IRC log for #asterisk on 20121209

00:32.25*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
00:40.37*** join/#asterisk elkng (~elkng@unaffiliated/elkng)
00:41.05elkngFile: info.txt          Line 1 Col 0       69 bytes                        100%
00:41.40elkng this better to have in topic
00:43.48*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (
00:47.48*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
01:15.13*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
01:15.41*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:16.30*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
01:25.04*** join/#asterisk gown (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
01:27.10*** join/#asterisk jonno11 (
01:28.25*** join/#asterisk gonewage (
01:28.28*** join/#asterisk steve222 (
01:29.20steve222Hello all, running asterisk + freepbx on debian. Getting the error "Unable to query table description!! Logging disabled."
01:29.31steve222with regards to the cdr_mysql module
01:29.47jonno11Hi - hit a massive dead end here. Running Ubuntu 10.04 on a VPS, attempting an install of Asterisk 11. I compiled/installed from a tarball, and it seemed to be successful. However when running /usr/sbin/asterisk I get "Illegal instruction". Where am I going wrong?
01:30.00steve222The PBX system was running no problems up until a few days ago
01:30.19steve222I checked the mysql tables today as well as user priv's for the asteriskuser and all seems good.
01:30.26steve222Any suggestions?
01:37.18steve222Ahh okay some new info..
01:37.43steve222mysql> DESC cdr;
01:37.43steve222ERROR 1 (HY000): Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_124a_0.MYI' (Errcode: 13)
01:37.51steve222running chmod 1777 /tmp fixed this
01:38.05steve222what caused the permissions on my /tmp directory to change?
01:38.20steve222I'm curious if there's a way to prevent this in the future
01:40.50jpsharpjonno11: That's usually a case of the configure script or something detecting the wrong CPU type.
01:40.50jonno11Nobody's here to help us… haha
01:40.57jonno11I spoke too soon!
01:41.09apb1963_steve222: Noob here but... have you checked to see if there is a table called "description" by some chance?  Regarding the second error... what user did you invoke mysql as?
01:41.25steve222I fixed it actually :)
01:41.25jonno11Seeing as I'm running on a VPS, how can I check the processor type and correct the issue?
01:41.38jonno11jpsharp: Seeing as I'm running on a VPS, how can I check the processor type and correct the issue?
01:41.40steve222was just that the permissions on /tmp were incorrect
01:41.47apb1963_so now it can query the table?
01:41.49steve222just wondering why the permissions had changed...
01:42.40jpsharpjonno11: cat /proc/cpuinfo
01:43.08apb1963_while I was trying to figure out your problem, I tried getting into mysql... and I get access denied for user root... even if I try to run as the asterisk user.
01:43.53apb1963_how it knows I'm root when I'm asterisk, I don't know.
01:44.15apb1963_oh well :)
01:44.18jonno11jpsharp: Ok thanks, how can I reconfigure asterisk?
01:44.54jpsharpmysql root != unix root
01:45.11apb1963_hmmm.. that's interesting.
01:46.03cuscothat is a mysql issue
01:46.05apb1963_interesting to know... but all I did was "mysql <dbname>" both as root, and as asterisk.
01:46.06cuscotry #mysqç
01:46.09cusco#mysql rather
01:46.42cuscojonno11: tried /etc/init.d/asterisk start/stop
01:46.48cuscoand asterisk -vvvvr to attach?
01:47.14jpsharpjonno11: Or type "uname -m" and see what it returns.
01:47.39jonno11jpsharp: uname -m returns x86_64
01:48.11jonno11and cusco: Apparently asterisk isn't in that location...
01:48.58cuscoasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvc
01:49.08cuscowhat does it state before the illegal instruction?
01:49.24jonno11That's the only output
01:49.55cuscoand you compiled from source?
01:50.06jpsharpand can you pastebin cat /proc/cpuinfo?
01:50.08cuscothat does not seem right
01:50.18cuscodid you uninstall asterisk packages from ubuntu?
01:50.36jonno11apt-get packages?
01:51.19jonno11I'm not actually sure
01:51.36jonno11would doing it now help? apt-get remove
01:51.41jonno11apt-get purge etc.
01:52.07cuscodpkg -l|grep asterisk|cut -d " " -f 3|xargs apt-get remove --purge -y
01:58.52jonno11cusco: Ok done
01:59.39cuscogo back to the asterisk source dir
01:59.44cuscoand run: make install
01:59.54jonno11cusco: It's still giving the same error
02:00.20cuscodid you re-install the just compiled binaries?
02:00.27cuscodid you compile on the same machine?
02:00.41jonno11Nope, re-compiling now!
02:00.57cuscoon the same machine, right?
02:01.36jonno11Re-compiled, running /usr/sbin/asterisk still returns "Illegal instruction"
02:01.53cuscomake clean; make; make install
02:02.20cuscomake uninstall-all
02:02.25cuscothen make clean
02:02.28cuscomake install
02:08.34jonno11Okay done
02:08.55jonno11cusco: Seems to have done something
02:08.59cuscoasterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvc
02:09.17cuscoyes you had ubuntu's precompiled binaries and libs intrefering
02:09.50jonno11"/usr/sbin/asterisk -vvvvvvvvvvvvc
02:09.51jonno11Illegal instruction
02:10.00cuscoare you sure its /usr/sbin?
02:10.21jonno11But 'asterisk' does the same
02:10.32cuscoit is...
02:10.37jonno11wow actually
02:10.40jonno11just running asterisk
02:10.41cuscono output before that?
02:10.46jonno11"Asterisk already running on /var/run/asterisk/asterisk.ctl.  Use 'asterisk -r' to connect."
02:10.54cuscostop it
02:11.01jonno11just the -vvvvvvvvvvc option
02:11.03jonno11threw it out
02:11.04cusco/etc/init.d/asterisk stop
02:11.13cuscoor asterisk -vrx "core stop now"
02:11.28jonno11Illegal instruction
02:11.42jonno11and "/etc/init.d/asterisk" is not found
02:13.16cuscokill it
02:13.25cuscothat is still THE OLD asteirsk running
02:13.27cuscofrom ubuntu repo
02:14.25jonno11asterisk never returned anything before
02:14.33jonno11how can I kill it?
