IRC log for #asterisk on 20121120

00:02.53*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
00:06.23*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
00:17.24*** join/#asterisk anthm (~anthm@freeswitch/developer/anthm)
00:17.43SeRip3nguin: You around?
00:18.13SeRiI am having about 20% loss via udp mtr to
00:18.53SeRiwould changing to dallas help?
00:18.56SeRiI am thinking not
00:19.11p3nguinRun mtr against dallas and see what you get.
00:19.11SeRiI think my route would change just a tad not drastically to help
00:19.22p3nguinNo sense in switching without testing first.
00:19.36*** join/#asterisk b2 (~ion@pdpc/supporter/active/beckb)
00:19.47SeRias I thought even wrost
00:19.50SeRiis comast shit man
00:21.21*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
00:21.41SeRidamn going to dijib is even worst
00:23.34SeRip3nguin: I am in your conf just testing
00:24.15p3nguinNo problem.  That's what it's for.
00:24.28p3nguinIf I didn't want people in it, it would not be available.
00:24.38SeRicool :)
00:33.48*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:33.55*** join/#asterisk slav3_kitten (~kitten@unaffiliated/slav3-kitten/x-0866809)
00:34.43ChrisInSydneymorning all
00:38.06*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
00:40.00SeRiany body have an open echo test?
00:40.24p3nguinI can set up one or two for you.
00:41.20SeRiThat would be awesome.
00:42.21*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:42.58*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
00:43.50p3nguinLast reload: 1 year, 5 weeks, 3 days, 5 hours, 32 minutes, 29 seconds
00:44.03p3nguinAsterisk has been up for a while.
00:48.20p3nguinDid you get that one?
00:48.44SeRitrying now
00:48.46p3nguinDo you want one also on Comcast?
00:49.05p3nguinI can set up one on Comcast in Miami.
00:59.14*** join/#asterisk brdude (~brdude@
00:59.21dijibhow do i compile chan_motif ?
00:59.26dijibits got XXX in menuselect
01:00.24jpsharpIt is missing prerequisites to build.
01:00.39WIMPyIt should say at the bottom what it's missing if you place the cursor on it.
01:01.46dijibres_xmpp where do i get this?
01:01.52dijibthe others have been satisfied
01:10.28WIMPyres_ as in resource module.
01:11.36dijibXXX res_xmpp but i have dependency iksemel and openssl
01:12.14dijibdone make clean && make distclean && ./configure && make menuselect
01:13.53p3nguinThere's yer problem.
01:15.11dijibi didnt specify 64bit ?
01:17.30dijibso p3nguin when i chan orig to tony's conference i get in, but when i use the same chan orig command with conf@p3.IP it dies
01:19.57WIMPyI hate ext4.
01:20.00p3nguinLast reload: 8 weeks, 3 days, 2 hours, 58 minutes, 39 seconds
01:20.03p3nguin18352 calls processed
01:20.19p3nguinThat one is quite a bit more active, even though it is on Crapcast.
01:21.21dijibso howcome their XXX'ed out?
01:21.28dijibive got the dependencies
01:23.45WIMPyDid you install as packages and didn't install the -dev packages?
01:24.21jpsharpAnd once you installed the dependiencies did you rerun ./confgiure?
01:25.52*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
01:26.14dijibyes WIMPy
01:26.21dijibi did not install dev
01:27.07dijibyes jpsharp
01:27.16WIMPyOne of the usual examples how things that are meant to make things easier do the exact opposite.
01:29.10dijibre ./configure ing
01:30.45dijibwhats openssl-dev -utils whats it called?
01:30.55dijibnvmd i know search
01:31.42dijibok that still had them XXX'd
01:32.25*** join/#asterisk junmin (~junmin@
01:32.43SeRiI fucking hate comast.... pleas Baby Jesus.... Hear me out for once and have another ISP come out to my area... Please. Please. Please. AMEN.
01:33.57dijibanybody have any ideas?
01:34.50slav3_kittenSeRi, trade you comcast for my wisp
01:35.05slav3_kittenpay for public IP, get -1 nat layer
01:35.09dijibnvmd i found a missing dependency
01:35.10slav3_kittendouble nat = win
01:36.03*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
01:42.11dfgas-cr48dijib, hows the google voice going?
01:42.48dijibgoing well actually
01:43.01dijibit should all be configured just recompiling from source now
01:43.21dijibread that link i sent tells you everything you need to configure.
01:44.06dijibdoing a make install as we speak
01:44.09junminhello, with one voip provider, sometimes get NO AUDIO problem, how can i debug it? only have problem with one provider. any suggest?
01:44.55dijibmodules loaded
01:46.37dijibinteresting... who has a gtalk account i can test?
01:46.49p3nguinGet your own.
01:47.41slav3_kittenp3nguin, he can't last i checked they only gave them to US people an he's not in that county :D
01:48.46p3nguinI thought they gave them to US and Canada.
01:49.48dijibslav3_kitten: ive got one somewhere us have to find it
01:50.00dijibthere once was a way
01:50.10dijibthere still is that way
01:50.28slav3_kittenp3nguin, you may be correct. i thought it was US only
01:50.55dijibwhen i rant the extension for this it showed up in my gmail chat. i answered it. but the extension here kept ringing.
01:51.26dijibmaybe try with wait is there still a google messenger?
01:58.44*** join/#asterisk brdude (
01:59.19*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:03.23WIMPyToo many IPs?
02:06.58dfgas-cr48SeRi, did you try it yet?
02:07.11SeRidfgas-cr48: no need. I found my issue.
02:07.14SeRiThanks though!
02:07.57dijib"I like te-lephony and I cannot lie. You other vendors can't deny; When a call comes in with MOS so you can't hear and some echo in your ear you get angry!" - Sir Mix-a-Malcolm
02:08.28dfgas-cr48dijib, what?
02:08.54dijiblook at Seri's last post.
02:09.02SeRidijib: stop doing bath salt
02:09.20dijibor that one lar'l
02:11.00dfgas-cr48how could i do that?
02:11.16dijibi didnt write it.
02:11.28SeRidfgas-cr48: do what?
02:12.46dijibhow could you do what?
02:13.04dijibhey dfgas-cr48 do you want google talk?
02:13.19dijibif you can handle the config i can handle the software
02:14.42*** join/#asterisk Carlos_PHX_ (
02:17.03*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
02:17.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o pabelanger] by ChanServ
02:33.07SeRip3nguin: you around?
03:00.25p3nguinIt would be a lot easier if you'd just say whatever it is you want to tell me instead of first asking if I'm here, then making me answer that, then I have to wait for you to come back and type whatever it was that you wanted to tell me in the first place.
03:00.45*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
03:01.21dijibhe's gone for the night i think
03:04.09p3nguinSee what I mean?
03:04.25p3nguinIf he would have just said whatever it was he wanted me to know, I'd already know it.
03:04.42p3nguinBut now I had to respond to him that I was "here" before he'd tell me.
03:04.52dijibyeah you could have left an insightful reply to the issue although might be off topic from #asterisk
03:05.18p3nguinAsking if I am around isn't really an issue that needs to be responded to.
03:05.52dijibontopic this:  WARNING[4634]: res_xmpp.c:3096 xmpp_pak_presence: Received presence information about '' despite not having them in roster on client 'google'
03:06.20dijibhe said a bunch of comcast customers are having the same issue right now
03:06.26dijibim thinking its skynet again
03:06.47drmessanoWhat issue?
03:07.13dijibnow i wish i had mixmon running
03:07.19p3nguinHe's experiencing terrible jitter and packet loss, resulting in extremely poor audio on VoIP calls.
03:07.27dijibsaid some hub b or soething somewhere was acting up
03:07.29drmessanoYep, me too!
03:07.38p3nguinComcast for you as well?
03:07.54drmessanoI had 60% packet loss between two of their routers
03:08.29p3nguinI'm sure it doesn't make him feel better knowing that he isn't alone, but it's good to know it isn't just his service.
03:09.17dijib whats this Max Delay and forceIdle
03:13.59dijibshould i take this to #networking?
03:16.08dijibSeRi: look up to 21:00
03:30.28dijibwhat would this option do? same => n,Dial(SIP/300,20,D(:1))
03:31.26p3nguinWhat does "core show application Dial" say it does?
03:39.45dijibok ive found a known bug in 11.0.1
03:39.51dijibregarding ICE
03:40.26dijibso how does one go about adding the revised lines to chan_motif.c
03:41.22p3nguinIf someone provided a patch, you'll have to apply the patch to the source file.
