IRC log for #asterisk on 20121203

00:05.16*** join/#asterisk TechSmurf (~jdaniel@unaffiliated/techsmurf)
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02:17.02*** join/#asterisk josefig (~josef@unaffiliated/josefig)
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03:15.46*** join/#asterisk asr33 (~asr33@unaffiliated/asr33)
03:33.58josefigon extensions.conf how can be set the prefix ? I'd like to receive an extension like 11XXXXXXXX where the XXXX will be the a phone number, something like: exten => _11XXXXX,1,Dial(H323/@service) .. or how is it ?
03:46.15p3nguinIf the person will be dialing 11 followed by some numbers, that could be what you're looking for.
03:46.46p3nguinAfter the 11, how many other digits will be entered?
03:46.58*** join/#asterisk Invader (~Invader@unaffiliated/invader)
03:48.02josefigp3nguin: 10 numbers
03:48.23josefigdoes extesions.conf support some regex match ?
03:48.57p3nguinYes, but you don't use regex for extension matching.  You just use patterns.
03:49.34p3nguinWill those 10 digits be north american phone numbers?
03:49.38josefigp3nguin, great. How can I match that? 11 after a number, ie. UK 44 … would be 1144XXXXXX
03:50.05josefigwill be worldwide.
03:50.53josefigbecause I did this .. exten => _X.,1,Dial(ooh323,${EXTEN}@mainroute)
03:51.05p3nguinThat is invalid syntax.
03:51.45josefigdamn :(
03:51.59p3nguin_X. will match one digit followed by one or more characters.  Dial() requires Tech/extension or Tech/peer/extension or Tech/
03:52.32josefigI'm following this url
03:52.41josefigbut I guess is not as useful as I though.
03:52.55infobotsomebody said patterns was a method to install groups with zypper. Use `zypper pt` to list patterns, use `zypper install -t pattern pattern-name` to install them.
03:52.59p3nguin~dialplab patterns
03:53.03p3nguin~dialplan patterns
03:53.03infobotdialplan patterns are explained here:
03:53.07p3nguinThere  ^^^
03:53.14josefigthank you p3nguin
03:53.23josefiglet me make a review.
03:54.15p3nguinexten => _1144XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(H323/mainroute/${EXTEN:2})
03:54.30p3nguinThis extension will match 11 44 and eight more digits 0-9.
03:54.56josefigok, after mainroute/${EXTEN:2} is that neccesary ?
03:55.09josefigthe ${EXTEN:2}
03:55.10p3nguinIt will use the h323 channel driver, sending via peer named mainroute to the number you dialed without the 11 on it.
03:55.27josefigoh I got it!
03:55.55p3nguinSo if you enter 11 44 8080 1234, it would send 4480801234 via peer mainroute.
03:56.10josefigyes, that's just what I needed! thank you really!
03:56.15josefiga beer for ya! ;)
03:56.47p3nguinIf you have variable length numbers, you will need to have another pattern for that.
03:57.04josefiglike in the very next line ?
03:57.13josefigor changing it ?
03:57.52p3nguinYou could do it two ways.  You could change that pattern to _1144XXXXXXX.,1,Dial()
03:58.25p3nguinor you could make a second one with _1144XXXXXXXX.,1,Dial()
03:58.35p3nguinEach X is a digit 0-9.
03:58.50p3nguinThe dot means one or more characters (letters or numbers).
03:59.10josefigand if I don't know how many X's I need? sometimes could be 10 and sometimes could be 9 ?
03:59.29p3nguinThen you could remove one X and replace it with a dot.
03:59.41josefigoh great, I got it.
03:59.52p3nguinor even remote two Xs and replace with one dot.
04:00.09p3nguinEven using _1144X. will still match 10 more digits.
04:00.29p3nguinI just like to be as close to the number of digits as possible.
04:00.35p3nguinBetter patterns match first.
04:00.37josefigyes, I understood.
04:02.06josefigI have one more question, after the Dial(H323.. <-- If I add H323 it means I need to setup the h323.conf instead of adding ooh323 and using ooh323.conf right ?
04:03.02p3nguinYou'll have to determine your channel tech.  I just used H323 because I know the tech name for the channel driver is H323.  If ooh323, you may need to use Dial(ooh323/......)
04:03.33p3nguinI don't use either, so I don't know the tech name.
04:03.39josefigyep, thank you!
04:17.55*** join/#asterisk kingpin8080 (
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04:33.47josefigp3nguin: when I try to make a call in my softphone says Call Rejected and on messages say: [Dec  2 22:32:09] WARNING[2378][C-00000000] app_dial.c: Dial argument takes format (technology/resource) this is how I added the exten, exten => _11X.,1,Dial(h323,mainroute,${EXTEN:2}) but is not working
04:40.58*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-nsemmsmuhxfvpnlm)
04:44.46jpsharpYou have to dial with h323/mainroute, not h323,mainroute.
