IRC log for #asterisk on 20121107

00:00.15KobazI don't know what astlinux sets up, so if you delete them and your asterisk is broken then, well... apparently you needed them
00:00.30Kobazsafest thing is just mv them somewhere
00:00.37sktyaumv extensions.ael extensions.ael.bak :)
00:00.40lvlinuxwell that brings up a related question--- do I need the ael-dundi-e164-blah-blah contexts and such?
00:00.48lvlinuxyes that is what I would have done - just rename.
00:00.52Kobazlvlinux: depends what you are doing
00:01.42lvlinuxI'm trying to keep my dialplan simple, just the stuff I know what it is and what it does. I have one PSTN line, an IAX trunk, and a couple SIP trunks.
00:02.40Kobazin regards to core asterisk the only things really required is asterisk.conf and modules.conf
00:02.53Kobazeverything else is ancillary
00:03.13lvlinuxreally? that little? cool. I didn't know you could even get it that small (not that I would want to).
00:03.40lvlinuxSo is it safe to assume that if I don't know what all those special contexts are doing, I don't need them?
00:04.00Kobazif you wrote all the stuff you need in extensions.conf
00:04.05Kobazand that's the only thing you're using
00:04.09Kobazthen yeah everything else can go away
00:04.24Kobazi would highly recommend taking a look at ael though
00:04.28lvlinuxk good - that's what I figured but just wanted to make sure.
00:04.32Kobazit will make your dialplan writing much more sane
00:05.04lvlinuxhow so? I did look at it - didn't look hard to understand.
00:05.06Kobazit's like programming in oldschool BASIC versus python
00:05.15lvlinuxoh ok that makes sense
00:05.20Kobazextensions.conf is flat and unstructured
00:05.33lvlinuxwith GOTO :-)
00:05.35Kobazbut you should understand how extensions.conf works before you really dig into ael
00:05.37Kobazhah yeah exactly
00:05.42sktyauHorses for courses. Give me extensions.conf + PHPAGI over AEL anyway.
00:05.50Kobazwell yeah
00:06.08Kobazall your 'business logic' type stuff could be done in FastAGI with the language of your choice
00:06.23Kobazbut you do need dialplan to tie things together
00:06.26Kobazso why not make it pretty
00:06.43lvlinuxSo is there anything that ael can do that the standard extensions.conf cannot, or is it just a matter of style/cleanness?
00:06.58sktyauBecause it keeps the Developers in the office out of the Voice boxes :-)
00:07.05Kobazael is processed into extensions.conf
00:07.07Kobazand then executed
00:07.13Kobazit's a transpiler basically
00:07.35keyy1anyone have experience with sms handling?
00:07.38lvlinuxyou mean asterisk translates ael into the extensions.conf format before actually loading the dialplan?
00:08.09Kobazwhich is nice in a way, it doesn't have to parse the code when it's running
00:08.20Kobazjust on dialplan reload
00:08.59lvlinuxSo extensions.conf is the actual way asterisk understands the dialplan? do you know of a docs site or tutorials for ael that I might could check out? (off hand--otherwise I'll google :-)
00:09.54Kobazvoip-info wiki has some stuff
00:09.57Kobazlook at ael2
00:10.08Kobazbasically the stuff on the wiki is about all you need
00:10.27Kobazthere's some oddities here and there but they should be obvious when you run into them
00:10.49Kobaztrying to think of one offhand but i'm blanking
00:11.13lvlinuxok thanks for the info. I'll appreciate it - trying to keep this box as streamlined as possible so it'll be worth me looking into i think. Thanks
00:11.28Kobazi find i can write ael like 10x faster than extensions.conf
00:11.30lvlinuxI mean I do appreciate it not "I'll appreciate it" lol
00:11.54Kobazand i'm sure someone is going to step in here and say ael sucks blah blah
00:12.03Kobazi see no reason not to use it
00:13.07Kobazlike you can do "cool" stuff like: foo=1+2+3;
00:13.12Kobazwhere in dialplan you have to do
00:13.23Kobazin order to do math
00:13.30lvlinuxwhat about extensions.lua? ever use that one?
00:13.34Kobazlua is eh
00:13.45Kobazit doesn't have as tight of an integration into dialplan as i would have hoped
00:13.55Kobazand, it runs lua entirely in its own space
00:14.07Kobazso you can't use the built in console verbosity to see what's running
00:14.15lvlinuxah, ok that doesn't interest me then...
00:14.16Kobazmight as well use AGI/FastAGI
00:14.28Kobazlua as a language is nice
00:14.36Kobazbut it's not tightly bound into the dialplan
00:14.43Kobazit's just like, hand off control to lua, kthanks
00:15.22lvlinuxnope - that sounds like the opposite of what i want lol
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00:55.47leifmadsenya, basically FastAGI is the future :D
00:56.12leifmadsenif you want tight code integration, AGI is the method. Otherwise, it's all dialplan
00:56.18leifmadseneverything else is just a dialplan abstraction layer
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01:10.58sktyauI don't know whats giving me more 404's, Asterisk or Up to date documentation on peer matching hurrrrr
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02:15.04SeRiquite around here
02:18.59unicroni voted
02:19.39jpsharpIm house hunting.\
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02:37.31carrarjpsharp, which country?
02:38.31carrarAmerica is the single greatest nation that God ever gave man on this earth.
02:38.56carrarI stole that from hannity
02:42.14pabelangerCanada, America's hat
02:42.34carrarAnd South America? and Mexcia?
02:42.49pabelangerNo, just America
02:51.09dijibSeRi: ka pasa?
02:51.27dijibdijib: <-party animal right here
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05:34.19deohello everyone... just want to ask your advice.. is it advisable to have an all in package of asterisk like trixbox or elastix? or are you going to suggest install asterisk from source???
05:35.15deoand configure purely on the terminal.. not in the gui of those packages like trixbox or elastix...
