IRC log for #asterisk on 20121205

00:01.31*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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00:45.27*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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01:00.52*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
01:07.41*** join/#asterisk tm1000 (tm1000@2600:3c01::f03c:91ff:fe93:fa45)
01:10.32*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (
01:25.26*** join/#asterisk golgi (
01:25.39p3nguinseri: This is a very interesting piece of equipment.  I can't believe this was trash!
01:25.41golgihello everyone!
01:26.36*** part/#asterisk golgi (
01:27.28*** join/#asterisk golgi (
01:27.32navaismosomeone needs feedback
01:28.11golgiconfused about my nick
01:29.34golgii just set up my first asterisk box and have one or two questions. Is it still possible to use google talk/voice for outgoing calls?
01:30.16golgiI'm using asterisk 11 with requisite modules installed. at least, the ones I've found listed on the 2 or 3 tutorials out there online
01:30.39p3nguinI use it on 1.8, so I have to assume you can use it on 11.
01:31.12golgiso from a google standpoint its still possible- like, there haven't been any policy changes since those tutorials were written...
01:32.30golgiso far at this point i have a basic setup- two users with soft phones that can call each other. if i can get google outgoing/incoming working then I'll have all i need to uild from there
01:34.45*** join/#asterisk Russ_ (
01:36.24*** join/#asterisk mchou (~quassel@unaffiliated/mchou)
01:39.36*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
01:41.32*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
01:43.08*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
01:47.58golgiill try that one again. i think i get confused with contexts
01:48.05golgiill let you know what i run in to.
01:48.11*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
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01:52.50*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~Dave@2001:1928:0:ffff::2)
01:53.11golgiok, so based solely off the example, the extensions.conf file would look like this...?
01:54.58*** join/#asterisk appleboy (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
02:01.58*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
02:03.07golgiok finally getting somewhere now
02:10.54navaismoseems ok
02:17.32golgisee, i just needed the company of smart people
02:24.19*** join/#asterisk ctaloi (
02:25.42golgibut, over vpn on 3G doesnt work too well.
02:26.02p3nguinNo surprise there.
02:26.13golgii can talk, but i can't hear anything.
02:26.54golgithe callee can hear me but i can't hear anything they say
02:27.01golgiwhat does this mean
02:28.34golgihmmm. my vpn ip is waaaaay off the subnet than what is permitted in sip.conf. but that would be an all or nothing proposition, right?
02:32.48slav3_kittengolgi, i had a SIP ALG on the ISP side that caused that problem for me
02:34.07golgithe isp can identify SIP even if the traffic is encrypted?
02:34.20p3nguinI'm still trying to figure out what SIP has to do with Google Voice.
02:35.13slav3_kittenp3nguin, me not paying attention at ALL
02:35.30slav3_kittenand the sip.conf bit
02:36.08slav3_kittengolgi, you could have an ALG in your vpn route
02:36.38slav3_kitteni'd assume it's traversing nat to get to your vpn but i don't really know how you have things setup
02:37.17golgiim about to either learn something new or violently snap something in my brain
02:37.30slav3_kitteni'm hoping for a snap
02:37.47golgiif i go silent for a long time you'll know
02:37.55golgimy address is....
02:38.19slav3_kittenstream it live so we can watch the snap
02:38.40golgiblood dripping from the ear
02:39.52slav3_kittenso you have a router with vpn, tethered to your 3g phone for internet, which has the vpn endpoint where?
02:39.54golgiok, when I'm on vpn the iphone's soft phone does register with the asterisk server. but, my ip address on the iphone is not the ip address listed in sip.conf
02:40.15golgiit's only that ip address when i'm on wifi
02:40.37slav3_kitteni'm confused and thus going to just be quiet
02:40.43p3nguinWhat do you mean by the "address listed in sip.conf"?
02:40.55golgiin sip.conf's permit
02:41.03*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
02:41.23golgithe blood is starting to stream
02:41.30golgiconfused myself there
02:41.53p3nguinIf you have created an ACL on a peer, you'll either have the ability to register and make calls or you won't.
02:41.54WIMPyIs there any known cure for using Asterisk, BTW?
02:42.17golgip3nguin: that's what i thought- it would be all or nothing
02:42.27golgiso i need to look elsewhere
02:43.43p3nguinNow, I'm a little concerned that you're saying you have created an ACL on the peer and you can still use it from another address.  That is a big problem.
02:43.49golgiok, astrisk registerd my softphone with an ip of the VPN server
02:44.33golgiso the issue os probably going to be on the VPN server. agreed?
02:44.55p3nguinI wouldn't have any way to know.
02:45.07golgiit's forwarding traffic such that my phone rings, but that's about it
02:45.18p3nguinI would start looking at the sip debug.
02:45.35p3nguinIt sounds like you didn't deal with RTP.
02:45.55p3nguinSIP starts/stops the calls, but RTP is for the media stream.  No RTP stream, no audio.
02:46.12golgimy voice gets out but nothing comes in
02:46.25p3nguinIt's still RTP.
02:46.37p3nguinDoes it work without the VPN?
02:46.44golgiquite well
02:47.01golgihave placed several calls now at this point
02:47.05golgino issues
02:47.11p3nguinSo then you better start looking at the sip debug to see where your audio went.
02:47.31golgiprobably to the curiosity rover
02:47.35slav3_kittenwhat's your vpn server
02:47.59golgijust stood it up today actually as a replacement- its the standlone VM
02:47.59*** join/#asterisk DaveCanoe (~Dave@2001:1928:0:ffff::2)
02:48.16golgiit also otherwise works flawlessly
02:48.59p3nguinWhy would the end point be using an address other than its own VPN-assigned address?  You said it is using the server's address, but that seems wrong to me.
02:49.33slav3_kitten not sure if this helps you golgi
02:49.45golgisorry, quick paste....   -- Registered SIP 'zac' at
02:49.45golgithat's the VPN server, not the phone's VPN IP
02:50.11p3nguinI don't understand why it would do that.
02:51.43*** join/#asterisk mjordan (
02:51.43*** mode/#asterisk [+o mjordan] by ChanServ
02:51.52golgisecond paragraph in item 1)... i am using tcp and udp adaptive setup in openvpn
02:52.23golgithis post advises using only the UDP port.
02:52.58golgithat seems like low hanging fruit but its worth a try
02:54.10p3nguinIs your asterisk configured to use tcp?  Does your phone also use tcp?  I suspect no to both of those questions, making that difference irrelevant in my opinion.
02:54.52golgii did not explicitly set that one way or another. which config keeps that option?
02:55.19p3nguinthe tcpbindaddr parameter in sip.conf
02:55.36p3nguinBy default, sip doesn't use tcp.
02:55.58golgiso if not set then UDP? it's not set
02:56.44p3nguinBy default, it is UDP only.  If you want SIP to use TCP, you have to configure a tcpbindaddr value.
02:59.10golgiok, switching VPN to only use UDP
03:07.54golgihere goes nothing
03:09.27golgino that didnt do it
03:09.50golgii know
03:10.03golgithe caller hears is own voice back in the earpiece
03:10.07p3nguinHow about that sip debug I told you to look at?
03:10.24golgi*his own
03:10.42golgithat's where the audio is going ;)
03:11.32p3nguinI do not understand your remark.
03:12.31golgithe caller, when trying to call me when I'm on vpn, simply hears his own voice in his earpiece when he talks, i hear nothing. he can hear me when I speak though
03:12.45p3nguinSo how about that sip debug?
03:13.01carrarNO DEBUG 4U!!
03:13.08p3nguinFeel free to pastebin it soon.
03:13.38infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
03:18.09golgiyeah sorry i had to check the vpn for something
03:18.21golgisip debug on to redirect it to a file?\
03:18.39golgior should i redirect the asterisk -rvvvv itself to a file?
03:19.01p3nguinAre you using putty, by chance?
03:19.13golgiset the scrollback to 1 gazillion?
03:19.14p3nguinJust set the log file in putty.
03:22.47golgiwait for it....wait for it....
03:24.38p3nguin*Yawn*  I waited long enough.  Bed time!
03:25.55p3nguinOkay, but on a serious note, if you take too long, I actually will go to bed.
03:26.46golgii had to get it nice and clean as to only zero in on a vpn session
03:27.06p3nguingsm codec?  Barf!
03:30.17golgiso asterisk is aware of my VPN ip it seems
03:30.23golgiContact: <sip:zac@>
03:33.12p3nguinWhat is this address?
03:33.21golgithat's the iphone on VPN
03:33.46golgithank openvpn for that goofiness. I'm too lazy to change it.
03:40.19*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
03:41.05kannanhello, in a context (where background is being used) , is there any way to reduce the dialplan overlap time , which is currently around 4 seconds
03:45.17golgianything jump out at anyone?
03:50.30p3nguinI'm interested in the routing table on the vpn box.
03:50.53golgii'll paste those for you in a sec
03:51.06p3nguinI once had a similar situation and it was caused by no return route.
03:51.16golgiyou want the iptabls entries?
03:51.23p3nguinNope, just the routing table.
03:51.38p3nguin(for now, anyway)
03:51.58*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
03:51.59p3nguinFor testing like this, any firewall rules should have been turned off.
03:54.26p3nguinThis is rather confusing for me.
03:55.47p3nguinI don't know what those interfaces are, and I don't know how those routes get traffic back to your phone.
03:58.06*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
03:58.41golgiits an openvpn appliance i'm using, just seeing these interfaces for the first time too
04:01.20*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~liu.yan@
04:14.10*** join/#asterisk apb1963 (~apb1963@
04:18.01apb1963So I have a few problems...  network changed over the weekend... I added a router where before I had none.  My router NATs, however my asterisk server is in the DMZ - I assume that makes no difference because my * server is getting a private address.  So with that said, the problem is that even though asterisk _appears_ to be doing the right thing in the logs by playing voicemail files, I get a busy signal on the POTS phone.  Any clues as to what I shoul
04:19.45jpsharpPOTS + network = doesn't add up.  How is the phone connected to asterisk?  And did you teach asterisk about its external IPs via a STUN server or the like?
04:20.20apb1963I have a softphone extension.
04:20.30apb1963Which rings
04:20.34apb1963But I don't answer it
04:21.38apb1963I'm not sure about the external IPs and STUN server... so, I'd have to guess no?
04:23.56jpsharpSince you put Asterisk behind NAT, you'll need to tell it.  There's an entry in sip.conf called externip that tells Asterisk what its external IP is or how to find it.
04:24.41p3nguinexternaddr or externhost
04:25.00jpsharpOhyes.  You're right.
04:25.14jpsharpI don't use it, so I never remember it.
04:25.51apb1963I'm using freepbx...  there's a file called sip_general_additional.conf that has an externip and a localnet
04:26.21apb1963the externip is what is now the router's public IP
04:27.11apb1963oh wait... that's not even right... it's the old host address before I had a router when my ISP allowed me more than one IP addr.
04:27.29apb1963and localnet is wrong now
04:27.37infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
04:27.53apb1963kk  thanks
04:28.11jpsharpThat would explain it.  You've got packets going where they don't need to go.
04:28.16*** join/#asterisk LemensTS (
04:28.56apb1963well the question at this point is, what are the right places?  I assume externip is my router's public address and localnet is... my private network yes?
04:29.13LemensTSIm repackaging up some 3rd party software for asterisk into a debian iso, was on asterisk 1.8, should I go to asterisk 10 or 11? I know 11 is still fairly new....
04:29.51jpsharpI'd go with 10.
04:30.00p3nguinYou should stay on 1.8 unless you need something in 11.
04:30.18p3nguin1.8 and 11 are LTS.
04:30.49g_r_eekanyone knows of any good call control/call manager for asterisk on windows? FREE and not?
04:31.13*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-okogtzoqwxobdvqa)
04:32.23*** join/#asterisk MrSmurf (~MrSmurf@unaffiliated/mrsmurf)
04:37.01apb1963Hmmm... I changed those addresses and reloaded..... same results
04:37.34LemensTSOk cool thanks guys, I'm not needing anything new. I looked at the changelog of 11, is there a doc that says what new features were added to 10 and 11?
04:39.52*** part/#asterisk LemensTS (
04:47.14*** join/#asterisk Molodus (~Molo@
04:51.15*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
04:52.25*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
04:58.08*** join/#asterisk epaphus (~user1@
04:58.31epaphusHello iam  using MusicOnHold() but all i hear is silence... how can i debug this
04:58.38golgiinteresting development
04:58.40epaphusi placed my audio file in mod dirctory
04:59.55golgiwith my openvpn issue, i can call/hear and speak both ways with phones on the LAN from my VPN'd phone. If i try to call a number outside of the network from my VPN'd phone I connot hear anything.