02:15.41cuscops ax|grep asterisk
02:15.45cuscocheck the PID number
02:15.54cuscokill -9 <pid-num>
02:15.59jonno11returns nothing
02:16.04cuscoyou should learn some linux basics
02:16.10jonno11I do know linux
02:16.22jonno11yes, nothing
02:16.41jonno11ha ok my bash terminal hung
02:17.02jonno11kill -9 25997
02:17.18jonno11Ok done
02:18.08jonno11But that process running was the /usr/sbin/asterisk one.
03:16.09*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (~root@
03:19.01*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (~root@
03:32.15*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
03:35.46*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (~root@
03:38.04*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
04:01.26*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
04:01.26*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
04:21.39*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
04:21.51*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
04:51.48*** join/#asterisk volga629 (
05:10.38*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
05:14.32*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (~root@
05:14.43*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
05:15.10greenwolfim having a problem with installing and compiling the dahdi-linux tools package installed on this machine for some reason
05:15.18greenwolfi keep getting the error msg You do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.32-042stab062.2 kernel installed.
05:15.21greenwolfmake[1]: *** [modules] Error 1
05:15.56greenwolfbut when i run -uname -a my linux kernal is that 2.6.32-042stable062.2 kernal
05:16.00ChannelZYou need the kernel headers
05:16.13greenwolfumm ok so how do i retrieve those?
05:16.34ChannelZYour favorite package manager?
05:16.56ChannelZWell there you go then.
05:17.10greenwolfbut i already ran apt-get upgrade and apt-get update
05:17.23ChannelZYou need the kernel headers package
05:17.24greenwolfi thought that would have retrieved those files already
05:17.32greenwolfok thanks channelz for that info
05:17.37greenwolfshit had me stuck for hours lol
05:17.58ChannelZThe kernel sources/headers aren't typically installed by default
05:18.18greenwolfah i see
05:18.30greenwolfusually for centOS they are but im running stupid ubuntu
05:18.38greenwolfi totally miss slackware or gentoo OS
05:20.02greenwolfok thanks channelz it worked :)
05:22.04*** join/#asterisk ChannelZ (
05:32.51*** join/#asterisk greenwolf (~root@
05:33.00greenwolfhey channelz sorry man its not working again
05:33.17greenwolfi keep getting that same error msg so i prob didnt get the right headers?"
05:33.43greenwolfkeeps saying everything is up to date on the system and thatthe package can't be found
05:33.58greenwolfy is it so hard to get the linux kernal headers installed
05:34.18Sicelou have to get headers that fit the exact version of kernel you have
05:35.08Siceloand no, it's not so hard. dahdi modules were the first modules i have ever built in my life, and it worked ok the first time
05:35.09greenwolfyes i understand but i google that and there doesnt seem to much info on getting thm properly installed and workign
05:35.49Siceloapt-get install linux-headers-`uname-r`
05:35.50greenwolfwell when i try to install and make the dahdi drivers for linux i get that error msg
05:35.54Sicelosomething like that
05:36.02greenwolfyup i did that didnt work
05:36.30Siceloweird. try a reboot :-/
05:37.26greenwolfif i type just apt-get install linux headers i get a list of headers to install
05:37.37greenwolfim tyring to figure out which one this system needs
05:37.59Siceloit is the one that fits your kernel
05:38.28greenwolfi dont kno which one to chose
05:38.36Sicelouname -r
05:38.39greenwolfits just a regular 2.6.32 kernal
05:38.43greenwolfunam -r
05:38.45greenwolfoops lol
05:38.58Sicelowhat does uname -r say?
05:39.22greenwolfnothing in the list matches that tho
05:40.57greenwolfhold on i think i got it here
05:41.01greenwolfits installing now
05:41.37greenwolfwhat directory should i install those into?
05:42.39greenwolfmake[1]: Entering directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux'
05:42.40greenwolfmake -C drivers/dahdi/firmware firmware-loaders
05:42.40greenwolfmake[2]: Entering directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux/drivers/dahdi/firmware'
05:42.43greenwolfmake[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux/drivers/dahdi/firmware'
05:42.46greenwolfYou do not appear to have the sources for the 2.6.32-042stab062.2 kernel installed.
05:42.49greenwolfmake[1]: *** [modules] Error 1
05:42.51greenwolfmake[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/dahdi-linux-complete-2.6.1+2.6.1/linux'
05:42.54greenwolfmake: *** [all] Error 2
05:42.56greenwolfstill not working
05:43.00infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
05:45.30Sicelomaybe install linux-headers-2.6.32-x-all
05:45.50Sicelothat should likely find the right version for you
05:46.18greenwolfunable to locate package
05:46.38greenwolfshouldnt the headers be installed when i upgrade or update the system using apt-get
05:46.50Sicelowhere i had 'x' you should put in the right value
05:47.02greenwolfoh shit lol
05:47.26Siceloyou can also try linux-headers-2.6-openvz-amd64
05:47.40Sicelobeyond that, i can't help anymore
05:47.56greenwolfok thank sicelo i will work with that info
05:58.27*** join/#asterisk nopain (~kt@
05:58.47nopaincan someone help me?
05:58.53nopaini got an problem with my asterisk
05:59.07greenwolfi can try
05:59.25greenwolfnopain: go ahead someone here will help if i cant
06:00.11nopainit's that call is stucked in asterisk console after forwarding the call to other number
06:01.51greenwolfare you forwarding a particular call from the console or within the dial plan?
06:02.42nopaingreenwolf: I put a dedicated number for forwarding on the cisco SIP phone
06:03.02nopaingreenwolf: when someone calls, it forward to a dedicated number
06:03.32nopaingreenwolf: but after finishing conversation, the call is still remained in the Asterisk console
06:03.58greenwolfhave u tried to setup call forwarding within asterisk dial plan in extensions.conf or followme feature rather than on the SIP device?
06:04.35jpsharpSounds like asterisk isn't detecting hangups.  How do the calls get into and out of asterisk?  analogue lines?
06:04.49greenwolfoh i see
06:04.55nopaingreenwolf: yes analogue line
06:04.59greenwolfi think yourddvevice is failing to send the BYE packet to asterisk to end the call
06:05.09nopainjpsharp: yes analogue line
06:05.37nopainso most of the times, i have to soft hangup the calls manually
06:05.56nopaini want the better way to solve this issue
06:06.34greenwolfyou should setup wireshark and watch which device is failing to send the BYE packet then u can go from there
06:06.44greenwolfit could be your ata OR PHONE OR ASTERISK
06:07.02greenwolfgotta see where its failing no to send hangup(
06:07.04jpsharptheres no bye with analog lines
06:07.25greenwolf0h yes thats right he did say anologue
06:07.36jpsharpAre they analog lines into a Digium card in the server?
