IRC log for #asterisk on 20121102

00:05.49*** part/#asterisk beek (~klinebl@pdpc/supporter/bronze/beek)
00:14.10*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
00:16.48*** join/#asterisk fisted (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
00:57.12*** join/#asterisk fakhir (~fakhir@unaffiliated/fakhir)
01:06.48*** join/#asterisk shido6 (
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01:34.31*** join/#asterisk kikohnl (
01:36.04*** join/#asterisk jblack (
01:41.12*** join/#asterisk muzak (~muzak@
01:42.14muzakHi All, I am trying to run asterisk along aside a program called dash. I am very new to asterisk. Is it relatively easy to program a shortcut say #111 and it plays a beep, as if recording a vm?
01:42.55WIMPyYou just want to play a beep?
01:43.22muzakyes whenever a someone dials a certain command
01:43.41muzakwe are making a small call centre and we want to make the beep not the person receiving the call.
01:43.43WIMPyNothing easier than that.
01:44.47WIMPyhas a feeling that this is not the full story at all.
01:45.27muzakwell the full story is a lot longer :P
01:45.54muzakhowever at this point i just want to make it easy and i want to learn how i make a certain command like #111 or w.e play a beep tone
01:46.43WIMPyexten => #111,1,Playback(beep)
01:46.50WIMPyThat's the whole story.
01:47.28muzakso just put that in extensions.conf?
01:48.02WIMPyIn to the context that's configured for your phone, that is.
01:49.57WIMPyextensions.conf contains (potentially) lots of contexts. You need to put it in to the right one.
01:50.09muzakwhat if my extensions.conf is empty
01:50.15muzaki take it i am looking at the wrong one?
01:50.33WIMPyThen you have to fill it with something.
01:50.50muzakyou mean aside from the line you gave me?
01:51.07WIMPyYes. At least the name of a context.
01:51.19WIMPyFor a start, try the
01:51.24infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
01:52.19muzakOh i def. plan on doing a lot more reading. the person who normally does the asterisk stuff for us isnt available right now
01:53.57NovceGuruWIMPy is for hire
01:54.22*** join/#asterisk droemel (
01:55.43WIMPyYes. NovceGuru is my manager.
01:59.51SeRiWIMPy: any experience with the Obi110 device?
02:00.07WIMPyIs the deal still not completed? I think I need a new manager.
02:00.35*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
02:00.39SeRiok. Thanks.
02:02.27NovceGurulawyers are drawing up a contract hang tight
02:21.53*** join/#asterisk ledoktre (
02:23.19ledoktrequestion fellas - just had someone mention they are trying to enter a "#" sign while on a call, and it initiates an asterisk transfer.  They want to be able to transfer an outbound call to other users, park, or conf call, so I can't just disable the transfer ability in the dial plan.  I am thinking of changing the # sign to ## or something, how do you guys handle a scenario like this?
02:30.22WIMPyGet decent phones?
02:36.39ledoktreIve got Polycom IP 550 phones
02:37.08WIMPyThey should allow you to do real transfers.
02:37.10*** join/#asterisk bchia (~Adium@nat/digium/x-kavyvukdahenthdz)
02:37.13ledoktreI'm using the # feature for transferring to parked call extension, transferring to conf call macro, etc
02:37.47WIMPyDisable that and use the phones transfer button.
02:38.47ledoktreYou got any link on using that button with *?  Ive not had much luck finding documentation on Polycom configurations (XML)
02:39.07WIMPyDon't they have a manual?
02:40.00ledoktreOf course.  But they don't contain any information on programming their XML configuration files
02:40.50WIMPyThere must be one.
02:41.07*** join/#asterisk tzafrir_laptop (~tzafrir@
02:41.21WIMPyBut I guess someone here will tell you in a while.
02:50.29*** join/#asterisk CunningPike (
02:56.58*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
03:04.32*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
03:08.12ectospasmi prefer debian, but their packages tend to be out of date
03:08.34ectospasmslav3_kitten: ^
03:09.09slav3_kittenmy systems are all debian, they may be out of date but are always stable an well tested
03:10.36ectospasmthen you get to decide:  stability or features (noting that they are not mutually exclusive)
03:11.45ectospasmdifference between 1.8LTS, 10, or 11LTS(new)
03:12.21slav3_kitteni'll go debian again, just wasn't sure if there was a better or worse dstro
03:12.54ectospasmneutral, go with what you know
03:17.49slav3_kittenthis is all in vain if this hdd is dead an an no-go :|
03:20.52*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
03:22.14*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
03:22.21slav3_kittenectospasm, gimme a high five!
03:22.44slav3_kitten800mhz, 512 ram, 20gb hdd. i have an asterisk server :D
03:29.53*** join/#asterisk moy (
03:32.41*** join/#asterisk cmendes0101 (~nn@
03:34.32cmendes0101Out of nowhere one of my asterisk boxes has started to receive SIP 480 Temp Unavailable. This happens like about 20% of outbound calls on 2 different providers. That reply is coming from the provider and should be the asterisk box right?
03:35.47slav3_kittencmendes0101, did this start happening in relation to the super storm?
03:37.17cmendes0101It barely happened today about 8 hours ago
03:38.05slav3_kitteni've got no clue honestly. i'm just starting my first install
03:39.56slav3_kitteni know there were some major voip providers who got sunk in the storm
03:46.17cmendes0101yah noticed a little connectivity problem for a little bit but that was displaying as a different issue. I believe the provider is located in midwest and the server is also midwest so hoping the storm is unrelated
04:03.52*** join/#asterisk bchia (
04:04.36WIMPyIs the call number as used in log messages accessible form the dialplan?
04:10.49ChannelZAnyone farting around with Asterisk 11?
04:11.36WIMPyhands ChannelZ a can of beans.
04:15.23ChannelZMy console color is no more.
04:15.50WIMPyMine hasn't changed.
04:16.24ChannelZIt doesn't work under screen anymore here.
04:17.54WIMPySame colour with screen as well.
04:18.31ChannelZhmmm let me try something
04:20.55ChannelZok.. if the main process is started under screen it doesn't like the terminal type.  I sort of don't remember it being like this, but ok...
04:28.38ChannelZHummm.. but my 1.8 box at work doesn't behave like that.
04:31.47kikohnlI've been running 11 since Monday, on a Dell Mini 10, one Cisco 7941, works great!
04:32.19WIMPyMine has just lost sip support.
04:32.52WIMPyOr rtp to be exact. The use of ffmpeg didn;t seem like a good idea from the start.
04:33.11kikohnlcurrently with broadvoice, but looking to move
04:33.22ChannelZIf I Noop(${ENV(TERM)}) I get "screen" on both boxes yet no color on the * 11 box.
