonno11The log variable gets set to null
11:19.24jonno11however without the ${CALLERID(all)}, it works completely fine
11:20.22*** part/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
11:20.23kaldemarjonno11: add Verbose(curl http://localhost:3000/log_call?number=${CALLERID(all)}) to see what the command really is.
11:24.10jonno11kaldemar: Aha, changing all to num worked a tream
11:25.11*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:27.52davlefouAMDHi, i have install asterisk 1.8. I have probléme with codec.
11:32.11davlefouAMDis it not native to convert ulaw and gsm?
11:33.06kaldemarnative would mean that the endpoints speak directly to each other. that is a no go if they don't share the same codec.
11:35.33davlefouAMDSo, why it use the slin beetwin?
11:36.29kaldemardisable directmedia and it will.
11:40.42davlefouAMDWhat is directmedia?
11:43.15*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
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12:14.25davlefouAMDis normal to use slin between codec translation?
12:15.01kaldemarthat's the way asterisk transcodes.
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12:18.35davlefouAMDok, so it works ok?
12:20.40*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@unaffiliated/danfromuk)
12:21.23chris-someone already worked with fastagi here? I dont get it to work
12:21.29chris-i used these instructions
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12:40.38ruben231hi guys any idea on this error on my asterisk ------------> ------------> unusual happens, over lapping audio, any idea guys
12:42.23ruben231anyone have idea guys..?
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14:26.59KSalemhello there , I need your help as I Extracted by mistake all the records on the server into the recording directory and now I can't open it so is there any command do delete the records , note that I used the command rm *.mp3 but it gave me error -bash: /bin/rm: Argument list too long
14:29.46WIMPyuse xargs or remove them wsing patterns.
14:32.14kaldemarfind -maxdepth 1 -name \*.mp3 -delete
14:32.39*** join/#asterisk wotanskrieger (c8c9a40d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
14:33.08wotanskriegerhi folks
14:33.40wotanskriegerplease, help me
14:33.43wotanskriegerthanks in advance
14:36.10*** join/#asterisk moaa (~BOFH@gateway/tor-sasl/moaa)
14:40.52kaldemarwotanskrieger: in /etc/dahdi/system.conf the syntax is span=<span num>,<timing source>,<line build out (LBO)>,<framing>,<coding>[,yellow]. when the <timing source> is 0, the span will provide timing (master). if it is non-zero, dahdi takes timing from the line. use 1 for the span that is connected to hipath.
14:41.43kaldemarwotanskrieger: if you want to change the signalling from pri_net to pri_cpe, that is done in /etc/asterisk/chan_dahdi.conf.
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14:46.18wotanskriegerkaldemar: thanks for helping me. btw, I'm using a khomp board. Is it a valid setting to a non-digium hardware (according to dahdi settings)?
14:51.02kaldemarwotanskrieger: if the card does what DAHDI tells it to, it should work.
14:54.57wotanskriegerOk, thanks kaldemar
14:56.00*** join/#asterisk saint_ (
14:56.32WIMPywotanskrieger: I'd recommend a bit of upgrading first.
14:56.51wotanskriegerWimpy: which kind of 'upgrading'?
14:57.47saint_I have a question. Looking at the logs in my console, I see this : Error in extension logic (missing '}')
14:57.50wotanskriegerI tried to upgrade Asterisk 1.6, but khomp driver isn't compatible to. Unfortunately
14:58.05*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~shaka@
14:58.08saint_and this is the line it's refering to: same => n,Set(RETURNED_VALUE=${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(${CALLERID(num)})}
14:58.15WIMPyAre you using zaptel?
14:58.25saint_I have exactly the same amount of } and ) that I have ( and { . so what's wrong  ?
14:59.01WIMPysaint_: Do you? I see one more ( than ).
14:59.32WIMPywotanskrieger: Don't try 1.6 use something current. At least 1.8, buit I'd go with 11.
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14:59.46saint_WIMPy: shame on me
14:59.54saint_i spent the whole night on that
15:00.41saint_thanks for the 2nd pair of eyes
15:00.57wotanskriegerWimpy: If driver isn't  compatible to 1.6, I suppose the same to 1.8+
15:01.45wotanskriegerWIMPy: well, I'll try to contact Khomp. Perhaps I can get a current driver.
15:02.22WIMPywotanskrieger: The driver is not part of Asterisk. It has to work with dahdi and from your post I see that's a current version. So that will work with all Asterisk versions.
15:03.38wotanskriegergot it
15:07.10wotanskriegerWIMPy: but in case of an interconnection (siemens < - > asterisk ) may I experience problems if khomp driver doesn't support higher asterisk versions?
15:07.38saint_I am making a sql query on a table. what's the best way to test if it returned something and deal with it ?
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15:08.04saint_Can I use something like GotoIf(${RETURNED_VALUE}?OK:NOK) ..?
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15:09.35p3nguinSomething like it, yes.
15:09.41wotanskriegerWIMPy: anyway I'll try to upgrade asterisk.
15:12.18rolandowif i was going to install a new asterisk, would one go for 1.10 already? because the definitive guide is for 1.8, and i don't know how much has been changed.. ?
15:12.39WIMPywotanskrieger: Wrong department. The driver uses dahdi and your dahdi version is a current one so it's definitely usable with Asterisk 11.
15:12.40rolandowi mean 11.1.0
15:13.33WIMPyrolandow: Not that much. ConfBridge is probably the biggest change.
15:14.03rolandowok .. is there a good URL / doc where i can catch up?
15:14.25WIMPyUPGRADE.txt in the source.
15:14.42rolandowdoes that explain what ConfBridge is and how it works?
15:14.49saint_On a ressource point of view, is it better to do GotoIf(xxxx?AAA:BBB) with AAA and BBB in the same extension ? Or making AAA and BBB Macros or Subs ?
15:14.51WIMPyApart from a few new features the book is still valid.
15:15.18WIMPyNo. Look at the help for confbridge and it's config file.
15:15.53wotanskriegerWIMPy: thanks for the clarification. I think I need to study how it works a little bit
15:17.22p3nguinsaint_: Those are supposed to be labels.  Labels are used within the current extension.
15:17.55p3nguinBut, in the past, it was always possible to use another extension and priority in place of the label.
15:18.19saint_p3nguin: does it change anything regarding ressource consumption ?
15:18.32p3nguinI doubt it.
15:18.54WIMPyOne stack entry.
15:18.56p3nguinIt's a Goto any way you look at it.
15:18.57saint_p3nguin: okay. i'm learning asterisk, mysql, and all that goes around live right now. never done that. we're going to use it for our fire dept.
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15:20.37kaldemarp3nguin: it still is really [[context,]extension,]priority.
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15:21.22WIMPyIt has even been documented.
15:21.32p3nguinThe app info indicates label, though.
15:22.18WIMPyBut in the [Arguments] section the meaning/options are explained.
15:22.40saint_and the big difference with macro and sub is that sub can return a value ?
15:22.46kaldemarand below is the addition that "label" actually means [[context,]extension,]priority in this case and not only label as in a named priority.