06:07.40greenwolfsorry i dont do much anaolgue anymore just VOIP
06:09.10nopainjpsharp: yes.. analog lines plug in to Sangoma A-200 card in the server
06:09.14nopainnot the Digium
06:11.22jpsharpHmm.  Obviously the cards are not detecting the hangup.  Do you have the signalling on the lines set for fxs_ks in your zapata/chan_dahdi.conf?
06:13.02nopainjpsharp: yes i have it
06:13.20nopainit looks like signalling = fxs_ks
06:14.55jpsharpThen your phone lines aren't sending any kind of disconnect supervision when the calls tear down.  You'll have to do it the ghetto method using busy detect.
06:16.59nopainjpsharp: could you please explain me a bit more how to do it?
06:17.17jpsharpCan you pastebin your zapata/dahdi conf?
06:18.37infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
06:21.50nopainpls check it
06:23.52jpsharpYou need to set busydetect=yes
06:24.34nopainthen ?
06:24.45jpsharpAnd, if you're not in the US, you need to set your tonezone to the appropriate country.
06:26.55*** join/#asterisk dijib (
06:28.57jpsharpI can't guarantee that will solve your problem, but it should help it quite a bit.
06:33.53nopainthanks for your answer
06:36.27jpsharpanalogue lines:  The bane of telephony engineers everywhere.
06:41.13*** join/#asterisk Nickinator (
06:44.32*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:07.30*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
07:22.07*** join/#asterisk kontinuity (~kontinuit@
07:25.18*** join/#asterisk miltux (
07:30.54*** join/#asterisk Romeyo (Romeyo@
07:31.13Romeyohiya people!
07:33.56Romeyocan anyone point me to a guide where i can setup my audio code mp124 fxs with asterisk for voice mail?
07:38.48jpsharpI don't think you're going to find something that specific.
07:39.19jpsharpThe audiocodes box will look like a regular SIP device to Asterisk, so go from there.
07:41.05Romeyoalright :)
07:42.51*** join/#asterisk coppice (
08:08.11*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (kvirc@
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08:31.16*** join/#asterisk ziro_axis (~h.sabrey@
09:05.47ziro_axishello what i the deference between A* 1.8 & A* 11, or A* 10
09:11.32*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
09:12.14gavimobilefolks, I don't want to use a dialplan for my linksys ata spa2102. I would like to disable this option so that the ata device uses the dialplan of my pbx. is this possible?
09:13.17WIMPyProbably, but with the usual side-effects.
09:13.58gavimobileWIMPy: for example?
09:14.48WIMPyNot being able to dial anything conatining # because you need it as an enter key or you have to live with (possibly long) timeouts.
09:15.46WIMPyIf you really want the PBX to do it, you need overlap dialing. But I don't know if any ATA supports that.
09:16.19WIMPyThe big advantage of using interface cards.
09:16.50gavimobileWIMPy: side effects are no good. let me ask my question like this. my problem is that the dialing time is really short. when I pickup my phone I must enter the number in within a few seconds or the call gets droped. then I need to hang up and redial. what would be the ideal way of solving this issue?
09:17.22WIMPyIncrease the timeout.
09:17.22ziro_axisafter installing A* framework i need to install a unified communication (which is better FreePBX or Elastix)
09:17.34WIMPyOr what I said before.
09:18.22WIMPyziro_axis: I have no idea of any of them fall in to that category, but
09:18.27infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
09:18.31infobotrumour has it, elastix is a full linux distro that includes FreePBX and other 3rd party add-ons. It is all this extra stuff which makes Elastix VERY difficult to support, and is not supported in #asterisk. Try asking in #Elastix or on their forums at
09:22.17*** join/#asterisk fritz09 (~Adium@
09:38.45ziro_axisso when you install A* what kind of agent you use to configure the users & the dialing plans
09:59.23ziro_axisWIMPy> what you mean?
10:00.21gavimobileWIMPy: I changed the timeout, but its only effective once I press the first key
10:07.34*** join/#asterisk areski (
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10:28.11Romeyoziro_axis WIMPy means to edit at the CLI using the vi editor [if am not wrong]
10:34.50*** join/#asterisk oej (
10:36.23WIMPygavimobile: What else would you expect?
10:41.51gavimobileWIMPy: well my polycom doesn't drop ever, doesn't matter how long I wait
10:42.01gavimobileit waits for me to send the call out
10:48.07WIMPyI don't know what you can configure on Polycoms. Only their Soundstations seem to make it across the atlantic.
10:48.28*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
10:56.09ziro_axisgents i have configured my new installed *Now server and added some extensions but when i use x-light it is not connecting
10:56.59*** join/#asterisk hehol (~Adium@2a01:198:71d:0:c11e:a73:25a:5dce)
10:57.51ziro_axishello any body cam support?
11:01.12*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:02.51WIMPynever undestood the x-lite configuration.
11:09.50*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
11:13.01*** join/#asterisk joshuahh (
11:13.23joshuahhHello, can someone help me with an issue iam having with freepbx ?
11:13.33joshuahhFATAL ERROR
11:13.34joshuahhDB Error: insufficient permissions
11:13.34joshuahhTrace Back
11:13.34joshuahh/var/www/html/admin/libraries/db_connect.php:63 die_freepbx()
11:13.46joshuahhi get that error message when trying to access /admin/config.php
11:13.55WIMPyDon't flood the channel
11:14.02infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
11:14.12joshuahhsorry for flooding channel
11:14.23joshuahhi have been in freepbx for quite a long time and have not got a response...
11:16.39ziro_axisWIMPy> so what kind of softphone you are using
11:17.09WIMPyUsually none. If I do, I use zoiper.
11:28.38*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~kitten@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
11:48.57ghost75to use voicemail login somewhere else, is the only way to check voicemail.conf if password was correctly given?
11:50.49*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
11:56.34kaldemarghost75: yes. use functions AST_CONFIG and CUT for parsing.
11:57.32ghost75i want to login outside of asterisk
12:05.17kaldemarthen use something else. parsing voicemail.conf is the only way unless you use realtime for the config.
12:05.32ghost75this looks good
12:05.58ghost75but old
12:09.49*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
12:25.30gavimobilemy ata device is now rining later than my other phones in my queue. how can I have my ata device ring the same time as my polycom. I don't think I made changes to my pbx, could this be an ata setting?