03:42.15p3nguinDo you have a patch for it?
03:42.42drmessanoIts patched for RC1
03:43.05p3nguinYou can either upgrade to that or you can simply patch what you have.
03:43.56drmessanoSorry, 11.1.0-RC1
03:44.12*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
03:44.30dijibso vi the chan_motif file?
03:44.40p3nguinGet the patch file or upgrade.
03:45.05dijibor wait a week for retail
03:49.56p3nguinYou could wait, or you could fix it sooner.
03:51.40dijibthe way to go?
03:52.15p3nguinIs the patch not available?
03:52.32dijibwell what else have they fixed that i dont know about?
03:52.42p3nguinOr broke!
03:53.26dijibwhat do i do with the patch file?
03:53.31p3nguinapply it
03:53.37p3nguinDo you have it?
03:54.05dijibfrom this
03:55.10p3nguinI don't know if that is for your version or not, but you can try to apply it if you want.
03:55.34p3nguinDownload that file to something like chan_motif.c.patch
03:56.15dijibok and?
03:56.48dijib./chan_motif.c.patch in the 11/channels/ dir?
03:57.02p3nguinIt isn't an executable file, so of course not.
03:57.10dijibok then hows it work?
03:57.25dijibive never patch a thing in my life
03:58.22p3nguincd to the directory above channels.
03:59.32p3nguinI don't know the tree, so I can't say what that dir is.  Maybe it's the root of the source, I don't know.
04:01.20dijibit is
04:01.23p3nguinFeel free to show me the entire path to your chan_motif.c file.
04:02.22p3nguinOkay, so you're in /usr/src/asterisk-11.0.1, then.
04:02.34p3nguinIs your patch file there or did you leave it somewhere else?
04:02.52dijibim actually havng issues downloading it
04:03.51dijibk its in the root.
04:04.00dijibof asterisk-11.0.1
04:04.24*** join/#asterisk moy (~moy@
04:04.24p3nguinpatch -p0 < chan_motif.c.patch
04:04.47p3nguinIf the patch is compatible, it should show that it was successful.
04:07.15p3nguinIf it isn't, you should get a reject file.
04:07.19dijibcan't find file to patch at input line 3
04:08.15p3nguinOh, the patch has longer paths in it.\
04:09.01*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
04:09.01*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
04:09.09p3nguintry -p2 instead of -p0
04:09.10dijibok i will correct them
04:09.20p3nguinJust change the option in the command.
04:10.06p3nguinI forgot about their paths in that diff.  My channel patches have a path of just channel/chan_whatever.c.
04:10.16*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
04:10.43dijibpatching file channels/chan_motif.c
04:11.10p3nguinNow you have to make it again.
04:11.14dijibthey had branch/11/
04:11.32dijibso the -p2 took two levels off?
04:11.32p3nguinI know.  -p2 would remove the branch and the 11.
04:12.34dijibok here is an idea. Sip password reset
04:13.19dijibso where do i recompile from? do i start over with make clean && make distclean
04:13.33p3nguinDon't make clean or distclean.  Just make.
04:15.15p3nguinI always apply my patches before compiling the first time, since I build packages, so I'm not sure if it'll know you made a change to the file and recompile only that channel like if you had changed a setting in menuselect.
04:15.32p3nguinIf it doesn't, it shouldn't be too hard to make only that one file.
04:16.41dijiblooks like a different error
04:18.22p3nguinIs that progress?
04:19.07dijibone forward one back i would say
04:19.30dijibjingle_request: Unable to create Jingle channel on endpoint 'google
04:20.42dijibthis was what i had
04:20.45dijibERROR 21:02 < dijib>  chan_motif.c:1971 jingle_interpret_ice_udp_transport: Incomplete ICE-UDP candidate received on session
04:29.21dijibthis is now my issue but it says Google talk capable: yes
04:41.58*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (021d23fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
04:46.01*** join/#asterisk mihamina (
04:46.16drmessanopastebin your motif.conf and jabber.conf
04:46.26drmessanosorry xmpp.conf / motif.conf
04:46.33dijibwith pleasure
04:46.46p3nguinHopefully not too much pleasure.
04:51.42*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
04:52.25dijibyou see something
04:53.02drmessanoYes.. there is no "default" context in chan_motif.. The [default] in the example is meant to be used as a template.  Hang on.. let me edit
04:53.58p3nguinDoes it allow all those codecs, too?
04:56.20drmessanoI made a few tweaks.. I also changed the layout a bit.. Look here and let me continue:
04:57.09drmessanoSet the transport and context per endpoint definition.  There's no channel variables (yet), so all calls need to be dropped into a context with an s extension defined
04:57.15drmessanoSo if you added another user..
04:57.34drmessanothe context would need to be google2 (perhaps)
04:57.59drmessanoI also think it's better to set the transport per channel as you could set another endpoint in motif.conf for gtalk calls
04:58.52drmessanoYour calls werent working because nothing was being defined for that connection.  All options are defined now
05:02.58dijibyeah now ive got a jabber hook error
05:03.01dijibflooding my cli
05:03.15drmessanoWhat is the error
05:08.11dijibeffin broken
05:08.17dijibkeeps crashing my asterisk
05:08.31drmessanoThat tells me nothing
05:09.30dijibJABBER: socket read error
05:09.37dijibParsing failure: Invalid XML
05:09.48dijibthose 3 over and over
05:10.06dijibthat before the parsing
05:10.18dijibthis before the JABBER xmpp_client_thread:
05:11.58drmessanoIs that with only starting asterisk or if you try to make a call?
05:15.23dijibdamn unloading or reload chan_motif is crashing asterisk
05:15.41dijibthats starting asteris drmessano
05:16.22drmessanounloading and loading it is a bit iffy..
05:16.42drmessanoI noticed that as well
05:18.06*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
05:18.38drmessanothe only thing I have different is the lack of buddy= and the debug=
05:18.54dijibsomething is wrong with xmpp
05:19.17drmessanoIs the client showing connected?
05:19.51drmessanoMake sure you have the openssl stuff
05:20.19drmessanoI could get it to mostly work, but it would crash because there was no tls available
05:20.50drmessanores_xmpp with compile without it, just wont be happy with google
05:23.03dijibok i rewrote the xmpp.conf file with what i had originaly and its connected again. no more errors
05:23.21dijibso this is jingle ? not gtalk i have configured?
05:23.44dijibi must have picked up some unicode character from pastebin
05:25.08drmessanoTheres 3 protocols in play here..
05:26.32dijibhey its calling out to google messenger now
05:26.37dfgas-cr48dijib, yo
05:26.45dijibsorry my server crashed
05:26.49dfgas-cr48ahh, testing something
05:26.50drmessanoStrict Jingle is "ice-udp", Google Jingle is their Jingle with a different media transport, which is what is used in the web client, and Google v1 is what Gvoice uses, along with the Windows Gtalk client, which uses an earlier jingle
05:27.05dfgas-cr48you get that issue fixed? i found part of mine
05:27.27dijibstill working on it
05:27.34dijiband i was able to ping you
05:27.39dijibty drmessano
05:27.45dfgas-cr48how bad was it?
05:27.59drmessanoSo if you want to use google voice and be able to call out to gtalk clients, you need 2 endpoints configured in motif.conf.. one for transport=google-v1 and one for transport=google
05:28.33dfgas-cr48i just want google voice
05:28.43dfgas-cr48idc about google talk
05:29.04drmessanoGood for you
05:29.10drmessanoWasnt addressing you
05:29.16dfgas-cr48i know that
05:29.42dfgas-cr48dijib, what files do i need to edit, i am about to go back to sleep
05:29.57dijibedit to fix what issue?
05:30.07dfgas-cr48ih for my google voice account
05:32.24dijibdfgas-cr48: dont worry about that today
05:33.29dfgas-cr48part of my lag was my bluetooth headset
05:33.35dfgas-cr48i had major lag in my voicemail
05:37.08dijibwell then that was it
05:41.39*** part/#asterisk nicknam1232 (021d23fb@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
05:41.42dfgas-cr48well it was a big part
05:41.46dfgas-cr48otherwise idk
05:41.52dfgas-cr48how was my ping?
05:42.02dfgas-cr48p3nguin, are you around?
05:42.10dijibno hs is asleep
05:45.38dfgas-cr48dijib, in the dialplan how do i reach the auto attendant again?
05:46.15*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
05:51.20*** join/#asterisk Dennisvj (~dennis@unaffiliated/dennisvj)
05:53.57*** join/#asterisk Dennisvj (~dennis@unaffiliated/dennisvj)
05:59.29dijibdfgas-cr48: what?