05:00.42epaphusnevermind, all i had to do was reload
05:04.59*** join/#asterisk fritz09 (
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05:11.20jpsharpgolgi: NAT issues?
05:13.08*** part/#asterisk deo (~deo@
05:29.57slav3_kittenjpsharp, i suggested that hours ago
06:03.13*** join/#asterisk brdude (
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06:14.49*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:16d8:cc57:1000::42:1004)
06:23.04apb1963I think I'm having NAT issues....  I'm confused... should I be forwarding RTP packets on my firewall somewhere?
06:23.39ectospasmapb1963: typically you will forward ports 10000 through 20000 to your Asterisk system
06:24.02apb1963that's what's confusing... my firewall and asterisk are on the same server
06:24.29apb1963i'm using iptables
06:25.18apb1963do i still need to forward?  if so, where?  to the private ip?  or to the public ip on the router?
06:25.38*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
06:26.07ectospasmis Asterisk listening on all interfaces (, or just the local subnet?
06:26.44apb1963hmmm... not sure... where can i check that?
06:27.11ectospasmtypically that will be in sip.conf, in the general section
06:30.34apb1963appears to be in a trunk?  but it simply says port=5060, the only reference to a network is permit & deny
06:31.03kaldemarapb1963: you just neep to ACCEPT UDP to the ports, not forward it anywhere.
06:31.49apb1963I do accept udp... but I will doublecheck just to be sure
06:31.53kaldemarapb1963: port=... does not configure what asterisk listens on, it is for configuring a port on a remote device.
06:33.21apb1963well.. I grepped for 5060 and that's all that came up
06:34.32kaldemar5060 is not used for rtp. what is the issue you are experiencing exactly?
06:36.38apb1963yes I accept udp to ports from 10000-20000
06:38.03apb1963wait... if my router is NATing....
06:39.02apb1963the issue is twofold... I never get my voicemail message even though asterisk hits all the right routines.. and I can't hear anything if I actually pickup the phone.... so to me that says rtp
06:39.58apb1963i'm just not sure what to do about it...
06:40.06apb1963I think my router needs to forward those ports then
06:40.10apb1963yes? no?
06:40.17apb1963it's not the firewall
06:40.42apb1963waits for confirmation of his suspicions
06:41.24kaldemaryes, your NAT router needs to forward the ports to your asterisk.
06:42.40apb1963including 5060
06:43.03apb1963damn... I was originally thinking if I put the server in the DMZ I wouldn't have to do that.
06:43.28apb1963but... I guess if the router is NATting regardless...
06:44.49apb1963this is what I've been dreading... the router appears to take one port at a time
06:45.06apb1963so unless something like 10000:20000 works...
06:45.16apb1963I think I have to return this puppy
06:48.13ectospasmthere's no way to set a range?  Lame.  Return it post haste.
06:52.34*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
06:55.57*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
07:01.49*** join/#asterisk santa0536 (
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07:25.35*** part/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
07:25.44*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
07:32.47*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
07:33.13apb1963_am I back?
07:33.32apb1963_client is a nightmare sometimes
07:34.15apb1963_so that doesn't seem to have worked
07:34.51apb1963_my router seems to have accepted my changes afaik... but i'm still stuck with the same results
07:41.52kaldemarapb1963_: enable sip debug and make a call. pastebin what you get in CLI.
07:57.48*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:a87c:270:4746:95bc)
08:11.41apb1963_kinda having trouble with it but... see if this is good?
08:13.35*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
08:15.31kaldemarapb1963_: you paste does not have a full call, but it does show retransmits. which suggests that asterisk is not getting SIP responses back from iptel.
08:20.26apb1963_let me try to get you a full call
08:30.33*** join/#asterisk Fukuda (~IceChat9@
08:31.03apb1963_this should be better
08:31.26apb1963_keep in mind, the call goes through... I simply can't hear anything from either side.
08:31.40apb1963_the extension is 101
08:31.40*** join/#asterisk elico (
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08:35.53kaldemarapb1963_: if you have nat=yes under [general] and don't have nat=no under [from-IPTEL], add the latter.
08:36.31apb1963_please wait
08:36.39*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
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08:47.29kaldemaryour asterisk keeps retransmitting OK to because it is not getting an answer to it. the call setup is not complete.
08:48.21*** join/#asterisk Guest90715 (~IceChat9@
08:48.30*** join/#asterisk Gokee2 (
08:49.21fukuda76140I have a problem for send fax (command sendfax) with hylafax
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08:49.36fukuda76140here my configuration :
08:53.50*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
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08:56.31*** join/#asterisk pbxman (c335d91f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
09:00.25*** join/#asterisk fukuda7766 (~AndChat32@
09:01.11fukuda7766Sorry for my déconnection
09:04.17*** join/#asterisk freeman_u (
09:06.27apb1963_sorry this is taking so long... my system is moving like a snail.  I have way too many windows open and it takes forever even just to close them.
09:06.52apb1963_on the pastebin step though :)
09:07.27*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
09:08.25apb1963_as far as I know, I made the change you said to... but I'm not positive I did it right.
09:15.13*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
09:16.16*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
09:16.44apb1963_sorry about that... don't know what happened.... got d/c'ed
09:18.37apb1963_<knock knock> is this thing on?
09:19.21*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
09:32.01apb1963_Non-authoritative answer:     canonical name =     name =
09:39.56*** join/#asterisk apb1963__ (~apb1963@
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09:56.13*** join/#asterisk tsipizic (~tsipizic@2001:648:2800:112:b11d:e13c:f6eb:e04d)
09:56.48tsipizicI am trying to activate radius cdr but asterisk send no data
09:57.22tsipizicI am able to send radius data from command line using radiusclient and radclient but asterisk does not send anything
09:57.42tsipizicalthough it produces that error in syslog
09:57.54tsipizicany help?
10:03.04*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
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10:31.58*** join/#asterisk Diffen (~diffen@
10:34.06DiffenHello. I just want to clearify something here. When there is an invite incoming to Asterisk, the Asterisk will check the header that looks like this "INVITE sip:number@asterisk ip-address SIP/2.0" for the number in the Asterisk right?
10:36.33kaldemareventually, among other headers.
10:40.23Diffenwhat header does it look at first?
10:44.43*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
10:46.41kaldemarDiffen: why are you asking?
10:47.48kaldemarsee handle_incoming() in chan_sip.c
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10:57.51Diffenkaldemar im having a debate with a friend about this
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11:05.24kaldemarDiffen: well, the first header is Cseq. were you both wrong?
11:06.30Diffenkaldemar: in that case yes but we were discussing what header to where the call should end up by using the B-number
11:06.53*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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11:18.58kaldemarDiffen: destination is parsed from the request-line.
11:20.02kaldemarDiffen: i.e. the first line of the message (INVITE sip:...)
11:22.44*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
11:27.45Diffenkaldemar ahh ok :)
11:27.51DiffenThanks for the information
11:28.00*** join/#asterisk gavimobile (
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11:31.48gavimobileI have an application with a time condition which goes to a queue if within business hours.  in my outgoing call cdr fields when I dial the queue from inside it shows "start". can I change this that it shows extention 300 for example? cause that's the extention I use for the application.
11:32.57kaldemargavimobile: no.
11:33.23gavimobilekaldemar: ok! thanks
11:33.51kaldemarit shows the extension. your is "start" so the CDR gets "start". make it use the real extension instead of start.
11:35.02gavimobilekaldemar: not sure how to do that. my guess is to use goto
11:35.14gavimobilegoto 300
11:35.23gavimobileand change start with 300
11:35.26kaldemarreplace "start" with something else.
11:35.39gavimobileI tried replacing it with 300, but it didn't work
11:35.54kaldemarwhat "it"?
11:36.05gavimobilewhen I tried dialing 300
11:36.12gavimobileafter changing start to 300
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11:36.40kaldemaryour extension is 0773354673. it does not match 300 now does it?
11:37.01gavimobilewell that's how I intercept the inbound route
11:37.10gavimobilethe inbound call*
11:37.38kaldemarwhere did you dial 300?
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12:07.50gavimobilefrom one of my peers kaldemar
12:11.45kaldemarthat has nothing to do with anything you showed.
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13:29.02rolandowhi guys.. what is your favorite phone brand if you had to choose from Aastra, Cisco, Siemens, Grandstream, Panasonic, Polycom, SNOP, Tiptel/Yealink .. ?
13:29.26rolandowi will be implementing a new (small) asterisk setup soon (only 10 phones or so ) .. i was thinking about yealinks
13:29.59rolandowi'd like a remote phonebook to be able to integrate our CRM tool
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13:33.32leifmadsenlikes Digium and Polycom devices
13:34.27rolandowok ... digium isn't available at our supplier.. polycom is ..
13:34.31rolandowwhat's the advantage ?
13:34.49rolandowbecause they don't look too nice imho :)
13:34.59leifmadsenI just prefer the plastic and look plus the software is rock solid
13:35.12leifmadsentons of features too
13:35.19leifmadsenpick what you want, I'm just one person :)
13:35.57rolandowof course.. i respect everybody's opinion .. but if 99% says i should go for polycom, i'm curious about the reason :)
13:36.11leifmadsenyou should really test your devices before doing a deployment regardless
13:36.26leifmadsenwhich means you should order a few devices and test them
13:36.31rolandowyes.. of course..
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13:36.47rolandowi'm going jobhopping .. i already used many tiptel's at my current job
13:37.22rolandowbut well .. trying all differents brands would be an expensive hobby :)
13:39.02WIMPyAnd probably rather frustrating.
13:39.18rolandowthat too
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13:47.52[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Polycom has superior build & sound quality, featureset, software stability, and is decently priced.  Other may be cheaper or have more features but they sacrifice on other bits.
13:48.26[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Incertain applications I recommend specific model from other makers as I do for the Aastra 6739i for instance.
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13:57.48rolandow[TK]D-Fender: ok .. that's what i was curious about ..
13:57.54rolandowi'll check polycoms again
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14:14.50[sr]its cold!!
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14:31.27WIMPyIt is. And we had a little snow the last two days.
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14:36.07jmetrowe went from 18 degrees to 60 degrees to 25 degrees in the past 4 days.
14:36.38coppice60 is bloody hot
14:37.11jmetroit was actually 68 at one point, hot for the midwest yeah.
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14:37.40coppiceoh, you mean F
14:37.56rrittgarnhaha yeah he means F
14:38.23coppicehow quaint
14:39.02santa0536guys, does asterisk support ITU reccomendations for T.38?
14:39.24santa0536or in other words what version of those reccoendation does asterisk support?
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14:39.43jmetroI didnt know anywhere habitable actually got to 140 F [60C]
14:40.07coppiceI think death valley gets to something like that
14:41.28rrittgarnanyone play with externnotify and voicemail? I added the line externnotify=/scripts/ to a mailbox but am not seeing it call the script. I haven't restarted asterisk. but i've done a voicemail reload, and if i show that mailbox i see the externnotify= info in there
14:41.50coppicesanta0536: the meaning of the T.38 versions is unclear. * supports 14400bps
14:43.02jacekowskianybody familiar with digium D40 and other phones, i've got problem with users complaining about echo
14:43.44jacekowskibut the problem is, i can't hear anything wrong myself, and from their description it sounds more like too loud sidetone rather than anything else
14:43.56jacekowskiand i'm just wondering if there is any way of controlling that
14:44.05santa0536coppice: ok, let me periphrase: there is a list of ITU specifications for T.38. does asterisk implements the most recent one?
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14:50.32coppicesanta0536: as I said before, yes and no. if you think the latest one requires V.34 support, then no. if you think it doesn't, then yes
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14:59.24apb1963_am I here?
14:59.35apb1963_So.. I'm still having problems with asterisk.  I dial my DID, my softphone rings, I pick it up... no sound from either side.  If I let it ring through to voicemail it plays the voicemail routines but I can't hear them and I just get a busy signal.  I recently bought a router that is NATing.  My centOS server has iptables running.  i was able to capture an RTP packet with wireshark and I could listen to it.  It was me! from when I answered the softphone
15:02.23[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, show us the call attempt with SIP DEBUG enabled
15:02.24infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
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15:08.12[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, <--- Transmitting (NAT) to ---> <--- your provider is NOT behind NAT.  fix this first
15:09.06jacekowskii get that on my asterisk
15:09.10jacekowskiwhen talking to sip phones
15:09.10apb1963_Yah... but I'm behind NAT so... ??