04:33.43*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
04:34.48kikohnlColor works for me with * 11, Ubuntu 12.0
04:35.11ChannelZunder what terminal?
04:35.14kikohnlnot as much color as 10.9 but there is still some
04:35.29ChannelZecho $TERM
04:35.31*** join/#asterisk samuel_sappa (~samuel_sa@
04:36.07kikohnlssh'd from a Mac
04:36.46ChannelZactually I guess that's not what I really wanted to know.
04:37.11ChannelZit's the terminal type the original asterisk process was run under
04:38.48ChannelZI see some notes about color mods in 11, I wonder if something broke for certain terminal types that used to work.
04:39.44kikohnlI ssh in, my shell is zsh, sudo /etc/init.d/asterisk start; sudo asterisk -r
04:40.47ChannelZok so it was started from that same shell whose type was xterm.  So that one works.
04:41.24WIMPyhas got rtp working again.
04:41.30ChannelZWithout screen, my normal type SSH'd in with putty is "linux" and that works
04:41.30kikohnlbut there is much less coloring than there use to be, I only see it for certain apps, like Dial
04:41.55ChannelZbut "screen" doesn't for some reason.
04:42.04WIMPySet your TERM in scree to linux.
04:43.17ChannelZyeah or I can start it outside of screen, but I'm more curious why it doesn't work anymore.
04:43.34ChannelZI'm basically doing the exact same thing on my work box and it's fine (running 1.8)
05:15.35*** join/#asterisk ectospasm (~ectospasm@unaffiliated/ectospasm)
05:19.47*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
05:22.05*** join/#asterisk NightMonkey (~NightrMon@pdpc/supporter/professional/nightmonkey)
05:38.58*** join/#asterisk jrose_atDigium (~jrose_atD@nat/digium/x-ixagwqmaekeqkzpl)
05:39.04*** join/#asterisk Qwell (~north@pdpc/sponsor/digium/Qwell)
05:39.04*** mode/#asterisk [+o Qwell] by ChanServ
06:09.05slav3_kittenawesome debian... awesome, your net installer is made of fail sauce
06:11.00*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
06:14.21*** join/#asterisk gg608f (
06:15.02slav3_kittenshould just say 'is your comp old and made with an intel nic, if so e100 firmware is non-free ha ha ha'
06:15.04slav3_kitteninstead it bitches to feed it non-free firmware and has no wpa2 support
06:25.07slav3_kittenhuzzah flash drive located, drivers inbound
06:39.52*** join/#asterisk LiuYan (~LiuYan@
06:43.43*** join/#asterisk ThomasLocke (~ThomasLoc@pdpc/supporter/active/thomaslocke)
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07:46.17slav3_kittenso how does caller ID work with sip DIDs
07:57.21*** join/#asterisk evilman_home (kvirc@
07:59.18ChannelZI guess the answer is "it does"
08:01.09slav3_kittenwell that's not helpful
08:01.27slav3_kittennor was google but i've been drinking and it's very late so i think i am the problem there
08:02.36slav3_kittenoffers a hard cider to ChannelZ
08:03.21kaldemarslav3_kitten: there's a header called From in SIP.
08:03.51slav3_kittenmakes sense, want a cider an smoke?
08:06.00*** join/#asterisk nantou (~phonetic@gateway/tor-sasl/martinphone)
08:06.08kaldemarthanks but no thanks.
08:07.05slav3_kitteni'm going to quit asking stupid questions and wanderto sleep
08:07.31*** join/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:07.37slav3_kittenthanks for induldeing my insanity
08:08.09*** part/#asterisk c0rnoTa (~c0rnoTa@
08:10.05*** join/#asterisk bombev (~bombev@PPPoE-Static-40-132.UnicsBG.Net)
08:17.57*** join/#asterisk kresp0 (
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08:22.09*** join/#asterisk hebber (
08:24.21hebberI'm using asterisk to record prompts - they get long silence in front and trailing. Does anyone have some references on how to edit the files? I tried to use Audacity, but ended up with background noise.
08:24.26*** join/#asterisk coreyf1513 (
08:24.52ChannelZdepends on what format you are recording them in
08:25.12hebberUsing SIP alaw, 8khz
08:25.14ChannelZIt's usually easier to just record them outside of Asterisk entirely
08:26.09hebberWould it be possible to crop the files without recompressing them?
08:26.22hebberor resample
08:26.32*** join/#asterisk Rokfan (
08:26.55ChannelZyeah.. ffmpeg and sox probably can
08:27.24hebberok, thanks will check that - thanks ChannelZ
08:28.21*** join/#asterisk wdoekes (
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08:28.59*** join/#asterisk ghost75 (
08:29.03ChannelZffmpeg -s 00:00:01.500 -i whatever.ulaw -t 00:00:05 new-whatever.ulaw
08:29.47ChannelZideally would skip over the first 1.5 sec and stop 5 seconds thereafter
08:30.32hebberYou make it easy :) thanks again
08:30.59kaldemarhebber: sox even has an effect to remove silence in the beginning, end or middle of a sample.
08:31.23kaldemarhebber: see "silence" under "Supported Effects" on the sox man page.
08:32.01ChannelZ(and sorry I meant -ss not -s)
08:32.26hebberkaldemar and ChannelZ - thanks for great tips
08:34.23*** join/#asterisk latv (~latv@
08:34.59ChannelZmind you I didn't actually test this :) Since ulaw is headerless ffmpeg might need to be told a few more specific things about the file, like sample rate and bits
08:35.35hebbernp :) I will learn by trying
08:40.57*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
08:42.33ChannelZFWIW I just imported a ulaw file into Audacity...
08:43.23hebberand could you crop the file and resample the file back with out a lot of noise?
08:44.51ChannelZwell it sounds fine, let me try exporting it now
08:44.59hebberI used Wav Windows and 8 bit unsigned
08:45.35ChannelZthat's not the same.. although if you put it back into asterisk as .wav it should work (I think, or maybe the wav format handler only accepts 16-bit.. I can't remember)
08:45.38hebber16 bit signed wasn't compatible with Asterisk
08:46.02ChannelZIt still has to be mono, 8000hz
08:48.05hebberYes, I'm fairly sure I had it in mono 8khz, and with 16bit Asterisk wouldn't play it, but played it with 8bit unsigned - but with background noise. Even the Asterisk recording source file is really good quality
08:48.52ChannelZwell I just re-exported as ulaw and its fine
08:49.12hebber8khz, mono with 16bit?
08:49.29ChannelZGo to Export, select 'other uncompressed files' for the type, then click the options button and select RAW (headerless) and u-law encoding
08:49.39ChannelZNo, original 8 bit of the ulaw file
08:49.48hebberaha thanks - thumbs up
08:52.06ChannelZsure, have fun.  Bed time for me
08:55.59*** join/#asterisk Russ (
08:56.15Russthe copper wires that come to my house, how do I find out who services them?