05:59.50dijibyou goto your main did's extension
06:00.16dfgas-cr48if i want something to return to the the auto attendant instead of hanging up
06:01.56dijibuse the goto application and put them back to your main DID
06:06.12*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-sisdxqhkdkqbuujy)
06:09.51*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
06:10.40dfgas-cr48thank you
06:10.48dfgas-cr48back to bed i go
06:32.03*** join/#asterisk fritz09 (
06:46.05*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
06:47.08*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
06:53.42*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:16d8:cc57:1000::42:1003)
06:55.16slav3_kittendijib, you around?
06:55.35*** join/#asterisk black (~blackcat@pdpc/supporter/active/blackcat)
06:56.42*** part/#asterisk black (~blackcat@pdpc/supporter/active/blackcat)
07:09.46*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
07:29.02*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (~steve@
07:31.59*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:33.36*** join/#asterisk Chandrakant (~chandraka@
07:33.53*** join/#asterisk v0lZy (
07:33.55Chandrakanthello all
07:34.13slav3_kittenword up Chandrakant
07:34.27*** join/#asterisk mokmeister (~mokmeiste@
07:34.44Chandrakanti am using asterisk with tls
07:34.57Chandrakantmy request forwarded from kamailio to asterisk on tls
07:35.06Chandrakanton both tls certificate is same
07:35.16*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
07:35.18Chandrakant[Nov  8 21:57:34] ERROR[16357]: tcptls.c:89 ssl_close: SSL_shutdown() failed: 5
07:35.19Chandrakant[Nov  8 21:57:36] ERROR[16001]: tcptls.c:89 ssl_close: SSL_shutdown() failed: 5
07:35.19Chandrakant[Nov  8 21:57:37]   == Problem setting up ssl connection: error:00000000:lib(0):func(0):reason(0)
07:35.27Chandrakantbut found above error
07:35.38Chandrakanti was already used below patches, but no luck
07:36.09Chandrakantand even posted in asterisk-users group but no replies... any idea about guys
07:36.48WIMPyWhat about using a current Asterisk version?
07:37.19dijibslav3_kitten: am now
07:37.30dijibfor a couple min
07:37.46slav3_kittendijib, pm
07:38.20*** join/#asterisk eject_ck (~Evgeniy@
07:38.48Chandrakantits production server, so don't have rights to change
07:39.07Chandrakantand one more thing amr codec is working on it..
07:40.08WIMPyI don't see how using patches is less of "changing" than upgrading.
07:40.31WIMPyThe amr might be an issue, off course. Where did you find that?
07:41.35flingWhich codec do I need if I want a fine quality?
07:42.09WIMPyG.722 or better
07:42.49ChannelZA string with Progresso cans... not that cheap Campbells crap.
07:43.10flingWIMPy: what about silk?
07:43.33WIMPyThat fits the "or better" part.
07:44.00ChannelZI think there's some limitations to silk abot transcoding
07:44.02WIMPyWait. Is it the one I think of?
07:44.12ChannelZor maybe I'm thinking of something else.. maybe that was CELP
07:44.19flingtell us what you think
07:44.36ChannelZI think SILK is disappearing anyway in favor of Opus but I don't know if any work has actually gone into that
07:44.57WIMPyI don't think so.
07:46.14WIMPyToo much reinventing the wheel because of patents and copyright.
07:47.05ChannelZI though opus was open..
07:47.16flingbut it is
07:49.08ChannelZwell anyway it was CELP I was thinking of that there is no transcoder for, but SILK works (in Asterisk 10+ that is)
07:49.26WIMPyLooks like it could be one of the modules every user has to get on his own because of licensing.
07:49.34ChannelZIronically SFA doesn't support SILK :)  (course it's dead anyway)
07:51.02flingChannelZ: do I need SILK?
07:51.36ChannelZnot particularly
07:52.21ChannelZI don't know of any devices that support it, just softphones.  Something to play with.
07:52.30flingChannelZ: I'm making a skype gateway so I want to have a similar sound quality
07:52.48ChannelZFor wideband on handsets you'll want to look into g722
07:52.56flingok, thanks
07:53.25ChannelZor they might possibly support SPEEX
07:53.35flingand speex is better?
07:53.43ChannelZbetter than what?
07:53.50flingthan g722
07:54.02WIMPyMany codecs do different qualities.
07:54.26WIMPyI haven't seen speex in hardware phones so far, either.
07:54.32unicroni need dtmf inband so boo
07:54.51unicroni hate it because it sometimes eats digits
07:54.54WIMPyAnd if I remember right it can be both worse and better than G.722.
07:55.17ChannelZWhat is this a gateway between?
07:56.16flingChannelZ: mostly softphones <-> skype
07:56.39ChannelZusing SIP for Skype or something?
07:57.11ChannelZHow are you planning to talk to Skype?
07:57.26flingI have an asterisk pbx and I want to call skype users sometimes
07:57.42flingI have skype on server and freeswitch
07:58.28flingChannelZ: so asterisk will connect to freeswitch and freeswitch will call some skype user using skype client started on server via skype api and virtual oss
07:59.03*** join/#asterisk bulkorok (~bulkorok@
07:59.07flingI want it to work a simplier way but it is what I have installed now
07:59.36flingalso I have asterisk Do I need to update to 10 or 11?
08:03.52ChannelZprobably not
08:04.12flingwhy not? is not it stable yet?
08:04.33ChannelZI don't know much about that Skype API method, I'm surprised it still works, that M$ didn't take it out of the client
08:04.38wdoekesfling: don't do 10, it'll be EOL next month
08:04.55wdoekesif you can, try 11, but be prepared to report bugs
08:05.12flingwdoekes: I'm setting up the new server so I'll try 11
08:05.30flingwdoekes: it will only work with skype farm if I'll set it up :p
08:06.09wdoekesI'm not sure there is a working skype though
08:06.28flingwdoekes: working skype? umm
08:07.11ChannelZhe might be talking about Skype For Asterisk, which is dead
08:07.12flingwdoekes: I'm doing it similar to this >
08:07.24flingChannelZ: oh, I know…
08:07.27*** join/#asterisk felimwhiteley (
08:10.33flingwdoekes: is there a simplier way?
08:10.48wdoekesnot that I'm aware of =)
08:11.09flingI know I should use skype clients anyway but I want to get rid of freeswitch
08:13.23flingWhich protocol do I need to use between two asterisks? iax2?
08:14.32wdoekesmany people use sip only
08:14.36WIMPyYou can use any protocol, but IAx was made for that purpose.
08:14.58flingwdoekes: why only sip? I dislike sip
08:15.21wdoekesyes.. but if your clients all use sip, you don't need to hassle with a second protocol
08:16.10flingI can use iax2 softphone
08:18.07kaldemarfling: you need to use a protocol that asterisk speaks. :P SIP and IAX2 are the most commonly used.
08:18.20flingkaldemar: ok :]
08:19.33slav3_kittengod i hate asterisk at this minute
08:19.42flingslav3_kitten: why why?
08:20.04slav3_kittengah caps lock
08:20.08slav3_kittenbrb getting a drink
08:22.38Chandrakantyup, sorry was in meeting
08:22.54Chandrakantany idea about tcp tls error, pasted above
08:23.22slav3_kittenfling, i'm having problems getting inbound from remote phones working
08:25.20*** join/#asterisk oej (~olle@2001:16d8:cc57:1000::42:1004)
08:25.52flingslav3_kitten: NAT?
08:26.18kaldemarslav3_kitten: there's probably no reason to hate asterisk for that. on the contrary.
08:26.22slav3_kittenfling, don't ya know it
08:26.34flingknow what?
08:26.47*** join/#asterisk k610 (
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08:27.42slav3_kittenfling, to be specific it's double NAT
08:28.00slav3_kitteni'm 98% sure my cisco router is setup properly to forward the ports
08:28.04bombevhi how to clean my asterisk log via ssh terminal
08:28.08flingslav3_kitten: so possible this is why you have your problems
08:28.24bombevi am on /var/log/asterisk
08:28.28flingslav3_kitten: may not you try to use routes instead of nat?
08:28.50flingbombev: clear the file?
08:28.55slav3_kittenfling, i lack control over one of the nat layers
08:28.59bombevand there is full full1 full2 full3
08:29.06bombevshould i delete this file
08:29.08bombevor what
08:29.47flingbombev: you may delete old log and create new one (if you do not need old)
08:29.55flingbombev: you may want to use logrotate
08:30.15flingslav3_kitten: most problems I had were because of nats
08:30.59slav3_kittenfling, same here
08:31.06bombevfling well, what is logrotate?