12:26.26*** part/#asterisk joshuahh (
12:29.24*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:31.57weinerkcall-confirmation-macro from AGI - DIAL(M(confirmcall^^^))
12:31.58weinerkHow can I tell after Dial() returns if the call was ACCEPTED or REJECTED.
12:36.00*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta_ (~vlad_star@
12:48.33*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
13:06.26*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
13:16.01*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
13:20.47ziro_axiswhat is the domain settings, is it the same IP of my server?
13:41.56*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:16d8:cc57:1000::42:1003)
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15:55.55*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
15:56.06jonno11Hi - I've got a very basic, beginner setup. My sip.conf contains this: but I'm getting a 403 Forbidden error when attempting to connect with my softphone
15:57.07jonno11Sorry, massive N00b here
15:58.20*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
15:59.02*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
16:00.14Sicelofirst, you seem to have changed default port. did you set your softphone config to reflect that too?
16:02.03Sicelojonno11: ^^
16:02.12jonno11I'm copying from a tutorial here unfortunately! Shall I remove the 'port' var?
16:02.56Sicelomaybe change it to 5060 insted.
16:03.54jonno11Ok have done… that doesn't seem to have done it
16:04.08Sicelosip reload in asterisk
16:04.48Siceloevery time you change the sip.conf, you have to 'sip reload' in the asterisk console
16:06.28jonno11Okay, so core restart won't do that?
16:07.14Siceloah, that should as well. why restart the whole thing for a sip-only change though?
16:13.08*** join/#asterisk jonno11 (
16:16.17Dovidi all
16:16.35Dovidjonno11: We were all n00b's at some point
16:16.55Dovidjonno11: Glad you are learning and asking here and not off using some gui...
16:19.19pabelangerheh, figured we'd have realtime cdr.sql example in contrib by now
16:19.51jonno11Haha thanks Dovid
16:20.21jonno11Problem solved Sicelo, thanks
16:21.01Dovidpabelanger: hi there. how is the cold Canada?
16:22.14Sicelocool jonno11. i'm noob too. honestly
16:22.34jonno11Sicelo: we will get there!
16:22.57*** part/#asterisk Romeyo (Romeyo@
16:23.08jonno11Dovid: I have to say, those GUI's confuse me more than the raw config files
16:23.14*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
16:23.50jonno11exten => 2000,1,Dial(SIP/2000,20) makes so much more sense than millions of menus
16:24.10Dovidjonno11; Most people are lazy and just use GUI's.
16:24.42jonno11Dovid: all it takes is a bit of learning to use CLI
16:24.54jonno11Then everything can be done faster!
16:24.59*** join/#asterisk ziro_axis (~h.sabrey@
16:25.08ziro_axishello all
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16:27.37Dovidanyone here ever get mplayer of VLC to work with Asterisk MOH?
16:29.35ziro_axismy problem still exists and i do not know what is the reason
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16:30.06ziro_axisafter installing the AsteriskNow and configuring the eth0 then adding some extenssions
16:30.52ziro_axisextension cannot register to the server?? any one can help
16:31.28ziro_axispebelanger>> can you help in that
16:31.29infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:32.30slash213can someone help me with queues, guys?
16:32.53infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
16:33.04slash213yeah, i'm typing, one moment
16:33.17*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:34.03slash213i have wrapuptime set to 0, but if the call enters queue when one of the operators is busy (strategy is ringall), when the operator becomes available, the call in question doesn't get transferred to this operator
16:34.22slash213everyone else is ringing alright, but not the guy who was initially busy
16:34.42slash213asterisk is
16:34.45Dovidmorning TK
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16:41.15ziro_axisafter i used the wireshark to trace the SIP messages i got 401 unauthorized? what this mean?
16:41.47[TK]D-Fenderziro_axis: Depends where it occurs in the conversation
16:41.54[TK]D-Fenderziro_axis: PASTEBIN is your friend...
16:41.56WIMPyslash213: It's probably just not as smart as you'd like it to be.
16:42.01infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:42.54[TK]D-Fenderslash213: If the other users were already ringing the newly free person does not start ringing immediately.  The others' timeout has to have finished.
16:44.36slash213[TK]D-Fender, oooh. my timeout is set to 60. will setting it to 10 solve my problem?
16:44.54slash213won't people fall out of queue for the reason of "no one took the call"?
16:45.56slash213i don't set any timeout for the 'queue' application in the dialplan, if that's important
16:47.46[TK]D-Fenderslash213: AGEENT timeout
16:47.58[TK]D-Fenderslash213: not Queue()
16:48.52slash213[TK]D-Fender, yeah! it completely solved my puny problem
16:48.58slash213[TK]D-Fender, thanks a lot
16:49.23slash213asterisk documentation can be quite confusing sometimes
16:49.28[TK]D-Fenderslash213: You're welcome.
16:51.52*** join/#asterisk rockyjo3 (~rockyjoe@
16:52.11rockyjo3hello All
16:52.44rockyjo3this is my first time in the channel so please apologize if am posting this help request to the wrong place
16:54.07rockyjo3I am struggling to make my asterisk box (set up using trixbox) work with the analog pbx in my office.
16:56.19rockyjo3I have a TDM410 with a FXO and a FXS module and what I've done is plugging the FXO module to an extension of the analog pbx. but it doesn't work
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16:57.45Dovidrockyjo3: If you are using trixbox you may want to ask in #trixbox
16:58.17[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: You'll need to tell us a lot more than "it doesn't work" if we're to help you
16:59.06*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
16:59.16rockyjo3ok. thanks for the suggestions. I will try to give some more details here first if you don't mind
17:00.04rockyjo3I used freepbx to set up the incoming route, the trunk and the three SIP extensions
17:02.04rockyjo3the SIP extensions are able to talk to each other so I would say they are properly set up. what I am not able to do is getting any calls from the analog pbx extension I connected to the FXO port
17:03.00*** join/#asterisk Natureshadow (
17:04.03NatureshadowHi. Is there a way to have asterisk ignore non-zero returns from dialplan applications? I use ReceiveFax and it terminates non-zero because of transmission errors, but the fax does go through in fact ...
