IRC log for #asterisk on 20121111

00:01.07*** join/#asterisk Nemus (~Nemus@unaffiliated/nemus)
00:02.07NemusI cannot get asterisk  AMI in 1.8 to run the Action: Originate command
00:16.07epaphusguys,.,. what is the best way to play the MOH .. simply invoking Background() will do?
00:17.13carrarit the hold button seems to work well
00:18.29carrarassuming you've setup moh and assigned a musicclass
00:18.42carraror other options in sip.conf
00:19.14epaphusiam trying to use MOH after a Wait()
00:19.37carrarso this has nothing to with music on hold
00:19.41carrarYou just want to play some audio
00:19.43*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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00:20.07carrarbackground or playback
00:20.11carrarcheck em out
00:20.22epaphuscarrar, ohh. ok. then ill play the same .gsm from the MOH directory i guess
00:21.42carrarYou can also force MusicOnHold
00:21.51carrarwhich may be what you want
00:22.04carrarbut thats deprecated
00:22.12epaphusohh then..  :)
00:23.10carrartry it
00:23.42carrarcore show application MusicOnHold
00:23.47carrarit's in 10
00:24.07carraronce you set musicclass
00:24.41carrarmaybe it's not deprecated
00:29.33epaphusit does work
00:33.24*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
00:38.39epaphusthe music goes ofrever.. it should be just 35 seconds..  hmm any idea iam doing something wrong i have  MusicOnHold(35)
00:43.08epaphusah, ok i just needed a "," in there
00:43.23carrarYou didn't read "core show application MusicOnHold"
00:44.27carrarmaking your callers suffer through a intro? :)
00:46.29*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
00:47.38epaphusGuys..  so lets say that my SIP peers drop internet connection, or there PC softphone gets hard rebooted. .. why does there registration take sooo long to clear up in SIP SHOW REGISTRY   ... anyway to avoid that
00:48.45carrarturn on qualify
00:48.56carraror set it to a value
00:49.23carraror ahve then quit the client first
00:49.31epaphusi had qualify set.. but no value
00:49.35carrarso it unregisters (zero expire time)
00:50.47carrarvisit your example sip.conf
00:50.55epaphusthanks ill check that out carrar
00:51.02epaphusfor quakify timeout
00:52.18carrarsearch for expire
00:52.24*** join/#asterisk glaz (
00:54.08glazI had an asterisk instance installed on FreeBSD, everything was working fine. I reinstalled my system with Ubuntu 12.04TLS i386, reinstalled asterisk, very basic config. I seem to have RTP issues now, I have no firewall installed, its not nat'd or anything... Any suggestion where to look at ?
00:54.18glaztcpdump gives me traffic on RTP ports
00:54.20glazfrom and to
00:54.23glazbut no audio
00:55.06carrarWhat command are you using?
00:55.19glazcommand for what?
00:56.00carrarto capture
00:56.14glaztcpdump -i eth0
00:56.33carrarperhaps yoru audio is not going through asterisk?
00:56.35glazeth0 is a dedicated interface for asterisk
00:56.53glazwhat do you mean?
00:56.59carrarYou can look in your SDP info
00:57.04carrarto find out where it's going
00:57.10glazsdp show ?
00:57.20carrarfrom your tcpdump capture of the sip traffic
00:57.28epaphuscarrar, you mean this? defaultexpiry= Number : Default duration (in seconds) of incoming/outgoing registration. Default 120 seconds.    So in other words.. if i set this to 30 .. i force SIP devices to reregister at that period?
00:57.46glazlet me check
00:57.55epaphusif yes, i wonder then why anybody would use  qualify and a timeout on that
00:58.01glazbut I think I would have realized if it was going to another IP
00:58.48carrarYou would think
00:59.38carrarYou're looking for a line in your INVITES that looks like "c=IN IP4" or in your 183 reply
01:00.02glazsip set debug should show me that info, right?
01:00.16carrarI like to use ngrep
01:01.10carrar"ngrep -tqd any -W byline -l port 5060" is always a good line to start out with
01:01.20glazok ,it's showing me the right address
01:01.38carrarThere are two sides you are looking for
01:01.58glazyeah it shows the right IP on both sides
01:02.07carrarIP being your asterisk box?
