IRC log for #asterisk on 20121112

00:01.59*** join/#asterisk TimeRider (
00:05.02ChannelZmathi: it works for me.  Did you reload logger and cli or restart asterisk?
00:05.45ChannelZactually you'd have to restart asterisk I think so that the root process would pick up the log level in cli.conf
00:06.28jeffspeffyou can't put variables in a extension pattern can you? like exten=${myvar}XXXX,1,foo()
00:06.42ChannelZdon't think so
00:07.02WIMPyThe log level in cli.conf probably doesn;t have any influence on log files (any more).
00:07.09ChannelZIt does here
00:07.29WIMPyjeffspeff: Yes, you can.
00:07.32ChannelZactually... let me see
00:07.53jeffspeffWIMPy, really? I'm getting an auto-fallthrough when i try
00:08.41WIMPyjeffspeff: Are you missing the _ or was that a C&P error?
00:09.05jeffspeffI'm missing the _
00:09.49jeffspeffi wasn't sure if i should even still put it in there. i thought that * only expected that in front of XXXX
00:10.16jeffspeffor whatever your pattern is, but i didn't think it would recognize a variable as the same type of pattern
00:10.17WIMPyYes, and you have XXXX in there.
00:10.43WIMPyWell, for any pattern, i.e. znx.! .
00:11.00WIMPyAnd [], off course.
00:11.46jeffspeffif i set a var in one context, that var is carried to the next context right? or not?
00:11.56jeffspeffsame call, but different context
00:12.06jeffspeffwhich makes it a channel variable?
00:12.12WIMPyvariables are global or on a channel.
00:12.32WIMPyContext doesn't matter.
00:13.17jeffspeffso, how do i set a channel variable? i'm just using the exten=XXXXX,1,Set(foo=123) method
00:13.27jeffspeffso would foo then be a channel or global?
00:13.31WIMPyThat's one.
00:14.00WIMPyUnless you define it in your dialplan under [global] or use the GLOBAL() function, it's a channel variable.
00:16.22mathiChannelZ, it works now thanks
00:16.55*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:17.10mathimy next problem is that HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS() returns nothing, though I have Asterisk 11.0.0
00:19.17*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
00:21.13mathisame => n,Set(HANGUPCAUSE_STRING=${HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS()})
00:21.38mathi-- Executing [s@subHangUp:3] Set("SIP/ipbx-soderwi-00000005", "HANGUPCAUSE_STRING=") in new stack
00:21.53ChannelZIs that after a dial?
00:21.59mathiin the hang up handler
00:22.23mathiwhen I hang up the phone, this dialplan is executed
00:22.38mathi${HANGUPCAUSE_KEYS()} returns empty
00:22.41WIMPyOh, mathi is in full 11 fever :-)
00:23.43mathiWIMPy, yeap.... will you help? :P
00:24.22WIMPyI haven't found a use case for those features, yet.
00:26.21ChannelZwell it's blank here too but I'm not sure what the use is quite yet
00:27.33mathiChannelZ, you have asterisk 11?
00:27.35mathiit's a new feature
00:27.36*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
00:27.55ChannelZIt works immediately after a dial()
00:28.54mathiChannelZ, ah, so it works only if I transfer using Dial() ?
00:28.56*** join/#asterisk widler (47c8d864@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:28.58ChannelZwhether it's a bug or not that it doesn't in the hangup extension, or is getting cleared by something else you're doing prior, that I don't know.
00:29.13widlerhello all
00:29.19widlerI'm new to asterisk
00:29.33widlerand need much help
00:30.31carrarwidler, check this out then
00:30.32infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
00:32.02widlerthanks. i install it ok. my gui works, but I cant seem to add a dialplan
00:32.22mathiChannelZ, it works only after a Dial() for me, in other cases I have an empty string returned
00:32.28ChannelZOh no, the G word
00:33.04widleriax2 reload don't work
00:33.06slav3_kittenit's a good book
00:33.13ChannelZmathi: maybe the channels are already destroyed by the time the h exten is executed, I don't know.
00:33.51widlerwhat's the h extension and how do i get the channels back
00:34.25ChannelZI was talking to mathi
00:34.36*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
00:34.41Nemuscan asterisk play midi files?
00:34.48ChannelZoh dear god
00:35.06ChannelZplease puncture my ear holes
00:35.29Nemusstand still
00:38.29mathiChannelZ, WIMPy, ok all these questions about logging and hangupcause... is because I am trying to debug something very mysterious happening. At one point, my IVR asks the user to enter his mobile phone (plus or less 10 digits). And from time to time... the user gets disconnected while entering the numbers. And I can't explain why
00:39.06*** join/#asterisk wonderworld (
00:39.30p3nguinjeffspeff: If you set a variable in an extension, without setting it as a GLOBAL, it is only valid on the channel that is executing that extension.  When the channel goes away, the variable goes away.  Also, if that channel spawns other channels, the variable is not carried to new channel "levels" unless you use underscores to activate the possibility of inheritance of the variable.
00:39.51WIMPymathi: Onless the normal verbose 3 output tells you anything, you will have to dig at the protocoll level.
00:40.18mathiWIMPy, I have versbose 300 :-) ...  How do I dig at the prtocol level ?
00:40.42mathi(because all the logs say is [Nov 12 00:52:43] VERBOSE[9023][C-00000004] app_read.c:     -- User disconnected)
00:40.49WIMPyUsually with <wahteverprotocoll> set debug ...
00:41.24mathiWIMPy, and how can I log that into my file, what level do I need to set ?
00:41.25WIMPyThat surely doesn't look like it has anythig to do with your dialplan.
00:41.46WIMPyWhat cahanneltype are tey comming in?
00:41.56mathiWIMPy, no... I have done many Read() for many inputs, I know how to use it, and the code to ask the mobile is very simple....
00:42.05mathiWIMPy, SIP
00:42.51WIMPyThen it might be easier to use wireshark.
00:43.59mathiWIMPy, but actually there is a first server (with a Digium card) that that is like a trunk between my server (I have no cards) and the caller
00:45.10WIMPySo they come in via a phone line in to one Asterisk and then you pass them on via SIP to another Asterisk where you see them diconnect?
00:46.20jeffspeffp3nguin, in my beginning context, the dialplan grabs some info from a database then cuts that info, setting different vars. of the things it grabs and sets is a customer id and a destination. i then use those for my goto priority. which is getting concatenated correctly. i verified this through verbose output in cli. so, it's supposed to go to EXTENSIONS,customerid+destination,1   which is equaling EXTENSIONS,11234,1
00:46.23mathiyes, (but tey disconnect *sometimes* only when they need to enter their phone number (ptobably because they need to enter many numbers), there are no problems with other inputs asking 1 or 2 numbers)
00:46.55jeffspeffthen in my EXTENSIONS context i have exten=_${CoID}XXXX,1,Verbose(blah blah) etc.
00:47.06mathiWIMPy, pstn => some server => SIP => my server
00:47.24jeffspeff${CoID} is the actual var being set in the original context where the data is pulled
00:47.45jeffspeffbut i keep getting an auto-fallthrough on the channel after it does the goto
00:47.54WIMPymathi: You should be debugging on the other server then.
00:48.08mathiWIMPy, you suspect something on the other server?
00:48.20jeffspeffit leads me to believe that ver 11 doesn't do variables in the exten patterns
00:48.45jeffspeffotherwise exten=_${CoID}XXXX,1,foo() would work
00:48.50ChannelZdo a SIP debug and see if you just get a BYE from the 'other server' which would tell you
00:48.56WIMPymathi: Either there or even further away.
00:49.22WIMPyjeffspeff: It works for me. But maybe you should show us a failed call.
00:49.53jeffspeffok, just a sec
00:49.57p3nguinI don't think "extensions" is a very good name for a context, considering every context is full of extensions (that's what contexts are).
00:51.10mathiChannelZ, the command is "core set debug on" ?
00:51.51WIMPymathi: sip set debug peer <otherserver>
00:51.59jeffspeffhere's the cli output and the dialplan
00:52.39jeffspeffp3nguin, this is just a test box, no where near any of my production systems...  i'm just toying with different ideas and databasing, etc. just trying to get better at asterisk. :)
00:53.11p3nguinMy comment was for the purpose of getting better with asterisk.
00:53.20mathiWIMPy, No such command 'sip set debug <ipbx-wizdo>'
00:53.33jeffspeffp3nguin, oh,
00:53.46jeffspeffwell there's only 2 contexts. :)
00:53.57p3nguinI try to encourage best practice.
00:54.40WIMPyAnd what's the value of CoID?
00:54.41jeffspeffmy production system has so many contexts in a huge dialplan i finally just split the dp into multiple .conf files and used file includes within extensions.conf
00:54.50jeffspeffWIMPy, 1
00:55.02WIMPyOh never mind.
00:55.06mathiWIMPy, Unable to get IP address of peer 'ipbx-wizdo'
00:55.07jeffspeffline 40
00:55.35WIMPyWhy do you wan to go to an extension that you just invented on the fly?
00:55.48p3nguinmathi: Set it manually.  sip set debug ip <addr>
00:56.13mathip3nguin, ahhh thanks, :-) I will try, just need to figure out how to find its ip, I quite forgot
00:56.35jeffspeffWIMPy, no real reason right now; just trying to get some different logic working; if it's possible
00:56.39WIMPyjeffspeff: I guess the variable will only be parsed at dialplan load time. But I don't see how that's a restriction.
00:57.14jeffspeffthe var gets parsed when the call comes through, it's in a database that gets queried based on the DID of the incoming call
00:57.25WIMPyYou're dtrying to match what you're going to send. That doesnt really make sense.
00:58.05p3nguinI don't think this can ever work.
00:58.08WIMPyThat's like a 'if true then'.
00:58.27jeffspeffi'm not matching what i'm sending, i want to go to EXTENSION,11234,1   but it doesn't work in the EXTENSIONS context
00:58.28p3nguinIf the variable does not exist when pbx_config loads the dial plan, the extensions will be invalid.
00:58.45jeffspeffpretend that those vars are anything other than the numbers they are, it should work
00:58.59WIMPyNot invalid, just without that part.
00:59.08WIMPyIt doesn't matter.
00:59.35jeffspeffWIMPy, so, the channel variable of ${CoID} can't be called within an extension pattern
00:59.45p3nguinI would make an extension that matches more things, and then use the values of the variables to goto something else which also matches more things.
00:59.54WIMPyOnly if it's global.
01:00.11WIMPyBut as stated, I don't see that as an issue.
01:00.16p3nguinIf the value of CoID is always an integer, create an extension with a pattern that matches the possible integers.
01:00.28jeffspeffp3nguin, you're missing the point here
01:00.57p3nguinNo, I'm not.  You're trying to do something that falls outside the realm of possibilities of dial plan.
01:00.58jeffspeffthere's not some type of project i'm working on, or problem to solve. i'm simply trying to call a var in an exten pattern that i set in a previous context.
01:01.06WIMPyjeffspeff: No you making a point that doesn't exist.
01:01.40WIMPyContexts still don't matter.
01:01.59p3nguinYou *can* go to a place in dial plan that does reflect the value of your variable.
01:02.04jeffspeffthe point is, as we've now learned, you can not create a channel var and then call that var within an extension pattern
01:02.07p3nguinBut the problem is how you're trying to get there.
01:03.18p3nguinIf I knew the possible range if data that your variable could contain, I'd be able to devise an appropriate dial plan to make it happen.
01:03.20jeffspefffully aware there are 1000^99999999999999 ways to do this, but like i said, i'm just playing around, trying new things. this obviously doesn't work as expected
01:04.10jeffspeffp3nguin, the problem is easily solved with using any regular expressions of extension patterns other than custom variables.
01:05.23WIMPyYou'd better construct a use case for that Goto in the first place. Otherwise there isn't much to comment on.
01:06.00*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
01:10.09p3nguinIs there any such creation as a realtime dial plan?
01:11.25p3nguinjeffspeff: dialplan show EXTENSIONS
01:11.40p3nguinWhat extension(s) does it show were loaded?
01:11.49jeffspeffp3nguin, we're done with this
01:12.16jeffspeffover an hour ago, i asked if it worked like i was wanting to. you said no, wimpy said yes, i tried, it doesn't work. moving on
01:12.24p3nguinmoves on, too
01:12.29jeffspeffthanks for your help.
01:12.57p3nguinYou did make me curious if there is a way around the limitation.
01:13.02WIMPyWell I didn't imagine, you would try that with a channel variable.
01:14.57jeffspeffWIMPy, now imagine the possiblities that become available if you could do that. and it would still be logical in the dialplan too
01:15.16WIMPyI don't see any.
01:15.20jeffspeffbut there are many many ways to accomplish the same task
01:15.45WIMPyAs already said, constucting a wildcard for something you already know seems completely pointless to me.
01:16.03jeffspeffwho said I knew the values of that?
01:16.18jeffspeffthe value of CoID can change to be a large number
01:16.18WIMPyYou set them just before.
01:16.34jeffspeffbut the extensions context doesn't know what i just set it to
01:16.37WIMPyWhere? When?
01:17.16WIMPyI'm not talking about the number one you've got the. It's about the fact that you set that variable on the same channel. The value doesn;t matter.