09:12.57*** join/#asterisk bmg505 (
09:15.01*** join/#asterisk nickfennell (~nickfenne@unaffiliated/nickfennell)
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09:17.54x2sHi. This might be an unusual question. But why did asterisk change it's name from 1.8 directly to 10.x?
09:21.16*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
09:22.57x2skaldemar: thank you!
09:35.12x2sAnd I like that decision :)
09:36.10*** join/#asterisk hehol (~hehol@2001:1438:1009:200:d95e:98dd:f738:f422)
09:42.12*** join/#asterisk Azrael808 (~peter@
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09:56.45ghost75is ext s only valid in macros?
10:09.09bitwizeHi! Im having som eproblems installing prerequired packages on CentOS6, yum cannot find 6 of the prerequired packages (libsqlite3x-devel, gmime22-devel etc.) Anybody know a good repository containing these packages?
10:12.55bitwizeThe packages are not included in the rpmforge repo either...
10:16.06kaldemarghost75: no.
10:16.14coreyf1513bitwize: that rpm isn't for centos 6, the correct packages are sqlite-devel and gmime-devel.. sqlite is part of centos, gmime-devel is in epel (probably in others too)
10:19.36bitwizecoreyf1513: OK, thanks! I suppose the same issue relates to the other 4 missing packages. I will search for the alternativ package names.
10:21.38coreyf1513bitwize: to use that rpm you will have to fix the spec in the source rpm and rebuild..
10:23.49bitwizecoreyf1513: Thanks!
10:43.09*** join/#asterisk eharris (
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10:48.11angryuserMArc from sangoma is here ?
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11:00.08ghost75is there are way to see the output of a failed system cmd ?
11:00.36ghost75verbose 3 is showing only the cmd to be executed
11:02.11*** join/#asterisk kannan (~chatzilla@
11:04.13kaldemarghost75: how are you executing the system command?
11:04.22*** join/#asterisk kchehab (~ck@
11:05.06ghost75from dialplan like system(bla)
11:05.54kchehabi have a problem that some of the cdrs in a2billing table have a negative value which means that its not limiting the max call duration related to the customer amount ,and each use can make 1 concrent call only
11:07.26*** join/#asterisk sekil (~sekil@
11:07.35ghost75i typed in the command manualy in bash with user asterisk and it worked
11:08.19ghost75but not over dialplan
11:09.15ghost75[Nov  2 12:02:49]     -- Executing [h@spamtrap:1] System("SIP/10-00000023", "echo "Anruf von 10 mit Spamscore  wurde geblockt weil in Blacklist oder Score 7-9." | mutt -s "[PBX]: Geblockter Anruf von 10" -a /usr/share/asterisk/sounds/recordings/honeypotfrom10on2012-11-02-in.wav --") in new stack
11:09.59kchehabis there any bug in a2billing you know
11:10.19kaldemarghost75: you won't get command output to dialplan with System directly. if you want that, use func SHELL instead.
11:11.36kaldemarghost75: first guess is that there is a path issue, use full path for mutt.
11:12.01ghost75ok will try
11:19.07ghost75hmm now i know the output is: could not send message
11:21.53ghost75maybe because of "
11:25.51*** join/#asterisk fisted_ (~fisted@unaffiliated/fisted)
11:26.17coreyf1513ghost75: are you running selinux or something else that could cause mutt to fail under asterisk's security context?  selinux can prevent connections to port 25
11:26.44ghost75no, i use also other system commands without problem
11:27.48ghost75even this fails: exten => h,1,Set(spamresult=${SHELL(echo "test" | /usr/bin/mutt -s "test" --})
11:28.49ghost75on bash this works: sudo -u asterisk echo "test" | /usr/bin/mutt -s "test" --
11:30.05kaldemartry it in CLI. !<command>
11:30.25ghost75this works in cli ?
11:30.30kaldemarsomething working in bash by using sudo as another user is no proof of anything.
11:30.53kaldemaryes, you can run shell commands in asterisk's CLI if you prepend them with !.
11:31.11ghost75thats cool feature
11:31.39ghost75that worked also
11:32.02Rokfanghost75: I would recommend to use an agi script for mailing
11:32.05kaldemarwhat version of astrisk are you using?
11:32.32ghost75i think those " are maybe ...
11:32.38*** join/#asterisk FiReSTaRT (~dlyh@unaffiliated/firestart)
11:32.39kaldemarescape the quotes with \
11:33.21kaldemarRokfan: what is the benefit for using AGI in executing a shell command?
11:35.33RokfanWe had a lot of stability issues when we used shell commands directly in the dialplan
11:36.08Rokfanbut maybe that had to do with the Asterisk version
11:36.49ghost75which commands you were using
11:38.07ghost75i had problems that the cpu went 100% and i had to reboot
11:39.28RokfanI would have to look that up. I only took over development of our application from a colleague recently
11:40.21ghost75exten => h,1,Set(spamresult=${SHELL(echo \"test\" | /usr/bin/mutt -s \"test\" --})
11:40.25ghost75it doesnt like me
11:41.25*** join/#asterisk serafie (~erin@
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11:52.09*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
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11:55.07kaldemarghost75: maybe your asterisk user does not have the permissions to send mail.
11:55.21ghost75sudo could send
11:55.26ghost75i try now agi
11:55.39kaldemaryour sudo was for the echo, not for mutt.
11:55.49*** join/#asterisk blee (~blee@
11:56.12ghost75will not do for both commands?
11:56.24Rokfanbut it did work on the cli?
11:57.03kaldemarafter pipe comes another command.
11:59.54*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
12:01.32RokfanI don't think that's the problem, but you try echo "test" | sudo -u asterisk /usr/bin/mutt ...
12:04.01ghost75server*CLI> ! echo "test" | sudo -u asterisk /usr/bin/mutt -s "test" --
12:04.05ghost75works as well
12:05.06*** join/#asterisk Praise- (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
12:05.25*** join/#asterisk amessina (~amessina@2001:470:c1dc:7779:d6be:d9ff:fe8d:7c1e)
12:05.32kaldemaris the output still "could not send message"?
12:06.02ghost75also agi doesnt work
12:06.33coreyf1513ghost75: what is the output of ${SHELL(echo $USER)} ?
12:08.11coreyf1513ghost75: sorry ${SHELL(whoami)}
12:08.33ghost75server*CLI> ! echo $USER
12:08.44kaldemarcoreyf1513: +1
12:09.41coreyf1513hmmm... on my server echo $USER outputted 'root', but whoami said asterisk.. maybe this is an environmental variable issue for mutt?