01:02.20carrarfor both "c=IN IP4"
01:02.20glazand the other IP is the RTP server from the Metaswitch
01:03.47glaztcpdump | ngrep -tqd any -W byline -l port 5060 ?
01:03.57carrarremove the tcpdump
01:04.01epaphuscarrar, ?
01:04.10carrarngrep is a capture program like tcpdump
01:04.27carrarworks great for looking at SIP Headers
01:04.52carrarepaphus, I would use qualify and then check the host to befor sending a call
01:05.15carrarset it something low
01:05.31glazc=IN IP4
01:05.37glazwhich is fine
01:05.45epaphuswhen you say "check the host to" you are also referring to the qualify timeout right?
01:05.51carrarthats your * box?
01:05.57glazyes carrar
01:06.04carrarepaphus, no
01:06.15carrarcheck to make sure the SIP device state
01:06.19carraris there
01:06.25carrarbefore calling 2 parts
01:06.28epaphuscarrar, how...?
01:06.31carrarqualify is the other part of that
01:06.54carrarlook at ChanIsAvail
01:07.01carrarand it's coniditions
01:07.05carrargotta go
01:07.06glazI also see, c=IN IP4 66.11.*****
01:07.19glazwhich is the RTP server of the metaswitch
01:09.27glazhummm, maybe the asterisk is telling my phone and the meta to re-invite
01:09.39glazwhat do you think carrar ?
01:10.34glazAlso, I was using asterisk 1.4.X before, now 1.8.X
01:14.43glazI'm lost. lol
01:15.00*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
01:32.35muteyou've two interfaces?
01:33.39mutebsd probably uses the correct interface
01:34.09mutelinux has a weak host model, whereas it may send packets out a different interface than they came in
01:39.37muteglaz: do you think that could be the issue?
02:00.28epaphusIs there any way to force my SIP peers to reregister every X seconds?
02:10.51glazmute: YES!
02:10.55glazthat can be it
02:11.18glazI have a route to the SIP server thought
02:17.43ChannelZepaphus: That's usually up to the device
02:18.57slav3_kittenso if i'm not mistaken. say i want to create a server for people to sip into for like a party line. i need meetme right?
02:19.09*** join/#asterisk bchia (
02:19.18ChannelZor ConfBridge.  Depends on your version and preference
02:19.30ChannelZMeetMe is old, ConfBridge is new.
02:22.06slav3_kitten*googles up confbridge*
02:22.48slav3_kitteni should upgrade from 1.8 to 1.whatever it is now
02:24.33bchianote that ConfBridge in 1.8 is not the same as the ConfBridge in 10+
02:25.07slav3_kittenyea i noted, hence the upgrade bit
02:25.21bchiaoh, read that wrong
02:25.38bchiacurrent version is 11
02:25.44bchiano more 1.anything
02:27.14slav3_kittenhow old is 1.8 then
02:27.31bchiait's not that old, I think 2 years
02:28.31bchiaThat was the problem with the 1.something name - it sounded like early software, but it was actually mature robust code, so the version after 1.8 was gonna be 1.10, but that was kinda silly so they dropped the 1. and just made 10
02:29.59slav3_kittenso are there any big changes between 1.8 an 11 config wise that will screw me while i work through this book?
02:30.34[TK]D-FenderGo read the CHANGES file to see what changes.
02:30.42[TK]D-FenderAnd yes, clearly there are major additions
02:30.44bchiathere's always updates to the configs, I can't think of anything that will really screw you hard. If you are learning Asterisk I'd go for 11 absolutely
02:30.52slav3_kittenbecause i run into things like that when configuring my legacy cisco stuff
02:31.13slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, i am reading the changes file as we speak. just wondering a yes/no on huge changes
02:31.13bchiayeah, and check out CHANGES or this
02:47.14*** join/#asterisk bchia (
02:48.44[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten: We don't know what parts of * you'r using or how so how should we know what of your might break?  Should we mention EVERY change jsut in clase?  No.... read the file for yourself....
02:48.54*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
02:49.16slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, the question was: will it break the things that the asterisk book which uses 1.8 teaches you.
02:49.44[TK]D-FenderThe book describes MANY modules.  Many things changed.  In ways that break?  Maybe.