17:04.35rockyjo3in the Inbound section of Freepbx I created an empty route leaving everything as default and only setting as destination the IVR I created
17:04.55NatureshadowThe TIFF file appears and the dial plan should e-mail it after receiving. The file is intact and I really do want it mailed, just Asterisk won't do it because any WARNING from ReceiveFax makes it return from the dialplan extension non-zero
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17:05.33rockyjo3but by trying to call the analog extension it keeps ringing without getting to the IVR until it hangs up
17:07.46[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: Show us your configs for the channels
17:08.06[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: And the CLI of when you place a call to ir
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17:08.52[TK]D-FenderNatureshadow: There is no "after" with faxing.  It ends the call.  Do your processing in "h" <-
17:09.47Natureshadow[TK]D-Fender: I tried that. I defined the fax stuff in a macro that is called from the fax extension in the inbound context, and I also tried to put the post-processing in h there. It is never executed
17:10.41[TK]D-FenderNatureshadow: Then you've put things in the wrong place
17:10.52rockyjo3rxwink=300              ; Atlas seems to use long (250ms) winks
17:10.53rockyjo3; Whether or not to do distinctive ring detection on FXO lines
17:10.55[TK]D-FenderNatureshadow: And have forgotten how macros interact with the calling context
17:10.58[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: PASTEBIN!
17:11.05[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: do NOT fllod in here
17:11.08infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:11.39rockyjo3yup.. :(
17:15.13[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: AND the files that includes
17:20.49*** join/#asterisk phix (
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17:21.39rockyjo3the FXO module is on port #1 and FXS in port #4
17:22.12[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: You have no "channel =>" line therefor you have NO channels defined at all on that card
17:23.03rockyjo3oh.. wow! sorry but as you could see I am a very beginner.. how can I configure them?
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17:26.39[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: There should be a place in the GUI to specify the FXO channels
17:29.58rockyjo3is it anything to do with /etc/zaptel.conf ? here is its content
17:31.59[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: I just told you the problem
17:33.42rockyjo3yes [TK]D-Fender, I know. but in that file I see the entries fxsks=1 and fxsko=4 and would like to know if they are the channels you were talking about or not
17:34.04[TK]D-Fender[12:22][TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: You have no "channel =>" line therefor you have NO channels defined at all on that card
17:34.18[TK]D-FenderI was not talking about zaptel.conf.
17:34.21Sicelothose lines are for the signalling
17:34.32[TK]D-FenderI was clearly talking about zapata.conf and the ones linked to it
17:35.57rockyjo3ok fair enough, thank you. as I am not finding any place in the gui to set them up, is there a way to set them manually by CLI?
17:37.24[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: AnorockI see no normal place that is protected from being overwritten.  try this :
17:37.39[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: callerid=asreceived
17:37.48[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: channel => 1
17:37.55[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: At the the bottom of zapata.conf
17:38.06[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: Restart * and do "zap show channels" at * CLI
17:38.47rockyjo3ok, thx. will do it now and let you know
17:41.02rockyjo3trixbox1*CLI> zap show channels
17:41.07phixLets aterisks
17:41.15phixrockyjo3: dont spam
17:41.25phix[TK]D-Fender: <3
17:41.26p3nguinIt isn't spam.  he didn't send you unwanted email.
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17:41.53phixp3nguin: He sent an unwanted number of lines of text
17:42.15p3nguinHe was kind of asked to do it.
17:42.21phixp3nguin: Spam != email
17:42.34p3nguinAnd a bunch of lines != spam
17:42.42WIMPyDon't spam about spam.
17:43.00phixbunch of lines == spam if p3nguin == true
17:43.27phixfor i in p3nguin do print "shut up p3nguin"
17:43.57rockyjo3didn't mean to let people argue... I only though a few lines wouldn't bother anyone but as I see I was wrong so will keep using even for a couple of lines
17:44.09p3nguinDid you read the rules about the pastebin?
17:44.24phixrockyjo3: few == 3. you printed 4
17:44.26p3nguinYou were given it just 33 minutes ago.
17:44.36p3nguinI'll give it to you again.
17:44.41phixthat is unacceptable :)
17:44.42infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:44.58phixp3nguin: thnx
17:45.08phixrockyjo3: use pastebin :)
17:45.31phixI actually dont care, I am only saying this as I was spanked hard last time I pasted that many lines
17:45.45rockyjo3will do. thx
17:46.07p3nguinFour lines isn't nearly as bad as a screen full.
17:46.13WIMPyNow we're back on topic.
17:46.16phixI mean some people like p3nguin like getting spanked but I dont
17:46.21phixI am weird that way
17:46.23WIMPyIt's all about S&M here.
17:46.33phixWIMPy: <3
17:46.43phixyou got your leather helmet on?
17:47.11WIMPyNo. A Pickelhaube :-)
17:47.13*** join/#asterisk ruben231 (~OpenDial@
17:47.25phixWIMPy: that's nasty
17:47.36[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: the channel is listed at least.  It has a chance to work now.
17:47.48phix[TK]D-Fender: <3
17:48.04p3nguinYou can keep your Pickelhelmet to yourself.
17:48.05phixLets reminise`
17:48.19*** join/#asterisk Gugge (
17:48.37phixp3nguin: true words have never been spokem so well as that
17:49.17rockyjo3was writing you [TK]D-Fender. Thanks a lot! I am now able to get inbound calls. I am now working to let the outbound ones work as well
17:50.15[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: Keep an eye that config updates don't blow away your lines.  You may have to re-enter them again.
17:51.59rockyjo3I will do that! and thanks again for the great and quick help!
17:53.15Natureshadow[TK]D-Fender: I converted the macro into an context, put the argument givent to the macro into a variable and replaced Macro() with Goto()
17:53.21Natureshadow[TK]D-Fender: Everything works fine now :)
17:53.37Natureshadow[TK]D-Fender: Thanks a lot, fixing this would have cost me hours without your help :)!
17:55.02[TK]D-FenderNatureshadow: You're welcome.  Do not forget that Macro's merge with the calling context
17:55.13phixThe very blood that flows through you! It's time to die when skin turns blue!!!!11
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17:56.29phixMech warriors are the best
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18:20.13rockyjo3one more issue.. when I call the asterisk extension from another analog extension and leave a message and hangup, by listening to the voicemail of the asterisk extension the message is three minutes long. it seems the hangup is not recognized so it keeps recording till its 3 minutes limit...
18:22.07mtbfHi guys, I am trying to estimate idle time for some of extensions on my PBX. First of all, I am grabbing all active peers with rasterisk -x 'sip show channels', for the rest I am looking for traces of activity in CDR.
18:22.34mtbfHowever sometimes extensions appear in channels but nothing gets logged into cdr table and this confuses me.
