IRC log for #asterisk on 20121104

00:04.16*** join/#asterisk felipealmeida (
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02:07.27drkathows it going
02:07.51apb3304how's it going with you?
02:08.06drkatwell it's Saturday, but it's going
02:08.19apb3304yes it is
02:08.48drkatI was reading the asterisk book looks pretty neat
02:09.26apb3304Great!  Maybe you can answer a question for me?
02:09.42drkatMaybe?? heh
02:09.45drkatill try
02:09.49apb3304In fact... everyone is invited to try :)
02:10.09*** join/#asterisk jsjc (
02:10.31apb3304I'm getting a SIP/2.0 484 Address Incomplete error.  And, I don't know how to fix it.  Any help?  Thank you
02:10.44drkatwhat does you debug look like?
02:11.29WIMPyapb3304: You should find out what a valid number is supposed to look like.
02:12.08drkatwhats the invite look like before the 484
02:12.42drkatand what type of handset?
02:15.05apb3304invite looks fine to me :)
02:15.28apb3304plain ol' ordinary POTS phone.
02:16.03drkatwhat's your call flow look like? who is sending the 484
02:16.34apb3304my voip provider
02:17.15drkatOk so you send an INVITE to a POTS #  @ your voip provider.. and then they send back a 484 or is there other messaging in between
02:18.05apb3304I get an invite... 2 404's not found and 2 acks
02:18.41drkathave you opened a ticket with your sip provider?
02:18.58apb3304no support... free provider
02:19.11drkatI see..
02:19.17drkatdo other numbers work or is it all numbers
02:19.45apb3304only have 1 number with that provider.... my other provider works.
02:20.12apb3304i don't want to  use just one provider... as that means 1 point of failure.
02:20.16drkatOk. Well to be honest without seeing the full call I'm not gonna be much help.. you're getting a 404 not found as well
02:20.34apb3304different results from different tools
02:20.35drkatHow many digits are you sending to the provider
02:20.45apb3304I don't u nderstand the question
02:20.49apb3304I dial a DID
02:20.53apb3304with my POTS phone
02:21.09apb3304the provider forwards that call to me at asterisk
02:21.22drkatSo it's inbound call failure
02:21.41WIMPySo it is somethign your Asterisk sends to your ITSP on an incomming call?
02:22.08WIMPyThen you need to configure the right extension or register the right extension.
02:22.09drkatit looks like this I think... PSTN -> SIP TRUNK -> ASTERISK ->
02:24.01drkatdoes that look correct flow apb?
02:24.16drkatOk so your asterix is sending the 484 back to the SIP provider/>
02:25.04apb3304invite comes from provider
02:25.11apb3304404 comes from my asterisk
02:25.36apb3304address incomplete comes from my provider
02:25.36drkatOk well 404 not found is from your pbx...
02:26.06drkatso are you sure the number dialed is a valid number setup on your pbx
02:26.35apb3304well... therein lies part of the problem... no I'm not sure. :)
02:31.57apb3304getting the address incomplete even without a call
02:36.25apb3304open to further suggestions... :)
02:37.01WIMPyYou need to tell us the full story. including a debug log of a failed call.
02:37.23apb3304Happy to
02:38.00drkatyeah were gonna need more info
02:38.24apb3304except it's not just a failed call.... as mentioned I get the address incomplete error with no call whatsoever
02:39.02drkatare you getting the 484 unsolicited?
02:39.15WIMPyThat might be just an options packet that can safely be ignored.
02:40.38apb3304Yes, it is in fact an options packet going by... those come when I have qualify = yes and go away when I have qualify = no.
02:41.22WIMPyThat's abolutely ok. Asterisk only cares for the fact that it receives a reply, not what it looks like.
02:41.41apb3304Not sure which way it's supposed to be set... someone helping me more or less insists it should be set to yes.
02:41.52apb3304I on the other hand think no is more correct.