15:23.09p3nguinIt doesn't say that.
15:23.11kaldemarsaint_: and Macro has been deprecated for ages.
15:23.32saint_kaldemar: ha.. ok, cause im reading the 3rd edition of the asterisk book and it does not say it.
15:23.32WIMPyp3nguin: Need to upgrade? :-)
15:23.36saint_or i missed it.
15:23.38kaldemarp3nguin: that's what it means.
15:24.18p3nguinI don't feel like I need to upgrade since I'm using a currently developed branch and what I'm using is working.
15:24.19kaldemarsaint_: macros are so widely used that the app still remains.
15:24.44saint_kaldemar: ok, good to know. i'll focus on sub then to see if it makes sens to me to use that.
15:35.02Sean-DerI am used to mxml, and it isn't that much different. I am trying to use the ast_xml_* functions But this is giving me a null
15:35.15Sean-DerI think I am using read_memory wrong, but I can only find one other example of it in the 1.8 code base
15:40.22saint_can someone tell me why Verbose( ${RETURNED_VALUE} ) gives me this: '********** 1' is not a verboser number
15:40.44saint_knowing that $RETURNED_VALUE has a value of 1,xxx,yyy,zzzz
15:40.49saint_does it need to be in between " ?
15:40.56p3nguinBecause you didn't specify the verbose value.
15:41.08p3nguinVerbose(level,stuff to print)
15:41.26saint_hhaaa... damn it.. thanks
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15:41.36carrarHAPPY 121212
15:41.42p3nguinIf you want it to print on all levels, use Verbose(0,${stuff})
15:41.51saint_p3nguin: thank you
15:41.57p3nguinOnly 9 more days until the end of the world!
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16:06.06saint_can someone tell me what s wrong with this small dialplan:
16:06.16saint_that's the result of my logs:
16:06.43saint_in the subs, I have a Verbose command that does not show up, so I believe the dialplan is not calling those subs or can t reach them ?
16:07.56blitzragesaint_: don't use Goto()
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16:08.03blitzrageyou need to use ExecIf()
16:08.11blitzrageGoSub() is an application, not a destination
16:08.28blitzragebasically, exact same statement, but replace GotoIf() with ExecIf()
16:08.31blitzragethen it should work
16:09.17p3nguinGotoIf(${RETURNED_VALUE}?GoSub(subCallerOK,start,1(${RETURNED_VALUE}):GoSub(subCallerNOK,start,1(${RETURNED_VALUE}))    <--- all wrong
16:09.28kaldemaror GoSubIf
16:09.34blitzragekaldemar: +1
16:09.38p3nguinI think that would be more appropriate.
16:09.39blitzragethat actually makes more sense :)
16:10.49saint_ha.. gosubif is not in the book.
16:11.11p3nguinNot every detail can be in the book.
16:11.38blitzrageit is expected that you might actually look for an application once you know how to do things :)
16:12.47p3nguincore show applications like sub
16:13.15saint_why do you use $[${RETURNED_VALUE}] instead of ${RETURNED_VALUE} by itself ?
16:13.27p3nguinEvaluate it rather than use the actual value.
16:14.20p3nguinIf you wrap it with $[], you'll return the more appropriate 0 or 1 that the GosubIf app expects.
16:14.24blitzragein this case, probably not needed if you know you're going to return 0 or 1
16:14.40saint_hhaaaaa, ok
16:14.48blitzragedidn't look carefully enough to determine what your RETURNED_VALUE contained
16:14.59p3nguinAny time you are looking for true or false, it seems using $[] is always a good idea.
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16:15.27saint_p3nguin: gotcha, thanks
16:17.22jonno11Hi, it's me again. When calling this extension the call ends with "Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/sipgate-000001bd' status is 'UNKNOWN'" Why is this?
16:18.14p3nguinWrong syntax.
16:18.25p3nguinsame => n,App()
16:18.44jonno11So I shouldn't use 2,3?
16:18.48p3nguinActually, I don't know that...
16:18.51jonno11When using same
16:18.58p3nguinI have never tried using same and numbered priorities.
16:19.08jonno11Hmm I'll see if it fixed the issue
16:19.10p3nguinI spoke on that before I thought about it.
16:19.21saint_same => n,Hangup()     maybe ..?
16:19.31p3nguinAnd your hangup line is lacking priority.
16:20.28jonno11Sorry I actually wrote that in paste bin :P
16:20.47p3nguinYou almost never need numbered priorities, though.  It's an old style and it complicates making complex changes later.
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16:21.11jonno11p3nguin: Yeah I do see that, they were actually only numbered when I was debugging this issue
16:21.11navaismosame => n,app() its ok
16:21.23jonno11to see if that was the issue
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16:21.43saint_p3nguin: with your GosubIf , how to you pass arguments ?
16:21.59jonno11but dialplan show says everything is fine
16:22.06blitzrageyou can use same => and numbered priorities, but it doesn't really make sense :)
16:22.16blitzrageif you're using same => n, then just use priority labels
16:22.20jonno11Either way, my issue is still occurring ;(
16:22.37blitzragesaint_: what do you mean "pass arguments"
16:23.02blitzrageshould just act like that I believe
16:24.06saint_yes, just found it.
16:24.58jonno11I'm getting this: When calling this:
16:26.48blitzragejonno11: ${test} contains no data
16:27.10saint_mmhh.. now i have this funky error: ast_yyerror():  syntax error: syntax error, unexpected ',', expecting $end; Input:
16:27.30jonno11blitzrage : Yeah, it should contain the data entered by the caller, but it hangs up straight after playing hello-world
16:27.51jonno11Well that's what I'd like it to do...
16:28.25blitzragesaint_: typo
16:28.35blitzrageyou have an extra comma somewhere asterisk isn't expecting it
16:31.00saint_blitzrage: in : GoSubIf($[${RETURNED_VALUE}]?subCallerOK,start,1(${RETURNED_VALUE}):subCallerNOK,start,1(${RETURNED_VALUE}))  , my $RETURNED_VALUE has fields separated with comas...
16:31.20wdoekessaint_: bantime = 86400
16:31.20wdoekesfindtime = 86400
16:31.34blitzragesaint_: then you need them to be escaped
16:31.36dr0ckjonno11 are you hitting #
16:32.05saint_blitzrage: I can't do something like put " around it ?
16:32.20blitzrageno, because " is just a literal character like A
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16:32.41saint_so i need to create a function for that ?
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16:32.52blitzrageif returned value is just text, it will always be true
16:33.03wdoekesunless it is "0"
16:33.04blitzragebecause $[  ] will just see "hey i got text" and return 1
16:33.14blitzragewdoekes: yes :)
16:33.31saint_mmhh.. ok.. i will see if I can work with a mysql qery that return only 1 field from the table instead of all..
16:33.37saint_thanks for the explanation
16:33.49blitzragesaint_: there are substitute functions that you could probably change , to \,
16:34.03blitzragesaint_: if this is returning from the database:
16:34.20wdoekesbut what would $[a,b,c] mean?