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05:37.08WIMPyGUIs may help you with your first steps but will restrict your possibilities later on.
05:37.43WIMPyAnd because of the rather intransparent way they work, they are not supported here.
05:39.10deoyup.. i know.. just want to ask if it is advisable to use those gui packages...
05:39.17deothanks WIMPy
05:40.07WIMPyIf you just want some quick results, yes. If you want more, most probably not.
05:41.40deoim planning to to install asterisk servers on 3 locations.. i probably will install that gui package on the main site.. the install asterisk on source on remaining two locations..
05:42.16deohopefully i can connect them both...
05:42.22WIMPyAt least you wil know the difference then.
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06:55.08wdoekesWIMPy: then you were probably seeing 481s from your peer, not 408
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07:41.46WIMPywdoekes: I can't remember, but I certainly saw the the message about the non-existing call leg.
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07:48.06wdoekesquite possible.. if it was a 408 in-dialog, it'd probably be worthy of a notice/warning too.. but a different one
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08:05.02Rico29hi all
08:05.23Rico29still have my problem with saynumber()
08:05.42roswellhi everyone. assuming i have 2 ip addresses on one eth interface (primary and alias) on my asterisk box, is it possible to point asterisk to route outgoing traffic accordingly from each address it has been received on, instead from primary?
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08:16.55Rico29hi leifmadsen
08:17.31Rico29if you have time to spend, can you take a look at this please ?
08:17.43Rico29trying to use saynumber but doesn't work as expected
08:18.09wdoekesRico29: you left an impression yesterday
08:18.52ectospasmRico29: how do you expect it to work?  And exactly how is it working (or not working, as it were)?
08:18.54wdoekes18:28 < [TK]D-Fender> Rico29, You are showing things in bits and pieces. and only rarely at all
08:18.58wdoekes18:30 < Rico29> good afternoon all !
08:19.00wdoekes18:30 < [TK]D-Fender> ...
08:19.03wdoekes18:32 < beardy> Always interesting how they expect people helping them for free on their free time if they go home from a paying job in the middle of it eh.
08:20.17Rico29wdoekes> do you want me to pastebin all the conversation, because pieces are missing here...
08:20.21kaldemarRico29: also you should probably tell what you expect.
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08:21.00Rico29<Rico29> ok, will pastebin it
08:21.00oyugikHey guys how can I reduce the noise on asterisk
08:21.00Rico29<Rico29> ... tomorrow
08:21.00Rico29<Rico29> time to go home (in france)
08:21.13kaldemarturns channel EC on and shuts up
08:21.43kaldemaroyugik: what noise?
08:22.03Rico29kaldemar> ectospasm >when I use "saynumber(0123456789)", it tells me 123 millions etc... and I want it to say "zero one twenty-three fourty-five..."
08:22.21ectospasmRico29: saydigits() then
08:22.34oyugik@kaldemar there is a shhhhhh sound that I hear whever I make a call
08:22.38ectospasmor saydigit()
08:23.13Rico29ectospasm> saidigits will tell me : zero one two three four five ...
08:23.23Rico29that's not what I want
08:23.36ectospasmRico29: so:  SayDigit(01), SayNumber(23), SayNumber(45)...
08:23.38Rico29what I want is what I wrote in say.conf :     _pho[n]e:0[1-9]XXXXXXXX => num:${SAY:0:1}, num:${SAY:1:1}, num:${SAY:2:2}, num:${SAY:4:2}, num:${SAY:6:2}, num:${SAY:8:2}
08:23.44kaldemaroyugik: what kind of a call? what devices are you using? what comes up in CLI when you make a call? when exactly do you hear the sound?
08:25.12Rico29ectospasm> I don't want to do that. I want to pass the entiere number. (I'm trying to debug why callerid num is not announced as expected in voicemail)
08:25.14oyugikwhen I make an outbound call there is some noise. Much like when the sound you hear when you are changing channels on you radio ...
08:25.40Rico29so I just want to know why my number is not understood by say.conf
08:25.51Rico29and "played" as it's mritten in
08:25.55ectospasmRico29: then SayDigit should be good enough
08:26.41kaldemaroyugik: you did not answer any of the questions i asked you.
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08:31.18Rico29ectospasm> tried yesterday. As I sayed sooner : saydigits will tell me "zero one two three four five..."
08:31.54ectospasmRico29: what's the difference between zero one two three and zero one twenty-three, forty-five, etc...?
08:31.54Rico29I want : "zero one twenty-three fourty-five sixty..."
08:32.09Rico29ectospasm> try to say it and you will understand
08:32.18ectospasmRico29: why?  For your purposes that sounds like adding extra complexity unnecessarily
08:32.33Rico29no, because in rance, number are sayed like this
08:32.52oyugik@kaldemar here is the cli output
08:33.29oyugikI am using a TDM400P
08:33.35ectospasmRico29: is it just you that's consuming this spoken digit string?
08:33.46oyugikI get the noise whenever I make an outbound call
08:34.09oyugik@kaldemar have I answered your question?
08:34.27kaldemaroyugik: when _exactly_ do you hear the noise?
08:34.52Rico29ectospasm> did not understood your question, sorry
08:35.05ectospasmRico29: who is this spoken digit string for?
08:35.34Rico29for custommer. Actually my voicemail system is not announcing callerid number correctly
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08:36.10Rico29I'm just trying to understand why my say.conf file is not understood
08:36.20Rico29and used
08:36.28oyugik@kaldemar when I make a call from a sip phone in my case (linphone) - when a channel is engaged and the number am calling is ringing I hear alot of noise.
08:36.35ectospasmRico29: you're better off splitting the number into the chunks you want, and running SayNumber on the ones you want (like "twenty-three", "forty-five", etc.)