02:50.09slav3_kittenmy dialplan is so simple nothing aside from a massive syntax change would break it as it stands. but i'm trying to work through the book, maybe is better then "absolutely"
02:50.18[TK]D-FenderPlaying a guessing game is a waste of time.  Just read it.
02:50.28slav3_kitteni am reading it
02:50.47slav3_kitteni've been reading it for a good bit of time
02:51.00[TK]D-FenderOdds are it'll only be a few little things.  Serious problem depend  of typically more spcial things through API's like AMI, CLI, etc
02:51.45[TK]D-Fenderheads out for the evening.
02:52.01slav3_kittenhave a great evening and thanks for the advice [TK]D-Fender
02:52.11slav3_kittenit's nice that there are so many helpful people in here
02:53.10[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten: Sorry if I seem harsh, but this is one process you don't want to shortcut your way through.
02:53.37[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten: These mistakes cost you serious time...
02:53.45slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, i'm learning it from compiling it up, i'm trying my absolute best not to shortcut anything
02:54.21slav3_kittenbut since i'm learning if it's well known that v11 breaks many things in the book, i'd just learn the concepts an execution on 1.8 and then port things to 11
02:55.32slav3_kittenif that makes any sense
03:08.21*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
03:17.27*** join/#asterisk bchia (
03:26.45*** join/#asterisk sarthor (~sarthor@unaffiliated/sarthor)
03:41.46epaphusHEY GUYS, should this match any 8 digit number after the 9? exten => _9XXXXXXXX,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN:1}@siptrunk)
03:42.16epaphusfor some reason even though I send a 9 and an 8 digit number.. i still have to wait a lot for it to execute the Dial
03:44.23*** join/#asterisk prologic (~prologic@unaffiliated/prologic)
03:45.06prologicHey all. I'm using the latest PBIAF (Asterisk 1.8). I'm having trouble receiving inbound calls on my DID. Here's a sip trace: ... Not sure why my pbx is sending back a 404. I've defined an Inbound route that matches
03:46.35WIMPyepaphus: Dial from where? What device is collecting you dialing digits? If it's Asterisk, then you have another longer extension that cuold match.
03:48.28WIMPyprologic: You should probably ask in #freepbx. We don't support configuration via 3rd party software here.
03:49.04epaphusWIMPy, i think in this case its my linksys PAP2... so i guess both my linksys PAP2 and asterisk should have the same dial plans?
03:50.09WIMPyepaphus: If you don;t want to wait, yes. Or you tell it to send everything immediately ("overlp") and let Asterisk do the work, if possible.
03:52.05epaphusi didnt know one could set a PAP2 to send everything immediately.. is that they keyword i should search google.. "overlap" ?
03:52.45WIMPyI have no idea if that device supports it.But yes, that option is called overlap dialing.
03:53.07WIMPyThat's also often the only way to be able to dial #.
04:06.38prologicWIMPy, ok sorry :)
04:06.59*** part/#asterisk prologic (~prologic@unaffiliated/prologic)
04:08.26epaphusbah, it doesnt support it ..
04:18.45*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
04:18.51slav3_kittengod today sucked, i somehow lost my 16 gig sd card for my raspberry pi
04:19.25epaphusAnybody why when i do diaplan reload .... i see outputs such as:  Registered extension context 'ael-default'; registrar: pbx_ael    .. that kind of stuff i dont have in extensions.conf .. where does it come from?
04:19.41epaphusor would that always be there as default
04:20.09WIMPyAnd that file is optional.
04:30.05epaphusIs there any function out there that can play a DTMF tone? Like 123 .. its just an indication for a party.   I saw PlayTones()  but i dont think that its what i need
04:31.08*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
05:07.07*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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05:58.38SeRiwaz up guys
06:00.01SeRidijib: you in?
06:02.01WIMPyHi SeRi
06:03.01SeRiyo WIMPy how are you
06:04.25WIMPyNot shut if I should be more awake or rather asleep.
06:05.22SeRiI am still recovering from this afternoon.
06:05.26SeRilong day with the fam
06:06.00SeRimy case/brik finally made it's way in this am to Houston.
06:06.20*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (~evilman_h@
06:07.22SeRiI still have not recived an update from on my port
06:07.27SeRithis is not good... :/
06:08.06WIMPyPhone numbers should die.
06:13.36SeRino a bad idea.