16:34.34blitzrageya, you're not evaluating anything with that string
16:34.44blitzrageyoure just saying "is there data" basically
16:34.59wdoekesbut then he wouldn't have to pass 1(${RETURNED_VALUE}) in the fail case
16:35.04wdoekessince it'd be ""
16:35.27blitzragewdoekes: i think the whole logic is weird and needs to be re-evaluated
16:35.47saint_Oh, you know what I will do .. I will call the subs without arguments
16:36.00saint_I already know when I call them if there is something in the database or not
16:36.17saint_the subs only need to take keyboard input from the phone, and update the DB after
16:36.22saint_it should work like that.. thanks blitzrage
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16:40.33p3nguinI'm not sure you even need a sub at all for that.
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16:44.13jonno11dr0ck: Nope, it quits instantly after playing hello-world
16:44.26jonno11I don't even get the chance to enter a number
16:44.33saint_I still have the error when I call with a valid number. Error is at , dialplan is at
16:44.51p3nguinjonno11: Did you pastebin the verbose output on that?
16:45.32jonno11p3nguin: Yeah, I'm getting this: When calling this:
16:46.31p3nguinIs '4' the file name that you intend to play in the Read()?
16:46.38p3nguinI'd guess it isn't.
16:46.40jonno11Ah no
16:46.48p3nguinWhat is the 4?
16:46.54jonno11dr0ck just pm'd me with that suggestion
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16:47.01jonno11I'm an idiot
16:47.16p3nguinPMs aren't helpful to others who are in the channel trying to learn things.
16:47.26jonno11Yeah, It's supposed to be the required number of digits
16:47.48p3nguinThen you probably want Read(test,,4)
16:48.29p3nguinYou can eliminate that Playback() by using Read(test,hello-world,4).
16:48.46jonno11Awesome. Thanks p3nguin + dr0ck, v v helpful!
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16:52.34p3nguinsaint_: What is this INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK() thing?
16:53.21saint_p3nguin: , it is in func_odbc.conf
16:53.31dorphalsigIm trying to build debian packages for asterisk-11, dahdi-2.6 and libpri
16:54.00p3nguinSo it is a registered function, then?
16:54.38saint_i don t know what is a registered function.. sorry i m new at this. it s a sql query that is in the odbc.conf file, as in the example in the book.
16:55.14dorphalsigso I downloaded the debian svn version of all the debian package files
16:55.24dorphalsigbut it breaks when compiling
16:55.52dorphalsigpatching file drivers/dahdi/Kbuild Hunk #1 FAILED at 31. 1 out of 1 hunk FAILED -- saving rejects to file drivers/dahdi/Kbuild.rej
16:56.00dorphalsigany ideas what can it be?
16:56.30p3nguinsaint_: If the number is in the DB, what value does your INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK() function return?  And what if the number does not exist in the DB?
16:57.04p3nguindorphalsig: The patch isn't valid for that version of dahdi.
16:57.39saint_p3nguin: it return the whole table about this number (index,phone_number,last_call_in,estimated_time_of_arrival,number_of_time_caller_called)
16:57.56saint_but since I put it in $[ ] like you guys just showed me, it return 1 if it has something in it
16:58.03saint_or return NULL if is has nothing.
16:58.20saint_that works.. if I have a valud number, i see in the logs that I go in the subCallerOK
16:58.30saint_and if it is not in the DB, I go to the subCallerNOK
16:58.44p3nguinYou're setting the variable to null and then evaluating the null variable?
16:58.46saint_the only thing is that if the number exists, then i get the error message
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16:58.49dorphalsigp3nguin: what do you think could be easier... to build everything from scratch or use the debian svn thingy?
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16:59.30saint_p3nguin: I am not setting a null variable, I am evaluating a variable. if it has something in it, then it goes to subCallerOK . if not, it goes to subCallernOK
17:00.01saint_I mean yeah, through the SET I set it. but that is working.
17:00.10saint_the error is when a variable exists in the table
17:00.11p3nguinI see what you're doing, but I don't understand why you're doing it.
17:00.52p3nguinSet(RETURNED_VALUE=$[${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(${CALLERID(num)})}])  Here, you are setting RETURNED_VALUE to either 1 or 0, right?
17:01.09saint_and that part is working
17:01.37saint_1, his number exists in the database ; 0, his number does not
17:01.59p3nguinAnd then in the next line, you are again evaluating the variable to 1 or 0.  0 is still a value.
17:02.12p3nguinSo if the variable's value is 0, that is a value... and then you evaluate it to either 1 or 0 again, and it will always be 1.
17:02.25saint_ha.. good point..
17:02.37saint_so I need to remove the [ ] on the 2nd line then.. i guess ..?
17:02.46p3nguinI would not evaluate it on the Set().
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17:03.01p3nguinSet it to a value or set it to null.
17:03.07saint_ok, let me change it and test it
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17:03.20p3nguinThen the next line can evaluate it to see if it contains something or nothing.
17:05.04saint_i still get the error if a value is in it
17:05.20p3nguinDid anyone ever make a SetIf() or does it still need to be done with Set(IF()) or ExecIf(...?Set())?
17:07.36saint_ok so I manually tried to SET a value, and it looks like it does not like if there is a coma in it, or a space
17:07.43blitzragep3nguin: one of those options is the approach, yes
17:08.20p3nguinsaint_: I'm thinking about how to do it with EXISTS() and/or ISNULL() to eliminate that.
17:08.44saint_confirmed: it works if I do Set(XXX="this is a test") , but will give me an error if I do Set(XXX=this is a test)
17:08.45blitzragesaint_: you need to escape it if you want to literally write it
17:09.04p3nguinQuotes are in error, yes.
17:10.00p3nguinTry using EXISTS(${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(${CALLERID(num)})}) somehow.
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17:10.15saint_what about if I do  Set(RETURNED_VALUE=$[${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(${CALLERID(num)})}])
17:10.17p3nguinThat will check if the value or your INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK is true or false.
17:10.25saint_and then test it with GoSubIf(1?subCallerOK,start,1:subCallerNOK,start,1)
17:10.33blitzragesaint_: that will just set 0 or 1
17:10.52saint_yeah, but then the gosubif is right now, right ? if i test with 1 before the ?
17:11.02blitzragewhy aren't you just using EXISTS() ?
17:11.10p3nguinThe GosubIf I saw looks okay.
17:11.32saint_damn it.
17:11.43p3nguinThe problem lies within your usages of it and the previous Set().
17:11.54p3nguinBut I already went over that part.
17:12.03saint_the $[${xxx}} expression does not like the spaces and comas again in xxx
17:12.27saint_I thought that if I added [ ]  , the set would see a 1 or 0 , and would not care about what is being evaluated
17:12.36p3nguinShow me what happens if you use EXISTS(${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(${CALLERID(num)})}) in your Set.
17:13.01p3nguin$[] causes the evaluation of something or nothing and returns 1 or 0.
17:13.26p3nguinSo if you Set(foo=$[]), it will ALWAYS CONTAIN A VALUE, even if the value is 0.