04:45.21p3nguinThat's what I told him before.
04:48.56*** join/#asterisk k610 (
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04:56.26josefigp3nguin, yep my bad, now is working ;) thank you!
04:56.39josefigand the chan is ooh323 instead of h323
04:56.44josefigI'm very happy now!
05:57.30*** join/#asterisk bowzak (~bowzak@
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06:43.45unicrono hy
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07:03.08*** join/#asterisk salz212 (~chatzilla@
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07:04.35salz212Guys I want to Log Agi verbose in logs..this is not agi debugs I am talking about.. I need just the AGI->verbose to be logged in Logs. It was working in Asterisk 1.6 but now in Asterisk 11.0.1 it is not.. Any clue whats the change?.
07:06.22*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
07:11.44kaldemarsalz212: did you ever answer when you were asked how the global variable in your dialplan was used?
07:13.11kaldemarand there is no such thing as agi verbosity in asterisk. you're talking about something custom.
07:13.21salz212nah i was gone at that time.  Anyways what I am doinf in extensions.conf is : [globals] AGIVERBOSE=9
07:13.58kaldemarand the rest?
07:14.08kaldemarsetting a global variable alone does nothing at all.
07:14.20salz212also in cli.conf
07:14.36salz212point is it should log all agi-verbose logs  thats it.
07:14.55kaldemarlog where?
07:15.40salz212I want all CLI logs to be logged in messages  thats it. I can see AGI logs on CLI but they are not going to log
07:15.47salz212yes I know about logger.conf
07:15.54kaldemaranyway, are you going to tell what you have used the AGIVERBOSE variable for?
07:16.46kaldemarare you having trouble configuring logger.conf?
07:22.57*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
07:23.05salz212No i dont think so, I have enabled all for consol and messages but it is still not logging AGI-Verbose  logs
07:24.01kaldemarwhat do you mean by "AGI-Verbose"?
07:25.01salz212I am using perl Asterisk::AGI  in which I am verbosing to logs it is working fine on Asterisk 1.6 but not on 11
07:26.02kaldemardo you see the verbose messages in CLI?
07:26.54*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
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07:27.30kaldemarif it is the "verbose" command Asterisk::AGI really uses and your logger has "verbose" on the "messages" line, then it should work.
07:28.28salz212yes.. i do see them.. that is what bugging me
07:29.14*** join/#asterisk appleboy (~appleboy@about/cooking/nakedchef/apple/tarts)
07:30.00*** join/#asterisk Takapa (
07:30.11kaldemarsalz212: do what does your logger.conf look like?
07:32.17salz212currently : console => notice,warning,error,verbose,dtmf and messages => notice,warning,error,verbose, though I have done hit and trial.
07:33.18kaldemarthe whole file
07:38.26*** part/#asterisk deo (~deo@
07:41.19salz212found something.. I hope you do..It has wasted a lot of time.
07:42.06*** join/#asterisk elico (
07:42.38*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
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07:47.54kaldemarsalz212: nothing. do you get any verbose messages in the file?
07:48.22salz212from dialplan . yes.. from AGI no
07:51.45kaldemarenable agi debug to see what your AGI really does.
07:56.19salz212did that and it work as smooth as it should be.
07:59.54*** join/#asterisk deo__ (~deo@
08:00.27*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:98c3:80bc:893a:68a8)
08:00.48kaldemarsalz212: obviously something is not working if you don't see messages in your file.
08:00.52*** part/#asterisk deo__ (~deo@
08:01.08kaldemarwhat is the CLI output with AGI debug enabled?
08:02.34*** join/#asterisk surferboy (
08:02.45salz212everything.. all the logic set verbose everything is being displayed.. like it should be.
08:02.57surferboyI'm not very good with asterisk
08:03.01surferboycan someone lend a hand
08:03.11surferboyI love learning this stuff
08:03.37surferboyif I dial an extension directly I get through to the voicemail
08:03.53surferboyif I get transfered from another extension I don't go through to the voicemail
08:04.06surferboyI have the output from asterisk in verbose mode
08:04.13surferboywhat should I look for in there?
08:06.20ChannelZmy guess is that the other extension you get transferred from is in another context and your dialplan doesnt behave the same way in both
08:07.44kaldemarsalz212: i don't take your word for it.
08:08.10surferboyChannelZ, how can I check that?
08:08.18salz212okay don't, I don't have anything left to say.
08:08.19surferboyChannelZ, or more importantly how can I fix that
08:08.21surferboyhaha fixing it...
08:08.49salz212i'll eventually resolve it, do't worry. tc.
08:09.21ChannelZmake calls, pastebin the console.
