IRC log for #asterisk on 20121118

00:03.07slav3_kittendijib, want a laptop
00:13.21*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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00:30.11epaphusCOuld anybody please explain to me if ChanSpy is meant to listen on specific calls or can I also listen on all calls that an extension (device) is handling?
00:37.13slav3_kittenepaphus, what's the command
00:43.50slav3_kittena quick google later
00:44.49slav3_kitteni like google
00:49.20*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
01:04.09*** join/#asterisk Sean-Der (
01:04.48Sean-DerDoes anyone know the definitive source to get either the UTC offsets OR timezones of each area code in the US?
01:06.11*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
01:07.14slav3_kittenwith a few exceptions most states are 1 timezone
01:07.51slav3_kitten14 of 50 are split
01:10.15Sean-DerThats a decent amount of split :/ I found a decent source that I scraped
01:10.43slav3_kittenmajority of the states are not split
01:17.13dijibanybody available to debug a dialplan... when i dial from any of the sip phones it does 15555555555@voipms-inbound when it should be using the voipms-outbound context... did i mess up the includes????
01:27.33*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
01:33.25slav3_kittenwait what?
01:34.43slav3_kittenwhy do you have 555-555-5555 twice on your inbound
01:37.43slav3_kittenalso dijib
01:38.19slav3_kitten; Make sure to include inbound prior to outbound because the _NXXNXXXXXX handler will match the incoming call and create a loop
01:41.14*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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01:58.47*** join/#asterisk droemel (
02:23.13dijibslav3_kitten: its an example
02:23.20dijibsorry ive been dialplan debugging
02:23.47slav3_kittendijib, it also tells you that you have your includes in the wrong order
02:24.34p3nguinYou shouldn't have the inbound context available to the phones.
02:24.48dijibyour right.
02:24.54p3nguinMy right.
02:26.19p3nguinApparently it is my right.
02:26.26p3nguinWhy isn't it your right?
02:26.35p3nguinYou have less rights than I have?
02:27.25jpsharpI only have one right.
02:27.37jpsharpUnless I face the other way.
02:27.59dijibin the phones context p3nguin ?
02:28.04dijibi shouldnt have inbound?
02:28.11p3nguinI would have expected you to have all the rights that everyone else in this country has.
02:28.19p3nguin(2024.34) <p3nguin> You shouldn't have the inbound context available to the phones.
02:28.26p3nguinAnswer  ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
02:29.04p3nguinPhones should have access to internals and outbound, as well as any special extensions for PBX featurs, etc.
02:29.12dijibwhats this???
02:29.47dijibno inbound in phones
02:31.01p3nguinAlso, ALL_OUT isn't a very good name for an account for a phone.
02:31.15p3nguinBut neither is 11 for the phone's name.
02:31.47dijibalso this
02:32.08dijibthats my cdr
02:32.39dijibALL_OUT, ALL_IN, and MASTER.csv
02:34.15p3nguinYou should really go do some reading.  The ACL notice is self-explanatory.
02:35.22dijibi like pasta.
02:35.38dfgas-cr48me too
02:35.43p3nguinAnd I like to help people who read.
02:35.46dijibso its unable to authenticate
02:36.09dijibbut its not a password error its an access control list
02:36.19p3nguinGo fix it.
02:36.21dijibso the device is the issue?
02:36.26dijibfix what?
02:36.31dijibi dont even knw where to look
02:36.37p3nguinACL  <--------
02:37.00p3nguinIs that IP address one of a phone?
02:37.45dijibyes it seems to be connecting through 4g
02:37.48p3nguinACL should be well-documented in the book.  Read it instead of guessing.
02:40.27dijibok i dont even have acl.conf in my /etc/asterisk dir so i killed his and core restart'ed
02:40.44slav3_kittenso just like an acl on a router
02:41.16p3nguinI'm pretty sure acl.conf isn't in 1.8, so if you are using that, don't expect to see it.
02:41.42p3nguinIt is, however, in 11, and that is what the notice is complaining about.
02:41.49slav3_kittenso acl's aren't in the book, the printed book that is
02:42.20p3nguinI guess that's true.  I should retract my remark about it being documented in the book.
02:42.38p3nguinBut it is in the wiki, which is nearly as useful.
02:43.01dijibdfgas-cr48: wanna give that a try
02:43.04slav3_kitteni have a hard time reading wiki's
02:43.13slav3_kittenand seeing that my damn ebook died...
02:43.19p3nguinIt even TELLS YOU which ACL is responsible for the blockage.
02:43.33slav3_kitteni now gotta figure out what ebook i want to get. thinking a nook simpletouch glowlight
02:43.48p3nguinNot a kindle fire?
02:44.13slav3_kitteni wanted the new kindle e-ink book but 119 bucks, no AC adapter, and 20 to not have advertisements on it
02:44.15dfgas-cr48dijib, same
02:44.30slav3_kittenvs 100 for the nook that is ad free, and comes with an AC adapter
02:44.41p3nguinSounds like you've made your decision.
02:44.48slav3_kittenkindle has a nigher resolution though
02:45.09slav3_kittenso still unsure
02:45.48dijibdfgas-cr48: i see that
02:45.58dijibthis thing is driving me batty
02:48.20dijibok ive overwritten the outbound dialplan with the voip-ms example
02:49.22p3nguinThe one from
02:50.05p3nguinThey have a horrible example that shouldn't be used when you can create something much nicer.
02:50.38slav3_kittenp3nguin, what's wrong with their example?
02:50.57p3nguin  I have put a much better one here.
02:51.12slav3_kittenother then being way out of date
02:51.19SeRiwaz up guys
02:51.22dfgas-cr48dijib, can hear it?
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02:52.29dijibcore dfgas-cr48 yes i could hear monkeys
02:52.35dijibyour back SeRi
02:52.49p3nguinHis back?
02:52.58p3nguinWhy are you concerned with seri's back?
02:53.03p3nguinSounds a little... you know.
02:53.15SeRimy back is nobodys back
02:53.17slav3_kittenp3nguin, :|
02:53.24SeRimy fronts is my wifes
02:54.04*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
02:59.15SeRip3nguin: jump in
03:04.50SeRiSIP ALG!!!
03:04.54slav3_kittenp3nguin, i read the book's bit about dial plans, never saw a thing about the whole top section
03:05.24p3nguinWhat top section?
03:05.59p3nguinLike you'd make a config without a general section or something?
03:07.05slav3_kitteni would and did
03:11.26infinity1shoudl a pbx require "1" to dial long distance or should it just add it?
03:12.15p3nguinI support both 10- and 11-digit dialing for North American numbers.
03:12.42slav3_kitteninfinity1, mine supports 11, 10, and 7 digit dialing for North America
03:12.59infinity1the way i've done it in the past is 11 digits fro long distance. the problem though is when caller ID comes in its 10 digits and people complain they can't scroll through the last call list on their phone and select dial.
03:13.26infinity1because caller ID is 10 digits.
03:13.36infinity1so i added a 1 to caller ID ..but i'm thinking thats lame
03:20.58slav3_kittenp3nguin, i like your outbound calling
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03:34.56*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
03:41.59p3nguinslav3_kitten: Me too.
03:45.39slav3_kittenso how long you been writing dialplans an such?