17:13.44p3nguinIt will always contain either 1 or 0, depending on what you just evaluated.
17:13.56p3nguinSo your variable will always be 1 or be 0.
17:14.13p3nguinAnd then if you evaluate the variable, it will always evaluate true because both 1 and 0 are values.
17:14.24saint_i understand that
17:14.40p3nguinSo don't do that!
17:14.40saint_but it looks like the issue is the space and comas in what i evaluate
17:14.55saint_so i thought if I put [ ] around this variable , it will only look at the 1 or 0
17:14.57p3nguinIt probably is.  Why aren't you trying EXISTS() like I said twice already?
17:15.13saint_but the fact that i still have , and space in what's evaluated, asterisk does not like it
17:15.18saint_i m trying it now
17:15.20saint_stand by
17:16.07saint_same thing
17:16.10p3nguinI don't think EXISTS() will care if you have commas or spaces.  If it has value, it exists; otherwise it does not exist.
17:16.33saint_this is what you want me to try right: Set(RETURNED_VALUE=EXISTS($[${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(${CALLERID(num)})}]))
17:16.44saint_oh hold on
17:16.51saint_i saw the [ ] arestill here
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17:17.34p3nguinForget the set entirely and do it all in the GotoIf.
17:17.55p3nguinor GosubIf, rather.
17:18.15saint_p3nguin: you are the man
17:18.24saint_this does not give me an error anymore
17:18.24saint_exten => ${EFIRE},1,Set(RETURNED_VALUE=${EXISTS(${INCOMINGCALLER_CHECK(${CALLERID(num)})})})
17:19.08saint_why do you put ${ before EXISTS ?
17:19.23p3nguinIt's a function and you have to treat it like a variable.
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17:20.10p3nguinBut serious, this doesn't need a sub at all.
17:20.42p3nguinThis can be evaluated and executed based on the outcome in the same extension without subroutines.
17:21.38p3nguinYour subs never return, so there isn't a lot of point in them.
17:21.51p3nguinSubroutines are meant to be returned back to where they came from.
17:22.46saint_i just thought it would make the extensions.conf file more clear
17:22.59saint_since I have to do some database handling in both cases
17:23.24p3nguinIt doesn't.
17:24.11p3nguinWhat happens when a caller is determined to be NOK?
17:24.48saint_a specific voice guide is going to play, and will give the possibility to leave a voicemail
17:24.59saint_hold on, BRB.. need to take my dog out
17:28.04p3nguinNo subroutines needed.
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17:30.45saint_p3nguin: whoa, i like yours way better. how long have you been working with asterisk ?
17:31.17p3nguinI'm not sure.  Maybe five years.
17:34.04saint_the only thing i like about subs is that if the code needs to extends in the future, it will keep things clear no ? I mean, your code is freaking neat.. but granted it does not grow up too much...
17:34.52p3nguinHere's another variation of the same thing:
17:35.31p3nguinSubs are meant to return after the subroutine is completed.  What you were doing was starting a subrouting and then killing it before you returned it.
17:36.23p3nguinIf you're going to kill it without returning, don't use Gosub, just use Goto.
17:36.46p3nguinThere's no problem with using Goto and sending the call to another location such as those two other contexts that you created.
17:37.37p3nguinI'll show you a variation using other contexts.
17:40.46p3nguin... just to reinforce what I said about using Goto and not Gosub, this uses GotoIf rather than GosubIf.
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17:43.07saint_p3nguin: that's super clear.
17:43.11saint_p3nguin: thanks a ton ..
17:44.06p3nguinSo now you have at least three variations to try out and see which way feels the best.
17:44.53p3nguinI definitely understand your concern with scaling the single extension method.
17:47.23p3nguinYou could also use subroutines in the case that much of your dialplan would be duplicated for both conditions.
17:47.35saint_I'll keep your last example, it's the best one.
17:47.46saint_Now.. I have another question... this is a SIP trunk that I have
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17:47.52p3nguinThere is no SIP trunk.
17:47.58saint_hu ?
17:48.05infobotrumour has it, trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term. the nose of an elephant
17:48.21p3nguinSIP has no trunk capability.
17:48.43saint_so what's the terminology for it ?
17:48.52p3nguinDepends on what you mean.
17:50.04saint_in isdn work, you call a T1 a trunk .
17:50.22saint_I thought 25 sip channels going to a PBX would be considered as a ttrunk too
17:50.29p3nguinIf you're trying to describe a peer, it is safe to call it a peer.
17:51.01saint_a trunk to me is a circuit connecting telephone equipments. a circuit being made of channels.
17:51.08saint_i guess you call that a peer then ?
17:51.38p3nguinIf those 25 channels were carried over a single pipe, I might call it a trunk.  In SIP, there is no trunking; every channel is the same as every other channel.
17:52.22p3nguinIAX2 does trunking.  There is a single "pipe" between you and the peer where multiple calls take place.
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17:52.55saint_in the digital world, 1 channel = 1 call only
17:53.07p3nguinThe trunk is established with the first call, and subsequent calls between you and the peer are trunked within.
17:53.13saint_granted they are in the same pipe, but it's 23 different channels
17:53.21p3nguinExactly.  In sip, one channel carries 1 call.
17:53.34saint_so if I have 25 sip channels, that does not make a sip trunk ?
17:53.38Qwellsaint_: So you're suggesting that all your HTTP traffic is trunked?
17:53.58p3nguinIt means that you have 25 AVAILABLE channels that the peer allows you to use.
17:54.01saint_Qwell: mmhh.. i never looked at it this way..
17:54.12p3nguinIt isn't a bundle of 25 channels.
17:54.22p3nguinIt's 25 individual channels existing exclusively from each other.
17:55.15saint_damn . all carriers are calling those sip pipes SIP TRUNKS .
17:55.31p3nguinThey say a lot of things that aren't true.
17:55.38saint_p3nguin: yeah, i just realized .
17:56.10saint_they do the trend though. if you go on the field, end users, customers, carriers , pbx manufacturers call those a sip trunk
17:56.16saint_so what's the good terminology ?
17:56.31Qwellcall, channel, peer, pick several
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17:58.07saint_so anyway..
17:58.16saint_I have a couple of sip channels ... :D
17:58.47saint_when i call my asterisk from an analog line , i get into the callerOK sub, which is good.
17:59.02saint_in it, I have a Wait(3), SayDigits(1), and Hangup()
17:59.12[TK]D-FenderAcutally a channel is an actual established path....
17:59.27saint_mmh.. hold on, let me try something before I say it
17:59.30[TK]D-FenderTechnically a call uses channels.  They are not reserved however
17:59.42[TK]D-FenderSo probbaly best to just say "peer account", etc
18:00.23saint_[TK]D-Fender: i'll go for it from now on, but it s going to be a hard work to change the telephony guys from sip trunk to this.