02:41.58apb3304But he's the expert, I'm a beginner
02:42.19apb3304then that leads to the next roblem
02:42.20WIMPyIf you set it to yes, Asterisk will send an options packet regularly to check if the peer is alive.
02:42.29apb3304O I C
02:42.40apb3304well it's already re-registering every 2 minutes
02:42.47apb3304is that normal?
02:42.50*** join/#asterisk aross42 (
02:43.29WIMPySeems to be quite often. But maybe they think it's a good idea for users with dynamic IPs.
02:43.57apb3304I see.  Interestingly, my dynamic IP seems to be pretty static :)
02:44.10WIMPyBut with that register interval, an extra qualify seems rather pointless.
02:44.23apb3304That's what I was thinking
02:44.31apb3304But had no experience to know any better
02:44.57apb3304So, the real problem is that I get a busy signal when I try to call in.
02:45.23drkatwhich is your 404
02:45.25WIMPyYes, 404, so the extension they tried to send the call to doesn;t exist.
02:45.44drkatDo you have a translation between the extension and the DID?
02:45.46WIMPyBut you should get a message saying exactely that along with what was sent.
02:47.19apb3304I believe I do have a xlation between ext and DID... but not sure it's right.
02:47.39apb3304message saying... what now?
02:47.51chris_nwith "qualify=yes" is "SIP/2.0 503 Unable to load gateways" a valid answer to an OPTIONS packet?
02:48.52chris_nit seems that shortly after this I get " NOTICE[4101] chan_sip.c: Peer 'foobar'' is now UNREACHABLE!  Last qualify: XX"
02:51.18apb3304is anyone able to use antisip as a trunk?
02:52.39WIMPyI like that name.
02:54.30apb3304i believe there's no transalation since we are using g711 only
02:55.42drkatif I send an invite to to a 10 digit number and the SIP provider passes that call to your PBX and you only have say x444 built.. you need to map the DID to the extension in order for the call to be setup
02:59.19apb3304you're referring to the dialplan
02:59.43apb3304inbound route is set  to any/any
02:59.54WIMPyOr your register statement.
03:00.35WIMPyWhat inbound route?
03:01.03apb3304from the provider... antisip
03:02.38drkatto make this easier.. what URI is invited during the incoming call .. so when the SIP provider sends the invite to your pbx what is the number they're inviting
03:03.25WIMPyit's all in the call rejected message.
03:06.05*** part/#asterisk oru (
03:14.55*** join/#asterisk Mr_Break_it (
03:15.27SeRixnt14: WIMPy what is going on
03:15.46SeRiwhy did that handle got mixed there
03:16.02WIMPyWhich one? ;-)
03:16.20SeRiI meant to ask you
03:16.35WIMPyTech the cat not to walk across the keyboard :-)
03:16.42WIMPyI'm trying to do a conference system.
03:17.37SeRiWhich one you are using? MeetMe? ConfBridge?
03:17.41drkatqq who here is using asterisk in a professional environment
03:18.17SeRidrkat: define professional
03:18.30WIMPyConfBridge. I've been dahdi free since it was possible.
03:18.32drkatSMB or Enterprise
03:18.37SeRiYou mean in what grade? enterprise? small office?
03:18.40drkat100+ users
03:19.00SeRiI am using it in several SMB
03:19.29*** join/#asterisk radic (
03:19.48SeRione site has 25+ users
03:21.02SeRino ent here
03:21.32drkatAre you a consultant that does installations? or ?
03:23.02SeRinope... My brother is a consultant and all this sites are his. I just did it for him as a learning curve.
03:23.27Mr_Break_itor maybe an installer that does consulting,  or an constaller that does insulting?
03:25.08SeRiWIMPy: I been using confbridge as well. Works very well
03:25.57WIMPyI have a very interesting feature, but that might be located in the channel rather than in ConfBridge.
03:26.17SeRisense the cheaptards at work did not want to pay for a business bridge I had to open up my own.