08:31.37flingbombev: the thing that rotates your logs, compresses old logs
08:31.38slav3_kitteni have outbound calling via sip flowroute working fine, inbound calling via iax2 from is fine. what i can't get to work is anything coming in from wan
08:31.41eject_ckI need to record inbound calls from customers (where extension act like voicemail box). As suggested there I'm using Mixmonitor application, but it not work for me :(
08:31.52slav3_kittenlike i want a friend to call in via a softphone. no-go
08:31.55eject_ckI'm getting Auto fallthrough, channel 'SIP/508-00000825' status is 'UNKNOWN'
08:31.59flingbombev: so your disk never get full
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08:32.14eject_ckright after call come in.
08:32.36bombevi got it fling
08:32.42flingslav3_kitten: test your packet forwarding
08:32.50bombevbut first how to clean my log
08:33.00eject_ckI've tried with record() application, which is OK, but I need to convert file to after hangup and can't figure how can I do that ...
08:33.01bombevfor example iam in ssh terminal
08:33.02flingslav3_kitten: run tcpdump on server and try to tonnect to some ports
08:33.07slav3_kittenfling you mean generate udp to my wan an look for it in tcpdump?
08:33.31flingslav3_kitten: yes
08:34.03eject_ckmy dialplan I'm using with MixMonitor
08:34.04flingslav3_kitten: you probably need 5060,10000:20000
08:34.04eject_ckexten => 508,n,Set(filename=/home/monitor/${UNIQUEID})
08:34.05eject_ckexten => 508,n,Set(convert=nice -n 19 /usr/bin/lame -b 64 --silent "${filename}.wav" "${filename}.mp3" && rm -f "${filename}.wav" )
08:34.05eject_ckexten => 508,n,MixMonitor(${filename}.wav, v(2) V(2) W(2), ${convert})
08:34.23slav3_kittenfling, got that
08:34.29bombevfling : just to delete the log files: full full1 full2 full3 full4 in /var/log/asterisk ?
08:34.47flingbombev: I do not have these files
08:36.40slav3_kittenfling, you remember the linux command to generate udp traffic?
08:37.10bombevfling what kind of files do you have
08:38.05eject_ckWhy it don't record call ?
08:38.31flingslav3_kitten: nmap -sU -p...
08:41.22eject_ckAs I see MixMonitor needs to be used on Active channel,
08:41.35flingslav3_kitten: [asterisk] <-NAT [cisco2] <-NAT [cisco1] <- wan internets?
08:41.48eject_ckso how can I record inbound calls with it ?
08:41.54flingslav3_kitten: you do not have a control over cisco1?
08:43.12slav3_kittenfling, it's like this asterisk <-NAT [Cisco1] <- [ubiquiti loco 2 in bridge mode] NAT [some internal network sit with my isp] <- WAN
08:43.22slav3_kitteni have control of cisco1
08:43.31slav3_kittenand set up forwarding like example b
08:43.58flingslav3_kitten: ok
08:45.09flingslav3_kitten: so test it and if packet forwarding works properly just set up your sip.conf
08:45.38flingslav3_kitten: nat, localnet, externip
08:45.53slav3_kittenmy cisco skills are not nearly what they used to be and apparently it does not work
08:45.54flingslav3_kitten: are we talking about sip? :P
08:46.35slav3_kittenyes... sip
08:46.47flingslav3_kitten: you tested and DNAT is not working?
08:46.56flingslav3_kitten: I mean packets are not forwarded?
08:47.31slav3_kittenyea not being forwarded.
08:47.36slav3_kittenso far as i can tell
08:48.25kaldemareject_ck: you have yet to show that it does not work.
08:48.34flingslav3_kitten: you found it! asterisk is not bad, your cisco/isp is!
08:48.59flingkaldemar: I want to record calls too :p
08:49.29kaldemarfling: all calls or start/stop recording by pressing a key on the phone?
08:49.42flingkaldemar: all calls
08:50.01kaldemarfling: use MixMonitor in your dialplan
08:50.33slav3_kittenfling, apparently
08:50.57*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:fd28:2952:43a6:d3d3)
08:51.48kaldemareject_ck: don't use whitespace around options in the MixMonitor app.
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09:42.57EmleyMoorI need to set up a configuration server for my new Aastra phone - is there any particular recommendation as to which type? (tftp, ftp, http, https)
09:43.17EmleyMoor(I'd keep it on the same box as asterisk, I guess)
09:46.46mathis_no idea what an Aastra phone is
09:47.11EmleyMoormathis_: They're a fairly well known make of SIP desk phone
09:49.39mathis_well. pick what is easiest to install I guess. :)
09:49.42mathis_not really asterisk related
09:55.49*** join/#asterisk pietro (
09:56.46pietroSomeone can explain me this ?
09:56.51pietrois this a known issue ?
09:57.52pietroalso removing directly the key doesn't works..
09:58.24WIMPyLegsVars != LegVars
09:59.03pietroWIMPy: I need lunettes !! ;)
09:59.12pietroWIMPy: thanks a lot !
09:59.46WIMPyYes. /That/ is a known issue :-)
10:03.07*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
10:03.28AliRezaTaleghanii have a problem with sip history...
10:03.51AliRezaTaleghanias mentioned in docs, i have enables history and dump of sip on in sip.conf
10:04.13AliRezaTaleghanibut is don't be dumped in any on log channels :-/
10:04.22AliRezaTaleghaniI have enable debug channel too
10:06.15kaldemarwhich debug? the history is dumped in core debug.
10:17.52AliRezaTaleghanikaldemar: do u mean in the time servers crash?
10:17.54AliRezaTaleghani:-/ nooop
10:18.09AliRezaTaleghaniI just need to have calls sip history in my log files...
10:20.14kaldemarAliRezaTaleghani: i didn't say anything about crashing. "core debug" is a type of debug in asterisk. enabled in CLI with "core set debug 10" for example. logged to file via logger.conf with the "debug" level. it will create a lot of logs, beware.
10:21.59AliRezaTaleghanikaldemar: :">   so, in the way to describe... i will not be able to have these logs (sip history) in debug log files.. unless set core debug level of 10
10:22.02AliRezaTaleghaniit's bad
10:23.10kaldemarno. now you're just making stuff up.
10:23.55kaldemarthe CLI enable was just an example so you know what core debug is.
10:24.36kaldemarwhat gets created upon crash (if asterisk is allowed to do so) is code dump.
10:24.57kaldemarcore dump is not the same as core debug.
10:25.27AliRezaTaleghanikaldemar: ok... think get what u mean...
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12:13.31gavimobileiptables has no rule for ports 5060-5061, how is it possible that my server is registering with my itsp
12:14.48kaldemargavimobile: you have no rules that would stop it from doing so.
12:15.06*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
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12:20.27jozzahi, i have problem with incoming calls from peers whose callerid is the same as one of my extensions. It is automatically rejected with 401 unauthorized. What do i need to set on the peer to skip caller id settings?
12:20.50gavimobilekaldemar: my default is to drop
12:21.31kaldemargavimobile: doesn't sound like it is. what is your setup exactly and what happens?
12:24.33gavimobilekaldemar: well I have a router which forwards the necessary ports to my pbx, now I want to increase the secuirty of my server so I installed iptables on my pbx and I only allow specific ip addresses. it seems to be working cause when I change the ip address in the rule to an incorrect ip it no longer has audio but is still able to register I believe
12:26.19*** join/#asterisk Anubi (
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12:28.24bulkorokhow do I can make asterisk check if a call is a fax and only then send it to ReceiveFax... otherwise it should hangup or sth...
12:28.33kaldemargavimobile: your description is far from exact.
12:28.55mirela666jozza: try to increase call-limit parameter for those peers
12:30.20*** join/#asterisk nicknam1232 (021d24e5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
12:30.24gavimobilekaldemar: my appoligies...
12:32.02*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
12:33.09Anubihi, i'm new in asterisk
12:33.22AliRezaTaleghaniAnubi: as all of us....
12:33.23Anubii configured it and now i can call and receive to and from extern call, but i cannot call internal number... some helps?