18:01.20blitzragepeople get all hung up on "sip trunks" not being a thing, and they're not, but we all know what they mean
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18:02.54jacekowskiQwell: but those channels use same SIP "connection" for control data
18:02.58jacekowskiQwell: so that's trunked
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18:06.05[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, Depends on your idea of "connection.  That vast majority of SIP is UDP which is stateless.  Each channel's signalling is unique and not tied to any other channel.  That breaks the idea of "turnk" right up.
18:06.56saint_I think when you talk about trunk too you are thinking about a pipe
18:07.05saint_whether the channels depends on each other or not
18:07.11saint_like for a sip trunk, in my mind
18:07.19saint_it's a pipe that goes from the carrier to my pbx
18:07.26saint_with 25 channels in my case
18:07.37saint_granted they are independant and in the internet by themselves
18:07.51[TK]D-Fenderchannel isn't in the same pipe.  there is no real container.
18:07.53saint_it's still 25 simlutaneous connections that i can have from my pbx to the carrier
18:08.02saint_i understand that
18:08.21saint_but the way i see it from the digital telephony world, applying it to the sip world
18:08.26saint_it's 25 channels from the carrier to me
18:08.42saint_whether they take the same route, come in the same router or not
18:08.45[TK]D-Fendersaint_, It is as blitzrage mentioned, a nearly worthless distinction to make and nothing to neurose about when dealing with ITSPs, etc
18:08.57saint_all i can have is 25 simultaneous , and thos 25 together make a trunk to my eyes
18:09.06saint_which is where i might be wrong, but that is the way i used to see it
18:09.47[TK]D-Fendersaint_, I don't really care much for the conceptual difference in calling SIP as a "trunk".  IAX however has a special meaning for the term so I like to ensure the term is used right there.
18:09.49p3nguinjacekowski: If it is a different call, it does not use the same SIP "connection" for the control data... because it isn't trunked.  IAX2, on the other hand, does behave that way because of trunking.
18:11.09[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, a PRI is a trunk in the sense that the channel paths are there, utilized or not.  with VoIP being allocated dynamically, and perhaps unsuccessfuly depending on BW and your point of view, when you have no calls in progress.... is IAX2 still considered a tryunk? :)
18:11.26[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, No calls = no pipe, empty or otherwise
18:11.46p3nguinIf you have more than one calls in progress, the trunk is literal.
18:12.23p3nguinAt zero or one calls, it's not yet an actual trunk.
18:13.44[TK]D-FenderSchroedinger's Trunk :p
18:14.03p3nguinI'm almost afraid to look up that.
18:16.06p3nguinsaint_: Was there any more part to your issue that you were having?
18:17.04citywokis there a way to disable events in the AMI stream from manager.conf, rather than specifying events: off?
18:17.16saint_I'm good for now, thank you very much. I am going to continue reading the book, and see if I can figure the rest out by myself. my biggest stuff was to query the database, and react depending on if a number was present or not. i need to learn about mysql now, and php or javascript ... do you do freelance work by anychance ?
18:17.26citywokalternatively, does anybody know of an option in Asterisk.NET that can allow you to specify that?  I'm fixing somebody elses really awful code, and that owuld make life easier.
18:17.30blitzragecitywok: i think you can control that with the permit and deny functionality?
18:18.07citywokblitzrage: probably, but i was trying to avoid having to make permissions changes that could have unintended effects.  granted events: off could too... lol
18:18.31p3nguinI don't know jack about javascript and very little about PHP.  I hear rentacoder has plenty of people looking to do work, though.
18:18.36blitzragecitywok: in 1.8 there is also eventfilter
18:18.53saint_p3nguin: i was more thinking about asterisk
18:19.08blitzragecitywok: try the eventfilter stuff -- i think that'll do what you want
18:19.28blitzragealso, i meant read/write, not permit/deny I guess :)
18:19.36blitzragebut I think those are for actions
18:19.36p3nguinI definitely work with asterisk.  Depends on what you want done if I have time or knowledge to do it.
18:19.36blitzragenot events
18:19.48saint_p3nguin: can I PM you ?
18:20.30SuperNullp3nguin can i talk in the channel with you.. possibly lite conversations about packets.. and that kinda jazz.
18:20.46p3nguinI suppose.
18:21.21SuperNullsweet. im to busy sorry man maybe we can talk later.
18:21.55p3nguinOther people know about packets, as well.  Just ask your questions when you have time.
18:22.12SuperNulltwas more of a joke :) ..
18:22.15SuperNullim on irc all day.
18:22.19SuperNullwe know i have plenty of time.
18:22.33SuperNullexcept for this 50meg microwave that went down.
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18:41.31saint_why when i receive a phone call over a sip channel, if I do SayDigits(123) then Hangup() , I dont hear anything , but if I do Playback(xxx) SayDigits(123) Hangup() , then I hear the playback and the digits ? It looks like if there is nothing before the Saydigits , i  do not hear anything ..
18:42.06p3nguinYou need to bring the channel "Up" first.  Bring it up, as in answer it.
18:42.46p3nguinAnswer() before the SayDigits() would do it.  Playback() has an implicit answer, so that's why it worked with a Playback() first.
18:44.22saint_i wish those stuff were in the book. thanks again
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18:45.09p3nguinI admit that I have never read the books in whole.
18:47.04p3nguinI usually use them for reference if I can't find the information within asterisk itself, though.
18:49.47saint_where can i find the list of all the commands / application / macro , etc that is available for asterisk  ?
18:49.50saint_voip-info ?
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18:50.31p3nguincore show applications
18:50.35p3nguincore show functions
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18:51.16infobotasteriskwiki is probably is mostly outdated, so you have to already know what you're looking at to know if it is pertinent in many cases.
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18:54.36saint_p3nguin: i m trying to play with read() , can you tell me why this is not working ?
18:55.01saint_In the logs, i have the 2 verboses, playback, and hangup
18:55.07saint_i never see the read being called
18:55.25p3nguinDid you run dialplan reload?
18:56.00[TK]D-Fendersaint_, same => Answer(1000) <-  no PRIORITY
18:56.09[TK]D-Fender4 lines like that there
18:56.24[TK]D-FenderPay attention to your consistency
18:56.30saint_damn it damn it damn it
18:56.34p3nguinYeah, that would pose a problem.
18:56.37saint_[TK]D-Fender: thanks
18:57.48saint_is there anything to do for asterisk to be able to "read" dtmf ?
18:58.02saint_my Saydigits in the log shows "" instead of the "5"
18:58.17saint_and I pushed 5 after I saw the "read" being called
19:01.59lukejtgenerally speaking, if a termination provider bills based on peak/offpeak, would it be calculated based on the time the call was initiated, or the answered time?
19:03.24lukejte.g. you call someone at 5:59pm and 55 secs, the person answers at 6:00pm and 10 seconds..
19:04.19saint_lukejt: I would say at the time the call is established with the party you are calling
19:05.02saint_but it would be better to ask them
19:06.40saint_if I receive only incoming call into my sip channel, do I need to do a peer connection, or is a register suffisant enough ?
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19:13.28lukejtsaint_: the register will get calls pointed at your asterisk box, whether or not you need a peer depends on what you want to do with the incoming calls. if you don't have a peer set up to identify them, they will go into your default context
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19:38.45p3nguinlukejt: You shouldn't be billed for unanswered time.