01:17.52WIMPyA Goto() doesn't cahnge your variables.
01:18.12jeffspeffif you have multi-tenant environment where people can be typing thing in and naming menus and extensions, etc. then you need to differentiate based on the customer name or number
01:18.40WIMPyYes, but that doesn't change per call.
01:19.06WIMPyAnd I'm still unsure if that makes sense.
01:19.07jeffspeffthat way the same [MAIN-INBOUND] and [USER-EXTENSIONS] contexts can be used for all clients without any problems
01:19.13[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: ...
01:19.24[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: each CALL's cvariables are complete separate from one another
01:19.31[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: there is NO sharing between channels
01:19.40WIMPyThat would only make sense if they all had the same extensions.
01:19.45jeffspeffright, not trying to share between channels
01:20.15[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: and context's have precisely ZERO impact on variable scope.  * doesn't HAVE any sense of variable scope.  DOES.  NOT.  EXIST.
01:20.30[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: Your "protections" are pretty much irrelevant
01:21.20jeffspeffWIMPy, what if more than one customer wants to have extensions like 1XXX ?
01:21.34jeffspeffyou need a way to dynamically differentiate them and there menus, etc
01:21.38[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: put those in separate contexts
01:22.11jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, and if i don't want to hop in and manually write new contexts each time i get a client?
01:22.33WIMPyYes. Goto(cusomer,extension,1) or something. Or skip the Goto all together and just use CoID, wiuch you already have.
01:22.57[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff: then you're going to have extension overlap and in EACH of them you'll have to confirm who your caller is and what that # they dialed really does.
01:23.09WIMPyI can;t make any sense of that example.
01:23.34mathiChannelZ, I had to call about 20 times to get the error .... I see a BYE that has been sent, what now?
01:24.02WIMPymathi: "sent" as in which direction?
01:24.09jeffspeff[TK]D-Fender, i'm handling that in the beginning inbound context. it queries a database to get the info, there's many ways to accomplish this, but you just can't do it the first way i was trying
01:24.42*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (
01:26.01[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeffthat way the same [MAIN-INBOUND] and [USER-EXTENSIONS] contexts can be used for all clients without any problems <-- if you're expecting customers to code in their own dialplans and have potentially identical names then that is just not going to work.
01:26.31mathiWIMPy, it says from my server, via the server with card, and to my server (exactly as a usual hang up...)
01:32.36*** join/#asterisk dgeary2 (~david@
01:36.48*** join/#asterisk Kyril (~Kyril@fedora/Kyril)
01:42.01mathiWIMPy, I guess I need to start looking on the first server... but do you have any ideas why that server would sometimes send me a packet BYE at that moment (when the user enters more than 3-4 numbers) ?
01:43.18WIMPyThe only thing that springs to mind would be "features" being enabled and it accidentally detecting the hangup feature code.
01:43.39*** join/#asterisk droemel (
01:44.51mathiWIMPy, and what is that hangup feature??
01:45.14WIMPyThe one that's configured in features.conf.
01:45.30*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
01:47.43mathiWIMPy, do you mean this? parkedcallhangup
01:48.52WIMPy"disconnect" would be the main suspect.
01:51.15*** join/#asterisk widler (47c8d864@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
01:51.41widlercan anyone tell me how to fix this make: *** [pridump.o] Error 1
01:52.30WIMPywidler: We need some more lines above that.
01:52.35infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
01:53.02widlerasteriskpbx@msi ~/src/asterisk-complete/asterisk $ cd libpri/ asteriskpbx@msi ~/src/asterisk-complete/asterisk/libpri $ make gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -fPIC  -O2  -MD -MT copy_string.o -MF .copy_string.o.d -MP -c -o copy_string.o copy_string.c gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wstrict-prototypes -Wmissing-prototypes -fPIC  -O2  -MD -MT pri.o -MF .pri.o.d -MP -c -o pri.o pri.c gcc -g -Wall -Werror -Wstrict-pr
01:53.13p3nguinBetter to paste more stuff than needed to figure it out as opposed to not pasting enough.
01:54.45WIMPywidler: Do you have any ISDN interfaces at all?
01:56.18widleri don't
01:56.35WIMPyThen you have no use for libpri anyway.
02:07.09widlerI couldn't get SQLite3 in the repository
02:08.08widleri did apt-get intall SQLite3 and it couldnt find it.
02:08.18widleris there and alternative
02:08.52p3nguinIs apt-get case sensitive?
02:09.06p3nguinapt-cache search sqlite
02:09.11p3nguinSee what it finds.
02:09.49widlerit is case sensitive
02:10.02widleri'm just gonna search
02:10.16carrarapt-get -i
02:10.26slav3_kittenwidler, listen to p3nguin
02:10.48slav3_kittenalso what distro
02:12.04drmessanoapt-get install libsqlite3-dev
02:12.08slav3_kittenbecause sqlite3 is debian/ubuntu repos for sure
02:12.33slav3_kittenand yea you need lib for development
02:12.48slav3_kittenas drmessano beat me to the punch by saying
02:14.19widlerthat worked just fine
02:15.57widleras you all can see, i'm new to asterisk
02:16.06widlerand new to linuz
02:16.23slav3_kittenyou've chosen wisely
02:16.40widlerbut I installed asterisk earlier and the asterisk gui
02:16.56p3nguinI would have thought that apt-get install asterisk would have installed any necessary dependencies quite elegantly.
02:17.20widlercan i add all my users, dialplans and sip and iax from the gui
02:18.04p3nguinWrong channel for that.
02:18.06slav3_kitteni don't think that's officially supported anymore
02:18.37widleri know, i just thought someone might know
02:19.23p3nguinIf you want to configure asterisk, we can help you here.  If you want to use another piece of software to configure asterisk, it's best to ask someone else.
02:20.31slav3_kittenso i actually have a question
02:20.53slav3_kittenwhat would you suggest to lock outbound calling to the uk. i was thinking an ivr
02:21.03widleri see. asteriskpbx@msi ~/src/asterisk-complete/asterisk/1.8 $ sudo make make[1]: Entering directory `/home/asteriskpbx/src/asterisk-complete/asterisk/1.8' make[5]: ccar: Command not found make[5]: *** [../lib/libpj-x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu.a] Error 127 make[4]: *** [pjlib] Error 2 make[3]: *** [all] Error 1 make[2]: *** [pjproject] Error 2 make[1]: *** [res] Error 2 make[1]: Leaving directory `/home/asteriskpbx/src/asterisk-complet
02:21.27slav3_kittenwidler, so you know. current version is 11. 1.8 is quite old
02:21.34p3nguinAn IVR?  Like, "if you want to make a call to the UK, press 1 now."
02:21.47p3nguin1.8 is not old, it's current.
02:21.53widlerit actually is 11
02:22.05slav3_kittenmore like a password to call out to the uk
02:22.19p3nguin1.8.18.0 was just released a few days ago.
02:22.41slav3_kitten1.8 lts iirc
02:22.48p3nguinso is 11
02:23.04widlerthe folder is named 1.8
02:23.53p3nguinI would probably use well-devised extension patterns which match either what I do want to be allowed, match what is not allowed, or both, with appropriate things happening when each gets called.
02:24.56p3nguinFor the North America, it's easy: _NXXNXXXXXX matches all of what is allowed.  Anything else would be disallowed.
02:25.02slav3_kitteni was thinking dial a uk number an it prompts for a password then dials if you got correct
02:25.22p3nguinIf you have a similar numbering plan, patterns should be easy.
02:26.01*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
02:26.58slav3_kittenthing is i know the uk pricing crap but other people in the house don't, i'd hate for say my sister to call a uk number that's 25 cents a minute without making a hugely convoluted dial plan that allows or disallows all the uk area codes
02:26.59*** join/#asterisk vinhdizzo (
02:27.07slav3_kittenfor all the*
02:27.22slav3_kitteni mean i guess i could
02:27.55p3nguinYou can query a db with the rates in it on each call.
02:28.25slav3_kittenand now we are above my pay grade lol
02:28.34slav3_kittenthat's a great idea however
02:30.20p3nguinSome dial plan logic could query the db rates and, if the rate is above N cents, prompt for a password to override a block on expensive numbers.
02:33.18slav3_kittenthat's so far beyond what i know how to do at this point...
02:33.29slav3_kittenbut we all start someplace
02:33.49p3nguinI had a plan to do that for myself, but I never got around to it.
02:34.24p3nguinI was going to do rate-based call routing.
02:48.09WIMPyAnd someone would have to keep the rates up to date all the time.
02:48.50slav3_kittenoh that would be a downside
02:48.56*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
02:49.02slav3_kitteni could hire some minority to do it though
02:50.12p3nguinI was going to just download the rate file periodically from the provider.
02:50.23p3nguinOnce a month or so.
02:50.47WIMPyIf you only have one to choose from...
02:50.47slav3_kittenthen convert it from a csv into db?
02:51.53p3nguinWhen I wa going to set it up for myself, I had two providers to work with.  One provider had a fixed rate for all calls, the other had various rates within the same area code.
02:52.50slav3_kittenare or country code?
02:53.20p3nguinThe one with various rates provided a rate file.  I was going to check the rate db for each call.  If the rate was lower than the fixed-rate carrier, route it through that provider.  If it was higher, route it through the fixed-rate carrier.
02:54.06p3nguinVery basic logic to make it happen.
02:54.28p3nguinYou could use the same concept, prompting for a PIN if the rate exceeds some predetermined amount.
02:55.01p3nguinIf the rate is less than the predetermined amount, call normally without a PIN.
02:55.18p3nguinUpdate the rate db monthly.
02:55.57WIMPyThat get get extremely expensive.
02:56.42WIMPyBest to only use providers that announce the price at the beginning of the call. At least you know when you're being ripped off then.
02:57.51p3nguinI guess I don't get out much.  Of the half dozen North American providers I have relationships with, zero of them announce the rate of the call.
02:58.40*** join/#asterisk tonylyliu (~tonylyliu@
03:19.50*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
03:41.43*** join/#asterisk DarthExpeditor (IceChat9@
03:49.52slav3_kittendijib, no conference call tonight? :P
04:05.51*** part/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
04:25.08*** join/#asterisk deo_ (~deo@
04:36.07SeRislav3_kitten: I am about to jump in in a few min
04:40.22slav3_kittenwhat's the address?
04:41.46*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-mmoldehqrkzxnbof)
04:41.51*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
04:43.58ChrisInSydneyg'day all
04:44.17slav3_kittenyo chris
04:45.06ChrisInSydneyCan anyone help me with the Dial() app and contexts for t & T option transfers. How do I know which context I am transferring from ??
04:45.17ChrisInSydneyhey slav3_kitten
04:46.00slav3_kittenmy noob answer would be read the book :|
04:46.12slav3_kittenthen again i'm on page 200 something
04:48.19ChrisInSydneyI am jumping between contexts using Gotos etc, and it doesn't want to work from the current context.
04:55.56slav3_kittenyea i'm still on trying to get voicemail working right so i'm not the best one to answer i don't think
04:59.43ChrisInSydneyyet Im in another context when the dial app is made
05:00.07slav3_kittenyou can include the context to be dialed to
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05:00.51ChrisInSydneymore app_dial.c hacking. Loks like I can get it to behave if I Dial(Local/something,,t) and then Dial form there but thats ugly and crap
05:01.51ChrisInSydneycall comes in, extension that is dialled is an external number Dial(SIP/some-trunk/mymobile)
05:01.52p3nguinIt will match the peer's context.
05:02.01ChrisInSydneyTransfer keys are pressed
05:02.21p3nguinIf the peer's context is A, but the call is made to the peer in B, you can't transfer to another extension in B.
05:02.22ChrisInSydneyAllison says "Transfer"
05:02.34ChrisInSydneyThen I punch a number
05:02.52p3nguinI fought with this earlier today.
05:03.26p3nguinYour call is going to be going to the context defined in the 'some-trunk' peer entry.
05:03.32ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: Bugger so it will work from the entry in the sip.conf for that peer, not the context you are currently in
05:03.52p3nguinFor me, that was the inbound context rather than the phones context.
05:03.59ChrisInSydneyCan I swear in this channel ?
05:04.12p3nguinIt is a problem, and I have not figured out how to work around it yet.
05:04.32ChrisInSydneyswearing in this channel or ,t contexts Xp
05:04.41ChrisInSydneyOK time to hack the code
05:04.58ChrisInSydneythanks for the heads up
05:05.14ChrisInSydneyp3nguin; You have saved a few hours of my life
05:05.36p3nguinOdd how that is the exact configuration I was testing with.
05:05.55ChrisInSydneyI'll see what I can hack together in the app_dial.c
05:06.35ChrisInSydneygot custom prompts / priv-callerintro channel vars working with p&P options
05:07.06ChrisInSydneyhelpful to have a custom dir for the files and option 9 deletes the intro recording and connects the call
05:10.56ChrisInSydneyThis hack isnt going to be so straight forward
05:13.11slav3_kittenwhen are they ever
05:13.59ChrisInSydneysome have been a couple of lines of code and eveything has worked
05:14.52ChrisInSydneyapp_pickup instead of a full string compare, changing it to a partial string compare and you can pick up groups easily
05:15.01ChrisInSydneythats a simple one
05:15.53ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: I cant seem to see where the blind transfer thingy takes place in app_dial.c Looks like it might take place in res_features.c have you looked into that ?
