IRC log for #asterisk on 20121108

00:01.30navaismoI have the same error trying to compile dahdi-tools
00:01.39navaismoWhich is the cause?
00:01.54navaismothe patch in the page seems to work
00:02.17*** join/#asterisk jrgill (~jrgill@unaffiliated/jrgill)
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00:10.22*** join/#asterisk sertaconay (~sertacona@unaffiliated/sertaconay)
00:10.27epaphusIs there anyway i can send a call to voicemail within the dialplan but just beep and record.. instead of playing that We are sorry blah blah..?
00:10.49navaismooption s
00:11.59*** join/#asterisk madduck (~madduck@debian/developer/madduck)
00:17.48epaphusnavaismo, iam sorry iam a newbie.. i tried to search the examples in asteriskguru and others.. but no luck. where do i specify the s? the line ih ave is this: exten => 123,n,Voicemail(100)
00:20.41*** join/#asterisk Dovid (1826d7a8@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
00:20.54Dovidhello ev1
00:21.08navaismoepaphus, ^
00:24.26*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
00:38.34[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: "core show application XYZ" <- always read your app's instructions first
00:47.53slav3_kittenok after trying to figure out why this simple dialplan based wakeup call does work.. i've decided to give up an ask what you guys recommend as a simple wakeup call system for a home
00:48.14WIMPyuses atd
00:48.41WIMPyBut I plan to do something better some time.
00:49.10slav3_kittenone sec, googling atd
00:49.21WIMPy'man at'
00:50.08slav3_kittenoh at... totally thought it was like a asterisk module or something
00:50.43slav3_kitteni use that on my laptop
00:52.15epaphustnx TK
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00:53.07epaphusIs there any application that would help me manage this more efficiently? I want to take a call and ask the caller to state their name.. then try to find the party .
00:53.14epaphus.. or what options do I have in doing that?
00:54.19WIMPyLook for "call screening" and "followme".
01:01.03*** join/#asterisk retentiveboy (~retentive@
01:01.35[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: No, there is no voice-recognition
01:01.59[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: There are 3rd party tools that may help, but no idea if it stands a prayer of detecting a specific name.
01:04.32slav3_kittenmy network crap is drawing 1.6 amps
01:07.04WIMPyWelcome to the enlightenment that going VOIP can be rather expensive.
01:08.42SeRiAtom systems and embedded...
01:09.09WIMPySwitches are often more evil than servers.
01:10.20SeRiMy whole My whole office where my rack is located draws 350w avg.
01:10.51SeRis/My Whole My Whole/My Whole/
01:11.08slav3_kitten200 watts isn't bad
01:11.56slav3_kittenit's the switch that costs me the most juice
01:11.58jpsharpI don't even want to know how much everything here draws.
01:12.19WIMPyLots of money.
01:13.11SeRiI monitor my sections using Flukso
01:13.47slav3_kittenjpsharp, want a hug to quell the thoughts of power
01:13.49SeRiSo I know exactly how much w is going in and out in my house
01:13.57slav3_kittenwell power usage
01:14.24slav3_kitteninteresting i've never heard of that SeRi
01:14.48SeRislav3_kitten: check it out.
01:14.50jpsharpslav3_kitten: I think I'll consult my wife for that.
01:14.57jpsharpslav3_kitten: But thanks for the offer.
01:15.07SeRijpsharp: lol
01:15.33slav3_kittenjpsharp, think she will want a hug after? :P
01:16.05jpsharpbookmarks flukso for later.
01:17.35jpsharpThough a kill a watt with network access would be awesome too.
01:17.48SeRijpsharp: check the Android app for it
01:18.12SeRiI am using a cheap android tablet to monitor the whole usage.
01:18.35*** join/#asterisk elico (
01:21.59slav3_kittenSeRi, it looks pretty spendy
01:22.42slav3_kittenthough i have no good solution for how to install it
01:22.53jpsharpEspecially with that EUR->USD exchange.
01:23.03SeRislav3_kitten: That's up to your pocket. I didnt think about it twice when I did the math.
01:23.06Maliutahmmm, I'm not sure how many watts my kit is drawing. But with all the kit on (monitors and the TV included) I draw 2.2amp
01:23.28*** join/#asterisk jblack (
01:23.50slav3_kittenMaliuta, simple math volts * amps = watts
01:24.56slav3_kittenso figure 125v (if us) 2.2 amp = 275 watts
01:25.17Maliuta528??? vs. 384 without monitors and TV on
01:25.42slav3_kittencurse you overseas people :P
01:26.00Maliutaslav3_kitten: come live in the real world :P
01:26.13slav3_kittenSeRi, what math made you not think twice about ~200 bucks for a power monitor?
01:26.30Maliutaslav3_kitten: on a continent where if it's the the top 10 things that can kill you we probably have it.
01:26.58slav3_kittenoh you're an aussie!
01:27.21slav3_kitteni /almost/ had a chance to go to midfur
01:27.32Maliutaslav3_kitten: christ yeah. You're just a yank sheila ;P
01:27.50Maliutawe have the only poisonous mammal
01:28.17SeRi4k sqf house 3 kids and a house wife.
01:28.23SeRisimple math
01:28.41slav3_kitten... 4k square foot... WTF
01:28.55slav3_kitten2k is the largest house i've ever lived in
01:29.32slav3_kittenyour cabling costs must have been high as hell when you networked that place
01:29.33Maliutafeet are for walking on, not measuring ... just like pounds are a currency, not a weight :P
01:29.50jpsharpWe put in an offer for a 4k sq ft house.  3k ft above grade 1k ft basement.
01:30.05SeRijpsharp: nice basement!
01:30.09WIMPyMaliuta: Like that one
01:30.13SeRibad ass man cave
01:30.20Nivexmy whole house is only 1134 sqft
01:30.30Nivexof course, it's just me here so that works
01:30.36slav3_kittensounds like a nice place jpsharp
01:30.46SeRislav3_kitten: I did all the coimmunications/media wiring my self.