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19:40.32p3nguinsaint_: You use a register statement to tell another device how to reach you.  You use a peer definition to handle calls from the other device.
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19:48.42danfromukIs there a channel for discussing voip related business?
19:48.53lukejtp3nguin: what I mean is, if 8am-6pm is peak and 6pm-8am is offpeak, you dial in peak but the call is answered in off-peak, which would apply
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19:50.24p3nguinYou'd have to ask the ITSP.
19:51.23danfromukHas anyone worked with DIDX?
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20:39.59LedZeplinI'm working on a channel spy thinggy of which I would like to have a user enter an extension (got that part) but I also only want it to accept the extension if it's in a list, or a ring group, or something.
20:40.45LedZeplinI'm not sure how to go about restricting the allowed to be spied upon channels.
20:41.13p3nguincore show application ChanSpy
20:41.57p3nguinIt won't work to see if the extension is in a list; that's what the dial plan does.
20:42.13p3nguinBut you can pick a channel from a group.
20:44.42p3nguinAlso, if you'd rather spy based on an extension rather than a channel, consider ExtenSpy instead of ChanSpy.
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20:46.24MarkMMMMI got a quick qustion involving alsa, and sound output thrut he soundcard for a pa system.
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20:48.08infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
20:49.46MarkMMMMI am using alsa to put paging thru my PA system. All configured. Works. Just the sound output sounds like it is talking thru a fan. If i use aplay to play a wav file it is crystal clear. Is there any ideas on this?
20:49.56LedZeplinp3nguin: thanks
20:50.39p3nguinCould be a codec issue.
20:51.08WIMPyI have had issues in older versions. But I can;t remember the details.
20:51.17MarkMMMMok.  didn't think of codec
20:59.56lukejtDoes asterisk allow for md5 salt?
21:00.34p3nguinIn what capacity?
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21:03.19lukejtp3nguin: for peer authentication, storing plaintext passwords is a no-go but there's the option of providing an md5 hash instead for the password.
21:03.50lukejta plain, unsalted md5 is almost as bad as storing it plaintext
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21:04.13p3nguinAs far as I know, it only accepts a regular md5 hash.
21:06.04SuperNullso im a complete retard. lets pretend (or not) ..  If im in the us and i wanted to do a test international call to 'tesco wine by the case' # what would i dial verbatim:
21:06.38SuperNullwe attempted 0110845 677 5577 and 0845 677 5577 and 011845 677 5577
21:08.24p3nguinAre they in Scotland?
21:09.26p3nguinI would dial 00 44 845 677 5577.
21:09.39p3nguinYou seem to use 011, so use 011 instead of 00.
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21:10.14p3nguinI actually just called it to confirm.  "Thanks for calling Tesco Wine by the Case."
21:10.14paulcYes.. 011 44 845 677 5577  (drop the 0 from the UK full form area code)
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21:10.31paulcAh Tesco.. fond memories of home..
21:11.03SuperNulli only know of tesco from 'Ramseys kitchen nightmares' lol
21:11.05SuperNullgo BBC
21:11.50lukejtI live in the UK, Scotland is in the UK. p3nguin is correct - 44 is the national code. Why are you calling 011? Dial out code or something?
21:12.03SuperNullyah 011 is international dialout code.
21:12.11p3nguinFrom the US, we typically dial 00 or 011 for an international call.
21:12.11SuperNullat least for us .. not sure if it is a US standard.
21:12.37p3nguinThink of it like an access code to get out of the country.
21:13.01SuperNullyeah. thats how i think of it..
21:13.22lukejthmm.. here we just dial the intl number.. i.e. 0035 for Ireland, 001 for USA
21:13.23SuperNulljust get confused i honestly thought 011 was country code and uk was inside of it some how. damn me for not knowing international calling.
21:13.25p3nguinSo you were pretty close.  You just forgot to dial the area code after your 011.
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21:14.14p3nguinlukejt: I use the 00 as well.  For the UK, 00 44 followed by the phone number.
21:14.25p3nguinI actually support both 00 and 011 in my dial plans.
21:16.36lukejtI just support 00, all my providers require e164 anyway so I just strip the 00
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21:19.10SuperNullp3nguin you said you got through right?
21:19.14SuperNullto tesco..
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21:20.22SuperNullk thank you much.
21:21.10SuperNullWhere are ya located if ya dont mind me asking ?
21:21.16p3nguinIL USA
21:21.32SuperNullobama country ;)
21:21.44p3nguinSort of.
21:21.57p3nguinHe's from Chicago, we're 300 miles south of that.
21:22.51SuperNullisnt obamas ex-right hand man mayor of Chicago ?
21:23.25p3nguinHe was a senator.  I don't know about before that.
21:23.44p3nguinHe went from the senate to the presidency.
21:23.58SuperNullRahm Emanuel ..
21:26.45dr0ckdonno about 'right hand man', he was chief of staff for minute
21:27.11SuperNullprolly right.. holder is right hand man. The man who knows 'the law' heh.
21:27.45SuperNulli can say this.. im def not for Lawyers being officials .. they will create laws for gain.
21:28.31SuperNullkind of a .. awkward day.
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21:28.58voipnet-techhello friends, quick question.  I have a pbx where ExtensionState is 2 (BUSY) for all extensions, atleast this is what Dialparties.agi says.  I can call the extension because they have call waiting on, however if the user is in a queue they do not get calls.  I checked hints and they all says Idle.  Not sure if that's the right place to look.  How can I see and/or reset the ExtensionState ?
21:29.31SuperNulli had to blow up my direct boss.. he went to far with things.. stealing company equipment using company resources for gain and competition personally. and then throwing all of his crew 'under the bus'. He just was relieved of his duties to manager our technical supporrt department due to harassment of other employees.. hes all but shit canned.
21:29.51SuperNulloh yeah and aparently hes a heroin addict now.
21:29.56SuperNulldetails ;)
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21:54.49infobotSQL (Structured Query Language) database server. URL:
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22:04.38SuperNullA network admin and i came up with a new wine..
22:04.41SuperNull'Port 5060'
22:05.28WIMPyHow much of it did you consume before you found the name?
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22:06.06philippel_macQwell:  ping you around?
22:08.04SuperNullyeahhhh uhm.
22:08.09SuperNulli dont like booze.
22:08.18SuperNullkind of a smoker.. but lately i have been ill so.. even that displeases me.
22:08.27SuperNullvaporizer :-/
22:09.24philippel_macquestion though this may be more of a #asterisk-dev question:
22:09.45philippel_macOnce I have set CALLERID(all) my CDR(clid) is set properly
22:10.06SuperNullim a paranoid type we set CDR() directly.
22:10.15philippel_macif I change either CALLERID(all) or CALLERID(name) then the CNAM part of CDR(clid) gets appropriate changed.
22:10.41philippel_machowever, if I change CALLERID(number) the CNUM does not change and remains what it was first set to
22:11.20WIMPyIt sould be "num", not "number".