03:47.08slav3_kittenah, well you sure picked up tricks
03:47.19infinity1k. i allow 10 and 11 digits for NA dialing now :)
03:48.00p3nguinI also allow 7-digit since we have only one area code encompassing our geography.
03:48.37infinity1is there microbrowser php code for polycom around? i just want something to try like weather or whatever.
04:00.15p3nguin-= 722 extensions (2707 priorities) in 183 contexts. =-
04:02.41slav3_kittenstupid question but "== Spawn extension (Wake-Up, 23, 4) exited non-zero on 'SIP/testphone-0000004d'" is normal right?
04:03.00p3nguinCould be.
04:03.18p3nguinDid it do something that you did not expect?
04:04.15slav3_kittenno it did as expected, just wish i could make it more verbose like giving the exit cause
04:04.47p3nguinYou want it to say, "Ran out of things to do, exiting."
04:05.22slav3_kittenalso p3nguin in the book they have you make a [LocalSets] for your phones. why do you have a [phones]
04:05.36slav3_kittennah i'd like it to say like Hangup, Failed, etc
04:06.08p3nguinI had a context called 'phones' before the book was written.
04:06.56slav3_kittenjust curious why you had a context phones, as if maybe it's some default context i should change mine to reflect
04:07.15p3nguinWhile the names of contexts can be arbitrary, they should reflect what the contexts are to be used for.  In my case, the phones context is for phones, which Leif's phones' context is called LocalSets.
04:08.15p3nguinThe only default contexts that I know of are general, default, globals.
04:10.57slav3_kittenp3nguin, earlier. is it supposed to say "ran out of things to do, exiting" ?
04:11.21p3nguinIt seemed like you wanted to SEE it tell you that every time a call ended.
04:11.33p3nguinWhen the extension runs out of things to do, it exits.
04:13.35slav3_kittenright, i was just unsure what the non zero bit meant an if it was supposed to exit 0 or non zero if everything went well
04:13.58slav3_kittendijib, what' up with line 129. i didn't see that exten anyplace
04:14.06slav3_kittenor label
04:40.53*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
04:41.41dijibslav3_kitten: ignore that
04:44.43slav3_kittendijib, why?
04:44.43SeRiThats my dial plan for those interested ^^
04:46.42SeRidijib: Here is my dial plan
04:51.02*** join/#asterisk radic (
05:01.19*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
05:16.42*** part/#asterisk Sean-Der (
05:39.32slav3_kitteni /think/ i have the damn dialplan fixed up a bit
05:50.44*** join/#asterisk jpsharp (~jsharp@2001:470:5:47e:20c:29ff:fe39:90ea)
06:05.02slav3_kitteni really want to get cdr shit working next
06:06.29WIMPyexten => youwannashit,1,Goto(the,loo,1)
06:09.44ChrisInSydneyg'day all
06:10.27WIMPyGood morning.
06:10.41WIMPyOr maybe rather good night.
06:10.52ChrisInSydney17:10 here
06:10.56ChrisInSydneyso arvo it is
06:11.29WIMPyis missing the 1.
06:12.33ChrisInSydneyhas got a lamb shoulder in the oven on 160C or so. Will be in there for another few hours. Marinaded overnight in Tandori spices and yoghurt
06:12.59ChrisInSydneySunday roast
06:13.05WIMPyHow many more hours?
06:13.40ChrisInSydneywent on at 15:00 or so 19:30 I recon is should be right
06:14.08WIMPyNo, I can't make it in time :-(
06:14.21ChrisInSydneyit was too windy to use the BBQ with the hood
06:14.40ChrisInSydneysorry, ill send you tasting notes :P
06:15.15WIMPywaits for the invention of real multimedia.
06:15.25ChrisInSydneyAnyways,I'd better get onto my MySQL GUI thingy for the extension settings / presence / provisioning
06:15.25jpsharpFedEx a plate of that here.
06:15.45ChrisInSydneyjsharp: done ;-)
06:16.17ChrisInSydneyThink I'll crack a bottle of red too.
06:25.55*** join/#asterisk sanman (47c8d864@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
06:26.09sanmanNOTICE[1436]: chan_iax2.c:8883 update_registry: Restricting registration for peer 'XXX' to 60 seconds (requested 120)
06:26.33sanmani thought i fixed it but nope
06:27.49slav3_kittenok does anyone know how to generate an asterisk notice so you can log events to disk?
06:28.21sanmanhow i make this go away
06:28.27sanmanNOTICE[1436]: chan_iax2.c:8883 update_registry: Restricting registration for peer 'MSI' to 60 seconds (requested 120)
06:28.51slav3_kittensanman, change the bit in your iax where you have a 120 second registration time
06:29.07slav3_kittenit's saying MSI want's 60 seconds nd you asked for 120
06:29.44WIMPyslav3_kitten: notice?
06:30.03slav3_kittenyea in the logger.conf you can log warnings, notices, etc
06:30.29slav3_kitten:/ well fuck
06:30.47slav3_kittenwhy would it be something logical like that
06:30.49sanmani dont have anything in my iax with those value
06:31.35slav3_kittensanman, defaults
06:32.08sanmani've check everything
06:32.18sanmanI went over the sample
06:33.09*** join/#asterisk k610 (
06:33.51slav3_kitten < read the bit about registration
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06:38.40dijibwell that didnt work
06:39.17*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
06:39.17dijibthe s option broke it... i have reverted
06:39.48dijibmeh wasnt getting paid anyways
06:42.30*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (kvirc@
06:44.02sanmanminregexpire = 120 maxregexpire = 120 didn't fix it
06:44.13sanmanminregexpire = 60 maxregexpire = 60
06:44.18sanmandidn't fix it
06:46.25dijibThe syntax for the new ConfBridge application is as follows:
06:48.23p3nguinSo you have to use ConfBridge(1234,,,s) ?
06:50.29dijibi have to use ConfBridge(${EXTEN},default_bridge,default_user,user_menu) its all confirgured in confbridge.conf
06:50.42p3nguinOn my ConfBridge, it's #1 to mute/unmute.
06:50.57dijibthey rewrote confbridge
06:51.04p3nguinOh.  I still use 1.8, so ConfBridge is primitive.
06:51.13dijibyes now its advanced
06:51.40p3nguinYou guys should conf on my box.
06:51.46WIMPyThe one in 1.8 was more of a POC I think.
06:52.05dijibmines almost fixed
06:52.10dijibmaybe not
06:52.56*** join/#asterisk classix (
06:53.01dijibhow do i reload to conference config
06:53.27WIMPyYou have to reload the module.
06:54.04p3nguinThe first thing I would do is try conf<TABKEY> on the CLI to see if there is a reload command for it.
06:54.11p3nguinIf it isn't there, then module show like conf
06:54.20p3nguinAnd then module reload whatever.
06:56.03dijibthere we go fixed it
06:59.27dijibthat isnt picking up p3nguin
06:59.51p3nguinMy conf isn't?
07:01.44p3nguinI'm sitting on it, so I know it's available.
07:02.29dijibive taken out eveything after the ,30)
07:02.37dijiblooks like that
07:02.43dijiband died when called
07:08.16*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
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11:00.37ghost75if i assign arguments in agi script, am i supposed to use same variables as asterisk uses or should it be a different name?