01:31.10slav3_kittenSeRi, still if you did structured wiring that's a ton of cable
01:31.10jpsharpslav3_kitten: We were drooling over it, but the owners rejected the offer because they didn't want to deal with an FHA mortgage.  They wanted cash.
01:31.14MaliutaWIMPy: it's a metric world, some people just haven't caught up with the 19th century yet ;)
01:31.21SeRiThe builder was cool and allow me to work on site with supervission of the crew
01:31.41jpsharpSo we're still hunting.
01:31.42SeRijpsharp: Thats why you buy a new home :)
01:31.53WIMPyMaliuta: It used to be that way before man started to measure :-)
01:32.30MaliutaI need to start the planning to build my new shed. I'm planning on running network into it too.
01:32.31SeRiI wnt to hell and back negotiating with pre owned homes.
01:32.38jpsharpSeRi: I wish we could.
01:33.05SeRiI had my bad share of experiences.
01:33.36MaliutaWIMPy: since the term "foot" actually referred to the length of the foot of the monarch at the time I always wondered if the US foot changed size with each new president
01:34.07MaliutaWIMPy: I'm sure they only keep them around for a second term so they don't have to redo the measuring tapes ;)
01:34.08WIMPyGood point
01:35.32jpsharpExcept for the batch of recent politicians who wouldn't be able to have their feet measured because their feet are constantly in their mouth.
01:38.36SeRiNot only I monitor water. I also monitor the main water compsumption of the house
01:39.09jpsharpYou do better than my water company.
01:39.10SeRifuck I meant electric
01:40.30SeRiover here water compsumption bill is base on avg compsumption so they over bill most of the time. I wanted to stop that and it has worked so far.
01:43.55slav3_kittenwht did you do for water monitoring, i've been interested in doing that
01:47.34SeRislav3_kitten: The same device.
01:47.47SeRiflukso also monitors water and gas
01:48.04slav3_kitteni take it you have a water meter at your house then
01:48.22slav3_kittenour water meter is about 300 feet from the house
01:48.27SeRi? all houses have water meters
01:48.38SeRiYes is in my property :)
01:49.46slav3_kittenthat's my main problem, the power meter and main electrical panel are outside, is the water meter
01:51.12slav3_kittenoh fucking hell i missed the auction for the access server i wanted
01:51.14SeRiThat sucks. why is your electrical panel out side? Thats agains code...
01:51.43slav3_kittenelectrical comes in to panel A) then goes into the house panel B)
01:51.55WIMPyaccess server?
01:52.05SeRiI just got my new server today :)
01:52.09slav3_kittenoutdoor panel A) had lines run for the server closet and garage
01:52.18*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
01:52.19SeRiNow waiting for ram and case. they should be here tomorrow
01:52.22slav3_kittenWIMPy, serial port server for all my crap
01:52.33kikohnlMy electric panel is in the master bedroom, and no water meter
01:52.34jpsharpThe majority of the houses around here have their service entry & breakers outside.
01:52.35ChrisInSydney‌ /join asterisk-dev
01:53.22ChrisInSydneys/\/join asterisk-dev/Something completely different was intended
01:53.23kikohnlhow big is the flukso box?
01:53.33ChrisInSydneyHey WIMPy
01:53.33SeRikikohnl: Is very small
01:53.41SeRithe same size as a linksys pap2
01:53.44*** join/#asterisk Iamnacho (
01:53.58jpsharpslav3_kitten: Which serial box?  Cisco 2511?  Xyplex 1600?
01:54.15SeRislav3_kitten: whjy not IPKVM?
01:54.41SeRijpsharp: You in TX?
01:54.55jpsharpSeRi: Used to be.  Florida now.
01:55.17*** join/#asterisk droemel (
01:55.19slav3_kittencisco 2509
01:55.27slav3_kittenthing sold for 15 bucks on ebay + 15 shipping
01:55.40slav3_kittenerr 51
01:56.05jpsharpHunt around for a Xyplex maxserver 1600 if you want a cheap serial server.
01:56.25slav3_kittenlike 3 weeks ago, but i just realized i missed it
01:57.09slav3_kittenjpsharp, you rock!
01:57.40jpsharpTry to get one with the flash card in it, otherwise you have to netboot it.
01:57.46filedon't be so serial!
01:57.49ChrisInSydneyWIMPy: Im a little sleep deprived
01:58.09ChrisInSydneythats my excuse and I am sticking to it
01:58.26WIMPyChrisInSydney: Not enough to get some german together, it seems :-)
01:58.28jpsharpslav3_kitten: I used the hell out of the maxservers when I ran a bunch of Sun kit with serial consoles.
01:58.36ChrisInSydneygoogle translate
01:58.46slav3_kittenjpsharp, can you set different baud for different tty's?
01:58.47ChrisInSydneyno effort
01:59.04jpsharpYes.  Different baud for each serial port.
01:59.14slav3_kittenawesome :D
01:59.19WIMPyChrisInSydney: Astonishingly it made sense.
01:59.33slav3_kitteneverything but my UPS is 9600. UPS is 2400 for no apparent reason
01:59.35ChrisInSydneyI wouldn't have pushed it too hard
01:59.58ChrisInSydneymy family on mums side goes back to Germany before WW1
02:00.39WIMPyThat's a few days back.
02:01.30ChrisInSydneyis really recovering from three days of home grown and moonshine at a mates place outsde of Darwn NT
02:02.21ChrisInSydneyanyway, lets see f I can get this source code help
02:02.22WIMPyHmm. A Sangoma PRI card for 1 EUR and noone has placed the first bid, yet.
02:02.42ChrisInSydneynot until 10 secs before t closes
02:03.18ChrisInSydneygot another Les Paul copy for ~$200 that way
02:04.50*** join/#asterisk cyford (
02:04.56MaliutaChrisInSydney: I know what the cause of all your problems is ... you're in Sydney, damned 'roaches/mexicans ;)
02:05.57ChrisInSydneyMaliuta; Why, where are you in this wide brown land ?
02:08.12MaliutaBrisneyland :)
02:08.25MaliutaVery brown up here, you'
02:08.34Maliutave been hogging all the rain.