06:14.59WIMPyWhat do you find easier to remember? Someones phone number or their e-mail address?
06:16.06mutetheir name is the easiest :)
06:21.10SeRiemail for sure
06:22.11WIMPySame for me. But luckily, since I use Asterisk, you can call my e-mail address as well.
06:22.35WIMPyOnly one easy to remember address for both.
06:23.50WIMPyYou don't have it?
06:24.38WIMPyChange that :-)
06:26.02SeRiNot a bad idea at all. I should do that.
06:37.39SeRiWIMPy: do you have your own mail server?
06:38.45SeRiah. ok that makes sense...
06:39.05SeRimy emails get redirected via a hosting service
06:40.35WIMPyHas anyone here ever tried a Samsung Anyweb phone and would share some opinions? google prefers to tell me about printers.
06:42.09SeRiWIMPy: I was given as a gift what apears to be an IBM pbx card. It has and RJ45 port and a FXO port. ANy ideas what are this cards? They dont have a model number
06:43.11WIMPyI didn't even know that IBM did anyhing in that area. What kind of card?
06:43.28WIMPyNot for PCs, I assume?
06:44.32SeRiIt was on a 2U server and it was labeld "PBX" It had two of this cards
06:44.40SeRiThey are pci
06:45.06WIMPyThen you could try to search for the PCI ID.
06:45.15SeRicool thanks
06:46.21WIMPyActually, googling for "ibm pbx pci" gives some results.
06:48.23WIMPyBut noting interesting, it seems.
06:48.45SeRiIs similar to this
06:50.38WIMPyOh, an appliance in PCI format?
06:50.52WIMPyI never understood that concept.
06:53.51SeRiWIMPy: Yes I think it is.
06:53.54SeRinot sure though
06:57.34*** join/#asterisk tonylyliu (41c7bd06@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
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10:15.02loggiewhey guys
10:15.10loggiewfirst time setting up asterisk
10:15.21loggiewgot to a point where i can make a call between two devices
10:15.37loggiewno audio and the CLI shows no log data upon initiating the call
10:15.48loggiewboth devices connect, but no sound and the CLI doesn't report it
10:15.59loggiewany thoughts on where I might start reading?
10:17.14x2sdid you set core debug higher than 0 and core verbose, too?
10:17.33tonylyliuyou need to check firewall if audio streams are blocked assume you are using sip/iax2 phones
10:17.52loggiewno firewall, all internal network. Just toying to learn
10:18.01loggiewx2s, looking now
10:18.04*** join/#asterisk dgeary2 (~david@
10:18.10tonylyliuthe future of telephony
10:18.18tonylyliuyou can google it
10:18.26tonylyliuthe online book
10:21.24*** join/#asterisk b2 (~ion@pdpc/supporter/active/beckb)
10:22.32tonylyliuany guys has tested confbridge function on asterisks 11.0.1 with large volums calls?
10:22.50tonylyliuor put it into production use?
10:27.12*** join/#asterisk pppingme (~pppingme@unaffiliated/pppingme)
10:29.08loggiewok, so now im seeing the devices, that resolved my CLI question. But Im still not certain what's wrong with the sound
10:34.24ChannelZWhat are the devices?
10:34.52loggiewa soft phone and my cell
10:35.11ChannelZthe cell running a SIP client on the LAN I take it?
10:35.22loggiewwhen i type core show channels, the phone lists 'None' under location, that seems odd
10:36.00loggieweverything is internal with no firewalls turned on (intentionally.. lord knows what ive forgotten)
10:36.32ChannelZwell there are many places it can go wrong
10:37.11loggiewya :/
10:37.12ChannelZstart with 'core set verbose 3' and then pastebin a test call
10:48.03*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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10:54.46loggiewthanks for the help guys, maybe I just need to stop banging my head on the wall for the night and work on it tomorrow
11:01.08*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
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11:26.44and7eyCan somebody please help me - I am trying to forward all incoming calls to another number, here is my config -, but I see the following in incoming call - handle_request_invite: Call from '' ( to extension '7499952XXXX' rejected because extension not found in context 'default'. What am I missing in my setup?
11:29.07*** join/#asterisk Wiretap (~wiretap@unaffiliated/wiretap)
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11:42.42ChannelZand7ey: as it says, that extension is not found in the context "default".  I see no context named that.