03:26.32SeRiWIMPy: what is that? :)
03:27.33WIMPyUnder some circumstances messages to the user are played to all users. Like the menu or the You have been (un)muted.
03:30.21SeRiah I see
03:31.20SeRiMy next board
03:31.27SeRiaffordable and nice.
03:39.24*** join/#asterisk sruffell (~sruffell@asterisk/the-kernel-guy/sruffell)
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03:48.02apb3304ok!  We've been able to eliminate the rejected message... turns out it was the registration string that was retarded.  But..... I'm still getting a busy signal.  The invite comes from antisip, and then my pbx responds UNAUATHORIZED
03:48.42*** join/#asterisk tapout (~tapout@unaffiliated/tapout)
03:49.16WIMPyYou probably need 'insecure=invite'.
03:50.19apb3304got insecure=invite,port... originally had insecure=very
03:50.39apb3304it's in both peer and user contexts
03:51.02apb3304on the incoming trunk
03:53.40apb3304I take it back.  'We made so many changes that line got deleted
03:53.50apb3304That was the ticket I think
03:54.04apb3304still testing... but thank you!
03:56.04jpsharpI'm using ConfBridge.  I want to play a sound to all of the conference members except the one who is currently joining, but without turning on the announce_join_leave and prompting for a name.  I don't see a way to do it, but I might be missing something.  Ideas?
03:56.50jpsharpOr, failing that, send a sound to the conference before running ConfBridge on the inbound channel.
03:57.04WIMPyI do it with originate to a local channel. But the joining user will hear hist announcement as well, unless you wait a little befor sending him to the conference.
03:59.17jpsharpI could do that.
03:59.32jpsharpUgly, but doable.
03:59.52WIMPyI don't see any other way.
04:00.01WIMPyBut it works so far.
04:00.28jpsharpponders patching app_conference to allow that.
04:00.42WIMPyAnd not too bad. If you announce the user count to the joining party, the two announcements will happen simultameousely which is quite an advantage.
04:01.16WIMPyI did it because I needed to use a pre-recorded username.
04:03.43jpsharpThe originate trick does what I need.  At least for the moment.
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07:58.02jeffspeffi'm looking for something like this  but from a company that's still open
08:02.10jeffspeffi should clarify, i'm referring to the first item/device on the page
08:02.23pppingmewhy usb based?  why not something ethernet based?
08:03.27jeffspeffpppingme, i don't need a box that requires any other configuration settings, or network stuff or additional power source. the usb just works for what i need
08:03.39*** join/#asterisk TheTaLlesT (ccd2d0c2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
08:05.19pppingmeit just leaves a dependency on a cmoputer, and the possiblity of future issues with getting drivers, since it essentially emulates a sound card to the computer.
08:06.17jeffspeffit does what i'm looking for
08:07.58TheTaLlesTim having a problem with executing sox from asterisk. its running sox after the call is over but i get a empty file. the wav files are good and if i run sox in the terminal it produces a good file. any thoughts?
08:10.18pppingmejeffspeff as far as I know its pretty much an OEM item, so you're still left up to the software around it, and for that reason, its just simply not a retail item.
08:10.59pppingmejust go get a majicjack and break it down
08:11.10jeffspeffi never said i was looking for a retail item
08:11.57pppingmeif you're needing a real qty of them, like 10,000 of them, you could probably do that..