02:10.37*** join/#asterisk infinity1 (~brendon@
02:10.59ChrisInSydneygood ol' Bris Vegas
02:11.20ChrisInSydneysunny here for the rest of the day
02:13.05SeRiYou dont like Mexicans?
02:13.17ChrisInSydneyMexicans = Victorians
02:13.22ChrisInSydneysouth of the border
02:14.03ChrisInSydneyNew South Wales was established to keep Victorians away from the border of Queensland
02:14.26SeRiChrisInSydney: ah :)
02:14.31MaliutaDepends on which border you're talking about ... they're all mexicans from here
02:14.52SeRiMaliuta: You racist?
02:14.59MaliutaSeRi: it refers to "south of the border"
02:15.22ChrisInSydneyfor a country of 20 mil, we are a bit like that
02:16.00MaliutaSeRi: Sydney is a place best avoided if you can. :)
02:16.11ChrisInSydneySeRi: You see I could call Maliuta a Canadian, but that would be an undeserved compliment
02:16.38MaliutaChrisInSydney: well my parents are living in ATM :P
02:16.39*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
02:16.51WIMPyWe have Bavarians instead of Mexicans. Although they have already be entitles alpine hispanics :-)
02:17.12ChrisInSydneythnk I'll go back to Alberta....hey there is a song in that
02:17.15WIMPyMy typing tells me to go to sleep.
06:38.51*** join/#asterisk infobot (
06:38.51*** topic/#asterisk is #asterisk The Open Source PBX and Telephony Platform ( -=- Asterisk 11.0.1 (2012/11/05), 10.10.0 (2012/11/06), (2012/11/06), DAHDI-linux 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), DAHDI-tools 2.6.1 (2012/04/20), libpri 1.4.13 (2012/10/09) -=- Visit the official Asterisk wiki:
07:09.43*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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10:04.34sdr__I got a "ringback" problem. When I close SIP call asterisk is ringing back the phone with none on the line if pickedup
10:04.47sdr__any ideas why and how to stop it?
10:05.01sdr__asterisk 10
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10:06.51kaldemarsdr__: what do you see in CLI when that happens?
10:07.14sdr__let me test ..
10:14.15aurswhy should I/should I not spend $1000 more to get hw echo cancellation on E1 cards from digium? Any thoughts?
10:17.46*** join/#asterisk andy09usa (
10:18.10kaldemaraurs: pro: less echo issues, no cpu consumption for EC, con: price
10:18.59sdr__mm my bad .. ok 10x ppl :)
10:19.46*** join/#asterisk sktyau (
10:24.34aurskaldemar, do you know if it is possible to see if I have a 405 or 410 card from console? I think I have 405p cards without EC but I'm not 100% sure
10:25.48aurslspci says 02:01.0 Communication controller: Xilinx Corporation Wildcard TE405P/TE410P (1st Gen) (rev 01)
10:29.13*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
10:33.20Rico29where can I address a feature request / improvement ?
10:33.29Rico29mi jira tickets has been closed
10:37.34*** join/#asterisk alexscott (~alexscott@2a01:6380:fffd:1:223:32ff:fed0:93cc)
10:38.35kaldemarRico29: as the comment says, you need to get the attention of a bug marshal in the mailing lists or, here, or asterisk-dev maybe.
10:40.28Rico29and who is a "bug marshall" ? ;)
10:50.42kaldemarthat's a good question.
10:58.05*** join/#asterisk caveat- (hoax@gateway/shell/
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11:18.08WIMPyaurs: dmesg|grep VPM
11:18.42aursWIMPy: thanks!
11:18.50aursso I have a TE405P then :)
11:25.54*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
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11:29.52*** join/#asterisk Alex_Bkash (cbdf5c49@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
11:30.41Alex_Bkashhello, Can i change the default IAX port 4569??
11:32.12WIMPyAlex_Bkash: Have you tried to look at iax.conf?
11:36.22*** join/#asterisk rhce7320 (~rhce7320@
11:36.23carrarOh you mean this isn't freepbx support?
11:36.36*** part/#asterisk rhce7320 (~rhce7320@
11:46.40mutei setup the asterisk just because simonics is closed now and luckily v11 does it. yay..
11:47.03mutebut should i use gtalk or gvoice in the xmpp.conf? doesn't gvoice transfer to gtalk anyway
11:48.02mutei mean motif.conf.  seems to work as i got it, just curious
11:50.55Alex_Bkashjust change port there WIMPy?
11:51.12*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
11:58.01Alex_BkashWIMPy: shuld i change bindport=newport?
12:01.45aursbe brave and try Alex_Bkash :)
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12:12.44Alex_Bkashaurs: if u confirm then i can try :)
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13:13.56*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~TK]
13:20.00*** join/#asterisk Scottyob (
13:20.51ScottyobHowdy, I've just purchased a DID and I'm having a hard time trying to get inbound calls working.  I have tested it with a SIP client though and it seems fine
13:21.18Scottyobin the logs I'm seeing a lot of SIP/2.0 480 Temporarily Unavailable
13:22.49[TK]D-FenderScottyob, You should probably be showing your failed attempts...
13:22.50infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
13:25.11Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: no worries, this is the config
13:27.29[TK]D-Fenderis waiting for the rest
13:28.59Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: I don't think this debug is related to the call now, it just constantly gets dumped every few minutes
13:29.46[TK]D-FenderScottyob, That is a response to QUALIFY (OPTIONS) packets and not in any way "bad" or indicative of problems with a call.
13:29.59[TK]D-FenderScottyob, There is no call attempt there at all
13:30.15Scottyobit might be a problem in registration then, I don't think the call is hitting my asterisk box
13:31.44[TK]D-FenderScottyob, If you supposedly tried in between then it isn't
13:32.07Scottyobyeah I tried in between
13:32.10[TK]D-FenderScottyob, And your NAT setup is all wrong
13:32.13*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
13:32.20Scottyoboutbound works well
13:32.22[TK]D-FenderScottyob, Contact: <sip:09205054@> <-- you are sending them your PRIVATE IP as contact.