08:09.45kaldemarsalz212: you have left to use pastebin and show the output.
08:10.27*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
08:10.48kaldemarsalz212: if not, you're just wasting time here by saying "everything is correct but not working", since logger does write verbosity to file in 11.0.1.
08:13.04surferboyI don't think I should pastbin this info
08:13.25ChannelZsalz212: worked for me...    [Dec  3 01:11:54] VERBOSE[29861][C-00000046] res_agi.c: callhandler.php: blarfffff
08:14.26*** join/#asterisk creativx (
08:14.54ChannelZsurferboy: well, good luck then.  A transferred call is a new call by the phone you're transferring from.  Something is probably different about your dialplan as a result giving the behavior you describe.
08:15.23salz212okay i found the problem. its perl AGI which takes message and a verbose level ... in case of absense of verbose level I had added the verbose level to 9.... I changed it to 3 and it worked... Wonderful, still illogical.
08:15.41surferboywhat should I check for in the dial plan? thanks a lot for your assistance ChannelZ
08:16.06ChannelZCheck that it's doing whatever you wanted it to do.
08:16.47ChannelZI'm not clairvoyant
08:17.17*** join/#asterisk datarecall (
08:17.32ChannelZI get the feeling however you maybe didn't make this dialplan... do I smell FreePBX?
08:21.04kaldemarsurferboy: have you been to #elastix ?
08:21.05ChannelZsame difference
08:21.49surferboy#asterisk is better
08:22.04surferboythe console verbose output looks pretty similar
08:22.09ChannelZBut you need support with Elastix, not Asterisk.
08:22.10surferboywhat should I check out though?
08:23.26kaldemarsurferboy: it's not the question of which channel you consider better. elastix is not supported on this channel.
08:23.42surferboyit's asterisk under the gui
08:23.53ChannelZyes but the GUI wrote all the config files
08:23.55kaldemarsurferboy: read the following and apply it to elastix:
08:23.58infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
08:24.19ChannelZand the dialplans it makes are enormous.  You have a problem with THEIR operation.
08:25.10kaldemaryou're giving a black box here and asking why it does not do what you expect. no one will be able to give you an answer.
08:25.24*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
08:25.58surferboy185 peeps vs. 20 peeps
08:26.30*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
08:28.25ChannelZIt's not a matter of numbers.
08:28.51surferboymore numbers
08:28.54kaldemarsurferboy: did you read what we just said?
08:28.55surferboymore help
08:29.07kaldemarso you did not understand.
08:30.18kaldemarduring the 27 minutes you've been here, you've basically been told to ask elsewhere. you're not even letting us help you help yourself.
08:33.32*** join/#asterisk k610 (
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08:34.46*** part/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
08:37.55*** join/#asterisk kaldemar (~kaldemar@unaffiliated/kaldemar)
08:42.47*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
08:43.03bombevgood morning
08:47.35*** join/#asterisk Faustov (user@gentoo/user/faustov)
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09:18.26*** join/#asterisk fredericve (
09:19.38fredericveHi, I have a sip trunk, and when the remote party puts me on hold, I hear my own music on hold. I'm using asterisk
09:19.42*** join/#asterisk deo__ (~deo@
09:19.48*** join/#asterisk Trixboxer (~Trixboxer@
09:19.52fredericveAny way to fix that?
09:20.53*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (
09:21.30TrixboxerHi, Im trying to create a menu IVR, in which I would be doing an announcement, then ask for name then ask for contact no then ask for information and then hangup. My problem is Im not able to record the call since announcement
09:22.11ChannelZWhat do you mean "not able"
09:22.59TrixboxerIm using elastix UI to create the IVR, Im unable to get a single recorded wav file which will have info since the call came in
09:23.26TrixboxerI think I need to do something in ivr-10-custom but not sure what exactly goes in
09:23.32ChannelZ#elastix or #freepbx
09:24.05Trixboxerits a custom dialplan and does not relate to elastix ui or freepbx ui
09:24.43ChannelZThen why did you just say "Im using elastix UI to create the IVR"
09:25.26Trixboxersorry about that, its only the initial ivr which is made by it and now I'm customising it with additional asterisk info
09:25.28*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
09:25.56ChannelZWell I guess pastebin what you're doing then.
09:26.27ChannelZfredericve: that one's kind of complicated..
09:27.56Trixboxersure, allow me some time to put up
09:28.07*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
09:28.46bulkorokhey... I have a sangoma voicetime ut50... dahdi 2.6 and asterisk 1.8.18 is installed.. do I just plug this thing in and reconfigure dahdi?!
09:28.51bulkorokreload module etc!?
09:30.11bulkorokdoes that thing could help with MixMonitor jitter!?