12:33.53AliRezaTaleghaniu need to define some what which calls dialplan
12:34.19AliRezaTaleghanithe simples think i can give u is this:
12:34.26AliRezaTaleghanivim /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
12:34.45AliRezaTaleghanifind the context which match to your sip caller context
12:34.50AliRezaTaleghaniadd this:
12:35.09AliRezaTaleghaniexten => _X.,1,Answer
12:35.22AliRezaTaleghaniexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
12:35.26AliRezaTaleghaniexten => _X.,1,Hangup
12:35.41AliRezaTaleghani====== need to corrent this way:
12:35.43mirela666bulkorok: by malcolmd » Wed Nov 10, 2010 3:14 pm
12:35.43mirela666If the call is determined to be a fax, based upon the receipt of fax tones, then it'll fall over to a special extension in the current context called "fax."
12:35.50AliRezaTaleghaniexten => _X.,1,Answer
12:35.56AliRezaTaleghaniexten => _X.,2,Answer
12:36.02AliRezaTaleghaniexten => _X.,3,Answer
12:36.22AliRezaTaleghani:P just correct the priority...
12:36.23Anubii wrote this
12:36.28Anubiexten => _X./201,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282661)
12:36.28Anubiexten => _X./202,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282662)
12:36.28Anubiexten => _X./203,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282663)
12:36.28Anubiexten => _X./204,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282664)
12:36.28Anubiexten => _X./205,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282665)
12:36.29Anubiexten => _X./206,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282666)
12:36.31Anubiexten => _X./207,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282667)
12:36.33Anubiexten => _X./208,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=0690282668)
12:36.35Anubiexten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@Eutelia,30,T)
12:36.37Anubiexten => _X.,n,Hangup
12:36.39Anubiexten => 2XX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN},30,Tt)
12:36.43Anubiexten => 2XX,n,Hangup
12:36.53WIMPyStop flooding the channel
12:36.56infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
12:37.23AliRezaTaleghaniAnubi: set verbose 3 and give me the result
12:37.48bulkorokmirela666: that's what I wanted to post now too :-) thx
12:38.56bulkorokwe have dedicated numbers for fax, but sometimes somebody calls the faxnumber and we get a "fax could not be received" message... (for sure)
12:39.17bulkorokI need to stop sending the message and just hangup...
12:41.25WIMPyAnubi: Looks liek you haven't defined any extensions. At least not that one. pb your extensions.conf.
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13:03.03kaldemarAnubi: "exten => 2XX" <-- is missing an underscore in front of the pattern. it should be "exten => _2XX"
13:04.17kaldemarAnubi: without the underscore, the extension would match literal "2XX", not 2[0-9][0-9].
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13:31.28Anubisure... kaldemar tnx now works fine, but i didn't see the caller in the display...
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13:41.30jozzamirela666: no, the call-limit does not help
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13:47.11Anubikaldemar, why this?
13:47.20gavimobileshould my peers all be set to type=peer? my goal is to REQUIRE valid registration to my pbx only!
13:48.21[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Yes, and peers auth just fine
13:48.45[TK]D-FenderAnubi, [Nov 20 14:44:31] VERBOSE[5300] app_dial.c:     -- Now forwarding SIP/Eutelia-0000002a to 'Local/06571711@from-internal' (thanks to SIP/202-0000002b)
13:48.54[TK]D-FenderAnubi, Because your phone is FORWARDED
13:49.23Anubi[TK]D-Fender, how can i change this?
13:49.34gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: will this effect anything else? my peers are all currently set to type=friend
13:50.07[TK]D-FenderAnubi, Walk over to your phone and turn off the forwarding.
13:50.25[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Generally you can use "peer" for everything
13:51.11gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: ok thanks
13:53.39gavimobileif type=friend is a security threat, why would newer versions of asterisk use it
13:53.44Anubi[TK]D-Fender, tnx
13:55.40[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Who said it was a threat?
13:56.05*** join/#asterisk brad_mssw (
13:56.09gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: well why would we want people to connect to out pbx without registration?
13:56.53[TK]D-Fenderin case you run into reg timeouts.
13:58.03gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: I see
13:58.07[TK]D-FenderAlso required in cases where multiple devices source from the same IP.
13:58.50gavimobile[TK]D-Fender: ahh, right. I remember I had an issue like that
13:59.42*** join/#asterisk londonnet2213 (
14:00.03gavimobilecould you tell me about allowguest=yes? what does it mean allow anonymous callers. what makes a caller anonymous?
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14:03.26Anubinow... i would show internal caller id, but i see only "device"... i tried to change extension configuration, but didn't work...
14:07.13londonnet2213Quick question. Are the centos asterisk repositories going to be updated to current releases of asterisk soon or have they been depreciated and updates are now only available as un compiled?
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14:09.43[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, Not matching an entry you have.
14:10.12[TK]D-Fendergavimobile, I you say "Hi, I'm Bob!", and I KNOW "Bob" ..... then I guess you aren't ANONYMOUS.
14:10.33[TK]D-FenderAnubi, Show us the call.
14:10.37infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
14:10.43[TK]D-FenderAnubi, ^
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14:11.23[TK]D-Fenderlondonnet2213, There are current 1.8/10 versions.  Not sure if 11 made it yet, but should be shortly otherwise
14:12.27jozzai have problem with incoming calls from peers whose user in "from" header is the same as one of my extensions. It is automatically rejected with 401 unauthorized, because asterisk finds this user in local user list. How do i overcome this?
14:12.42londonnet2213Good news re V11 but we are stuck on 10.7.1 where 10.11.x?? is available. Will V10 repo's get updated soon as well?
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14:15.21jozzai tried with insecure=invite, which seemed (according to docs) the most reasonable solution, but ast still returns 401
14:16.23jozzaand i can't dictate what the incoming call's "user" will be
14:16.23WIMPyjozza: Call coming from where? ITSP? Guests?
14:16.46jozzacall incoming from a sip peer
14:17.00jozzato which i am registered
14:17.14WIMPyWhat kind of peer?
14:17.26WIMPyThen authenticate that peer via IP.
14:17.34jozzai did
14:17.50jozzai put host property in
14:18.02jozzahost=ip address
14:18.23WIMPyAnd no user?
14:19.06jozzawhat do you mean?
14:19.13[TK]D-FenderAnubi, "sip set debug on" <-
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14:19.52jozzaincoming calls from that peer with different user than my exiting extensions work fine
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14:20.39jozzai'm on, should i upgrade?
14:20.47WIMPyThe calls don't seem to be hiting the peer you want them to go to.
14:21.19WIMPyI would upgrade that.
14:22.12jozzaasterisk says: Found peer '506' for '506' from and then sends out 401
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14:22.25jozzaxxx being the peer's ip
14:22.48*** join/#asterisk afink (4172ce22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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14:23.51kaldemarjozza: insecure=port,invite is probably what you want.
14:24.08jozzai did, not working, like it is ignored
14:24.32kaldemarfeel free to pastebin configs and sip debug.
14:25.01Anubi[TK]D-Fender, is it ok?
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14:39.35[TK]D-FenderAnubi, From: "device" <sip:206@>;tag=as3a85e015 <-- set the callerid for your peer
14:39.40[TK]D-FenderAnubi, You didn't put a name
14:39.55p3nguin<jozza> and i can't dictate what the incoming call's "user" will be   <------- Then do not use type=user nor type=friend.  type=peer does not know about user name.
14:40.09Anubi[TK]D-Fender, i tried to modify sip_additional.conf
14:40.11jozzai am
14:40.19Anubii setted callerid with right name
14:40.27[TK]D-FenderAnubi, Sounds like you're trying to rebuild a FreePBX system....
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14:40.28Anubiand now work
14:41.05kaldemarp3nguin: type=peer does know about username when configured with host=dynamic.
14:41.07Anubigood... it's my question....
14:41.45Anubii think that after rebuild error will return
14:41.51jozzap3nguin: i have type=peer and host=ip address for peer and the conflicting extension is type=friend and host=dynamic
14:42.00p3nguinBut he said he defined the IP address, so it won't know about the username.
14:42.13[TK]D-FenderAnubi, Are you trying to hand-modify a system that is still being configured via FreePBX?
14:42.15p3nguinPeers no NOTHING about extensions.
14:42.31jozzayes, that is the problem
14:42.35Anubi[TK]D-Fender, yep
14:42.56p3nguinIt's not a problem because the problem cannot exist.  Peers do not know anything about what is in extensions.
14:42.56[TK]D-FenderAnubi, You should not be touching the dialplan or sip configs they way you have been then.
14:43.12Anubibut in gui i didn't find callerid
14:43.13[TK]D-FenderAnubi, You are asking for serious problems and defeating the purpose of having a GUI
14:43.17jozzap3nguin: ast seems to find the extension before it looks for peer ip
14:43.18[TK]D-FenderAnubi, itsw the NAME
14:43.25*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-pqljkccyqsfzfymn)
14:43.36p3nguinIt can't do that.  Peers don't know anything about extensions.