13:33.02Scottyobit's not smart enough to figure that one out?
13:33.24[TK]D-FenderScottyob, Your MyNetFone should be : nat=no , directmedia=no
13:33.59Scottyobbut I am behind a NAT?  what does directmedia do?  Send it through a stun or something?
13:34.59[TK]D-FenderScottyob, Under [general] : nat=yes , directmedia=no , localnet= , externaddr=(your router's wan IP here, or dyndns style hostname) , externrefresh=60
13:35.06*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
13:35.20[TK]D-FenderContact: <sip:09205054@> <- this is a PRIVATE IP.  Clearly you are behind NAT
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13:35.52Scottyobthat's pretty cool.  So directmedia=no does what?
13:36.17*** join/#asterisk keycruncher (
13:37.20[TK]D-Fenderstops your devices from trying to talk directly to one another.  Like an inside phone & *
13:37.31[TK]D-Fendererr,,, inside phone and your PROVIDER
13:37.40[TK]D-Fenderforces * to stay in the middle
13:37.53Scottyoboh cool :)
13:43.36*** part/#asterisk sekil (~Ognjen@
13:44.01[TK]D-FenderScottyob, you also need 5060 & 10000-20000 allUDP forwarded to your server
13:44.30Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: I can't get inbound working without that?
13:44.42[TK]D-Fendertypically no
13:44.46ScottyobI tried Zoiper to test and it seemed to work fine without any of that
13:45.01[TK]D-Fenderbecuase their cliet is better at that
13:45.37Scottyobfirst thing is first though, I'm still getting my private IP everywhere :(
13:47.22Scottyobwith those externnet and externaddr set
13:47.42[TK]D-FenderPB you new configs
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13:50.39[TK]D-Fendermake sure you've actually applied your settings...
13:50.45[TK]D-Fenderand show new debug.
13:51.01ScottyobI relaunched asterisk
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13:54.05*** part/#asterisk keycruncher (
13:54.15[TK]D-Fender[MyNetFone] <- all your peers for your provider(s) should be nat=no
13:54.51[TK]D-FenderAnd I'm suspecting your configs are not applied.
13:54.56[TK]D-Fenderissue a reload
13:55.39Scottyobjust updated and issued a reload… now we play the waiting game :P
13:55.59[TK]D-FenderWhy wait ... call yourself
13:56.16Scottyobstill the same
13:57.18[TK]D-FenderScottyob, ping your FQDN from CLI.
13:57.31[TK]D-FenderDid you end up making a hosts entry for it?  That WOULD screw you over.
13:57.48Scottyobyeah, it resolves
13:58.09[TK]D-FenderYou did this on your server itself?
13:58.39*** join/#asterisk ariel_ (u3533@pdpc/supporter/active/abatista)
13:58.40[TK]D-Fendersomething is still wrong....
13:58.49Scottyobwell, on the VM that I'm playing with asterisk in
14:00.21*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@nat/digium/x-lxghlwepetegeeej)
14:01.03[TK]D-Fender.... I am now wondering how MANY NAT's are in the way
14:01.25Scottyobjust one, it's bridged adaptor, the only nat is on the airport extreme
14:01.58[TK]D-Fender"sip show settings"
14:02.11[TK]D-Fenderand then show me your local ping from the server itself
14:02.16[TK]D-Fendersame PB
14:04.58[TK]D-Fenderyou should have a bunch of other normal settings under [general] there... bindport , etc... it clearly isn't picking things up right...
14:05.11[TK]D-FenderExternhost:             <none>
14:05.14[TK]D-Fendernot good signs
14:09.30Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: this is the full file
14:21.29[TK]D-FenderOk, I'm not sure what's going on here then....
14:21.57[TK]D-Fenderif that ping was your * instance then the host should resolve.  put the IP direct there instead, reload & retest
14:24.37Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: that's looking a little better
14:28.35[TK]D-Fenderbut still no calls making it in?
14:28.53[TK]D-FenderOh wait.. missed the BIG print ... "sip show registry"
14:29.00Scottyobnope, not a single thing.  Guess it might be nat hey?
14:29.19Scottyob0 SIP registrations
14:31.44Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: I moved that register= up to the general area, it's looking a little better
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14:32.17[TK]D-Fendereek, I missed that it fell under [authentication]
14:32.27[TK]D-Fenderyeah, just remove that "sectiona" entirely
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14:37.29Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: last look before we call it quits?  Looks like it registers now but I don't get anything inbound
14:39.44[TK]D-FenderScottyob, Make sure your router isn't messing around with anything else while it's at it... aside from that the rest is looking pretty good...
14:40.17Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: unfortunantly the router doesn't let me do much… airport extreme
14:40.30Scottyobbefore I shoot off, what were the ports I should try and forward through?  Might as well give it a go
14:41.31[TK]D-FenderTRY?  I told you they were necessary.
14:41.32jmetromake sure application layer gateway is turned off
14:41.40[TK]D-Fender<[TK]D-Fender> Scottyob, you also need 5060 & 10000-20000 allUDP forwarded to your server
14:42.01Scottyobjmetro: what's application layer gateway?
14:42.15Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: I thought that's why we were going to town with the NAT settings :P
14:42.50jmetroALG is something on routers that tries to make things better but fails and gives you 1 way audio
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14:43.29[TK]D-FenderScottyob, No, it's ALL required
14:43.37Scottyobjmetro: I don't think I get a chance to do that with the apple crap
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14:43.53jmetroScottyob: Oh. Get a d-link then. Or try to stick dd-wrt on it.
14:44.52Scottyoboh well.  brb, have to restart the modem to do a port forward *sigh*
14:44.54Scottyobgo apple
14:45.08TheCompWiza restart to port-forward??? WTF?
14:45.51jmetroyeah old netgears do that too. sign of awful brands
14:46.35TheCompWizI love my router I purchased a few months ago... cost a few extra $$... but soooooo worth it.
14:47.04TheCompWizstock firmware does more than I need... so no need to slap openwrt on it.