15:09.14[TK]D-FenderIndeed the IP's between their signalling and media server's don't match.  This should be an immediate fail for RTP
15:09.23jacekowskieven though there is no NAT between me and the phone
15:09.34[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, **THEY** are not.
15:10.09[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, When they say their audio is at IP X, Port Y, when you say they are behind NAT, you don't TRUST that and insist on the signalling IP.
15:10.14jacekowski[TK]D-Fender: i get exactly same thing when my asterisk server is talking to my phones
15:10.21jacekowski[TK]D-Fender: on sam subnet and same switch
15:11.06[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, Generally won't matter with phones since they use the same IP for both.  ITSP's might not.
15:11.25[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, And it only says it because you told * they were nat'd
15:11.35[TK]D-Fenderjacekowski, So if they aren't .... stop doing that then.
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15:12.19jacekowskii didn't
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15:17.35ghost75if i do a originated call, the caller will up show wrong in cdr, can this be changed?
15:18.31ghost75erm not caller, the called number doesnt show up, it displays my own number
15:19.18apb1963_ok, no NAT for provider
15:22.09[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, No more 5000 line pastebin's.  That is an insane amount of garbage we don't need to see
15:22.19ghost75the cdr dst field is read only?
15:22.32apb1963_just wanted to make sure I didn't leave anything out
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15:23.11WIMPyghost75: You can change it by using Goto().
15:23.26ghost75why goto?
15:24.05rolandowis that NAT article mirrored somewhere? i saved this link in my bookmarks:
15:24.10rolandowbut now that i need it, it's gone.
15:24.55WIMPyghost75: That changes the destination.
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15:26.02ghost75goto changes context i thought
15:26.15WIMPyIt can do that as well.
15:28.41[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, I haven't gotten to restoring the server in a while.
15:28.50[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, I'll look at it this weekend
15:29.24rolandowah ok .. it's your server? :)
15:30.00[TK]D-Fenderrolandow, Yes
15:30.20[TK]D-Fenderghost75, It Goto's wherever you tell it to.
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15:30.54[TK]D-Fenderghost75, You can use Goto the just jump 1 priority higher in the same exten for all it matters for the purpose of updating DST
15:33.07p3nguinGoto() changes either the priority, the priority and extension, or the priority and extension and context.
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15:34.13ghost75 <- like this?
15:34.45p3nguinSee above.
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15:35.32ghost75i dont understand how
15:35.40apb1963_[TK]D-Fender any further thoughts?
15:36.09p3nguinIt cannot change ONLY the context.  It cannot change ONLY the extension.  It cannot change ONLY the context AND extension.
15:37.11p3nguinPriority only; extension and priority; or context, extension, and priority.
15:37.53[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, I'm not seeing a SANE output for a call attempt and I have not seen configs for the 2 ends involved.
15:38.03ghost75you mean i should jump to another context with different exten ?
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15:38.52p3nguinI'm just telling you what Goto() does.
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15:39.40apb1963_Sorry I'm not sure what you're saying
15:40.04p3nguin<p3nguin> Goto() changes either the priority, the priority and extension, or the priority and extension and  context.
15:40.15p3nguin<p3nguin> It cannot change ONLY the context.  It cannot change ONLY the extension.  It cannot change ONLY the  context AND extension.
15:40.19p3nguin<p3nguin> Priority only; extension and priority; or context, extension, and priority.
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15:40.23WIMPyghost75: The Destination is the extension.
15:40.25p3nguinThat. Is. All.
15:40.53jeffspeff...and now you know the rest of the story.
15:41.10p3nguinThank you, Paul Harvey.
15:41.48jeffspeffit just felt right
15:41.54ghost75can i use variable as exten ?
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15:42.39[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, I don't see a PB with a PROPER amount of conect so I don't spend an hour scrolling through crap, and I don't see your CONFIGS.  What is not clear about this?
15:43.11ghost75its a global var
15:43.25jeffspeffghost75, global vars will work as extens
15:44.39p3nguinjeffspeff: Give me a quick example of what you're saying.
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15:46.32apb1963_This better?  The extension is 101
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15:47.32jeffspeffif you set global var foo=123 then later in a context you can say exten=foo,1,blah()
15:47.58p3nguinThat's what I thought you meant, but I needed to make sure I understood you.
15:48.01ghost75exten => s,1,Goto(10)
15:48.01ghost75exten => ${EXTENORIGINATE},10,Dial(SIP/arcor_out998780/${EXTENORIGINATE})
15:48.21cuscohey folks
15:48.42p3nguinI can't say that idea will or will not work, but I have a suspicion that it will not.
15:48.43cuscoqueue has members like Local/100@context right?
15:48.52p3nguinThat's one choice, yes.
15:49.04cuscoand dialplan does several things and finally a Dial(SIP/100) or so
15:49.07cuscook my question now is:
15:49.29cuscohow can I make SIP/100 hear a 'beep' if the calle hangs up?
15:49.33p3nguin100 is a terrible name for a SIP phone.
15:50.01cuscosome signal...
15:50.25jeffspeffsip devices != extensions
15:50.26p3nguinThe phone disconnecting should be a clue.
15:51.51p3nguinghost75: If you ${EXTENORIGINATE} = s, then what you have might work... if variables can be used as extensions.
15:51.58rolandowwhat would you guys do? i created an image with my options:
15:52.16rolandowor well, at least I think those are my options :)
15:52.22cuscop3nguin: the phone disconecting does play a beep...
15:52.29cuscocan I somehow play that beep?
15:52.43ghost75doesnt work, log is saying: Goto (originatecall,s,10)
15:52.45[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Do you think the call requires 300 lines of debug.  You aren't even trying here.  I still also don't see your CONFIGS.  Last chance before I move on to something else...
15:52.50ghost75its still using s
15:53.03p3nguinIf the phone makes the sound when the call ends, that solves your problem.  If the caller hangs up, your phone will disconnect.
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15:53.14WIMPyI somehow got lost. Maybe ghost75 should elaborate on what exactely he needs.
15:53.26p3nguinghost75: That's what Goto() does.  I explained it two or three times already.
15:53.51apb1963_working on the configs
15:53.52p3nguinIf extensioin s runs Goto(10), you will go to extension s priority 10.
15:54.08apb1963_how many lines of debug would you like to see?
15:54.09cuscop3nguin: it doesnot produce. thats the thing...
15:54.15p3nguinIf extensioin s runs Goto(bar,10), you will go to extension bar priority 10.
15:54.16[TK]D-Fender<ghost75> exten => s,1,Goto(10) <-- DST is set to the EXTEN you are on.  I said you could jump withing the exten you're on ... but you don't even LIKE where you are.  Do you think staying on that same exten is going to transfor the number?  No, jump to the NUMBERED exten you want.
15:54.17WIMPyrolandow: Asterisk doesn;t really like to be multi-homed.
15:54.26ghost75ok i missed something
15:54.36rolandowWIMPy: multi-homed, as being behind the multi wan nat you mean?
15:54.52p3nguinIf extensioin s runs Goto(foo,bar,10), you will go to context foo extension bar priority 10.
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15:55.13WIMPyrolandow: As in having multiple public IPs.
15:55.27rolandowhm... yes.. now that you mention it, i read about that..
15:55.31ghost75Goto(extension,priority) <- this is also valid or?
15:55.41rolandowalthough i can set externalip to a hostname, and restart asterisk, right?
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15:56.05jeffspeffrolandow, dont' even have to restart asterisk, just sip
15:56.06rolandowi could even write a script that restarts asterisk when that happens.
15:56.09p3nguin<p3nguin> Priority only; extension and priority; or context, extension, and priority.
15:56.16rolandowjeffspeff: even better :)
15:56.27WIMPyrolandow: The point is that you will get the usual NAT issues in extreme.
15:56.30Yxahi for a new production deployment, should i go with 11 or stick with 10?
15:56.32rolandowWIMPy: how could i create a failsafe asterisk otherwise? :)
15:56.38jeffspefffrom *nix cli asterisk -rx "sip reload"
15:56.41rolandowyes.. i was afraid of that
15:56.42jeffspeffor something like that
15:56.46rolandowWIMPy: so you would choose option 2?
15:56.58p3nguinyxa: Do you need the features 11 offers that 1.8 doesn't have?
15:57.51WIMPyrolandow: If you want fail over, just make sure that a) you have only one default route and b) your Asterisk knows the public IP it's using any time.
15:58.08Yxap3nguin nope. stability is my primary criteria
15:58.28p3nguinyxa: Better stick to 1.8, then.
15:58.35rolandowWIMPy: what do you mean with one default route?? if it's behind the vigor, it'll have one default route, right?
15:58.39p3nguinyxa: Not 10, for sure.  1.8 and 11 are LTS, 10 is not.
15:58.47[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Is 11 currently too unstable for you?
15:58.56rolandowWIMPy: or do you mean that it shouldn't use both wan's??
15:58.59morfinabout asterisk 11
15:59.08Yxacan i get a 2nd opinion?
15:59.11WIMPyrolandow: Make sure it only ever uses one of the external lines.
15:59.22rolandowWIMPy: right.. that shouldn't be too hard.
15:59.23morfini heard it should have websocket transport support is that true?
15:59.33p3nguin[tk]d-fender: It's too new for a production system.
15:59.37WIMPyrolandow: Yes. That's probably going to hurt your brain otherwise.
16:00.09p3nguinOf course the term "production" has various meanings for different people, so it could be just fine for some.  Not for me, though.
16:00.14[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, Is that based on a gheneric theory of how long it should be out before you should consider it "stable", or due to actual reported issues?
16:00.24[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, because for the latter .... I really haven't heard much
16:00.36rolandowWIMPy: i think i could tell ddclient to restart sip when the ip changes .. something like that..
16:00.36[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, No more than any other release
16:00.41ghost75thx guys it works
16:00.47rolandowor even write my own shell script that checks the ip of the dynamic host
16:01.14rolandowwhen the internet goes down, a restart of asterisk shouldn't be too much of a problem, since the connection is gone anyways :)
16:01.14WIMPyrolandow: Best to get information from the router(s). If you can.
16:01.45morfincan anyone tell me: how can i check on my own asterisk if account exists from remote machine
16:01.59rolandowok .. so then my remaining question is how can i prevent the nat issues.. i mean .. i have seen/read so many problems about it .. is it even possible to have asterisk behind a nat properly?
16:03.02p3nguinWith much software, there are often more bugs in earlier versions.  As those bugs get worked out, less obvious bugs will remain.  The less obvious bugs don't get found quickly because they show up in less common usages.  If more bugs show up in more common usages and less common usages yield less obvious bugs, it makes sense to me that the majority will not see those less obvious bugs.
16:03.06WIMPyrolandow: That should work if you configure it for that situation.
16:04.16morfinp3nguin non obvious bugs are usually being used by hackers
16:04.30rolandowok .. i'll read some more about it tomorrow
16:04.39rolandowthanks for your input!
16:05.00morfini mean they can be abused
16:05.01Yxahow about multicore cpu support? does 11 support them much better than 10 or 1.8?
16:05.03apb1963_Here's the configs.  I deleted everything that i believe isn't directly related, including other providers and other extensions so you could focus on just the one provider and one extension.  .  How many lines would you like to see from the call?  50? 100?  150?
16:05.15p3nguinyxa: No.
16:08.26morfini can use AMI to send command "sip show users" from script right?
16:08.56[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, That's like waiting for problems you don't know exist without a expiring on how long you wait...
16:09.51p3nguinmorfin: Maybe SIPpeers, but not sip show users.
16:10.02morfini need all users
16:10.16morfinnot only registered
16:10.17p3nguinAre you talking about devices that are set to type=user?
16:11.03[TK]D-Fendermorfin, AMI <-
16:11.04infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:11.45morfini did use it before to originate
16:11.56p3nguinThen sip show users isn't the correct CLI command, anyway.  AMI's "SIPpeers" is the equivalent to CLI's "sip show peers"
16:12.52p3nguinCLI's "sip show users" only lists devices configured as type=user.
16:12.59p3nguinIf it is type=peer, you won't see it there.
16:13.14p3nguinAnd chances are that you don't have very many devices set up only as a user.
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16:14.25morfinusers i need are listed in that list
16:15.34ghost75because u use users.conf ?
16:16.14p3nguinFuck.  I just explained that type=user is what shows up in sip show users.  It has little to do with users.conf.