09:30.55ChannelZassuming DAHDI sees it as some device it knows about, reloading the DAHDI drivers at minumum yes..
09:31.50ChannelZbut if I had to guess I'd assume they have a custom driver
09:31.58bulkorokthey have one...
09:33.10bulkorokoh... great note :-/
09:35.35*** join/#asterisk deo (~deo@
09:35.39ChannelZWhat version of Asterisk?
09:36.08bulkorokit seems like MixMonitor is causing some delay/jitter/dropped packets
09:36.22bulkorokso I thought it's a timing one...
09:36.29ChannelZI don't think MixMonitor is dependent on DAHDI
09:37.20bulkorokit's heavenly jitter...
09:38.30bulkorokwell... lots of...
09:38.58ChannelZOh. Heavily perhaps.
09:39.46ChannelZWhat codec are either side of the call using?
09:41.47fredericveChannelZ: In what way complicated?
09:42.24*** join/#asterisk deo__ (~deo@
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09:43.13ChannelZAs in, it may or may not be something you can control, and there are a lot of variables as to why it's happening.  For instance see for some discussion
09:44.27bulkorokI need some traces I suppose...
09:45.22ChannelZbulkorok: Have you tried/do you have issues with ChanSpy as well, or just Record()ing files coming out badly?
09:46.08ChannelZAnd is this a VM, or a poopy server?
09:47.20bulkorokit's a hardware server...
09:47.25bulkorokI just make recordings...
09:47.56bulkorokand I see that calls going out are bad... I can not see if they are comming in bad (that's why I trace now...)
09:48.58bulkorokbut I suppose they come in ok, because calls come from SNOM phones...
09:50.48ChannelZSounds like maybe this isn't a MixMonitor issue at all?
09:51.06bulkorokI don't think so too, but I have to be sure...
09:51.26bulkorokcan be I/O-problem from hdd...
09:52.23ChannelZbut you're saying that "calls going out are bad" - or are you only judging this by what you hear in MixMonitor recordings?
09:52.44bulkorokI can see that with my monitoring tool
09:53.42ChannelZwhich is/does what
09:54.48ChannelZFfffuuuuuu it's 3am I gotta go to bed
09:54.51*** join/#asterisk Ice_Strike (
09:55.00bulkorokit's voipfuture rtpmon which is tapping all sip/rtp streams
09:56.30*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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10:38.39salz212kaldemar: you there?
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10:39.54salz212I found the problem and solution, thought you deserve to know as you also spent quite some time with me. So, it the verbose level which we set in agi->verbose(Logz,Verbose LEVEL) .. this is just an example.. so if the verbose level is 9 Agi logs are never logged; it work in level 3. Weird though but its a solution for me :)
10:40.16*** join/#asterisk deo__ (~deo@
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10:46.39*** part/#asterisk deo (~deo@
10:49.42kaldemarsalz212: the real reason is that the verbose level on your asterisk is below 9.
10:50.16salz212no, Its not.. its 99
10:50.20*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
10:51.29salz212it only works at 3 ... for agi logs.
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11:08.17*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
11:12.47kaldemarsalz212: well, works here.
11:12.58*** join/#asterisk pbxman (c335d9a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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11:51.44salz212this verbose level i am talking about is set in ASTERISK::AGI  for each log. Its not "core set verbose VALUE".
11:52.35kaldemarit is the asterisk verbosity level eventually. the module may have bugs then.
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12:47.46mathito connect the PSTN to my asterisk server, what kind of card do I need ?
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12:50.12Chainsawmathi: That depends on how your current telephone lines are delivered.
12:50.26Chainsawmathi: Should they be analog, please promise me that you will avoid the bargain basement X100 cards.
12:51.12mathiChainsaw, I don't know how that works honestly:(
12:51.41Chainsawmathi: Well, you have telephone lines coming in. What country is this, and what type of telephone line is it.
12:52.30mathiChainsaw, I live in Belgium, what types of telephone lines are there?
12:52.41*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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12:52.46Chainsawmathi: Analog & ISDN. Both likely supplied through Belgacom.
12:53.20Chainsawmathi: Do you have one of their business exchange boxes with the piano tune hold music, or just direct lines into the wall?
12:53.22Chainsawplays the 12 second hold loop on his air piano
12:54.06mathi:-) I think it's from the wall...
12:54.07WIMPymathi: How many lines.
12:54.28mathiI just need one line into my asterisk, it's to tests home on my server
12:54.35carrarOh sure
12:54.38*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
12:54.38carrarit starts out with just 1
12:54.47carrarthen you want more and more
12:54.53WIMPyNo, how many do you have, not how many do you want to connect.
12:55.32mathiWIMPy, I have one line home but I need a second for my server
12:56.05Chainsawmathi: Could you look on the wall whether you have an "NT1" box with a green light please?