22:11.33philippel_macnow if I turn around and set the CALLERID(ANI-num) that changes the CDR(clid) number part appropriately at that point
22:11.50philippel_machowever that also changes CDR(src)
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22:12.22philippel_macum on the num vs. number both have the same affect and in fact on 10, let me check but I believe the help says num only even though it has always been number
22:12.43dijibSeRi: are you around?
22:12.57philippel_macyup core show function CALLERID shows only 'num' these days
22:13.04WIMPyIf I had found the time to do a little more testiong, I would have opened an isse fro the ani part. It seems to leak into a forwarding ID.
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22:14.05philippel_macso question … is this really expected behavior, seems like a bit of a 'bug' but I don't want to jump to conclusions too quickly and I have not looked into the code yet
22:14.49WIMPyI fear that's all open to interpretation as there doesn't seem to be any documentation on what is supposed to be what.
22:15.06philippel_macWIMPy:  was that back to me?
22:15.31philippel_macWIMPy:  well I guess there are a couple of fairly solid views
22:15.57philippel_macfirst one would be, CDR(clid) should reflect the clid that was used at the time the call was placed, I don't think there is too much interpretation there
22:16.18saint_is it possible to update a value in a mysql database from a dialplan ?
22:16.20philippel_macsecondly the cnam part changes correctly but the cnum part seems to be fixed after the first setting of it
22:16.35saint_i tried to use writesql in func_odbc.conf without success.
22:16.52WIMPyI would think so too, but it's not written anywhere.
22:16.56philippel_macso, yes, there is always some level of interpretation but there is also some level of expected consistency which is what I am checking into
22:17.41philippel_macWIMPy:  well the beauty of a project like this is to find where things seem a bit off and come to concuss, though sometimes there is a good reason for things … thus the initial discussion before drilling deeper into it :)
22:18.20WIMPyBut I don't see all of the CDR field you mention.
22:18.38philippel_macclid and src are the only two I mentioned
22:19.08WIMPyYes. Sorry. Just had to read that again.
22:19.10philippel_maccore show function CDR
22:19.56WIMPysrc - Source. Doesn't say much about what it could be :-(
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22:21.13WIMPyBut yes, that looks like another inconsistancy.
22:21.17philippel_macWIMPy:  thanks for your engagement but I'm trying to get more at one of the devs or someone else who is intimately familiar with CDR/CID stuff to help assess the situation as well as potential history since I don't know if this has changed or not, I have not done thorough cross version testing at this point
22:27.08WIMPyInteresting. So you get CALLERID(ani-num) in to CDR(src) if you set it, but at the beginning it contains CALLERID(num)?
22:27.42philippel_macyes an that also successfully resets the CALLERID(num)
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22:28.14philippel_macand of all the tests I did, seems to be the only way for me to reset it at the point where I am trying to do such as it appears once set it isn't letting me change it
22:28.18WIMPyErr. If you set ani, num gets changed?
22:29.01philippel_macCDR(clid) changes, I don't know if it changes CALLERID(num), I didn't check that as it was not what I was interested in
22:29.10philippel_macplus, what I was doing in my test was:
22:29.18WIMPyI'm pretty sure I have changed all of them. What Asterisk Version are you on?
22:29.34philippel_macCALLERID(ani-num)=CALLERD(num) to try to force it down the CDR's throat
22:29.35WIMPyBut that surely seems rather strange.
22:30.41philippel_macthis testing was on 10.9.0 but I am pretty sure the CALLERID(all) not resetting the number part has existed for a long time
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22:33.37WIMPyThere have been changes in that area. So I wouldn't be sure it was like that in 1.8.
22:33.42WIMPyOr still is in 11.
22:34.31philippel_macI'm saying it mostly from a long history and what I'm pretty sure I've watched for a long time, that it has been this way
22:35.18philippel_macso any developers know off hand what this does:
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22:35.31philippel_macnum = S_COR(c->caller.ani.number.valid, c->caller.ani.number.str, S_COR(c->, c->, NULL));
22:36.27WIMPyUse ani if valid, otherwise num if valid, otherwise nothing.
22:36.29philippel_macis that basically saying if their's already a valid ANI use it, otherwise use the cid number?
22:36.38philippel_mack that is what I thought
22:36.39_Corey_philippel_mac: If you haven
22:36.57_Corey_if you haven't found #asterisk-dev yet, I'd look in there
22:36.57philippel_mac_Corey_:  ?
22:37.03WIMPyIt does seem to make sense that far.
22:37.13philippel_mac_Corey_:  yeah I figured I should start migrating to there at this point
22:37.36_Corey_If you have code-level questions, I'd go there
22:37.56WIMPyThe trouble only starts when it cahnges mid call and only for the name or only for the number part.
22:39.04philippel_macnumber can be changed no problem in my testing, but I am going to move this to #asterisk-dev at this point
22:40.10WIMPySo the name part doesn't have the same logic? Or is ani-name just unset?
22:42.52*** join/#asterisk wasabi1 (~wasabi@ubuntu/member/wasabi)
22:43.11wasabi1Hi. How does one get Asterisk to work with full SIP URIs, instead of extensions?
22:43.47[TK]D-Fenderwasabi1: You don't the dialplan is "it"
22:43.59WIMPyWhere? When? What does that mean?
22:44.20p3nguinA SIP URI contains an extension and a host.
22:44.30wasabi1Yeah. I want to base my routing on the host.
22:44.42wasabi1Or, match characters instead of exteensions.
22:44.45wasabi1numbers, i mean
22:44.52p3nguinYou will still use extensions.
22:44.57p3nguinThat's what extensions are.
22:45.04*** join/#asterisk dlynes (~dlynes@
22:45.25wasabi1I see.
22:45.50wasabi1Not really though.
22:46.10jpsharpAn extension doesn't have to be numbers.
22:46.12wasabi1I'd like all calls coming from a certain host, with the domain ending in, to be bridged to another host...
22:46.47p3nguinIf you want to "route" a call, you have two options.  You can either create a peer entry for the calling host and set the context, or you can allow guest calls without having a peer entry and determine what to do with the call purely in the extensions.
22:46.51jpsharpexten => wakkawakkawakka,1,Playback(fozzie) is just as valid as exten => 8675309,1,Playback(jenni)
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22:47.36p3nguinIn both cases, you will use extensions or you will not process the call at all.
22:47.47wasabi1Okay. I understand that. I have extensiosn for my peers.
22:47.54wasabi1What I mean is just that I don't want to use numbers for anything.
22:48.05wasabi1jpsharp: Can you do a wildcard on the domain portion like that?
22:48.40p3nguinYou have extensions for your peers?  That doesn't really make any sense to me.
22:48.44WIMPyThe domain part is not usually used.
22:49.03wasabi1It's part of what I need to look at to determine the destination, though.
22:49.11p3nguinYou don't have to use numbers at all.  You can have extension steven just as easily as you could have extension 54321.
22:49.42wasabi1Okay, then let's forget extensions. Those are just for peers. Whether users or other PBXs. I actually only have three of those: three PBXes.