16:16.59apb1963_[TK]D-Fender Here's the configs.  I deleted everything that i believe isn't directly related, including other providers and other extensions so you could
16:17.13ghost75i was only curious why he has users
16:17.16apb1963_focus on just the one provider and one extension.  .  How many lines would you like to see from the call?  50? 100?  150?
16:17.29morfinbut i don't use users.conf
16:17.47morfinactually that was configured not by me
16:18.17[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, s=Asterisk PBX
16:18.42morfinthere only fields: username, secret and accountcode
16:19.03[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, You have "canreinvite" being set there but that parameter does not even exist in that version.  It was long ago replaced with "directmedia=no" which you should have in your trunk definition AND in your extensions.
16:19.41[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Your FreePBX versions is also quite out of date.  I recommend catching up to something currently supported
16:20.32apb1963_OK, I will change that.. but for the record this was working until I added my new router into the mix and started NATing.
16:21.09[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Also make sure your route has NO SIP ALG or other proxying between your server and the internet
16:21.49apb1963_ok I don't know what that means.. please don't get mad.
16:25.25[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Make sure your router isn't messing with SIP.
16:26.23morfinis Websockets support fully implemented in Asterisk 11?
16:26.25apb1963_well... I set it to pass the packets to the server... should i remove that?
16:27.34*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
16:27.45morfinjust asking because i was thinking about browser<=>asterisk<=>providers
16:28.12[TK]D-Fendermorfin, Where does a browser have anything to do with Asterisk?
16:28.23apb1963_Firewall > Virtual Servers     This function will allow you to route external (Internet) calls for services such as a web server (port 80), FTP server (Port 21), or other applications through your Router to your internal network. More Info
16:29.34morfinwhat about voice
16:31.59*** join/#asterisk rowshi (
16:32.21apb1963_Hmm... if it's NATing, doesn't that mean by default it's going to mess with ALL packets including SIP and RTP?
16:32.40morfindid you use nat=yes option?
16:33.15apb1963_On the router?  Yes.
16:33.32morfinIf a peer is configured with nat=yes, it causes Asterisk to ignore the address information in the SIP and SDP headers from this peer, and reply to the sender's IP address and port. nat=yes enables a form of Symmetric RTP and SIP Comedia mode in Asterisk.
16:34.36*** join/#asterisk labdi (
16:34.42apb1963_in the trunk's incoming context?
16:35.25morfini think it can be set globally
16:36.28morfinso what about websockets && asterisk?
16:36.52morfinhow stable is support if it's already implemented
16:37.21labdihello, is there a way for all users to have their own passwords when dialing long distance
16:38.40[TK]D-Fenderlabdi, It's your dialplan, do it however you'd like.
16:39.11labdiive managed to set each dept but havent figured a way to do each user.
16:39.18*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
16:39.23apb1963_so I think I want qualify=yes in addition to nat=yes.... sound reasonable?  That page is a bit over my head... at the moment.
16:39.58ghost75qualiy is only checking if alive i think
16:40.38p3nguinlabdi: You can use the password configuration for voice mail.  I would guess each person has his own voice mail.
16:41.25*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
16:41.49[TK]D-Fenderlabdi, Look at the SIP peer that is calling ... or its callerid, or some other var you set in the peer, etc.  Process based on that
16:41.51*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
16:42.39[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, You are not using DIRECTMEDIA=NO like I told you.  Your verson of FreePBX does not seem to be configured to set this right.
16:42.56p3nguinAuthenticate(), VMAuthenticate()
16:42.59[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Perhaps it is not aware of the version of Asterisk it is set to configure
16:44.09apb1963_ok qualify=yes and nat=yes seems to be an improvement
16:44.20labdimaybe i amnot asking properly, users sometimes move from phone to phone
16:44.21*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
16:44.49apb1963_now I get voicemail when I don't answer
16:44.49p3nguinSo then using the callerid or phone info is out.  Use the voice mail configuration like I mentioned.
16:44.58[TK]D-Fenderlabdi, Then you also need to make some dialplan to log what "user" a DEVICE is associated with
16:45.10labdi*light goes off*
16:45.11labdii see
16:45.14labdithank you :)
16:45.25apb1963_jury is still out on whether I can hear myself...   I seem to get breathing but not sure about voice :)
16:45.26p3nguinUsually lights go on when a person gets an idea.
16:45.47ghost75apb1963: directmedia=no
16:45.50labdithank you nonetheless
16:47.50apb1963_what you're seeing for canreinvite... isn't that just in the outgoing context?
16:48.12apb1963_my incoming doesn't have anything about canreinvite
16:49.22p3nguinlabdi: You can use Read() and Authenticate() to auth against a file that you populate with user IDs and md5 passwords, or you can use VMAuthenticate() to compare to the voicemail.conf values.
16:51.03[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, "directmedia=no" <- put it in your peer.  I've told you repeatedly.
16:51.31[TK]D-FenderNobody with a nickname of "apb" should FAIL TO GET THE MEMO
16:51.37p3nguinOnly 17 or so more times to go before it happens.
16:52.25[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, canreinvite=no <- this is not appropriate for your ver of *.  FreePBX either doesn't know what you're running or has a bug.  UPGRADE IT.
16:53.28*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
16:56.39*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
16:57.43*** join/#asterisk PipBoy (
16:58.03apb1963_ok the extension has canreinvite HARDCODED onto the menu.  You can fill in that field with a word, but you cannot change the field name which is "canreinvite".
16:58.10*** join/#asterisk leifmadsen (~Leif@asterisk/documenteur-extraordinaire/blitzrage)
16:58.10*** mode/#asterisk [+o leifmadsen] by ChanServ
16:58.39apb1963_On the peer,  yes you can type anything you want.
16:59.28apb1963_And, I have changed it to DIRECTMEDIA=NO as you suggested.  There was little change, if anything it got worse as I seem to have lost my breathing and definitely don't have voice.
16:59.52[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, What have you forwarded to your server?
16:59.54apb1963_However, the voicemail seems to be the same... functioning having put the qualify=yes and nat=yes int.
17:00.06Yxahow do i get adaptive odbc setup? I have already installed mysql and created the relevant table.
17:00.12p3nguinAre the parameters in sip.conf case sensitive?
17:00.12apb1963_5060 and 10000-20000
17:00.18[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Show us
17:00.28[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, /
17:00.54apb1963_you're saying you want to see a snapshot of my router?
17:01.41*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
17:02.22apb1963_ok, np
17:04.09*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
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17:10.25apb1963_two choices.... does this one work?
17:11.44apb1963_or this one?
17:12.00ghost75is this same rtp as in rtp.conf?
17:12.36ghost75my asterisk behind nat works even without port forwarding and nat=no
17:13.37apb1963_maybe you're not behind nat?  go to
17:13.49*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
17:15.13ghost75tells me yes
17:18.33ghost75nat=no is still using this i think:
17:20.02*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
17:21.31*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
17:23.25navaismoHi, my asterisk its crashing and isnt generating a core file, i have enabled the DEBUG_THREAD option when i compiled it. Im using 1.8.11-cert8 with static realtime, in the full log the last thing i can see is the queries to the QUEUE_MEMBERS
17:23.54ghost75apb1963_ did u try to turn off firewall
17:24.51*** join/#asterisk Greenlight (
17:25.45apb1963_you mean on the router?
17:26.11ghost75yes, maybe its a filter blocking rtp
17:26.13*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
17:28.02*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
17:28.18apb1963_it's a good idea
17:29.08apb1963_but it doesn't seem to change anything.  Also, the server is in the DMZ so I don't think the firewall affects it??
17:29.24Qwellif it's DMZed, why are you forwarding ports?
17:29.46QwellYou are no longer behind NAT once you DMZ.
17:32.34apb1963_That's what I had thought at first, but I don't think that's true.  My server has a private IP.   Server--->Router---> ISP  My router gets the public IP and dhcp assigns an IP to the server...  How can I not be behind NAT?
17:33.35apb1963_Plus... says I am.  So I'd say that was pretty definitive.
17:35.12*** join/#asterisk Galen (
17:35.24apb1963_I can certainly take out the port forwarding and see if that makes a diff....
17:35.52rowshi@Qwell: DMZ and NAT relationships depend on the router/firewall you're using.
17:37.25*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
17:37.37ghost75sip debug should show problems i think
17:38.57apb1963_now it doesn't ring, but I get voicemail
17:39.28apb1963_firewall off, forwarding off.
17:40.12apb1963_keep in mind, iptables is still in effect.
17:40.48apb1963_it does NOT do any forwarding whatsoever.
17:40.57apb1963_and I have a feeling that's part of the problem
17:41.24apb1963_if not the whole problem.
17:42.10p3nguinMost routers don't know how to DMZ things anyway; they still NAT to the DMZ, but they simply forward everything to the DMZ that isn't sent somewhere else.  It's pretty useless and should never be used for Asterisk.
17:42.21infobot[~dmz] De-Militarized Zone, or usually a separate physical or logical network that has limited access to your internal systems and is accessible in limited ways from untrusted networks such as the Internet.  Putting Asterisk in the DMZ is not an acceptable alternative to properly forwarding the appropriate ports, so don't do it.  Plastic router appliances generally do not implement DMZ well.
17:42.58navaismoIs there a maximun timeout for asterisk when is making queries? seems like the remote DB is taking too long and asterisk died
17:43.58*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
17:45.43apb1963_Yes... I put it in the DMZ before I understood how NAT affected it and just didn't other taking it back out.
17:46.14apb1963_That's why I forwarded the ports anyway
17:46.42apb1963_I can take it back out of the DMZ... shouldn't make a difference either way.
17:47.02p3nguinNever put asterisk in the DMZ.  Just forward the ports and that is all.
17:47.47[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Are you on the same network as your server?
17:48.27[TK]D-FenderRUN FORREST RUN!!!\
17:48.47*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
17:48.47*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
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17:50.03apb1963_its a private network
17:50.10apb1963_there are two machines on it
17:50.16apb1963_one real, one virtual
17:50.35apb1963_the virtual one runs centOS and asterisk
17:50.52ghost75(18:39:43) apb1963_: now it doesn't ring, but I get voicemail <- from where?
17:51.00apb1963_from asterisk
17:51.21[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, Are you on the same network as your server?
17:51.37[TK]D-Fender* [apb1963_] (~apb1963@
17:51.46[TK]D-Fender[2012-12-05 07:12:17] VERBOSE[4420] chan_sip.c: Reliably Transmitting (NAT) to
17:51.50apb1963_That's my public IP... of the router
17:51.53[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:Unknown@>
17:52.06[TK]D-FenderAnd what your told ASTERISk the IP was does not look at all the same
17:52.26apb1963_50.* is a different provider
17:52.52*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
17:53.07apb1963_but let me doublecheck on that
17:54.35apb1963_ok that's the nameserver
17:55.33[TK]D-FenderYou did NOT tell Asterisk your WAN IP.
17:55.39infobot[~soso] Shoot-On-Sight Offense
17:56.14[TK]D-FenderFix your WAN IP settings in *
17:56.17p3nguinOh boy.  Bad DNS is just as bad as statically programming the wrong IP address.
17:57.15p3nguinIf your public address is assigned dynamically, be sure your dynamic DNS host name is updated!
17:57.42apb1963_I think I know which setting that is, and if so yeah.. I was wondering about that.  I was told to use the DNS server for that setting.  I thought it was odd but....
17:57.51apb1963_what do I know?
17:59.35apb1963_jeez... now I can't connect to the server
18:00.13p3nguinI'm sure the person didn't mean the DNS server's hostname/address.
18:01.14PipBoyWhen directing a call over a PBX A to PBX B . Does PBX b check its inbound routes to see if it can handle the call? or does it just check its extension list?
18:01.18*** join/#asterisk mogra (477b818a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
18:01.30p3nguin"routes" are something in your mind.
18:01.43p3nguinA SIP call will be matched against the peers that are configured in sip.conf.
18:01.57PipBoythe routrix has you neo?
18:02.09*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
18:02.11PipBoybut thanks p3nguin that awnsered my question
18:02.22p3nguinIf there is no match, and, if you allow anonymous calls, the call will be sent to the context configured in the general section.
18:02.35PipBoyAh ok
18:02.42p3nguinIf a peer is matched, the context configured for that peer will be used.
18:02.53p3nguinIf you have two PBXs, you most certainly have a peer configured for it.