14:47.25TheCompWizactually... if I slapped openwrt on it... I'd lose features. :D
14:47.37jmetroi love the d-link i bought too.
14:48.47TheCompWiz   <--- that's the one I got.
14:49.04TheCompWizI love the dual-band ... nobody around me uses 5ghz.
14:49.16TheCompWiz2.4 is soooo over-crowded.
14:49.42TheCompWizbut I can still use 2.4 for my old stuff...
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14:52.12jmetro the dlink interface is also a dream.
14:53.40Scottyobhow can I test my port forward?
14:53.51Scottyobcan someone just spew me crap that'll show up in my logs on those ports?
14:54.07briguywhat port ip
14:54.16Scottyob5060 I guess
14:54.50ScottyobUDP can be closed? :P
14:55.18briguyhaha good point
14:55.43^rage^hi! anybody using chan_mobile?
14:56.08Scottyobis tempted to crack out tcpdump and nc on this
15:00.18briguyjust did a nmap scan on it for you
15:02.13Scottyobbriguy: still might now show anything UDP :P
15:02.42ScottyobI just did a tcpdump of all UDP traffic and hammered it from amazon cloud… I'm pretty sure I can confirm that apple sucks
15:03.00[TK]D-FenderScottyob, Is possible that your ISp is interfering as well
15:03.22Scottyobcould be
15:03.31briguythought you were logging it
15:03.31Scottyobit's a wonder Zoiper just works out of the box then
15:04.02[TK]D-FenderScottyob, And though you are are new to *, you are clearly a very aware admin.... once any real roadblocks are cleared I suspect you'll do just fine...
15:04.22[TK]D-FenderScottyob, imagebin up some router screenshots, etc.
15:04.29[TK]D-Fenderand check firewalls on your instance.
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15:05.35Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: I got the airport extreme because it had a good wireless chipset in it.. thought I'd be lazy but it looks like it's going back into bridge mode when I get more time to tinker in a few weeks.  Looks like this project is benched for a little while
15:06.04Scottyobunless anyone has tips on how to get inbound calls in * working through a NAT like ZoIPER does? :P
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15:07.17[TK]D-FenderScottyob, And hopefully it hasn't been ON this whole time.. that would be fighting with your server for the reg
15:07.56Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: lol, no, then I would get the phone call going through
15:08.51Scottyobjust in case it's Amazon, can someone quickly drop to a shell and try this for me? #iperf -c -u -p 5060 -b 1M
15:09.51briguyrunning now
15:10.27ScottyobI was expecting to see a heap of packets get flooded.. must be the shitty apple crap, or my ISP then
15:11.00[TK]D-FenderRemove the layer you have a prayer of controlling
15:11.17Scottyoboh well.  Thanks for all your help tonight everyone.  Especially [TK]D-Fender :)
15:11.30[TK]D-FenderScottyob, NP, I suspect you'll have it figured out before long
15:12.10Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: maybe, all of this to build a voice recognition number for my grandmother to make phone calls when she can't see what she's doing on her phone :P
15:12.42[TK]D-FenderScottyob, Doable .... sphinx + auto-dial on a phone
15:13.08Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: I got it all sorted out using a google hack (free and works great!)
15:13.16[TK]D-FenderAnd a first for this kind of requirement being used
15:13.17Scottyobthe last piece of the puzzle was the DID
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15:15.09Scottyob[TK]D-Fender: what's your e-mail, I'm writing a blog post on all this (based on
15:15.16ScottyobI'll shoot you a link to the article once I figure it all out
15:15.17*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-qnjtxtwoqlawkomo)
15:15.25[TK]D-Fenderhit me up here....
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15:15.57Scottyobno worries
15:16.03Scottyobanyway, it's way too late here.  Night all :)
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16:34.52^rage^anybody using fastagi?
16:41.39*** join/#asterisk FireAndIce (~FireAndIc@
16:42.11FireAndIceHi everyone!!
16:42.52FireAndIceI'm trying to load musiconhold.conf using Static Realtime.
16:43.02FireAndIceBut facing problems.
16:43.42FireAndIceI've installed ODBC drivers and have connected Mysql database.
16:44.39FireAndIcecore show config mappings -- gives the following output
16:45.27FireAndIceConfig Engine: odbc===> musiconhold.conf (db=test, table=ast_config)
16:45.35FireAndIceConfig Engine: curl
16:45.38FireAndIceConfig Engine: sqlite
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16:46.22FireAndIceHowever, moh show classes does not give any output.
16:47.23FireAndIceI've followed instructions on this link.
16:53.31leifmadsenFireAndIce: I don't think you'll see any output
16:53.41leifmadsenat least not until MoH is actually used, and perhaps not even then
16:53.50leifmadsenit just gets loaded from the database when you go to use it
16:54.24leifmadsenFireAndIce: additionally you may want to look at the 3rd edition not the 2nd (although I'm not sure much would have changed there)
16:55.44FireAndIceThanks leifmadsen. But according to the manual it should be showing me some output.
16:56.02leifmadsensounds like your connection to the database is not setup correctly then
16:56.13leifmadsenyou should verify odbc is actually connecting and such
16:56.16leifmadsenodbc show
16:56.22leifmadsenif not connected, then you'll need to fix that for sure
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16:56.52FireAndIceleifmadsen, odbc show gives me required output.
16:57.18leifmadsennot sure, I suggest showing more debug output
16:57.23leifmadsenuse pastebin
16:57.25leifmadsenor gist
17:01.43FireAndIceasterisk-connector is my connection
17:01.45leifmadsenFireAndIce: all that tells me is that the asterisk-connector is connected
17:01.48leifmadsennothing else
17:01.57leifmadsenI have nothing further to provide
17:02.11FireAndIceleifmadsen, How do I dig in more?
17:02.34FireAndIceI'm new to Asterisk
17:02.40leifmadsenstart with showing your configuration files and other related items. Enable logging on the mysql side and see what Asterisk is asking for and if mysql is returning data.
17:03.26*** join/#asterisk stevedude77 (
17:05.43FireAndIceodbc.ini -
17:06.36FireAndIceres_odbc.conf -
17:07.21FireAndIceextconfig -
17:09.08FireAndIceleifmadsen, I'm also trying out what you recommended.