08:37.00Rico29ectospasm> can't do that in voicemail
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08:37.50Rico29in voicemail I just have "saycid=yes" or "saycid="now"
08:38.01ectospasmRico29: I still don't see why saying the entire string of single digits isn't good enough
08:38.33ectospasmsince breaking it into "vingt-et-un" just sounds sillly
08:38.52Rico29ectospasm> because in france, "zero one two three four five six seven eight nine" is not understood as a phone number
08:39.26Rico29and "ero one, twenty-three ,fourty-five, sixty-seven, eighty-nine" is
08:39.35Rico29understood as a phone number
08:39.46oyugik@kaldemar have you seen the pastebin?
08:39.58kaldemaroyugik: does the call sound fine otherwise?
08:40.04Rico29isn't say.conf file made for things like i'm trying to do ?
08:40.19ectospasmRico29: yeah, I don't think the voicemail app will do it that way
08:40.43Rico29ok, will see that later and report a bug if needed
08:40.54oyugik@kaldemar the call has a background noise
08:41.05Rico29but for now, I just want to make my saynumber morking as expected (with say.conf schemes)
08:41.36ectospasmtoo late
08:42.15Rico29so do you have any idea about "why is it not working ?" ectospasm ?
08:42.37ectospasmI don't deal with say.conf much at all
08:42.59Rico29does anybody else do ?
08:43.15oyugikkaldemar: what config should I modify to reduce the noise
08:44.25kaldemaroyugik: well there is not an option anywhere to reduce unwanted noise. you'd have to make sure where it comes from. does the linphone-asterisk leg work as expected? try app echo to see if it is noise free.
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08:52.56oyugik@kaldemar: when it comes to the software echo cancellation which is the best one to use? kb1, mg2, hpec, sec, sec2?
08:54.15ectospasmoyugik: it depends on the situation.  One may not necessarily work better in all situations... you've got to try each and see which one works best for you
08:54.23ectospasm...and keep in mind that may change
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08:54.54kaldemaroyugik: according digium, hpec is superior, but you can be the judge of that.
08:56.18ectospasmI wouldn't even say HPEC is superior... just uses the same algorithm as the Digium hardware echo cans... and I'm not even sure if that's necessarily true anymore
08:59.41oyugik@ectospasm : what would be the best to use then?
09:00.13ectospasmoyugik: did you not understand what I said?  You'll need to test each one and use the one that best works for you
09:00.49ectospasmThere is no "best" necessarily, because some situations will find e.g. mg2 that works best, others kb1, still others HPEC...
09:01.02ectospasmGranted, HPEC will require a license from Digium
09:01.20ectospasmif you have a registered Digium analog card, you can get a free HPEC license
09:02.52x2sHi. When I'm in the hangup handler in the dialplan and I do some stuff, what can I call, if I wanna stop in it? Normally you call Hangup(), but this feels a bit odd in the hangup handler...
09:04.11ectospasmx2s: not wrong... if you call Hangup() processing in the h exten will stop
09:04.25x2sthen it just looks odd and is totally ok. Thanks :)
09:04.34ectospasm...Asterisk is smart enough not to get caught in a loop
09:04.48oyugik@ectospasm : what would be major cause of noise when making outbound calls? Is it an internal network issue or is there a tweak on the settings I am not getting right
09:05.05ectospasmnot a tweak of settings
09:05.22ectospasmoyugik: do inbound calls over the same interface give you the same noise?
09:09.38oyugikectospasm : inbound calls are abit clearer, though the noise still exists
09:10.09ectospasmoyugik: analog trunks?
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09:18.26kaldemarRico29: btw, your issue is that the leading zero gets stripped from the number before the number gets to the say matching. pbx_builtin_saynumber uses atoi() on the given number, which does it.
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09:20.23Rico29kaldemar> thanks ! is there a way to avoid the stripping of the leading zero ?
09:20.54oyugik@ectospasm : what is the the best way to go about it
09:21.16ectospasmoyugik: you did not answer the question... is this an analog trunk?
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09:22.28Rico29kaldemar> you've find my problem source
09:22.30Rico29thanks a lot
09:23.00kaldemarRico29: leading zeroes are not considered as a part of a number and atoi is not a part of asterisk, so...
09:23.38kaldemaryou'd have to modify sources to go around that.
09:24.04kaldemarmaybe another say app could be used.
09:24.21Rico29kaldemar> it's in voicemail, so...
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09:30.04Rico29kaldemar> maybe UI've foudn a workaround
09:31.00ectospasmoyugik: you did not answer the question... is this an analog trunk?
09:35.06kaldemarRico29: the zero never gets to that point.
09:35.07Rico29now that saynomber is working well, and voicemail callerid nos announced correctly, I think I can open a case on digium bugtracker
09:35.30Rico29kaldemar> so why is it working ?
09:35.43kaldemarRico29: what is working?
09:36.40Rico29my saynumber(0123456709) is saying "zero one twenty-three fourty-five sixty-seven zero nine"
09:42.51kaldemarRico29: that says a leading zero for every 9-digit number, whether there is one or not.
09:44.24Rico29hope I will not have to say too many 9-digits numbers :p
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09:48.04bombevAsked to transmit frame type ulaw, while native formats is 0x100 (g729) read/write = 0x4 (ulaw)/0x4 (ulaw)
09:58.57Rico29kaldemar> another interesting thing : exten => _99.,n,Playback(phone:${EXTEN:2},say) plays the number as expected
09:59.12Rico29with line :     _pho[n]e:0XXXXXXXXX => digits/0, num:${SAY:1:1}, num:${SAY:2:2}, num:${SAY:4:2}, num:${SAY:6:2}, num:${SAY:8:2}
09:59.15Rico29in say.conf
09:59.37Rico29so with playback, leading 0 is not stripped ?
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10:07.51kaldemarRico29: SayPhonetic != SayNumber
10:08.48Rico29ok, so playback uses sayphonetic ?
10:09.01kaldemarif you tell it to, like you did.
10:09.59Rico29and is there a way to tell voicemail to use sayphonetic ?