18:03.00PipBoyof course
18:03.41PipBoyI am just missing something small. Its funny what things I can get stuck on
18:03.44PipBoythanks again p3nguin
18:04.13*** join/#asterisk apb1963_ (~apb1963@
18:06.23apb1963_unreal... i can't connect to the server anymore
18:06.56apb1963_time for a reboot I think
18:07.45*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
18:08.18apb1963_too many changes to the router I think
18:09.43*** join/#asterisk j4m3s_ (~j4m3s_@pdpc/supporter/active/j4m3s)
18:10.07[TK]D-Fenderapb1963_, You're on the same LAN... why is a ROUTER even in play?
18:11.08apb1963_somebody told me to go buy one
18:12.06apb1963_someone in ... I believe it was #networking
18:12.41apb1963_I was having a problem with not being able to traceroute to a device on my provider's network.
18:12.59apb1963_turned out to be something to do with UDP vs ICMP
18:13.02navaismoalo alo ¬¬
18:13.07apb1963_so no... I don't think I need the router
18:13.11p3nguinYou obviously had a router before.
18:13.17apb1963_before... what?
18:13.27PipBoybefore you bought a new router
18:13.28p3nguinBefore you bought the router that you were told to get.
18:13.46apb1963_I was just fine and dandy w/out one.
18:13.58apb1963_Life was good
18:14.03apb1963_well.. mostly
18:14.16PipBoymama always said the worlds your lan
18:14.20p3nguinIf you had two computers with private addresses and had internet service from a provider, how did you not have a router?
18:14.56apb1963_Originally my ISP was giving out IPs freely.  So, I had two.  One for my real machine, and one for the virtual guest OS.
18:15.23apb1963_Then along came the big bad wolf technician who said "Gee, that's weird... you're only supposed to have one IP" and that's when my world collapsed.
18:15.45apb1963_So, I turned on NAT on my virtual machine.
18:15.58apb1963_And life was mostly good again.
18:16.12apb1963_Except... one of my user/extensions overseas couldn't register with asterisk.
18:16.13p3nguinSo then that vm became your router.
18:16.28*** join/#asterisk k610 (
18:16.30p3nguinExtensions and users don't register.  Devices register.
18:16.52apb1963_So, I ran a traceroute and it stopped on a particular IP address before reaching my machine.
18:17.02apb1963_That address was owned by my provider.
18:17.06p3nguinIs asterisk on that virtual machine?
18:17.13apb1963_Yes.  CentOS
18:17.37apb1963_Long story short, by telling traceroute to use ICMP instead of UDP the trace was completed.
18:17.48p3nguinCentOS can act as a fine router as long as you know how to configure a handful or less of iptables rules.
18:17.48PipBoyalso note. that a LOT of networks dont allow ICMP traffic through them
18:17.53apb1963_But I didn't figure that out until after I bought the router this past weekend.
18:18.26p3nguinWhat kind of router is it?
18:18.36PipBoywaaaaait.. someone from #networking told you to buy a new router because you couldnt ping something?   maaaaaan thats rough lol
18:18.40apb1963_So one guy thought I needed a router... another guy knew that UDP was the culprit and suggested I force traceroute to use ICMP and that worked.
18:19.27apb1963_People make mistakes.
18:19.59apb1963_But I figured as long as I had it, I might as well give it a tryout.
18:20.11p3nguinWhat kind of router is it?
18:20.13*** join/#asterisk j4m3s_ (~j4m3s_@pdpc/supporter/active/j4m3s)
18:20.19apb1963_Belkin N150
18:20.24p3nguinO M G
18:20.41apb1963_I don't like their software... or at least certain parts of it.
18:20.42p3nguinNever ever ever use Belkin if asterisk is involved.
18:21.06p3nguinI've never seen a Belkin that works with SIP.  Ever.
18:21.07apb1963_Whys that?
18:21.13PipBoyp3nguin I sence some pent up fustration there :P
18:21.40*** join/#asterisk darkbasic (
18:22.22p3nguinHonestly, I would take it back and get something else that is known to work fine with SIP, or I would take it back and get money for it.  Then I would reconfigure a computer that I have to be my router.
18:22.59p3nguinIt's only a few commands to make a router with NAT.
18:26.19jmetroi never use belkin period. or netgear.
18:27.06apb1963_so what's the command to tell asterisk my wan?
18:27.42p3nguinIn sip.conf, use externaddr or externhost.
18:28.00p3nguinexternaddr if you have a static address, externhost if you use dynamic DNS.
18:28.22PipBoyp3nguin if you got a minute I was wonderin about something else. Lets say I have a trunk between pbx A and pbx b. In freePBX i have an inbound route that directs an external call to go over that Cross site trunk.  Once on the other side it checks if it has a peer that matches the inbound call.. So in that case, where in asterisk would I find a list of peers? should there not be a list on
18:28.23PipBoyphone number that I would of placed into "inbound routes"
18:28.53p3nguinAsterisk has sip peers in sip.conf.
18:29.27p3nguinAnd I don't do FreePBX.
18:29.43PipBoyOk I understand that. I am asking more so about the asterisk side
18:30.03p3nguinsip.conf is where you configure sip peers.
18:30.37PipBoySo lets say the call comes over the trunk and matches one of my peers in sip.conf. But you wouldnt find a DID in sip.conf would you?
18:30.43p3nguinAny phone/device/ITSP, or even another of your own asterisk systems... all are peers and get configured in sip.conf.
18:30.47p3nguinIf you're talking trunk, sip does not do trunking.
18:31.00p3nguinIf you want trunks, you'll use IAX2 and iax.conf.
18:31.08PipBoyAh I just worded it wrong
18:31.43p3nguinAnd an IAX2 trunk between two asterisk systems is a great idea in many cases.
18:32.10PipBoyYea I have used IAX at a previous job. Did the trick
18:32.27PipBoyBut yea, lets say it does match a Peer in sip.conf. Again, I dont believe I have ever seen a DID in sip.conf . Where would the DID's be referenced?
18:32.43p3nguinDIDs are just phone numbers.  The calls are destined to extensions.  The call matches a peer, which has a context assigned to it, which tells the call where to look for that extension.
18:32.57p3nguinExtensions obviously go in extensions.conf.
18:33.08*** join/#asterisk j4m3s_ (~j4m3s_@pdpc/supporter/active/j4m3s)
18:34.10PipBoyOk I understand the relation between a peer and what context is applied to the peer.  But the DID has to point to a destination at some point, and I cant quiet understand where that happens
18:34.23*** join/#asterisk shido6 (~shido6@nat/yahoo/x-yeyktkhwfnwiumqx)
18:34.38[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, A DID *is* a destination
18:34.44p3nguinSo if your peer sends a call to 3145551212, the call first matches the peer entry, which has a context of, let's say, inbound.  Under the  inbound context, you need to have extension 3145551212 or a pattern that matches 3145551212 for it to work.
18:34.50[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, it is the very number they dialed to reach you
18:34.55[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, ^
18:35.17p3nguinDIDs are just phone numbers.  Extensions match those phone numbers when calls are sent in to asterisk.
18:35.17[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, Typically it should be passed as such and you process it in the dialplan (extensions.conf)
18:35.41PipBoyWell, not always Fender. In my case, I am redirecting an inbound call to a second PBX.. and the second PBX could not match it to anything
18:35.42p3nguinAnd, as mentioned, those extensions to match your phone numbers are in extensions.conf.
18:35.53PipBoythats exactly what i wanted to know thanks
18:35.59p3nguinYou didn't configure a peer, a context, or an extension correctly.
18:36.04p3nguinThe call has to match in that order.
18:36.10p3nguinFirst a peer must match.
18:36.25PipBoyIt matches the peer. The issue is after that, and I wasnt certain where to look
18:36.38p3nguinThen the peer sends to call to an extension within a context.  If the context isn't there, it dies.
18:36.47p3nguinIf the extension isn't in the context where the call went, it dies.
18:36.54p3nguinYou need to configure an extension.
18:37.11PipBoyI understand, I was just clarifying my quesiton. I appreciate the help
18:37.19[TK]D-Fender<PipBoy> Well, not always Fender. In my case, I am redirecting an inbound call to a second PBX.. and the second PBX could not match it to anything <- this doesn't tell us how you passed this call off.
18:37.42[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, There are a LOT of different common ways you MIGHT have done this and the means by which it'd be matched would vary
18:37.43p3nguinI'm guessing there was no extension to match the call when it goes there.
18:38.42PipBoyI agree, I am going to check my extensions now. I just was not aware that DID's were listed that way in Asterisk
18:39.12p3nguinThe problem is that FreePBX suggests that phones are extensions.
18:39.41*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
18:39.48[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, there is no "list"  A DID is just a number dialed.  How it gets passed may vary.  As you are going from one server to another this would depend entirely on how you set those 2 servers up with each other
18:39.51p3nguinIf it said that DIDs are phone numbers and phone numbers match extensions, it would save me a lot of grief.
18:40.02infoboti heard did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
18:40.14PipBoythats the word on the street yo
18:41.19WIMPyDidn't we find out a long time ago that a simple directory number is actualy non-DID?
18:41.45p3nguinWhat do you mean by simple directory number?
18:42.03PipBoyUnfortunately I started my Career working with a lot of FreePBX. And although I do work in regular asterisk now, some things are a bit cloudy
18:42.17WIMPyJust a plain tlephone numbner.
18:42.40[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, This is still just one server of yours connecting to another.  This isn't "really" about DID's at all in the raw-er sense
18:42.57[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, And you don't seem to ahve told us how you set those two system up with each other at all
18:43.28PipBoyAh sorry, just a "sip trunk"
18:43.45PipBoyor at least thats what freepbx calls it
18:43.46p3nguinSIP doesn't trunk.
18:43.53PipBoyhehe I knew you were going to say that
18:43.59p3nguinSo that's pretty silly to call it that.
18:44.19PipBoyI am a victim in this! lol .  I wish I would of learned correctly the first time
18:44.27p3nguinwould have?
18:44.31*** join/#asterisk fakhir_ (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
18:45.02WIMPySip may be pants, but it doesn't trunk. LOL.
18:45.31PipBoyWould you define "trunking" by how it deals with signaling ?
18:45.44infobotwell, trunk is a word with varying definitions.  In Asterisk, a trunk is a "stream of UDP packets containing IAX2 frames from more than 1 call"; in telecom, a trunk is a "single voice channel between two pieces of switching equipment."; in Ethernet a trunk carries more than one 802.1q VLAN.  There is no such thing as a "SIP Trunk" -- Don't use the term. the nose of an elephant
18:45.59PipBoyhaha excellent
18:46.18apb1963_I packed my trunk with camping equipment.
18:46.44apb1963_anyway... externhost didn't help any
18:47.06apb1963_so, I'm going to disconnect my router and return it.
18:47.43p3nguinWhat value did you configure for the externhost parameter?
18:47.46apb1963_don't anyone try to stop me
18:48.22*** join/#asterisk ayrjola (
18:48.45apb1963_that's how freedns knows it
18:48.55p3nguinDid you remember to run sip reload after making the change to sip.conf and saving it?
18:49.18apb1963_I have a memory like an elephant
18:49.23apb1963_that's getting old and dying
18:49.37apb1963_with a trunk
18:49.40*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
18:49.45apb1963_filled with camping equpment.
18:50.05apb1963_and a router
18:50.28[TK]D-FenderSo basically you're a ton-ton.
18:50.35apb1963_more like a won-ton
18:50.39[TK]D-FenderAnd I thought they smelled bad on the OUTSIDE....
18:50.39PipBoyDo you have any sip in your trunk? lol
18:50.50apb1963_no but I took a sip with my trunk
18:51.23apb1963_have you any eggrolls?
18:51.26PipBoythe funny thing is... that will help me remember that sip does not trunk lol
18:51.37apb1963_i'm big on mnemonics
18:51.40[TK]D-FenderBut trunk sips?
18:51.51apb1963_You can't sip from your trunk
18:52.18PipBoyI do not have any sip in my trunk, but I have taken a sip with my trunk.. Should be in a Kids book for IT people
18:52.21p3nguinI certainly cannot sip from YOUR trunk.
18:52.30apb1963_leave my trunk alone
18:52.40apb1963_it's very sensitive
18:52.48apb1963_if you tickle it, I'll sneeze
18:53.00apb1963_so anyway, back in the real world.
18:53.17*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
18:54.02PipBoyreal world?! now im sad :(
18:54.47apb1963_it happens
18:54.51apb1963_I gotta pay some bills
18:54.53apb1963_like my rent
18:55.13PipBoyMe too, and fix some PBX's lol
18:55.20apb1963_and since I have to go to the bank, I'll be right next door to radio shack, so it would be a good idea to return the router at this time.