08:14.59jeffspeffyeah, i'm gonna go immediately buy 10k of a product to carry my brand name that's completely untested with my system
08:15.46ChannelZTheTaLlesT: without knowing or seeing what you're actually doing, the obvious things to look for are whether you're specifying complete paths to things since Asterisk's running environment is probably different than yours
08:15.52ChannelZSame goes for permissions
08:16.36TheTaLlesTfull paths
08:20.07TheTaLlesTin my extensions.conf i have exten => h,1,System(/etc/asterisk/ ${FILENAME}) and in the script i have /usr/bin/sox /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$1-out.wav /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$1-in.wav --channels 2 --combine merge /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$1.ogg mixer 1,0,0,1
08:21.42TheTaLlesTalso have rm /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$1-out.wav /var/spool/asterisk/monitor/$1-in.wav in the script
08:21.53ChannelZif you're sure it's even executing, perhaps redirect stderr to a temp file in your script and see what it's saying to you
08:22.32TheTaLlesTit creates a file 2.8K
08:22.55ChannelZYou said earlier it was empty.
08:23.21TheTaLlesTits always that size and it does not play
08:23.26ChannelZAnyway this doesn't sound like an asterisk problem
08:24.09TheTaLlesTodd thing is if i run that script as the user asterisk it works
08:25.35pppingmejeffspeff if the manufacturer thinks you're serious, they'll probably get you a sample.
08:26.08pppingmeor, back to majicjack, just get one of theirs, once you open it, you'll see who makes it, then order direct from them
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09:51.39_zoom_would anyone please recommend a call center solution based on asterisk?
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12:43.58hyphenexHowdy. Just wondering. I'm thinking of getting a speech menu thing happening. For instance, a blind lady who is elderly and can't use the speed dials that well could just say the name of the person she wants to call. Is there a free speech recognition engine when choosing between about 8 items?
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16:46.38dfgas-cr48what file do i need to change so my ivr loads my wav files as wav files and not trying to load my wav files as ulaw files
16:47.24WIMPyNone. It's always selected automatically.
16:47.36WIMPyNever specify the files extension in the dialplan.
16:49.00dfgas-cr48i had to do this last time on my last install
16:49.09dfgas-cr48[2012-11-04 10:41:31] WARNING[29275]: file.c:958 ast_streamfile: Unable to open custom/ivrwelcome (format 0x4 (ulaw)): No such file or directory
16:49.20dfgas-cr48the file is there as .wav
16:50.05WIMPyIs it readable by Asterisk?
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16:52.00ScytheBlade1okay, so I'm pretty new to this, so feel free to bust out the RTFM wrench if needed, but..
16:52.36infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
16:52.41WIMPy^^ That's our RTFM
16:52.42ScytheBlade1I can't seem to get external SIP connectivity working. I've setup two asterisk servers, and connected one device to each server. They can't call each  other -- I keep getting an error stating that a call to the extension was rejected because the extension is not found in the context
16:52.47ScytheBlade1Yup, I've been reading through that
16:53.04ScytheBlade1All that it really says, as far as I can tell, is to set allowguest and configure the unauthenticated context
16:53.06SeRipastebin your peers
16:53.24WIMPyOk, that message also tells you what extension is missing from what context.
16:53.47ScytheBlade1Right, which makes logical sense
16:53.52SeRiWIMPy: do you ever sleep?
16:53.59ScytheBlade1as I'm dialing from
16:54.08ScytheBlade1And I'm not cross-defining the domains in the dialplan
16:54.23ScytheBlade1(I didn't think that you really could, without a SIP trunk)
16:54.25SeRisuspects WIMPy is a hibrid
16:54.39ScytheBlade1sec on the peers
16:54.41WIMPySeRi: Yes. I did until half an hour ago or so :-)
16:55.15SeRiah. I was starting to wonder is you where like part droid or something.
16:55.48WIMPySIP is SIP. Trunks don't exist. But I'm not sure what you intended (not) to do there.
16:56.31ScytheBlade1again, new to this, feel free to bust out the wrench :)
16:57.43WIMPyLooking nice.
16:58.20ScytheBlade1Whenever I actually make the call though
16:58.25ScytheBlade1using a full sip: URI
16:58.25ScytheBlade1Call from 'tablet' ( to extension 'phone' rejected because extension not found in context 'LocalSets'.
16:58.33ScytheBlade1(and vice-versa)
16:59.30ScytheBlade1what am I missing here?