22:50.05p3nguinthen let's forget extensions. Those are just for peers.   <------ This does not make any sense at all.
22:50.07wasabi1But none of them can talk properly to each other. One only supports udp. The other only supports tcp. You see. Asterisk fits nicely in the middle.
22:50.35WIMPyAnd where do the domains come in to play?
22:50.35*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
22:50.38p3nguinEVERY call will use an extension.
22:50.42*** join/#asterisk k1ng (~k1ng@unaffiliated/k1ng)
22:50.44p3nguinThis is how asterisk works.
22:50.54p3nguinNo extensions, no calls get processed.
22:51.13WIMPySo far I see 3 peers.
22:51.19kaldemarwasabi1: see domain support in the sample sip.conf
22:53.46wasabi1I get it. What I'm saying is that "extensions" in my language wasn't the same as asterisk. They seem to just be for peering hosts.
22:54.00wasabi1Whether those hosts are phones, or other PBXes.
22:54.04p3nguinIn asterisk, extensions are the calling rules.
22:54.14wasabi1Or are those contexts?
22:54.15p3nguinAnd to process calls, will be required.
22:54.24p3nguinContexts are containers for extensions.
22:54.25wasabi1What do you call the items placed in sip.conf? :)
22:54.46wasabi1Ahh. exten =>   is considered an "extension", because it's called exten.
22:54.47p3nguinpeer definitions, peer entries, peers
22:54.58wasabi1I was just thinking it was a rule of some sort.
22:55.08WIMPyMore the other way round.
22:55.11p3nguinextensions.conf contains... extensions.
22:55.32WIMPyYes. extensions are the call processing rules.
22:56.04wasabi1Okay. So, here's the thing. The PBXes I'm using don't very often (unless one is making an outbound PSTN call) use numbers. They use SIP URIs.
22:56.10p3nguinExtensions don't have to send calls to devices.  Extensions can play back sound files, perform system commands, any lots of other things.
22:56.23*** join/#asterisk mogra (477b818a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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22:56.28wasabi1So I need to bridge between them, OR to the PSTN, by making some rules that check the destination, and then Dial through a peer.
22:56.52WIMPyYes. That's the extensions.
22:57.08wasabi1Alrighty. That first part of exten =>, doesn't seem to have the domain portion, as ya'll mentioned. I need it.
22:57.18mograis this a better place, Qwell ?
22:59.05wasabi1PBX #1 sends calls with on the end, PBX#2 sends calls with at the end.  If the user is dialing the PSTN, then yeah, I don't care about the domain.
23:01.20*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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23:08.05wasabi1Might have found my answer.
23:09.10saint_Can someone tell me why is this not updating my mysql db ? ->     writesql=UPDATE FIREHOUSES SET timecalled=('${ARG1}') WHERE number=('${VAL1}')
23:09.50saint_just after that, when I read the table that was supposed to be updated, it still has the previous value
23:12.15*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
23:13.35kaldemarsaint_: how are you using the function?
23:13.54saint_same => n,Set(INCOMINGCALLER_SETTIME(${CALLERID(num)}=${STRFTIME(,,%X)}))
23:14.45p3nguinThere's a syntax error in there.
23:14.54saint_what is it ?
23:15.13*** join/#asterisk k1ng (~k1ng@unaffiliated/k1ng)
23:15.32p3nguinAre you trying to set INCOMINGCALLER_SETTIME(${CALLERID(num)}) to a time value?
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23:15.57saint_I am trying to update one of the fields of the tables to a time value
23:16.18saint_callerid(num) being the variable i m using to find out the correct table in the database
23:16.20p3nguinIs the field the caller id number field?
23:16.31*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
23:16.35saint_no, the field is timecalled
23:16.44p3nguinWhat value do you want to set to it?
23:16.55p3nguinAn example of a value will be fine.
23:17.02saint_to whatever STRFTIME(,,%X) gives me
23:17.16saint_like 18:07:36
23:17.34saint_which is what STRFTIME(xx%X) returns
23:17.36p3nguinWhat is the purpose of the CALLERID(num) in there?
23:17.49saint_CALLERID(num) is the caller ID of the caller
23:17.55p3nguinI know what it is.
23:17.56saint_his number is in a database
23:17.57kaldemarval and arg should be the other way
23:18.01saint_to his number is attached a time field
23:18.23saint_so i am trying to update the time (timecalled) from CALLERID(num)
23:18.46p3nguinSo if the INCOMINGCALLER_SETTIME() function is written correctly, there will be an arg for the function of the caller id number, in which you will set a time value.
23:19.03kaldemarand s/=/)=/
23:19.16p3nguinYou have same => n,Set(INCOMINGCALLER_SETTIME(${CALLERID(num)}=${STRFTIME(,,%X)}))
23:19.19p3nguinYou need same => n,Set(INCOMINGCALLER_SETTIME(${CALLERID(num)})=${STRFTIME(,,%X)})
23:19.23saint_kaldemar: if I look at the verbose log, I have INCOMINGCALLER_SETTIME(xxxxxx6465=18:07:36) which is what I want
23:19.57p3nguinI don't understand your function, so that's my reason for asking questions about it.
23:19.59kaldemarsaint_: that is a syntax screw-up.
23:20.52p3nguinIf CALLERID(num) is a valid arg to the function, the syntax error was the only problem.
23:21.03p3nguinAnd we've both told you how to fix it.
23:21.59kaldemararg and val are still wrong
23:22.01saint_p3nguin: i changed it to what you suggested, and it still does not keep the value in the database
23:22.15saint_kaldemar: even though the log is correct ?
23:22.32p3nguinexample: Set(FUNCTION(arg)=value)
23:22.34kaldemarsaint_: yed
23:22.40saint_kaldemar: I'll switch them for the heck of it.. but I can see xxxxxxx=18:00:00 , which is what I am looking for *i think*
23:22.48p3nguinYou had: Set(FUNCTION(arg=value))
23:23.16saint_p3nguin: i did this change, but it is still not saving the value in the DB
23:23.21kaldemarsaint_: yes. you need to modify the function in func_odbc.conf
23:23.48p3nguinAh, so the function is broken in addition to the syntax error in the app call.
23:23.56kaldemarsaint_: change the places of arg and val
23:24.08saint_kaldemar: thanks a ton ..
23:24.29saint_that worked..
23:25.01kaldemarsaint_: do you understand the difference?
23:25.21wasabi1Can an asterisk peer be set to authenticate by a SRV record?
23:26.07saint_I think: the value of the function is $VAL1 and the =XXX is the $VAR1
23:26.29saint_value is VAL1 and the variable I want it to is ARG1 , i m sorry
23:26.48saint_it makes sens now..
23:27.38saint_yes.. learning the hard way since it took me hours to try to troubleshoot that, but I was totally away from reviewing this. i was focusing on what i had in extensions.conf only and not in the odbc
23:28.04saint_i have to go to training. will be back in about 3 / 4 hours ... thanks kaldemar / p3nguin
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