10:10.11kaldemardig in the sources and see.
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10:23.58Rico29kaldemar> I just saw an option in voicemail.conf called "cidinternalcontexts=<context>"
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10:24.49Rico29will try with this
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10:30.14Rico29kaldemar> posted a new improvement request : ASTERISK-20657
10:30.15mcolombohi all!
10:30.43mcolomboanybody say how to add +39 in the from header?
10:31.30Rico29set(${CALLERDI(num)}=+39${CALLERID(num)}, something like this ?
10:35.55mcolomboi have try with this : Set(CALLERID(num)=+39${CALLERID(num)}
10:35.57mcolombobut does not work
10:36.32kaldemarmcolombo: show what you have and what you see.
10:38.40Rico29quick test : exten => 998898,1,Set(CALLERID(num)=+33${CALLERID(num)}) works for me
10:39.40mcolomboi have this exten => _X.,n,Set(CALLERID(num)=+39${CALLERID(num)})
10:40.12mcolombobut in the sip invite, the from header is withoud +39
10:40.25kaldemarmcolombo: pastebin CLI output with sip debug, not a single line from dialplan.
10:41.47mcolombothis is the sip debug
10:42.36kaldemarthat's not sip debug. sip debug is enabled with "sip set debug on".
10:44.34mcolombook, one second
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10:48.06mcolombokaldemar, thanks i resolv my problem!
10:50.01Rico29and what was the cause ?
10:51.17mcolomboRico29, thanks, i insert an error in the string
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10:59.21Core-NETanyone tested Asterisk with i7 CPUs
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11:13.07madduckis it possible to host virtual domains with asterisk? e.g. calls to should go to foo in the example-org context and should look up foo in the example-com context?
11:17.34kaldemarmadduck: there is no destination-based matching on the chan_sip side, you'd have to do that in dialplan.
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11:19.54kaldemarmadduck: i'll take that back. see "SIP DOMAIN SUPPORT" in the sample sip.conf.
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11:22.20mathithe number of the logs displayed on the console is limited, I need to see a log of one hour ago, but I can't scroll up until there
11:22.31mathiany workaround??
11:22.43madduckkaldemar: gosh, I can't believe I missed that… sorry, but thanks!
11:25.24bulkorokmathi: check /var/log/asterisk/messages
11:25.57mathibulkorok, I have no directory messages
11:26.15bulkorokit's a file
11:27.08mathino file messages
11:27.33kaldemaryou can't see what does not exist.
11:28.13bulkorokthe I have no idea how you can check your CLI
11:28.17madduckam I correct that if I have two separate asterisks, I can still let them peer with each other and be able to transfer calls between them?
11:28.27mathithere is only 3 directories, cdr-csv, cdr-custom cel-custom
11:28.33mathibulkorok, ^
11:28.34*** join/#asterisk AliRezaTaleghani (~AliRezaTa@unaffiliated/AliRezaTaleghani)
11:28.38AliRezaTaleghanihi all
11:29.11AliRezaTaleghaniI am looking to authenticate my SIP clients with theire ActiveDirectory cridential....
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11:29.34mathibulkorok, I launched asterisk with sudo asterisk -rv
11:29.47bulkorokmathi: well in those directories are the CDR datas... but in the directory /var/log/asterisk should be "messages"
11:30.03mathibulkorok, I don't have it:(
11:30.20mathiI have asterisk 11 by the way
11:30.57bulkorokmmh... I don't use 11 yte... but in logger.conf should be enabled messages => notice,warning,error or some more if you need
11:32.30mathibulkorok, I am not using logger.conf
11:32.43bulkorokah... thats why no messages :-)
11:32.44mathibut I do have the logs on the console, and I want to access earlier logs
11:32.59bulkorokshift + page up usually
11:34.26bulkorokif you use putty you have to change settings in window => lines of scrollback, but that works only for future lines
11:34.53mathibulkorok, it seems that those logs are definitely lost? :'-(
11:35.02mathiI just need to go up 100 lines :/
11:35.21bulkorokif it's not there it's not there :-/
11:36.14bulkorokso... maybe you check logger.conf
11:36.21bulkorokfor the future
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11:47.14oyugikHow can one reduce noise on active calls?
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12:09.59kjsargh, asterisk vociemails are full... can i just delete them out of /var/spool ?\
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12:21.16ScottyobHowdy.  Wondering if there's a free plugin for speech recognition anyone knows of?
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12:39.35madduckwhat is this trying to tell me?
12:39.39madduck"No application 'VoicemailMain' for extension (lehel-martin, 870, 1)"
12:40.19madduckI do have "exten => _87X.,1,VoicemailMain(${EXTEN:2}@mycontext)" in that dialplan context…
12:40.28madduckand mycontext is a voicemail context…
12:40.56mathibulkorok, is it possible to create different files messages1, messages2, etc. ?
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12:59.38x2sHi. I'm registering my asterisk server at another sip pbx. I've set the extension fixed for incoming calls, now I'm looking for something to set the context. Is there a bit of documentation how to do that?
13:00.04x2sthe register setting has sadly just an option for the extension...
13:01.23infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
13:01.59kaldemaryou need a matching peer whose context parameter defines it.
13:04.33x2sFound my error then. Somehow I typed type=user instead of type=peer
13:15.18*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~TK]
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14:03.03_zoom_how to config my asterisk as trunk provider?
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14:19.37[TK]D-Fender_zoom_, As in?  Almost every install could count as that depending on your point of view
14:20.02[TK]D-Fender_zoom_, Call comes in, call goes out.  That's every PBX out there.
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14:45.27jmetrocall goes in, call gets held up with old friends, call stays a while.
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14:45.59fredericvewhat's everyone's opinion on astcanary? use it or not?
14:56.07Maliutafredericve: depends? are you going down into and astmine? ;)
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15:04.50markithi, is there a program I can run from the shell I can use to detect the kind of NAT I'm  behind?