17:00.02WIMPyThet's on the box where tablet is registered, I assume?
17:00.29ScytheBlade1Call from 'phone' ( to extension 'tablet' rejected because extension not found in context 'LocalSets'.
17:00.34WIMPyThen you didn;t tell that box what/where "phone" is.
17:01.09ScytheBlade1Right. I got that from the error message. But I'm dialing 'sip:phone@domainA'
17:01.12ScytheBlade1Not just 'phone'
17:01.37ScytheBlade1I'm assuming that I don't have to define the entire internet in my dialplan to make this work :)
17:03.17WIMPyThat's an issue with "tablet". It doesn't call phone@theotherbox, but calls phone@itsbox.
17:03.26ScytheBlade1Okay, that helps quite a bit
17:04.05WIMPyNot all phones are good at calling full URLs. Some only will do it if not configured for any server.
17:04.24ScytheBlade1Both of these 'phones' are
17:05.02WIMPyDon't know that one.
17:05.09*** join/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~LiuYan@
17:05.39SeRiScytheBlade1: I use csipsimple working ok for me
17:05.43SeRiI use it over VPN
17:06.09ScytheBlade1SeRi: good to know. At the moment all of this stuff is behind NAT, but is accessible over ipv6 (at least in theory)
17:06.15ScytheBlade1SeRi: any special config that you had to do?
17:06.49SeRiNothing just se it as a normal peer
17:07.13ScytheBlade1yup that's what I did..
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17:11.21ScytheBlade1okay, anyone aware of a softphone that *works* with ipv6?
17:11.31ScytheBlade1All of these do in theory... and in practice they don't
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17:16.59SeRinone that I know of... Have you try Jitsi?
17:17.03SeRiMaybe jitsi does
17:17.34ScytheBlade1I've tried blink, linphone, and csipsimple so far
17:17.36ScytheBlade1Let me try that one
17:20.52SeRilet me know if it worked. I am curious....
17:22.55ScytheBlade1I think that part of my problem is that while I have the SRV records defined, they point to hosts that only have AAAA records, and no just regular A records
17:23.32ScytheBlade1when I configured a SIP peer across the both of them, that was not a problem -- it picked up the hosts just fine
17:23.40ScytheBlade1but all of the clients are a bit... more fun
17:24.24WIMPyIf you want more fun, set up DUNDi and let the Asterisk boxes handle it.
17:25.23ScytheBlade1Heh. Would it work on a v6 only box?
17:26.19WIMPyDoesn't matter.
17:26.39WIMPyIt's there so the Servers can exchange information about what extensions they know.
17:28.24ScytheBlade1Jitsi signed in properly and let me call another peer on the same installation no problem
17:28.32ScytheBlade1(v6 only)
17:28.42ScytheBlade1That's -way- more than any other client has managed to do out of the box
17:29.41ScytheBlade1Calls to another domain are failing with the same unknown extension in context error, though.
17:36.45SeRiScytheBlade1: Do you have the domain extensions under misc calls?
17:37.18ScytheBlade1I don't have even the slightest clue what you're asking about, heh. Is this in asterisk or the SIP client?
17:37.30*** join/#asterisk adolfomaltez (~taro@
17:37.59ScytheBlade1Is there a page in the book where I could read up on that?
17:38.02*** part/#asterisk LiuYan1 (~LiuYan@
17:38.04SeRion sec
17:39.44SeRiunder sip.conf -> [general] I have a context of "misc_calls" you can call it what ever... This is for IP calling. when somebody IP calls me it rotes through the misc_calls
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17:40.42ScytheBlade1I'm following the book pretty closely... context=unauthenticated
17:40.56ScytheBlade1and then I've defined an extension under unauthenticated as well
17:40.59SeRiI see. so is from asterisk to asterisk.....