12:10.33ghost75could be
12:10.55ghost75mutt can send attachments
12:11.48*** join/#asterisk Praise (~Fat@unaffiliated/praise)
12:13.05ghost75with mail command i cannot send attachment
12:13.21RokfanI have used a php agi script to send mail. Php should also be able to send attachments..
12:13.43ghost75i have agi bash script and failed also
12:14.23Rokfanmmm it really doesn't like you
12:14.39kchehabGuys why i can find negative values in the cutomer accounts  in mya2billing
12:14.53ghost75i wonder what they use to send voicemails
12:14.56kchehaband each customer can limited to one concurent call
12:18.14ghost75at least he could
12:19.54RokfanDoes the mutt log tell you anything?
12:20.17ghost75hmm have to find
12:21.40ghost75maybe it needs a homedir?
12:21.51ghost75If you have mutt built with debug, the -d switch will enable logging to 
12:22.05ghost75asterisk user has no homedir
12:22.48*** join/#asterisk danfromuk (~IceChat77@
12:24.45ghost75:/var/lib/asterisk:/bin/false is set
12:26.13*** join/#asterisk Mango45 (
12:26.51coreyf1513weird, I just tried ${SHELL(readlink -f ~)}, which i expected to see /var/lib/asterisk, but it said /root
12:28.14Mango45I have a peer that sends a corrupted invite after exactly 30 minutes, and causes the call to drop because my Asterisk thinks audio is at a different ip.  I don't have control over that peer so I can't change its behaviour.  Is there any way for me to mitigate that?
12:28.47Mango45Can I say to Asterisk, "After the call is already established, if the peer says audio is at some random IP, it is lying."
12:31.11*** join/#asterisk elico (~Thunderbi@
12:34.19coreyf1513ghost75: try echo "test" | env -i /usr/bin/mutt ...
12:39.40coreyf1513ghost75: sorry it would actually be: ${SHELL(env -i bash -ic 'echo "test"|/usr/bin/mutt ...')}
12:40.09ghost75the fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
12:40.13ghost75it worked!
12:40.16coreyf1513that will atleast ensure that mutt goes to the right place for ~
12:40.35ghost75env -i /usr/bin/mutt was enough
12:40.44ghost75thanks a bunch
12:41.42*** join/#asterisk sertaconay (~sertacona@unaffiliated/sertaconay)
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13:47.31x1userWhat happened to Asterisk 11, no sip in the CLI ?
13:48.29fileit's there, provided loaded as expected
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14:15.04*** join/#asterisk Micc (
14:15.26MiccI don't much like the new site.
14:15.59ghost75is it possible to use variable from external file?
14:16.22Kobazokay so
14:16.30Kobazi have this polycom phone that keeps requesting dhcp
14:16.34Kobazand wont take it
14:16.43Kobazandit's just sitting there waiting for network to initalize
14:18.25fileMicc, I think you are the first person I've heard since launched who says they don't much like it
14:18.51fileMicc, any particular reason?
14:20.34Micc@file, I can't find what I'm looking for easily
14:20.44filewhat are you looking for?
14:20.48Miccmainly the releases.
14:21.19Miccused to be really easy to see what the latest releases were and get to the notes quickly.
14:22.25jmetro ?
14:22.25Miccthe only reason I went to the site was to see what the latest versions were and if there are any new security bulletins
14:22.45jmetrolinks on the left - security advisories, source code, news.
14:23.20MiccI guess the news is what I was looking for then.
14:23.49*** join/#asterisk j4m3s_ (~j4m3s_@pdpc/supporter/active/j4m3s)
14:24.00MiccNow I'm happy that I've found the news page.
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14:24.50MiccI might like the news and security together, but this is fine.
14:25.55Miccnow that I know, I think it is growing on me.
14:27.13filejmetro, thanks for showing Micc the way ^_^
14:27.34fileto the LIGHT! er, downloads and such
14:29.29*** join/#asterisk bsdfreak (
14:29.56[TK]D-Fenderghost75, variables don't come from files.  They exist live in the dialplan.
14:30.25Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: oh... yay
14:30.26Kobazyou're here
14:30.53Kobazdid you see my polycom question above?  I know you play with polycom a lot
14:31.03ghost75i thought like to manipulate dialplan from external
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14:31.23[TK]D-Fenderghost75, doesn't sound like you're talking about "variables" here...
14:31.29bsdfreakHi.  I'm running Asterisk 1.4.44 on FreeBSD 9.0p3 (x86).  I am getting persistent Operation not permitted and Failed to lock path errors when trying to leave voicemails, but the /var/spool/asterisk/voicemail/default directory and subdirectories are owned by the user asterisk, which also runs the asterisk process.  There are no lock files (hidden or otherwise) in these directories.  I've been fighting this issue for a bit and would love some fresh insi
14:31.34[TK]D-Fenderghost75, More like "constants"
14:31.58KattyHi. my name is Katty. and i've been running asterisk for 7 years.
14:32.09[TK]D-FenderKobaz, not sure on this... checked if it's VLAN'd away from your DHCP scope?
14:32.10Kattyi decided to check myself into therapy, so that's why i'm here
14:34.26Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: the weird thing is the vlan is good.  And i see the dhcp request/response in the server log
14:34.35Kobaz[TK]D-Fender: the dhcp server is running on exactly one vlan, vlan 50
14:34.57[TK]D-FenderKobaz, I don't have any direct experience with those kinds of issues beyond a concept of what I suggested
14:37.19Kobazi've seen this problem before. and power cycling the phone has fixed it
14:37.23Kobazbut not in this case
14:37.44bsdfreakI'm seeing this error immediately proceeding the others: utils.c: write() returned error: Broken pipe
14:37.46[TK]D-FenderI'd suggest up/down-grading the bootrom hoping that helps zero it out
14:40.03x2sWhen setting up a fax receiving service, what would you recommend: Using asterisk 1.8 with spandsp (from debian wheezy) or getting packages for asterisk 11?
14:40.05n3hxsKatty, no know therapists lurking here.
14:40.37bsdfreaki am a therapist.
14:40.59n3hxsWell, they you go! ask and one pops up.
14:42.24Kattydear therapist, i need hugs
14:43.46Mango45offers Katty to borrow his one-year-old.
14:44.30Kattyscreams, runs the other way
14:44.43Mango45He's adorable.  And he gives hugs.
14:44.45*** join/#asterisk tyrrexrrg (~roger@
14:44.48Kattyhe is also a child.
14:44.53Kattyminiture hooman.
14:45.04Kattychildren are scary!
14:45.16Mango45I'm teaching him to write dial plans.
14:45.43Kattyyou should be teaching him how to catch a ball.
14:45.53Kattyhe should have cool girlfriends.
14:45.58Mango45I'm saving that for after he can walk.
14:46.21Mango45<-- can write dial plans, can't really throw a ball, has a cool girlfriend.  :D
14:46.31Kattyyeah, that's totally not legit.