11:01.11*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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11:42.51ghost75how i get variable from agi perl script, someone know?
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12:00.54*** join/#asterisk bratner (~bratner@
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12:04.01bratnerHi! A customer asks for "Dual DTMF" support. What is the meaning of "dual" in this context?
12:07.06unicronit is redundant; DTFM = dual tone, multi frequency
12:08.45unicronmy guess is that your customer is ether asking whether she or he can use DTMF to communicate with your system, or whether your system will allow him or her to send DTMF to other systems, through yours, after the call is placed
12:09.16unicronin other words, can your customer dial using the phone's touchpad?
12:40.22bratnerunicron, sure my system supports DTMF , both rfc2833 and SIP INFO, the thing is i have no idea what "dual" means. Maybe the customer is refering to the ability to dial an extension and the receive DTMF from the callee... that is still a guess..
12:48.28unicronor maybe the user wants to dial a bank or a conference line
12:48.50unicronfor that to be reliable then you would need to use dtmf inband, and that would require an uncompressed codec like ulaw
13:13.21*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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13:53.26slav3_kittenso question. if i'm doing north american and international, should i also allow alaw codec?
14:02.12ghost75alaw is europe
14:02.36*** join/#asterisk bandroidx (~bandroidx@2607:f358:1:fed5:4:0:414:11)
14:10.59slav3_kittenso in short, yes?
14:14.55ghost75i would
14:15.09ghost75myself i use g729 now
14:15.20slav3_kittenbandwidth concerns?
14:15.36ghost75yes, 384kbit speed :<
14:15.50ghost75shared with torrent and apache
14:16.14slav3_kitteni got 1.5 meg up and there are 4 people in the house so the worst it could be is 8 channels of ulaw or alaw
14:16.24ghost75i already use agi scripts to throttle down during calls
14:19.57ghost75and apache gets into maintenance mode oO
14:20.55ghost75nobody uses perl in agi ?
14:21.19slav3_kittenagi's are beyond my scope of understanding atm
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14:22.16ghost75is just a script with returning values
14:25.42kaldemarnot quite. more like anything that reads stdin and writes to stdout.
14:25.59slav3_kittenghost75, i know that, but it's past what i know how to use or what to use it for
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14:29.02ghost75kaldemar: how i get variable from it?
14:29.33ghost75do i need to print variables to console then?
14:34.03ghost75perl or bash?
14:35.07ghost75 $session->setvar("bla", $bla)
14:36.33ghost75but i already have some value in $bla
14:37.40WIMPyHowever you have to do it with whatever you use.
14:37.49WIMPyI can only tell about AGI itself.
14:38.02mathis_boo fucking ya. wideband modification of app_jack nearly done
14:41.46kaldemarghost75: what variable?
14:42.07ghost75the variable which is stored in perl
14:42.15kaldemarghost75: get in where?
14:42.19ghost75in asterisk
14:42.27kaldemarwith setvar.
14:42.34ghost75hmm how
14:43.34kaldemarno idea what your setvar($$) does. in plain AGI it would be to write "set variable var value" into stdout.
14:44.18kaldemarand then read the response from stdin.
14:44.45ghost75why set when the perl variable already contains what i need
14:45.13kaldemaryou just said you wanted the value in dialplan. make up your mind.
14:45.40ghost75the syntax would be $session->setvar("bla", $bla)
14:46.12kaldemarif you mean just printing stuff in CLI, you can use "exec" and then print what you want with a NoOp or Verbose.
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14:46.34kaldemarghost75: still, i have no idea what your setvar function is or does, so i can't say.
14:47.43kaldemarif you want to print into CLI while the agi is still executing use exec. if you want to set a variable that your dialplan prints after the agi, use set variable.
14:49.02ghost75reversecheck.agi is the perl above
14:50.23kaldemarthat's not a proper agi in any way.
14:50.52ghost75its normal perl :)
14:51.08kaldemaryes, but not agi.
14:51.20SeRigood morning all
14:51.26ghost75what i need to change there
14:51.43ghost75u are kidding
14:51.49kaldemarit doesn't do anything that an agi script would be required to do.
14:52.40kaldemaryou should first read the arguments given to app AGI from stdin, they are not set to ARGV.
14:53.37kaldemarand you can't just print what ever crap to asterisk like that, you need to conform to the interface. "agi show commands"
14:54.16*** join/#asterisk fritz09 (
14:55.12ghost75set variable
14:55.21ghost75on stdout
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14:57.57slav3_kittenok question: outbound calling. if the caller hangs up the callee continues to ring until they answer which then it's disconnected
14:58.12kaldemarghost75: print "set variable varname" . $perlvarwithvalue;
14:58.29slav3_kittenmy console shows a warning about sip retransmission timeout. what am i doing wrong or is that just how pstn terminated sip works?
14:58.31kaldemarand then read stdin for what asterisk has to say.
14:58.46kaldemaranyway, why are you even using AGI for this? you could use func SHELL as well.
14:59.52ghost75shell from where
15:00.39kaldemarasterisk has functions in dialplan. one of them is called SHELL. "core show function SHELL"
15:01.29kaldemardoesn't seem like you're doing anything that would require the use of AGI.
15:01.55ghost75how i get the output with SHELL
15:03.05kaldemardid you read what "core show function SHELL" says?
15:03.18ghost75it delivers only "result"
15:03.33kaldemarExample:  'Set(foo=${SHELL(echo \bar\)})'
15:05.02SeRislav3_kitten: something is wrong
15:05.03ghost75if i store everything in one it could work
15:05.46slav3_kittenSeRi, what could be wrong an how do i fix it
15:06.13SeRislav3_kitten: most of the time sip retrasmission is due to your itsp going off line or your system not been able to reach your itsp.
15:07.02SeRiand when I mean going off line I mean you not been able to reach them for what ever reason
15:07.10slav3_kittenSeRi, i've got a Hangup after the Dial in my outbound
15:08.56SeRislav3_kitten: core set verbose 3/sip set debug on
15:09.06SeRipastebin the output
15:09.23SeRiand of course replicate the issue
15:09.32slav3_kittenthat's my outbound
15:09.45SeRiI dont need that
15:09.50SeRiI need to see your error
15:10.01slav3_kitteni'm workign on that figured i'd post it all
15:10.55SeRislav3_kitten: who is your ITSP?
15:11.16SeRisetting your cid to block can be an issue depending on your itsp
15:12.43slav3_kittenone second, looking for where that's all logged to
15:14.05slav3_kittenmy asterisk debug skills are kinda non existent
15:17.01*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
15:18.21SeRislav3_kitten: slav3_kitten is logged to the cli
15:18.25SeRinot a file
15:18.34*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
15:18.56SeRiyou have to copy and paste on cli
15:19.17slav3_kittenSeRi, which i can't seem to pageup and it's floods cli, thus i made a verbose logger file
15:20.34slav3_kittenit looks like i have something screwed up with nat
15:22.27SeRishow me
15:23.40slav3_kittengive me a couple minutes to try an fix it on my own?
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15:24.13slav3_kittenit's got my isp's natted wan ip in the sip packets
15:26.51SeRislav3_kitten: You ask for help not me. so dont ask for help if you dont need it ;)
15:27.01SeRiand yeas that would cause an issue.