17:41.04SeRino ip calling
17:41.20ScytheBlade1not with an IP address, no, I'm only using DNS labels here
17:41.20SeRiI have one setup that way bvetween two asterisk server but is IAX2
17:41.31ScytheBlade1hrm not quite
17:41.58ScytheBlade1it is asterisk to asterisk, but I suppose a better way of thinking of it would be server A to server B without any custom config to glue them together
17:42.30ScytheBlade1I want server A to be sitting somewhere on the internet and server B to be sitting somewhere else on the internet, and then I want people to be able to call in/out of them from the general internet
17:43.24ScytheBlade1I currently can't call *anything* external to each asterisk installation :)
17:43.45ScytheBlade1(as it whines about not knowing the extension in the context)
17:44.16ScytheBlade1I suppose it would help knowing that this is asterisk-10.9.0-1.fc17.x86_64
17:44.27SeRiScytheBlade1: one sec
17:45.47ScytheBlade1SeRi: no worries. thank you for your help.
17:47.49SeRiScytheBlade1: <- my sip.conf for my peers
17:48.28ScytheBlade1I think I'm phrasing my question / problem poorly
17:48.44ScytheBlade1I can't call externally to $randomSIPaddress
17:49.12ScytheBlade1when I try to, it says that the extension is unknown in the context
17:49.20ScytheBlade1Internally, I can call between peers no problem
17:49.44ScytheBlade1Now I'm pretty sure that I don't have to define the entire internet in sip.conf :) (or setup dundi)
17:49.45WIMPyThere isn't much to be done if the phone sends the call to the wrong box.
17:49.59SeRiScytheBlade1: What I gave you is a perr shaking between two asterisk server to call each other remotely.
17:50.04ScytheBlade1I get that. But so far, quite literally EVERY client that I use has managed to send it 'to the wrong box'
17:50.41ScytheBlade1SeRi: right, I follow. But how would I call random box Y without a peer definition?
17:50.46ScytheBlade1I must be missing something stupid here
17:50.49WIMPyTry to not configure the client at all.
17:50.57ScytheBlade1That's pretty much what I did with Jitsi.
17:51.04ScytheBlade1Actually, sec, let me wireshark this.
17:52.00ScytheBlade1The SIP headers are properly qualified with the @domain
17:52.52SeRiScytheBlade1: when calling random boxes I dal ext@domain
17:53.08ScytheBlade1That's what I'm dialing too
17:53.16SeRiin my context I define that as a extension locally
17:53.22SeRias so:
17:54.40SeRiScytheBlade1: ^^
17:55.11WIMPyThat's where dundi comes in handy.
17:56.36ScytheBlade1okay, let me try hard-coding one, just to test
17:57.30SeRiScytheBlade1: make sure the destination has a matching context
17:57.33ScytheBlade1That context matches the context= within sip.conf/[general], correct?
17:57.40SeRiThis where I have define a misc_context
17:58.11SeRiScytheBlade1: Yes. and make sure that that context is in your dial plan
17:58.57*** join/#asterisk gown (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
18:01.29ScytheBlade1(again, thanks for the help, it is appreciated)
18:01.38*** join/#asterisk luckman212 (~luckman21@2001:470:8abb:0:211:32ff:fe10:cdc1)
18:01.39ScytheBlade1 <-- all configs here
18:02.30WIMPyYou can use includes.
18:02.59SeRiWIMPy: is correct.
18:03.02SeRiis cleaner
18:03.02WIMPyDesfine your extensions in the most unprivileged context and include that in the more privileged ones.
18:03.45ScytheBlade1At this point I'm not too worried about that, I'm just trying to get A to talk to B without hard-coding anything specific to either server or using DUNDi
18:04.00ScytheBlade1Eventually I'll be loading most of the config into an LDAP backend and going from there
18:10.25SeRiScytheBlade1: any luck?