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18:27.02mtbfI know CDR entry is created after the call is hung up, that's why I am trying to eliminate active extensions by analysing show channels output before I ask the database. It looks like I have to consider 'Last message' value too.
18:27.02[TK]D-Fenderrockyjo3: Your PBX is not sending CDC to your card
18:27.04infobotrumour has it, cdc is the cult of the dead cow - see
18:27.09infobot[~cds] Call Discconect Supervision is a service placed on analog lines to be able to signal you that that the calling party has hung up.  This is typically done either by a momentary battery cut, or by a polarity reversal on the line.
18:27.28p3nguinsed: -e expression #1, Unterminated `s' command
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18:28.13p3nguinmtbf: Does "core show channels" indicate that any channels are active?
18:31.29mtbfp3nguin: not at the moment, since it's afterhours, however I am going to make some tests with my extension, thanks for the hint with distinguishing active channels.
18:31.55p3nguinI don't know what it means to test with your extension.  What is this extension you speak of?
18:32.35mtbfThere are no active channels currently, I am going to test how core show channels output looks like when I am making a call.
18:32.50p3nguinThat's your phone, not an extension.
18:33.45p3nguincore show channels will show you what extension your phone called, but I'm not sure how that is going to help you.
18:38.00p3nguinThe only way I know to find out if extensions are not being called is to check the CDR for the extension called, the start time, and the duration of the call.
18:38.17p3nguinBut I don't understand the purpose of this exercise.
18:39.15mtbfp3nguin: I want to know for how long particular extension is idle. As far as I know the CDR record is created after the call, so I want to first check if such call is in the place by checking active channels.
18:39.21kaldemarmtbf: sip show channels shows all sip dialogs, not just those associated with calls.
18:39.42mtbfIf the extension is not involved in any active channel, I am asking cdr and calculating now()-(calldate+duration)
18:39.49p3nguinI don't understand the concept of extensions being idle.  It doens't make sense to me.
18:40.24mtbfIdle - not calling/being called.
18:40.50p3nguinExtensions are only called.  Phones call, extensions get called.
18:41.36mtbfBut phones are registered as extensions.
18:41.45p3nguinNo, they aren't.
18:41.51p3nguinPhones are registered as peers.
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18:42.14rockyjo3uhm... so it isn't anything I can do from a configuration perspective as it is something missing from the analog PBX, am I right?
18:42.35mtbfOk, so I want to estimate for how long particular peers are idle.
18:43.45p3nguinAre you using call queues?
18:44.32p3nguinQueues have the ability to measure stats similar to that for devices in queues, but that requires your calls to be through queues rather than all calls to and from phones.
18:51.43[TK]D-Fendermtbf: You'll clearly have to look at active channels and CDR for this
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19:04.28ziro_axischallenging question, a project to cover 2000 online user with 200 concurrent calls using asterisk, what is the proper hardware for it?
19:05.26ziro_axistaking in mind that the users are softclients over iPhone or android
19:06.24[TK]D-Fenderziro_axis: What exactly will these calls be doing?  Any transcoding involved?  Recording?  Conferencing?
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19:06.39[TK]D-Fenderziro_axis: Any kind of more intense processing?
19:07.14ziro_axisthe codec of the iphone may uses g723
19:09.18[TK]D-Fenderziro_axis: * doesn't speak g.723 except with an expensive transcoder card.  So forget conferencing without it, or recording in any other format directly, and you'll need all your recordings pre-made in it.
19:10.27pabelangerWell that is fucked up, cdr_adaptive_odbc does seem to work unless you also have cdr_cvs loaded
19:10.37pabelangerwill have to see why
19:11.40*** join/#asterisk hehol (
19:20.01ziro_axisin this case no need for it
19:20.18ziro_axisi can use the g711 for iphone
19:21.01ziro_axisit will take more bandwidth in wireless, but it worth sacrify
19:21.33ziro_axisi need to disconnect i'll joinback form home soon
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19:38.41weinerkcall-confirmation-macro from AGI - DIAL(M(confirmcall^^^))
19:38.42weinerkHow can I tell after Dial() returns if the call was ACCEPTED or REJECTED.
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19:56.58k1ngHi, i am having issue with user 0722 and 0723 can make call but no other
20:02.21[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: And what are these 2 numbers?
20:02.46[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: How do they relate to an actualy technology that Asterisk can use?
20:03.17[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: What does "make call" mean?  What is this "no other" you mention afterwards?
20:03.33k1ngum those 2 numbers are username..
20:03.47k1ngi dont know what you mean by second question
20:04.13*** join/#asterisk shadar (~eugene@
20:04.43[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: What is a "username"  What KIND of device are you talking about and what is the actual problem?
20:04.58k1ngmy asterisk server is just for internal call. no trunk. only user 0722 can make call to 0723 and user 0723 can make call to 0722
20:05.53[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: What kind of devices are those?
20:06.05[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: You have still not told us what the problem is.
20:07.53k1ng[TK]D-Fender, no device used. just internal.
20:08.35k1ng[TK]D-Fender, i am not sure what is the problem. there is more than 20 users but they cannot make call to another asterisk user at all
20:09.01[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: a "number" isn't a magic thing that talks to Asterisk.
20:09.06[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: DEVICES talk to Asterisk
20:09.36k1ng[TK]D-Fender, can i show you any file??
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20:09.44[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: k1ng You can answer my question
20:10.00k1ngby devices you mean?
20:10.10k1ngSIP trunk?
20:10.26k1ngor the ip phone?
20:10.32[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: If I beat you over the head with a stick, then the STICK is the device.
20:10.44[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: Calls do not come out of thin air. a DEVICE places them.
20:11.03[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: If I phone my friend I might be using a CELL PHONE to place a call.  That si a device.
20:11.03k1nga vps with ubuntu
20:11.08[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: WHAT is placing these calls?
20:11.32[TK]D-Fender[15:11]k1nga vps with ubuntu That is your SERVER, not the DEVICES that are esending it calls
20:12.09k1nglol. i am really confused with term devices
20:12.36[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: a CELL PHONE is a device
20:12.41[TK]D-Fenderan ANALOG PHONE is a device
20:12.52[TK]D-Fendera SOFT-PHONE on a PC using a VoIP protocol is a DEVICE
20:12.57[TK]D-Fendera ***THING*** places a call.
20:13.04k1ngsoft phone
20:13.26[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: When I ask you what is placing the call... the answer in this case is a SOFT PHONE.
20:13.27k1ng[TK]D-Fender, a custom soft phone.