05:16.18ChrisInSydneyor is this a ? for #asterisk-dev ?
05:19.09ChrisInSydneystares into the code hoping for a "neo" moment but can't help thinking there is more to life......
05:19.39slav3_kitteni'm just sitting in bed trying to get lung cancer an shoutcast music on hold
05:20.17ChrisInSydneydont like smoking tobacco
05:20.59slav3_kittenwht do you smoke?
05:21.31Maliutaprepares the call the the NSW police force ;)
05:21.41ChrisInSydneythat may be for another channel
05:22.04Maliuta#rastaSkank ???
05:22.09ChrisInSydneylooks forward to a call from the cops as eveyone knows that they always have the best gear
05:22.27slav3_kittenour cops are
05:22.34slav3_kittenwell they leave a lot to be desired
05:22.52slav3_kittenthey used tear gas one point locally, no one thought to bring the gas masks
05:22.52ChrisInSydneyactually, I only say that to illicit an response from people
05:23.04slav3_kittenwell none of the police, guy in the house had one
05:23.21ChrisInSydneyslav3_kitten: Where are you again ??
05:23.24Maliutahmm I wonder if ChrisInSydney spent time attached to the Catholic church in The Hunter Valley ;P
05:23.33slav3_kittenrural america
05:23.51Maliutaslav3_kitten: well then, there's your problem ;)
05:24.22ChrisInSydneybends a 2nd up to a maj 3 followed by a 5 8 interval
05:24.38ChrisInSydney(musical notation)
05:24.41slav3_kittenthey at one point closed the local PD, so someone broke in an stole all the shotguns and a number of radios
05:24.50ChrisInSydneyyour kidding
05:24.54slav3_kittennot at all
05:25.14ChrisInSydneyMalitua: I did spend alot of time in catholic churches
05:25.17slav3_kitten24 hours after disbanding the local PD, the station was robbed blind, week later we had 3 new cops
05:25.40ChrisInSydneybut fortunately I was never offered the eucharist in that "special" third form ;-)
05:25.47Maliutaalthough there have been cases of revolvers being stolen from a safe at a police station not far from here. That was while they were transitioning to the glocks
05:26.02Maliuta(and shooting them selves in the arse alot)
05:26.32MaliutaChrisInSydney: may still have to refer you to the enquiry ;)
05:26.36slav3_kittenthat's entirely a training shortcoming, glocks are safe if you practice basic weapon handling skills
05:26.56ChrisInSydneyWe had a few security companies held over for cash and guns here a few years ago
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05:27.20Maliutaslav3_kitten: 18months after deploying them they did a review ... something like 8 cases of guys shooting their butts while putting on their belts
05:27.44MaliutaChrisInSydney: you get that hanging around the cross though :)
05:28.00ChrisInSydneyyou also get king hit and killed too
05:28.17Maliutaor run over by a 16y/o while you're on the sidewalk
05:28.46MaliutaChrisInSydney: you're more of an Oxford St guy??
05:29.00ChrisInSydneyMaliuta: When I go out, I normally head Newtown way as the Cross is F*&^ed and Darlo is full of pissheads
05:29.06Maliutait's not really CampInSydney is it? ;)
05:29.52MaliutaChrisInSydney: I can hook you up with one of my mates from politics who moved down there recently ... I'm sure he'd like the "company" ;P
05:29.54ChrisInSydneyThree things not to say when in a bar on Oxford Street
05:30.09Maliuta"Nice shoes" ;)
05:30.14ChrisInSydney1: Say "Can I bum a fag"
05:30.22ChrisInSydney2: Say "I'm Positive"
05:30.39ChrisInSydney3: Say "Could you please push in my stool"
05:31.20ChrisInSydneyand finally, if you drop your wallet on oxford Street, don't bend down, just keep kicking it all the way to George Street
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05:33.15slav3_kittenlotta gay people i take it ChrisInSydney ?
05:33.17ChrisInSydneyMaliuta: If you are trying to hit on me, thats cool, I'm flattered, but I'm straight. Anyway, if I wasn't, my hair dresser says he's first !
05:35.06ChrisInSydneyslav3_kitten: Just between Darlinghurst and Paddington, commonly referred to as Paddyhurst.
05:35.31ChrisInSydneyIts a bit like Castro Street in San Francisco I guess
05:36.05slav3_kittenexcept less people with guns
05:36.21ChrisInSydneynot really
05:36.40ChrisInSydneythere was a few drive bys last year
05:36.44slav3_kittenthought they took all your guns away
05:36.53ChrisInSydneyOnly from the good people
05:37.30ChrisInSydneyWe haven't got a 2nd here. Actually, technically we dont have the equivilent of the first !
05:38.11slav3_kittenyou did start out as a prison colony though
05:38.25ChrisInSydneyYup, prisoners and drunken Irish
05:38.52ChrisInSydneyFook This, they said
05:39.17slav3_kittenwell the brits prolly figured since everything over there can kill you that you'd all just pass on
05:39.42slav3_kittenit's staggering the number of things that can kill you in that country
05:39.48ChrisInSydneyyup, but the Abo's have been here for 35000 years
05:40.14ChrisInSydneyonly two spiders, but a shit load of snakes
05:40.39slav3_kitten35,000 years of pure badasses. natural selection at it's finest
05:40.58ChrisInSydneyThen we have the "Red Centre", thousands of kms of F'All
05:42.35slav3_kittenthis has not convinced me that you're not all off your rocker you know
05:43.20ChrisInSydneyI certainly wasn't trying to convince anyone of that, whay would I want to mislead you
05:44.00slav3_kitteni almost went to midfur one year but couldn't get the capital together
05:45.42ChrisInSydneymay have found where this transfer thingy is set up
05:50.40ChrisInSydneyNot quite
05:51.52ChrisInSydneyast_verb(3, "**************** HERE!!!!!!!!!!! ********************.\n");
05:52.08ChrisInSydneyusing a few of these to work out whats going on
05:52.28ChrisInSydney'cause I dont know how to use debug
05:54.52ChrisInSydneyit must be in features
05:56.58slav3_kittendebug is
05:57.08slav3_kittensip set debug on iirc at the console
05:57.21ChrisInSydneytalking c debugs
05:57.48slav3_kitteni'm a moron
05:57.50slav3_kittenan it's late
05:57.59ChrisInSydneyhave another smoke
05:58.00slav3_kittenmostly the moron bit
05:58.17ChrisInSydneyyour choice what you want to light up
06:01.47ChrisInSydneycould be a 5 line fix :-)
06:04.03ChrisInSydneyits a big file 8.8K lines of code :-/
06:04.16ChrisInSydneyfeatures.c in ~/main
06:05.01ChrisInSydneytypo. Recompile
06:08.15ChrisInSydneyFUCKYEAHHHHH!!!!!!!! it works
06:08.51ChrisInSydneySet that and features.c picks it up as the preferred context
06:09.08ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: Got a fix :-)
06:14.54ChrisInSydneythat was forst
06:17.17ChrisInSydneyAnyone want the fix ??
06:18.01ChrisInSydneyHow to set the context for doing a blind transfer using the Dial(SIP/xxx,,t) option
06:20.59ChrisInSydneyMaliuta: America sleeps while our euro cousins are just waking up to a Teasmade
06:21.14ChrisInSydneyjust you and me and maybe a stra Kiwi ;-)
06:22.30ChrisInSydneys/just you and me and maybe a stra Kiwi ;-)/just you and me and maybe a stray Kiwi ;-)
06:23.57MaliutaI'm not 100% compus mentus right now ... and I'm distracted by the cricket :)
06:27.47ChrisInSydneyhow are we going ??
06:28.44ChrisInSydneyBTW, there is a TRANSFER_CONTEXT channel var that already exists. Just found it in the code in ~/main/features.c
06:28.56ChrisInSydneywhat a bloody waste of time :-/
06:29.00ChrisInSydneynot completely
06:29.37ChrisInSydneyI can now split my contexts for blind / attended / park ext. I cant see why I would need such a feature, but I now have it
06:29.40ChrisInSydneytime to go home
06:29.45ChrisInSydney5:30pm here
06:30.04ChrisInSydneyType later, when I get home
06:30.52ChrisInSydneyc yaz
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07:19.14v0lZyhi ChrisInSydney
07:19.22v0lZybeen a while, whats cooking?
07:19.38ChrisInSydneypizza hopefully
07:20.01ChrisInSydneyjust got home from the office, so I have to do a quick shop
07:20.20ChrisInSydneyget some stuff for the pizza bases
07:20.34ChrisInSydneyThe young guy is 3 now !
07:21.01ChrisInSydneyso most of my evenings are family stuff
07:21.20ChrisInSydneyyourself?? whats new ??
07:22.37v0lZyhere, well... working half time now
07:22.48v0lZynot my choice so sucks.
07:23.08ChrisInSydneybugger :-/
07:25.30v0lZyit stinks cause its a personal matter really.
07:26.09v0lZyowner is the defacto boss, but his partner whos a step lower than the owner's a backstabber.
07:27.58v0lZyI went to Japan in April and this other guy started nitpicking. Looking for a reason. Since he couldnt find one, he made some shit up and I told him to go bugger off.
07:28.28v0lZyi come back from vacation and they want me to handover IT to an external company, citing that inhouse is too expensive
07:28.43v0lZyturns out the external IT wants twice my pay check to do my stuff.
07:29.11v0lZyObviously, they cant terminate on technical redundancy grounds
07:29.42v0lZyso the big men himself acts on behalf of this second in command prick.
07:30.08ChrisInSydneywe have worker protection laws. They cant always stop things, but they can be a pain in the arse, exspecally for larger companies
07:30.21v0lZyWe have that too, on paper anyway.
07:30.29ChrisInSydneyare they getting a kick back  ?
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07:31.07v0lZyThe owner and the guy?
07:31.18ChrisInSydneythe bosses ? are they owners, or just managers ?
07:31.24v0lZyowner = boss, the other guy's the acting boss.
07:31.54v0lZybasically the owner is the boss and signs everthing, but thats about it. everything else is done by this other prick... which mostly comes down to yelling and not doing anything profitable.
07:32.13v0lZyIts not a merit based employment system really.
07:32.32ChrisInSydneynever is
07:32.48v0lZyanyway, this middle guy was close to my dad.
07:33.20deo_hi all. .may I interrupt... just want to ask how to check dahdi channel on asterisk ???
07:33.34ChrisInSydneythats right. I remember all that crap :-/
07:33.39v0lZymy dad passed away in 2009. my parents were divorced early on, so he had this other woman... not married though
07:33.55v0lZyAnyway, this guy was banging her behind his back apparently.
07:34.21ChrisInSydneyJerry!!!! Jerry!!!!! Jerry!!!!!
07:34.25v0lZySo come all the inheritance stuff and the inheritance court thing, obviously he's siding with the woman.
07:34.34v0lZyYeah, Springer stuff.
07:34.35ChrisInSydneywas referring to a Jerry Springer Show
07:34.52v0lZyI know :D
07:35.27v0lZyAnyway... we're still not done with the whole thing.. i got a new contract here on the table, not signing it,
07:35.32ChrisInSydneyanyways, dahdi is dahdi show .... same as sip show ...
07:36.08v0lZyI mean i dont mind my working hours being half of what they were.. but my pay check should be there abouts too.
07:36.45ChrisInSydneyso long as they pay you the same money, you're sweet
07:37.06ChrisInSydneyOtherwise, start looking and see of you can get some moonlight work
07:39.20v0lZyi dont feel like being in this company anymore anyway.
07:39.25v0lZyjobs are hard to find here though.
07:40.14deo_hi all.. ive checked one of my extension dial plan,, theres part which says Dial Zap/6 > is this extension directly connected to my TDM Card???
07:40.57deo_i cant find the cable though because its on the rooftop lol
07:41.23v0lZyThing's are getting bad here. No real jobs anymore... everything's either sales or marketing and no fixed pay on that.
07:42.06v0lZyBasically it means there's no more market and they're calling in the hords to try and sell the crap they import.
07:42.32kaldemardeo_: that depends on the dahdi configuration (/etc/dahdi/system.conf) and the card itself.
07:42.46deo_hmmmn i wann check it..
07:42.55deo_btw, what is mean by this > DAHDI/4-1
07:43.03deo_4 > the card???
07:43.16deo_i find that on the call logs
07:43.17kaldemardeo_: no. 4 is a channel.
07:43.25kaldemardeo_: what are you trying to do?
07:43.27deo_and what is 1?
07:43.41deo_im gonna check one of the extension...
07:43.53deo_i found in the dialplan > Dial Zap/6
07:44.00kaldemarit's an identifier
07:44.36deo_identifier for what?
07:47.45kaldemardeo_: a call on the channel.
07:49.29kaldemarwhat do you mean by "check"?
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08:16.57deo_hi kaldemar sorry for the late reply...
08:17.14deo_i troubleshoot the problem
08:17.37deo_i reloaded the machine :D
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08:26.31loggiewI keep getting the error wss and ws are not a valid transport when reloading sip.conf, any ideas on whats up? Trying to use webrtc
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08:28.04kaldemarloggiew: are you using version 11.0.0?