18:55.30apb1963_otherwise I'll end up stuck with it
18:55.37apb1963_because I'm terrible at returning things
18:55.43QwellYou bought something from Radio Shack?
18:55.49p3nguinI didn't even know they sold routers.
18:55.54apb1963_That's why I still have an elephant in the back yard.
18:56.05p3nguinI thought they only had shitty RC cars and lots of batteries.
18:56.14apb1963_Yeah... they sell cell phones too
18:56.18apb1963_by the seashore.
18:56.38apb1963_no they have RC helicoptors too
18:56.43apb1963_and nanobots
18:56.59apb1963_and occasionally a woman or two
18:57.04apb1963_but not for sale usually
18:57.26jmetroonly as sales people
18:57.31jmetrojust like gamestop.
18:58.10apb1963_so... time to disconnect the router.
18:58.40apb1963_if I'm not back soon.... then it's a routing problem :)
19:00.22PipBoyI will avenge you at the nearest Radio Shack
19:00.48PipBoywhich is pretty far away considering im in Canada
19:01.01*** join/#asterisk apb1963__ (~apb1963@
19:01.17apb1963__I'm back??
19:01.24apb1963__that was easy
19:01.26QwellPipBoy: The Source?
19:01.45PipBoyYea.. the source is friggin dumb :S  The "IT GUY" didnt even know what thermal paste was
19:01.46apb1963__of course now I get a busy signal
19:01.47PipBoylike wth
19:02.54apb1963__we shall overcome
19:04.12apb1963__wow... 2700 ms to get from virtual host to real host
19:04.50*** join/#asterisk cervajs2 (
19:05.09apb1963__oh much better now
19:05.16SuperNullwhat are you using for virtualization ? (i missed some of this)
19:05.31apb1963__31 ms
19:05.34apb1963__on the high side
19:05.46cervajs2hello, which srtp library i must use for DTLS-SRTP? (i'm trying webrtc)
19:05.52SuperNullesx ?
19:06.05SuperNullahhh ic.
19:06.15apb1963__it's actually pretty nice
19:06.16SuperNullesxi is def miles away from player and vmware server.
19:06.21SuperNulli like it for dev ..
19:06.28apb1963__It does what I need for the most part
19:06.41apb1963__though the jury is still out on the networking :)
19:07.01apb1963__busy signal
19:07.06SuperNulldoesnt have the crazy features esxi does but also doesnt have the price tag for a full version (esxi without vSphere is free with limitation)
19:07.24apb1963__Player is free w/out limitation
19:07.56apb1963__so now I new IP addresses
19:08.16apb1963__and a busy signal
19:08.19p3nguinLet us hope that your dns updater is working!
19:08.35apb1963__well lets think about that
19:09.12apb1963__the dns points to the address my ISP assigns through DHCP.  That hasn't changed.
19:09.31apb1963__Only the address of my virtual machine has changed.
19:09.37apb1963__Which is what runs asterisk.
19:09.53cervajs2when i try dtlsenable = yes in sip.conf then i get this message  chan_sip.c: No DTLS-SRTP support present on engine for RTP instance '0xb7520c74', was it compiled with support for it?
19:10.53p3nguinOh, I thought you meant that your public address changed.
19:10.55apb1963__so before, my router had that public address... now my real machine/host has it.
19:11.13filecervajs2, DTLS-SRTP isn't used yet for WebRTC just SDES negotiated SRTP
19:11.16p3nguinSince any servers inside the LAN would be assigned with static addresses, that was the only part that COULD have changed.
19:11.18apb1963__and the host is now set to do NAT
19:11.58apb1963__Nope.  vmware changed the address of the virtual machine and interfaces.
19:12.28apb1963__It's still a private address.... but it's a different private address.
19:13.18cervajs2file: can you explain it more? asterisk-asterisk works with DTLS-SRTP but not with websockets? or what is mean by "DTLS-SRTP support" new in asterisk 11
19:13.44apb1963__yeah so now the host is the public ip
19:13.46fileno WebRTC capable browsers currently implement DTLS-SRTP
19:16.49cervajs2file: tnx. i'll check chromium changelog
19:17.15apb1963__look ma, no router!
19:17.37cervajs2file: i'm testing sipml5 + asterisk 11. everything looks ok, but no audio :(
19:18.00fileGoogle made the SDP stuff more strict and they haven't finished writing it
19:18.14fileso it may or may not be broken, depending on the version of Chrome
19:19.53cervajs2file: its shame because i have tomorrow presentation about asterisk history for 50 people from telco industry :(
19:20.30fileWebRTC: The definition of a moving target.
19:20.59cervajs2i'll try speak something good about it :)
19:22.14*** join/#asterisk mbrit (~mbrit@
19:22.29cervajs2i tried chrome 23 and canary 25 on win7
19:23.16p3nguinMaybe firefox 61 has something useful in it.
19:23.31p3nguinThey are up to 61 already, aren't they?
19:23.55*** join/#asterisk Dovid (
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19:54.03ageisI got phones that like to disconnect themselves and we constantly have to reboot them... Any one know how to implement  QoS so SIP packets are given priority or something?
19:54.29Qwellif QoS solves that for you, you've got much larger issues.
19:55.07ageisi'm just brainstorming, I want to increase the reliability of the ethernet connectivity
19:56.19PipBoyrun a sepperate network :P thats the best qos :P
19:56.27jmetroa VPN
19:57.45*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
20:03.24*** join/#asterisk g_r_eek (
20:04.38[TK]D-FenderVPN doesn't magically make your packets any more reliable.
20:06.23*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
20:07.41*** join/#asterisk ffs (~garland@unaffiliated/ffs)
20:08.20filedrmessano, hi
20:08.50filedrmessano, I approve of this stuff and things
20:09.21*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
20:10.02Qwelldrmessano: ^^ what he said
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20:19.16PipBoyI am trying to figure out if a call is going through my PBX to PBX trunk or going back through the pstn.. If core show channels shows nothing, dosnt that mean it just sent it back out through the pstn?
20:20.32planezitYou should see the sip traffic in the asterisk console
20:20.55planezitSip connects and disconnects
20:21.26[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, if you see no channels then there is no channel going on at your server at all.
20:21.49[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, Maybe it died completely.
20:22.22[TK]D-Fenderpigpen, "a call is going through my PBX to PBX trunk or going back through the pstn" <- doesn't offer us any details for even aneducated guess (at best)\
20:22.30*** join/#asterisk ffs (~garland@unaffiliated/ffs)
20:22.40PipBoythanks I appreciate the nicknames
20:22.49PipBoythats not childish at all
20:23.14jmetroi was gonna say, i'm pretty sure its pipboy. Like from fallout.
20:23.55jmetroi think he just transposed..there's literally someone named pigpen here right above you on the list.
20:24.26[TK]D-Fenderauto-correct SNAFU
20:24.26PipBoyah I see.. I figured he was going after the fact that my question was so messy lol
20:25.01[TK]D-Fenderautocomplete even....
20:25.28PipBoy*sigh* I figured out my question either way. Honestly, I think I am going to give up on FreePBX. It just convolutes things if you are trying to do something custom
20:25.30ghost75apb1963_ so its working now?
20:26.23[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, what kind of "custom" anyway?  You have giving virtually nothing so far and all of your questions seem to emanating from "Generic Land"
20:27.42PipBoyOk I will be specific then.   I have a phone system in production and I was to add improved CDR tracking (pretty graphs and all that jazz). So what I would like to do is create a second PBX to sit in the middle of all calls, gathering call information, writing to mysql and all that..
20:28.23PipBoySo my middleman PBX is configured to recieve all the calls, and the thought is that it just passes all the calls along to the production system VIA a sip Peer.
20:29.17[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, How is this intermediary's CDR any better than what's on the main?
20:29.19PipBoyAll I am trying to do is simply take an inbound call on one system, and pass it along through a local SIP peer to a production system
20:29.34PipBoyCDR-stats . Its a nice program, check it out
20:29.41[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, And I take it that FreePBX is what you've set up on your intermediary, correct?
20:29.53PipBoyYes, and its a pain in the ass lol
20:30.10[TK]D-FenderThis is a petty job and doesn't require anything "custom"
20:30.22PipBoyId agree, I think I was over thinking this
20:31.10jpsharpYou need a base install of Asterisk, cdr_mysql (or cdr_odbc), and about 4 lines in extensions.conf
20:31.21[TK]D-Fendertrunk in -> point to from-internal.  Set up outbound route using trunk to other PBX.  The end
20:31.26[TK]D-FenderShould have taken all of 5 minutes tops
20:31.45[TK]D-FenderThat's being generous....
20:31.47*** join/#asterisk autofsckk (~autofsckk@unaffiliated/autofsckk)
20:32.01PipBoyI know >.< I set it up like that in 5 minutes.. But something went wrong and I started exploring a zillion options :/
20:32.32*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-vuhrbiratulcqusp)
20:32.45jpsharpFreePBX will just get in your way here.
20:34.01PipBoyId agree.. But I had a lot of issues setting up asterisk writting to Mysql. And didnt want to really take the time to figure it out. Where as the FreePBX distro (although bulky). Should of taken me about an hour to do the whole install with setup
20:34.15p3nguinshould have
20:34.24PipBoyI am the weakest link here.. Not freepbx lol
20:34.40[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, 11 steps to go....
20:34.48PipBoyHa! jerk
20:35.13[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, I've acknowledged your PROGRESS.  Don't balk at that....
20:35.49[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, So, got something "actual" you'd like some real help with?
20:36.13PipBoyWell, I guess I will set up everything the simple way again.. And go from there
20:36.40[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, We'll be waiting...
20:36.47PipBoythanks :)
20:37.56wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: what would be the correct way to set up this routing through a second pbx? just asking out of interest
20:38.49[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, I just described it...
20:39.11wonderworldyeah, i didn't get it
20:39.22[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> trunk in -> point to from-internal.  Set up outbound route using trunk to other PBX.  The end
20:39.27[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, What part?
20:40.02[TK]D-FenderOnly 17 words there.  at least 3 non-essential
20:40.30wonderworldhow would it look in the dialplan?
20:40.44wonderworldis there no rewriting of IPs etc needed?
20:40.55[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, rewrint IP's?  Pardon?
20:40.58jpsharpNo.  Asterisk is a middleman, not a proxy.
20:41.02[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, * is not a PROXY.
20:41.28wonderworldok, lets clarify my confusion
20:41.39[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, And no "dialplan" involved. (manually speaking).  This is a conversation concerning FREEPBX is you somehow missed that aspect.
20:42.33wonderworlda call is coming in through the trunk, wanting to reach an extension on the local * but it needs to go to the other *
20:42.39[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, If you're wondering what a "vanilla config" would look like, the dialplan is just about as dumb..... only a tiny handful of lines at most.
20:43.18[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, There is no extension on local.  It's only purpose is to be an intermediary between his actual provider & his main server
20:43.28wonderworldok, if there is no dialplan involved, how would that routing be setup?
20:43.40[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, Immediate passthrough.  no other functionality.  Call in.  Call out.  record CDR for reporting.
20:43.40wonderworldthats waht i don't understand
20:43.49[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, FREEPBX <-------
20:44.05[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> <[TK]D-Fender> trunk in -> point to from-internal.  Set up outbound route using trunk to other PBX.  The end <--- OUTBOUND ROUTE
20:44.26wonderworldok, this is freepbx specific, i see
20:44.33wonderworldhow would it be done with two * boxes?
20:44.59*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
20:45.26[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, Since it's call in, call out, it really only needs 1 line of dialplan anyway.
20:45.46[TK]D-FenderFor a single direction.  The reverse for the other.
20:45.51jpsharpWouldn't you need...yes.
20:45.57[TK]D-FenderSo wat ... 4 lines including context headers?
20:47.22jpsharpHence my comment about freepbx just getting in the way.
20:48.42[TK]D-Fenderjpsharp, Side benefit for it potentially having been installed in a way that pre-configures CDR storage to DB as he likes and maybe includes if not simplifies the installation of the reporting he's looking for.
20:48.58PipBoyboth true
20:49.08[TK]D-Fenderjpsharp, "depends".  From what *I* would do... yes inserting a whole box SOUNDS remarkably stupid.
20:49.18wonderworldwell thanks for explaining...
20:49.47jpsharpEh, I've never had problems with cdr_mysql. :)
20:49.59[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, exten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/otherserver/${EXTEN})
20:50.07[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, There's HALF the code right there....