15:05.31Maliutakind of NAT? I don't know that there is more than one kind on NAT
15:06.11MaliutaThere are plenty of sites that can tell you the IP of your browser vs. the IP that presents itself to the webserver.
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15:10.39markitMaliuta:  I mean Full-cone, restricted cone, etc. and would love to know from command line
15:11.03markitI don't need public IP, just the type of nat
15:11.22markit(or of nat traversal)
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15:18.48madduckwhat file provides the VoicemailMain application?
15:19.37glazvoicemail.conf ?
15:19.57madduckno, i mean module
15:20.06madduck/usr/lib/asterisk/modules/ ?
15:20.15*** join/#asterisk AdvoWork (~AdvoWork@unaffiliated/advowork)
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15:22.39[TK]D-FenderOr the equivalent version for DB/IMAP/etc depending on which you're running
15:23.16madduckoh, I should have read README.Debian. :(
15:23.44SeRianother day at work.
15:27.35AdvoWorkHi there, im trying to perform an outgoing sip test, and it needs to be anonymous. from a test, we are sending sip:Anonymous@anonymous@invalid, but in RFC3325 they are all defined as sip:anonymous@anonymous@invalid - note the capital A. Can I change this somehow?
15:28.08*** join/#asterisk RypPn (~RypPn@unaffiliated/ryppn)
15:29.30[TK]D-FenderAdvoWork, You should probably be showing us exactly what you are doing...
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15:32.35kaldemarAdvoWork: the rfc defines it as anonymous@anonymous.invalid, not anonymous@anonymous@invalid.
15:33.10AdvoWorkkaldemar, ahh yeah, sorry thats my typo too, so I need to change @invalid to .invalid as well as A to a
15:34.08kaldemarthe Anonymous comes from CALLERID_UNKNOWN channels/sip/include/sip.h.
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15:37.00kaldemarin 11 the whole string was changed from "Anonymous" <Anonymous@anonymous.invalid> to "Anonymous" <anonymous@anonymous.invalid>
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15:41.15AdvoWorkkaldemar, ive got a few sip.h files and ive checked all but dont see anything relating to Anonymous
15:45.56kaldemari guess you're using a pre 1.8 version then.
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15:47.30kaldemarin those it is defined in chan_sip.c. the real reason for the capital A in Anonymous@anonymous.invalid is in chan_sip.c anyway.
15:51.41kaldemarquite odd to change it with a hardcoded value though, when the rest is defined in the header.
15:53.20*** join/#asterisk Defraz (
15:57.34AdvoWorkkaldemar, i can only see one chan_sip.c but it shows: #define CALLERID_UNKNOWN  "Anonymous"    #define FROMDOMAIN_INVALID @anonymous.invalid"  ie commented out anyway?
15:58.14*** join/#asterisk vlad_starkov (~vlad_star@
15:58.34kaldemarAdvoWork: look how CALLERID_UNKNOWN is used.
15:59.20kaldemarAdvoWork: and # is not a comment character in C.
16:02.07*** join/#asterisk jaytee (~jforde051@unaffiliated/jaytee)
16:04.37AdvoWorkkaldemar, ahh ok, how do you mean how its used, in that file? its set as: #define CALLERID_UNKNOWN             "Anonymous"  which I assume would be anonymous, and then change: #define FROMDOMAIN_INVALID           "anonymous.invalid"  to anonymous@invalid.  would that suffice?
16:06.18kaldemarAdvoWork: not at all. don't touch those. search for CALLERID_UNKNOWN elsewhere in the file.
16:08.41kaldemarproper fix would be to add #define FROMUSER_INVALID "anonymous" and then change l = FROMUSER_INVALID and n = CALLERID_UNKNOWN later in the file when those definitions are actually used.
16:15.18AdvoWorkkaldemar, yeah further down it says: l = CALLERID_UNKNOWN;  and then: n = l;  and then:d = FROMDOMAIN_INVALID;   but if i were to defined FROMUSER_INVALID "anonymous" and then set l = FROMUSER_INVALID; and then n = CALLERID_UNKNOWN;  would that fix it then, and a restart of asterisk or?
16:15.59kaldemaryou'd have to recompile and reinstall to get those changes in to the module.
16:16.14AdvoWorkis there any way that doesnt involve that?
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16:16.52leifmadsenchanges to code require a recompile
16:16.56leifmadsenfor them to be active
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16:17.28AdvoWorkhmm, ive seen Remote party identity which may work, but im not completey sure
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16:24.12fredericvewhat's everyone's opinion on astcanary? use it or not?
16:26.43wdoekesnever tried it.. I have separate scripts that check sip responsiveness
16:29.00wdoekesI see it serves a purpose when running asterisk with realtime prio, which I don't anyway
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16:38.52fredericveanother question. I have users that speak different languages on the same box. When they receive voicemail, asterisk sends out and e-mail. Any idea how I can send that mail in a specific language depending on the channel language?
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16:48.59ConkerI've just setup asterisk with some minimal config and I can see 'sip show peers' shows status ok, the ip, etc but whenever i try to make a call i receive a 'security check failed' message
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16:54.01ConkerAny ideas?
16:54.08infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
16:54.18[TK]D-FenderConker, ^^ show us the call with SIP debug enabled
16:55.04Conker[TK]D-Fender: just tried enabling that, logger set level DEBUG ?
16:55.10vince_anyone have experience with chan_sccp?
16:55.57Conker[TK]D-Fender: sorry nvm
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17:13.23Conkerok, lets try that again and hope ekiga doesn't go defunct
17:15.37jmetroso is there a fix for "dial exec full - unable to create channel of type sip - cause 20 unknown" or are there too many variables
17:16.26WIMPyjmetro: That's just the name of the function. There is nothing full.