18:10.32ScytheBlade1Not really, sec
18:11.22ScytheBlade1I just tested calling via Jitsu, and captured it in wireshark. The From: header is correct (@domain), and the To: header is also correct ("To: <>"), but asterisk didn't care:
18:11.26ScytheBlade1Call from 'tablet' ([2601:7:70c0:1:a1f1:e3b:b2b3:f152]:28902) to extension '500' rejected because extension not found in context 'LocalSets'.
18:11.49SeRiasterisk did care
18:12.00ScytheBlade1well it cared, it just derped from what I can tell :)
18:12.01SeRisomething is wrong with your dial plan context
18:12.23ScytheBlade1Okay. Considering the simplicity (the current version hasn't changed since I uploaded a copy), what am I missing?
18:12.28ScytheBlade1It something absent?
18:12.41SeRiext 500 is not in your dial plan man
18:12.50ScytheBlade1.. I get that
18:13.11SeRiIt should be desktop@domain
18:13.18SeRior tablet@domain
18:13.54ScytheBlade1is there some generic entry that I need to add to the dialplan to make it lookup and call remote domains automatically?
18:14.43ScytheBlade1Because the *complete config* is up there, and when I try to call, asterisk is just reading it as '500' instead of what I would expect '' -- despite the wireshark capture confirming that is being sent over the wire
18:15.57WIMPyAsterisk is not a SIP proxy. If it receives a call, it assumes that it's for itself.
18:16.37WIMPyIt should be possible by parsing the SIP header, however.
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18:41.53dijibdead in here
18:42.25jpsharpI killed everyone.
18:42.48SeRidijib: waz up dude!
18:43.18WIMPypoints at SeRi. He, you forgot to kill someone.
18:44.16*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
18:51.12dijibSeRi: ! DUDE
18:51.16dijibnothing much man
18:51.31dijibim still breathing dont worry about me WIMPy
18:51.47dijibmy asterisk needs some rehab though.
18:52.07dijibafter i finish this LMV rebuild with a new 3TB drive
18:52.20dijibpvmove takes FOREVER
18:52.41dijibstill approx 600GB to go.
18:52.52dijibwhats going on in the states today?
18:52.59dijibbrb coffee run
18:56.40SeRidijib: your conf is up? did you fix it?
18:58.34dijibis it?
18:58.40dijibmight be
18:58.55dijibwhat was the exten?
18:59.07dijib6633 2663 something like this?
18:59.19dijibif you tell me the extension i will fix it right now.
18:59.35SeRiok one sec
19:03.01SeRidijib: looks like your domain does not resolve anymore
19:03.59dijibtry emintech as the child domain instead of dijib
19:05.15dijibfollow me?
19:05.33SeRidijib: look at your pm
19:07.37dijibhere he come
19:09.58dijibp3nguin: where you at?
19:33.58dijibWIMPy: what you doing?
19:35.46*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
19:39.46*** join/#asterisk echo083 (~adam@gateway/tor-sasl/echo083)
19:39.49echo083i received tons of calls from 5550000 101 201 are they default internal numbers ?
19:51.00[TK]D-Fenderthere is no "defualt", there is only what you put in your configs
19:51.29dijibecho083: blacklist them
19:51.45echo083really the destination was "s"
19:51.57echo083you think they are phone spam
19:55.21[TK]D-FenderI think we should see more...
20:02.01echo083i'm using the freepbx distribution
20:02.17echo083but i had no answer on the channel #freepbx
20:02.29echo083please prepend my nickname so that it rings
20:08.35echo083do you know if in the freepbx distribution they define default internal numbers ?
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20:13.43SeRiecho083: for freepbx please go to #freepbx
20:13.56echo083i had no answer
20:14.03echo083that's why i asked here
20:14.10echo083did you read me ?
20:14.46WIMPyThe thing is...
20:14.51infobothmm... 2nd is #asterisk is not Tier 2 FreePBX/Trixbox Support!