12:56.05Chainsawmathi: Is it a modem-style RJ11 connector, with 4 metal strips in a 6-hole connector, or an RJ45 connector with at least 4 metal strips in an 8-hole connector?
12:56.31mathiChainsaw, ok i'm gonna check that :P i'll be back
12:56.36mathi(might take some time :-))
13:14.10*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
13:16.00surferboyI'm going to ctcp version all of you
13:16.06surferboycause you are all assholes
13:16.31p3nguinI am devastated.
13:16.50ectospasmdon't dewit
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13:26.01kaldemarsurferboy: what was that for?
13:26.02*** join/#asterisk generalhan (~generalha@about/windows/staff/generalhan)
13:27.06carrarCause he's about to fall off the FISCAL CLIFF!!!!
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13:33.58jacekowskii'm using elastix/freepbx
13:34.02p3nguinI'm sorry.
13:34.31jacekowskiand i'm trying to set it up so when someone calls my number it rings 5 phones (i've got that sorted with ring group)
13:34.43jacekowskibut then if it's not picked up it goes to voicemail (that's sorted as well)
13:34.47p3nguinWe don't support those products here.
13:35.03jacekowskibut i want message to change based on time of day
13:35.14p3nguinIf you want help with asterisk, that we can do.
13:35.21jacekowskiok, how to do it with pure asteris
13:36.23p3nguinYou can use a combination of GotoIfTime and Playback/BackGround, or ExecIfTime and Playback/BackGround.
13:38.36p3nguinI personally use ExecIfTime and BackGround to play a sound file conditionally based on the time.
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13:39.12p3nguinI even use ExecIfTime and WaitExten after the sound file plays to give the caller some extra time to enter the extension.
13:39.33[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, func_iftime.  No need for even a whole extra line of code
13:39.48p3nguinI'll look into that right now.
13:41.04p3nguinNow to implement the change and test it.
13:42.35p3nguinWhat is going to happen when I playback nothing because the timespec is false and I only specify a file for true or vice versa?
13:43.30p3nguinI don't see how this is going to be better than my current ExecIfTime.
13:46.39kaldemarwhen you have two lines with execif, you may end up playing back both files.
13:48.17p3nguinI don't quite understand.  Here's what I have that currently works:
13:48.23p3nguinsame  => n,ExecIfTime(18:00-22:00,mon-fri,*,*?BackGround(if-u-know-ext-dial));
13:48.25p3nguinsame  => n,ExecIfTime(18:00-22:00,mon-fri,*,*?WaitExten(3));
13:48.43p3nguinIf the time is outside that time range, the sound doesn't play and the waitexten doesn't wait.
13:48.51[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, There is a "false" for IFTIME
13:49.04p3nguinI saw that.
13:49.18kaldemarthe tiem might do out of the spec during playback.
13:49.33[TK]D-Fenderp3nguin, And since you're suggesting playing a different announcement based on time, just use the busy/unavail for that and you can do it all in the call to VM
13:50.07p3nguinIt's part of the AA.
13:51.01p3nguinAfter 10pm, you don't get the "if you know the extension, dial it now" message; you just get the regular after hours messages.
13:51.43ghost75is there any soundfile like: press bla to forward to mobile phone?
13:51.50p3nguinIt works great, so I don't see a reason to change mine.
13:52.02[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Nope
13:52.13p3nguinYou can easily make one.
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14:00.13mathiI made some pictures of my PSTN line, could someone tell me what card I should purchase absed on the pics?
14:01.06mathithis is the wall:  and here is the connection with modem:
14:02.21[TK]D-Fendermathi, Looks like some non- North American POTS plugged into a DSL modem.
14:02.32mathi[TK]D-Fender, I'm from Belgium
14:02.47WIMPymathi: Looks analog.
14:02.48[TK]D-Fendermathi, Which would mean any of the usual analog cards should work (give or take the regional signalling)
14:03.04WIMPyBut if you want to add a 2nd line, you probably want to change that for a BRI.
14:03.08leifmadsenFXO is for phone company (wall) and FXS is for telephone (some phone)
14:03.22leifmadsenya, Belgium probably has BRI capabilities
14:05.52mathicould I put an asterisk server instead of the DSL modem? or am I forced by my provider (Belgacom) to use the DSL modem for my phones?
14:06.55WIMPyHmm. Is that an IAD your phone is connected to?
14:07.28[TK]D-Fendermathi, Typically the DSL is just for INTERNET access.  how do you figure Asterisk has any role in getting rid of that?
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14:07.56[TK]D-Fendermathi, Probably the only reason the phone is plugged into it it is for convenience of it having a filtered passthrough jack on it.
14:08.26WIMPyOr he doesn't have a phone line at all and that thin just contains an ATA.