14:46.37bsdfreakyeah, no
14:46.38Kattycause my boy can't catch a ball either.
14:46.40bsdfreakwe dont do that here
14:46.45Kattybut he's totally fab at vmware
14:47.18Kattyok, go back to teaching dial plan.
14:47.34Mango45We covered Javascript when he was 2 days old.
14:47.37Kattydoes he have a fisher price phone?!
14:47.47Kattysomething noisy, with light up buttons
14:47.53Mango45hits himself in the head
14:48.02Kattyplz escort self to toys r us immediately
14:48.05Mango45He has two phones.  One is Fisher-Price and the other is VTech.
14:48.21Mango45The Fisher-Price phone is a rotary phone, and THE ROTARY DIAL GOES THE WRONG WAY.
14:48.36Mango45Oh!  It gets better.
14:48.38Kattyi prefer rotary engines to rotary phones.
14:48.44Mango45The VTech phone plays RANDOM DTMF.  It doesn't play the proper DTMF for the buttons you press.
14:48.55*** join/#asterisk mintos (mvaliyav@nat/redhat/x-lqgdwglldzglpgfp)
14:49.07Kattythat engineer does not deserve a hug
14:50.17[TK]D-Fenderx2s, * 11 isn't even a week old yet.  You may want to hold back just a little for the first kinks to come out...
14:50.32Katty[TK]D-Fender: that's what your best friend said?
14:52.15[TK]D-FenderKatty, Shhh this is a family show ;)
14:52.38Kattynot when i'm here!!!
14:52.57mjordanx2s: the other question you need to ask yourself is whether or not you need T.38 gateway.  Asterisk 11 has that functionality; 1.8 does not.
14:53.45[TK]D-FenderActually, * 10+ has it... but 10 is on a shorter track to EOL
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14:53.56[TK]D-FenderHow long does it have?  A year?
14:53.59x2sI just want to receive and send them. Not relaying them :)
14:54.04Kattyblitzrage: i like your crib, yo
14:54.10blitzrageindeed :)
14:54.13[TK]D-Fenderx2s, it does matter...
14:54.46[TK]D-Fenderx2s, If you need T.38 on one leg and need to hit DAHDI on the other then you'll need this...
14:56.05x2sIt's far easier. (or worse, decide yourself ;) I want to use asterisk behind a Lancom 1722, which receives the calls/faxes over ISDN and forwareds them over SIP
14:56.26x2sI'm not sure which codec is used here
14:56.34mjordan[TK]D-Fender: Asterisk 10 is Security Fix only in December
14:57.01jeffspeffon asterisk 1.8 and 10.x i used nat=yes for all my peers and it allowed them to register multiple different devices/extensions/sip users behind the same nat'd external ip. with asterisk ver 11 net=yes is deprecated, so what nat setting should be used to replace it? i've tried comedia and force_rport. comedia is only letting 1 device register behind a single external IP and force_rport allows multiple devices to register simultaneously but there is o
14:57.02jeffspeffnly 1-way audio ( I called the user, I can hear the user, the user cannot hear me).
14:59.05[TK]D-Fenderx2s, What are you going to send faxes from?
14:59.29x2s[TK]D-Fender: directly with asterisk.
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14:59.37[TK]D-Fenderx2s, because if the Lancom supports T.38 on its side then * can receive those to a file in 1.8- just fine
14:59.44x2sI'm planing to build an email-to-fax interface
14:59.53[TK]D-Fenderx2s, And if you want to send, IIRC it should do that as well...
15:00.14[TK]D-Fenderx2s, Then 1.8 should be good for now...
15:01.34x2sI'm not sure how the lancom handles this kind of connections. Maybe it just forwars the audio stream from its ISDN interface. The documentation isn't very good on such details.
15:03.44x2soh, just found something. Looks like you can configure fax forwarding over SIP as t.38.
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15:07.11mjordanjeffspeff: yes is the same thing as specifying force_rport,comedia
15:07.18blitzragex2s: yes, might be worth to read the fax chapter in ATDG
15:09.01jeffspeffmjordan, you need to specify both options?
15:09.13mjordanjeffspeff: yes
15:09.25jeffspeffmjordan, ok, thanks i'll give that a shot
15:09.33mjordanthe reason why the setting is deprecated (which only means its not recommended) is that the nat setting allows options to be combined
15:09.50mjordansetting nat=yes doesn't really tell you what you're doing however, which is to set force_rport and comedia together
15:10.34mjordanthe warning message that gets spit out onto the CLI should tell you what to use in your config instead of 'nat=yes'
15:10.36[TK]D-Fenderjeffspeff, Most importantly you also need to disable reinvites (directmedia=no)
15:11.07jeffspeffthanks [TK]D-Fender. i learned the hard way a while back about directmedia. :)
15:14.46x2sblitzrage: I'm already doing that :) It says it's for 1.8, so it should be right for me.
15:15.05x2s[TK]D-Fender: Thanks for your help.
15:16.28jeffspeffmjordan, thanks for you help as well.
15:20.55mjordanjeffspeff: np
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15:30.27slav3_kittenthe book could be written a bit better...
15:33.07*** join/#asterisk TomCat2 (
15:34.58TomCat2Hey guys - I'm trying to find information on how to add some tones to the beginning of any incoming calls before they will dial my SIP device in order to defeat some robo dialers - can't recall what those tones are called.  Can someone remind me what they are called, or better yet, if you have a readily available example for what I'm trying to do, would gladly review that as well.
15:35.28[TK]D-Fender"core show application playtones"
15:35.38[TK]D-FenderSIT is what you're looking for
15:35.46[TK]D-FenderWhich ZapATeller does as well
15:36.48TomCat2SIT - that's right...  Looking at ZapATeller - thanks
15:37.41TomCat2campaign offices got my number and won't let it go anymore - and it's getting kind of disruptive to work and I don't expect it to let up until after Nov 6
15:37.57TomCat2as I'm sure many are experiencing the same issue
15:38.10TomCat2at least here in the states
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15:38.30[TK]D-FenderNo, I'm sure plenty of people are being hammered....
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15:40.03slav3_kittenyay for elections :D
15:41.01TomCat2it's just a sad state of affairs when contributing to a particular campaign, it results in getting called 2-3 times a day from that very same campaign office asking you to vote for their candidate
15:41.25Mango45I worked on a campaign once
15:41.41Mango45My boss was like, "WTF, I have received five calls from us so far."
15:41.41TomCat2reminds me of WalMart playing 'Shop at WalMart for low prices' commercials on their screen inside of the store
15:41.59Mango45Their phone lists are that mangled.
15:42.32TomCat2I'm just hoping their robo dialer will trigger on the SIT and remove me
15:42.32Mango45"Hello!  I am calling to remind you that November 27 is voting day..." "It's me idiot, stfu."