20:13.54[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: the problems a soft phone can have are nothing like the problems an analog phone connected to a PCI TDM card in my server will have
20:14.03[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: what does "custom" mean?
20:14.10[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: what is "custom:" about it?
20:14.19[TK]D-Fenderk1ng: What is the actual problem with your call?
20:16.23k1ngcustom mean a softphone was created by developer who works in my client's office and it was intergrate to a software
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22:52.57jonno11Hi - does anybody have any experience with configuring Sipgate with Asterisk?
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22:53.27jonno11I just can't get it to work
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22:55.10WIMPyThat is bot the kind/amount of information that enables anybody to help.
22:56.45jonno11That is my sip.conf file
22:57.13jonno11I am such a n00b, I can't even tell how to check if it's connecting!
22:58.05WIMPySIP is stateless so there is no "connection".
22:58.08jonno11WIMPy: sip show registry says: 0 SIP registrations.
22:58.15WIMPyFor the register see 'sip show registry'.
22:58.24WIMPyOtherwise place a call.
22:58.36WIMPyIs that the complete sip.conf?
22:58.56jonno11I have 2 functioning extensions setup
22:59.04jonno112000 + 2001
22:59.26p3nguinExtensions are not found in sip.conf.
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23:00.12WIMPyIf you have 0 registrations, your sip.conf must be broken in a way that it doesn't see that register line you PBd.
23:00.21p3nguinCare to guess where extensions are configured?
23:00.33iceyphey guys, I'm having issues disabling T.38 fax support, I want to pass voice calls from our SIP device direct to the SIP gateway without asterisk trying to do T.38 on it... How can I disable this as I continue to see errors like Dec 10 11:41:37] NOTICE[3694]: res_rtp_asterisk.c:2190 ast_rtp_read: Unknown RTP codec 100 received from
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23:01.14jonno11Ok well whatever this is
23:01.22jonno11p3nguin ^
23:01.28p3nguinI'll give you a hint:  extensions.conf   <-----
23:01.46jonno11p3nguin: Wonderful sarcasm, thanks for your help
23:01.47p3nguinThis is part of a sip.conf
23:02.14p3nguinYou need a register statement and a peer for sipgate.
23:02.24WIMPySo where has that register gone?
23:02.48WIMPyDon;t show us out of context sniplets. If we can't see what your doing we can;t help.
23:03.29jonno11The full sip.conf is this
23:03.35jonno11WIMPy ^
23:04.02p3nguinRegister statments must go in the general section.
23:04.08p3nguinsipgate isn't behind nat.
23:04.14WIMPyOk, so there we have it. Register lines go under [general].
23:04.20p3nguinYou should make them a peer, not a friend.
23:04.45p3nguinusername and defaultuser are the old and new parameters for the same thing.
23:05.02p3nguinBunches of problems there.
23:05.12WIMPyAnd fromuser, defaultuser and outboundprovy are most probably not needed.
23:05.14jonno11WIMPy: Aha okay thanks
23:05.28iceypCan anyone tell me how to get asterisk not to do T.38 faxing? I just want asterisk to transparently deliver the call
23:05.35p3nguinDo you call outbound via sipgate?
23:05.51jonno11WIMPy: is there a good, n00b friendly resource I can read?
23:06.02p3nguinI'm giving you the answers.
23:06.04jonno11p3nguin: No, inbound
23:06.09p3nguinJust inbound?
23:06.24WIMPyDoesn't sipgate have a sample config on their help pages?
23:06.33p3nguinIt's likely to be wrong.
23:06.39p3nguinAll ITSPs have wrong samples.
23:06.53jonno11no they don't unfortunately
23:07.00WIMPyMight be right.
23:07.12WIMPyAlthoug I wouldn't blame the ITSPs for that.
23:07.45jonno11Ok so now that issue is corrected, how can I test?
23:08.49jonno11Ok so calling doesn't work
23:08.56jonno11but sip show registry does
23:09.18p3nguinHere's an example of a good sipgate peer entry:
23:09.26WIMPyDid you see the call in the CLI?
23:09.36p3nguinPut your register statement in the general section.  Save, sip reload.
23:10.41p3nguinThe register statement syntax is  register => username:password@host/phone-number
23:10.58WIMPyPlus a lot more.
23:11.10*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
23:11.13p3nguinThat is the syntax he needed for sipgate.
23:11.21jonno11no secret?
23:11.34WIMPyThat's not what you said.
23:11.38p3nguinFor yours, for example:  register =>
23:11.50jonno11I meant in your example
23:12.16p3nguinCopy it, paste it in your sip.conf, change your defaultuser and host.
23:12.32jonno11Ok have done
23:12.39p3nguinFix your register statement.
23:12.40jonno11but I don't need to add secret=*?
23:12.49p3nguinCorrect.  They will NEVER authenticate calls to you.
23:13.24p3nguinsecret is the "incoming password" for lack of a better description.
23:13.29WIMPyYou only need that when placing calls to/via them.
23:13.34jonno11aha okay
23:13.35p3nguinNope, wrong again.
23:13.48p3nguinIf the peer is able to authenticate on invites TO you, then you can use a secret.
23:14.08jonno11I'm going to need to clue up on this terminology
23:14.10WIMPyYes, but they don't.
23:14.28p3nguinIf they auth calls to you, and if you send calls to them and they need authentication, you use secret.
23:14.43p3nguinIf they do not auth calls to you, but you have to auth to them, use remotesecret.
23:15.00jonno11YES okay brilliant
23:15.05jonno11Console showed the call
23:15.09p3nguinBut you said you do not make calls to them.
23:15.15p3nguinAnd they don't auth calls to you.
23:15.21p3nguinSo no secret and no remotesecret.
23:15.43jonno11So how do I handle this call?
23:16.07WIMPyThe message you got should tell you wat's missing.
23:16.09jonno11Also, just a quick question, how can I disconnect from the CLI without ending the asterisk session?
23:16.18p3nguinIn the context that you have assigned to the sipgate peer, you have to create an extension that matches your phone number.
23:16.48WIMPyProbably the customer number.
23:16.53p3nguinWhen asterisk is running in the background, you use asterisk -R or asterisk -r to connect to the running console.
23:17.03jonno11Yep, but how do I disconnect
23:17.04p3nguinSend a sigint to exit.
23:17.12WIMPyBut you can register whatever you want with them IIRC.