15:27.35slav3_kittenSeRi, i did ask for help, you said "hey dumbass turn on sip debug"
15:27.39slav3_kittenand i saw a blatant problem
15:28.40*** part/#asterisk mjordan (
15:28.54SeRislav3_kitten:  my console shows a warning about sip retransmission timeout. what am i doing wrong or is that just how pstn      Dibbler
15:30.10slav3_kittensearches through the book for sip an nat
15:30.22SeRiand I never said that. in any case good luck getting help you aint getting shit from me. you and your mental issues.
15:32.25slav3_kittenwait what? i forgot about sip debug i feel like a dumbass. it was more a lol garnering response not any feeling that you at all insulted me
15:33.05slav3_kitteni was trying to get a laugh man. i'm just trying to work this through myself as that's how i best learn.
15:33.22slav3_kittenif i can't figure it out in a few minutes i was going to ask for some more assistance
15:39.03ghost75kaldemar: its working now
15:39.21ghost75print "SET VARIABLE RESULTOERT \"" . $linkoert->as_trimmed_text . "\"";
15:43.05*** join/#asterisk enzo (
15:44.20enzoI have a strange thing, I put a script in: /usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/src-rh.agi, I restart asterisk, but the logs say: WARNING[20611]: pbx.c:4218 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'agi,src-rh.agi' for extension (Incoming, s, 5)
15:44.39enzoWhere is the official dir to put some agi scripts ?
15:52.39slav3_kittenSeRi, i added externip and nat=yes to my sip.conf  in the flowroute section an thought it'd fix it. still is a no go, can i show you my verbose output an get some help?
15:53.43*** join/#asterisk Juggie (~Juggie@unaffiliated/juggie)
15:53.49SeRislav3_kitten: I am a bit bussy right now.
15:54.22slav3_kittenSeRi, whenever you get a chance. i honestly meant no offense earlier and was just trying to get a laugh with the dumbass comment. seriously thought i had it figured out though
15:55.03enzowell syntax is now agi(...) instead of s,5,agi,xxx.agi
15:59.26*** join/#asterisk Mango45 (
16:00.10Mango45How do I view messages in the CLI like this:
16:00.17Mango45Call from '200' to extension '9011972599111142' rejected because extension not found.
16:00.30Mango45All I see is "Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5 "
16:05.38*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
16:05.41SeRiok back
16:05.55SeRistill not working :/
16:07.13*** join/#asterisk SeRi (~wtf@pdpc/supporter/professional/seri)
16:07.25slav3_kittenwb SeRi, what ya working on that's not going as planned?
16:07.26SeRiok now working
16:08.06SeRislav3_kitten: dbus notification
16:08.17SeRiIt turn out a stale terminal stuck on dbus
16:08.26SeRione sec going to do one more test
16:08.59mathis_say I modified an asterisk app to be much more awesome (app_jack can now be used with a wideband channel)
16:09.17mathis_what would be the best way to get the patch into the asterisk tree? ;)
16:09.19*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (~leon@
16:09.45enzoin order to code agi script in php, which php class would you advise ?
16:13.31*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
16:15.19slav3_kittenfeels like he's hitting his head against a wall
16:16.45Mango45Hi, [TK]D-Fender
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16:19.54slav3_kittenyep, still not working
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16:48.31slav3_kittenanyone use flowroute with static IP?
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16:52.57slav3_kittennevermind got it working
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17:13.10sanmanis there a way to clear the CLI history
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17:32.54filemathis_, any patches need to be submitted to with a valid license agreement signed
17:33.35mathis_file: okay, thanks! I was just about to create an account there
17:33.48mathis_file: did send it to asterisk-dev in the meantime though
17:33.57fileI saw, I can't look at it though
17:34.19fileprefers to keep away from any potential legalness, as do others
17:34.44file there's a handy dandy "Patch and Code submission" part there
17:35.13mathis_well, this patch will not cause any legal/license troubles :)
17:35.40mathis_it just replaces some hard coded values with changeable ones
17:35.56slav3_kittenwb SeRi
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17:43.23*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (b4ea1b97@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:43.41Mango45How do I view messages in the CLI when someone with a bad username/password attempts to route a call via my PBX?
17:43.54Mango45At the moment I see: == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
17:44.09Mango45but I would like to see something with more useful details.
17:44.52[TK]D-Fender"sip set debug on"
17:45.01[TK]D-FenderIf you aren't loking with that on... you aren't really looking...
17:45.38ghost75are there filters while debugging?
17:46.47[TK]D-Fenderyou can select by peer/ip
17:46.51[TK]D-Fenderread the CLI help
17:47.07Mango45[TK]D-Fender: I've turned that on, but it displays every single sip packet, 95% of which is good traffic.
17:47.13Mango45and it makes the log files huge.
17:47.27Mango45I was thinking of something like "Call from '200' to extension '9011972599111142' rejected because extension not found."
17:47.50ghost75why you worry someone using your pbx
17:49.20Mango45[TK]D-Fender: No?
17:52.04ghost75normaly it should be impossible to do that if sip.conf is safe no?
17:52.21[TK]D-FenderI told you can can select by peer/ip.  That is all.
17:52.25[TK]D-Fenderno other filtering
17:54.37Mango45How do I get the message I pasted to appear?
17:55.06ghost75not at all
17:55.14WIMPyBy having someone call an extension he can;t call.
17:55.42Mango45I've tried that.  The message I see is:  == Using SIP RTP CoS mark 5
17:56.36WIMPyIf you see that, you will se it on every call.
17:57.58cuscoMango45: messages like those come up in /var/log/asterisk/messages using the default commented on logger.conf
18:02.39Mango45cusco: Unfortunately they don't.
18:03.30ghost75syslog.local0 => notice,warning,error
18:04.28ghost75whats that for
18:06.13ghost75my itsp gives me a lot of those: <--- SIP read from UDP: --->
18:06.13ghost75SIP/2.0 403 Forbidden
18:07.04ghost75is that because of qualify=yes ?
18:09.27cuscoMango45: they do here
18:09.55cuscoI also have alwaysauthreject=yes and match_auth_username=yes in sip.conf
18:10.35Mango45Maybe I should just upgrade to 11.0.1 and see if that "solves the problem.
18:12.19*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
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18:15.56Alex_Bkashi've installed asterisk on my usb linuxmint. but asterisk wont run while i boot usb on another pc. How can i overcome this?
18:18.57*** join/#asterisk tompaw (
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18:19.19*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
18:21.21Alex_BkashI've installed asterisk on my usb linuxmint. but asterisk wont start while i boot usb from another PC. is thr any way i can overcome this?
18:21.57tompawOK guys, shit stopped being funny. I reinstalled everything on asterisk box and the problem still persists. Whe the hell would AMI buffer overflow via the network?
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18:24.17tompawectospasm: your idea of using ncat proved to be correct, but I won't run production via ncat simply because Mr. Asterisk has problems handling Internet.
18:27.15mathis_file: patches should be submitted as Improvement issues, right?
18:28.09WIMPytompaw: Have you already opened an issue on jira?
18:29.19tompawWIMPy: I don't even know what to report here, there's too many variables.