17:09.57leifmadsenFireAndIce: this is wrong:  musiconhold.conf => odbc,test,ast_config
17:10.09leifmadsenpretty sure 'test' should be 'asterisk-connector'
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17:12.50FireAndIceleifmadsen, No, I dont think so because I've a database 'test' in MySQL which has the table ast_config.
17:13.14leifmadsenright, and the database you use is defined via ODBC -- you're pointing at the connector from that file
17:13.15FireAndIceI also tried it your way but in vain..
17:13.23leifmadsenor that's what you should be doing
17:13.28leifmadsen'test' is definitely not right
17:13.52leifmadsenthe flow is:   extconfig --> res_config_odbc --> odbc.ini --> mysql
17:14.09leifmadsenso extconfig points at connector name in res_config_odbc and that points at the odbc.ini connector name
17:14.12FireAndIceok.. I'll try it again.. and let you know.
17:14.45leifmadsenI also wrote that documentation you referenced, so it *should* work
17:15.01leifmadsenI'd simplifying it and follow it exactly with the same names, etc all the way through
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17:16.31FireAndIcewow, that's awesome.. I'm glad to talk to you.. I'll try it out..
17:16.59Qwellleifmadsen: You wrote that?  No wonder it's so confusing.
17:17.11Qwell(I kid, I kid)
17:17.32leifmadsenQwell: you're not wrong
17:17.46leifmadsenI need to lunch soon
17:18.13FireAndIceI just had my dinner.. :)
17:18.59leifmadsenand by soon, I think I mean now
17:19.01leifmadsenruns away
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17:21.23FireAndIceQwell, leifmadsen suggested the flow above.. Do I need a res_config_odbc.conf or
17:21.33FireAndIceI dont have res_config_odbc.conf
17:21.40FireAndIcein my file system
17:23.08*** join/#asterisk elred_ (~elred_@unaffiliated/elred-/x-5010831)
17:23.34elred_I need my asterisk to add ";transport=udp" in the Contact header field, i do not find how to achieve that. Any help ? Thanks
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17:44.47elred_If anyone know how to add the transport information to the Contact header i am interested
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18:07.44leifmadsenFireAndIce: sorry, it's res_odbc.conf not res_config_odbc.conf
18:08.10FireAndIceleifmadsen, got that..
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18:38.17edvehi guys
18:38.24rnovotny22Anyone familier with setting up cdr adaptive odbc?
18:38.52edvegot a good question for all of ya , is anyone knows how to record all calls from the PBX ?
18:41.19rnovotny22edve - looks like we have the same problem.
18:41.47jpsharpstick a "monitor" command in the Dialplan before you dial your destination.
18:42.15Qwelledve: Asking your question in multiple places, as you have, is incredibly rude.
18:42.42[TK]D-Fenderedve is using FREEPBX.
18:42.44tonikaschyeah, but you have to load the backend module first
18:42.46[TK]D-FenderNot a question for here...
18:42.50infobot[~freepbx] FreePBX is unable to be supported here. It is made up of complex dialplans and scripts which can't be easily supported by people who aren't deeply involved. Try joining #freepbx and asking there
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18:44.49rnovotny22I show the adaptive odbc module is loaded, when i run show odbc i can't get a connection to the database.
18:47.40leifmadsenrnovotny22: thats' because the connection to the DB is done via res_odbc.conf
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18:47.59leifmadsentonikasch: cdr_adaptive_odbc does't use cdr_odbc
18:48.10leifmadsenthey are separate modules that use res_odbc for the DB connection
18:48.29tonikaschsorry, I have no more ideas about cdr
18:49.46rnovotny22res_odbc is configed properly (so it seems).
18:51.00rnovotny22any way to verify the connection?
18:51.06leifmadsenodbc show
18:51.26leifmadsenotherwise for debugging connections to the db, you need to enable the logging on the db side
18:51.57rnovotny22That shows  the  connection name, DSN and Last connection attempt time.
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19:01.07leifmadsenyes it does -- and that's the connector the cdr_adaptive_odbc module is going to use to connect to the database
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19:05.30rnovotny22shouldn't there be more info after the connection attempt time?
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19:23.41leifmadsenrnovotny22: it should say Connected: yes
19:23.50leifmadsenif it doesn't say that, then it's not connected
19:25.48rnovotny22thats what I thought.  Still trying to find the log files for MySQL.
19:34.09leifmadsenyou likely need to enable the logging in mysql.cnf
19:57.10rnovotny22leifmadsen: When I reload res_odbc I get an error that the data source name is not found.  Problem is I know it's configured properly in ODBC manager.
20:05.16leifmadsenrnovotny22: something isn't right though because res_odbc.conf just points at the odbc.ini configuration, so you have somethign wrong in one of those files
20:05.48leifmadsenvalidate with
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20:15.46Kobazhmm, anyone use dnsmasq?  isn't there a way to have it behave in 'offline mode' where dns queries will immediately fail if you're not online rather than timing out?
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20:20.34tjfontaineyou should be careful with that, some apps may not behave the way you expect with NXDOMAIN results
20:20.47tjfontaineyou'd have better luck lowering your timeout on your libc resolver
20:21.03tjfontaineor removing your nameservers entirely
20:22.37Kobazso if connectivity is lost, nuke the nameserver and then asterisk wont freak out?
20:23.12Kobazi probably should have dove into this a while ago, but recently with all the outages from the hurricane it's been fun with you lose dns and chan_sip stops working
20:24.22tjfontaineI guess it depends on what you're trying to solve
20:24.40Kobazmake asterisk work locally (and fast) when internet/dns goes down
20:25.08Kobazit's completely unacceptable for it to take minutes to load chan_sip if there's no dns
20:25.32tjfontaineKobaz: well you'd probably have better luck tweaking resolve.conf timeout and attempts in those cases
20:28.17Kobazi think the real fix is to make dns completely async in chan_sip
20:28.42Kobazand not wait for dns in the process of loading, so you have have an alive and well chan_sip and it's okay that hosts aren't resolved yet
20:29.00Kobazbut dns timeouts should be a decent bandaid
20:29.13slav3_kittenanyone here a god with dial plans?