20:19.57[TK]D-FenderThey do not.  Show us your actual EVIDENCE
20:19.59dijibmailcmd = /usr/sbin/ssmtp -t
20:22.26echo083ok ok
20:22.30echo083thanks for your help
20:22.54echo083my evidence is in the freepbx call logs
20:23.05echo083to answer you if you were talking to me :p
20:23.18[TK]D-Fenderis waiting....
20:32.24*** join/#asterisk jschimno (~jschimno@
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20:35.19jschimnoI am running asterisk 1.8.11 on deb with Cisco SPA50XG phones. Anyone out there with experience with * and these phones?
20:37.11infobotQuestions in the channel should be specific, informative, complete, concise, and on-topic.  Don't ask if you can ask a question first.  Don't ask if a person is there; just ask what you intended to ask them.  Better questions more frequently yield better answers.  We are all here voluntarily or against our will.
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21:37.27LantiziaIs there some way I can use the cdr database to work out what the highest number of simultaneous calls (inbound or out) there has been in a month?
21:37.50LantiziaIt'd help me work out how many channels we should really be paying out for
21:41.58ectospasmI'm sure you could write a script to do that.
21:42.49ectospasmjust cycle through the database and count everything
21:42.57ectospasmLantizia: ^
21:43.17Lantiziawell the cdr will only have start/end times - i'd need something that can work out what overlaps
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21:44.46ectospasmLantizia: just cycle through time... add a
21:45.09ectospasmadd one to the tally when a call starts... subtract when one ends.
21:45.36ectospasmkeep a value that notes the high water mark
21:45.47ectospasmwrite a script that will do it for a 24hr period
21:46.00ectospasmthen run that script for every day in a month you want to check
21:47.03Miccanyone know of a quick way to end a conbridge without using AMI. I want to hangup on everyone and end a confbridge from the dialplan.
21:51.45Micccould I mark a user with end when marked leaves then enter them and then hangup on that channel?
21:58.38Lantiziaectospasm, might be easy to say but not to do
21:59.22ectospasmLantizia: should be straigtforward
21:59.51ectospasmpick a light day (like Sunday) and do it by hand
22:00.05Lantiziathe point is not to pick a light day, i need it for a month
22:01.26ectospasmLantizia: start small first
22:01.36ectospasmyou can just run the script for every day in a month
22:01.41ectospasmlet the computer do your work
22:03.28ectospasmthen, feed your script a particular month, and have it churn through the database and generate a report.
22:04.00ectospasmmay take a couple of minutes to run, depending on how the underlying script is written
22:04.14ectospasmI'd think it'd take a couple of hours to write the script first
22:05.14Lantiziawell i don't have that time sorry
22:06.48ectospasmyour loss
22:07.13ectospasmdepending on how your CDR is stored, it may just be the appropriate SQL
22:07.27ectospasm...which still could take some time to write.
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22:22.35LantiziaI knew someone had got around to doing it :P
22:28.37ectospasmthere ya go
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22:47.20WIMPyhi [sr]
22:47.21[sr]i'm still going crazy about hardware echo canceller
22:47.40[sr]card always says on load: NOTE: hardware echo cancellation has been disabled
22:47.44[sr]hi WIMPy
22:47.50WIMPyI heard some rumours this is perfectely normal.
22:48.13[sr]well i have on the channels hwec
22:48.17[sr]instead of mg2
22:50.40WIMPyI guess I wouldn't bother with HWEC any more.
22:51.38WIMPySo how good is openvoxes customer support?
22:52.28[sr]WIMPy: well can't tell, started with this issues on saturday... let see starting tomorow..
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22:53.43[sr]damn undock's the # window and don't know how to dock it again grrrrrr
22:53.45[sr]ok never mind
22:54.17[sr]WIMPy: if i change this to hwec,chan-chan  , it doesn't even recognize the chans
22:55.40[sr]is that telling me that hwecho is not working?
22:59.18[sr]i think this will be the last openvox card's i'll ever buy
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