18:29.54tompawBesides ectospasm tried this on his asterisk and it worked fine :/
18:30.48*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
18:32.46SeRiMango45: have you try verbos on your dialplan context?
18:34.50SeRiMango45: same => n,Verbose
18:34.55dijibSeRi: how are you awake already?
18:35.07SeRidijib: lol.
18:35.11SeRisense 7AM
18:35.23dijibouch.. i woke up at 1pm
18:35.44dijibeating my bowl of cerial an fruit right now
18:36.34jpsharpcereal killer!
18:36.47SeRiMango45: maybe this can help...
18:37.23dijibim in conference
18:37.36SeRikill him!
18:37.42SeRiill jump in a bit
18:37.44SeRilunch time
18:38.11dijibcereal killer = hackers
18:39.37Mango45SeRi: Thanks.
18:42.21*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
18:44.37SeRiMango45: did you posted @dslr?
18:44.51*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
18:45.04SeRidijib: ^^
18:45.06Mango45Yes, that was me.
18:45.26SeRiok cool. glad to see you around here.
18:45.38Mango45What's your name on DSLR? :)
18:46.05SeRiI am very hated there... :P
18:48.03SeRiMango45: I thought you were a freeswitch user/admin
18:48.09SeRiI thought wrong :)
18:50.01Mango45I've always wanted to learn FS, but never got around to it.
18:50.12Mango45Asterisk does everything I need, so the incentive isn't really there.
18:50.24*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
18:52.09ghost75A new option, match_auth_username in sip.conf changes the matching of incoming requests.      If set, and the incoming request carries authentication info,      the username to match in the users list is taken from the Digest header      rather than from the From: field.
18:52.14ghost75this option makes any sense?
18:52.34cuscoyou should ask yourself that
18:53.03ghost75i dont know how authentication works in detail
18:53.09[TK]D-FenderDoes it work?
18:57.17slav3_kittenhey dijib ... i'm having that issue where if i hang up an in progress call it continues to attempt the call until the dialed party answers in one form or another
18:57.21*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
18:58.03dfgas-cr48dijib and p3nguin, are you guys here
18:58.13dfgas-cr48good news and bad news
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18:59.06slav3_kittenwhich is dfgas-cr48 ?
18:59.52mathis_eh wtf
19:00.03dfgas-cr48my carrier is working again, i can do echo text on but now my asterisk server is not getting call yet
19:00.05mathis_do issues just get deleted?!
19:01.31mathis_ah noes. it just got moved to an area I am not allowed to see -.-
19:03.52dijibdfgas-cr48: i just got in
19:05.13infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
19:05.18kaldemardfgas-cr48: ^
19:12.42slav3_kittenpokes dijib
19:13.15*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
19:13.33slav3_kittenSeRi, said you were helping someone with an issue when using their itsp to dial out and they hang up their local set while it's ringing. it will continue to ring the callee until they pick up
19:14.40dfgas-cr48from my cell it doesn't work
19:14.44dfgas-cr48wife gets busy too
19:14.48dfgas-cr48but when i turn to echotest that works
19:16.12datarecallis it possible to set you pbx up to send sms messages
19:17.32sanmanhow do i fix this issuer
19:17.34sanmanconfigure: *** configure: *** The IMAP_TK installation appears to be missing or broken. configure: *** Either correct the installation, or run configure configure: *** including --without-imap.
19:19.30*** join/#asterisk fritz09 (
19:20.06mathis_install the appropriate dev package
19:20.17mathis_or run configure with --without-imap
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19:25.04jpsharpdatarecall: If you have either a GSM card in your Asterisk box or if you have a late enough version of Asterisk to support SIP messaging *and* an ITSP that supports sending SMS over SIP.
19:33.00datarecallok my DID is SMS enabled jpsharp how would I check if my asterisk is able to do it
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19:50.42jpsharpdatarecall: What version of Asterisk are you running?
19:52.47jpsharpI don't think it is available that far back.
19:53.11slav3_kittenuh datarecall you do know asterisk 1.6 is older then dirt right? 11 is the current
19:53.51jpsharpslav3_kitten: I think he's running FreeBSD
19:53.54jpsharper, FreePBX.
19:56.04jpsharpYep.  SendText support for SIP is only available in Asterisk 10+.
19:56.33jpsharpOr rather, it would be MessageSend for SIP.
19:59.09jpsharpNow I wonder if I can send an SMS via GoogleTalk using Asterisk and MessageSend.
20:00.36slav3_kittenjpsharp, if you succeed at that, i'd love see how you do it
20:01.03*** join/#asterisk BrettB (~Brett@
20:01.13datarecallyeah im running freepbx
20:01.17slav3_kitteni know a guy who was asking me about sending texts
20:02.04slav3_kittendatarecall, i highly recommend you switch to something using a modern version
20:02.44datarecallslav3_kitten is there a good gui using latest asterisk ?
20:02.48datarecallive only ever used freepbx
20:04.09slav3_kittenuh that's a good question i can't answer. honestly configuring it all in vi is pretty easy
20:04.39slav3_kittenbut yea the version of asterisk you're using is from feb of 2010
20:05.12p3nguin1.8 is also current
20:05.18p3nguin10 is also current
20:05.32[TK]D-Fenderdatarecall: No GUI out here cares about SMS at all.  You're going to have to deal with that aspect by hand yourself
20:06.06slav3_kittenwhat version is asterisk now running?
20:10.43dijibp3nguin: good day sir.
20:11.00dijib[TK]D-Fender: did i hear you a fellow canuck
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20:14.53datarecallis there a repo for centos 6 for asterisk
20:15.04[TK]D-Fenderdijib: Correct
20:27.04jpsharpdatarecall: Building Asterisk from source isn't that hard.
20:28.17ghost75i will update soon to 1.8
20:29.02ghost75its in apt
20:30.08Nivexit's not that hard, but I'm also lazy
20:30.30ghost75why they have still astcanary
20:34.23datarecalljust upgraded asterisk now all my files can not be found : WARNING[2190]: file.c:962 ast_streamfile: Unable to open vm-goodbye (format 0x4 (ulaw)): No such file or directory
20:37.20slav3_kittendatarecall, you went from version 1.6 to 11?
20:37.40datarecall1.6 ->1.8
20:37.55slav3_kittenthat's likely going to break everything
20:38.25datarecalljust seems that it cant find the sound files
20:38.57jpsharpthey should be in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/
20:39.03jpsharpIf not, you'll need to reinstall them.
20:39.18jpsharpThat too.
20:39.21datarecallhmm yeah all the sound files are there
20:39.46jpsharpAnd, alas, I cannot seem to use MessageSend along with GV to send SMS.
20:40.32datarecallok so if the sound files are all in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds wonder why 1.8 can't find them
20:40.43slav3_kittencorrect me if i'm wrong, but isn't freepbx basically made up of lots of scripts an such that are pretty much broken by doing major version changes of asterisk?
20:41.16ChannelZmore or less
20:41.35slav3_kittendatarecall, incorrect permissions on the asterisk crap would be my guess
20:43.51datarecallpermissions look good :
20:45.42slav3_kittendatarecall A) i see a lot of links to files an not actual files. B) i see everything in sln an not ulaw like was requested
20:46.54datarecallslav3_kitten can you just install the sound files ?