23:17.12p3nguinaka ctrl+c
23:17.26jonno11^C exits
23:17.31jonno11it stops the server
23:17.37*** join/#asterisk elico (
23:17.40p3nguinThen you aren't running it in the background like I said.
23:17.48p3nguinStart asterisk in the background first.
23:18.01jonno11how can I do that with the verbosity set?
23:18.11p3nguinYou should have an init script to do it for you.
23:18.20jonno11aha gotcha
23:19.02p3nguinRun asterisk as a server.  Connect to it with asterisk -R or asterisk -r.
23:19.09p3nguinTo change verbose levels, core set verbose <level>
23:19.24p3nguin3 is suitable for most things.
23:19.52jonno11I'm getting "Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5" on incoming
23:19.56jonno11but that's it
23:20.10WIMPyincrease verbose.
23:20.19p3nguinIf you need to know what is happening on the call, you'll want sip debug, not core verbosity.
23:20.23ChannelZMORE COWBELL!
23:20.29WIMPyThat message is not helpful.
23:20.36p3nguinsip set debug on
23:20.40p3nguinThen make your call.
23:21.00WIMPyIsn't that a bit overkilll?
23:21.31p3nguinTo see what the call is doing?  I wouldn't think so.
23:21.55p3nguinI'm sure he doesn't have an appropriate extension in the context where the call is going.  The sip debug will reveal it all to him.
23:22.00WIMPyYou usually get a very detaild message giving context and extension.
23:22.23*** join/#asterisk lukejt (~luke@
23:22.30p3nguinIf the context and extension do not exist, will you expect to see it still?
23:23.32jonno11Ok so I have this configured under sip gate-inbound
23:23.39jonno11exten => 1643437,1,Dial(SIP/2000)
23:23.56p3nguinIs 1643437 your phone number?
23:23.57jonno11exten => USERNAME,1,Dial(SIP/2000)
23:24.05jonno11No it's the sipgate username
23:24.12p3nguinIs it also the phone number that you used in the register statment after the slash?
23:24.40p3nguinYou should consider using the phone number for standardization.
23:24.51*** join/#asterisk areski (
23:25.00WIMPyThe customer number is a phone number as well.
23:25.03p3nguinBut if you used the same thing in the register and in the extension, it should be working.
23:25.09p3nguinThe user name is not a phone number.
23:25.14jonno11It's just hanging up unfortunately
23:25.22WIMPyWith sipgate it is.
23:25.29jonno11Yeah it is, you can call others
23:25.30p3nguinFor example, my sipgate user name is something like 7654e6fw6
23:25.34WIMPycore set verbose 3.
23:25.44p3nguinBut my phone number is something like 4154499909.
23:25.56p3nguinSo no, it isn't that way with sipgate.
23:26.03WIMPyOther sipgate customers can call both of them.
23:26.28jonno11Either way, as it's setup, it's not working
23:26.33jonno11Phone is just hanging up
23:26.38p3nguinStill waiting on that sip debug.
23:26.43lukejtfrom the AGI, how can I get the (dial) answered time?
23:26.48WIMPySo if you have team or plus or something, they will be able to directly call all your accounts.
23:30.12lukejtor more to the point, once a call completes, why are CDR() variables empty
23:30.53jonno11p3nguin: Have sent that debug over
23:31.03p3nguinI don't see it.
23:31.39p3nguinI don't do PM.
23:32.14p3nguinWhere's the rest of it?
23:32.14WIMPylukejt: What about ANSWEREDTIME?
23:32.26p3nguinThat isn't a call.
23:32.40p3nguinsip set debug on, then make a call to your sipgate number.
23:33.28jonno11It's extremely difficult to find the beginning/end
23:34.05p3nguinI would rather see too much as opposed to not enough.
23:34.15jonno11Ok here it is
23:35.40p3nguinRun this for me:  dialplan show 1643437@sipgate-inbound
23:36.03jonno11There is no existence of 'sipgate-inbound' context
23:36.08p3nguinThat's a problem.
23:36.14WIMPyWonders if the call actually succeeded.
23:36.18p3nguinDo you have any context related to sipgate already?
23:37.07jonno11That's my extensions.conf
23:37.15p3nguinDid you run dialplan reload?
23:37.56p3nguinYou have to reload the dialplan after you make changes to it, just like you have to sip reload after you change sip.conf.
23:38.00jonno11Aha okay
23:38.06jonno11I thought I had rebooted asterisk
23:38.26p3nguinunnecessary in any event.
23:38.52lukejtWIMPy: DIALEDTIME, ANSWEREDTIME are populated, but it seems hacky to me. Ideally I'd like to access CDR(answer) rather than working it out myself (which could be error-prone)
23:39.27jonno11Brilliant it works
23:39.33WIMPylukejt: CDR is written after the call has ended.
23:39.50jonno11Is there any Asterisk reason why I can't hear audio on my computer's end
23:40.07WIMPylukejt: If it is available in the h extension depends on cdr configuration.
23:40.16*** join/#asterisk elico (
23:40.43WIMPyjonno11: Your firewall.
23:40.45p3nguinNAT problems often cause lack of audio, but I don't know if that's your actual issue or not since I don't know how your computer comes into play.
23:41.17jonno11Audio is fine on my phone
23:42.04lukejtWIMPy: I'm accessing CDR after the call is finished (in my destructor) - once the channel is dead. Using MySQL to store CDRs. Perhaps they are being written to DB and flushed or something?
23:42.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
23:42.48WIMPylukejt: What "destructor"?
23:46.04lukejtWIMPy: Part of my AGI code that gets called once the call is finished
23:46.36lukejtwhere i'm calculating the call costs and trying to access CDR/channel variables
23:46.41WIMPyWhen / from where exactely?
23:47.29p3nguinDon't you have to use DeadAGI() for a call that has already ended?
23:47.48jonno11this call quality is really bad
23:48.00WIMPyThat's probably true, yes.
23:48.05p3nguinDo you have low bandwidth?
23:48.55lukejtp3nguin: not anymore, DeadAGI is deprecated. the same functionaity is now included in the normal agi call
23:49.04p3nguinOkay, that's good to know.
23:49.26WIMPydidn't know that, either.
23:54.55lukejtthat's what I'm doing - slightly sanitised
23:55.25lukejtand I'm getting.. (coming)
23:56.53lukejtAGI debug log
23:58.05lukejtas you see, most of the CDR() vars are empty, and CDR(start) is showing an incorrect value
23:58.37lukejtit's actually showing the value for CDR(end)

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