14:08.55[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, Yes, that could be it as well
14:09.30[TK]D-FenderWIMPy, So combo DSL modem on dry line w/ ATA built in... pretty masty, but I can imagine it.
14:10.02WIMPyThat's what the future has been for sever years in Europe.
14:10.19[TK]D-FenderWouldn't that be the PAST few years? ;)
14:10.23mathiit is an IAD, it provides telephony and internet ... so how could I put an Asterisk server in between? without losing the internet. Sorry i'm totally confsed :P
14:10.55mathior is it impossible and I need to buy a second PSTN line coming from the wall ? :-(
14:10.55[TK]D-Fendermathi, You shouldn't be.
14:11.17[TK]D-Fendermathi, you need to actually KNOW what the box is doing first
14:11.19WIMPymathi: I depends on what your provider allows. Will they give you the credentials for your phone account?
14:11.22[TK]D-Fendermathi, Go find out.
14:12.09WIMPyWhat other connections does the IAD have? Here they are usually equipped with 2 FXS and one S0.
14:13.48mathiWIMPy, you can see on the picture, seems there are two FXS and one FXO
14:13.49surferboywhat is huntloop=1
14:14.31mathi[TK]D-Fender, how do I find out? and what questions am I looking for ?
14:14.50WIMPymathi: I don't think there's an FXO.
14:15.11mathiWIMPy, well, there is one cable connected from the wall to the modem, this is FXO
14:15.19WIMPyDo you have a model?
14:15.31WIMPyThat must be DSL.
14:16.09*** join/#asterisk minotaur01 (~minotaur@
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14:17.37[TK]D-Fendersurferboy, Where do you see this?
14:18.06mathiWIMPy, it's a SAGEM vdsl2. I think it's DSL indeed... so how does the phone ring? :P
14:18.08kaldemarsurferboy: elastix-specific stuff. ask in #elastix.
14:18.46surferboythis is asterisk
14:18.48surferboyno elastix
14:19.30kaldemarleifmadsen: would you mind doing something for him?
14:19.45p3nguinmjordan: Hi.
14:19.45surferboyI forgot to tell you something
14:19.56surferboyyou ready?
14:19.58surferboywait for it
14:20.00surferboywait for it
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14:21.24mathiWIMPy, this is what we bought:
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14:26.02WIMPymathi: Yes, clearly an IAD. H.323, SIP or MGCP
14:26.14mathiWIMPy, so how does the phone works if there is only incoming DSL from wall?
14:26.43WIMPySo if you can get hold of the credentials for your hpone"line" you can skip the IAD and use them with Asterisk. That would be the best solution.
14:27.02WIMPyThere's an ATA in that modem.
14:27.26WIMPyI.e. you don't have a phone line.
14:28.25mathiWIMPy, what does the ATA looks like ? You mean this device ?
14:28.53WIMPyThat's just a plug.
14:29.28mathiahhh you meant inside the modem
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14:30.26WIMPyIAD = Modem/router/VOIP gateway combo box.
14:30.58mathiWIMPy, and this ATA inside the modem connects my phone with it ?
14:31.29WIMPyAnd it looks like you could connect a 2nd phone.
14:31.36mathiWIMPy, thanks! i need to go now, I hope we can talk later
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15:21.54bombevwhat does it mean that sip code: Got SIP response 480 "Temporarily not available"
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15:23.42wdoekesdepends on the equipment.. I use that whenever I don't have a more sensible error code (like 404 or 486)
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15:24.39wdoekesi.e. the peer should be reachable through this uas/proxy but he isn't at the moment
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16:10.34radicwhy does the last extension only work if the 1st is commented?
16:10.35radic;exten => _[015].,1,Set(num=${OUTNUM2})
16:10.35radicexten => _X.,1,Goto(keinan,1)
16:17.05WIMPyBecause you dialed something that started with 0, 1 or 5.
16:18.14*** join/#asterisk SuperNull (~FreeManof@
16:19.09SuperNulluhg. back for more fun :)
16:19.27SuperNullTK you alive ?
16:22.30radicWIMPy: in that case NUM ist set to OUTNUM* and asterisk goes to the next matching extension. for example 501. but if I dial anything where isn't an extension available It should use the _X.
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16:29.00SuperNulluhg, asterisk realtime needs better documentation.
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16:29.26SuperNullor perhaps i need to upgraded these age old boxes.. which ever.
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16:35.30[TK]D-FenderSuperNull, Yes I'm alive, no I don't have any experience with realtime (beyond setting up CDR via ODBC)
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16:40.26SuperNulltis what im doing my good buddy. trying to get userfield to fill on ast 1.4.x works flawless everything on 1.6
16:42.25SuperNullIf i were to rebuild all things asterisk in my network which would be ideal version ? 10 ?