15:43.02ghost75what the hell is that: GotoIf($[foo${DB(CF/${EXTEN})} != foo]?normal:forward)
15:44.10slav3_kittengod i need to stop smoking
15:46.06[TK]D-Fenderghost75, a check to see if it's blank
15:46.20ghost75if the db is empty then foo = foo ?
15:46.57[TK]D-Fenderghost75, beacuse an empt var will be LITERALLY blank on the left side there which will cause an error.  "foo" is just literal text so that when the var ends up being blank there is something there
15:47.16Qwellquoting both sides would be better
15:47.29[TK]D-Fenderwell ... more sane anyway...
15:47.33Qwellreally, just use ISNULL
15:48.06Qwellerr, maybe swap the args there.  whatever
15:48.08WIMPyOr DB_EXISTS?
15:48.14QwellWIMPy: you win
15:48.20[TK]D-FenderQwell, no need for $[]
15:48.21Qwellactually, no, it could exist but be empty
15:48.51WIMPyYes. Depends on how you clear it.
15:49.39ghost75Set(DB(CF/${CALLERID(num)})=${EXTEN}) <- is that valid?
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15:53.57slav3_kitten[TK]D-Fender, i'm still reading the book (it's a big book) but i have a caller id question. can you set it to send outbound caller names as anything you want dependent on the extension dialing?
15:54.32[TK]D-Fenderslav3_kitten, To whatever you want period... assuming the provider SUPPORTS passing it on
15:55.26slav3_kitteni have no idea why it's awesome, but it's awesome from a home use fun network standpoint
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15:57.36TomCat2I'm running 10.6.1 built from sources - getting "No application 'Zapateller' warnings - is Zapateller not in 10.x, or was it renamed?
15:58.47[TK]D-Fendermay no longer exist.... check for a direct playtones equivalent
16:00.42TomCat2ah nvm - just been awhile since I've been in here - forgot to check for noloads
16:03.11TomCat2but I guess that's not necessarily a bad thing that it just keeps on running w/o any problems and I don't have to be in there all the time tinkering with it... got the SIT working - thanks for keeping me on track
16:10.10TomCat2while I'm here already - here's one I haven't figured out yet.  currently I have DIAL(SIP/1234&SIP12345678910@flowroute-trunk) in my dialplan to simul-ring my ATA and my cell phone when a call comes in.  What's the suggested way to do something similar, except that dialing the cell number is delayed by a set number of seconds so I don't answer my office phone and have to have my cell phone
16:10.10TomCat2already ringing
16:10.50TomCat2as there seems to be a delay of a few seconds after I answer the office phone (on the ATA) before the cell phone will shut up
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16:17.14ghost75cant i use * or # char to include at internal extension?
16:26.27Qwelllooks around
16:27.47[TK]D-Fender<TomCat2> as there seems to be a delay of a few seconds after I answer the office phone (on the ATA) before the cell phone will shut up <- That's your provider.
16:28.05[TK]D-Fender<ghost75> cant i use * or # char to include at internal extension? <- huh?
16:28.26ghost75like _*95X.
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16:30.51fireman_biffI noticed that dundi/secret only stores the current secret and 1 previous secret. Does that mean I should never set dundi's cache time to more than 2 hours, or will asterisk remember more keys when the cache time is increased?
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16:47.35Russhow can I find out which telco services the copper to my home?
16:48.32nightrid3rcheck your bill ?
16:48.58RussI don't have service
16:52.39[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Yes
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16:54.02leifmadsenusually there is a box or something out front for who to call about stuff
16:54.14Qwellleifmadsen: I bet it's 911.
16:54.17ghost75my phone only dials *95 and skips the appending numbers
16:54.36leifmadsenghost75: fix dialplan on the phone itself
16:54.51leifmadsenRuss: if in north america, I think you can call 611 or something
16:54.58QwellRuss: but seriously, if you plug a phone into a jack, any call should hit them
16:55.06_Corey_I hear 911 likes to get called whenever someone has a question about who their phone company is... or how to use an iPhone, etc.
16:55.24Qwell_Corey_: mcdonalds getting the order wrong
16:55.42ghost75i think if you call emergency number here you get fine
16:56.21_Corey_I remember the audio of the calls from the guy with the iPhone was on The Smoking Gun's website last year...  the best part was when she said, "yeah, I think one of our offices would be happy to come over now...  what's your address"
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16:57.09ghost75the address was told?
16:57.45_Corey_lol, that was actually when the guy realized he was in trouble...  he said something profane (if I remember correctly) and hung up at that point
16:58.17ghost75and he got visit from cops
16:58.48ghost75they should just should such morons
16:58.55ghost75shoot not should
16:58.57Qwellshould them to death.
16:59.44_Corey_whatever works, really
17:08.01RussQwell, leifmadsen, I don't have service
17:08.22RussI'm in CA and I'd like to get soft-tone enabled for 911 service
17:08.33leifmadsenI have no idea
17:08.38leifmadsenthat is highly dependent on area
17:08.49leifmadsenthat's the first mention of an area I've seen
17:08.50Qwellit's Verizon.
17:08.50Russno one seems to want to admit to providing POTS
17:08.59RussQwell, I can't find POTS anywhere on their website
17:09.08Russits all FiOS
17:09.09*** join/#asterisk [sr] (
17:09.13[sr]hi WIMPy
17:09.23[sr]guys, i have a new card with 12x FXS
17:09.35[sr]but dahdi doesn't recognize it, where can i report this?
17:09.44Russforesees a very long call with verizon explaining over and over again about copper
17:09.49WIMPyYou want to make a functional museum?
17:10.13RussQwell, where is the order button?
17:10.57RussI see one under inside wire maintenance, but I don't want that
17:11.24RussI see a 'check availability' under verizon triple play, but I don't want that either
17:11.30[sr]WIMPy: any idea?
17:11.47WIMPy[sr]: Whoever you bought it from?
17:12.02QwellOr click one of the 8 chat buttons.
17:12.03_Corey_Russ: You might want that inside wire maintenance...  I hear it's a bargain if you put it on every line
17:12.32Russjebus, they'll love me for my 110 block
17:12.39[sr]WIMPy: openvox
17:13.14Qwell[sr]: Good luck!
17:15.01[sr]Qwell:  :(
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17:30.09jeffspeffRuss, why are you trying to use pots for your 911? We have ours setup via e911 through our ITSP
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17:31.23ghost75GotoIf($[foo${DB(CF/${EXTEN})} != foo]?normal:forward) <- should this not be without the ! ?