08:28.59loggiewah ha im a dumbass apparently not. sorry for dumb question
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09:21.09loggiewfor the life of me I cannot seem to figure out why asterisk 11 refuses to configure srtp support before I run make. Always complains that it cant create a shared object.
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09:25.15kaldemarloggiew: have you installed the development package for libsrtp and re-run the configure script?
09:26.49loggiewi downloaded srtp source and installed then went to asterisk for recompile and it perpetually says it cannot be linked as a shared object
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09:28.44kaldemarloggiew: did you run the configure script?
09:29.08kaldemarusing --with-srtp with a correct path?
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09:30.23loggiewi actually have a question about that, path to what exactly? Ive seen a number of pages referencing using /usr but Im not certain which files it is looking for in /usr so I can make sure thats the correct path
09:32.51loggiewchecking srtp/srtp.h usability... yes
09:32.51loggiewchecking srtp/srtp.h presence... yes
09:32.51loggiewchecking for srtp/srtp.h... yes
09:32.54x1userI am not seeing sip in the CLI in asterisk 11 ?
09:32.58loggiewsorry, hope a short paste was ok
09:33.25loggiewit appears to find everything and then says it cant link it
09:33.42kaldemarx1user: then you don't have loaded.
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09:36.50x1userthanks kaldemar
09:40.38loggiewi may need to bang my head against the wall more tomorrow instead
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09:50.54loggiewthe way configure tests that
09:51.18loggiewis compiling a short .c which includes the header and runs srtp_init()
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09:51.40loggiewwhen performing the same action manually, I get an undefined reference to srtp_init()
09:51.55loggiewto get it to compile without error i have to use -lsrtp
09:52.04loggiewwhich it appears the script is doing
09:52.37loggiewbut otherwise why is it returning failure on compiling that .c
09:53.23loggiewi dunno, still reading
09:56.13BorjaGVOHi everyone, a question here...Does anyone know how can I establish a minimum time for a caller to stay in a queue? I mean, I want that at least, the caller stays holding on in the queue for 20 seconds. The way I got around it is playing MoH for 20 seconds before putting the caller into the queue...that way I know for sure that he/she will wait at least for 20 seconds before entering the queue. However, this is fine when "max wai
09:57.36BorjaGVO....but if "max wait time" has to be around 30 seconds, if I do the "trick" of playin MoH before entering the queue there will be very little time for picking up the can this be done so that queue members phones ring?
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10:20.06loggiewno matter what it appears compiling srtp doesn't appear to properly be passing the -fPIC parameter
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10:33.14bombevHi guys, I have problem with my skype asterisk calls.
10:33.35bombevthe inbound skype call goes to the wrong route....
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10:35.48ruiedHi, have anyone used a USB ISDN adapter, like Gerdes Primux USB ? I would like to know if it works ok. I'm thinking of make some tests for a small pbx like: Raspberry_Board+USB-ISDN with asterisk.
10:38.31ruiedthis could be a good and cheap way for small business with less than 6 concurrent calls...
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10:50.31ruiedis the skype for asterisk free or is it payed?
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10:53.20Chainsawruied: "PLEASE NOTE: Skype for Asterisk is no longer available for sale. Skype for Asterisk will be supported for two more years, until July 26, 2013."
10:57.42bombevhere is my asterisk log
10:59.07Chainsawbombev: It can't reach any of the 6 3-digit SIP extensions you have set up.
10:59.20Chainsawbombev: So it reports back to Skype saying "busy" and terminates the call.
11:02.52bombevChanServ the strange thing here is
11:03.07bombevI have setup the skype call to go to ring group 6007
11:03.32bombevbut in the asterisk log it is shown it goes to 6002 ring group
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11:05.21ruiedChainsaw, I did know that, I was in the hope that they have changed... :(
11:05.49Chainsawruied: Do you need to queue reload?
11:06.00weinerkHi. Please help - if I make an outbound Dial from AGI - how do I know which side did a hangup?
11:06.03Chainsawruied: Are there other aspects of Asterisk that you have reconfigured on disk but not reloaded?
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11:22.46fredericveHi, is there any function to escape special characters in the configuration? e.g. the colon (:) needs to be escaped when you use it in the IF function.
11:30.30bombevChainsaw any idea?
11:30.46Chainsawbombev: With what you've given me, this is all I can say.
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11:37.45GreenlightHowdy folks. I'm having an odd issue with Asterisk 10.6.1. It's seg faulted twice in the mornings over the past few days. Looking at the logs I see a number of these "[2012-11-12 09:43:04] WARNING[19506] pbx.c: Failed to create new channel thread" before it finally dies. Any ideas?
11:44.12x1userI have strange problem, i got iptables service stopped and asterisk 11 max core debug and verbose, but i cant see attempt for registering sip accounts?
11:45.26GreenlightTry "sip set debug on"
11:45.56GreenlightAnd see if you see anything that way. IS it a public IP?
11:55.12GreenlightAnyone any ideas what might cause "WARNING[19506] pbx.c: Failed to create new channel thread" ?
12:00.09kaldemarx1user: iptables is not a service. what did you really do to it?
12:00.55x1userservice iptables stop, i am sniffing now my network for the sip packets, i got sip response 401 which is unathorized =/
12:01.01GreenlightI'm guessing he did "service iptables stop". It normally operates as a pseudo service and the firewall can be stopped like that
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12:03.57surferboytotal asterisk newbie here
12:04.06surferboycan someone assist with an issue I have?
12:04.32surferboyhow to you redirect incoming calls if they are unanswered by the sip phone?
12:05.40kaldemarx1user: use asterisk to see what goes on, "sip set debug on". 401 is normal behavior, telling the other end to authenticate with a new message.
12:06.26kaldemarsurferboy: if you want to do it in asterisk, set a timeout in app Dial and do what you want in the following priority.
12:07.58surferboykaldemar, k can you help me with that?
12:08.11surferboythere is an elasix setup if that helps
12:09.01kaldemarthat certainly does not help.
12:09.32surferboyso can you help me with what you said?
12:09.42surferboyhow do I set a timeout in app Dial?
12:09.50kaldemarprobably just makes it harder. if you're using a GUI to configure asterisk, you should ask help in the appropriate place, which in this case is #elastix.
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12:10.08x1useromg it was wrong ip :D
12:10.49surferboyI'm not using a GUI to configure anything
12:11.01surferboykaldemar, which config file do I need to have a look at
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12:16.23fredericvesurferboy: /etc/asterisk/extensions.conf
12:16.41kaldemarsurferboy: extensions.conf or some other file that is included from it with "#include ..."
12:17.04*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
12:21.13GreenlightAre there any know issues with 10.6.1 such as file handle leaks or something?
12:22.17ChrisInSydneyhi all, has anyone hacked asterisk to make it work with SIP NOTIFY - Record On/Off messages from Snom handsets ?? Anyone know of any patches ??
12:23.42ChrisInSydneyahh. looks like something might be happening
12:23.58ChrisInSydney[Nov 12 23:22:58] WARNING[7701]: chan_sip.c:18988 handle_request_info: Recording requested, but no One Touch Monitor registered. (See features.conf)
12:25.49x1user Why I still cant register my sip phone ?
12:27.49coreyf1513Greenlight: I suggest update to 10.10.0 see if the issue still exists, that would contain bug fixes compared to 10.6.1
12:29.32GreenlightI couldn't see anything that jumped out when looking through changelog, and we had issues using 10.8 with the AMI interface, so I was reluctant to upgrade. Is there a specific bug fix your thinking of?
12:31.31GreenlightFrom googling people seem to relate the message to a memory issue
12:31.47kaldemarx1user: "403 Forbidden (Bad auth)"
12:32.02x1userpassword and username are ok
12:32.11x1userbut pass is plain text
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12:32.16coreyf1513Greenlight: sorry nothing specific, just a generic suggestion
12:32.25kaldemarx1user: doesn't look like they are ok.
12:33.13Greenlightcoreyf1513: No probs, thanks, I'll see if we can get upgraded
12:33.14kaldemarx1user: there's also "No matching peer for '666' from ''" in your pastebin. that's something you need to fix.
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12:34.37Greenlightx1user: Did you reload after editing sip.conf ?
12:34.51kaldemarx1user: nothing matches "666", which your zoiper is sending.
12:34.56GreenlightDo a "core reload" to be sure..
12:35.16kaldemar"sip reload" is enough when modifying sip.conf.
12:35.35x1useryes i did it already
12:36.30GreenlightHow is the peer defined in sip.conf ?
12:38.17GreenlightI cant see a "666" peer
12:38.45GreenlightYour zoiper is trying to register as "666" but it looks like it should be "zoiper1"
12:40.09x1user take a look at this
12:40.22x1userthis 666 is from other voip phone ie tried
12:41.38kaldemar[zoipper] vs zoipper1
12:41.48kaldemarstill no match.
12:43.45x1userthe truth is always obvious
12:44.29x1userthanks anyway
12:55.33*** join/#asterisk chris_n (~Chris@
12:58.17ChrisInSydneyLooks like the Snom Record button does work out of the box :-)
12:58.47GreenlightDon't you need to configure it via features.conf
13:00.57ChrisInSydneyyep and put a w in the Dial / Queue() app
13:01.00ketasi wonder why my previous "what are my other sessions" question confused everybody
13:01.22ketas(talking about sip client)
13:01.53ChrisInSydneynow to work out how to set the file name and recording file location
13:02.06ketasstrange x problems, if i get it up i'll research it by myself... maybe google understands me better
13:14.21GreenlightI'm wondering if my problems with Asterisk crashing are related to the kernel doing too much cacheing of disk stuff, and maybe even forcing Asterisk to use swap at its expense. Anyone had any issues like this? The kernel seems to chew up lots of memory for cache when I'm moving around a boat load of call recordings.
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13:21.19p3nguinchrisinsydney: Problem solved.
13:21.44p3nguinchrisinsydney: That channel variable made it work a WHOLE LOT better.
13:21.56ChrisInSydneyfound it in the code
13:22.09p3nguinI'm glad you did that for me while I slept.
13:22.16ChrisInSydneyGoogled it and found a few mentions
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13:23.18ChrisInSydneyuseful to force attended transfers for transfers to external numbers
13:23.26ChrisInSydneyThats working
13:23.58p3nguinTRANSFER_CONTEXT covers both, and those two allow you to set each individually?
13:24.16ChrisInSydneybut you need a patch for them to work
13:24.50ChrisInSydneyconst char *custom_dial_context = NULL;
13:25.07ChrisInSydneycustom_dial_context = pbx_builtin_getvar_helper(chan, "BLIND_TRANSFER_CONTEXT");
13:25.07ChrisInSydneytransferer_real_context = !ast_strlen_zero(custom_dial_context) ? ast_strdupa(custom_dial_context) : transferer_real_context;
13:25.07ChrisInSydneyast_verb(3, "Context to transfer from is %s.\n", transferer_real_context);
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13:25.46ChrisInSydneyin ~main/features.c
13:26.48ChrisInSydneyIn fact thats pretty much the code I am using to create other chanel var hacks
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13:27.34coreyf1513Greenlight: kernel cache using nearly all 'available' memory is normal.
13:27.50*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~TK]
13:28.18ChrisInSydneymy challenge now it so get a call to a mobile from a queue, where the mobile rejects the incomming call, for the mobile (cell phone) agent to pause until the next call comes in or for a predefined time
13:29.05p3nguinOh.  You added those other variables... I thought you were saying they were built in already.
13:29.50p3nguinThat's okay, though.  Setting the transfer context takes care of the issue I encountered.
13:30.08ChrisInSydneyhad to add. Infact i added before I found the ${TRANSFER_CONTEXT} thingy
13:30.46ChrisInSydneyWhen I get these all working, I'll post them up somewhere as .patches
13:31.19ChrisInSydneystick a post in the Ast support forums
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13:31.38ChrisInSydneyuntil then, back to queues
13:32.30ChrisInSydneyI would love to be able to set the time out and retry on  an agent by agent basis
13:33.09ChrisInSydneyNot too sure whether to cobble a dial plan macro thingy or hack some more C
13:33.16[TK]D-Fenderchris_n, Then set a timeout mased on your max and cause an inner dial to limit it internally
13:33.27[TK]D-FenderChrisInSydney, ^
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13:34.18ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: Thats what I am trying
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13:34.52ChrisInSydneybut you've made me rethink
13:35.01ChrisInSydneymore coffee
13:35.07ChrisInSydney12:35am here
13:35.08*** join/#asterisk BorjaGVO (d51beb92@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
13:36.02p3nguinI'm 17 hours behind you.
13:37.43p3nguinAnd at 0.0006944444 RPM, I'm never going to catch up!
13:38.04ChrisInSydneyp3nguin :)
13:38.38BorjaGVOHi! Anyone can help? I would like to set two different periodic-announcements in queues.conf so that one says "please hold the line, all our agents are busy" and the other one, after 20 secs for example, says something like "sorry, our agents are still busy, please hold on"..for example. The thing is that it seems not to be there any way of doing this?