20:47.10*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
20:47.20slav3_kittendownload the sound files from and put them into that directory
20:48.39dfgas-cr48SeRi, yo
20:52.58ghost75/usr/share/asterisk/sounds i have
20:59.12*** join/#asterisk Brokedcomputer (~ce@
21:00.35BrokedcomputerHey Guys
21:04.07jpsharpGreetings, program
21:06.37ghost75greetings infidel :)
21:10.21datarecallwhich gui would you guy's reccomend using elastix, asterisknox, freepbx ? gonna redo this install i guess
21:11.22jpsharpNone of the above.  GUIs just limit you, force you to use very specific installation versions, and are just a general all around pain in the processor.
21:11.54datarecalljpsharp dealing with asterisk conf's is out of my league. If you had to use one which would you use :)
21:12.49*** join/#asterisk k610 (
21:12.55jpsharpI cannot recommend one over another.  I don't use them, so couldn't judge them on their merits.
21:15.08Brokedcomputerjpsharp is a master of conf configuration, you should just ask what you need :P
21:15.24ghost75gui is for users, not for admins
21:15.45datarecallfile.c:667 ast_openstream_full: File vm-goodbye does not exist in any format i downloaded the sound files but still getting these errors
21:16.24ghost75try with including pathname in dialplan
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21:18.34datarecall is the log of whats going on when i dial a number
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21:20.19jpsharpThere's no /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/custom/cred_intro.something
21:20.53jpsharpor /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en/custom/cred_intro.something.
21:21.16datarecallbut it is there:
21:21.51ghost75its looking for gsm not wav
21:22.15datarecall1.6 played those fine though
21:23.07kaldemarthe sound directory structure has changed.
21:23.31slav3_kittendatarecall, you've upgraded one major version. there were drastic changes between 1.6 an 1.8 from what i read in the book
21:23.37kaldemarsounds/<language>/custom would be the right place.
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21:25.07datarecallslav3_kitten would you just recommend doing  a fresh system them  starting from scratch ?
21:25.34datarecallghost75 i converted those files to gsm and it still cant find them
21:25.36kaldemardatarecall: not needed. just put your sound files in the right directory.
21:25.52ghost75try full path
21:26.35slav3_kittenghost75, he's upgraded his free PBX from version 1.6 of astersik to version 1.8
21:28.01p3nguinDoesn't matter if it is the full path or not.  Asterisk is already looking for the file in the path where it is supposed to look.  Relative paths are what it uses.
21:28.26datarecallghost what do you mean by full path ?
21:28.34BrokedcomputerDoes anyone know why fuser is loading my processor with requests? (Sorry I know its not asterisk related)
21:28.59slav3_kittenghost75, and i can't imagine freebpx is happy with the upgrade
21:30.31jayteeI'm having an issue with inbound calls from my sip provider, Flowroute, where I get two way audio for about 3 to 5 seconds and then the call drops due to retransmission timeouts. Here is a sip debug of the call,
21:33.20ghost75do: find -name *.gsm
21:38.00ghost75or move files to /usr/share/asterisk/...
21:38.24*** join/#asterisk trumee (
21:39.10datarecallghost75 that fixed it
21:40.27*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
21:41.23datarecallnow I see this error WARNING[3071]: pbx.c:4235 pbx_extension_helper: No application 'VoiceMail' for extension (macro-vm, s-NOANSWER, 2)
21:44.46ghost75i think is called voicemailmain
21:48.09datarecalland this one here  WARNING[3171]: res_agi.c:1621 launch_script: Failed to execute '/usr/share/asterisk/agi-bin/dialparties.agi': File does not exist.
21:49.01*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
21:49.32ghost75shouldnt be hard to find
21:50.45datarecallyeah i found it and moved it into the share directory
21:51.38jpsharpYou're ending up with a Frankenbyte system.
21:51.52datarecallyeah it seems so
21:51.57datarecallthink i might just start fresh
21:56.13*** join/#asterisk vfabi (
21:59.27p3nguindijib: Is that you fucking up Tony's system?
22:00.19p3nguinmodules.conf has been deleted, chan_sip isn't loaded, etc.
22:00.34dijibno im not in there
22:00.37dijibare you in there?
22:00.45*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
22:00.54dijibi think he is rebuilding it line by line at current
22:01.00dijibgood learning process
22:01.18dijibi dont have ssh creds
22:01.21dijibmake me an account
22:01.32dijibshare your un/pw
22:02.36dijibvoipms came back to him and said its not their end
22:02.52dijibhe said he was able to call the echo test setting on the did from his cellphone
22:03.01p3nguinI know.
22:03.04dijibhe has switched it back to the main account
22:03.07dijibhow do you know?!?!?!
22:03.22p3nguinI read the ticket and replied to them.
22:03.24dijibyour an omnipresent god
22:03.33dijibhow you do that?
22:03.41dijibthrough your account?
22:04.02dijibive changed remotesecret=password back to secret=password
22:04.04p3nguinI also tested echo test and routed calls.  echo works, but the calls do not get to him when routed.  I say it is a router issue.
22:04.08p3nguinThat's wrong.
22:04.17p3nguinremotesecret is the correct setting.  Like I told you.
22:04.32dijibyeah thats what were thinking but why then yesterday did it work
22:04.38dijibflatten the router???
22:04.38p3nguinI really shouldn't have to tell you more than one time.
22:05.13*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:05.14p3nguinSomeone has totally fucked it up, now.  The sip.conf is all jacked up.
22:05.27p3nguinSo I'm out.  I don't need to keep cleaning up after someone else.
22:05.35dijibits him
22:05.37slav3_kittendatarecall, throwing in the towel an building from scratch?
22:05.46dijibhe is rewriting everything
22:06.01dijibstarting out with a fresh sample configs
22:06.02p3nguinIt didn't need to be rewritten.
22:06.09p3nguinI personally checked it myself last night.  It was fine.
22:06.14dijibi know.
22:06.20dijibthats what i told him...
22:06.27p3nguinNow he only has extensions.conf and sip.conf.  Everything else is gone.
22:06.32dijibshould i black list my conf?
22:06.36dijibdid you fix your conf?
22:06.45p3nguinMy conf wasn't broken.
22:06.48dijibhe is copying back everything?
22:06.50dijibone by one.
22:07.02dijibmy conference has been reconfigured also
22:07.05p3nguinHe has a jacked up sip.conf on there now.
22:07.10dijibi cant see
22:07.15dijibshare your creds
22:07.20dijibmake me an acocunt
22:07.46p3nguinThere was no reason to delete the sip.conf nor the extensions.conf.  Both were 95% or better in my opinion.
22:08.54p3nguinNot up to me, though.  The first time I looked, it was a freebie.  Next time I have to fix it, it's going to cost someone.
22:08.54dijibhe didnt delete he backed them up
22:09.11dijibmy fucking nightmare
22:09.17dijibneed some dough
22:09.55dijibi need to campaign businesses... sell some asterisk, get some cashflow in this channel
22:09.56p3nguinI'll bet an hour's pay on it being the router at fault.