14:43.51kaldemarjozza: extensions are in extensions.conf, the [506] in sip.conf is not called an extension but a device, or peer.
14:44.00[TK]D-FenderDisplay Name<-
14:44.01p3nguinA peer must be matched first, then the call is routed into the context assigned.
14:44.16jozzain freepbx, extensions are in sip.conf
14:44.18kaldemarjozza: you're not using correct terminology as it is in asterisk.
14:44.19p3nguinOnce the call goes to the context, then extensions are matched and executed.
14:44.39p3nguinExtensions are not in sip.conf, they are in extensions.conf.
14:44.43[TK]D-Fenderjozza, And don't assume SIP.
14:44.51[TK]D-Fenderfor "phones"
14:45.03jozzaok, device 506 is in sip.conf
14:45.09Anubi[TK]D-Fender, but didn't work i setted this right
14:45.16jozzaand it is a local device
14:45.27p3nguinSo the actual problem is that your physical peer is matching the peer entry of another device.
14:45.50*** join/#asterisk xnt14 (
14:45.50p3nguinTo which I say, this should be an easy fix.
14:45.56[TK]D-FenderAnubi, You are already executing NON FreePBX dialplan and I don't see your extension setup.  You are screwing with your system manually and you are going to break things.  Stop trying to break your system.
14:46.14*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
14:46.42Anubi[TK]D-Fender, k
14:46.56p3nguinIf the IP address of the phone is dynamic and you have set host=dynamic in that peer entry, that part should be done.  Move on to the other peer entry...
14:46.58Anubii'll work only trough web gui
14:47.39jozzatrue, and the type=friend on the phone
14:47.45p3nguinIn the other peer entry, type=peer, remotesecret=<the-password-to-send-when-making-calls-VIA-this-peer> host=<the-IP>
14:47.57*** join/#asterisk jmetro (
14:48.26jozzawhat will remote secret do?
14:49.06p3nguinremotesecret doesn't force a peer to auth calls TO YOU, but will send the password when you call to that peer and it requires you to auth to it.
14:49.16p3nguinPerfect for ITSPs.
14:49.38p3nguinThey always require you to auth when you make calls, but they never send auth to you when they send calls to you.
14:50.11jozzayes, beacuse i' am an extension to the remote peer
14:50.22p3nguinThat statement doesn't really make sense.
14:50.51jozzathe remote system treats me as an extension in their system
14:51.13p3nguinYour terms don't make sense.
14:51.20jozzaok, i see what bothers you
14:52.59jozzawell, i register to this peer with registration string and have set the type=peer and host=ip address, so it all works fine
14:53.49jozzaso when they dial my "extension" the call is routed to me on my peer
14:54.15jozzai am to them like a host=dynamic and type=friend with a secret
14:55.36p3nguinThat's typical with an ITSP.
14:56.09p3nguinYou register to them and you auth with your user/secret.  Very standard.
14:56.34jozzabut i've testet this on another ast to make call to my peer
14:57.25jozzaand if i dont set the fromuser on that ast, the problem is the same when that ast has same user in the from header
14:57.36p3nguinDid you ever pastebin the sip.conf, which contains the conflicting properties?
15:03.07jozzai have freepbx and its a bit complicated
15:03.19jozzap3nguin: i have freepbx and its a bit complicated
15:06.56p3nguinI can imagine.  That's part of the reason we don't support configuration by GUI here.
15:07.37jozzaok, i'll try to pastebin the most relevant info and a trace
15:13.38[TK]D-Fenderjozza, If you're using FreePBX, then WTF are you doing hand-editing the files?
15:13.48jozzai am not
15:14.49[TK]D-Fenderjozza, Ok, A few thing looked odd for ti to have allowed through.  Show us the call.
15:15.16[TK]D-Fenderjozza, and repase the confi masking ONLY the secrets
15:15.59jozzathat is the call
15:16.13jozzait ends after another ack which i didnt include
15:16.24jozzayou want ip adresses?
15:16.49jozzai have distinguished tha ip adresses with x and y
15:17.01bulkorokdoes asterisk has an application or sth that shows me all (channel)-variables on cli?!
15:19.05*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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15:19.36[TK]D-Fenderjozza, Do not mask.  And is your trunk & phone at the same IP?
15:19.52jozzathe phone is not even regitered
15:19.55[TK]D-Fenderbulkorok, "core show channel [thechannel]"
15:20.11*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:20.19jozzai have to mask the pastebin is public
15:20.20[TK]D-Fenderjozza, "sip show peer [X]", dump both, repaste the call AND configs, masking only the secrets.
15:20.27*** join/#asterisk tonikasch (~tonikasch@unaffiliated/tonikasch)
15:20.31jozzayes, i'm doing that
15:20.35[TK]D-Fenderjozza, then make it private and PW it and PM the PW
15:22.26jozzacant make it private, i'm not registered
15:23.42[TK]D-FenderPW it
15:27.32jozzai signed up, how do i PW it? i cant see a setting for that
15:28.01[TK]D-FenderPick another site.
15:28.06[TK]D-FenderThere are dozens of PB sites out there.
15:28.31*** join/#asterisk brdude (
15:29.11jozzagot to take a break few min.
15:36.20EmleyMoorAnyone know where I can get help with an Aastra phone? I have a config that works, but the phone won't pull it from the server
15:37.57slav3_kittenzombie shuffles in
15:40.32slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, you around?
15:40.44slav3_kittenor p3nguin
15:42.39*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
15:45.16ghost75i have strange result with agi
15:45.38ghost75works: exten => s,n,AGI(apachemaint.agi,www,off)
15:45.58ghost75doesnt work: exten => s,n,AGI(apachemaint.agi,www,on)
15:46.10p3nguinRedirected from a different person:
15:46.10p3nguin(2100.25) <p3nguin> It would be a lot easier if you'd just say whatever it is you want to tell me instead of first asking  if I'm here, then making me answer that, then I have to wait for you to come back and type whatever  it was that you wanted to tell me in the first place.
15:46.39ghost75bash script
15:47.08ghost75if i start apachemaint.agi from bash with parameters it works too
15:47.39slav3_kittenp3nguin, i was wondering if i could get you to originate a SIP call to my ip address that i give you in PM to see if this is working or if i need to spend some hours on the phone with my ISP today. i trust you [tk]d-fender and dijib with my public ip
15:48.15*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
15:49.55slav3_kittenon an entirely unrelated note, borderlands 2 dlc is out!
15:51.09*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
15:51.10p3nguinI can do that.
15:51.23p3nguinNeed extension and address.
15:51.25ghost75p3nguin: do you think this is valid visudo entry: Cmnd_Alias C5 = /bin/mv /var/www* /var/www*
15:51.33*** join/#asterisk fritz09 (
15:51.43ghost75doesnt like * ?
15:52.03p3nguinI wouldn't think it would work, but it would only take a minute to test it.
15:52.50p3nguinI'm also curious that you have directories named www<ANYTHING> in /var.
15:53.03*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~TK]D-Fend@
15:53.14ghost75i have www, www2 and so on
15:53.46p3nguinAnd you're allowing the moving of www2 to something like wwwwwwwww?
15:54.08ghost75i allow it to user asterisk
15:54.13*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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15:54.56ghost75aha, no permissions :)
15:55.34ghost75if i give permissions on a single file, is the user allowed to move that to a different file?
15:56.59ghost75mhh looks not
15:57.24[TK]D-Fenderjozza, Who is sending you that call?
15:57.42slav3_kittenthank you very much p3nguin
15:57.47p3nguinNo problem.
15:57.49[TK]D-FenderJohnHurst, WHO are they?
15:59.46ghost75holy cow, i put this and still doesnt work Cmnd_Alias C5 = /bin/mv /var/www/maintenance-mode-off /var/www/maintenance-mode-on
16:01.01ghost75ah i think have tomatoes on eyes
16:01.58jozzai am on, something stinks here
16:02.39bulkorok1.6 is EOL
16:02.59jozzabut wasnt once
16:05.47ghost75today is now :)
16:06.00ghost75visudo stinks too
16:09.10jozza[TK]D-Fender: does it make sense?
16:09.55p3nguinBetter to use visudo and hate it than to use straight vi[m] and make syntax errors.