17:16.49jmetrowell, yeah. but its stopping a call from completing
17:17.02jmetroi meant the error. like what should I look around through to troubleshoot
17:17.23WIMPyProbably a peer that's unreachable.
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17:17.57jmetroso odd though. everyone else in the office is reachable except that one phone [its a dial exten&exten&exten ] and only that one phone doesnt ring
17:18.09jmetromade a direct dial to it, same error.
17:18.17jmetrocan transfer to the phone but not dial it.
17:19.39[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, Clarify that
17:19.57[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, what is "transfer to" vs "dial it"?
17:21.19jmetroDialing into the office executes a Dial(Sip/exten&Sip/exten&Sip/exten) that rings all the phones up front. 101 doesnt ring, so 102 picks me up, parks me, and 101 picks it up.
17:22.23WIMPyOk, so no transfer.
17:22.34jmetroThe workgroup ring above puts up a Dial_exec_full cannot complete etc etc..
17:22.35WIMPyLooks like the phone isn't registered.
17:23.04jmetrosip show peers shows registered though.
17:23.43[TK]D-Fenderthat is not a transfer
17:23.54[TK]D-Fenderthat is the phone being able to PLACE calls.
17:23.56[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, And the error means that the peer either failed to qualify, or is not even registered.
17:24.16[TK]D-Fender"sip show peer X"
17:25.50jmetroWhat would I be looking for in that list?
17:26.17infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:27.39Conker[TK]D-Fender, now it says call completed and then closes like the call never went thru
17:28.07[TK]D-FenderConker, And I still see nothing.
17:28.34Conker[TK]D-Fender, sorry you wanted the output of 'sip set debug on' ?
17:28.56[TK]D-FenderConker, If you want a diagnosis you have to actually show the problem.
17:29.34jmetroi was more hoping for a hint than a solve
17:29.57Conker[TK]D-Fender, i agree, and i appologize as i'm unfortunately still really new to this
17:30.23jmetroweird that it is in my sip show peers though
17:30.43[TK]D-Fenderjmetro, Show that too..
17:30.46jmetroactually it keeps dropping in and out of my sip show peers - i can see the registrations.
17:31.57jmetroHm..i'm thinking it sthe phone - just had it randomly drop its configged buttons earlier in the week too.
17:33.19jmetroI should be good from here - thanks.
17:36.59*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
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17:37.29johojahey guys quick question under what circumstance would i get this error ' app_dial.c:2218 dial_exec_full: Unable to create channel of type 'SIP'  ' ?
17:37.43johojait seems to happen after a few hours, and restarting asterisk fixes it.
17:39.28[TK]D-Fenderjohoja, <[TK]D-Fender> jmetro, And the error means that the peer either failed to qualify, or is not even registered.
17:40.40johoja[TK]D-Fender: the peer being the outgoing trunk i would assume ?
17:41.36[TK]D-Fenderjohoja, yes.
17:42.37[TK]D-Fenderjohoja, pastebin "sip show peer THEPEER", and your complete call attempt @ * CLI "sip set debug on", "core set verbose 10"
17:43.04johojai'll have to wait for it tohappen again
17:43.24johojaanother question , is there a way to turn on sip debug, but not for update/registartion messages
17:43.36johojaI jus twant to see the invite call flow sometimes.
17:45.36*** join/#asterisk cklimos (~Claude@
17:47.00*** join/#asterisk Pusher (~Pusher@
17:47.04Pusherhy to all !
17:47.17Pushersomeone speeks italian?
17:49.21Pusheri'm modifing a dialplan for ivr, i only need a simple help for a simple function: the logic is all ok i can enter in a specific routine and i tested id with a simple hangup and it's ok, ineed to add previsius of hangup the call to a specific voicemail
17:49.49Pusheri used: exten => s,1000,Voicemail(200)
17:49.49Pusherexten => s,1001,Hangup()
17:49.57Pusherbut it doesn't work
17:50.08Pusher200 is my extension's voicemail
17:50.29Pusherthanks previsious
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17:51.21navaismopriority 1000 O_o thats a big dialplan
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17:52.09cklimosis your voicemail.conf ok?
17:52.38cklimoswhat happens when you make a call?
17:53.40Pusheryes, i'm using askozia
17:53.50Pusherthe voicemail normally is ok
17:54.27[TK]D-FenderPusher, Show us the actual failed call
17:54.36infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
17:54.59Pusheri want this function ( is alredy accordig with other) rdirect to voicemail, not else, the 200 (extension) voicemail
17:55.07Pusherone moment
17:55.20Pusheri use pastebin for function
17:55.43cklimosmake a call and paste the CLI output to pastebin
17:57.26jmetropriority 1000 makes me think of the torture AA
17:57.55Pusherthe problem is at row 149
17:58.20Pusheri used 1000 for a jump at the end
17:58.34jmetro149 is a commented line
17:58.57Pusher150 !
17:59.14Pushermy edit at ivr starts at 149
17:59.33[TK]D-FenderPusher, I said show the FAILURE.  Show us the actual CALL fail at * CLI
17:59.41cklimosnevermind all that. show a trace of a call
17:59.41Pusherare 2, between "inserisci" and "fine inserisci"
18:01.21Pusheri'm not expert... how for the trace? i use askozia
18:01.27Pusherwith web gui
18:01.33Pusherbut i can log in console
18:02.36Pusheri'm on the cli
18:02.44*** join/#asterisk TheCompWiz (~TheCompWi@
18:02.55jmetronow on the cli type "core set verbose 1000" and "core set debug 1000"
18:03.12jmetrothen call in and get to the part where its failing
18:03.27jmetroand post everything from how it fails.
18:03.44cklimospost everything from the beginning of your call
18:03.46Pushernow? start call ?=
18:04.18*** join/#asterisk anonymouz666 (
18:04.45Pusherin paste bin or here?