22:10.09dijibyou dont want to know what i make an hour
22:10.17p3nguinEither a configuration in the thing or the router itself.
22:10.43dijib3.36 hourly
22:10.52dijibit was working yesterday
22:10.58dijiband the night before
22:11.21p3nguinI'm putting part of my chips on his fixation with port triggering instead of port forwarding.
22:11.24dijibalthough thats not confirmed becuase i was justphoning through my asterisk... i thought he said he was able to call in though or a friend
22:11.44dijibi checked that... they seemed to be configured as port forwarding
22:12.04dijibthere were two radio buttons and the triggering took you to a page with no config.. the forward = populated
22:12.44dijibhe has upgraded to a new version of the firmware.
22:13.08dijibit has changed the whole gui and seri couldnt find the alg stuff now after
22:13.14dijibor maybe eventualyl did
22:13.20dijibremote management is on 8089
22:13.24dijibfor his router
22:13.30dijibyou know the creds
22:15.59*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
22:16.47*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
22:18.00dijibdfgas-cr48: back in eh
22:18.15dfgas-cr48read your pm
22:18.22dfgas-cr48found the issue kinda
22:19.13*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
22:21.25p3nguinSIP ALG is under the WAN setup page.
22:21.44p3nguinI think I found the issue.
22:22.13p3nguinI bet the router restarts on this change.
22:24.34p3nguinI'm interested to know what he thinks the problem is now.
22:25.59dijibi think it did
22:26.10p3nguinWhat did he think the problem is?
22:26.19dijib17:25 -!- dfgas-cr48 [] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds]
22:28.48jayteefigured out my dropped call issue. It was an issue with the router.
22:29.15p3nguindijib: I got the calls making it to asterisk now.
22:34.45dijibyes he is reporting this to me now.
22:35.54p3nguinIt works, now.
22:36.36p3nguinI just verified that he put back the sip.conf, which I had to edit back to the way it was last time I edited it, and fixed some of the extension stuff that was still out of whack (that I ignored before).
22:38.26dijibok he says he saw his cell phones callerid when he tested it
22:38.29p3nguinIt isn't "done," but calls get to where they are supposed to go.
22:38.38dijibbut i just tried and its still congestion
22:38.50dijibto voipms-inbound
22:38.55dijibthank you p3nguin
22:39.42p3nguinI'm kind of wanting to revert that change that I think made the difference.
22:40.40*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
22:40.51dfgas-cr48p3nguin, yo
22:41.14dfgas-cr48so idk if you fixed it or if its what i tried
22:41.19dfgas-cr48but calling in works
22:41.29[sr]going to sleep
22:41.36p3nguinWhat did you change that you think fixed it?
22:41.49dfgas-cr48i moved all the config files out and created samples and put basic in
22:41.57dfgas-cr48and then it showed me calling in
22:42.00dijibits still not working for me
22:42.20dfgas-cr48so i removed all those files and put in the config files you guys have been working on
22:42.28dijibyou need to fix your confbridge.conf with something like this, and then fix the dialplan for confbridge
22:42.32p3nguinAnd then I had to re-edit the files after you got rid of them and then put them back.
22:43.09dfgas-cr48in the extensions.conf i found my other DID 8187 line was still in the inbound stuff so i removed all those lines and then it started to show me connecting to asterisk when i would call in
22:43.30p3nguinI changed a setting on the router.
22:43.49dfgas-cr48wait what did you edit?
22:43.57p3nguinHaving more extensions configured than you use does not prevent calls from reaching asterisk.  Having bad router settings does.
22:44.23dfgas-cr48what setting was bad?
22:45.05p3nguinSomeone enabled DMZ and supplied asterisk's address.
22:45.19infobot[~dmz] De-Militarized Zone, or usually a separate physical or logical network that has limited access to your internal systems and is accessible in limited ways from untrusted networks such as the Internet.  Putting Asterisk in the DMZ is not an acceptable alternative to properly forwarding the appropriate ports, so don't do it.  Plastic router appliances generally do not implement DMZ well.
22:45.21dfgas-cr48yah seri wanted me to try that today
22:45.29p3nguinNever ever use that.
22:45.41p3nguinYou don't use DMZ and you don't ever use sudo su.
22:45.48dfgas-cr48k, it wasn't working before so we thought we would try it
22:45.49*** join/#asterisk imox (
22:46.07dfgas-cr48p3nguin, why no sudo su?
22:46.14p3nguinIt wasn't working before because there was a problem with the delivery of the DID.
22:46.21dfgas-cr48i have used that for years
22:46.22p3nguinBecause you must learn to use sudo correctly.
22:46.30p3nguinsudo or su, not both.
22:46.47dfgas-cr48yah they emailed me and said everything worked fine
22:47.02dfgas-cr48sudo - right
22:47.09p3nguinsudo allows you to run commands as another user.  Without specifying a user, it assumes root.
22:47.24p3nguinsu allows you to become another user.  Without specifying a user, it assumes root.
22:47.41p3nguinSo sudo su means precisely this:  As root, become root.
22:47.42dfgas-cr48nvm, su -
22:48.08dfgas-cr48ahh, true
22:48.12p3nguinIf you are already running things as root, you don't need to also run things as root.  YOU ARE ALREADY ROOT.
22:48.18dijibyeh seri was testing the dmz
22:48.24dfgas-cr48sorry habbit i picked up a long time ago
22:48.28p3nguinIf you want a root shell, sudo -i or sudo -s will take care of that.
22:48.52*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
22:48.52dfgas-cr48so everything is all good now?
22:49.08p3nguinI didn't see too much else that was a problem.
22:49.10dfgas-cr48expect something with my confbridge?
22:49.25slav3_kittenp3nguin, sudo su is typically how you become root on ubuntu boxes
22:49.54dfgas-cr48yah when they changed not having root password that is what they told me to do
22:50.04p3nguinslav3_kitten: Nope.
22:50.16p3nguinAnd read what I just typed about it.
22:50.47slav3_kittenp3nguin, i did. but the most common thing people will tell you us sudo su. not saying it's right just what's commonly done
22:51.05p3nguinThey are retarded and don't need to be calling themselves admins.
22:51.15slav3_kittenyea i'm not going to disagree with you there
22:51.46p3nguinIt's like running sudo sh bash sudo bash.  NONSENSE.
22:52.20slav3_kittenthat's an amazing idea... i love recursion
22:52.24dfgas-cr48dijib, whats up with confbridge
22:52.37dijibyou need a confbridge.conf
22:53.09dijiband you need to fix your dialplan for the confbridge specifying the bridge,user,menu (new *11 format)
22:53.18dijibi had not had that configured correctly
22:53.19dfgas-cr48oh put in mine what yours says
22:53.28dijibyeh if you want
22:55.08dfgas-cr48on confbridge is changed, then i need to change extensions.conf?
22:56.03dijibyes with the new format for the ConfBridge application instance in there
22:56.32dijibsame => n,ConfBridge(2663,norec_bridge,admin_user,user_menu);
22:56.38dfgas-cr48not sure what you mean
22:56.41slav3_kitteni need to get some of that cord protector stuff for the network cable to the phone
22:56.44p3nguinI'm still waiting for you to fix your stuff so you can connect to my conf.
22:57.05p3nguinYou're the only one who can't reach me.