16:12.01ghost75dont understand why it doesnt work
16:13.58ghost75missed the sudo lol
16:19.46*** join/#asterisk AkkerKid (
16:22.21*** join/#asterisk a1fa (~a1fa@unaffiliated/a1fa)
16:22.36a1fa[TK]D-Fender : hello!
16:25.27*** join/#asterisk JohnHurst (~john@
16:26.00a1fawhat's a good sip provider these days?
16:26.08infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
16:26.29a1faso has not changed much
16:26.44a1fai'm using a combo of teliax pay as you go, and broadvoice
16:27.09a1fa2 inbound dids through broadvoice, and teliax outbound :)
16:27.50a1fa$14/month, low volume -~ 300 minutes or so international + US
16:36.41*** join/#asterisk BaconZombie (~baconzomb@pdpc/supporter/active/trenchspike)
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17:03.12AkkerKidAnyone know reasons why linux and asterisk would run really slowly for network stuff after changing LAN networks?
17:04.41leifmadsenno DNS lookups?
17:04.45AkkerKidSSH connections via putty take 15 seconds to pass for my password when logging in.  Calls initiated take 5+ seconds to ring the destination...
17:04.47leifmadsenthrows darts at a wall witha blindfold
17:04.58leifmadsenya sounds like name lookup issues
17:05.10Nivexleifmadsen: and yet you still get pretty close to the target
17:05.17leifmadsenNivex: IKR?!
17:05.32Nivexleifmadsen: file under "How I know I've been doing this too long" :)
17:05.37AkkerKidso the PBX has bad DNS servers?
17:06.22leifmadsenAkkerKid: your OS doesn't have valid DNS servers or they are not responding, or your gateway isn't working correctly or....
17:06.39leifmadsenNivex: I may or may not have seen this type of issue in a previous lifetime
17:06.49leifmadsenlunches like woah
17:08.10Robotman321leifmadsen: your not allowed to have a life, let alone previous ones :D
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17:31.39parasitodelsurwaz up guys
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18:00.09ChannelZThe sky.  HAR!
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18:47.59pietroI need to send a SIP INFO to both call patry when a call is connected.
18:48.16pietroIs there a way in asterisk dialplan to manage this ?
18:48.57pietroI tried using an external script via System() but this break the CSeq of next asterisk SIP messages
18:49.38pietroI'm searching for the right way to inject SIP messages in an active dialog..
18:49.48pietrowithout patching chan_sip.c ;)
18:52.45martinlindhehi all
18:54.08martinlindhewhat would be the best way to Bridge two callers from a script, and then let them continue to use the script when they have finished chatting ? when i use the Bridge AMI command, one of the channels gets disconnected at the end of the call, while the other stays in the script
18:58.28martinlindhe(it is always the recieving end that gets disconnected), and also i use the Bridge AGI cmd, sorry
18:59.00*** join/#asterisk [ProB]CrazyMan (~chatzilla@
18:59.57*** join/#asterisk TheKernel[work] (~tcrowe@unaffiliated/the-kernel)
19:00.35TheKernel[work]I don't get why this string does not work:       exten = _*21*X.,1,Set(DB(CFIM2/${CALLERID(num)})=${1})
19:00.46TheKernel[work]I'm looking at the guide and that's how it explains it
19:03.15[TK]D-FenderTheKernel[work], ${1} <- not a valid variable name.
19:03.25[TK]D-FenderTheKernel[work], Nor do even see anything IN it.
19:03.51TheKernel[work]I just want it to have the value of "1"
19:04.00[TK]D-Fenderthe strip that other crap off
19:04.39TheKernel[work]or =$1
19:05.30*** join/#asterisk afink (4172ce22@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
19:06.23TheKernel[work][TK]D-Fender: syntax error: syntax error, unexpected '=', expecting $end; Input:
19:07.40Qwelland what does it look like now?
19:08.17[TK]D-FenderShow us the code AND the CLI output in full
19:09.03*** join/#asterisk JerJer (~Adium@asterisk/original-h323-guy/JerJer)
19:12.10[TK]D-FenderYour set isn't even contained within the cbrackets
19:12.31[TK]D-Fenderhold thath thought...
19:14.14dijibhello all!
19:14.48[TK]D-FenderTheKernel[work], Actually....
19:15.03[TK]D-FenderTheKernel[work], exten => _100,2,GoToIf($[${DB(CFIM2/100)} = 1]?CFA:NA)
19:15.10[TK]D-FenderTheKernel[work], That DB keypair IS blank
19:15.29[TK]D-FenderTheKernel[work], line #15 = FUBAR <-
19:17.44TheKernel[work]line 15 is supposed to set a value basically saying 1 or 0. Line 2 is supposed to check if its 1 or 0. If its 1 go to line 3, if its 0 go to line 5.
19:18.16*** join/#asterisk timahvo1 (~rogue@
19:19.12[TK]D-FenderTheKernel[work], There is a tragic issue with it...
19:19.19[TK]D-FenderLook REALLY closely at it
19:19.31JerJerdon't need _ without a match
19:19.39TheKernel[work]OH GOD
19:19.42[TK]D-FenderPriority ----> 1 <----
19:19.46TheKernel[work]I see it
19:20.15[ProB]CrazyManhi, I have an problem with, I canot load it and always get " Module '' was not compiled with the same compile-time options as this version of Asterisk."
19:20.49Chainsaw[ProB]CrazyMan: That would suggest that one of your packages is provided by a distributor, and the other by another distributor. You must have a matched pair.
19:20.49[ProB]CrazyManI rebuilded lcr ... but still the same
19:20.53Chainsaw[ProB]CrazyMan: If you build LCR yourself, you should build the whole of Asterisk yourself.
19:21.00JerJer[ProB]CrazyMan:  you need to build everything from source
19:21.16[ProB]CrazyManis this new?
19:21.55[TK]D-FenderYou didn't rebuilt it matching the rest of your * install
19:22.33[ProB]CrazyManlast time i also installed asterisk via yum and compiled LCR without problem
19:22.41*** join/#asterisk bn-7bc (
19:23.38[TK]D-FenderVersions do not match w/ compiled
19:23.43dijib[ProB]CrazyMan: you have all the dependencies? any errors on the build?
19:27.24[ProB]CrazyManit seems so, didnt have an error
19:28.19[TK]D-FenderJust because you compiled it OK doesn't mean it won't bomb when trying to LINK to a version that isn't compatible
19:29.19*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
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19:30.41JerJerit is the compile time options that are different…  one version has a different flag set than the other version
19:31.46JerJerthere is a way to figure out more info, i just can't remember how
19:31.56[ProB]CrazyManok so I comiled now asterisk ...
19:32.09[ProB]CrazyManand lcr
19:32.12[ProB]CrazyManstill the same
19:32.27JerJerdid you remove the old versions?
19:32.41[ProB]CrazyManwhich old versions?
19:32.45[ProB]CrazyManthe src?
19:32.49JerJerinstalled by yum
19:33.18*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
19:33.27JerJerthen the old versions of files could very well still be used
19:34.37[TK]D-Fender[ProB]CrazyMan, What part of "doesn't match the COMPILE TIME OPTIONS" was unclear?  Doesn't matter it you rebuilt it fine.  it doesn't MATCH the ones used for the REST of asterisk as you are running it.
19:44.35ageishow to transfer a call to a parking lot with a dialplan command?
19:47.08[TK]D-Fenderageis, Call "Park()" yourself or, use the auto-generated one based on our features.conf settings in the context you told it to use
19:49.10ageis[TK]D-Fender: what arguments does Park() take?
19:49.39[TK]D-Fender"core show application park" <--------
19:51.34martinlindhe[2012-11-20 19:02:38] WARNING[14001] asterisk.c: The canary is no more.  He has ceased to be!  He's expired and gone to meet his maker!  He's a stiff!  Bereft of life, he rests in peace.  His metabolic processes are now history!  He's off the twig!  He's kicked the bucket.  He's shuffled off his mortal coil, run down the curtain, and joined the bleeding choir invisible!!  THIS is an EX-CANARY.  (Reducing priority)
19:53.15*** join/#asterisk citywok (
19:59.02JerJerhehe - i love it
19:59.39ChainsawI didn't know Digium employed Brits :)
20:00.05leifmadsenI think that was written by Corydon76 ...
20:00.12leifmadsenwho is not British :)
20:00.13jmetroYour Dahdi smelt of elderberries!
20:01.40JerJermartinlindhe:  the way i understand things, if your system is setup to run with high priority and the astcanary process is unresponsive (?)  Asterisk automatically lowers its priority so you have a chance to diagnose and hopefully correct the problem
20:04.23Chainsawleifmadsen: An unusually well developed sense of humour then.