18:04.52Pusherare about 10 rows
18:04.57Pusher(the last=
18:05.25infobotA "pastebin" is a web-based service where you should paste anything over 3 lines so you don't flood the channel. Here are links to a few:,,,,; or install pastebinit with yum or aptitude.
18:06.23jmetrothere is no error there?
18:06.50Pusherthis is the last log....
18:07.00PusherONE MOMENT
18:07.11PusherDHO !!!
18:07.17PusherIS 201 NOT 200 ....
18:07.20PusherI CHANGE AND TRY !
18:07.21[TK]D-Fenderexten => s,1000,Voicemail(s${200})
18:07.25PusherEXCUSE ME !!
18:07.30[TK]D-Fender200 is NOT a valid VARIABLE NAME
18:07.44cklimosdon't replace 200 with 201
18:07.51cklimosi won;t work better
18:08.23cklimosit won't work better
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18:09.24Pusherok... in fact !!!
18:09.52Pusherthe result is the same, but the wanted estension's voicemail is the one for 201 not 200
18:10.02Pusherhow can i solve?
18:10.28Pusherwhen it comes in this routine mustinli call the 201's voicemail
18:10.30Pusherand stop !
18:10.38Pusher*must only
18:10.40cklimostry removing the ${} and simply put 201
18:11.18Pusheri have exten => s,1000,Voicemail(s${201})
18:11.27Pusherchange in exten => s,1000,Voicemail(200)
18:11.35cklimosno ${}
18:11.41Pusherchange in exten => s,1000,Voicemail(200)
18:11.46[TK]D-Fender${} <--- this is for VARIABLES
18:11.54[TK]D-Fenderyou are NOT trying to put a variable there.
18:11.55[TK]D-Fenderjust the NUMBEr
18:12.10cklimosexten => s,1000,Voicemail(201)
18:12.48Pusherthanks a lot !!
18:13.00Pusherit work !!
18:13.11cklimosi think you're trying to go too fast before properly understanding the basics
18:13.41cklimosit is nice that it works but you should understand why it was not working and why it is fixed
18:13.43Pusheryes... i'm beginner with asterisk, i discovere a fantastic world !
18:13.51Pusheryes yes of course
18:13.56infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
18:14.02Pusheri must study the sintax
18:14.50Pushergood to know... i'll read it !!
18:15.00cklimosyou promise?
18:15.02jmetrodont forget you can always find the commands on teh wiki
18:15.10Pusheroh yes
18:15.19jmetrolike whenever I am questioning my pattern matching, i just google "asterisk dial patterns"
18:15.26Pusherthis error in fact was a really basic error....
18:16.13Pushersome one knows askozia?
18:16.36jmetronever heard of it
18:16.56Pusherit's a very good project
18:17.05Pusherwitht a great web interface
18:17.08Pushervery verysolid
18:17.38jmetroI have vanilla asterisk =p
18:17.48cklimosasme here
18:17.55Pusheri use it at home from some months, no problem, and now i start """building""" (MODIFING) some diaplan
18:18.23jmetrothe dialplan is the easiest part for me, i  do lots of coding in many languages.
18:18.27Pusherbut i must study...because asterisk is a bomb !!! it's reat !
18:18.50*** part/#asterisk maetrik (maetrik@2a02:2308::c61:c0ca:c01a)
18:19.14Pusheri read thath now... with html5 is possible to build web application wit a sip client integrated for web call
18:19.35jmetrothat and XML make it all easy
18:20.28Pushernow i'have this release (askozia) in alix board... a grandstream for pstn line a a pap2t
18:20.39Pusheralla funcioning... also fax
18:21.32Pushernext step is connect the hylafax server for centralize office fax
18:22.20Pushertaskozia also have the fax to mail.... but a share with fax, or a graphic client (java??) was good
18:22.47Pusheri have all that in hylafax and now must couple askozia and hylafax !
18:23.20Pusher(hylafax have email to fax and fax to email... of course)
18:23.36Pushermany office need it for mobility
18:33.05*** join/#asterisk pabelanger (~pabelange@asterisk/contributor-and-bug-marshal/pabelanger)
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18:44.24*** join/#asterisk JasonL (~jason@
18:45.35Pusheran other question: i have exten => s,n,Set(DBTEST_DN=${DB_EXISTS(status/dn)})
18:45.36Pusherexten => s,n,GotoIf($[${DB_RESULT}=2]?1000)
18:45.55Pusherho can i show in the cli the valure  of db_result?
18:46.13JasonLHi all... has anyone had an issue with multiple peers from one IP?  I have one peer set to register and the other as static. Anytime a call comes in on the static peer, it fails because Asterisk is matching the IP with the other peer.
18:46.51JasonLPusher: s,n,NoOp(${DB_RESULT})
18:48.37[TK]D-FenderPeer matches by IP.  That's how it works.  Make a "user" so it can match by username instead
18:49.04JasonL[TK]D-Fender: Thanks! let me try
18:51.44*** join/#asterisk ageis (kevin@
18:52.06ageisi wanna change my dialplan so callers are put on hold straight away while phones are rung-- easy to do?
18:53.16ageisheres an existing extension
18:53.44ageisbasically want to change so it will ring forever and callers will never get the unavailable message
18:54.40[TK]D-Fenderexten => 1,n,Dial(SIP/salescomp&SIP/salescomp2&SIP/salescomp3&SIP/office, 25) <-- 25 != forever
18:55.28ageis[TK]D-Fender: thanks, what about having it play Hold music instead of ring?
18:55.44TheCompWizone ringy ringy... ah ah ah.... two ringy ringy... ah ah ah...
18:57.53*** join/#asterisk gerhard7 (
18:59.20navaismoaegis, use option m
19:01.57ageisis that a dial option? BTW, can I merely remove the comma  and 25 to remove timeout?