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16:46.41fredericveSuperNull: I recommend 11
16:47.09SuperNullalright, any crazy dialplan changes between 11 and say... 1.6 heh. as far as syntax or anything drastic ?
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17:18.08pabelangerAnybody have any example code showing asterisk originating a call to my phone, then once I answer, it will dialing the 2nd leg of the call?
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17:20.31moos3anyone running imap_tk on centos 6 ?
17:24.53wltjrare there any sip devices for ringning, like if the phone can't be heard, ring not loud enough
17:26.17[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger, "Code"?  This is a simple Originate from * CLI, or a call files... or an AMI Originate request (you could trigger from telnet if you cared)
17:26.29[TK]D-Fenderpabelanger, No real "code" technically required
17:27.29*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
17:28.40pabelanger[TK]D-Fender: Ya, for some reason I _thought_ originate did not handle it.  After looking at the source, I was wrong
17:28.42pabelangertesting it now
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17:32.50moos3anyone have ideas The IMAP_TK installation appears to be missing or broken ?? I just downloaded on my centos 6 and did make slx EXTRACFLAGS="-fPIC -I/usr/include/openssl" what am I missing
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17:39.26mathiWIMPy, you are still here?
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18:44.18ghost75do you know any free softphone that can send fax over g711 ?
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19:08.56moos3is there a reason why asterisk is still using usr/lib64/ ?? instead of 5 ?
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19:49.52pabelangerAnybody using monitor_filename and MEMBERNAME for recording their queues?
19:50.17pabelangerOr queue member extension?
19:50.52pabelangerI haven't tested it yet, but curious if I need to use any macros when the agent answers to format the filename for mixmonitor
19:50.58pabelangerwill be testing tonight
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20:06.24moos3anyone have a idea on this
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20:11.46ghost75when i receive a fax, why is it going again to fax context after it finished?
20:14.13QwellBecause you told it to.
20:14.53navaismotoo late again
20:15.50ghost75 <- i did something here?
20:17.41navaismoDid you wrote that diapan?
20:17.59ghost75of course said the horse
20:17.59[TK]D-Fenderghost75,  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5   -- Executing [08192998774@incoming-arcor:1] NoOp("SIP/arcor_in-00000002", "Fax from unavailable for 08192998774") in new stack
20:18.17*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
20:18.27[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Sure looks like another SIP call coming in right after.  Of course ... one would think we'd have this log with SIP DEBUG enabled to be really looking at it....
20:19.01moos3can anyone help me with a odbc issue ?
20:19.05p3nguinCheck out this great idea:
20:19.06ghost75the dialplan looks ok?
20:19.34ghost75need hangup in fax context?
20:19.36[TK]D-Fenderghost75, What we see ... sure... why not...
20:20.38asr33would like to apologize to [TK]D-Fender for being rude the other day!
20:21.08leifmadsenasr33: don't worry, he's rude all the time
20:21.48asr33reguardless sorry
20:22.04[TK]D-FenderDirection fail...
20:22.11[TK]D-Fenderasr33, No worries...
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20:39.43Dovidhi all
20:40.54ghost75g711 fax for sure sucks big time
20:42.04dijibghost75: compared to g722?
20:42.10ghost75to t38
20:43.35jpsharpG711 fax works as long as the IP link is *solid*.
20:43.51jpsharpBut any hiccups and things go to hell in a heartbeat.
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20:50.01dijibjpsharp: had this situation today, i need a business line.
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20:50.32ghost75and as long there is no echo cancelation and so on
20:50.37Doviddijib: So go buy one ;0
20:51.03ghost75i dont understand why isp dont support t38
20:54.35jpsharpISP or telephony provider?
20:55.21jpsharpdijib: A business line wont help you.  You're at the mercy of transit providers and the internet in general.
20:55.35jpsharpUnless by "business line", you mean a dedicated T1 to your ITSP.
20:56.02ghost75(21:55:16) jpsharp: ISP or telephony provider? <- thats here the same
20:57.23jpsharpSupporting T38 requires extra infrastructure.
20:57.39jpsharpT.38 enabled VOIP->PSTN gateways.
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21:02.29J4nushi, I have a issue with called number starting with a prefix "+", such as "+32 4778855"
21:02.30ghost75until they will support t.38 i think fax is extinct
21:03.18J4nusis there a good practice to manage these numbers ? Now I have a rule with exten => _X.
21:03.21J4nusand it's not matched..
21:03.21leifmadsenflowroute seems to support t.38 fine
21:03.32leifmadsenJ4nus: because you need _+X.
21:03.52jpsharpI use Gafachi's T38 all the time.
21:04.09jpsharpIt's a bit of a hokey T38 installation, but it works well.