13:38.47ChrisInSydneyGot the Mondy night lotto results, I can send them to you and we can split it down the middle ;-)
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13:39.52ChrisInSydneyBorjaGVO: Play annoucement 1 before you enter the queue
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13:44.00[TK]D-FenderBorjaGVO, There is no queue option for this
13:45.17p3nguinIf you only need to announce it that one time, doing so immediately before starting the queue should solve it.
13:45.39ChrisInSydneyor hack a custom music on hold class
13:46.07ChrisInSydneymusic, announce 1, more music, announce 2, etc
13:46.42p3nguinPlayback(agents-busy); Queue(main)
13:46.45p3nguinThat's what I do.
13:47.10p3nguinThen the announce setting plays the still-busy file.
13:47.48[TK]D-FenderYup, hacking music is probably the closest you'll get.Only downside is that agents might answer during the message and the cut-off would sound awkward
13:48.46ChrisInSydneyIsnt there a pause when an agent picks up and something to force a ring tone ??
13:49.04p3nguinYou could also have multiple queues, where the first queue announces once and runs for only 20s.  Then the next queue can play the other announcement.
13:49.37p3nguinI don't like that idea, but it would achieve the same results.
13:49.59ChrisInSydneyI'm looking at the code for app_queue.c, you could hack an alternating announcement if you were keen
13:50.16p3nguinSounds like a lot of work.
13:50.27p3nguinI'd use what options are already available.
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13:51.59ChrisInSydneyIf you had 0.5 a clue, you could probably fix up something in a couple of hours.
13:52.05*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-tucdbwcauujlspnb)
13:53.06p3nguinLovely.  Feels like -4C today.
13:53.26jayteedo Digium T1 cards support fractional T1?
13:55.06ChrisInSydneygot back from Darwin last week. was 34C most of the time and close to 80%-90% humidity. Just before the wet
13:55.36p3nguinHow was the dew point?
13:55.45ChrisInSydneyjaytee: Just enable the channels that are active. At least thats what I do on the E1 cards
13:56.04ChrisInSydneybeer point
13:56.49ChrisInSydneywe got one supercell. dropped right down to 22 for around an hour or so
13:56.52*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
13:57.19ChrisInSydneystorm, lightning, sideways rain
13:57.28ChrisInSydneythen hot and muggy
13:57.36ChrisInSydneyposted a few photos on +
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14:08.16BorjaGVOChrisInSydney: the thing is that this first announcement has to be played after 20 seconds once the caller is in the queue
14:09.00BorjaGVO[TK]D-Fender: and do you think of any work around for playing one announcement first (after 20 secs once the caller got into queue) and the other later on?...
14:09.33[TK]D-FenderBorjaGVO, Considering you're using FreePBX ... NO
14:10.07BorjaGVOwell...I can modify dialplan manually...
14:10.49BorjaGVObut I don't imagine how to do it since once you've got into queue you just can use queues.conf options
14:11.15[TK]D-FenderBorjaGVO, If you go code your own queue and dialplan before entry you could launch a process that on a timed interval would originate a local channel to chanspy+whisper to the original channel (which you'd have to disable on agent answer), but might work.
14:11.26[TK]D-FenderBorjaGVO, MoH is the best answer for this though
14:11.45GreenlightI'm noticing massive load average spikes on my Asterisk box. Goes from a steady 0.5-1.0 way up to like 40. The asterisk process remains at a steady 150%. I've 12 cores so this is nothing. I've not got any disk IO issues.
14:12.46ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: BorjaGVO, MoH is the best answer for this though (+1)
14:13.20BorjaGVOThe thing is that music on hold wouldn't let the agents to pick up the phone...that is what I was doing until now...but is useless...
14:14.44ChrisInSydneyyou set your moh class as sequestial, set the first file to be 20 seconds long, file 2 = announcement 1, file 3.... keeps playing and use your periodic announcements from the queue
14:14.51ChrisInSydneyunless you want to alternate
14:15.02[TK]D-FenderBorjaGVO, that does not make sense.  You hear MoH while waiting for the agent ALREADY.  How does it STOP agents from answering?
14:15.02BorjaGVO[TK]D-Fender, coding my own queue? How could I launch a process on a timed interval?
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14:15.17ChrisInSydneythe moh class has nothing to do with agents picking up the call
14:15.55ChrisInSydneyBorjaGVO: are you talking hacking up app_queue.c ? or just coding a dialplan thingy
14:16.24BorjaGVOIf I enter the on hold is set..of course...but if I play music on hold for 20 seconds before entering the queue no agent would be able to pick up the phone
14:16.32BorjaGVOsince the call didn't get into the queue yet
14:17.00ChrisInSydneyyou set your moh class as sequestial, set the first file to be 20 seconds long, file 2 = announcement 1, file 3.... keeps playing and use your periodic announcements from the queue
14:17.49BorjaGVOChrisInSydney: I'm asking [TK]D-Fender what he was thinking of...I thought same as you..
14:18.12BorjaGVO[TK]D-Fender: ok, i got you
14:18.20BorjaGVOthat's a good idea...
14:18.22ChrisInSydneyall good
14:18.40[TK]D-FenderChrisInSydney, nice idea but you can't control the timing aspect so well with mutliple files
14:18.45BorjaGVOI think it'll be the easiest one...
14:19.44BorjaGVOChrisInSydney: can I do that?
14:19.45ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: True.
14:20.22BorjaGVObut what about the timing?
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14:21.22BorjaGVOwouldn't that be the same thing that Fender said?...well..almost the "same" thing..
14:21.26ChrisInSydneyuse audacity to chop up the music and create your files
14:21.32ChrisInSydneyor have one big file
14:21.41ChrisInSydneyor a few big files
14:21.56ChrisInSydneyand then you can choose random
14:22.11ChrisInSydneyjust make sure you pick up the call before you run out of moh file
14:22.40ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: Does a large moh file chew RAM resources ??
14:22.54ChrisInSydneyor is it clever and just streams from fole
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14:23.01BorjaGVOI think I'll create one file with music and the announcements integrated already in it..and then set it as MoH...
14:23.34ChrisInSydneyprobably resource hungry, as a guess as AFAIK you need to restart to get new moh files to work
14:24.00BorjaGVOAlright..I'll give it a try..thanks guys for the ideas
14:24.04ChrisInSydneyBorjaGVO: There are more than once way to skin these cats,
14:24.17ChrisInSydneymain thing is that you do at least one
14:24.21ChrisInSydneyyou can always go back
14:24.27ChrisInSydneygood luck
14:24.51BorjaGVOok, thanks
14:25.14[TK]D-FenderChrisInSydney, Nooooo.. don't skin them ... that's where all the nutrients are!
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14:25.43ChrisInSydneybut I've worn out my bunny slippers
14:27.11ChrisInSydneySo back to my queuing issue, with the cell phone / mobile being part of the queue as a Local/ agent
14:28.12ChrisInSydneyuse the Dial app with a shorter time out and use the customised privact options to set the ${DIALSTATUS } and chose what to do from there
14:28.26ChrisInSydneyI can 1 accept the call
14:28.43ChrisInSydney2 reject the call and leave it in the queue
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14:29.09ChrisInSydneyI still need to pause myself otherwise it will ring me back, whcih I dont want to do
14:29.42ChrisInSydneySo I guess I could have the next incoming call unpause me
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14:35.27edveAnyone knows where is the record all calls in Freepbx ?
14:36.01infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
14:36.19[TK]D-Fenderedve, And there is no "all calls" option.  There is a checkbox per extension.
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14:38.36ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: I guess I could have a Local/ agent that doesn't actually dial or connect, and use that dialplan fork to reset paused agents. Use astdb to store times that the external agents were paused and unpause when past the expiry
14:39.10ChrisInSydneynot too much of a kludge :-/
14:39.20GreenlightLoad average now hitting 65 and effecting call quality, yet the Asterisk process is only 150%. What else could be causing it?
14:39.24[TK]D-FenderChrisInSydney, On reject I'd launch a background script that'll sleep and then unpause on timeout
14:39.52[TK]D-FenderChrisInSydney, Better than hacking your dialplan to death and more reliable as to the schedule
14:39.54ChrisInSydneydid that, but when the call hangs up, that script also hangs up
14:40.03[TK]D-Fenderchris_n, BACKGROUND <-
14:41.15*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
14:41.20ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender; Cheers
14:41.52ChrisInSydneyback to school ;-)
14:44.42ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: I'm confused
14:44.52ChrisInSydneynot too hard to do...but
14:45.29*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
14:46.23ChrisInSydneyAre you talking about using a system call and a .sh script to control via CLI / AGI or similar ??
14:47.39[TK]D-FenderSystem( &)
14:48.34ChrisInSydneyRather than System(
14:49.36ChrisInSydneymakes sense
14:53.17ChrisInSydneyasterisk -rx or agi ??
14:53.32ChrisInSydneyasterisk -rx might be easier
14:55.15ChrisInSydney[TK]D-Fender: whatcha think ?
14:55.37[TK]D-FenderChrisInSydney, "rx" would be easier
14:57.41ChrisInSydney1 accept the call
14:58.14ChrisInSydney2 leave the call in the queue and pause for <time yet to be determined probably 2 minutes>
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14:58.35ChrisInSydney3 leave the call in the queue and pause for <time yet to be determined probably 10 minutes>
14:58.47ChrisInSydney4 leave the call in the queue and log out of the queue
15:00.08p3nguin5 kill dash nine
15:00.45ChrisInSydneyIts basically for a support queue that needs to flick over to a mobile if the guys in the office dont pick up in time
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15:01.20ChrisInSydneyp3nguin: 5 system(/sbin/shutdown -g0 -y)
15:01.27jayteeanyone used a Digium T122B with an Intel D525 Dual Core Atom mini-ITX board?
15:01.56ChrisInSydneyjaytee. I have on a VIA board
15:02.14ChrisInSydneywhats the challenge ?
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15:03.57jayteeI've used the Intel D525 as an Asterisk server pure SIP before with no problems. Wondered if anyone tried it with a T1 card and whether the D525 board can handle the T1 PCI card without issues.
15:04.12ChrisInSydneycant see why not
15:04.37ChrisInSydneyActually I think I have a customer with one in a Supermicro server too
15:04.43ChrisInSydneyno issues
15:05.06ChrisInSydney15 active channels on the E1 and 10 on the system with a VIA board
15:05.17ChrisInSydneyE1 too
15:06.40jayteeChrisInSydney, thanks
15:06.51ChrisInSydneyno stress
15:11.37ChrisInSydney2am here
15:11.39ChrisInSydneynight all
15:11.53ChrisInSydneycheers for the help
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15:18.12jayteeso are all the Digium T1/E1 cards now low-profile only?
15:20.27p3nguinI think you can get a regular bracket or a low-pro bracket.
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15:26.22jeffspeffanybody have experience using openmeetings?
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15:35.05*** join/#asterisk Shane-S (
15:36.30Shane-S?: Would asterisk handle having say 5 phone lines, but customers only dial a main number, and they are somehow swapped to an open line, so customer B can dial the main number and not get a busy signal. To mean that seem like carrier end.
15:36.57p3nguinshane-s: What kind of phone lines?
15:37.23Shane-SNo clue yet, just a thought, say it were POTS/Analog
15:37.48p3nguinIf the telco rolls calls over to other lines, there won't be a problem.
15:38.14p3nguinOr you can go with SIP and just use a single DID which has multiple channels.
15:39.40Shane-Sokay, what about using Google Voice to play with it? Say I get 2-3 voice accounts to play with.
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15:40.12p3nguinYou'll have to share all of the phone numbers with the people who will call you.
15:40.24p3nguinThey'll call one, get a busy signal, then call another.
15:40.27p3nguinNot ideal.
15:40.54p3nguinIf you were going to pay for five POTS lines, you can surely afford to buy a single DID and use VoIP.
15:41.13Shane-Sp3nguin: so where I work they have analog/pots and we just give out our main number, I am guessing Verizon is doing that callrolling?
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15:42.32Shane-Sp3nguin: alright thanks, that is a huge help for me, I was not sure how/where that is done, and it didn't make sense that a PBX could freely switch a call to another line without me knowing...cause heck I could program 1-900 in there :P
15:43.12Shane-SI also had not idea what it was called or what to look for on the SIP/DID side
15:43.28p3nguinYou need an ITSP.
15:43.34infobot[~itsp] An ITSP is an Internet Telephony Service Provider (or VoIP telephone company). They allow you to either SEND calls to the PSTN (this is called termination), RECEIVE calls from the PSTN (called origination), or both. Some offer fixed rates, others $/min. Enter ~itsplist-us (USA) or ~itsplist-ca (Canada) for a listing of popular ITSPs.
15:43.48p3nguinYou'll want a DID.
15:43.50infobotwell, did is Direct Inward Dialing, or just a phone number
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15:44.18p3nguinIf you have a phone number that you want to keep, you can port your number into the ITSP that you choose.
15:44.24Shane-Sp3nguin: would Comcast's VOIP offering with a modem be a ITSP?
15:44.59p3nguinTechnically, they are acting as your ITSP.
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15:45.32drmessanoComcast doesn't sell VoIP.. they sell POTS lines
15:45.42drmessanoThe transport is irrelevant
15:46.14p3nguinThey aren't going to give you five channels on your single DID, though, I'm sure.
15:46.37Shane-Sdrmessano: gotcha, so if I went with them, I would have to get say 5 modems, and then a FXS card, even though the are VOIP because they use those modems?