20:05.21*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
20:05.53JerJerthere are several funny nuggets within the code, comments and various other places  :)
20:06.17[ProB]CrazyMan[TK]D-Fender: and how do I adjust the compile options to fit together ?
20:06.39*** join/#asterisk n8ideas (~joshua@
20:06.49JerJerand in years past I remember some quite angry comments in chan_sip being made by Mark  :)
20:06.51[TK]D-Fender[ProB]CrazyMan, Look at what was used.  Use the same
20:07.33[ProB]CrazyMan[TK]D-Fender: and where do I see this by the yum ones ?
20:07.59[TK]D-FenderARCH should be a clue...
20:12.22dijibanybody know what the Hierarchy Token Bucket package is in centos yum?
20:12.58*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
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20:13.37Qwell~google Hierarchy Token Bucket
20:15.10dijibhtb and hfsc d the same thing?
20:32.46*** join/#asterisk Hive (
20:35.08HiveI'm using Fax for Asterisk for faxing(obviously).  For some reason when an outbound fax fails for reason 'T1_TIMEOUT' or 'T2_TIMEOUT', asterisk keeps a channel open with Last Message: "BYE", and I get a bunch of "Autodestruct on dialog" flooding my CLI.  The call goes through the Hangup Context so I'm not sure how I am supposed to deal with closing out such a channel automatically.  Does anyone have any insight to shed? :D
20:36.11HiveFrom what I've gathered through google, typically the  Autodestruct on dialog message comes from something taking too long to complete.  However, like I said, the hangup context fires just fine and goes all the way to the end.
20:42.14unicronwill it break anything if i have /etc/asterisk be full of symlinks?
20:42.43Chainsawunicron: Mine is full of stub config files that just #include files further down.
20:43.04jmetromodular and object oriented programming is a +
20:43.15unicronoh, good thought
20:49.34*** join/#asterisk k610 (~Instantbi@
20:52.04mathis_yarks. JACK_HOOK seems to be completely b0rked
20:52.38dijibHive: can you ~pb your fax extensions
20:52.57dijibalso why not use digium free fax for asterisk
20:53.21dijibget out of here Seri
20:56.28*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-azhslgamsgikfxns)
20:58.12[ProB]CrazyManthi LCR drives me crazy .... it just take some configs ... I dont know from where it takes the config ... but its not where it should be ...
20:59.05*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:00.25Hivedijib I am using Free Fax for Asterisk... but I bought more licenses so it's not free :P
21:01.55Hive here's the context
21:02.10Hiveand apparently it's not hitting the Hangup at the end of the context -_-
21:02.38Hivethe CLI goes from
21:03.35HiveExecuting [s@outboundfax:6] SendFAX("channel", "/tmp/faxes/1sdfes49.tif,df") in new stack    to     -- Executing [h@outboundfax:1]
21:05.02[TK]D-FenderHive, Show us the complete call, not just bits and pieces
21:06.48*** join/#asterisk evil_gordita (
21:07.29Hiveokay give me a minute, there are like 10 channels flooding me with warnings now lol
21:15.01eject_ckHi, all. I'm using IPKALL for call forwarding. Anyone can help why ${CALLERID(num)} shows me 508  (this is account on my asterisk box)?
21:16.32dijibHive: i have not worked with SendFAX only RecieveFax
21:17.46[TK]D-Fendereject_ck, Because that's what it is.
21:18.39dijibHive: this is how im using mine. 1.0.1 currently running on swissarms (pid = 24490)
21:18.44dfgas-cr48dijib, did you get it working correctly?
21:19.11dijibno im still stuck on that bug so im waiting until the next release dfgas-cr48
21:19.30dfgas-cr48darn, heh
21:19.31dijibwhy must i always paste-fail in here
21:19.44dijibwill only be a week dfgas-cr48
21:19.53dfgas-cr48ahh, cool
21:20.10dijibits already at rc1 and has been for a couple weeks now
21:34.31*** join/#asterisk Tarang (u7226@gateway/web/
21:34.58TarangHi guys, I have a problem transcoding ulaw<->ilbc due to the 20ms frame size issue is there any solution to this?
21:35.10Qwellwhat 20ms frame size issue?
21:35.35TarangAsterisk can only make 30ms iLBC frames, even if told to make a 20ms frame
21:35.55Tarangit results in choppyness in the sound on one end
21:35.59Tarangand the other is ok
21:36.18Tarangso is there something I can do to fix the choppyness?
21:36.50QwellIt won't spit out a frame until it has enough to do so.  You should just be a frame behind.  Which side is choppy?
21:37.04Tarangi found this but its over 8 years old now
21:37.35TarangMy end will hear their voice choppy, the terminating end hears me perfectly
21:37.50Tarangso iLBC->ulaw is ok, but ulaw->iLBC is a bit of an issue
21:38.04Qwelland what version of Asterisk is this with?
21:38.26WIMPyDid you patch it to do 20ms as in that article?
21:38.36WIMPyOr are you using it with 30ms?
21:38.48Tarangi didn't want to mess with the code until it was a last resort
21:39.05Tarangso its unpatched and at 30ms
21:39.21Qwellboth sides are SIP?
21:39.28Tarangyup both sides are SIP
21:39.37Qwelland you have a jitter buffer enabled?
21:39.45Tarangi don't believe i have that enabled
21:39.50Taranghow would I do that?
21:40.11Tarangi've heard of it but didn't think it would help?
21:43.11Taranglet me give it a shot and see
21:44.41Tarangmy phone had a jb already it seems
21:44.55*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
21:45.57slav3_kittenhey p3nguin can you try placing a voice call to that uri i gave you earlier?
21:46.41dijibslav3_kitten: soup?
21:47.33WIMPyshort for warm soup?
21:47.49slav3_kitteni think he's asking what's up
21:47.52slav3_kittenlike he's an asian canadian
21:47.55*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
21:48.02slav3_kittenfresh off the boat
21:48.05WIMPy'd prefer the soup
21:48.09*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
21:48.25dijibsry should have PVT'd that
21:48.37slav3_kittendijib, you're an asshole...
21:48.50WIMPydijib: Too many IPs for ICE?
21:49.03slav3_kittenanyhow p3nguin was able to play me a sound file over sip today
21:49.03dijibi think its an issue with 11.0.1
21:49.16dijibok then you have it wrking and im broken
21:49.22*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
21:49.36dijibi can connect to but not @IP
21:49.37jayteeanyone here use (Phonebooth)?
21:50.01Robotman321and rrittgarn and jmetro do
21:50.25dijibHive: whats-a-matter-for-you?
21:53.53dijibshould i patch my 11.0.1 to 11.1.0-rc1 ?
21:54.03dijibor wait?
21:55.00jayteeThe email for a new account details setting up a VoIP system to use their "trunks". In the email there is this:• Port 5060 UDP must be open for SIP.
21:55.00jaytee• Ports 1024 - 64000 UDP should be open for RTP Media/Audio.
21:55.00jayteeIsn't the RTP audio port range just a bit over the top? Do I really have to allow that many UDP ports open on the client's firewall?
21:55.17WIMPydijib: Or just disable ICE.
21:55.42dijibWIMPy: this will not help my desire to have google voice working
21:56.05WIMPydijib: You can disable it in chan_sip.
21:56.55WIMPyjaytee: The local ports are those configured in rtp.conf. But on a decent firewall you might not need to configure them at all.
21:58.01dijibWIMPy: in sip.conf?
21:59.07WIMPyProbably. I've disabled it in rtp.conf.
21:59.14dijibcall still failes but i dont have the extend errors
21:59.26dijibits still enabled in rtp.conf
22:00.49dijibslav3_kitten: howcome you dont have a dyndns for me?
22:01.34jayteeWIMPy, thanks for the input.
22:01.52slav3_kittendijib, because i don't have one
22:02.06dijibwell get one... makes it easier.
22:02.23slav3_kittengod i'm an idiot :|
22:03.29slav3_kittenjust spent like 3 hours trying to debug why the fucking hell my outbound dialing worked in one context an not the other. because i mistyped the dial prefix for use with static ip outbound dial
22:03.29*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
22:03.43SeRiwaz up guys
22:03.50slav3_kittensup SeRi
22:04.00jayteeslav3_kitten, know the feeling. hate it when that happens
22:04.07WIMPysoups's up
22:04.12slav3_kittenjust had a derp moment myself from mistyping
22:04.29dijibhey SeRi
22:04.33SeRiWIMPy: share.

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