20:50.29PipBoyWell inserting the whole box isnt that dumb of an idea. Testing out a product without messing around too much with an in production system?
20:52.37jacekowskii've got a problem with users complaining about echo
20:52.43[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, You know how hard it is to take a CSV file on that same server and just dump it into a SQL table on that box and drop the webscripts in to "see" data processing?  Petty
20:52.51jacekowskion any call, including pure sip calls
20:53.03jacekowskiand i can't hear anything wrong with it myself
20:53.19wonderworld[TK]D-Fender: thanks "SIP/otherserver" was what i falsely described with "ip rewriting"
20:53.31[TK]D-Fenderwonderworld, If you say so...
20:54.03wonderworldhearing your discussion i thought there was something like a routing.conf .....
20:54.48jpsharpjacekowski: All users or just one or two?
20:55.43PipBoyD-Fender . I appreciate your feedback. But I am neck deep in projects I have to complete. Its very tempting to take the path of least resistance when available
20:56.57*** join/#asterisk Alex25 (
20:58.08Alex25Do you knwo a way to hangup a specific extension using bash CLI?
20:59.17wonderworldAlex25: you can use asterisk -x "command" from BASH
20:59.21[TK]D-FenderAlex25, "channel request hangup [thechannel]"
20:59.41Alex25yea but this is for a channel
20:59.46[TK]D-FenderAlex25, "channel request hangup [thechannel]" <---------
20:59.54Alex25I need it for an extension
21:00.00[TK]D-Fenderno such thing
21:00.01[TK]D-Fenderno such thing
21:00.03[TK]D-FenderAlex25, "channel request hangup [thechannel]" <---------
21:00.21[TK]D-FenderDevices place calls creating channels.
21:00.31[TK]D-FenderYou end channels.  Not "extensions".
21:00.31Alex25there must be a way to so this in bash
21:00.37PipBoyhe just told you lol
21:00.57PipBoyasterisk -rx "channel request hangup [the channel]"
21:00.57[TK]D-FenderAlex25, You been told.  Another 5 times?out 5 times
21:01.32Alex25I already know the 'channel request hangup ' command
21:01.46PipBoy-rx flag likes you pipe in commmands from bash
21:01.47Alex25but I must do this for a channel
21:01.54[TK]D-FenderAlex25, <PipBoy> asterisk -rx "channel request hangup [the channel]"
21:01.58[TK]D-Fenderthat is how
21:03.08p3nguinYou can't hang up an extension in that manner, but you can hang up the channel for sure.
21:03.33p3nguinTo hang up the extension, you'll need to use a much fancier command.  See channel redirect.
21:03.40wonderworldAlex25: you can get the channel, an exension is currently using with "sip show channels" grep the channel from there and hang it up. probably there is a better way, but it should work
21:03.50PipBoyif you wanted to check the channel of a specific persons call you could always asterisk -rx "core show channels" | grep EXT
21:03.54Alex25i found something here
21:04.07Alex25> Exten => _86XXXX,1,system('/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx "soft hangup
21:04.08Alex25> $(/usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'core show channels' | grep SIP/${EXTEN(2)| awk '{
21:04.08Alex25> print $1 '} )")
21:04.16[TK]D-FenderAlex25, We have just handed you the EXACT command repeatedly.  What is there to find?
21:04.23PipBoysoft hangup is just the old cannel request hangup
21:05.23Alex25how can I use the above workaround in new asterisk system?
21:05.34Alex25i need only the asterisk -rx part
21:05.39p3nguins/soft/channel request/
21:06.10[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Alex25, <PipBoy> asterisk -rx "channel request hangup [the channel]"
21:06.30PipBoyI'm not the greatest at this stuff... But If channel request hangup replace softhangup.... wouldnt you just Find/replace and see what happens?
21:07.13PipBoyAggh.. Im having too much fun with this.. I gotta get back to work
21:07.18*** join/#asterisk mogra (477b818a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:07.38Alex25I don't want to hangup a channel, since it's default on my dialplan
21:07.52p3nguinYou don't make a lick of sense.
21:07.55Alex25it doesn't have a real device
21:08.05Alex25I call it using a phone
21:08.10p3nguinChannels are channels.  What more do you want?
21:08.45Alex25i'll try to explain
21:08.53[TK]D-Fender<Alex25> I don't want to hangup a channel, since it's default on my dialplan <-- the only thing that CAN be hung up is a channel.
21:08.54*** join/#asterisk pa (~pa@unaffiliated/pa)
21:09.00[TK]D-FenderAlex25, There is no such thing as "default"
21:09.08[TK]D-FenderAlex25, None of your words are appropriate.
21:09.12p3nguinYou can also hang up your hat, of course.
21:09.58jmetrocoats , its december.
21:10.03[TK]D-FenderAlex25, CHANNEL = CALL.  There is nothing else to "hangup"
21:10.33Alex25I want to create a new extension, and in its first priority i want to comman asterisk to hangup all OTHER calls - but not the current one of course
21:10.49Alex25and then move on with my plan.,,
21:11.12p3nguinYep.  To hang up "calls," you will hang up channels.
21:11.14Alex25so if i hangup the channel i hangup current extension as well
21:11.26[TK]D-FenderAlex25, So don't hang up the CURRENT CHANNEL
21:11.27PipBoythe extension is in a call
21:11.32p3nguinYou don't hang up extensions, anyway.
21:11.38[TK]D-FenderAlex25, Nobody was telling WHICH ones to hang up
21:11.40p3nguinYou hang up channels.
21:11.52p3nguinPick one.  Hang up it.
21:12.04p3nguins/Hang up/Hangup/
21:12.13jmetrohe wants to hang up his conf files but not his dialplan
21:12.14PipBoyyou know what.. just start a call.. hang up the channel.. and see what happens
21:12.44p3nguinAnd since [tk]d-fender made it abundantly clear how to hangup a channel, you already know how to do that.
21:12.49[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, On a scale of 1 to 10 what's your favourite colour of the alphabet?
21:13.40p3nguin"My name is Arthur, and I can count to potato."
21:14.49Alex25so if i want the first priority of extension number 400 to start by hanging up extension 200 - how to do that when both extensions are in [default] , and not bing to any SIP device?
21:15.02p3nguin(1511.32) <p3nguin> You don't hang up extensions, anyway.
21:15.11p3nguinYou don't hang up extensions.
21:15.16p3nguinYou hang up CHANNELS.
21:15.35p3nguinUsage: channel request hangup <channel>|<all>
21:15.38p3nguinNote: channel
21:15.48PipBoyIf we are taking... We are in a conversation.. You dont end a person, you end a conversation
21:15.50Alex25ok you call it channels. whatever
21:15.52p3nguinRequest that a channel be hung up.
21:15.57PipBoyunless your a murdered... and then your ending a person :P
21:15.59Alex25how to achive the desired effect
21:16.24[TK]D-FenderAlex25, LOOK at the list of all channel.  One by one hang up on all of them
21:16.43p3nguinor pick one randomly, if you prefer.
21:16.46[TK]D-FenderEXCEPT whichever one(s) you feel like excluding.
21:17.03Alex25but both extension belond to the same default channel
21:17.17p3nguinThat statement doesn't even make sense.
21:17.31p3nguinThere is no default channel, for one.
21:17.43*** join/#asterisk asr33 (~asr33@unaffiliated/asr33)
21:17.45p3nguinAnd B, extensions don't belong to channels.
21:17.49[TK]D-FenderAlex25, each channel has its own name.  It is different.
21:18.14p3nguinA channel can execute extensions, but for this exercise, that is irrelevant.
21:18.26Alex25so maybe i got it wrong
21:18.31p3nguinChannels are active.  Destroy one or more and be happy.
21:18.38PipBoyI am telling you... This analogy is perfect... If two people are talking.. They are in a conversation.. You dont end people, you end a conversation.. Just like you dont hangup an extension, you hangup a channel
21:18.48*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
21:18.57wonderworldAlex25:  start a call and try "core show channels". this might clarify things
21:19.05Alex25good explanation :)
21:19.08[TK]D-FenderAlex25, Show us you even have a clue by SHOWING us a channel.  You do not seem to be demonstrating even a basic understanding of what a channel is.
21:19.42Alex25thanks for the compliment..
21:20.02wonderworldmafia does end conversations by ending people.
21:20.03[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, You are confusing a call with a "channel".  This is also inappropriate.
21:20.17PipBoyI think it gets the point accrossed :P
21:20.24[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, a call Is simply a term for 2 channels that happen to be BRIDGED
21:20.56p3nguinpurely coincidental
21:20.57[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, Using inappropriate terms in correcting someone else using inappropriate terms gets the WRONG IDEA across
21:21.46PipBoyok ok .. Was just trying to help... Continue hitting your head against the wall :P
21:22.09[TK]D-FenderPipBoy, We are (unfortunately) all too used to it.
21:22.32PipBoyHmmm shame :S
21:23.00p3nguinDid you know that if you hangup one channel which happens to be bridged with another channel in a call, the call will end and the other channel will also die?
21:23.53p3nguinNow if that overflows through the phone and the person on the phone also ends... there is little I can do about that.
21:23.56p3nguinSounds like a bug.
21:23.59[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, 7-10 split!
21:24.04Alex25ok i just tried
21:24.08PipBoydoes the channel go to channel heaven? :(
21:24.18Alex25i'm getting SIP/1001-000000b5
21:24.20[TK]D-Fendergoes to get another bowling-ball "blessed"
21:24.30p3nguinIf by heaven, you mean /dev/null, maybe.
21:24.32[TK]D-FenderAlex25, Good.  That is ONE channel
21:24.40Alex25so i guess the 000000b5  is the identifier
21:24.52[TK]D-FenderAlex25, No, the WHOLE THING is the identifier
21:24.52p3nguinQiuck!  Kill it!
21:25.01p3nguinThe unique ID is part of the channel's name.
21:25.09Alex25is this a random identifier?
21:25.15p3nguinNot really random, no.
21:25.20[TK]D-FenderAlex25, practically speaking, yes
21:26.00Alex25so every call to the that extension receive the same identifier? or not?
21:26.15*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
21:26.20p3nguinRandom would indicate that one time it might be 000000b5 and the next it might be 4a643e100.
21:26.39p3nguinSo no, not really random.
21:27.00p3nguinThat channel name has NOTHING to do with extensions whatsoever.
21:27.04p3nguinNot at all.
21:27.34[TK]D-Fender<Alex25> so every call to the that extension receive the same identifier? or not? <- NO, it is UNIQUE
21:27.41[TK]D-Fender<p3nguin> The unique ID is part of the channel's name.
21:28.08[TK]D-Fender<Alex25> is this a random identifier? <[TK]D-Fender> Alex25, practically speaking, yes
21:28.27[TK]D-FenderNowhere does that sound remotely like "<Alex25> so every call to the that extension receive the same identifier? or not?"
21:28.29p3nguinThat channel name means that a SIP phone by the ridiculous name of 1001 tried to start a "call."
21:28.42wonderworldAlex25:  just grep SIP/yourextension out of the list, cut out the channel, hang it up.
21:29.09p3nguinSIP/yourextension   <------- this doesn't make sense.
21:29.27[TK]D-FenderAnd that wouold exclude ALL channels by a DEVICE (more miused words)
21:29.29p3nguin<p3nguin> That channel name means that a SIP phone by the ridiculous name of 1001 tried to start a "call."    <-------------
21:29.42[TK]D-Fender"All but this call" = something ELSE
21:29.43Alex25ok I've just tested
21:29.51Alex25it's really random
21:29.53p3nguinor perhaps received one.
21:29.56Alex25b5 b6 b7 b8
21:30.06[TK]D-Fenderthat looks SEQUENTIAL to me...
21:30.10p3nguinThat't not random by any definition.
21:30.15p3nguinThat's not random by any definition.
21:30.19Alex25i know
21:30.20[TK]D-FenderSomeon just failed at math.  HARD
21:30.54Alex25but for my issue - how can I hangup it programatically if it's random?
21:31.00p3nguinIt isn't random.
21:31.42p3nguinDo you know on which device is the call that you want to end?
21:31.44Alex25i mean each call it gets another value
21:31.52[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Alex25, So don't hang up the CURRENT CHANNEL
21:32.09p3nguinFor example, a SIP phone named 000011112222.