21:05.23J4nusleifmadsen, ok but how can i do to remove the "+" if needed, so i don't need to duplicate the rules
21:05.34J4nusi image i can do it with a Set
21:05.47leifmadsenyou have to have multiple lines, then just call a GoSub() for duplicate logic
21:06.15leifmadsenexten => _+X.,1,GoSub(routing,${EXTEN:1})
21:07.25*** join/#asterisk mdg (6c5df7d9@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
21:07.36J4nusleifmadsen, ok tks i will look about it :)
21:08.02mdgHello, is it possible to pass multiple options to an AGI EXEC command?  I am trying "EXEC Swift 'test test test test' 10 1" but its failing with -2
21:08.47mdgthe Swift app accepts 3 args, the text to speak, timeout, and max digits to accept before jumping to that extension
21:09.17leifmadsenReturns whatever the <application> returns, or '-2' on failure to find <
21:09.23leifmadsenyou don't have a Swift application
21:09.49mdglet me double check. .. (ive been tinkering with it so I may have my use case mixed up)
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21:14.07mdgleifmadsen: sorry - when I do "EXEC Swift '<my text>' 10 1" it speaks "<my text> 10 1"
21:14.27mdghow would you pass multiple args to EXEC?
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21:26.06Qwellmdg: use commas
21:27.17Qwellor don't
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21:27.29SuperNullTK in your realtime CDRs did you include any kind of quality info ?
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21:31.15[TK]D-FenderSuperNull, nope
21:41.46SuperNullis there a help bot in here?
21:42.54pabelangerinfobot: cookie
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21:50.24SuperNullinfobot: help
21:52.43WIMPyinfobot uses ~
21:53.45infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
21:54.39SuperNullhe worked dont worry ;)
21:54.41SuperNullhe pmed me.
21:55.08paulcI love it when a plan comes together :)
21:58.39SuperNullanyone use 'VoipMonitor(.org)' ?
21:58.59tonikaschthx WIMPy  :)
21:59.20tonikaschand paulc :p
22:07.47*** join/#asterisk wasabi1 (~wasabi@ubuntu/member/wasabi)
22:08.29wasabi1Hi folks. I'm looking for a good asterisk based utility for call center purposes. Downloading FreePBX now to see how it's IVR and queue UIs are... but if there are any other recommendations, I'd be interested.
22:11.14wltjranyone know of any alternatives to like the algo  8180 SIP Audio Alerter, cyberdata not an option even more expensive, or if anyone can recommend a phone with a really loud ringer :) only need a single line using spa301, but its not loud enough
22:13.26_Corey_wltjr: Think analog and use an ATA...  There are all manor of alarm-bell type thingies out there
22:14.28wltjr_Corey_: ok, came across stuff along those lines, I have a spa112 I likely won't be using so I guess I can do a shared sip account and have an analog phone ring, but then they will want to use the analog phone vs voip one :)
22:14.52wltjr_Corey_: unless you mean just an analog ringer, I might be able to make one of those :)
22:15.42jpsharpCheap ATA + analog ringer
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22:17.10wltjrcool thanks, was hoping to avoid the analog route, but seems thats the way to go, short of spending lots of $ on a sip one
22:17.59_Corey_I'm not aware of any benefit of using a SIP product for that other than the lack of ATA, so I think you end up paying much more than it's worth...
22:18.32wltjr_Corey_: just was wanting less devices, but I have an extra ata, so that works ;)
22:19.10WIMPyYou could always use an IP socket or an arduino or whatever and control it from the dialplan.
22:19.15wltjrplus the ringer is kinda cool, can hook up to strobe or horn :)
22:19.17WIMPyIf youre server is on the LAN at least.
22:19.48wltjrWIMPy: interesting, haven't played with those devices, but seen them used for many things
22:20.20WIMPyYou could even just wire somethign up to the servers serial or printer port.
22:21.07*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-zujhzdlybekckxhz)
22:21.52wltjrWIMPy: well thats not an option it technically is a lan, but the one location is about 1500ft away, connected via fiber
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22:34.47navaismowasabil asterisk+queuemetrics
22:42.18p3nguinIf you have an ATA and an analog ringer device, simply do parallel dialing to the ATA with the ringer and to whatever phone you want them to talk on.
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22:59.15wltjrbet i can find an analog strobe or flash light as well :)
22:59.37wltjrata has 2 ports, or 2 ringer and really make noise
23:00.31J4nusleifmadsen, ok nice it's working perfectly
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23:54.18janmatehi everybody, please is there any way to use SIP templates (from sip.conf) in LDAP? … the goal is to create minimal LDAP peer accounts and set the global shared settings in template (in sip.conf)
23:55.13SeRip3nguin: pkg delivered.
23:55.34jpsharpNice pkg!

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