11:43.48ChannelZand I hope your [beeline] was actually in sip.conf and not extensions.conf as your paste notes
11:48.10*** join/#asterisk ghenry (~ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
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11:49.19and7eyChannelZ: should I create section [default] in extensions.conf? What should be there? Sorry for such questions, I am new to Asterisk
11:50.19ChannelZthe fact that it's going to default implies that the incoming call is not being matched to any peer in sip.conf
11:50.58ChannelZSo you should figure out why that is probably.  The error you pasted said the call was coming from which is a LAN address
11:57.40[sr]what headers are needed for ogg compilation?
11:58.12ChannelZlibvorbis probably
11:58.14[sr]i already have libogg-dev but asterisk doesn't let me enable it yet
11:58.28ChannelZogg is the container, vorbis is the audio codec
11:59.07[sr]makes sense, dumb me
11:59.13[sr]thanks channel X
12:00.56[sr]and for misdn?
12:01.29[sr]capi headers right?
12:01.39[sr]libcapi i mean
12:02.54ChannelZdunno on that one besides what menuconfig says
12:03.07ChannelZisdnnet, misdn, suppserv.. whatever those are
12:07.36[sr]it could be handy for me
12:07.52*** join/#asterisk bytemaster (
12:07.58[sr]i dont see any "supp" headers
12:14.38*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
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12:18.10WIMPycapi is for chan_capi.
12:18.25[sr]hi WIMPy
12:18.39WIMPyAnd capi doesn't go with misdn1, but it can be used with misdn2.
12:18.54weinerkHi. Please help. How can I make the agi-script wait for pickup if I am doing this:
12:18.54weinerkasterisk -rx "originate local/18885551212 extension 1234@mycontext"
12:19.25WIMPyAnd there are two different chan_capi (off course). Bot seem a little dead.
12:21.17[sr]WIMPy: idea is to make use of two HFC cards, the one's i have, just for internal use
12:21.49WIMPyWell, you can go all the ways with them.
12:22.20WIMPyIt's just up to you to decide wich drivers to use.
12:22.54[sr]WIMPy: not now but in a few months ago, i testes loading misdn and dahdi drivers, and they didn't liked to live toghether
12:23.44WIMPyNo, you need to load only one of the drivers, off course.
12:24.18[sr]but i have cards that needs dahdi
12:24.30WIMPyThe can live alongside on the same machine, but with two of the same cards, you have to use the same driver for both.
12:24.31[sr]my error is to think i can have then both on the same system i think
12:24.51WIMPyNo, that should be fine.
12:28.04[sr]damn i was trying 11.x on my tests, and have a siemens ip phone doesn't work with it dont know why
12:28.32WIMPyWith SIP firmware?
12:28.42[sr]yes, a c610IP
12:28.56[sr]i can see in sip show peers (phone is here at home and server at work)
12:29.06WIMPyI haven't seen a Siemens IP phone for real, yet.
12:29.21[sr]that the IP it sent to the server was it's the internal IP instead of the public
12:29.29WIMPyBut I would like to see hardware to connect the regulart Up0 phones to Asterisk.
12:29.32[sr]well, what do you mean by sip firmware then? :)
12:30.08WIMPyUsually they talk HFA (AKA CorNetIP) instead of SIP.
12:30.17[sr]ah no
12:30.44[sr]sip show peers show's me now: 100/100                                      D              A  5060     UNREACHABLE
12:30.52*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
12:31.05[sr]it should be the public ip there, instead of
12:31.15WIMPyYou know the nat setting in sip.conf, don't you?
12:31.27[sr]with 10.x works ok, and no conf was changed
12:32.52[sr]WIMPy: yes, but i have a droid phone with 3cx, and it works ok, anyway extensions are with nat = never
12:33.08WIMPyhas only one user behind NAT, but that looks ok.
12:34.12[sr]now works!
12:34.20WIMPyIf you don't use Asterisk's nat support, yuo need it on the phone, like enabling a stun server.
12:34.48[sr]for somehow i did this on the past and didn't worked, maybe some router problem
12:35.13WIMPyAbsolutely possible.
12:35.29[sr]for sure
12:35.38[sr]or ISP problems
12:35.44[sr]never mind
12:36.17[sr]funny is the droid 3cx client works with nat = never
12:39.52[sr]well going to lunch... WIMPy thanks for your time
12:40.08[sr]WIMPy:  ah, tomorow we are going to have a visit from your "boss" :p
12:40.46WIMPydoesn't really have a boss.