15:46.53p3nguinWhat a mess.
15:47.19p3nguinWith a traditional ITSP, you buy your DID, they send it to you over SIP (or IAX2), and you network it directly into your IP PBX.
15:47.20drmessanoYOUR access to them is not VOIP.  They provide you with a FXS POTS INTERFACE.  Forget that they are using IP for transport
15:48.08drmessanoComcast voice is a huge waste of time, IMO
15:48.23p3nguinMost Comcast customers using the phone service have no idea that it isn't a regular phone line.  They plug their regular phone into the FXS jack on the cable modem and it works like it did when they had AT&T.
15:48.44p3nguinOr at least in principle it works the same.
15:48.58*** join/#asterisk Vince-0 (
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15:49.07p3nguin"Work" is a relative term.  :(
15:49.35Shane-SI only mentioned it because we have then for internet, so I could "bundle" for saving,s but it does sound a mess
15:49.52p3nguinYou probably won't save that much anyway.
15:50.12p3nguinAre you wanting to set up a business phone or a home phone with those five lines?
15:50.28Shane-Sif I went with an ITSP, do they provide how much bandwidth a line needs?
15:50.39p3nguinLike the requirements?
15:50.59*** join/#asterisk elico (
15:51.05Shane-Sfor now I will do it at home to "play". I have google voice setup now, but I am trying to educate myself against the companies I am asked to call in for a phone update
15:52.23p3nguinIf that was what you meant, figure on ~80k per second per call using the ulaw codec.
15:54.14Shane-Sp3nguin: okay thanks, we have a 10Mb connection with a FiOS failover at 25Mb (I know should use the 25Mb as primary...but Verizon "stole" our fiber twice now and took 2 weeks each time to track down that a tech stole our working pair)
15:54.42SeRiouch thats not good
15:54.51jacekowskii'm using digium phones with DPMA module and i can't get presence to work
15:54.53p3nguinseri: Back to work, you!
15:55.07jacekowskiwhatever i do, phone does not show up in subscriptions
15:55.10Shane-SSeRi: Poor you!
15:55.29coppice25M on fibre is like a snail on an autobahn :-\
15:56.01Shane-Scoppice: I can't complain both lines were free :P
15:56.17coppiceoh, well, at least its good value
15:57.38Shane-SVerizon came into our town, and the deal was the had to give schools and municipalities 1 free internet connection. They contract states non-networked, but the best part was, they came out with a their wi-fi router...and I looked at the tech and was like "uhhh?"...
15:58.35p3nguinThey wanted to add you to the national wifi network?
15:58.50p3nguinFree webz for everyone!
15:59.02coppice"Verizon came into our town" sounds deeply sinister
15:59.05Shane-Sp3nguin: no its home router, home wi-fi
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15:59.34Shane-SI called and they said they know it will be networking, just contract wise they can't state that as it is a "free" connection
16:00.05SeRip3nguin: LOL.
16:00.24p3nguinI don't get it.  What did you expect to give you, and what are they giving you that is different?
16:00.35p3nguins/give you/get/
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16:00.56Shane-Scoppice: Verizon is sinister with their fiber, my home town, 7 miles from here, doesn't have it...they are very picky where this fiber is going
16:01.00coppiceI get an image of a Verizon van driving into town, and all the foliage shrivelling as it passes
16:01.12*** join/#asterisk Widler (47c8d864@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
16:01.53Shane-Scoppice: lol, I can't say Comcast is much better these days
16:03.08Shane-SI do agree with the 25Mb on fiber though...the best part I found, was the line running INTO my FiOS cabinet from outside...sure as heck looks like coaxial.
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16:03.37Shane-Sits the same thickness and the same termination end...and it it threaded into the box.
16:05.04Shane-Smeanwhile my dead T1 box...has the tell tale 2 yellow colored wires coming from a box with 1/4" thick black wire with a yellow stripe going in. Yet that could only do 1.44Mbs according to the installer.
16:06.13Shane-Sbegins to wonder if I maybe do drugs, because the fiber IN my building does 1Gbs MINIMUM, its actually my SFP modules I think that limit it.
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16:07.40spditnerHas anyone seen an issue where an unreplied conntrack entry becomes stuck in their router, where it does not have the opporunity to expire due to asterisk banging at it with further register and option packets?
16:09.03Chainsawspditner: Can't say I have. It's worth trying SIP over TCP if your devices support it.
16:09.21p3nguinshane-s: Do they have an ONT on the outside of the building and then run a coax into the building into another box?
16:09.27Chainsawspditner: Those don't often get in that limbo state stateless UDP connections do.
16:09.43Chainsawspditner: (And playing devil's advocate for a moment, your NAT table is too small and you need a bigger router)
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16:11.26spditnerChainsaw: if I weren't seeing it across multiple devices at multiple sites, I'd go with changing the router and service settings about, but sadly, not isolated for me.
16:11.41Shane-Sp3nguin: there could be an ONT on the poll...but nothing on the outside of the building. I will have to climb up in the cabinet area it is mounted and confirm that coaxial, but I am 90% certain it is the FiOS from outside as they stapled it to the board, and it screws into the box under the panel door where the Cat5e connects to the router
16:11.50jacekowskispditner: it happens apparently
16:12.25jacekowskispditner: i've seen a lot of info about it on wiki
16:12.40p3nguinshane-s: It sounds like your ONT is in that cabinet, but I can't imagine then calling it FiOS if they are HFC.
16:13.03Shane-Sp3nguin: aside from a DID, if I want to make calls out with the ITSP, is that something else?
16:13.54[TK]D-FenderShane-S, Depends on the product you pay for
16:14.20Shane-S[TK]D-Fender: K, thanks, I will look at the vendor sites
16:14.23p3nguinI've only seen the single strand of fiber running from the manholes under the ground to the gateway (ONT) on the outside of the building.  But we also don't have Verizon FiOS here, it's a much smaller company.
16:14.23[TK]D-FenderShane-S, A DID is jsut a phone number itself.  What they include as a bundled "product" depends on the vendor\
16:14.51p3nguinshane-s: The DID provides a way for people to call you from the PSTN.
16:14.56Chainsawspditner: It's because UDP retransmissions. It's a stateless protocol, so Asterisk can't tell the difference between "minor packetloss" and "host gone away".
16:15.22p3nguinFor termination, the ITSP puts your VoIP call onto the PSTN much like the way it takes your call from the PSTN and puts it onto VoIP to send to you.
16:15.29Chainsawspditner: Prevent the host going away, go for a lower qualify timer, or opt for SIP over TCP so you can tell what's really going on.
16:15.55Chainsawspditner: Or in fact, higher qualify timer so that the transmissions don't happen as often. Downside is the host spends longer in limbo.
16:16.49spditnerChainsaw: Right, that was part of my solution, but some higher-end solutions have really high timeouts, on the order of 10+ minutes
16:17.38spditnerChainsaw: What I am guessing at this time is that asterisk doesn't see the WAN go down and IP address change so that it does something like transmit a response to a REGISTER or something, to which the remote system doesn't reply, and gets stuck in this state.
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16:25.40Chainsawspditner: Yes, UDP going away means retransmits. Aggressive, on the default settings.
16:25.52Chainsawspditner: If you're sure you never lose any UDP because you don't run your ports hot... you could tone them down a bit?
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16:43.52GreenlightAny recommendations on someone/somewhere UK based to give paid for consultancy/support on a few specific issues I'm getting with Asterisk?
16:44.12ChainsawGreenlight: Outside working hours I'd be happy to assist you.
16:44.24ChainsawGreenlight: During working hours I have a day job (which involves Asterisk, among other things).
16:45.19GreenlightOkay - my servers are live and in use from 10AM - 9PM when the issues can be observed.
16:45.28_Corey_Greenlight: If you submit a request on Digium's website, I'm sure they can refer you to a partner in your area.
16:45.42ChainsawUnless you want someone independent of course.
16:45.54Chainsaw(6PM-9PM would work well for me)
16:46.08GreenlightI really wanted someone who knows their stuff, not just an Asterisk reseller, or else they'll be of no help
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16:47.53GreenlightIt's some rather specific issues I'm getting, and if they're fixed I've got almost a blank cheque, but on the flipside I don't want to pay out hundreds of pounds to someone for just looking at it.
16:48.53GreenlightHow do these things generally work
16:50.56[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, First you become a whole lot less "general"
16:51.47GreenlightI mean in terms of getting a consultant in to help - whats the "done thing" in terms of financials etc?
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16:52.35[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Depends who you deal with.  You're asking out loud in a channel full of people from throughout the world.
16:52.59GreenlightFair enough
16:53.04[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Maybe you could jsut tell us what your problems are so that those how aren't capable of specific aspects know this up front beofre proposing service/solutions.
16:53.10slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, what is it with a lot of these voip services recording calls in their terms of use
16:53.20[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Don't try to define the terms before the problem.
16:53.32[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, Never heard of it....
16:53.44SeRislav3_kitten: who has that on their TOS?
16:54.22slav3_kittenlet me try to remember, it was late last night an maybe i misread
16:54.53SeRislav3_kitten: You probably did. I have never heard of that. And even on a TOS. I think that's inlegal.
16:54.54[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, You should really be actually sure of this stuff before asking it out loud...
16:56.01*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
16:56.03slav3_kittenflowroute item 7
16:56.09slav3_kittenconsent to monitoring
16:57.11SeRiis reading
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16:58.45Qwellslav3_kitten: Where's the part about recording calls?
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16:59.06slav3_kittenthey say they may monitor calls, which to monitor means it's recorded someplace
16:59.08SeRiQwell: I was about to ask the same question
16:59.16SeRiThey are talking about phisical server monitoring
17:00.23[TK]D-Fender<slav3_kitten> they say they may monitor calls, which to monitor means it's recorded someplace <- Get a new dictionary
17:00.24slav3_kittenwell what does that entail then?
17:00.47*** join/#asterisk gusto (~gusto@2001:a60:11ff:1200::42:4)
17:01.00[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, I can monitor traffic in a GENERAL way like BW stats.  THAT is "monitoring".
17:01.06[TK]D-FenderListening LIVE is montoring.
17:01.39slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, no need to be mean about it. i obviously misunderstood it, you act as if you've never misunderstood something in your life.
17:01.45[TK]D-Fenderer. However, anyone using this server agrees that Flowroute may monitor the server contents periodically to (1) comply with any necessary laws, regulations or other governmental requests, or (2) to operate the server properly or to protect itself and its users. <--- #1
17:02.40drmessanoI also don't recall "
17:02.43[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, You jumped to a heavy conclusion without thinking more than half a second.  Spend that half a second.  And a few more.  Coffee is AWESOME.  Only thing better than coffee is MORE coffee.
17:02.52drmessanoI also don't recall "A lot of these services" that record calls
17:03.14[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, Got more samples for the "a lot"?
17:03.30drmessanoOne TOS from one provider with a misunderstood pointer to call monitoring hardly paints a picture of call recording across multiple ITSPs
17:04.20slav3_kitteni've looked at a bunch of services and saw similar things on them. they are just the example i had handy.
17:04.30[TK]D-Fenderdrmessano, You know from what this one guy heard, the female body has a way of shutting that whole thing down anyway...
17:04.47drmessanoIs this JUSTIFIABLE call recording?
17:04.58drmessanobecause that's allowed
17:05.05[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, Well go read them again and let us know if you still have concerns over them...
17:05.17slav3_kitteni can understand recording with a warrant an such
17:05.42slav3_kitteni don't do anything illegal i just don't like the idea of someone listening in on my conversations willy nilly.
17:05.42drmessanoI wonder if they even have the facilities to do such
17:06.32drmessanoFlowroute actually doesn't handle any call media
17:06.55slav3_kittenhow's that work then drmessano?
17:07.03drmessanoIt's all passed on to their upstream provider..
17:07.06drmessanoThey don't touch the media
17:07.45*** join/#asterisk sickgrinder (
17:10.33SeRiparanoya at best....
17:10.35slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, please forgive my lack of complete and total understanding of VoIP technology but you berating me for such really precludes any actual learning...  i happened to think for more then 5 seconds, i read it, read it again, and got the impression that they will at will monitor phone calls which really bothered me since i have an expectation of privacy when calling someone.  i made a mistake, i fully admit that, i'm in
17:10.35slav3_kittenfact not perfect.
17:11.27[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, I ended my statement with a joke.  We're all over it.  Come join us.
17:11.32SeRislav3_kitten: dont be sensitive. [TK]D-Fender is just that way. rough up. with the beating you just got you learn something from him.
17:12.39slav3_kittenSeRi, the majority of what i learned is you don't ask noob questions in here or make statements based on a misunderstanding of a number of ToS agreements because it will result in a proper brow beating by those with more knowledge.
17:13.03lantiziaslav3_kitten, you're like new to IRC then?
17:13.25SeRislav3_kitten: LO. Totally not what just happen
17:13.41jayteebeware the infamous ClueBat(tm)!
17:13.43slav3_kitteni figured that's what he meant
17:13.55SeRiYou got "politically corrected"
17:14.06slav3_kittenuh huh
17:15.04jaytee"You need to follow the chain of command." "Well, what's the chain of command?" "It's the chain I go and beat you with until you learn who is in command!"