19:08.16*** join/#asterisk Galen (
19:10.27navaismoyes that is a dial option more info: core show application dial
19:11.39ageisthanks sir
19:20.13*** join/#asterisk tjfontaine (~tjfontain@unaffiliated/tjfontaine)
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20:01.42infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
20:24.43*** join/#asterisk dtcrshr (~datacrush@unaffiliated/datacrusher)
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21:02.59*** join/#asterisk Chainsaw (~chainsaw@gentoo/developer/chainsaw)
21:20.54*** join/#asterisk epaphus (~user1@
21:22.22epaphusHello. I have a asterisk server set up with a couple of extensions, and a DID.... what I want to do is  when the DID rings.. send it to a prerecorded greetings and then ring the extension.
21:22.29epaphusHow is that possible, and do i need a queue?
21:24.49paulcephaphus: you can use Playback to play the announcements, then Dial to send it to one or more phones
21:25.17*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
21:25.28paulcYou don't need Queue unless you want to distribute calls between phones or queue them up (like "what happens if a call comes in and all phones are busy?")
21:27.36[TK]D-Fenderepaphus, No.  Answer.  Playback. Dial.  The End.
21:27.46*** join/#asterisk sktyau (
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21:29.42epaphus<[TK]D-Fender>  where can i find a howto , in order to implement that
21:30.49Qwellto implement playing a file?
21:43.22dijib[Nov  7 16:30:58] WARNING[20986]: dsp.c:1403 ast_dsp_silence_noise_with_energy: Can only calculate silence on signed-linear, alaw or ulaw frames :(
21:43.25dijib[Nov  7 16:30:58] WARNING[20986]: channel.c:5043 ast_write: Codec mismatch on channel SIP/voipms-00000092 setting write format to unknown from ulaw native formats (ulaw)
21:43.35dijibanybody know ths error from a RecieveFAX()
22:00.30*** join/#asterisk whtsup (
22:01.09whtsupfailed to extend from 1024 to 1318
22:01.09whtsupfailed to extend from 1024 to 1321
22:01.09whtsupfailed to extend from 1024 to 1323
22:01.09whtsupfailed to extend from 1024 to 1334
22:01.09whtsupfailed to extend from 1024 to 1312
22:01.10whtsupfailed to extend from 1024 to 1306
22:01.14whtsupwht is dis ?
22:01.31whtsupwhen i make calls asterisk cli show this i m new to asterisk
22:01.37whtsupi m using asterisk 10
22:01.41*** join/#asterisk sawgood (
22:01.53TheCompWizcheck your timing.
22:02.02whtsupwhich timing ?
22:02.10TheCompWizwhat version of asterisk
22:02.58TheCompWizin CLI run "timing test"
22:03.37whtsupAttempting to test a timer with 50 ticks per second.
22:03.37whtsupUsing the 'timerfd' timing module for this test.
22:03.37whtsupIt has been 1000 milliseconds, and we got 50 timer ticks
22:03.42whtsupshowing dis
22:04.08*** join/#asterisk fskrotzki (
22:04.52TheCompWizdrop to cmd prompt and do "dahdi_test" and give it a few runs... and then paste teh best/worst/average
22:05.29*** join/#asterisk sonstwo (~garland@unaffiliated/ffs)
22:05.40whtsupBest: 99.999% -- Worst: 99.904% -- Average: 99.991121%
22:05.41whtsupCummulative Accuracy (not per pass): 99.996
22:06.11TheCompWiz... then I'm out of guesses.  sorry.
22:06.53*** join/#asterisk [TK]D-Fender (~chatzilla@
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22:41.27epaphusHey guys. I have seen queues.conf ... i see most of it has good defauls. At the end iam going to put a agent as a static member for simplicity. Once i do that.. how do I actually go on testing the queue works
22:46.10*** join/#asterisk sertaconay (~sertacona@unaffiliated/sertaconay)
22:48.46[TK]D-Fenderepaphus: Use it.
22:51.57*** join/#asterisk justdave (~dave@unaffiliated/justdave)
22:56.39epaphusi dont recall configurating anything to  enable the queue to listen on something.. so i dont know how to actually enter the queue
23:01.13*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
23:02.06[TK]D-FenderQueue's don't "listen"  You dump your caller there.  That is all
23:04.43Micc_Does asterisk voicemail have a way to fast forward during playback of a message?
23:05.00Micc_what is the key for that?
23:05.20Micc_I couldn't find it while googling.
23:05.27TheCompWizI belive 4/6  (back/forwards)
23:05.38Micc_that jumps to the next message I think.
23:06.46*** part/#asterisk mjordan (~mjordan@nat/digium/x-aqydqcgljziadzow)
23:07.34TheCompWizMicc_: it has a config option... skipms  This setting defines an interval in milliseconds to use when skipping forward or reverse while a voicemail message is being played. The value entered here should be a positive integer. The default value for this setting is 3000 (3 seconds).
23:08.31TheCompWiz# Exit; during msg playback: Skip forward
23:08.37TheCompWiz* Help; during msg playback: Rewind
23:08.43Micc_ok, yeah I see it.
23:09.29Micc_problem is if its outside the playing of the message it hangs up.
23:10.01TheCompWizI fail to see the problem.
23:10.36Micc_its not bad unless you press it after the end of the message on accident.
23:10.42Micc_but thats unlikely I think.
23:11.02Micc_especially when I tried to forward past the end it wouldn't go more than a few seconds from the end.
23:11.04Micc_so thats good.
23:11.17TheCompWizunfortunately... it's hard-coded... so if you want something else... time to dig through src code and modify.
23:11.33Micc_I think it will be fine.
23:11.53Micc_I'm sure it would be easy to disabled that # key at that point if I needed to though.
23:12.35SeRidijib: you in?
23:15.09*** join/#asterisk sertaconay (~sertacona@unaffiliated/sertaconay)
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23:28.12epaphuscan I feed a .wav file to the PlayBack command?
23:36.44[TK]D-FenderThough you never specify the file-type extension in Playback, background, etc.

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