20:29.48tjfontaineKobaz: you should probably be able to fudge with /etc/hosts entries, if your nsswitch configuration checks there before dns
20:31.16jmetroslav3_kitten i'm pretty good at logic and programming, if thats what you need.
20:34.21slav3_kittenok gimme a minute to pastebin this
20:35.25rnovotny22leifmadsen:  Thanks, now I am getting a connection from odbc show.  Still not logging calls though.
20:36.36slav3_kittenok so jmetro i found some ready made script for wakeup calls and it's not setting tomorrow properly if the wakeup time has already passed today
20:37.25QwellYou broke line 8.
20:38.05slav3_kittenwhat did i break in line 8?
20:38.09QwellLook at it.
20:38.37slav3_kitten... well hell
20:39.02slav3_kittenhow did i miss that
20:39.53slav3_kittenoh i see, the page i got it from is broken
20:40.10*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (
20:40.19SeRislav3_kitten: copy paste.... r0b0t style
20:40.26SeRithats what happens :P
20:40.59slav3_kittenSeRi, yea i'm not perfect
20:41.27SeRinone of us are. ;)
20:41.39slav3_kittenyea i was going to say Qwell is
20:41.54SeRiJust trying to point to take a clooser look when CP :)
20:42.03SeRibows to Qwell
20:42.35SeRiedve: mixmonitor
20:42.50edvemixmonitor ?
20:42.57slav3_kittenSeRi, honestly i'm a little intimidated by asterisk
20:42.59SeRiedve: yes
20:43.12SeRislav3_kitten: It can be. Is all pure logic.
20:43.32edvehow do we install this do you have a good tutorial for this ?
20:43.40SeRiedve: well yes.
20:43.48SeRithe tutorial is called google
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20:44.06SeRiedve: let me link you to a good wiki page
20:44.15edveThanks !
20:44.53cklimosit is intimidating at the beginning. The learning curve is not easy. But once you understand the basic it gets much easier. You can use it and have fun with it without necessarely go into the bits and bytes
20:44.53SeRigood ol voip-info
20:44.57natschilHello. I've installed asterisk and am successfully using tls and srtp. However, it does worry me that asterisk does not verify client side attacks, making it suspectible to man in the middle attacks. Is there a way to make asterisk verify certificates?
20:45.08SeRicklimos: +1
20:45.17cklimosthank you
20:45.18natschil(I am using asterisk 11)
20:45.55SeRiIf it wasent for this chann I would probably would still be tangled in to logic hell
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20:46.13SeRiBut I got the concept and off we went
20:47.03SeRiedve: did you get the link?
20:47.15QwellThat does him no good.
20:47.31edvebut there is not another way to record by the pbx itself ?
20:47.32QwellAs he was told earlier, he needs to ask the FreePBX folks.
20:47.47SeRiQwell: AH! I miss that!
20:48.24SeRiedve: Sorry I cant help you there buddy. I know nothing about freepbx
20:48.33SeRitry #freepbx
20:49.12edveI'm on it too .. not so much talk though
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20:49.49jmetroHm... Asterisk plays the default hold music when I press Park [but the handset is still off the hook] but then the correct hold music when the handset goes onto the hook. What exactly is happening there.
20:49.51SeRiyeap..... Is quite all right...
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20:58.34slav3_kittenarg i keep adding semicolons to my dialplan
20:58.51SuperNullsilly question but.. if i want to make subroutines for database related calls to simplify are macros the way to go or is there something better in newer asterisks?
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21:00.58p3nguingosub yourself!
21:03.35SeRiwaz up p3nguin
21:12.11SeRijoin #astlinux
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21:14.57p3nguinNo, I will not join it.
21:16.38SeRifor got to add /
21:17.12SeRip3nguin: what you up too?
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21:20.32slav3_kittenis there any way to string together gsm playback so there is not an awkward pause, without popping it into an audio program
21:20.48slav3_kittenor any playback for that matter
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21:31.00jpsharpNot really.  You're going to have that little bit of a hiccup closing the current file and opening the new one.
21:39.55*** join/#asterisk datarecall (
21:40.39datarecallhey guys, I am having troubles registering my aastra phone with my asterisk server. The aastra phone is local ip and the asterisk server has a public ip address, where would be the best place to start debugging
21:41.06*** join/#asterisk ujjain (~ujjain@unaffiliated/ujjain)
21:41.20SeRidatarecall: sip set debug on
21:42.02SeRiyou should be able to see what the phone is doing and so on...
21:42.11slav3_kittenjpsharp, well no harm
21:42.12datarecallSeRi I have it set on but I dont see anything in there about my aastra phone
21:42.26datarecallis there certain ports i need to forward to my phone ?
21:42.28slav3_kittenthis wakeup call extension has become big and ugly
21:43.07SeRidatarecall: Than your phone is not reaching the server. If you are behind a firewall/router than yes
21:43.37datarecallSeRi you don't happen to know which ports need to be opened ?
21:43.47SeRidatarecall: 5060 for sip
21:44.02SeRiand if your firewall/router is not smart enough RTP media...
21:44.51SeRi10000 to what ever you would like. usually set to how many channels you intend to have open simultaneously
21:45.13datarecallhmm yeah those are already all set
21:45.18SeRiin most cases you dont need too open RTP
21:45.47SeRidatarecall: are you sure you have the phone configured correctly?
21:46.17SeRidatarecall: Time to use wireshark and see what the phone is doing and where is going
21:46.50datarecallSeri in the aastra config the port is 5060 correct
21:47.56kaldemardatarecall: look at sip debug to see if asterisk gets any messages from the phone
21:48.07SeRidatarecall: Yes. If thats the page for your sip setting than yes
21:48.25SeRikaldemar: I suggested that but said he does not get anything at all
21:48.36SeRiI can only assume that the phone is not getting there
21:48.48datarecallall i am seeing in sip debug is the registrations
21:49.01SeRidatarecall: set your debug levels
21:49.02*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
21:49.26SeRiwell your verbose
21:49.47datarecallwhat should the verbose level be to see incomming connections
21:50.15datarecallasterisk -vvvr ?