22:57.13p3nguinAnd I checked the firewall; you are not blocked.
22:57.49dijibi dont see the problem
22:57.51dfgas-cr48dijib, do i add that line to the conference?
22:58.02dijibyes in extensions.conf
22:59.38dijibi dont knwo where it is... i cant even originate to it
22:59.40dfgas-cr48dijib, in your pm, like that?
23:00.02dijibyou can change the 2663 to ${EXTEN}
23:00.12p3nguinYou don't HAVE TO.
23:01.08*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:01.10*** join/#asterisk j4jes (
23:01.19dijibchange admin_user to default_user
23:02.24p3nguinBoth his DIDs are working fine, now.
23:02.45j4jeshello, anyone here know where to plug in the 11 digit international dial rule for skyconnect in trixbox  (entensions_custom.conf??)
23:02.57infobotTrixbox is unable to be supported here.  It is a closed-source distribtuion of Asterisk and FreePBX containing proprietary code that its users do not have access to, making it difficult to support.  Try joining #trixbox and asking your questions there.
23:03.38p3nguinIf you know what number you want to dial and what needs to be sent to the peer, we can help you with an appropriate extension.
23:03.42j4jesanyone know how to get into #trixbox if it's invite only?
23:05.06p3nguin(1704.42)  -!- p3nguin has joined #trixbox
23:05.10p3nguinIt isn't invite only.
23:05.26j4jesI used this skype-out context in extensions.conf in a basic asterisk install, and it works     exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/skype/+1${EXTEN},90)
23:05.49j4jesprobably because skype-connect needs the +1 prepend
23:06.02j4jesand the 11 digit international dialing
23:06.27j4jeswish I could just plug the same thing into the trixbox
23:07.45*** join/#asterisk dfgas-cr48 (
23:07.51dijibp3nguin: i still cannot phone from my direct to voipms account
23:08.09dijibalthough i can reach a at&t 1800#
23:08.12p3nguinI don't know what you mean.
23:08.30p3nguinIf you dial his number(s) from your cell phone, you get what?
23:08.33dfgas-cr48dijib, can you check my files and is there a way when i call from outside line in that i can reach your conference from mine maybe using a password maybe
23:08.45p3nguinI called both of the DIDs, and the calls hit asterisk 100%.
23:08.51dijibwhen i dai from ata-> voipms i get congestion
23:09.03*** part/#asterisk j4jes (
23:09.05p3nguinMisconfiguration  <----------
23:09.17dijibhold on ive got a call
23:13.40*** join/#asterisk j4jes (
23:24.24j4jescan someone show me what dialpattern would append +1 infront of a 10 digit number?
23:31.30p3nguin10-digit North American number?
23:32.18p3nguin_NXXNXXXXXX is the pattern.  +1{EXTEN} makes it add +1 to the number dialed.
23:34.18j4jeshmmm ok, so in freepbx I can add _NXXNXXXXXX to the dial pattern, but the +1{EXTEN} i don't know, maybe in the outbound route
23:35.38slav3_kittenj4jes, what service are you using?
23:36.02slav3_kittenfor your itsp
23:36.13j4jestrixbox <sigh>
23:36.33slav3_kittentrixbox is your pbx, or flowroute would be your itsp
23:36.53slav3_kitteni know flowroute wants countrycode + number
23:37.47j4jesoh right.. I'm using skypeconnect (skype for sip) which needs 11 digit dialing, basically +1, XXXXXXXXXX
23:38.02slav3_kittenappending +1 would actually be 01+10digits or 12 digits
23:38.46j4jesso in my basic asterisk install adding exten => _X.,n,Dial(SIP/skype/+1${EXTEN},90)   to the skype-out context in extensions.conf does well
23:39.02j4jesbecause i insist on trixbox, i am stuck
23:39.12ectospasmtompaw: I did?  I do not recall trying to confirm your AMI issue on my system (not that I didn't, just that I don't remember doing so)
23:39.34j4jesbut i think i just have to put the same string in extensions_custom.conf
23:39.43slav3_kittenj4jes, that's a terrible pattern match....
23:39.51slav3_kittenhold up let me show you what i got
23:39.55p3nguin(1732.18) <p3nguin> _NXXNXXXXXX is the pattern.  +1{EXTEN} makes it add +1 to the number dialed.
23:40.09p3nguinI meant +1${EXTEN}
23:40.26p3nguinI was eating a sandwich and missed the $.
23:40.45slav3_kittenp3nguin, yea but he said skype expects 11 digits and +1 then the 10 dialed would send 12 digits
23:41.01j4jesright. so I can add the pattern in my freepbx, but the +1 i have to add to my skype-out context ...
23:41.05j4jeswherever that is
23:42.39slav3_kittenj4jes, you do realize A) trixbox is dead. B) we are an asterisk channel.
23:43.42j4jesyes, i have sinned sorry
23:44.21NivexI much prefer $EDITOR extensions.conf  to some GUI monstrosity.
23:44.46slav3_kittenj4jes, for north american dialing
23:44.51Nivexoh, I know I'm late to the game, but whoever came up with templates for SIP peers, THANK YOU!
23:45.09slav3_kitteniirc mine is based of either SeRi, p3nguin, or dijib's conf they posted earlier
23:45.10j4jeswas hoping there might be one or two trixbox users left, since the #trixbox channel is kinda dead
23:45.32p3nguindijib probably copied his from my example in the pastebin.
23:45.33slav3_kitten#trixbox is dead because the project has died
23:45.48j4jesI'm transitioning to bare asterisk, just using trixbox to get me past the learning curve
23:45.54slav3_kittenp3nguin, i don't remember who it was.... but it was one of you three
23:46.14p3nguinThat looks like what I have in my example.
23:47.29j4jesanyways, skype-out context is usually in extensions.conf     just have to find where trixbox keeps that context .. then I can edit it to prepend the +1$(EXTEN)
23:47.54p3nguinMaybe they have some type of "custom" extensions where you can do whatever you want.
23:48.24j4jeschecking ..
23:49.44slav3_kittenprobably you then p3nguin
23:50.44p3nguinThere's a problem with it, though.
23:51.01p3nguinexten => _1NXXNXXXXXX,1,Dial(${TOLL}/1${EXTEN}); ;sends 11 digits
23:51.31p3nguinThat actually sends 12 digits -- 11 followed by the number.
23:52.41j4jesthat looks like the dial international context
23:53.22p3nguinI don't have a context just for international.
23:53.40j4jessure it's 11 digit dial pattern but the +1$ isn't really a part of that
23:55.08j4jesahh! i pressed the cloaking button
23:55.15j4jeswhat the hell is that
23:56.50carrarnever press the cloading button
23:57.19slav3_kittenerr p3nguin i actually removed my dialing prefix for flowroute. guess i missed a digit
23:58.36slav3_kittenearlier SeRi was giving me a hand an i pastebinned my sip.conf while forgetting to redact my phone secret
23:59.33*** join/#asterisk UnixDev_ (~UnixDev@unaffiliated/unixdev)
23:59.40j4jesin bitchx the delete button activates cloaking
23:59.56UnixDev_when using asterisk realtime, how can you specify more than 1 codec if you can only have 1 column "allow"  ?

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