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17:19.54slav3_kittenjaytee, that is a funny saying :D
17:19.55WIMPywonders if Greenlight solved his issue himself while trying to describe it.
17:21.38[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Are you going to actually jsut TELL us what your needs are?
17:24.17GreenlightSOrry, I've taken the issue to a /w and and discussing it further there.
17:24.37[TK]D-FenderGreenlight, Best of luck then...
17:24.49GreenlightThanks :)
17:32.41*** join/#asterisk JohnnyAsterisk (~cianmaher@
17:36.21drmessanoWhat makes the difference in the response to your question is purely in how it is asked.  There is a big difference between "Why does Flowroute record all my calls?"  and "Does this mean that flowroute can record my calls?"
17:36.47slav3_kittenwhat's a /w?
17:37.10drmessanoThe first one is a question based on an ill-fed CONCLUSION, which will only irritate those with more sense.
17:37.23drmessanoCONCLUSIONS are the easiest way to get trolled on IRC
17:38.16drmessanoAsk someone for HELP, and they will provide it.  Tell someone about your belief system, and they attempt to DESTROY it.
17:39.12*** join/#asterisk Widler (47c8d864@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
17:39.44WidlerI cant get SQLite3 what's an alternative
17:39.52Qwellfor what?
17:40.20Widlerconfigure: WARNING: *** Asterisk now uses SQLite3 for the internal Asterisk database. configure: WARNING: *** Please install the SQLite3 development package.
17:40.27QwellThere isn't one.
17:40.37QwellWhy "can't" you get it?
17:41.06drmessanoWidler:  Did you install the package I told you to install?
17:41.15Widlerasteriskpbx@msi /usr/src/asterisk/asterisk-11 $ sudo apt-get install SQLite3 Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done E: Unable to locate package SQLite3
17:41.27drmessanoThats NOT what I told you to install
17:41.37drmessanolibsqlite3-dev (I believe it is)
17:42.01slav3_kittendrmessano, i thought we dropped this issue a while ago. i got the point an understand what you're saying
17:42.07Greenlightsqlite3-devel on CentOS
17:42.37Widlergot it
17:42.50WidlerI'm sorry. new to linux
17:43.13drmessanoNew to reading, as well.
17:44.11slav3_kittendrmessano, reading can be hard
17:44.15p3nguindeja vu
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17:44.30p3nguinI seem to remember going over this yesterday.
17:45.01Widlerhaha guys
17:46.45drmessanoI know I supplied that info last night
17:47.00p3nguinAnd I advised on how to search for packages.
17:47.10drmessanoand I ate a sandwich
17:47.26p3nguinI knew I made a sandwich, and I didn't remember eating it.
17:47.45drmessanoMeatball with duck sauce and capers?
17:48.02p3nguinNah, capers are weird.
17:48.26drmessanoMy wife says the same thing.
17:48.34Widlerthe package search command again please
17:48.40drmessanoShe says capers are just weird.  Thats all she can tell me
17:48.45p3nguinapt-cache search sqlite
17:49.15drmessanoAlso, google
17:49.57drmessanoIf you're talking about dependencies, you're generally looking for a development package.. So "sqlite debian development package" would get you there
17:51.02p3nguinI'm still inclined to believe that installing the asterisk package would cause the necessary sqlite package to get installed, thanks to apt's ability to solve deps.
17:51.26p3nguinI could be mistaken, since I don't typically touch things that look like Debian, but I doubt it.
17:51.42drmessanoI dont believe this is a package install
17:52.10Widleri'm following along it doesnt's say to make samples. should i do it anyways since I don't know what i'm doing
17:53.04p3nguinIf you want sample files, make samples.  If you already have configs in place, do not make samples because the samples will overwrite your configs.
17:53.31SeRiThinks that "look like" Debian make me sick... ie: ubuntu
17:53.50*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
17:55.01drmessanoI refuse to even build my kernel unless I am using the kernel I built using a kernel that was built with a kernel from Linus' dev workstation
17:55.31drmessanoAll my machines are based on that purebred kernel
17:55.36drmessanoI call it "Obelisk"
17:56.26*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
17:58.03drmessanoIf you check the source of Obelisk, you will see where Linus broke one of the PCMCIA kernel mods when he dropped ketchup on his keyboard.  Lines 4958475847 thru 4958475850 are just a bunch of random letters and numbers from him dabbing a napkin on the keyboard
17:58.10drmessanoSo.. Yeah. I am elite
17:58.42p3nguinBackspace key was not working that day?
17:59.15drmessanoHe apparently didn't realize it, and who the hell would notice something broken with PCMCIA?
17:59.28WIMPyReal men don;t need a backspace key.
17:59.40*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
18:04.19SeRiWIMPy: lol
18:04.40unicrondrmessano: where can i download Obelisk
18:08.13SeRiwaz up unicron
18:13.56drmessanounicron: You need to get it from Linus.
18:14.15drmessanoHe'll deny it exists, and also the PCMCIA thing.
18:16.08unicronsup seri
18:16.20unicrontrying to debug thunderbird issue for a user atm
18:16.21seanbrightanyone know if there is anything weird about kernel timing on a dell poweredge 2850?
18:16.37seanbrightlike low resolution for example
18:16.50unicrondrmessano: may i have your copy?
18:18.00drmessanounicron:  That wouldn't be right
18:19.27unicronyou tease, bragging about this awesome code you can't show anyone :(
18:20.52drmessanoI'm sorry.  I suck, I know :(
18:21.22*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
18:21.56infobot[HappyClownPBX] is currently in closed beta, approaching 12GB in size, uses Asterisk for its core, it pwns, is also now compatible with the Diahatsumashiniriki Keyotason 200LP-A11 SIP phone
18:23.35SeRisounds promissing.
18:27.22edveAnyone knows where is the record all calls in Freepbx ?
18:28.05WIMPyedve: Someone in #freepbx perhaps
18:28.09slav3_kittenwow 12gb...
18:32.00drmessanoedve:  This was answered for you, and you were redirected
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18:39.49SeRidrmessano: Good memory
18:40.09SeRiHe has been around here before looking for support regarding his freepbx setup
18:40.12p3nguinIt was like an hour ago.
18:40.24SeRiand previous days
18:40.24Kattyinfobot: crittercam
18:40.24infobothmm... crittercam is The Birdie Breakfast Buffet!!!
18:40.26[TK]D-FenderI have answered this repeatedly. In BOTH channels
18:40.37Kattyit's thanksgiving on crittercam tday!
18:40.45Kattysadly i've only had 1 cardinal :<
18:41.30Kattyand the light is reflecting off the white blinds....must do something about that
18:41.49[TK]D-FenderKatty, Evidently you were not born a Catholic schoolboy ;)
18:42.12Kattyno, no i was not.
18:42.25Kattybut i detest the idea that anyone is born of any particular faith
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18:42.34Kattyregardless of your cutesy little comment. which was very cutesty btw
18:44.26NivexEveryone is born an atheist.
18:45.23p3nguinTell that to the ones who aren't.
18:45.56_Corey_Nivex: I'd disagree...  I had an ominous looking mobile in the crib that I worshiped as a deity until age 3.
18:46.53Kattyi think everyone is born not really caring
18:47.00Kattyall they care about is being warm, and happy, and not hungry
18:47.11Kattybeyond that, they don't really grasp what's going on
18:47.23Kattyhell, they probably don't even grasp that much. just everything is cool, or cry
18:47.42Kattythey might be able to recognize a parent
18:47.44Nivexamazing what how much a hug can fix
18:48.42Kattyeven now. a hug fixes much.
18:50.12n3hxsThey grasp the nipple for lunch.
18:55.08UForgottenThis just in, n00bs in #asterisk cited for nipple grasping. film at 11?
18:57.49navaismoI'm calling to my gtalk peer configured in asterisk but asterisk do not answer, I can see the incoming xmpp request in the CLI but asterisk never respond. Hints to debug it?
18:59.58SeRiunicron: you around?
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19:04.38drmessanonavaismo:  Asterisk 11?
19:06.00drmessanoMake sure you're sending to an existing context
19:06.19drmessanoand that the context has an '
19:06.24drmessanoand that the context has an 's' extension
19:06.51drmessanoI am not aware of any additional debug.  I couldn't find any.. but those are the things I had broken
19:07.00navaismoyes, the context exist, and has the s extension
19:07.17drmessanoDrop a 'noop' in there
19:07.57p3nguinI don't have an extension s, but I do have my email addresses of the gv users.
19:08.23p3nguins/./ as extensions./
19:08.46drmessanop3nguin:  Asterisk 11?
19:09.08drmessanoCompletely different
19:09.21p3nguinThe calls go first to the email address, then, if those don't exist, they fall back on s.
19:09.26fileprovided you are using chan_motif, that is
19:09.42drmessanoI guess I assumed..
19:09.57drmessanonavaismo:  You ARE using chan_motif, yes?
19:11.24navaismohmm outbound call can reach the other end but never take the answer, issues with ports maybe?
19:11.36fileif it's not doing anything that means your chan_motif is not configured properly
19:11.59filepastebin the motif.conf file
19:14.02navaismoit is doing, When I call from asterisk to gmail users i get the incoming call in the web client but after answer my asterisk keep ringing. On incoming call asterisk cant take the call i see the xmpp request but asterisk do not send the respond, 1 sec for the pb
19:14.34drmessanoIncorrect protocol
19:14.55drmessanoSounds like 2 different issues
19:15.17p3nguinSign out of the web.
19:15.35drmessanoincorrect protocol on the outbound, misconfiguration on the inbound
19:15.41loggiewgetaddrinfo("df7jal23ls0d.invalid", "(null)", ...): Name or service not known
19:15.48loggiewanyone know why its passing that value
19:15.54loggiewor what I may have done wrong
19:16.18p3nguinHow did you arrive at this?
19:16.35p3nguinNo evidence of what is going on, just the conclusion that is is broken.
19:17.22drmessanonavaismo:  transport=google         ; Since this is a Google Talk endpoint we want to offer Google Jingle for outgoing sessions  <--- Is that what you have for the endpoint definition in motif.conf?
19:17.48tm1000navaismo:  dont you use freepbx
19:18.56navaismotm1000, no, but i have one freepbx test server
19:19.06tm1000just saying. we have a motif module
19:19.16tm1000didnt know if you were doing this by hand inside freepbx
19:19.33tm1000navaismo:  you did add icesupport to rtp.conf yes?
19:19.59filetm1000, next version of Asterisk 11 will have that on by default :D
19:20.13navaismotm1000, yep
19:20.23tm1000file:  thanks josh. does it matter if we still add it to rtp.conf
19:20.25drmessanonavaismo, transport=google?
19:20.29filetm1000, won't matter
19:20.29navaismodrmessano, let me try that
19:21.01drmessanonavaismo:  You dont have a transport defined
19:21.02tm1000navaismo:  drmessano  this is pointless we can go through every single option. Just post your xmpp.conf and motif.conf and your exten context
19:21.12drmessanoHe just did
19:21.28drmessanoand like I suspected, no transport
19:21.32drmessanoso whatevs
19:21.39tm1000drmessano:  yup
19:21.58tm1000drmessano:  do people follow walkthroughs.....
19:22.19navaismoand now this let me increase the cpu thing
19:22.20navaismo[Nov 12 13:21:43] WARNING[9443]: chan_motif.c:2255 jingle_action_session_initiate: Failed to start PBX (call limit reached)
19:22.56tm1000navaismo:  out of CPU
19:23.24filesits back and lets tm1000 and drmessano work
19:23.30drmessanoservice quakeserver stop
19:23.51drmessanokillall -9 chrome
19:23.58drmessanoThen try again
19:24.01tm1000drmessano:  lol
19:24.32navaismook working now outbound and inbound but no audio
19:24.48drmessanoDid you add the transport line
19:25.17drmessanoShow us
19:25.18tm1000navaismo:  no audio or no ring
19:25.26navaismothat seems to fixed it drmessano
19:25.39drmessanoSo its working now
19:25.53navaismotm1000, no audio, i can hear the ring but when answer only a nosie
19:26.14navaismoaaand the cli says its the codec
19:26.20tm1000navaismo:  how many times did you try it now
19:26.26tm1000ok can you show use the message...
19:27.31tm1000why is it doing that
19:28.05tm1000navaismo:  your server is changing the codec which is why you cant hear anything
19:29.17Kattyclever boy.
19:29.24navaismoand another problem wit my db peer [Nov 12 13:27:35] WARNING[10121][C-00000005]: frame.c:821 ast_parse_allow_disallow: Cannot disallow unknown format ''
19:29.25navaismo[Nov 12 13:27:35] WARNING[10121][C-00000005]: chan_sip.c:30141 build_peer: Codec configuration errors found in line 0 : disallow =
19:29.48p3nguinYou can't disallow NOTHING.
19:29.50navaismoI upgrade the sip_buddies table to sipfriends table and messed
19:30.04navaismochanging to NULL
19:30.04Kattyp3nguin: you can in alabama.
19:30.07Kattyp3nguin: <3
19:30.27Kattymister Qwell
19:30.33Kattypesters Qwell
19:31.04tm1000navaismo:  changing what to null
19:32.21navaismodisallow on sip table
19:33.47navaismoaaah great, thanks tm1000, drmessano & file working now
19:35.07tm1000navaismo:  this is realtime?