21:50.24p3nguincore set verbose 3
21:50.41datarecallk all set
21:50.44p3nguinThere's no sense in disconnecting from your CLI session just to reconnect to it.
21:53.40SeRip3nguin: my head ache is killing me
21:53.57SeRiThats not the firstime that happend
21:54.10SeRinicks geting in there
21:54.19SeRisorry about that
21:54.34SeRidatarecall: any luck?
21:55.21*** join/#asterisk malcolmd (~malcolmd@pdpc/sponsor/digium/malcolmd)
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21:55.26infobotDevices, extensions, and people should be entirely abstracted.  Extension numbers are applied to people, and people are applied to devices.  This means you should name your devices something unique to each device, such as an ID tag or asset tag number, or a MAC address.
21:55.27SeRidatarecall: there you go. fix your sip.conf :)
21:56.02datarecallit looks like the public aasterisk server is trying to contact the ip of my phone at the house here using a local ip
21:56.30infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
21:56.44SeRidatarecall: pastebin :)
21:57.10datarecallbut the server should be trying to reach my house public ip
21:57.36p3nguinYou didn't enable nat.
21:58.09datarecallenable nat on the phone ?
21:58.20p3nguinEnable it in asterisk.
21:59.53slav3_kittendamn now i need to find a linux audio editing program that's simple to use
22:00.34slav3_kittensudo apt-get install sweep
22:01.14SeRislav3_kitten: Audacity?
22:01.54p3nguinThat's the one I use the most.
22:02.08SeRisame here
22:02.25datarecallok making headway :) now when i try to use the phone it says the number is not in service
22:03.14SeRidatarecall: time to work on your sip.conf and dial plan :)
22:03.42slav3_kittenSeRi, audacity saves in all the codecs that asterisk likes?
22:03.58p3nguinDoesn't matter if it does or does not.
22:04.06SeRislav3_kitten: ^^
22:04.15p3nguinYou can save it as a wav and then use asterisk to convert to all the other formats that you need.
22:04.28SeRiI love asterisk convert function
22:04.46slav3_kittengoogles this
22:05.26datarecallSeRi i am seeing this when i am trying to dial out :  "Received incoming SIP connection from unknown peer to 14035547468") in new stack
22:06.27SeRidatarecall: That means your phone is not register with asterisk.
22:07.45SeRithis has been a bad month of telemarketing calls
22:08.08SeRiI been tring to redirect calls as they are comming in but I am having a hard time
22:08.46drmessanoThe good news is, the IP's will all be changing soon
22:08.56datarecallhmm still getting no matching peer found
22:09.20drmessanoNow that Romney has lost, he'll be moving all the jobs he can to china, just to piss people off.. So start blocking china IPs!
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22:12.50fpriorHi all, I'm testing WebRTC againt. As @file suggested days ago, I'm testing on Ubuntu. All is ok (fantastic!), call is established but I've no audio. any suggestion ?
22:13.11filewhat is the web browser?
22:16.55datarecallis there a way to get aastra to retry to register rather then waiting for it
22:19.35jmetrooption 6 yes
22:19.38jmetroor sip noify.
22:21.49datarecallthanks guys
22:22.57fprior@file Google Chrome 24.0.1312.5 dev-m , Zoiper on the other side.
22:25.21fileoh goody, over the course of the last week someone (be it Doubango or Google) have broken it I think...
22:26.27fpriorI follow this tutorial , no tls enabled
22:26.50filedid you apply their patches?
22:28.11fpriorno, I though patches was created before Asterisk 11.0.1
22:28.29filek, just making sure
22:28.36fileI think something is broken outside of Asterisk right now, don't know what
22:29.23fpriorAm I not unique person with this issue ?
22:29.46fileyou are the first person who has brought it up, but as the code changes rapidly I'm not surprised
22:32.14*** join/#asterisk ChrisInSydney (
22:32.30filethere's nothing I can immediately tell you to make it work
22:35.38fpriorno strange info from rtp debug; I trying another version of Chrome.
22:37.11fpriordoubt: should I  execute this tutorial ?
22:40.18fileyou need SRTP support built and working, outside of that no
22:40.42*** join/#asterisk navaismo (~navaismo@
22:42.55fileVersion 23.0.1271.64 m
22:42.57fileworks happily
22:43.00slav3_kittenok i /think/ i have my wakeup call script hammered out
22:43.16filethat's the regular non-Canary non-Development Chrome
22:44.16ChrisInSydneymornin' all
22:46.01*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
22:50.57fpriorChrome 23.0.1271.64 installed; no voice again. libsrtp0 libsrtp0-dev installed; loaded.
22:51.57filedunno what to say, I've got it working here
22:52.06ChrisInSydneygot a question re Queue's and Cell (mobile) Phones...
22:52.14filedumb it down and just call a Playback?
22:53.14ChrisInSydneywhats the "accepted" way to handle an external number as part of a queue. In this case a mobiile devce with a voicemail
22:54.35fprior@file no problem. I check again all steps. thanks
22:55.57*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
22:56.08ChrisInSydneyBTW, working with 1.8
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23:55.01kstangeHi there.  I noticed there's been no CentOS RPM builds on the server since  Are these gone forever, did they move, or something else?  If gone, is there a recommended third party source for new RPM builds?
23:56.18ChrisInSydneykstange: I use CentOS and build from source. Its not that scary once you've done it
23:56.40kstangeChrisInSydney: it's just easier for me to run yum update after reviewing the changelog and not have to do any manual work :)
23:57.01ChrisInSydneys'pose so
23:58.01kstangeI saw something indicating that debian packages were gone, and OS packages recommended, but there isn't an OS packaged version for centos
23:58.56ChrisInSydneyyum update is easier, but a build isnt too hard either
23:59.41ChrisInSydney./configure; make -j(no of cores / threaads); make install

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