12:41.18[sr]WIMPy: hehe.. just playing with you
12:41.39WIMPyBad luck then.
12:42.08WIMPyI guess my real boss would be muself. And I wouldn't mind a little holliday :-)
12:42.22[sr]WIMPy: how i understand you...
12:42.52[sr]sometimes its better to be the employ than the employer...
12:42.57*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (~evilman_h@
12:44.10WIMPyNot sure.
12:45.47[sr]of course i preffer to be my own boss also
12:46.27WIMPyThis evening I will have an external :-) boss.
12:49.37[sr]going to lunch
12:52.14*** join/#asterisk tzafrir (
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13:46.47[sr]with 11.x
13:47.29[sr]the notify information keeps appearing on the console, is there any parameter to supress this information? like the one for the manager to supress the login/logout info
13:49.38wonderworldi wanto to set the IP of a SIP peer as channel variable. how could i do that?
13:49.43[sr]i mean, not just when it changes
13:50.40WIMPywonderworld: What do you want to do?
13:51.18wonderworldi want the ip a peer with a specific sip channel is using as channel var
13:51.31wonderworldlike a call starts, peer gets sip channel. i want the ip of the peer
13:52.21WIMPyLike CHANNEL(peerip)?
13:52.39wonderworldohh, does that exist? yeah. exactly that
13:55.00*** join/#asterisk ghenry (~ghenry@pdpc/supporter/monthlybyte/ghenry)
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15:46.07teknoprephi all
15:46.31teknoprepi have a simple setup for asterisk ? ITSP < -> Asterisk < - > Another Sip Server
15:46.59teknoprepwhat i have currently is a single line that anything comming into the box gets forwarded to an extension that is registered
15:47.16teknoprepmy questino is how to i tell it to go to a secondary extension if the first extension is not registered
15:47.29teknoprepexten => _X.,1,Dial(SIP/${EXTEN}@ast1-eZuce)
15:47.37teknoprepsorry i was going to paste that into patebin
15:48.12tonikaschimho it's better if you paste that into pastebin or similar
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16:07.24[TK]D-Fenderteknoprep: that doesn't look like you're dialing a "registered extension".  It's calling some other server.  If they don't answer then just dial the next thing right after.
16:09.15mutedial at the same time
16:20.48*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
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16:28.28pznI need help about asterisk/grandstream gxw-4108 fxo adapter. PSTN -> Voip calls OK. Voip->PSTN calls ok. problem: all voip->PSTN calls should go out from an FXO port choosen by grandstream device... need to go out using specific FXO port. how? thanks in advance
16:29.38pznsorry for my bad english. currently grandstream is choosing the outgoing FXO port. I'd like to be able to choose the port from asterisk.
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17:00.23enzoI think, it's hwec, you confirm ?
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17:11.50EmleyMoorenzo: As far as I know it just works - as long as, of course, it's detected
17:12.02EmleyMoorI have an AEX410P with one
17:14.06enzoyou know how I can check that EmleyMoor ?
17:15.08enzothe fact is I've lanched dahdi_genconf, it has generated /etc/asterisk/dahdi-channels.conf, and I can read in it: line="1 WCTDM/0/0 FXSKS  (In use) (EC: VPMOCT032 - INACTIVE)" (same thing for all lines)
17:19.32EmleyMoorIt's not mentioned in mine
17:21.43enzoand with some asterisk command, it's surely possible to check the echo canceller used, someone knows the command ?
17:23.03EmleyMoorIn chan_dahdi.conf I have echocancel=yes and it says that for hardware EC that's all you need
17:24.52enzook, I've done that, so it works I guess :)
17:26.20EmleyMoorI don't know how to check for sure... but see if that helps.
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17:45.46enzoin which place (on last ubuntu) it's advised to put sounds and moh ? /usr/share/asterisk or /var/lib/asterisk directory ?
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17:57.11mutemake install put mine in /var/lib/asterisk/sounds/en
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18:08.00wonderworldwhich codec should be choosen for sip peers to have low translation cost for confbridge use?