19:35.27QwellKatty: WAT
19:35.28fileI hope realtime never gets added to chan_motif because I will cry ;(
20:45.31*** join/#asterisk infobot (
20:45.31*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.0.1 (2012/11/05), 10.10.0 (2012/11/06), (2012/11/06), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.13 (2012/10/09) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
20:46.14SeRifor what ever reason when I dial to my brother's office in PR they see my cid as 212345. He is using a local ITSP in PR. though calling cell lines and pstn lines in PR show my CID correct
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21:48.30ibercomHow to use Call Completion between servers ? Anybody know ?
21:49.31p3nguinWhat is this "Call Completion" phenomenon that you speak of?
21:50.33WIMPyHasn't that been around since 1.8 already?
21:51.07ibercomCall Completion Supplementary Services (CCSS) or ring again ...
21:52.02WIMPyOr to the non Asterisk user better known as the two parts of it, CCBS and CCNR.
21:53.17ibercomYes, I want use it between two servers ? Is it possible ?
21:53.20*** join/#asterisk rhce7320 (~rhce7320@
21:54.16WIMPyiax or sip or what?
21:55.48ibercomNow, IAX trunk. But if it is necessary SIP trunk.
21:56.05p3nguinSIP doesn't trunk.
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21:57.11WIMPydidn't care to invest in to that. Missing a real phone line it would have very limited use to me.
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22:00.32ibercomWhere can I find info about this ?
22:00.45WIMPyOn the wiki.
22:01.16*** join/#asterisk Matthias (~Matthias@2001:15c0:670f:ffff::2)
22:03.36ibercomIt doesn't talk about CCSS between servers. I need find something, a guide.
22:04.19WIMPyI'm not even sure it can be done on the channels tehemseves.
22:04.35WIMPyMaybe you could fake it via distributed device states.
22:05.37artyxI have this asterisk msg that extensions (changes depending on which cosmic ray is bouncing off of the hardware at that moment) become unreachable.  At the same time this error occurs, sip updates to that phone for things like "Turn on ringing, turn off ringing, turn off blf, turn on blf" etc becoem "stuck"
22:06.00artyxI have done some ping tests, and some saturation tests on the ethernet, and it is not the ethernet adapter... it isn't the phone either
22:06.37p3nguinExtensions don't become unreachable, devices become unreachable.
22:06.45ibercomI need investigate more ...
22:07.03artyxIs that the extent of yoru contribution to the conversation p3 ?
22:07.15AkkerKidhas anyone implemented the penalty timeouts in queues?
22:07.45p3nguinYou say something silly, I educate you about the matter... yeah, that's pretty much the extent of it.
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22:08.00artyxThanks for that, the problem disssappeared, it wasn't the extention after all.
22:08.07artyxOh wait... they are still randomly goign unreachable.
22:08.16WIMPyartyx: If you want help in here, you need to learn the special terminology first :-(
22:08.20p3nguinAgain with the silliness.
22:08.51artyxThe Terminology isn't device, it's peer
22:09.07artyxSo if you want to preach from a soapbox, get it right i would assume
22:09.39artyx(notice) chan_sip.c Peer XXXX is now UNREACHABLE!
22:09.59p3nguinI don't see anything about extensions.
22:10.11artyxAnd i dont see anything about device
22:10.55navaismohmm someone need to read the book
22:10.59infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
22:11.14artyxI have this book, printed and bound But what i read is [2012-11-12 09:34:27] NOTICE[12203] chan_sip.c: Peer '2005' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: 61
22:11.45WIMPyIf we could read, we wouldn't be here.
22:11.49artyxThat does not say the word extension (you are correct) or device (you are wrong) afa the log go's.  Now yes, it (the peer) may be a device in this instance, but that could change
22:12.30navaismocheck your peer/device
22:12.35artyxThe fact is, it goes out, and comes back... WHEN this occurs the sip awk packets aren't making it back
22:12.46artyxnavaismo: With a big black sharpy>? be more specific pls
22:13.22artyxIt randomly breaks,  getting rid of qualify fixes the constant nagging of peer is lagged, but does not fix the fact the host is not connected at that moment
22:14.42navaismowith the sip debug, with some network traces(ping tcpdump) & check the plug on the wall and in your device, i.e. old aastra phones looses the plug and you need to resolder it
22:15.39artyxThese are brand new t-26p's. at the saem time the device is "unreachable" its responding to a ping, i've also done a ping -f and held a call. both locally through extension, through ip, and sip -> outside through pbx
22:16.23navaismowell yealink are not the best brand I used two news and back to warranty
22:16.28p3nguinAre you using iptables or some other method if connection tracking between the device and asterisk?
22:16.29navaismotry updating the firmware
22:16.33artyxThe asterisk service is multi-nic atm, the internal nic has not had any packet loss or timeouts on packets on the
22:17.25artyxThe firmware on the phone is newest gen.  the ethernet ports go from asterisk server to switch (which ive replaced) to pulls to users,  Ive also put a device onto the switch locally (without going through ceiling and jacks etc)
22:18.15navaismodid you tried with other phone brand or softphone?  just to discard the device
22:18.30artyxsoftphone yes, ive tried, (part of my debug to my extension)
22:19.05artyxI am wondering if this version of linux has an issue im not aware of yet
22:19.19artyxbut the version is required courtesy of asix drivers
22:19.48navaismowith the sofphone you see the same problem?
22:20.14artyxI cannot replicate the blf error with softphone
22:20.24p3nguinThe qualify packets are just SIP OPTIONS packets (which are application level), where pings are just checking the networking and don't care about SIP at all.
22:20.33navaismowhat OS do you use?
22:20.41artyxfor PBX or softphone client
22:21.23WIMPypoints at te good old wireshark
22:21.26artyxLinux SESHAT 2.6.32-279.11.1.el6.i686 #1 SMP Tue Oct 16 14:40:53 UTC 2012 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
22:22.00WIMPyNot a nice version number.
22:22.09ChainsawLinux phoenix 3.7.0-rc4-00170-gb251f0f #1 SMP PREEMPT Sat Nov 10 22:29:01 GMT 2012 x86_64 Six-Core AMD Opteron(tm) Processor 2435 AuthenticAMD GNU/Linux
22:22.10artyxMy 2.4 base system did not experience this issue, nor did it work with asix
22:22.16ChainsawOutdated doesn't quite describe it.
22:22.29artyxThis is the newest supported kernel for this distribution
22:22.47ChainsawRedHat Expensive Linux or something?
22:22.48p3nguinLinux cpe-e650 2.6.32-lts #1 SMP Mon Mar 28 17:08:32 UTC 2011 i686 VIA Nehemiah CentaurHauls GNU/Linux
22:22.54artyxYeh. Cent actually Chainsaw
22:22.59p3nguinI, too, run 2.6.32.
22:23.01Chainsawshakes head in disbelief
22:23.05artyxand lts is ubuntu
22:23.08artyxi would assume
22:23.38artyxI can also disregard the possibility its a firewall config, as ive stopped all iptables
22:24.07WIMPyI thought it was a thing of the 90s, but as I had to learn (in here actually) you still don't want to use distribution kernels.
22:24.26artyxYou mean use custom compiled kernels?
22:24.43QwellWIMPy: Says who?
22:24.47WIMPyNo the ones with unofficial patches.
22:25.03artyxI can... I have, i did, i will ... And i use the centos patches as well, since its a centos system
22:25.21p3nguinI see absolutely no problem using distribution kernels, as long as they are vanilla.
22:25.38artyxMostly i just turn off module support for things i dont need. and i embed drivers i do need
22:26.02*** join/#asterisk wwalker (~wwalker@
22:26.25artyxso im 90% confident the switching infrastructure is good
22:26.45artyxThe "devices" did not fail me in the previous installation, using a different major rls on the os
22:27.36artyxI imported the etension config, and the tftp/provision config from the old system, but rebuilt the sip trunk, dahdi, DIDs, etc
22:28.13wwalkerOT: looking for recommendations for a client.  The client is an emergency notification group and want some more VOIP providers (currently have 2).  They are looking for a reliable provider that can handle them spinning up 500 ports at a moment's notice.
22:28.39wwalkerplease PM me with any providers you have dealt with and would recommend.
22:31.06Chainsawwwalker: Knowing what part of the world you're in would help narrow things down.
22:32.08Chainsawartyx: Anyhow, is this a Polycom with UC firmware against Asterisk 10?
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22:33.05artyxChainsaw: Yealink T-26P against asterisk 10.9
22:33.53Chainsawartyx: Hrm, not familiar with those. If it can do SIP over TCP, that always helps. Asterisk will notice earlier.
22:34.03wwalkerDOH.  Servers in US and Canada, prefer to make calls over the internet rather than having to colo at the provider's location, but that's not a show stopper.  Calls to US48, Canada, HA, and AL
22:34.11wwalkerThanks Chainsaw
22:34.30Chainsawwwalker: I think there's a US ITSP list in the bot. p3nguin might be able to unlock it.
22:34.43artyxYes they support tcp
22:35.16infobotHere are some popular ITSPs (USA) starting with the more respected ones: , , , , , , and
22:35.21infobotsomebody said itsplist-ca was Here are some popular Canadian ITSPs: , ,,
22:35.49p3nguinWhich providers are you already using?
22:37.02wwalkerExcel and Airespring.
22:37.16wwalkerThanks for those lists.
22:37.46wwalkerboth pricey, but when we made the calls, the ports were there.
22:38.16wwalkerand with Sandy's little tour of the northeast, we got to test that a lot just now
22:38.24*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
22:38.59wwalkerfair disclaimer, I worked at Excel years ago
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23:03.05artyx2003 or 2005
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23:12.28JustinAikenOn Asterisk 1.8, we use SET CDR to set a custom field (filename)… it works great with dial, but if a Bridge is made (after the SET), the field is not written
23:13.14JustinAikenIs there a way to make it just fill in the field?
23:13.38loggiewif hostport = df7jal23ls0d.invalid then what value should it default to when responding?   STANDARD_SIP_PORT?
23:14.05loggiewbut then its expecting hostport to be an ip or dns
23:14.18loggiewso STANDARD_SIP_PORT isn't right
23:15.08EmleyMoorhas solved his Asterisk crash :-)
23:15.28loggiewnice what version EmleyMoor
23:17.04EmleyMoor1.8.13-1~dfsg-1 - added a patch I found on the matter at
23:17.43Sanonsimplest way to add google voice please
23:17.45EmleyMoorHave let the Debian bugtracker know too
23:21.38mjordanEmleyMoor: thanks for looking up the issue on the bug tracker.  It should be fixed in versions and 10.10.0.
23:23.09mjordanJustinAiken: Set(CDR) will set the CDR field on whatever channel you put it on, regardless of how it gets bridged (either implicitly via Dial or explicitly via Bridge).  What is your dialplan where it doesn't show up, and on what channel(s)?
23:23.50EmleyMoormjordan: My partner actually tried to look for the window in his Jabber client earlier when he got a call (before I'd fixed it)... but from now on it will work
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23:27.01EmleyMooralso discovered he hadn't whitelisted his own mobile phone
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23:32.02loggiewfile: dude you're right, chan_sip.c is nuts
23:32.15loggiewgonna take me a while to keep digging
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23:38.20Sanonsimplest way to add google voice please
23:39.51mjordanSanon: have you looked at the wiki?
23:40.10SanonI did...
23:40.13mjordanloggiew: we feel you
23:40.50mjordanSanon: which wiki page did you look at?
23:40.57[TK]D-FenderI hope not ... there are minors in here!
23:41.09mjordan[TK]D-Fender: feel your pain :-P
23:42.17mjordanSanon: great!  So what do you have a question on?
23:43.50SanonI know this is simple. i just don't want to mess this up. when i edit the files, do i replace the text already in there or just add the text and in wiki and modify
23:44.12mjordanSanon: by files, do you mean your configuration files?
23:45.05mjordanSanon: if you're using Asterisk 11 (which you should be, since that page is for Asterisk 11 - an older page exists for versions prior to that), you may need to create some of the configuration files, since the Motif channel driver is new
23:45.54p3nguinIf there are instructions telling you what needs to be in the config files, that's what you need to put in the config files.  If other things are already in the files, remove or comment out those things.
23:46.02mjordanp3nguin: depends
23:46.15mjordanp3nguin: the first step is to modify rtp.conf
23:46.22mjordanp3nguin: I wouldn't delete everything out of there :-)
23:46.31loggiewSanon: make a copy of everything first, no worries
23:46.52p3nguinIf the instructions aren't clear, someone needs to fix them.
23:46.59Sanonthanks again
23:47.24mjordanp3nguin: it says to change a particular setting, so I think its clear if you're familiar at all with Asterisk configuration
23:48.05mjordanp3nguin: but I agree, if there's a particular section that is unclear, it should be updated
23:51.57loggiewas one learning this, I think the documentation is good but there is a certain level of additional information that would make things more clear
23:52.03loggiewafter I figure it all out Ill add
23:56.17mjordanloggiew: that would be much appreciated
23:58.07*** part/#asterisk JustinAiken (

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