17:32.01jeffspeffghost75,    !=   means does not equal
17:32.17jeffspeffor think of it like this
17:32.21jeffspeff=  is
17:32.24jeffspeff!= is not
17:32.32ghost75when foo=foo then goto forward it means i think
17:33.49jeffspeffno, it means if ${EXTEN} is not foo then forward
17:34.13jeffspeffwait, soryr, you were right
17:34.37jeffspeffi always get it backwards when changing from != and =
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17:35.19ghost75the argument after ? is the one it goes after match?
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17:35.46jeffspeffso, if ${EXTEN} is not foo then normal if it is foo then forward
17:35.56ghost75GotoIf($[foo${DB(CF/${EXTEN})} = foo]?normal:forward)
17:36.01ghost75i think makes more sense ^^
17:36.08jeffspeffthat's how i do mine
17:36.23jeffspeffso, if exten is foo then normal otherwise forward
17:37.22ghost75when it goes to "normal"
17:37.34ghost75will it continue with all the lines below?
17:38.18jeffspeffyes, if you use exten=blah,n
17:38.27jeffspeffit depends on your priorities
17:38.40ghost75exten => _X.,n(normal),Dial(SIP/${EXTEN})
17:38.45ghost75exten => _X.,n(forward),NoOp(Anruf fuer ${EXTEN} wird verbunden zu ${DB(CF/${EXTEN})})
17:39.02ghost75so if it jumps to normal, will it continue then with forward?
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17:40.00jeffspeffi don't think so
17:40.25jeffspeffif you put more exten=_X.,n,.... underneath then it will continue with those
17:40.49jeffspeffI have hangup() priorites inbetween mine so that it won't continue where i don't want it to
17:41.13ghost75just want to avoid forward when not called
17:41.40jeffspeffthen put a hangup before the forward rule
17:42.01ghost75i have voicemail after it
17:42.42Russjeffspeff, I'd rather have the backup
17:42.45jeffspeffwe use followme for people that are constantly in and out of the office, and if they're away for extended periods, then they just set the call-forwarding from the phone itself
17:43.05Russbattery backups only last so long
17:43.09Russand I don't have generators
17:43.26jeffspeffRuss, true, we use our batteries to keep it running until our desiel generator kicks in
17:43.31jeffspeffoh. lol
17:43.46jeffspeffghost75, are you familiar with followme?
17:44.13ghost75no but there are no other people to follow :)
17:45.02ghost75dont really know what followme means
17:45.13jmetroI'm trying to install app_konference on 1.8 and cant seem to get the module to show up in my Module list within the console =(
17:47.21jeffspeffghost75, our setup is basically: call comes in to my did, it dials my sip phone which times out after 20 seconds. it then goes to the followme configured for my extension, i have my cell number listed in my followme profile, so asterisk asks the person calling me to say their name and press pound. asterisk then calls my cell phone and tells me i have an incoming from from (then plays the persons recorded name to me) and i can press 1 to accept the c
17:47.22jeffspeffall on my cell or press 2 to decline it. if i decline the call then it returns back to the next priority in my dialplan, which is to go to my voicemail.
17:48.31ghost75is this common in US ?
17:48.56jeffspeffghost75, i'd guess so
17:49.01jeffspeffit depends on how you implement it
17:49.09ghost75never heared of that
17:49.27jeffspeffyou don't have to have the caller record their name, and there's other options to change
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17:51.00jeffspeffit also solves a problem of having split voicemail. if i were to have the dialplan call my cell phone as the next priority in the event i didn't answer my desk phone, and i decide not to answer my cell phone either, then the person calling gets my cell phone voicemail and not my asteisk voicemail
17:51.17ghost75that would be good thing for anonymous calls
17:51.32jeffspeffwe don't accept anonymous calls either. :)
17:52.07jeffspeffmy thought on those is, if you don't want me to know who you are when you're calling, then i probably don't want to hear what you have to say anyways
17:52.13ghost75many people here do it and they think they are smart
17:52.59jeffspeffanonymous calling has been in existence for what? 40 years now? lol
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17:54.28ghost75followme works only with a second extension involved?
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17:54.48jeffspeffyou can put any number of extensions or phone numbers
17:55.16jeffspeffsome of our employees want their to call their desk phone again, plus their cell phone number at the same time
17:55.28jeffspeffdid you read the link i gave you?
17:55.36ghost75right now
17:56.36ghost75so if i get anonymous i could send them immediately to followme
17:56.46jeffspeffif you wanted
17:56.58jeffspeffit's your dialplan to structure how you please
17:57.20ghost75but i think people would hang up
17:57.29jeffspeffthen they go to voicemail
17:57.59jeffspeffif you want to talk to me bad enough then you'll wait for the system to track me down
17:58.23jeffspeffotherwise you can leave me a message and i may or may not call you back
17:58.42jeffspeffthen again, i may or may not answer your call at all regardless of where it calls me
17:59.15ghost75here they use anonymous not to hide who they, they want to hide their number because they maybe are afraid of spam calls if you see their number
17:59.49ghost75wow my english is bad
18:00.07jeffspeffi work with Indians from India, i understood exactly what you meant
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18:09.03rrittgarnlooking for a little input on OpenSIPS vs Kamailio, anybody have a preference? @Astricon people kept saying they were interchangeable, and as they look to be forks of OpenSER i could see that... are there any benefits of either? Like does one have a Web UI so somoene other than myself can look at it and know what its doing?
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18:29.44ghost75(19:00:23) jeffspeff: i work with Indians from India <- do you also talk to them?
18:30.00jeffspeffghost75, yes
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18:30.07ghost75this is like lol
18:30.24ghost75they talk like machine gun and pronounce everything the same
18:30.49jeffspeffyes they do, and they yell over each other
18:31.00jeffspeffwho do you work for?
18:31.24ghost75for me
18:31.40ghost75but i was once in a bigger company and know that too
18:31.59jeffspeffwas it the bigger company that you worked with indians?
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18:32.20ghost75actually there was just one indian but thats enough
18:32.28jeffspeffyes it is
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18:42.38jmetroJeffspeff: I was once part of a 2 man team of web developers as the lead developer but couldnt choose who I worked with. My partner was a transfer from india who had been taught how to code in india. Apparently they dont need tabbing or proper variable names or commenting code...
18:44.52jeffspeffjmetro, if it's not in an excel spreadsheet they don't comprehend what they're looking at
18:49.02ghost75^^ thats not correct i assume?
18:50.33ghost75it tries to dial SIP/@arcor_out1099
18:51.22[TK]D-Fenderghost75, Which imples that it came back blank.
18:51.54[TK]D-FenderAnd depends on your idea of "not correct"
18:52.08[TK]D-FenderThe SYNTAX is right.  Maybe the expectation is wrong.
18:52.29cklimosmaybe the family is missing from the db
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18:54.37cklimostry to browse your db from the CLI
18:54.37[TK]D-FenderI've got a bet or two of my own...