18:10.56dlyneswonderworld, if you can afford the bandwidth, ulaw or alaw
18:11.15wonderworldit's mostly about CPU cost
18:11.25dlyneswonderworld, then again, ulaw or alaw
18:11.34dlyneswonderworld, they're the two simplest codes
18:12.00wonderworldi was thinking about what codec confbridge uses internaly
18:12.00pznwonderworld, g711 ulaw or alaw as dlynes said... the cpu cost is about 0%
18:12.43dlyneswonderworld, confbridge just bridges two doesn't use a codec
18:13.03dlyneswonderworld, it only performs translation if the two legs don't match for codecs
18:13.30wonderworldok, i see, so the codec doesn't matter to confbridge, in case all peers use the same?
18:13.38dlyneswonderworld, correct
18:13.46dlyneswonderworld, however
18:14.03*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (~evilman_h@
18:14.11dlyneswonderworld, when two or more people are talking at a time, it will need to do merging of the legs
18:14.48wonderworld..and the cost for this mergin would be the lowest with alaw/ulaw ?
18:14.54dlyneswonderworld, correct
18:15.00dlyneswonderworld, and the simplest
18:15.06wonderworldcool, thanks
18:15.36dlyneswonderworld, ulaw/alaw do not use any compression; it's the raw almost purely unadulterated audio stream
18:16.17wonderworldthats 64kbit/sec ?
18:16.50dlyneswonderworld, correct
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18:26.24mtbfI am having an issue with missing recording files on asterisk 1.8.13, it happens from time to time and I don't know how to reproduce it, logfile contents look normal to me, at least I don't see anything indicating an error, but I can't figure it out.
18:33.47*** join/#asterisk cyford (
18:35.40mtbfNow I found the description would fit to 2012-04-27 19:26 +0000 [r364277]  Matthew Jordan <> ( this issue, however 1.8.13 was released at 2012-06...
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19:23.02loggiewIm having a delay in all audio of about 1 second between two sip devices
19:23.17loggiewsuggestions on where to begin reading?
19:25.41dlynesloggiew, are they both on the same LAN?
19:25.59loggiewmy entire setup is just a test all within my LAN
19:26.03dlynesloggiew, do they need to go outside the LAN to connect to each other?
19:28.11*** part/#asterisk weinerk (~user@unaffiliated/weinerk)
19:28.57loggiewi should be fairly solid on processing power etc because I have an i7 with 24 gig of RAM, way over kill for this
19:29.17loggiewthe two devices are going across internal wireless but I didnt expect the delay to be quite this bad
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19:45.08dlynesloggiew, have you checked ifconfig to make sure you don't have any framing or other errors?
19:51.01*** join/#asterisk vlad_sta20:43.29 Opened logfile log/2012/1111.
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20:44.39*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.0.1 (2012/11/05), 10.10.0 (2012/11/06), (2012/11/06), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.13 (2012/10/09) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
20:45.43ketasoh fun, x crapped just after enter :P
20:46.34dlynesketas, /usr/sbin/asterisk -rx 'sip show peers'
20:47.13dlynesketas, btw...why'd you name yourself after a fish?
20:49.44ketasno, i'm "disk"
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20:50.43ketasi don't have any access to run things like this
20:54.28ketasi only know that there is way to get list of all sessions from client itself
20:54.59ketasstill confusing?
20:57.27mutelike presense information...?
21:00.42ketasalmost, and about client itself
21:01.25ketas"what are my other registered sessions"
21:08.40*** join/#asterisk Neptu (
21:20.28n8ideasanyone here happen to have some experience with ODBC scalability?
21:20.32n8ideasand res_odbc optimization?
21:20.48n8ideasspecifically interested in the "share_connections" option and concurrency limit
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21:32.09loggiewstabs windows firewall
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21:48.19pabelangerAnybody tried zoiper on bell's 4g network?  Seem to be having to RTP issues
21:48.24pabelangerand not sure if bell is just blocking them
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23:08.18jeffspeffhow can i tell if my ISP is blocking port 5060?
23:08.32jeffspeffmy box was working fine, and now it's not. my IP hasn't changed
23:09.12jeffspeffwhen i do a port scan on my external ip to see if it's listening for 5060, it says it's not; but that could mean that the ISP is blocking it
23:15.11*** join/#asterisk mathi (
23:16.23mathiI would like to log the messages in a file, but I don't understand how to specify what level of verbosity I want. Just like I would do -rvvvv for the console for exmample
23:16.31p3nguinjeffspeff: Your scan was most likely a TCP scan, so your result was not going to be an accurate reflection of your actual situation.