21:32.17[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Alex25, LOOK at the list of all channel.  One by one hang up on all of them
21:32.39[TK]D-Fendercore show channels^^ LIST
21:32.40p3nguinchannel request hangup SIP/000011112222<PRESS TAB KEY>
21:32.50[TK]D-Fenderok, I'm off
21:35.47*** join/#asterisk mogra (477b818a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:38.35*** part/#asterisk cervajs2 (
21:39.05PipBoylol this was fun
21:49.34jeffspeffis away: Please leave a message after the tone...
21:49.48p3nguinI hope that wasn't an automatic away message.
21:51.49PipBoybhaha heres a good story
21:52.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:52.09*** join/#asterisk svm_invictvs (c7e77ca0@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:52.19svm_invictvsHow do I delete all messages in an inbox?
21:52.52[TK]D-Fendersvm_invictvs: 7. 6.  Was. Rinse. Repeat.
21:53.09*** part/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:53.14PipBoyLady is working at a shrinks office. Dials her queue code to get into queue, it asks her for her Ext number to log her into queue. She forgets she dialed the queue code and then enters it again. Crazy person calls in to see their shrink, Guess who is the first person in queue to awnser?
21:53.14svm_invictvscan I just go on the box and delete the files?
21:53.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:53.26pigpen[TK]D-Fender, you sure are talking to me today.
21:53.35svm_invictvs[TK]D-Fender: Can i Just delete the files on the server?
21:53.56PipBoythe queue code awnsers :D and asks the customer what their extension is... Customer hangs up and the queue program logs his phone number into the queue
21:54.52[TK]D-Fenderpigpen: Yeah, my bad aim and new IRC client are a boatload of FAIL today...
21:54.58[TK]D-Fendersvm_invictvs: Sure
21:55.09PipBoySo then someone else calls in for their shrink.. Dials the other crazy persons number (because he is now a queue member) and now two crazy people are talking out their issues with each other.. the best part is... the person who was signed into the queue, thinks their shrink just called him back but is now asking for mental help :D
21:55.43navaismoAny one can help with this--->utils.c:565 lock_info_destroy: Thread 'pbx_thread           started at [ 5631] pbx.c ast_pbx_start()' still has a lock! - 'q' (0x2aaaac6dcaa0) from 'update_realtime_members' in app_queue.c:2492!
21:55.55pigpen[TK]D-Fender, I saw the conversation, gotta love the tab button.  Hope all is well, just wanted to give you a hard time
21:59.01svm_invictvs[TK]D-Fender: Ideally, I'd like to delete the message after it's been emailed
21:59.42asr33svm_invictvs: they are in /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default/"your voice account"/INBOX
22:00.03svm_invictvsI could just set a cron job to periodically clean out old messages
22:02.59[TK]D-Fendersvm_invictvs: delete=yes <--------
22:04.35svm_invictvsBut, my big question is, does it need to be done in such a way that Asterisk needs to "know" about the delete?
22:04.54svm_invictvsLike, do I have to invoke a command to have them removed, or is it just looking for the presence of the recordings?
22:05.23[TK]D-Fendersvm_invictvs: You want it deleted as e-mailed.  there is a box option for this already
22:05.44svm_invictvsAh okay
22:05.47svm_invictvsI'll look into it
22:05.59svm_invictvsI'ma ctaully movin my asterisk server to a new machine, probalby will roll that change in there
22:06.30[TK]D-FenderIt's totally worth the 5 seconds it should take.
22:16.18jacekowskijpsharp: 3 users
22:16.20jacekowskijpsharp: out of 30
22:19.42*** join/#asterisk corretico (~luis@
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22:22.13*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
22:23.40*** join/#asterisk ulogic (421e6b4f@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
22:34.10*** join/#asterisk cyborg-one (
22:41.47*** join/#asterisk Alex25 (~kvirc@
22:44.13Alex25I'm trying to a channel from CLI, but asterisk outputs "SIP/xxxzz is not a known channel" - how to hangup such channels?
22:44.54Alex25or the extension they are using?
22:49.27jpsharpjacekowski: Check those phones.  Make sure they've got good handsets.  And make sure your users don't have cranial rectalitis.
22:49.42jpsharpAlex25: You need the full channel identifier.
22:49.52jpsharpit should be something like SIP/xxxzz-yyyy
22:51.21Alex25I have it -  but cannot hangup
22:51.38Alex25"SIP/xxxzz is not a known channel"
22:51.58Alex25that's an example
22:53.07jpsharpYou're typing it exactly as it shows up in 'core show channels'?
22:53.17Alex25yes sure
22:53.39jacekowskijpsharp: i did check the phones, and i can't hear anything
22:53.48jacekowskijpsharp: and those are brand new phones
22:55.03Alex25asterisk -rx "channel request hangup SIP/"
22:55.13Alex25SIP/ is not a known channel
22:55.36jacekowskitry doing asterisk -r and using tab autocompletion
22:55.55jacekowskijpsharp: i'm just wondering if it isn't a sidetone issue
22:56.04jpsharpjacekowski: I'd blame the users then.  Probably cranking up the volume all the way or something.
22:56.22jpsharpOr yelling into the phone.
23:02.38Alex25ok i found the problem
23:03.01*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
23:03.05jpsharpWhat was it?
23:03.09Alex25when I do
23:03.15Alex25CHANNEL=`asterisk -rx "core show channels" | grep SIP/ | grep 200 | cut -f1 -d" "`; asterisk -rx "channel request hangup $CHANNEL"
23:03.27Alex25I get only partial SIP id
23:03.51Alex25how to get it in full?
23:04.46[TK]D-FenderAlex25You should probably be looking at each step in that yourself
23:04.47Alex25I'm getting SIP/  when it's actually SIP/
23:04.56*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-uiezpnjzaraxwjpr)
23:05.07Alex25what do you think?
23:05.46[TK]D-FenderAlex25: I think you should be LOOKING at each step of this...
23:06.02[TK]D-FenderAlex25: core show channels <-- starting with
23:07.41Alex25so you mean "core show channels" only provide limited output lenght?
23:08.51[TK]D-FenderAlex25: I mean GET OFF YOUR ASS AND LOOK
23:09.15Alex25that was not my code
23:09.24Alex25and i'm not a bash expert
23:10.16[TK]D-FenderThat isn't even BASH
23:10.22Alex25so if u see something i shd know just say it
23:10.24[TK]D-Fenderthat is an ASTERISK CLI command
23:10.35*** join/#asterisk fritz09 (
23:10.36[TK]D-FenderYou aren't looking
23:11.20Alex25asterisk -rx "core show channels"
23:11.21*** join/#asterisk lvlinux (
23:11.27Alex25what's wrong?
23:11.58[TK]D-FenderAlex25: What do YOU see in it?
23:12.42Alex25I see a command to * to output active channels
23:12.54Alex25i dont knwo why string lenght is limited
23:13.13[TK]D-FenderIS it limited?
23:13.35[TK]D-FenderI'm not seeing you SHOWING me a channel dump and maybe some kind of qualified comparison to base a conclusion on...
23:13.58Alex25I'm getting SIP/  when it's actually SIP/
23:14.12[TK]D-FenderThen I guess that command isn't good enough
23:14.21Alex25when i try on bash cli its: SIP/
23:14.41Alex25when on asterisk cli itself its: SIP/
23:15.30Alex25I need to get it in full with bash, that's all
23:16.02Alex25if u see something wrong with my comman which causes that. pls tell me
23:16.27[TK]D-FenderOf course something is wrong with the command.
23:16.33[TK]D-FenderIt doesn't output the WHOLE CHANNEL NAME
23:16.40[TK]D-FenderHow is this even a question?
23:16.46[TK]D-FenderIt's not there
23:16.54[TK]D-Fenderthis isn't a mystery
23:17.06[TK]D-FenderIt has a limited length
23:17.10[TK]D-FenderIt is not reliable.
23:17.19[TK]D-FenderYou should be looking at something else then.
23:17.25*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
23:17.41[TK]D-Fendergo enter the command at * cli and hit <tab> and LOOK
23:18.31Alex25i did it, and it worked fine on * cli
23:18.43Alex25the only problem was with bash
23:18.56svm_invictvsNext dumb question, is it possible to resolve extensions using LDAP?
23:19.25svm_invictvsSo, if the extension starts with say 1, then tell Asterisk to use an LDAP query to find where to forward?
23:20.02Alex25so how to get output the WHOLE CHANNEL NAME in bash CLI?
23:21.21jpsharpsvm_invictvs: Use the LDAP realtime driver.
23:23.01[TK]D-FenderAlex25: It isn't going to be different one way from the other.  And I am not SEEING output from both.
23:23.30*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
23:26.13p3nguincore show channels concise
23:26.39p3nguinThat will show the whole channel name, and it even has nice separated values for easier parsing.
23:28.17Alex25thanks it's working
23:28.32Alex25but it provide extra data in a long string
23:28.54Alex25I need only the sip id for hanging it up
23:29.16*** join/#asterisk lvlinux (
23:29.46[TK]D-FenderNot going to look or show anything
23:29.52[TK]D-FenderI've wasted enough time on this.
23:30.33p3nguin2.5 hours!
23:31.10Alex25sure. you go to sleep a little bit
23:31.19Alex25you sound tired
23:33.16p3nguinGet your awk on, and parse that damned channel name before someone shows up at your house and not only hangs up your channel, but hangs you as well.
23:34.39[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin: Best part is if that command ends up killing the channel ISSUING it first...
23:34.50Alex25sorry i'm not a genius like you and your friend
23:35.04Alex25I'm a simple person
23:35.16Alex25who try to setup somethinh
23:35.24[TK]D-FenderAlex25: You aren't looking and you aren't showing.
23:36.02[TK]D-FenderYou show NO initiative.  You seem to expect someone else to rewrite your broken 3rd party scripts for you and not ddo a single thing to help the process or learn anything
23:36.17Alex25what do I need to "show"?
23:36.23Alex25if i came here
23:36.39Alex25that means i only need a quick solution for something
23:36.44*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
23:36.53p3nguinWhat is your definition of quick?
23:36.59Alex25I didn't ask you to code a complex script for me
23:37.17Alex25just a small tip
23:38.38Alex25but you like to play arrogance on newbies
23:39.16Alex25maybe it's your way to feel special
23:39.34Alex25but I'm not in this game
23:39.47[TK]D-FenderYou are running the game.
23:39.53[TK]D-FenderI asked you to show the output of MULTUIPLE commands.
23:40.03[TK]D-FenderCLI straight VS bash which you claim is different
23:40.04Alex25I'm just trying to setup something for my parents
23:40.19[TK]D-Fender'I asked for something comparative to show that what you see isn't in fact good.
23:40.44[TK]D-FenderAnd all you have is a STORY about the reasons you arent even hitting TAB in CLI where I tell you to to see the OPTIONS
23:40.48[TK]D-FenderYou are doing NOTHING for yourself
23:40.53[TK]D-FenderYou INSIST on doing nothing
23:40.57[TK]D-FenderNoone owes you anything
23:41.06Alex25ypu see?
23:41.10p3nguin[tk]d-fender: How dare you try to help someone do exactly what they were looking to do.  You're such an asshole!
23:41.24Alex25here u play the game
23:41.44*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:41.45[TK]D-FenderAlex25I'm just trying to setup something for my parents <- do0esn't amtter if you want it for a school project.  Or your job.  Or your parents.  Or as an exercise in masochism
23:42.06Alex25I didn't come here to undergo quizes, just looking for an answer, and make it as simple as possible
23:42.40Alex25so stop your arrogant game please
23:42.59Alex25didn't you say u were going to sleep?
23:43.12[TK]D-FenderAlex25: Answer : Since you aren't even going to look at what you're doing piece by piece, or show anything, and you clearly don't want to learn anything, then your laziness doesn't deserve a hand-out
23:43.16Alex25u should learn to respect people
23:43.32[TK]D-FenderAlex25: Respect is cooperating with those whose help you want
23:43.43[TK]D-FenderAlex25: You seem to feel you're entitled to us doing everything for you
23:43.52Alex25you are not a teacher or a mentor here
23:44.00Alex25you shd know your place
23:44.01[TK]D-FenderI am.  You are no STUDENT
23:44.11[TK]D-Fenderyou don't want to know anything and give nothing but excuses.
23:44.28[TK]D-FenderDon't feel surprised at the result
23:44.38Alex25if someone comes here and ask a question - he onle looking for an answer
23:44.57Alex25don't play quizes with people here
23:45.07Alex25you're not better than anyone
23:45.10[TK]D-FenderAlex25: It isn't a quiz.  You're too lazy to do anything at all.
23:45.17[TK]D-FenderYou've provien it time and again
23:46.43*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@

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