18:54.54muzakI am running zoiper and asterisk and recording calls. Is it possible to have a command in zoiper or maybe dial a certain number as the caller that plays a certain sound. I don't want to hang up or anything afterwards. I just want to play a sound when I want in the middle of a call.
18:55.21[TK]D-Fendermuzak, features.conf applicationmap <-
18:56.24leifmadsenmuzak: check the Asterisk Cookbook for an example of that
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18:58.16lvlinuxanybody have any experience with Dialogic cards?
18:58.26ghost75is in variable EXTEN the internal phone ext or the external number ?
18:58.35jmetroaw someones gonna pull the ~poll
18:58.39muzakThanks guys will try
19:01.53ghost75i tried the first example here:
19:03.13ghost75is this even working with external numbers?
19:04.38jeffspeffghost75, if i were you i would read up on this a little more, rather than trying to implement other examples
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19:06.26ghost75i have now in astdb: /CF/10                                            : numbertoforward
19:06.44ghost75this will work only if somebody dials 10?
19:07.00leifmadsensince that's the only entry likely
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19:07.13ghost75and if i get call from outside ?
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19:08.06[sr]guys, for software echo it's mg2, and for hardware ?
19:15.18cklimosif you call from outside and you EXTEN is numbertoforward then you will go to forward
19:16.45ghost75i should enable some NoOp to see what is going on
19:17.04cklimosexcellent idea
19:21.30[sr]i can see that it shows hardware assisted HDLC, but i'm not sure if i have to configure anothing else for it
19:21.32[sr]do i?
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19:25.28slav3_kittenok i think i have all the info i need from the phones, time to start figuring out how to make the cisco configs for it
19:26.43ghost75this seems to be empty in my db:  ${DB(CF/${EXTEN})}
19:27.53ghost75this is in db:
19:28.43ghost75why its empty
19:29.07ghost75i am confused
19:31.46jeffspeffghost75, you have to set the value in the db before you can call it from the db... like i said. you really need to read about why the code does what it does
19:32.26ghost75its in the db like above
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19:40.11jeffspeffghost75, seriously you need to read
19:40.23jeffspeff${EXTEN} isn't a value it's a variable
19:40.31infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
19:40.33ghost75my head is already full because of reading
19:40.46jeffspeffthen you're not reading the right things
19:40.51jeffspeffread that book
19:40.58jeffspeffat least reference the book
19:41.09cklimoswhat is the value of your EXTEN when you call from outside?
19:41.33ghost75this is the question
19:41.43jeffspeffcklimos, he's trying to call exten from the asterisk db but never sets the value. he's copy pasting examples expecting them to work
19:41.49jeffspeffbut they're incomplete examples
19:41.51cklimoswell Noop it
19:41.58cklimosagree with jeff
19:42.08infobotAsterisk: The Definitive Guide, 3rd Edition (ISBN 0-596-51734-3) available at - Asterisk: The Definitive Guide is released under a Creative Commons License ( and is available for reading online at or see ~buybook
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19:45.22ghost75(20:41:25) cklimos: what is the value of your EXTEN when you call from outside? <- its my external number
19:46.25ghost75and yes that example doesnt work at all
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19:51.35jeffspeffghost75, the example works, but it's not complete. please read so that you will understand what it is lacking and why it doesn't work
19:52.22ghost75oh than i have to read another month or so
19:53.06jeffspeffasterisk isn't something that you can just pick up and run with within a day or so. it takes time and patience. it's a framework to develop a pbx not a pbx server
19:53.29cklimosi've been reading since 2003
19:53.37WIMPyOr at least some pepole say so.
19:53.42ghost75thats why i started with asterisk from scratch and not like freepbx
19:53.51jeffspeffclarificiation***   it is a framework to develop a pbx, it is not a software server that you can install and have a pbx up ang going
19:54.30WIMPyI'm not yet convinved you can build a PBX with it, but I'n only 5 years in.
19:54.58ghost75very mighty software it is
19:55.16WIMPyIt certainly is.
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19:55.57ghost75i really admire people who this as fulltime job
19:56.02cklimositis flexibilty and openness make it very powerful but also easy to break if you don`t know what you`re doing
19:56.21WIMPyghost75: I don't think you do :-)
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19:57.06ghost75i did lots of server stuff but asterisk is really challenging me
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20:00.34ghost75so it needs to be like /CF/myfullexternalnumber : forwardnumber
20:01.20jeffspeffare you asking about the db entry structure or the gotoif syntax or how you put the external number into the db or what?
20:01.36ghost75how it should be in the db
20:02.04jeffspeffwhy are you trying to use the db for this in the first place?
20:02.24ghost75i want to control it over web :)
20:02.32cklimosyour myfullexternalnumber should be the same as the value of your EXTEN and it will dial forwardnumber using local channel
20:02.57ghost75ah thank now i understood
20:03.10jeffspeffexternal applications can't connect to the internal asterisk database. you want to user some other database engine (mysql, postgresql, etc.) to store the info
20:03.47ghost75it works with asterisk -rx "command"
20:03.52WIMPyI do it via AMI and AstDB.
20:03.58ghost75or ami yes
20:04.10cklimosghost don`t settle for quick understanding... you will not go far like that
20:04.33cklimosjust a friendly advice
20:04.44jeffspeffghost75, using asterisk -rx "command" for database lookups isn't anything close to effecient
20:05.05ghost75i already have phonebook in my webbrowser and cdr
20:05.33jeffspeffif you're struggling with dialplan syntax i would stay away from integrating ami into web until you have a better grasp of asterisk
20:07.56_Corey_cklimos: Long time no see...  Hope you're well :-)
20:08.49cklimosCorey yeah true... it has been a long while since I came here. All is well :) Consumed by work like usual
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20:42.52_Corey_ is busted
20:43.11ghost75cklimos: do you use starastapi and php ?
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20:59.03pabelangermjordan: ^^
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21:09.04Russhmmm..was looking into using an old cell phone for backup 911 service, and found celliax, but it seems dead
21:09.14Russis there some new way of connecting cell phones to asterisk?
21:09.30dfgas-cr48anyone have a download link for current asterisk source?
21:10.19dfgas-cr48i use my old android phones
21:10.30dfgas-cr48website down atm
21:12.15coreyf1513 is online
21:13.14drmessano is online
21:14.51_Corey_anyone have the link to the AsteriskNow ISOs?
21:16.10Russlocates chan_mobile
21:19.12dfgas-cr48thinking i downloaded the wrong one or something
21:19.27_Corey_guess not...  :-)  I'll wait for the site to get resolved
21:19.31Russhmm...chan_mobile needs a mildly smart phone, no alsa support
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23:30.32MiccIs there anyway to get the list of ConfBridge channels from dialplan?
23:30.58Miccin asterisk 11
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