23:18.14jeffspeffp3nguin, i used the t1 shoppers scanner, can you recommend one that has udp?
23:19.20p3nguinI would use netcat to create a listening server and netcat on a remote system to send some data to that listening server.
23:19.56p3nguinA pair of netcats is really good for testing if a port is firewalled or not.
23:22.07ChannelZmathi: see logger.conf for creating the logfile, and cli.conf for setting the level
23:23.44jeffspeffp3nguin, if i change the value of "port" within the general context and within the peer context of sip.conf it should change the udp listening port of sip shouldn't it?
23:24.20p3nguinTo change the listening port of the SIP channel driver, you have to change the bind port.
23:24.58jeffspeffso, there should be a bindport= as well as a port=?
23:25.17p3nguinudpbindaddr=  for example
23:26.41mathiChannelZ, doesn't work for me... in logger.conf I have:  messages => error,dtmf
23:27.01mathiChannelZ, in cli.conf I have: core set verbose 30 = yes
23:27.03jeffspeffp3nguin, thanks, got that resolved
23:27.10mathiChannelZ, I have all the logs in the console
23:27.12jeffspeffgoing to change it on other side of sip trunk and test
23:27.15mathibut not in the "messages" file
23:27.57mathi(when I restart asterisk i see some logs in messages, but I want the logs of Verbose(1, ...) in my Dialplan
23:29.33p3nguinmathi: You probably want to add the "verbose" level to your log mode.
23:29.52p3nguinmessages => error,dtmf,verbose
23:30.07mathip3nguin, I have "verbose" level in my logfile called "full", but it doesn't has any logs when my dialplan is executed
23:30.15mathibut I cans ee all the logs in the console
23:30.40p3nguinCheck the full log file instead of messages log file.
23:30.58p3nguinIf you have the full mode enabled, a new file for full will be created and used for those levels of logging.
23:31.05p3nguinEach mode has its own file name.
23:31.07mathiI know...
23:31.15mathiI have the "full" logfile in front of me
23:31.25mathiit has no logs
23:31.27mathiit does sometimes
23:31.36p3nguinIf you still don't get the results you want, consider the Log() application.
23:32.00mathiVerbose() is only for console?
23:32.23p3nguinUnless you are logging the verbose level, I believe so.
23:32.58mathiI have verbose level
23:33.20jeffspeffwell, i changed asterisk to listen on 6050 instead of 5060, and all works fine now... i guess this conclusively means that Ritter is blocking my 5060 traffic
23:34.34mathiwhen i restart asterisk I have a bunch of messages in "full" logfile, but when my dialplan is executed, the Verbose() messages aren't logged at all
23:34.38p3nguinI wouldn't say conclusively, but it is certainly an indication of the possibility.
23:37.15jeffspeffp3nguin, well, it was working fine on 5060, then it stopped working (without me changing a thing, i haven't had time to touch this box) then I change the port from 5060 to 6050 and now it magically works again. i am the network admin, and i know for a fact that it wasn't blocked on my work side, so that just leaves my home side, which i'm not in as much controll over the ISP provisions, etc.
23:37.58p3nguinCall 'em up and ask WTF they did.
23:39.21jeffspeffi am, as we speak
23:39.44p3nguin"WHAT'D YOU DO?!"
23:48.26jeffspeffp3nguin, funniest thing ever, i finally got through to their tech support... The guy introduced himself as Dennis, I asked how he was doing this evening, to which he responed that he's doing well, I then inquired if they practice port blocking on residential internet account, he then hung up on me.
23:49.59p3nguinThat's interesting.  Are you calling again?
23:50.08jeffspeffno, i'm giving up on them
23:50.38jeffspeffthink i'll find/make a friend that's very near an ATT fiber loop
23:52.04jeffspeffHi, my name's jeffspeff. Yes, this is a gun, and here are some boxes of equipment i'll be installing in your closet today. Oh, almost forgot, you won't have to pay for internet anymore. :)
23:53.22jeffspeffthat was a joke btw
23:53.27jeffspeffnobody was laughing.

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